NET RADIO MOVIES Strike^In Over Sacco
- ' ' - -'V • *■ ■' -'. 1.: M . , n . - r • ~ ■■ ■■ -'■ THE WEAXlACK FoiccMt fef V. 8. W«*tfcer.B«ranb. New H « t « F8ir tonight; Saturday showers, and wanher. VOL. XLL, NO. 161. Classified Advertising on page 18 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1927. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS <?> WHOLE FA3HLY SHOT TWO ARE DEAD BY ANGRY FATHER SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH OUR FORCES AT SHANGHAI LADIES^ AID Fremont, Ohio, April 8.— IN RUG RAID Dorothy Smith, 14, is dead, Au drey Smith, 17, her sister, is in 20 INJURED IN a hospital with her right arm Man Picks Up Rugs Found op torn off by a shotgun charge, Porch by Mistake for a and Charles Brandell, 38, step Rummage Sale. father of the girls, is reported R A Iim S H E S dying and his wl/e is seriously New York, AprlL 8.— The injured, as the result of a fam Ladies’ Aid society of the ily quarrel early today. Brandell I First M. E. church of Flush shot the girls and .clubbed their ing, L. I., aided/hy an aid, al One Train Jumps Track Try mother on the head with a shot most aided a rUg dealer yes gun, turning the gun upon him terday to aid Mrs. John San- <S>- ing to Avert Smashing In self, after his step daughters . tie in selecting n,ew- fornlsho had returned from a dance, and ings for her home on Elm Today’s Summary he had reprimanded them for street. All F oreip Houses Seized; to Another— Third Crash “ staying out so late,” and voic The society, aided by the of China Events ed objection to two youths who owner of a vacant store on escorted them to the dance.
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