7 \> « t o UTTER* SCRIPTA EOERAL REGISTER VOLUMI 12 1934 NUMBER 122 4 Wanted ^ ' Washington, Saturday, June 2?, Ï947 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT Forms may be obtained from county committees in areas where loans are CONTENTS Chapter II— Production and Marketing available, or from the office of Commod­ Agriculture Department Administration (Commodity Credit) ity Credit Corporation serving the area. State and county committees will deter­ See also Animal Industry Bureau» {1947 C. C. C. Seed Bulletin 1 (Loan)] Commodity Credit Corporation; mine or cause to be determined, "the Sugar Rationing Administration. P art 274—S eed P u r ch a se and L oan quantity and grade of the commodity P rogram and the amount of the loan. All docu­ Rules and regulations: ments will be completed and approved Citrus fruits; limitation of ship- 1947 SEED LOAN PROGRAM by the county committee, which will re­ ments: This bulletin states the requirements , tain copies of all documents: Provided, California and Arizona: with respect to the 1947 Seed Loan Pro­ however, That the county committee may . Lemons--------------------2__ 4016 gram formulated by Commodity Credit designate in writing certain employees Oranges________________ 4017 Corporation and the Production and of the county agricultural conservation Florida; oranges__________ 4015 Marketing Administration. Loans will association to execute such forms on be­ Peaches, fresh, in Georgia; reg­ be made available on winter cover crop half of the committee. ulation by size____.______4017 seed (hereinafter referred to as the The county committee will furnish the Tobacco inspection; designation “commodity”) produced in 1947 in ac­ borrower with the names of local lending of Fayetteville, N. C. market— 4015 cordance with this bulletin. agencies approved for making disburse­ Alien Property, Office of ments on loan documents, or with the Sec. Notices: 274.60 Administration of program.' address of the Grain Branch office to 274.61 Availability of loans. which loan documents may be forwarded' Vesting orders, etc.: 274.62 Approved lending agencies. for disbursement. Ahrens, Rosine___________ 4055 274.63 Eligible producer. Albert, Anna Margaret______ 4062 274.64 Eligible seed. § 274.61 Availability of loans, (a) Deutsche Eisenwerke, Aktien­ 274.65 Eligible storage. Seed loans shall be available in the areas gesellschaft of Gelsenkirch­ 274.66 Approved forms. where the seed is produced. Insofar as en, Germany__________ 4054 274.67 Determination of quantity. is practicable, warehouse rather than Engelman, Helene Lexow___ 4054 274.68 Determination of quality. farm storage shall be required by the Exportkreditbank A. G_____ 4047 274.69 Liens. county committee in all areas. 274.70 Charges to be paid by producer. Franken, Henry___________ 4054 274.71 Set-offs. (b) Seed loans shall be available after Frey, Hermann, and Emil 274.72 Loan rates. the 1947 harvest season begins and loan N oller___________ 4056 274.73 Interest rate. documents must be completed prior to 274.74 Transfer of producer’s equity. August 16, 1947, for blue lupine and Fukushima, K., and Mrs. K. 274.75 Safeguarding of the commodity. March 1, 1948, for Austrian Winter Pea Fukushima_____________ 4056 274.76 Insurance. seeds. Goetz, Fred______________ 4058 274.77 Loss or damage to the commodity. Hardy & Co., G. m. b. H_____ 4058 274.78 Personal liability. § 274.62 Approved lending agencies. Hardy, Hugo____________ 4059 274.79 Maturity and satisfaction. An approved lending agency shall be any Mauritz, H. M___________ 4059 274.80 Removal of the commodity. bank, cooperative marketing association, 274.81 Release of the commodity. corporation, partnership, individual, or Nakagawa, Masao__ _______ 4055 274.82 Storage allowance. other legal entity with which the Com­ Nakano, Mrs. Tokuko M____ 4060 274.83 Purchase of notes. modity Credit Corporation has entered Siegert, Anna Marie________ 4061 274.84 Offices of the Commodity Credit Cor­ Spiegel, Melchior, and Alka poration. ?.. into a Lending Agency Agreement (Form 274.85 Schedules of rates and specifications. PMA-97) or other lending agency agree­ Mfg. and Sales Corp_____ 4054 ment prescribed by Commodity Credit Stalmann, Bernhard, and Karl Authority: §§ 274.60 to 274.85, inclusive, Corporation. C. Wölfling______ 4061 issued under authority contained in Article Torok, Arthur____________ 4055 Third, par. (b) of the Corporate Charter of § 274.63 Eligible producer. An eligible the Commodity Credit Corporation; sec. 7 producer shall be any individual, part­ Uyeda, Ume and Shigeru___ 4062 (a ), 49 Stat. 4 as amended, sec. 4 (b ), 55 Stat. nership, association, corporation, or other Weber, Arno______________ 4060 498 as amended, sec. 302 (a), 52 Stat. 43; Wille, Fritz_______________ 4057 15 U. S. C., Sup., 713 (a ), 713a-8 (b ), 7 IT. S. C. legal entity producing the commodity in 1302 (a). 