ritf "3*" VOL. 1—NO. 14 EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 3r\© PRICE 5 CENTS s ? , u^ . ————^^——————— Negroes Ordered Out Of Maryland Town NEW COURSES BEING OFFERED AT LINCOLN Course Consists Ohio Valley Board Correction ! ! Pioneer Citizen Speaks at Cleaves Closes Big Meeting AGAIN ASK CLEMENCY Of 16 Study Units Sessions Held At St. James Passes Away Baptist Church ONE DEAD WASHINGTON, D. Cv—When IN SCOTTSBORO CASE Mrs. Hattie Dangferfield, 416 the boys and girls of Evansville, Mulberry Street, pioneer citizen Indiana, returned to their desks The Ohio Valley District Board of Evansville, passed away at in Lincoln High School on Mon­ of the Mt. Olive State Associa­ MONTGOMERY, Ala., Sept. Norris. However, -Gov. Graves, her home 7:05 a.m. Monday ater day September 12, they found in tion convened its first meeting (ANP)—Attorney General A. A. who is in Washington, will prob­ seven months of prolonged ­ Carmichael was requested Friday ably set the date as is his cus­ the school's curriculum a new with the St. James , Baptist ness. IN WAKE by Morris Shapiro, Scottsboro tom. supplementary course of study— Church last week, Sept. 15-16 •born to the large Bumphers Defense committee counsel, to set Gov. Graves who may accept family oi Princeton, Ky., she public housing. and expedited its business of the a date for hearing pardon appli­ or reject board recommendation, spent her childhood days there The new course deals with Lin­ district Association. Rev. V. L. cations on behalf of Andy Wright, has not acted on the Powell and coln Gardens, the slum-clearance Charlie Weems and Clarence Patterson cases. and came to Evansville when she McFarland was elected president was around 18 years of age. Here and low-rent rehousing project of of the S. S. Department. Sister the United States Housing Au­ she met and married FranK JJan- OF MIXUP M. E. Cole elected president of thority, of which Nathan Straus gerneld, and the happy couple of the S. S. Department. Sister enjoyed forty odd yeais of mar­ is Administrator, located directly elder Brooks was elected presi­ Prince A Relief Client In Chicago Say Policeman Was across the street from the high Leases Clothing Department and ital oiiss. There were no children. dent of B.Y.P.U. Department, and Mrs. Dangerfield was a mem­ school. Consisting of 16 study Not Appointed Manager CHICAGO — (ANP) — Less other officers of the departments on Bis son, Prince Adebayo. ber of Liberty .baptist Church of Insulted By One units, the course is offered first were elected. The next board than six years ago Prince Ade- Today, here in Chicago, Prince to students in the eighth grade Henry Day, clothing merchant tne city, a member of the meeting will convene Mar. 23-24, bayo Olawumi was tendered all Adebayo, 45 years old, pauperiz­ ux-cjtr XIXJ-..^, i»xu.—unempioj and extends through the eleventh. for 20 years in Evansville, has the homag% due his exalted sta­ ed, a relief client and suffering Mother's Board for many years. 1939 at East View Baptist bu v^wiuxeu L>ei'»Oiia wexe \v<*xiu3l • Hst only is the course some­ leased the Clothing department tion as Crown Prince of the Yo- from severe attacks of asthma, She was active in fraternal cir­ Church, Rev. G. W. Cole, pastor. iyxOiiUa,y i..b..t wj ^.MJVI iJuiUi v.J thing entirely new to the Lin­ of the VOGUE, 213 St. from ruba tribe of 18 million people in lives in his humble Giles avenue, cles and was beloved as "Mother The district Association will con­ Northern Nigeria. His aged fa­ Dr. J. M. Reed, head of the xsyra to get. out ox tuwu as tij coln High School students but, Chambers and Laswell, the own­ home, with his wife and three Dangerfield." xcauit oi a u^iuiuay night t* vene with Mt. Zion Baptist ther King Ademola II, over 100 children—Lodita, five months old; Keiatives from out of the city Bureau of Evangelism of the according to an Indiana Univer­ ers, and will feature Churchhill xiot in wnn." uuc 1.0101U1 pen Church the first week in May, years old, ruled the natives of 18 Romessa, 2 years old and Ayoe, attending funeral were: Mrs. C. M. E. Church will start a was xulleu, aiiotner wounded a;i sity professor, it may possibly Suits and Topcoats. Chambers provinces, but, growing daily 3 years old, the latter destined become an innovation in the cur­ 1939. Rev. G. E. Johnson, pastor. Frankie Campbell, Kirkwood, Mo. series of revival meetings at the twenty-one arrested, The district board of last week and Laswell, proprietors of the more infirm, was expected soon to be the future ruler of North­ Cleaves Memorial Church Sun­ xvnuiig itouseu uroup ricula of public schools through­ to place the mantle of leadership ern Nigeria. niece; Mrs. Lizzie Hale, St. Louis, was a success. Rev. W. M. Moore, VOGUE will continue to sell high ivio., niece; Mr. Annanias Morris, day. jcoxice Ciuex W. xthodes Refll out the country. grade furnishings and hats for Designed to inculcate the prin­ the pastor and his people served Indianapolis, Indiana; nephew; who said he was forced to iimL the board well and good, and men and young men. Mr. Howard J. Dangerfield, In­ on Fram\ .tsisnop, la, alter a ciples of better living and to Noted Educator and Scholar good preaching day and night. The dianapolis, Indiana; brother to group ox Negroes insulted a po­ teach resident students and Kidnap Case Victim Gets $500.00 Will speak at Cleaves Sunday. lice officer, was exonerated in board is expecting each church deceased's husband. Many rela­ others the fullest use of the Revival Meetings To Last nis death by a coroners jury. of the district to be represented tives from Mt. Vernon, Indiana Government-financed project, the DALLAS.—(ANP)—One of the Mayor Byrd announced: in March 1939 and May. Move To Save thriller. A former chauffeur for were also in attendance, Other For 15 or 20 Days course was worked out by Chas, most sensational kidnap cases the Newtons, Ricketts was ac­ "We have secured the coopera­ Rochelle, Lincoln teacher, in ever unearthed .in Texas was set­ surviving relatives are: Mr. Will Dr. J. M. Reed of Little Rock, tion of Worcester County authori­ cused by Mrs. Newton of having ^un^mers, J^hicago,. M; and .'.Mr% -1 operation with Ralph Irons, Rev. G. E. Johnson, Modera­ tled here last Saturday, whe»:ia Arkansas, will''conduct a series ties and axe pT^armg.JB^ffih^-tei " Swain knowledge of an expensive jade 'flaahah--Morrow, KirKwood, Mo. take ah official census of all Mi*$£| superintendent of" schools; Harold tor; Rev. J. F. Dixon, District the Civil District court of Judge ring stolen ft^air Mmraw? of revival "meetings at the Thornton, Mickey Ricketts, Ne­ Gaineis Funeral , Home had gro residents in Snow Hill and Spears, director of research and Missionary; Rev. D. C. Weaver, valued at several thousand dol­ Cleaves Memorial C.M.E. Church, secondary education; and William Corresponding Sec'y. Attorneys for James E. Swain, gro kidnap victim, was handed a charge of body, and burial was vicinity. Those that we find are lars. When he denied the charge Mulberry and Line streets, start­ not employed in Snow Hill will E. Best, principal of Lincoln 20, Negro sentenced to die for check for $500 in settlement of at Oak Hill Cemetery. his $51,000 suit against Dr. and he said he was bound and gagged ing Sunday September 25 and be given a choice of going to the High School. the robbery-murder of Christ Mrs. F. .H. Newton, his alleged by the couple and taken to the lasting for probably fifteen or House of Correction on vagrancy In the eighth grade, subjects Bredenkamp, grocer, yesterday wealthy white kidnapers. attic of the house where he was twenty days. Dr. Reed has con­ charges or of getting out of town in the course include the study took a new step to sawe the youth and its vicinity at once. Circumstances surrounding the tortured in an effort to make him Local Gardens' Custodians ducted revival meetings for vari­ of the history of the housing Call National from the electric chair. case read like a page from a Pulp confess. "If necessary we will take most program, the administration of They filed with the state su­ Praised for Fine Work ous churches in the C.M.E. dis­ of them to the Virginia line from the Lincoln Gardens project, Daptist Board preme court anj appeal from a tricts in the U. S. and the Do­ where most of them came." learning to live at home, and habeas corpus action in LaPorte Occupants of Apartments Well minion of Canada. He is a scholar About 900 colored workers community relationships. circuit court which Swain lost. Children Play With Matches, 3 Dead Pleased With Service of renowned note and a great come to this Eastern Shore town Ninth grade subjects in the CHICAGO, (ANP)—Dr. L. K. orator. every year for the potato and Williams, president of the Na­ Yesterday's actioni is the sec­ canning seasons. The canneries course include the study of health ond now pending in the supreme LOS ANGELES.—(ANP)—The match was thrown on bed covers Revival Meetings to be Different tional Baptist Convention, Inc., The occupants of the Lincoln closed last week, they said. recreation, home management, announced this week that a call court in Swain's behalf. The unheeded precaution, "Don't play into a clothes closet. All doors According to Mr. George W. Gardens represented by a com­ and home mechanics. Tenth grade session of the board of directors other is an application for an or­ with matches," caused by suffo­ were locked when the mother, Brown, superintendent of the cation death of three baby sis­ mittee of several persons inspect­ Students will be taught how to of the convention is to be held in der restraining Warden Alfred Mrs. Ivory Bereal, left the house Sunday School Department of Negro Chosen As ters Tuesday night when a fire to shop at a neighborhood store. ed several of the apartments last refinish furniture for the home. Memphis, Nov. 3. This call ses­ Dowd from carrying out the Cleaves, these meetings as con­ sion coming almost on the heels was started in their home. The week and made the following And in the eleventh grade, bud­ death sentence. A hearing on Another sister, Helen, 5, escap­ ducted by Dr. Reed will be a bit •Jury Commissioner geting and accounting will be of the convention proper has a dead are: Betty Jean Bereal, 4; report: "The apartments are very this application has been set for Gloria, 2 and Vivian, 1. The fire ed death when she went to the different from the regular meet­ NEW ORLEANS, Sept. —(AN taught. number of important matters to clean, sanitary and well kept and work out which were referred to Monday. was started 'when an ignited front of the house. ings, as he will conduct a forum P)— The Louisiana Jury com­ The class in vocational home much credit goes to the members mission has selected Professor it by the convention proper. where the people will have a management is expected to be one of the custodial staff." The mem­ Alvin H. Jones of Xavier univer­ chance to interchange ideas in of the most important units in bers of the custodial staff are: sity to act as a jury commission­ Drum and Bugle Corps regards to the different world the new course. In this class will Doctor Tries for Coroner Nomination HarryHastie—head custodian and er, which marks the first time problems facing the youths as such an honor has been given to be taught efficient management Make Sweeping Drive Returns From Rockport Cecil Anglin, Arthur Watson and well as elders of the church. Rev. a Negro since the Reconstruction of the apartment unit, orderliness DETROIT, Mich.—(ANP)— Dr. Anthony Bennett. Dr. Raymond On Illicit Medicine J. W. Appleby, the pastor, is ex­ period when Negroes held the and cleanliness, skill in the per­ Participated in Emancipation Notice!! Notice!! Birch J. Hamilton, *-a local physi­ King is the housing manager of tending an invitation to the gen­ balance of power in voting. formance of home duties, proper NEW ORLEANS, (By Leon Celebration Thursday cian, who is also an attorney, is the Gardens. The apartments are seeking the Republican nomina­ eral public to be present to hear This distinction has been at­ understanding of the purchase of Lewis for ANP)—It has recently rapidly filling up and are expect­ tributed to the splendid record furnishings, and creation of an come to light, through the sched­ The Drum and Bugle Corps of The West Kentucky Annual tion for the post of coroner of this speaker. Wayne County. ed to be full by October 1. of Negroes on the federal juries, attitude of co-operation in the uled trial of A. Rockford Lewis the American Legion left the Conference of the First Episcopal the excellent recommendation of use of joint facilities, such as in the criminal district court of District will meet in Hopkins­ Dr. W;ayne said that he felt Lawns Are Very Beautiful city Thursday morning with a his dual training in law and medi­ are progressing at top speed and Judge Charbonnett, and the very laundries and recreation rooms, Orleans Parish, before Judge ville, Ky., which embraces the fine record Professor Jones made George B. Piatt, that through large number of followers to cine eminently qualified him for is progressing at top speed and in the project. motor to* Rockport, where they second Sunday in November. It the post to which he aspires. He Appoints Woman when he served on the state • Commenting upon the course the efforts of Cassius L. Clay, will soon be complete. Some of juries in May, 1937, as the first chief chemist and analyst of the took part in an Emancipation was stated in last week's ARGUS has practiced in Detroit for 23 of study, Mr. Irons said: that the conference would meet years. the lawns that were sown early Negro to hold such a position state board of health, Negroes in Celebration held in that citjy. in the summer are beginning to since 1886. • "We hope through these units the state have been mulcted of in Paducah. My mistake. Hi School Ass't Drum and Bugle Corps repre­ show evidence of growing and Professor Jones is a graduate Which teach proper health, safety, thousands of dollars. senting posts of different Amer­ —G. W. Brown, reporter. form a very beautiful spectacle. CLEVELAND, O. (ANP)—Con­ of Xavier and Wharton univer­ budgeting and family relations ican Legions all over the state CM-Ohurch In methods, residents can get the It is shown that the general Fences Torn Down; Paving tinuing the remarkable record of sities. He is considered an au­ colored population, and a great were present. Miss Mary Fer­ the Cleveland Board of Education thority on economics and is a most from the use of the new Started. which has appointed two colored apartments." part of rural white people in gurson, the leader of the local member of the American Associ­ Louisiana, are unrestricted con­ corps of the Otis Stone Post was Colored Firemen Annual Session The fences that have been in women principals already this ation of Economics. • In the opinion of Prof. Otto T. sumers of medicines improperly front of the Gardens for the pro­ year, .making three in service in Hamilton, of Indiana University, attired in a very* beautiful cos­ KANSAS CITY, Mo. —(ANP) the Cleveland schools, Mrs. Myr­ labelled, unregistered, and in tume as well as members of the In New York Show tection of the citizens, have been the course "should prove to be general terms "fake". Roots, —Announcement of the schedules torn down and the paving of the tle Johnson Bell has been named Soldiers Stand Guard corps. NEW YORK, (ANP)—When of the forty annual conferences assistant principal. a valuable addition to the cor- herbs, dust, rocks, supposedly curb and walks has been started. rxcular experience of the pupils." good for innumerable things find Orators Present vthe spectacular presentation of of the Colored Methodist Episco­ Mrs. Bell will serve at Central As Prisoner "Gets Life After the course was drawn up a ready market not only for the the New York Fire Department pal Church was made public here High School, the institution which UNION CITY, Tenn., Sept. (A Orators from all sections of the "The Midnight Alarm" was of­ Thursday through Rev. C. E. most of the city's colored stu­ NP)—While 65 national guards­ it was submitted to Prof. Hamil­ "voodoo" worshipers but for the country delivered soul stirring unsuspecting public as well. fered the public at Madison Chapman, General Secretary of dents attend. Her duties will con­ men stood by to prevent mob ton for review and approval. speeches and gave graphic re­ Square Garden last week, five the Department of Public Rela­ Central W. Va. Family sist primarily of acting as Dean violence, an Obion county jury J - "So far as I know this is the views of the progress made by colored fire fighters were very tions. of Girls at Central high. The deliberated 44 minutes and therj first attempt to tie the work of much in evidence and received Initiates Homecoming principal is a man and white. sentenced James Stevenson, 21 any subjects of this course, ac­ the race since the emancipation All of the nine Episcopal dis­ local schools up with these Fede­ was signed. After the speeches thunderous applause for their de­ tricts schedules, except the third Mrs. Bell received her first of Fulton, Ky., to life imprison] cording to Principal Best. "They monstration. presided over by Bishop J. C. Leaders From Many Sections Of teaching experience at Tuskegee ment for slaying Willie E. Luns* ral Housing projects by intro­ by the various leaders of the The United States Attend ducing such functional units of are to be given," he asserts, "as Included in the list were Lowe- Martin, have been arranged. institute and took her master's ford, white taxi driver. The trial living experiences to enrich the race, a large table was prepar­ degree at Western Reserve. was concluded Saturday. study into the local school work," ed for the many hundreds of ry, Williams, Alderson, Taylor FAYETTEBILLE, West Va., lives of the pupils and adults liv­ and Grey. Williams is not to be Prof. Hamilton asserted. "This people present. NOTICE Sept. (ANP)—The closing days certainly is making use of life ing in the Lincoln Gardens and confused with Battalion Chief ftf last,.month saw Negro citizens to give information and develop First Vice Commander of Legion Wesley Williams. The Neisner Shoe Repair Shop, situations in the school curricu­ located in the basement of the of central West Virginia, for the an appreciation- for this project In California first time in their history,, stage lum. In my opinion Lincoln Neisner Bros.^ Inc. Store at 417 NOTICE High School and the colored peo­ to members of our group living Dr. A. H. Wilson, the first vice a huge home-coming rally on the in this community." commander of Otis Stone Post, "Life Goes On" Star Main street, is announcing a outskirts of this city. The McGuf- ple who are served by it have an special on all shoe repair jobs fy Club of Fayetteville—David IF IT IS YOUR DESIRE TO AID THIS NEWSPAPER unusual opportunity to contribute Lincoln Gardens, a $927,000 is now attending the National W. Turner, President—through Convention of the American Sues For Divorce for the week—You may receive a- worthwhile service to the city project, was opened for occu­ a 10c can of Colorshine Shoe its civic department sponsored AND MAKE IT THRIVE AND AT THE SAME TIME and to the entire 'Better Housing Legion which is now in session in LOS ANGELES, (ANP)—After the affair, with the assistance of pancy on July 1, by order of Na­ Polish free with every shoe re­ Movement' in these United States." Los Angeles, California. Dr. Wil­ several attempted reconciliations, Eva Rotan Turner, Secretary and MAKE IT STRONG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU AS than Straus, Administrator of pair job amounting to 27c. At Ballard Shelton, president of the --No examinations are given in the United States Housing Au­ son is a state delegate and is ex­ Mra. Artie Brandon, one of the IT SHOULD THEN IT IS A VITAL NECESSITY } pected to return to the city Oc­ most beautiful young socialites Neisner you can get your shoes Citizens' Club. The planning thority. Replacing one of Evans- and actresses in the city, filed half soled for only 27c. Every board sought to bring together NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! ! ville's worst slum areas, it pro­ tober 3. While in Los Angeles, THAT YOU SHOULD PATRONIZE THOSE WHO! suit for divorce against her hus­ sole is sewed on. the families and frieads of the iThe New Telephone Number vides decent living quarters for he is the house guest of relatives. families in Fayetteville, for West band Edward Brandon, charging 5 points that feature Neisner's YOU SEE ADVERTISING IN THIS NEWSPAPI Of The 191 low-income families. The pro­ cruelty and incompatibility. Virginia's most unique meeting EVANSVILLE ARGUS ject is under the management of The N.A.A.C.P. Will Hold Its Mrs. Brandon played the part service:—1. Quality Workman­ of family clans. EVERY WEEK. MENTION THAT YOU SAW Is 3-2955 Dr. Raymond King, who is a Regular Meeting at the Com­ of the childhood sweetheart of ship. 2^—New Low Prices. 3— Dignitaries from many sections Please Don't Call 2-9072 member of the field staff of the munity Center, 5th and Cherry Reginald Fenderson in Louise Satisfaction Guaranteed. 4—Free of .'Hie United States were in at- AD IN THIS PAPER, I tendance at the Rotan-Turner Anymore United States Housing Authority Streets—Sunday September 25 Beaver's all-colored cast picture Delivery Service. 5—Free Gift. 1 in Washington. At 5 P.M. "Life Goes On". affair.

