
$ IHaaaaBraasaHrHRraH THE OHIO B UNDID COMMENTS Reid Succeeds ON CURRENT 5ENTJNEL Allen As Prexy EVfllTS \ ? Br J. B. C. Of frontiers VOL, 3, No. 8 Saturday, August 4, 1951 Columbus, Ohio The 10th annual convention of 10 Well, Old Man Jim Crow the Frontiers of America, which /. took a long delayed holiday met in Akron^Thursday, Friday in the U. S. army when the and Saturday^"' elected Att'y Thomas H. R*?ia of Portsmouth, all-Negro 24th infantry was COLUMBUS, OHIO * broken up and the soldiers New Organization Aims V'a., national president, succeed­ VOL. 3, No. 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1951 integrated into non-s**-re- ing N'imrod 0. Allen, founder of gated units. the movement, who had served as White and Negro soldiers will president since its inception ia be fighting shoulder to shoulder 1936. To Improve Actors' Lot One of the highlights of the in Korea under a new policy, ac­ m public meeting Friday evening cording to reports from Wash­ NEW YORK. — Forma- It will he th* aim of th* and include in its membcrshir was presentation of a plaque ington last week. Although the tion of a new organization, BOW organisation to promote a representative* of stage, screen, | order was issued over three %•••-.!- the Coordinating Council better aad*r*tandiag on *uch radio, television, the press, as ago by Pres. Truman, the new for Negro Performers, has controversial issues a* que** well as organizations and individ­ army orders were the first to been launched on a broad uals not of the theatrical profes­ formally end the Jim Crow pol­ tionable - "good taste" ia the program to improve and; •election of material written sion. icy. It ia also reported that seg- expand the activity of Ne­ Lester A. Walton, former U. S. regation would be ended in the for Negro part*, caricature* groes in all forms of theat­ aad *t*r*otyp« character* and minister to Liberia, has been entire army in the not too dis. rical endeavor. elected chairman. SHOOTING SPREE IN tant future. Well, it seems that characteris*tioa«, aad to direct Other guild members who par­ at last the army Is beginning tj The council was brought ints attention af producer* and ticipated in formation of the practice what it has purportedly existence following appeals from •poa*or* to th* wealth of avail­ council are: fought two costly wars for . the public to the Negro Actors able N*gro talent." Noble Sissle of th* Author* democracy. Late of course, but Guild that a sdudy be undertaken of problems relating to the Negro The policy of the council will Guild, C*org*ttc Harv*y of it's better late than never. Amen. Equity. Fred O'Neal of Equity, e ;• - a in entertainment. be to advocate a positive rather Leigh Whipper of Screen Ac­ When th* state employee* Inasmuch as the guild i» strict­ than a negative approach in tho Allen Mitchell tor* Guild. Alberta Prym* of received their paychecks thi* ly a welfare (Troup, a committee rotation of differences, taking the American Guild of Variety honoring- many years of service week, many of them breathed of guild members acted inde­ the position that constructive Artists, George Wiltshire of of Allen to lhe Frontiers move­ a sigh of relief becau** they pendently to create the cojjncil a* criticism and mediation shoul i the American Guild of Variety ment. J. Arnett Mitchell of Co­ bor* *ub*tanlial increase* our a separate organization. Tempor­ attain mutually beneficial re. Artists, J. Rosamond Johnson iumbus. member of the bonrd of their previous pay. Th* raise ary headquarters have been cs-1 (Milt*. of the Ass'n of Composers and directors, made the presentation ADDITION NETS THREE wa* mad* possible by aa act of tablishcd at 105 W. 4Gth st.. New i COUNCIL INTERBACIAL - Publishers. W. C. Handy of the .ind paid a glowing tribute to the th* legislature and wa* retro­ York City. I The council will be interracial Music Publishers Ass'n, Paul­ founder. active to July 1. Th* iocr**** ine My*r* of the American was due July 1, bat wa* de* Principal speakers addressing Federation of Radio Arti*ts. layed because of a *uit filed in the convention were P. L. Prattls. Edith Wilson. television au­ the common pleas court charg­ executive editor of the Pittsburgh thority. Merchant McReynolds ing discrimination against cer- Courier, and W. O. Walker, edi­ of Internat'l Ass'n of Theatri­ taiu state employee, in tb* up­ tor of the Cleveland Call and cal Stage Employees, A. Ed­ per brackets. Th* pay hik* is l'ost. both of whom discussed ward (Tiny) Walters of Atper. seea as a definite incentive to ••Challenges Offered By the Pres­ ican Federation of Musicians, hold slat* employees oa their ent World Conditions." Eu* Moten