

THE OHIO B UNDID COMMENTS Reid Succeeds ON CURRENT 5ENTJNEL Allen As Prexy EVfllTS \ ? Br J. B. C. Of frontiers VOL, 3, No. 8 Saturday, August 4, 1951 Columbus, Ohio The 10th annual convention of 10 Well, Old Man Jim Crow the Frontiers of America, which /. took a long delayed holiday met in Akron^Thursday, Friday in the U. S. army when the and Saturday^"' elected Att'y Thomas H. R*?ia of Portsmouth, all-Negro 24th infantry was COLUMBUS, OHIO * broken up and the soldiers New Organization Aims V'a., national president, succeed­ VOL. 3, No. 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 integrated into non-s**-re- ing N'imrod 0. Allen, founder of gated units. the movement, who had served as White and Negro soldiers will president since its inception ia be fighting shoulder to shoulder 1936. To Improve Actors' Lot One of the highlights of the in Korea under a new policy, ac­ m public meeting Friday evening cording to reports from Wash­ NEW YORK. — Forma- It will he th* aim of th* and include in its membcrshir was presentation of a plaque ington last week. Although the tion of a new organization, BOW organisation to promote a representative* of stage, screen, | order was issued over three %•••-.!- the Coordinating Council better aad*r*tandiag on *uch radio, television, the press, as ago by Pres. Truman, the new for Negro Performers, has controversial issues a* que** well as organizations and individ­ army orders were the first to been launched on a broad uals not of the theatrical profes­ formally the Jim Crow pol­ tionable - "good taste" ia the program to improve and; •election of material written sion. icy. It ia also reported that seg- expand the activity of Ne­ Lester A. Walton, former U. S. regation would be ended in the for Negro part*, caricature* groes in all forms of theat­ aad *t*r*otyp« character* and minister to Liberia, has been entire army in the not too dis. rical endeavor. elected chairman. SHOOTING SPREE IN tant future. Well, it seems that characteris*tioa«, aad to direct Other guild members who par­ at last the army Is beginning tj The council was brought ints attention af producer* and ticipated in formation of the practice what it has purportedly existence following appeals from •poa*or* to th* wealth of avail­ council are: fought two costly wars for . . . the public to the Negro Actors able N*gro talent." Noble Sissle of th* Author* democracy. Late of course, but Guild that a sdudy be undertaken of problems relating to the Negro The policy of the council will Guild, C*org*ttc Harv*y of it's better late than never. Amen. Equity. Fred O'Neal of Equity, e ;• - a in entertainment. be to advocate a positive rather Leigh Whipper of Screen Ac­ When th* state employee* Inasmuch as the guild i» strict­ than a negative approach in tho Allen Mitchell tor* Guild. Alberta Prym* of received their paychecks thi* ly a welfare (Troup, a committee rotation of differences, taking the American Guild of Variety honoring- many years of service week, many of them breathed of guild members acted inde­ the position that constructive Artists, George Wiltshire of of Allen to lhe Frontiers move­ a sigh of relief becau** they pendently to create the cojjncil a* criticism and mediation shoul i the American Guild of Variety ment. J. Arnett Mitchell of Co­ bor* *ub*tanlial increase* our a separate organization. Tempor­ attain mutually beneficial re. Artists, J. Rosamond Johnson iumbus. member of the bonrd of their previous pay. Th* raise ary headquarters have been cs-1 (Milt*. of the Ass'n of Composers and directors, made the presentation ADDITION NETS THREE wa* mad* possible by aa act of tablishcd at 105 W. 4Gth st.. New i COUNCIL INTERBACIAL - Publishers. W. C. Handy of the .ind paid a glowing tribute to the th* legislature and wa* retro­ York City. I The council will be interracial Music Publishers Ass'n, Paul­ founder. active to July 1. Th* iocr**** ine My*r* of the American was due July 1, bat wa* de* Principal speakers addressing Federation of Radio Arti*ts. layed because of a *uit filed in the convention were P. L. Prattls. Edith Wilson. television au­ the common pleas court charg­ executive editor of the Pittsburgh thority. Merchant McReynolds ing discrimination against cer- Courier, and W. O. Walker, edi­ of Internat'l Ass'n of Theatri­ taiu state employee, in tb* up­ tor of the Cleveland Call and cal Stage Employees, A. Ed­ per brackets. Th* pay hik* is l'ost. both of whom discussed ward (Tiny) Walters of Atper. seea as a definite incentive to ••Challenges Offered By the Pres­ ican Federation of Musicians, hold slat* employees oa their ent World Conditions." Eu* Moten of American Guild jobs, and is designed to iope The third speaker, Carl V. of Musical Artists, Dick Camp- with skyrocketing prices. \ Wcygandt, chief justice of tho hell, concert . BADLY HURT VICTIMS Ohio supreme court, addressed Now that 1~...... Jrtayor Floyd the delegates at their regular Creen has announced he is a business session Saturday morn­ Story On Page 2 write-in candidate for mayor in ing. the Aug. 14 primary, the com­ Japanese Girl Ohioans elected to office plexion of the cor test has begun were: to change. Mr. Green has Ion? Dr. M. E. Ferris, Akron, Keen strong vote getter in the Employed A! YM third vice president; Carroll II. heavily Negro* predominated 7th Sawyer, Columbus, treasurers *nd 13th wards and can be ex­ By JOHN B. COMBS Artee Fleming, Akroa, secre­ pected to carry them when the Through the cooperation of tary: Or. H. Beecher Hick*, votes are tabulated just two the Frontiers club, the Ohio State Columbus, organiser; Andrew weeks "from today. Employment Service and the Freeman. Dayton; Richard B. \ However, with Mayor Rhode*, Ssnfinel Photo by Jama* Spring St. YMCA. the christian Lynch, Columbus; J. Arnett having bested him on two other and democratic principles upon Mitchell, Columbus, member* THE SPRING ST, YMCA, through coop*ratioa of Frontier* of board of director*. occasions, he is likely to be sing­ club and Ohio Stat* Employment Service, exemplified democracy which the YMCA was founded ing the popular tune of War II, were exemplified this week whet, The convention went on rec­ personified thi* week wh*a they work*d out a plan wh*r*hy a "I've Done It Before and I Can an attractive Japanese girl wa*> ord condemning the "Amos 'n' Blind Ex-GI Do It Again." But when one con­ Japanr.c girl was hir*d for th* nsil five weeki a* receptionist at employed as receptionist at the Andy" TV show and similar siders such unbelievable upsets YMCA. Sh* ia Miss Hisa* Shiraishi. 26, student at Bowling Gr**n YMCA. shows, condemned Communism in a« have* occured to dsneing Bay Stat* uniTcrtity. Photo show* her receiving first instruction* from She is Hisae Shiraishi, 26. na­ all forms, urged passage of fed­ Bobinson. who was dethroned by Kenneth A. Morris, retiring executive secretary of YMCA, and his tive of Japan and student at eral FEPC laws, endorsed and urged support of sale of govern­ an unknown Englishman, anl secretary, Mr*. Jean Hamilton. Miss Shiraishi is a native of Japan Bowling Green university, where Eg* Charles' toga being lifted bv ment bonds in support of the aad ha* been closely connected with national YWCA work. she is majoring in sociology. She Old Man Joe Walcott, it might was recommended by Rev. Allyn U. S. treasury campaign. not be profitable for the youth­ Herman, director of the "student The 1952 convention will ba ful mayor to become too optimis­ in-industry" project, and the na­ held in Philadelphia. tic over the contest. He should be tional YM and YWCA, who work­ mindful that it happened in Bogus Bill Passer Is Nabbed By Feds Held For ed through Col. Earl C. Duncan, sports and can happen in politics A 21 year old man, after com the army. Bullock was sentenced manager of the OSES, Ralph toe. pleting a two year sentence at in January, 1950, at Boston and Reason and L. M. Shaw of th'.* NEA, American U. * * * the federal reformatory at Chilli- had no previous record, except as OSES minority group division ana Orchid* to th* r'ronli.r, club, cothe for possession of $10 Fed­ a juvenile. He waived removal the Frontiers of America. Spokes­ th* Spring St. YMCA aad th* eral Reserve notes, was returned proceedings before U. S. Dist men for the groups informed The Institute In D.C. OhJa, Stat* Employment S*l- te Utica. N. Y., Wednesday where Judge Mell G. Underwood Wed­ Sentinel they were of the opirjioi. "•*"•* for the democratic aad he will be tried again, this time nesday, and was to be returneo that such a move was in keeping WASHINGTON. — Nine Negri chri.tian principle, they adopt* for passing the spurious notes. to Utica. N, Y.. for trial in fed with "the high ideals of the teacher-leaders and students wer* among the approximately 70 lead­ •d wh*a they employed Mi.aa James Bullock, whose home is ( ra! court. YMCA and is in step with a spir­ ers registering for the 6th annual hiraiehi, of Tokyo, Japan. «** * listed as Bobbins, III., a suburb ited movement to eradicate jo*: Robbery Institute of Organization Leader­ receptionist at th* Spriag St. cf Chicago, claims he found 50 and other forms of racial dis ship being held at American uni­ T* Mia* Shiraiski is a student counterfeit notes on U. S. Rt> 20, Issues Denial crimination in Ohio and Ameri­ versity here through Aug. 17» at Bowling G***«a Slate un.var- about nine miles outside of Al­ Two details appearing in a ca." GLORIA DINVANT, *«-N*w Orlaao. heaut aaw Isviag ia Co­ under sponsorship of the Natl "'r **nd I* majoring in socio!- bany. N. Y.. on Oct, 6, 19*9. In story in the July 28 edition of Miss Shiraishi, displaying n lumbus, aad who boast* distinction a* cover girl, model aad d**sgt**> •WT. Education Ass'n and the univer*** the grass on the side of the road. The Sentinel wert incorrect, ac­ cheerful smile over her new ad­ Story On Page 2 •r, ha* her mymm *a reie.nine; as "queen" of American Tea as* Ass'a e * a cording to Lillian Morrison. 1277 venture, said she is delighted to tity. He also claims he did not know formal hall Friday, Aag. 24. at Central Stat* «oll*tre. Her qaali.i- It ia amazing how much money Hawthorne av., Apt. D. The story have the opportunity to work Leaders of Negro teacher or­ they were counterfeit until after catioa* ar* obvious, don't yoa think? is spent for flowers each year for he passed a number of them. .elated that Mrs. Morrison had among Negro people, where she ganizations in Arkansas, Ken­ our deceased ones and those hos­ iiled assault to kill charge* hopes to hear their side of the tucky and Texas, and students pitalized (and other occasions). At Bingnampton. .V. Y.. he against l.avcrne (Lcroy) Mc- racial problem. She admitted she from colleges in Florida. Georgia, The bulk is spent paying our last passed five of the notes in the Crea, 70 N. 22nd st. She* denie? knew little about U. S. racial loui siana, Maryland, Pennsyl­ respect* to departed ones. It is. rurchasc of a traveling bag. one filing the charge. McCrea als> problems but she expressed a be­ vania and Tennessee are partici­ however, more shocking and note for a pair of suxpenders was described as her "boy lief thev can best be settled by pating in trie four week work­ downright disgusting when one and one note as part payment on friend," which she also denies. mutual understanding and cooo- shop. Coming IN THE AUGUST 18 EDITION OF THEPHIO SENTINEL learns that over 90 percent is n railroad ticket to Chicago i»ration among the various na­ The NEA granted full scholar­ spent at downtown florists. One On a trip to Chicago he gave tionality groups. ship assistance to each of tha of the city's leading funeral di­ two of the bills tc his wife who Goes To Liberia Miss Shiraishi came to Ameri. students, except the one from rectors informed us last week passed them in payment of a tele [ Dr. Thomas S. Buchanan, path ca from Tokyo last September to Pennsylvania, where Ernest that only a few flowers are de. !,hone bill, and when arrested at • ologlst of the U. S. Dept. of Agri­ complete her education, after Berry Jr., Cheney (Pa.) Stat* Hvered to his place from our Ne* •Veatovcr air force base. West < culture, who has been assigned t > which she expects to return to Teachers college student, is at­ rro operated shops, despite the over Mass.. he bad two notes on! Liberia under the Point 4 pro­ her country and enter nationa.' tending the institute under a Tact that they can compete wit^ his person and nine in an enve gram, has left for the Afiican YWCA work. She formerly at­ grant from the predominantly other florists in every respect lop* hidden in his trunk in his republic. tended Methodist Christian col­ white Pennsylvania State Educa­ STORY OF A DOPE ADDICT '...a ts just one more example nuarters on the base. lege, which was practically de tion Ass'n. that too many of as Xcgroe- Federal authorities stated he stroyed by the atom bomb drop­ As president-elect of his state's have not yet learned to use our claimed that after he found they j Mfin.iT.ofli ped on Nagasaki in 1945. Future Teachers of America monetary brains. As lor,g as we were counterfeit he decided to; The Schentey Industries, Inc., Her college, she said, is a sis­ Ass'n, young Berry heads the na­ True • Absorbing • Tragic • Gripping • Tense rtubbornly refuse to patronize keep them and pas* them in dirts j 1-laiit a t Lawrcnceburg, Ind , ter to Ohio Weslcyan at Dcla tion's largest state FTA college our businesses, we are going to *2«mcs. consumed 1.500,000,000 gallons >f ware. She will act as receptionist organization Pennsylvania ha» be given the short end of the At the time he claimed to have j put* limestone water annually in lind a.x.-ili>t in office work at the 24 college and university FTA RESERVE Y.JUR COPY NOW! stick, in this, our highly compet-i found and pisttYa ti-#* r, j.;.-- the: the production of alcoholic bev­ YMCA before she returns to chapters with almost 2000 mem­ Jive and capitalistic country. bers. m officers said he was AWOL from erage and antibiotic drugs. Bowling Green for the fall term.

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THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 PAGE 2 >RDAY, AUGUST 11. 19S1 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 3 Metal Takers Booked Plead ?Not Guilty' Three men were bound to the grand iurv by Judge John Mat­ thias of municipal court when thev pleaded not guilty to a tharge of embezzling and receiv­ ing and •concealing stolen prop­ erty. * Amos Woodruff, 111. and Wal. tir Patton. 30. 15? N. 17th st.. faced the embezzling charge, while John Woodford, 71, an­ swered the charge of concealing stolen property. *.NP-S*-n»ln*-l Photo A.Nl'-Senlinel I'hotr, The men were arrested by Data. s Srminrl l-h.-r... Ry Wirod AMONG MANY DISTINGUISHED GUESTS to attend festival DR. HAROLD W. LUCIEN. former Carver fellow who received ston, which bad largest lantern in parade. Right: Liv­ San ford Lee and Robert Garrison, MORE THAN 55 LOCAL PLAYGROUNDS par* ed in parade la west bank of Scioto river to greet of Britain, now in progress, was Paramount Chief Kai Samba of who told the court that Woodrufl bis doctorate in Mar from McGill university, ha* accepted position ticipated in annual "Fe»tival of Light" bald recaatly "Goddess of Light," whn arrived ia a boat decorated ingston group lines up for pboto by Sentinel photogra­ Sierra Leone in Africa, one of 90 visitor* attending festival as and Patton. truck drivers for the at Dillard university of New Orleans. Above, be t* shown as be at Ceatral High school under auspices of Mrs. Peg like a dragon. An.ong participating groups were chil­ pher. Livingston also participated last Wednesday ia tuest of United Kingdom government. Above, the chief i* shaking Goldberg Iron and Steel Co., 71U works oa special project in the Carver foundation laboratory at Blickle of City Recreatioa Dept. Mora than 70O chil­ dren from Livingston playground. At left, festival a drama, dance and song festival at' southeast play­ hands with Prime Minister Clement Atlee of Great Britain. The Goodale blvd., had taken brass Tuskeaee institute. dren formed lire of lanterns of every hue aasl march­ queen presents pennant to Steve Crawford of Living­ ground sectional meet at Schiller pk. prima minister is congratulating the chief following an address in metals which belonged to the Goldbergs airfl sold them »o Wood­ Church House. ford, who operates the Randolph Iron and Metal Co.. t Of. 1 Mc- Purse Snatcher Gets Going Over. Woodard, Blinded Ex-Soldier, Held Kinley st. Gambling, Drinking Spree Seen 'Free Oatis KIDS! Woodruff's and Patton's bail was set at $500 each, while Wood­ Would-Be Victim Retains loot' ford was released on a recogni In New York On Strong-Arm Charge The uuick action of an observ­ Heard was taken to St. Francis EARN WHILE ?.aiice bond. ant citizen, plus the alertness of NNPA Urges rf hospital, then transferred to Uni­ NEW YORK. — Special. -— men said they only had CO cent As Cause For Addition Shootings a citv policeman, a cross-countrv versity hospital where his condi­ About six years ago Negroes each on them when detectives and traveler was enabled to continue tion is fair. throughout the country were rag­ Soto stopped them in the hallwa*- YOU LEARN her trip and a purse-snatching ing with fury when they learned of their home By JOHN B. COMBS , „ , Dean Acheson Garden Party He mav be linked with mang Mt. Vernon av. man landed in St. purse snatching* that have occur­ a Bategvillc, S. C. pVriice chief Since, according to the accused A soldier on furlough from Ft. Knox, Ky., Marvin Bosley, 20, 1572 Woodford Francis hospital in serious condi­ Through it* president. Louis E. When Frank­ red here in recent weeks. had battered out both eves of a pair, all Soto could tell the offi­ av., and his father, James Bosley. 40, same address, and Charles Williams, 45, 519 N. tion. Negro soldier enroute to his home cers was that two Negroes rob­ Champion av., were the victims of a wild shooting scrape Saturday morning, resulting Martin, editor of the Chicago !>•. - lin Alvin Howell fender, the Nnt'l Newsoapei Given By WSCS The incident happened Mon­ after being released from tho bed him. both Woodard and Stur- from a gambling and drinking party at the Woodford av. address in the American e n t r a ins for army in Fu Benning, Ga. iris believed they would win their Publishers Ass'n, has urged thi­ Philadelphia, the day night when Bill Heard. 28. Expensive Swim Addition. •177 Mt Vernon av., snatched an This week the ex-soldier wa< freedom at the hearing. Woodard ll. S. Stat-* Dept. to tnke Inline site he chose a** The shooting is reported to unidentified woman's pocketbook Two voung Southside boys paid attain in the limelight, but this asked. "How can 1. in mv condi­ t!iate stent to gain the freedom his vacationland, At Givens' Home have stemmed from the leys of a containing $2K,">, while she was an unusually high price for per­ time it is a decidedlv different tion rob somebody?" charge Mav 10, *.iid on Mav 2'*, hated for two year*. Under pro nf William Oatis, Associate! he will pay some S10 bill by William*>. when it al­ By EVELYN DAUGHERTY waiting to hoard a Greyhounii mission to swim in the cifcy-owned story for the totailly blind veter MANY BENEFITS before Judge Joseph M. Harter in vision of the probation he must Pre** correspondent imprisoned of hi* expense-" legedly disappeared from a tabic bus for Yellow Stone Nat'I pk. Maryland swimming pool last an. Isaac Wc/dard, 32. of th Woodard was given many bene­ common plea? court, he was pro-1 pay the costs of the court in Kr*'l dominated Czechoslovakia. with money he The Women's Society of Chris where the croup was shooting When the alleged thief rnatched Sunday, according to Howard Bronx. N. Y.. where he was ar­ fit mass meetings by the NAACP In a telegram dated Aug. J. earned as a cat- ;ian Service of Pennsylvania A v. dice. Incensed *>vet the loss of thj the purse and bolted from the de­ Dcllerrv. II. 685 Stauring st. De- rested last week in connection and other organizations in 1940 Martin addressed the following lier hoy for The Methodist church held a garden bill, Williams reportedly went ti pot onto the loading dock, he wa- Berry informed police that when with an $8 strong arm robbeny. following the brutal clubbing message to Sec'v of State Dean Ohio Sentinel. party Sunday from 't.'lO to 7 his home and obtained a .20 tackled bv Arthur Pope. 32 1 his son. Kenneth, 15, and hU The charge was filed aga\n*t which cost him his eyesight. (One AehiMon : Only 10 venr* p. m. on the lawn of Mr. and gauge shot gun and returned and Taylor Enters Race For Jackson st.. who wrestled with nephew. Ronald, 1 1 checked their Woodard and a friend, Jorrn Mich meeting: was held in Colum­ "On behalf of the Nat'I old. and with Mrs. Randall Givens, 716 Penn* fired several shots through a him and recovered the pocket, billfolds at the park, as they pre­ Sturgis, 21, by Jose Soto, who re­ bus at Shiloh Baptist church Newspaper. Publishers Ass'n. I but three months' earriei expert sylvania av. window of the house, injuring the book. Heard then fled on foot, pared to enter the pool, someone ported the strong arm-mugging where an overflow crowd contri­ wiah to urge that steps be en-re. Franklin each week handles two Boslev men. The lawn wu.. attractively dee. with Patrolman Thomas W. Willi:. apparently overheard them and occurred last Sunday morning in buted several hundreds of dollar* taken immediately to free Wil­ distribution of Thj. Sentinel to While Williams was firing* on Clerk, Brooks Backed orated. The large serving tabl* in hot pursuit. later gave Kenneth's name, ob­ to his benefit fund. 10 homes in Hanford Village. the hallway of 726 E. I6C*h st.. the trapped occupants of the liam N. Oatis of tbe Associated was situated in the center of the tained the pocketbooks. which the Bronx. Woodard denied the He Is said to have received Plans were mapped this wee* Taylor, an accountant, made % Press who has been imprisoned The route was established by gat den and surrounded by small­ The sprinting officer overtook contained $2.8X. and walked house. Deputy Sheriff Lacy Mu Heard at tth and Chapel sts. an*; charge in Bronx felony court ami iri.uiv thousands of dollars from bv lhe Jeffersonian Luncheon brilliant fight in the primary by Czechoslovakia. The out­ .in older brother. Freddie, two er tables with pastel colored tops a way. this arrived on. the scene and. when Heard attempted to break was freed on $ 1000 ball, pendin* such affairs held for him through­ after crawling over 20' in a ditc'cisclub whereby an intensified cam- campaign last year for the Demo* rageous treatment ace o r d e d yearn ago and later was taken and fr

