JAZZ PHOTO-ARCHIVE by Dragan Tasic Information and Order: mailto:
[email protected] Name of Musician or Band Music Art Art of photograPlace Datum A Algiers Brass Band Jazz B/W Luzern 97 A Allen Gery Trio Jazz B/W Lugano 97 A Anderson's Ray Lapis Lazuli Band Jazz B/W Lug.Luz.Will 98,13,17 A Alexander Monty Jazz B/W,Color Lug.Luz.Bülach 98,0,3,4,6 A Alexander Monty Jazz Color Zh.Luz. 10,15 A Anderson's Ray Pocket Brass Band Jazz B/W Luz.Will. 99,7,9 A Allen Harry Quartet (feat, Scott Hamilton) Jazz B/W,Color Luz.Ascon 0,4,6 A Ambrosetti Franco (feat Uri Caine) Jazz B/W,Color Lug. Luz. 2,9,11,13 A Allred John Jazz B/W Luzern 2 A Al Di Meola Jazz B/W,Color Lug.Luz.Zh. 3,9,14 A Adams Ernie-dr. (Al Di Meola) Jazz Color Lugano 3 A Allen Geri-p (Charles Lloyd) Jazz B/W Lugano 3 A Ayers Roy Jazz-Funk B/W,Color Zürich 3 A Anderson Carleen Funk,Jazz B/W,Color Zürich 3 A Absolute Ansamble feat. Ristjan Järvi, Daniel Schnyder Jazz B/W,Color Stans 4 A Asbjörnsen Kristin Pop-Jazz B/W,Color Stans 4 A Anderson Clifton feat. S.Rollins Jazz Color Luzern 4 A Atlas Natacha World Color Chiasso,Luz. 4 A Anderson Fred feat Irene Schweizer Jazz Color,B/W Willisau 4 A Amparanoia World Color Stans,Lug 5 A Akchote Noel fat Big Four/Corin Curschelles FreeJazz Color Stans,Will.