
Volume 51 – Number 14 Wednesday – January 10, 2007 TechTalk S ERVING T HE M I T C OMMUNITY Scientists celebrate 50 years since key RNA discovery Rich recalls birth of a ‘founding technology’ for biotech

Profound doubts were the frequent response when such a thing was possible and could work.” MIT biophysicist announced that two sin- The seminal discovery of double-stranded RNA by Rich gle-strand ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules could spon- and Davies came only three years after and taneously align themselves to form a double helix, just stunned the scientific world by describing like those of their famous cousin, DNA. Many biologists DNA’s structure as a double helix. Watson and Crick not thought it impossible; the rest considered it unlikely. only described a structure but also suggested how inher- Today, 50 years later, it is abundantly clear that Rich— ited information—genetic information—is safely stored who made the discovery with David R. Davies while both and can be passed from one generation to the next. It was were working at the National Institute of Mental Health— a major milestone in the biosciences. was onto something big. In fact, it generated a paradigm In 1953, Rich—working with famed chemist Linus Paul- shift in the science of biology. The discovery changed how ing at Caltech—was using X-ray crystallography to try research is done at the molecular level and helped spawn to discover the structure of RNA, hoping to learn more what has become the global biotechnology revolution. about its role in life. One nagging question was whether To mark the anniversary, Rich was invited to write an RNA, like DNA, could exist in a double-stranded helical article about the work in the December issue of The Scien- molecule. tist. Likewise, Professor Alexander Varshavsky of Caltech The X-ray images weren’t helping much; they were wrote an article for Cell that appeared in the Dec. 29 issue. fuzzy, inconclusive shadows of the gooey, glassy fibers In 1956 Rich and Davies announced in the Journal of that were pulled from a glob of RNA. the American Chemical Society that single strands of RNA At Caltech, and later at the NIH, Rich and his col- can “hybridize,” joining together to form a double-strand- leagues “talked a lot about RNA,” he told a reporter ed molecule. As a result of the discovery and the work that from Chemical and Engineering News last month. “But followed, scientists now routinely identify, isolate, manipu- nobody—including myself—suggested, ‘Why don’t you late and replace the genes in living things. Such work led mix together Poly A and Poly U,’ the two differing stands to the Human Genome Project and is pushing science of RNA. It wasn’t at all obvious that could work,” he said, toward a fundamental understanding of how life works. in part because everyone felt an would be needed PHOTO / DONNA COVENEY “This was a founding technology of the biotechnology to stitch them together. “People had no idea that hybrid- business,” explained Rich, the William Sedgwick Thomp- Biophysicist Alexander Rich first mixed two differing strands son Professor of . “The discovery was absolute- See RNA of RNA in 1956 to discover the RNA double helix. He holds ly remarkable because no one, myself included, thought Page 4 a model of tRNA (Transfer Ribonucleic acid). Berners-Lee receives Draper Prize MIT creates 3-D scaffold Stephanie Schorow the 3Com Founders Chair at MIT’s Com- News Office Correspondent puter Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Berners-Lee contin- for growing stem cells ues to guide the evolution of the web as The man credited with inventing the founder and director of the World Wide Stem cells grew, multiplied and differ- healthy colony of adult mouse stem cells World Wide Web, Timothy J. Berners- Web Consortium (W3C), an open, inter- entiated into brain cells on a new three- on the three-dimensional scaffold with- Lee, will receive the 2007 Charles Stark national forum that develops standards for dimensional scaffold of tiny frag- out the drawbacks of two-dimensional Draper Prize, the $500,000 annual award the Web. ments designed to be more like a living systems. and gold medal- “Berners-Lee demonstrated a high body than any other cell culture system. In addition to helping researchers get lion considered level of technical imagination in inventing An MIT engineer and Italian colleagues a more accurate picture of how cells grow “engineering’s this system to organize and display infor- reported the invention—which may one and behave in the body, the new synthetic Nobel Prize.” mation on the Internet,” according to a day replace structure can provide a more conducive The Draper NAE statement. His innovations include the ubiqui- microenvironment for tissue cell cultures prize will be the Uniform Resource Identifier (URL), tous petri dish and tissues used in regenerative medicine, presented Feb. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for growing such as skin grafts or neurons to replace 20 in Washing- and HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). cells—in the brain cells lost to injury or disease. ton, D.C., to More remarkably, Berners-Lee chose Dec. 27 issue The scaffold itself can be transplanted Berners-Lee, to use scalable, public domain software in of the Public directly into the body with no ill effects. who “imagina- the web’s basic structure, which allows Library of Sci- “The time has come to move on from tively combined other to build inventions on its open archi- ence (PLoS) two-dimensional dishes to culture systems ideas to create tecture. “While others made millions off ONE. that better represent the natural context the World Wide his invention, the soft-spoken programmer Shuguang of cells in tissues and organs,” said Zhang, Tim Berners-Lee Web, an extraor- went on to found the World Wide Web Zhang, associ- whose coauthors on the paper, in addition dinary innova- Consortium,” Mark Frauenfelder wrote ate director of to Gelain, are from institutes and medical tion that is rapidly transforming the way in an October 2004 article for Technology MIT’s Center schools in Milan, Italy. people store, access, and share informa- Shuguang Zhang for Biomedical Review. Life in two dimensions tion around the globe,’’ according to the Berners-Lee, a native of England who Engineering, National Academy of Engineers (NAE), attended Oxford University, has received is a pioneer in coaxing tiny fragments of Biomedical researchers have become which established the Draper Prize in 1988 numerous honors, including Finland’s first amino acids called self-assembling pep- increasingly aware of the limitations of to honor engineers whose accomplish- Millennium Technology Prize in 2004. He tides to organize themselves into useful growing living cells in coated, two-dimen- ments have significantly benefited society. was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2004. structures. Working with visiting graduate sional petri dishes and glass slides. Berners-Lee proposed his concept The author of 1997’s “Weaving the student Fabrizio Gelain from Milan, Zhang In the body, cells are attached to and for the web in 1989 while at the Euro- Web” with Mark Fischetti, Berners-Lee created a designer scaffold from a network supported by the cells, other structures pean Organization for Nuclear Research continues to develop new web technolo- of protein nanofibers, each 5,000 times and around them. A cell’s normal (CERN). He launched it on the Internet gies and recently helped found the Web thinner than a human hair and containing environment is a complex network of tiny pores up to 20,000 times smaller than the in 1991 and continued to refine its design See STEM CELLS through 1993. See BERNERS-LEE eye of a needle. Now a senior researcher and holder of Page 6 The researchers were able to grow a Page 6


GRAD DEAN RETIREMENT IN YOUR EAR WINKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Isaac Colbert announces his decision. Podcasts enhance language studies. MIT’s Tiddlywinks Team plays on. Page 3 Page 4 Page 3

PICOWER PICKS HEAD TASTE OF PLACE SONIC SUDSING Mark Bear is the new director. Heather Paxson discusses cheesemaking. Media Lab musicians will ‘bathe’ the Music Library. Page 5 Page 7 Page 7 PAGE 2 January 10, 2007 NEWS MIT Tech Talk

William Orme-Johnson, inorganic expert, dies at 68 OBITUARIES Stephanie Schorow study metal-based radicals and organic al, independent society that works for a News Office Correspondent radical intermediates in many enzymatic positive relationship between science and reactions. His lab was the first to apply religion. ESEEM (electron spin echo envelope “Bill was an extraordinary scientist, Edward A. Perkins Jr. MIT Professor Emeritus of modulation) spectroscopic methods to a wonderful friend and colleague and Edward A. Perkins Jr., 70, of Brookline, William H. Orme-Johnson, heralded for map out the active site of steroid cyto- a great housemaster to the students in formerly of Somerville, died Jan. 2 at St. his four decades of contributions in the chrome P450 systems using deuteriated Bexley Hall,’’ said John M. Essigmann, Joseph’s Hospital in Nashua, N.H. field of inorganic biochemistry, died Jan. steroid substrates,” Stubbe said. “He was MIT professor of toxicology and chem- For 33 years, Perkins worked as a heat 1 after a long illness. He was 68. one of the first to realize that complex istry. and ventilation mechanic at MIT, retiring “Bill (called O.J. by all) was a giant bioinorganic cofactors were assembled In 1992, Orme-Johnson taught an in 1995. in the field of bioinorganic chemistry,” by complex biosynthetic pathways.” MIT Independent Activities Period class, From 1958 to 1963 he served in the Air said JoAnne Stubbe, Novartis Professor In 2002, the Journal of Inorganic Bio- “Applied Chili Chemistry,” that was so Force. During that time he