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PACE 4 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, It*. SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 6 Racial Barriers Disfiller-Hofel Floyd F. Green Home Care Of Sick Down In Denver Bond Seen Vital Addict's Story Popular Figure NEW YORK.—The Denver of PHILADELPHIA. ~ To serve Classes Offered By RC l.*51 ta a far cry from the western the requirement* of all types af city of four years ago when Cot- • In E, Side Area A morning clas* in home core ic ••a.'nizi- early symptoms of . hotels in all sections of the na­ orado'a capital city had all the To Be Published Formal announcement by ex- | of the sick will be given by the r.c*w, how to follow the doctor'], earmarks of a small southern ] tion, including, the major and bet­ mayor I* to yd F. Green two weck.- Red Cross home nursing service orders intelligently, how to maka town steeped in discriminatory ter class N<-I-I o V *. t< Ir i.:-, Sehen- "Story of * Dope Addict," * gripping, suspense*, .!':•• that he would be a write-in •ttarting Wednesday Aug. 15, ii( tt bed patient more comfortable patterns. icy Distributors,^?., ^haa built up ful, tragic story of a Columbus man who desired "to candidate for the mayornlitv the classroom at Hed Cress head- i«nd how to save themselves mauv an impressive list of brands in tell my atory to readers of The Ohio Sentinel in the nomiriulion in the AUK. II pri- qgarters. 30 E. Town st. txtra steps when /giving bedside ; Job opportunitie* for Negroes whiih quality is emphasised at marictt will, in all probability, are now wide open. Major Robin* hope that I might help others avoid the tragedy that Home care of the sick is a 12 care. every level. Many types and ages stimulate a larire d**grce of inter hour coarse eivine Instruction in The class will meet twice each •on reveals in the September is­ of whisky at varying prices are befell me," begins in serial form in the Aug. 18 edi­ est anion**: residents of the East sue of Our World magazine in a simple .nursing procedure? to bi? week on Wednesday and Krulu> . NATL BAPTIST Coaven* featured in the line. tion of The Ohio Sentinel. hide where he has been warmly followed in takini* care of chil­ from 10 a m. to 12 p. m. for ;*. photo-feature titled "New Deal j lien, U. S. A., Inc., has slipped The tragic consequences of using and dealing in accented in pant elections. In Denver". The cream of the Schenley dren, the ill and the oged in the three week period ending on Fr*- up its pr*|rsn against crime in marijuana and other forms of drugs . . . the ostracism He carried the heavily Negro home. There is no charge for the dav. Aug. 31. In 1947, Robinson say**, Ne-i America. Agency assigned lo line is epitomized in Old Schenlev populated 7th and 1.1th wards .the rve and bourbon, the only eight from society, the broken marriages, the futility of instruction which includes lec­ To enroll in the'class, call th<* grot-* held menial jobs in r*ail- [ this important job is church's last time he sought office, and borne nursinu office at Ked Crow, year old whiskies marketed on a trying to "make a comeback" . . . ar*e laid bare in the tures, demonstrations of proce­ mailing, packing houses and rub­ social service commission. Rev. manv are forecasting that he will dures and practice. Sandy F. Ray, pastor. Corner* national s-ale, and I. W. Harper series of articles that will be devoted to this perti­ Fl. lilt; * ber factories. But today that pic-1 accomplish the same feat again Through this course, home- stone Baptist church, Brooklyn, bottled-in-bond Kentucky straight nent, timely subject. ture has changed considerably j next week when the votes ar,* makers will be better prepared to PFC. ARNOLD C. BRYCE of CaUsaba* (secoad Iron* right) with many'skilled workers In all | r. president of commission. His bourbon. The writer of this series is well known in Col.um- tabulated. Break For Vets affeet* *aapf>y aalut* a* Lt. Cea. Lawrcaee S. Kaier, U. S. air phases of this bustling town's in­ group is working closely with The long list of bourbons in­ bus. He comes from a prominent, God-fearing fam­ Upon entering* the contest. Veterans holding national -.ei* farce cesnmaad** ia North Africa, is (reeled hy Col. Fred O. Ear- dustries. other national organisations lo clude Old Stagg. Pebbleford, An­ ily. He is intelligent and articulate. But by his own Green flaved the city'* taxing vice (GI) or U. S, government promote social and recreational ley, Jr., ccmmaader at Wheelus field in Tripoli, when t-nrr.l re- Part of- this change was dut cient Age and Cascade. admission, even that background failed to prevent Trio Attempts (War 1) life insurance may now to a neW citv administration, lib­ programs for youth throughout him from becoming a victim of the dread scourge add disability income coverage t;> cently visited at Atlantic division installation. Pfc Bryce is son of the nation. Rev. Ray is former eral whites and a local branch of "... There would be that is the No. 1 topic on everyone's lips in the U. S. their policies a* the result of » Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bryc«, 709 E. t-onr st., Columbus. He attended pastor of Shiloh Baptist. Co­ the Nat'I Urban League setting up times when my door waa today. To Raoe Woman recent decision by the adminii» East High school aad has heea ia service a year. shop. iumbus. wide open and the room Like so many others, he "didn't think it would A young Mt Vernon av. wom­ trator of veterans affairs. in which I lived would W an, using a keen wit. prevented When Mayor Quigg Newton so heavy with_ smoke you do me any harm." Today he knows better. was elected he feet about keeping j He believes that telling the true story of his life three men from raping her after Promoted could cut it with a knife" promising she would not call the Wage Rates Up some of his campaign promisv», . . . Excerpt from "STORY "in another world" will prove beneficial to others. Future Outlook League police. While farm employment con­ the article discloses. With the help OF A DOPE ADDICT" O. A. Alderman, rhief of the The editors of The Sentinel hope so too. , The? woman told police that tinued below last year's level. of Dr. Clarence Holmes, outstand­ . . . Starting in the Aug. Forestry division, has announced Reserve'your copy ot the Aug. 18 edition of The while standing at Monroe and wags* rates were up 12 percent on ing Negro dentist and civic leader, 18 edition of THE OHIO the promotion »>f .1. Frank Need- Mt, Vernon avs. Sunday night lhe first of July, reports the llu*> he formed a Committee On Hu­ SENTINEL. Sentinel today and read "Story of a Dope Addict." Seeks Funds Follovting ham, former farm forester at three men. driving a four dooi reao of Agricultural Economic,* man Relations that has worked Chillicothe. to general direetoi I lark car. forced h«r into th-* Of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. toward bettering racial conditions of the statewide farm forestry For a subscription lo Th* Obi* rar and while *>he was= screaming ainn: .- the various residents. Program. Sentinel Call EV. 2240. Non-Partisans thev stuffed n diity handkerchief Blaze In Cleveland Fair Deal For into her mouth. .r'tl/ui tlhif' 'M, She was taken to an unknown CLK\ KLAND. - The disa*v He asked that all < entrihution* railroad track under a bridge and trou* fire lh.it caused ovtr. fiojk- be mailed direct to the leajrue's All Promised Support Dailey t.sked to have relations witn 000 damage to the Woodland office. 210 \Vf„.dland Market NEW LOW TERNS AT BEST - USE YOUR OLD them. She refused and was beatei: Market building, which wa" Luilding. F. o.";lh ft. ano Wood­ in the FLOYD F. GREEN .-•bout the hip* and body. After fought bv 1 1 firs.* units and sent land av.. Cleveland 4. For the For City Mayor pleading to be released and prom­ CviM Clem '.Viff. v, thru injured firemen to the ho*- next 10 days lhe )c;.iru«*'s office By Emife Reiss structure and contended that ising she would not call the po­ pit;,:, caused an estimated dam will be hair of all furui-hin,* • REFRIGERATOR AS PART OR FULL DOWN Att'v F.mile Reiss. 6i!. 190'* Endorsement of W, Herbert gambling goes on just as it al­ lice, the men let her go. age of $ll).io to the office** oft thi- other than a chair ami two table* Sullivant av., a write-in candi­ Dailtiy. write-in candidate fo. ways has but the city doesn't After treatment at St. Fratici • Futuie Outlm-k League. Witied for the office personnel. date in the Aug*. I I mavorality mavor of Columbus at the Aug. recognize it." hospital for hit*, elbow and kne* isja m in the building for the paaA|6 PAYMENT-18MONTHS TO PAY BALANCE primary contest, announced his 1 * primary election this week re­ injuries, she was released. years. in view of ih«- clo-»e call, the In regard to the criticism hi.. board ha,** authorised immediate platform thin week. ceived the endorsement of thi* administration received becauv According to John *Q, llollv. purchase of fireproof cabinet* to Among the pledges in establish­ membership of the Non-Purtisan of gambling in the city at that ".. . We smoked ap­ president, the office itself mirac- protect office records as soon a* ment of a Fair Employment Prac­ Voters League. time. Green declared: "There proximate!*/ 30 reefers, A PREMIUM uluslv escaped the flume*, when such finance if available. tice*! Commission with retired po­ Officers of the league Include has been some gambling in the but when it was over 1 ^..**«*«:HS,M lice Sift, L. M. Shaw on the com- the roof n« xt t<« the league's of Hotly expressed appreciation Norman White, chairman: Rev. R. citv under every administration, felt no effects. However, fie* window* raved in. thereby Homen.-aV**'* mi ,-iirti. At the same time he IL Reid, Jr.. vice chairman; Mac- in my administration we haute ; I noticed thcy^ were talk­ to the nianv citizens who called would "appoint Shaw aa service luivlng valuable recnrds. It uas inquiring about the league and Ann Eadv. secretary, and Charles tlii- gamblers into court und thev ing and laughing" and her the Intent-** heal that brnvfhed director." F. Spicer. treasurer. eyes were almost closed, offering their assistance He said This Amazing NEW 19S1 were heavily fined and the city KHasaaaasM SMia-sist taassai . cartas* and ui.|ir,| ti ire furniture and he **"a< especially grateful to Ar He also promises many "need Dailev! a veteran in local poli­ i.rofited. Today gambling goes on I thought she was merely eotntilet'elv destroyed supplies and m-lil Walker, executive t-ecretarv ed" reforms in the police depart­ tics, is a former member of thr- just as it always has but the cit / sleepy" . . . Excerpt from Distributed Br other valuable office equipment. "STORY OF A DOPE iif the Cleveland Urban league, ment ami other city government Columbus citv council, and pres­ doesn't recognize it. A 9 year old The OHIO MALT BEVERACES EMERGENCY MEETING who offered the facilities of hi.* INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER divisions. Anothci promise Reiss ently is deputv Franklin county bov can go down the streets to­ ADDICT" . . . Starting in DISTRIBUTING CO. Ai an emergency meeting ot fiffire while the FOI. was under* A made deals with the city income treasurer. day and bet on anything." the Aug. 18 edition of the executive heard, railed by *i>ihg re'aAvation. tax. which he declared should be Gsven. who resides at 30 lu THE OHIO SENTINEL. 90 N. Fourth St. AOams 6600 lhe chairman. f\ !', Gilliam, llollv $ i •..•pealed. Besides, he promises to Crescent dr.. added: "I have FREEZER Gives Yon a be "a stood mayor for till the peo­ New Home Hailed | never believer! in the right of s ple without discrimination." Keis.i city officials to reach into the said he believes the transit line Kenny Resigns ATLANTA.--The new Atlanti packets of the taxpayers and take Vocation Every Week! should be bouirht and onerated as money for operation of the citv a municipally-owned enterprise. headquarters of the Yancey Co. Special Purchase Sale with.mt the consent of the people He lias trained statewide recog. RCA Victor record home instru­ This big III Freezer holds by wuy of the ballot box. Af Spicer Co. •lition in the fichts he has mudc ment and tube distributor in th.* "I think I can do a better job WHILE LOT LASTS Announcement of the resigna­ months of meals—eliminates for inmates of the Ohio peniten­ area, has been hailed by eastern of operating the city for the ne« tion of Fred 41. Kennv. tnerchun- dozens of shopping trips- tiary who have been sentenced to and midwestern businessmen as a pie. and I repeat. I will not im­ death in the electric chair. Last diss* manager and buyer, wa*i saves hours that add up to a symbol of the south's rapidly ex pose new taxes on the citizen.- made.by Charles F. Spicer. owner week he interceded in the case oi panding economic potential. The without their approval at the bal­ president of the Spicer Furniture. vacation every week! a man convicted in Dayton for youth's greatly Increased pur­ lot box. Co.. t»i»3 Mu Vernon av.. an murder in 191f>. chasing power, stemming from "I'm asking if the people of Monday. LOOK AT THESE EXCLUSIVE* the expansion of Industrial and Columbu^ want Green for mayor Kennv, who formerlv served a* ONLY IH FREEZERS OFFER i manufacturing facilities and the again. If they do thev will have an opportunity to write my name j credit manager of the Spicer • Over-A11 Fast-Freezing— resultant increase in employment stores, culminated seven vears Hasfie Eyed For was noted by representatives of in on the ballot on Aug. 14. I place foods anywhere on ail 5 merely ask for an opportunity to service with the firm on Saturda. the Radio Corp. of America and become a candidate." he con­ last, relinquishing- all connection* inside surfaces to freeze safely. other manufacturers of electronic with the firm. Spicer said. cluded. Surely. No rearranging. U. S. High Court instruments and home appliance* SpiCer's store recently NEW YORK.—With the prcsi- who attended recent dedication observed it? VMh anniversary in • Dri-Wall Cabinet-does JOHN O. HOLLY dential election only a year off. teremoniea at the Atlanta plant. Man Struck. Robbed the same location. away with excessive mois­ was requested to make an appeal already politicians are talking of Joseph D. Ardister, 22. 460 to citizens throughout the state ture oa exterior) making Judge William H. Hastie Fngler st.. informed police that for contributions to assist in re­ Names Omitted a U. S. supreme court justice. Grant Received ..i-: Saturday at 11:30 p. m. furnishing the h.v.dir.i.ii t* v . • Silent-Sealed Operation — Writing in the September ed­ while walking north on Grant av. Three names were inadvertent ition of Our World magazine. llollv emphasized that. ''In no fan. no noise. The Ohhr State university de­ ..: Donaldson st., someone struck Iv omitted from a story appear­ Warren Gardner explains why he view of the vears of services free­ velopment fund has announced him in back of the head, robbing ing on Page 10 in the Aug. 4 edi­ thinks this move will be made. ly given indiscriminately, to • Tight-Wad Refrigerating receipt of a $25,000 grant fo.* iiim of $.'16. He went to St. Fran­ tion of The Sentinel under the which individuals and business**i Unit—with 5-year warranty Pointing out that Negro voters cancer studies at the university cis hospital where he was treated heading, "Mrs. Droaddus Is Hon began throwing their weight from the American Cancer So- for lacerations on the back ol throughout the slate owe their welded p**rman**DtIy to cab­ present SUCCCKS, the FOL certain- ored." The names were those of around in 1932. Gardner declares liety. inc. research fund. tbe head and released. How to SAVE A DAY A WEEK with a freezor inet. It* merits their financial support three guests who were present at that in the next election they will hold the balance of power in 15 at this time." a birthday dinner party given in NEW! 7 cu. ft TabJe-Top key states. Knowing all this, plui honor of Mrs. Ada Broaddu* bv Holly added that there would Kitchen size freezer. Matches the fact that they haven't passed be "no general door to door soli­ Mr. and MM. Marchiil Estis. The any of the promised legislation GET a LOAN citation other than some contact three gue«ts were Nelson Napper of the '48 elections, what could bv the board members." and Mr. and Mrs. John Farris. Witchel- *OT095 be more logical than to pacifv THI COMMONSENSE WAY saves steps. mmmsw •*** Negro voters by appointing the SHOf* AHEAD STORE AHEAD AT Commonwealth EMPLOYED WOMEN COOK AHEAD former governor of the Virgin Marra** e* ainjl. — if jreu'r* ley everything oa o**e **••) IMroora bosh boaed Your application handled quickly. Maive alas* ro!o)».1 jrau can fat cash h.r. —"i«e»" frSM yuv* free***, eocn dey ot neeeed. erne a**a*a.*a»store hrel See Us Today I pranrpilj. I'M oar Special Lunch court of appeals judge, to the principle for commmmrHit purposes— Hour Ssrvicsi Phoaa (V.t an.1 (.t MCCOWN'S country's highest court. Gardner medical or dental bills, home or car re* tb* laaa la eas (rait. Oat it rmut pairs, etc. Cmmmorttmtt tmSmuL Phone wsr aasj last, employs* or d»- RADIOS TELEVISION WASHERS REFRIGERATION asks. partmaal toad's aot iavoi.od. 821 E. LONG ST. An Amherst and Harvaid Law for one-visit loan or come ia today. wheel graduate. Hastie is more LOANS S.i to $v90 njtl/r-c APPLIANCES & than oualified to hold such a MAKMO coMai.o.-.'.iNU IOANS SINCE HI* Now Serving: BREAKFASTS position, says Gardner. His rec­ UMVt 0 FURNITURE LUNCHES MERCHANDISE ord, the author feels, would bet. *jiiinr%ji ter fit htm for the supiymc *vourt LOAN COM PA I Open Man.. Fr- L 3** T-.l 8PM Eti**. 81 r Aap*t Open: 8 A. M. Close: bench than some of it's former 12 Midnight 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. judge*, including Jimmy Byrnes, Room 200, 44 E. LONG ST., COLUMBUS Phone: AOams 2191 * A. J. Smiertka, Mgr. Daily Except Sunday 3 Door* West Of Baak advocate of white supremacy, I.Ktri ajgsj* fa tmtidmnlt of ajj s***s*a*j**ajj»a fowm. 1479 E. LONG JT., Cor. UYIOR AVE f £. 2S2S BEST who's now governor of South MART Carolina. ' Csaaaaoa. 11, 0*>a*