\ > r

PAGE TWO THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 Phillip Nash to Lead TRY The Merchants listed on this page and in this paper appreciate i Tuskegee-Wilberforce Game Body From Here your patronage - Pay them a visit - Tell them you saw it in TUSKEGEE, — Coach Abbott has begun to eye the Wilber- force-Tuskegee annual football game, which will be played at THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS Soldier Field, Chicago, Friday night, October 14, and is also building his attack with this 'The Home of Good Cooking" game uppermost in his mind. The Wilberforce -Tuskegee encounter Klan Fails to Halt has already begun to attract Expect To Fireman Tells of Ride With Casey Jones Special Fish Dinners nation-wide interest. Captain Al- vin J. Neely, Chairman of the Fla. Negro Vote Friday & Saturday Tuskegee Institute Athletic Com­ KOCH 'S STARKE, Fla., (ANP)—Al­ Homogenized-Pasteurized mittee, received during the past Earn Berths At Monument Fund Dinner For Rail Hero though they had been warned by week messages from Tuskegee. Klansmen to stay home, several Stubblefield's Clubs located in Los Angeles, CHICAGO, (ANP)— Exactly Negroes disregarded intimidation Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, half of the Big Ten's football and voted anyway in this town's 425 Walnut Street MILK Houston, Atlanta, Birmingham, Sim Webb Rode Beside You can Taste the Difference teams have colored aspirants for municipal election held Tuesday. New Orleans, Montgomery, varsity positions, a survey by Cleveland, Detroit, Jacksonville, News At A Glance! Engineer The night before the election, Sandwiches, Plate Lunches Milk in Its Most Delicious the Associated Negro Press dis­ several automobiles filled with Drinks Digestible Form and Washington, D. C, stating closes. The five institutions are men robed in Ku Klux Klan re­ that these clubs would support CAYCE, Ky. — They're going Northwestern, Chicago, Iowa, In­ (By Albert G. Barnett for ANP) NINA MAE SIGNED galia circled the colored section, the game and would send their diana and Minnesota. to build a monument here to leaving behind several notes say­ KOCH DAIRY CO. usual large delegation to Chicago PASTOR WINS BACK PAY LOS ANGELES,— Following "Casey Jones." In this small ing: "All Negroes take warning. Indiana U. town in Southwestern Kentucky Stay out of Bradford county NOTICE! PHONE 2-4191 for the Classic. BIRMINGHAM,— Climaxing her arrival here last week, Nina Indiana has the largest num­ the long and bitter feud at Beth­ Mae McKinney, star of the stage the almost legendary herq of politics or take the consequences. Cleaned & Pressed Dated Milk for Your Protection Headquarter reservations have ber of candidates, witft three out el Baptist church, Pastor Rev. M. and screen was signed by Harry the railroad ballad, born John This is a white election." The been made for Phillip, Nash, who to make Bo MeMillin's team. The Sears was advised Monday by M. Popkin, executive producer, Luther Jones, obtained his first demonstrators burned two cros­ SUITS and KOCH'S leads the group from St. Louis. player most likely to win his let­ Judge Robert J. Wheeler of Ala­ Million Dollar Studios, to appear job as telegrapher's^ helper. ses. Plain DRESSES ter is Archie Haggie Harris Jr., bama Circuit Court, to resign his in all-Negro, Class-A pictures. He got his nickname from Sixty Negroes registered for of Ocean City N. J., a 19 yeSr pastorate when he had been paid "Gang-Smashers," has been an­ Cayce, but they spelled it the election, largest ever to be­ Sehool Health Thru "SHOE HEALTH" old sophomore who stands six his back salary, amounting to nounced as her first film under "Casey." come eligible to vote in this Lowest Prices — Quality Work — Guaranteed Satisfaction feet three inches and weighs 207 $169.25. The minister also won the contract. The song "Casey Jones" is re­ town. They were among the total pds. He is expected to see plenty exoneration of former trustees vered by all railroad men and of 725 qualified to vote. 39 of service at end and is unusual­ charges against nun and an in­ its familiar strains have endur­ Deli­ £ Ser­ C & H SHOE SHOP ly fine pass receiver as well as junction prohibiting him from ed since the turn of the century. OPEN DADLY 413 LINCOLN AVENUE a speedy and deceptive runner. holding services was removed by To pay tribute to "the brave On Parole Board very vice 6 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SUNDAY TILL NOON He is currently suffering from a pulled tendon and may miss the Judge Wheeler. Pastor Is engineer who died with his hand 45 opening game against Ohio State # * * s« on the throttle," nearly 700 per­ BOSTON, Mass.— (ANP) — Cash and Carry Stores Oct. 1. SUES LOUIS FOR $200,000 sons gathered recently at Cayce Governor Hurley announced last CHICAGO,—Another echo of for a dinner at which $200 was week the appointment of William Another sophomore candidate raised toward 4he memorial. H. S. Dabney to membership SPOTLESS is Graham Martin of Indianapo­ the $200,000 slander suit against Robbed And upon the Massachusetts Board of A Casey Jones Memorial Com­ lis. Martin is 19, six feet tall Champion Joe Louis and co-man­ Pardons and Paroles. Mr. Dab­ and weighs 193. Although he is agers, Julian Black and John Rox­ mittee was chosen, and a for­ CLEANERS mer co-worker of the engineer ney is a graduate of Boston 1029 Main, 1300 Stringtown Rd. admittedly a good tackle pro­ borough by National Detective Latin School, Williston Academy spect, there is little chance of Agency head Sheridan A. Bruse- contributed a^ picture of Jones's PHONE 4392 Left Slain "cannonball" locomotive, "Old and the University of Paris. Martin playing much this fall aux was heard here this week since the Hoosiers are stronger when a summons was served on 382," which will be engraved on at the tackles through veterans Louis at Provident Hospital where Seek to Unravel Mystery the marker. than at any other position. The he was being treated for an in­ Jones's life was a success story third prospect is Jimmie Clark a jury to his foot, incurred while Attack without the popular ballad that FLOORS OF DISTINCTION senior from South Bend, Ind. playing a softball game. The sum­ threw his heroism into bold re­ Clark is 25 years old, five feet mons is returnable at the Octo­ CHICAGO, —(ANP) —Local lief. eight inches tall and weighs 160. police this week sought to un­ He was known as the boy won­ Pearson's Shade Shop He is very speedy and in 1937 ber term of the Circuit Court. # * * * ravel the circumstances sur­ der of the railroads for years be­ Window Shades—Linoleums—Rubber Tile won a letter in track, but is con­ rounding the stab-murder and fore the foggy April morning in AWNINGS AND VENETIAN BUNDS sidered too small for a regular FALSE CHURCH REPORT MEMPHIS,— Considerable ex­ robbery early Monday morning 1900 when his train crashed into We Feature Cleaning and Repairing of VENETIAN BLINDS! Big 10 halfback post, although of Elder William L Hill, 39, pas­ the rear of a standing freight We Can Now Install Rubber Flooring As I. A. ZINT, Prop. he will probably win his letter citement was occasioned in local KENTUCKY and INDIANA churches last week when it was tor of the Church of God in near Vaughn, Miss. After order­ Cheap As The Cheapest Inlaid Linoleum! this year. Clark was ineligible Christ, at 108th street and Loo- ing his colored fireman, Sim COAL last fall but has since then made reported that Rev. B. J. Perkins, STOKER COAL mis avenue. Found lying in the Webb, to jump to safety, Jones 821 S. NORMAN AVE. PHONE 2-5114 up his scholastic deficiences. former pastor First Baptist street at 49th and South Park­ stayed in his cab in an effort We Tell The World church, Beale street, and at pres­ Our Coal Makes It Hot For You way and suffering from multiple to save passengers in the twelve Northwestern U ent pastoring at Metropolitan stab wounds in the chest, face coaches behind him. He perished Northwestern has two candi­ Baptist church, St Louis, had and neck, he was rushed to Pro­ in the terrific collision. 120 S. Heidelbach Ave. dates. Foremost of the two, and been killed in St. Louis during vident Hospital where he died Fireman Ordered to Jump admittedly one of the best half­ the recent National Baptist Con­ soon after arrival. backs in the entire conference, is vention. The report was erron­ Speaking at the Cayce dinner, Gaines Funeral Home Bernard Jefferson, the iron man eous. Rev. Perkins was elected In addition to his duties as pas­ Webb, now gray, said he follow­ tor, Elder Hill was employed as ed Jones's orders to "take your You Owe It To Your Family senior from Grand Rapids, Mich. on Thursday as treasurer of the Jeff, as he is popularly known, National Baptist body. a dining car waiter by the C. and place to jump, 'cause it's two lo­ To Burn DEEP VEIN Coal weighs 185 and stands five feet E. I. Railroad. Police investiga­ comotives that's a-bound to Funeral Directors — Ambulance Service DEEP VEIN COAL FOR ten. From, his right halfback tion of the crime revealed that bump." The fireman hijt the grit post he will do much of the shortly before finding of the and rolled into a clump of bush­ MORE COMFORT Wildcats' kicking, passing and body, Elder Hill, while driving a es. Evansville, Ind., 618-620 Mulberry, Pho. 2-6821 BURN i ball lugging on reverse plays. NAACP To Probe member of his congregation home,- Casey Jones remained in the DEEP VEIN COAL FOR The other candidate is James had side-swiped another car at cab and the "cannonball" plow­ Smith, sophomore from Aurora, WPA Death Of 3 49th and South Parkway. Mrs. ed through a caboose, a car of Henderson, Ky., 18 Elm St., Pho. 303 DEPENDABILITY 111. Smith, who is six feet one Hill, who was with her husband corn, a car of hay and halfway BURN and weighs 180, and the best end NEW ORLEANS, La. Sept. at the time of the auto accident, (By Leon Lewis for ANP)—Dr. through a car of lumber before prospect from last year's fresh­ said both parties stopped to check it stopped. man team, may beat out some of A. W. Brazier, president of the the damage, and finding it only the veteran wingmen. Smith is local branch NAACP, made Grieving fellow-workers took slight, dismissed the matter and his scalded body from the wreck- DEEP VEIN COAL CO. expected to see a lot of service known that the local branch was drove away. this year. studying the investigation and pgp. Several days later he was 100 E. WALNUT ST. PHONE 3-0181 facts surrounding the fatal in­ At the inquest, held Monday buried at Jackson, Tenn., with­ U. Of Chicago jury of three Negroes employed afternoon, John Madison, pro­ in earshot of two railroads. Even Chicago comes up this year on a local WPA project and non­ prietor of the garage where Elder now gruff engineers lightly tug with one aspirant, Oliver Craw­ fatal injuries to two more when Hill kept his car, said the three their whistles in salute as their ford of E. Aurora, 111. A sopho­ the men were felled by a falling discussed a "collision" at length, locomotives roar past the ceme­ FOR SATISFACTORY SERVICE AND HONEST WEIGHT, USE more halfback ana quarter­ skip here last week. after which they all agreed to re­ tery. back, he is fast and clever, but The NAACP prexy expressed turn to the scene of the crash and The song about Casey Jones his size will prevent him from satisfaction at the way in which "straighten the matter out." « was not written deliberately. It KORFF'S playing much. Crawford, 18, is the WPA officials and the local His wife said that $60 he had didn't appear until more than * School Supplies Heating Stoves five feet eight and a half inches authorities handled the matter in a wallet was missing when he two years after the crash. An * but weighs only 148. and felt that tiie firing of the was taken to the hospital, as a account has it that a colored * Hardware Ranges KLEAN U. Of Iowa responsible parties was "a fair result of which police are investi­ railroad shoo worker started it And Other Household Supplies May Be Found At Iowa, which generally has a administration of justice to all gating the robbery angle. Deputy in either Canton or Memphis. colored star, will play Fred concerned." Coroner Benjamin Grant con­ Shop boys hummed it and made Smith, a junior from Cedar ducted the inquest and continued uo new verses. Later Eddie 1 K0AL Rapids, la., on a flank position. Purge Failure Seen it until October 6, to give police Newton, a song writer, visited Roberts Furniture Co. Smith is six ft., two, 21 years old more time for their investigation. and weighs 195. He has a var­ Canton, scored the song and 251 LINCOLN AVE. PHONE 3-2955 sity berth cinched, but will miss As Lynch Bill Blow had it published. K0RFF COAL COMPANY WASHINGTON, (ANP) —Fail­ "We Have A Complete Line of Hardware" this week's game at Los Angeles Rev. Dr. Eichelberger CALL US WHEN YOU GET READY TO MOVE 508 S.E. 8th Street Phone 2-4011 because of a bad knee that has ure ot President Koosevelt's not responded to treatment. ".Purge" of such Southern sena­ Gall Off Strike At S^EHHBNNNNmEaB Iowa had another prospect, tors as Smith of South Carolina Marries Chi. Widow Garfield Hillery, a slippery half­ and George of Georgia is seen CHICAGO, Sept.—(ANP)—An­ back who was to use the great as a blow to passage of the fed­ nouncement was made here this Packing Plant WE FILL COUNTY ORDERS Oze Simmons' old number, 66, eral- anti-lynching bill at the next week of the marriage of Dr. | and was expected to make a re­ session ot congress. James W. Eichelberger to Mrs. KANSAS. CITY, Kan.,—ANP) putation comparable to that of Smith and George were two of Helen Herndon in June. The —The big, 1800-workers' CIO sit- JEWEL MARKET j the Wizard of Oz. But scholastic the bill's greatest opponents, and ceremony was performed by down strike, called September 9, difficulties have temporarily rul­ rode to victory in the recent Bishop John W. Martin and was at the Armour and Company PHONE: 2-5202 FREE DELIVERY PHONE: 3-0918 PPQMPT ed out this promising sophomore, primary on the race issue. Astute witnessed by a few close friends Packing Plant, was called off I although it is possible he may be and experienced, they know all of the couple. They are on a be­ late last night and workers re­ HEIDELBACH & FRANKLIN WALNUT at GOVERNOR ' declared eligible later on and the tricks of combating such lated honeymoon, visiting South AE.ItfERY turned to their jobs on Tuesday Open Sunday Mornings 7:00 to 12:00 We Cash Pay Checks finish out the season. legislation. Where newly elected Dakota, Yellowstone Park and morning. Southern senators might be just the Canadian Rockies. U. Of Minnesota as anxious to deieat tne measure, It was reported that no agree­ INDEPENDENT COAL COMPANY At Minnesota, Horace Bell will they wouid be handicapped be­ Mrs. Herndon is a widow with ment on the grievances had been MEATS GROCERIES be ending his senior and final a son whom Dr. Eichelberger ED. SUHRHEINRICH cause of their newness in pre­ reached, but company officials CALF BRAINS, lb 5c SALMON, can 10c season at guard on the powerful adopted. Dr. Eichelberger is and CIO union leaders agreed to INDIANA COAL venting the bill from coming to Gopher squad. Bell, just slightly a vote as Smith and George did secretary of Christian Education abide by the decision of an ar­ HAMBURGER, 3 lbs 25c CORN, No. 2 can 5c PHONE FOR PRICES — GIVE US A CALL under 200 pounds, is a regular last January. of the African M.E. Zion Church, bitration of three members—one and in addition to playing guard having been an administrative representing the company, one BEEF STEAK, lb 15c PEAS, No. 2 can 5c f S. Kentucky Ave. Dial 2-3134 is one of the surest officer of the educational depart­ the Union, the third named by OLEO, lb •••»&« kickers in the Big Ten. ment of his denomination for the Acting Mayor CHUCK ROAST, lb 12ftc U. Of Illinois Apex Head May Seek 32 years. Mrs. Herndon is a Salt Jowl Large Loaf Although Illinois has no var­ beauty operator here. Half of the 1,800 striking work­ sity candidates, all eyes at the ers were colored. They struck be­ BACON, lb 10c Political Office cause the company had "docked" BREAD, 2 for 15c Urbana institution are focused ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—(A upon Flip Anders, a big fresh­ pany, will, it is reported, become five Negroes and one white SWISS STEAK, lb 17ftc PUREX, PL Bottle 8c NP)—Mrs. Sara Spencer Wash­ a candidate on the Republican worker. man halfback who made a state­ ington of this city, president and Sugar Cured Breakfast wide reputation at Moline, 111., ticket this fall for County Com- MELTS, lb 5c owner of the Apex Hair Com- mitteewoman in the 3d ward here. BACON, lb 17ftc SKl CALL high school. The scrimmage' Sat­ Pure Cane urday between the freshmen and in Piece varsity teams attracted the cu­ Little Folks Receive the Same Courteous Service at This Well Known Sports SUGAR, 10 lbs. 48c rious who wanted to see Anders Store As the Grown Ups Do MUTTON Roast, lb. 9ftc Country Style in action. He lived up to his School Supplies, Candies on Ice, Ice Cream, Stationery Figure Stricken 111 LARD, lb 9c reputation and seems headed for MUTTON Stew, lb 7ftc Jewel a regular berth on the 1939 var­ SEATTLE, Wash., (ANP)—Re­ PAN SAUSAGE, 2 lbs. ..25c NXsasMKaasasKT'"" sity. HORNER DRUG CO. ports here are that William COFFEE, lb. 14ftc 25 Bushels 4 inch Clean Lump $3.00. Meanwhile at North Dakota, CUT RATE PRICES "Bill" Bowman well known figure Bologna & NAVY BEANS, 10 lbs Sic 25 Bushels 4x2 Clean Nut ,. v< .