of American Guild jobs, and is designed to iope The third speaker, Carl V. of Musical Artists, Dick Camp- with skyrocketing prices. \ Wcygandt, chief justice of tho hell, concert manager. BADLY HURT VICTIMS Ohio supreme court, addressed Now that 1~...... Jrtayor Floyd the delegates at their regular Creen has announced he is a business session Saturday morn­ Story On Page 2 write-in candidate for mayor in ing. the Aug. 14 primary, the com­ Japanese Girl Ohioans elected to office plexion of the cor test has begun were: to change. Mr. Green has Ion? Dr. M. E. Ferris, Akron, Keen strong vote getter in the Employed A! YM third vice president; Carroll II. heavily Negro* predominated 7th Sawyer, Columbus, treasurers *nd 13th wards and can be ex­ By JOHN B. COMBS Artee Fleming, Akroa, secre­ pected to carry them when the Through the cooperation of tary: Or. H. Beecher Hick*, votes are tabulated just two the Frontiers club, the Ohio State Columbus, organiser; Andrew weeks "from today. Employment Service and the Freeman. Dayton; Richard B. \ However, with Mayor Rhode*, Ssnfinel Photo by Jama* Spring St. YMCA. the christian Lynch, Columbus; J. Arnett having bested him on two other and democratic principles upon Mitchell, Columbus, member* THE SPRING ST, YMCA, through coop*ratioa of Frontier* of board of director*. occasions, he is likely to be sing­ club and Ohio Stat* Employment Service, exemplified democracy which the YMCA was founded ing the popular tune of War II, were exemplified this week whet, The convention went on rec­ personified thi* week wh*a they work*d out a plan wh*r*hy a "I've Done It Before and I Can an attractive Japanese girl wa*> ord condemning the "Amos 'n' Blind Ex-GI Do It Again." But when one con­ Japanr.c girl was hir*d for th* nsil five weeki a* receptionist at employed as receptionist at the Andy" TV show and similar siders such unbelievable upsets YMCA. Sh* ia Miss Hisa* Shiraishi. 26, student at Bowling Gr**n YMCA. shows, condemned Communism in a« have* occured to dsneing Bay Stat* uniTcrtity. Photo show* her receiving first instruction* from She is Hisae Shiraishi, 26. na­ all forms, urged passage of fed­ Bobinson. who was dethroned by Kenneth A. Morris, retiring executive secretary of YMCA, and his tive of Japan and student at eral FEPC laws, endorsed and urged support of sale of govern­ an unknown Englishman, anl secretary, Mr*. Jean Hamilton. Miss Shiraishi is a native of Japan Bowling Green university, where Eg* Charles' toga being lifted bv ment bonds in support of the aad ha* been closely connected with national YWCA work. she is majoring in sociology. She Old Man Joe Walcott, it might was recommended by Rev. Allyn U. S. treasury campaign. not be profitable for the youth­ Herman, director of the "student The 1952 convention will ba ful mayor to become too optimis­ in-industry" project, and the na­ held in Philadelphia. tic over the contest. He should be tional YM and YWCA, who work­ mindful that it happened in Bogus Bill Passer Is Nabbed By Feds Held For ed through Col. Earl C. Duncan, sports and can happen in politics A 21 year old man, after com the army. Bullock was sentenced manager of the OSES, Ralph toe. pleting a two year sentence at in January, 1950, at Boston and Reason and L. M. Shaw of th'.* NEA, American U. * * * the federal reformatory at Chilli- had no previous record, except as OSES minority group division ana Orchid* to th* r'ronli.r, club, cothe for possession of $10 Fed­ a juvenile. He waived removal the Frontiers of America. Spokes­ th* Spring St. YMCA aad th* eral Reserve notes, was returned proceedings before U. S. Dist men for the groups informed The Institute In D.C. OhJa, Stat* Employment S*l- te Utica. N. Y., Wednesday where Judge Mell G. Underwood Wed­ Sentinel they were of the opirjioi. "•*"•* for the democratic aad he will be tried again, this time nesday, and was to be returneo that such a move was in keeping WASHINGTON. — Nine Negri chri.tian principle, they adopt* for passing the spurious notes. to Utica. N, Y.. for trial in fed with "the high ideals of the teacher-leaders and students wer* among the approximately 70 lead­ •d wh*a they employed Mi.aa James Bullock, whose home is ( ra! court. YMCA and is in step with a spir­ ers registering for the 6th annual hiraiehi, of Tokyo, Japan. «** * listed as Bobbins, III., a suburb ited movement to eradicate jo*: Robbery Institute of Organization Leader­ receptionist at th* Spriag St. cf Chicago, claims he found 50 and other forms of racial dis ship being held at American uni­ T* Mia* Shiraiski is a student counterfeit notes on U.
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