was assigned of Chemistry and professor of biology. chemistry published a special issue dedi- enthusiastically received that a second to the 40th Air Refueling Squadron. He “Contributions that his lab made in the cated to Orme-Johnson in recognition of section was formed. “He was widely was a member of the American Legion, mid ’70s set the stage for many of the his contributions. The articles were writ- enthusiastic about science and was a the Union Local # 254 SEIU and the MIT experiments carried out by the bioinor- ten by Orme-Johnson’s former students great people-person,” Stubbe said. “Bill Quarter Century Club. He enjoyed gar- ganic community today.” and collaborators and included an appre- was a very strong supporter of young dening, cooking, camping and listening to A native of El Paso, Tex., Orme-John- ciation written by Jack Peisach, profes- scientists and a champion of my cause, jazz music. son received his B.S. and Ph.D. from the sor in the Department of Physiology and which I much appreciated. He had a great Perkins is survived by his wife of 49 University of Texas at Austin. He was a Biophysics of the Albert Einstein College sense of humor, a great drive and broad years, Louise M. (Macdonald) Perkins; member of the biochemistry faculty at of Medicine. knowledge about just about everything.” two sons, Edward A. Perkins III of Med- the University of Wisconsin at Madison “Bill was a wonderful colleague and Orme-Johnson is survived by his wife, ford and David J. Perkins of Amesbury; for 15 years. great contributor to the field of bioinor- Carol, a former MIT assistant dean, of three daughters, Julie Gangemi of Pea- In 1980, Orme-Johnson joined the ganic chemistry. His physical studies of Cambridge; three daughters, Ruth Orme- body, Pamela P. Little of Marlo, N.H., and MIT faculty in the then-relatively new metalloproteins, nitrogenase in particu- Johnson and McGhee Orme-Johnson of Peggy Kilroy of Haverhill; and 11 grand- research area of biological chemistry; he lar, were very important contributions. It Cambridge and Dolly Orme-Johnson of children. He also leaves his lifelong friend, was an MIT professor of chemistry for was always inspiring to discuss science Philadelphia; and brother and sister-in- James Jordan of Hopkinton. the next 18 years. Much lauded for his with Bill,” said Stephen J. Lippard, Arthur law David and Rhoda Orme-Johnson of Burial will be in the New Hampshire research, Orme-Johnson coauthored 69 Amos Noyes Professor of Chemistry, who Seagrove Beach, Fla. Veteran’s Cemetery in Boscawen, N.H. papers in professional journals and held a co-taught bioinorganic chemistry classes A memorial service was held Jan. 6 Contributions may be made to patent on a scientific procedure. with Orme-Johnson for many years. at First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Research for Pulmonary Fibrosis, c/o “Orme-Johnson’s was one of the first For nine years, Orme-Johnson served Arlington. Contributions may be made to American Lung Association of New Hamp- groups to apply rapid freeze quench as a housemaster at Bexley Hall, and he the Alzheimer’s Association Massachu- shire, 9 Cedarwood Dr., Unit 12, Bedford, methods with analysis using electron was active in the Institute on Religion in setts Chapter, 311 Arsenal St., Water- NH 03110. paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to an Age of Science, a nondenomination- town, MA 02472. Glenn F. Pippert Glen F. Pippert, a former MIT Lincoln Ice cream maker still sweet on MIT Laboratory site manager at the Kiernan Reentry Measurement Site in the Marshall Islands who served the Laboratory for 30 Toscanini’s owner looks back on 25 years years, died Dec. 27, 2006, at his home in St. Augustine, Fla. He was 86. Sasha Brown a short stint at Steve’s Ice Cream, which “We still have an ice cream machine Pippert was born in Howards Grove, News Office was a and Cambridge institution in that was built during a school holiday by Wis., on March 7, 1920, and was educated the 1970s. two superconductor students offended in the Howards Grove schools. He served Over the years, Toscanini’s has had by the noise and clunkiness of our equip- in the United States Navy from 1937 to Toscanini’s ice cream shop owner Gus hundreds upon hundreds of flavors. At ment,” Rancatore said in his memoir. 1946 entering as a seaman and leaving as Rancatore has sold homemade frozen least 300 flavors cycle through annually, Although Rancatore has served ice a commissioned officer. He saw action in treats and fresh coffee to hundreds of dig- Rancatore said. cream to movie stars like Ben Affleck both the Atlantic and Pacific arenas. Glen nitaries and celebrities during his 25 years and Matt Damon, they do not impress received his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in business, but some of his favorite cus- him as much as some of those he has met in physics from Boston University. Pippert tomers have been the students, faculty and because of the store’s proximity to the joined MIT Lincoln Laboratory in 1954 and staff members of MIT. ❞ Institute, he said. In 2003, when the Dalai retired in 1985. Rancatore has long been part of the We still have an ice cream Lama visited MIT, he came to Toscanini’s He served as head of the Optics Divi- MIT community, a presence in both his and ordered a chocolate cone. sion from 1980 until his retirement. Central Square store and in the smaller machine that was built Despite leaving the beloved Student Pippert is survived by his wife, Faye; shop that filled the Student Center space Center location, Rancatore can still walk daughters Vivian, Kelly and Christi; sons now occupied by Anna’s Taqueria. “MIT is during a school holiday the infinite corridor and see people he rec- Richard, Robert, Tim and Ted, grandchil- full of perpetually interesting customers,” ognizes. Although he purports to be “bad dren and great-grandchildren. Also surviv- said Rancatore, who also has semi-fran- by two superconductor with names,” he remembers details about ing Pippert are two sisters and two broth- chises in other Cambridge and Somerville his customers—who they dated when they ers in Wisconsin. locations. students offended by the were at school, the finals they failed—with A memorial service will be held at Rancatore’s close relationship with MIT the precision of an old friend. 11 a.m. Saturday, March 10, 2007, at the has endured, despite the closing of his noise and clunkiness of our In his book, Rancatore likens himself Unitarian Church at 353 Great Rd. in Stow, Toscanini’s after six years in the Student to a “host of a B & B, or the director of a Mass. Donations should be made to Good Center. This year he released an Amazon. equipment. day-care center or, sometimes, a cop in a Shepherd Manor, P.O. Box 1029, Lucas- com short memoir co-written with Helen Star Wars bar.” But at the end of the day, it Gus Rancatore ville, OH 45648, in the name of Glen Pip- Epstein about his experiences over the is his customers and the relationships they pert. Good Shepherd Manor is a home for years running his ice cream business. form that most pleases him. mentally handicapped men. The book, “Ice Cream Man: 25 Years at “I feel a bond with Paul Rusesabagina, Toscanini’s,” has been a top seller on Ama- the hotel manager who succeeded in pro- zon since its release in December 2006. In Some local favorites include coffee ice tecting hundreds of Tutsis in Rwanda,” William F. Saunders it, he speaks of his affection for the “MIT cream and burnt caramel, but some of the Rancatore says in his book. “The world nerds.” more exotic flavors like Khulfee—an Indi- may be falling apart around him but he William F. Saunders, of Marlborough, “Winding up down the street from MIT an flavor made of cardamom, almonds and retains his civility and kindness. Have a a retired employee of Lincoln Laborato- is ironic for a person who once tried to pistachio—were born of customer sugges- cup of tea, he says, as soldiers are kicking ry, died Nov. 30 at Youville Hospital and dry his football jersey over a campfire,” tions and are also growing in popularity. down the doors. I hope you like it.” Rehab Center in Cambridge. He was 77. Rancatore says in his book. “Shortly after Many of the international flavors that Saunders retired from Lincoln Lab in we opened, I asked a customer what he have ended up in Rancatore’s freezer 1994. was majoring in and he said, ‘Aero astro.’ started in the minds of MIT students, fac- No Tech Talk next week He is survived by his wife, Ellen L. I asked what he wanted to do and he ulty and staff who suggested them. There (Kiernan) Saunders; three brothers, answered levelly that he planned to be an was the “rocky road”-like flavor that was In honor of Martin Luther King George B. Saunders Jr. of Richmond, astronaut. I think that was the beginning named “chocolate sluggo” for an MIT ath- Day, there will be no Tech Talk on Va., Jeremiah J. Saunders of Canton, Ga., of my great affection for the subculture letic coach. Originally the coach suggested Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007. The next and John L. Saunders of Wellesley; two sisters, Mary A. Chappelle of Natick and that is MIT.” two fruits, two candies and two nuts. “I Tech Talk will be published on Jan. As Rancatore says in his book, he never took his idea and edited it down,” Ranca- Winnie C. Golden of Hope Mills, N.C.; 24. For ongoing MIT news updates, set out to serve what many consider to tore said with a laugh. “It would have been and many nieces and nephews. be the best ice cream in Boston. He came too much for one ice cream.” Neverthe- please go to the News Office web site, Donations may be made to Our from a family of small business own- less, taking suggestions from MIT is a tra- web.mit.edu/newsoffice/. Danny Cancer Fund, P.O. Box 2795, ers and fell into making ice cream after dition, he said. Worcester, MA 01613.