-,*. ^ $2.75 not a Big Ten school, both Ho­ 6th & Oak Streets 3-0101 —Phones— 3-0004 Free Delivery in night life circles, has been de­ 25 Bushels Mine Run Plenty Lump $2.50 clared insane. Mr. Bowman who FRANKS, lb 12ftc 15 Bushels 4 inch Clean Lump $2.10 race Johnson and Prescriptions Called For and Delivered — Phone Us CORNMEAL, 10 lbs. 15c Jr., are all set to round out their some years ago was the proprie­ PORK STEAK, lb 17 ft Fancy Print 15 Bushels 4x2 Clean Nut .f V $1.95 senior years as backs. Young tor of the Marquette tavern in 19 Bushels 4 Inch Clean Lump $1.50 Cream Pollard, considered the greatest ITS DELICIOUS TFS GOOD MANY FLAVORS Chicago, has operated several Sugar Cured 10 Bushels 4x2 Clean Nut •%;... $1.40 all-around athlete ever to enter cabarets on the Pacific Coast. CHEESE, lb ...15c Bushels Pea and Slack . ... .^ $1.75 BACON Squares, lb. 10c North Dakota, is five feet two Upon the death of his wife PORK BONES, lb 4ftc and weighs 180. He is a sprint MILLER'S ICE CREAM several years ago he was report­ BROOMS, each 19c champion, scored the most touch­ ASK TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DEALER ed to have inherited a fortune of downs last year, and was award­ $75,000 which he invested large­ SATURDAY'S XONOMY C0AI7C07 ed the Most Valuable North Cen­ ly in unsuccessful night life ven­ ROLL BUTTER, lb 24ftc tral Conference Athlete trophy. Miller's Ice Cream Co., Inc. tures. He owns property in SPECIALS IVORY SOAP, Large Bar 8c i 184 Fast Service I I 05 COVERT AV. Pollard plays left halfback and Bakersfield, and Los Angeles, Johnson, right. 512 LOCUST STREET PHONE: 2-1166 Cal.


Tuesday and many new members were added. The WPA Orchestra Personals Derbyville - Brevities played. Mr. Rosencranze was the chief speaker. He gave very in­ Gn-The-Av-o-nue teresting sights seen while on Miss Dorothy Hendricks has Master James Hill has return­ Surprise Birthday Party FISK CO-ED STOPS his vacation. returned to Terre Haute to re­ ed home after spending several My gracious, here I have been A surprise birthday party was IN CITY The Bud Billikens wish to sume her studies at I.S.N. weeks here and in parts of Ala­ sitting back resting easy—pat­ given in honor of Mr. James B. Miss Barbara Burris of Den­ thank the many friends who bama. James lives in Loachapoka, ting myself on the back and Powell at the home of Mr. and Miss Bernice McElroy is vis­ ver, Colorado stopped over in the contributed to their picnic fund. Alabama where he is now at­ bragging about what a "scoop Mrs. Jimmie Eppse. Among those iting her parents, 432 South city for a few hours Monday, tending school. While here he getter I am", when along comes present were: Misses Blanche Evans. the house guest of Mr. Bergen was the house guest of his the ORB, who subbed for me Harrison, Grace Moore, Mildred Holland on Evans Avenue. Miss HURCH grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Byrd. last week and took the cake by Moore, Lillian Lander, Ernestine W. D. 0GLESBY Mr. and Mrs. Griffeth and Burris is a popular student at typing the "scoops of the year". Hall, and Lorraine McDoWf Mrs. Fisk University in Nashville and granddaughter, Yvonne McElroy, Mrs. N. Moss and daughters If I could think of some other Clara Jones and husband, and Furniture Co. Mrs. Murray and Miss E. T. Mor­ a pledge of the Delta Sorority. were guests for dinner at the channel through which I could Messrs. Leslie McDow, Jimmie She was enroute to school. STOVES — RANGES ris, teachers of Owensboro, and Redd, Lawrence Warren, and home of Mr. &id Mrs. Chas. secure a few "IN GOD WE At Low Factory Prices To You EAST VIEW BAPTIST this week. Miss E. Sneed of the Henderson Heard, Monday, Sept. 12. Earl Bronson. TRUSTS", I think this would be VIRGINIA MEDIC 808 Main St. Evansville, Ind. CHURCH Rev. John Tate, pastor. Douglas High School were in his column. 'Twas very interest­ the city Sunday, the guests of A delightful lunch was served' VISITS IN CITY Mesdames Lillian Middlebrooks, ing, eh? ^ Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. by GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH relatives and friends. after which the rest of the even­ Dr. James A. Brown Jr., of CIRCULATORS Bula Hill and Annie Mae McCul- She superintendent Fred Slaugh­ Sunday School, 9:15 a.m., Bun- Am much better this week— ing was spent in dancing. Hopewell, Virginia is the house le/t have 'as ;their house giiest, ter. Morning services 11:00 a.m. day morning service, 10:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Woods, but who wouldn't be? Had a long guest of Mr. and Mrs. Z. Buek­ 48-Y.P.U. 6:30 p.m. M. E. Cole Sunday Evening service, 7:30 p Mrs. Eula Bozon of Waverly, rest, doing nothing but listening The faculty of Lincoln and ner of Line Street. and children, and Mrs. L. O. Alabama. Before returning to ires. Evening services 8:00 p.m. m. Woods were guests of Mr. and to Count Basie —Erskine Haw­ Third Ave. Schools enjoyed an her home next week, Mrs. Bozon Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 Rev. Theodore Hafner, pastor. Mrs. V. T. McElroy Friday. kins —Fletcher Henderson —Don informal get-to-gether Friday will visit friends in Birmingham, evening, Sept. 16 in the Lincoln YOUNG COUPLE UNITED p.m. LOOKING AHEAD TO Albert and Father Hines via the Alabama. She has been the reci­ Gym, which was beautifully de­ IN HOLY MATRIMONY * Rev. , G. W. Cole, pastor. THE FUTURE Mrs. Bernice Hall and husband, ether waves. Mercy!!!. But these pient of many social courtesies corated with palms. There were The beautiful home of Mr. and A Soul stirring sermon was As the pastor looks forward moved from 410 So. Morton Ave., cats do some terrific swinging. here in the city. The Browns have it—M. D. in vacation reminiscences by the Mrs. Kirby of Sixth St. was the jreached by our pastor and en­ to the October program for Grace to 454 So. E. Evans Ave., with teachers. During this social hour, scene of one of the most beauti­ joyed by all Sunday. The East her grand mother. Their 5 weeks Virginia—M. D. in Derbyville Church he finds four items which The Charles Heads of Red music was furnished by the PWA ful weddings of the early fall View Deacons will have their An­ old baby is not well at this writ­ and A.B. (or is it B.S.) in Der- he hopes to realize. They are: Bank Road had as their guests Orchestra. season last • Monday 1 evening, niversary the 2nd Sunday, in ing. bytown. Something to be proud the organization of a Young the past week end, Lem Garrett, with the Rev. J. Herbert Ander­ October. All preachers, deacons of—"these Browns"..I know the Among the teachers present people's society, a mid-week Anna Gammon, John Robinson son, pastor of the McFarland members and friends of the city Richard Walker of Indianapolis "ferns" envy you—but not half were the principal Dr. W. E. adult Bible class, a men's club, and Lovenia Robinson, all of In­ Bapijist Church officiating. The are asked to be with us that day. the grandson of Dr. and Mrs. G. as much as I do them. Best. Misses Lydia Shane, Jea- and a children's instruction class. dianapolis. Johnson, Dimple Priestly, young couple, Miss Nora Kirby Come one; Come all! W. Buekner of Oak Street, is My, but this Argus is sure Judging by the comments of our Marye Miller, Grace D. McFar­ and Paul Curd are both well visiting in the city. popular—a certain gentleman By Mrs. G. M. Lovan. young people they are looking Miss Naomi Ricketts has re­ land, Fannie E. Snow, Blanche known in the city being affiliat­ forward to the beginning of such turned to Indianapolis to resume comes from the big city of New- ed with several social clubs'. The burgh nearly every week to buy Rickman, Ethel Trigg and Al­ an organization; quite a few of Mesdames Ethel Collins and her studies at the Madam C. J. bride wore a copper tan ensemble TAYLOR CHAPEL BAPTIST a copy. We could send it to him berta McFarland. Mesdames B. the members have also expressed Bertha Tandy have returned Walker's Beauty College. Miss with green accessories and car­ CHURCH just as well, but I guess he likes V. Bell, Aurelia Hill Marion B. an interest in an adult Bible from St. Louis, Mo., where they Ricketts resides here and during ried a corsajje of Ward Roses on to receive it in person. Anglin, Pauline Holland. Messrs. As LOW As $22.50 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. pas- Class: a great many of the men attended the National Baptist her stay during the summer en­ E. C. Niles, Clifton Fields, James he,r| arm. ;The bridesmaid, Miss far preached at 11:00 o'clock a.m. see the need for a Men's Club, Convention. While there they Doesn't this burn you up—to Marjorie Banks was attired in a Stop In Today And Seei Our I joyed a lively round of parties Thompkins, and Billy Holland. COMPLETE LINE At three o'clock p.m. last Sunday where the men of the church can were the house guests of the A. and other social events given in see certain individuals take the black ensemble with green ac­ Dainty 1 refreshments were •ISSSSSSSMBSsJ Mt. Zion Baptist Church Choir come together informally to dis­ L. McKinseys on Aldine Street. praise for something that they cessories and carried a corsage her honor. served, and a lovely evening was and pastor were with us. Rev. cuss things of importance and in­ DO NOT DO? Wonder how they of American Beauty Roses. The feel? enjoyed by all. guests present: Misses Anna G. E. Johnson, preached a won­ terest relative to the work of Mrs. Emma Stovall announces JOAN'S SPECIALTY! derful sermon subject; "What Miss Daisy McGregory and I dressed up, went to my chick's Bell Jones of Louisville, Ky., the church. The children's in­ the engagement of her daughter, DIRTY HEARTS CLUB Sin WB11 Do." struction olass is necessary in family of the Lincoln Gardens home—she dressed up-we caught Rosaline Baker, and Jannetta had as their guest the past week, Johnnie Frazier, to Nathaniel a Yellow—rode to the Coliseum MEETS Vanleer. Mesdames Mandleen TWO * Come again Mt. Zion and pas­ order to teach them to observe Steger. The wedding will take tor; The Silver Jubilee Singers Miss Hazel M. Fellows, a mem­ last Monday nite—NO DANCE Judge Al. Thompkins presided Frances, Randolph, Nora Pike, all things whatsoever the Lord place December 24.—396 Taylor over .the weekly court of this THREAD *ill sing at the Taylor Chapel has commanded us. Will you, ber of the Henderson County then we caught another cab— Leona Riley, Glenn, and John avenue. went to Castle Hall—still no club at the regular meeting at Very Sheer Baptist Church Sept. 21, 22, 23, dear member co-operate in order School System. Miss Fellows has Robinson, The Rufus Hills and now returned and resumed her dance—Mr. Promoters we were the home of James Jordan last Gilbert Bells, Miss Mable Pat­ Miss Ursula McKnight of St. gypped—what about the 60c in week. Prosecutor Wm. Whorton CHIFFON duties. Louis spent the week end with terson, Mac. Ivy Williams, Geo. taxi fares? Is there no justice—• was faced by master attorneys: Cooksey, Harold Loving', and Les­ tf Stocking! YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A SERIES OF REVIVAL the Frank Johnsons of 545 Tid- Oh! well, guess the cab driver Julius Mitchell, Ray Lambert, MEETINGS AT THE CLEAVES C. M. E. CHURCH START­ Miss Louise Arbuckle and Mrs. rington Avenue. She was enroute lie Kirby, and Miss Lillian Tal­ I Fannye Hayes were called to In­ must live too. Saw Don there but James Jordan, Cecil Anglin, and bot. ING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1938. DR. J. M. REED, . to Kansas City, Mo. Richard Rowe. Wm. Jackson and IHEA D OF THE BUREAU OF EVANGELISM — C. M. E. I dianapolis on -account of the the promoter, we know not where. CHURCH, WILL CONDUCT THE MEETINGS. I death of a sister, Mrs. Jennie Mrs. Katie Edmonds, the wife From now on I have definitely James Epps were admitted to Payne, 1127 E. 19th. Street. of Rev. H. E. Edmonds, 708 E. decided to stay at home unless the bar. Judge Al Thompkins ADVISORY BOARD FOR f was found guilty of the unpar­ BUD BILLIKEN CLUB Sycamore Street is now appear­ the dance is advertised in the CLEAVES MEMORIAL G. M. E. CHURCH | Argus, then I know that it will donable sin and was sentenced of The following persons were 75' ing in Morganfield and Fulton, PAIR I that these objectives may be Kentucky. She is a gospel singer. be OFFICIAL. A plug for you two official collars. Rowe re­ elected to serve on the advisory MULBERRY and LINE STREETS reached? Will you do everything Mr. Advertising Manager. ceived the only other collar board for the local Billikens: within your power to further Mesdames Cooksey, Johnson while Anglin had high average Mrs. L. A. Childers, Pres., Miss ALL THE NEW SHADES REV. J. W. APPLEBY, Pastor The young cyclist for the Hat in hearts. Wjharton pulled under them, and by furthering them, and Cole attended the First Dis­ Works is much too much interest­ E. Hill, V. Pres., Chas. Edwards, further the work of the church? trict Baptist Ass'n. in Henderson, Lambert for the low prize. Cecil 2nd V. Pres. Miss Lillian Lan­ ed in the young waitress at the Anglin's home will be the scene MEN'S VOTERS ASSEMBLY Ky., last Wednesday. Golden West Tavern. But he ders, Sec'y. Ben Lambert, Treas. Joan's Hosiery MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 7:30 pm. of the next trial on Sunday. By Mrs. Chas. Edwards, chairman of Mr. George Napoleon of Mt. seems to be tops. J. Mitchell. The Lord has placed the ad­ BOUQUET OF THE WEEK.... program committee. Mrs. Rosa Vernon, Indiana paid a visit to P.S. We wonder why K. Jack­ Willingham, Mrs. Lucille Harper, Shop} VARSITY RADIO ministration of the church in the his brother, William Napoleon of Goes to the race members of hands of men. In order that the son doesn't come into the big Miss Helen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. this city, during the week-end. the police and fire departments Gilbert Bell. 23 N.W. Fourth St. America's First Varsity Radio in Your Lincoln work of the church may go for­ for their efficient work. They are leagues ? Is he afraid or is he High School Colors. Push Button Tuning. ward orderly and decently, it is Mr. and Mrs. Luther Moss of to be commended. tied to the madam's apron string? The Club met itt its usual time "Free Gift Wrapping*' necessary to come together to Chicago, Illinois are visiting Mr. "ANONYMOUS" Modern Bakeiite Cabinet. — $17.95 consult on the future plans for and Mrs. Albert Martin, 2670 W. administration and expansion. Madam Talbert in Calif. Maryland Street. Mrs. Moss was MEMPHIS, (ANP) — Mme. Seek to Purge CHARM — Phono 2-4520 — BEAUTY For this reason it is a matter of formerly. Miss Clara Bailey of Florence Cole Talbert McCleave, ELEANOR R. PORTER'S grave importance that every this city. nationally known singer is on male member of Grace Church be the West Coast and visiting her Panama of Race personally present at the Voter's Mrs. Etta Martin and Mis* Lu­ mother and sister. A musicale Poro Coiffure Salon ^ la Jennings motored to Louisville, PANAMA CITY, R. P. —(By Assembly on Monday, October 3. was given in her honor last week Jamieson for ANP)— Further Featuring "The Beautiful Croquignole Wave" *^~v\ RADIOS! Men, will you not mark that Ky., for the week-end, having at the home of her mother, proscription of "Negroes whose date on your calendar and make reported a grand time. While in known as Colecrest. The gala af­ original language is not Spanish" 9 A.M. — 0 P.M. 1010 WALNUT 'Floor Samples it a point to be personally pre­ the city they attended the pa- fair was attended by William in the commercial field is con­ "You're Just As Beautiful As Your Hair Dress' sent at this meeting. "It is the Grant Still, Hall Johnson, T. Cur­ tained in a bill proposed in the tis Mayo, Ruby Elzy, Lorenza •Lord's -work and marvelous in National Assembly last week of the service for the Pastor's J. Cole and Clarence Muse. 