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COUNCILLOR’S PRESENT:- Cllr. D. Daniels (Chair); Cllr. E. George; Cllr. E. Jones; Cllr. W. Richards; Cllr. R. Sisto; Cllr. A. Tattersall; Cllr. P. Wilson; County Cllr. Mansel Charles and the clerk. APOLOGIES:- Cllr G. Jones.

The minutes of the meeting held at Church Hall on the 5th July 2018, were proposed as correct by Cllr. R. Sisto and seconded by Cllr. E. Jones, and duly signed by the chairperson.

DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Declaration of interest was made by County Cllr. Mansel Charles, on any planning matters that may arise in this meeting.

9/18/814 MATTERS ARISING a. 6/15/606/1 Road surface between Bronant and Capel Mair, Nantyffin – Needs a new surface. Rolling program and to be surfaced on priority base as per all other sections. Ongoing.7/18 b. 4/16/660/15 Road leading from Nantyffin up to Banc farm, Abergorlech needs major repair work – This work should be undertaken end of this Summer /early Autumn, once the landowner has resolved the discharge of surface water from carriageway. Ongoing. 7/18 c. 6/16/675 Blind dip signage near Pistyllgwyn – John McEvoy has agreed to put road signage on the road ARAF/SLOW on the Brechfa side. It has not materialised. John McEvoy has since arranged a visibility study at this location. d. 6/16/675/2 Defibrillator for Gwernogle and Abergorlech. The community council have one defibrillator and are trying to obtain another one, so that they can be fitted together. Ask Antur Teifi if they would finance defibrillator? Councillors to find out how many do we need? e. 10/16/693/8 Potholes near Mile Hill Farm, Abergorlech, need filling in – highways to inspect and fill in any pot holes. Ongoing. f. 3/17/723/3 Uneven road surface on the Mountain road from the entrance to Gwernogle road and up to the T-Junction leading to and New Inn. When this road was put down every joint has become very rough between every lorry load. The road between the joints is fine but each and every joint is really rough and full of potholes. On rolling programme, surfacing will be carried out on priority base, depending on budget availability. Ongoing. g. 4/17/729/3 Uneven tarmac surface on the road B4310 between Pistyllgwyn and Bedw fach – Potholes are monitored and filled in by the patching gang are in the area and budget allows. Ongoing. h. 10/17/759/3 Post and Rails need repairs at Abergorlech – Repairs have been started, they will continue when the gang are available. i. 11/17/765/2 Maintenance needed at all five cattle grids on the mountain –Funding will be allocated next financial year to undertake remedial works to the worst of these grids. Council stated that two grids have been cleaned out, but Llidiad CL4 Cattle grid is totally blocked with sheep walking across it. Fencing needs urgent attention at Blaenrhydgoch grid from Brechfa towards Llanllwni and also from Brechfa to New Inn. Page 2 of 4 j. 11/17/765/5 Abergorlech Toilets - Splash backs behind both hand basins have been done, the black patch in the ceiling has been painted but not repaired and the outside door to the Ladies Toilets does now close. Rhys Davies C.C.C. to report back with an update on the hole in the ceiling in the gents’ toilets. k. 12/17/771/3 Speeding traffic through Abergorlech village - The council had complaints of motor vehicles speeding through the village of Abergorlech between 7 and 8 in the morning and late afternoons between 5 and 6 pm. This has been reported to the police. Can the police arrange a speed detection gun at these times? l. 2/18/783/2 Crevice in the road B4310 near Pistyllgwyn - A crevice has appeared in the road before you get to Pistyllgwyn Abergorlech when travelling towards Brechfa from Abergorlech. It is on the left hand side on the flat piece of road before you climb up towards Pistyllgwyn. C.C.C. has inspected and will patch when the gang become available. m. 6/18/803/1 Best Kept Village sign at Abergorlech, has a rotten post – Cllr. E. George has kindly agreed to clean and paint the sign, which Russell Jones of NRW Office has agreed to erect it on a new post once it is ready. n. 7/18/809/16 Labyrinth refurbishment at Llanfihangel Rhos y Corn Church – The council agreed to supply a bench for visitors to enjoy the tranquil labyrinth, prices obtained, the bench will be ordered. o. 7/18/812/2 Ditches on the mountain cleaned out but are now very deep and dangerous- the ditches cleaned out by digger from Llidiad to the mountain and also Llanllwni, and Rhydcymerau are extremely deep, dangerously deep and if someone were to reverse into them they would not be able to get out. As the mountain suffers from bad weather such as fog, snow and ice, road users could easily find themselves stranded for hours, with no way of getting back on the road. Could C.C.C. please assess these ditches, or maybe provide signage to warn drivers? p. 7/18/812/3 Abergorlech bridge, stones damaged again – The stones on the top of the bridge have been knocked out of place again, can these be repaired again.


1. Clerks and Councils Direct Newsletter

2. 2018 Actif Sports Awards Nominations requested for athlete, coach or volunteer, 12 different categories. It was decided to nominate Dewi Griffiths, Pantdderwen.

3. J Parkers Wholesale Catalogue 2018, Bulbs.

4. Cymdeithas yr Iaith- Work to sustain the language at library 10am on 15th September.

5. Review of the electoral arrangements for the county of Carmarthenshire, draft proposals commencing on the 5th September 2018 ending on 27th November 2018. No changes to our parish at the moment.