News Office Staff Tech Talk is published by the News Office on Wednesdays during term time except for HOW TO REACH US Interim Director ...... Pamela Dumas Serfes most Monday holiday weeks. See Production Schedule at http://web.mit.edu/news- News Office Interim News Manager ...... Sarah H. Wright office/techtalk-info.html. The News Office is in Room 11-400, Massachusetts Institute of Editor Senior Communications Officer ...... Patti Richards Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Telephone: 617-253-2700 Sarah H. Wright Senior Science and Postmaster: Send address changes to Mail Services, Building WW15, Massachusetts E-mail: [email protected] Engineering Editor ...... Elizabeth Thomson Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Photojournalist Assistant Director/Photojournalist ...... Donna Coveney Subscribers may call 617-252-1550 or send e-mail to [email protected]. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice Donna Coveney Web Developer/Editor ...... Lisa Damtoft Reporter/Writer ...... Sash a Brown Tech Talk is distributed free to faculty and staff offices and residence halls. It is also avail- able free in the News Office and the Information Center. Office of the Arts Production Operations/Financial Administrator ...... Myles Crowley Anne Trafton Administrative Assistant II ...... Mary Anne Hansen Domestic mail subscriptions are $25 per year, nonrefundable. Checks should be made http://web.mit.edu/arts Administrative Assistant II ...... Patti Foley payable to MIT and mailed to Business Manager, Room 11-400, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Computer Support Assistant ...... Roger Donaghy Editorial/Production Assistant ...... Anne Trafton Periodical postage paid at Boston, MA. Permission is granted to excerpt or reprint any Printed on recycled paper Communications Assistant ...... Heather Manning material originated in Tech Talk. MIT Tech Talk NEWS January 10, 2007 PAGE 3

Tiddlywinks team plans Colbert announces retirement, return to former glory will step down as graduate dean

Sasha Brown trying to maximize your strategy based on Sasha Brown reorganized the process by which stra- News Office what your opponent could do.” MITTwA News Office tegic administrative computing sys- is awaiting formal recognition from MIT’s tems were acquired. Association of Student Activities. Colbert, 60, earned his bachelor’s The first thing the newly revived MIT MIT has a bright tiddlywinks history, Dean for Graduate Students Isaac degree in experimental psychology Tiddlywinks Association wants people to beginning when the game spread across Colbert has announced that he plans to from the John Hopkins University in know about the game of flicking small the Atlantic from Britain during the 1960s. retire in June 2007, concluding three Baltimore, MD, where he grew up. He plastic discs into a cup is that it is not just “Although tiddlywinks was formalized in decades of achievement in Institute earned both his M.A. in experimen- a game of flicking small plastic discs into England, the dominant team throughout administration. Since being appointed tal psychology, primate learning and a cup. the 1960s through 1980s was MIT,” said dean in 1999, Colbert has led efforts behavior and his Ph.D. in experimental Instead, according to the North Ameri- Wang. “There was much intercollegiate to develop MIT’s graduate community psychology, human learning and cogni- can Tiddlywinks Association’s web site, play with Harvard and Cornell, in addition t h r o u g h tion from Brown University. tiddlywinks is a “complex game of strat- to international trips to visit Cambridge such inno- These psychology skills came in egy and tactics, which involves a fascinat- and Oxford.” vative pro- handy during his time in the Graduate ing mixture of manual dexterity and intel- In recent years, the game had fallen grams as Students Office, where he started as lectual activity as well.” out of favor at MIT because not enough the Gradu- associate dean in 1988. Colbert said he Tiddlywinks started in the late 1800s effort was devoted to bringing in new ate Student found an office that was “drowning in in England. In 1955, it resurfaced at players, Wang explained. Life Grants. paper. My immediate goal was to make Cambridge University, where a group of MITTwA, which was reborn this past “ D e a n it more student centered than paper undergraduates were looking for a game September thanks to Wang, is hoping to C o l b e r t centered.” to represent their school. Tim Berners- change that with an Independent Activi- has devel- One of the main complaints Col- Lee, father of the World Wide Web and ties Period (IAP) “Introduction to Tiddly- oped and bert said he heard from graduate stu- recent recipient of the Draper Prize, winks” that starts on Jan. 10 and ends on s u s t a i n e d dents was that there was no sense of played tiddlywinks. Jan. 12, each evening from 4:30 to 6 p.m. a strong community. After being named dean The game is played with sets of small, in Room 4-145. network of in 1999, Colbert committed to chang- thin discs, known as winks, which are Members of the MITTwA who have Isaac Colbert colleagues ing that. Over the years, he has imple- lined up on a mat. Using the larger disc, been playing the game for years will in a variety mented more social opportunity and called the squidger, players pop the small- teach the class. On Jan. 13 and 14 from of offices campaigned for better on-campus er discs into flight by snapping one side 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the MITTwA will be hold- around MIT who are committed to housing for graduate students. Colbert of the smaller disc with the edge of the ing a tournament for novices and more graduate students. He has passed his also focused his attention on graduate larger one. advanced players alike in the Student enthusiasm on to countless colleagues school alumni and alumnae, whose There are two different versions. The Center (W20). who did not realize they were part of potential contributions to the current first is the informal child’s game in which “The tournament will hopefully attract the graduate commons,” said MIT graduate community were, he felt, the small discs are launched into a cup. students, staff and faculty who are eager Chancellor Phillip Clay. “A champion being neglected. The formal game is much more compli- to learn about this piece of MIT history for diversity and inclusion, he has also With the help of the Alumni Office, cated with a series of rules and strategies. and take part in it. There will be signifi- served as a bridge between faculty and Colbert called a meeting in Hong Kong Yan Wang, president of the MIT Tid- cant attendance by alumni from across students caught in difficult situations.” with MIT graduate alumni to gauge dlywinks Association (MITTwA), said that the country who all look forward to reviv- Colbert has served a number of dif- their level of commitment to the con- adult players like to compare tiddlywinks ing this part of their student experience,” ferent roles at MIT, starting as a con- cept of graduate student community. “I to golf, “because it requires physical dex- Wang said. sultant in human resources and even- would have been happy if 10 people had terity in making shots,” and also to chess, For more information, please visit stu- tually being named dean in 1999. “I shown up,” he said. “But I walked into a “because it requires thinking in turns and dent.mit.edu/searchiap/iap-7491.html. thought MIT would chew me up and conference room jammed with people.” spit me out and now, 30 years later, As a result of the meeting, graduate they are still chewing,” Colbert said alumni have been more in touch with last week in his expansive office over- the Institute, the focus of more atten- looking Killian Court. tion by the Institute, and strongly sup- Though Colbert had not expected portive of improving graduate life. to spend so much of his life at the Over the years, the close relation- Institute, he knew soon after starting ships he has formed with faculty here that he had found a place where and students have become the most he belonged. “This was a place that fit important part of his work, Colbert my own style and characteristics as a said. He is pleased with what he has risk taker and someone with a vision accomplished at MIT. “Today the idea of things to do and how to get them of graduate student life is not the oxy- done,” Colbert said. moron it was less than a decade ago,” Colbert came to MIT in 1977 as a he said. senior consultant and trainer in human “Ike (Colbert) has set a standard of resources, which was then called the caring that we hope to find in our next Office of Personnel Development. dean of graduate students,” Clay said. Since then he has held a number of After retiring in June, Colbert said positions at MIT, including serving as he plans to focus on his start-up busi- the manager of faculty and staff infor- ness ventures. “Life has various stages mation services from 1981 to 1985. and I’m eager to see what the next one PHOTO / MARGO FOOTE From 1986 to 1988, he worked as the holds in store for me,” he said. “It is assistant to the vice president for finan- time to hand my work off to another MIT