'Trade-Ins our eyes." Friday by Deputy Cesar A. Guil­ Welfare Club. Mrs. Nannie Madam McCleave recently broad­ len of Chiriqui Province. The cast one of her original numbers, measure, if it becomes law, will The Baptist Ministerial Al­ Powell, president. At the even­ "A Psalm of Unity". LONE STAR GROCERY 'Previous Season ing service, the subject will be, bar all persons designated as liance met last Monday a.m. "undesirable aliens" from estab­ Sept. 19, as usual. Rev. J. MJ "Being Untrue." 1 Models lishing commercial or industrial ...twwtiP * Caldwell lectured the S. S. Les­ Chicago Housing Awaits enterprises in the Republic, Hin­ The Most Exciting Radio son and made it plain to all pre­ dus, Chinese, Syrains, Turks, * Bargain News of The CLEAVES MEMORIAL C.M.E. Only Federal Cash sent. We hope all ministers will CHICAGO, Sept. (ANP)—With Drayidians and Negroes whose Year . . . All Makes, AU be present next Monday Sept. 26. All the auxiliaries are hard at original language is not Spanish 503 LINCOLN AVENUE Styles Including Console work assisting the pastor in clos­ the site plan and necessary pre­ Rev. Jeff. Dixon will preach liminary architectural drawings are regarded as the restricted or and Table Models . . . ing out the work here at the undesirable immigrant class. Complete Line of Lamb and Mutton — Lowest Prices Monday at 12:30 and Rev. M. B. submitted, the Chicago Housing FRESH COUNTRY EGOS Every Radio Worth Much church preparatory to making the More . . . Look At These Ervin, alternate. authority sat back this week and Rev. N. T. Talley (Mod.) final round report on the second awaited word from Washington Phono: 2-3073 Delivery Service Eight Typical Thrillers, on the granting of funds to be­ Postal Workers' Then Hurry Down and Rev. D. C. Weaver, Sec. Sunday in November. We have a wide awake Sunday School gin erection of the $10,900,000 25th Anniversary --tejsfcaa«i*»i*i4tfeii» iTiT 'I ii li liHM See Them All. South Park gardens. The housing BETHEL BAPTIST that is progressing along nicely. $29.50 Reconditioned project is expected to accomo­ CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., (By 95 We have six classes. Come out date about 7,200 persons. Majestic Radio .. $]? Percy R. Hines for ANP)—Of­ 301 E. Sycamore Street and pay us a visit. A bible class ficers and members of the Na­ ALMON'S FUR SHOP The Bethel Chorus and the for young men will be organized tional Alliance of Postal Em­ NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR FUR COAT $19.50 Pacific Table geant of the National Baptist Model Radio $£495 Righteous Four Quartette will very soon. All persons interested ployees will gather here from REMODELED, RELINED AND CLEANED BEFORE THE sing at the Liberty Baptist in this class should be present Convention. all parts of the United States FALL . ALL WORK DONE BY AN $25.00 Philco Table Sunday. A new teaching train­ October 4th to 8th, to celebrate EXPERIENCED FURRIER Church Sunday, September 25 at Mrs. Bertha Boyd, 607 N. St. Model Radio $£750 ing courses will be added to the the 25th anniversary of the 3 p.m. Rev. V. L. McFarland, our Joseph Ave. will entertain Mr. founding of the organization here $49.00 5-Tube Recondi­ pastor, will preach. Rev. R. J. church school and will meet each and Mrs. Luther Moss of Chicago on October 5th, 1913. The Chat­ 924 Main St. — Phone 2-0929 — Evansville, Ind. tioned Radio Console Miller of Paducah, Ky., will Friday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. tanooga Branch, with headquar­ 95 and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin Model ?29 preach from Sept. 26th to Sept. George L. Mimms are doing with breakfast and bridge Wed­ ters at the Renaissance Club, splendidly with the choir and the 903 Cypress Street, will be host $55.00 1938 Majestic 30 at the Bethel Baptist Church. nesday. Rev. V. L. McFarland, pastor. financial status of the choir is to the visitors, under the chair­ Chair Side Radio, $39?5 manship of W. O. Bryson, and in good shape. Miss Cammillee RECENT MARRIAGES Special Fried Chicken Dinner Sunday $95.00 Federal Table Carey is the leader of the Ep­ the Women's Auxiliary of the MOUNT ZION BAPTIST Floyd William Allen, 37, to local body will aid also in mak­ Model Radio $5900 worth League and Mr. Crawford Marie White, 29 ing the celebration an outstand­ ONLY 35c is a teacher in the Senior Class $125.00 Crosley 10-Tube Rev. G. E. Johnson, pastor Lee Alvis Harrison, 49, to Ma­ ing event. L. F. Ford of St. Console Radio .$3900 Rev. G. E. Johnson will preach —these two young persons are bel C. Joyner, 37 Louis is Chairman. on "The Great Call of Jesus" at doing great work. The League Tyree Gordon, 31, to Opal Kim- LOUISE'S 1 $55.00 Stewart Warner the regular morning services sponsored a musical last Sun­ brew, 23 231 CANAL STREET Reconditioned day evening that drew a large Titus Brown, 33, to Lucille Dr. Moton Speaks as 75 Sunday. The Rev. W. M. Ed­ Radio $39 wards and choir of the Inde­ crowd. Many prizes were award­ Wilson, 24 ed and refreshments served. Clarence Jackson, 23, to Pre- Dr. Tucker Retires $ 55.00—5-Tube 1938 Philco Radio 8 39.95 pendence Church will have charge RICHMOND, Va.— (ANP) — $ 80.00—6-Tube 1938 Philco Radio M*-« tressa William, 22 James W. Brown, 41, to Mag­ Beverly D. Tucker, white, retired $159.00—9-Tube 1938 Philco Radio S10B.W from the rectorship of St. Paul's Phone 6031 Underwood Phone 6031 dalen Thomas, 20 Episcopal church here last week. PHONE 7444 FREE DELIVERY PAY Al LXTTZJ Al $1 DOWM-ttM BALAN01 Al Paul Curd, 24, to Nora Kirby 3,000 people attended the testi­ YOU ENJOY IT—FULL TEADI-IN ALL0WAN02 Typewriters John Wesley Johnson, 21, to monial service which was given Carrie Mae Gibson, 21 him in the City Auditorium as he ANY TIME WITHIN 90 DAYS New and used Underwood Standard Typewriters Chas. E. Hayes, 21, to Mary L. New Underwood Portables departed for Ohio where he will McJohnston Liquor Store Dixon, 18 serve as bishop coadjutor of that A complete line of Typewriters for every Student's need. state. Dr. R. R. Moton was one Please call or come and see me, before you buy. Alonzo Jones, 38, to Geneva LIQUOR — WINES — DIN Clarke, 38 of the speakers for the occasion. Lee McNiary, 25, to Grace Wi­ "A CAMEL CAN GO EIGHT DAYS WITHOUT A DUNE. L'S KENNETH DOLLAHAN ley, 27 Clarence Darrow said: "When­ 51* ever I hear people discussing BUT WHO IN THE DEVIL WANTS TO BE A CAMEL?" EVANSVILLE, TEL. 8217 ' Eugene Dixon, 66, to Georgia birth control I always remember INDIANA 423 VINE STREET Brown, 85 617 MAIM Sit EVANSVILLE, INDIANA tha^Oras the fifth." Too much Corner 0th and Bellmeade Israel Newton, 37, to Tunis birth control and you might not Phone 6031 Phone 6031 Howard, 28 be. J PAGE FOUR THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 Stage - Screen Theatrical World Radio - Music " ~~ "—' Rll Bojangles' 20th Century Negro Baseball Recognition All-Negro Town, Scanning The Flickers Film Contract Ends Business Directory J-J.OJ-.J_, J. H WVJJ-*. ^l.iM J X»IX+ Fight Produces Hopeful Angles Bobbins, Illinois, AT THE KOYAL Don't miss this picture. .All se­ Brucken Radio Corporation here, it will pay you to get that pia cast. Mantan Moreland, .the niu v cu AI L.ni. tuc j taiiiy tuiiaacb 18 S. E. Sixth Street stjove |n(ow. Oglesby Furniture funny man will make you laugh NEW YORK, Sept.—(By Al Josh Gibson, catcher, (Home­ liOts Ul XdUblL \jt;illUi.y"A' UA J.IX1X1 Moses for ANP)—Since 1928, your, Rising Community Recently received their 4th car­ Co. is featuring circulators this JOE LOUIS APPEARS ON until your sides ache. Be sure to stead Grays); Hank Danning, SWUIUJS Wnere jftts ana bcuicu lixtxuy correspondent has been bombard- • catcher, (Giants); Ray Brown, load of Maytag Washers this week, they start from! $22.50 up. SCREEN WEDNESDAY AND come early so that you may get CHICAGO, (ANP)— Conside­ THURSDAY. buccecibes witn oiui'xey J. euiyie, ing the office of The N., Y. Daily pitcher, (Homestead Grays); Bar­ year. Mr. Brucken states there These stoves are all brand new. a comfortable seat—The matinee ****v« wm WUIK KJII a jjiCLaie-to-jtiic- News with regards to the right ney Brown, pitcher, (BJack ration of the general problem of are now over 3% million house­ will start at 1 p.m. Both days ture basis. He is currently work­ of Negro baseball players to Negro housing and efforts of the wives using Maytag Washers. For the very best in enter­ Ken Maynard, your favorite Yanks); Buck Leonard, first base, National Technical Association to courageous cowboy, comes to the and the admission is only 10c to ing in ".tiara io uet," wuiCii pastime in the big leagues. This (Homestead Grays); Pat Patter­ Many of them in service for 17 tainment and drinks vjisit Bud's & ten- teu production last week. have Negro engineers and archi­ screen of the Royal for a one everyone until 6 p.m. campaign gained splendid cooper­ son, second base, (Philly Stars); tect employed on the proposed P years with very little if any re­Lincoln Tap Room. Bud has a day stand, today' in TRAILING Ethel Merman—Sally Eilers ation and support from Paul Gal- Dick Bartell, shortstop, (Giants); WA South Park Gardens for Ne­ pairs needed although he does complete line of drinks and hot TROUBLE. Ken has one of the Parkyakarkus Wm. Frawley and lico before he went altogether Dick Dandridge, third base, groes here, turned public atten­ have a factory trained service lunches. His "CHlli" is famous Ghoir .sings on Elliott "literary" and his successor in the (Newark Eagles)# Joe Moore, left tion this week to the all-Negro man to render quick and efficient for its Mexican taste. After the toughest assignments to ever a bevy of beautiful Goldwyn sports department, Jimmy Pow­ face one man, the task of match­ Girls will support Eddie Cantor field, (Giants); Mel Ott, right town of Robbins, 111., to see what service. football game meet your friends Koosevelt s Program ers, has voiced our sentiments in field, (Giants), and Sam Bank- success residents there have had at Buds. ing wits with a gang of real m the extravagant musical co­ his widely read column on num­ head, center field, (Pittsburgh You too can try the Maytag in medy, "Strike me Pink" which in solving their housing and tough hombres that seem to take erous occasions. In the Daily Crawfords)." other civic problems. your home on your own clothes the law in their hands until Ken plays for one day only Friday. FORT WORTH, Tex., (By C. News, September 5, Powers had P. S. All we need now is for without cost or obligation on You can't beat the service as makes it known -that he will not Don't fail to see this beautiful Located on the far Southwest outlined by the Clear Car Ser­ Wm. fioya ior AMf)—A leature the following to say which we the hundred or more leading side of the city, Rabbins has an your part then if it doesn't sell stand for such. This is a" story musical comedy. Chapter 6 Dick OJ; last Xnursaays inaugural are happy to republish verbatim: itself don't keep it. vice Garage on 10th St. ^ Carry 1 white writers drawing salaries on area of about two square miles. depicting life on the famous ole Tracy Serial and Cartoon com­ radio broadcast oi the xexas "If I could wave a magic wand large daily newspapers to follow Mayor Richardson admonished: The Maytag may be purchased your car there today. Arizona Trail. Don't miss Ken pletes the bill. oi,axe JNeiwoiK, inc., held in con­ and break down race prejudice, the courageous leadership of New "What the colored people need is out of income by means of small in this flicker. Little Tim Tyler, junction witn tne iourtn annuai I'd put this Giant team on the York's JIMMY POWERS; plus a less charity and more responsi­ divided payments you never miss. STUDENTS—TEACHERS— the star of the currently appear­ ujmaay pany oi mutual jDioau- field next spring and guarantee a deal of initiative and fight on the bility." Today, 21 years after its For a typewriter that is "tops' winner. Call Brucken—For free home ing serial,- TIM TYLERS LUCK, Business School caaung (system on tne giant re- part of our writers and leaders. founding, Robbins, one of theDemonstration . , in all fields, try the UNDER­ is the true hero of all the mbvie' nnnng sug'e at v_/asa ivianana, four all-Negro towns in America, WOOD. Just call 6031 for Mr. going public. Little Tim is •ap­ Founder Dies was a %uv- voice cnoir, maae up has a population of 2,500, 98 per­ Spiegel Furniture Co. is hav­ Dollahan—and get a free demon­ pearing in the seventh chapter of uj. cnoristers irom various .r-'oii cent of them Negroes. All civic ing a big1 price slashing sale on stration. the serial on this same hill. CHICAGO, (AMP)—Miss Min- .< vk*ui cnurcnes. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS and community activities are di­all reconditioned and last year's Owing to an •arlier mailing Schedule tor The St Louis Argus. rected by Negroes. They hold Here's a treat "Bings Birth and niebelie Jones Derrick, widely model radios. Go by there today Hallert's Hit Parade is featur­ known native Chicagoan, a step- All Correspondence ior These Columns Must Be their own elections, collect their orchestra"™ A'triple featured bill lege neaitn wont will super y lot; own taxes, operate their own and get in on these specials. ing sweaters this week. Saturday. Don't miss it. aaugnter of the late AME £>i-me program irom Wasinugton. In the Office Net Later Than Monday. Each Week You may save as high as $25.00 snop Derrick and founder (in ne wiU icave early in Uclouer lur We will be unable to publish, in the Current Week's Issue, News YANDALIA, MO. on some models. Tyronne Powers, Don Ameche .fnuadeiphia.) of the Derrick an extended field trip tiuougn Arriving After Monday. We Request Your Co-operation in The Gospel Chorus of the Second Don't forget to read Henry's 1 and lovely Alyce Faye are co-faciiool of Business, died Friday A loriua, __ Jjlississippi, Louisiana, Getting; in Early. Write Plainly on One Side of the Paper with Baptist Church took a program to the saying on Editorial page. Typewriter or Pencil A. M. E. Church of Louisiana, Mo., STANLEY CLOTHING CO. featured in -the picture, In "Old mgnt here at .frovidem; nospitai. xexas, Missouri, ArKansas, West September 16. *** Ben Radford, who She was the niece of Mr. and Virginia and Pennsylvania ViSit- DO NOT USE INK! is in the Aurdain County Hospital of "Get in Stanley's Well Dressed Chicago, which starts Sunday and Mrs. John Coleman, pioneer citi­ Copy uot must be Guessed At WILL NOT Be Handled at All Mexico, Mo., is improving. *** Bible Circle". They are offering the PILOT KNOB, MO. plays two days. This is a big ing Negro colleges and enlisting School at the usual hour at the Chris­ Mount Olive Baptist Church: Sunday zens here. the cooperation of their officers. Only IMPORTANT NEWS WiU Be Published tian Church. Christian Endeavor open­ latest suits—topcoats and slacks School opened at the regular hour with spectacular" picture, the story of ed at 6:16 p. m. ** Mrs. Carrie Palm­ for men at rock bottom prices. the superintendent in charge. Praise the lives and loves of a mid- Emphasizing the importance of er left Tuesday for Frankfort, Mo., to meeting was held at 11 o'clock. Rev. work in this field Dr. Clarke said, attend the funeral of her grandmother, Albert Gray delivered the morning ser­ West pioneer family, which is Mrs. Jennie Welch, who died Monday, W. D. OGLESBY mon. The evening services began at NATIONAL HYGIENE "it is estimated that fully 90 pex September 12. *** , Miss 7:30 p. m. The pastor delivered the depicted with the Chicago Fire cent of all students in these 104 Virgie Salmon, Mrs. Helen Grimmett, FURNITURE CO. evening: sermon, and issued the Lord's MISSOURI NEWS... Frank Palmer, Jr, Mrs. Nonie Dixon, of 1871 as a dramatic back­ institutions become teachers. By Now that winter is almost Sapper. *•• YOUR NEWS MUST BE GAtiPAflGN TO OPEN all attended the funeral of Mrs. Jen­ IN THE ARGUS OFFICE MONDAY. ground. On the same, program grounding the students in the MEXICO, MO. Allister, Rev> and Mr*. W. F. Bailey, Mrs. nie Welch last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. will be found those famous lundamentals of sound public .News must be in the Argrus office Maud Hubbard attended the National Ray Doolin also attended the funeral Rev. J. J. Reid, Sr., pastor; Francis A project to stimulate develop­ Monday. *** The