Rankings Municipality of Marudo

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Rankings Municipality of Marudo 10/1/2021 Maps, analysis and statistics about the resident population Demographic balance, population and familiy trends, age classes and average age, civil status and foreigners Skip Navigation Links ITALIA / Lombardia / Province of Lodi / Marudo Powered by Page 1 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH ITALIA Municipalities Powered by Page 2 Abbadia Cerreto Stroll up beside >> L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Corno Giovine AdminstatBertonico logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH Cornovecchio Boffalora ITALIA d'Adda Corte Palasio Borghetto Crespiatica Lodigiano Fombio Borgo San Galgagnano Giovanni Graffignana Brembio Guardamiglio Casaletto Livraga Lodigiano Lodi Casalmaiocco Lodi Vecchio Casalpusterlengo Maccastorna Caselle Landi Mairago Caselle Lurani Maleo Castelgerundo Marudo Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda Massalengo Castiglione Meleti d'Adda Merlino Castiraga Montanaso Vidardo Lombardo Cavenago Mulazzano d'Adda Orio Litta Cervignano Ospedaletto d'Adda Lodigiano Codogno Ossago Comazzo Lodigiano Cornegliano Pieve Fissiraga Laudense Salerano sul Lambro San Fiorano San Martino in Strada San Rocco al Porto Sant'Angelo Lodigiano Santo Stefano Powered by Page 3 Lodigiano L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Secugnago Provinces Adminstat logo SEARCH Senna DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS BERGAMOITALIA Lodigiana BRESCIA Somaglia COMO Sordio CREMONA Tavazzano con Villavesco LECCO Terranova dei LODI Passerini MANTOVA Turano MILANO Lodigiano MONZA E Valera Fratta DELLA BRIANZA Villanova del PAVIA Sillaro SONDRIO Zelo Buon VARESE Persico Regions Abruzzo Liguria Basilicata Lombardia Calabria Marche Campania Molise Città del Piemonte Vaticano Puglia Emilia-Romagna Repubblica di Friuli-Venezia San Marino Giulia Sardegna Lazio Sicilia Toscana Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol Umbria Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste Veneto Powered by Page 4 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Municipality of Marudo Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH ITALIA Territorial extension of Municipality of MARUDO and related population density, population per gender and number of households, average age and incidence of foreigners TERRITORY DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (YEAR 2019) Region Lombardia Province Lodi Inhabitants (N.) 1,768 Sign Province LO Families (N.) 708 Hamlet of the 0 Males (%) 51.9 municipality Females (%) 48.1 Surface (Km2) 4.20 Foreigners (%) 12.0 Population density 420.7 Average age (Inhabitants/Kmq) 42.1 (years) Average annual variation +1.27 (2014/2019) MALES, FEMALES AND DEMOGRAPHIC BALANCE FOREIGNERS INCIDENCE (YEAR 2019) (YEAR 2019) Balance of nature [1], Migrat. balance Powered by Page 5 [2] ^ Balance of nature = Births - Deaths L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin ^ Migration balance = Registered - Deleted Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH ITALIA Rankings Municipality of marudo is on 962° place among 1506 municipalities in region by demographic size is on 4698° place among 7903 municipalities in ITALY by demographic size is on 7430° place among 7903 municipalities in ITALY per average age Fractions AdminStat AdminStat is designed by Urbistat. Every data are Contacts Italia constatly updated to give the best socio-economic +39 059 8395229 Demography information in territory. +39 059 8395230 Economy Address info@urbistat.com Rankings 41124 Via M. Vellani Marchi, 20 Modena, Italy P.IVA 03466110362 Copyright © 2021 - UrbiStat S.r.l. Powered by Page 6.
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