
7 \>


VOLUMI 12 1934 NUMBER 122 4 Wanted ^ ' , Saturday, June 2?, Ï947

TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Forms may be obtained from county committees in areas where loans are CONTENTS Chapter II— Production and Marketing available, or from the office of Commod­ Agriculture Department Administration (Commodity Credit) ity Credit Corporation serving the area. State and county committees will deter­ See also Animal Industry Bureau» {1947 C. C. C. Seed Bulletin 1 (Loan)] Commodity Credit Corporation; mine or cause to be determined, "the Sugar Rationing Administration. P art 274—S eed P u r ch a se and L oan quantity and grade of the commodity P rogram and the amount of the loan. All docu­ Rules and regulations: ments will be completed and approved Citrus fruits; limitation of ship- 1947 SEED LOAN PROGRAM by the county committee, which will re­ ments: This bulletin states the requirements , tain copies of all documents: Provided, and Arizona: with respect to the 1947 Seed Loan Pro­ however, That the county committee may . Lemons------2__ 4016 gram formulated by Commodity Credit designate in writing certain employees Oranges______4017 Corporation and the Production and of the county agricultural conservation ; oranges______4015 Marketing Administration. Loans will association to execute such forms on be­ Peaches, fresh, in ; reg­ be made available on winter cover crop half of the committee. ulation by size____.______4017 seed (hereinafter referred to as the The county committee will furnish the Tobacco inspection; designation “commodity”) produced in 1947 in ac­ borrower with the names of local lending of Fayetteville, N. C. market— 4015 cordance with this bulletin. agencies approved for making disburse­ Alien Property, Office of ments on loan documents, or with the Sec. Notices: 274.60 Administration of program.' address of the Grain Branch office to 274.61 Availability of loans. which loan documents may be forwarded' Vesting orders, etc.: 274.62 Approved lending agencies. for disbursement. Ahrens, Rosine______4055 274.63 Eligible producer. Albert, Anna Margaret______4062 274.64 Eligible seed. § 274.61 Availability of loans, (a) Deutsche Eisenwerke, Aktien­ 274.65 Eligible storage. Seed loans shall be available in the areas gesellschaft of Gelsenkirch­ 274.66 Approved forms. where the seed is produced. Insofar as en, Germany______4054 274.67 Determination of quantity. is practicable, warehouse rather than Engelman, Helene Lexow___ 4054 274.68 Determination of quality. farm storage shall be required by the Exportkreditbank A. G_____ 4047 274.69 Liens. county committee in all areas. 274.70 Charges to be paid by producer. Franken, Henry______4054 274.71 Set-offs. (b) Seed loans shall be available after Frey, Hermann, and Emil 274.72 Loan rates. the 1947 harvest season begins and loan N oller______4056 274.73 Interest rate. documents must be completed prior to 274.74 Transfer of producer’s equity. August 16, 1947, for blue lupine and Fukushima, K., and Mrs. K. 274.75 Safeguarding of the commodity. March 1, 1948, for Austrian Winter Pea Fukushima______4056 274.76 Insurance. seeds. Goetz, Fred______4058 274.77 Loss or damage to the commodity. Hardy & Co., G. m. b. H_____ 4058 274.78 Personal liability. § 274.62 Approved lending agencies. . Hardy, Hugo______4059 274.79 Maturity and satisfaction. An approved lending agency shall be any Mauritz, H. M______4059 274.80 Removal of the commodity. bank, cooperative marketing association, 274.81 Release of the commodity. corporation, partnership, individual, or Nakagawa, Masao______4055 274.82 Storage allowance. other legal entity with which the Com­ Nakano, Mrs. Tokuko M____ 4060 274.83 Purchase of notes. modity Credit Corporation has entered Siegert, Anna Marie______4061 274.84 Offices of the Commodity Credit Cor­ Spiegel, Melchior, and Alka poration. ?.. into a Lending Agency Agreement (Form 274.85 Schedules of rates and specifications. PMA-97) or other lending agency agree­ Mfg. and Sales Corp_____ 4054 ment prescribed by Commodity Credit Stalmann, Bernhard, and Karl Authority: §§ 274.60 to 274.85, inclusive, Corporation. C. Wölfling______4061 issued under authority contained in Article Torok, Arthur______4055 Third, par. (b) of the Corporate Charter of § 274.63 Eligible producer. An eligible the Commodity Credit Corporation; sec. 7 producer shall be any individual, part­ Uyeda, Ume and Shigeru___ 4062 (a ), 49 Stat. 4 as amended, sec. 4 (b ), 55 Stat. nership, association, corporation, or other Weber, Arno______4060 498 as amended, sec. 302 (a), 52 Stat. 43; Wille, Fritz______4057 15 U. S. C., Sup., 713 (a ), 713a-8 (b ), 7 IT. S. C. legal entity producing the commodity in 1302 (a). 1947, as landowner, landlord, tenant, Yokomizo, Hatsumi______4057 I share cropper, or custom harvester. Zimmermann, Friedrich, and § 274.60 Administration of program. Frieda Zimmermann__ _ 4057 The program will be administered at the § 274.63 Eligible seed. Any seed spec­ t o county level by the county agricultural ified in the attached schedule of specifi­ Animal Industry Bureau conservation committees under the gen­ cations and loan rates (Table 1) which is Rules and regulations: eral supervision of the respective State harvested in 1947 by an eligible producer, Dogs; book of record recogni­ committees. (Continued on p. 4013) tion______4018 4011 4012 RULES AND REGULATIONS

CONTENTS— Continuée! CONTENTS—-Continued Commodity Credit Corporation Pa#e Interstate Commerce Commis- PaSe EEBEBAÄBEG1STER Rules and regulations: sion— Continued Seed purchase and loan pro­ Rules and regulations—Continued gram, 1947______4011 Car service—Continued Federal Communications Com­ Demurrage charges—Con. Refrigerator cars______4028 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, mission Free time at ports on gondola, and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: by the Division of the Federal Register, the FM broadcast stations: open and covered hopper National Archives, pursuant to the authority Class B: cars______4029 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Rules and standards, amend­ Perishables, restrictions on proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as reconsigning______— 4029 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ ment, and adoption of re­ Refrigerator cars, giant------4028 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ vised tentative allocation mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ plan ______4031 National Park Service tion is made only by the Superintendent of Tentative allocation plan, Rules and regulations: Documents, Government Printing Office, revised______4031 Organization and procedure; Washington 25, D. C. Frequency assignments_____ 4038 miscellaneous amendments_ 4024 The regulatory material appearing herein is FM channel reservation policy, keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, termination; waiver as to Price Administration, Office of which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Class B FM applicants of rule amended June 19, 1937. against repetitious applica­ Sugar rationing. Sec Sugar Ra­ The F ederal Register w ill be furnished by tions---- f------4030 tioning Administration. mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hearings, etc.: Securities and Exchange Com­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Beaufort Co__ 4043 mission vance. The charge for Individual copies Community Broadcasting Co., (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Notices: size of the issue. Remit check or money et al— --;______4043 Hearings, etc.: order, made payable to the Superintendent Glens Falls Publicity Corp. Bankers Securities Corp. and of Documents, directly to the Government (WGLN)______4038 Albert M. Greenfield & Co_ 4046 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. N. K. Broadcasting Co. and ^ Utilities Co. et al_ 4045 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Roy C. Kelley______4044 Middle West Corp______4045 tion of material appearing in the Federal Pawtucket Broadcasting Co. R egister. Electric Railway & (WFCI)______4038 Transport Co. and Wiscon­ Rules and regulations: sin Electric Power Co_____ 4046 Radio broadcast services; FM Power Assn___ 4Ó46 broadcasting other than non- 1946 SUPPLEMENT commercial educational- Sugar Rationing Administration broadcast service______4025 Rules and regulations: * to the Food and Drug Administration Sugar rationing______4024 CODE OF FEDERAL Rules and regulations: Veterans’ Administrate Antibiotic drugs, tests and Rules and regulations: REGULATIONS methods of assay; crystalline Adjudication, dependents penicillin tablets______4023 claims; miscellaneous amend­ The following books tire now Penicillin- or streptomycin-con­ ments------4025 available: taining drugs, certification of Medical; eligibility for hospital batches; miscellaneous treatment or domiciliary care Book 1: Titles 1 through 8, amendments______4023 of persons discharged or re­ including, in Title 3, Presiden­ tired from military or naval tial documents in full text with Geological Survey Rules and regulations: service______. 4025 appropriate reference tables and Organization and procedure; War Department index. delegation of authority relat­ Rules and regulations: Book 2: Titles 9 through 20. ing to power site classifica­ Decorations, medals, ribbons, These books may be obtained from the tions ______4024 etc______4019 Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Interior Department Service uniform, prescribed----- 4019 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., See also Geological Survey; Na­ at $3.50 per copy. tional Park Service. CODIFICATION GUIDE Rules and regulations: A limited sales stock of the 1945 A numerical list of the parts of the Code Supplement (4 books) is still available Delegations of authority: of Federal Regulations affected by documents at $3 a book. Bureau of Indian Affairs; published in this issue. Proposed rules, as functions relating to tribal opposed to final actions, are identified as ordinances and resolutions. 4025 such in parentheses. Geological Survey; power site CONTENTS— Continued classifications™______4025 Title 6— Agricultural Credit Pa#e Interstate Commerce Commis­ Chapter n —Production and Mar­ Civil Aeronautics Administra- Pa&e keting Administration (Com­ sion tion Notices : modity Credit) : Rules and regulations: Reconsignment: Part 274—Seed purchase and Federal aid to public agencies Potatoes- loan program------4011 for development of public air­ Des Moines, Iowa______4044 Title 7— Agriculture ports; construction cost allow­ City, Mo______4045 Chapter I—Production and Mar­ ances ______4022 Potatoes and carrots at keting Administration : Civil Aeronautics Board Omaha, Nebr______4044 Part 29—Tobacco inspection— 4015 Rules and regulations: Tomatoes at , 111____ 4045 Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ Functions, description, and Rules and regulations; keting Administration (Mar­ course and method by which Car service: keting Agreements and Or­ functions are channeled, scope Demurrage charges: ders) : and contents of documents; Box cars, closed------4029 Part 933—Oranges, grapefruit, miscellaneous amendments 4022 Gondola, open and covered and tangerines grown in Flor­ Organization; description-____ 4021 hopper cars______4029 ida______4015 Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER ' 4013

CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. ments will render him subject to prose­ cution under the Criminal Tlrte 7— Agriculture'— Con. Pa&e Title 38— Pensions, Bonuses, Pa8® Code. . Chapter EX—Production and Mar­ and Veterans’ Relief (a) Farm storage. Approved forms keting Administration (Mar- Chapter I—Veterans’ Administra­ shall consist of producer’s notes on CCC keting Agreements and Or­ tion: Commodity Form A, secured by chattel ders)—Continued Part 5—Adjudication; depend- mortgages on CCC Commodity Form AA. Part 953—Lemons grown in C a l­ ents claims______4025 (b) Warehouse storage. Approved ifornia and Arizona—------4016 Part 25—Medical______4025 forms shall consist of note and loan Part 962—Fresh peaches grown agreements, CCC Commodity Form B, in Georgia______-______4017 Title 43— Public Lands: Interior secured by negotiable warehouse receipts Part 966—Oranges grown in Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary representing the commodity stored in California and Arizona_____ 4017 of the Interior: approved warehouses. Part 4—Delegations of authority (c) Note and loan agreements. Notes Title 9— Animals and Animal (2 documents)______!_____ 4025 and note and loan agreements must be Products Title 47— Telecommunication executed in accordance with the instruc­ Chapter I—Bureau of Animal In­ Chapter I—Federal Communica­ tions in §§ 274.60-274.85, with State and dustry, Department of Agri­ tions Commission: documentary revenue stamps affixed culture: Part 3—Radio broadcast serv­ thereto where required by law. Notes Part 151—Recognition of breeds ices______4025 and note and loan agreements executed and purebred animals------4018 by an administrator, executor, or trustee Title 49— Transportation and will be acceptable only where legally Title 10— Army: War Depart­ Railroads valid. ment Chapter I—Interstate Commerce Commission: § 274.67 Determination of quantity. Chapter VII—Personnel: Part 95—Car service (6 docu­ The actual weight of the seed shall con­ Part 708—Decorations, medals, ments)______4028,4029 stitute the quantity of seed to be under ribbons and similar devices— 4019 loan; except that the quantity of blue Part 709—Prescribed service lupine seed in farm storage may be de­ uniform-______1 4019 which can be or is cleaned to meet the termined by multiplying the number of Title 14— Civil Aviation specifications, and which does not con­ net cubic feet in the bin times 47, times Chapter I — Civil Aeronautics tain noxious weeds or seeds of White the percent of pure seed as determined Top, Canada Thistle, Dodder, Quack- by the analysis, and the product shall be Board: grass, Johnson Grass, Bindweed, Ru:jsion the pounds of seed to be placed under Part 301—Organization, delega­ Knapweed, Perennial Sox Thistle, or loan.1 Measurements and computation tions of authority and public Leafy Spurge singly or combined in ex­ shall be according to instructions in information______------' 4021 cess of 45 seeds per pound is eligible for Commodity Loan-2, Part 1. Part 302—Description of func­ a loan when placed in proper storage, if tions; course and method by § 274.68 Determination of quality. the beneficial interest is and always has All determinations of germination and which functions are chan­ been in the ^eligible producer, or now is purity shall be on the basis of an official neled; scope and contents of in the custom harvester. test of a representative sample. An of­ documents—______4022 § 274.65 Eligible storage—(a) Farm. ficial test shall be an analysis made by Chapter II—Administrator of Civil Only inspected and approved structures a seed-testing laboratory approved by the Aeronautics, Department of will qualify^ Farm storage is applicable State PMA committee. A representative Commerce: only to blue lupine seed and only ip areas sample of bagged seed shall consist of Part 550—Federal aid to public designated by the Production and Mar­ equal portions taken from evenly dis­ agencies for development of keting Administration. Farm storage tributed parts of the lot of seed to be public airports ______4022 shall consist of farm buildings which are sampled. In quantities of five bags or of such ’substantial and permanent con­ less, each bag shall be sampled; in quan­ Title 21— Food and Drugs structions as determined by the county tities of more than five bags, at least Chapter I—Food and Drug Ad­ agricultural conservation committee to every fifth bag but not less than five ministration; Federal Security afford safe storage of the seed for a bags shall be sampled. A probe or trier Administration : period of 2 years and permit effective shall be used in drawing these samples. Part 141—Tests and methods of fumigation for the destruction of insects Bulk seed shall be sampled by inserting assay for antibiotic drugs__ 4023 and afford protection against rodents, a long probe or thrusting the hand into Part 146 — Certification of other animals, thieves, and weather. the bulk as circumstances require in at batches of penicillin- or strep­ (b) Warehouse. Seed shall be stored least seven uniformly distributed parts tomycin-containing drugs— 4023 in a warehouse which has executed a of the quantity being sampled. Samples Seed Cleaning and Storage Agreement of Austrian Winter Pea and blue lupine Title 30— Mineral Resources on CCC Seed Form A (revised May 11, seed shall be at least 2 pounds in weight. Chapter II—Geological Survey, 1947) and which complies with other § 274.69 Liens. The commodity must Department of the Interior: provisions of the instructions in be free and clear of all liens and encum­ Part 200—Organization and pro­ §§ 274.69-274.85. Upon delivery of the brances, or if liens or encumbrances ex­ cedure______t ______4024 seeds to producers on payment of their ist on the commodity, proper waivers loans, warehousemen shall label all seed must be obtained. Title 32— National Defense as required by the Federal Seed Act and Chapter VII — Sugar Rationing the applicable State seed law. Upon de­ § 274.70 Charges to be paid by. pro­ Administration, Department - livery of the seed to CCC, warehousemen ducer—(a) Service fees. Where the of Agriculture: shall label all seed as required by the commodity is farm-stored the producer Part 707—Rationing of sugar— 4024 Federal Seed Act and the seed law of the shall pay a service fee of 2 cents per Chapter XI—Office of Temporary State or county into which shipment is hundredweight but not less than $3,00; directed by CCC. and where the commodity is warehouse- Controls, Office of Pricé Ad­ stored the producer shall pay a service ministration: § 274.66 Approved forms. The ap­ fee of 1 cent per hundredweight but not Part 1407—Rationing of food proved forms constitute the loan docu­ less than $1.50. and food products (see Part ments which together with the provisions (b) Other charges. Costs of cleaning, 707 of this title). of the instructions in §§274.60-274.85 govern the rights and responsibilities of bags and baggage, testing, tagging, fumi­ Title 36— Parks and Forests the producer, and should be read care­ gating if necessary, and transportation Chapter I—National Park Service: fully. Any fraudulent representation to approved warehouses are to be borne Part 01—Organization and pro­ made by a producer in obtaining a loan by the producer. Such costs should not cedure______4024 or in executing any of the loan docu­ exceed the charges provided in the CCC j 4014 RULES AND REGULAflONS cleaning and storage agreement for seed expense incurred by any holder of the * instructed to return the note if payment processors. In case of warehouse stor­ note. is not effected within 15 days. All age in. bulk or otherwise where the seed charges in connection with the collec­ § 274.79 Maturity and satisfaction. tion of the note shall be paid by the pro­ is not ready for merchandising, the cost Loans mature on demand but not later of the above items not paid for by the ducer. Upon payment of a farm storage than September 1, 1947, for blue lupine, loan, the county committee should be re­ producer shall be deducted from the and April 30, 1948, for Austrian Winter amount of the loan. quested to release the mortgage by filing Pea seed. In the case of farm storage ► an instrument of release or by a marginal § 274.71 Set-offs. A producer who is loans, the producer is required to pay release on the county record. Par­ listed on the county AAA debt register off his loan on or before maturity date, tial releases of the commodity may be as indebted to any agency or corporation or to deliver the mortgaged commodity arranged with the county committee by of the United States Department of within 60 days after maturity date. paying to the holder of the note the Agriculture shall designate the agency or Credit will be given for the total quan­ amount of the loan, plus charges and corporation to which he is indebted as tity delivered, provided it was stored in accrued interest, represented by the the payee of the proceeds of the loan to the bins in which the commodity under quantity of the commodity to be released. the extent of such indebtedness, but not loan was stored, at the applicable set­ In case of. warehouse storage loans, each to exceed that portion of the proceeds tlement rate, according to quality. If partial release must cover all of the com­ remaining after deduction of the service the settlement value of the commodity modity under one warehouse receipt fees and amounts due prior lien-holders. delivered exceeds the amount due on riumbér. Indebtedness owing to the Commodity the loan, the amount of the excess shall Credit Corporation shall be given first be paid to the producer. If the settle­ § 274.82 Storage allowance. On farm- consideration after claims of prior lien­ ment value of the commodity is less than stored blue lupine seed a storage allow­ holders. the amount due on the loan, the amount ance of 10 cents per 100 pounds on the of the deficiency, plus interest, shall be quantity of seed shown on the loan docu­ § 274.72 Loan rates. Loan and settle­ paid by the producer to the Corpora­ ment less any amount owing the Corpo­ ment rates for the designated qualities tion, and may be set off against any ration will be paid borrowers if the seed of seed are set out in Tables I and II. payment which would otherwise be is delivered to Commodity Credit Corpo­ § 274.73 Interest rate. Loans shall made to the producer under any agri­ ration after September 1, 1947, provided bear interest at the rate of 3 percent per cultural programs administered by the there has been no fraudulent representa­ annum; and interest shall accrue from Secretary of Agriculture, or any other tion or conversion of any part of the the date of disbursement of the loan, payments which are due or may become collateral by the producer, and the col­ notwithstanding the printed provisions due to the producer from Commodity lateral has not been abandoned or has of the note. Credit Corporation or any other agency not become damaged or impaired of the United States... In the event the through the fault or negligence of the § 274.74 Transfer of producer’s farm* is sold or there is a change of producer. The storage allowance will equity. The right of the producer to tenancy, the commodity may be deliv­ also be paid if, pursuant to demand by transfer either his right to redeem the ered before the maturity date of the the Corporation or agreement for re­ commodity or his remaining interest may­ loan upon prior approval by the county payment of the loan, the seed is delivered be restricted by Commodity Credit Cor­ committee. to the Corporation before September 1, poration. 1947, Provided, The demand for repay­ § 274.75 Safeguarding of the com­ § 274.80 Removal of the commodity. ment was not due to any fraudulent modity. The producer is obligated to If the loan is not satisfied upon maturity representation on the part of the bor­ maintain the farm storage structures in by payment, or delivery, the holder of rower or was not made because the seed good repair, and to keep the commodity the note may remove the commodity and was damaged, threatened with damage, in good condition. sell it, either by separate contract or abandoned, or otherwise impaired. after pooling it with other lots of the For warehouse-stored seeds, the max­ § 274.76 Insurance. Commodity same commodity similarly held. The imum warehousing charges that may be Credit Corporation will not require the producer has no right of redemption paid by Commodity Credit Corporation producer to insure the commodity placed after the commodity is pooled, but shall if the seed becomes the property of CCC under farm storage loan; however, if the share ratably in any overplus remaining are stated in CCC Seed Form A, Supple- producer does insure such commodity upon liquidation of the pool. The Com­ v ment 1-1947. such insurance shall inure to the benefit modity Credit Corporation shall have the of Commodity Credit Corporation to the right to treat a pooled commodity as a § 274.83 Purchase of notes. Com­ extent of its interest, after first satis­ reserve supply to be marketed under such modity Credit Corporation will purchase, fying the producer’s equity in the com­ sales policies as the Corporation deter­ from approved lending agencies, notes modity involved in the loss. evidencing approved loans which are se­ mines will promote orderly marketing, cured by chattel mortgages or negotiable § 274.77 Loss or damage to the com­ protect the - interests of producers and warehouse receipts. The purchase price modity. The producer is responsible for consumers, and not unduly impair the to be paid by Commodity Credit Cor­ any loss in quantity or quality to farm- market for the current crop of the com­ poration will be the principal sums re­ stored commodity, except that uninsured modity, even though part or all of such maining due on such notes, plus ac­ physical loss or damage occurring with­ pooled commodity is disposed of under crued interest from the date of disburse­ out fault, negligence, or conversion on such policies at prices less than the cur­ rent domestic price for such commodity. ment to the date of purchase at the rate the part of the producer resulting solely of IV2 percent per annum. Lending from an external cause other than insect Any sum due the producer as a result of the sale of the commodity or of insurance agencies are required to submit a weekly infestation or vermin will be assumed by proceeds thereon, or any ratable share report to the Corporation and to the the Corporation, Provided, The producer resulting from the liquidation of a pool, county committee on 1940 'CCC Form F has given the county committee imme­ shall be payable only to the producer or such other form as the Corporation diate notice in writing of such loss or without right of assignment by him. may prescribe, of all payments received damage, and Provided, There has been on producers’ notes held by .them, and no fraudulent representation made by § 274.81 Release of the commodity. A are required to remit promptly to Com­ the producer in the loan documents or in producer may obtain release of the. com­ modity Credit Corporation an amount modity by paying to the holder of the equivalent to IV2 percent interest per obtaining, the loan. note, or note and loan agreement, the annum, on the amount of the principal § 274.78 Personal liability. The mak­ principal amount thereof, plus interest. collected, from the date of disbursement ing of any fraudulent representation by If the note is held by an out-of-town to the date of payment. Lending agen- the producer in the loan documents or leading agency or by Commodity Credit Gies should submit notes and reports to in obtaining the loan, or the conversion Corporation, the producer may request the CCC office serving the area. or unlawful disposition of any portion that the note be forwarded to a local § 274.84 Offices of Commodity Credit of the commodity by him, shall render bank for collection. In such case, where Corporation. The area offices of Com­ the producer personally liable for- the Commodity Credit Corporation is the modity Credit Corporation, and the amount of the loan and for any resulting holder of the note, the local bank will be areas served by them, are shown below: Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4015 Address of Director and Area sas,* , Georgia, Florida, Kansas, standards established uñder the Tobacco 623 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago 3, 111.: , Mississippi, (also E. St. Inspection Act (49 Stat. 731; 7 U. S. C. ,. Delaware, (except E. St. Louis), Nebraska, , , 511 et seq.): Provided, however, That Louis), , , Kentucky, , South Carolina, , and . Eastern Outfitting Building,. Portland 5, such requirement of inspection and cer­ , , , New Hamp­ tification may be suspended at any time shire, , , , Oreg.: Arizona, California, , Nevada, Ohio, , Rhode Island, , , Utah, and Washington. when it is found impracticable to provide Vermont, , and . 326 McKnight Building, ’ 1, inspection or when the quantity of to­ Mutual-Interstate Building, 13th and Oak Minn.: , , , bacco available for inspection is not suf­ Streets, Kansas City, Mo.:_ , Arkan- , . ficient to justify the cost of such service. No fee or charge shall be imposed or col­ § 274.85 Schedules of rates and specifications. • lected for the inspection and certifica­ T able I—Schedule of Loan R ates W ith B asic Specifications for Winter Cover Crop Seeds tion of tobacco sold or offered for sale at auction on the market designated in PERCENTAGE OF SEED PURITY, GERMINATION, MAXIMUM WEED CONTENT, AND MAXIMUM MIXTURE OF OTHER CROPS FOR THE VARIOUS SEEDS this paragraph. (49 Stat/731; 7 U. S. C. 511 et seq.; E. O. Percentage d i scount in loan 9280, Dec. 5, 1942, 7 F. R. 10179; E. O. rate for spec ified percentage Basic specifi­ below basic pecification 9322, March 26, 1943, 8 F. R. 3807; E. O. cations 9334^ Apr. 19, 1943, 8 F. R. 5423; E. O. % Maxi­ Maxi­ Mini­ Mini­ Loan mum, mum, mum, mum, Pure seed Germination 9392, Oct. 28, 1943, 8 F. R. 14783; E. O. Kind of seed rate1 weed other pure germi­ 9577, June 29, 1945, 10 F. R. 8087) seed crops seed nation 2 Per­ Per­ Issued this 17th day of June 1947. Pure Germi­ Percent cent Percent cent seed nation « below dis­ below dis­ [se a l ] C l in t o n P . A n d er so n , count count Secretary of Agriculture. [F. R. poc. 47-5896; Filed, June 20, 1947; Per- Per- Cents Per- Per- Per- • Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- cent cent per lb. cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 8:48 a. m.] Winter peas, Austrian...... «90 * 90 4 1 2 «70 75 5 1.5 5 7 Blue lupine«...... 99 90 «4 1 5 95 75 1 3 5 7

i Loan rates are also settlement rates If the commodity Is delivered to CCC. * Percentage of.germination includes hard seed. Chapter IX— Production and Market- * Total winter legumes 98 percent. 7 ing Administration (Marketing * For mixtures of winter legume seed the weighted average germination may be used. ( * Blue lupine seed shall have not more than 14 percent moisture content. Agreements and Orders) * Loans on farm-stored seed: Loans will be made on farm-stored blue lupine seed on the basis of the pure seed content at the following rate per [Orange Reg. 123] 100 pounds—Germination 90 toTOO percent @ $3; 85 to 89 percent @ $2.79; 80 to 84 percent @ $2.58; and 75 to 79 percent @ $2.37.- P art 933—O ranges, G r a pe f r u it , and Loans will be made on farm-stored blue lupine seed only in approved major producing areas. T a n g er in es G r o w n i n F lorida

T able II—Schedule of Seed L oan R ates per 100 P ounds and Seed Specifications l im it a t io n o f s h ip m e n t s

Germination and hard seed (percent) § 933.349 Orange Regulation 123—(a) Kind of seed Pure Findings. ( 1 ) Pursuant to the marketing seed agreement, as amended, and Order No. 90 to 100 85 to 89 80 to 84 75 to 79 33, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., 933.1 et seq.; 11 F. R. 9471), regulating the Percent Blue lupine...... » 99 $4.00 $3.72 $3.44 $3.16 handling of oranges, grapefruit, and tan­ 98 3.88 3.60 3.32 3.04 gerines grown in the State of Florida, 97 3.76 3.48 3.20 2.92 96 3.64 3.36 3.08 2.80 effective under the applicable provisions 95 3.52 3.24 2.96 2.68 of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement 3.00 2.79 2.58 2.37 14 percent moisture. Act of 1937, as amended, and upon the 90 4.00 3.72 3 .4 r 3.16 basis of the recommendations of the • 85 3.94 3.66 3.38 3.10 80 3.88 3.60 3.32 3.04 committees established undèr the afore­ 75 3.82 3.54 3.26 2.98 said amended marketing agreement and 70 8.76 3.46 3.20 2.92 order, and upon other available informa­ tion, it is hereby found that the limita­ Approved: June 12, 1947. voting In such referendum favor the des­ tion of shipments of oranges, as herein­ ignation of such market under section 5 after provided, will tend to effectuate the [ se a l] C.*C. F a r ring to n , of the Tobacco Inspection Act (49 Stat. declared policy of the act. Vice President, • 731; 7 U. S. C. 511 et seq.) for the man­ (2) It is hereby further found that the Commodity Credit Corporation. datory inspection and certification of compliance with the notice, public rule [F. R. Doc. 47-5895; Filed, June 20, 1947; tobacco sold on such market. There­ making procedure, and effective date re­ 8:47 a. m.] fore, pursuant to the authority vested in quirements of the Administrative Pro­ the Secretary of Agriculture, and for the cedure Act (Pub. Law 404, 79th Cong.; 60 purposes of said act, the orders of desig­ Stat. 237) is impracticable and contrary TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE nation of tobacco markets (7 CFR, Cum. to the public interest in that the, time Supp., 29.301; 9 F. R. 11571; 10 F. R. intervening between the date when in­ Chapter I— Production and Marketing 11104; 11 F. R. 7967; 11 F. R. 8712; and formation upon which this regulation is Administration (Standards, Inspec­ 11 F. R. 13099) are amended by adding based became aavilable and the time tions, Marketing Practices) , > thereto at the end thereof the following when this regulation must become effec­ paragraph (aa): tive in order to effectuate the declared ' P art 29—T obacco I n s p e c t io n policy of the Agricultural Marketing § 29.301 Designation of tobacco mar­ Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, is DESIGNATION OF FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.,*> kets. * * * TOBACCO MARKET insufficient for such compliance. (aa) The tobacco market at Fayette­ (b) Order. (1) During the period be­ Upon a referendum conducted, pur­ ville, North Carolina. Effective 30 days ginning at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., June 23, suant to prior notice (12 F. R. 3305), dur­ after June 24, 1947, no tobacco of any 1947, and ending at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., ing the period June 5 through June 7, type shall be offered for sale at auction June 30, 1947, no handler shall ship: 1947, among tobacco growers who, dur­ on the market at Fayetteville, North (i) Any oranges, except Temple or­ ing the 1946 marketing season, sold to­ Carolina, until such tobacco shall have* anges, grown in the State of Florida, bacco at auction on the market at Fay­ been inspected and certified by an au­ which grade U. S. Combination Russet, etteville, North Carolina, it is found that thorized representative of the U. S. De­ U. S. No. 2 Russet, U. S. No. 3, or lower more than two-thirds of the growers partment of Agriculture according to thanIP? U. S. ' \" No. 3 grade (as such grades 4016 RULES AND REGULATIONS are defined in the United States stand­ in the State of Arizona which may be P rorate B ase Schedule—Continued ards for citrus fruits, as amended (11 handled during the period beginning at Prorate base P. R. 13239; 12 P. R. 1) ) ; or 12:01 a. m„ P. s. t„ June 22, 1947, and Handler (percent) (ii) Any oranges, except Temple or­ ending at 12:01 a. m., P. s. t., June 29, College Heights Orange & Lemon 1947, is hereby fixed at 625 carloads, or Association______2.969 anges, grown in the State of Florida, Chula Vista Citrus Association, The. 1. 282 which are of a size larger than a size an equivalent quantity. El Cajon Valley Citrus Association_ . 133 that will pack 126 oranges, packed in (2) The prorate base of each handler Escondido Lemon Association_____ 3. 293 accordance with the requirements of a who has made application therefor, as Fallbrook Citrus Association______1. 642 standard pack (as such pack is defined provided in the said marketing agree- Lemon Grove Citrus Association___ . 482 in the aforesaid amended United States ment^and order, is hereby fixed in ac­ San Dimas Lemon Association_____ 2.016 standards), in a standard box (as such cordance with the prorate base schedule Carpinteria Lemon Association____ 2.415 box is defined in the standards for con­ which is attached hereto and made a Carpinteria Mutual Citrus Associa­ part hereof by this reference. The tion ______-,______,______2. 565 tainers for citrus fruit established by Goleta Lemon Association______2. 725 the Florida Citrus Commission pursuant Lemon Administrative Committee, in Johnston Fruit Co______4. 795 to section 3 of Chapter 20449, Laws of accordance with the provisions of the North Whittier Heights Citrus Asso«- Florida, Acts of 1941 (Florida Laws said marketing agreement and order, elation______. 985 Annotated § 595.09)). shall calculate-the quantity of lemons San Fernando Heights Lemon Asso­ (2) As used herein, “handler” and which may be handled by each such han­ ciation ___ t.______. 865 “ship” shall have the same meaning as dler during the period specified in sub- San Fernando Lemon Association__ . 571 paragraph (1) of this paragraph. Sierra Madre-Lamanda Citrus Asso­ is given to each such term in said ciation______/ ______1.909 amended marketing agreement and (3) As used in this section, “handled,” Tulare County Lemon & Grapefruit order. “handler,” “carloads,” and “prorate Association______. 000 base” shall have the same meaning as Briggs Lemon Association______2. 871 (48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U. S. C. 601 is given to each such term in the said Culbertson Investment Co______. 582 et seq.) marketing agreement and order. (48 Culbertson Lemon Association.I.__ 1.359 Done at Washington, D. C., this 18th Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U. S. C. 601 et Fillmore Lemon Association______1. 818 day of June 1947. seq.) Oxnard Citrus Association No. 1___ 3.099 Oxnard Citrus Association No. 2___ 2.943 [ se a l] S. R. S m it h , Done at Washington, D. C., this 19th Rancho Sespe______. ___ 1.057 Director, Fruit and Vegetable day of June 1947. • Santa Paula Citrus Fruit Associa­ Branch, Production and Mar­ tion ______:______3. 771 [ se a l] S . R. S m it h , keting Administration. Saticoy Lemon Association. 1______3. 532 «. Director, Fruit and Vegetable Seaboard Lemon Association______3. 428 [F. R. Doc. 47-5894; Filed, June 20, 1947; Branch, Production and Mar­ Somis Lemon Association______2. 879 8:47 a. m.] keting Administration. Ventura Citrus Association______1.161 Limoneira Co______3. 322 Prorate Base Schedule Teague-McKevett Association_____ 1.156 Storage Date: June 15, 1947 East Whittier Citrus Association,__ . 821 [Lemon Reg. 227] Leffingwell Rancho Lemon Associa­ [12:01 a. m. June 22, 1947, to 12:01 a. m. tion ______. 896 P art 953—L e m o n s G r o w n i n C a lifo rn ia July 6, 1947]. Murphy Ranch Co______1. 938 and A rizona Prorate base Whittier Citrus Association______. 864 Handler (percent) Whittier Select Citrus Association_ . 697 LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS T otal------loo. 000 Total C. F. G. E...... 87. 346 § 953.334 Lemon Regulation 227—(a) Allen-Young Citrus Packing Co___ . 000 Findings. Cl) Pursuant to the market­ American Fruit Growers, Fullerton. . 699 Arizona Citrus Products Co______.000 ing agreement and Order No. 53 (7 CFR, American Fruit Growers, Lindsay.. .000 Chüla Vista Mutual Lemon Associa­ Cum. Supp., 953.1 et seq.), regulating the American Fruit Growers, Upland__ .390 tion ______. 764 handling of lemons grown in the State Consolidated Citrus Growers______. 000 Escondido Cooperative Citrus Asso­ of'California or in the State of Arizona, Corona Plantation Co______. 472 ciation______.369 Hazeltine Packing Co______. 508 Glendora Cooperative Citrus Asso­ effective under the applicable provisions Leppla-Pratt, Produce Disfributors, ciation______. 102 of the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ I n c ------. 000 Index Mutual Association______.382 ment Act of 1937, as amended, and upon McKellips, C. H.-Phoenix'Citrus Co. .000 La Verne Cooperative Citrus Asso­ the basis of the recommendation and in­ McKellips Mutual Citrus Growers ciation. ______1.622 formation submitted by the Lemon Ad­ I n c ______. . . ______.000 Libbey Fruit Packing Co______. 000 ministrative Committee, established Phoenix Citrus Packing Co______. 000 Orange Cooperative Citrus Associa­ under the. said marketing agreement and Ventura Coastal Lemon Co______1. 014 tion ____ .______.219 Ventura Pacific Co______1.337 Pioneer Fruit Co____ , ______. 000 order, and upon other available informa­ Tempe Citrus Co______. 000 tion, it is hereby fotind that the limita­ Total A. F. G______4. 420 Ventura County Orange & Lemon tion of the quantity of such lemons which Association__ 1.__ 2. 333 may be handled, as hereinafter pro­ Arizona Citrus Growers______.000 Whittier Mutual Orange & Lemon vided, will tend to effectuate the declared Desert Citrus Growers Co., Inc_____ . 000 Association______. 242 policy of the act. Mesa Citrus Growers______. 000 (2) It is hereby further found that Elderwood Citrus Association______. . 000 Tptal, M. O. D______— 6.033 compliance with the notice, public rule Klink Citrus Association.______. . 000 Lemon Cove Association.______. 000 Abbate, Chas. Co., The______. 000 making procedure, and effective date re­ Glendora Lemon Growers Associa­ Atlas Citrus Packing Co------. 009 quirements of the Administrative Pro­ tion ______v______1.445 California Citrus Groves, Inc., Ltd_ . 000 cedure Act (Pub. Law .404, 79th Cong., La Verne Lemon Association__ .____ , 782 El Modena Citrus, Inc______. 008 2d Sess.; 60 Stat. 237) is impracticable La Habra Citrus Association______1.973 El Rio Citrus Co______.016 and contrary to the public interest in Yorba Linda Citrus Association, The. 1.108 Evans Bros. Packing Co.—Riverside. .070 that the time intervening between the Alta Loma Heights Citrus Associa­ Evans Bros. Packing Co.—Sentinel date when information upon which this tion ______. 969 Butte Ranch______. 000 Etiwanda Citrus Fruit Association.. .377 Foothill Packing Co------.088 section is based became available and Mountain View Fruit Association-__ . 552 ¿tranada Packing House______. 000 the time when this section is based be­ Old Baldy Citrus Association------1.167 Harding & Leggett------.000 came available and the time when this Upland Lemon Growers Association. 6. 033 Morris Bros. Fruit Co------. 000 section must become effective in order to Central Lemon Association------. . . 1.258 Orange Belt Fruit Distributors. _____ 1. 690 effectuate the declared policy of the Irvine Citrus Association, The------1.184 Potato House, The------. 000 Placentia Mutual Orange Associa­ Raymond Bros------. 000 Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act tion ______.449 Riverside Growers, Inc------:----- .000 of 1937, as amended, is insufficient for Corona Citrus Association------. 224 Rooke, B. G Packing Co------. 000 such compliance. Corona Foothill Lemon Co------1.622 Orchard Co------. 102 (b) Order. (1) The quantity of lem­ Jameson Co------• 874 Sun Valley Packing Co— ------_ . 000 ons grown in the State of California or Arlington Heights Fruit Co------.488 Sunny Hills Ranch, Inc------. 000 Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4017

P robate B ase Schedule—Continued Peach Order 2 which has occurred or of oranges which may be handled by Prorate base which, prior to the effective time of the each such handler during the period Handler (percent) - provisions hereof, may occur. specified in subparagraph (1) of this Valley Citrus Packing Co______.000 (46 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U. S. C. 601 paragraph. Verity, R. H. Sons & Co______:___ _ . 218 (3) As used in this section, “handled,” Western States Fruit & Produce Co_ . 000 et seq.; 7 C. P. R. Cum. Supp., 962.1 et seq.) “handler,” “carloads,” and “prorate base” shall have the same meaning as Total, independents______2.201 Done at Washington, D. C., this 18th is given to each such term in the said [F. R. Doc. 47-5949; Filed, June 20, 1947; day of June 1947. order; and “Prorate District No. 1,” 9:48 a. m.] [seal] S. R. S m ith , “Prorate District No. 2,” and “Prorate Director, Fruit and Vegetable District No. 3” shall have the same Branch, Production and Mar­ meaning as is given to each such term in keting Administration. § 966.107 of the rules and regulations (11 [Peach Order 2, Amdt. 1] F. R. 10258) issued pursuant to said [F. R. Doc. 47-5893; Filed, June 20, 1947; order. (48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 P art 962—F r e s h P ea ch es G r o w n i n 8:47 a. m.] G eorgia U. S. C. 601 et seq.)