Breakfast Club met Baptist Convention in St. Louis. Rev. of Mrs. Welch. *** Thomas C. Dixon Gray, reporter. ^STOOGES in one of their laff ment ot health activities among health practice, we are equipping with Mr. and Mrs. James Logan with McAllister was selected as Missouri's returned Thursday from Elsberry, Mo., provoking comedies, 'Tassels in 40,000 students in 104 Negro col­ future community leaders with Miss India Log-an as guest. *** James member of the National S. S. Pub­ after spending a few days with his knowledge that is bound to en­Tydings is visiting in Illinois. *** Mrs.lishin g Board. *** The Laura Bell Hall mother, who has been ill. SPORTS FARMINGTON, MO. ^ the Air'., A news feature com- leges throughout the country will Martha Wright, who has been visiting Gospel Singers rendered a program Sun­ Roland Wiggins, state supervisor of hance public health activities in Eugene Wiser, reporter. ^kpletes the bill. constitute a first step in the na­ Emma Davis, left Sunday for home, *** day afternoon at the Scott Chapel M. Negro Schools and Prof. Mosley, field tional campaign in syphilis con­ hundreds of towns in years to Marion Edwards spent the week end E. Church. *** Many local citizens at­ HIGHLIGHTS agent for Lincoln Unive^ity were the B A feature length picturization come." with his wife and family. *•*** The tended the funeral rites of Mrs. Welch, EOLIA, MO. guests of Miss D. F. Baker, Thursday. trol and social hygiene to reach Get-To-Gether Club met with Jennie an old citizen of Frankfort, Mo., last Rudy and Harriet Wader of Chicago, Br Richard A. Jacks** They were enroute to Charleston, Mo. •* Kof the true life story of Joe an ultimate 35,000,000 young men Direction of the program will Marie Gardner Wednesday night, **** Friday. Roberts Funeral Parlors had 111., /Visited their parents for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Edcor Goins and daughter K Louis will be shown on the Mr. and Mrs. Ora Lee Graves have charge of the rites. *** Mr. and Mrs.Mr . and Mrs. W. M. Simons and fami­ and Mr, Jones of Cape Girardeau, Mo., and women, it was announced by be in the hands of Drs. Clarke. moved to their new home of Brecken- ly and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ashby were • screen of the Royal at Matinee Guild, and Numa P. G. Adams, Joseph Doolin entertained at dinner last were Thursday evening guests of Mr. Dr. Walter Clarke, executive dir­ ridge avenue. *** Harvey Lee Graves Sunday the following guests: Rev. andth e guests of his brother, Osca Ashby ANOTHER STEP and Mrs. William Taylor. *** Mrs. J. Band night performances Wednes- ector of the American Social Hy­ dean of the medical school of has gone to Kansas City where he will Mrs. G. E. Horsey, Rev. and Mrs. Can. d family last week. *** Mr. and Mrs. P. Evans has recovered from a re­ Howard University. work. *** Mrs. Mattie Steele died Lopez McAllister and daughter, Maud, Raymond Simmons visited hist grand­ The football game this Fri­ cent illness. *** Mr. and Stewart of L day and Thursday. The' title of giene Association. Friday night. *** Joe White, who wasan d MISB Alva Clark. mother and aunts September 5. *** Mr. Odessa, Mo., who were the week end taken seriously ill Sunday night, was and Mrs, Walter Hill and daughter were day night between the Chicago r the picture is the Spirit Of Youth Action on the proposal was Bears (who are equivalent in guests of Mrs. Maggie Kennedy, return­ with such well known stars as taken today by a committee com­ taken to Fulton, Mo., to the state hos­ the guests of her mother, Mrs. M. Wal­ ed home Sunday. *** Thai Smart Set pital, **• The infant son of Eatherine SEDALIA, MO. ker last Monday.- *** Mr. and Mrs.th e pigskin game to the Newentertaine d with a plate luncheon at St. Clarence Muse***Edna Mae Har­ prising Dr. Kendall Emerson, Walker died Friday afternoon. ****** Memorial Baptist Church: Mrs. Hood Willie Douglass visited his mother, Mrs. York Yankees h\ baseball) and Luke Thursday evening. *** Mr. and ris, who has appeared in many managing director of the Nation­ Uppointed Ghairman Church Sehool at the usual hour with sponsored a pew rally Sunday atfernoon Pauline Perkins, who is ill. Mrs. Dave Buford have moved to St. al Tuberculosis Association; Dr. Mrs, M. Holt presiding. Morning wor­ with Rev. McAllister and the choir. The the picked colored stars of va­Louis. *** Mr. and Mrs. Olive Johnson stage and screen plays also With ship, 11 a. m. Rev. G. D. Toliver de­ HERCULANEUM, MO. rious college teams is significant. are residing on Spring avenue. •*• The C. St. Clair Guijd, field represen­ livered the morning sermon. The jun­ pastor delivered the sermon. The Sis­ Quarterly meeting will be held at Noble Sissle's band, Mae Turner Of Child Welfare terhood met at the home of the vice It puts Negro football on the Tri County meeting will be held at Fes­ tative of the NTA; Dr. Paul B. ior choir had charge of the music. At president, Mrs. Lorene Carter on Cooper Buren Chapel A. M. E. Church Sunday, tus, Mo., October 29. The official notice and Cleo Desmond. This play will Comely, associate professor of u'orrester B .Washington, Direc­ 3 p. m. Bev. Toliver and members at­ street. Mrs. Nadine Jefferson is con­ September 25. Rev. O. H. Brown is plane with the topmost in thewa s given by Prof Shropshire. *•* "The tended a program at St. Paul C. M. E. fined to her home. The ministers' al­ the pastor. *** Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. give you a chance to see Harlem preventive medicine, Howard tor of the Atlanta University Church. A. C. E. League, 6:30 p. m. Smith entertained Rev. O. H. Brown at world. It throws open the door Charles Baker, .Thursday. *•• The Junior liance sponsored a program at Graves ; do the big apple. See your heavy­ University; and Dr. Clarke. •scnool of Social Work has just The pastor delivered the evening ser­ Chapel C. M. \%, Church, Monday eve­ dinner, Sunday. * * * Lawrence Casey of acceptance of high class col­ Church of St. Paul was entertained with mon, with the senior choir furnishing is unable to attend school because of ored teams for competition with a social Saturday evening at the church weight champion make love to Dr. Comely who has had ex­been appointed Chairman of tne the music. The Trustee Helpers met atning . The program was for Rev. Mor­ illness. *** Miss Myrtle Wansley ot Committee on Publication, Pub­ ris before he left for conference in high class white teams breaking toy the youths. *** Eugene Simpson has the beautiful Edna Mae Harris. tensive experience in Negro col- the church Monday night. Missionary Richmond, Mo., Wednesday. *** Charlie Festus, Mo., has returned home after returned from St. Louis, Mo. *•* Harvey licity and Research of the Child meeting was held with Mrs. Fannie Brashier is visiting his wife, Mrs. Jen­ an extensive visit in Jefferson City, Mo., the ice for broader opportunity; McAllister visited school Friday. •**.* Bartley Tuesday night. The Ministeri­ with Mr. and Mrs. C. McCoy. *** Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews presented the Welfare League of America with nie Brashier in Kansas City, Mo. *** it gives a chance for a test of v al Alliance meeting was held at Saint Mrs. Mary Saunders, who has been ill, and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Lucy Laplant school with a large portrait of the late! headquarters in New York City. Paul C. M. E. Church Wednesday night. is able to be up. *** A silver tea will and Mr. Scott of St. Louis, Mo., were the commercial drawing power Will Rogers. *** Mr. and Mrs. B. J. This is the largest private chil­ The carnival sponsored by the four be given at the home of Mrs. I. J. the guests of Peter Coinn and family, of the colored players in bigWilkin s were accompanied home by Mrs. groups over the week end was a suc­ Moore on West Cooper street, Sunday Sunday. * * * Rev. O. H. Brown accom­ time athletics. Jennie Swink, who will remain. ** Rev. dren's organization in the country cess. *** If you have news call 1102-w. afternoon at 2:30 p. m. *** Mrs. Mary panied J. W. Coinn to St. Louis Mon­ J. H. Boone will attend the Area Coun­ and has branches in several hun­ Hamilton, who haB been confined to her day. * * * Mrs. M. G. Coinn is ill. Last year the Cmcago colored cil at St. Louis this week. ••••••* Mrs. Martha Villars is improving. William dred cities. CLARKSVILLE, MO. bed is up again. *** The Sedalia, Mo., basketball team appeared in the Pacific team (colored) was defeated WELLSVILLE, MO. Doss was buried last Thursday. ****** Paul 1. Beisser of Baltimore is George Farris died at his home Sat­ St. Paul Baptist Church: Sunday National A. A. U. Basketball Quarterly meeting services will be held urday evening and was buried Tuesday, by the Athletics, 14-3. President. Mrs. Ida Blackstone of Philadelphia School opened at the usual hour with tournament, the world series of at St. Luke October 2 and also at St. I Rev. Madison of Bowling Green, Mo., the superintendent, Gladys Harring-ton, Paul. *,** Rev. Hammond visited school officiated. Among those from out ofvisite d her brother, Pat Lucas and her sister, Mrs. Pearl Golden last week. in charge. B. Y. P, U. was conducted basketball, for the first time and Thursday and presented the pupils with town who attended the funeral were by the president, Evelyn Lewis. ***** a wall motto. *** Mrs. Anna Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Farris of Peoria, While here she spent last Friday at won immense popularity and a the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Finis. Mrs. Evelyn Lewis returned home Sun­ is re~iding at the Hill Homestead. *••• Zora Hurston Writes 111. * * * Women's day will be observed day night from St. Louis, Mo. hope to return from most every­ The ball season closed with How­ October 9th at Green Chapel Baptist FESTUS, MO. one connected with the event. ard Stevens honored with being the Church. * * * Mrs. Gertrude Lewis was WRIGHT CITY, MO. most valuable man on the team. "Ask My Horse" a Louisiana visitor last Tuesday. * * * * St. John's M. E. Church held its an­ It is by such steps that ad­ nual celebration, honoring founder's day, Wesley Chapel M. E. Church: Rev. E. Rev. E. H. Adams and choir appeared T. Carrington, pastor. Women's day vancements are made and better CANAL NEW YORK, (ANP)—Miss on a program at Bethel M. E. Church, September 18; it was also the 58th an­ niversary of the local church, A pro­ services were observed at Wesley Chapel relation aided. Zora Neale Hurston, world's at Louisiana, Mo., Friday. * * * Mr. and Sunday with two inspiring sermons by MOBERLY, MO. Mrs. W. B. Elgin were here visiting gram was rendered by the local Colored Missourans should be proud AND famous novelist and authority on band. A mixed junior choir of the several the Rev. Lula Carring-fon. Several his sisters, MrB.' Daisy Tucker and Mrs. timely addresses and solos wrre given. that the coach of their own Lin­ The enrollment at Lincoln School is Negro Folklore will have her Ella Toy. ** Mrs. Elizabeth Redd'died churcheB assisted- with the vocal num­ bers. Other features of the program * * * Miss MarceHa and Jesse Sydnor coln U., , is at the214 . The junior class has the largest WALNUT latest book "Ask My Horse," at her home Wednesday morning, Sep­ were the Sunday evening guests of Miss enrollment, with 21 members. •** The tember 14 after a b!*ief illness. She*is were an address of welcome by Mrs. Al- helm of the Negro stars. dealing with voodooism in Haiti, tha Gill; church history by Mrs;1 Bessie Lula Mae Af f ington. * * * Several were Gatewood Browns were defeated in a Phone: 3-0G83 survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ruth present at the program brought . by a HURTING BOXING base ball game at Lockwood Field last published next month. Other Davis of Springfield, 111., and four sons, B. Brown. Rev. P. C. Chandler of Wards Chapel A. M. E. church delivered the group from Forestill, Mo., sponsoring A St. Louis daily sports com­ Sunday by the Kansas City Monarchs, books written by Miss Hurston George Redd of St. Louis, Theodore Redd a 'trip around the world.' ***** Th e 5 to 0 A large crowd of base ball of Louisiana, Mo., Archie Redd and sermon. The stewards and club leaders mentator recently in comment­ SAT. — Show Starts at 12 A. M — SEPT. 24 are "Jonah's Gourd Vine," "Mules made reports after the meeting. Rev. Stewards will give a picnic on the fans, white and colored, attended the Moss Redd of Clarksville, Mo. Funer­ lawn of the church October 8 *** Mi^ game. ***** Grant Chapel A. M. E. and Men" and "They Lifted Their al services were held Friday, Septem­ Johnson, pastor; Mrs. Altha Gill, dis­ ing on the success of Archie 10 to ALL Till 6 P. M.—KEN MAYNARD in bursing stewardess; W. F. James, chair­ Gladys Shelton and G orge Bratroch of Church, Rev. A. J. Bell, pastor. Sunday Eyes to God." ber 16 from Green Chapel Baptist Troy, Mo., attended Church here Sun­ Moore, local boxer, stated the School, 10 a. m. The pastor brought Church. Rev. E. H. Adams officiated. man of finance; Mrs. Bessie B. Brown, recording steward. * * * Mt. Pilgrim Bap­ day. *** Mrs. Louis Welch went to St. only thing was he had to leave the message at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. *** The shower given for Mrs. Gladys Louis Thursday evening to be with m. *** A. C. E. League at 6:30. **• 'TRAILING TR80BLE" Davis was a success. *** News can­ tist Church: Sunday School opened at home to make good. 9:30 a.m. with the superintendent in her daughter, Miss Minnie Hawkins, Emancipation service was held on —Plus Chapter No. 7— not be in the paper if it is not given who underwent an operation at Saint A follower of the game in an­ Sept. 22 sponsored by the league and to the reporter Saturday when the pa­charge. The Dement Quartet had a pro­ Louis Armstrong, Swing gram in the evening. A luncheon was Mary's Infirmary. *** September 11th swering this stated that the trou­ the W. M. M. Society. Prayer and per is delivered. News must be in the marked the closing of the union b?sket class on Wednesday night 8:15. On "TIM TYLER'S LUCK" and Argus office Monday. given by the choir Wednesday evening. ble is there is too much preju­ Trumpeter, Sued by Wife *** Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford of Stdinner. s for the following ministers: Saturday afternoon Sunday School en­ Charles Turner, reporter. Louis, Mo., visited their parents Sun­ Revs. William Clarence, B. B. Huston, dice here for a professional Ne­ tertained tY-'i pupils with a children's "BIKfi'S BIRTH AND ORCHESTRA" day evening. * * * William Hamilton oi E. T. Taylor, L. S. Simms, E. T. Car­ gro boxer to make good, and not hour from i until 4:30 at the church. CHICAGO.—Suit for divorce HANNIBAL, MO. St. Mary's, Mo., called on Mr. andrington , E. H. Holliday.v Mrs. Robinson only that, but so much so that 7 was filed Tuesday in Superior Services Sunday at the 8th and Cen­ Mrs. George Ford, Sunday. * * * * Perry and Mrs. Collins. Rev. B. B. Huston is TlJNDAY AID MONDAY-^SEPT. ifiWto ' ter Streets Baptist Church were excel­ Glennon MeGee of St. Paul, Minn., spent president; Rev. Lula Carrington, sec­ it is "killing" the boxing game court against Louis Armstrong, lent. Sunday School was well attended; retary. YOUR NEWS MUST REACH in St. Louis. king of trumpeters, by Mrs. Lil­ there ha& been a gradual increase. At few days visiting his aunt, Mrs. Bes­ THE ARGUS MONDAY. GINS JIBTAMERICAN MOTION PICTURE! the morning service, the pastor. Dr, C. sie B. Brown. He returned home with 'The officials are so one-sid­ lian H. Armstrong. The suit Lopez McAllister, delivered an impress­ his brothers, Lafayette and Earl and ed that a colored fighter has to 20th Century. Fox presents his sister, Helen to enter school. While When You Need Liquor] charges desertion. Armstrong, ive message. Miss Geraldine Harmon, in Festus, Glennon organized a hiking NEW HAVEN, MO. almost kill a white fighter to get DARRYLF. ZANUCK'S swing band leader and motion a member of the Douglass school fac­ party and hiked to Buck Knob Hills. NEWS MUST BEACH THE AR'JDS ulty, joined the church by letter. The OFFICE MONDAY. *«* Sunday School a decision. It has become so picture actor, deserted her in Baptist Training Union was well at­ Miss Alice MeGee, formerly of Festus. rank that even a good number For Your Party—Try 1931, Mrs. Armstrong's bill tended. Mrs. Williams, the newly ap­ but now an instructor at Vashon High met at the usual hour with the super­ School, St. Louis, returned from the intendent. Miss Lillian Kemp in charge. of the white public are resenting charges. The couple were mar­ pointed chairman of the program com­ - mittee, presented an interesting program. orient, where she spent her vacation Rev. Gibbs delivered two inspiring ser­ such unsportsmanly treatment ried in 1924. Mrs. Armstrong, A program will be rendered each Sun­ studying in Germany and England. She mons. *** Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swee- who is 36 years old, lives at 421 day evening. At the regular evening also visited France, the Netherlands and zer. Myrtle, Ethel and Leroy Kemp s^ent and are staying home with col­ PAT'S LIQUOR TYRONE ALICE DON other countries. the week end in Alton. 