defeated Southampton University in 1972 to win the World Championship. Team cial operations, during which time he generation of leadership.” members, clockwise from upper left: David Lockwood; William Renke; James Martin; Craig Sweinhart; Timothy Schiller, captain; and J. Frank Christ displayed their victory squidgers. Admissions’ ‘matchmaking’ is no magic formula Sasha Brown Jones has been in admissions at MIT for more than student out there, Jones said. News Office 25 years, has served as dean for eight and has seen and Jones said she worries that parents and many institu- heard a lot from parents who are desperate to get their tions across the country are too focused on the “doing- children into MIT. Expectant parents have even asked ness” of children—the test scores, the awards, the If Dean of Admissions Marilee Jones could make one her how they can best prepare their future offspring to grades—at the expense of who they are as people. “We point to high school seniors and their parents across the get into MIT. really want to focus on making a match between the insti- country, it would be this: Stress less. There is no magic formula, tution and the spirit of the students, their ‘being-ness,’” “So many kids are sick because of the way we are Jones asserts. Admission is a Jones said. raising them,” Jones said in her office Dec. 13, just days complex process and nothing Not every student has to be the smartest or the most after MIT completed its most competitive early admis- one can force, said Jones, who talented, Jones said. That pressure is producing children sions period to date. The number of applications for early likens herself and her fellow who are terrified to fail or who cannot handle it when they admissions increased 13 percent over 2005, Jones said. admissions officers to “match- do, Jones said. “The culture is colluding to create a mono- It is hard to turn away so many qualified students, makers” rather than gatekeep- culture comprised of all leaders,” Jones said. “But why Jones said. She comforts herself and the rest of the ers. can’t each child just be who they were born to be? There admissions staff with the knowledge that “someplace in The admissions officers is a school for everyone and the college admissions pro- the world there is a place for each of these children.” at MIT specifically are look- cess is designed to find that match.” In the past few years, Jones’ mission has been to ing for a unique match of aca- Jones has been spreading this message across the spread this idea to parents and teenagers alike. Her book, demic excellence and some- country at conferences and college admissions sessions. “Less Stress, More Success: A New Approach to Guid- thing else—a spark, “the kind She said parents come to her in tears, thanking her for ing Your Teen Through College Admissions and Beyond” Marilee Jones of student who builds a tele- releasing them. (American Academy of Pediatrics), co-authored with pedi- scope just because they want Jones, who sent her own daughter to college this year, atrician Kenneth R. Ginsburg, was published in Septem- to learn,” Jones said. For those said that in many ways she relates to the parents who ber. students for whom the Institute is the right match, “MIT come to talk to her. “It is a great act of courage to become “It is not a book about how to get into college,” Jones is the mother ship calling the baby ships home,” she said. a parent,” she said. Jones said she hopes her book or emphasized. Instead, the book was written to help stu- MIT certainly does demand greatness, she said, and her talks might help them a little. “We can’t protect them dents and parents relax a little and to encourage them to students who can both do the work and do well here are from rejection,” she said. “This is how we have to let them look for the school that is right for them. a “self-selecting bunch.” There is a good match for every grow up.” PAGE 4 January 10, 2007 RESEARCH MIT Tech Talk Podcasting enables 24-7 foreign language study

James Cain Information Services & Technology

MIT’s Foreign Languages and Literatures (FL&L) sec- tion is exploring ways to use podcasting and mobile media players such as iPods in foreign language teaching, thus enabling its students more frequent and nontraditional ways to hear and speak foreign languages. Podcasting is a method of publishing audio and video files to the Internet, allowing users to receive files auto- matically. Five professors in FL&L have now incorporated pod- casting into their curricula; of these, Tong Chen, lecturer in Chinese; Kurt Fendt, research associate, German; and Margarita Ribas Groeger, director of Spanish language studies, have actively used podcasts this past fall. Language Learning and Resource Center (LLARC) sys- tems programmer Joshua Aresty has supported faculty and students in planning, creating and using podcasts this year. Immersion The common goal in the faculty podcasting projects is immersing students, as much as possible, in a foreign language during the course of a semester. Given the ubiq- uity of mobile devices (e.g., cell phones, MP3 players), students can now experience many types of media in non- traditional surroundings 24 hours a day. They can fit in a few minutes of language learning while riding the bus, walking the dog, or exercising in the gym. Podcasting, as a distribution medium, has changed the learning land- scape, providing many more opportunities for immersion. With the availability of free, authentically spoken mate- rial online and the ability to stitch together (“repodcast”) various podcast sources into a coherent narrative, LLARC has found that it can create effective instructional tools for coursework. Repodcasting Tong Chen is a lecturer in Chinese at MIT. He is using podcasting in several courses to prepare students for in- class presentations and assignments. Listening at their PHOTO COURTESY / ALEXANDER RICH convenience, they gain a deeper understanding of class material. As background for a class on the Chinese New Alexander Rich, front row, left, was a member of the RNA Tie Club, which had 20 members, one representing each amino Year, for example, students listened to a relevant episode acid. Rich is joined in this 1955 photo by biophysicist James Watson (front row, right), chemist Leslie Orgel (back row, right), in the course podcast from ChinesePod, a web site for and molecular biologist Francis Crick. Watson and Crick together discovered the double-helix structure of DNA in 1953. learning Mandarin. This and other relevant material were shared using Google Reader. In addition, Chen has recorded short paragraphs as podcasts. Students transcribe this audio material into Pin- RNA yin with tone marks. After they receive corrected tran- scriptions, students re-record the same material and send Continued from Page 1 logical research “was set in one direction,” generally away the new audio clips to Chen for another round of cor- from enthusiasm for RNA research. Instead, DNA seemed rection. Other listening assignments include filling in the ization could occur by itself.” more important and got most of the research attention. blanks and true-false questions. Chen used a free service Ultimately Rich did try mixing the two strands, result- At the time, however, a strong consensus had devel- at blip.tv to upload course assignments. These, along with ing in the discovery of double-stranded RNA, but to this oped that only one RNA strand is made and that if a com- other feeds, were aggregated through Google Reader and day, he said, he can’t recall what prompted him to do so. plementary strand is made at all, it’s probably useless and cleaned up using Feedburner to create a podcast for the “I’ve asked my colleagues and searched through my mem- gets rapidly disposed of. students. ory, and I don’t actually know.” But it did work, and that Further, protein production was believed to be regu- has made all the difference. lated by specialized proteins that govern the process. Video to go So these small were ignored as research moved Kurt Fendt is research director in FL&L and Com- Micro-RNA research proves Rich’s 1961 ‘suggestion’ on, Rich said, because in science “there is a herd instinct. parative Media Studies. His upper-level German Culture, In 1961 Rich made a prophetic suggestion that is just And the net effect is that some discoveries were not Media, and Society class is taught entirely in German. now coming to fruition. made.” In fact, for many years RNA seemed unexciting, a This fall, the course focused on recent German short film In a book chapter published in 1961, Rich had proposed relatively mundane DNA-copying molecule. productions and radio plays. Much of the content came “an interesting possibility,” that a complementary second But ignoring RNA and its hidden talents was a mistake. from recent film festivals and radio art programs which, strand of RNA “may be part of the control apparatus for Major RNA-based discoveries are now being made, and due to copyright restrictions, were made available as turning on or off the synthesis of…proteins. One might the impact is huge. Very recently biologists found that streaming media through the Metamedia framework and imagine that one RNA strand is continually used in protein unusually small bits of RNA—micro-RNAs—do indeed on iPods provided by LLARC. synthesis, while the other strand is used to control the exist in cells and represent an important and powerful Students further subscribed to at least five German rate” at which the “sense” strand works. mechanism for gene control using complementary pair- podcasts from a variety of public radio and TV stations and However, in the 1950s and 1960s the rudder of bio- ing, as Rich had suggested. other sources. The primary goal was to explore emerging forms of media convergence and how traditional German media institutions seek to incorporate user-created con- tent into new forms of programming. Podcasts by phone Drela lauded for aircraft design For her Intermediate Spanish class, Lecturer Margarita Ribas Groeger wanted to give her students more opportu- Mark Drela, the Terry J. Kohler Professor of Fluid nities to improve their fluency in speaking. Using student- Dynamics in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronau- created podcasts seemed like a good way to accomplish tics, has been elected a fellow of the American Institute of this task. Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Looking for a simple way for students to create their Drela was recognized for his “unique sustained contri- own recordings, Groeger found an application, Gabcast, butions to a broad range of path-breaking aircraft designs that lets the students post audio assignments to a class (human powered and otherwise) and for development of blog—on the WordPress site—by dialing a toll-free num- widely used aircraft design software,” according to the ber and recording a message. This obviates the need to AIAA citation. transform audio files to MP3s or upload them to the blog. In 1988, Daedalus, a lightweight aircraft designed by In addition to written assignments, Groeger asked stu- Drela, set the world distance record for human-powered dents to describe orally a favorite location, comment on flight by traveling 72.4 miles from Crete to the Greek a film, or respond to a news article—in Spanish. These island of Santorini. recorded messages were available for the rest of the class Jack Kerrebrock, professor emeritus of aeronautics and to listen to, opening up the possibility of online audio dis- astronautics, noted in recommending Drela to the AIAA cussions. Other assignments, also using Gabcast, helped that his projects have the “beauty that stems from perfect students with their pronunciation and intonation. functionality. The aerodynamic design tools that he devel- Even though all the students’ recordings were acces- oped have set a new standard of accuracy and usefulness sible on the Gabcast site, having a blog allowed Groeger for the aeronautical industry.” and her students to add written comments, pictures and The distinction of fellow is bestowed by the AIAA PHOTO COURTESY / NASA other links to the audioposts. and its board of directors on members who “have made At Groeger’s request, LLARC is investigating tools that notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences or Drela has designed not only human-powered aircraft but would allow for an oral threaded discussion, in the style of technology thereof in aeronautics or astronautics.” also innovative flying machines for Boeing and NASA. a regular online forum. MIT Tech Talk RESEARCH January 10, 2007 PAGE 5 Engineering systems experts propose sharing flu vaccine costs With the annual flu season upon us, Best Paper Award in health care manage- world’s largest graduate business schools, lems. New flu vaccines must be made in vaccines remain the primary weapons for ment science by the Institute for Opera- with campuses in Singapore and France. a relatively short period, only six months. fighting influenza outbreaks. Yet, there fre- tions Research and the Management Sci- “Manufacturers and governments have Public health officials must first identify quently aren’t enough doses to go around. ences (INFORMS). The paper, “Supply conflicting objectives,” said Simchi-Levi. which strains are most likely to cause sick- One major reason is that the contracts Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccina- “The manufacturers’ objective is to reduce ness, and then the manufacturers must between governments and manufactur- tion,” is under review for publication. risk, maximize profit and control produc- make, test and distribute the doses. ers do not provide vaccine makers with The authors are Professor David Sim- tion so they are not stuck with an excess The usual annual vaccine protects enough of a financial incentive to produce chi-Levi of MIT’s Engineering Systems supply (of vaccine), while governments against three strains of flu. Strains of flu sufficient doses. Now, MIT researchers Division and Department of Civil and Envi- and health care organizations need to bal- undergo slight mutations to their genome, and colleagues have come up with a new ronmental Engineering, who was recent- ance the vaccination program’s cost with a phenomenon known as antigenic drift. model for contracts they hope will benefit ly named an INFORMS fellow; Hamed the public health benefit of not spreading Because of this, the immunity acquired both parties and prevent vaccine short- Mamani, a doctoral student at the MIT the disease,” he said. for one year’s vaccine may not combat the ages. Operations Research Center; and Stephen A new type of contract is needed next year’s strains of flu. The work is the subject of a paper that E. Chick, associate professor of technol- because manufacturing and distributing Thus, a major challenge is that the was recently awarded the 2006 Pierskalla ogy management at INSEAD, one of the flu vaccines brings a unique set of prob- strains of flu virus change every year, so old vaccine inventory must be discarded and new vaccine made. Another challenge is that because of the biological of the production process, the amount of vac- cine produced successfully varies greatly. It is also difficult to determine the exact number of high-risk patients, such as chil- dren and the elderly, who will need vac- cine. That is a disincentive for manufac- turers to make enough doses to cover a worst-case scenario; they will lose money on any excess. Simchi-Levi and colleagues have devised a model in which the government and manufacturer would share the costs associated with possible overproduction. That should provide manufacturers with an incentive to make more vaccines, even if they are not sure all the doses will be used. “There also is an incentive for the government to pay for the extra doses,” Simchi-Levi said. If influenza spreads, the “social costs,” such as hospitalization and lost wages, range from $1 million to $6 million per 100,000 people in industrialized countries, according to the World Health Organization. Even with vaccines, influen- za kills up to 500,000 people each year. Simchi-Levi said the importance of the CHART COURTESY / DAVID SIMCHI-LEVI AND COLLEAGUES new model is that it suggests a way to miti- gate the problem through financial risk- Each year, the cycle to develop influenza vaccine begins anew. sharing. Mark Bear named Picower director Neuroscientist Mark F. Bear, an expert on how the brain changes in response to experience, has been appointed director of the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, effective Jan. 1. Bear, Picower Professor of Neuroscience since 2003 and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, succeeds founding director and Nobel laureate Susumu Tonegawa, who stepped down December 31 after 12 years as director. “I am very pleased that Professor Bear will take on the leadership of the Picower Institute,” said MIT Provost Rafael Reif. “His considerable abilities and accomplish- ments in neuroscience research and education make him a fitting choice for the job.” Bear will serve a one-year term while MIT searches for a permanent director. Earl K. Miller, Picower Professor of Neuroscience, will continue as associate director. Founded in 1994 and renamed in 2002 following a $50 million gift from Jeffry and Bar- bara Picower, the Picower Insti- tute’s researchers are focused on unraveling the mechanisms that drive learning and memory Mark Bear and understanding how these go awry in various diseases, ranging from autism to schizophrenia. “The Picower Institute was built around a common PHOTO / DONNA COVENEY theme—how experience modifies the brain—and a cut- ting-edge approach that exploits the tools of molecular Postdoc Joanna Klapacz, left, works with Kennedy-Longfellow School sixth grader Ellie Montgomery in a genetics lab in biology and genetics to dissect the contributions of specif- the Edgerton Center program. ic molecules, synapses, neurons and circuits to behavior,” Bear said. “This experiment has been a smashing success. We Samson Lab hosts Cambridge middle-school students now stand at the threshold of realizing a dream of gen- erations of neuroscientists—to be able to selectively and Ruth Walker the conference room. And the young visitors haven’t even reversibly inactivate (or activate) specific synapses, cells News Office Correspondent finished their after-school snack of bread and butter