BaaaaaaaaasaBBi I I

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1961 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 7, PACE fi THE OHIO SENTINEL HUNDREDS ATTEND TOLERS' OPEN HOUSE By BLANCHE M. VAN HOOK These Folks Once Suffered, Too! Several hundred friends ot | Atfv William Adolph Toler anJ | Jackson Home wife, Att'y Esther Earley Toler, I responded to their cordial infor.i SOCIETY WOMEN ni.il invitation to come to open house at their lovely n«*w home j- Is Party Scene / 280 Parkwood av.. Columbu*. Saturday evening. July 28. Mr. Toler was a grade scbojl, Wednesday rtudent in Bramwell, W. Va. He! took undergraduate work at State . A delightful party was given Teachers* college in Eiluefielo,! Wednesday evening by Mrs. W\ Va. Later he entered the,' Christine McKinley. Mrs. Ann army and served with the infan- J Carpenter and Miss Etta Jackson trv fnni 19*2 to 10*5. He be ' at the home of the latter. 524 came a firot lieutenant and held X. Champion, av. the rank of captain when dis- • A variety of refreshments wer** charged. He graduated fiom Ohio served throughout the occasion. State university College Of Law . Special guests were Misses and and was. admitted to practice i*i - Mesdames Lillian Champ. Magnol­ 194$. He opened his own otfic*- ia Sherman Fay Mnttison and and pract'eed »'->•*•• ti C !umbu< ' Lucille Champ. for a yeai Others present were the follow­ Mrs. Toler was a K»au** *-vho<>i ing members of the Modernistic Muilent in Columbus. She took sA Matroiu, Club, Inc.: Misses and undergraduate work at Ohio State j Mesdames Georgia Hatchett, pres- university and in 1939 graduated J m ident, Lela Mullins, Zodella Cole, from its Col'ege of Education, i Dorothy Ward, Mildred Hawkins. I .til her Harris suffrrcd achr-a and pains. Ollie May Cooper suffered atomach distreas. Mrs. Wuldo Heath wan ncrvou- and rMii*dowu. For the next five vears she Alvena Poindexter and Blanche taught in the elementary school*. | v'an Hook. of Urbancrest and Columbus. She returned to Ohio State university S<-ntrn»l Photo U7 Hrrc* Always remember to end entered the College of Law. SCENE OF PHOTO WAS SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM of city'* only Negro maa and wife law say "I saw it advertised in She graduated and was admitted firm, William aad Esther Tolar, who «at«rtainad almost 300 guests ia their attractive 280 Parkwood The Ohio Sentinel." to practice in 1949. av. koine last Saturday night with ops* house. Above, a cross sectioa of Columbus business and pro­ HADAC0L Relieves The Cause MARRIED IN 1948 The couple was married on De­ fessional mea gather aroaad Use Toler* to posa for the picture. Standing from left: Orri* A. May*, cember 24. 1948. and announced Dr. J. W. Harris, Russell Smith, Lawrence Whittaker, Maceo Hill Att'y Frank C. Shearer, Laden E. the formation of the firm of Wright. Seated left ta right: CharUa H. Blair, Dr. Arthur O. Diggs. the Tolers, Leoaard Holland. Of Stomach Distress* Aches and Pains* Weak* Run- Toler and Toler in June. 1949. They are engaged in the general practice of law at 867 Mt. Ver­ setta Smoak. Gwendolyn Duggar. Marie Bobonis and Mr. Regis Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Down Conditions and Nervousness When Due to non av. They moved into their Ruth Coston Julia Swayzer and Bobonis of Puerto Rico. Judge Gunn. present home June 30. 1951. "Blanche Van Hook. and Mrs. L. II. Brewer ot Gary, Due to lack of snace, the At the open house Mrs Toler ind.; Miss Johnnia Robinson ot names of additional guests will be OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Newark. N J.: Mr. and Mrs. Ver Deficiencies of Vitamins B„ B2, Niacin and Iron received the guest* In a smart published next week. cocktail dress of Charcoal Gray Out of town guests were Mrs. non White of Detroit: Mrs. Joe Mack of Newport News. Va.: Mrs. silk organza with , taffeta silk READ DR. BLAND'S column ' Lout* Earltej, Saunemin, : Mrs. Clarice Brown, 712 La Due Mrs. Ella Uotderfletd, 223 underslip. The full rwing skirt Jerry Norms of Chicago; Mrs. Why Settle* for Symptomatic Relief When HADACOL Con "A friend of mine had given me Avenue, Cedartomvn, Georgia: "1 Craymonl Avenue West, Birming- was augmented wilh a bias Hortense Campbell of Dayton: on how lo keep well every week Help People With Such Deficiencies? a bottle of am 30 years old, ham, Ala.: "I've I Outstanding Att'y Alexander Russell. Andrew in The Sentinel. HADACOL and I just want been using arrangement of self matori for my birth­ to tell you how H A D A C O LI which encircled it midway. ThV _^ _ _ - - Jackson Dr. ano Mrs. Melvin Luther Harris, 516 Chestnut St., Mrs. Waldo Heath, 1020 Jackson Mottling Green, Kentuckyt "For St., Il . ./ Plaint Missouri: "I want day. I had been your wonderful a year now and) sleeveless fitted bo Karris. Sr.. and Melvin Karris. f c e 1 ing run­ HADACOL has it sure h a si r Jr.. of Akron. i^i uite some time to give thanks row belt, had a d F was nervous to the wonder­ down, and just helped me. I helped me. II with wide pointer.rvlid bertha kcollan„r c|Events Held Among the hundreds of Colum- BlUE VALLEY and run - down didn't seem to was weak, ner­ didn't have any] ful preparation have much vous and run­ on each side in low deeollctle de­ l/usites were the following: Cool off and I suffered HADACOL and appetite at all,] sign. Accessories were blark ope*, from ache* and energy. So I down and could couldn't sleep] Dr. and Mrs A. O. Dings. Att'v j tell you how it decided to try hardly do my well, and ached] toe patent leather slippers anJ BUTTER pains. I was has helped me. By Socialites and Mrs. J. E. Bowman. Dr. and with Borden's weak and I the HADACOL work, and what a lot, but since. Lemon Yellow costume lewelry Outstanding among local clubs Before I slart- that had been I ate didn't I've been taking| Mrs. J. K. Smith. Rev. and Mrs. ) could hardly do cd taking DELICHTFUL HOME which are contributing to civic delicious a day's work. I given to me. I agree with me. II A D A C O Lj Jacob Ashburn. Jr.. Dr. and Mrs. j H A D A (J O L could notice af­ I decided to give The seven room stucco house and community betterment is the Robert' Manuel. Att'v and Mr*. started taking* I can't get* delighted the eve with it? mod­ fresh Buttermilk HADACOL, and I was nervous, ter the first bottle that I was feel­ HADACOL a trial. I have taken enough to eat now. I go to sleep Socialite, club, a group of 1. W. S. Lyman. Sr.. Rev. and Mrs. couldn't eat and ing much stronger. I have since six bottles of HADACOL, and I ernistic furnishings harmoniously voung women who contribute con­ from my first now and can rest all night. I can. B. I.. Brantley. Dr. and Mrs. A. .**t®i£ bottle I felt bet­ didn't have the bought the large family size bot­ can tell the difference since I have work hard and it doesn't even tire blended together in artistically siderable of their time to raising F McCoy*. Att'v and Mrs Rag- Serve it ice told for reel summef \ © n e r g y to do tle and feel that HADACOL ha.i been taking HADACOL. Use ny correct arrangement for comfor. ter. Now, I feel me now like it did. I am 65 years funds with which to aid needy ian Reid Dr. and Mrs, W. H. j refreshment1 Rich in volucblc milk good and I can do a good day's my housework. helped me. I intend to continue letter. Maybe it will encourage old and feel good motit of the and beauty. Sidewn.ll.- were decor families. 1 work. I am still taking HADACOL Now, I'm on my eighth bottle of taking it." a lot of people that are weak time.-Thanks to HADACOL. I Walker. Dr and Mrs. R. A. nufrienh, low in heot (dories. and nervous as I was. Thank you nted in a color scheme of sandal­ Bryce. * and I wouldn't do without it. I HADACOL. I can do anything I won't be without it as long as I'm wood, coral and green, with red Thev organization, which will praise HADACOL very highly." feci like doing, and I also have a Mrs. Eddie G. Shatrs, Route I, for letting me tell you about able to buy it. Use my letter—it and gold trimmings and white be two-year* old Nov. 25 of this Att'v and Mrs. R. E. Hughes, j •**-*••* J • DfllVlKD TO lOU* 000* 01 good appetite. So, you sec what , Mississippi: "I was weak, HADACOL." may help someone." ceilings. vear. has promoted various types Lt. and Mrs. Alfonso Toler Dr. fjO/XiCnS AT YOU* FAVORITE STORi Mr. Ectied Cooper, Box I ISA. the wonderful HADACOL has nervous, had lost my a i> p e - Mrs. R. W. Bryant, P. O. Box Several bouquets of red an.l of activities with which to con­ and Mrs. B. W. Harris. Rev and MurktvUle, Le.: "My 13-ycar-oId done for me. I want to soy thanks, Mrs. C. F. Jenkins Att'v and daughter, Ollie again to HADACOL. I'm 21 years tite, could not 191, Sumralt, Mississippi: "I Miss Ontrihm White, 1709 Bush white gladioli and roses, and duct its program. even stand the have been a Avenue, Alexandria, /*•.; "I am Mrs. H. A. Glascor. Dr. and Mr*. , is good butter Mae Cooper, of age." twenty - five other seasonal flowers sent bv This vear the group was was under, smell of food. HADACOL friends and well wishers, wer* John Bailey. Att'v and Mrs. L. j Having to eat user for one vears old and pledged to "do something a little P. Henderson. Dr. and Mrs that'* why million* use it weight, and she to live, I would have lived in placed here and there. Especially MOORES & ROSS Buffered from J. D. ttombin, 165 Sunset Drier, year. I was ner­ different." Each member was to Thomas Jones. force down & Alexandria all attractive were the red "Better contribute new .Ideas from any­ AD. 5121 • t o m a c h dis­ Alexandria, La.i "1 have taken vous, could not three bottles of few mouthfuls, sleep, was tired my life. I am" Times" roses centering the dining thing that was attempted in the Mr and Mrs. Phelton Simmons. tress. She is on then I would employed by a] Mr. and Mrs. William Holloway. her fourth bottle HADACOL, and rundown. I room table where the many love­ club's 1950 program. The mem­ suffer from have taken canning com­ of HADACOL. and I could tell pany. A year ly gifts received were arrayed. bers work in teams and each Mr. and Mrs. Nous Thomas Mr. I the difference stomach dis­ seveen or eight |? and Mrs. Leo Rodgers, Mr. and! Now, she feels tress. Then I ago I was ner­ JUNIOR HOSTESSES month a different activity is in fine and she is in my condition, b o ttles olE Mrs. S. G. Jackson. Mr. and] heard about vous and run­ Escorting the guests through progress. able to go where before I took all H A D A C O L • down. I lost my Mrs. Wodie Saunders. Mr. and | A & B Meat Make. your wonderful HADACOL. I and I feel so . I lost myt. vhe house were junior hostesses aha wants to. of the first'bot­ l>egaB taking HADACOL four appel•tit' e audi in formal attire. Among ideas attempted thus Mrs. Emmett Evans. Mr. and She has gained tle. I'm 68 years times a day. Within a week I was much better. Iy*- couldn'n't sleep.! lar were the following: of age. Before I do all my house-***•*• They included Diana Whitfield Mrs. Norman Smith. Mr. and Mrs. •weight and no longer suffers from cooking for my family and doing A frle.Ten_d told' Eloise Jenkins and Judy Dc- Edward Richey Mr. and Mrs AD. 0716 196 South 4th Street AD. 0716 stomach distress. I intend to con­ started taking most all the housework. I have work, milk two cows, sleep well of Brooklyn Judy Ellen anl and eat anything 1 want without me about HADACOL and I de­ laney held an apron and shoe s*. William West, Mr. and Mrs. Hun­ tinue giving her HADACOL. I HADACOL been taking HADACOL about a Betty Louise Karris ot Akron. ACROSS FROM MARKET HOUSE I was tired, and stomach misery. I have recom­ cided to try it. I have been taking fair. Fanny Alexander and Em­ ter Hopson. Mr. and Mrs. Adol- give HADACOL to all the family year. I have been teaching 14 Pearl Irene Blair of Urbancrest. now." I had aches and mended HADACOL to many of one bottle a week for-a year and mie Davis had a fish dinner. phus Dean years, and I just can't recall a Patty and Sandra Brady. Clarict HADACOL can help you if your pains, and I single year that I wasn't hupp*, friends and neighbors. I just I can report wonderful results. I Clairine Faine and Anna Mai couldn't sleep well at night. Now, cannot praise it enough, for it has Smith. Shirley Coston. Marg-> Mr. and Mrs. John Mitt-hell. PORK (HOPS Lean 49c lb. condition is due to deficiencies of for school to close, because I was am gaining weight, my nerves are Swayzer. Lynn Carmen Hairston, Dearing planned a chicken din since I am taking HADACOL I so tired. It is different this year. done ao much for me. I am 54 Mr. and Mrs. William LindscV, Vitamins B<, B>, Niacin and Iron. feel so much better, and the years old and I believe what O.IC, I have a good appetite and Martha Jeanne Dillard. Sandra ner. % 1 will be very unhappy to see Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso McKibbon HADACOL is sold on a strict aches and pains have disappeared, school out this year. I have told HADACOL has done for me, lt I can sleep nights again. One bot­ Bang*?. Faith Mavs. Diana Lee Most recent event was a "tott- GROUND BEEF lean-Fresh 59c lb. Mr. and Mrs. James Beam Mr. money-back guarantee — you'll and I sleep soundly. I can't recom­ other teachers about your won­ will do for others. I highly recom­ tle a week did it and I rsKonuaend Allen, Karen Aileen Williams. ler's contest" held July 22 at mend HADACOL enough." derful HADACOL." mend HADACOL." Vicky Paxton. Kathy Diggs, Rena Poindexter auditorium by Elsie and Mrs. Clyde Ford. Mr. and tool better or your money back. HADACOL." Elizabeth Lacey and Diane Thom­ Ray and Virginia Loveless. The Mrs. W C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. SPARE RIBS Fresh • Mealy 39c lb. *-K as all of Columbus. club members wore vellow cor­ Lacey Patterson. Mr. and Mrs A picturesque Al Fresco set- sages, the club color. Twelve chil­ Wilbur Dillard. Mr. and Mrs. CHUCK ROAST Lean-Tender 59c lb. tinr on the well kept lawn wa* dren, ranging in age from 3 to John Coston. Mr. and Mrs A. G. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GOLD'S LOW PRICES Trail Size $1.» Family Sire $3.» obtained by floodlights illuminat­ 5, participated. Most popular con Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ing the garden furniture, shrub­ testant was Bernice Willis wit. PORK SAUSA6E Pan Style 39c lb. bery, flowers and canvas coverc 1 500 votes. Second prize winner fence. It was here that the guests was Betty Jean Vance with 320 I B. & B. CARRY OUT | PURE LARD socialised while partaking of a votes. The remaining 10 children BEER & WINE 2 lb. Pkg. 43c Bring Vour HADACOL variety of beverages, nors* received coloring books. Mrs. Le I Bring this ad and aoli for I d'oeuvrea. salads and other re- nor Young was mistress of cere­ COFFEE Kenny's - 730 75c lb. ' freshraents abundantly served by monies. I the special cose price { AIR CONDITIONED FOR VOUR SHOPPING COMFORT Certificate You aturistant hosts and hostesses. ($2.85 with thi* ad). Included among the latter wer«* The club members request any t » BOLOGNA Fine Quality - Piece 39c lb. Received In Tbe Mail Mrs. Ruth Blair of Urbancrest reader of The Sentinel who 1001 E. Long St. EV. 0352 and ths following Columbusites: knows of a needy family to con­ COLD'S Missee and Mesdan.es Cather­ tact one of the following: Elsie CIGARETTES All Popular Brands $1.75 Cation To COLD'S, ine Bange. Dorris Thomas Kdr.-i Ray. president. Un. 8295. Judy Lacey. Marguerite Diggs. Helen Delaney. vice president. Wa. SMAUWOOD MARKET Paxton, Marian Williams. Lor­ 9210. Clairine Faine. secretary- SLICED BACON Sugar Cured 39c lb. ^TOA£ It's Worth 25c On Any raine Allen. Wyrelenc Mays, Fanny Alexander, assistant sec­ Quality Meats A Kathryn Hairston. Inez Dillard. retary. XI. 2293. Mattyc Starr, Groceries SKINLESS WIENERS 49c lb. Size Bottle Of Gwendolyn Brown. Annette treasurer. Un. 2933. Hazel Good­ Open Eves & Sunday* Owens. Eloise Howell. Dorothy win, chairman of sick committee. Goss. Zylphia Garrett. Madge The club also collects old news Phone Orders Received SALT BACON low Price 25c lb. HADACOL Al Our Store Faulkner. Charlotte H o i » t o n. Mary Reynolds, Sarah Strode, papers and asks anyone wishinc 805 Mt. Vernon Ave. LONG ST. at GRANT AVE. (OPEN EVENINGS; FL 2645 Louise Curtis. Helen Calloway to contribute papers to'contact William A BuUer. Pross. WE ACCEPT RELIEF ORDERS Vernon Reid. Feme Moore. Ro- any of the above members. ^ i