REGULATION BY SIZE Done at Washington, D. C., this 19th [Orange Reg. 183] day of June 1947. Findings. (1) Pursuant to the mar­ keting agreement and Order No. 62 (7 P art 966—O ranges G r o w n in C a l ifo r n ia [seal] S. R. Sm ith, CFR, Cum. Supp., 962.1 et seq.), regu­ and A rizona Director, Fruit and Vegetable lating the handling of fresh peaches LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS Branch, Production and Mar­ grown in the State of Georgia, effective keting Administration. § 966.329 Orange Regulation 183—(a) under the applicable provisions of the P rorate Base Schedule Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act Findings. (1) Pursuant to the provisions of 1937, as amended, and upon the basis of Order No. 66 (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., [12:01 a. m. June 22, 1947 to 12:01 a. m. of the recommendations of the Industry 966.1 et seq.) regulating the handling of June 29, 1947] Committee, established under the afore­ oranges grown in the State of California VALENCIA ORANGES said marketing agreement and order, and or in the State of Arizona, effective un­ Prorate District No. 2 upon other available information, it is der the applicable provisions of the Agri­ cultural Marketing Agreement Act of Prorate base hereby found that the limitation of ship­ Handler

P rorate Base Schedule—Continued P rorate Base Schedule—Continued Prorate Base Schedule—Continued Valencia oranges—continued Valencia oranges—continued Valencia oranges—continued Prorate District No. 2—Continued Prorate District No. 2—Continued Prorate District No. 2—Continued Prorate base Prorate base Prorate base Handler (percent) Handler (percent) Handler (‘percent) Irvine Valencia Growers______2.3756 Piru Citrus Association______2.0204 Granada Packing House______2.4917 Olive Heights Citrus Association__ 1. 6528 Santa Paula Orange Association 1. 0942 Hill, Fred A______.0772 Santa Ana-Tustin Mutual Citrus , Tapo Citrus Association______1.1152 Inland Fruit Dealers______. 0605 Association______._____ » .9842 Limoneira Co.______. 4002 Mills, Edward.______. 1079 Santiago Orange Growers Associa­ E. Whittier Citrus Association___ _ . 4064 Orange Belt Fruit Distributors___ 1. 9853 tion ______3.6519 El Ranchito Citrus Association____ 1.3868 Panno Fruit Company, Carlo____ _ .1118 Tustin Hills Citrus Association.'!_ 1. 8686 Murphy Ranch Co______. 4541 Paramount Citrus Association____ . 4136 Villa Park Orchs. Association, The. 1.8186 Rivera Citrus Association______. 5500 Placentia Orchards Co__ ■______. 4040 Bradford Bros., Inc______. 6457 Whittier Citrus Association______.6971 Placentia Pioneer Valley Growers El Modena Citrus, Inc------. 4619 Whittier Select Citrus Association. .4686 Association______. 6539 Placentia Mutual Orange Associa­ Anaheim Cooperative Orange Asso­ San Antonio Orchards Co______.4815 tion ______i ______1. 7796 ciation ______1.1586 Santa Fe Groves Co______. 0510 Placentia Orange Growers Associa­ Bryn Mawr Mutual Orange Asso­ Snyder & Sons Co., W. A ...... 1.0915 tion ______2.2684 ciation __ . ______*______. 0897 Stephens, T. F______. . . .0880 Call Ranch______.0683 Chula Vista Mutual Lemon Asso­ Sunny Hills Ranch, Inc______.• . 1192 Corona Citrus Association__ !_____ . 4672 ciation ______,______. 0925 Verity & Sons Co., R. H______.0363 Jameson Company______. .0370 Escondido Cooperative Citrus Asso­ Wall, E. T .______1236 Orange Heights Orange Association. . 3746 ciation ______. 3357 Webb Packing Co______. 2566 Break & Son, Allen______. 0577 Euclid Avenue Orange Association. .4248 Western Fruit Growers, Inc (A na.). .0495 Bryn Mawr Fruit Growers Associa­ Foothill Citrus Union, Inc____ s__ . 0334 Western Fruit Growers, Inc., tio n ______i ______.2693 Fullerton Cooperative Orange Asso­ (Reds.)__^______.6633 Crafton Orange Growers Associa­ ciation______.3529 Ÿorba Orange Growers Association. . 6328 tion ______. 3888 Garden Grove Orange Cooperative E. Highlands Citrus Association___ . 0876 Inc______.7281 [F. R. Doc. 47-5948; Filed, June 20, 1947; Rmtana Citrus Association_... __ . 0855 Glendora Cooperative Citrus Asso­ 9:^8 a. m.] Highland Fruit Growers Associa­ ciation______. 0568 tion ______.______. 0516 Golden Orange Groves, Inc______. 2813 Krinard Packing Co______. 2666 Highland Mutual Groves______. 0672 TITLE 9— ANIMALS AND Mission Citrus Association______. 1459 Index Mutual Association______.2034 Redlands Cooperative Fruit Asso­ La Verne Cooperative Citrus Asso­ ANIMAL PRODUCTS ciation ______.4140 ciation______:___ 1.1919 Redlands Heights Groves______. 2561 Olive Hillside Groves______. 7671 Chapter I— Bureau of Animal Industry Redlands Orange Growers Associa­ Orange Cooperative Citrus Associa­ tion ------. 2660 tion______;____ _ 1.0410 Subchapter F— Animal Breeds Redlands Orangedale Association_ .2885 Redlands Foothill Groves______. 4492 [B. A. I. Order 365, Arndt. 16] Redlands Select Groves______. 1642 Redlands Mutual Orange Associa­ Rialto Citrus Association______. 1533 tion ______. 1668 P art 151—R ecognition of B reeds and Rialto Orange Company______. 1528 Riverside Citrus Association_____ .0682 P urebred Animals Southern Citrus Association______. 2054 Ventura County Orange and Lemon United Citrus Growers______;__ . 1481 Association______. 9432 dogs; book of record recognition Zilen Citrus C o...______, . 1036 Whittier Mutual Orange and Lemon Arlington Heights Fruit Co______. 1031 Association ______. 1759 Pursuant to the authority vested in Brown Estate, L. V. W___ ;______. 1342 Babijuice Corp. of California__ _ .4916 the Secretary of Agriculture by para­ Gavilan Citrus Association______.1572 Banks Fruit Co______.2963 graph 1606, section 201, Title II, of the Hemet Mutual Groves______. H 4i Banks, L. M...... ______. 5469 act of June 17, 1930 (46 Stat. 673; 19 Highgrove Fruit Association______. 0789 Borden Fruit Co______. 6798 U. S. C. 1201, par. 1606), paragraph (a) McDermont Fruit Co______. 1889 California Fruit Distributors------. 4316 of § 151.6, Chapter I, Title 9, Code of Mentone Heights Association_____ .0683 Cherokee Citrus Co., Inc______. . 1007 Monte Vista Citrus Association__ . 2266 Chess Company, Meyer W______.2713 Federal Regulations, as amended (par. National Orange Co______.0415 Escondido Avocado Growers______. 0556 1, sec. 2, reg. 2, B. A. I. Order 365), is Riverside Growers, Inc______,_ .0969 Evans Brothers Packing Co______. 6502 amended by adding to the subdivision Riverside Heights Orange Growers Gold Banner Association------— .2834 of said paragraph relating to dogs the Association______.0890 Granada Hills Packing Co------.0633 following breeds and book of record: Sierra Vista Packing Association__ . 0596 Victoria Avenue Citrus Association. . . 1794 D ogs Claremont Citrus Association_____ . 1671 College Heights Orange and Lemon Name of breed Book of record y By whom published Association______. 2247 El Camino Citrus Association___ _ . 0838 Indian Hill Citrus Association____, . 1849 Newfoundland Live Stock Department of Natural Resources, Kenneth J. Pomona Fruit Growers Exchange__ . 3960 Register. Carter, secretary, St. John’s Newfoundland. Walnut Fruit Growers Exchange_. 4388 West Ontario Citrus Association__ . 4084 This amendment shall become effective been requested from the Department of Agri­ El Cajon Valley Citrus Association_ . 3179 on publication in the F ederal R egister. culture for purebred dogs registered in the Escondido Orange Association____ 2.4561 book of record specified above which has not San Dimas Orange Growers Asso­ Note: Whereas the importation into the heretofore been recognized by the Secretary ciation ______.5090 United States of purebred animals for breed­ of Agriculture in his regulations under said Covina Citrus Association______i. 0208 ing purposes benefits the public by improv­ act; and whereas the Secretary of Agricul­ Covina Orange Growers Association. . 4037 ing the breeds of animals in the United ture has determined that the regulations Duarte-Monrovia Fruit Exchange_ .2540 States, and Congress has recognized this fact should be amended to recognize such book Santa Barbara Orange Association. . 0519 in paragraph 1606, section 201 of the act of of record and thereby to relieve restrictions Ball & Tweedy Association______.6623 June 17, 1930 (19 U. S. C. 1201, par. 1606) upon the importation of such dogs; and Canoga Citrus Association______. 8795 under which purebred animals imported by whereas the foregoing amendment to accom­ N. Whittier Heights Citrus Asso­ United States citizens may be imported duty­ plish this purpose should be made effective ciation ______... __ .9532 free if they are certified by the Department as soon as possible in order to be of maximum San Fernando Fruit Growers Asso­ of Agriculture as registered in a book of rec­ benefit to the public and in order to prevent ciation ______. 4452 ord recognized by the Secretary of Agricul­ unnecessary hardship to importers through San Fernando Heights Orange As­ ture for the particular breed; and whereas, forfeiture of their bonds, it is found, upon sociation ______.9499 pending issuance of such certificate, the im­ good cause, that compliance with the notice porter is required by regulations of the Sierra Madre-Lamanda Citrus Asso­ and hearing requirements of section 4 of the ciation ______.4004 United States Customs Bureau to post a bond Camarillo Citrus Association_____ 1. 5071 valid for a limited period and subject to for­ Administrative Procedure Act would be im­ Fillmore Citrus Association______3. 5885 feiture unless the certificate is obtained and practicable, unnecessary and contrary to the Mupu Citrus Association______2.4282 submitted to the Customs Bureau within public interest, and good cause is found to Ojai Orange Association______.9878 such time; and whereas certificates have exist for issuance of the foregoing amend- Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4019 ment effective less tli&n thirty days after consisting of two chevrons of 5 stars each pendant is suspended by a silk ribbon publication. and one of 3 stars. . 1% inches in length and 1% inches in Issued this 17th day of June 1947. (ij) Distinguished-Service Cross. * * * width, composed of a band of purplish (3) Description. A cross of bronze 2 red (lVi inches), with edges of white (46 Stat. 673; 19 U. S. C. 1201, par. 1606) inches in height and l 1?!« inches in width (%6 inch). (se a l] . C l in t o n P . A n d erso n , with an eagle on the center, and a scroll (2) Armed forces of foreign nations. Secretary of Agriculture. below the eagle bearing the inscription (i) The Legion of Merit, in four degrees, “For Valor.” On the reverse, in the cen­ is awarded to members * * *. £F. R. Doc. 47-5897; Piled, June 20, 1947; ¿Ill * * * * 8:48 a. m.] ter of the cross, is a space for the name of the recipient (which is to be engraved (iii) Description—(a) Chief Com­ within a wreath). The cross is suspended mander. A domed five-pointed Ameri­ TITLE 10— ARM Y: WAR by a ring from a watered silk ribbon 1% can white star plaque of heraldic form inches iirlength and 1% inches in width, bordered in purplish red enamel 2*%6 DEPARTMENT composed of a band of fed < % inch), inches circumscribing diameter with 13 Chapter VJI— Personnel white (Vie inch), blue (1 inch), white white stars on a blue field emerging from (Vis inch), and red <% inch). a circle of clouds; backing the star a P art 708—D e c o r a tio n s, M edals, R ib b o n s 3. In § 708.2 revise paragraph, (c) <1) laurel wreath with pierced crossed ar­ and S im il a r D ev ice s and add (c) (4) as follows: rows pointing outward between each P art 709—P rescribed S erv ice U n if o r m arm of the star and the wreath. The (c) Distinguished-Service Medal. (1) reverse is engraved with the words MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS The Distinguished-Service Medal is “United States of America” and the Part 708, Chapter VII, Title 10. Code awarded to members of the armed forces name of the recipient. sf Federal Regulations is amended in who, while serving in any capacity with (b) Commander. A five-pointed the following respects: the Army, distinguished themselves by American white star of heraldic form 1. In § 708.1 paragraph (a) (2) is re­ exceptionally meritorious service to the bordered in purplish red enamel 2 M voked and paragraphs

“V” will be worn. All additional awards § 708.4 Time limits, (a) Except as Medal of Freedom Legion of Merit whether for heroism, meritorius achieve­ prescribed in paragraph (b) of this sec­ (i) Gold palm Chief Commander. ment, or meritorious service will be des­ tion when the decoration is to be awarded (ii) Silver palm Commander. ignated by Oak-Leaf Clusters. All orders in lieu of another decoration previously (iii) Bronze palm Officer and Legionnaire. awarding the Bronze Star Medal will spe­ awarded, or on the basis of an existing (3) The Medal of Freedom without cifically state whether the award was for letter, certificate, or citation in orders palm is equivalent to the Bronze Star heroism, meritorious achievement, or (see paragraph (e) (2), (h) (4), (h) (5) Medal awarded members of the armed meritorious service. and (m) (4) of § 708.2), no military dec­ forces. 11. Paragraph (1) of § 708.2 is revoked oration will be awarded to any person (c) Description. (1) The medal of and paragraph (m) of the same section after more than 3 years from the date of bronze is 1 Ya inches in diameter. On the is added as follows: the heroism, meritorious achievement or obverse is the head, shoulders, and head­ meritorious service justifying an award, dress of freedom (taken from the statue (1) United States America Typhus nor unless the recommendation .was sub-* on the top of the United States Capitol Commission Medal. [Revoked] mitted through military channels within dome). In the lower portion in an arc (m) Army Commendation Ribbon. 2 years from the date of the heroism, is the inscription “Freedom.” On the (IX The Army Commendation Ribbon is meritorious achievement, or meritorious reverse is the “Liberty Bell” without car­ awarded to members of the armed forces service. riage, within a circle composed of the who, while serving in any capacity with (b) As an exception, military decora- words “United States of America.” The the Army, on or after December 7, 1941, 'tions may be awarded when the heroism, medal is suspended by a ring from a silk distinguish themselves by meritorious meritorious achievement, or meritorious moire ribbon 1% inches in length and achievement or meritorious Service, not service justifying the award was per­ 1% inches in width composed of red in connection with military operations formed between December 7, 1941 and (%e inch), white (% 2 inch), red

TITLE 38— PENSIONS, BONUSES, No change in remainder of section. TITLE 43— PUBLIC LANDS: AND VETERANS’ RELIEF (60 Stat. 931) INTERIOR Chapter I— Veterans’ Administration [seal] x O mar N. B radley, Subtitle A— Office of the Secretary of General, U. S. Army, P art 5— Adjudication; Dependents' Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. the Inferior Claims [Order 2333] J une 19,1947. MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS P art 4—Delegations of Authority The following amendments are made [P. R. Doc. 47-5847; Piled, June 20, 1947; 8:48 a. m.J GEOLOGICAL SURVEY; POWER SITE to Part 5: CLASSIFICATIONS § 5.2591 Conditions under which ap­ The following new section is added to portionment may be made. No change in paragraphs (a) and (b). Subpart H, Geological Survey, Part 4: P art 25—M edical (c) (1) Rates payable, (i) Apportion­ § 4.623 Power site classifications, ment of death compensation or pension MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS modifications, and revocations. Effec­ under any law administered by the VA, tive immediately, the Director of the except as provided in subdivisions (ii) The following amendments are made Geological Survey is authorized, without and (iii) of this subparagraph, shall be to Part 25: N prior Secretarial approval, to classify computed as follows: The share for all § 25.6047 Eligibility for hospital treat­ public domain lands as power sites valu­ children for whom claim is filed will be ment or domiciliary care of persons dis­ able for power purposes and to modify that airiount to which they would be en­ charged or retired from Military or Naval or revoke such classifications. (R. S. 161, titled if there were no widow. The Service. Within the limits of. Veterans’ 20 Stat. 394, sec. 24, 41 Stat. 1075, as widow’s share will be the difference be­ Administration facilities, hospital treat­ amended; 5 U. S. C., sec. 22, 43 U. S. C., tween the children’s share and the total ment or domiciliary care may be fur­ sec. 31,16 U. S. C„ Supp. V, sec. 818) amount payable on account of the widow nished the following applicants in the Oscar L. Chapman, and all children for whom claim is filed. specified order of preference: Acting Secretary of the Interior. In all instances, the amount payable to or for the children will lie divided equally No change in paragraphs (a) and (b). J une 10, 1947. among the children. The share for any No change in paragraph (c) (1). [F. R. Doc. 47-5849; Filed, June 20, 1947; children in the widow’s custody will be Paragraph (c) (2) is amended to read 8:48 a. m.] added to the widow’s share. If, in the as follows: application of this rule, the widow’s share (2) Domiciliary care for persons would be increased to an amount greater enumerated in paragraph (c) (1) of this [Order 2335] than the amount to which she would be section, when suffering from a perma­ entitled if there were no children, then P art 4—D elegations of Authority her share will be the amount to which nent disability or tuberculous or neuro­ she would be entitled if there were no psychiatric ailment and who are inca­ BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, FUNCTIONS children and the. difference between the pacitated from earning a living and who RELATING TO TRIBAL ORDINANCES AND amount of such widow’s share and the have no adequate means of support. If RESOLUTIONS entire amount payable for the widow a member is discharged on his own re­ Section 4.716 Functions relating to and children will be the children’s share. quest or at the expiration of seven days tribal ordinances and resolutions, as If, however, in the application of this following an authorized pass or leave of added by Order No. 2326 (12 F. R. 3567) rule, the widow’s share would be reduced absence, it will be presumed he no longer is redesignated § 4.717. to an amount lower than 50 percent of regards himself as incapacitated from- (R. S. 161, secs. 3,12, Pub. Law 404, 79th that to which she would be entitled if earning a living. Under such circum­ Cong., 60 Stat. 238, 244, 5 U. S. C. 22) there were no children, then her share stances he will not be furnished hospi­ will be 50 percent of the amount to which W arner W . G ardner, she would be entitled if there were no talization or domicilary care until the Assistant Secretary of the Interior. expiration of one month from the date children, and the difference between the [F. R. Doc. 47-5851; Filed, June 20, 1947; amount of such widow’s share and the of such discharge, except when requir­ 8:48 a. m.] entire amount payable for the widow ing readmission in a medical emergency. and childreri will be the children’s share. No change in paragraphs (d) (1) and No change in remainder of section. (d) (2). TITLE 47— TELECOMMUNI­ § 5.2592 Changing prior apportion­ (3) If a member is discharged on his CATION ments; discontinuance of apportion­ own request or at the expiration of seven Chapter I— Federal Communications ments, effective dates—(a) (1) When days following an authorized pass or Commission change may be made. If an award has leave of absence it will be presumed he been made pursuant to a prior appor­ [Docket No. 6768] tionment regulation, and a retroactive no longer regards himself, as incapaci­ increase in the total amount payable is tated from earning a living. Under such P art 3—R adio Broadcast Services in .order, the awards will be adjusted circumstances he will not be furnished MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS in accordance with § 5.2591 (c), effective hospitalization or domiciliary care until the expiration of one month from the At a session of the Federal Communi­ as of the commencement date of the cations Commission held at its offices in prior apportionment or the date of the date of such discharge except when re­ Washington, D. C. on the 12th day of increase in the total amount payable, quiring readmission in a medical emer­ June 1947. whichever is the later, provided no gency. The Commission having under con­ overpayment to any payee will result. (60 Stat. 908) sideration proposed amendments to Part If an overpayment to any payee will re­ 3, Subpart B, §§ 3.203 and 3.204 of the sult, the amount of the retroactive in­ [seal] O mar N. B radley, Commission’s rules governing Standard crease will be divided equally among the General, U. S. Army, and FM Broadcast Stations, and to sec­ children from the effective date of such Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs. increase to the last day of the month tions 1, 2 and 4 of the Commission’s J une 19,1947. Standards of Good Engineering Practice in which the action is taken, there­ Concerning FM Broadcast Stations; after applying the rates prescribed in [F. R. Doc. 47-5848; Filed, June 20, 1947; It appearing, that the existing rules § 5.2591 (c). 8:48 a. m.] provide for the assignment to Class A 4026 RULÉS AND REGULATIONS PM stations of channels 281 through 300 It appearing, that on April 17, 1947, presently available; that no substantial (104.1 to 107.9 me) and to Class B PM a general notice of proposed rule-making objection to the adoption of the proposed with respect to the proposed amend­ amendments has been made; stations of channels 221 through 280 Now, therefore, It is ordered, That (92.1 to 103.9 me); for a normal mini­ ments was published in accordance with mum separation for Class A stations of section 4 of the Administrative Proce­ §§ 3.203 and 3.204 of the Commission’s dure Act; that such notice provided that rules governing Standard and FM Broad­ 5Q miles on the same channel and 35 cast Stations be, and they are hereby, miles on adjacent channels; for the any interested party of the opinion that the proposed amendments should not be' amended in the following respects: availability for assignment of all Class A 1. Sections 3.203 (a), (b) and (d) are channels in cities which are not the cen­ adopted might file on or before May 1, tral city or cities of a metropolitan dis- . 1947, a brief or written statement sét- amended to read as follows; trict, and for the availability for assign­ _ting forth his comments; that such § 3.203 Class A stations, (a) A Class ment of ten such channels in central notice scheduled a hearing before the A station is a station which operates on cities of metropolitan districts which Commission on May 8 and 9, 1947, to a Class A channel and is designed to have fewer than six Class B stations; permit persons filing briefs or written render service primarily to a community and for the reservation from assignment statements tp submit evidence or argu­ or to a city or town other than the prin­ until July 1, 1947, of Class A channels ment; and cipal city of an area, and the surround­ 297, 298, 299 and 300; It appearing, that statements in op­ ing rural area. The power It appearing, that under the existing position to the proposed amendments and antenna height of a Class A station PM standards the term “antenna height have been filed only (1) by Richard shall normally be capable of coverage above average terrain” is defined as Field Lewis, Jr., permittee of WINC-FM, equivalent1 to a minimum of 100 watts meaning the height of the radiation cen­ a class B station at Winchester, Vir­ and a maximum of 1 kw effective ra­ ter of the antenna above the terrain 10 ginia, who subsequently advised the diated power and antenna height of 250 miles from the antenna in case of Class Commission that he desired to-withdraw feet above average terrain, as deter­ A stations, and as the height of the ra­ his appearance -at the scheduled hear­ mined by the methods prescribed in the diation center of the antenna above the ing, but who has requested by letter to Standards of Good Engineering Practice average terrain 2 to 10 miles from tjie the Commission that Channel No. 260 be Concerning FM Broadcast Stations. antenna in case of Class B stations; that assigned to WINC-FM under the pro­ Class A stations will not be authorized Class A stations normally will not be re­ posed revision to the tentative alloca­ with more than 1 kw effective radiated quired to determine their contours, while tion plan for class B FM broadcast sta­ power. Standard power ratings of Class B stations shall determine the ex­ tions (issued April 10, 1947) ; and (2) by used for Class A stations tent of their 1000 uv/m and 50 uv/m Hearst Radio, Inc., The Tower Realty shall be not less than 250 watts nor more contours; and that objectionable inter- Company, and Radio-Television of Bal­ than 1 kilowatt. Class A stations will ferefice is not considered to exist when timore, Inc., jointly, whose applications normally be protected to the 1 mv/pi con­ the channel separation is 400 kc or for new class B FM stations at Balti­ tour; however, assignments will be made greater, and, accordingly, PM broadcast more, Maryland, have been heard in a in- a manner to insure, insofar as pos­ stations in the same city or same area comparative hearing upon issues which sible, a maximum of service to all listen­ may be assigned channels 400 kc apart; include whether three additional chan­ ers, whether urban or rural, giving con­ It appearing, that the application of nels should be allocated to the Balti­ sideration to the minimum signal capable the foregoing rules and standards tended more area, and whose statement in op­ of providing service. to grdup stations 400 kc apart in most position requested, in the alternative, (b) The following frequencies are cities, resulting in some interference be­ that Channel No. 260 be allocated to designated as Class A channels and are tween stations located in the same city the area in the proposed re­ assigned for use by Class A stations: and difficulty in identifying stations close vision to the tentative allocation plan together on the PM receiver dial; and . for class B FM broadcast stations (in Freauency Channel Frequency Channel It appearing, that the proposed amend­ addition to the two additional Class B (me) No. (me) No. ments to the rules and standards are de­ channels allocated to the Baltimore area 92.1___ ._____ 221 100.1______261 in the proposed plan), or that Channel 92.7___ 224 100.9------___ 265 signed to resolve these interference and 93.5______228 101.7______269 related problems by providing for the in­ No. 260 be held available for assignment 94.3______232 102.3______272 terspersing of Class A and Class B FM in the event the Commission concludes 95.3______237 103.1 — ___ 27B stations throughout the FM frequency in the Baltimore hearing that an addi­ 95.9___ 240 103.9------___ 280 band in order to provide a normal mini­ tional channel should be assigned to . 96.7______244 104.9______285 mum separation of 800 between sta­ that area; and 97.7— _ 24a 105.5______288 tions in the same city, and a minimum It appearing, that the Commission on 98.3___ 252 106.3______292 of 400 kc separation between stations in May 7, 1947 announced that the hearing 99.3— _____ 257 107.1______296 nearby cities in a few areas where the then scheduled for May 8 and 9,1947 had These channels :are available for as- demand for such facilities so requires; been cancelled, since the question of the signment (1) in cities which are not the and - allocation of Channel No. 260, raised by central city or cities of a metropolitan It appearing, that the proposed amend­ both Lewis and the Baltimore applicants, district, and (2) in central cities of met­ ments, in order to effectuate the fore­ was an issue between these parties, which ropolitan districts which have fewer than going design, further provide for .the did not affect the general merits of the six Class B Stations.2 allocation of Class A stations in the same proposed amendments, and which issue * * * * * manner as Class B stations; for the avail­ could be more appropriately determined ability for assignment of all Class A at a later date without the necessity of (d) No assignments will be made on channels in cities which are not the cen­ delaying the adoption of the proposed channels 224, 240, 272 and 288 until July tral city or cities of a metropolitan dis­ amendments or proposed revision to, the 1,1947. trict and in central cities of metropolitan tentative allocation plan (which as pro­ 2. Section 3.204 (b) is amended to districts which have fewer than subclass posed does not allocate Channel No. 260 read as follows: B stations; and for the reservation from in either the Baltimore or Winchester assignment until July 1,1947, of Class A § 3.204 Class B stations. * * * areas) ; and since, accordingly, no useful (b) The following frequencies are des­ channels 224, 240, 272 and 288; and purpose would have been served by hold­ It appearing, that the adoption of the ignated as Class B channels and are ing the hearing; assigned for Use by Class B Stations: proposed amendments would make pos­ It appearing, that the adoption of the sible the issuance by the Commission of proposed amendments would not reduce a revised tentative allocation plan for »For the purpose of determining equiva­ Class B FM broadcast stations (as pro­ the total number of FM channels here­ lent coverage, the 1 mv/m contour should posed on April 10, 1947) under which tofore assigned or presently available for be used. additional Class B FM channels could assignment in any city or area, and would a For the time being, until more FM broad­ be made available in many cities and permit an increase in the total number of cast stations are authorized, the Commis­ areas to meet the recently developed such channels available for assignment sion will not authorize Class A stations demand for PM facilities in such cities in certain cities and areas where the de­ in central eities of metropolitan districts hav­ and areas; and mand appears to exceed the channels ing four or more standard broadcast stations. r Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4027 Frequency Channel Frequency Channel be placed over the business district of range of IfM broadcast stations shouiu be (me) No. (me) No. cities of 10,000 or greater within the 92.3...... 222 100.3*___------262 used. This chart has been prepared for 92.5_____ ...... 223 100.5 _ .___ _ 263 metropolitan district served. A field in­ a frequency in the center of the band and 92.9___ _------225 100.7____...... 264 tensity of 5 mv/m should be provided is to be used for all FM broadcast chan­ 93.1 101.1______266 over the main studio of a Class B sta­ nels, since little change results over this 93.3_____ ------227 101.3...... ____ 267 tion except as otherwise provided in frequency range. The distance to a con­ 93J— 101.5...... ____ 268 § 3.205 of the rules. The location of the 93.9_____ tour is determined by the effective radi­ ------230 101.9 ____ 270 main studio of a Class A station is speci­ ated power and the antenna height. The 94.1______231 102.1____ ------271 fied in § 3.203 of the rules. These figures 94.5_____ ------233 102.5______273 height of the antenna used in connection 94.7______234 102.7______274 are based upon the usual noise levels with figure 1 should be the height of the 94.9...... ------235 102.9 ------275 encountered in the several areas and center of the proposed antenna radiator 95.1_____ ------236 103.3______277 upon the absence of interference from above the average elevation obtained by 95.5______238 103.5. other FM stations. ------278 * * * * * the preceding method. The distances 95.7 ------239 103.7______279 shown by figure 1 are based upon an ef­ 96.1_____ ------241 104.1______281 E. The service area is predicted as fol­fective radiated power of 1 kilowatt; to 96.3______242 104.3 ____ 282 lows: Profile graphs must be drawn for 96.5 ____243 104.5____ ------283 use the chart for other powers, the slid­ 96.9______245 .. 104.7______284 at least eight radials from the proposed ing scale associated with the chart should 97.1______246 105.1____ —_ 286 antenna site. These profiles should be be trimmed and used as the ordinate 97.3_____ ------247 105.3______287 prepared for each radial beginning at the scale. This sliding scale is placed on the 97.5_____ ------248 105.7____ ----- 289 antenna site and extending to 10 miles chartr with the appropriate gradation for 97.9_____ ------250 105.9______290 therefrom. Normally the radials are power in line with the lower line of the 98.1_____ ----- 251 106.1____ ----- 291 drawn for each 45° of azimuth; however, 98.5_____ top edge of the chart. The right edge of ----- 253 106.5 __ _ 293 where feasible the radials should be the scale is placed in line with the ap­ 98.7______254 106.7 ___ 294 drawn for angles along which roads tend 98.9_____ ----- 255 106.9____ ----- 295 propriate antenna height graduations 99.1______256 107.3 ___ 297 to follow. (The latter method may be and the chart then becomes direct read­ 99.5_____ 258 107.5______298 helpful in obtaining topographical data ing for this power and antenna height. 99.7______259 107.7...... ___ 299 where otherwise unavailable, and is par­ Where the antenna height is not one of 99.9_____ ----- 260 107.9______300 ticularly useful in connection with mobile those for which a scale is provided, the It is further ordered, That sections 1, field intensity measurements of the sta­ signal strength or distance is determined . 2 and 4 of the Commission’s Standards tion and the correlation of such meas­ by interpolation between the curves con­ of Good Engineering Practice Cohcern- urements with predicted field intensi­ necting the equidistant points. ing FM Broadcast Stations be, and they ties.) In each case one or'more radials The foregoing process of determining are hereby, amended in the following must include the principal city or cities the extent of the required contours shall respects : to be served, particularly in cases of be followed in determining the boundary rugged terrain, even though the city may 1. Definitions. * * * of the proposed service area. The areas be more than 10 miles from the antenna within the required contours must be M. Antenna height above average ter­ site. The profile graph for each radial rain. (1) The term “antenna height determined and submitted with each ap­ should be plotted by contour intervals of plication for these classes of FM broad­ above average terrain” means the height from 40 to 100 feet and, where the data of the radiation center of the antenna cast stations. Each application shall in­ permits, at least 50 points of elevation clude a map showing these contours, and above the terrain 2 to 10 miles from the (generally uniformly spaced) should be antenna. (In general a different an­ for this purpose sectional aeronautical 'used for each radial. In instances of charts or other maps having a conven­ tenna height will be determined for each very rugged terrain where the use of con­ direction from the antenna. The aver­ tour intervals of 100 feet would result in ient scale may be used. The map shall age of these various heights is considered several points in a short distance, 200- show the radials along which the profilé as the ^antenna height above average or 400-foot contour intervals may be used charts and expected field strengths have terrain.) for such distances. On the other hand, been determined. The area within each (2) Where circular or elliptical polari-^ where the terrain is uniform or gently contour should then be measured (by zation is employed .the antenna height sloping the smallest contour interval in­ planimeter or other approximate means) above average terrain shall be based dicated on the topographic map (see be­ to determine the number of square miles upon the height of the radiation center low) should be used, although only a rel­ therein. In computing the area within of the antenna which transmits the hori­ atively few points may be available. The the contours, exclude (1) areas beyond zontal component of radiation. profile graph should accurately indicate the borders of the United States, and (2) 2. Engineering standards of alloca­ the topography for each radial, and the large bodies of water, such as ocean tion. A. Sections 3.202 to 3.206 inclusive graphs should be plotted with the dis­ areas, gulfs, sounds, bays, large lakes, of the rules and regulations describe the tance in miles as the abscissa and the ele­ etc., but not rfvers. basis for allocation of FM Broadcast Sta­ vation in feet above mean sea level as tire In cases where the terrain in one or tions, including the division of the United ordinate. The profile graphs should in­ more directions from the antenna site States into Areas I and II. dicate the source of the topographical departs widely from the average eleva­ B. FM broadcast stations shall deter­ data employed. The graph should also tion of the 2 to 10 mile sector, the appli­ mine the extent of their 1 mv/m and show the elevation of the center of the cation of this prediction method may in­ 50 uv/m contours in accordance with the radiating system. The graph may be dicate contour distances that are differ­ methods prescribed in these Standards. plotted either on rectangular coordinate ent from those which may be expected in C. Although some service is provided paper or on special paper which shows practice. In such cases the prediction by tropospheric waves, the service area the curvature of the earth. It is not nec­ method should be followed, but a show­ is considered to .be only that served by essary to take the curvature of the earth ing may be made if desired concerning the ground wave. The extent of service into consideration in this procedure, as the distance to the contour as deter­ is determined by the point at which the this factor is taken care of in the chart mined by other means. Such showing ground wave is no longer of sufficient in­ showing signal intensities (fig. 1). should include data concerning the pro­ tensity to provide satisfactory broadcast The average elevation of the 8-mile cedure employed and sample calcula­ service. The field intensity considered distance between 2 and 10 miles from tions. For example, a mountain ridge necessary for service is as follows: the antenna site should then be deter­ may indicate the practical limit of serv­ ice although the prediction method may able mined from the profile graph for each T I indicate the contour elsewhere. In cases Area: Median field intensity radial. This may be obtained by aver­ City business or factory areas___ 1 mv/m aging a large number of equally spaced of such limitation, the map of predicted Rural areas______50 uv/m points, by using a planimeter, or by ob­ coverage should show both the regular taining the median elevation (that ex­ predicted area and the area as limited or A median field intensity of 3 to 5 mv/m ceeded for 50 per cent of the distance) extended by terrain. Both areas should should be placed over the principal city in sectors and averaging these values. be measured as previously described; the to be served and for Class B stations, a To determine the distance to a par­ area obtained by the regular prediction median field intensity of 1 mv/m should ticular contour, figure 1 concerning the method should be given in the applica- No. 122----- 3 4028 RULES AND REGULATIONS tion form, with a supplementary note station, the tropospheric signal intensity be, and it is hereby, further amended'hy giving the limited or extended area. In (from co-channel and adjacent channel substituting the following paragraph (g) special cases the Commission may re­ stations) existing for 1 per cent of the for paragraph (g) thereof: quire additional information as to the time shall be employed. The 1 per cent (g) Expiration date. This section terrain in the proposed service area. values for 1 kilowatt of power and various shall expire at 11:59 p. m., December 31, In determining the population served antenna heights are given in figure 2, and 1947, unless otherwise modified, changed, by FM broadcast stations, it is considered values for other powers may be obtained suspended or annulled by order of this that the built-up city areas and business by use of the sliding scale.as for figure 1. Commission. districts in cities having over 10,000 pop­ The values indicated by figure 2 are based ulation and located beyond the 1 mv/m upon available data, and are subject to It js-further ordered, that this amend­ contour do not receive adequate service. change as- additional information con­ ment shall become effective at 12:01 Minor civil division maps (1940 census) cerning tropospheric wave propagation is* a. m., June 29, 1947; that a copy of this should be used in making population obtained.1 amendment and direction be served upon- counts* excluding cities not receiving ade­ In determining the points at which the the Association of American Railroads, quate service. Where a contour divides interference ratio is equal to the values Car Service Division, as agent of the rail­ a minor division, uniform distribution of shown in Table II, the field intensities roads subscribing to the car service and population within the division should be for the two interfering signals under con­ per diem agreement under the terms of assumed in order to determine the popu­ sideration should be computed for a con­ that agreement; arid that notice of this lation included within the contour, un­ siderable number of points along the line order be given to the general public by less a more accurate count is available. between the two stations. Using this depositing a copy in the office of the Sec­ * * * * * data, field intensity versus distance retary of the Commission at Washing­ 4. Interference standards. Field in­ curves should bh plotted (e. g., cross­ ton, D. C., and by filing it with the Direc­ tensity measurements are preferable in curves on graph paper) in order to deter­ tor, Division of the Federal Register. predicting interference between FM mine the points on this path where the 440 Stat. 101, sec. 402; 41 Stat. 476, 485; broadcast stations and should be used, interference ratios exist. The points sec. 4, 10; 54 Stat. 901, 912; 49 U. S. C. 1 when available, in determining the ex­ established by this method, together (10)—(17), 15 (4)) tent of interference. (For methods and lyith the points along the contours where By the Commission, Division 3. procedure, see section 5.) In lieu of the same ratios are determined, are con­ measurements, the interference should sidered to be generally sufficient to pre­ [seal] W. P. B artel, be predicted in accordance with the dict the area of interference. Additional Secretary. method described herein. points may be required in the case of ir­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5860; Filed, June 20, 1947; Objectionable interference is consid­ regular terrain or the use of directional 8:55 a. m.] ered to exist when the interfering signal antenna systems. exceeds that given by the'ratios of Table The area of interference, if any, shall II. In Table II the desired signal is be shown in connection with the map of [4th Rev. S. O. 180, Amdt. 14] median field and the undesired signal is predicted coverage required by the appli­ P art 95—Car S ervice the tropospheric signal intensity exceed­ cation form, together with the basic data ed for 1 per cent of the time. employed in computing such interfer­ demurrage on refrigerator cars T able n ence. The map shall show the interfer­ At a session of the Interstate Com­ Ratio of desired ence within the 50 uv/m contour. merce Commission, Division 3, held at its to undesired It- is further ordered, That the said office in Washington, D. C., on the 16th Channel separation: signals amendments shall be effective immedi­ day of June A. D. 1947. Same -channel______10:1 ately. Upon further consideration of. Fourth 200 kc___ !______2:1 Revised Service Order No. 180 (10 F. R. 400 kc_...... (J) (Sec. 303 (c), 48 Stat. 1082, 303 (r), 50 600 kc...... ______(*) Stat. 191, 307 (b), 49 Stat. 1475; 47 14970) as amended (11 F. R. 1627, 1991, 800 kc and above______No restriction * U. S. C. 303 (c), 303 (r), 307 (b)) 3605, 4038, 6983, 9453, 10092, 11707, 12395, 12 F. R. 1421, 3032, 3672) and good cause 1 To be determined. [ seal] F ederal Communications appearing therefor: It is ordered, That: 2 Intermediate frequency amplifiers of most Com mission, FM broadcast receivers are designed to oper­ Fourth Revised Service Order No. 180, S lowie, ate on 10.7 megacycles. For this reason the T. J. (49 CFR § 95.330), as amended, be, and assignment of two stations in the same area, Secretary. it is hereby, further Amended by substi­ one with a frequency 10.6 or 10.8 megacycles [F. R. Doc.,47-5904; filed, June 20, 1947; tuting the following paragraph (e) for removed from that of the other, should be 8:50 a. m.] paragraph (e) thereof: avoided if possible. (e) Expiration date. This section Standards have not been established TITLE 49— TRANSPORTATION shall expire at 7:00 a. m., December 31, for channel separations in excess of 200 1947, unless otherwise modified, changed, kc; various types of present FM receivers AND RAILROADS suspended or annulled by order of this are under study by the Commission to Commission. provide data for determining such stand­ Chapter I— Interstate Commerce ards. Pending the completion of such Commission It is further ordered, That this amend­ ment shall become effective at 12:01 a. studies and the promulgation of such [S. O. 93, Amdt. 11] standards, stations normally will not be m., June 29, 1947; that a copy of this authorized to operate in the same cit£ or P art 95—Car Service order and direction be served upon each in nearby cities with a frequency separa­ GIANT REFRIGERATOR CARS State railroad regulatory body, and upon tion of less than 800 kc, Provided, That the Association of American Railroads, At a session of the Interstate Com­ Car Service Division, as agent of the rail­ stations may be authorized to operate in merce Commission, Division 3, held at its nearby cities with a frequency separation roads subscribing to the car service and of not less than 400 kc where necessary office in Washington, D. C., on the 16th per diem agreement under the terms of in order to provide an equitable and effi­ day of June A. D. 1947. that agreement; and that notice of this cient distribution of facilities, and Pro­ Upon further consideration of Service order be given to the general public by vided further, That class B stations will Order No. 93 (7 F. R. 8903) as amended, depositing a copy in the office of the not be authorized in the same metropoli­ (8 F. R. 13752,13925; 9 F. R. 2481, 11208; Secretary of the Commission at Wash­ tan district with a frequency separation 10 F. R. 15175; 11 F. R. 561, 2189, 14271, ington, D. C., and by filing it with the of less than 800 kc. In the assignment 14469, 12 F. R. 46, 104) and good cause Director, Division of the Federal Register. of FM broadcast facilities the Commis­ appearing therefor: it is ordered, that: (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 41 Stat. 476, sec. sion will endeavor to provide the opti­ Section 95.301 Giant type refrigerator 4, 54 Stat. ,901; 49 U. S. C. 1 (10-(17)) mum use of the channels in the band, cars, of Service Order No. 93, as amended, By the .Commission, Division 3. and accordingly may assign a channel 1 Figure 2 will be available at some future [seal] W. P. B artel, different than that requested in an date when sufficient measurements of tropo­ Secretary. application. spheric signals are avaUable. UntU that time, In predicting the extent of interference interference should be predicted on the basis [F. R. Doc. 47-5861; Filed, June 20, 1947; within the ground wave service area of a of the ground wave chart (fig. l). 8:56 a. m.] Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 402& [S. O. 369, Amdt. 13] [S. O. 396, Amdt. 9] office in Washington, D. C., on the 16th day of June A. D. 1947. P art 95—Car S ervice P art 95—Car S ervice Upon further consideration of Service Order No. 653 (11 F. R. 14572), as DEMURRAGE CHARGES ON CLOSED BOX CARS RESTRICTIONS ON RECONSIGNING OF PERISHABLES amended (12 F. R. 128, 1606, 1816, 1952, 2093), and good cause appearing there­ At a session, of the Interstate Com­ . At a session of the Interstate Com­ for: It is ordered, that: merce Commission, Division 3, held at merce Commission, Division 3, held at its Section 95.653 Demurrage charges on its office in Washington, D. C., on the office in Washington, D. C., on the 16th gondola, open and covered hopper cars, 16th day of June, A. D. 1947, day of June A. D. 1947. of Service Order No. 653, as amended, be, Upon further consideration of Serv­ Upon further consideration of Service and it is hereby, further amended by ice Order No. 369 (10 P. R. 14030), as Order No. 396 (10 F. R. 15008), as vacating and setting aside the following amended (10 P. R. 15073; 11 P. R. 639, aiiiended (11 F. R. 1627, 4038, 9453; 12 paragraph (c) (5) thereof: 2383, 7857, 8453, 10304, 11013, 14522; F. R. 1235, 2288, 2479, 3673), and good (c) Application. * * * 12 P. R. 1606, 1724, 2053, 2453), and cause appearing therefor: It is ordered, (5) Demurrage charges substituted good cause appearing therefor: It is or­ that: for charges for storage of freight in dered, that: Service Order No. 396, Perishables; re­ closed box cars, (i) The operation of Section 95.369, Demurrage charges on strictions on reconsigning (codified as 49 all tariff rules, regulations, and charges CFR, § 95.396), as amended, be, and it is for storage of freight in gondola, open or closed box cars] of Service Ofder No. hereby, further amended by substituting 369, as amended, be, and it is hereby, the following paragraph (a) for para­ covered hopper cars at or short of ports further amended by vacating and setting graph (a) thereof: consigned or reconsigned for export, aside the following paragraph (c) (5) coastwise or intercoastal movement is thereof: (a) Definitions. (1) The term “per­ suspended insofar as they provide ishables” as used in this section means charges lower than the charges provided (c) Application. * * * fruity and vegetables, fresh or green, herein. (5) Demurrage charges substituted other than cold pack, including citrus (ii) In lieu of the charges for storage* for charges for storage of freight in fruit; potatoes; onions; bananas; berries, of freight in gondola, open or covered closed box cars, (i) The operation of other than cold pack; cantaloupes; co- hopper cars at or short of ports sus­ all tariff rules, regulations, and charges coanuts; corn, fresh or green, other than cold pack; cranberries; melons; and pended in subparagraph (5) (i) of this for storage of freight in closed box cars pineapples. paragraph, the applicable charges for at or short of ports consigned or recon­ (2) The term “arrival” as used in this detention of gondola, open or covered signed for export, coastwise or inter­ section means the actual time a refrig­ hopper cars held at or short of ports, for coastal movement is suspended insofar erator car loaded with perishables is unloading freight consigned to or recon­ as they provide charges lower than the made available for inspection; is placed signed for export, coastwise or inter­ charges provided in this section. on a hold track for diversion or recon­ coastal movement shall be the demurrage (ii) In lieu of the charges for storage signment; or is actually or constructively charges prescribed in paragraphs (a) of freight in closed box cars at or short placed for unloading. Whenever any and (b) of this section. one of the three events occur the other of ports suspended in subparagraph (5) It is further ordered, that this amend­ (i) of this paragraph, the applicable two shall have no application to that car at that point. ment shall become effective at 7:00 a. m., charges for detention of closed box cars June 23, 1947, and the provisions of this held at or short of ports, for unloading It is further ordered, that this amend­ amendment shall apply to cars arriving freight consigned to or reconsigned for ment shall become effective at 12:01 a. m., at, or held at ports on or after the effec­ export, coastwise or intercoastal move­ June 20,1947, and it shall apply only on tive date hereof. ment shall be the demurrage charges pre­ cars to be diverted or reconsigned on or It is further ordered, that a copy of scribed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of after the effective date hereof; this order and direction be served upon tlïis section. It is further ordered, that a copy of each State railroad regulatory body, and this order and direction be served upon upon the Association of American Rail­ It is further ordered, that this amend­ each State railroad regulatory body, and roads, Car Service Division; as* agent of ment shall become effective at 7:00 a. m., upon the Association of American Rail­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ June 23, 1947, and the provisions of this roads, Car Service Division, as agent of ice and per diem agreement under the amendment shall apply only to cars ar­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ terms of that agreement; and that no­ riving at, or held at ports on or after the ice and per diem agreement under the tice of this order be given to the general effective date hereof. terms of that agreement; and that notice public by depositing a copy in the office It is further ordered, that a copy of this of this order be given to the general pub­ of the Secretary of the Commission at lic by depositing a copy in the office of Washington, D. C., and by filing it with order and direction shall be served upon the Director, Division of the Federal each State railroad regulatory body, and the Secretary of the Commission at Register. upon the Association of American Rail­ Washington, D. C., and by filing it with roads, Car Service Division, as agent of the Director, Division of the Federal (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402; 41 Stat. 4f6, sec. 4; the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ Register. 54 Stat. 901; 49 U. S. C. 1 (10)-(17) ) * ice and per diem agreement under the (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, By the Commission, Division 3. terms of that agreement; and that no­ 54 Stat. 901; 49 U. S. C. 1 (10)-(17) ) tice of this order be given to the general By the Commission, Division 3. [seal] W. P. B artel, public by depositing a copy in the office Secretary. [seal] W. P. B artel, of the Secretary of the Commission at [F. R. Doc. 47-5854; Filed, June 20, 1947; Washington, D. C., and by filing it with Secretary. 8:49 a. m.] the Director, Division of the Federal [F. R. Doc. 47-5859; Filed, June 20, 1947; Register. 8:55 a. m.j (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402; 41 Stat. 476, sec. [S. O. 758] 4, 54 Stat. 901; 49 U. S. C. 1 (10)-(17)) P art 95—Car S ervice [S. O. 653, Amdt. 6] By the Commission, Division 3. FREE TIME AT PORTS ON GONDOLA, OPEN AND P art 95—Car S ervice COVERED HOPPER CARS [seal] W. P. B artel, Secretary. DEMURRAGE CHARGES ON GONDOLA, OPEN AND At a session of the Interstate Com­ COVERED HOPPER CARS merce Commission, Division 3, held at its ]F. R. Doc. 47-5853; Filed, June 20, 1947; At a session of the Interstate Com­ office in Washington, D. C., on the 16th 8:49 a. m.] merce Commission, Division 3, held at its day of June A. D. 1947. 4030 RULES AND REGULATIONS It appearing, that there is a critical a. m. after actual or constructive place­ provisions of this section is hereby sus­ ment until final release, less actual time pended. shortage of gondola, open and covered (i) Announcement of suspension. hopper cars and that free time pub­ required to move a constructively placed car to point of unloading. Each railroad, or its agent shall publish, lished in tariffs for unloading such cars file, and post a supplement to each of its at ports aggravates the shortage (c) Description of cars. This section shall apply to cars suitable for inter­ tariffs affected thereby, in substantial thereof; in the opinion of the Commis­ accordance with the provisions of Rule sion an emergency exists requiring im­ change described under the headings Class G-Gondola Car Type, Class H- 9 (k) of the Commission’s Tariff Circu­ mediate action at all ports of the coun­ lar No. 20 .(§ 141.9 (k) of this chapter) try. It is ordered, that: Hopper Car Type, also covered hopper cars having a mechanical designation announcing the suspension of the oper­ § 95.758 Free time at ports on gon­ prefixed by “LO” in the current Official ation of any of the provisions therein, dola, open and covered hopper cars—(a) Railway Equipment Register. and establishing the substituted pro­ Free time reduced on gondola and hop­ (d) Exemptions. This order shall not visions set forth in this section. per cars. No common carrier by rail­ apply to cars described in paragraph It is further ordered, that a copy of road, subject to the Interstate Com­ (c) of this section loaded with coal or this order and direction shall be served merce Act, shall allow, grant or permit coke. upon the Association of American Rail­ more than a total of 7 days’ free time (e) Extreme weather. During the pe­ roads, Car Service Division, as Agent of on gondola, open and covered hopper riod when weather conditions exist as the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ cars held for unloading in coastwise, described in Rule 8, section A, Agent ice and per diem agreement under the intercoastal or foreign commerce at the B. T. Jones’ Tariff t C. C. No. 3963, the terms of that agreement; and that notice point of transshipment from car to ves­ provisions of this order are suspended. of this order be given to the general pub­ sel or when held short of such transfer In lieu thereof the rules, regulations, lic by depositing a copy in the office of point. The provisions of this- paragraph and charges provided in lawfully pub­ the Secretary of the Commission at shall not be constructed to require or lished tariffs shall apply. Washington, D. C., and by filing it with permit the increase of any free time (f) Effective date. This section shall the Director, Division of the Federal .published in tariffs lawfully on file with become effective at 7:00 a. m., June 23, Register. this Commission. • 1947. (b) Computation of free time. (1) (g) Expiration date. This section (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402, 41 Stat. 476, sec. 4, All Sundays and legal holidays shall be shall expire at 7:00 a. m., December 1, 54 Stat. 901; 49 U. S. C. 1 (10)-(17) ) Included in computing the free time 1947, unless otherwise modified, changed, By the Commission, Division 3. * provided in paragraph (a) of this sec­ suspended or annulled by order of this [seal] W. P. B artel, tion. Commission. Secretary. (2) The free time provided in para­ (h) Tariff provisions suspended. The graph (a) of this section shall be com­ operation of all tariffs, rules and regula­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5862; Filed, June 20, 1947; puted continuously from the first 7:00 tions, insofar as they conflict with the 8:56 a. m.]


