One Dead in Wake of Mixup
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*E£? IHE EVANSVILLE ARGUS HOME OPERATED ritf "3*" VOL. 1—NO. 14 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 3r\© PRICE 5 CENTS s ? , u^ . ————^^——————— Negroes Ordered Out Of Maryland Town NEW COURSES BEING OFFERED AT LINCOLN Course Consists Ohio Valley Board Correction ! ! Pioneer Citizen Speaks at Cleaves Closes Big Meeting AGAIN ASK CLEMENCY Of 16 Study Units Sessions Held At St. James Passes Away Baptist Church ONE DEAD WASHINGTON, D. Cv—When IN SCOTTSBORO CASE Mrs. Hattie Dangferfield, 416 the boys and girls of Evansville, Mulberry Street, pioneer citizen Indiana, returned to their desks The Ohio Valley District Board of Evansville, passed away at in Lincoln High School on Mon of the Mt. Olive State Associa MONTGOMERY, Ala., Sept. Norris. However, -Gov. Graves, her home 7:05 a.m. Monday ater day September 12, they found in tion convened its first meeting (ANP)—Attorney General A. A. who is in Washington, will prob seven months of prolonged ill Carmichael was requested Friday ably set the date as is his cus the school's curriculum a new with the St. James , Baptist ness. IN WAKE by Morris Shapiro, Scottsboro tom. supplementary course of study— Church last week, Sept. 15-16 •born to the large Bumphers Defense committee counsel, to set Gov. Graves who may accept family oi Princeton, Ky., she public housing. and expedited its business of the a date for hearing pardon appli or reject board recommendation, spent her childhood days there The new course deals with Lin district Association. Rev. V. L. cations on behalf of Andy Wright, has not acted on the Powell and coln Gardens, the slum-clearance Charlie Weems and Clarence Patterson cases. and came to Evansville when she McFarland was elected president was around 18 years of age. Here and low-rent rehousing project of of the S. S. Department. Sister the United States Housing Au she met and married FranK JJan- OF MIXUP M. E. Cole elected president of thority, of which Nathan Straus gerneld, and the happy couple of the S. S. Department. Sister enjoyed forty odd yeais of mar is Administrator, located directly elder Brooks was elected presi Prince A Relief Client In Chicago Say Policeman Was across the street from the high Leases Clothing Department and ital oiiss. There were no children. dent of B.Y.P.U. Department, and Mrs. Dangerfield was a mem school. Consisting of 16 study Not Appointed Manager CHICAGO — (ANP) — Less other officers of the departments on Bis son, Prince Adebayo. ber of Liberty .baptist Church of Insulted By One units, the course is offered first were elected. The next board than six years ago Prince Ade- Today, here in Chicago, Prince to students in the eighth grade Henry Day, clothing merchant tne city, a member of the meeting will convene Mar. 23-24, bayo Olawumi was tendered all Adebayo, 45 years old, pauperiz ux-cjtr XIXJ-..^, i»xu.—unempioj and extends through the eleventh. for 20 years in Evansville, has the homag% due his exalted sta ed, a relief client and suffering Mother's Board for many years. 1939 at East View Baptist bu v^wiuxeu L>ei'»Oiia wexe \v<*xiu3l • Hst only is the course some leased the Clothing department tion as Crown Prince of the Yo- from severe attacks of asthma, She was active in fraternal cir Church, Rev. G. W. Cole, pastor. iyxOiiUa,y i..b..t wj ^.MJVI iJuiUi v.J thing entirely new to the Lin of the VOGUE, 213 Main St. from ruba tribe of 18 million people in lives in his humble Giles avenue, cles and was beloved as "Mother The district Association will con Northern Nigeria. His aged fa Dr. J. M. Reed, head of the xsyra to get. out ox tuwu as tij coln High School students but, Chambers and Laswell, the own home, with his wife and three Dangerfield." xcauit oi a u^iuiuay night t* vene with Mt. Zion Baptist ther King Ademola II, over 100 children—Lodita, five months old; Keiatives from out of the city Bureau of Evangelism of the according to an Indiana Univer ers, and will feature Churchhill xiot in wnn." uuc 1.0101U1 pen Church the first week in May, years old, ruled the natives of 18 Romessa, 2 years old and Ayoe, attending funeral were: Mrs. C. M. E. Church will start a was xulleu, aiiotner wounded a;i sity professor, it may possibly Suits and Topcoats. Chambers provinces, but, growing daily 3 years old, the latter destined become an innovation in the cur 1939. Rev. G. E. Johnson, pastor. Frankie Campbell, Kirkwood, Mo. series of revival meetings at the twenty-one arrested, The district board of last week and Laswell, proprietors of the more infirm, was expected soon to be the future ruler of