PACE 8 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1051 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 9 MISS NORMA BROWN Cranberry Salads ATTRACTIVE BRIDE For Summer Months Having cold sliced chicken, whole Wanberry sauce to make By BLANCHE VAN HOOK; I,..,t necklace. She carried turkey, ham for dinner this week? the popular cranberry orango Accessories woe a white pique relish. Saturday, July 28. at hnltf ttniffaht bouquet of purple King i.ff-the-face hat with lace border Why not plan some sparkling Fruits such, aa ground appl.* after 6 o'clock in the eve- alters surrounded by loops o' around the front of the upturne.t cranberry salads to serve on th,? •NO CASH DOWN and lemon, crh****/ .grapes, sliced ninj*. Miss Norma Jerdenia orchid taffeta silk ribbon with brim, short white nylon gloves. same plate. Here are some that banana, fresh orTcanped apricot** Brown, daughter of Mra. streamers. Forest Green reptile bag ami will be cooling treats to the Aug­ or diced pears arc perfect with Clifford R. Stephen*. 251 N. WAS BE3Y MAN open toe slippers. ust supper menu. They're won­ cranberry sauce, too. Each mixes 17th **(.. became the bride Mr. William Bondurant was derfully easv to make! WITH YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR TRADE-IN Mrs. Sawyer, who attended well with the sauce to make .-» of Mr. Roland Arthur Saw­ best man. You start with a colorful fruit iiiinor and senior high school at fruit relish. The fruit relish can yer, Soil of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Out of town guests present relish like a combination of Ohio State university, is a typist be chilled and served aa a color­ len Evans, 141 Hughes st. were Mr. and Mrs, Vernon White (rushed pineapple and a can of at the Bureau of Unemployment ful meat accompaniment or used Rev. Jacob Ash burn, Jr, of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ralp I whole cranberry sauce. This gives Compensation. Mr. Sawyer at­ as a base for aparklinr salads. ' pastor of Oakley Av. Bap­ Brandon. Miss Mac Holloway. you a refreshing cranberry pine tended East High school and-is a tist church, officiated. Mrs. Delia Stewart and Mr. Or apple relish in case you want to CRANBERRY MINT SALADS clerk at the Columbus Motor Car 1951PHILCO ville Brandon of Alliance. stop here. Accompanied by Mrs. Beverly Co. He is a member of Oakley 1 envelope unflavored gelatine Other cranberry relishes can be Galioway Rutherford, Mr. Robert At the ensuing reception fol­ Av. Baptist church. 1 cup cold water Ingram suing "Because" and lowing the wedding, the bride'r quickly made into shimmering 1 pound can whole or jellied "Through the Vear**.*' mother wore a ballerina lengt.i They are residing at 141 summer salads, too. For example, cranberry sauce ADVANCED DESIGN FEATURE- The ccremonv was performed dress of Fire Pink chiffon with Hughes st. add a ground orange to a can of 1 cup crushed pineapple before an improvised altar in the matching taffeta silk underslip. (drained) living room at the bride'*; home, the skirt of which fell into sotc ; teaspon peppermint extract folds and had a narrow belt. Th. which featured a mantelpiece be­ If jellied cranberry sauce l« bodice, with its cap sleeves and Elks Outing Here Sunday decked with a fan *haped ar- used crush with a fork. Place langement of white gladioli, del­ deen plunging neckline was elab- gelatine in custard cup. Add col-1 phinium*, pom pom* and pink as­ i rately shirred -."d tucked in Under auspices of the AntlereJ will be played between the Tux­ water and let stand 2 minutes. ters flnnked by Kcntia palm*. • nuked fashion. In the center was Guard of Central District No. 11. edo club and Marching club. Mu­ REFRIGERATORS Place custard cup in pan of boil­ GIVES BRIDE AWAY a set of star shaped rhinestone IBPOEW, a picnic will be given sic is to be furnished by the Elk" at the farm of Mr. and Mrs ing water until gelatine dissolves. The bride was given in mar­ scatter pins, which matched he: senior band. Charles H. Mullins. 4035 Croton Add to cranberry sauce and mix riage by her father, Mr. Clarence ear rings. Admission to the grounds i« rd.. on Rt. 3 one-half mile north well. Stir crushed pineapple and Brown. Her ballerina length Accessories were a forward hat free. Those desiring transporta PRICED FROM- if Sunburv on Sunday. Aug. 12. dress had a Candlelight -satin un* of embroidered white lave adorn­ tion may secure it from the Elks peppermint extract into cran­ derslip covered .with net ir ed with dotted net veiling and It will begin at 9 a. m. and Home. 150 Lexington av. The berry gelatine mixture. Spoon matching -hade, while over thi*. rhinestone centered ornamcnt.j. continue throughout the day anu i.ublic is invited. into individual salad molds and waa an Ivory White full .fathered long white gloves and latticed evening. General chairman is Willie Em­ chill in refrigerator until firm. flare vkirt ot double Jiylon net. kid open toe slippers. Her double At 2 *o. m. a batcbal! game mons. Co-chairman is Don Brown. Makes 4 to 6 servings. The long torso designed bodice, gardenia corsage was tied with in fitted princes** style with point­ white ribbon. $ .95 ed centers, was of Candlelight MOTHERS ATTIRE satin covered by Ivorv White ny­ The groom's mother chose Mint, LEE'S* New Hosiery Fashions lon net. It was aleeveler-a and' Green nyion marquisette wit*, had a jewel neckline with satin 209 taffeta silk undcrslip. The full covered button* extending mid­ skirt was made with a triple set way down the btjek. A •.•••plum ef­ of impressed pleats on each side \ fect wa*. achieved at the hip lines of the wide panel in center front. by an insertion of eyelet em­ The bodice, with its pointed col­ Your Old Refrigerator May Be Used As Down broidered ecru lace. The same lar and can sleeves with turn­ trimmiiifc* was repeated in outlin­ back cuffs fastened with five ing tho sheer yoke in trradtLiie.l silver rhinestone centered but­ Payment And In Many Cases offthe-shoulder fashion. S. tons. Flanges extended f r o u* WORE FINGER TIP VEIL neckline to waistline on each side Her finger tip length illusion of the shirtwaist front with it- veil was held in place by a braid narrow tucked silk bands. ed halo of Candlelight satin. She Crushed veiling and a bow of NO CASH DOWN wore full length mitts of Ivorv grosgrain ribbon . trimmed ber White nylon net, ornamented ».;•':•• lace bat. Other accesaorfos with triple satin covered button-:, iv i . i Mint Green kid slippers, a and her Mademoiselle i-lipperti white pique bag and short nylon 78 WEEKS TO PAY were in corresponding color. A mesh gloves wilh frilled cuffs. white leather bound Bibie. which tier corsage war of pink rosette she carried, was topped bv a pur­ roses tied with blending ribbon. ple throated lavendar orchid aug­ ASSISTANT HOSTESSES mented by a shower of whit*.* Assistant reception hostesses \ satin streamers knotted witn were Mrs. Barbara Jean Bondu PHILCO 2-DOOR DUPLEX rwaasonLa >ant and the Misses Rolene ...with Maid of honor was Miss Wanda Yt"* ung. Bertha Caliver, Joan 12, 10 and 8 cu. ft from $379.95 up J. Croston. She chofte a ballerina Graham, N'arcissia Cowans and length dress of Lemon Yellow Sylvia Johnson. That*, right—no deftost** taffeta «ilk under slip with doublr- The refreshment table was ap­ TRUE ing anywhere in this new .overing of Ivory White net pointed with an ecru Quaker lac? **kirt«. the top one of which was cloth and a four tier wedding kind of 2-Door refrigera­ full gathered and lavishly trim­ cake flanked by lighted white the fashion everyone's following... med with three wide rows of em­ HONEST vandlesticks in triple branch sil­ i tor from Philco. You aim- broidery. ver holders. , The bodice oi embroidered Lovely gift* were arrayed in ear LADY HAMPSHIRE ply forget about defrost-, Ivory White net was multiple upstairs rooms. HURRY! HURRY! shirred on each side of the cehter HONEYMOON IN N. Y. ing. It's automatic. . .and front ar/ formed a peak at tho The newlyweds spent their momgfo works so fast, foods are waistline. It had short puffed honeymoon in New York City. heel-accented nyUms While We Still Have A Complete Selection sleeve- and a sweetheart neckline For traveling the bride wore a c .o m pletely unaffected. adorned with a net ruffle. A two piece Skipper Bloc, gabardine, You'll have every male at your feet when you wear WHY BE WITHOUT A NEW 51 PHILCO pleated Lemon Yellow taffeta silk suit, having a skirt with fly plea* Even frozen foods, ice sash encircled the waistline and in the center front and narrow Lady Hampshire nylons! The exclusive heel designs Vefirost, terminated into a butterfly bow tucks at the hip lines. cubes and ice cream stay COME IN TODAY OR CALL FL 2645 in the back with streamers. The fitted jacket, which fas­ make your ankles slim and elegant... make your footsteps tened with silver buttons, had hard and firm. Here's Her head dreae was a Juliette wonderful to follow. Step in and ask for our Lady Hampshire-} in AND ONE OF OUR FRIENDLY SALESMEN cap cf net interwoven with band.*: long sleeves, a notched collar. everything you want i n of silk in the aforementioned ..nd simulated side flap pockets, rfcis season's popular shades, also conventional heel. WILL COME OUT TO YOUR HOME. colore. Accessories were short Her white blouse featured a lac** one great new Philco. white nylon gloves with frilled yoke with eyelet embroidery, full canasta 51 gauge, 15 denier, 8J to 11, proportioned lengths, 1.65. cuffs.. Lemon YeJlow linen opern length sleeves and a pointed lac- Come in . . . see it. pumps. and a f\ur strand pear! I collar. Esthetic: l*Mlenier. 81 to 11. proponioned length*, 1.50 LEE'S-The Store With The Mew Front DON'T BE WITHOUT THE £3 Mi S3 g ENTINEL ' ****** • I i • i,'- --.-—| -, , irrir-ir-llTiratasaaa'-aaa.aaa.a.aMrlS'CC^. 5 ¥ [ GOLD'S IS OPEN SUNDAY & EVERY DAY FROM 8 A.M. 'TIL 10 P.M. AIR CONDITIONED FOR VOUR SHOPPING COMFORT FREE HAVE IT MAILED TO YOUR HOME Cupid:51f*u-r, Esplanade: 60-gMUKt, Butterfly Heels: 51 •«,*,•*.«*, 15-drnier.ciJ to 11. 15-denier. 8) toll, ISdrnirr, oi lo 11, EVERY WEEK proportioned lengths, 1.95 [•roportiorx-d length:, 1.75 rreportioned length*. 1.95 Six Months One Year PARKING Vacation or Servicemen's Subscription ON GOLD'S LOT I NAME | ADDRESS *. *, | S STYLE SHOP AT REAR OF I CITY :. STATE ZONE | Writ* or call about oar subscrijilion rata*. Circulation D«*p... 1011 MT. VERNON AVENUE STORE | Ohio Saattncl, 8-81 E. Lonj St., Columbus 3. Ohio. EV. 2240. j LONG ST. al GRANT AVE. (OPEN EVENINGS Fl 2645 J £N


•'Br- •;"-' i

asaaaasSraaaBaiHraHrSraaBa^ raiHBaai

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, lftS. SATURDAY. AUGUST 11, 1981 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE II PAGE 10 THE OHIO SENTINEL Tomato Pishes Are Far From Dull Woman's Club Holds Meeting The Woman'** Council Charity The club will hold its annual By ANN B. WALKE club held its closing meeting un­ picnic Thursday. Aa*. l», at the All through the summer the selection of fresh fruits and vegetables is wide, and til September recently with Mrs. Orval Peyton farm near Ga- made equally so through the winter by modern refrigerator and shipping techmques. W. T. Johnson, 21>8 Johnson St.. liiinna. ) Th**re iii no reason for menus to be dull when such a variety is available. ms hostess. Mrs. Hlanehs- Edwards, past One of the commonest fruits" Election of the following offi­ •president, presided over the in the tomato, which now can be! salt and pepper. Drop a raw egg 2 tb. cornstarch . cer-, was conducted: meeting. 78 WEEKS TO PAY AT SPICER S placrd on our tables vear-rounJ. j into each tomato. Heat the oil %».' 1 tb. butter or margarine Mesdames GaraMitif Archie, The exact origin of the tomato Is' butter and cook the onion an 1 Wash tomatoes, remove . the president; Irabell Uutherford, a little vague. Various legend-j parsley f«-r 5 minutes. Cover the stem • no- and slice. Combine with first vice president; Mayme L. Annual Picnic T £ j-av that it comes from Africa..; eggs with a little of the cooked the lemon juice, rind, salt and Chrismon. second vice president. The Sunday Afternoon Liter­ Item India, or from China. H <•**•- mixture and top with a piece of cinnamon in a saucepan and cook Mattie Henson. chaplain; Ellen ary club will have its annual pic­ .ver. some historians claim that] iwi'ii. Arrange in a baking di*h lor 15 minutes, stirring frequent Jones, recording secretary; Dor­ nic at the Dunbar Merchant the tomato was first found in. *.nd bake in a moderate oven 375 5y.- Mix the sugar and corn­ othy Golns, financial secretary. farm, on Prospect rd. near Dub­ PAY ONLY ON ANY PHILCO Peru, where the Spaniards. F. about 20 minutes. starch. Add it to the tomato mix­ Adeline Terrell, historian; Mary lin. Sunday. Aug. 12. Members • catching for Inc* treasures, saw J a . * ture and cook until clear, stirring Tolliver, parliamentarian; Geor­ and friends are invited. Mrs. El­ it growing in the garden*. constantly. Add the butter. Cool gia Johnson, director of musk; sie D. Little is 'president. Mrs FRIED TOMATOES •rlightly. Line a pie pan with pas­ All of yeu hav« probably hearo ; Una Tolliver. sergennt-at-arms; lna F. Rains w corresponding try. Pour in the mixture. Cover 15% DOWN i.t ont »>me that at first the toi C med. sized ripe or grctn Coral Johnson, treasurer. with pastry, seal the .«(i-• • . and secretary. ftM»lo ,tp considered poi>o»;ou... | tomatoes 1 egK cut several gashe** to allow steam mid wa* called love apple or para- j OUR LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR CAN BE USED IN YOUR DOWN PAYMENT to escape. Bake in a hot oven *}3D IIIM apple. It was not until about j ; c. dry bread crumbs I t salt for 40 to 50 minutes. IKS'/ that it besran to be used a* I Dash of pepper Joed Slice the tomatoes about i'V , . i GREEN TOMATO riue ripe tomatoes are at inci"; thick Beat the egg slightly and MARMALADE be<4t in a salad *«erved with a Mm- '• teason with salt and pepper. Dip 3 ot. sliced green lomatales pie; tart French dressing. While the tomato slices in the numbs, 6 c. sugar the kin of tomatoes Is edible, it; then in the seasoned egje. and Metv KM of 2-V00R Refrigerator 1 t. salt *,.-. -ometimes a little tou-rh and; again in the crumbs. Fry in a 6 lemons Buy it At raw tomato are more appetizing 1 •-mall amount of fat in a *.killel 1 c. water until delicately brown on both if they are peeled. "This if. easilj Combine tomatoes, sugar ano rules. uene. salt. Peel the lemons and slice the "Tbe Avenue's Most Trv the following— peel very thin. Boil in the cup of Complete Paint & BAKED TOMATO SURPRISE During my childhood, it wa* water for 5 minutes and drain. d toinatoc*. necessarv for mv aunt to prepare wtmwMpiutmafoVeimt! Slice the lemon pulp and remove Wallpaper Center" Salt and pepper two pie*> when she made the fol­ the seeds. Add with the rind to fi rxk% lowing recipes because it is SO tomato mixture. Heat slowly to 2 t.-minccil onion ** delicious: boiling, then cook rapidlv, stir­ HERE FOR 1951 FROM 2 :. minced parsley GREEN TOMATO PIE ring con-tautly. for 45 to fid min- BEST MERCHANDISE MART L' tt». i ;I <*r butter. Paatrv for ('" double crust pie ! utes or uptil thickened. Pour, into FE. 1328 tt thin so nates of bacon <,.„r e med. sized green tomatoes h<>t ^.^ .^ ^ mn

CHARLIES F. SPICER, Owner And President Of m The Spicer Furniture Co., With Stores At 993 Wrveiv Mt. Vernon Ave. And 895 E, Main St., Wishes PHILC0 z-ooo* To Announce That FRED H. KENNY, Former REFRIGERATORS

Credit Manager, Is No Longer Connected With *so OtVIOSTtNO MWI r-^l'^l List Price M39.95 to the owners of The Firm, At Either The Main Or Branch Stores. PHILCO 2-DOOR DUPLEX the oldest electric 12, 10 ANO 8 CU. FT. FROM $379.95 UP i refrigerators in Columbus "YOU'LL IK) BETTKK AT SNacious lull-width Freezer, HUC Refrigerators cu' 0 i by avprirale ouUtiile tloor. Mai....mis trur zero zurse temperatures a f <> H MODELS-7 le 13 Cu. Ft. for aafaly keeping frozen foods mm lonR No Charge - Pay Gas, Electric & TeU-r-honr Bills al our Mt. Vciiiwn A\. Si.n twi a year. Stores up to 70 II.a. of food. Suinlt***.; steel food and ion tray radaa ^•Z&TZ?*; OVT.R :»<. Yt:AKS SAMf; LOCATION OUR LOW I'lM I.O'MlON.s NAM YOU Mi'M

NEWEST ADVANCED DESIGN FEATURES-! »iiy AUjuataibie sisetve. * Double Criapcr Drawer*- covered by glaw • Covered, Sliding Meat CompurUnent * •: i-..v-0>it Ioe IVaya * Full 12 cu. ft. food storage capacity • Five Year Warrant v u *' ' •• other Justregis**youro/cf Bectrfc *» A M ta r. I'M OVER 39 YEARS ON MT. VERNON AVE. OUR LOCATIONS SAVE YOU MONEY •Yl l *. M In 5 R CHARM-:**- I. SlMt.ru I**.**,' and «i, f»S All Varuoi. Art BRANCH SnORB Caravr IBlh St »». *•.. MAIN ST. Oprn 1*1: r 0»*n aaflr u A H- EASY TERMS » A M . I M « p. u. M-.;. a i>. Oar *-*»*» Reat Locations Ss»* Yoa Moaay iii > A. H. . I f. a 9 A. M •» V M 5*9*» Ml. V«i„..„ Av*.. C'.«. IHII* S« ***.. V«raoti Arc. Bu. Mais -H. Iltaa Stop* at (Jut Corps-. St«t>* at Nrarby SPICER FURNITURE CO. WK CARRY OUR OWN ACCUUNTS Charles F. Spicer, Owner anil President Cr»ra«r* WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS FA. 9319 : iiw S ssaWaa***-aaHraWraaB**HrsfaatH aiflHr'fi" "'iT"" """"^

THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 13 PACE 12 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1961 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 st. ULUAN AUEN,S This Changing Town Illinois Senator Davis endrix SENTINEL EDITORIALS By Constance C. Nichols ommenfs Ttss, sasalsas aaai«aa*4 la tat* « sines* a*** «aea* a* aaa wrtsar VIEWPOINT •sea.as.ai IS r,rl.,i tt». sal*is*s mt Ta* SaataraaL—EDITOR. Perns, Conclave Speaker K Kid Vandals, Grownup Hooligans By Moaa H. Kendrix State Sen. J. Corneal Davis of Illinois will be the principal speaker at the state. An expose by The Ohio Sentinel, following numerous complaint* I am humble and apologetic for the Tke saJelsas ea»r**s«at as this sabsasa a** •%*»* e* •wide Ohio Democratic conclave to be held at Big Walnut Countryjclub, Sunday, Aug. l.om residents of the area, revealed that a problem of considerable • "*W sasasae its* -ratal sa* el Tae lialstaa rasvaTOati many, many errors in grammar, awkward H A MPTON, 19, it waa announced this week. v_ Va. —- Pausine magnitude abounds in the destruction of Garfield Elementary school lasaa phrasing, etc., that appear in my column. "This Changing Town" Along with Gov. Frank J. i It a r a on tbe property. Believe me, it isn't because I don't know date for U. S. senator from' Ohio. recently carried a justified Lausche and Sec'v-Treas. Jacob P*«red as principal speaker at peninsula which Until we assigned a reporter to check up on the reports that tho better. I did have a proper education. But Numerous pari}**** have been comment about vacationists dayman of the Ohio CIO Coun-1 several Democratic meeting.- in f supports historic buildings that comprise the school were being wantonly destroyed by haste makes waste . . . dashing off copy scheduled to takeTcare of the •: Ham ptoa insti­ to the effect that these cil. Sen. Davis, an outstanding | O-'-o. »»'d has won a reputation vandals, mostly of the kid variety, and hoodlum grownups who should on the typewriter and turning it into the o member of the Illinois J ••«•»•• outstanding spenkei. many Democratic fmrt.V leaders tute, among should send remembrances Negro know better and upon whom quick and conclusive punishment shouU to the folk back home in­ city desk without re-reading has proved ••tat* Senate, will carry the ball 3000 EXPECTED scheduled to be in Columbus w li o a «• most prior to and during^ the conclave. be visited, we had no conception of the scope of (he* malicious de­ stead of the usual poet card disastrous. My face is red when 1 imagine lor Ohio Democrats at the second This year's meeting is expected noted graduate* Among those who have signi­ struction of the school's property. bearing; the usual greeting. my readers saying, "if she doesn't know annual conclave. to reach proportions of lust year'3 wa* Booker T. fied their intention to lend aid to Wash ington, I "Wish you' were here." To what she's doing why does she continue to Davis, ii- leader of Chicago's when approximately 3000 NegTO Of course the youngster* responsible for breaking windows in that this writer alto agree* the conclave arc Att'v Harvey am wonder ! n *• the building* of the delapidated school should be punished to what* struggle?" Again, believe me, I do know Southsidc Democrats, is second in Democratic leadcis and party Johnson of Cleveland. Att'v A. — not ao much in remem­ what tha famed ever degree deemed necessary by the proper authorities And the better and my worse punishment is when importance politically to Cong. members flocked to the state cap­ L. Kelly and Leon Gordv of Ak­ educator'* alti- brances aa gifts, novelties, gambling that is running rampant on the school grounds, involving I see my errors in the glaring light of print, William II. Dawson, who is elect­ ital to hear Cong. Dawson, Chmn. ron. Hattie Moselcy of Spring­ but rather at least in infor­ ed to the national Congress from Iwde would be on the "problem* mostly teenagers, should be wiped out by tbe police. But an even Jack Kroll of the national PAC field. Jurnes Culver of Warren, mation as to what various the seme district. Davis has a*J and Joseph Ferguson then candi- Att'y Ben Fisher of Toledo. were he hare today. more important factor emerges through the fabric of this deplor­ Anri 1 predicted »»t least three towns, countries, etc., are imohths ago that Kenny Morris A coincidence m the fact that able situation—that is the involvement of grown men in the situa­ mayor . . . r»ol that I don't like, what its people are do­ would be leaving us r-oon. think Shearer would make just an educatui's conference — tha tion. 48lh annual session of the Ameri­ ing, and what situations are ;'. a * -'•• a* fine a one but I'm fad up Tha Loaf st. and of Mt can Teachers Ass'n—br< ught me These latter characters not only are responsible tor much of the affecting them. over my head with the present damage being wrought at Garfield, but they are setting a bad exam­ Cown Enterprises ha* reopened city hall setup and consequent­ to the early haunts of the Tuske- Of course people visit differ­ tinder a new policy . • . si-ram. Come To GOLD'S For ircc founder. In this conference ple for a lot of kids Who otherwise would not consider it the "smart* ly want to be realistic and ent places for various things ani line eating with tha best spa­ campaign for lomeons who ha* the ATA has resolved its firm be­ thing to do if they were not encouraged to destroy "the taxpayers' 'taking a vacation" correctly re­ ghetti. Coney 1.lands, a lunch­ at leaat a ghott of a chance lief in the "racial intej*ration of piopcrty because they sea their elders engaging in the same revolting fer* to traveling for pleasure, or, eon special .*. . standard tneau (school) staff as well as pupil pastime. if distance is not Involved, mere­ personnel. ••••• . . . one of those "You know i * The oldsters should know better, and if they don't they should be ly,a period of rest recreation, H The Booker Washington of the MRS. LILLIAN ALLEN •what I have, TO* know tb* parked in a comfortable jail cell, access to which is accomplished holiday, or a time of respite. price" deals. period leading to 1915 would not .inly by a key which should immediately be tossed in the Scioto river. Being away is wonderful but what sense do these expressions we • as THRILLING COLORS have been a part to such a reso­ receive from travelers make? Uusally a post card bears a picture and Mr. Howard Moon. Wilbcr- lution, the truth being that such A* for the kid*, we believe that a combination of better par- a brief explanation of the site or object of interest contained on it iorce (pardon rnei Central State a position of commitment would ' ental supervision and a complete official crackdown on both them anway. Could it be "just to let you know" what territory is being college) student, is gracing the not have represented a norm.il and their parent* would work wonder* to eliminate tbe situation. covered? citv with hi* presence until the course of action in the days of In most of these cases of deliberate destruction of Garfield school fall term, which will find hirr. the Hampton trained schoolmas­ property tbe parent* are equally a* guilty a* the children, and it i* THEY'RE REALLY* IN A RUT back at the school of many con­ ter. Many tourists think by writing such stereotyped jargons as troversies, to eel a degree in po­ moat unfortunate that there ara ao law* on the book* to deal with litical science. BUNCHE WOULD HAVE the matter on that ba.it. If there were *uch law*—if every parent "Swell people"! "r^pgreat life," "Good country," "Having a wonder, But Ralph Bunchc. a school of a delinquent kid, tuch a* tkote involved in the Garfield ichool ful time," "This Is it," that they are in the groove when they art I don't want to get started man turned diplomat, would have, episode., could be booked on charges of delinquency the same a* really in a rut. Each of these tired phrases leaves us with many quen- tions unanswered. To take them in order—WHO are the swell peo- • on the Garfield school situation and he told a recent Atlanta au­ their kid*—we believe tke major portion of tbi* vandalism would pie? WHAT is a great life? WHEN is a country good? WHERE for fear of taking over all 24 dience as much in an address disappear overnight. pages of The Sentinel, it is al­ NEGRO BOY which may in time become »* -•'ccifically are you having a wonderful time? And WHY is THIS it? widely quoted as Washington's No doubt there are some who sincerely believe there is little Personally, I like "remembrances" ia the forms of a letter, for together disgraceful to realise By FLORENCE I. FERGUSON that it may ba used again thi* famous oration of the Atlanta ex­ harm in the hoodlumism and vandalism at Garfield school. These they require some effort on the traveler's part and in all probabil­ fall in it* present condition. It Negro boy what are you doing position. •reoplc would say, "The building is going to be torn down anyhow, so ity will contain at least a few things of interest to the recipient. All looks like a deserted ware*- In the fight to reach the top? Hero I am reminded of a why bother?" summer long mail lia, come from many parts of the world and out of tbis pile, only one bears any plausible sifnificance. Excerpts house, it is neither conducive ta Are vou listed among the shifter.-; • lory told recently by a friend People whose thoughts are directed in that vein are naive, to say good behavior nor studious*. of mine. A* it went, an editor from the following letter will show what is meant. It was written Whose fun and laughter knows no the least. It is important to remember that there is a moral side to aes*. If I had had to start my stop? of a southern daily newspaper, by a member of the Intcrcultural Committee Washington, D. C, •dacation in a hole like that I expressing hi* disgust towards tnis situation—that if kids and addli-pated grownups are capable of which toured many places in the Caribbean and West Indies. Negro boy what are you building. destroying one piece of property thut doesn't belong to them, they ana certain I would have been Against storms of hate and the aggressiveness of the cur­ a second or third grade grad. I tie equally capable of destroying another. In the latter instance we .'Mill **..ovVN EVERYTHING" strife? rent Negro, announced that no aat*. Negro would make the front are referrin*' to the new building which soon will replace the present "The women's organizations in Jamaica and Haiti really saw to Have you forgotten in your frolic page of hi* paper unless Booker structure, or what is left of it when these kid vandals and adult hooli­ it that our party was shown everything and understood. The Jamaica That tomorrow's sun will rise? The amusement park at Out-k- T. Washington come* back. Women's Federation met us. at the air port, held a discussion with us Negro boy have you not heard it gans get through with it. eve Lake wa* swarming with Cen­ cur first afternoon in Kingston, and arranged for us to have cocktaib Ringing out from near and far What that editor failed to take In closing, we would like to extend an extra vole of thanks to tral Ohio seoians last Thursday. into consideration is that there with them in the garden of King's Hou.«e (the governor's mansion) a- . It was supposi-il to have been the The cry to burst the long worn tiie police department for its prompt action when the situation wa' shackles could be no Booker Washington the guest of Lady Foot, the governor's wife. There we talked about larj-ei-t crowd on the ground? a; in 11151—the complexion of th*J brought to the authorities' attention. Jamaica, its problems, and Its peoples, and the purpose, of our visit. any one time this summer. Con- That for ages, your future mar? Negro boy this is no fable. \ime would dictate that he woull "Wc saw the hard work and the sometimes extreme poverty of ces'iun owners who wish to add . rVsve to be a Bunche. a Walter to their regular "take" should ob­ Nor is it a passing pow. the people. Britain has operated so as to keep the people very poor Whether you be a prince or White, a Willium Hastie, an Adam — they control both export and import markets. serve anil heed. Whv not make Powell or a William Dawson. We'll Miss Kenneth A, Morris beggar "The women are i»yn*bol8 of tremendous strength and endurance. the "other 10th" of our Ohio As I read the writings and ad­ -Must be settled here and now. Herewith we join the legion of Columbusites who are regretful population entirely welcome a. ^ * SENSATIONAL NEW PA&fT CIYES YOUR ROOMS dresses of Washington. 1 am fullv After seeing them I. know that 1 have no right to say ever that I ara the park at all times? I was fas­ Whether you will share God's over the loss of a valunble citizen. convinced that even in his time tired! They help till the soil and bring their produce to market in cinated bv the youthful roller We refer, of course, to Keaneth A. Morris, for the past seven blessings ENDURING BEAUTY ... IT'S GUARANTEED* WASHABLE be was a long, long way from be­ great piles on their heads, walking as many as 35 miles to market. skatcrs. lion James, uro skater of By reaching for His bountiful ing an Uncle Tom. year* executive secretary—and a darn good one—of the Spring St. On the pavement near the market place, they sleep beside their pro- *J the Penguin roller rink, wa* Wash it again and again! You can't mar it* match­ branch YMCA. duce the night before the market ooens. hand. Much of this man's philosophy gracefully conspicuous on the Is purely up to you. "I just couldn't believe my eye*—a solid block of pavement rjnk. as usual. And 1 just found less beauty. Super Kern-Tone is the completely new, is certainly workable today. As I In our time we can think of no executive secretary who has don..* To play the part of a man. covered with sleeping women with their merchandise! And they ara out that Cal Burton is no longer was being brought ovei to the a better job in that capacity thun the effervescent Mr. Morris. Negro boy be up and doing. completely different wall paint, "velvet-rich and very creative—make beautiful straw bags, hats, decorated bamboo connected with the Mound st. institute from the Newport New*v Ken was, and remains, anything but the fuddy-duddy, erudite Strike out while the time is nigh. vases, sew beautifully. In Haiti we found tbe same condition*. Ob, rink. How come? rubber tough." It goes on "like a breeze" over wall­ **irport. the taxi driver, a white type typical in so many instances of YM executives. Instead, he • • a Find some solid nook or corner. W AIMING DOtaNT HAXM If. 'Alias man. informed me with consider* >ci, I should *ay these women transact the business of tbe family, *j is ihorooah'r «l»i*d, ••••« snow worked his way into the life of the WHOLE community to such a de­ Where the world can't pass you paper, paint, plaster, wood and other surfaces— • as**' K.avToe* wilt •airtmaiaa' rs» Jrble Dride that he had a few day** selling the produce and buying for their families what they need Thanks to those who offered *******< waahias •"•ah asaat ko.ir gree that he was known to men, women and children in our town in to let me use their car* aad to by! smoothly and uniformly. Dries in less than an hour. kol * r-«>iH rtaaavara wHhom iaspirr- before visited at Hampton. most and carrying it back to their farm homes. Not only arc tbey a a * las Its bnutr. every strata of life. the Chevrolet salesman, who In addition to driving the aii the mothers of children, keeper* of home*, but agricultural work- Colors galore for your living room, dining room, *»*i really oa the ball. It shows. PARDON ME port taxi, this man works for a We often-marveled at Ken's ability to do so many things at one cr», beast* of burden for transportation of merchandise, creative at least, tbat I have soma very bedrooms; lovely panels and rich deep tones, are* wealthy farmer, who also sells time, and with such unruffled eaue as to defy the imagination. Few, workers in many fields, and the small merchant* of their countries! s y m p a I h etic aad solicitous Please pardon me for these few farm equipment. The visit to if any, men among our citizenry maintained such a taxing schedule "In Haiti we were met by the otficers of the Ugue femina reader*. words it* try it—you'll agree you've never teen any pain* Hampton institute was to seek as- in civic affairs as Ken Morris. Few could have stood up under the (faction Sociale^—-*M. Jean Brierrc and other representatives of the But will you let me say. sietance in tbe assembling of a Office of Tourism, who furnished us with escorts and a car during • * • I thought vou looked so fine last to equal Super Kern-Tone. grind. We have often heard it said by friends and mere acquain This Changing Town" will new piece of farm equipment, our stay. Had discussions with the Ligue on condition of women— night. true.-, alike that if Ken Morris didn't participate in the activities of soon appear on the stage if plans which his employer, long in the who have just achieved the right to vote—in the next municipal elec­ 1 couldn't help but look your tool business, could not assemble. a local civic group said group wasn't worth belonging to. go well. With Joe Coleman and way! tions, and must wait seven years to vote in a general election unlese Dave Eberly on the book. Jeanne ONIY 1" or. **%** oat. "Thev did it in 20 minutes." my Too, we fael a personal lo*« ia Ken's departure to Lo* Angela* tne president decrees otherwise. So they may vote in the next gen­ driver told me. Nichols on the lyrics, Freddie Your hair gave off such briliancv. IMhT«M IMP CtaW lmWm*lm*...m**wto...mimm^ where, .on Aug. 7, he become* executive secretary of the 28th St. eral election at the discretion of the president Johnson the music and George Your eyes lent beauty to your Last fall. I was at Prairie View YMCA. Ever since The Sentinel came iato being, amid sneers and Tyre« to get the entire produc­ face. State college in Texas. While vis­ "Was received by the wife of the president, Madame Maghore, - KEM-TOt-II —- j**«r* from the Doubting Thomaie*. tha cynics aad the just plaia tion tied together with the proper I thought that you were so lovely, iting with the college veterinar­ at their summer home in the mountains. Discussion and cocktails- continuity, zest and staging, wc To me you were a figure of Ike edradt wall faint ... mad* with all Tie mkach Itntte enamel that Utekieei ian. Dr. Poindexter. I was asked enviou*, Ken ha* regularly aad loyally contributed to .the sport* Went to an open air theatre presentation of folk dances and songs. should really have something. Was received by Pres. Magliore at the Nat'I Palace—pictures taken » * a grace! ... mixes wif*. wafer watktt lik$ baked < to accompany him to the vet pages of this aewspaper. Hi* bowliag column* have been oae of our biggeet asset.. Replaciag him will he a herculean task. for the newspapers there. I hear tbat Jake McKinney, The outttaodioa value in school. Enroute we came upon You made me think of a God Tot laaethea (tad s**a*hfQosa "As you know. Pre*. Col. Paul Magliore took ottie* last year latest addition to the beverage good horn* decoration where two white men driving a truck in Who is so kind and true. extreme washability l* act w»Its sad for woottwo*k la But Ken has received a deserving promotion—one that few men aad wa* elected hy -direst vottag, the 'Iir*t' ia the history of tho talesmen's fraternity (N o c k which a cow was being hauled. A God who would pause long teq-*ir**d. A gallon of KetB* every acroa*. Oae «oe*t •*•***> These two saaa had dris-ea can afford |p turn down. We wish him Godspeed and every success people of Haiti. Oaty 44 year* old. he had a tremendous reputa­ Eins) h*d to make a sudden enough. Tone. thinned with Wale*. task** Hi gsllon* af J-*SJA«, ally cover*. Dries t*asi AT GOLD'S He would be strivia*; to make its chairman, Goorga T. Lewis, revealed this week. my integrated with that of tho U. S." candidate Herbert Dailey far YW membership U .mall. deasotraejr real. Aad it's about time. What a far cry from "Swell trip! Wish you were bert!'* i m\\W^amM%%^Unkm^*^*^*Wk%%^**********^^ • *z*si>*&£&i!?*n:}


Shiloh Baptist Church Vacation In East

Churches Of Christ Convene At Rehoboth August 13-26 Mra. Mattie Lewis. and Mra. Lillian Dandridge will spend two For the first time in a quarter of a century, Churches Nat'I Sec'y Dr. Smallwood E. tion in Missionary, young people'*, ^ tD Qvurefi Nurse Corps Has Recent Fete of Our Lord Jefltis Christ wilj convene in their .32nd na­ Williams, Boat Pastor Elder H. and Sunday school areas of weeks in Atlantic City*and New tional meet at Rehoboth Temple Church of Christ, Colum­ S. Spencer. Sr. Bishop and Apoa* church woik, respectively. York City. mr ''er %* Brr KATHERINKATHERINE EE.. lUVNFHAYNESS 1 *»,;il I— faaS..«j -l^„- .„I»-K . I «T«. /-u..^u —_. ,._ a* tie Bishop It. C Lawaoa ot New will be featured along with "The Church and It* Members** bus, Aug. 13-26, inclusive. Closing week has been desig­ Rev. J. W. Parrish. pastor of York City's Church of Christ in­ \outh chorus from Cincinnati. Sunday. Aug. 12, Delegates are expected trom ~ "" nated by the Columbus planning ia the church. High Tanking Shiloh BaptLit church, used for stitute. Att'v Leon M. Render, assistant Baptismal service and holy more than 11 states, the District daily from 10:16 to 3:45 p. m. at committee as one featuring spe­ evangelistic church leaders will hi* Sunday morning subject. "The to the state attorney general, will tommynion were held during cve- of Columbia. Africa and Carib- Beatty center, conveniently lo- First week of the religious cial interest groups for ministers use portions of thia week also for One Foundation.".The men's cho­ be the speaker. The public is in­ i ning worship Sunday. bcan countriea. Children of th cated near convention headauar gathering spotlights* special inter­ and church workers with particu­ executive session. rus furnished music for the day, vited. Mrs. Mamje Boswcll and Mrs. 500 delc-jratea anticipated will be tera. est for Church of Christ teachers lar emphasis being placed on Sunday. Aug. 26, cluwi*** davt« with Mrs. Victoria Washington a- LAWN IS SETTING A. L. Levister^js/ Ncvy York were accommodated in Bible clasaes Spearheading plane for the with two day institutes running .-tmlv of problems connected with of the jiationaJ meet, has bee* director and pianist. The regular The lawn of the church will be house guests oil Rev. and Mrs. and supervised play schedulen convention arc Church of Christ consecutively, offering instruc­ children of working parents with- designated aa Apostles day. church minister of music. Mrs. the setting for a lawn fete, upon- j Parrish last weekend. Madolin B. Johns, is on a vaca­ cored by the nur«t* corps Thurs­ Mrs. Lucille McKinney left tion and Mrs. Elizabeth Barks- day. Aug. 9, at ? P. m. Mrs. Beu- Monday on an" extended fie-hint; dale, assistant music minister, is lah Reid is chairman. Mrs. Roset­ trip in Canada. in charge of music during her ab- te Bank? is president of the corps. senct. Last week the famous Ogden Members of the E. B. Delnnc The column wishes to welcome Singers were sponsored by tha Missionary Society arc takin;: Kev. and Mrs. Parrish back from Gospel choir. Mrs. Theresa Hull is this method to express their grat their vacation in Canada. i resident of the choir nnd Mrs. itude to all* who participated in The State Summer School of Elizabeth Burksdnle is director. helping make their recent bake TO DOYOUR JOB GOOD Religious Education is convening sale a success. FEATURED SOLOIST •i. Shiloh with Rev. B. F. Reid of Miss Carole Walker of Topeka, Shut-in card shower is direvle-l Cincinnati'as dean. Annual com­ Kans.. was featured a.< soloist mencement ceremonies will take to George Trammell. Km. 1088. Universitv hospital. Sunday morning. Miss Walker is place Fridav. Aug. 10. at 8 p. m. one of the house guests of "Mr. A special chorus with the stu­ PASTOR'S SUBJECT and Mrs. Sylvester Keeler. She is dents of the school participating Rev. Parrish will preach on a niece of Mrs. Keeler. YOU MUST FEEL WELL! Birthday cards are directed to Mrs. Annie Woodruff. I1(J Ham­ 2nd Baptist inurcn ilton av„ and Mrs Cleo Wade. 533 Selbert st. HADACOL Relieves Nagging Aches and Pains, The official staff and Usher Rev. C. F. Jenkins Is Guest boards of the chuich an* asking Stomach Distress, Poor Appetite, Weak, Run- each member and friend to re­ serve the date Sundav. Sept. 30. which is annual ushers day with Down Condition and Nervousness When Caused Minister At Love Zion Sundayvj Dr. Riihard D. Grvmes. pastor of >Saler Baptist, in Washington. By HATTYE B. REDMOND lift Bible class met at the home I). C. as guest speaker. Mrs. by Lack of Vitamins B,, B2, Niacin and Iron* of Mrs. Koxie Thomas. 5 I it Fair. Sunday school wa* well attend Frankye Lynn is president of the field av. ed at 2nd Baptist church Ins: ladv ushers and Leonard Adams When folks don't feci good, everything seems to go wrong. Little is president of the men ushers. Sunday. The Uplift Bible claso Wednesdays from 1*30-2:80 problems become big ones. Their work seems more difficult what­ hsd charge of devotionals with afternoon prayer services , I Mrs. un ,i Dickey was taken Mrs Rachel Grundy in charge. held. Thursday at 7:30 j seriously ill recently. The family ever their job . . . housework, office work, farming, etc. Nothing is Att'v Howard Gilliard spoke on regular prayer services are con j and doctor renuest perfect quiet­ right. If tin*- i** your problem ami your condition nagging aches the lesson theme. '"Learning to ducted. ness for a few days, visitation be­ Live Together." ing a hinderance to her speed/ and painH, ntomach distress, poor appetite, weak, run-down condi­ At 10:15 a. m.. the pastor, Kev. Friday. Aug. 17. a garden par lecovery. tion and nervousness due to lack of Vitamins B«, P»2- Niacin and Second Baptist Choir Presents C. F. Jenkins, spoke on "The Holy tv will be given by the Mission­ Communion." The Lord's supper ary Society on toe lawn of Mrs. Iron—is pulling you down, making your work seem like drudgery* wa> administered. A number of Anna G. Sellers. 1431 E. Long Welcome To 'Twilight Echoes' August 12 visitors were present. The senior then you owe it to yourself to try today's great HADACOL. For choir is on vacation. The women'.; &t. Mrs. Frederica Butler is presi CALDWELL TEMPLE chorus will have charge of sing­ dent. HADACOL was formulated to help overcome these deficiency-caused The senior choir of Urni Bapti-u I doctor Leopold Stukowaki. sine.* AME ZION CHURCH ing during August Miss Reita will presefit i»n evening niusicalcj September, li'-lfi. Mrs. Hill has. ailments, and continuous use of HADACOL will help prevent these Houston is director. Thursday. Aug. 23, a chicken 524 E. Loag St. titled "Twilight Echoes'' Sundav, been a Pupil of Gerald Frederi.*, dinner will be j?ivrn by Circle No. ailments from returning. Thousands of letters have been received AUK. 12. at 7:45 *.. m. for bene­ former resident artist at Ohio PASTOR GUEST SPEAKER Morning Worship 11 A. M. 3 from 11:30 a. m. to 6:30 o. m. fit of the building fund. State university and now activ. At 3:30 p. tat, Sunday the pas­ Youth Services C:30 P. M. from happy HADACOL users telling how* this fine family formula Mrs. Viola Ogletree is president. Feature of the evening is con­ «•;•••! i arti»t under management. tor was guest sneaker at the 8t'. Evening Services 8 P. M, has helped them. Shown below are jusl a few of these reports. cert pianist Mart* Hill, who ha*: She has made a number of raili > Mrs. Winnie- Hamilton is chair­ anniversary of Rev. M. B. Myerj, Air Conditioned broadcast* over WOSU und Is HADACOL BllltVi*. NAOClNG ACHIJ, AND SAINS. STOMACH OlSTSfSS. "OOI ASPtTITf. . W(AK, SUN- aw nets red in recital*, in Washing pastor of Love Zion Baptist. The man and Mrs. Robena Weaver co- DOWN CONDITION AND NISVOUSNfSS WMN CAUilD ST LACK Of VITAJMINS St, Ss, NIACIN AND IIOK. ton. D. C. Dayton. Columbus. .cheduled for aubseauent pro­ women's chorus sang. Mrs. Ada DR. ALBERT L. FULLER. chairman. NOHMAN ('.II..' ir.liirii. Delaware Stale college and Cen­ grams. Bell Johnson was soloist. A large Pastor WII.MAM J. Dt'NLJ.p, 4-404 Freer, Mies. I). C. HINT-ON, Route '. Apt. 2. Detroit W, Mich.: "AJOTIB Farmerrille, fxiuixiana: "I am *t<> Cumberland, Houston, Tex.: ' tral State college. She received number of the members accom­ Appearing with Mr*. Hill will with tho pains . **^^. ye.'irs of «ce. For I got out of the , the bachelor of music degree Welcome To be the dramatic reader, HarianJ panied the pastor. I sutTered, my a while, I have Army when the ; (magna cum laude) from Howara {tandolpli; Winifred Pannell. so­ At 7:l"» ». m.. the pastor's sub MT. OLIVET BAPTIST body had • tireci, not even felt like war was over I | university in 19t5 and master of duinf' my hou*w»* was underweight, I prano; James Lawrence saxo­ ject was "The Covenant." A spe­ CHURCH You're EUGENE SIPES, Station 1, Box 68fl, Canyon, Texas, worn-out fcrplin**. Always Welcome work, f would nervous, couldn't j »«rU degree from Ohio State uni phonist; Charles Rutherford, ten­ cial number was rendered by thi* 'The House Of Hope" was having trouble keeping his job because he T had to force ar.VHelf to keep hnvo bad spells sleep and had versity in 1948. or, and Ituth Caldwell, organist. chorus. Soloist was Miss Marie 434 k Main St. At didn't feel well. j.- o i n p . I road of pain. I w r-r -n a time getting Church Sv'nooi, 9:30 A. M She has studied on u private The public is invited. Mr.;. Baker. Baptizing was held anil a.bout HADACOL tired, I didn't food to agree fellowship with the late Mme Frederica Butler is senior choir communion served. Morning Worship, 10:45 A M 2ND BAPTIST CHURCH and decided to think I would .villi me. I could feel rexted nguin. never eat break­ 01*ra Samaroff-Stcikownk. famou: r-resident and Kev. C. F. Jenkins The primary and junior depart­ B.T.U. C:00 P. M. 186 N. 17th St. HERE IS WHAT HE SAYS: sive it a try. Ana now on tnv Ssjme friend of i & M V fast — imagine, pianist of former wife of con- ments of the Sundav school wPt Vesper Hour, 7:30 P. M. is pastor of 2nd'Baptist. fifth bottle, and mine told me huve to wait un­ hold Sunday school at 9 a. m. Prayer Set-vice. 7:30 p. M. Church School: 9:15 A. M. "I was nervous and irritable, couldn't sleep would not be about HADACOL, til noon before Sundav. Aug. 12, at Franklin pk. (Wednesdays; Morning Worship, 10:15 A. M. nights and my employer threatened to fire without an nmple st'pply. My first so I decided to try it. Now. 1 have eating your first meal of tbe day. The juniors are to meet at th** bottle gave mo astonishing relief. started on my third bottle of it. Even then just a few mouthfuls of Pilgrim baptist tburch Baptizing st Communion, Evening Worship, 7:45 P. M park anl the primary children at me if I didn't 'snap out of it.' Then I heard and at this time of writing, I teel After I touk the second bottle, I food would till mc up. At night I could tell it was helping me. I (1st Sundays, 8:30 P. M.) better, without a pnin or acho. couldn't sleep—I would just roll the church. Transportation will b«* about HADACOL. After taking only two bot­ started feeling lots better. My REV. H. BEECHEK HICKS. C. F. JENKINS Am a dairy employee, 5-4 years and toss all night. After the third provided. Parents: are invited pains are nearly gone. I will truly old. Veteran of two world warn. bottle of HADACOL I could tell a- along with those who wish to do­ Pastor Minister tles, I began to notice a difference. That was say I am going to take my HADACOL. Rev. Martin Is Speaker For I Ixave given your HADACOL every difference in my eating and sleep­ ju-t an long as they sell it. I tell nate cars for transportation a month ago. Yesterday my boss said that I praise to friends and relatives, and ing habits Now after a year's time all of my friends about it." Richard Taylor is superintendent kn>» "• \ and familv and Kev. and Mr* AND THERE'S BEAUTY IN EVERY BRUSHFUL M boro, Tennessee: "I am writing you Wickfirid Dr., Apt. B., NcwOrleans, HADACOL — am E. Elm St., ScottMille. Ky.: "I Clcv* Ferry fioati. Nan/it ille, Tenn.: were well attended. !'.•••' Carland snd family are va- to tell what La. : " I am a on my fourth couldn't sleep. "I was weak. I BIBLE CLASS MEETS HADACOL has houHcwife, ago bottle — wouJd I didn't have any could hardly do Baptismal services were held cationfifig in Atlanta. at 6:30 t>. m. followed bv Itoiv Monday of this week the done for me. I 27, taking care not hestitate to appetite. Then I tt my housework. I Mr. mnd Mrs. Tommic Coggins Up have suffered of my baby who acclaim it the heard and read | am 30 years old. communion. are the proud parents of a baby with stomnch ia threti nnd a best. I was so aliout HADACOL I I am the mother In the afternoon Kev. A. L. girl. Brenda, born July 29. A Visitor From N. Y. distrexH for quito half year** old. run-down, I and what it had of nine children. Martin of Mt. Zion ^Baptist ^j|g£;^ aome time, nnd I wnsn't nble to could hardly do done for others. I waa nervous. I Mrs. Catherine Jackson Wills, the speaker at service*} sponsore I ] was very nerv- take care of my my work. And J^>m" ft I decided to give have taken al­ and Mrs. James Mitchell recent­ formerly of Columbus but now of by Miss Roberta Irving. BUI, Since I baby and do my tliatisimportant Yff\ ;\ . it a trial. I have most four bottles ly. Both mothers are doing satis­ New York City, is visiting her sis­ Started taking work at the snmo taken several of HADACOL and Sunday, Aug. 12. at 1 p. m. as I do a mans £r-$<\ >tftj factorily. ter Miss Clarice Jackson, . 560 HADACOL I eat time. I was al* lub in n shoe fac­ bottles and I can I feel fine. Wc buses will leave the church. 591 The sick list includes Mother Kiefcr st.. and Mi. and Mrs.^Er- nything I want. ways feeling run­ tory. I felt tliat I did not have truthfully say it. are a happy fam- Ann st.. for Old Man's Cave alcep like a down, and very ily—thanks to Kennev and Boley Jefferson. nest Hairston. 214 Cleveland av., r enough energy to lift my hands. haa really helped Sponsors of the trip aic the May •mild—something th*it I hadn't nervo,*** until I tried taking I felt so let down everything an­ me. I feel ao much better. I have a HADACOL. Aa for my work, 1 hava for two weeks. king and queen. The public la done for some time. I am the moth- HADACOL. Well, believe me I have noyed me. But, since I've taVen lot more strength. I can eat now plenty to do but it ia housework. Guest Speaker S*T of five children. I am 48 years only been taking it for two and a my first bottle, I've been helped and I'm gaining weight. I do my Vou may use this letter any way invited. For information call Ev. Mrs. Frederica Butler. 1237 of age, and I feel better than I tialf months ana have experienced so much that now I'm up and work, work in my flowers, also in to apread the good news about) 82S3. A mass basket spread will Franklin av.. will be guest spcak- Musical Prof-ram bav* for yeara." n wonderful cliange for tne better. ready and anxious to get my work the garden. Now I'm putting up HADACOL." be held on the park grounds. er for a redecorating program ai Under auspices of the Chris I don't feel nervous, or run-down done and am not tired but able to my fruit and vegetables. I can't any more. I feel and eat a lot bet­ do my housework. I cannot praise i hank HADACOL enough for what Only HADACOL given you that DRIVE CONTINUES Shiloh Baptist church. Green- lian Endeavor Society of Sc. HADACOL ia America's favorite tnj-.i . formula. ter. Thanks to HADACOL," HADACOL and its makers enough." it's.done for me." Wonderful HADACOL AWi/i**.' Pilgrim's m u sic departmen.: field. O.. Sunday. Aug. 19. at 2 Paul AME church, a musical continues with its bank rally [ p. in, Mr-.. Laura McCarty i« program will be given in th** drive. Prof. E. L. Henson. head chairman. main auditorium Sundav. Aug. YOUR FRIENDLY DRUGGIST—TED GREENE of the department, extends an 12, at 7 p. ni, invitation to everyone to enjoy Steward esses. -Meet the climax of the contest th*r The Jr. Stewardesses of St. irr-it Sunday afternoon in Sep­ Paul AME church will meet Tues­ CYNTHIA'S tember when the speaker will b; day evening. Aug.**! t. with Mrs. 7<£e PcUnt&u PcUtit Rev. G. W. Sangster, pastor of Mary Payr.e. -171 Fairfield av. FLORAL SHOP Revelation Bapti-t. who will br* 587 E. LONG ST. arcompansc-r1 ky at least five CLUB MEETING ROOMS j|| "Flowers for Every Occasion" choirs and his congregation. BEST MERCHANDISE MART for (reap* of all mgms I Mrs. Cynthia Thomas, Pi op Rev. Melvin VV'.ot.ard. pastor o! are 'The A-reoue'. Most Complete Hardware *V Appliance Center* available) by appointmaat f FA. 4500 FE. 5319 1st Baptist. C'hilhfOlhe. bis cor- at 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. FE. 1328 AVENUE PHARMACY § Just 3 Door* West Of !7th St. rrregation and choirs will »* Spring St. YMCA. fam$&£23*WZsit£ a ^..^>^a^*Sa.fj ON THE CORNER OF MT. VERNON AVENUE AND 18th STREET _ ci \