111. ***** Miss ored fans," he said. East 44th street. She is an ar­ service, Pastor McAllister spoke. The Lillian Kemp spent the week end with ranger of swing songs. clrarch will give a trip around the world her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William This supporter of the game I POWER-FAYE-AMECHE to New London Tuesday night, Sep­ FREDERICKTOWN, MO. Kemp. *** Mrs. William Kemp was the gave an answer th/.t has become STORE '04 . and a cast oi thousands tember 27. The 85th anniversary of , Sunday School was held at the Bethel Thursday evening guest of Mrs. Swee- the church will be celebrated the first A.M.E. Church at 9:30 a.m. Regular ser­ zer of Robertsville, Mo. heard from many fans. AT THE POINT Directed by Henry King week in October, beginning on the first vices were held at 11 o'clock with Rev. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF •5« $ ------Sunday and ending on the second. The Allen delivering the sermon. Sunday White Ribbon Circle was entertained school is held at Haven Chapel M. E. PORTAGEVILLK, MO. The St. Louis School Board Plus—STOOGE COMEDY "TASSELS IN THE AIR Monday night at the residence of itsChurc h every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. *** has taken over interscholastic ac­ [Canal and Walnulit Sts J -AND NEWS- Have you fried BUD'S president, Mrs. Josie Ashby, George E. Rev. Allen was the dinner guest of Mr. Sunday School at ^oberson Chapel Roberts made a trip to Louisiana, Mo,, and Mrs. James Villars Sunday. *** Im­ M. B. Church of Kewanee, Mo., opened tivities in the high school, and a [COCKTAILS HSMSSSBJ Friday. *** George Nearing and Miss provements are being made on the Lang­ at the usual hour. Devotional services commissioner, Arthur O'Kelley, Drink Specials? Mary Lee Roberts are attending Lincoln ston School yard. *** Mr. and Mrs. Jos­ were conducted by John Roberson and TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 University. * * * Miss June McMechens eph Miller and son of Farmington, Mo., Cecil Stockdale of New Bethel Church, has been placed at the helm by has gone to Washington, D. C, to enter were the week end guests of Mrs. Georgia Laforge, Mo. The morning sermon was Alfred O. Henderson, director of * Calvert and Soda Howard University. ** Douglass school Ann McFadden and Mr. and Mrs. Mor­ delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Cald- "I'LL TIKE ROMANCE" has a fine enrollment this year. Two ton Shepard. *** Mrs. Annie Mattmgly eleugh. *** Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Cald- physical education. How this With Grace Moore—Melvin Douglass * Manhattan new members / have been added to thewa s the dinner guest of Mrs. Eliza Madi­ cleugh and Mrs. Anne Jackson were will affect Sumner and Vashon Glean Gar Service Plus—THREE SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS staff of teachers: Miss Alva Clark of son, Sunday. *** Mrs. Bernice Vincent the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andHig h Schools remains to be Sedalia and Miss Geraldine Harmon of and daughter, Barbara visited MrB. Mary Mrs. Daniel McClemon of Kewanee, 208 S.L 10th Street / * Dry Martini Topeka, Kansas. Miss Edythe May­ Parks and daughters Friday afternoon. Mo. *** Evening devotionals were led seen, but it is promised that the berry, a former member of the Douglass * * * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Villars and by Mr. Scott and Daniel McClemon. body will take charge of pay­ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEPT. 28 and 20 * Old Fashion School faculty is in the city visiting daughter of Farmington and Mrs. Rus­ Community service was conducted by ment of officials and settle all ASKS YOU- —BIG MATINEE SHOWS BOTH DAYS— Miss Helen Carr. ** Rev. W. H. Whee­ sell Kemp of Ironton, Mo,, were the the pastor. Plans are being ma4e for ler is on his annual vacation. He will week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John a rally October 9. The singing union protests and handle all matters DOES TOUR CAR START * Calvert Collins return Sunday. *** Rev. C. Lopez Mc- Madison. ***** Peggy and Billy Poston will convene at New Morning Star, Hay- of procedure policy, eligibility PROMPTLY THESE CHILLY p L u s iwere overnight guests of their grand­ ward, Mo.. Sunday. * Whiskey Sour parents, Mr. and Mrs Tobe Byas, Fri­ Lucy Caldcleugh. reporter. and make all major decisions on MORNINGS? Bi day. *** Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson athletics-. The matter of taking (/) Check The Following: * Tom Collins visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young all gate receipts to go into a com­ * TIMING Wc Are Experts On Friday night. *** Harry Johnson, Jr., Please have your nickle ready when the * SPARK PLUGS "SECRETS OF has returned to his home in Kansas paper is delivered. mon treasury for the purpose of Cleaning and Dyeing All City, Mo., after spending the summer Mrs. Mary Parks, reporter. aiding smaller schools of the * POINTS Lincoln Tap Room Colors of Shoes here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ * CARBURETOR ry JohnBon. *** James Villarsj visited , MO. 8 white high schools to conduct TREASURE ISLAND" Mrs. Eliza and Miss Grace Madison, Moselle Second Baptist Church: Rev. athletic programs apparently will * BATTERY Chapter No. 11 And News 322 Lincoln Avenue Thursday. *** Mrs. Hettie Gibbs was J. A. Jones, pastor. One member united not apply to Vashon and Sum­ the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. John with the church during the services.*** Madison Thursday. *** Walter Davis A pie supper will be given at the church ner because they have no local ROYAL 1 Only left Tuesday morning to enter the vet­ Saturday. *** Mr. and Mrs James were league at these schools. eran's hospital at Jefferson Barracks, the week end guests in Washington, Mo. It remains, however, that the FRIDAY—SHOW STARTS AT I P. M., SEPT 30 Chili SMOKE SHOP Mo., *** Miss Toms of Chicago, 111., While there they attended the fair. *** 10c To ALL Till 6 P. M. was the Saturday night guest of MrsMrs. . E. Shepard and family were the board of O'Kelley, Anderson, St.SO 413 LINCOLN AVENUE Eliza and Miss Grace Madison. ** Mr. Sunday ffuests of Mrs. Mae Drayton. *** John Rush Powell and D. H. EDDIE CANTOR, SALLY EILERS, PARKYAKARKUS in Cameron was the Saturday night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mickle Jenkins attended Sandwiches WM. SALLEE, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Shepard. * * * Mr. church in 'Robertsville last Sunday. *** Wier may take cognizance of Used Tires — Tires "STRIKE IE PINK" We Handle All Colored and MrB, Cooper Madison visited Mr. Mrs. Elsie Casie is the guest of her par- the handicaps of the one Satur­ and Mrs. Thomas Parks Sunday even­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Shores. ** day afternoon allotted to the two Repaired—Batteries Also Chapter No. 6—Dick Tracy and Cartoon Hot Lunches Newspapers ing. ****** Mrs, Eva Staten and Rose Give your news to the reporter Sunday Marie Parks visited MrB. Annie Mat­ evening. ;:i -: Negro schools at the Stadium Recharged - Os»rs - Chewing QUID — thews and family Saturday afternoon. ** Oralee Nelson, reporter. during the season. THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1938 PAGE FIVE POTENT ALUMNI AND LIONS CLASH TODAY AT STADIUM

GREENS 20—WHITES 0 Lincoln U. Has Ethiopian Clowns Face Real Test In Alumni Team Exclusive Hotel Tex. And Ark. IN KY. SCRIMMAGE Issue Negro World Tigers Risk By A. J. RICHARDS First Practice Scene of Armstrong FRANKFORT, Sept. 17—There Series Challenge Alumni Have Powerful Team ky is aiso on the schedule. was a little joy in the "Thoro- JEFFERSON CITY.—In the ab­ Fete | sence of Coach Raymond H. The Ethiopian clowns, claim Bolstered By Addition At Last ALUMNI WILL PRESENT S.W. Threats bred" camp today after a big ants of the 1938 world colored Minute Of Powerful Back. EXPERIENCED TEAM. '38 Title In green team, consisting mostly oi Kemp, now in Chicago coaching championship title, through their LOS ANGELES, (ANP)— DALLAS, Sept. (By Roy Dixon regulars, walloped a second the Colored College All-Stars for booking agent, Syd Pollock of With the addition of "Widgie With Mayor Frank L. Shaw for ANP)—More than a score of their game with the Chicago The Lincoln Lions have the •string white team 20-0. Despite North Tarrytown, N. Y., invite largest squad in 10 years, with Jackson", the lad with the shifty seated by him at the speaker's college elevens in the Southwest­ an improved offense on line .bears, candidates for the 1938 the winner of the Negro Ameri­ hips, the Alumni have been table, Henry Armstrong was ern area comprising Texas, Okla­ j-ancoin football team were called 45 boys out for the team and honor guest last Wednesday Stiff Opener plays, the passing game of the can and National league cham­ they lace a supreme test today scrimimaging with ' renewed homa, Arkansas and Louisiana green team was still woefully io practice this week by Assistant pionship to play a "Colored World night in one of the most elab­ are now poised on the threshold when they tackle the powerful strength the past few days. "Wid­ weak. In a long first half, the Ooacn .hric Wt. mpps, uneetor OJ. Series" of games during October gie", a member of Tennessee orate banquets ever staged at of their '38 grid campaign and pnysical education. Assisting alumni team, which in reality, is the exclusive Biltmore hotel. big green team, consisting of at Miami, Florida, thus establish­ State's present squad is one of TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, Ala., every indication points to one of uoacn Epps are former Lincoln a W. Kentucky Football team in Present also at Henry's table —The Golden Tigers plunged in­ Ferrell, Blackburn, Hathcock, and ing' without question the undis­ the shiftiest and best open field the most hectic razzle-dazzle Rogers in the backfield, and u. Coach Thomas Miles, professor puted championship of the world. disguise. The Lions started prac­ were Buron Fitts, district at­ to their second week of prepara­ free-for-alls in history. Strong Bailey, Miller, White, Jones, of mathematics, and former assist­ Mr. Pollock points out such a ticing 2 weeks before the open­ runners to be developed in these torney, Bill Robinson, Judge tion for the LeMoyne College colorful teams of last year like Kennedy, Al Jolson, who act­ Diggs, Toomer and Scaife in the ant coach Muton U. narcnma.ii, series in Florida would attract ing of School and from reports parts- and on the field during the game which will be played in the Texas college, Arkansas State, assistant processor of French. practices this week displayed ed as master of ceremonies, Alumni Bowl at Tuskegee, Sep­ line, scored three and tremendous attendances.' that have come from tne camp and many other notable per­ Prairie View, Langston and a safety to be returned victors Among last year's performers real form. He is very anxious to tember 24, with vigorous body Xavier havent been perceptibly The Clowns added to their issued by Head Coach Niles and sonages. One and all they contact work, signal drills and over a second team consisting of on tne xield this week are: Sam claim to the 1938 colored title by celebrate his return to school lauded the triple champion for weakened by graduation losses Dawson, Williams, Jones, Brown, his assistant, T. M. Cheeks, the long defensive drills against the and with additional experience, Harris, John Hughes, Robert beating the Atlanta Black Crack­ boys have a team, that should of­ with a victory over the Nilesmen. his achivements and declared Knight and Smith in the line. .fearley, James Lee Hunt, James expected aerial attack of the the majority of these are expect­ ers, 6-1, at Macon. The Crack­ fer stiff competition to the op­ The Whip, a new play in the an­ that they were honored to Yellow Jackets. The men from ed to be even better this year uicaoun, ,-uinobay i&trocuers, reroi- ers are second half champs of nals of local grid-dom, will be dine with him. There were 200 Memphis will, it is understood, nand Clarke, and Chester Coth- the American Negro League. So ponents that they have to face guests with all of them white than last. mis year. There are eight letter- paraded before the fans Satur­ use their spaghetti shift which arn. far the Clowns are undefeated by but a dozen or so. caused the Tigers no end of wor­ Other outfits like Wiley, Bi­ Strode May Not Play men battling for positions on the day—Don't fail to see this grand Worthy of mention among the any colored club this season and spectacle—your head will "swim" ry when these two teams played shop, Jarvis, Sam Huston, Paul they took the Chicago American regular squad and the fresh but Quinn, Tillotson and Southern Against Iowa For UCLA new faces on the field so far are: at its rapidity. here in the Bowl two years ago. niugene 'Time' Bradley, who made Giants in tow. not green material, is showing which didn't fare so well in the At Macon, Ga. GAME PROMISES TO Men who have shown to ad­ LOS ANGELEST (ANP)—Al­ a commendable showing in the up to perfection and making Morris Brown Drills vantage so far in the Tuskegee victory column last season de­ though Woodrow Wilson Strode, Team 123 456 789 R BE NATURAL. spite the tough reckoning they intra-murals last year and is out strong bids for the regular po­ By J. C. Chunn drills are Allen Scisco, end, and star weightman and the only tor lett haiibacK. this fall; Edward Ethiopian Clowns 301 000 200— 6 sitions. The boys who have been This game promises to be a ATLANTA, Ga.