North Cleaves Memorial Church Sun xvnuiig itouseu uroup ricula of public schools through to place the mantle of leadership ern Nigeria. niece; Mrs. Lizzie Hale, St. Louis, was a success. Rev. W. M. Moore, VOGUE will continue to sell high ivio., niece; Mr. Annanias Morris, day. jcoxice Ciuex W. xthodes Refll out the country. grade furnishings and hats for Designed to inculcate the prin the pastor and his people served Indianapolis, Indiana; nephew; who said he was forced to iimL the board well and good, and men and young men. Mr. Howard J. Dangerfield, In on Fram\ .tsisnop, la, alter a ciples of better living and to Noted Educator and Scholar good preaching day and night. The dianapolis, Indiana; brother to group ox Negroes insulted a po teach resident students and Kidnap Case Victim Gets $500.00 Will speak at Cleaves Sunday. lice officer, was exonerated in board is expecting each church deceased's husband. Many rela others the fullest use of the Revival Meetings To Last nis death by a coroners jury. of the district to be represented tives from Mt. Vernon, Indiana Government-financed project, the DALLAS.—(ANP)—One of the Mayor Byrd announced: in March 1939 and May. Move To Save thriller. A former chauffeur for were also in attendance, Other For 15 or 20 Days course was worked out by Chas, most sensational kidnap cases the Newtons, Ricketts was ac "We have secured the coopera Rochelle, Lincoln teacher, in ever unearthed .in Texas was set surviving relatives are: Mr. Will Dr. J. M. Reed of Little Rock, tion of Worcester County authori cused by Mrs. Newton of having ^un^mers, J^hicago,. M; and .'.Mr% -1 operation with Ralph Irons, Rev. G. E. Johnson, Modera tled here last Saturday, whe»:ia Arkansas, will''conduct a series ties and axe pT^armg.JB^ffih^-tei " Swain knowledge of an expensive jade 'flaahah--Morrow, KirKwood, Mo. take ah official census of all Mi*$£| superintendent of" schools; Harold tor; Rev. J. F. Dixon, District the Civil District court of Judge ring stolen ft^air Mmraw? of revival "meetings at the Thornton, Mickey Ricketts, Ne Gaineis Funeral , Home had gro residents in Snow Hill and Spears, director of research and Missionary; Rev. D. C. Weaver, valued at several thousand dol Cleaves Memorial C.M.E. Church, secondary education; and William Corresponding Sec'y. Attorneys for James E. Swain, gro kidnap victim, was handed a charge of body, and burial was vicinity. Those that we find are lars. When he denied the charge Mulberry and Line streets, start not employed in Snow Hill will E. Best, principal of Lincoln 20, Negro sentenced to die for check for $500 in settlement of at Oak Hill Cemetery. his $51,000 suit against Dr. and he said he was bound and gagged ing Sunday September 25 and be given a choice of going to the High School. the robbery-murder of Christ Mrs. F. .H. Newton, his alleged by the couple and taken to the lasting for probably fifteen or House of Correction on vagrancy In the eighth grade, subjects Bredenkamp, grocer, yesterday wealthy white kidnapers. attic of the house where he was twenty days. Dr. Reed has con charges or of getting out of town in the course include the study took a new step to sawe the youth and its vicinity at once. Circumstances surrounding the tortured in an effort to make him Local Gardens' Custodians ducted revival meetings for vari of the history of the housing Call National from the electric chair. case read like a page from a Pulp confess. "If necessary we will take most program, the administration of They filed with the state su Praised for Fine Work ous churches in the C.M.E. dis of them to the Virginia line from the Lincoln Gardens project, Daptist Board preme court anj appeal from a tricts in the U. S. and the Do where most of them came." learning to live at home, and habeas corpus action in LaPorte Occupants of Apartments Well minion of Canada. He is a scholar About 900 colored workers community relationships. circuit court which Swain lost. Children Play With Matches, 3 Dead Pleased With Service of renowned note and a great come to this Eastern Shore town Ninth grade subjects in the CHICAGO, (ANP)—Dr. L. K. orator. every year for the potato and Williams, president of the Na Yesterday's actioni is the sec canning seasons. The canneries course include the study of health ond now pending in the supreme LOS ANGELES.—(ANP)—The match was thrown on bed covers Revival Meetings to be Different tional Baptist Convention, Inc., The occupants of the Lincoln closed last week, they said. recreation, home management, announced this week that a call court in Swain's behalf. The unheeded precaution, "Don't play into a clothes closet.