and and circuits within a brain region and then assay the con- jam. sequences by recording the activity of hundreds, if not The boys and girls are part of Summerbridge, an after- thousands, of neurons.” “So we eat DNA?” one of the kids asks in mid-munch. school academic enrichment program offered by the Cam- Bear’s own laboratory has made a key discovery about What a discovery. bridge public schools. They’re here on a field trip to learn how synapses are weakened that promises to shed light Revolting, maybe, to someone who probably first heard something about the yeast that leavens bread and how on disorders ranging from mental retardation to Alzheim- the term “DNA” from a TV murder mystery. Or maybe zapping yeast cells with ultraviolet radiation affects their er’s disease. kind of cool. ability to reproduce. Prior to joining MIT, Bear served on the faculty of “Yeah,” the middle-schoolers’ tour guide, Lisi Meira, Their guides at the Samson Lab in Building 56 will also Brown University’s School of Medicine for 17 years. After explains. “And not just in bread. In meat and all kinds of receiving his B.S. degree from Duke University, he earned things.” See SUMMERBRIDGE a Ph.D. degree in neurobiology at Brown. An important lesson has been learned, right there in Page 6 PAGE 6 January 10, 2007 NEWS MIT Tech Talk STEM CELLS Continued from Page 1 fragments called active motifs, the scaf- fold can be fashioned to coax stem cells to fibers, gaps and pores through which oxy- behave in certain desirable ways—such gen, hormones and nutrients are delivered as differentiating into needed body tis- and waste products filtered away. Cells sues or migrating toward bone marrow move within their natural environments and other natural destinations. in response to chemical signals or other “What makes these designer scaffolds stimuli. particularly interesting is that cells sur- Researchers are aware that cells on flat vive longer and differentiate better with- surfaces have skewed , gene out additional soluble growth factors,” expression and growing patterns. But the Zhang said. “This suggests that extracel- only choices have been glass labware and lular microenvironments may play a more a product called Matrigel, a gelatinous important role for cell survival and for car- protein mixture secreted by mouse tumor rying out cell functions than previously cells. While Matrigel resembles a complex thought.” extracellular environment, it also contains The active motif method could be growth factors and unknown proteins readily adapted to studying cell-to-cell PHOTO / DONNA COVENEY that limit its desirability for experiments interaction, cell migrations, tumor and requiring precise conditions. cancer cell interaction with normal cells, IAP rekindles ‘Pleasures of Poetry’ “Synthetic microfiber scaf- cell-based drug testing and other diverse folds have been studied for more than 30 applications. Pleasures of Poetry, the seminar-style, daily IAP gathering to read and discuss memo- years to mimic a living 3-D microenvi- “I believe that in the next 20 years rable poems, began on Monday, January 8 with a lively exchange led by Stephen ronment, but concerns exist about their all cell cultures will be in 3-D with the Tapscott, professor of literature, above, on works by the infinitely tormented Austrian degradation products and chemicals,” the designer scaffolds, and most textbooks poet Georg Trakl (1887-1914). Today (Jan. 10), Howard Eiland, lecturer in literature, will authors wrote in the paper. about cell biology will have to be revised guide discussion on Walt Whitman’s ebullient “Song of Myself.” Other synthetic biomaterials when people obtain results from 3-D cell Upcoming sessions will focus on poems by Allen Ginsberg, Gwendolyn Brooks, are simply too big. Getting cells to grow culture studies,” Zhang said. Geoffrey Chaucer, Ho Xuan Huong, and Derek Walcott; discussion leaders will include on them is like forcing spiders to build The researchers are now testing the Ben Lanckton, Peter Perdue and Mary Fuller. Pleasures of Poetry is organized by the webs on skyscraper girders. Zhang’s designer scaffold with a variety of cells, literature section; it meets each weekday, 1 to 2 p.m., in 14H-304, throughout IAP. A nanofiber scaffold, around 1,000 times including tooth, bone, heart, liver, car- packet containing all of the poems in the series is available in the Literature Office. For smaller than the existing systems, is tilage, skin, pancreas, blood cells and a complete schedule, please go to web.mit.edu/lit/www/popiap.html. much closer in size to the extracellular artery-forming cells. matrices that living cells manufacture This work was supported by Olym- themselves. pus Corp. and the National Institutes of With the addition of defined amino acid Health. SUMMERBRIDGE Continued from Page 5 wave oven. The more ultraviolet light the yeast gets, the worse it does at reproduc- BERNERS-LEE be trying to connect the kids’ observations ing, the kids find. And the mutant yeast Continued from Page 1 “a good idea or a bad one” at length: “I of the yeast cells to larger environmental does particularly poorly. think the main thing to remember is that health issues. Beyond that, the youngsters The lab leaders make a connection Science Research Initiative (WSRI), a new any really powerful thing can be used for will get a chance to see that a lab is a pret- between a basic cause—radiation—and an long-term collaboration between MIT and good or evil. Dynamite can be used to ty cool place to work—and that people get underlying predisposition—possibly weak- the University of Southampton to gener- build tunnels or to make missiles. Engines paid for what they do there. er DNA in the mutant yeast. A comparison ate research agendas to probe the web’s can be put in ambulances or tanks. Nucle- The Summerbridge program is part of is made to people: Sunlight can give any- scientific and social aspects. ar power can be used for bombs or for MIT’s ongoing academic outreach work, one a tan or a burn, but people who have He also continues to promote the issue electrical power. So … what is made of the bringing in students from public schools an underlying predisposition to skin can- of “net neutrality,” recently commenting Web is up to us.” in Cambridge and other communities and cer will be most strongly affected. on his own blog (dig.csail.mit.edu/bread- The Draper Prize, awarded annually, specifically trying to encourage them to Kathy Vandiver, director of MIT’s Com- crumbs/blog/4): “When I invented the was created at the request of the Charles consider and prepare for careers in the munity Outreach and Education Core, Web, I didn’t have to ask anyone’s permis- Stark Draper Laboratory to honor the sciences. explains in an interview that for today’s sion. Now, hundreds of millions of people memory of “Doc” Draper, the “father of “I’d like to introduce you to the organ- public schools, the days when field trips are using it freely. I am worried that that is inertial navigation,” and to increase public ism you’re going to be working on,” Meira, could be justified on grounds of general going end in the USA.’’ understanding of the contributions of engi- a research scientist in the Center for Envi- “enrichment” are gone. “Field trips are On his home page (www.w3.org/Peo- neering and technology. For more infor- ronmental Health Sciences, says as she much more tied to learning objectives,” ple/Berners-Lee/), Berners-Lee answers mation, visit the NAE web site: www.nae. begins her presentation to the kids. She she says. a “kid’s” question on whether the web was edu/awards. plucks a hair from her own head—ouch!— So she and her team work closely with to give the students an idea how tiny yeast the schools to make sure they’re “provid- cells are. However slender a hair is, the ing a field trip experience that dovetails diameter of the shaft is still big enough to with the curriculum.” Because teachers hold several yeast cells laid side by side. come along on the field trips, they ben- Still, yeast cells have more in common efit from exposure to ideas for new lesson with human beings than might be expect- plans. MIT’s close cooperation with the ed, Meira tells the kids. They have DNA, Cambridge schools leads to programming and their DNA is found in nuclei, just as in “beautifully attuned to teacher need,” Van- humans. diver says. Meira suggests the students read the New emphasis on science in state edu- list of ingredients on food items at the cation requirements has left enrichment supermarket to spot terms like “yeast” in programs like Summerbridge hungering bread, or “bacteria” in yogurt. That’s when for more science content, Vandiver adds, one of the students has a moment of real- noting that some 2,000 kids a year come to ization: I’ve been eating DNA! MIT through the Edgerton Center. Then the kids go down the hall for the “It’s not just more homework” that the actual experiment. It involves irradiating kids need, Vandiver says. They need to see two kinds of yeast—a mutant yeast and a careers in science as potentially engaging normal yeast as a control group—inside a and fun. “We need to keep their interest device that looks very much like a micro- up, as well as their exam scores.”