channels tentatively indicated as avail­ Colorado: '* Nebraska: FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS able to an area to which at least five Denver 2 O jnaha______1 COMMISSION Connecticut: New York: Class B channels have been assigned, Hartford ------1 ' A lb a n y ______2 T ermination op FM Channel R eserva­ has been withheld from assignment since District of Colum­ B u ffalo______2 tion P olicy on J uly 1, 1947; W aiver July 17, 1946, and Class A channels Nos. bia, New York____ _ 4 Washington — 2 R ochester_____ 1 as to Class B FM Applicants of R ule 297, 298, 299 and 300 have been withheld Florida: S y ra cu se _____ 1 Against- R epetitious Applications from assignment since April 3,1947. On July 1, 1947 all of these reserved chan­ Jacksonville —- 1 North Carolina: J une 13, 1947. nels will again become available for.as­ M iam i_____ - — 1 Raleigh ______1 Georgia: Ohio: The Commission announced today1 signment to qualified applicants. Since ------— 1 _____ 1 that the reservation of certain Class A the Commission will consider and act Illinois: ______1 and Class B FM channels from assign­ upon applications for such reserved Chicago ______3 C olu m b u s____ 1 ment will automatically terminate on channels as promptly as possible after P eoria______1 D a y to n ______1 July 1,1947, under §§ 3.203 (d) and 3.204 July 1, persons desiring to make appli­ Indiana: Oklahoma: (c) of the Commission’s rules, and that cation for either Class A or Class B Evansville ——- 1 Oklahoma City_ 1 reserved channels should file their ap­ 1 T u lsa______1 the Commission will consider and act Iowa: Oregon: upon applications for such facilities as plications promptly, and, if possible, Des Moines----- 1 Portland______2 promptly as possible after that date.. should have them on file on or before Kansas: Pennsylvania: The Commission also announced July 1, 1947. In this connection, it is Wichita —------1 H arrisburg___ 1 today the adoption of an order waiving pointed put that under § 1.304 of the Kentucky: Philadelphia__ 2 the requirements of § 1.363 (a)* of the Commission’s rules all FM applications Louisville------1 P ittsb u rg h ___ 1 Commission’s rules with respect, to any filed on or after July 1,1947 must specify Louisiana: S cra n to n _____ 1 applicant for Class B FM facilities whose the particular channel desired. New Orleans_T- 1 Sharon *______1 Commissioner Durr takes the position Shreveport —— 1 Rhode Island: application has been denied, or may Maryland: P rovid en ce___ 1 hereafter be denied, in a comparative that the Commission should take steps Baltimore ------2 Tennessee: hearing (where the applicant was not looking towards further extension of Massachusetts: Chattanooga_1 found to be disqualified), to permit the reservation of FM channels. B o s to n ______2 Knoxville ______1 applicant to file an application for any Listed below are the additional Class H o ly o k e------1 M em p h is_____ 1 reserved Class B FM channel prior to B FM channels that will become avail­ Michigan: N a sh v ille_____ 1 the expiration of one year from the able for assignment in the cities or D e tro it______2 Texas: effective date of the Commission’s order vicinities mentioned upon July 1, 1947: Grand Rapids— 1 Brownsville ___ 1 or decision denying his prior application. Minnesota: Corpus Christi-' 1 Under the FM channel reservation Alabama : California : Minneapolis__ 2 ______1 policy, one out of every five Class B Birm ingham __ 1 F r e sn o _____ . . . 1 Mississippi: Fort Worth______1 Mobile ____. . . . 1 Los Angeles----- 4 H ouston____ — 1 Sacramento _1_1 Jackson ____ — 1 ’ See F. R. Doc. 47-5904, Title 47, Chapter Arizona: Missouri: San Antonio__ _ 1 I, supra. P h o en ix ______1 Salinas______1 : San Diego------1 Kansas City_____1 U tah: 2 This waiver (F. R. Doc. 47-5937) will ap­ St. Louis______2 Salt Lake City— 2 pear in the issue of Tuesday, June 24, 1947, Fort Sm ith____ 1 — 3 under .Title 47, Chapter I, Part 1. Little Rock____ 1 Springfield______1 Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4031 Virginia : West Virginia! Norfolk ______1 Charleston _____ 1 ent FM receivers to provide data for for the most part, on alternate channels R ichm ond____ 1 C larksburg__ 1 determining such Interference ratios. (400 kilocycles apart). Recent develop­ Washington: H u n tin g to n __ 1 The revised tentative allocation plan is ments appear to indicate that such op­ S e a ttle ______2 Wisconsin : the same as that proposed on April 10, eration resulted in interference in many S p okan e______l Milwaukee _____ 2 1947, except that a relatively few changes' of the receivers being produced at the Tacoma ______l in the particular channels allocated to present time. As a result, the revised [seal] F ederal Communications certain cities or areas have been made to plan provides for a minimum fre­ Commission, provide a better use of the frequencies in quency separation of class B stations in T. J. S low ie, those cities and areas. No change has the same general area of 800 kilocycles. Secretary. been made in the total number of Class In no case has the number of class B B channels allocated to any city or area. [P. R. Doc. 47-5907; Filed, June 20, 1947; channels in an area been reduced in this 8:51 a. m.] The changes in channel assignments af­ revision from that listed in the previous fect the following cities: plan. In addition, in instances where the California : Indiana: need has developed, channels have been Fresno. Hammond. added where possible, to provide assign­ Los Angeles. Evansville. Class B FM B roadcast S tations ments for applications which are now on Salinas. Iowa: file with the Commission. This revision NOTICE OF AMENDMENTS TO FM RULES AND San Diego. Burlington. of the tentative allocation plan is sub­ STANDARDS AND ADOPTION OF REVISED TEN­ Santa Barbara. Kentucky: ject to further revisions in the future as Stockton. Bowling Green. TATIVE ALLOCATION PLAN Connecticut: the development of FM broadcasting Massachusetts: might require, in the same manner as the J une 13, 1947. Hartford. Pall River. New Britain. North Adams. previous allocation plan has been revised The Commission announces adoption Florida : Michigan: from time to time. of an order1 making final the amend­ Port Lauderdale. Ann Arbor. The revised tentative allocation plan is ments to the rifles and engineering Orlando. Minnesota: subject to § 3.204 (c) of the Commission’s standards concerning FM broadcast sta­ Palm Beach. Albert Lea. rules which provides for the reservation tions which were proposed on April 10, Georgia : Nebraska: of certain class B channels until July 1, 1947, and adoption of the revised tenta­ Savannah. Grand Island. 1947. As in previous plans, it is empha­ tive allocation plan for Class B FM broad­ Illinois : Hastings. Aurora. Norfolk. sized that this allocation plan is tentative cast stations,2 which was issued as a Carthage. West Virginia: only and that deviations will be made proposed revision on April 10,1947. Also Chicago. Berkley. wherever desirable or necessary. Conse­ released today is a list of the new channel Waukegan. Charleston. quently, the lack of a channel listing for assignments in accordance with the re­ Galesburg. a particular locality does not necessarily vised rules and standards for all FM mean that a channel cannot be made licensees, construction permit holders, Outstanding construction permits and licenses will not be reissued at this time available there. For example, a channel and those conditional grantees author­ listed for a particular area may be ás- ized for interim operation, as of June 9, to specify the changed frequency assign ments, but instead these changes will be signed to any of several cities within that 1947. same general area, provided that the The amended rules and engineering included in succeeding instruments of authorization. In order to minimize the geographical change will not result in standards, and the revised tentative al­ objectionable interference. location plan, were made effective imme­ possibility of interference during the transition period, stations which will While the allocation plan is based on diately. stations employing an effective radiated The amendments to the rules affect change frequency must request Com­ mission approval prior to beginning op­ power of 20 kilowatts and antenna §§ 3.203 (a), (b) and (d); and 3.204 (b). height of 500 feet above average terrain, The amendments to the standards affect eration on the new frequency. In some metropolitan areas it may be necessary stations in most areas of the United sections 1-M; 2-A, B, C and E; and 4. States are not limited to this power. The The amendments to the rules are iden­ to set a date on which all stations in the area will be required to change simul­ separation of stations varies from that tical with those proposed on April 10, required by ground wave interference 1947. The amendments to the standards taneously to the new frequency assign­ ments. The Commission will assist in (principally in the eastern United are identical with those proposed on April States) to the separation required for 10, 1947, except that a change has been resolving any conflicts which may arise in particular areas. It appears, however, freedom from tropospheric interference made in proposed section 4 to conform to one percent of the time or less (princi­ the purposes of the amendments as that conflicts will be few and that sta­ tions now operating may for the most pally in the western areas J. In general, stated in the Commission’s Public Notice the separation of stations increases to­ of April 10, 1947. The change modifies part schedule the change in frequency to meet their particular requirements. ward the western part of the country section 4 by adding the provision at the where the expected demand for channels beginning of the paragraph which fol­ It is expected that all changes will have taken place by October 1, 1947. will be less and where added protection lows Table II to provide that pending for weak signals will be provided. Since, the determination by the Commission of [seal] F ederal Communications under the rules, Class B stations may interference ratios for 400 kc and 600 Com mission, vary considerably in power and antenna kc channel separation “stations normally T . J. S low ie, height, the interference may be more or will not be authorized to operate in the Secretary. less than that which would be indicated same city or in nearby cities with a fre­ [P. R. Doc. 47-5905; Filed, June 20, 1947; by this allocation plan.^ It will be noted quency separation of less than 800 kc, 8:50 a. m.J that only a few channels have been des­ Provided, That stations may be author­ ignated for a number of small cities, par­ ized to operate in nearby cities with a ticularly in the West, since it appears frequency separation of not less than Class B FM B roadcast S tations that these will supply the probable de­ 400 kc where necessary in order to provide mand. In such cases, more channels are an equitable and efficient distribution of REVISED TENTATIVE ALLOCATION PLAN available and will be provided as re­ facilities, and, Provided further, That J une 13, 1947. quired. Examination will also reveal , class B stations will not be authorized in that in some sections of the country more Revised Tentative Allocation Plan for channels are designated for certain areas the ¡tame metropolitan district with a Class B FM Broadcast Stations than for others therein having compara­ frequency separation of less than 800 kc.” The attached revised tentative alloca­ ble or larger populations. This results The change also explains that the Com­ tion plan for FM broadcast stations is from the fact that areas near large cen­ mission is studying various types of pres- based on the amendments to the FM ters of population usually contain a rules and engineering standards adopted number of cities which require channels, 1See P. R. Doc. 47-5904, Title 47, Chapter on this date. The former tentative al­ while other areas are farther from dense I, supra. location plan, as revised by the Commis­ population centers and thus involve no 2 See P. R. Doc. 47-5903, immediately fol­ sion on September 3, 1946 was based on lowing this document. objectionable interference by the alloca­ assignments in a general area which were tion of more channels in its section. 4032 California—Continued Alabama Channel No. General area Channel No. 236,256. General area Santa Maria------A n n isto n ______263. 229,273. See Birmingham. Santa R o s a ------B essem er----- .------— 225, 297. 229,250,258, 273,284, 295. S to c k to n ______Birmingham (includes Bessemer)------Visalia ------254,295. Decatur ______223. 264, 286. 225,290. Tulare ------Dothan ______W atsonville ______See Salinas. G adsd en------,------279. 236. Colorado H u n tsv ille------255,260. L a n e t t ------275« A lam osa______225,235, 248, 260,27Ì, 300. 222,227, 243, 274. Mobile ______Colorado Springs 231, 239, 247, 253, 258, 262, 270, 279, M ontgom ery______233,277,298. D en v er______275, 287. 286, 294. Muscle S h o a ls ------235,278. Opelika (see also Columbus, Ga.)------243. Durango ------239,293. Grand Junction . 226, 298. S e lm a ------235,290. Sylacauga (see also Talladega)------270. Greeley ------246. La J u n ta ______282, 300. Talladega (see also Sylacauga)------236,251, 266, 291. Tuscaloosa ------255, 267. Pueblo ______t — S te r lin g ______245, 282. Arizona ______226,262. Connecticut Globe Bridgeport (includes Danbury) 248, 260, 268. Lowell . ______241, 279. See Bridgeport. ______238,245, 253,275, 295. Danbury ------Phoenix 229, 243, 275, 291, 295. ______229,284. Hartford (also see Meriden) — Prescott Meriden (also seexHartford) — 239. Safford . "_I______247,299. ______234,258,270,289. New Britain ______279. Tucson . 236, 256, 264,300. ZI______236,267. New H a v en ------Yuma _. New L ond on______._____— 258, 266, 293. 223,273,287. Arkansas W aterbury------Blytheville (see also Jonesboro)------241,286. Delaware NOTICES 229, 241, 258, 2/91. El D orad o------236, 287. W ilm ington------223, 235,271, 281,299. Fort S m ith ______District of Columbia 229,262. 230, 242, 246, 254, 258,262, 266, 278, Helena ______Washington Hot Springs and Hot Springs N. P ------227, 238, 258. 286,290,297. Jonesboro (see also Blytheville)------•------270, 300. 231,245,266,278, 297. F lorida Little Rock ______Daytona Beach ------233, 248. Pine B lu ff______222. 245, 256. 243, 289. Fort M y ers------Siloam Springs------Fort Lauderdale------—------278, 293. 281, 297. California Gainesville - ______229, 236, 241, 245, 259,264, 270. 223,231,243. Jacksonville ------Bakersfield ------238,263. C h ic o ______266, 278. Key W est------227,275. 239 295. El C entro------L ak elan d ______226’, 230, 235, 242, 247,260, 268,275, Eureka „______234, 242. M iam i______229, 238, 250, 258, 270, 274, 284. 286. Fresno ______222,226,230,234, 238, 242,246, 250, O cala______256,267. Los Angeles (metropolitan district)----- "------222,243, 262, 287. 254, 258, 262, 266, 270, 274, 278, O rlan d o______i— 282, 286, 290, 294, 298. Palm B each ______250, 298. 254,260,268, 284. Panama C ity ------283, 299. Marysville ------¡—------223,255, 266. M erced ______-____ 236, 248. Pensacola ______277,281, 289. St. Augustine — ------225,291. M odesto------250.273, 284, M on terey______See Salinas. St. Petersburg------264. Sarasota ------258, 279. Palm' S p rin g s------— 246.274. R ed d in g ______230,248. Tallahassee ______—------248,256. T a m p a ______227,264,289,300. R iversid e______254, 271. Sacram ento------233,241,245, 293, 300. West Palm B e a c h ------Salinas (including Monterey, Santa Cruz and Watson■ 233, 241, 245,293, 299. Georgia 258, 266, 271. ville). A lb a n y ______■—------San Bernardino______236, 260. 258,273. 223, 231, 243, 268, 284, 300. A th e n s______— ------225, 231, 238,248, 253, 260, 277,283. San D ie g o ______■— ------Atlanta ______San Francisco-Oakland (metropolitan district)------227,231, 235, 239,243, 247, 251, 255, 279, 289, 298. 259, 263, 267, 271, 275, 279, 283, Augusta ------B runsw ick______275,289. 287, 291, 295. 241, 289. 222,253. Cedartown (includes Dalton)------San Jose ______Columbus (see also Opelika, Ala.)------227, 236,300. 227,260, 279. 23Ò, 241. San Luis Obispo Cordele ------Santa Barbara . 268,284, 300. Georgia—Continued I ndiana— Continued 1947 21, June Saturday, General area Channel No. General area D a lto n ______Channel No. See Cedartown and Rome. Hammond ______1______222. Dublin ______234, 251. Indianapolis (includes Anderson)______Gainesville ______300. 222, 226, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, 254, 283. Griffin ______268. K okom o______La G ran ge______260, 299. 281. Lafayette ______236, 268. Macon ______245, 256,264, 291. Marion ______Moultrie ______295. 278,286. M u n cie______273, 281. N ew n a n ______222. Richmond ______:______Rome ______258. 293, 297. Shelbyville ______267. Savannah ______238, 243, 247, 262. South Bend______Thomasville_____ 267, 284. 250, 294. Terre Haute.'______{______260,266. Toccoa ______275. V in cen n es______Valdosta ______289, 293. 223, 239. West Lafayette______256. W aycross______283, 299. REGISTER FEDERAI West P o in t ______287. Iowa A m e s______.___ Idaho 238. Boise ______Atlantic ______293. 222,251,291. B o o n e ______;______Idaho Palls ______229,277. 251,295. Lewiston ______B u rlin gton ______225. 247,283. Cedar Rapids______*,______Nampa ______245, 293. 235,270. C lin to n ______P o ca te llo ______243, 266. 241. Twin P a lls______Davenport (see also Rock Island, 111.)______:_____ 233, 279. 226,259, 294. D ecorah ______Wallace ______238, 263. 223, 230. Des Moines______.______222, 231, 247, 253, 262, MS. 'I llinois Dubuque ______236, 263, 277. Alton ______260. Fort Dodge______274, 287. Aurora (includes Joliet)______.______236, 256. Iowa City______229,259. Bloomington ______268, 297. Keokuk ______274. Cairo (see also Cape Girardeau, Mo.)______239. Marshalltown______270, 291. C arbondale______225. Mason City______266, 281. Carthage ______253, 295. O ttum w a______242, 264. C ham paign______See Urbana. Shenandoah ______277,289,297. Chicago ______226, 230, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, 254, Sioux City______235, 256,271. 258, 262, 266, 270, 274, 278, 282, S p en cer______223, 259. 286, 290, 300. Waterloo ______254, 298. Decatur ______254, 271. East St. Louis______See St. Louis, Mo. Kansas Elgin ______See Chicago. A tch iso n ______239, 255. E v a n sto n ______See Chicago. Coffeyville______236, 266. Freeport ______273. Dodge C ity______234, 293. Galesburg ______247,281. Em poria______223, 245. Harrisburg ______260, 264. Garden City______247, 270. Herrin ______243, 253. Great Bend______242,287. Jacksonville ______’______263,291. H u tch in so n ______226,289. J o l ie t ____»______See Aurora. Kansas C ity______See Kansas City, Mo. Kankakee ______264. Lawrence ______243, 286. Mount Vernon ______231, 277. M a n h attan ______247, 267. Peoria - ______223, 227, 231, 239, 243, 299. M cPherson______277. Q u in cy ______258, 286. Pittsburg ______256,273. R ock ford ______248. Salina ____ .____ L______233,238. Rock Island (see also Davenport, Iowa) 255, Topeka ______231,258, 273. Springfield ______275,279, 283. W ic h ita ______IIIIIII" 250, 262, 271,284,297. Tuscola ______245, 287. Urbana (includes Champaign)______248, 277, 284. Kentucky W auk egan______294. Ashland ______See Huntington, W. Va. Bowling Green______'______251,266. Indiana H arlan______._____ . . . ______Anderson ______!.______238. See Indianapolis. Henderson ______See Evansville, Ind. Columbus ______229. Hopkinsville____ 1______Connersville______230,254. 262. L ex in g to n ______225,233. Crawfordsville ______275. L o u isv ille______236, 248, 259, 264, 268, 284, 300. Elkhart ______236, 264. Owensboro ______See Evansville, Ind. 4033 Evansville (includes Henderson and Owensboro, Ky.)_, 223, 233, 241, 258, 273, 281, 297. P a d u ca h ______Port Wayne______227, 245, 262. 241, 279, 287, 291. W inchester______241,251. 4034 Michigan—Continued Louisiana General area Channel No. General area Channel No. Sault Sainte Marie------226,295. Alexandria ______245,259, 273. 243, 268. 251, 266, 282. Traverse City ------Baton Rouge------Wyandotte------See . Lafayette ______241,268. Lake Charles______248, 289. Minnesota Monroe ______277, 281, 295. Albert L ea______.______'------241, 222,250, 264. New Orleans------r — 222, 229, 239,246,262,274, 287, 298. Duluth (includes Superior, Wis.) ------Sh reveport______—- — ------233, 243, 266, 275, 298. Fergus Falls______242, 297. H ib b in g ______:------279,286. Maine 243, 278. 222,267,287. Mankato______i------A u g u sta ------Minneapolis (indues St. Paul)------229,239,246,253, 258, 262, 267, 271, Bangor ______226,246, 281, 295. 275, 281, 290, 294. 230,275. Lewiston ______Moorhead (see also Fargo, N. D .)------230,236. Portland (see also , N. H.)------250, 270, 300. 251,300. 242, 290. N orthfield______Presque Isle------R o c h e ste r ______234, 286, 297. St. C loud------233,284. Maryland See Minneapolis. Baltimore (includes Annapolis)------222, 226, 234, 238, 250,256, 270, 274, St. Paul______—...... — ------282, 294Ì 300. V irgin ia______—- 230,259. 275, 295. Willmar .------225,255. C um berland______248,273. Frederick------268. Winona______284. Hagerstown ______Mississippi Salisbury ______248, 268. d a rk sd a le______- ______248,256. Massachusetts C olu m b u s------226,245. 268, 278. (includes Waltham)------225,233, 241, 245, 253, 273, 277, 281, C o r in th ______.______289, 294. G reen ville------270,283. 235,293. Fall River (includes New Bedford)------247, 251, 279. G reenw ood------—■ 284. G u lfp o r t______243, 268. Fitchburg ______- ______250,290. Haverhill ______223. Hattiesburg ______NOTICES 226Ì 234, 246, 250, 254, 262, 270, 282. J a ck so n ______233,247,258, 275, 286. Holyoke (includes Springfield)------279,295. Lawrence ------229. Laurel ------258. M cC om b______226,255. LoWell ______— ------271, 281. New Bedford------*------See Fall River. Macon ______248. M erid ian ------241, 253. North Adams______231,264. P itts fie ld ------260, 268. Natchez !______See Holyoke. T u p e lo ______— 233,242. Springfield______238, 297. Waltham ______See Boston. V ick sb u rg___ !______236,256, 264. Worcester ______Missouri Michigan Cape Girardeau (see also Cairo, 111.)------267, 291. See St. Louis. Ann Arbor______— 254, 274. Clayton ______271,289. C olu m b ia______233,¿68. 1 Battle Creek (includes Kalamazoo)------245, 300. Bay City______- — See Saginaw. H an n ib al------260. Jefferson City------253, 277. Benton Harbor------241, 287. Cadillac ------253. Joplin ------226,268. Kansas City (includes Kansas City, Kans.)------227, 235, 251, 263, 271, 282, 290, 294, Calumet ------299. Detroit (includes Pontiac, Royal Oak, and Wyandotte) — 226, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, 258, 262, 266, 270, 278, 282, 290, 298. Poplar Bluff__ ------;------233, 279. 222 284. East L a n sin g ------See Lansing. St. Joseph______234,281. St. Louis (includes Clayton)------229^ 236, 241, 247, 251, 256, 266, 273, Escanaba ______281, 294, 298. Flint (includes Lapeer)------236,260,264,300. 223, 229,245, 273, 278, 286. Sedalia ______259,279. Grand Rapids------225, 234, 238, 284, 297. Ironw ood------270, 290. Springfield ------2 2 2 . Jackson ------Montana See Battle Creek. K a la m a zo o ______B illin g s...... - ...... ------230,274. Lansing (includes E. Lansing)------248, 256, 284. Bozeman —______—------22^’ Lapeer ______— See Flint. 226, 238. Butte ______2 2®®‘ Ludington ______Great Falls ______25°>2^ ' M arquette----:------230, 256. Helena ------2« ’ *£ • M u sk egon ______293,297. P o n t ia c ______See Detroit. Kalispell ------I l l ’l l Miles City------„00* Port H uron------256,284. See Detroit. Missoula ______------— ------Royal O ak______Sidney ______233,267. Saginaw (includes Bay City)------233,241, 251. ebraska

N 1947 21, June Saturday, New Y ork—Continued General area Channel No. General area Fremont (see also Omaha) 245. Channel No. O le a n ______238, 264. Grand Island ______243, 291. O n e o n ta ______H a stin g s______256,282. 271, 279. O sw ego______284. K earn ey______256, 294. P lattsburg______275, 281. L in c o ln ______229, 250, 275, 287. Poughkeepsie______284. Norfolk ______258,273 . R o ch ester______223, 243, 250, 255, 267, 279. North Platte______238, 274. R o m e ______Omaha (see also Fremont) 239. 225, 241, 254, 260, 266, 281, 300. Saranac Lake______u____ 225, 247. Scottsbluff ______241, 277. Syracuse (includes Auburn) 226, 233, 241, 253, 273, 281, 297. T r o y ------Nevada See Albany. Boulder City______Utica ______229, 245, 277, 289. 229, 270. Watertown ______Las Vegas______250, 262,289. 251, 263.