m **^*^*em^mmmim/mwwBi//j**fff*sjmfm1 mm&mVm^m%mmVm^m\VHm9m%%Wm^Em\m\%mWttmWmWm1

PAGE 16 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST II, 19S1 SATURDAY, AUGUST tl, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 17 Anniversary Tea Held Here Centenary Mt. Olivet Baptist Church John B. Combs Talks POSTAL SERVICE NEWS At St. Paul AME On Sunday Rev. Gtllard Pastor's Report Due On Friday By Deal Beale / s*ffcfc ** POLITICS Ss'asVaflMMrafaMa'an A unique "wedding anniversary ' and white flowers, By CATHERINE FEARS P' od will be held. A church* tea" was given Sunday afternoon j The table, from which light re- Speaker During Friday. kpoi sored tea will be given imme­ Main Office i,i the lower auditorium of St.; freshmciiL** were wrved. had 'a Aug. 10. Dr. diately] following the program. Gov. Frank J. Lausche continued to live up to his Paul AME church by the Mothers' hemstitched linen cloth and a H. Bee c h e H The punlic is invited. unique reputation of doing the unexpected last week when To date, not oae of the big gas and oil men out east is interested club. A silver offering was taken ; c.-nterpiecc of red roses. On each Youth Program Hicks, pastor! he not only surprised the entire country, but shocked those in giving you gay* a discount . . . Austin Allen must have been using according to family status. *>*-tdo was a set of three white »f Mt. Oli­ TO PI* EACH SUNDAY Knobby Walsh'* product. He ha* two naw hair* on bis chest and it In each window was a bouquet < candlesticks in triple branch Sunday. Aug. 111. Dr. Hicks will considcreyd closest lo him when he urged Pres. Truman to By MATTIE RUTH COOK vet B it p t i.sti :<-i-k reelection in 1952. make* him growl at the biggest men, Rov Alexander fingered Allen with a variety of summer cut, blue crystal holders. Service was Thursday, An*-. 9. thf preach tho 10;*|*SJL^». pi. sermon. for the superintendent and had to take the next day off with * *wol. .* It u r<-h, will The Mtonlahlng move also to i- flowers, while on the roetrum ! of rose and white crystal, WSCS of Centenary Metho- At .1:30 p. m. tne Booster*, and Icn jaw . . . Shame on the guy who wanted to alter bis working sched­ make a pa**-, liiricc desrree confirmed the stati-- were vases of peach gladioli. Pil j Hostesses Included Mesdames di.st church will sponsor a!tor's report to Sewing club will sponsor their an­ Gov. I.uuM'hr- Bct-m.-s to have u ule just to have time to make extra money. All he has to do is "get lar-. of the auditorium were en-; Edna West. Ma.vme Chri*mon, lawn fete and chicken din- the members niversary program. ments which appenred in thi-* habit of making startling state­ column last week labeling him .is the Guide" . . . Slickest report of the weak; Albert Davis and Mr. twined with green crepe paper' Kthel Taylor. Thelma Bryant, ner beginning at 10 a. m, land friends At the 7:110 p, n*. vesper ser­ ments every once and a, while, Rosamond getting their "bare" conked. (Had to be hare because the embellished with sprays of pink i Grace I.aMonte. Ilattye Redmond, vice, the Boy Scouts will sponsor a mo**t unpredictable character. Prayer and class meeting are I of Mt. Olivet, and to the discomfort of local te- two of 'em don't have a bair between 'em) , J Sally Robinson. Ixu'tta Nichols conducted each Wednesday at 3! His address. the program. Wide spt't-ulation over the mo­ porters, the last two such remarks Mi** Fear* tive behind the governor's action Attention J, Cheek 1 The name and Dorothy Johnson. P- m. ••*•* u r ope Aa I LAWN FETE TUESDAY were made while he was awav of those Hollywood guyti how to Greater Gay St. During the musical and literary In*** already been launched bv po­ from hi.i home ground. you constantly call Oseor K. Kly Sunday. Aug. 12. at II a. m. ! Sow It," will begin at 7:30 D. m. The Matrons Guild will spon­ litical analysts who are bending isn't very nice. Why don't you program. Mrs. Leila (.ay w»» mis- Rev. Harvey R. Washington will ! Following his address, a question sor a lawn fete Tuesday, Aug. 11, First of these ^upsetting slato 11 «**»•< of ceremonies. every effort to find the* answer menta was delivered « vear a^-i SCT.-FC FLOYD PRICE of call him by his middle name— Mofor Pool be the morning speaker.** I - on the east lawn of the church. to these two nu/./liiii* Questions- limii lib in ii.i'.' . . That certain At H o. ru. Sunday Rev. How-[ ^ O / / in White Sulphur Springs. W. Va , Columbus, stationed in Korea, Willie Reed would have us Participants were I>r. A. Syd e Why doa.fi |.:m . in- back ouilding which claims go much of Ward Sing ard CilUrd. Jr. will speak on J////////tf/* sJCMOOt PRAYER SESSION when he rocked the political has been transferred to tbe di­ believe he'd boy a house if his ers ney King, pastor of St. Paui Tinman? Willie Hall's time would be nice "Welfare and Victory." Mu*ic. Members of the male chorus world bv telling reporters he had, vision school where he will be­ spouse didn't prefer cooking AMK; Rev. Mary Lou Henderson, • lti he seeking presidential if it had COrtains at the window. an evangelist, of Dayton; Mrs, will be furnished by the couth I --**•• will lead the church at prayer not decided whom he would vote come message center chief tor wilh gasoline (wilh fluid hai-kini* for the baseball commis­ instead of vertical Venetian On Program Kdna West, president of the choir for both services. The P/sj ft C f^Yfi(Jf*/7 fit session .Wednesday, Aug. 16. u. for In the U. S. Senate race be­ the 24th infantry regiment. He drive). sioner's post? blinds made of iron . . . Jo« Hair Mother* club: Mrs. Mayme Chris- young people will be in charge of « fteffJ * ' V^' *+M 7 :30 p. in. tween Sen. Robert A. Taft. a Re­ r. the son of Prof, and Mrs. J. As we wrote last, week, most Eton ran his car into a stack of By LETHA SHAW moo, farmer president; the wo*,' th«' *Mttlr« program. j publican. un(| State 'Auditor Jo. Cleveland Lemons. 82 N. 21st Carriers 1 ; SPIRITUAL PROGRAM newsmen who are acquainted with seph T. Ferguson, the Democratic St., Columbus. Meel drums on the Manila Pain; Rev. J. P Fincher. par-tor of men'-, chorus of St Pau Miise« Methodist Huth Fellowship; The Summer School ."of Reli- Dick. Fran, ex-mail handler, anJ The Pastor's Aid will sponsor a the Kovernor's past performances nominee. N'ow last week in Wash Co. nnrking lot. He Indignant!) r.r'cater Oav sV" Baot*L*rchurch I Mesdames Ceraldine Header, j •*-»» •»*** »• * »» «•• Sunday. gious Kducation. sponsored bv were not surprised by his nleu, would be an ex-carrier if his ladv 0hi spiritual musical program at tho ington when he emerged from • demanded that, the drums, be re­ Uret.terl.aj M. Baptist church., Cerotvn King the " Baptist General Ass'n .but thev are definitely lust for a love could observe the pleaaura church Friday, Aug. 17. The Twi­ conference with Pres, Truman he Injured In Fight moved or the lot enlarged. Be­ Ye "willcoze*." from his work . , , spoke at Sunday morning ser-j ^J fSSmTtSl?- W .Te\ Teenage Style Show from July .10 to Aug. .0. will ob- light Singers and the Three Sis­ sound and reasonable motive. informed reporters he had told lieve it or not. they're doing both IT" » .s. «» . c • , -Mar** Whittaker Tiara raft-rich ' *be Lnity Circle of St. Paui serve it* commencement exer. Helen Hall Brown, 41, rear Jack Sutter's graving hair give* ; ters of Emmanuel Tabernacle These newshawks, in their spirit­ the president he thought h« rather than buck the Syndicate At 5 p. m. the Ward Special ?*' £JW g ^'VedVrfck AME church, will sponsor a "tin/, ti!,es at Shiloh Baptist church, $20 Ilarthman av., reported to him a distinguished charm which Mr M ed search to bring to light the in­ . . Hill Saunders believes in pre­ rendered an outstanding program '» • ' '"*•- »'•<* ^edtrieK. ^^ tttnftlfen ityle gflOW in Mt. Vernon and Hamilton avs., Baptist will be the main partici­ should be a candidate for reelec­ notice Saturday that while in a shines brightest at home . which attracted a capacity audi ;'.,.,. ; ,. . ! the lower auditorium of the Friday. Aug. 10. at 8 p. m. pants on the program. side facts behind Mr. Lausche'* tion in "10/12. paredness! He returned fiom mil j action, received no consolation fight wilh her husband, Robert. ence. Recording, were made for All ladies attending the tea, h|m.n <-..,, & , Fnda Dr R p Rd2*g Starting in the Aug. 18 doubtful whether he can retain really means Over Driven, bu'. but vou never can tell." Says $65 Missing edition of THE OHIO that wholesome relationship pur­ Jimmy I.. Tucker. 27, -174 IJon- Jim Prater claims his car ha* SENTINEL." The latter was quoted as say­ suing such a course. ing, "That's news to me," uiliiin - cldson av.. was found uncon­ more experience 'cause it's bee-1 Doughty conducted joint bapti-- Mi- In the meantime, the correct scious at Will al. and Parsons av. Nina Moore, co-chairman that I>auschc never had discussed answer to the bafflins; question around longer. iiml" rites. * •lecorating, Mrs. Clara Brown, any such thought with him an-1 Friday at 10:15 p. m. and taker TEA IS SUNDAY may not be brought to lirl.i for to SL Francis hospital by thj i liaii man: hostesses, Mrs. Wanda expressing the belief that the gov­ a lone time, but one point ha* Mail Handlers Jericho Missionary Society >s Lee. chairman. emergency -rin.nl where he was ernor did not hold national am­ been been made crystal clear— A PREMIUM sponsoring a tea Sunday. Aug.. On the general committee were treated for a back injury and bitions. Gov. Lausche is an expert in Rudv Hammock should be in 1J. at 99 N'. Monroe av. Mrst S. \* Carolyn King. Miss Perkins, held for X-ra> examination. rs SOLID BRICK WALL obtaining; national publicity . himbrougli is president and H»o ; Mrs, Willa Tynea and Miss Lome \Vhen he regained consciousness, pictures, or at least show somt Marie Hairston chairman. I u....i... So it seems the political , • a trait all politicians do not irman Hunle NOW! ItsTIMEto BUY he claimed SC5 was missing from •stern have run into, a solid brick possess. Many political analyst* Capital Citv Baptist Ass'n will his pants pockets. ic.jr.aon. I.nw.rit tmm*»m . *i wall in their heated attempt to attributed his reelection last convene at Gav St. Aug. 14-17. A MEMBERSHIP ia the uncover the real meaning of Mr. year to tbe statement he made ourorrowN 1^ OHIO MALT BEVERAGES) inclusive. The moderator is a*k- YWCA ta the key **» building a concerning the Taft and Fer PAPERS ih inir all member.*! and friends to be The ONLY Refrigerator withal' Lnonche's plea to Pres. Truman. They Have FEPC DISTRIBUTING CO. good American. The price of a Moreover, the information guson contest, and when one £><*&>* tvt. present YW membership is small. Twenty cities and 11 states now "Central Ohio's Only ths*y will receive fram the gov­ consider* that ha and hi* run­ CROSSROADS Of OHIO NEWSTAWO Negro Distributor" Sunday. Aug. 20, the WJPF ning mate, Lt. Gov. George D. have fair employment practice.-; music and recording studio will ALL THESE FEATURES ernor concerning; the matter, $*ulh ««Sl Car ntr Cf B,OJ4 *".l Hi^r- ill tO N. Fourth St. ADams boOOJ Nye, were the, only two Demo, legislation. open. The public is invited to at­ when he returns to Columbus, COLUMBUS crat* on the stale ballots to tend the opening. will most likely shed very littlo Mrs. Ruth Ervin of Philadel­ light on the *tartlins* question. stem the Republican tidal wave. phia was house guest of her FUNERAL DIRECTORY INTERNATIONAL vFor if there is one thins* you it is easv t- * —• '••* that mother-in-law Mrs. Sarah Kim- V>i> rely on the governor do­ sheen l rough, last week. WILLIAMS & McNAfiB ing, it is not divulging his poli­ Hut whvuier «.»-. wt-t'ii a -.can­ The BT*C! i*> having a barbecue MORTUARY, INC. HARVESTER tical intentions until a short ting remark will prove a profit or at the home of Mrs. LuCarrie S« FUNERAL HOME time before he is compelled to liability to his political career, Williams, 623 E. Long st.. Satur­ act. In view of that undisputed only time will tell. And the mo­ • 818 E. Long St. - day. Aug. 11, beginning at I EV. 9521 fact, it seems a* though the po­ tive will *continue to baffle re­ n. ra. Model H-92 with litical writers will have to de­ porters and the public in general • PANTRY-DOR—odds over 8 mere feet of front pend on sheer speculation in for days to come. BROOKS row shelf space; holds wp to 40 more food items I tbeir sincere effort to deter­ FUNERAL HOME, INC. mine what Mr. Lausche really St. Luke Methodist 1108 E. Long St- • BUILT.IN BOTTUE OPENER-exclusWeI No other hopes to accomplish I*-- the un. FE. 1411 hat it I Always handy on door latch—right height I •"•".peeled turn of C.- • FULl WIDTH FREEZER-holds 50 lbs. of frosen POLITICS INVOLVED Pastor's 7heme C D. WHITE A SONS fopdt, has four trays of lever-release fee cubes I However, right now it appear., FUNERAL HOME to be a general agreement anion,* • FULL WIDTH CRISPER-plus regular crisper- reporters the move has Politic-.il 1217 Mt. Vernon Ave. keep over 23 qt*. of vegetables, fruits, fresh I Ir Announced EV. 1514 implications, and is designed to • SEE EVERYTHING-ge> everythlng-ln this huge promote one of three things: By CHARLOTTE MAC WOOD 9.2 cu. ft. super refrigerator at only $339,951 • To get support from Mr. T. L'RBANCREST. — Subject of MRS. D. A. WHITTAKER as his running mate in 1952. AND SON, INC. Rev. John C. Durr. pastor of St. For the utmost in • The baseball commissioner**. . Luke Methodist church, for Sun­ FUNERAL HOME Host. ! day morning, Aug. 12. will be 720 E. Long St. Fcaturos, Quality, W The appointment to u fed­ "Tongues of Flame." EV. 9549 eral judgeship -when and if th«- Last Monday marked the be-. Long Life! bill to create another judge's post ginning of Vacation Bible school' in Ohio, now before Congress, BURNS MEMORIAL Womaa-planoed for meal-making convenience at St. Luke. The school closes! FUNERAL HOME becomes a law. Aug. 17. Instructor*! include Mi-*. you never dreamed possible! Deluxe .lirou/.h- Of course there could bo many Charlotte C. Magwood. Mrs, J. C. 1072 E. Long St. '" out—with Stainless Steel shelves, acid-resistant other reasons, but the main pur­ Durr. M: Charlotte Henderson. FA. 1555 • Women dreamed them • • •' porcelain enamel interior, full width Chill Tray, pose in likelv to be found among Miss Gladys Ellis is also assist­ big 11 lb. meat drawer. 5-yr. warranty. Order it the three categories listed above. ing in the school's success an<- Tea Ahav. |j., lactssaa* Mtsatsars • Home Economists planned them .. • today—enjoy it tomorrow! Mi.-s Gloria Johnson is in charge Of Ta* CalusaiMs* Fa*.«r. Aas'a of registrations. Sae tha full Una—6 Modoh-6 Sixes PBkES $1AQ95 look-weteqoti? START AT WjmWW • Use your Old Refrigerator 18 Months To Pay KEM-GL0 JTH? modem As Down Payment JH|racle Wall V&ls' Buy It At FURNITURE & "The Avenue's Most Complete Paint A Wallpaper Center" R APPLIANCES &