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MIT Tech Talk HUMANITIES January 10, 2007 PAGE 7 Media Lab plans ‘sonic bath’ for Lewis Music Library Lynn Heinemann on Friday, Jan. 19 from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Office of the Arts Lewis Music Library (Room 14E-109). No advance sign-up is required for the workshops, and participants are The Lewis Music Library will be welcome at individual sessions. The final transformed into what Tod Machover, demonstration is open to the public. professor of media arts and sciences, According to Machover, the installations calls a “sonic bath” next week as graduate were developed individually but have students from the Media Laboratory join been assembled so that they work nicely him in a collaboration with Music Library together in a progression through the staff to present library spaces, turning the library into a “ L i b r a r y comprehensive, sound-filled experience. Music,” a group Some installations will be explored with of interactive use of headphones; some will be set up in m u s i c separate, enclosed rooms, and some will installations be in the open spaces. that explore the One of the installations, a robotic relationships Music Chandelier, will be shown for among space, the first time in “Library Music.” Mike m o v e m e n t , Fabio, graduate student in media arts and touch and sciences, designed the laser-based system sound. for the chandelier, which can be played M u s i c a l by the public in its current iteration. stairs, a tactile Fabio’s chandelier is being developed Tod Machover rainfall and for Machover’s opera, “Death and the a sonorous, Powers,” which will premiere in Monte- robotic chandelier are among the 10 Carlo, Monaco, in November 2008. “experiences” to be featured in “Library “A library to listen to should be fun!” PHOTO COURTESY / TOD MACHOVER Music.” Workshop sessions, open to said Machover, expressing delight that the Mike Fabio and Steve Pliam’s sonitronic chandelier will help ‘wash’ the Music Library in members of the MIT community, will give Music Library, a place normally devoted sound. Instrumentalists can tickle or pluck the resonant ‘strings.’ participants an opportunity to discuss the to listening to and thinking about music in concepts and technologies behind each silence, will be transformed by willing staff what and why of their installations and and experimental music technology. installation with Machover and the student members and Machover’s group into an will be available to guide visitors through Refreshments will be served. designers. interactive, musical environment. each experience. Also, Lewis Music For more information, contact Ariane The workshops will take place January At the Jan. 19 demonstration, the Library staff will share some of its hidden Martins, x3-1613, e-mail: ariane@media. 16 to 18, culminating with a demonstration student designers will explain the how, treasures that relate to sound installations mit.edu. Talk on cheese gives a taste of ‘terroir’ Robin H. Ray sequent labeling constraints, they stand a News Office Correspondent better chance of surviving and even flour- ishing. It was one of the participants at the ACS conference who suggested that Plates of handcrafted cheeses, care- the artisanal cheese producers are in the fully arranged for identification purposes, process of “reverse-engineering” terroir: were distributed to an eager group of “They think backwards from European auditors on Dec. 11, in connection with a examples in order to fashion innovative talk given by Heather Paxson, lecturer in models of terroir, and of cheese, suitable anthropology. to the nature-culture demands of distinctly However, Paxson admonished the hun- American landscapes,” said Paxson. gry spectators to hold off eating the five Some approaches that cheesewrights mouth-watering cheeses (four American have taken toward terroir take the form of and one French), as she would cue the an “ahistorical materialism” on the “nature” moment to taste each cheese during her end of the spectrum (cue Cheese 1: Hum- talk, “Reverse-Engineering Terroir: Craft- boldt Fog, an aged goat cheese made by ing Nature-Culture in American Artisanal Cypress Grove Chèvre of Humboldt Coun- Cheese Production.” ty, Calif., and Cheese 2: Ada’s Honor, an The French term “terroir,” “famously award-winning mold-ripened chèvre made untranslatable and, for most Americans, by Carlisle Farmstead in Massachusetts). PHOTO / DONNA COVENEY unpronounceable” as Paxson noted, means The California cheesemakers claim that variously “rural,” “regional,” “of the earth the particular material conditions on their Silver skates or locality,” or, as she trans- farms—climate, fodder and Freshmen Darren Yin (left), Tracy Li (center) and Dina Kachintseva (right) are on the ice lates it, “the taste of place.” It so forth—create cheeses that at Johnson Athletic Center, trying out a skating class on the first day of IAP. comes from the world of viti- “could not be replicated else- culture and describes a spe- where.” cific cluster of vineyards, or Also closer to the “nature” even vines, whose wine takes end of the spectrum is the its identity from a combination notion of terroir as “New Suburbia gets neo-New Deal of natural parameters—grape World innovation.” This An international architecture journal focus of Robert Smithson’s seminal 1967 and soil type, climate and approach is exemplified by has devoted an entire issue to the results article, “Tour of the Monuments of Pas- topography—and less quanti- David Major of Vermont of an MIT urban design studio—results saic, NJ.” The result was a set of build- fiable cultural parameters. “In Shepherd, who found in the that were further developed by a team of ing proposals for the sprawl around New certain renditions,” Paxson Basque country a close geo- architects, planners, publishers and MIT York that would, among other things, curb noted, terroir can refer also to graphic analog to his northern faculty—addressing how to rescue sub- dependence on the car and offer additional “the soul of the cultivator, as New England dairy farm, and urbia after the coming economic crash. alternative modes of organization. well as the collective cultural Heather Paxson chose his materials and meth- Led by Alexander D’Hooghe, assistant The results are presented as an “offi- know-how behind agricultural ods accordingly; and by Mike professor in MIT’s Department of Archi- cial report” to the fictional Federal Orga- products associated with a place that help Gingrich at Uplands Dairy in Wisconsin, tecture, the studio took as its premise the nization for the Reactivation and Modern- to constitute its tradition.” who modeled his “best of show” Pleasant possibility that, because of rising debt, the ization of Mankind as a set of program Paxson’s interest was piqued by the Ridge Reserve (Cheese 3) on the French decline of the dollar, burgeoning oil prices briefs, compiled by D’Hooghe and his recent importation of the term terroir and Beaufort (Cheese 4), and in many people’s and the burst of the real estate bubble, students, for federal construction projects how it is being used by artisanal cheese opinion bested it. the United States may soon experience an to “employ, educate, house and emanci- makers in the United States. Her ethno- Nearer to the “cultural” side of the economic setback on a par with the Great pate the proletariat.” The report includes graphic fieldwork took her to the 2005 nature-culture spectrum, one finds notions Depression. proposals for neighborhood development, annual meeting of the American Cheese of terroir with more political and overtly Such an event would surely impoverish shopping centers, logistics complexes, Society (ACS), where terroir was the sub- moral content, as part of the “slow-food” the suburban lower middle-class that lives housing and education. ject of several papers and panels. It also movement and as a facet of environmen- in what D’Hooghe refers to as “the Grey The 97-page “white paper” appears in took her into the field(s): She spent two tal awareness. Here we find the Kehlers, Goo”—the massive tarmac between our cit- Volume, a bimonthly publishing project weeks observing and working at Major two brothers and their wives who make ies’ centers and their leafier exurbs—and of Archis, the national architecture maga- Farm in Putney, Vt., makers of Vermont a variety of cheeses (including Cheese create “a new underclass eager to consume zine of the Netherlands. Previous issues of Shepherd, “one of America’s most distin- 5, Constant Bliss) at Jasper Hill Farm in the rhetoric of fascist populism, thriving on Volume have dealt with such topics as the guished cheeses.” Vermont’s Northern Kingdom. According anti-intellectualism, sectarianism, conquest architecture of power, ubiquitous China The small-scale producers, who are not to Paxson, they “view cheesemaking as abroad and repression at home.” and broadcasting architecture. so much reviving as inventing their cheese [their] personal response to globalization,” If such a crisis were to occur, he asked In addition to MIT’s proposals for sub- traditions, are anxious to distinguish them- and they are trying to find ways to make his students, and if the government then urbia after the crash, “Volume #9—Crisis! selves—legally if possible, but certainly dairying economically and environmental- stepped in to restart the economy artifi- What Crisis?” includes editorials by culturally—from the large-scale dairy ly sustainable in that struggling region. cially—as it did during FDR’s New Deal— D’Hooghe and by Ole Bouman, editor in operations that churn out mass