R e n o ______NOTICES 226, 238, 262. North Carolina New H ampshire Ahoskie ______270. C larem ont______1______291. A sh ev ille------268,273,282,291. Keene - _- ______300. B u r lin g to n ------266, L a co n ia ______247. Charlotte (see also G astonia)______260, 278,284 299. M anchester______239, 266. Concord (see also Salisbury)______243! Mount Washington______235, 255, 263, 283. D u rh am ______286. Portsmouth ______297. Elizabeth City------23l! 266. Fayetteville ______.______251. New Jersey Gastonia (see also Charlotte)______270. Atlantic City------253, 264. G oldsboro______227*. B rid g eto n ______255. Greensboro (see also High Point and Winston-Salem____ 222, 247, 254,262. C am d en ______See . G reen ville------250,256. Ewing Tow nship______See Trenton. H enderson______297. Greenbrook Township______256. Hickory ------1___I __ZIZZI 275, 295. Trenton (includes Ewing Tow nship)______248, 268, 284. High Point (see also Greensboro and Winston-Salem)__ 238.258. New Mexico Kinston (see ajso New Bern)______236,245. Albuquerque ______225, 242, 264, 287. New Bern (see also Kinston)______279! Carlsbad ______226, 262. Jacksonville ------II III 225] 260. C lo v is______255,291. R aleigh------233. 241, 268, 273,277. G a llu p ______222, 279. Roanoke Rapids (see also Rocky Mount)______223,253. Hobbs ______235, 266. Rocky Mount (see also Roanoke Rapids)^1______264,282. Las Vegas______230,275. R eid sville______291* Roswell ______246, 277. S alisb u ry______293" Santa Fe______•______253, 295. Statesville ______289! Tucumcari ______239, 270. W ashington ______275. Wilmington ------” 11111111 230, 242. New Y ork W ils o n ------290,294,300. Albany (includes Schenectady and Troy)______222, 230, 238, 242, 258, 266, 274, 278, Winston-Salem (see also Greensboro and High Point)__ 226,281. 286, 290, 294, 298. A u b u r n ____ i______See Syracuse. North Dakota Batavia ______235, 259. Bismarck (includes M andan)______;______229,250, 273, 294. B ingh am ton______.______251, 263, 299. Devil’s Lake ------226, 266! Buffalo (includes Niagara Falls)______225, 229, 241, 245, 253, 273, 277, 281, Fargo (see also Moorhead, Minn.)______222,260. 293, 297. Grand Forks ------234,254,278,299. Coram ______See New York or possibly Connec­ Jam estow n______239 284. ticut Channels. M andan------.------See Bismarck. Corning (see also Elmira)______291. Minot -______oio onn D u n k irk ______'______233. Valley City------"” ” ” ” 111111 246,’27o! Elmira (see also Corning)______.___ 295. Ohio Gloversville ______r______234. Akron (includes Tallmadge)______’__ 239, 243, 248. Hornell ______i ______287. Alliance (includes C anton)______223* 231,’235. Ithaca ______; 230, 247. Ashland ------,------;______267, 273. Jam estow n ______227, 284. Ashtabula ------See Erie, Pa. K in g sto n ______235. A th e n s______i______.______297. M assena______287, 295. Bellaire ------see Wheeling, W. Va. New York (includes numerous adjacent cities)______222, 226, 230, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, C a n to n ------See Alliance. 254, 258, 262, 266, 270, 274, 278, Cincinnati (includes Hamilton)------______266,270,274,278,282,286,290,294,

282, 286, 290, 294, 298. 298. 4035 Niagara Falls. See Buffalo. Cleveland (includes Lorain) Ogdensburg . 253, 258, 264, 271, 277, 281, 289, 293, 279, 291. 297. P ennsylvania—Continued Ohio—Continued General area Channel No. General area Channel No. DuBois. 222, 226, 234, 238, 242, 246, 250, 254. dearaeld ------C olu m b u s------DuBois (includes Clearfield)------256>271. Dayton (includes Springfield) 236, 248, 256, 260, 264, 268, 284. Allentown. 263. E a s to n ------Findlay ______Erie (includes Ashtabula, Ohio)------246>250, 260, 279. 275. Philadelphia. Fostoria ______Glenside ------Freemont ______See Toledo. See Cincinnati. G reen sb urg------'• H a m ilto n ______Harrisburg ------2®®’ 247, 255, 259, 293, 298. L im a ______271, 277, 293. See Cleveland. Hazleton ------— ------f— 227. L o ra in ______J o h n sto w n ------287. Mansfield ______279, 287, 291. 267. 295. L ancaster______245, Marion ______L ebanon------281. Newark (includes Zanesville)- 262, 299. 250. See Huntington, W. Va Lewistown ______226, Portsmouth ______Meadville ______-— ------See Sharon. Springfield —------See Dayton. Sharon. See Wheeling, W. Va. New Castle------®ee Steubenville______New Kensington______®ee . Tallmadge i------See Akron. 299. 260, 268, 284, 300. Oil City______*------290, Toledo (includes Freemont) _ Philadelphia (includes Glenside, Pa. and Camden, N. J.)- 223, 227, 231, 239, 243, 251, 271, 275, Warren (see also Sharon, Pa.) 227, 300. 279, 287, 291, 295. 260,283. W ooster______Pittsburgh (includes New Kensington, Beaver Falls and 225, 229, 233, 241, 245, 251, 259, 268. Youngstown ______— See Sharon, Pa. See Newark. B utler). Z a n esv ille___- ______Pottsville ______238, 270. R ead in g------225, 233, 273. Oklahoma 222, 229, 241, 253, 267, 277, 289, 297. 226, 284. Scranton (includes Wilkes-Barre)------Ada ______284. Ardmore ______229. S h am ok in ______— Sharon (includes Warren and Youngstown, Ohio; Mead­ 255, 262, 266,275, 286, 295. Bartlesville ------291. 298. ville and New Castle, Pa.). Clinton ------282. D u ra n t______- —------297. State College------239,277. Sunbury ------231, 275. Elk C ity------289, 293. E n id ______—------243, 274. Uniontown ______W ashington ------273, 282. L a w to n ______;------251, 267. See Scranton. Muskogee ------253, 268. Wilkes-Barre ------,------See . Williamsport 1------——.------262, 286. Norman ______253, 263, 277, 289. Oklahoma City (includes Norman)------222, 234, 255, 263, 270, 282, 290. York ______— .------r~ S3DI10N Okmulgee ------260, 275. R hode Island Ponca C ity______- 293. P a w tu c k e t ______- ______See Providence. Shawnee ______241, 248. Providence ______222- 231 ’ 238' 280> »»■ 286’ *»• Stillwater ______300. Tulsa ______238, 246, 251, 258, 27Ö, 286, 295. South Carolina A n d erso n ------266,287. Oregon C harleston______— --—- — — 236,245, 271. Albany ______241, 260. Columbia (see also Sum ter)------226,233,250,258. A storia------— 242, 268. 250, 274. Conway - ______222, B ak er______F lo ren ce______231, 291. Bend ______236, 275. 250. Greenville (see also Spartanburg)------223,229,236. C orvallis------G reenw ood------229, 2®®‘ E u gen e______•______256, 284. OQ7 245, 260. L an caster______’ Grants Pass ______Rock H ill------Klamath Falls __— ------— 233, 251, 268. 243, 260. Spartanburg (see also Greenville)------25° -2®2- La Grande______Sumter (see also Columbia)------267>274* M arshfield______239, 266. Medford ______229, 286. South Dakota P en d leto n ______226, 278. A berdeen------264,282. Portland (see also Vancouver, Wash.).------222, 226, 238, 246, 254, 262, 266, 278, 241, 258. 282, 290, 294, 298. P ierre------Rapid City—------234, 254, 278, 290. 234, 274. 227, 247, 275, 286. R oseburg------— Sioux Falls------— Salem ______1------230, 286. V erm illion------264, 284. 251,287. The D a lles------Watertown ______231, 268. 262,295. P ennsylvania Yankton ______236, 260, 264, 300. Allentown (includes Bethlehem and Easton)------T ennessee Altoona ------243,279., See Pittsburgh. Bristol (includes Johnson City and Kingsport)------223, 245. Beaver Falls______Chattanooga (includes Cleveland)------2®4’ 24®- 251- 256’ 266’ 27L Bethlehem ______See Allentown. 248. Clarksville ______270’™ T „„„ - Bradford (see also Jamestown and Olean, N. Y.)------Cleveland — ...... ------See Chattanooga. Butler ______See Pittsburgh. Tennessee—Continued Utah—Continued 1947 21, June Saturday, General area Channel No. General area Channel No. C ook eville______283. P ro v o ------—------226,299. J a ck so n ------264, 284. Salt Lake City__------_------230, 238, 246, 254, 258, 262, 270, 278, Johnson City (also see Bristol)______264. 286, 295. Kingsport (also see B ristol)______,i______253. Vermont Knoxville ______227, 247, 258, 262, 279, 286. B u r lin g to n ------¿------;------231,289. M em p h is______238, 246, 250, 259, 274, 282, 290, 295. Rutland ______271. Nashville ______225,238, 248, 277, 290, 298. St. A lb an s------¿------243, 267. T exas W aterbury------227, 251. Abilene ______245, 278. Virginia Amarillo ______226, 262, 282. Alexandria ______See Washington, D. C. Austin ______222, 267, 284. Charlottesville (includes Staunton)______B eau m on t______273, 293. 227, 258, 300. C ovin gton ______238, 286.

Belton ______- ______REGISTER FEDERAL See Temple. Danville '______1______230, 250. Big S p r in g ------239, 270. Fredericksburg ______Brady ______See Washington, D. C. 236, 256. Front Royal______236. Brownsville (includes Harlingen, McAllen, and Weslaco). 222, 229, 234, 247, 258, 277. Harrisonburg______Brownw ood______227, 264. 282, 290. Lynchburg ______248, 300. College Station ______231, 259. Martinsville ______1 --______Corpus Christi______242, 271. 238, 255, 283, 293, 300. Newport N ews ______^______I______See Norfolk. Corsicana ______271, 279. Norfolk (includes Newport News, Portsmouth and Suf­ D a lla s______,______243, 247, 255, 259, 273, 277, 287, 291, 223, 250, 266, 283, 295, 300. folk) . 299. D en to n ______L______291. P etersb u rg______229, 239. El Paso______234, 275. Portsmouth ______:______See Norfolk. Fort Worth______227, 242, 258, 263, 287. Richmond ______G a lv esto n ______225, 233, 251, 271, 275, 281, 295. 254, 279. Roanoke ______235, 256, 279. H arlin g en ______:______;______See Brownsville. Staunton ______H ou ston ______See Charlottesville. 239, 243, 250, 266, 275, 286, 291, 295. S u ffo lk ______See Norfolk. H u n tsville__ _ *______234, 262. Winchester ______223. Kilgore (includes Longview and Tyler)_____ ,______229, 247, 290. L ared o______243, 267. Washington Longview ______See Kilgore. A berdeen_____ *______262, 293. Lubbock ______,______242, 258, 300. Bellingham ______225, 281. L u fk in ______238, 281. C en tfa lia ______229, 284. Midland ______222, 281. Everett ______241, 245. M cA llen______See Brownsville. L ongview ______234, 274. O d essa ______248. O ly m p ia __ .______271, 279. P a le stin e ______225, 274. Port Angeles______¿______233,297. . P a m p a ______253, 289. Pullman ______229, 270. Paris ______255,273. » Pasco ______—*------;______253, 298. Pecos _?______230, 294. S e a ttle ______231, 235, 251, 255, 260, 264, 268, 275, Plainview ______246, 297. 287, 291, 295, 300. Port Arthur______270, 293. Spokane______225, 236, 243, 251, 275, 287. San A n gelo______233, 274. T a c o m a ______¡______223, 227, 239, 243, 247, San Antonio______225, 234, 242, 247, 251, 258, 263, 273, Vancouver (see also Portland, Oreg.)______258. 281, 289, 297. Walla Walla______234, 268. S h erm a n ______236. Wenatchee ______281. 293. Sw eetw ater______;______226, 264. Y a k im a ______241,248,277. Temple (includes Belton)______246, 298. Texarkana ______251, 264, 293. West Virginia Tyler (see also Kilgore)______268, Beckley ______258,267. Vernon ______•__ 254, 271. Bluefleld (includes Welch)______227, 283, 298. Victoria *______230, 270. Charleston ______225, 241,248,253,289. Waco ______254, 277. Clarksburg (includes Fairmont and Morgantown)______222, 236, 270, 287, 300. Waxahachie ______f ,______See Dallas and Fort Worth. Fairmont ______See Clarksburg. Weslaco ______See Brownsville. Huntington (includes Ashland, Ky., and Portsmouth, 229, 233, 263, 273, 281, 291. Wichita Falls______231, 247, 260, 203. Ohio). Logan ______277, 294. Utah M organtown______See Clarksburg. Cedar City 233, 297. Parkersburg ______293. Logan ___ 250, 290. Welch ______I _____ See Bluefleld. Ogden ___ 234, 274. Wheeling (includes Bellaire and Steubenville, Ohio)____ 247, 254, 263,'278. P r ic e ____ 242, 282. W illiam son______222, 236. »t*. a 4038 NOTICES [Docket No. 8416] Wisconsin Channel No. General area P awtucket B roadcasting Co. (WFCI) Appleton (Includes Neenah)------222, 253. Ashland ------245, 254. ORDER DESIGNATING APPLICATION FOR HEAR­ B e lo it______297. ING ON STATED ISSUES Eau Claire______231, 279. Fond du Lac------247, 258. In re application of Pawtucket Broad­ Green B a y ------266, 273, 289. casting Company (WFCI), Pawtucket, Greenfield Township------See Madison. Rhode Island, Docket No. 8416, File No. Janesville ------260. BML-1249; for Modification of License. La Crosse______226,233. At a session of the Federal Communi­ Madison (includes Greenfield Township)------255, 268, 290. cations Commission, held at its offices Manitowoc ______233, 241. in Washington, D. C., on the 11th day Marinette ______—------286, 298. 260, 300. of June 1947. M edford______- ______The Commission having under con­ Milwaukee ------223, 227, 231, 239, 243, 251, 271, 275, 279, 287, 291, 299. sideration the above-entitled application Neenah ______See Appleton. requesting a modification of license for Oshkosh ______225, 229. Station WFCI to move its main studios Poynette ______235. from 450 Main Street, Pawtucket, Rhode R a c in e ______264, 284. Island, to 11 Dorrance Street, Providence, Rice Lake ------236, 242. Rhode Island; Sheboygan ______262, 282. It is ordered, That, pursuant to section Stevens Point______— 245, 293. 309 (a) of the Communications Act of Superior ______*------See Duluth, Minn. 1934, as amended, the said application W au sau ______238, 250,264, 284. be, and it is hereby, designated for hear­ Wisconsin Rapids______277. ing at a time and place to be designated Wyoming by subsequent order of the Commission, C a sp er___ _ 229, 264. upon the following issues: C h ey en n e__ 226, 266, 298. 1. To determine the comparative needs Powell _____ 234, 258. of the cities of Pawtucket and Provi­ Rock Springs 236, 248. dence, Rhode Island, for broadcast serv­ S h erid an___ 262, 283. ice originating in local studios, and, in view thereof, whether a grant of this application would contribute to a fair, [seal] F ederal Communications 1. To determine the areas and popu­ efficient and equitable distribution of Commission, lations which may be expected to gain or lose primary service from the opera­ radio service to each. T . J. S lowie, 2. To determine whether the operation Secretary. tion of Station WGLN as proposed and the character of other broadcast service of Station WFCI as proposed would be in [F. R. Doc. 47-5903; Filed, June 20, 1947; available to those areas and populations. compliance with the Commission’s rules 8:50 a. m.] and Standards of Good Engineering 2. To determine whether the operation Practice Concerning Standard Broadcast of Station WGLN as proposed would in­ Stations with particular reference to volve objectionable interference with whether satisfactory service would be [Docket No. 8404] Stations WJOY, Burlington, Vermont; rendered to the business and industrial WSNY, Schenectady, New York; and district of Providence, Rhodé Island. G lens F alls P ublicity Corp. (W GLN) WHUC, Hudson, New York, or with any other existing broadcast stations, and, Notice is hereby given that § 1.857 of ORDER DESIGNATING APPLICATION FOR HEAR­ if so, the nature and extent thereof, the the Commission’s rules and regulations is ING ON STATED ISSUES areas and populations affected thereby, not applicable to this proceeding. In re application of Glens Falls Pub­ and the availability of other broadcast By the Commission. licity Corporation (WGLN), Glens Falls, service to such areas and populations. [ seal] * T. J. S lowie, New York, Docket No. 8404, File No. 3. To determine whether the operation Secretary. BML-1247; For Modification of License. of Station WGLN as proposed would in­ At a session of the Federal Communi­ volve objectionable interference with the [F. R. Doc. 47-5902; Filed, June 20, 1947; cations Commission, held at its offices services proposed in any pending appli­ 8:49 a. m.] 4 in Washington, D. C., on the 11th day of cations for broadcast facilities and, if so, June 1947; the nature and extent thereof, the areas The Commission having under con­ and populations affected thereby, and sideration the above-entitled application the availability of other broadcast serv­ FM B roadcast S tations requesting a modification of license of ice to such areas and populations. FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENTS Station WGLN, Glens Falls, New York, It is further ordered, that Vermont to change the facilities of said station Broadcasting Corporation, licensee of J une 12, 1947. from 1230 kc, 100 w power, unlimited Station WJOY, Burlington, Vermont; In accordance with the revised FM time, to 1230 kc, 250 w power, unlimited Western Gateway Broadcasting Corpo­ rules and standards adopted June 12, time, and a petition by Vermont Broad­ ration, licensee of Station WSNY, Sche­ 1947, in Docket No. 6768/ the Commis­ casting Corporation, licensee of Station nectady, New York; and Robert P. Stra- sion announces frequency assignments WJOY, Burlington, Vermont, requesting kos and John F. Kearney, d/b as The for all FM broadcast station licensees, that the above entitled application be Colgren Broadcasting Company, permit­ construction permit holders, and those designated for hearing and that peti­ tee of a construction permit for a new holders of conditional grants which are tioner be made a party to the proceed­ standard broadcast station, WHUC, authorized for interim operation, as of ing; Hudson, New York, be, and they are June 9, 1947. These frequency assign­ It is ordered, That the petition of Ver­ hereby, made parties to this proceeding. ments are shown in the following list. mont Broadcasting Corporation be, and Notice is hereby given that § 1.857 of Operation prior to March 1, 1948, on it is hereby, granted; and the Commission’s rules and regulations channel assignments- indicated by as­ It is further ordered, That, pursuant is not applicable to this proceeding. terisks (*) will be contingent on clear­ to section 309 (a) of the Communica­ ance of image frequency interference tions Act of 1934, as amended, the said By the Commission. in present aeronautical navigational aid application of Glens Falls Publicity Cor­ [SEAL] T. J. S lowie, receivers. poration be, and it is hereby, designated Secretary. for hearing, at a time and place to be # [F. R. Doc. 47-5898; Filed, June 20, 1947; »See F. R. Doc. 47-5904, Title 47, Chapter designated by subsequent order of the I, supra. Commission, upon the following issues: 8:49 a. m.] Saturday, Juné 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4039

Fre­ Chan­ State and city Call letters Fre­ Chan- Licensee or permittee quency nel State and city Call letters Licensee or permittee quency7 nel me. No. me. No.

Alabama: California—Con. WHMA-FM__ Harry M. Avers...... 100 6 San Luis Obispo KVEC-FM ___ Birmingham..... WAFM______The Valley Electric C o...... 99.9 260 Voice of Alabama, Inc 99.5 258 San Mateo.-...... KSMO-FM Amphlett Printing Co______93.3 227 WBRC-FM. Birmingham Broadcasting 102.5 273 Santa A na...... KVOE-FM . The Voice of the Orange Em­ 96.7 244 Co., Inc. pire, Inc. WDXE...... Johnston Broadcasting Co___ 104.7 284 Santa Maria____ KRJM __ WSGN-FM___ Santa Maria Daily Times___ 103.1 276 The Birmingham News Co__ 93.7 229 Stockton...... KGDM-FM __ E. F. Peffer...... 92r9 225 WJBY-FM...... Gadsden Broadcasting Co., 103.7 279 Connecticut: Inc. Danbury...... WLAD...... The Berkshire Broadcasting 98.3 252 The Huntsville Times Co., 95.1 236 Corp. Inc. Hartford...... WDRC-FM__ WDEC, Inc______WAFB...... 93.7 229 Mobile______Mobile Daily Newspapers, 107.9 300 WTIC-FM ...... The Travelers Broadcasting 96.5 *243 Inc. Service Corp. WALA-FM.... Pape Broadcasting C o ...... 102.1 271 WONS-FM___ The , Inc___ 102.9 275 WKRG-FM__ Giddens & Rester______99.9 260 M eriden.. ____ WMMW-FM.. WMOB-FM__ Silver City Crystal Co______95.7 239 Nunn Broadcasting Corp...... 97.5 248 New Britain...... WKNB-FM__ The New Britain Broadcast-' 103.7 279 Montgomery___ WMGY-FM... Dixie Broadcasting Co______107.5 298 mg Co. WSFA-FM...... Montgomery Broadcasting 103.3 277 New Haven...... WBIB...... Colony Broadcasting Corp__ 100.7 264 Co., Inc. WNHC-FM.. . Arkansas: Elm City Broadcasting Corp. 99.1 256 New London___ WNLC-FM__ Thames Broadcasting C orp... 99..5 258 KPFW-FM.... Southwestern Hotel Co...... 94.9 235 Stamford...... WSTC-FM The Western Connecticut KFSA-FM...... Donald W. Reynolds...... 107.7 299 96.7 244 KRKN-FM __ Broadcasting Co. Arkansas-Oklahoma Broad- 102.1 271 Waterbury...__ WBRY-FM__ American Republican, Inc___ 102.5 273 casting Corp. Delaware: K W H N -F M . . KWHN Broadcasting Co., 104.1 281 Wilmington...... WILM-FM ___ Delaware Broadcasting Co__ 99.5 258 Inc. WTUX-FM __ Port Frere Broadcasting Co., 107.3 297 Siloam Springs... KUOA-FM.... KUOA, Inc...... - ...... 105.7 289 Inc. California: District of Colum­ Alameda______KONG...... Times-Star Publishing Cm__ 104.9 285 bia: Bakersfield____ KERN-FM.... McClatchy Broadcasting Co. _ 94.1 231 Washington...... WASH ...... Commercial Radio Equip­ 97.1 246 KRE-FM...... Central California Broadcast- 102.9 275 ment Co. ers, Inc. WHMB.___ _ Theodore Granik______KERB ...... 100.3 262 Beverly Hills Broadcasting 103.9 280 WINX-EM-... WINX Broadcasting Co___.__ 96.3 242 Co. WMAL-FM____ The Evening Star Broadcast­ 107.3 297 KHSL-FM ...... Golden Empire Broadcasting 101.1 266 ing Co. ing Co. WOL-FM...... Eureka...... KRED...... Cowles Broadcasting Co____ 98.7 254 Redwood Broadcasting Co., 96.3 242 WPOB._...... Potomac Broadcasting Coop­ 99.5 253 Inc. erative, Inc. KARM-FM.... KARM, The Geo. Harm Sta- 101.9 270 WQQW-FM... tion. Metropolitan Broadcasting 103.5 278 KRFM ...... Corp. J. E. Rodman______97.9 250 WRC-FM ...... National Broadcasting Co., 93.9 230 KNX-FM ...... Columbia Broadcasting Sys- 93.1 *226 Inc. tern, Inc. WWDC-FM__ Capital Broadcasting Co____ 101.1 266 KCLI______Cannon & Callister, Inc...... 105.1 286 Florida: KECA-FM ___ American Broadcasting Co., 95.5 238 Daytona Beach _. WNDB...... News-Journal Corp...... 94.5 233 Inc. Fort Lauderdale. WGOR...... KFAC-FM ...... Gore Publishing Co...... 106.5 293 Los Angeles Broadcasting 104.3 282 Jacksonville...... W.TAX-FM City of Jacksonville______95.1 236 Co., Inc. W JHP-FM . The Metropolis Co...... 96.9 KFI-FM ...... E. C. Anthony...... 105.9 290 245 KFVD-FM ___ WMBR-FM __ Florida Broadcasting Co____ 96.1 241 Standard Broadcasting Co .. 99.5 258 WPDQ-FM__ Jacksonville Broadcasting 99.7 259 KHJ-FM ...... Don Lee Broadcasting System 101.1 266 Corp. KKLA...... Echo Park Evangelistic Asso- 97.1 246 Miami...... WIOD-FM ciation. Isle of Dreams Broadcasting 97.3 247 KMGM...... Co. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Stu- 98.7 254 WWPB-FM Paul Brake...... 101.5 268 dios, Inc. W MIM______KMPC-FM __ Everglades Broadcasting Co. _ 99.9 260 KMPC, The Station of the 100.3 262 WQAM-FM__ Miami Broadcasting Co____ 94.9 235 Stars, Inc. Miami Beach__ WKAT-FM .. A. Frank Katzentine______93.1 226 KOMB_____ 1. Consolidated Broadcasting 101.9 270 Orlando______. WHOO-FM.... Corp., Ltd. Orlando Daily Newspapers, 96.5 243 KRKD-FM ___ Inc. Radio Broadcasters, Inc_____ 96.3 242 Palm Beach...... WWPG-FM__ Palm Beach Broadcasting 97.9 KTML______The Times Mirror Co______103.5 278 250 KVUN______Corp. Unity Broadcasting Corp. of 94.7 234 WCOA-FM Pensacola Broadcasting Co__ 98.9 255 America. St. Petersburg__ WTSP-FM Pinellas Broadcasting Co____ 102. 5 273 KMYC-FM.... Marysville-Yuba City Broad- 99.9 260 Tallahassee...... W TAL-FM___ casters. Capital City Broadcasting 103.9 280 KSVA...... Corp. Sacramento Valley Broad- 101.5 268 Tampa...... WFLA-FM ___ The Tribune Co______93.3 227 casters. WDAE-FM__ Tampa Times Co______. 105.7 289 Merced Broadcasting Co____ 97.5 248 W. Palm Beach.. WJNO-FM WJNO, In c ...... 98.7 254 KDON-FM__ Monterey Peninsula Broad- 94.5 233 Georgia: casting Co. KLX-FM ...... Athens...... WGAU-FM.. J. K.Patrick Co______99.5 258 Tribune Building Co...... 101.3 267 Atlanta...... WCOM-FM__ The Constitution Publishing 98.5 253 KWBR-FM.... Warner Bros______97.3 247 Ontario...... KOCS-FM...... Co. The Daily Report______93.5 228 Augusta...... WFMV______The Augusta Chronical Broad­ 103.7 279 Palo Alto______KPNI-FM ...... Peninsula Newspapers, Inc__ 101.7 269 KAGH...... casting Co. Rose Bowl Broadcasters, Ltd. 98.3 252 WRDW-FM . Augusta Broadcasting Co___ 105.7 289 KW FM ...... Southern California Broad- 102.7 274 Cedartown...... WGAA-FM___ casting Co. Northwest Georgia Broadcast­ 96.1 *241 Redding...... KVCV-FM.__ ing Co. Golden Empire Broadcasting 103.9 280 Columbus...... W DAK-FM. . Radio Columbus, Inc______107.9 300 Co. WGBA...... Georgia-Alabama Broadcast­ 95.1 236 Richmond_____ KRCC...... Contra Costa Broadcasting 100.1 261 ing Corp. Co. WRBL-FM ___ Columbus Broadcasting C o... 93.3 227 Riverside...... KPOR...... The Broadcasting Corp. of 97.5 248 Macon...... WBML-FM..., Middle Georgia Broadcasting America. 100.7 264 KCRA-FM.,.. Co. Central Valley Broadcasting 96.1 *241 WMAZ-FM__ Southeastern Broadcasting Co. 99.1 256 Co. Moultrie...... WMGA-FM.. John F. Pideock...... 103.5 278 KFBK-FM ___ McClatchy Broadcasting Co.. 96.9 245 Rome. ______KROY-FM___ WRGA-FM... Rome Broadcasting C orp...... 106.5 293 Harmco, Inc______94.5 233 Savannah______WSAV-FM WSAV, Inc...... 100.3 262 KXOA-FM___ Lincoln Dellar______107.9 300 KSLI...... WTOC-FM... Savannah Broadcasting Co__ 97.3 247 Luther E. Gibson...... 96.9 245 Toccoa...... WRLC-FM ___ R. G. LeTourneau...... 102.9 275 San Bernardino.. KBMT______The Sun Co. of San Bemar- 99.9 260 Idaho: dino. Boise______KFXM-FM __ KIDO-FM Boise Broadcast Station...... 106.1 291 Lee Brothers Broadcasting Co. 95.1 236 Nampa______KFXD-FM ___ Frank E . Hurt & Son______101.9 270 San Bruno_____ KSBR...... Radio Diablo, Inc______100.5 263 Pocatello...... KSET-FM San Diego___ ... KFSD-FM .... Radio Service C o rp...... 96.5 243 Airfan Radio Corp., Ltd____ 94.1 231 Twin Falls...... KTFI-FM . Corp...... 93.1 226 KFM B-FM — . The Jack Gross Broadcasting 101.5 268 Illinois: Co. Bloomington...... WJBC-FM ... Bloomington Broadcasting 101.5 . 268 Studebaker Broadcasting Co.. 104.7 284 KJBS-FM Corp. San Francisco___ KJBS Broadcasters...... 98.9 255 Brookfield...... WRGK______George M. Ives...... 103.1 276 KPAF...... Pacific Agricultural Founda- 103.7 279 . Carbondale____ WCIL-FM Southern Illinois Broadcasting 92.9 225 tion, Ltd. Partnership, Inc. KRON...... The Chronicle Publishing Co 96.5 243 Champaign____ WDWS-FM__ The Champaign News-Ga­ 97.5 248 KSFH______Pacific Broadcasting Co...... 94.9 235 zette Co., Inc. KSFO-FM...... The Associated Broadcasters, 98.1 251 Chicago...... WBBM-FM __ Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ 97.1 246 Inc. tem, Inc. KGO-FM...... American Broadcasting Co., 105.3 287 WDLM Moody Bible Institute of Chi­ 95.5 Inc. 238 San Jose . . . .. cago. KLOK-FM.... Valley Broadcasting Co_____ 98.5 253 WEFM Zenith Radio Corp...... 99.5 258 KPRO...... FM Radio & Television Corp. 92.3 222 WEHS...... WHFC, Inc...... 97.9 250 KSJO-FM...... Santa Clara Broadcasting Co.. 95.3 237 WGNB...... WON, Inc...... 98 7 2/i4 4040 NOTICES

Fre­ Chan­ Fre- Chan- Call letters Licens ee or permittee quency nel Call letters Licensee or permittee uency nel State and city No. State and city me. No.

Maine: 226 Illinois—Con. Bangor__ WGUY-FM-- Portland Broadcasting Sys­ 93.1 Decatur...... WSOY-FM__ Commodore Broadcasting,Ine. 98.7 254 tem, Inc. Elmwood Park— WLEY...... Elmwood Park Broadcasting 107.1 296 Twin City Broadcasting Co., 93.9 230 Corp. Lewiston.. WCOU-FM-- 244 Inc. Evanston. WEAW North Shore Broadcasting Co. 96.7 WGAN-FM.. Portland Broadcasting Sys­ 101.9 270 Inc. Portland.. 273 tem, Inc. Freeport.. WFJS. Freeport Journal Standard 102.5 The Yankee Network, Inc— 100.5 263 PuDlishing Co. WMNE...... 99.9 260 Maryland: Harrisburg.. WEBQ-FM. Harrisburg Broadcasting Co... WJWD...... The Capital Broadcasting Co. 99.1 256 WJPF-FM-. Orville M. Lyerla...... 98.5 253 Annapolis 97.9 250 Herrin...... 100.7 264 Baltimore WASA...... The A. S. Abell Co...... Kankakee... WKIL...... Kankakee Daily Journal Co. .. WCBM-FM.. Baltimore Broadcasting Corp. 93.1 226 WMIW...... Midwest Broadcasting Co—.. 103.3 277 The Monumental Radio Co... 102.7 274 M t. Vemon. 94.1 231 WCAO-FM-. WMIX-FM __ Mt. Vernon Radio & Televi­ WFBR-FM.. The Baltimore Radio Show, 101.9 270 sion Co. Inc. WEEK-FM __ West Central Broadcasting Co, 93.3 227 94.7 234 Peoria. 92.5 223 WMCP___ Belvèdere Broadcasting Corp. WMBD-FM... Peoria Broadcasting Co...... W ITH-FM . Maryland Broadcasting Co... 104.3 282 WMMJ-._____ Mid-State Broadcasting C o.- 96.5 243 The Tri-State Broadcasting 102.9 275 Central Illinois Radio Corp.., 94.1 231 Cumberland. WTSH...... WMXL-FM... 239 Co. WTAZ...... Illinois Valley Broadcasting 95.7 WFMD-FM __ The Monocacy Broadcasting 101.5 268 Co. Frederick___ 105.1 286 Co. Quincy. WQDI_— ...... Quincy Newspapers, Inc...... WJEJ-FM... Hagerstown Broadcasting Co.. 104.7 284 Lee Broadcasters, Inc...... 99.5 258 Hagerstown. 97.5 248 WTAD-FM.__ 248 Salisbury__ WBOC-FM. The Peninsula Broadcasting Rockford___ WEOK-FM__ Eockford Broadcasters, Inc... 97.5 Co. Eock Island-Broadcasting Co 98.9 255 103.9 Eock Island. WHBF-FM __ 275 Silver Spring...... WGAY-FM. Tri-Suburban Broadcasting Springfield.. WCVS-FM...... WCBS, Inc...... - 102.9 Corp. WTAX-FM__ WTAX, Inc______103.7 279 Keystone Printing Service, 106.7 294 Massachusetts: Waukegan... WKES...... Boston...... WBZ-FM... Westinghouse Radio Stations 92.9 Inc. Inc. 107.1 296 Indiana: 229 Brockton... WAZV...... Cur-Nan Co...... Columbus.... WCSI...... Syndicate Theatres, Inc...... 93.7 The Fall River Broadcasting 103.7 279 News-Examiner Co...... 100.3 262 Fall River. WSAR-FM. Connersville. WCNB____ 264 Co., Inc. WTRC-FM __ Truth Publishing Co., In c... 100.7 W FRN...... Narragansett Broadcasting Co 100.9 265 Elkhart...... Tri-State Broadcasting Corp. 102.5 273 Evansville... W M JF...... Fitchtmrg. WEIM-FM. Mitchell G. Meyers, Reuben 104.7 284 WMLL ...... Evansvilleon the Air, Inc— 94.5 233 E. Aronheim, and Milton WFTW-FM _ Fort Wayne Broadcasting, Ine. 103.7 279 H. Meyers. Fort Wayne. 105.3 287 WGL-FM___ Farnsworth Television & Greenfield. WHAI-FM... John W. Haigis...... 98.3 252 Radio Corp. Haverhill.. WHAV-FM-. The Haverhill Gazette Co. 92.5 223 WKJG-FM __ Northeastern Indiana Broad­ 106.1 291 WHYN-FM.. The Hampden-Hampshire 93.1 226 casting Co., Inc. Holyoke... 241 Corp. WOWO-FM.. Westinghouse Radio Stations, 96.1 WLAW-FM.. Hildreth & Rogers Co__ ___ 93.7 229 Inc. Lawrence.. 99.5 258 222 Lowell___ WLLH-FM.. Merrimac Broadcasting Co., Hammond... WJOB-FM. South Shore Broadcasting 92.3 Inc. Corp. WBIL...... Southeastern Mass. Broad 99.3 257 Associated Broadcasters, Inc. 94.7 234 New Bedford. Indianapolis.. WABW-.i...... 260 ing Corp. Kokomo...... WKMO-FM... Kokomo Broadcasting Corp— 99.9 WBSM...... Bay State Broadcasting Co~ 97.3 247 WFAM, Inc...... 95.1 236 98.1 251 Lafayette.... WFAM...... 281 WFMR...... E. Anthony & Sons, Inc.. Muncie...... WLBC-FM... Donald A. Burton...... 104.1 WMFM_____ James A. Hardm an...... 97.5 248 Courier-Times, Inc...... 103.1 276 North Adams . 92.1 221 New Castle.. WCTW______267 Salem...... WESX-FM... North Shore Broadcasting Co Shelbyville... W SEK...... Shelbyville Radio, Inc----- ... 101.3 WBZA-FM... Westinghouse Radio Stations 97.1 246 South Bend Tribune------101.3 267 Springfield__ South Bend.. WSBF...... 266 Ine. W BOW-FM-- Banks of the Wabash, Inc----- 101.1 WMAS-FM... WMAS, Inc...... 94.7 234 Terre Haute. Broadcasting 99.9 260 WTHI-FM __ Worcester. WGTR_____ The Yankee Network, Inc... 99.1 256 Corp. WTAG-FM-. WTAG, Inc...... 100.7 264 Iowa: 225 Michigan: Burlington---- KBUR-FM... Burlington Broadcasting Co.. 92.9 WPAG-FM.. Washtenaw Broadcasting Co 98.7 254 The Gazette Co...... -...... 96.9 245 Ann Arbor...... 102.1 271 Cedar Rapids. KCEG-FM __ 279 Battle Creek__ WELL-FM-. Federated Publications, Inc. Davenport__ WOC-FM...... Tri-City Broadcasting Co----- 103.7 WBCM-FM. Bay Broadcasting Co., Inc.. 96.1 241 98.5 253 Bay City_____ 99.9 260 Des Moines... KIOA...... 283 Benton Harbor. WHFB-FM.. The Palladium Publishing Co KENT-FM... Cowles Broadcasting Co...... 104.5 WRAM...... Herman Radner..__ 103.9 280 Murphy Broadcasting Co— 97.3 247 Dearborn_____ 97.1 246 KSO-FM...... 262 Detroit...... WWJ-FM__ The Evening News Association WHO-FM...... Central Broadcasting Co...... 100.3 WDLW...... Knight Radio Corp...... 95.5 238 D ubuque... WDBQ--____ Dubuque Broadcasting Co... 103.3 277 WJR-FM ___ WJR, The Goodwill Station, 96.3 242 KDTH-FM... Telegraph-Herald------...... 100.5 263 Inc. Lee Radio, Inc...... 101.1 266 93.1 226 Mason City. KGLO-FM__ 235 WJBK-FM... James F. Hopkins, Inc... Sioux C ity.. KSCJ-FM___ Perkins Bros. Co— ...... 94.9 WJLB-FM... Booth Radio Station, Inc 97.9 250 Kansas: WAJL______Advertiser Press, Inc___ 107.1 296 105.7 289 F lin t...... 96.9 245 Hutchinson. KIMV...... 226 Grand Rapids... WLAV-FM.. Leonard A. Versluis...... KWBW-FM-- Nation’s Center Broadcasting WFRS...... The Grand Rapids Broadcast 92. 223 Co. ing Corp. Kansas City. KSBS. Sunflower Broadcasting Sys­ 105.9 290 WGRH_____ Lear, Inc______103. 278 tem. Jackson...... WIBM-FM.. WIBM, Inc...... 96. 244 Lawrence. KXKX...... The World Company.— ...... 105.1 286 WJIM, Inc...... 97. 248 The Topeka State Jounal, Inc. 99.5 258 Lansing______WJIM-FM... Topeka... KTSJ...... Mt. Clemens___ WMLN...... Macomb Publishing Co.. 106. 292 WIBW-FM.... Topeka Broadcasting Associa­ 102.5 273 WKBZ-FM.. Ashbacker Radio Corp.. 106. 293 tion, Inc. Muskegon...... 107. 297 262 WMUS-FM.. Greater Muskegon Broadcast Wichita. KFH -FM . The Radio Station KFH Co.. 100.3 ers, Inc. Wichita Beacon Broadcasting 97.9 250 KWBB__ Owosso_... WQDV— ...... The Argus-Press Co____ 103. 276 Co. Pontiac...... WCAR-FM... Pontiac Broadcasting Co 103. 278 The Times Herald Co__ 256 Kentucky: Henderson Broadcasting Co., 99.5 258 Port Huron. WTTH______Henderson. WSON-FM. Royal Oak.. WEXL-FM... The Royal Oak Broadcasting 104. 282 Inc. Co. .Hopkinsville Broadcasting 98.7 254 Hopkinsville. WHOP-FM-... Saginaw___ WSAL. Saginaw Broadcast Co.. 98. 251 Co., Inc. Wyandotte News Co...... 103.1 276 American Broadcasting Corp. 94.5 *233 Wyândotte. WJJW. Lexington__ WLAP-FM...... Minnesota: of Ken. Duluth___ WDUL...... Head of the Lakes Broadcasting 92.3 WAVE-FM. WAVE, Inc...... 95.1 236 Co. Louisville. Northside Broadcasting Corp. 100.7 264 WBOX____ Mankato...... KYSM-FM... Southern Minnesota Supply 103.5 278 WCJT...... Courier-Journal & Louisville 99.7 259 Co. Times Co. Minneapolis. WLOL-FM... Independent Merchants 101.3 267 Owensboro. WOMI-FM. Owensboro Broadcasting Co., 92.5 223 Broadcasting Co. Inc. WTCN-FM... Minnesota Broadcasting Corp 97.1 246 WVJS-FM...... Owensboro On the Air, Inc— 96.1 241 Southern Minnesota Broad­ 94.7 234 Paducah Newspapers, Inc----- 93.3 227 Rochester__ KROC-FM Paducah. WKYC...... ». 245 casting Co. WPAD-FM... Paducah Broadcasting Co., 96. KFAM-FM. The Times Publishing Co__ 104.7 284 Inc. St. Cloud...... WMIN Broadcasting Co...... 99.5 258 100.1 261 St. Paul...... WMIN-FM. Winchester. WINW...... Winchester Sun Co., Inc...... KSTP-FM-. KSTP, Inc______102.1 271 Louisiana: Winona Radio Service------97.5 248 Alexandria Broadcasting Co., 245 Winona...... KWNO-FM. Alexandria. KALB-FM. Mississippi: Inc. Lamar Life Insurance Co. 102.9 275 Central Louisiana Broadcast- 99.7 259 Jackson______WJDX-FM ___ KPDR-FM ___ Missouri: ,ing Co. Oscar C. Hirsch.— ...... 101/-3 267 98.1 251 Cape Girardeau. KFVS-FM- Baton Rouge. WBRL...... Baton Rouge Broadcasting KFUO-FM. Evangelical Lutheran Synod 104.1 281 Co., Inc. Clayton...... 222 of Missouri. New Orleans. WDSU-FM... Stephens Broadcasting Co.. 92.3 .Canital Broadcasting Co...... 98.5 253 Supreme Broadcasting Sys 97.1 246 Jefferson C ity... KNEU...... WRCM-...... Joplin...... WMBH-FM. Joplin Broadcasting Co...... 96.1 241 tern, Inc. KCFM ...... KCMO Broadcasting Co___ 104.3 282 WSMB-FM__ W SMB,Inc...... 93.7 229 Kansas City---- 94.9 235 95.7 239 KOST...... The Kansas City Star Co----- WTPS-FM ...... The Times Picayune Publish KMBC-FM.. Midland Broadcasting Co---- 100.5 263 ing Co. WWLH. Loyola U niversity...... 100.3 262 Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDIRAI. REGISTER 4041

Fre­ Chan­ Fre­ Chan­ State and city Call letters Licensee or permittee quency nel State and city Call letters Licensee or permittee quency nel me. No. me. No.