1947, as landowner, landlord, tenant, Yokomizo, Hatsumi_______ 4057 I share cropper, or custom harvester. Zimmermann, Friedrich, and § 274.60 Administration of program. Frieda Zimmermann__ _ 4057 The program will be administered at the § 274.63 Eligible seed. Any seed spec­ t o county level by the county agricultural ified in the attached schedule of specifi­ Animal Industry Bureau conservation committees under the gen­ cations and loan rates (Table 1) which is Rules and regulations: eral supervision of the respective State harvested in 1947 by an eligible producer, Dogs; book of record recogni­ committees. (Continued on p. 4013) tion________ 4018 4011 4012 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continuée! CONTENTS—-Continued Commodity Credit Corporation Pa#e Interstate Commerce Commis- PaSe EEBEBAÄBEG1STER Rules and regulations: sion— Continued Seed purchase and loan pro­ Rules and regulations—Continued gram, 1947_____ _________ 4011 Car service—Continued Federal Communications Com­ Demurrage charges—Con. Refrigerator cars_______ 4028 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, mission Free time at ports on gondola, and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: by the Division of the Federal Register, the FM broadcast stations: open and covered hopper National Archives, pursuant to the authority Class B: cars___________________ 4029 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ Rules and standards, amend­ Perishables, restrictions on proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as reconsigning_________ — 4029 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ ment, and adoption of re­ Refrigerator cars, giant------ 4028 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ vised tentative allocation mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ plan _________________ 4031 National Park Service tion is made only by the Superintendent of Tentative allocation plan, Rules and regulations: Documents, Government Printing Office, revised______________ 4031 Organization and procedure; Washington 25, D. C. Frequency assignments_____ 4038 miscellaneous amendments_ 4024 The regulatory material appearing herein is FM channel reservation policy, keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, termination; waiver as to Price Administration, Office of which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Rules and regulations: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Class B FM applicants of rule amended June 19, 1937. against repetitious applica­ Sugar rationing. Sec Sugar Ra­ The F ederal Register w ill be furnished by tions---- f----------------- 4030 tioning Administration. mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hearings, etc.: Securities and Exchange Com­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Beaufort Broadcasting Co__ 4043 mission vance. The charge for Individual copies Community Broadcasting Co., (minimum 15£) varies in proportion to the Notices: size of the issue. Remit check or money et al— --;______________ 4043 Hearings, etc.: order, made payable to the Superintendent Glens Falls Publicity Corp. Bankers Securities Corp. and of Documents, directly to the Government (WGLN)___ ____ 4038 Albert M. Greenfield & Co_ 4046 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. N. K. Broadcasting Co. and ^ Kentucky Utilities Co. et al_ 4045 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Roy C. Kelley___________ 4044 Middle West Corp_________ 4045 tion of material appearing in the Federal Pawtucket Broadcasting Co. R egister. Milwaukee Electric Railway & (WFCI)_________ 4038 Transport Co. and Wiscon­ Rules and regulations: sin Electric Power Co_____ 4046 Radio broadcast services; FM New England Power Assn___ 4Ó46 broadcasting other than non- 1946 SUPPLEMENT commercial educational- Sugar Rationing Administration broadcast service_________ 4025 Rules and regulations: * to the Food and Drug Administration Sugar rationing________ 4024 CODE OF FEDERAL Rules and regulations: Veterans’ Administrate Antibiotic drugs, tests and Rules and regulations: REGULATIONS methods of assay; crystalline Adjudication, dependents penicillin tablets__________ 4023 claims; miscellaneous amend­ The following books tire now Penicillin- or streptomycin-con­ ments------------ 4025 available: taining drugs, certification of Medical; eligibility for hospital batches; miscellaneous treatment or domiciliary care Book 1: Titles 1 through 8, amendments________ 4023 of persons discharged or re­ including, in Title 3, Presiden­ tired from military or naval tial documents in full text with Geological Survey Rules and regulations: service____________ ______ . 4025 appropriate reference tables and Organization and procedure; War Department index. delegation of authority relat­ Rules and regulations: Book 2: Titles 9
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