PAGE ia THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1051 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 19 Fine Suspended UNDID COMMENTS llii/il Carter, alias Smith and Urbancrest News Notes Anderaon, 307.1 E. 1st st.. Urban­ ON CURRENT crest, received • suspended finw •>f $10 and costs in municipal court Monday when she faced the Director Of Defe nse i charge of carrying concealed *i By J. B. C. ' weapons. Names Course Passers Lionel Hampton, dynamic No License Needed By RUTH M. BLAIR r.v.. has returned from a pleasant Miss Rubv M. stay with her daughter and son- and energetic maestro and >r-i \ a-, cn.'ii im active duty with head of one of the few big- 'Thornton of Ui- in-law. Elder and Mrs. C. H. the I'. S. a»med\fot-ccs who like 4 o a n c tent was Fisher of 'Cleveland. time Negro bands to remain • to fir-h and hunt Wrjrfcyth.y come, t married to Mr. in one piece, placed his la* , home <>ii leave or tAirlojligh. will dune graduates of Urban, rc-t II c n r v Mill- ;..- be! of approval on the pop­ Ire tiH)r|iv to learn tnat thev can tchool received a pleasant sur­ ular "Amos 'n* Andy" ri.r so wil limit purchasing nn Ohio of Col Hindu.- prise last weekend. Each gradu­ Thursday evening TV show j hunting or fishing lu'rn-te. T u c sday, Aug. ate was presented wilh a picture last week while appearing l„ In Richmond. of the graduating claa* given at the Paramount theatre "... It was not the Ind. Mre,. Juan­ them bv their formor first grade in Los Angeles. Of the show, harm that I had done to ita Wright at­ teacher. Mrs. Esther Early Toler. which has received severe myself, but the harm . . . tended the bride now a practicing attorney. Mrs. criticism by officials of the of not knowing what waa ind Mr. Robert Toler was the principal speafter NAACP. "Hamp" said: "I, nt a banquet given for the grad­ DECREES WERE AWARDED 16 SENIORS al Central Slate college summer commencement last going on from day to Blair Wright was best look upon the new 'Amosj ** ** Edgar K. uates by the Urbancrest PTA at Thursday. Dr. R. O'Hara Lanier, president ef Texas Southern university, was guest speaker. From day . . . Excerpt from :•• i t ... i Pbolo By flare* *n' Andy* television show as; Evans, justice oi pv.ict., perform which time the pictutfos wero left: Dr. Howard H. Long, dean of administration. Pres. Charles H. Wesley. Dr. Lanier Att'y Ray E "STORY OF A DOPE HEADED FOR CAMP KILMER. N. J. followi ag completion of basic training at Camp Brackan- an opening wedge toward: ADDICT" . . . Starting iu «.«) the marriage ceremonv. made by Pierce's studio. Hughes, Columbus, chairman of Central State board of trustees; Dr. Wilbur A. Page. Cincinnati, sec- ridge, Ky., are more than a score of Central Ohio youths, all members of 101 st airborne infantry di. greater opportunities and; the Aug. 18 edition of Rev, James E Swanson Us"* The Urbancrest school board vision. Group includes seven Columbusiles. Sea story. bigger things for scores of j retary to board of trust***. THE OHIO SENTINEL. pnncrest civilian defense director, announces the appointment of our capable artists who' • aa .a* aaa announces the names ol* the per­ Carl Quails. 3316 1st av.. as haven't been able to get .*. sons successfully completing thv.* school custodian and Mrs. Clara break in video until thisj standard Red Cross first aid Holmes. .'1321 1st av.. as school new CBS show started." course. They are Mesdames Ev.i bus driver. To the versatile musician's Columbus Youths Among Walker, Inez Seabury. Rjth Mag- Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch. Mstement we *nv a happv Amen. wood, Bessie Swanson. Sallic 3363 1st av.% were hosts Sunday Trout 'Mary Harris. Henrietta to out-of-town guests, including A DESERVING CANDIDATE Saunders. Dollic Craig. Katherine Mr. and Mr-,. Jessie Tillerv of Information it„....m ihis de-.it this week to the effect that Syd Those Headed For Kilmer Hitchison, Flora Price, Ida Tuc­ Cleveland. Tenn.; Miss Marietta nev Bechet. one of the founder.- j ker. Elbert** Turner Juanita Gib- Tillerv of Cincinnati. Mr. and of jari music over 30 years ago. Seven Columbus youths were among a party of 24 members of the 101st airborne fon and h E. Swanson. Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Anderson and Miss had married German-born Elisa­ FOR MAYOR infantry division who enplaned from Port Columbus en route to Camp Kilmer, N. J., James Black was instructor. Sarah Tillery of Columbus. Mrs. Mildred Ware of Cleveland is beth Ziegler, after a romancv Friday. Th Red Cross home nurain** v spending her vacation with ""Mr. which began over 25 years ago The group recently completed cln'-s will start Tuesday. Aug. 7. and Mrs. Lynch. • ••kindled. The wedding took 14 weeks of army basic training Bambo Harris apts.; Hamilton; Eden av.; Robert L. Williams, at 7 p. tn. at Urbancrest school place last Friday . on the ciasav WRITE-IN THE NAME OF FLOYD GREEN FOR OFFICE OF MAYOR •it Camp BrecVinridste, Ky.. and James D. Keels. Rt. 2, Bidwell; and meet every Tuesday at thi.- Feneh Riveria and was describe i 920 Innisfallen a*.; Ted New- NON-PARTISAN CANDIDATE FOR A NON-PARTISAN OFFICE. converged on Columbus following Herciel Gibsoo, 1725 Norval by. 1862 Ohio av., Springfield; hour until the ccursc is com- Fingerlings Stocked a** the "ja.ur.iest" festivity seen 13 day delay-cm oute furloughs •deted. Mrs. Elberta Turner, RN', the**" *** av., Lima; Orville Jones, 700 James Doncgan, 741 Chile* av.; Primary Election Tuesday, August 14, 1951 to the eastern encn'mnment. and director of health and sani­ Vine av.. Wyoming; Albert Harry E. Tompkins, 455 Central Ohio aiittlers will be In the group were: tation for civilian defense will interested to learn that the fish ln«j iu,U|,.c ..... Uui in Frank •_„ Belts, Jr., 512 Oliver st., Cin­ Georgetown st.; Cromwell Bur- Pvt*. Richard Bowles, 43 instruct the class. management section has stocked furt, Germany, in 1928 when she ' 1 cinnati. dette, 462 Bradley ct. Lexing­ was a dresser at a show in which Parkwood av.; Leon Allen, 189 BACK FROM CLEVELAND 6000 walleye fingerlings in the Bechet starred. Thfcir friendsr.tr For Mayor S. 21st st.; Charles Evans, 498 Bennie F. Headen, 1203 ton, Ky. Mrs. Blanch Kemper, 2981 1st new Delaware dam reservoir. went on the rocks in 192'J and |V*U far or* aaaee Uuia «**wi E. Noble st.; Aaron Graham, thus matters remained for 2D 472 Mt, Vernon av.; James years until Bechet saw her pi JAMES A. RHODES Hamilton, 10SS Leonard av.; ture in a paper and renewed the Ne-lson D. Lynch. 162 Jeffer­ correspondence. son av.; Sylvester White, 128S Puritan av., Columbus. Bechet. who listed his age a ft*, was blowing- a horn Ionic be Farris Harden, 139. Colgate fore Louis Armstrong was heard For Clerk of Municipal Court av.: David Humphries, Jr., 1437 of and is well remembered by Germanlown St.; Oscar Clem­ mush* love*** r>f •»•„ i.'.,n.j,,? 20s I Voir for IKK rjaavs- than «rsari ents, 308 Lookout av.; James. ara L. Parks, 22 Benning- pi.; The-mi'i'KHiaT ui Utv«« two ag­ P. W. SPENCE Ovde Hill. 269 Pontiac av., ing people supports the old adage Dayton. that old love never dies. Ann Paul Ferguson, 4-E Bambo what about the distinguished gen­ Harris apt*.; Felton Lewis. 5-A tleman's age? Well, according t * oldtimers. it is closer to that of the rf*—«•»-. *sa-*,i«,,„ r W-nriv. For founcilmen I Vuu tvt not MKrSV Uiaa tmcfj Sa,*{ Windy City a^s...... , JJ (,f thv Roosevelt administration, at the FRANK H. KEARNS time when I was an uncoinpro mising Republican and loathed Is Money Capita! cverv move the late president ini­ ROBERT T. OESTREICHER CHICAGO.—-Flashy cars, big tiated. 1 waa a loval and devote a bankrolls and pretty women are reader of one Westbrook Pcgler, some of the things that have made At that time anyone who had WAITER R. SNIDER Chicago Negro America's money the audacity to criticize Mr. capital, Hut these forms of luxur- Roosevelt, his wife and familv. jr.ua living were gained by those was my ideal during those depres­ GEORGE A. VAN HEYDE who worked hard for it, according sion days. Today, the writer 1 to a feature story in the Septem­ once held in such high regard has DANIEL, J. WHIT ACRE ber issue of Our World magazine. becom-* ' ---• to me he Most of the wealthy Negroes •*» it"!. . ..ian all the now in tbe chips first landed Talmadges. Bilbos, Hucy Long*. WILLIAM L. ZUBER there from .Mississippi and Ten­ Cotton Ed Smiths and other nessee and had but »ne factor in southern demagogues combined. their tavor— timbitinn—writer On two occasions last week in THIS BLANK SPACE IS PROVIDED WRITE-IN THE NAME FLOYD GREEN fcDave Hepburn discloses. He cites his column he "wooed" the Dixie- TO WRITE-IN THE NAME OF A (the case of Robert Cole, who rose crats and condemned the presi­ AND PLACE THE "X" AS ILLUS­ 'irom a log cabin in Tennessee to dent's civil rights committee and WRITE-IN CANDIDATE. TRATED. the top in a $5 million insurance its chairman. Charles E. Wilson. company. Pegler has become an officia. spokesman for Sen. Harry F. Probing deeper into the wealth Byrd of Virginia and at every accumulated by Southsidc resi­ A convenience he repeats some of dents. Hepburn discovers that the speeches Byrd has made at A SPLENDID RECORD many new manufacturing ideas tacking civil rights proposals and were thought up by Negroes to praising the Dixiecrats for their Floyd Green is a write-in candidate for Mayor in Primary M r make money. As examples, Judge Election, Tuesday, August 14, 1951. ^" »r°, *"* campaign for Traffic Safety never ended and in H. Parker, who made a fortune stand agaln*t those God-given 1943 Columbus was honored with "First Place Award" in N« rights. Floyd Green is eminently qualified by education and experience. peddling home-made sausage anil ttonal Traffic Safety campaign by the National Traffic Safety .S. B. Fuller, a Louisiana boy Writing oa evil rights last Mayor of Columbus 4 years. Member of City Council 4 years. Committee for the first-and only time in the history of Colum- week. Pegler said: "There Is no pyramided $25 worth of unknown A total of 8 years legislative and executive experience in Muni cosmetics into a household word more popular inspiration behinu cipal problems. this proposal than there is for the During the four critical years Floyd Gr**«n served as Mayor and a business which employs, proposed antt-lynching law anl Floyd Green is 52 years old, born in Columbus, Ohio. July 10, U40-44. he thoroughly demonstrated his expert ability on Citv 3000. financial problems. He inherited approximately on million dul the anti-poll tax law which Sen. 1899, is married and resides with his wife at 3046 Crescent e Not only in business, but Ne­ lar deficit from the previous administration, operated the City Byrd quickly recognized as a*.- Drive. They have one daughter. groes in the Windy City have four years on a halanced budget basis, leaving the same deficit tarks on the character and the Green has for years been one of the City's foremost Civit also flourished iu the professions. LIBERTIES OF THE WHITE Leaders. he inherited. NO NEW TAXES WERE LEVIED UPON THF These includes, Dr. T. K. Lawless, PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH." TAX BURDENED PUBLIC DURING HIS ADMINISTRATION. Past President, The Builders Exchange of Columbus. outstanding dermatologist, who Al ***S*r*r*t* ar***r*a**i*a) trt*V*#** **? So it seems that Mr. Pegler Green has always given faithful and honest service to the Co­ Past President, The Columbus Lion's Club. bas more white clients than col­ «t ho***. Moks ta*rs*a*a/ m considers it would be imposing lumbus public. Past President, The Hilltop Business Association, ored: Dr. Edwin Beasley. famous hollrJOT/... csisbrajf* w*a"a> upon the rights of the white peo­ Floyd Green has the right qualifications and de-verves **ae sup pediatrician; taxi magnate Bertel! ple of the south if laws were He was chairman of the Airport Commission which selected the CHiUtafAU. port of the thinking citixens of this city. Daigree and disc jockey Al Ben­ enacted to levy heavy penalties site and built Port Columbus. son, who has three cars and upon mobsters who lynched Ne- A write-in vote for Former Mayor Floyd Green is a vote for * Ha "sold" officials of the Curtiss-Wright Corp. the idea of se­ grosses $250,000 yearly. groes without due process o.' strong and independent candidate for Mayor at the November rMSisososat sat***** ©» K >. asc. isssaoss. ta $,'• law and those who disregard ou* lecting Columbus as the site to erect their airplane factory election. Recently Negroes in Chicago 'VMALT /LIQUOR bill of rights and prevent citizens which provided employment for 23.000 persons and opened tha FLOYD CREEN FOR MAYOR COMMITTEE. have started buying plush no me a in swanky wllite neighborhoods. from voting with poll tax law. way for further industrial expansion. EARL E. STEELE, CHAIRMAN But the newest trend is the "in­ Distributed By The OHIO MALT BEVERAGES DISTRIBUTING CO Mr. Pegler. I think Til tea: ternational set"—a group who your worn leaves oat ot mr duatv acrap book. travel to Mexico Europe and Central Ohio's Only Negro Distributor other world famed spots to spend their money, *•»>•*, Hepburn. 90 N. FOURTH ST. AD. 6600