Missouri—Con. KOZY__ N. Carolina—Con. Kansas City Commercial Radio Equip- 98.1 251 Burlington...... WBBB-FM. Alamance Broadcasting Co., 101.1 266 ment Co. Inc. WHB-FM__ WHB Broadcasting Co_____ 102.1 271 WFNS-FM. Burlington Graham Broad- 93.5 228 St. Joseph...... KFEQ-FM... KFEQ, Inc...... 92.3 222 casting Co. St. Louis...... KSD-FM .. The Pulitzer Publishing Co... 102.5 273 Charlotte__..... WAYS-FM.. Inter-City Advertising Co___ 107.7 299 KUBR...... Unity Broadcasting Corp____ 106.7 294 WBT-FM.__ Southeastern Broadcasting Co 99.9 260 KWGD...... Globe Democrat Publishing 98.1 251 WIST...... Surety Broadcasting Co...... 104.7 . 284 Co. WSOC-FM_ Radio Station WSOC, Inc__ 103. 5 278 KXOK-FM__ Star-Times Publishing Co___ 93.7 229 Durham...... WDNC-PM.. Durham Radio Corp______105.1 286 KW K-FM ...... Thomas-Patrick, Inc...... 99.1 256 WFNC-FM.. Cape Fear Broadcasting Co... 98.1 251 WEW-FM___ St. Louis University...... 95.1 236 WONC-FM.. F. C. Todd...... 101.9 270 WIL-FM ...... Missouri Broadcasting Corp.. 97.3 247 Goldsboro...... WGBR-FM.. Eastern Carolina Broadcasting 93.3 227 Nebraska: Co., Inc. Lincoln...... KFAB-FM ___ KFAB Broadcasting Co...... 97.9 250 WBIG-FM... North Carolina. Broadcasting 92.3 222 KFOR-FM.... .Combelt Broadcasting Corp.. 102.9 275 Co., Inc. Omaha...... KBON-FM___ Inland Broadcasting Co...... 98.7 254 WGBG-FM... Greensboro Broadcasting Co., 100.3 262 KO AD...... World Publishing Co...... 92.9 225 Inc. Nevada: WFMY. Greensboro News Co...... 97.3 247 Las Vegas...... KENO-FM ... .Nevada Broadcasting Co...... 103.9 280 WDPM. Capitol Broadcasting Co., 98.7 254 Reno...... KSAV...... Saviers Electrical Products 103.9 280 Inc. Corp. Hickory...... WHKY-FM__ Catawba Valley Broadcasting 102.9 275 KWRN...... Reno Newspapers, Inc...... 95.5 238 Co., Inc. : High Point...... W HPE-F M . High Point Enterprise, Inc... 95.5 238 Claremont..:...... WLOB...... Claremont Eagle, Inc...... 106.1 291 WMFR-FM. Radio Station WMFR...... 99.5 258 Portsmouth____ WFMI...... WHEB, Inc...... 107.3 297 WRAL-FM.. Capitol Broadcasting Co., Inc. 101.5 268 New Jersey: WNAO-FM.. The News Observer Pub. Co.. 96.1 *241 Alpine...... WFMN____ Edwin H. Armstrong...... 93.1 226 Roanoke Rapids WCBT-FM WCBT, Inc...... 98.5 253 Asbury Park...... WJLK...... Asbury Park Press, In c...... 94.3 232 Rocky Mount . . WCEC-FM- Josh L. Home______100.7 264 WCAP-FM:... Radio Industries Broadcast? 107.1 296 Salisbury...... WSTP-FM... Piedmont Broadcasting Corp. 106.5 293 ing Co. Statesville.. WSIC-FM __ Statesville Broadcasting Co., 105.7 289 Atlantic C ity.... WFPG-FM ___ Neptune Broadcasting Corp.. 98.5 253 Lie. WBAB-FM___ Press-Union Publishing Co__ 100.7 264 WRRF-FM __ Tar Heel Broadcasting Sys- 102.9 275 Bridgeton...... WSNJ-FM..... Eastern States Broadcasting 98.9 255 tern, Inc. Corp. Wilmington...... Elizabeth...... WLDX...... Wilmington Star News Co__ 93.9 230 WPOE. . Radio Elizabeth, I n c .._____ 96.7 244 WMFD-FM. Richard Austin Dunlea...... 96.3 242 Jersey City_____ WAAW...... Bremer Broadcasting Corp__ 101.9 270 WGTM-FM. Penn Thomas Watson...... 106.7 294 WFMO...... Fidelity Media Broadcasting 103.1 276 Winston-Salem__ WAIR-FM... WAIR Broadcasting Co...... 93.1 226 Corp. Hickory____ New Brunswick.. WHNM...... WMIT...... Gordon Gray______106.9 295 Home News Publishing Co__ 93.5 - 228 WSJS-FM__ Piedmont Publishing Co...... 104.1 281 Paterson...... WWDX-. The Passaie Daily News...... 107.1 296 North Dakota: New York: Fargo...... KVQX-FM___ KVOX Broadcasting Co...... 99.9 260 Albany.______WROW-FM... Broadcasting 93.9 230 Ohio: Co., Inc. WFAH...... WRWR...... Review Publishing Co...... 101.7 269 Champlain Valley Broadcast­ 95.5 238 Ashland...... WATG...... Beer & Koehl______101.3 267 ing Corp. WAMS...... Binghamton____ WNBF-FM __ The Messenger Publishing Co. 107.3 297 Clark Associates, Inc...... 100.5 263 WTRF...... Tri-City Broadcasting Co...... 100.5 263 Buffalo...... WEBR-FM.... W EBR.Inc...... 96.9 245 WBEN-FM __ WAND-FM... P. C. Wilson______92.5 223 WBEN, In c...... 106. 5 293 WCMW-FM.. Stark Broadcasting Corp____ 94.9 235 WBNY-FM__ Roy L. Albertson...... 92.9 225 Coram ...... WFSS...... WHBC-FM... The Ohio Broadcasting Co__ 94.1 231 Suffolk Broadcasting C orp.... 103.1 276 Cincinnati...... WCKY-FM_ L. B. Wilson, Inc______105.9 290 Coming...... WKNP...... Corning Leader, Inc...... 106.1 291 WCTS...... The Cincinnati Times Star Co. 101.9 Hempstead_____ WHNY...... Elias T . Godofsky______98.3 252 270 Hornell...... WWHG...... WLWA...... The Crosley Corp... ._ ___ 101.1 266 The W. H. Greenhow Co...... 105.3 287 WSAI-FM___ Buckeye Broadcasting Co...... 102.7 274 Ithaca...... WHCU-FM__ Cornell University______97.3 247 Cleveland Hts__ WSRS-FM_ „ Jamestown_____ WJTN-FM Samuel R. Sague__ ... 95.3 237 James Broadcasting Co., Inc. 93.3 227 Columbus______WCOL-FM... The Pixleys...... 92.3 222 Massena...... WMSA-FM__ The Brockway Co...... 105.3 287 WHBJ...... W ELD. . . RadioHio, Inc...... 97.1 246 Mount Vernon... Hudson Broadcasting System, 106.3 292 WHKB...... United Broadcasting Co___ 98.7 254 Inc. WTUS__ . New York...... WABF...... The Tuscora Broadcasting Co 107.1 296 Metropolitan Broadcasting & 94.7 234 Findlay______WFIN-FM— Findlay Radio Co___ 1...... 100.5 263 Television, Inc. __ WBAM...... WFOB Lawrence W. Harry___ 100.9 265 Bamberger Broadcasting Serv­ 98.7 254 Fremont...... WFRO Robert F. Wolfe Co______99.3 257 ice, Inc. WMOH-FM.. The Fort Hamilton Broadcast- 107.5 298 WCBS-FM...... Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ 100.3 262 ing Co. tem, Lie Lakewood...... WLAL. WGHF . United Garage & Service Corp. 100.1 261 Wm G. H. F inch... 101.1 266 WNXC. Northwestern Ohio Broad- 102.1 271 WGYN...... WGYN, Inc______97.9 250 casting Corp. WMGM______Marcus Loew Booking Agency. 99.5 258 Marion...... WMRN-FM. WNBC-FM___ The Marion Broadcasting Co. 106.9 295 National Broadcasting Co., 97.1 246 Newark...... WCLT...... The Advocate Printing Co__ 100.3 262 Inc. Portsmouth WPAY-FM- The Scioto Broadcasting Com- 104.1 281 WNY C-FM __ City of New York Municipal 93.9 230 pany. Broadcasting System. Steubenville...... WSTV-FM... The Valley Broadcasting Co.. 103.5 278 WQXQ...... Interstate Broadcasting Co... 96.3 242 Tiffin...... WTFM... Jay R. David_____ Niagara Falls.... WHLD-FM... 98.3 252 The Niagara Falls Gazette 98.5 253 Toledo...... WSPD-FM.. The Fort Industry Co...... 101.5 268 Publishing Co. WTRT. Ogdensburg..___ WSLB-FM...... Unity Corporation, Inc...... 99.9 260 St. Lawrence Broadcasting 106.1 291 WTOL-FM.. Community Broadcasting Co. 104.7 284 Corp. Warren...... Oneonta ___ WDOS WRRN-FM.. Nied & Stevens...... 107.9 300 Oneonta Star, Inc...... 99.1 256 WWST...... The Wooster Republican 104.5 283 WOPT...... Palladium-Times, Inc ______104.7 284 WHVA...... Printing Co. Poughkeepsie___ Poughkeepsie N ew spapers, 104.7 284 Youngstown...... WFMJ-FM. The WFMJ Broadcasting Co. 105.1 286 Inc. WKBN-FM. WKBN Broadcasting Corp... 98.9 255 Rochester...... WHEF...... WHEC, Inc...... 96.5 243 Oklahoma: WHFM ___.... Stromberg-Carlson Co ... '98.9 255 KVSO-FM... John F. Easley_____ ,...... 93.7 229 WRNY-FM__ Monroe Broadcasting Co., Inc 97,9 250 Durant______KSEO-FM. . Rome...... Democrat Printing Co.'. 107.3 297 WKAL-FM___ Copper City Broadcasting 99.3 257 Muskogee...... EMUS...... Muskogee Broadcasting Co... 101.5 268 Corp. KBIX-FM... Oklahoma Press Publishing Co 98.5 253 Schenectady...... WBCA...... Capitol Broadcasting Co., Inc. 101.1 266 Oklahoma City.. KOCY-FM- WGFM______Plaza Court Broadcasting Co.. 94.7 234 General Electric Co ... . 99.5 258 KOMA-FM.. KOMA, Inc...... 105.9 290 Syracuse...... WAGE-FM— WAGE Inc...... 98.5 253 KSUW__ WFBL-FM ___ Sooner Broadcasting Co...... 101.9 270 Onondago Radio Broadcasting 93.1 226 KTOK-FM.. KTOK, Inc...... 100.5 263 Corp. WKY-FM__ WKY Radiophone Co...... 98.9 255 WNDR-FM __ Syracuse Broadcasting Corp.. 102.5 273 Shawnee...... KGFF-FM... W OLF-FM ___ KGFF Broadcasting Co...... 97.5 248 Civic Broadcasting Corp...... 104.1 281 KAKC-FM- Public Radio Corp__ _ 95.5 238 WRPA...... Radio Projects, Inc______107.3 297 KFMJ-FM— WSYR-FM___ Fred Jones Broadcasting Oo._ 98.1 251 Broadcast­ 94.5 233 KTUL-FM... Tulsa Broadcasting Co______97.1 246 ing Corp. Oregon: Troy...... WTNY The Troy Record Co...... 92.3 222 KWIL-FM. Central Willamette Broad- 101.7 269 WTRI...... Troy Broadcasting Co., In c... 102.7 274 casting Co. Utica . ... WTRX-FM WIBX, Inc...... 96.9 245 KSBO...... WRTJN Siskiyou Broadcasting Co... 103.1 276 Rome Sentinel Co...... 105.7 289 KWIN-FM.. Rogue Valley Broadcasting 103.9 280 Watertown...... WWNY-FM... The Brockway Co...... 100.5 263 Co., Inc. White Plains___ WFAS-FM___ Westchester B ro a d c a stin g 103.9 280 Eugene...... KUGN-FM . Valley Broadcasting Co...... 99.1 256 Corp. Grants Pass KGPO...... Southern Oregon Broadcast- 96.9 245 North Carolina: ing Co. Ahoskie...... WPRN Parker Bros., Inc...... 101.9 270 Asheville______WISE-FM KMED-FM. Mrs. W. J. Virgin...... 105.1 286 Radio Station WISE, Inc. — 102.5 273 KYJC-FM... Medford Printing Co...... 93.7 229 WLOS-FM Skyway Broadcasting Corp... 104.3 282 Portland...... KALE-FM.. KALE. Inc...... 98.7 254 WSKY-FM___ Radio Asheville, Inc______106.1 291 KGW-FM... Oregonian Publishing Co____ 100.3 262 4042 NOTICES

Chan­ Chan­ Fre­ Fre- Licensee or permittee quency nel Call letters Licensee or permittee uency nel State and city Call letters No. State and city me. No. me.

Oregon—Con. 97.9 250 KOIN, Inc...... 93.1 226 Dallas. KERA...... A. H. Belo Corp...... Portland.... KOIN-FM __ KIXL-FM— Variety Broadcasting Co., Inc 104.5 283 KPFM ...... Broadcasters Oregon, L td ..... 97.1 246 92.5 223 Pacific Radio Advertising Serv- 95.5 238 KRLD-FM. KRLD Radio Corp------KPRA...... WRR-FM— City of Dallas..______101.1 266 ice. Harwell V. Shepard— ...... 106.1 291 KXL-FM ___ KXL Broadcasters______103.5 278 Denton____ KDNT-FM. 287 Fort Worth. KFTG—...... Lone Star Building Co------. 105.3 Pennsylvania: Carter Publications, Inc...... 100.5 263 WFMZ...... Penn-Allen Broadcasting Co.. 95.9 240 WBAP-FM. 254 Allento wn... 100.7 264 Galveston. KLUF-FM- The KLUF Broadcasting Co., 98.7 WKAP-FM-- Allentown Broadcasting Co... Inc. WSAN-FM.. Broadcasting 99.9 260 234 Harlingen. KGBS-FM-. Harbenito Broadcasting Co., 94.7 Co. Inc. WFBG-FM.. The Gable Broadcasting Co... 103.7 279 275 Altoona___ 95.1 236 . KPRC-FM. Houston Printing Corp------102.9 Bethlehem. WGPA-FM.. The Bethlehem’s Globe Publ. Lee Segall Broadcasting C o... 105.1 286 Co. KTRH Broadcasting Co...... 101.1 266 WESB-FM. Bradford Publications, Inc__ 97.5 248 KTRH-FM. Bradford.. 256 KOPY_____ Texas Star Broadcasting Co.— 97.9 250 Clearfield. W CLR...... Airplane & Marine Instru­ 99.1 96.5 243 ments, Inc. KXYZ-FM-. Harris County Broadcasting Tri-County Broadcasting Co.', 102.1 271 Co. DuBois. WCED-FM __ R. G. LC'Toumeau...... 105.9 290 Inc. Longview__ KLTI____... 238 Presque Isle Broadcasting Co 99.9 260 Lufkin...... KRBA-FM— Darrell E. Y ates...______95.5 Erie...... W ERC-FM .. KGKL, Incorporated______94.5 233 Forks Township W EEX...... Easton Publishing Co------98.3 252 San Angelo... KGKL-FM— 258 San Antonio. KISS...... The Walmac C o ...... 99.5 near Easton. Southern Broadcasting Corp.. 98.1 251 Harrisburg...... WABX...... Harold O. Bishop...... 107.1 296 KSBL—...... 263 The Patriot Co______94.9 235 KTSA-FM... Sunshine Broadcasting Co___ 100.5 WCOY...... Express Publishing C o ....__ 104.1 281 WHP-FM __ WHP, Inc...... 97.3 247 KYFM...... 273 WJAC, Inc...... - 95.5 238 WOAI-FM—. Southland Industries, Inc...... 102.5 Johnstown. WJKT...... Bell Broadcasting Co., Inc__ 103.9 280 Lancaster.. W LAN-FM .. Peoples Broadcasting Co... 96.9 245 Temple___ KTEM -FM .. 251 W GAL-FM .. WGAL, Inc______101.3 267 Texarkana. KCMC-FM.. KCMC, Inc...... 1 97.9 250 Broadcasting Co.. 101.5 268 Lewis tow n... W M RF-FM . Lewistown Boradcasting Co... Tyler...... KGKB-FM .. 254 W M CK-FM . Mon-Yough Broadcasting Co. 104.9 285 Vernon__ _ KVWC-FM-. Northwestern Broadcasting 7 McKeesport.. 100.3 262 Co. Meadville__ WNJD...... H. C. Winslow...... — 247 W KST-FM .. WKST, In c ...... 101.1 266 Wichita Falls___ KTRN___... Times Publishing Co. of 97.3 New Castle.. Wichita Falls. Philadelphia. KYW-FM__ Westinghouse Radio Stations, 92.5 223 Inc. KWFT-FM.. Wichita Broadcasters...... 99.9 260 102.9 275 WCAU-FM. WCAU Broadcasting Co...... Utah: 254 WFIL-FM.. , Inc---- 102.1 271 Salt Lake City. KDYL-FM.. Intermountain Broadcasting 98.7 WIBG-FM.. Seaboard Radio Broadcasting 94.1 231 Corp. Corp. KSL-FM-... Radio Service Corp. of Utah. 100.3 262 93.3 227 WIP-FM. Pennsylvania Broadcasting Vermont: 296 Co. Rutland_____ WSYB-FM-. Philip Weiss Music Co...... 107.1 Wm. Penn Broadcasting Co.. 98.1 251 WPEN-FM. Virginia: 252 Pittsburgh. KDKA-FM. Westinghouse Radio Stations, 92.9 225 Alexandria___ WPIK-FM... Potomac Broadcasting Corp. 98.3 . Inc. Danville____ WBTM-FM. Piedmont Broadcasting Corp 97.9 250 KQV-FM__ Allegheny Broadcasting Corp. 98.1 251 Harrisonburg— WSVA-FM-. Shenandoah Valley Broad­ 100.7 264 WCAE-FM. WCAE, Inc______96.1 *241 casting Corp. WJAS-FM.. Pittsburgh Radio Supply 99.7 259 Lynchburg__ WLVA-FM-. Lynchburg Broadcasting Corp 97.5 248 House. ■V^WOD-FM. Old Dominion Broadcasting 107.9 300 WPIT-FM... Liberty Broadcasting Co...... 101.5 268 Corp. WMOT...... WWSW, Inc...... 94.5 233 Newport News... WGH-FM __ Hampton Roads Broadcasting 96.5 243 WKJF...... W. Virginia Radio C o rp ..... 93.7 229 Corp. Pottsville. WPAM-FM.. Miners Broadcasting Service. 95.5 238 Norfolk..... WTAR-FM.. WTAR Radio Corp_____ 97.3 247 Reading... WEEU-FM.. Hawley Broadcasting C o..... 92.9 225 Portsmouth. WSAP-FM__ Portsmouth Radio Corp.. 99.7 259 WARM-FM. Union Broadcasting C o...... 105.7 289 WPOV...... Portsmouth Star Pub. Corp. 98.9 255 Scranton.. 267 WGBI-FM... Scranton Broadcasters, Inc... 101.3 Richmond. WOOD...... Havens & Martin, Inc__ _ 98.1 251 Sharon. WPIC-FM... Sharon Herald Broadcasting 102.9 275 WLEE-FM-. T. G. Tinsley, Jr...... 102.9 275 Co. WRNL-FM— Richmond Radio Corp__ 102.1 271 WKOK-FM.. Sunbury Broadcasting Corp. 94.1 231 WRVA-FM.. Larus & Bros. Co., Inc__ 94.5 233 Sunbury— 105.7 289 Uniontown. WMBS-FM.. Fayette Broadcasting Corp.. Roanoke. WDBJ-FM _ Times-World Corp__ .... 94.9 235 WNIQ...... Uniontown Newspapers, Inc. 106.5 293 WROV-FM— Radio Roanoke, Inc...... 103.7 279 W BRE-FM .. Louis G. Baltimore---- ... 98.5 253 Roanoke Broadcasting Corp. 99.1 256 Wilkes Barre. 277 WSLS-FM... WIZZ...... Scranton - Wilkes - Barre - Pitts- 103.3 Suffolk____ W LPM -FM - Suffolk Broadcasting Corp.. 107.7 299 ton Broadcasting Co., Inc. Richard Field Lewis, Jr____ 92.5 223 100.3 262 Winchester. W INC-FM —. Williamsport. WRAK-FM. WRAK, Inc...... Washington: WRZE...... White Rose Broadcasting Co 98.5 253 Twin City Broadcasting Corp. 103.9 280 York...... 103.3 277 Longview.., KWLK-FM __ WSBA-FM— Susquehanna Broadcasting Seattle___... KING...... Western Waves, Inc______94.9 235 Co. KIRO-FM ...... Queen City Broadcasting Co. 100.7 264 Puerto Rico: Inc. San Juan____ WSJN. Radio Americas Corp...... 97.7 249 KOMO-FM.... Fisher’s Blend Station, Inc.., 98.9 255 Radio Sales Corp______t_. 98.1 251 South Carolina: 101.1 266 KRSC-FM...... Anderson------WCAC...... Wilton E. Hall------West Virginia: Charleston__ WTMA-FM. Atlantic Coast Broadcasting 95.1 236 WCFC...... Beckley Newspapers Corp 101.3 267 Co. Beckley...... Joe L. Smith, J r...... 99.5 258 94.5 233 WJLS-FM—___ Columbia.. WISP...... Surety Life Ins. Co...... Bluefield__ W HIS-FM — Daily Telegraph Printing Co 104.5 283 Greenville. WFBC-FM-. The Greenville News Pied­ 93.7 229 WHTN-FM __ Greater Huntington Radio 100.5 263 mont Co. Huntington. Corp. 236 WMRC-FM. Textile Broadcasting Co----- 95.1 WPLH-FM ___ Huntington Broadcasting 102.5 273 Greenwood— WCRS-FM-. Grenco, Inc...... — 95.7 239 Corp. Lancaster__ WLSC_____ Lancaster Broadcasting Co... 107.3 297 WKYO...... Mayflower Broadcasting Co., 101.7 269 Spartanburg. WORD-FM-. Spartanburg Broadcasting Co 100.5 263 Inc. Spartanburg Advertising Co 98.9 255 WSPA-FM_ Logan...... WLOG-FM. Clarence E. Frey and Robt. O. 103.3 277 Tennessee: Greever. Bristol_____ WOPI-FM... Radiophone Broadcasting Sta­ 96.9 245 WAJR-FM— West Virginia Radio Corp.... 99.3 257 tion WOPI, Inc. Morgantown. 97.3 247 234 Wheeling.*__ WKWK-FM. Community Broadcasting, Inc. Chattanooga. WAPO-FM. W AP O Broadcasting Service 94.7 WWVA-FM. West Virginia Broadcasting 98.7 254 WDOD-FM. WDOD Broadcasting Corp.. 96.5 243 Corp. WVUN...... Unity Broadcasting Corp. of 98.1 251 Tennessee. Wisconsin: 107.3 297 294 Beloit...... WBNB-...... Daily News Publishing Co__ Clarksville . WCLC...... Leaf Chronicle Co______106.7 WJPF-FM ___ Green Bay Newspaper Co...... 101.1 266 W JZM -FM . William Kleeman...... 101.9 270 Green Bay., 273 264 WTAQ-FM___ WHBY, Inc...... 102.5 Jackson------WTJS-FM — The Sun Publishing Co., Inc 100.7 WWCF Wm. C. Forrest...... 94.9 235 WJHL-FM-. WJHL, Inc...... -...... 100.7 264 Greenfield... 99.9 260 Johnson City. 253 Janesville... WCLO-FM.... Gazette Printing Co...... Kingsport— -, WKPT-FM. Kingsport Broadcasting Co. 98.5 WKBH-FM:__ W.KBH, Inc...... 93.1 226 Inc. LaCrosse__ 101.5 268 93.3 227 M adison... WIBA-FM...... Badger Broadcasting Co_____ Knoxville. WKPB.I___ Knoxville Publishing Co— W EM P-FM —. Milwaukee Broadcasting Co.. 94.1 231 WROL-FM. S. E. Adcock______97.3 247 Milwaukee. 102.1 271 106.9 295 WPAW—...... Midwest Broadcasting Co___ Memphis. WHHM-FM Herbert Herff------WTMJ-FM ___ The Journal Co. (The Mil­ 93.3 227 WPLO...... WMPS, Inc...... 97.9 250 waukee Journal). WMC-FM-- Memphis Publishing Co.... 99.7 259 92.9 225 103.3 277 Oshkosh__ WOSH-FM___ Oshkosh Broadcasting Co___ Nashville. WSM-FM... The National Life & Accident WRJN-FM ___ Racine Broadcasting C orp.... 100.7 264 Co. Racine...... 242 97.5 248 Rice Lake.. WJMC-FM ___ WJMC, Inc— ...... 1...... 96.3 WSIX-FM.. WSIX Broadcasting Station WHBL-FM___ Press Publishing Co...... 100.3 262 Texas: Sheboygan. 97.9 250 96.9 245 Wausau___ WRAI Abilene. KRBC-FM. The Reporter Broadcasting WSAU-FM___ Northern Broadcasting Co., 95.5 238 Co. Inc. KFDA-FM. Amarillo Broadcasting Corp. . 100.3 262 264 Amarillo. 104.3 282 WM.TT 100.7 KGNC-FM. Plains Radio Broadcasting Co WFHR-FM __ Wm. E. Huffman...... 103.3 277 Beaumont____ KRIC-FM-. KRIC, Inc...... 99.5 258 Wisconsin Rapids . 97.1 246 Wyoming: Belton...... KMHB...... Mary Hardin-Baylor College. KFBA...... Frontier Broadcasting Co___ 101.1 266 College Station. KAMT...... Agricultural & Mechanical 94.1 231 Cheyenne...... College of Texas. Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4043

N on-Commercial E ducational FM Broadcast Stations

F re­ Chan­ State and city Call letters Fre­ Chan* Licensee or permittee quency nel State and city Call letters Licensee or permittee quency nel m e. No. me. Noj

Alabama: New Jersey: Tuscaloosa. WUOA. The Board of Trustees of the 91.7 219 Newark...... WBGO...... Board of Education-...... 91.1 21(5 University of Alabama. South Orange. WSOU...... Seton Hall College.. 89.5 California: New York: 208 Los Angeles. k u s c .. University of Southern Cali­ 91.5 218 Floral P ark ... WSHS...... Board of Education, Sewan- 90.3 212 fornia. haka High School. Sacramento...... KSCU._ Sacramento City Unified 90.9 215 Bronx...... WFUV...... . School District. 90.7 214 Brooklyn- WNYE...... Board of Education, City of 91.5 218 San Francisco___ KALW. Board of Education of the San 91.7 219 N e w York. Francisco Unified School New York. w c u v ...... Columbia University 89.9 210 District. Ohio: Santa Monica__ KCRW. Santa Monica School Board... 89.9 210 Cleveland.. WBOE...... Cleveland City Board of Edu­ ~ Stockton..__ KCVN. College of the Pacific______91.3 217 90.3 212 Florida: cation (Chas. H. Lake, Miami____... WTHS. Technical High School, Dade Superintendent). 91.7 219 Toledo. WTDS...... Board of Education, Toldeo 91.3 217 County Board of Public City School District. Instruction. Oklahoma; Illinois: Norman...... KOKU. Chicago. WBEZ. State 90.9 215 Board of Education, City of 91.5 218 Oklahoma City. KOKH...... Board of Education of the City 90.1 211 Chicago. of Oklahoma City, State of Urbana_____ WIUC. University of Illinois...... 91.7 219 Indiana: Oklahoma. Stillwater...... KOAG...... Oklahoma Agricultural* Me­ 91.7 219 Bloomington. WFIU. The Trustees of Indiana Uni­ 90.9 215 chanical College. versity. Tulsa... KWGS...... The ...... 90.6 Iowa: Oregon: 213 Iowa City___ KSUI— The State University of Iowa. 91.7 219 Eugene. KRVM...... School District No. 4, Lane 90.1 211 Kentucky: County, Oreg. Lexington___ WBKY. University of Kentucky...... 91.3 217 Pennsylvania: Louisiana: Philadelphia. WJUN...... Junto, Inc______Baton Bouge. WLSU.. Board of Supervisors of Louis­ 91.7 219 91.7 219 State College. WEHR...... The Pennsylvania State Col­ 90.9 215 iana State University & lege. Agricultural & Mechanical Rhode Island: College. Providence.. WPTL...... Providence Bible Institute__ 91.5 Michigan: Texas: 218 Ann Arbor. WUOM. Regents of the University of 91.7 21-9 El Paso...... KIDE...... The Independent School Dis­ 91.7 219 Michigan. trict of the City of El Paso. Detroit. WDTR.. Board of Education of the 90.9 215 Wisconsin: School District of the City Delafield. WHAD...... of Detroit. State of Wisconsin, State 90.7 214 E . Lansing. Radio Council. Michigan State College...... 90.5 213 Madison. WHA-FM State of Wisconsin, State 91.7 219 Radio Council.