6. St Johns Cymru- asking for financial assistance to support their cause, celebrating 100years.

7. Letter from Mari Mitchell concerning the potential mountain bike centre application number E/37080.

8. Hags play equipment leaflet.

9. C.C.C. Town and Community Councils newsletter Cllr Peter Hughes Griffiths executive board, informing the community what has happened and inviting any queries he could help with.

10. C.C.C. Local Development plan workshop in July. Page 3 of 4

11. Code of conduct training – forms to be completed to show that declarations of interest are noted in our meetings.

12. C.C.C. Revised local development 2018-2033 Sustainability appraisal and strategic environment assessment scoping report consultation.

13. C.C.C. Draft new rights of way Improvement Plan for the next 10years.

14. Carmarthenshire 50+ National Botanic Garden of Wales 14th September 2018 to help reduce lonliness and isolation, also enclosed is a copy of Carmarthenshire Community life magazine.

15. A letter was received from Dilwyn Williams thanking the council for their sympathy card and kind wishes.

16. Letter from Carmarthenshire YFC, Mrs Mared Williams County Chairman asking for financial support. It was decided to donate £100 to this cause.

17. GDPR privacy and cookie policy, this was discussed and agreed upon, this will now be put on the council’s website, as it is legally needed.

18. Nat West Bank informing us of the changes to foreign currency payments.

19. C.C.C. Consultation on draft supplementary planning guidance wind and solar energy. Draft SPG available to view on-line and in paper format at Carmarthen office. Consultation period ends 5-10- 18.

20. Letter from House of commons regarding the BIG NHS Change, and their response.

21. Cambrian Mountains telephoned and emailed to ask if the council would reconsider supporting their map by paying £50 (reduced from £75) for a write up on the parish on the map that they were producing. It was decided to decline.

22. Email from Yvonne Evans clerk to Marloes and St.Brides Community Council (pembs) expressing their concerns regarding the Rave at Nantyffin. They explained that they had had three raves in four years, and stated that now everyone is vigilant and phone the police if they see any suspicious vehicles, vans etc. They also sent a copy of the letter which they sent to the police commissioner.

23. NHS Wales Welsh Health Specialized services committee, Thoracic surgery review project, recommendation to locate a single centre at Morriston Hospital, Swansea. Questionnaire asking if Morriston would be acceptable.

24. Official opening of the Brechfa Forest Wind Farm on the 23-8-18.

25. Plastic bench leaflets and price lists, ready for the council to order one for Llanfihangel Rhos y Corn Church near the labyrinth.

26. Russell Jones NRW asking if someone could paint the sign before they put it back up on a new pole at Abergorlech. Cllr. Eirian George volunteered to undertake this work.

27. Eglwys St Teilo Brechfa, asking for financial assistance to help pay for the new fence near the river opposite the Hall at Brechfa, to ensure the safety of the public.

28. Letter from Roger Nock focal minister explaining the need to have a new fence near the river at Brechfa opposite the hall to stop any children from slipping into the water. It was decided to donate £150. Page 4 of 4 9/18/816 PLANNING – E/37573 First floor extension with some internal alterations and renovations of our buildings at Llettyderyn Brechfa, Carmarthen SA32 7RH by Daryl Lanchester. No objections.

9/18/817 FINANCE – These items were passed for payment: 1. Invoice from With Hindsite for uploading minutes and creating the GDPR policy for us to change to suit the councils needs which is mandatory. £50.00 2. C.C.C. Precept received 29/8/18 £2500.00 3. Mrs Isabelle Phillips cleaner of Brechfa Bus Stop £65.00. 4. Mrs Lynda Davies Salary for clerk for the last three months £690.00. 5. Carmarthenshire Y.F.C. donation £100.00. 6. St Teilo Church donation fence £150.00. 7. Invoice from Ian Phillips for cutting the pathway near the chapel Gwernogle £30.00.

Current Account- £14,984.79 Deposit Account - £1999.62 Deposit Account 2 - £305.98


1. The Community Councils Annual Christmas Dinner will be on the 7th of December 2018, suggestions of venues were given Black Lion Abergorlech, Forest Arms Brechfa or The Plough Inn Felingwm. Clerk to obtain menus before next meeting. 2. It was noted that joy riders are speeding on the mountain road up to the T junction. 3. The council agreed that the Tour of Britain that went through Carmarthenshire was a great success and residents were very involved in welcoming the race, with banners, paintings, YouTube video, etc. The council would like to express how successful it was and how organised it seemed. 4. Complaints were received about Land Rovers and other 4X4’s travelling up passed Ty Mawr, Abergorlech and then gaining access to the by-road into the forestry. Noted 5. The council was informed that between the 19th and 27th October 2018, military training of soldiers will take place and they are being dropped off in the Brechfa Area. Land owners affected have been asked to fill in forms. They will only be in the area for 48hours maximum. 6. Track which leads to Brynmarlais, Brechfa is being eroded by water, trees need cutting back as there is a footpath and cycle road, ask for Stuart Quick and Sion Lewis to inspect it with Cllr Dilwyn Daniels.

9/18/819 DATE AND VENUE OF NEXT MEETING The date of the next monthly meeting will be on Thursday 4th October 2018 at Gwernogle Chapel Vestry at 8.00pm

The Chair declared the meeting closed at 10.20pm.