—Dewey Wil­ third place winner in the U. S. "exacted of all opponents, appear athlete on the West Coast to play Atlanta B. Cr'rs 001 000 000— 1 to be well fortified with excellent Smith, newcomer from St. Paul, displaying some mid-season form natural with much enthusiasm in liams, Leross Hooker, "Power­ decathalon championship held at the full 60 minutes in every Minn., where he played quarter Batteries: Askari and Tarzan; house" Pegues, "Big' Brown and Randall Island this summer; fresh material and a generous Howard and Green. are Bronson and Woolriage in both camps. The Alumni boasts sprinkling of seasoned vets this game, is ready to perform even at the Mechanics Arts High Theodore Johnson, lettermen of Louis Duncan, senior, halfback, greater deeds at right end as a At Jacksonville, Fla. the backfield, Jackson, Keel, Als­ of a fast heavy team built around year. School, a "pony-express" slated ton and Jones on the line. last year, returned to Morris and Louis Slade, sophomore, end, junior, he may see little action to groom the shoes formerly oc­ Ethiopian Clowns 000 002 100— 3 that fast and clever little signal Brown College last week and are and triple-threat delux. Bill Taylor's Arkansas State Jax Red Caps 000 000 002— 2 LINCOLN FACES barker, W. Jackson. "Tank" Ho­ Lions and E. V. Rettig's Texas in the University of California cupied by 'Bullet' Hyatt, Maurice fast rounding into condition un­ The Tigers' coaching staff will at* Los Angeles' game with Iowa Sneed, backfield candidate from Batteries; Sardo, Impo and TOUGH SCHEDULE gan who was the hero of the der the watchful eyes of Coaches undoubtedly take to the air this College Steers, the latter con­ Tarzan; Ferrell and Turner. ference champs for the past four here Friday night because of an Gary, Ind., brother of Leonard With teams representing such game played several seasons ago Nicks. Graves and Lockhart. year with Albert Frazier shoot­ successive years, loom on paper alleged feud with Coach Spauld­ Sneed, stalwart of the 1937 Lin­ cities as Dayton Ohio, St. Louis, when the mighty Wilberforcians ing the ball to Scisco and Slade as the most formidable aggrega­ ing. coln team. Mo., Cairo ill., and Bowling Ureen from Xenia Ohio bowed in defeat with his usual deadly accuracy. Deny J. J. Braddoek Ky., on the schedule, the wise­ to an unheralded West Kentucky Lincoln HI of K.C. Considerable time is devoted tions in the Southwest. each practice period to polishing group, passed through Chicago acres about town are predicting team. "Tank" will hold down one ,nis week enroute to New York Snares Louis' Contract Prepares for Girdiron the overhead heaves. that the Lions, minus the ser­ of the guard positions. KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Uoach Kid North Famous to buy horses for racing in Cali­ View Xavier "38 (JJLUOAUU, (ANP) —• Despite vices of Coffee, last year's bat­ SIDELINE THRILLS—MUSIC, fornia. Mr. North who for years Lenil Mason of Lincoln High Trainer in East suiieucuii) by ooiummst ooe tering ram and several other CHEERS TO BE PRESENTED School called grid practice and it Wild animals eat what they was associated with the Edge- vniiiiaiiio ana otner wuite sports was answered by 40 candidates. CHICAGO, (ANP) — "Kid" wood stable and who also train­ Football Season stellar performers, will surely go Mr. C. E. Rochelle, business like and are in perfect shape and North, one of the best known NEW ORLEANS—(By Charles writers wuu nave saiu in print down in defeat in many of these manager of athletics has spared Only four were letter men, and in health. ed for Bing Crosby, is now witn uiau oames J. jtsraaocic •positive­ two reserves. About 14 of the trainers and . horsemen of the the Edgewood stable of Holly­ de Lay for ANP)—The depar­ games. Coach Niles states that no pains to make this first game ture of 14 first string gridiron ly " nas part oi uiiainpiun joe he is aware of the fact that he 34 out for their first time, look wood. liuuis cui.nacL, tne iigntei and the grand spectacle of the sea­ very promising. warriors from the Xavier univer­ is probably facing a suicide son. He promises to have a well sity pigskin aggregation for ins two manage! a, Juuan i*iaeic The following letter men are 0 c schedule but he believes that his represented student body pre­ Hampton Boy Makes reasons of graduation or eligibil­ U11U dUiili j!i,U.A.JUUJ.uUgll, just as back: Linemen, Eddie Lee Haney vv* " *«. ity caused Coaches Theodore and "positively" ueuicu aucn xuuiiaay. Lions will surprise the entire sent that will give the crowd a and Baskerville; backs, L. Ervin Pro Grid Squad Giles Wright considerable concern local sports world and will pa­ demonstration of thrills and and M. Washington. NEW; YORK.—(ANP) — The at the close of last season. How­ rade a team of stars on the cheers the like of which has Opening October 1, the team backfield playing of Wallace ever, the failure Cjf some of the Lewis uecisions team that will surely bring the never been shown on the local will play the following in order: WE ARE Hooker, former Hampton Inst, star star eligibles to return for prac­ bacon (home. Henderson Kentuc­ field. Manual, Muskogee, Okla; Alumni, has caught the fancy of Coach tice, gave them further cause to Jimmy Adamick Douglass, Lexington, Mo.; Young Tom Sanders of the New York worry as the Gold Rush began LIONS POS. ALUMNI High, Independence, Mo.; Kansas NOW READY Black Hawks and if Hooker's its prep for the current season. PHILADELPHIA. — (ANP) — Vocational School, Topeka; Kan.; practice work is any indication of Added to the aforementioned Altnougn he was badly jarred in Jackson — — — *• L.E. — C. Walls and Sumner High, Kansas City. what he will do under fire, the handicaps has been the influx of the last two rounds, Lignt Heavy­ Dunlop L.T. — ., "Bill" Christian Hawks have acquired a valuable small men, principally line-men, weight Champion hau piled up Alston 1 — - L.G. — » "Tank" Hogans TO OUTFIT thereby creating a line problem. member for their already highly sucn a commanding lead in the Keel I - C. — ., v- jS« Bagwell 1938 Gross Country geared outfit. first eight rounds that ne won a Jones R.G. — .— — — R. Bronson decision over Jimmy Adamick of J. Catlett R.T. .. H. Lewis Race At Lincoln U. YOU FOR Hampton Prepares for Midland, Mich., before 12,000 Fisher R.E. .i— — J. Jordan Urges Tuskegeeans spectators in a nontitle bout at Bronson — — — - Q.B. v— — — W. Jackson Convention hall Thursday night. To Be October 15th Grid Season Tyler L.H.B. | C. Ccowe Attend Football Game But in the ninth, Adamick R.H.B. . 1 P. Gill FALL AND landed a terrific right to John Wimsatt — — — - The second annual state cross­ TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE — 35 Hopefuls Report For First W/oolridge - F.B. • fi— — — J. Johnican Wfillis I. Peak, Anderson, S. C, Session; Coaches Optimistic Henry's chin that brought the country meet will be held at Lin­ president of the Tuskegee Gen­ crowd to its feet yelling for a Substitutes for the Alumni will I Time of game: 2:15 p.m. Of- coln University, Jefferson City, eral Alumni Association, is urg­ By Sherman A. Harmon knockout. Lewis' knees buckled Mo., on October 15. The race will include C. Rutter and Wm. Ar-1 ficial-TRefeyee: K. H. Meade, be 8% miles over hill and dale ing Tuskegee graduates and for­ HAMPTON, Va., —Armstrong and he staggered to the ropes. nett, back and linesman, respect-J Lincoln U. (Penn).; Umpire— J. 1 Adamick missed with a left hook with the finish between the halv­ HoffmanS mer students to attend the Tus- Field welcomed' back approxi­ ively. Cte j S. Roberts, Lincoln. kegee-WSlberforce football game mately thirty-five 1938 gridiron and they were in a clinch at the es of the Philander Smith-Lin­ 1 bell. The white boy also hurt coln football game. MEN and BOYS WEAR which will be played at Soldier candidates on September 4, as Field, Chicago, Friday night, the fall practice session opened Lewis with a solid left hook to Douglass High of Hannibal will October 14. under the guidance of coaches the body in the 10th. The loser be the defending state champions. 317-319 MAIN ST. Arrangements for the dinner Gideon Smith and Herman Neil- weighed 188 to Lewis' 184. Johnson of Lexington, state class Oct. 13 are being made by Percy son. Elevens Play Sept. 23 At "B" mile champion for two R. Hines, 5178 Indiana avenue, straight years and Ralph, Boon­ Suffering an acute shortage ville are the favorites to win the Chicago and Everett L. Houser, from graduations in June, the race. President of the Chicago-Tuske- age-old problem of veteran ma­ F L A S H!» gee Club, 450 E. 34th street. terial is much apparent in the Soldiers Field With ten places counting in the scoring, teams will .be limited to Seasiders' stronghold. In addi­ Henry is Featuring ten competitors. About ten high tion to graduation losses, there The Very Latest In comes the last-minute news of Men's Clothing Country's Strongest To and he graduated from Wilber­ schools are expected to compete the loss of four tacklps who wil! force University. Another Chi­ in the meet. not be in school this year. "Churchill Clothes" cago lad, George Edwards, who The meet is being held under Get Test by Sepia prepped at Englewood and who the auspices of the Missouri State Some of last year's squadmen Suits and Topcoats Grid Team was captain of the Kentucky Negro Inter-Scholastic Athletic who are this year's hopefuls are: State eleven last fall, will be in Association. F. W. COOK COMPANY Captain James "Little Train" EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Griffin, Halfback; Wm. Hudgins, CHICAGO.— History will be the line. end; Sheridan "Fats" Granberry, 1776 and $22*0 made this Friday night when the Joe Lillard, the former Chica­ Yanthis, guard, Hicks, end, and center; Henry B. Mitchell, half­ , who are leading go Cardinal and Ozzie Simmons Bissant, the flying Geechie. the Western division of the Na­ will do the passing for the All- back; James Price, halfback; COME IN TODAY FISK TIRES Russell "Grouch" Smith, quar­ tional Professional Football Lea­ Stars. terback; Neal Brown, halfback; gue with two wins and no de­ Madison Doram, a half back, Hawley Newsome, guard; Hubert THE VOOUE feats, face the Negro College All who received the greatest num­ Whittaker, halfback; Daniel Neal, Stars. It will be the most potert- ber of votes in the poll conduct­ end; and Harold Green guard. CHAMBERS-LASWELL tious interracial athletic event ed by 100 newspaper, kicks with Former varsity men returning Proprietors ever staged with at least 35,000 either foot and will do the George A. Theyson are: "Smokey Joe" Dismond, 213 Main Street persons expected to go to Sold­ punting. Doram is from Xavier fullback; James "Sharkey" Stu­ Henry Day—Clothing Dept. iers Field to see the contest of New Orleans, which sent three "THE TIRE AND BATTERY MAN" art, guard; and Robert Hamil­ which is for charity. other men to the game—Hiram ton, halfback. Workman, tackle, second high in Conrad Shows Form poll; Andrew Miles, quarter Back, 14 N. Main Phone 9249 Morgan College of Baltimore, and Don Hurst, guard. undefeated in six seasons, accord­ James Day, 205 pound end, who Fifty-five Out for Clark ing to Coach Ray Kemp of Lin­ was captain of Tloedo last sea­ coln College who, with Duke son, is expected to be one of the .V. S. I* BATTERIES. University Squad Slater, is in charge of the all- stars of the game. He is fast and By J. C. Chunn stars, has five representatives one of the best pass receivers in ATLANTA, Ga.— Fifty-five and Xavier of New Orleans has the game. PW'.f candidates, the best squad that four. ' HALLERT'S Clark University has had in the Five former Big Ten players last seven years are working out are included on the Negro all- daily on the Panther athletic star roster of thirty-seven which field. It is the most favorable meets the Bears in the first position that Coach Robinson has game of its kind ever played. Wiley Opens been in since he took over the realms as head mentor for the They are Ozzie and Don Sim­ Red' and Black colors. mons and Wilbur Wallace of Iowa, Dwight Reed of Minnesota, and "Poppa" Gates, a graduate of William Exum of Wisconsin. Don 1938 Season Franklin High School of New Simmons' and Reed are ends. The By Orange T. demons York City, is showing the way others are backs. Of the group for the frosh hopefuls. Ozzie, who was one of the na­ MARSHALL, Texas,— Coaches tion's outstanding open field run­ Fred and Harry Long of Wiley ners, will command the most at­ College prepared their Wildcats CLASSIC OF THE SEASON!!. tention from the Bears. here today to open the 1938 Kentucky State, which claimed schedule against the charges of the national Negro title last year, Coach Randy Taylor of Tillotson Saturday, Sept. 24, 1938 has Tim Roberson, a giant tackle, here Friday night, September 23, and George Edwards and Joe at Farr Park Stadium, by send­ Kendall, half backs. ing them through a series of Lincoln Lions vs. Alumni - Tank Conrad, 260 pound full stiff scrimmages. back from Morgan college, has Coach Taylor has, for the last Lincoln Stadium — Kickoff 2:15 P.M. been assigned to face the Bears. several years, produced some MUSIC CHEERS During his collegiate career, very good teams and this year is Conrad was completely held in determined to convince the of­ ADMISSION, 35c — No Student Tickets Sold At The Gate check. He has been one of the ficials of the Southwest Con­ hardest working men on the ference that Tillotson deserves squad the last two weeks and has a place in their organization. played himself into excellent con­ The Wiley Team will be built around a nucleus of letter men NEXT HOME GAME — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1938 dition. Jack Hart, a Chicago product, and regular reserves of last year. LINCOLN vs. OWENSBORO, KY. will be Keen in action at quarter Letter men who are expected to bade. His prep days were spent see action Friday night are: at Wendell Phillips High School Mims, diminutive , PAGE SIX THE EVANSVILLE ARGUS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1938

Comments ••• EDITORIALS Features

The Evansville Argus Louisville Cleric Marks PUBLISHED kV£.KY XMIJAI Al tun AINSVTLLE, IND. Dane at Random ±X XT JLVOXlXj-k^iVX hAlDlb Phone 3-2955 (By Ralph L. Lester for ANP) Afc^n-ii...^ „o ^t*i mut in leaving oeiore Durham for ANP)— Members of W. & Best PRINCIPAL AND AGENT aie, as a. general ruie, a well nearmg our complete explanation West Chestnut Street Baptist Raymond King An ordinary, oral contract of H FROM HISTORY meaning lot. And we never hesi­ ne pj.iweu tne point we wisn to church joined with civic and A. H. Wilson employment—as one of agency- tate to lend an ear to tneir voice. rnaKe. x'fle woria is reeling uuaer business leaders her* last week Mrs. L. A. George which is wholly indefinite in to waomt wmtnuut WHKBLU Yet there are times when even tne weight of wars, rumors oi in paying tribute to Rev. Wil­ SUBSCRIPTluJN RATES our best friends miss, the point. wars, social unrest and numerous liam H. Johnson on completion ONE YEAR |2.00 point of time as to duration or is not to be performed within a Wihicn seems to be true in this other evils. The Negro, at home of his 40th year as pastor of 8L£ MONTHS , *1.2o case. and abroad, is struggling for the church. During that time he THREn, MOiNTH,B ttoc year will not be considered as a ROMANCE AND TRAGEDY over on the Nordic side. perpetual contract and enforced The late George B. Vashon re­ A good friend stopped us on existence. All of that is true— has increased the membership SiiNULE (JUPY 6c The fires lighted by sun wor­ 'i'Ms: AHGUSi CuVJKlta EVANSVILLE AND ITS as such, but may be terminated lated to this writer that as a the street the other day and be­ but DAR does not have the solu­ from 65 to 1,000. shippers still blaze perennially rated us for the general "ligfit- tion. We do have a solution, but AMUlMiXU i'JbUIUl'UltX at any time by either party to newspaperman in 1887, in an in­ it. This general rule has one ex­ upon a great summit in Calcutta terview with one of the older ness" of DAR, our weekly otter­ we have serious doubts that it is Aa>eii»a»ng iiai.es Will Be burnished On Request ception which arose to permit as undimmed as in forgotten Chouteaus, he was told: "Yes, 1 ing. In part he stated, "With the solution. Technicians Ask Work All News iyia.LW loi- uie Lvausvuie Argus Must ise ui our Office justice. ages. But on the shores of the have Negro blood in my veins... the wor\d in a state of unrest PEOPLE ARE FICKLE i*y lutsasy iNoiu In Older To A wear In The ninsning tuition. Ad­ The principal cannot summari­ Mississippi and in cities that tlot that is why I am so virile. The and the Negro having a difficult Let us assume, for argument's On Negro WPA Housing ores* Ail Communications To Tne Evansville Argua—W6 iviulb/riy ly revoke the authority of his its banks the sacred fires of the fact is, modern anthropologists time, wavering on the /bottom sake, that we do have the solu­ Mound Builders were extinguish­ CHICAGO, Sept. (ANP)—in­ Street, i-vansvrllt, Indiana. agent or discharge him where have discovered that there are rung of the economic ladder,' you tion. We would rant, rave, preach terest in the proposed WPA lais AKUUS PLATFORM FOR 1938 the agent has acquired an in­ ed when European civilization no pure races; that man has many with a weekly column devote so and write to the masses until our wended its way westward, and South Park Gardens project for 1. NEGRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE terest in the subject matter of artificial differences which clim­ much space to 'street scenes,' very soul was wracked and the Negroes, long a controversial 2. iVxOlcr. NLuftO i>USiiNEba J^iNTERPRISES the agency. Where the agent has now the illustrious Indians such ate, vegetation and traditions 'vignettes from life,' 'gossip,' and masses, like our good friend, as Sachem, Pontiac and Tahran subject here, centered this week 3. JNiVW OOMMuNlTi (JENi-kK BUlL-DliNG in good faith incurred expense have stamped upon him." and the like. Times are too ser­ would listen until a better per­ in efforts of the National Tech­ 4. MAYOR hua. ItfERBYVliiLE and devoted time and labor in Sea, of White Horse, handsome Beauty on Egypt's brow has ious for such trivial. Why don't suader, like our friend's lady nical Association, colored, to have 6. jbiAMLNAUON ur TllHI CLANNISH SPIRIT the matter of the agency with­ red men whom' Pierre Laclede, been rewarded here. Miss Ger­ you lend your effort to assisting companion, came along. Then Negro engineers, architects and «>. A x Alii l>liAL FOR ALL out having had a sufficient op­ Liqueste and Auguste Chouteau trude Marshall was voted the your folk out of their present technicians employed on the big met and respected as friends are off they would go paying court portunity to recoup from the un­ most beautiful girl in a large