[ s e a l ] F e d e r a l C ommunications 309 (a) of the Communications Act of u d a r d s o f C o m m i s s i o n , 1934, as amended, the said application Good Engineering Practice Concerning T. J . S l o w i e , of Community Broadcasting Company Standard Broadcast Stations. Secretary. be, and it is hereby, designated for hear­ 7. To determine on a comparative [F. R. Doc. 47-5906; Filed, June 20, 1947; ing in the above consolidated proceeding basis which, if any, of the applications 8:51 a. m.] at a time and place to be designated by in this consolidated proceeding should subsequent order of the Commission, be granted. upon the following issues: It is further ordered, That the orders 1. To determine the legal, technical, of the Commission dated February 20, [Docket Nos. 8129, 8130, 8405] financial and other qualifications of the 1947, designating the above-entitled ap­ applicant corporation, its officers, direc­ C o m m u n i t y B roadcasting C o . e t a l . plication of Max H. Lavine and Harry tors and stockholders to construct and Willard Linder for hearing in a con­ ORDER DESIGNATING APPLICATIONS FOR CON­ operate the proposed station. solidated proceeding be, and they are SOLIDATED HEARING ON STATED ISSUES 2. To determine the areas and popula­ hereby, amended to included the said In re applications of Community tions which may be expected to gain application of Community Broadcasting Broadcasting Company, St. Cloud, Min­ primary service from the operation of Company and to change the word nesota, Docket No. 8405, File No. BP- the proposed station and the character “either,” appearing in issue No. 7 there­ 6027 ; Harry Willard Linder, St. Cloud, of other broadcast service available to of, to “any.” Minnesota, Docket No. 8129, File No. those areas and populations. Notice is hereby given, that § 1.857 of BP-5650; Max H. Lavine, St. Cloud, Min­ 3. To determine the type and charac­ the Commission’s rules and regulations nesota, Docket No. 8130, File No. BP- ter of program service proposed to be is not applicable to this proceeding. 5678; For Construction Permits. rendered and whether it would meet the By the Commission. At a session of the Federal Commu­ requirements of the populations and nications Commission, held at its offices areas proposed to be served. [ s e a l ] T. J. S l o w i e , in Washington, D. C., on the 11th day 4. To determine whether the opera­ Secretary. of June 1947. tion of the proposed station would in­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5899; Filed, June 20, 1947; The Commission having under con­ volve objectionable interference with any 8:49 a.jn.] sideration the above-entitled applica­ existing broadcast stations and, if so, tion of Community Broadcasting Com­ the nature and extent thereof, the areas pany requesting a construction permit and populations affected thereby, and the for a new standard broadcast station to availability of other broadcast service [Docket No. 8406] operate on 1240 kc., with 250 watts to such areas and populations. power, unlimited time, at St. Cloud, 5. To determine whether the operation B e a u f o r t B roadcasting C o . of the proposed station would involve Minnesota; and ORDER DESIGNATING APPLICATION FOR objectionable interference with the serv­ It appearing, That the Commission on HEARING ON STATED ISSUES February 20, 1947, designated for hear­ ices proposed in any other pending ap­ ing in a consolidated proceeding the plications for broadcast facilities and, In re application of Beaufort Broad­ above-entitled applications of Max H. if so, the nature and extent thereof, the casting Company, Washington, North Lavine and Harry Willard Linder each areas and populations affected thereby, Carolina, Docket No. 8406, File No. requesting a construction permit for a and the availability of other broadcast BP-5673, For Construction Permit. new standard broadcast station to op­ service to such areas and populations. At a session of the Federal Communi­ erate on 1240 kc., with 250 watts power, 6. To determine whether the installa­ cations Commission, held at its offices unlimited time, at St. Cloud, Minnesota; tion and operation of the proposed sta­ in Washington, D. C., on the 11th day of It is ordered, That, pursuant to section tion would be in compliance with the June 1947; No. 122------1 4044 NOTICES The Commission having under con­ nership d/b as N.-K. Broadcasting Com­ By the Commission. sideration the above-entitled application pany, Muskegon, Michigan, Docket No. [seal] T. J. S lowie, reqüesting a construction permit for a 8408, File No. BP-6071; Roy C. Kelley, Secretary. Muskegon, Michigan, Docket No. 8407, new standard broadcast station to oper­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5901; Filed, June 20, 1947; ate on 1400 kc, with 250 w power, un­ File No. BP-4914; For Construction Per­ 8:49 a. m.j limited time, at Washington, North mits. Carolina; At a session of the Federal Communi­ It is ordered, That, pursuant to section cations Commission, held at its offices in INTERSTATE COMMERCE 309 (a) of the Communications Act of Washington, D. C., on the llth day of 1934, as amended, the said application June 1947. COMMISSION be, and it is hereby, designated for hear­ The Commission having under con­ [S. O. 396, Special Permit 215] ing at a time and place to be designated sideration the above-entitled applica­ tions each requesting a construction per­ R econsignment of P otatoes at Omaha, by subsequent order of the Commission, N ebr. upon the following issues: mit for a new standard broadcast sta­ 1. To determine the legal, technical, tion to operate on 1490 kc., with 250 w. Pursuant to the authority vested in me financial, and other qualifications of the power, unlimited time, at Muskegon, by paragraph (f) of the first ordering applicant corporation, its officers, direc­ Michigan; paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 tors and stockholders to construct and It is ordered, That, pursuant to Sec­ F. R. 15008), permission is granted for operate the proposed station, tion 309 (a) of the Communications Act any common carrier by railroad subject 2. To determine the areas and popu­ of 1934, as amended, the said applica­ to the Interstate Commerce Act: lations which may be expected to gain tions be, and they are hereby, desig­ To disregard entirely the provisions of or lose primary service from the opera­ nated for hearing in a consolidated pro­ Service Order No. 396 insofar as it tion of the proposed station and the ceeding at a time and place to be desig­ applies to the reconsignment at Omaha, character of other broadcast service nated by subsequent order of the Com­ Nebr., June 14, 1947, by Gamble Robin­ available to those areas and populations. mission, upon the following issues: son Co., of following cars, now on the 3. To determine the type and charac­ 1. To determine the legal, technical, Union Pacific: ter of program service proposed to be financial, and other qualifications of the Car No. To rendered and whether it would meet the applicant partnership and the partners PFE 51043,potatoes— Esterville, la. (RI) requirements of the populations and and of the applicant Roy C. Kelley to PFE 40379, potatoes.. Minneapolis, Minn. areas proposed to be served. construct and operate their respective (M&StL) proposed stations. MPT 5558, potatoes— Fargo, N. D. (Q-GN) 4. To determine whether the opera­ PFE 95495, potatoes.. Fountain City, Minn. tion of the proposed station would in­ 2. To determine the areas and popula­ stop off Winona, volve objectionable interference with sta­ tions which may be expected to gain Minn. (Q) v tion WGBR Goldsboro, North Carolina, primary service from the operation of PFE 44327, carrots__ Mason City, la. stop or with any other existing broadcast sta­ the proposed stations and the character off Ft. Dodge, la. tions and, if so, the nature and extent of other broadcast service available to (CGW) thereof, the areas and populations af­ those areas and populations. PFE 95398, carrots— Esterville, la. stop off fected thereby, and the availability of 3. To determine the type and char­ Waterloo, la. (IC- other broadcast service to such areas and acter of program service proposed to be RI) populations. rendered and whether it would meet the The waybill shall show reference to 5. To determine whether the operation requirements of the populations and this special permit. of the proposed station would involve areas proposed to be served. A copy of this special permit has been objectionable interference with the serv­ 4. To determine whether the opera­ served upon the Association of American ices proposed in any pending applica­ tion of the proposed stations would in­ Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent tions for broadcast facilities and, if so, volve objectionable interference with of the railroads subscribing to the car the nature and extent thereof, the areas any existing broadcast stations and, if service and per diem agreement under and populations affected thereby, and so, the nature and extent thereof, the the terms of that agreement; and notice the availability of other broadcast serv­ areas and populations affected thereby, of this permit shall be given to the gen­ ice to such areas and populations. and the availability of other broadcast eral public by depositing a copy in the of­ 6. To determine whether the installa­ service to such areas and populations. fice of the Secretary of the Commission tion and operation of the proposed sta­ 5. To determine whether the operation at Washington, D. C., and by filing it tion would be in compliance with the of the proposed stations would involve with the Director, Division of the Fed­ Commission’s rules and Standards of objectionable interference with the serv­ eral Register. Good Engineering Practice Concerning ices proposed in any pending applica­ Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th Standard Broadcast Stations. tions for broadcast facilities and, if so, It is further ordered, That, Eastern the nature and extent thereof, the areas day of June 1947. Carolina Broadcasting Company, Inc., and populations affected thereby, and V. C. Clinger, licensee of Station WGBR, Goldsboro, the availability of other broadcast serv­ Director, North Carolina, be, and it is hereby, made ice to such areas and populations. Bureau of Service. a party to this proceeding. 6. To determine whether the installa­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5855; Filed, June 20, 1947; Notice is hereby given, that § 1.857 of tion and operation of the proposed sta­ 8:49 a. m.] the Commission’s rules and regulations tions would be in compliance with the is not applicable to this proceeding. Commission’s rules and Standards of By the Commission. Good Engineering Practice Concerning Standard Broadcast Stations. [S. O. 396, Special Permit 216] [seal] T. J. S lowie, 7. To determine the overlap, if any, Secretary. that will exist between the service areas R econsignment of P otatoes at D es M oines, I owa [F. R. Doc. 47-5900; Filed, June 20, 1947] of the operation proposed by the appli­ 8:49 a. m.] cant Roy C. Kelley and of station WOOD Pursuant to the authority vested in at Grand Rapids, Michigan the nature me by paragraph (f) of the first order­ and extent thereof, and whether such ing paragraph of Service Order No. 396 overlap, if any, is in contravention of (10 F. R. 15008), permission is granted [Docket Nos. 8407, 8408] § 3.35 of the Commission’s rules. for any common carrier by railroad sub­ 8. To determine on a comparative basis ject to the Interstate Commerce Act: N. K. B roadcasting Co. and Roy C. which, if either, of the applications in K elley To disregard entirely the provisions of this consolidated proceeding should be Service Order No. 396 insofar as it applies order designating applications for con­ granted. to the reconsignment at Des Moines, la., solidated HEARING ON STATED ISSUES Notice is hereby given, that i 1.857 of June 12, 1947, by C. H. Robinson, of car In re applications of Nicholas William the Commission’s rules and regulations PFE 25546, potatoes, now on the CRI&P Kuris and Steven Claud Garcia, a part­ is not applicable to this proceeding. to Chicago, 111. (RI). Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4045 The waybill shall show reference to any common carrier by railroad subject ment and not for resale or distribution, this special permit. to the Interstate Commerce Act: at a price of $14 per share, for a total A copy of this special permit has been To disregard entirely the provisions of consideration of $314,420.40. served upon the Association of American Service Order No. 396 insofar as it applies Said declaration having been filed on Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent to the reconsignment at Chicago, 111. April 18, 1947 and amendments thereto of the railroads subscribing to the car (Wab), June 16,1947, by J. Trankina Co., subsequently having been filed, and no­ service and per diem agreement under of car PFE 73832, tomatoes, now on the tice of filing having been duly given in the terms of that agreement; and notice Chicago Produce Terminal, to Leone the manner and form prescribed by Rule of this permit shall be given to the gen^ Fruit & Produce Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. U-23 promulgated pursuant to said act, eral public by depositing a copy in the *(PRR). and the Commission not having received office of the Secretary of the Commission The waybill shall show reference to a request for hearing with respect to said at Washington, D. C„ and by filing it this special permit. declaration within the period specified in with the Director, Division of the Fed­ A copy of this special permit has been said notice, or otherwise, and not having eral Register. served upon the Association of American ordered a hearing thereon; and Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent The Commission finding with respect to day of June 1947. of the railroads subscribing to the car said declaration, as amended, that the service and per diem agreement under requirements of the applicable provisions V. C. Clinger, the terms of that agreement; and notice of the act and the rules thereunder are Director, of this permit shall be given to the gen­ satisfied and deeming it appropriate in Bureau of Service. eral public by depositing a copy in the the public interest and in the interest of [F. R. Doc. 47-5856; Filed, June 20, 1947; office of the Secretary of the Commission investors and consumers that said decla­ 8:49 a. m.] at Washington, D. C., and by filing it ration, as amended, be permitted to be­ with the Director, Division of the Federal come effective; and Register. The declarant having requested that Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th the Commission’s order with respect to [S. O. 396, Special Permit 217] day of June 1947. said declaration, as amended, become ef­ R econsignment of P otatoes at K ansas fective as soon as may be reasonably V. C. Clinger, City, M o. practicable : Director, It is ordered, Pursuant to Rule U-23 Pursuant to the authority vested in me Bureau ôf Service. and the applicable provisions of said act, by paragraph (f) of the first ordering and subject to the terms and conditions paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 [F. R. Doc. 47-5858; Filed, June 20, 1917; 8:55 a. m.} prescribed in Rule U-24, that the said F. R. 15008), permission is granted for declaration, as amended, be, and hereby any common carrier by railroad subject is, permitted to become effective forth­ to the Interstate Commerce Act: with. To disregard entirely the provisions of SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Service Order No. 396 insofar as it ap­ COMMISSION By the Commission. plies to the reconsignment at Kansas [File No. 70-1505] [seal] O rval L. DuBois, City, Mo., June 14,1947, by Gamble Rob­ Secretary. inson Co., of following cars potatoes, now M iddle W est Corp. on the Santa Fe: • [F. R. Doc. 47-5868; Filed, June 20, 1947; order permitting declaration to become 8:57 a. m.] Car No. To EFFECTIVE NEC 6877—_ Mankato, Minn, stop off at Windom,Minn. (MP-Omaha) At a regular session of the Securities SFRD 34392. Ladysmith, Wis. (MP-Soo) and Exchange Commission held at its SFRD 24167. Minneapolis, Minn. (MP-IC- office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., [File No. 70-1520] M&StL) on the 16th day of June, A .D. 1947. K entucky U tilities Co. et al. The waybill shall show reference to The Middle West Corporation (“Mid­ this special permit. dle West”), a registered holding com­ ORDER PERMITTING APPLICATIONS-DECLARA­ pany, having filed a declaration, and TIONS TO BECOME EFFECTIVE AND RESERV­ A copy of this special permit has been ING JURISDICTION served upon the Association of American amendments thereto, pursuant to sec­ Railroads, Car Service Division, as agent tion 12 (d) of the Public Utility Hold­ At a regular session of the Securities of the railroads subscribing to the car ing Company Act of 1935 and Rule U-44 and Exchange Commission, held at its service and per diem agreement under promulgated thereunder regarding the office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., the terms of that agreement; and no­ following proposed transactions: on the 16th day of June A. D. 1947. tice of this permit shall be given to the Public Service Company of Indiana, In the matter of Kentucky Utilities general public by depositing a copy in Inc. (“Service Company”), a subsidiary Company, Old Dominion Power Com­ the office of the Secretary of the Com­ of Middle West and parent of Indiana pany, and The Middle West Corporation, mission at Washington, D. C., and by Gas & Water Company, Inc. (“Gas- File No. 70-1520. filing it with the Director, Division of the Water”) has adopted a program of dis­ Joint applications-déclarations, and Federal Register. tributing to its own common stock­ amendments thereto, having been filed holders, in lieu of cash dividends, the pursuant to the Public Utility Holding Issued at Washington, D. C., this 16th shares of common stock of Gas-Water Company Act of 1935, and the applicable day of June 1947. at the quarterly rate of 1/20 share of rules thereunder, by -The Middle West V. C. Clinger, Gas-Water common on each share of Corporation, a registered holding com­ Director, Service Company common. Middle pany, Kentucky Utilities Company, a Bureau of Service. West, as the owner of 224,586 shares subsidiary of The Middle West Corpora­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5857; Filed, June 20, 1947; (approximately 20.27%) of the common tion, and Old Dominion Power Company, 8:55 a. m.] stock of Service Company has received a subsidiary of Kentucky Utilities Com­ two such quarterly dividends aggregat­ pany, proposing a recapitulation of ing 22,458% shares of Gas-Water com­ Kentucky Utilities Company and of Old mon stock representing 3.74% of the Dominion Power Company and related total of such shares outstanding. transactions; and [S. O. 396, Special Permit 218] Middle West proposes to sell such 22,- A hearing having been held in such R econsignment of T omatoes at Chicago, 458% shares of Gas-Water common matter and the Commission having con­ III. stock to certain of the directors of Gas- sidered the record and having made and Water and Service Company, or to mem­ filed its findings herein: Pursuant to the authority vested in me bers of their families, and to a business It is ordered, That said applications- by paragraph (f) of the first ordering enterprise, of which one of such direc­ déclarations, as amended, be, and hereby paragraph of Service Order No. 396 (10 tors is President, as set forth in said are, ' granted and permitted to become F. R. 15008), permission is granted for declaration, as amended, for invest­ effective, subject, however, to the terms 4046 NOTICES and conditions prescribed in Rule U-24 by appraisers, exceeds such yearly rental effective or be granted as provided in of the general rules and regulations during the initial term. Rule U-23 of the rules and regulations under the Public Utility Holding Com­ Said declaration having been filed May promulgated under the act, or the Com­ pany Act of 1935 and subject further to 13, 1947 and notice of said filing having mission may exempt all of the proposed the following terms and conditions: been given in the form and manner pre­ transactions or any of them as provided (a) That the proposed issue and sale scribed by Rule U-23 promulgated pur­ in Rule U-20 (a) and Rule U-100 thereof. of bonds and preferred stock by Ken­ suant to said act, and the Commission All interested persons are referred to said tucky Utilities Company, pursuant to not having received a request for, hearing joint declaration-application which is on Rule U-50, shall not be consummated with respect to said declaration within file in the offices of this Commission for until the results of competitive bidding the period specified in said notice,,or a statement of the transactions therein have been made a matter of record in otherwise, and not having ordered a proposed which are summarized as this proceeding and a further order hearing thereon; and follows: entered by this Commission in the light The Commission finding with respect Transport proposes to redeem prior to of the record so completed, which order to said declaration that the requirements January 1,1948, at the principal amount may contain such further terms and of the applicable provisions of the act thereof plus accrued interest, the bal­ conditions as may then be deemed ap­ and rules thereunder are satisfied, that ance, aggregating $4,000,000 in princi­ no adverse findings are necessary there­ pal amount, of its First Mortgage 4% propriate, jurisdiction being reserved for Bonds, held by Electric. Such redemp­ this purpose. under, and deeming it appropriate in the (b) That in respect of the application public interest and in the interest of in­ tion is contingent upon and will be made for exemption pursuant to section 6 (b) vestors and consumers that said declara­ simultaneously with the receipt of the of the issue and sale of securities by Old tion be permitted to become effective, proceeds from the proposed sale by Dominion Power Company, the granting and deeming it appropriate to grant a Transport of substantially all of its op­ thereof shall become effective upon re­ request of declarant that the order be­ erating properties, consisting principally ceipt by this Commission of a certified come effective forthwith: of its Milwaukee Metropolitan System, its copy of an appropriate order of the State It is hereby ordered, Pursuant to Rule bus lines operated in the City of Mil­ Corporation Commission of Virginia U-23 and the applicable provisions of the waukee and known as Wisconsin Motor act, and subject to the terms and condi­ Bus Lines, its local suburban railway serv­ authorizing such issue and sale. tions prescribed in Rule U-24, that the ice and certain properties incidental to It is further ordered, That, in accord­ declaration be, and the same hereby is, such operations. ance with the request of Kentucky Util­ permitted to become effective forthwith. The proposed sale of such transporta­ ities Company, the ten-day period for tion properties is to be made pursuant to inviting bids as provided in Rule U-50, By the Commission. the terms and conditions of a competitive be, and hereby is, shortened to a period [SEAL] ORVAL L. DUBOIS, bidding procedure adopted by the com­ of not less than six days. Secretary. It is further ordered, That, except as pany, under the terms of which procedure indicated by the foregoing, this order [P. R. Doc. 47-5870; Piled, June 20, 1947; sealed written proposals for the purchase 8:58 a. m.] of such properties are to be submitted to become effective forthwith. the company not later than 12:00 noon, By the Commission. central standard time, July 21, 1947, at Room 444, Public Service Building, 231 [seal] Orval L. D uB ois, Secretary. [Pile No. 70-1542] West Michigan Street, Milwaukee 1, Wis­ consin. [F. R. Doc. 47-5866; Piled, June 20, 1947; M ilwaukee E lectric R ailway & T rans­ With respect to the proposed sale of the 8:56 a. m.] port Co. and W isconsin E lectric transportation properties by Transport, P ower Co. declarants-applicants state that they do NOTICE OF FILING not feel that any section of the act or [Pile No. 70-1523] At a regular session of the Securities rules of the Commission requires the ap­ proval of the Commission for such sale, N ew E ngland P ower Assn . and Exchange Commission held at its office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., but if the Commission should determine ORDER PERMITTING DECLARATION TO BECOME on the 16th day of June, 1947. that the provisions of subdivision (c) of EFFECTIVE Notice is hereby given that a joint Rule U-44 are applicable, then their ap­ At a regular session of the Securities declaration and application has been plication shall be deemed to be a notice and Exchange Commission, held at its filed with this Commission pursuant to of intention by Transport to invite com­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., the Public Utility Holding Company Act petitive bids and to sell such properties as on the 16th day of June A. D. 1947. of 1935 (“act”) by The Milwaukee Elec­ described therein. In connection with New England Power Association, a reg­ tric Railway & Transport Company such sale the declarants-applicants have istered holding company, having filed a (“Transport”), a wholy-owned subsidi­ requested that the proposed sale be ex­ declaration, pursuant to section 12 (b) ary of Wisconsin Electric Power Com­ empted from the provisions of Rule U- of the Public Utility Holding Company pany (“Electric”), a subsidiary holding 44 (c) under the provisions of Rule U- Act of 1935 and Rule U-45 promulgated company of The North American Com­ 100, in the event the Commission deems thereunder, with respect to the following pany, a registered holding company. the provisions of Rule U-44 applicable transactions : Declarants-applicants have designated to such sale. New England Power Association pro­ section 12 (c) and Rule U-42 as appli­ Electric seeks authorization to sur­ poses to guarantee performance of a cable to the proposed transactions. render the bonds to Transport upôn the lease to be entered into between Dart­ Notice is further given that any in­ basis above described. mouth Corporation, a non-affiliated com­ terested person may, not later than June By the Commission. 25, 1947, at 5:30 p. m., e. d. s. t., request pany, and New England Power Service [seal] O rval L. D uB ois, Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Commission in writing that a hearing Secretary. declarant, of certain premises located at be held on such matter, stating the 441 Stuart Street, Boston, Massachusetts, reasons for such request, the nature of [F. R. Doc. 47-5867; Filed, June 20, 1947; which declarant now occupies. The pro­ his interest and the issues of fact or 8:57 a. m.] posed new lease is for a term of 15 years law raised by said declaration-applica­ commencing July 1,1947, with an option tion which he desires to controvert, or to renew for a further period of 5 years may request that he be notified if the [File No. 812-498] or 10 years, as New England Power Serv­ Commission should order a hearing ice Company elects by July 1, 1961 with thereon. Any such request should be ad­ B ankers S ecurities Corp. and Albert M. the assent of New England Power Asso­ dressed; Secretary, Securities and Ex­ G reenfield & Co. ciation. The stipulated rental for the change Commission, 18th and Locust NOTICE OF APPLICATION, STATEMENT OF initial 15-year term is to be $207,000 an­ Streets, Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania. ISSUES, AND ORDER FOR HEARING nually and thereafter $207,000 plus any At any time after June 25,1947 said joint amount by which the then fair yearly declaration-application, as filed or as At a regular session of the Securities rental value of the space, as determ ine amended, may be permitted to become and Exchange Commission, held at its Saturday, June 21, 194T FEDERAL REGISTER 4047 office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on to preside at any such hearing are 2. Those certain bonds in bearer form the 17th day of June A. D. 1947. hereby authorized to exercise all the described in Exhibit B, attached hereto Notice is hereby given that Bankers powers granted to the Commission un­ and by reference made a part hereof, Securities Corporation (“Bankers”), and der sections 41 and 42 (b) of the Invest­ and presently in the custody of The Albert M. Greenfield & Co. (“Greenfield ment Company Act of 1940 and to hear­ National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall & Co.”) have filed an application pur­ ing officers under the Commission’s rules Street, New York 15, New York, in suant to section 6 (c) of the Investment of practice. accounts numbered B23944 and B23945 Company Act of 1940 (“act”) for an or­ Notice of such hearing is hereby given entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ der of the Commission exempting from to the above-named applicants, Bankers schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account section 17 (e) (1) of the act, the proposed Securities Corporation and Albert M. Special Customers account for Custody, receipt of $37,000 by Greenfield & Co. as Greenfield & Co., and to any other person together with any and all rights there­ a real estate brokerage fee for services or persons whose participation in such under and thereto, rendered in negotiating the sale of No. proceedings may be in the public inter­ 3. Those certain certificates of deposit 315-31 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, est or for the protection of investors. described in Exhibit C, attached hereto Pennsylvania. Any person desiring to be heard or other­ and by reference made a part hereof, Bankers is a closed-end management wise desiring to participate in said pro­ representing the bond issues described in non-diversified investment company and ceeding should file with the Secretary of the aforesaid exhibit, which certificates is registered under the Investment Com­ the Commission, on or before June 27, of deposit are presently in the custody pany Act of 1940. 1947 his application therefor as provided of The National City Bank of New York, Greenfield & Co. is a fully licensed real by Rule XVII of the rules of practice of 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, estate broker under the laws of Penn­ the Commission, setting forth therein in accounts numbered B23944 and sylvania. Greenfield & Co. and Bankers any of the above issues of law or fact B23945 entitled Exportkreditbank are affiliated persons. which he desires to controvert and any Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, Greenfield & Co. as agent negotiated additional issues he deems raised by the sub-account Special Customers account an agreement of sale of the aforesaid real aforesaid applications. for Custody, together with any and all estate beneficially owned by Bankers to By the Commission. rights thereunder and thereto, Woodmen of the World Life Insurance 4. Six (6) coupons, detached from Society for $740,000. Bankers agreed to [seal] O rval L. D uB ois, Miag Mill Machinery Company Closed pay Greenfield & Co. a commission of 5% Secretary. Mortgage Sinking Fund 7% bonds num­ of the selling price, or $37,000 of which [F. R. Doc. 47-5869; Filed, June 20, 1947; bered 40 and 2574, each in the amount Greenfield & Co. has agreed to pay $8,000 8:58 a. m.] of $35.00, having become due December 1, to a non-affiliated cooperating broker 1939, June 1, 1940 and December 1, 1940, and to pay $5,000 for certain expenses. and presently in the custody of the Payment of such commission is prohi­ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall bited by section 17 (e) (1) of the act Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ unless an exemption therefrom is Office of Alien Property count number B25294 entitled Export­ granted by the Commission pursuant to Authority: 40 Stat. 411, 55 Stat. 839, Pub. kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, section 6 (c). The applicants assert that Laws 322, 671, 79th Cong., 60 Stat. 50, 925; 50 Germany, Sub-A/C Coupon Dept., to­ an exemption is necessary or appropriate U. S. C. and Supp. App. 1, 616; E. O. 9193, gether with any and all rights there­ within the standards set forth in section July 6, 1942, 3 CFR, Cum. Supp., E. O. 9567, under and thereto, June 8, 1945, 3 CFR, 1945 Supp., E. O. 9788, 5. Fifteen coupons, detached from 6 (c) of the act. Oct. 14, 1946, 11 F. R. 11981. All interested persons are referred to German Central Bank for Agriculture said application which is on file in the [Vesting Order 9068] 6% bonds numbered 1239, 7187, 8558, 9536 and 9925* each in the amount of office of this Commission for a more E xportkreditbank A. G. detailed statement of the matters of $30.00, having become due April 15,1937, fact and law asserted. In Re: Stock, bonds, and other prop­ September 15, 1937 and April 15, 1938, The Corporation Finance Division of erty owned by and debts or other obliga­ and presently in the custody of The Na­ the Commission has advised the Com­ tions owing to Exportkreditbank A. G. tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall mission that, upon a preliminary exam­ F-28-180-A-6 ; F-28-180-C-2; F-28-180- Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ ination of the application, it deems the E-7. count number B23945 entitled Ex­ following issues to be raised thereby Under the authority of the Trading portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ without prejudice to the specification with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ of additional issues upon further exam­ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ tomers account for Custody, together ination: Whether and the extent to tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, with any and all rights thereunder and which an exemption from section 17 (e) after investigation, it is hereby found: thereto, (1) of the act so as to permit the receipt I. That Exportkreditbank A. G., whose 6. Those coupons, detached from Hun­ by Greenfield & Co. of a commission of last known address is Kanonierstrasse garian Municipal 7% bonds numbered 5% of the selling price in connection 17-20, Berlin, Germany, is a corporation 624, 656, and 657, in the aggregate sum with the transaction hereinbefore re­ organized under the laws of Germany, of $577.50, having become due July 1, ferred to is necessary or appropriate in and which has or, since the effective date 1932 through July 1,1937 inclusive, which the public interest and consistent with of Executive Order 8389, as amended, coupons are presently in the custody of the protection of investors and with the has had its principal place of business The National City Bank of New York, purposes fairly intended by the policy in Germany and is a national of a desig­ 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, and provisions of the Act. nated enemy country (Germany) ; in account number B23945 entitled Ex­ It appearing to the Commission that II. That the propery described as fol­ portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ a hearing upon the application is neces­ lows: lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ sary and appropriate: 1. Those certain shares of stock de­ tomers account for Custody, together It is ordered, Pursuant to section 40 scribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and with any and all rights thereunder and (a) of the said act, that a public hear­ by reference made a part hereof, regis­ thereto, ing on the aforesaid matter be held on tered in the names of the persons set, 7. One (1) New York Title & Mortgage «Tune 30, 1947 at 9:30 a. m. eastern day­ forth in the aforesaid exhibit, and pres­ Company mortgage participation certifi­ light saving time in Room 318 in the ently in the custody of The National cate, of $4,000 face value, participating Securities and Exchange Commission City Bank of New York, 55 Wall Street, in a 5V2% Series BX15 Guaranteed 1st building, 18th and Locust Streets, Phila­ New York 15, New York, in accounts mortgage, said participation certificate delphia 3, Pennsylvania; numbered B23944 and B23945 entitled bearing the number 118, registered in the It is further ordered, That Robert P. Exportkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, name of Fidelity & Deposit Company of Reeder or any other officer or officers of Berlin, Germany, sub-account Special Maryland, and presently in the custody the Commission designated by it for that Customers account for Custody, together of The National City Bank of New York, purpose shall preside at the hearing with all declared and unpaid dividends 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, and any officer or officers so designated thereon, in account number B23945 entitled Ex- 4048 NOTICES portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ Number Face value bearing the number F23, which scrip lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ GX11488, FX3433, GX597, GX598 certificate is presently in the custody (each)______$32.50 of the National City Bank of New York, tomers account for Custody, together BP2843, CP1202, DP986, FP1095, with any and all rights thereunder and EP1555, GP771 (each)...... 16.25 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, thereto, F802______30. 00 in account number B23945, entitled Ex­ 8. Five (5) Pennsylvania Building In­G7553-______20. 00 portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ corporated mortgage participation cer­ 16913, 16914, 16915, 8453, 7904, 7905, lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ tificates, participating in a 4% Second 7906, 7907, 2476, 2477, 2478, 2479, tomers account for Custody, together Income 20-year mortgage, said participa­ 2480 (ea ch ).______100.00 with any and all rights thereunder and tion certificates registered in the name which fractional certificates are present­ thereto, of Friedrich Zimmermann, of the face ly in the custody of The National City 17. One (1) United States of Mexico value, numbered, and in the amounts as Bank of New York, 55 Wall Street, New deposit receipt, for Class A bonds due follows: York 15, New York, in account number January 1, 1968, of $437.40 face value, B23945 entitled Exportkreditbank Akti­ bearing the number S1356, which deposit receipt is presently in the custody of The No. Face Number engesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-ac­ value of shares count Special Customers account for Cus­ National City Bank cf New York, 55 tody, together with any »and all rights Wall Street, New York 15, New York, in C 1848...... _...... $100 1 thereunder and thereto, account number B23845 entitled Export­ C 1849...... l_ 100 1 kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, C 1850______100 1 13. One (1) Province of Buenos Aires C 1851______100 1 arrears certificate, for Secured Sinking Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ M 970...... 1,000 10 Fund 7% Bond, of 3 face value, in tomers account for Custody, together bearer form, bearing the number 3883, with any and all rights thereunder and and presently in the custody of The which arrears certificate is presently in thereto, . National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall the custody of The National City Bank 18. One (1) Maxwell Motor Company, Street, New York 15, New York, irt of New York, 55 Wall Street, New York Inc. fractional scrip certificate, in bearer account number B23949 entitled Export- 15, New York, in account number B23945 form, bearing the number 2357, and pres­ kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ ently in the custody of The National City Germany, sub-account Special Customers schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account Bank of New York, 55 Wall Street, New account for Custody, together with any Special Customers account for Custody, York 15, New York, in account number and all rights thereunder and thereto, together with any and all rights there­ B23944 entitled Exportkreditbank Ak­ 9. One.(l) 1404 East Ninth Company under and thereto, tiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, sub­ participation certificate, for ten (10) 14. One (1) City Bank Farmers Trust account Special Customers account for shares of capital stock of no par value, Company window receipt, for one Ger­ Custody, together with any and all rights bearing the number 228, registered in man Central Bank for Agriculture Farm thereunder and thereto, the name of Norddeutsche Bank in Loan Secured Sinking Fund 4% Series 19. One (1) Residuum Reclamation Hamburg, which participation certificate A Bond, of $2,000.00 face value, bearing Corporation voting trust certificate, rep­ is presently in the custody of The the number 30722, which window receipt resenting one hundred (100) shares of National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall is presently in the custody of The Na­ no par value common stock, bearing the Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall number A481, registered in the name of count number B23945 entitled Export- Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ R. M. Lowitz, which voting trust certifi­ kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, count number B23945 entitled Export­ cate is presently in the custody of The Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall tomers account for Custody, together Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ with any and all rights thereunder and ers account for Custody, together with count number B23944 entitled Export­ thereto, any and all rights thereunder and kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, 10. One (1) National Bondholders thereto, Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ Corporation participation certificate, of 15. Fifty (50) Konversionskasse fur ers account for Custody, together with $1,000.00 face value, participating in a Deutsche Auslandeschulden fractional any and all rights thereunder and there­ 5% Federal Home C Series mortgage, certificates, for 3% Bonds, of the series, to, said participation certificate bearing the face value, and numbered as follows: 20. One (1) St. Louis and O’Fallon number FHC321, registered in the name Coal Company deposit receipt, for eight­ of Marie Huemmeler and Antoine Huem- een (18) shares of $100.00 par value cap­ meler, and presently in the custody of Series N o. Face ital stock, bearing the number 33, regis­ The National City Bank of New York, value tered in the name of Johannes (Hans) 55 Wall Street,,New York 15, New York, Kluku, which deposit receipt is presently B ...... 277562,283455,283456,283457,285811, $20.00 in account number B23945 entitled Ex- 285812, 287171, 287172. in the custody of The National City Bank portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ 122482, 122847...... 10.00 of New York, 55 Wall Street, New York 066387______5.00 lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ 035217, 034387...... 2.50 15, New York, in account number B23944 tomers account for Custody, together C ...... 053718, 053717...... 20.00 entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ with any and all rights thereunder and 025966...... 10.00 010608, 010637...... 5.00 schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account thereto, 005434______2.50 Special Customers account for Custody, 11. One (1) executed assignment of D ...... 027402, 027403...... 20.00 together with any and all rights there­ 018935'...... ¿1...... 10.00 claim, dated June 10, 1937, signed by 011219_____ .'...... 500.00 under and thereto, St. Louis Union Trust Company, cover­ 059087, 059088, 059089, 59109, 59110, 100.00 21. One (1) St. Louis & O’Fallon Rail­ 59111, 59807, 59808, 59809, 59086, ing two (2) Michigan-Ohio Building 59960, 59961, 59962, 66928, 66962, way Company deposit receipt, for fifty- Corporation 1st Mortgage Leasehold and 67328, 69597, 70377, 75818, 76388, one (51) shares of $100.00 par value capi­ Building 6V2% Gold bonds, of $1,000.00 76409, 78366, 78449, 78464, 78543, 79351, 81569. tal stock, bearing the number 36, regis­ face value each, which executed assign­ tered in the name of Johannes (Hans) ment of claim is presently in the custody Kluku, which deposit receipt is presently of The National City Bank of New York, w h i c h fractional certificates are p r e s - in the custody of The National City Bank 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, ently in the custody of The' National City of New York, 55 Wall Street, New York in account number B23945 entitled Ex- Bank of New York, 55 Wall Street, New 15, New York, in account number B23944 portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ York 15, New York, in account number entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ B23945 entitled Exportkreditbank Ak­ schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account tomers account for Custody, together tiengesellschaft, Berlin, Germany, sub­ with any and all rights thereunder and account Special Customers account for Special Customers account for Custody, thereto, Custody, together with any and all rights together with any and all rights there­ 12. Twenty-five (25) United States of thereunder and thereto, under and thereto, Brazil fractional certificates, for 20-year 16. One (1) National Railways of 22. One (1) Seaboard Trust Company 5% Funding bonds of 1931, of the face Mexico scrip certificate, for Secured voting trust certificate, for one (1) share values and numbered as follows: 3-year 6% note, of $11.25 face value, of capital stock, bearing the number Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4049 V97563, registered in the name of Alois ers account for Custody, together with City Bank of New York, 55 Wall Street, Weltinger, which voting trust certificate any and all rights thereunder and there­ New York 15, New York by Export­ is presently in the custody of The Na­ to, kreditbank A. G., Berlin, Germany, and tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall 28. One (1) Seaboard Trust Company presently in the custody of the aforesaid Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ trust certificate, of $8.42 face value, The National City Bank of New York, count number B23944 entitled Export­ bearing the number TC9647, registered together with all rights in, to and under, kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, in the name of Aloise Weltinger, which including particularly, but not limited to, Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ trust certificate is presently in the cus­ the rights to possession and presentation ers account for Custody, together with tody of The National City Bank of New for collection and payment, of the afore­ any and all rights thereunder and York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New said check, and any and all rights to thereto, York, in account number B23944 entitled demand, enforce and collect the same, 23. One (1) certificate, representing Exportkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, 33. That certain debt or other obliga­ five (5) International Fire Prevention Berlin, Germany, sub-account Special tion owing to Exportkreditbank A. G., Company fully paid equities of $25.00 Customers account for Custody, together by The National City Bank of New York, par value each, bearing the number 31, with any and all rights thereunder and 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, registered in the name of Frieda Meffert, thereto, arising out of a clean credit deposit which certificate is presently in the cus­ 29. One (1.) Seaboard Trust Company account, account number 296EE, en­ tody of The National City Bank of New trust receipt, of $92.63 face value, bear­ titled Exportkreditbank A. G., Sub York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New ing the number TR11326, registered in Account Customers A/C for Custody, York, in account number B23944 entitled the name of Aloise Weltinger, which trust General Ruling No. 6 A/C, Berlin, Ger­ Exportkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, receipt is presently in the custody of The many, and any and all rights to demand, Berlin, Germany, sub-account Special National City Bank of New York, 55 Wall enforce and collect the same, Customers account for Custody, together Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ 34. That; certain debt or other obliga­ with any and all rights thereunder and count number B23944 entitled Export­ tion owing to Exportkreditbank A. G., by thereto, kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, The National City Bank of New York, 55 24. One (1) St. Louis Southwestern Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ Wall Street, New York 15, New York, Railway Company receipt, for 1st Mort­ ers account for Custody, together with arising out of a clean credit deposit ac­ gage 4% Bond, of $30.00 face value, in any and all rights thereunder and there­ count, account number 295EE, entitled bearer form, bearing the number 1456, to, Exportkreditbank A. G., Sub-Account which receipt is presently in the custody 30. Five (5) Kreuger & Toll Co. deben­ Special Customers A/C for Custody, of The National City Bank of New York, tures, for 154 shares of American Certifi­ General Ruling No. 6 A/C, Berlin, Ger­ 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, cates of Participation, of the par value, many, and any and all rights to demand, in account number B23944 entitled Ex­ certificate numbers, and regirtration as enforce and collect the same, and portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ follows: 35. That certain debt or other obliga­ lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ tion owing to Exportkreditbank A. G., by The National City Bank of New York, 55 tomers account for Custody, together Par with any and all rights thereunder and Shares Certificate No. value Kegistered owners Wall Street, New York 15, New York, thereto, arising out of a clean credit deposit ac­ count, account number 297EE, entitled 25. One (1) St. Louis Southwestern 2 NY/O-101745__ SC 20 Tucker & Co. Railway Company receipt, for 2nd Mort­ 5 NY/O-101746__ SC 20 Do. Exportkreditbank A. G., Sub A/C Cus­ 3 NY/O-101747__ SC 20 Do. tomers A/C for Custody, Berlin, Ger­ gage 4% income Certificate, of $250.00 20 NY/O-101748__ SC 20 Do. face value, in bearer form, bearing the 124 NY/O-99818...... SC 20 J. & W. Seligmann many, and any and all rights to demand, number 1180, which receipt is presently & Co. enforce and collect the same, in the custody of The National City Bank is property within the United States of New York, 55 Wall Street, New York which debentures are presently in the owned or controlled by, payable or de­ 15, New York, in acount number B23944 custody of The National City Bank of. liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ New York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, count of, or owing to, or which is evidence schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account New York, in account number B23944 of ownership or control by, the aforesaid Special Customers account for Custody, entitled Exportkreditbank Aktiengesell­ national of a designated enemy country together with any and all rights there­ schaft, Berlin, Germany, sub-account (Germany); under and thereto, Special Customers account for Custody, and it is hereby determined: 26. One (1) Austin State Bank certifi­ together with any and all rights there­ III. That to the extent that the person cate of beneficial interest, of $200.46 face under and thereto, named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not value, bearing the number 6603, regis­ 31. Those certain checks or other within a designated enemy country, the tered in the name of Mrs. Helene Ger- credit instruments, endorsed by Export­ national interest of the United States re­ lach, and presently in the custody of kreditbank A. G., Berlin, Germany to quires that such person be treated as a The National City Bank of New York, the order of The National City Bank of national of a designated enemy country 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New York, New York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, (Germany). in account number B23944 entitled Ex­ New York, and presently in the custody All determinations and all action re­ portkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ of the aforesaid The National City Bank quired by law, including appropriate con­ lin, Germany, sub-account Special Cus­ of New York for collection and credit to sultation and certification, having been tomers account for Custody, together the aforesaid Exportkreditbank A. G., made and taken, and, it being deemed with any and all rights thereunder and which checks or other credit instruments necessary in the national interest, thereto, are identified in Exhibit D, attached There is hereby vested in the Attorney 27. Two (2) Seaboard Trust Company hereto and by reference made a part General of the United States the prop­ certificates of beneficial interest, regis­ hereof, together with all rights in, to erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ tered in the name of Aloise Weltinger, of and under, including particularly, but ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise the face values and numbered as follows: not limited to, the rights to possession dealt with in the interest of and for the and presentation for collection and pay­ benefit of the United States. No. Face value ment, of the aforesaid checks or other The terms “national” and “designated A6970 ______$1,250.00 credit instruments, and any and all enemy country” as used herein shall have A6968______1,353.86 rights to demand, enforce and collect the the meanings prescribed in section 10 of which certificates of beneficial interest same. Executive Order 9193, as amended. are presently in the custody of The Na­ 32. One (1) check, dated April 8,1941, Executed at Washington, D. C., on tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall of $50.00 face value, bearing the num­ May 26, 1947. Street, New York 15, New York, in ac­ ber 14647, drawn by Universum Book count number B23944 entitled Export­ Export Company, Incorporated, 46 East For the Attorney General. kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, 17th Street, New York, New York, en­ [ seal] D onald C. Co o k , Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ dorsed to the order of The National Director. 4050 NOTICES

E xhibit A

Place of incor­ Certificate Nos. Number of Registered owner Name and address of issuer poration [ Type of stock Par value shares

Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 25 Broadway, New $50...... F 566230...... 20...... Hurley & Co. York 4, N. Y. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co., 139 Van Illinois, Iowa__ $1(10 D 42893...... 20...... Do. Buren St., Chicago, 111. Missouri Pacific R. R. Co., Missouri Pacific Bldg., $100...... 066056...... 5 ...... Do. St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia Co., 435 6th Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Pennsylvania__ $50...... NR 10078...... 33...... Do. Radio Corp. of America, R. C. A. Bldg., 30 Rocke­ FR/C 19754...... 25...... Do. feller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Alleghany Corp., Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleve­ C 017900...... 50...... L. D. Pickering & land, Ohio. Co. No...... NA 021827...... 1.1...... Sigler & Co. CA 084936...... 1...... American Electric Securities Corp., 20 Pine St., -....d o ...... $ 1 ...... C 0227...... 20___ .... L. D. Pickering & New York, N. Y. C 25 ...... 100...... Co. American Power & Light Co., 2 Rector St., New ...... do...... No...... S 94712...... i%oths— . York, N. Y. 0161137...... 1Ò______Hurlev & Co. American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corp., No...... C 094796...... 5______GerdaFinster Busch. 40 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. C 0400593...... U...... Hurley & Co. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., 195 Broad­ $100...... HN 69184...... 7 each...... Barnes & Co. way, New York 7, N. Y. HN 69185...... 5 each...... SN 73392...... 3______A 279851...... 28...... Hurley & Co. American Window Glass Co., Farmers Bank Pennsylvania... $100-—'- A 5319...... 40______Ellsworth Jordan an- Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. ciliary, administra­ tor c. t. a. of the Estate of Leo Breu- ning, deceased. American Yvette Co,, Inc., Ill 8th Ave., New $2 convertible c u m u la tiv e pre­ CP 07774...... 50...... JHurley & Co. York, N. Y. ferred. Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 25 Broadway, New $50____ F 933104...... 20...... Do. York 4, N. Y. F 776793...... : ...... 30...... F 929167...... 26...... F 89173...... 1 ...... F 177384...... 50...... Emanuel Hess. F 341227...... 20...... E 212513...... 10...... Henrich Frugerhut. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co., $100...... A 396069...... J...... 40...... Otto Rennan. Topeka, Kans. The Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., B. & O. Bldg., $100...... A 526094______5 ...... Tucker & Co. Baltimore, Md. A 534915 . 18...... A 534914...... 49...... A 526479...... 3 7 ...... Hurley & Co. A 530840...... 2 ...... 1 A 533298...... 1 ...... A 542222...... 4 ...... Tucker & Co. A 397333...... 30...... Otto Rennan. A 430565...... 5 ...... Hallgarten & Co. D 212235...... 10...... The Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co., B. & O. Bldg., ...... do...... $100...... B 98968______2 ...... Tucker & Co. Baltimore, Md. B 81832...... 1 ...... Hallgarten & Co. 750 non-cumulative class A...... $1...... 935...... 12...... Tucker & Co. 936...... 8 ...... Castelreagh Corp., 6820 Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Capital...... No...... 148...... %ths____ Hurley & Co. Mo. 147...... i____...... Central Coal & Coke Corp., Title & Trust Bldg., Common______$1...... 3479...... 2 0 ...... Do. Topeka, Kans. Central States Electric Corp., Richmond Trust 6% cumulative preferred____ :__ $100...... NY 6/SP08422, NY 10 each__ Tucker & Co. Bldg., Richmond, Va. 6/SP08423, NY 6/- SP08424. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Co., Chicago, $100...... 43640...... 29...... Hurley

E xhibit A—Continued

Place of incor­ Par value Certificate Nos. Number of Eegistered owner Name and address of issuer poration Type of stock shares

6% cumulative preferred...... $100___ NY 01268...... 50...... Tucker & Co. No...... NY 01506...... 55...... Do. Illinois Central E. E. Co., 135 East 11th PL, $100...... ■F 219411...... 10...... Do. Chicago, 5, 111. 0145464 35 Carl Gelpke, trustees^ t j l w Adolph W. Far- enhaltz. International Telephone & Telegraph Corp., No...... NN/F 475516...... 10...... t Werner Nissen. 67 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. International Telephone & Telegraph Corp., ...... do...... No...... NN/AF 1218...... 10...... Hurley & Co. 67 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y. $1...... 32...... 10,000...... Do. Missouri Pacific E E Co., Missouri Pacific Bldg., ...... do...... $100 — 077148...... 51...... Do. St. Louis, Mo. 075728...... 61...... 077679...... 18...... 49663...... 100...... 018172...... 5...... >■ 077690...... 40...... Tucker & Co. 077689...... 50...... 032389—...... 20.'...... Hallgarten & Co. 05845, 05846...... 1 each bank. Missouri State Life Insurance Co., 1501 Locust St., $10...... D 7607/21...... 100 each... Schmidt & Co. St. Louis, Mo. National Hotel of Cuba Corp;, 55 Wall St., New No...... NY/CO-4041...... 1...... Hurley & Co. York, N. Y. Norfolk & Western Eailway Co., Boanoke, Va__ $100 .... 129950...... 6...... Do. North American Co., 60 Broadway, New York, 4, $10...... M 41723...... 16...... Do. N. Y. $100...... B 216102...... 10...... Do. C 363540...... 5...... C 362969...... 5.______North Texas Compress & Warehouse Co., Grans- $100...... 90...... 1...... Do. ville, Tex. No...... NO 290______10...... Snydam & Co. Ohio Copper Co. of Utah, Dooley Bldg., Salt Lake $1...... 84490/95, 84511/12...... 100 each... Arthur Watjen. City, Utah. 115824/32...... Sigler & Co. Eadio Corp. of America, E. C. A. Bldg., 30 Eocke- No;...... FE/C 28152...... 2...... Hurley & Co. feller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. FE/C 31551...... 1...... FE/C 19759./...... FE/C 19760...... FE/C 19761...... $100...... 253...... 7— ...... Hedwig Heyl 52.... H...... St. Louis Union Trust Co., 323 North Broadway, $20...... NO 11091...... 100...... Hurley & Co St. Louis, Mo­ st. Louis Independent Liquidating Co., St. Louis, No...... NO 486...... 10...... Dr. August Eick Mo. St. Louis Eefrigerator Car Co. of St. Louis, St. $100...... 551...... 18...... Hurley & Co. Louis, Mo. Southern Pacific Co., 165 Broadway, New York, No...... NB 2075...... 10...... Do. N. Y. NC 7872...... 11...... 7868...... 8...... 7870...... 3...... 7869...... 50...... 7871...... 25...... No...... NY 1284...... 25...... E. M. Lowitz Hugo Stinnes Corp., 10 Light St., Baltimore, Md. $5...... NY 09798...... 10...... Hurley & Co. No...... NY/B 174064...... 10______Do. New Common...... No— 503 C.___...... 468

E xhibit B

Description of issue Face value Certificate No.