quanti- Paxson added, “It’s interesting just how what buildings and infrastructures would chief of Volume, along with essays by Yung ties of cheese. The latter are seeking vari- relevant MIT is turning out to be in my represent the best investments? What Ho Chang, head of MIT’s Department of ously to squash, industrialize and co-opt research…[M]any artisan cheesemakers should the nation do first to build a new Architecture, and by Mark Jarzombek, artisanal cheese making—lobbying Con- speak of what they’re doing in the language suburban future? professor of the history of architecture at gress to outlaw cheese made with unpas- of engineering; they see themselves as, in a The studio focused on New Jersey’s MIT and director of the department’s pro- teurized milk, for example, and some of sense, hacking the system of food produc- Passaic County, an area emblematic of gram in the history, theory and criticism the small producers hope that by develop- tion in this country. Teaching at MIT has many American suburbs, as well as the of architecture and art. ing awareness of cheese terroir and con- given me an appreciation for this.” PAGE 8 January 10, 2007 ADVENTURES MIT Tech Talk Welliver’s travels shown Seven works by Neil Welliver are on view at the Dean’s Gallery (Room E52-466) through Monday, Jan. 15. The landscapes, all serigraphs, evoke the mystery and majesty of the Maine coast and woods, which Welliver, who died in 2005 at age 75, painted for over four decades. Welliver worked from open-air sketches, toting some 75 pounds of art supplies deep into the woods in search of what he called “places of power,” according to an obituary in the Boston Globe. Welliver described these places as “often nondescript corners, small things,” yet they yielded large canvases, sometimes as large as 8 by 10 feet. Critic Robert Hughes of Time magazine called Welliver’s works “among the strongest images in modern American art.” In his paintings, Welliver persisted in depicting the rushing water and rocky hills of his chosen home even as tragedy stalked his personal life. The works in the Dean’s Gallery were completed in the 1970s, the decade in which Welliver’s wife and daughter died and his home and studio were destroyed. Welliver’s works hang in major museums, including the Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Wash- ington, DC; the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and the Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, in New York. Welliver graduated from the Philadelphia College of Art and received the M.F.A. degree from Yale University. Welliver taught at Yale and at the University of Pennsylva- nia Graduate School of Fine Art.

PHOTO / LIST VISUAL ARTS CENTER Detail (left), Neil Welliver, ‘Landscape,’ 1973, serigraph. Gift of the Albert and Vera List Collection. MIT international students advise fellow voyagers Sarah Foote in India: MIT Sloan School of Management India is a wonderful country, caught between its promising potential and stag- gering poverty. Even its chaos is colorful MIT Sloan students from around the (to my biased eyes, admittedly). world offer the Institute community their Make a conscious effort to remove the thoughts on what a visitor may find in their western lens and absorb the uniqueness of country of origin, and in return, what they the place instead of attempting to map it to learned about living, working and studying familiar categories. in the United States. The size of the population can be shock- Lydur Thor Thorgeirsson, M.B.A. ’07, ing to people who have lived in far less a native of Iceland, has been in the United populous countries, but it can be quite an States for just over a year. interesting experience to find yourself in a Thorgeirsson’s advice to someone sea of humanity. who is going to work or live in Ice- On a practical note, if you have low land: immunity, watch what you eat and drink! Don’t expect much formality in meet- Advice on studying in India: ings, adherence to hierarchy or emphasis Work with people across departments on processes. Everyone is focusing on the and fields. Step outside the bubble of the end results and is willing to try new meth- school or university. Learn a new language ods and listen to your ideas. You’ll work (or two). hard, but on the flip side, you’ll have sev- Three necessary visits or experi- eral weeks of vacation. ences in India: Advice to someone who is going to Ancient temples in South India (archi- school or to study for a period of time tectural marvels with rich history). in Iceland: Reykjavík, Iceland. Tour around Hyderabad (my home- It will be fairly inexpensive because of town with its friendly people and laid-back government subsidies. Expect standard environment). lectures across the board. Presentations That’s the best way you’ll build up con- The center for three religions: Christian- The Taj Mahal (although I myself and case classes are few and far between. fidence in speaking the language. Try to ity, Islam and Judaism. A fascinating walk haven’t seen it yet). The bulk of Icelandic students like to meet as many people as possible and start back in time to another era. Wished-for advice about living in emphasize extracurricular activities and building friendships right away. The Dead Sea—a natural phenomena the United States: then cram before finals. Wished-for advice about working in considered one of the eight wonders of the I wish I were told to travel more and Three necessary visits or experi- the United States: world. The minerals of the sea have thera- explore America beyond its touristy cities ences in Iceland: You’ll quickly realize that this is the peutic powers due to unique and high con- and iconic landmarks. The Blue Lagoon. A geothermal power country where Dilbert is drawn. That centration of minerals in the water. The Wished-for advice about studying/ plant uses ultrahot seawater from the bow- being said, you’ll also quickly realize why sensation of bathing in the salty water is attending school in the United States: els of the earth for production of hot water U.S. corporations are so successful glob- unequaled. Get involved with the community, not and electricity. The pool of excess water is ally. Finally, take John Akula’s law class to Tel Aviv—the city of beaches, bikinis, only within the school but the extended so rich in minerals it has become one of prepare you for work in the United States. culture, night life and fun! community in the town/city. Iceland’s biggest tourist attractions. Wherever you’re from, you’ll be amazed to Wished-for advice about living in Downtown Reykjavík on a weekend learn about the U.S. legal system and how the United States: night. The nightlife in Reykjavík is ranked that will dramatically affect some of the That life here is far easier and more among the best in the world and celebri- decisions you might face. comfortable than in Israel. That service ties frequently visit the island because of Tsahala David, Sloan Fellow ’07, of Isra- people here are far less efficient than in it. el, has lived in the United States for six Israel, so be patient and plan a backup Hvannadalshnjukur is Iceland’s high- months. because whatever they promised is not est peak, located on the largest glacier in Advice to a visitor to Israel: Get used going to happen. Europe (2,111 meters/6,900 feet above to a very high tempo in a very spontane- Wished-for advice about study- sea level). Walking the glacier takes about ous environment. Subtleties don’t work— ing or attending school in the United six hours. Get a good guide and arrive in be direct about what you want or object to. States: spring before the snow melts to avoid big Expect people to be very emotional about That when students go out for beers crevasses. things, and that covers the entire array, you don’t actually have to drink beer. As Thorgeirsson wished someone had from anger to happiness. a person who dislikes alcohol, I kind of given this advice about living in the United Advice to a student planning to avoided the beer meetings, assuming States: spend a period of time in Israel: everyone gets a bit drunk and makes Expect to write and mail lots and lots of Expect little to no privacy. Israelis are jokes I probably can’t understand. Appar- checks (everything is done online in Ice- very warm people and specifically love ently that is not the case. And going out land). The only eatable cheese in the con- Americans. You will find your schoolmates for beers here is the equivalent to going tinental United States is called Monterrey will go out of their way to help you and be out for a coffee in Israel. Jack Mild from Farm Valley and can only shameless about asking you questions. If Wished-for advice about working in be found in one store in the Cambridge someone invites you to dinner at his house the United States: area. Get a car quickly or sign a Zipcar after knowing you for two hours don’t be How do you land the job of your agreement so that you can go to Costco. surprised. It is genuine friendship. People dreams? Also beware that childcare in the United bond very fast very tightly. Aparna Chennapragada, system design States is prohibitively expensive. Three necessary sights or experi- and management fellow ’06, is a native of Wished-for advice about studying/ ences in Israel: Hyderabad, South India, who has lived in attending school in the United States: Jerusalem—the capital city of Israel. A the United States for the past nine years. Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Mylapore, Jump right in and participate in class. place with a history of thousands of years. Advice on going to work or to live Chennai, India.