dilemma?" to another. job by the Chicago Housing Au­ IHL AKGUS dertaking, the principal will be almost forgotten legends. daily newspaper contest. Miss A MISS—ON THE SCENE thority, under whose direction The Argus is carried to every section of Evansville and required to compensate him in The Spanish and French set­ Pearl Cass was a saleswoman for After recovering from this ver­ WE'RE INTERESTED the project will be built. that behalf. The law will not tlers of early St. Louis had no a long time at a candy store in bal barrage we began to explain Make no mistake, we are deep­ its adjoining territory. We nave several boys and girls who racial antipathy. The meaning the city and many other women ly interested in the affairs of the permit one person to deprive our point of view when a lovely We are more interested in the will be very happy to deliver tne Argus to your homes every another of value without award­ and origin of the word "Creole" as well as men have served, and creature of the wily sex, whom times. We follow them with re- week. Therefore, remember—while you are giving support is vague, but its most definite are serving in positions of impor­ ligiouls fervor. Occasionally we American who is impressed with ing fair compensation. he knew, appeared on the scene the places where our own pio­ to the Argus you are also making it possible lor these boys The agent should be afforded application and its easily under­ tance and trust.. sometime pass­ like the quiet beauty of a budding pen a word or two along that ing for white and just as often line. We believe that the people neers lived or perished than any­ and girls to earn some money. a.reasonable opportunity to avail stood vernacular in the West In­ rose. Our friend, who failed to dies, is a mixture of Spanish and not doing so. should be guided along the best thing that ever happened in clas­ TheArgus will always serve as the voice for the people. himself of the efforts in behalf introduce us (thus earning our sic Greece. of the agency and if such op­ African or French and African Contrast and variety have lent eternal hatred) bid us a brief lines and by those best qualified Will alwaya present true facts in a clean and wholesome portunity is denied him, the prin­ blood. It was once rumored that color and romance to our city adieu and walked away with the to lead them. Too many leaders manner. READ THE ARGUS. Tell your friends about it Madam Chouteau was a Creole, There will come a time ere long fair one in arm. befuddle the people and a few cipal must compensate him. false ones exploit them. Fortun­ and patronize our advertisers. from the West Indies. There are when man shall banish fear and OCEANS CAN'T STOP IDEAS several books in the St. Louis passion, hatred and envy from ately we are not classified in "Just tell them that you saw it in the Argus." There must be others who share either group. Public Library giving the names his mind and shall measure all our friend's viewpoint. Seldom of Creole families in St. Louis. things by his knowledge of truth, and then shall peace and har­ does one person have a monopoly OUR POSITION HOLDUPS IN EVANSVILLE HEROES One of the writers said that a on any particular thought. A Creole is "mistakenly" said to be mony reign. A long time ago we decided hasty search usually reveals oth­ that since nearly every writer According to reports reaching the editor's desk of the (By William Pickens for ANP) Negroid, but that a Creole is the ers who have similar leanings. xake your hats oil, foiks: here mixture of two distinct white had a panacea for the ills of the Argus, holdups are running rampant in the vicinity of the A concrete example of this can world, we would be different. We comes McDaniels, Hero of the racial parties in a Colonial pos­ be found in the recent invention, playground on Mulberry and Govenor Streets. This start- Ebro. He is among the white session. This leaves the writer also concluded that no matter by an Englishman, of a device for how grave the crisis there would ^ ling information was relayed to this department by local ana colored wounded now recov­ in the same frame of mind as the Firm Asks Dunbar parking automoblies. You drive ering in the Military Hospital at little girl who insisted, although always be a man equal to the ^citizens and several officers of the American Legion. up to the space and by operat­ occasion. In due time there will ^k In the past few days since the chilly weather has been Mataro. He is black,—as black some of her family were missing ing a new/ mechanism the car Henry Sez: as human skin ever gets,—and and some were buried, that "Pray arise a Negro who will be fit Sphered in, several holdups have been perpetrated on Mul- To Write Book moves sideways into the desired for the emergency and all shall black all over, every inch of him. master, we are seven." parking spot. The inventor, Berry Street; Such information must arouse the serious con­ know him. Evansville Has- When I saw. him a nurse was The writer names as Creoles LONDON, Sept. (ANP)—Ru­ whose name escapes us, worked We are merely standing on the sideration of every law abiding citizen. dressing the wound in his left the following colored families: dolph Dunbar has been command­ on the plan five years and yet 41—Schools— .. sidelines, ^n observing scribe, 18—'Elementary ^L Such actions as described above will doubtless lead to thigh where a Fascist bullet went Jeannette and Caesar Blouin, Ma- ed by Dallas and Sons, Ltd., one he was not the only one who had jotting down various items as the in,—and he had not a rag of thurin Baptiste, Noyas and Jar- of the best music publishing the same idea. On this side of 14—Parochial ^^ore serious crimes such as vandalism, insulting remarks, min Dancherant, Audelie Aube- firms and Instrument dealers in crowd passes by. 2—Business clothes on. No time for the con­ the ocean Chesley Briscoe, John Comes the class war, the revo­ B^'ulgarity and profanity, if such is not curbed at once. ventions of fools in this hospital! shon, Angela Labadie, Louise England, to write a textbook on Scriber, two local boys, and the 2—Music Ramise, Blanche Valle, Felix clarinet playing. Dunbar was lution, or what have you, and 5—High Schools ^T This state of affairs must be stopped at once. Evansville, And this girl, she is an Ameri­ conductor of this department DAR is likely to be among the can, white, from McDaniel's own Dore, head of the family of considered the only man capable worked on the identical idea for 41—Grand Total a city of liberalism and opportunity, cannot be disgraced by George Dore, John O'Fallon and of writing a textbook of this na­ first whose heads will roll in the country. There are many na­ several months. Many others sand. individuals who have n,o respect for the community or them­ tionalities in this hospital, among many others. ture for he is technical expert to selves. patients, nurses and doctors. In In the book, "Glimpses of The Melody Maker, British mu­ The local law enforcement board is doing splendid work the worst-case ward I met an Creole Life In Old St. Louis" by sic magazine. but this is a campaign which needs every loyal citizen's help, English girl, just two weeks in, Eugene Berthold in which the •V.W--C O U P O N —nursing men of great war frac* Negroid Creoles are called "Me- Negro "Mikado" to Open WITH _J»p. Every law abiding citizen is urged to report to the po­ tures, some of them crying out tisses," the writer tells of a ro­ COUPON lice at once any case of unlawfulness, or discourtesy. And, with pain. mance of a beautiful colored girl, 100 ASPIRINS 9c CHICAGO, (ANP)—Sept. 25, (5 Grains Each) in major instances, join with the law forces in prosecution, But back to McDaniels. He was a maid, with a young colored man is the opening date for the Fed­ smiling, as the nurse swabbed the named Isadore Papin and how eral theatre's all-Negro version there n,eed be no fear, for hoodlums and holdup men are their marriage was arranged by KRAFT'S PHARMACY — GOVENOR and LINCOLN cowards and lose all bravado when brought within the red bullet hole in his black hide. of the "Mikado" to be produced 3-0016 — PHONES — 7814 The bullet is still in there, in the cure' Jacques Clay Morgan, a at the Great Northern theatre. clutches of the law. three pieces. It was a hellish ex­ Frenchman of aristocratic family, The mothers—wives—daughters *and sweethearts of who had a wife of African de­ plosive bullet, used by devils and scent. Monsieur Morgan was the Evansville must be protected. There are far more law abid­ Fascists. recipient of a large tract of land, ing citizens than, holdup men, and when they take liberty for "They thought they had better ivhich extended from the river get me from the distance,'' saict license, their activities must be Stopped—they ..must be and covered the business district McDaniels. This was not a boast; of the city. This was granted to shown just who is the boss—even to the extent of being run it was tne truth. This black boy, him under a Spanish Treaty, but out of the community. of San Francisco, put to route a when Spain ceded the Louisiana whole company of Italian Fas­ Territory back to Napoleon, the Citizens—now is the time to act before conditions get '^.Wt k>» cists by throwing 30-odd hand- Emperor of France sold it to the worse, and some terrible catastrophe follows. grenades at them. "Next time," United States for $15,000,000. said 1, "if they will give you a Through the far-seeing states­ truck load of grenades, you'll manship of Thomas Jefferson who FOR ARMY AND NAVY drive out the whole Fascist was then President of the United FABRICS are "GREAT" army." That deepened his smile. States, there were hundreds of REPRINT FROM THE ST. LOUIS ARGUS He is itching to get back to the other grants similar to this which STYLING is "TOPS" front. became void. After the death of TAILORING is Congressman Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., has again an­ When the Loyalists were re­ Jacques Clay Morgan, his son, "RICH" nounced an examination for applicants who desire toj enter treating over the Ebro, in an ear­ Henry Clay Morgan, a barber, the United States Military Academy at West Point, New lier engagement, he carried his carried on litigation for years and 1 spent thousands of dollars en­ York, or the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. machine gun, with bullets flying STANLEY past him, to the Ebro and was deavoring to secure the title to The colored citizens of this community should busy them­ going over the bridge with it. this land, but was unsuccessful. selves and see to it. that some young man who is qualified Part of the bridge blew up ahead The coming of the English and takes either one of the above-named examinations. of him and this dark Hercules German immigrants brought fric­ Suits and T We think that we are safe in saying that Mr. Hennings actually threw the machine gun tion into the Mound City on the is very much interested in having a colored boy appointed toward the forward bank of the color question. For many years river, stripped off all his clothes the mating of whites and blacks GIVE YOU 'PEAK VALUES' FOR FAIL AND WINTER from this district and that he is ready and willing to make and swam across faster than the had gone on with only a lifting the recomm' n 'ations for such an appointment. However, it Fascist bullets which came after of the eyebrows, but things These new Stanley Suits and Coats possess the faultless "line " must be borVie in mind that to enter either of these, train­ him. changed and the Morgan family drape, "break" and "finish" that distinguishes them from the commonplace. They'll retain their shape long after their ing schools the applicant must undergo a rigid intelligence No wonder that the Spanish was discriminated against because there was Negro blood in their youth has passed. All the newest patterns, style details and test as well as a rigid physical examination. If, perchance, army has literally carried him on colors are here—See them today! their shoulders and* figuratively veins and in retaliation Henry one should pass the required tests for admittance, that is in their hearts ever since. Clay Morgan wrote a book entitl­ only the beginning, for once in one of these training schools There are a few other black ed "Who Is Who In St. Louis" one must possess the moral courage and stamina to hold his boys in this military hospital, but in which he traced numbers of the nrominent pioneer families in St. SUITS ....$12.50 to $27.50 own despite what maw seem to he unfavorable environments. I want to speak of one,—of Joe, —Joe Taylor of St. Taylor of St. Louis and proved that they had Should we be unable to find suitable applicants at this traces of African blood in their Louis. When I approcahed one veins. Pocahontas Clay Morgan time, let this he the beginning of our avowed purpose to see big ward I heard singing, great stayed in the colored race for a TOPCOATS. $12.50 to $24.50 that some young man of this community is trained under group singing, and I said to the long time and tauerht in the Ne­ the tutela.gr" of interested persons so that he may be prepar­ Commissar: "Ah, Negroes in that gro schools, but other members ward, singing." But when I open­ ed for anv future examinations. of her family who are known by REMEMBER STANLEY'S NOW HAVE SUITS FOR BOYS ed the door, there was Joe Tay­ people in South St. Louis, went lor, the only Negro in the place, all the rest being Spanish, Eng­ STUDENTS Sizes 16 to 20 ... $12.50 & $15.00 A comment by Jonathan Daniels, editor of the Raleigh lish and other white boys, and people are on the defensive, I tell ("N. C.) News and Observer, states that the "Nation's destiny the girl nurses, all sitting up on you,—defending their homes, fam­ CADET SUITS Sizes 12 to 15 $11.00 lies in the South." Our comment is that the South's destiny the beds, and Joe leading them in ilies, lands,—future. Their de­ a song about "Come on Mule!" lies in its ability to throw off race prejudice. No matter fense is the defense of the op­ At the piano was a white boy, pressed everywhere. Their failure how it attempts to rise in its present state, that hydra-head­ with an injured shoulder or back; would be the general loss of all ed blue monster, race prejudice, will keep it back just as it and other white boys had guitars who are down. The Negro be­ Stanley's m-m •* « 1 fises this monster to keep the Negroes back. and mouth organs,—and they, longs in this fight. Spanish, French, male and female, Oscar Hunter, once student of J were following Joe's lead in the West Virginia State, is political It is our belief that the President of the United States good American Negro songs. commissar here—to which posi­ They have 14 surgeons, many tion he rose in 6 months after has the cure for the economic ills of the South, if the people nurses and chemists and attend­ coming here. of this section will let him apply it. \ ants in this hospital, but Joe Tay­ The Spanish fight is a world lor is better "medicine" than all fight. W&^rv§Mk\rwtv\r^mr the others put together. Not a It seems to us that both of the major political parties person in the place, including the of Missouri are suffering just a bit from the lack -of the surgeons and nurses, would dis­ Political Pot Boils proper kind of political leadership. pute that proposition. In Harlem There is no way for me to con­ vey this situation to any one else. NEW YORK, (ANP)—The It is interesting to note how the other fellow blames It must be seen and felt, to be drum beating and the ballyhoo the other fellow for the other fellow's ills. half understood. There are all have started out here in Harlem wrecks of the human body: brok­ and chief interest is centered in en feet, broken legs, broken arms, the political fight being waged Since Senator Tydings has won the nomination in Mary­ fractured heads, shattered bodies, in the 19th District where there land, the Daily World has charged that the Maryland Sena MORE TO COME— is intense interest in the moot tor, who was opposed by the New Deal, won on a "slush —some half dead, some dying. question of "Negro Leadership" .Some of the head injuries leave vs "White Leadership". Sides are fund" from Wall Street. The statement is interesting if it permanent nerve injuries, —some being taken, mud being slung and is indicative of what Wall Street is going to do in the fu­ violent minds. a general good time is being had Sold Nearest to Manufacturer's Cost ture against the New Deal. And what is it all about? These by all and sundry. k i