Batavian Petroleum Co. 15-year guaranteed debenture 4H percent bonds...... 3 @ $1,000. 17099, 303, 17069. Baltimore & Ohio BE. Co. refunding and general mortgage series A 5 percent bonds— 2 @ $1,000. 35403, 43092. 4 @ $500... 1156, 634, 635, 306. Village of Celina, Ohio, street improvement 5 percent bond...... — 1 @ $850... 13. Chicago Great Western EB. Co. first mortgage 50-year 4 percent bond...... 1 @ $1,000- 12022. Denver & Eio Grande Western EE. Co. general mortgage sinking fund 5 percent bonds. 9 @ $100— 1783/4, 1790/4, 1781, 1782. 9 @ $500— 808/14, 798, 816. 8 @ $1,000.. 19211, 20653, 13599, 13618/22. German American Stoneware Works first mortgage 5 percent bond...... 1 @ $100— 139 Good Hope Steel & Iron Works 20-year sinking fund 7 percent mortgage bonds...... 5 @ $1,000.. 7054, 7055, 7056, 6121, 6122. ' Missouri-Kansas-Texas BE. Co. prior lien mortgage series A 5 percent bond...... 1 @ $100— C 725. Missouri-Kansas-Texas E. E. Co., cumulative adjustment mortgage series A 5 per­ 2 @ $1,000.. 49260, 49261. cent bonds. St. Louis-San Francisco By. Co., prior lien mortgage series A 4 percent bonds...... 16 @ $1,000. 4499, 4500, 8037, 8039, 8040, 8041, 8549, 8986, 8987, 8988,10049, 10050, 36400, 85205, 85206, 89096. 22 @$500. 1589, 6525, 6532, 6559, 6597, 6608, 6630, 6633,,6639, 6650, 6656, 6657,6660, 6666, 6682,6697, 6717,6738, 6739,6774, 6775,6875. 52 @ $250. 166, 5636, 5844, 6786, 7481, 7524, 7738, 7759, 7872, 8045, 8052, 8063, 8065,8099,8110,8156,8172,8250,8253,8255,8288,8289, 8290,8331, 8340,8342,8345,8346,8347,8349, 8353,8358,8359, 8449, 8450,8576,8577,8645,8658,8659,8698,8699,8748, 8767, 8777, 8786, 8789, 8838, 8839, 8840, 8867, 8868. 45 @ $100. 4501, 4539, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543, 4544, 4545, 4546, 4634, 4635, 4637, 4638, 4639, 4640, 4641, 4642, 4643, 4644, 4650,4662, 4663, 4664,4665, 4666, 4672,4673, 4674,4696,4697, 4698, 4755,4756, 4877,4878,4879,4880, 4881, 4929,4969,4970,4971,4972,4973, 4636. 4052 NOTICES

E xhibit B—Continued

Description of issue Face value Certificate No.

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific R. R. Co. series A 5 percent mortgage bonds.. >$100.... C39166, C11558, C11559, C18982. > $500.__ D2446. Southern Pacific Co. (San Francisco Terminal) first mortgage 4 percent b o n d ...... > $600.__ 7330. United States of Brazil external sinking fund 6H percent bonds of 1927...... -$1,000.. 4920, 20628,15648. >$500— 1199, 2301. United States of Brazil external sinking fund 6)6 percent bonds of 1926...... $1,000- 23142, 23141,18499,18500, 42247. Canadian Pacific Ry. Co. consolidated debenture perpetual 4 percent bonds...... > $1,000.. 22740, 22741. Republic of Chile sinking fund 20-year 7 percent bond____1.1______I $1,000.. 6552. Republic of Chile external sinking fund 6 percent bond______>$1,000- 9149. Chilean consolidated municipal loan 31-year external sinking fund series A 7 percent > $1,000- 10878. bond. Republic of Chile railway external refunding sinking fund 6 percent bond______I $1,000.. 4477. Republic of Chile external sinking fund 6 percent bonds______1 $1 ,0 0 0 - 10434,10435,10406,10407. City of Cologne, Germany, sinking fund percent bond______>$1 ,0 0 0 - 5418. Republic of Colombia external sinking fund 6 percent bonds______> $1 ,0 0 0 - 1265,9928. Consolidated Municipalities of Baden external sinking fund 7 percent bonds...... >$1 ,0 0 0 - 2027. > $500— 83 , 264,173. Republic of Costa Rica Pacific Railway funding of 1933 5 percent bonds______... >$300— 1109,1110. Republic of Costa Rica Pacific Railway series C TYi percent bond...... >$1 ,0 0 0 - 87. Republic of Costa Rica Pacific Railway series D 7)1 percent bond...... >$1 ,0 0 0 - 82 Czechoslovak State Loan of 1922 secured external sinking fund series B 8 percent bonds. & $1 ,0 0 0 . 268, 1400, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755, 2957, 2959, 4073, 6277, 6279, 7203, 7359, 7360, 7947, 8131. Danzig Port and Waterways Board secured external sinking fund 6H percent bond.. 1@ $1,000.. 342. Kingdom of Denmark external sinking fund 34-year 4)i percent bonds...... 4 @ $1,000. 50045, 1945, 35315, 47379. General Electric Company of Germany sinking fund debenture 20-year 7 percent 7 @ $1,000. 8094, 1952, 2523, 5827, 7708, 7742, 8994. bonds. German Central Bank for Agriculture farm loan secured sinking fund first, series, 6 1 @ $1,000. 23231. percent bond. German Central Bank for Agriculture farm loan secured sinking fund of 1927 second $500... 2519, 2520, 2521, 2522, 2523, 2524, 2525, 2526. series, 6 percent bonds...... —— ...... I $1,000. 6661. German External Loan of 1924,7 percent bonds...... , $ 1 ,0 0 0 . C044419. $500__ B7072-B7073. . $100... A3722, 2768, 2329, 1378, 0095. City of Heidelberg, Germany, external sinking fund 25-year 1lA percent bond...... $1,000. 284. Imperial Japanese Government external loan of 1924 sinking fund 30-year f>A percent - $ 1,000. 50290, 52226, 13871. bonds. $ 100— 5209. Italian Public Utility Credit Institute external secured sinking fund 7 percent bond.. $1,000. 10257. Konversionskasse fur Deutsche Auslandsschulden noninterest bearing certificates of the following issues: 1934-Series A ...... RM 10- 0411735, 0217408, Ò217409,0217410,0217411,0217412,0217413. S RM 40. 0369724, 0369714, 0369715, 0369716, 0369717, 0369718, 0369719, 0369720, 0369721, 0369722. RM 50. 253426, 253473, 253474, 253475, 264053, 264054, 264055, 253425. 1934-Series B...... È RM 5. 1433047, 1245917, 1245918, 1245919, 1245920, 1245921, 1245922, 1245923, 1245924, 1245925, 1245926, 1245927. 1934-Series C...... RM 10. 0903834, 0903835, 0903836, 903853, 903854, 903855. RM 50. 409074, 409075, 409076. 1934-Series D ...... _...... RM 5.. 3355472. RM 10. 1353554, 1353555, 1353556, 1353557. 1934-Series E ...... RM 5.. 4137140, 4137141, 4137142, 4137143, 4137144, 4137145, 4137146, 4137147, 4137148. 1934—Series E ...... RM 10 1521276, 1579671, 1579669. RM 50. 597837. •/*" 1933—Series B ...... RM 10. 0644989, 0644990, 0644991, 0644992, 0644993. RM 5.. 1250275, 1250276, 1250277, 1250278, 1250279, 1250280, 1250281, 1250282, 1250283. 1933—Series D ...______J______RM 40. 0289511. 1933—Series C _...... ,______RM 5.. 1909018. Konversionskasse fur Deutsche Auslandsschulden series A 3 percent bond...... RM 54. 12797. Konversionskasse fur Deutsche Auslandsschulden series B 3 percent bond______RM 54. 07727. City of Leipzig (State of Saxony, Republic of Germany) Germany, external sinking $1,000.. 2099. fund 7 percent bond. Leipzig Trade Fair Corporation mortgage sinking fund guaranteed 25-year 7 percent $1,000- 1073. bond. National Railways of Mexico secured assented 6 percent notes...... 19 @ $45. 2946, 2947, 27617, 27618, 27619, 27542, -27543, 2T544, 27545, 27546, 27547, 27548, 27549, 27550, 27551, 27552, 27553, 27554, 29845. Republic of Mexico consolidated external loan of 1899 series C 5 percent bond______1 @ £ 200- 022864. Miag Mill Machinery Co., closed first mortgage sinking fund 30-year 7 percent bonds. 3 @ $1,000. 40, 2574, 2604. State of Minas Geraes secured external loan of 1929 series A 6)4 percent bond...... 1 @ $1,000. 4084. Mortgage Bank of Colombia 20-year of 1926 7 percent b o n d ...... 1 @ $500— 696. Mortgage Bank of Colombia 20-year of 1927 sinking fund 7 percent gold bond______1 @ $5|9— 409. National Hotel of Cuba Corp., income debenture 6 percent bond.______1 @ $1,000. 2020. Kingdom of Norway sinking fund external loan 29-year 4)4 percent bonds______3 @ $1,000. 18918,18919, 29117. City of Nuremberg, Germany, external loan sinking fund 25-year 6 percent bond...... 1 @ $1,000. 3073. Republic of Peru (Peruvian national loan) first series sinking fund 6 percent bonds.. 2 @ $1 ,000. 32806, 1830. Free-State of Prussia sinking fund external loan of 1927 6 percent bonds...... 8 @ $1 ,000. 17662, 16696, 2186, 2185, 27870, 27509, 28637, 27150. Rheinelbe Union sinking fund mortgage assented 3)4 percent bond...... 1 @ $1 ,000. 6809. Rheinelbe Union sinking fund mortgage 7 percent bond...... 3 @ $1,000. 23000,13735, 12558. Rhine-Main-Danube Corporation sinking fund debenture guaranteed series A 7 2 @ $1,000. 2206, 2207. percent bonds. Rhine Westphalia Electric Power Corp., direct mortgage series 7 percent bonds____ 4 @ $1,000. 4930, 7025, 7626, 7756. Rhine Westphalia Electric Power Corp., consolidated mortgage series of 1928 6 per­ 1 @ $1,000. 8769. cent bond. Rhine Westphalia Electric Power Corp. consolidated mortgage series of 1930 6 per­ 1 @ $1 ,000. 4509. cent bond. City of Rio de Janiero (Federal District of the United States of Brazil) external secured 5 @ $1,000. 8519, 5039, 27187, 5828, 14070. sinking fund 6)4 percent bonds. Kingdom of Roumania Monopolies Institute external sinking fund (stabilization and 1 @ $500— 3168. development loan of 1929) 7 percent bond. Ruhr Gas Corp. secured sinking fund series A 6)4 percent bonds______4 @ $1,000.. 606, 3861, 3862, 9048. State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, external sinking fund loan of 1925 25-year 8 percent bonds... 10 @ $1,000. 3926, 3927, 3928, 3929, 3930, 3931, 3932, 3933, 3934, 3935. Saxon State Mortgage Institution mortgage collateral sinking fund guaranteed 7 per­ 2 @ $500— 136, 137. cent bonds. Siemens and Halske Aktiengesellschaft sinking fund debenture 3)4 percent bond...... 1 @ $1 ,000. 7785. Province of Silesia sinking fund external 30-year of 1928 4)4 percent bonds______2 @ $1,000. 10676, 10677. Hugo Stinnes Corp. 4 percent gold notes...... 2 @ $1 ,000. 8310, 8311. 1 @ $500— 1079. Hugo Stinnes Industries Incorporated sinking fund debenture 20-year four per­ 2 @ $1,000. 9052, 9053. cent bonds. City of Vienna Sinking Fund of 1934 30-year series B 6 percent bonds of ,the 12 @ Sh. 1,000. NR 57212, NR 57213, NR 57214, NR 57215, NR 57216, NR Federal Capital of Vienna. 57217, NR 57218, NR 57219, NR 57220, NR 57221, N R 57222, NR 57223. United Steel Works Corp. sinking fund debenture 20-year series A 6)4 percent bonds. 7 @ $1,000. 4504,4505,4506,4507, 4508, 4509,4510. Baltimore & Ohio RR. Co., refunding and general mortgage series F 6 percent 1 @ $1,000. M 19029, bonds. Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4053 E xhibit B— C o n tin u e d

D escrip tion o f issue F ace valu e Certificate No.

B altim ore & Ohio RR. Co., refunding and general mortgage series D 5 percentbonds. 3 @ $1,000...... 24508,24509, 24510. 50 @ £ 20...... 189173, 76238, 73815, 75747, 73816, 73817, 72885, 72886, 72887, 72888, 72889, 72890, 72891, 72892, 72893, 99375, 98156, 96117, 87805, 83706, 83705, 79943, 77868, 77702, 77703. 76981, 76982, 76546, 76547, 76239, 76240, 76241, 76242, 42538, 31828, 31829, 31830, 31831, 31832, 350007, 378462, 72882, 72883, 71235, 71236, 70570, 70571, 70572, 70573, 75727. 5 @ $1,000...... 32041, 12427, 21757, 41566, 43950.

E xihbit C

Description of bond issue F ace valu e Certificate No. Registered owner

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co., first and refunding N M 1247 ...... Prof. Dr. Curt Oehme. 4 percent mortgage bond. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R y. Co., first and refundmg 1 tfjl $1 m o C M 415...... Else Schlipp. 4 percent mortgage bond. St. Louis-San Francisco Ry. Co., prior lien mortgage of 1916 A D 1704 ...... Bearer. D o. series A 4 percent bonds. _ 4 @ $1,000...... AM 23033, AM 23034, AM 23035, AM 23036... Rudolph Karstadt Inc., mortgage collateral sinking fund 6 2951 ...... - ...... H u rley & C o, percent bond. „ , . . . Heidelbach Ickelheimer & C o. Rudolph Karstadt Inc., first mortgage collateral smking 1 $925 1 7 1 7 ...... fund 6 percent bond. Kreuger & Toll Co., sinking fund debenture secured 5 per­ D 1527...... Carl Frederick Lehman-Haupt. cent bonds. .. , Mortgage Bank of Colombia, sinking fund 6J4 percent bond.. 1 (ni $2 non B E 18...... T u ck er & C o.

E xhibit D

D a te of To whom payable Amount Number in stru ­ D raw er D raw ee m en t SS

Das Illustrierte Blatt...... $8.49 652874. 1/12/40 Hollandsche Bank-Unie-N. V ...... The Chase National Bank of the City of N e w Y ork . W . H . A. Coleman, special disbursing officer, W. H. A. Coleman, special disbursing 50.00 129. 2/19/40 Secretary of State, U . S. A ------B erlin. officer. 1.50 Andelsbanken A. m. b. a ------Irving Trust Co______Messrs. Wilhelm Dreusicke & Co., Berlin... 79842. 1/11/40 2.40 80081. Andelsbanken A. m. b. a ...... | ...... Irvin g T ru st C o...... - W ilh elm D reu sick e & C o., B e r lin ...... 2/6/40 107.75 49305. Den Norske Creditbank ------....------The New York Trust Co...... Wilhelm Dreusicke & Co...... 12/28/39 120.00 40/1035. The Bank of the Philippine Islands...... The Chase National Bank ofNew York ------Deutsche Bank, Berlin ...... 5/16/40 Bearer...... 73.00 N o . 2/1/40 Emil Ipsen..» ...... - ...... Adolf Wertheim, Chicago...... Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank— Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung______5.00 5. 1 /2 5 /« Sam S m ith ______».------5.00 4. Sam S m ith ______»...... - Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank— D eu tsch e A llgem ein e Z eitun g.'...... 1/25/40 Deutsche Bietriebogesellschaft für drahtlose 197.32 50693. 7/18/40 Norddeutscher Lloyd ...... - The Chase National Bank of the City of N e w Y ork. Telegrafie, m. b. H. Messrs. R. Äders..'______292.05 6001. 7/16/40 The Yokohama Specie Bank Limited, The Chase National Bank of the City of Hamburg branch. N e w Y ork . Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung...... 6.50 77655. 4/6/40 National City Bank, Panama, R. P. The Chase National Bank of the City of N e w Y ork. A gen cy. 5.00 068148/265572. E e sti P a n k ...... National City Bank of New York ...... B. I. Götze...... 1...... 6/31/40 Allianz und Stuttgarter Levensersicherungs- 6.72 158957. Ostergotlands Enskilda Bank ...... ___ d o ...... --- ...... 6/3/40 bank Aktiengesellschaft. Auguste Frisch...... 008.08 2419. 7/3/39 Seaboard Trust Co., trustee...... Seaboard Trust Co...... — Detta Bocklenberg & M atte ______— 74.00 554286. 1/22/40 C rédité Italian e...... — R o y a l B an k of C anada (N e w Y o rk )______Deutsche Bank ...... 45.00 145754. 1/27/40 Banque De Bruxelles Société A nonym e.... Bank of the Manhattan Co ...... A. Steinriegl, Eiclgraben ...... 2.00 35. 1/2/40 Alfons Stach ____ :...... —...... T h e N a tio n a l C ity B an k of N e w Y o rk ------Com Exchange Bank & Trust Co...... Admiral Graf Spee Spende...... 50.00 6. 2/2/40 Diana Lorenz------...... 3.00 5537. R. A. Cannon ...... Com Exchange National Bank & Trust Co. Progressus Internationale Technische Ver­ 2/11/39 lagsgesellschaft. D ip l—Ing. Georg W ein h au sen ...... 14.50 28728. 12/14/39 Alexander & Dowell------...... T h e M u n se y T ru st C o...... M anufacturers T ru st C o ...... G . B re itu n g ...... 32.00 2514. 5/22/40 Anheuser Busch, Inc.______... 2681...... d o ____ ;------...... do...... 32.00 5/22/40 ____ d o ______—...... — 2735...... d o ...... - ...... - ...... ____ d o ...... - ...... 5.90 5/22/40 ____ d o ______- ...... — ...... - ...... 20.10 2957. ____ d o ...... - ...... - ...... ____ d o------— ...... d o ...... - - - ...... 5/22/40 Sociedado de Anilinas------152.16 222690/. Banco Espirito Santo------— T h e C hase N a tio n a l B a n k ------5/29/40* Deutsche Bank Depositenkasse y2, Berlin, 18.25 29. Perbertizaer...... Colonial Trust Co...... —...... - ...... 7/8/40 G erm any. 20.00 397. Transm ares C orp...... B an k of th e M a n h attan C o ...... —- — N e e f Irritier...... 5/1/40 Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, Berlin ...... 13.23 3985. 4/15/40 Ludwig F. C ritz...______American Trust Co., (First Berkeley Office, C alif.). 10-00 25025. Julie Schoder...... B a n k of th e M a n h attan C o...... Reichsversicherungs Augestelte...... 6/6/40 Deutsche Bank, Berlin ______- 104.00 266160. 9/24/40 B an co D i R o m a ------Guaranty Trust Co. of New York ...... Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co ...... M aria L u isa D e H erp ers— ...... - ...... ---- 40.00 40/426. 4/40 Banco Central de Bolivia ...... 33.54 98. A . W . K lieforth...... The Riggs National Bank ...... Deutsche Bank ------— 9/30/40 Norddeutscher Lloyd ------23.33 14250. 7/23/40 Bank-und-Handels-Gesellschafts in Ham­ J. H en ry Schroder B an k in g C orp...... burg. 15.00 30876. R oberts, C ushm an & W o o d b e r y ...... State Street Trust Co ...... M effert, D r. Seil & D r. S chlum berger...... 11/6/39 Basler Lebensversicherungs-Gesellschaft------426.55 31799. 1/29/40 Handel-Maatschappij-H. Albert de Bary & T h e N a tio n a l C ity B an k of N e w Y o rk ...... C o., N . V . 247.87 362950. Banque Federate, Baste, Switzerland ...... N a tio n a l C ity B a n k of N e w Y ork ------Deutsche Bank ______2/1/40 National Allgemeine Bersicherungs-Aktien- 98.43 100911. Allgemeine Waren-Finanzierungs-Gesell- Bank of New York ...... 2/1/40 gesellschaft. schaft, m. b. H. The Chase National Bank ______.... Kabel-und Metallwerke Neumeyer A. G— 389.11 726. 11/30/39 “Hauek” Sociedad Anonima...... 145.79 237. B. D . Hohenthal (Finance officer, U . S. A.). Treasurer of United States______H erbert J. B u rgin an ...... 1/31/40 Dipl.-Ing George W einhausen...... 14.00 28753. 1/6/40 Alexander & Dowell (by Louisa J. Mills, The Munsey Trust Co— ...... attorney in fact). Exportkreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Ber­ 599.29 387. Forsikrings Aktieselskabet Skandanavia... T h e C hase N a tio n a l B a n k ...... 1/31/40 lin . 31.10 12728. Hammerbrooker Lagerhaus Gesellschaft... Henry Schroder Banking Corp...... Europäische Guter-und Reisegepäck Ver- 1/30/40 sicherungs Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin. 21712. The Chase National Bank ...... E m il Ip sen ...... —...... —;------5.80 10/23/39 Lansen-Naeve Corp...... 9.65 236. 2/1/40 Handelsbanken I Odense... Guaranty Trust Co. of N . Y ------427704. The National City Bank of New York. S. E. Nader Arasteh. 173.64 5/21/40 Union Bank of Switzerland. 10.00 K 5,140,613. Felix Magruson...... American Express Co...... - ...... Felix Magruson ------C . C icag...... 10.00 K 3,280,033. C . C icag...... ____ d o ______- ...... —— ------10.00 K 3,280,037...... d o ------— ...... ____ d o...... ———— ...... ____ d o______d o...... 10.00 K 3,280,034. ____ d o ------— ____ d o ------10.00 K 3,280,035...... d o ------_____d o ______;...... ____ d o______»------____ d o —______50.00 P 7281911...... d o ------...... d o______20.00 H 1200963. D e m a n d ...... ------...... d o ...... ~ ...... ____ d o...... Roo Eidecir...... — 20.00 H 3783727. R oo E id ecir______’. ------...... d o ...... -— 20.00 H 3783726. ____ d o .------____ d o______d o______••------D em a n d ______— 1Ó.00 K 5140657. D em a n d ...... — ...... d o...... - 10.00 K 3280036 C . C icag______d o______C . C ic a g ...... [F. R. Doc. 47-5873; Filed, June 20,1947; 8:59 a. m.] 4054 NOTICES

[Vesting Order 9057] tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, all royalties and other monies payable H elene Lexow Engelman after investigation, it is hereby found: or held with respect to such interests and 1. That Deutsche Eisenwerke Aktien­ rights and all damages for breach of the In re: Estate of Helene Lexow Engel­ gesellschaft of Gelsenkirchen, Germany, agreement hereinafter described, to­ man, deceased. Pile 017-7041. is a corporation organized under the laws gether with the right to sue therefor) Under the authority of the Trading of, and having its principal place of created in Melchior Spiegel by virtue of with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ business in, Germany and is a national an agreement dated March 18, 1941 (in­ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ of a foreign country (Germany); cluding all modifications thereof and tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, 2. That the property described as fol­ supplements thereto, if any) by and be­ after investigation, it is hereby found: lows: All interests and rights (including tween Melchior Spiegel and Alka Manu­ 1. That Gertrude Engelman, whose all royalties and other monies payable facturing and Sales Corporation, which last known address is Germany, is a or held with respect to such interests agreement relates, among other things, resident of Germany and a national of and rights and all damages for breach to United States Letters Patent Nos. a designated enemy country (Germany) ; of the agreement hereinafter described, 2,079,306 and 2,175,000, 2. That the sum of $297.13 was paid to together with the right to sue therefor) the Attorney General of the United created in Deutsche Eisenwerke Aktien­ is property payable or held with respect States by Elsa H. Hartung, Administra­ gesellschaft by virtue of an agreement to patents or rights related thereto in trix of the Estate of Helene Lexow En­ evidenced by a letter dated November which interests are held by, and such gelman, deceased: 10, 1938, from Deutsche Eisenwerke to property itself constitutes interests held 3. That the said sum of $297.13 is pres­ U. S. Pipe & Foundry Company and by therein by, the aforesaid national of a ently in the possession of the Attorney another letter from the latter company foreign country (Hungary). General of the United States and was to Deutsche Eisenwerke dated March 22, All determinations and all action re­ property within the United States owned 1939 (including all modifications of such quired by law, including appropriate con­ or controlled by, payable or deliverable agreement and supplements to such sultation and certification, having been to, held on behalf of or on account agreement, if any), by and between made and taken, and, it being deemed of, or owing to, or which was evidence Deutsche Eisenwerke Aktiengesellschaft necessary in the national interest, of ownership or control by, the aforesaid and U. S. Pipe & Foundry Company, There is hereby vested in the Attorney national of a designated enemy coun­ which agreement relates, among other General of the United States the prop­ try (Germany) ; things, to United States Letters Patent erty described above, to be held, used, No. 2,239,530. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ and it is hereby determined: wise dealt with in the interest of and for 4. That to the extent that the person is property payable or held with respect the benefit of the United States. named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not to patents or rights related thereto in The terms “national” as used herein within a designated enemy country, the which interests are held by, and such shall have the meaning prescribed in national interest of the United States property itself constitutes interests held section 10 of Executive Order 9193, as requires that such person be treated as therein by, the aforesaid national of a amended. a national of a designated enemy country foreign country (Germany). (Germany). All determinations and all action re­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on May All determinations and all action re­ quired by iaw, including appropriate con­ 27, 1947. quired by law, including appropriate con­ sultation and certification, having been For the Attorney General. sultation and certification, having been made and taken, and, it being deemed made and taken, and, it being deemed necessary in the national interest, [seal] D onald C. Cook, necessary in the national interest, There is hereby vested in the Attorney Director. There is hereby vested in the Attorney General of the United States the prop­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5875; Filed, June 20, 1947; General of the United States the prop­ erty described above, to be held, used, 8:59 a. m.J erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise wise dealt with in the interest of and dealt with in the interest of and for the for the benefit of the United States. benefit of the United States. The term “national” as used herein [Vesting Order 9084] This vesting order is issued nunc pro shall have the meaning prescribed in H enry FRanken tunc to confirm the vesting of the said section 10 of Executive Order 9193, as property in the Attorney General of the amended. In re: Estate of Henry Franken, de­ United States by acceptance thereof on ceased. File D-28-3836; E. T. sec. 6475. Executed at Washington, D. C., on May Under the authority of the Trading March 7, 1947, pursuant to the Trading May 27, 1947. with the Enemy Act, as amended. with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ The terms “national” and “designated For the Attorney General. tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ enemy country” as used herein shall have tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, [seal] D onald C. Cook, after investigation, it is hereby found: the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Director. Executive Order 9193, as amended. 1. That Mrs. Gertrude Sershen, whose [F. R. Doc. 47-5874; Filed, June 20, 1947; last known address is Germany, is a resi­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on 8:59 a. m.] dent of Germany and a national of a des­ May 26, 1947. ignated enemy country (Germany) ; For the Attorney General. 2. That all right, title, interest and [seal] D onald C. Cook, [Vesting Order 9083] claim of any kind or character whatso­ Director. ever of the person named in subpara­ M elchior S piegel and Alka M fg. and graph 1 hereof in and to the estate of [F. R. Doc. 47-5872; Filed, June 20, 1947; S ales Corp. Henry Franken, deceased, is property 8:58 a. m.] In re: Interests of Melchior Spiegel in payable or deliverable to, or claimed by an agreement with Alka Manufacturing the aforesaid national of à designated and Sales Corporation. enemy country (Germany) ; [Vesting Order 9082] Under the authority of the Trading 3. That such property is in the process with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ of administration by Herbert J. Potter, D eutsche Eisenwerke A. G. tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ as administrator, acting under the judi­ In re: Interests of Deutsche Eisen­ tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, cial supervision of the Probate Court for werke, Aktiengesellschaft of Gelsen­ after investigation, it is hereby found: the County of Marquette, Michigan; kirchen, Germany, in an agreement re­ 1. That Melchior Spiegel, whose last and it is hereby determined : lating to U. S. Letters Patent No. known address is Budapest, Hungary, is 4. That to the extent that the person 2,239,530. a resident of Hungary and a national of named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not Under the authority of the Trading a foreign country (Hungary); within a designated enemy country, the with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ 2. That the property described as fol­ national interest of the United States re­ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ lows: All interests and rights (including quires that such person be treated as a Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4055 national of a designated enemy country All determinations and all action re­ nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany). quired by law, including appropriate con­ (Japan); All determinations and all action re­ sultation and certification, having been All determinations and all action re­ quired by law, including appropriate made and taken, and, it being deemed quired by law, including appropriate con­ consultation and certification, having necessary in the national interest, sultation and certification, having been been made and taken, and, it being There is hereby vested in the Attorney made and taken, and, it being deemed deemed necessary in the national in­ General of the United States the prop­ necessary in the national interest, terest, erty described above, to be held, used, There is hereby vested in the Attorney There is hereby vested in the Attorney administered, liquidated, sold or other­ General of the Unitgjj States the prop­ General of the United States the prop­ wise dealt with in the interest of and for erty described above, to be held, used, erty described above, to be held, used, the benefit of the United States. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ The terms “national” and “designated wise dealt with in the interest of and for wise dealt with in the interest of and enemy country” as used herein shall have the benefit of the United States. for the benefit of the United States. the meanings prescribed in section 10 of The terms “national” and “designated The terms “national” and “designated Executive Order 9193 as amended. enemy country” as used herein shall have enemy country” as used herein shall have Executed at Washington, D. C., on the meanings prescribed in section 10 of the meanings prescribed in section 10 of May 29, 1947. Executive Order 9193, as amended. Executive Order 9193, as amended. For the Attorney General. Executed at Washington, D. C., on Executed at Washington, D. C., on May 29, 1947. May 27, 1947. [seal] D onald C. Cook, Director. For the Attorney General. For the Attorney General. [seal] D onald C. Cook, [P. R. Doc. 47-5877; Piled, June 20, 1947; [seal] D onald C. Cook, 8:59 a. m.] Director. Director. [P. R. Doc. 47-5878; Piled, June 20, 1947;' [P. R. Doc. 47-5876; Piled, June 20, 1947; 8:59 a. m.] 8:59 a. m.] [Vesting Order 9138]