•• . I



PACE 20 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 21 8 Year OW Brend HEALTH Popular Orioles Unit Pacfed For THE SENTINEL PHILADELPHIA.—Sir J o ba lynck's column Scbenley currently headlines* w»« ^ORUM Engagement At, Dayton's Farm Dell extensive list ef Scbenley brand* by it« re-introduction aaa luxury lor a solid lineup of one nisrhtert, Columbus After Dork DAYTON.—-The Oriolea. whose blend utdng 8 year old whiskies* By R. EARL BLAND. M. D. j that all children should be taught many appearances in this area theatre and niirht club engage- Fear keeps! to clean their teeth properly and Bigger ¥ Better have wop them a huge fan foi mcntu to the end of the vear. a* its bane. Reported as being the nation's first blended whisky te many individu-l taken to the dentist at frequent iowinr. will return to this citv for Sonny Till, Alex Sharp and a 1 K . including intervalA. .This will obviate the Buys In Used Cars Native Intelligence a four day engagement at the company will be in the eastern use rare liquor stocks, the brand children 11 om need for extensive dental work at Farm DelJ night club, opening territory durin*; September, bad. boaste "a quality of product nev» Dorothy (Mr*. Jimmy) Willis was a natal ebwrvor the |>a?t week making periodic '•ne Mtiiii,.'. Thursday, Aug. 16. through the midwest in October, before distributed in tbe U. &." Cleveland's Harry Alexander in port a couple, days looking over, risiu to the den. In addition. small cavities are J. W. WATSOt, & £0. •The famed vocal quintet will and off on a northern tout In No­ the Call-Pout's intereatu in these environs . . . Word from N'Yawk i-u All too of tilled quickly with little or no follow its local appearance at vember. Ford Dealer* For 20 Year* that Roosevelt and Sue Carter are ironna make a departure from thai Extra Dry' «£ ;**n it see m r distress. Parents can help by set­ 1288 N. High St. Farm Dell with a week's bookint* The October trek, through Hu­ ting a good example and by dis­ jungle »nd return to our town to stay any edition now. He's been at GleasonV. popular Cleveland ****** fro m anticipa- UN. 2118 cramming on an advanced coarse in photography the past several mid west will be featured by a re lon rather than couraging the boy dr girl from nitery. opening Monday, Aug. 20. turn engagement 'at Club Troca­ indulging in too many sweets. months . . . Natalie (Mrs. Russell A.) Jackson off this weekend to The Shaw Artists Corp.. which utual pain. W • veria in Columbus, where the Extra Pale'' |M A balanced diet is of equal im­ Chicago ami a vacation safari with her family . . . Blanche Van Hook guides the jrroun's bookintr desti­ i*v<- been led Orioles played to "SRO" audi- portance. Il provides the essen­ leaves The Sentinel staff next week. Has another posish with an­ nies, already has the Orioles fe: Crystal Clear 0 in-lii-.o that Home Of ence* through a one week book­ tial ingredients that make for other gaxette. Successor's monicker should be prepare,! for revela intr earlv in the summer. Bottle 1 e-rx t a I wurk healthy teeth. lion seven days hence. * Dr Bland OK nirU. USED CARS ". . . One day after (Ftic/w-i&k, A chance remark often is re- Look for a major development on the state FEPC front in the telling a fellow I was feel­ •spbiisibte f->r this reaction. In K. iS, write*.: Doe» arthritu PAUL DAVIES redd** near future. Legislation will receive unexpected backing from ing low, he offered me other instance**, one of the par­ cause a person to be nervous and CHEVROLET a source you wouldn't expect. Big wheel in our local Chamber of some pills . . . He . . . told ent* will .«ay at thi- dinner tab!**. mitable? 22 Cleveland Ave. Commerce, no less . . . This corner is gelling alarmed over frequent me the pills would make • Or, aim .-t killed me today". Reply* Any infirmity is likely Icporta that one reason culluH gals aren't being placed on several lo- me "high" . . . Would Cartoons help to spread the alarm to produce sut-h manUfestations, nil office payrolls is because, ami this we »ay with reluctance, they make me feel good" . . . A PREMIUM particularly in individual** who 7 iiftd the advertising of such den- READ DR. BLAND'S col.uma Always remember to just aren't enuf qualified ones to go 'round . . . The Cholly Wllbtinu Excerpt from *STORY are sensitive or find it difficult an how to keep well every week t'st* a* ''Paints***' Parker" sag aay "I saw it advertised in (she's Pauline) leave this week for a N'Yawk vacation . . . Champ- OF A DOPE ADDICT" to "take it." Physicians often see Amy Arlene Doughty, whose in The Sentinel. Bests that the other members oi Th,e Ohio Sentinel." ale, the malt likker import of C. W, Bryant's Ohio Malt Beverage/ . . . Starting in the Aug. patients when their moral*.'?:'**, at le*t known address is 202 S 4th cSem the professional tire the hueting Oistribtiting Co., i«s racking up the bus so fast on local ilrinkerv casi 18 edition of THE OHIO low ebb and hardly r«ogjg\zeii st., Streeter Illinois, will take no­ ivm*. registers that it's being classed in the trade as a merchandising SENTINEL. KsMSrrSKS IMlWtlSS >**T«*tT • fMK*** I am nut tring to give the im- them when thev are well. tice that on July 14. 1951. Roh- phenom. This week mark*> the first time that a single line of prepared pr&iaion that having a tooth ert Marlin Doughty filed his peti­ READ DR. BLAND'S column The OHIO MALT BEVERAGES •advertising oopy ha.« been inserted in the local, gazettes on the stuff, l*a<| a.< has been pictured. rulse rate damage the heart? sion of Domestic Relation* ia preeineta and bidding fair to out-peddle the more conservatively priced beverages . . . Doc Bill DugRiir and plavbov-leniman Geo. Negro Distributor"' The dentist in question at**o Reply; This depends upon how Cause No. 64759, praying for a SALES AND SERVICE GOOD USED CARS Pierre spent a wk. in N'Yawk. 90 N. Fourth St. ADaais 6*S04 eiMi-li^.i'r* I another point: llu- fast it i*. going. When the pulse divorce from her on tbe grounds 1224 N. High St. UN. 4161 — UN 2175 mUconception that bab*,*, teeth rate is excessive (mote than of gross neglect of duty and wil­ beed not be filled. Actually they i•'»«>(. the output is reduced. A ful absence. v.ii*>U footballer Kay Hamilton JM^LWS desjcrve it*, much attention a* the pulse ,of SfOO may lead to heart Said cause wilt be for hearing- becomes a benedict veddv briefly. permanent-set. if not more. Tem- failure within a few hours in 'A on or after September 1 1951. th«* new mixsus berns- chahmin BARBECUEPI rbrary structure-, provide 10*15 person with a weakened heart. Certner at Armstrong. Attys. hdna Kniirht. Just back from a vear* of chewing in a stage when Orr t(ie other hand this condition 7-21. 28. 8.4, 11 18. 25. 1951. two week summer traininir ses­ 1 Rl&- -CHICKEN .tin* child is growing and need- The 2nd Floor of •""n.av be tolerated for day* in a sion wilh the ONG, at Camp Mc- good nutrition. young and robust individual. But - POftKTOHw * HAM Anna Corine Holmes, whose a Cov, Wis., and Omni Perry. Ka. Food .that I* nut chj*wed reache.- there is a limit even in the mpm? RUSTY BRYANT and hi* last address is unknown, wilt take i.iid Krlna were Satdee annlleanb the dtomach improperly prepared. healthy and ultimately the orgai. Ri-galairrt. playing a second notice that on July 23. 1951. I. Law effecting chanse of WOOD COOKED .Vat u re has recognized the im- • ••laiget* and loses its efficiency holdover week at Cabana Bar. CLUB B. Holmes filed his petition ia the ^, FOR BEST VALUES portance of mastication at th Wilberforrc State* to Central Gay and *tth sis. in downtown NM.TV. HICKORY an*d k irunanir «i inu.-Micniion at ini*> t Common Pleas Court of Franklit. "Stall- college became official time of life in providing a pat-f Columbus, rcis*n as top draw­ SASSAFRAS * County, Ohio, Division of Domes­ AUK. ". thus severing anv ties the ing card during slack night tern for shedding of the old and! Dr. Bland will .».«» que.- tic Relations in Cause No. 64873, state supported school had with club season here. Regalaires TROCAVERIA the eruption of the new. Viion. relating to health and by. praying for a divorce from her on hAVL0RStE.SHiAw.FA.2taB the AMK dominated brain fac­ appear nightly from 9:30 p. m. Grinding and incising teeth al giene in this column and by tke grounds of gross neglect of — SPECIAL tory. Many AMK adheretita. how till 2:30 a. m. *»avs remain at the same time, mail. He will not make diagno­ duty. which permits adequate chewing. sis or prescribe for indiridaals. ever. ••••.', i have vou believe is closed for When several are lost premature­ Enclose stamped, self addressed Said cause will be for bearing '5tt Ponfiac 4-doort $1445 otherwise . . . Cinchinnttati Erni«* ly through decay the normal .->.•- envelope and address R. Earl aa mr after Sept. 8, 1951. Wail.*. r.|>(- of Ohio".- first full- QUettce is disrupted Bland. M. D.. The Sentinel W. S. Lyman, Atty. time beiire disc jockeys, ha.*. remodeling. LESSON TO LEARN Health Forum. 881 E. Loag St., 728. 8-4, ||, 18, 25 9.1, 1951. '50 Ford Custom R**H •II Dodjfe 4-Dr 445 switched to WI.W an,) a midnite The lesson to be learned i» Columbus 3. O.D. $1596 '48 Ford Convt. Rd.II*.... 1045 SONNY THOMPSON audience. IL f"n>i.-iiv spun disc., CLUB REGAL Ruben Adolpku* Lee, who*e •50 Ford Custom 2-Dr. R&H 'IK Packard Convt. R&H 1195 for HSAI and WCPO, with his shows originating'from the Plavbowl, last address is unknown, will take O.D. (15(5 '19 Ford 2-Dr. R&H 1195 a Queen City bowling emporium . . . Sonny Thompson, whose combo' COLUMBUS' WATCH Hanford Village News Notes notice tbat on July 31. 1951, "47 Ford 2-Dr. 895 is n.-." "Blues for the Night OwN," ••JL,,!,.,,, R0K Cutter." • • PRESENTS • • Residents Urged To County. Ohio, Division of Domes­ Others to Choo.se From '•Coming Back Horn,- to Stay," "Blues On Rhutnba" and •Fish Tail,* tic Relations in Cause No. 62615, among others, all featuring his great piano, and each in Hoytc Locke'* FR!. SAT. SUN. praying for a divorce from bin- Our Reputation Vour Guarantee Bop Shop record stalls Out on K. Main vt. MM. TUES. WED. THURS. COLUMN on the grounds of gross neglecl Attend Council Meet of doty. « Jam Session HAWKINS "Tee" Karris, one of ouah town's better known playgirl-athieles, TU-TONES By MABEL WATKJNS rre-school clinic will be held in Said cause will be for bearsaag BEASLEY-GROVE CO. who hied off to Atlanta to become Missus .lulius Brooks, a fortnight Bill Jones. Bass BROTHERS For Oar Village hall at 9 a. m. Wednes­ oa or after Sept. 15, 1951. and Every citi­ ago, has returned . . . Helen Hawkins (nee Jones . . . she's dotter of Wendell Hawkins, day. Aug*. 1">. Web*ler S. Lyman, Jr.. Atty. zen of Han­ 784 WEST BROAD STREET rcfircd post officeman James Jones) * mending from an emergency] Piano COMBO Re-Opening ford who is Sympathies are extended t*> •*-*•. It, 18, 25. 9-1, 8, 1951. appendectomy in the Gem City . , . Teddy Wilson's ork, current at Talent Hunt the familv of Mr. Robert Ander­ interested in Greg Edward's Macon Bar, i> rockln' the 20th st. bistro with a new ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 9:30*2:30 son, who died Monday of thi.-. Jamc* Alvin Long, who*e last the welfare week. ditty titled '"Champale." which must be more'n music to ears of Date! of the com­ address is unknown, will take no­ OMl'DC's Irvin Lowery, sales chief in this area . . ."Story of a Dope MATINEE SUNDAY 4-6 P. M. munity it tice that on July 13, 1951, Viola A background of 21 year* esaariaaea bekiad each deal. Addict,'' a volunteer confessional by a localad victimized by the urge • • . Things . . . were urged to at* May Loag filed ber. petition ia to find a new avenou to kicks, and beginning exclusively in next 772 E. LONG ST. FA. 0469 tough . . . Then I was ap­ Sales -— Rentals -— Property Management • • • tend council tke Common Pleas Court af week'« edition The Sentinel, is must reading for every Columbus citi- proached by a fellow who meeting Franklin County. Obio, Division sen, and particularly every Columbus parent. It'll explode in yooi T h u r a day, waa to show me how he ef Domestic Relation* in Cause SAMUEL De HOOKER and I could make some ••yes . . . Pearline West* (she's bo-udady of Litchford club'eatery), Aug. 9, at 8 ;No. 64743. praying for a divarce LICENSED BROKER :.on I-arry and friend (Mara Raines take off on .. three city vacatior.' W.ti-ia* p. rn. at Vil­ money if I would keep front him on tbe ground* of wil­ •**. some marijuana for him FE 43ai tour that'll include stopovers in Buffalo. N'Yawk; Chatham Va.. and Meanwhile, Yisif Our lage hall. ful absence for more than 3 years * 768 Mt. Vernon Ara. Chicogoland . . . Columbus' Larry Darnell in foto.featured in an arti­ The November election in Han­ • .* * I accepted the propo­ last past. sition" . . . Excerpt from cle tabbed, "The Darnell Story," in September edition Our World ford is e*-pected to be a heated Said cause will ba for bearing Street Level Bar For The "STORY OF A DOPE magazine. "Two years ago, unknown Larry Darnell was struggling, race. oa me after Sept. 1. 1951. Yours foi ADDICT" . . . Starting in for succer-rft. Today, he's a juke box sensation. N«-wark's (N. J.) Holi­ The carnival sponsored by tbt- -£/;.,Au*- 18 edition of W. S. Lyman. Atty. . The Spra-Con Co. day Inn fans mobbed his rooms," says OW. "Larry's songs often Finest Selection Of Hanford firemen was highly SUJ- 7*21. 28. 8*4, 11, 18. 25. 1951. send women into hysterical demonstrations. Fan club of .100 white THE OHIO SENTINEL. ; Dining cesjiful. It wa* held at Hanforu (Coareyors) girl* was form--' - '••-'-'•n ••' - • <•-. ;» .--- i»k. last week. Thaddeus D. Turner, whose last Legal Beverages On PERSONALIZED JACK HARRISON GEO PAGE address U unknown, will take ao Wondan ii<>...... « ••> use listening end Pleasure! Bovs and girls are urged to tice tbat oa Jane 28, 1951. She-- SERVICE DIRECTORY 1402 N. Western A-e. Chicago, Illinoi. of "Nation's Nightmare," CBS documentary on the "Policy and . attend the Bible cla»s held cacn lie F. Tumrr filed her petitioa its The Eastside Tuesday at Village hall from tbe Common Plea* Court of Numbers Racket," aired locally .by WBNS (Thursday; 8:30 p. m.) Raigaer'* Market. Complete llr.s The broadcast was to include a confidential report on the Chicago r»:'5 to G:45 p. m. Each lesson »*. of groceries. 510 E. Long ,t Franklin County, Obio. Divlsiot policy racket, a recording of a Chinese lottery in 'Ftisco, a report on attractively illustrated by the FA. 2520. of Domestic Relation* ia Cause teacher. Mrs. H. Anions, and No. 64576, praying for a divorce the numbers game in N'Yawk. workinjrs of the game of Rolita a.s many interesting subjects are COMPLETE played in Tampa, Fla., and statements by Virgil Peterson, operating WinttoVs Beauty Cos-aer. Hair from him on tke grounds of wil­ Dinner hers- with the family . . . enjoyable ending CLUB taught. The class is sponsored by oirector of the Chicago Crime Commission . . . Aren't the Chas styling., croauinole and cold ful absence for more than tares the Community club. . Cruteher* seeking a legal splituation? . . . Itamona Dorcat* explaining to a hot summer day! You'll relax in cool comfort waving. 1067 N. 4th at. UN year*. MOVING * The Community club has dis­ 65 63. Said can** will be for bearin< to a bevy of illiterates (they misinterpreted an item in lust week's . . . dine promptly on delicious food cooked exactly continued meetine* until .Sept \H oa or after August 18, 1951. pillar) that she is not expecting, and that "the natal event,'' mention­ to your taste! Chooae the best from TROCAVERIA ed herein merely referred to fact she had recently celebrated an­ PICNIC ENJOYED Curtis St Nichols. Mimeographing, W. S. Lyman. Atty. SERVICE our menu .. . . the check stays small! church bulletins, etc. 867 Mt 7-7. 14, 21. 28, 8-4. 11, 1951. other birthday. Whose? Hers, not ours! . . . Virginia Jackson, the Dine here often . . . drop in this eve­ Members of Hanford American Vernon av. FE. 4302, beuut who tista pair with Lois Bethel in a torridatin' inU-rpietiv* 892 Mt. Vet BOH Ave. Legion Post fi'.tO and their farm- WANTED TO BUY dance routine, stopped in to advise this chronicler that "I'm living in ning. lie*, .srient an enjoyable dav a'. FOR RENT Cleveland now, and like it very much." Lucky Cleveland . . 'Nothei Madison Lake la^t Sunday when Moving to a new home? Need storage space? Forrest Citian, Fred .Icter, who tiata put in a daily eight in the pro the post celebrated it* second an­ ^htpping -something out of town? Our compel FA. 0271 962*961 Mt. Vernon av.,2 Morc- (taction dept. of ouah contemporary, brvcxed into town, with the new- nual familv basket picnic. I^w- ten: staff will care for these and ai.y oth^r loom* for rent as i-.. $75-60 missus on one arm and a vacation si hedule clutched under the otht't rence HcC-tl! i* < nmmander of tli«* PAPER moving or storage noads you have. Why not . . . Josso Owens, who tamed in execs.- of 10 grand as prodigy of per month. FL'. 2r»lfi, 1 Oil Mi­ call us now? »>o*t. ami av, \ Mags., $1.25; news, 50c; Horace Heidt, is learning the fundamental** of combat soldiering a* NOVELTY FOOD BAR Mr. and Mis. |. if. Brewer <>I delivered. lO'/* Bonus a recruit at Camp Breekenrdig**, Ky., training center, affectionately Charity Organize t i o n a. E. E. WARD TRANSFER *S STORAGE (0. A MEMBERSHIP is* «*V« Cary. Ind.. W*T«* recent guestj, of FOR SALE •ailed "Camp Break 'em Back" by me*n who survived ita II week ba We buy iron-metal-rags- «* ... Columbia Pictures'.full length cinema on "The Harlem Globe- Attains 0552 YWCA U Use ****** to wtUismq a Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bryce. Mr. 226 S. CHAMPION AVE.. EV. 2215 741 E. LONG ST. Electric washer, bed, spring*, autos. AD. 5951. RIMCO, Members Columbus Van Owners Association Wotter*.'' will bow on local screens in the fall. Film stars the fabu­ good Aatsisse. *•***• aaiaa tJ • Brewer ia Mr*. Bryce', brother. and mtiUrtns, tic. EV. 42.&Q. 1061 McKinlcy. lous- cageia and gorgeous Dorothy Dandridge . . . So long 'a' 30. YW maiaba-rae.lt* Is


PACE 22 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11. 1951 THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGE 23 19th East-West Top Junior Baseball Classic Slated Clowns-Stars Play For Chi Sunday Squads To See Action Home fats* will g«t a cbanca to i«- two of tha best junior CHIC-ACO.—One of the high basaball t«am* in tha »tat« and the opportunity to help the boy BILL BELL'S est vote "total.", cast in vears has basaballar* in a b«n«fi| twin bill at Maryland pk. Saturday, Aug. been tabulated and rival -MIU.I-I-. II, at 2 p. an. trained for th . * game while the Midget* take on Fairmont, O. in the nightcap. Cotniskev nk. Sunday. Aug. IU. In u game thatt Negro American Leap-ue fans will remember for a long time, the Magnu* L*wi* will be on the hillock for tbe host Mar* Drag* The biggest sport news s»tory of the day is the discharge of the Indianapolis Clowns and Philadelphia Star* battled to a 16 inning 1-1 deadlock at nine again*t Cleveland'* Bobby Johnson. Both are touted as great :»0 army cadets for dishonoring th,* Point's honor system. They are The honor of polling the mont Bluegra.8fl field, I.exington, Ky., with the rival hurlers turning in tremendous pitching protpect*. treused of cribbing on examination* —either giving or receiving aid voles went to Kd Steele, outfield­ The Midget*, current rage of Columbu* *andlol ball, feature er of the Birmingham Black jobsPitcher. s Hairy Coffey of the — whi*n they bad taken an osith that they would do neither. one of tbe area'* fastest infield* in Al Clark.on, Frank Wade, Da­ Wa sgrss that tbe boy* wars wronj ia taking advantage of a I I'an'ii:-. who received 10,0lit bal- Stars, and ncwly-acouired Willie vid Kibby and Sonny Elder. • •/•tana that nuts thatn on tka-ir honor. Bnt wa hav* to put the fault ! lot-, for a place on the Kant tiled) Collins went along" neck where the fault belongs, mrnd that is not on tbe cadets but on tke snii;i'l. Theolic (Fireball) Smith, and neck for the distance with A tmTk moot will follow. officials of West Point. of tho Chirago American (Hunts' Coffey limiting the vaunted Fun They have not set an example of sportsmanship or honor for the Ditching staff, led the West sciuad makers *" only three hits, while boy* to follow. Although for vem^ we favored West Point over with B764. the former Birmingham Block Annapolis, because West Point wn*. the first to often its doors to Ne Two players who were polling Ttnron hurler gave tip nine to the iM'ue-.. we knew that the army did not live up to the best traditions of votes heavilv at the outset have St.irs. At one stage of the con­ Chisox, Tribe Set sportsmanship. ••in' c had their contracts pur- test. Collins had retired 19 con- ( !I.I '•\ jesters King Tut and Spec Be NO FLUKE HOMER by the code that govern, tke other intercollegiate outfit* that com­ slugging t IIM J baseman of the !>»>n eased the tension somewhat j during the earlv stages of that It wasn't a fluke homer by any peted with her. Indianapolis Clowns, was .signed Ir.i both player? and fnn.v last road trip (their most suc­ stretch of the imagination, l-.m, bv Colorado Springs in the Chi­ The next night the Clown J cessful, despite the lack of suu cannonaded it into the face of a That code v as the three year competition rule. Army would ac­ cago White Sox system and as­ port from the Big 3) was the big­ cept a player wtio had played i*ut his three years college career and defeated Ft. Wayne Midwestern ficrd! wind blowing dead into signed to Waterloo. Lifers, national semi-pro champ*. gest cause of the sleepless nights : lluw him to play for them against the t<*ams which observe,! thi. home date. The classic will be highlighted '.<:], at Ft. Wayne. Sherwood suffered bv Tribe brass rule. The blow could have been bv introduction and crowning of Brewer. Clown shortstop, anl Until nn '•• i.c out of bis COULDN'T COMPETE WITH PROS the beginning of a newbomer Queen Carolyn Combs, a 2*1 year- second sucker Rav Neil each ha J slump with a tremendous home Navy, who abided by tlu- mle. said that she could not expert t-» onslaught by the Big 3, for old senior at Chicago's Roosevelt ;i field dav at the plntc, with Neil run in Griffith (tedium Thurs­ Easter and Rosen clouted tbeir .i.-ll a team of inexpeajenced payers who Could hold their owr. college. l>:in(*ing out /our for four, in- day night, be wa* that moil kg* jit At army's pros. BACK IN MAJORS last than a month, ancient Satchell Paige 17th each tbe same nigbt. Since The suuads; r hiding three double s, while fouled up ballplayer to ever go the batting in the middle of tbe has carved record of two wins *nd two losses over span of 23 inn. Army finally agreed to abide by the rules that govern the other EAST Brewer got four for five, nnd to the plate. He wa* commit­ lineup has since taken on a new Mlt-.nl.*. snd the series wa* resumed. • ngs on mound for 9t. Louis BrowAs. Only Ned Carver with 13-5 First base. Wesley Dennis, Bal­ Erwin (Flash) Ford, the Fun- ting every wrong possible at life with more hit* with men on In the last 10 years Army ha.-followed a course which, while le record, has a better percentage figure than Paige's even split .500 timore. in a k e t s' speedy right-fielder. the elatr, and all tbe good base**; K«II. looked slightly unethical to Jjte unbiased observer. for the Browns. In 23 innings Satch gave up 23 runs, 31 hits, 15 Second base. Kay Neil. India­