M asao N akagawa [Vesting Order 9097] [Vesting Order 9123] In re: Estate of Masao Nakagawa, de­ ceased. File D-39-18395; E. T. sec. Arthur T orok . R osine Ahrens 14251. In re: Stock owned by Arthur Torok. In re: Estate of Rosine Ahrens, de­ Under the authority of the Trading F-28-23891-D-1. ceased. File D-28-1755; E. T. sec. 941. with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ Under the authority of the Trading Under the authority of the Trading tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ after investigation, it is hereby found: tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, 1. That Shizue Nakagawa, whose last after investigation, it is hereby found: after investigation, it is hereby found: known address is Japan, is a resident of 1. That Arthur Torok, whose last 1. That Heinerich Ahrens, Adolf Japan and a national of a designated known address is Germany, is a resident Ahrens, Louise Ahrens, Heinerich Ah­ enemy country (Japan) ; of Germany and a national of a desig­ rens, Else Ahrens, Frieda Hagen, whose 2. That the heirs at law, devisees, nated enemy country (Germany); last known address is Germany, are resi­ grantees, next of kin, issue, legatees and 2. That the property described as fol­ dents of Germany and nationals of a personal representatives of Shizue Naka­ lows: a. Nine (9) shares of no par value, designated enemy country (Germany); gawa, names unknown, and the heirs at common capital stock of United States 2. That the children of Heinerich law, devisees, grantees, next of kin, issues Steel Corporation, a corporation organ­ Ahrens, names unknown, and the chil­ and legatees of Masao Nakagawa, de­ ized under the laws of the State of New dren of Adolf Ahrens, names unknown, ceased, names unknown, who there is Jersey, evidenced by certificate number who there is reasonable cause to believe reasonable cause to believe are residents P23098, registered in the name of Arthur are residents of Germany, are nationals of Japan, are nationals of a designated Torok, and presently in the custody of of a designated enemy country (Ger­ enemy country (Japan) ; The National City Bank of New York, 55 many) ; 3. That all right, title, interest and Wall Street, New York 15, New York, in 3. That all right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatso­ account number B23944 entitled Export- claim of any kind or character whatso­ ever of the persons identified in subpara­ kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin, ever of the persons identified in subpar­ graphs 1 and 2 hereof, and each of them, Germany, sub-account Special Custom­ agraphs 1 and 2 hereof, and each of in and to the estate of Masao Nakagawa, ers Account for Custody, together with them, in and to the estate of Rosine deceased, is property payable or deliver­ all declared and unpaid dividends there­ Ahrens, deceased, is property payable or able to, or claimed by, the aforesaid na­ on, deliverable to, or claimed by, the afore­ tionals of a designated enemy country is property within the United States said nationals of a designated enemy (Japan); owned or controlled by, payable or de­ country (Germany); 4. That such property is in the process liverable to, held on behalf of or on 4. That such property is in the process of administration by Rulon D. Brooks, account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ of administration by Fred D. Ahrens as Administrator of the said estate, act­ dence of ownership or control by, the and Palisades Trust & «.Guaranty Com­ ing under the judicial supervision of thè aforesaid national of a designated enemy pany, as co-executors under the will of Cumberland County Orphans’ Court, country (Germany); Rosine Ahrens, deceased, acting under Cumberland County Court House, Bridgeton, New Jersey; and it is hereby determined: the judicial supervision of the Bergen 3. That to the extent that the person County Orphans’ Court, Hackensack, and it is hereby determined: named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not New Jersey; 5. That to the extent that the above within a designated enemy country, the and it is hereby determined: named person and the heirs at law, de­ national interest of the United States 5. That to the extent that the above visees, grantees, next of kin, issue, lega­ requires that such person be treated as named persons and the children of Hein­ tees and personal representatives of a national of a designated enemy country erich Ahrens, names unknown and the Shizue Nakagawa, names unknown, and (Germany). children of Adolf Ahrens, names un­ the heirs at law, devisees, grantees, next All determinations and all action re­ known, are not within a designated of kin, issue and legatees of Masao Naka­ quired by law, including appropriate enemy country, the national interest of gawa, deceased, names unknown, are not consultation and certification, having the United States requires that such within a designated enemy country, the been made and taken, and, it being persons be treated as nationals of a national interest of the United States deemed necessary in the national in­ designated enemy country (Germany). requires that such persons be treated as terest. 4056 NOTICES There is hereby vested in the Attorney c. Those certain debts or other obliga­ rights to demand, enforce and collect General of the United States the property tions owing to Hermann Frey and Emil the same, described above, to be held, used, admin­ Noller by Standard Oil Company, a New is property within the United States istered, liquidated, sold or otherwise Jersey corporation, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, owned or controlled by, payable, or dealt with in the interest of and for the New York, New York, in the amounts of deliverable to, held on behalf of or on benefit of the United States. $7.34 and $9.96 respectively, as of De­ account of, or owing to, or which is The terms “national” and “designated cember 31,1945, arising out of the sale of evidence of ownership or control by, the enemy country” as used herein shall certain scrip issued by said corporation, aforesaid nationals of a designated have the meaning^ prescribed in section together with any and all accruals there­ enemy country (Japan); 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. to, and any and all rights to demand, 3. That the property described as Executed at Washington, D. C., on enforce and collect the same, follows: May 27, 1947. is property within the United States a. That certain debt or other obligation owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ owing to K. Fukushima, also known as For the Attorney General. erable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ Kisoji Fukushima, by A. M. Kidder & [seal] D onald C. Cook, count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ Co., 1 Wall Street, New York, N. Y., in Director. dence Of ownership or control by, the the amount of $142.71, as of December [P. R. Doc. 47-5879; Filed, June 20, 1947; aforesaid nationals of a designated enemy 31, 1945, together with any and all ac­ 8:59 a. m.] country (Germany); cruals thereto, and any and all rights to demand, enforce and collect the same, and it is hereby determined: b. Five (5) shares of $10.00 par value 3. That to the extent that the persons common capital stock of American Crys­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not tal Sugar Company, 600 Boston Bldg., [Vesting Order 9154] within a designated enemy country, the national interest of the United States re­ Denver, Colorado, a corporation organ­ H ermann F rey and E mil N oller quires that such persons be treated as ized under the laws of the State of New In re: Stock owned by and debts owing nationals of a designated enemy country Jersey, evidenced by Certificate number to Hermann Frey and Emil Noller. (Germany). CA20286, registered in the name of A. M. F-28-22454-D-1/2, F-28-22457-D-1/2. All determinations and all action re­ Kidder & Co., 1 Wall Street, New York, Under the authority of the Trading quired by law, including appropriate N. Y., together with all declared and un­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ consultation and certification, having paid dividends thereon, and ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ been made and taken, and, it being c. Fifteen (15) shares of No par value ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, deemed necessary in the national common capital stock of Anaconda Cop­ after investigation, it is hereby found: interest, per Mining Company, 25 Broadway, New 1. That Hermann Frey, whose last There is hereby vested in the Attorney York 4, New York, a corporation organ­ known address is Neubergstrass 55, H. F. General of the United States the prop­ ized under the laws of the State of Mon­ Wurzburg, Germany, and Emil Noller, erty described above, to be held, used, tana, evidenced by Certificate number whose last known address is Gutbrodstr. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ F848004, registered in the name of A. M. 53, Stuttgart W., Germany, are residents wise dealt with in the interest of and for Kidder & Co., 1 Wall Street, New York, of Germany and nationals of a desig­ the benefit of the United States. N. Y., together with all declared and un­ nated enemy country (Germany); The terms “national” and “designated paid dividends thereon, 2. That the property described as fol­ enemy country” as used herein Shall is property within the United States lows: have the meanings prescribed in section owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ a. Thirty-three (33) shares of $25 par 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. erable to, held on behalf of or on account value capital stock of Standard Oil Com­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on May of, or owing to, or which is evidence of pany, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, 29, 1947. ownership or control by, K. Fukushima, New York, a corporation organized under also known as Kisoji Fukushima, the the laws of the State of New Jersey, evi­ For the Attorney General. aforesaid national of a designated enemy denced by the certificates listed below, [ seal] D onald C. Cook, country (Japan); registered in the names of the persons Director. D,nd it is hereby determined: listed below, in the amounts appearing [F. R. Doc. 47-5880; Filed, June 20, 1947; 4. That to the extent that the persons opposite said names as follows: 9:00 a. m.] named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not Registered owner and Number within a designated enemy country, the certificate No. of shares national interest of the United States Herman Prey: requires that such persons be treated as SC27610...... 6 [Vesting Order 9155] nationals of a designated enemy country SC57276.______3 (Japan). SC57277______3 K. F ukushim a and M rs. K. F ukushima SC57279______1 All determinations and all action re­ SC57280______L______1 In re: Bank account, stock owned by quired by law, including appropriate con­ Emil Noller: * and debt owing to K. Fukushima, also sultation and certification, having been SG42412______6 known as Kisoji Fukushima, and Mrs. K. made and taken, and, it being deemed SC69655______13 Fukushima. F-39-48-A-1, F-39-48-E-1. necessary in the national interest, Under the authority of the Trading There is hereby vested in the Attorney together with all declared and unpaid with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ General of the United States the prop­ dividends thereon, tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ erty described above, to be held, used, b. Two (2) shares of $15 par value tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ capital stock of Consolidated Natural after investigation, it is hereby found: wise dealt with in the interest of and Gas Company, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New 1. That K. Fukushima, also known as for the benefit of the United States. York, New York, a corporation organized Kisoji Fukushima and Mrs. K. Fuku­ The terms “national” and “designated under the laws of the State of Delaware, shima, whose last known address is enemy country” as used herein shall evidenced by the certificates listed below, Osaka, Japan, are residents of Japan and have the meanings prescribed in section registered in the names of the persons nationals of a designated enemy country 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. listed below in the amounts appearing (Japan); 2. That the property described as fol­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on opposite said names as follows: lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ May 29,1947. Registered owner and Number tion owing to K. Fukushima, also known For the Attorney General.. certificate No. of shares as Kisoji Fukushima, and Mrs. K. Fuku­ Herman Prey; 036471____ .’______1 shima, by Dallas National Bank, 1528 [seal] D onald C. Cook, Emil Noller; 079604______I ______1 Main Street, Dallas 1, Texas, arising Director. together with all declared and unpaid out of a Checking Account, entitled Mr. [F. R. Doc. 47-5881; Filed, June 20, 1947; dividends thereon, and or Mrs. K. Fukushima, and any and all 9:00 a. m.J Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4057 [Vesting Order 9182] For the Attorney General. registered in the name of Fritz Wille, together with all declared and unpaid F riedrich Zimmermann and F rieda [seal] D onald C. Cook, ZIMMERMANN Director. dividends thereon, and d. Those certain bonds described in In re: Debt owing to and bonds and [P. R. Doc. 47-5884; Filed, June 20, 1947; Exhibit B, attached hereto and by refer­ voting trust certificate owned by Fried­ 9:00 a. m.] ence made a part hereof, registered in rich Zimmermann, and Frieda Zimmer­ the name of Fritz Wille, together with mann. F-28-22569-A-1. any and all rights thereunder and there­ Under the authority of the Trading to, with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ [Vesting Order 9178] tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ is property within the United States tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, F ritz W ille owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ after investigation, it is hereby found: In re: Debts or other obligations ow­ erable to, held on behalf of or on account 1. That Friedrich Zimmermann, and ing to and stocks and bonds owned by of, or owing to, or which is evidence of Frieda Zimmermann, whose last'known Fritz Wille. F-28-6192-E-1, F-28-6192- ownership or control by, the aforesaid addresses are Berlin, Germany, are resi­ national of a designated enemy country A-l, F-28-6192-D-1. (Germany); dents of Germany and nationals of a Under the authority of the Trading designated enemy country (Germafiy); with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ and it is hereby determined: 2. That the property described as fol­ tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ 3. That to the extent that the person lows: tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not a. That certain debt or other obliga­ after investigation, it is hereby found: within a designated enemy'country, the tion owing to Friedrich Zimmerman and 1. That Fritz Wille, whose last known national interest of the United States Frieda Zimmermann by The Commercial* address is Garten Strasse 9, Salzwedel, requires that such person be treated as National Bank and Trust Company of Germany, is a resident of Germany and a national of a designated enemy coun­ New York, 46 Wall Street, New York, New a national of a designated enemy country try (Germany). York, in the amount of $238.35, as of (Germany); All determinations and all action re­ December 31,1945, together with any and 2. That the property described as fol­ quired by law, including appropriate all accruals thereto, and any and all lows: consultation and certification, having rights to demand, enforce and collect a. That certain debt or other obliga­ been made and taken, and, it being the same, tion owing to Fritz Wille, by The National deemed necessary in the national in­ b. Two (2) Savoy-Plaza, Inc., 3-year Shawmut Bank of Boston, 40 Water terest, 6% mortgage income bonds, of $1500 Street, Boston, Massachusetts, arising There is hereby vested in the Attorney aggregate face value, due October 1,1956, out of a savings account, account num­ General of the United States the prop­ bearing the numbers D1853 and M4452, ber 34981, entitled Fritz Wille, and any erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ registered in the names of Friedrich and all rights to demand, enforce and ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise Zimmermann and Frieda Zimmermann, collect the same, dealt with in the interest of and for the together with any and all rights there­ b. That certain debt or other obliga­ benefit of the United States. under and thereto, and tion owing to Fritz Wille, by The National The terms “national” and “designated c. One (1) Savoy-Plaza, Inc., voting Shawmut Bank of Boston, 40 Water enemy country” as used herein shall trust certificate, bearing the number Street, Boston, Massachusetts, arising have the meanings prescribed in section AU3371, for 18 shares Class A $1.00 par out of a demand deposit account, en­ 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. value common stock, registered in the titled Fritz Wille A 417, and any and all Executed at Washington, D. C., on names of Friedrich Zimmermann, and rights to demand, enforce and collect the May 29, 1947. Frieda Zimmermann, together with any same, and all rights thereunder and thereto, c. Those certain shares of stock de­ For the Attorney General. is property within the United States scribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto, [seal] D onald C. Cook, owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ and by reference made a part hereof, Director. erable to, held"5n behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evidence of E xhibit A ownership or control by, Friedrich Zim­ Name and address of issuer Place of incor­ Number Type of stock Par Certificate merman and Frieda Zimmerman, the poration of shares value No. aforesaid nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany); American Sugar Refining Co., 120 Wall St., New New Jersey...... 10 Preferred____ $100 J115247. York, N. Y. and it is hereby determined: Consolidated Natural Gas Co., 30 Rockefeller Delaware___... 5 Capital_____ 15 0116599. 3. That to the extent that the per­ Plaza, New York, N. Y. Mission Corp., 15 Exchange PI., Jersey City, Nevada...... 2 Common____ N o , 068819. sons named in subparagraph 1 hereof N. J. are not within a designated enemy coun­ Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 30 Rockefeller New Jersey____ 60 Capital...... 25 C9289. try, the national interest of the United Plaza, New York, N. Y. 1 ...... do...... 25 C939888. States requires that such persons be 1 ...... do...... 25 CC47513. treated as nationals of a designated enemy country (Germany). E xhibit B All determinations and all action re­ quired by law, including appropriate Name of issuer Type of bond Certificate No. Face value consultation and certification, having been made and taken, and, it being 5 percent coupon bond, due July 15, 1955.. M34128 . $1,000 Rhine Westphalia Electric Power Corp., 6 percent coupon bond, due May 1,1952.. M2160...... 1,000 deemed necessary in the national in­ Germany. terest. Saxon Public Works, Inc., Germany...... 7 percent coupon bond Feb. 1, 1945______M11862...... 1,000 There is hereby vested in the Attorney General of the United States the prop­ [P. R. Doc, 47-5882; Filed, June 20, 1947; 9:00 a. m.] erty described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ wise dealt with in the interest of and for the benefit of the United States. [Vesting Order 9179] ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to The terms “national” and “designated H atsum i Y okomizo enemy country” as used herein shall law, after investigation, it is hereby have the meanings prescribed in section In re: Stock owned by Hatsumi Yoko­ found: 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. mizo. D-39-18358-A-1, D-39-18358-D-1 1. That Hatsumi Yokomizo, whose last to D-5. known address is Aza Matsuoda Mizu- Executed at Washington, D. C., on Under the authority of the Trading nawa-mura, Ukiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken, May 29, 1947. with the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ Japan, is a resident of Japan and a na- 4058 NOTICES tional of a designated enemy country requires that such person be treated as a have the meanings prescribed in section (Japan); national of a designated enemy countrv 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. 2. That the property described as (Japan). Executed at Washington, D. C., on follows: All determinations and all action re­ May 29, 1947. Those certain shares of stock, de­ quired by law, including appropriate con­ scribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and sultation and certification, having been For the Attorney General. by reference made a part hereof, regis­ made and taken, and, it being deemed [ se a l] D onald C . C o o k , tered in the name of Mrs. Hatsumi Yoko- necessary in the national interest, Director. mizo, and presently in the custody of There is hereby vested in the Attorney Kaheiji Yokomizo, 881 Athens Avenue, General of the United States the property [F. R. Doc. 47-5885; Filed, June 20, 1847; Oakland 7, California, together with all described above, to be held, used, admin­ 9:00 a. m.] declared and unpaid dividends thereon, istered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt is property within the United States with in the interest of and for the benefit owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ of the United States. [Vesting Order 9202] The terms “national” and “designated erable to, held on behalf of or on account H ardy & Co., G. m . b . H . of, or owing to, or which is evidence of enemy country” as used herein shall have ownership or control by, the aforesaid the meanings prescribed in section 10 of In re: Bonds and stock owned by and national of a designated enemy country Executive Order 9193, as amended. debt owing to Hardy & Co., G. m. b. H. (Japan); Executed at Washington, D. C., on Under the authority of the Trading May 29, 1947. with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ and it is hereby determined: tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ 3. That to the extent that the person For the Attorney General. tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not after investigation, it is hereby found: within a designated enemy country, the [ se a l] D onald C. C o o k , 1. That Hardy & Co., G. m. b. H., the national interest of the United States Director. last known address of which is Mark- E xhibit A grafenstrasse 36, Berlin W 8, Germany, is a corporation organized under the Number Name and address of issuing State of incor­ Par value Type of stock Certificate laws of Germany, and which has or, corporation poration of shares No. since the effective date of Executive Or­ der 8389, as amended, has had its prin­ Oliver United Filters Inc., 260 California Nevada...... No par.... Class B common.. 100 CB8208. cipal place of business in Germany and St., San Francisco 11, Calif. Oliver United Filters Inc., 260 California ____do...... - No par__ Class B common.. 100 CB8209. is a national of a designated enemy St., San Francisco 11, Calif. country (Germany); Coty International Corp., 100 West Delaware___... $1.00...... Common...... 100 N5244. Tenth St., Wilmington, Del. 2. That the property described as Coty, Inc., 423 West ¿5th St., New ...... do...... $1.00...... Common...... 100 NY-6836. follows: York 19, N. Y. a. Ten (10) National Railroad Com­ Pennsylvania-Dixie Cement Corp., 60 ...... do...... No par__ Common...... 100 C-9438. East 42d St.; New York 17, N. Y. pany of Mexico prior lien AY±% gold Western Maryland Railway Co., Stand­ Maryland and $100...... Common...... 100 43876. bonds, due October 1, 1926, issued in the ard Oil Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. Pennsylvania. Thompson-Stärrett Co., Inc., 444 Madi­ Delaware...... No par__ Common...... 100 C30100. name of bearer, each of $1,000 face value, son Ave., New York 22, N. Y. bearing the numbers M8, M57, M141, Blair & Co., Inc., 44 Wall St., New New York...... $1.00...... C apital...... 100 S1625. York 5, N. Y . M146, M522, M788, M861, M959, M1489 Blair & Co., Inc., 44 Wall St., New ____do...... $1.00...... C apital...... 100 S1626. and M1210 and presently in the custody York 5, N. Y. of Swiss American Corporation, 30 Pine Simray Oil Corp., Philtower Bldg., Delaware...... $1.00...... Common...... 100 C85962. Tulsa, Okla. Street, New York, New York, in an ac­ Sunray Oil Corp., Philtower Bldg., ...... do...... $1.00...... Common...... 20 C048075. count entitled Credit Suisse, Clients Tulsa, Okla. Depot, Basle, Switzerland, together with any and all rights thereunder and [F. R. Doc. 47-5883; Filed, June 20, 1947; 9:00 a. m.] thereto, b. Seventeen (17) Institution for En­ couragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture, S. A. (Mex­ [Vesting Order 9187] nationals of a designated enemy coun­ ican Irrigation) 4V2 % bonds due Novem­ try (Germany); ber 1, 1943, issued in the name of the F red G oetz and it is hereby determined: bearer, of the face values and bearing In re: Estate of Fred Goetz, deceased. 4. That to the extent that the persons the numbers set forth in Exhibit A, File D-28-9314; E. T. sec. 12307. named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not attached hereto and by reference made Under the authority of the Trading within a designated enemy country, the a part hereof, and presently in the cus­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ national interest of the United States tody of Swiss American Corporation, 30 tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ requires that such persons be treated as Pine Street, New York, New York, in an tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, nationals of a designated enemy country account entitled Credit Suisse, Clients after investigation, it is hereby found: (Germany). Depot, Basle, Switzerland, together with 1. That Julia Messer, Sophia Kobald, All determinations and all action re­ any and all rights thereunder and Regina Gradolph, Rosina Weber and quired by law, including appropriate con­ thereto, Sophia Messer, whose last known ad­ sultation and certification, having been c. Forty-five (45) shares of $5 par dress is Germany, are residents of Ger­ made and taken, and it being deemed value common capital stock of The many and nationals of a designated en­ necessary in the national interest, Morris Plan Corporation of America, 420 emy country (Germany) ; There is hereby vested in the Attorney Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, 2. That the sum of $1,099.19 was paid General of the United States the. prop­ a corporation organized under the laws to the Alien Property Custodian by Al­ erty described above, to be held, used, of the State of Virginia, evidenced by bert J. Schumacher, Executor of the es­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ certificate number F-991, registered in tate of Fred Goetz, deceased; wise dealt with in the interest of and for the name of Shepperd & Co. and pres­ 3. That the sum of $1,099.19 is pres­ the benefit of the United States. ently in the custody of Swiss American This vesting order is issued nunc pro Corporation, 30 Pine Street, New York, ently in the possession of the Attorney tunc to confirm the vesting of the said New York, in an account entitled Credit General of the United States and was property in the Alien Property Custodian Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, Switzer­ property within the United States owned by acceptance thereof on August 20,1946, land, together with all declared and un­ or controlled by, payable or deliverable pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy paid dividends thereon and any and all to, held on behalf of or on account of, Act, as amended. rights of exchange thereof for $0.10 par or owing to, or which was evidence of The terms “national” and “designated value common capital stock of said The ownership or control by, the aforesaid enemy country” as used herein shall Morris Plan Corporation of America, and Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4059 d. That certain debt or other obliga­ tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, Under the authority of the Trading tion of Swiss American Corporation, 30 after investigation, it is hereby found: with the Enemy Act) as amended, Exec­ Pine Street, New York, New York, in the 1. That the personal representatives, utive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ amount of $160.59, as of February 28, heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, 1947, constituting a portion of an ac­ tees of Hugo Hardy, deceased, who there after investigation, it is hereby found: count entitled Credit Suisse, Clients is reasonable cause to believe are resi­ 1. That H. M. Mauritz, whose last Depot, Basle, Switzerland, together with dents of Germany, are nationals of a any and all accruals thereto and any and designated enemy country (Germany); known address is Niederelfringhausen all rights to demand, enforce and collect 2. That the property described as fol­ Via Hattingen (Ruhr), Oberlaakenhof, the same, lows: Germany, is a resident of Germany and a. Fifteen (15) National Railways of a national of a designated enemy coun­ is property within the United States try (Germany); owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Mexico three year 6% secured gold notes, liverable to, held on behalf of or on due January 1, 1917, issued in the name 2. That the property described as account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ of bearer, each of $45 face value, bearing follows: dence of ownership or control by Hardy the numbers 23842/23856 and presently a. Six (6) Mortgage Bank of Chile & Co., G. m. b. H., the aforesaid national in the custody of Swiss American Cor­ guaranteed sinking fund 6% gold bonds poration, 30 Pine Street, New York, New of 1929, due May 1, 1962, issued in the of a designated enemy country (Ger­ York, in an account entitled Credit many) ; Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, Switzerland, name of bearer, each of $1,000 face value, and it is hereby determined: together with any and all rights there­ bearing the numbers M1522, M2458, 3. That to the extent that the person under and thereto, and M2459, M2356, M13503 and M10040, and named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not b. Fifteen (15) National Railways of presently in the custody of Swiss Ameri­ within a designated enemy country, the Mexico prior lien 41/&% 50 year sinking can Corporation, 30 Pine Street, New national interest of the United States re­ fund gold bonds, due July 1, 1957, issued York, New York, in an account entitled quires that such person be treated as a in the name of bearer, each of $1,000 face Credit Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, Swit­ national of a designated enemy country value, bearing the numbers M34612, zerland, together with any and all rights (Germany). M48914, M34702/4 and M37442/51 and thereunder and thereto, and All determinations and all action re­ presently in the custody of Swiss Amer­ b. That certain debt or other obliga­ quired by law, including appropriate con­ ican Corporation, 30 Pine Street, New tion of Swiss American Corporation, 30 sultation and certification, having been York, New York, in an account entitled made and taken, and it being deemed Credit Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, Pine Street, New York, New York, in the necessary in the national interest, Switzerland, together with any and all amount of $688.23, as of February 27, There is hereby vested in the Attorney rights thereunder and thereto, 1947, constituting a portion of an account General of the United States the property entitled Credit Suisse, Clients Depot, is property within the United States Basic, Switzerland, together with any described above, to be held, used, admin­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ istered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt erable to, held on behalf of or on account and all accruals thereto and any and all with in the interest of and for the benefit of, or owing to, or which is evidence of rights to demand, enforce and collect the of the United States. same, The terms “national” and “designated ownership or control by the personal enemy country” as used herein shall have representatives, heirs, next of kin, lega­ is property within the United States the meanings prescribed in section 10 of tees and distributees of Hugo Hardy, de­ owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Executive Order 9193, as amended. ceased, the aforesaid nationals of a des­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ ignated enemy country (Germany); count of, or owing to, or which is evidence Executed at Washington, D. G.f on May 29, 1947. and it is hereby determined: of ownership or control by H. M. Mau­ 3. That to the extent that the persons ritz, the aforesaid national of a desig­ For the Attorney General. referred to in subparagraph 1 hereof nated enemy country (Germany); are not within a designated enemy coun­ [ se a l] D onald C . C o o k , try, the national interest of the United and it is hereby determined: Director. States requires that such persons be 3. That to the extent that the person Exhibit A treated as nationals of a designated named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not Bond No.: Face value enemy country (Germany). within a designated enemy country, the M 5 7 1 8 ...... $1,000 All determinations and all action re­ national interest of the United States re­ M 5 7 1 9 ...... —...... 1,000 quired by law, including appropriate con­ quires that such person be treated as a M5488 _____ 1,000 sultation and certification, having been M4061 ______~ 1,000 national of a designated enemy country M 3 ______i,______1, 000 made and taken, and, it being deemed (Germany). M12605 ______1,000 necessary in the national interest, All determinations and all action re­ M 12317______1,000 There is hereby vested in the Attorney quired by law, including appropriate M 12156...... 1,000 General of the United States the property consultation and certification, having M5963 ______;______1,000 described above, to be held, used, ad­ M8987 _____ 1,000 ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise been made and taken, and, it being M10837 ______1,000 dealt with in the interest of and for the deemed necessary in the national inter­ M10851 ______1,000 benefit of the United States. est, M10916 ------—— 1,000 There is hereby vested in the Attorney D11861 ___------500 The terms “national” and “designated D10252 ...... - ...... 500 enemy country” as used herein shall have General of the United States the prop­ D13050 ______------500 the meanings prescribed in section 10 of erty described above, to be held, used, D13783 ...... 500 Executive Order 9193, as amended. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ [F. R. Doc. 47-5886; Filed, June 20, 1947; Executed at Washington, D. C., on May wise dealt with in the interest of and for 9:01 a. m.] 29, 1947. the benefit of the United States. For the Attorney General. The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have [ se a l] D onald C. C o o k , the meanings prescribed in section 10 of [Vesting Order 9203] Director. Executive Order 9193, as amended. [F. R. Doc. 47-5887; Filed, June 20, 1947; H ugo H ardy 9:01 a. m.] Executed at Washington, D. C., on In re: Gold notes and bonds owned by May 29, 1947. the personal representatives, heirs, next For the Attorney General. of kin, legatees and distributees of Hugo [Vesting Order 9204] [ se a l ] D onald C. C o o k , Hardy, deceased. H. M. M auritz Under the authority of the Trading Director. with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ In re: Bonds owned by and debt owing [F. R. Doc. 47-5888; Filed, June 20, 1947; tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ to H. M. Mauritz. 9:01 a. m.] 4060 NOTICES [Vesting Order 9207] titled Tokuko Nakano, maintained at of ownership or control by, the aforesaid M rs. T okuko M. N akano the branch office of the aforesaid bank national of a designated enemy country located at 4249 Broadway, , (Japan); ' In re: Stocks, bank accounts and bond and any and all rights to demand, en­ owned by Mrs. Tokuko M. Nakano, also force and collect the same, and it is hereby determined: known as Toku Moriwake Nakano. F-39- c. That certain debt or other obliga­ 3. That to the extent that the person * 567-A-l, F-39-567-E-1. tion of The National City Bank of New named in subparagraph 1 hereof is Under the authority of the Trading York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New not within a designated enemy country, with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ York, arising out of a Compound Inter­ the national interest of the United States tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ est Account, Account Number 38389, en­ requires that such person be treated as tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, titled Tokuko Nakano, maintained at the a national of a designated enemy country after investigation, it is hereby found: branch office of the aforementioned bank (Japan). 1. That Mrs. Tokuko Nakano, also located at 4249 Broadway, New York City, All determinations and all action re­ known as Toku Moriwake Nakano, whose and any and all rights to demand, en­ quired by law, including appropriate con­ last known address is Japan, is a resident force and collect the same, sultation and certification, having been of Japan and a national of a designated d. That certain debt or other obliga­ made and taken, and, it being deemed enemy country (Japan); tion of Empire Trust Co., 120 Broadway, necessary in the national interest, 2. That the property described as fol­ New York 5, N. Y., arising out of a Trust There is hereby vested in the Attorney lows: Ledger-Cash Account, entitled Mrs. To­ General of the United States the prop­ a. Those certain shares of stock de­ kuko M. Nakano, and any and all rights erty described above, to be held, used, scribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and to demand, enfQrce and collect the same, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ by reference made a part hereof, regis­ and wise dealt with in the interest of and tered in the names of the persons set e. One United States of America 2y2% for the benefit of the United States. forth in Exhibit A, and presently in the Treasury Bond, of $1000.00 face value, The terms “national” and “designated custody of Empire Trust Co., 120 Broad­ bearing the number 164799K in bearer enemy country” as used herein shall have way, New York 5, N. Y., together with form and presently in the custody of Em­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 of all declared and unpaid dividends there­ pire Trust Co., 120 Broadway, New York Executive Order-9193, as amended. on, 5, N. Y., together with any and all rights Executed at Washington, D. C., on b. That certain debt or other obliga­ thereunder and thereto, May 29, 1947. tion of The National City Bank of New is property within the. United States For the Attorney General. York, 55 Wall Street, New York 15, New owned or controlled by, payable or de­ York, arising out of a Compound Inter­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ [seal] D onald C. Cook, est Account, Account Number 28612, en­ count of, or owing to, or which is evidence Director. E xhibit A

Num­ Par Name of registered Name and address of issuing State of incorporation ber of Certificate Nos. Type of stock corporation shares value owner

Anaconda Copper Mining Co., 25 Broad­ Montana______F952845. $50.00 Common. Bosworth & Co. way, New York 4, N. Y. Bethlehem Steel Corp., 25 Broadway, Delaware...... L207116. No par ___ do___ Do. New York, N. Y. Commercial Credit Co., Baltimore, Md~...... do...... CF30678- $10.00 .....do-_ Do. New York Central Railroad Co., Albany, New York, Ohio, Illinois, L386637.. No par Capital. Do. N. Y. Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Northern Pacific Railway Co., 176 East Wisconsin...... 225 A288004 for 100 shares, $100.00 Common. Do. Fifth St., St. Paul 1, Minn. A288005 for 100 shares, C405816 for 25 shares. North American Aviation, Inc., 5701 Delaware... 125 B93-131 for 100 shares, $1.0 0 Capital... Do. Imperial Highway, Inglewood, Calif. A135-097 for 25 shares. North American Co., 60 Broadway, New New Jersey. 20 M54647...... $10.00 Common . Do. York 4, N. Y. State Savings & Loan Association, 61 W. 1 1040. Permanent guaranty. Mrs. Tokuko Nakano. South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. State Building & Loan Association, 61 West 1.47 455.. Guaranty capitol...... Mrs. Tokuko Moriwake South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. Nakano. 21 303...... d o ___ Do. 1.559 705...... ___ do___ Tokuko M. Nakano. 3 575...... d o __ Do. 1.59 829...... ___ do___ Tokuko Nakano. 251...... ___ do..... Miss Tokuko Moriwake. 50 169...... ___ do___ Do. United States Steel Corp., 71 Broadway, New Jersey. 10 P239214. No par Common. Bosworth & Co. New York, N. Y.

[F. R. Doc. 47-5890; Filed, June 20, 1947; 9:01 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 9210] 2. That the property described as fol­ Pine Street, New York, New York, in the lows: amount of $15, as of February 28, 1947, A rno W eber a. One (1) German American Stone­ constituting a portion of an account en­ In re: Bond owned by and debt owing Works first mortgage 5% gold bond, titled Credit Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, to Arno Weber. issued in the name of bearer, of $100 Switzerland, together with any and all Under the authority of the Trading face value, bearing the number 104 and accruals thereto and any and all rights with the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ presently in the custody of Swiss Ameri­ to demand, enforce and collect the same, ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and can Corporation, 30 Pine Street, New Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to York, New York, in an account entitled is property within the United States Credit Suisse, Clients Depot, Basle, owned or controlled by, payable or de­ law, after investigation, it is hereby Switzerland, together with any and all found: liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ rights thereunder and thereto, includ­ count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ 1. That Arno Weber, whose last ing particularly, but not limited to, the known address is Berlin-Neukoelln, Teu- dence of ownership or control by Arno right to all proceeds of the redemption Weber, the aforesaid national of a desig­ pitzerstr. 99, Germany, is a resident of thereof, and Germany and a national of a designated b. That certain debt or other obliga­ nated enemy country (Germany); enemy country (Germany); tion of Swiss American Corporation, 30 and it is hereby determined: Saturday, June 21, 1947 FEDERAL REGISTER 4061 3. That to the extent that the person under the laws of the State of Utah, evi­ deemed necessary in the national in­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not denced by Certificate Numbered A303336, terest, within a designated enemy country, the registered in the name of Anna M. Sie­ There is hereby vested in the Attorney national interest of the United States gert, and presently in the custody of City General of the United States the prop­ requires that such person be treated as a National Bank & Trust Company of Chi­ erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ national of a designated enemy country cago, 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago ministered liquidated, sold or otherwise (Germany). 90, Illinois, together with all declared dealt with in the interest of and for the All -determinations and all action re­ and unpaid dividends thereon, benefit of the United States. • quired by law, including appropriate con­ d. That certain debt or other obliga­ The terms “national” and “designated sultation and certification, having been tion owing to Anna Marie Siegert, by enemy country” as used herein shall made and taken, and, it being deemed Illinois Timber Co., a corporation or­ have the meanings prescribed in section necessary in the national interest, ganized under the laws of the State of 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. There is hereby vested in the Attorney Washington, evidenced by a 6% Prom­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on General of the United States the property issory Note made by Illinois Timber Co., May 29, 1947. payable to Anna Marie Siegert, and pres­ described above, to be held, used, admin­ For the Attorney General. istered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt ently in the custody of City National Bank with in the interest of and for the benefit & Trust Company of Chicago, 208 South [ seal] D onald C. Cook, of the United States. La Salle Street, Chicago 90, Illinois, and Director. The terms “national” and “designated any and all rights to demand, enforce [F. R. Doc. 47-5841; Filed, June 19, 1947; enemy country” as used herein shall have and collect the aforesaid debt or other 8:53 a. m.] the meanings prescribed in section 10 of obligation, and any and all accruals Executive Order 9193, as amended. thereto, together with any and all rights in, to and under, including particularly [Vesting Order 9172] Executed at Washington, D. C., on the right to possession of, the aforesaid May 29, 1947. B ernhard S talmann and K arl C. note, WOLFLING For the Attorney General. e. All those debts or other obligations owing to Anna Marie Siegert by City Na­ In re: Stock owned by Bernhard Stal­ [seal] D onald C. Cook, tional Bank & Trust Company of Chicago, mann and Karl C. Wolfling. F-28- Director. 208 South La Salle Street, Chicago 90, 22458-D-1/2, F-28-22460-D-1/2. [F. R. Doc. 47-5892; Filed, June 20, 1947; Illinois, together with any and all accru­ Under the authority of the Trading 9:01 a. m.] als thereto, and any and all rights to with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ demand, enforce and collect the same, tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ e. Sixty (60) shares of capital stock tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, of Louisiana Consolidated Mining Com­ after investigation, it is hereby found: [Vesting Order 9171] pany, registered in the name of Central 1. That Bernhard Stalmann, whose Trust Company of Illinois, as Trustee last known address is c/o Waried Tank- Anna M arie S iegert under the will of Adolph Uhrlaub, de­ schiff Rhederei G. m. b. H., Hamburg 36, In re: Stock owned by and debts owing ceased, and presently in the custody of Neuer Jungfernsteig 21, Germany, and to Anna Marie Siegert. F-28-5621-A-1. City National Bank & Trust Company of Karl C. Wolfling, whose last known ad­ Under the authority of the Trading Chicago, 208 South La Salle Street, Chi­ dress is Tullastrasse 15, Mannheim, with the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ cago 90, Illinois, together with all de­ Germany, are residents of Germany and utive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ clared and unpaid dividends thereon, nationals of a designated enemy country- ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, f. Forty (40) shares of capital stock of (Germany); after investigation, it is hereby found: Central Coal Co., evidenced by Certificate 2. That the property described as 1. That Anna Marie Siegert, whose Numbered 125, registered in the name of follows: last known address is Germany, is a Anna M. Siegert, and presently in the a. Twenty-six (26) shares of $25 par resident of Germany and a national of a custody of City National Bank & Trust value capital stock of Standard Oil designated enemy country (Germany); Company of Chicago, 208 South La Salle Company, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New 2. That the property described as Street, Chicago 90, Illinois, together with York, New York, a corporation organized follows: all declared and unpaid dividends under the laws of the State of New a. Twenty-one (21) shares of $5 par thereon, and, Jersey, evidenced by the certificates value common capital stock of Booth g. Twenty (20) shares of $100 par value listed below, registered in the names of Fisheries Corporation, 309 W. Jackson capital stock of Powell County Land the persons listed below in the amounts Street, Chicago, Illinois, a corporation Company, evidenced by Certificate Num­ appearing opposite said names as organized under the laws of the State of bered 22, registered in the name of Anna follows: Delaware, evidenced by Certificates Num­ M. Siegert, and presently in the custody bered NC0565 and NC01447, for 7 and 14 of City National Bank & Trust Company Certificate Number shares respectively, registered in the of Chicago, 208 South La Salle Street, Registered owner No. of shares name of Anna Marie Siegert, and pres­ Chicago 90, Illinois, together with all de­ ently in the custody of City National clared and unpaid dividends thereon, Bernhard Stalmann...... SC23301 14 Karl C. Wolfling...,...... SC29629 12 Bank & Trust Company of Chicago, 208 is property within the United States South La Salle Street, Chicago 90, Illinois, owned or controlled by, payable or de­ together with all declared and unpaid liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ together with all declared and unpaid dividends thereon, count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ dividends thereon, and b. Four hundred sixty-four thou­ dence of ownership or control by, the b. Two (2) shares of $15 par value sandths (464/1000ths) of a share of $5 aforesaid national of a designated enemy capital stock of Consolidated Natural par value common capital stock of Booth country (Germany); Gas Company, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Fisheries Corporation, 309 W. Jackson New York, New York, a corporation Street, Chicago, Illinois, a corporation and it is hereby determined: organized under the laws of the State organized under the laws of the State of 3. That to the extent that the person of Delaware, evidenced by the certifi­ Delaware, evidenced by Certificate Num­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not cates listed below, registered in the bered CS624, in bearer form, and pres­ within a designated enemy country, the names of the persons listed below in ently in the custody of City National national interest of the United States re­ the amounts appearing opposite said Bank & Trust Company of Chicago, 208 quires that such person be treated as a names as follows: South La Salle Street, Chicago 90, Illi­ national of a designated enemy country nois, together with all declared and un­ (Germany). Certificate Number paid dividends thereon, Registered owner No. , of shares c. Sixty (60) shares of $100 par value All determinations and all action re­ quired by law, including appropriate common capital stock of The Union Pacif­ 0102143 1 ic Railroad Company, 120 Broadway, New consultation and certification, having Karl C. Wolfling...... 0118484 1 York, New York, a corporation organized been made and taken, and, it being 4062 NOTICES

together with all declared and unpaid erable to, held on behalf of or on account as Anna M. Albert. F-28-19818-E-1, dividends thereon, of, or owing to, or which is evidence of ¿-28-19818-D-l. is property within the United States ownership or control by, Ume Uyeda, the Under the authority of the Trading owned or controlled by, payable or de­ aforesaid national of a designated enemy with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ country (Japan); tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ 3. That the property described as fol­ tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, dence of ownership or control by, the lows: after investigation, it is hereby found: aforesaid national of a designated enemy a. One hundred (100) {shares of $25.00 1. That Anna Margaret Albert, also country (Germany); par value 6% cumulative first preferred known as Anna M. Albert, whose last capital stock of Pacific Gas & Electric known address is Hausen Uber Hersfeldt, and it is hereby determined: Company, 245 Market Street, San Fran­ Germany, is a resident of Germany and 3. That to the extent that the persons cisco 6, California, a corporation organ­ a national of a designated enemy coun­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not ized under the laws of the State of Cali­ try (Germany) within a designated enemy country, the fornia, evidenced by a certificate num­ 2. That the property described as fol­ national interest of the United States bered C35921, registered in the name of lows: requires that such person be treated as a Ume Uyeda and Shigeru Uyeda—Joint a. That certain debt or other obliga­ national of a designated enemy country Tenants, together with all declared and tion owing to Anna Margaret Albert, by (Germany). unpaid dividends thereon, and The West Side Savings and Loan Asso­ All determinations and all action re­ b. Fifty-one (51) shares of $25.00 par ciation, 2025 West 25th Street, Cleve­ quired by law, including appropriate value common capital stock of Pacific land 13, Ohio, arising out. of a savings consultation and certification, having Gas & Electric Company, 245 Market account, Account Number* 453, entitled been made and taken, and, it being Street, San Francisco 6, Calif ornia, a cor­ Anna Margaret Albert, and any and all deemed necessary in the national in­ poration organized under the laws of the rights to demand, enforce and collect terest, State of California, evidenced by a cer­ the same, and ' There is hereby vested in the Attorney tificate numbered F138760, registered in b. Eighty (80) shares of $10.00 par General of the United States the prop­ the name of Ume Uyeda and Shigeru value permanent capital stock of The erty described above, to be held, used, Uyeda—JT, together with all declared West Side Savings and Loan Association, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ and unpaid dividends thereon, 2025 West 25th Street, Cleveland 13, wise dealt with in the interest of and Ohio, a corporation organized under the for the benefit of the United States. is property within the United States owned or controlled by, payable or de­ laws of the State of Ohio, evidenced by The terms “national” and “designated certificate number P2468, registered in enemy country” as used herein shall have liverable to, held oh behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ the name of Anna Margaret Albert, to­ the'meanings prescribed in section 10 of gether with all declared and unpaid divi­ Executive Order 9103, as amended. dence of ownership or control by, Ume Uyeda and Shigeru Uyeda, the aforesaid dends thereon, Executed at Washington, D. C., on nationals of a designated enemy country is property within the United States May 29, 1947. (Japan); owned or controlled by, payable or de­ For the Attorney General. and it is- hereby determined: liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ 4. That to the extent that the persons count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ [ se a l] D o n a ld .C . C o o k , dence of ownership or control by, the D irector. named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not within a designated enemy country, the aforesaid national of a designated enemy [P. R. Doc. 47-5842; Piled, June 19, 1947; country (Germany) ; 8:53 a. m.] national interest of the United States re­ quires that such persons be treated as and it is hereby determined: nationals of a designated enemy country 3. That to the extent that the person (Japan). named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not [Vesting Order 9178] All determinations and all action re­ within a designated enemy country, the quired by law, including appropriate con­ national interest of the United States U m e U yeda and S h ig e r u U yeda sultation and certification, having been requires that such person be treated as In re: Stock owned by Ume Uyeda and made and taken, and, it being deemed a national of a designated enèmy coun­ Shigeru Uyeda. F-39-3302-D-1, F-39- necessary in the national interest, try (Germany). 3302—D—2. There is hereby vested in the Attorney Under the authority of the Trading General of the United States the prop­ All determinations and all action re­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ quired by law, including appropriate tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise consultation and certification, having tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, dealt with in the interest of and for the been made and taken, and, it being after investigation, it is hereby found: benefit of the United States. deemed necessary in the national inter­ 1? That Ume JUyeda and Shigeru The terms “national" and “designated est, Uyeda, whose last known addresses are enemy country” as used herein shall have There is hereby vested in the Attorney Yokohama, Japan, are residents of Japan the meanings prescribed in section 10 of General of the United States the prop­ and nationals of a designated enemy Executive Order 9193, as amended. erty described above, to be held, used, country (Japan); Executed at Washington, D. C„ on administered, liquidated, sold or other­ 2. That the property described as fol­ May 29, 1947. wise dealt with in the interest of and lows: Sixty-five and one-half (65%) For the Attorney General. for the benefit of the United States. shares of $2.00 par value capital stock of The terms “national" and “designated Transamerica Corporation, 4 Columbus [ se a l] D onald C . C o o k , Avenue, San Francisco, California, a cor­ Director. enemy country” as used herein shall have poration organized under the laws of the the meanings prescribed in section 10 of [F. R. Doc. 47-5843; Filed, June 19, 1947; Executive Order 9193, as amended. State of Delaware, evidenced by Certifi­ 8:58 a. m.] cates numbered SFC76011 for eleven (11) Executed at Washington, D. C., on shares; SFA73268 for fifty (50) shares; May 29, 1947. SFC79670 for four and one-half (4%) shares, registered in the name of Ume For the Attorney General. [Vesting Order 9146] Uyeda, together with all declared and [ se a l] D onald C. C o o k , unpaid dividends thereon, Anna M argaret Albert Director. is property within the United States In re: Bank account and stock owned [F. R. Doc. 47-5844; Filed, June 19, 1947; owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ fey Anna Margaret Albert, also known 8:53 a. m.J