NET RADIO MOVIES Strike^In Over Sacco
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- ' ' - -'V • *■ ■' -'. 1.: M . , n . - r • ~ ■■ ■■ -'■ THE WEAXlACK FoiccMt fef V. 8. W«*tfcer.B«ranb. New H « t « F8ir tonight; Saturday showers, and wanher. VOL. XLL, NO. 161. Classified Advertising on page 18 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1927. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS <?> WHOLE FA3HLY SHOT TWO ARE DEAD BY ANGRY FATHER SHOULDER TO SHOULDER WITH OUR FORCES AT SHANGHAI LADIES^ AID Fremont, Ohio, April 8.— IN RUG RAID Dorothy Smith, 14, is dead, Au drey Smith, 17, her sister, is in 20 INJURED IN a hospital with her right arm Man Picks Up Rugs Found op torn off by a shotgun charge, Porch by Mistake for a and Charles Brandell, 38, step Rummage Sale. father of the girls, is reported R A Iim S H E S dying and his wl/e is seriously New York, AprlL 8.— The injured, as the result of a fam Ladies’ Aid society of the ily quarrel early today. Brandell I First M. E. church of Flush shot the girls and .clubbed their ing, L. I., aided/hy an aid, al One Train Jumps Track Try mother on the head with a shot most aided a rUg dealer yes gun, turning the gun upon him terday to aid Mrs. John San- <S>- ing to Avert Smashing In self, after his step daughters . tie in selecting n,ew- fornlsho had returned from a dance, and ings for her home on Elm Today’s Summary he had reprimanded them for street. All F oreip Houses Seized; to Another— Third Crash “ staying out so late,” and voic The society, aided by the of China Events ed objection to two youths who owner of a vacant store on escorted them to the dance. Main street, decided it best Japan Lands 800 More Averted. could aid the church by con ducting a rummage sale to CHINESE NATIONALIST plans aid frugal citizens to pick up Sailors InShanghah^For- Parson, Kansas, April 8.— The for an advance towards Tientsin bargains in second-hand cloth have received-a setback, ^hang- engineer and fireman of the Soon TEEVISION IS ing, furniture and the like. tung troops arc repprte.d tp. fiaye mer Chinese Admiral Exe er, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Among those who volun forced the Natlpn^ists''. to se- teered to aid by such dona- - railway train, were killed today tqeftit ajfter several engagements. tions was Mrs. Santle. She^;, Nationalist troops are being cuted— American Women when the train jumped the track REAUTY; N ET said she would leave a hsadle'.- ’flioved - to-Pukow Jo reinforce near St. Paul, Kansas, while mak on.the porch for the Ladies’ the line there. • V ' 1 ing a detour for another wreck, Aid. A man aid who volun MARTIAL LAW -' is •• reported’ tof and Children Leaving. several others were injured. teered to aid the Ladies’ Aid have been declared in Wuhu RADIO MOVIES by aiding in the collection*of The other wreck occurred when where two factions of the Na another M. K, T. train, the south a ■ articles was sent for them. tionalist army threatep. disor Hong Kong. April 8.— I^artlal He returned with thirteen bound Texas Flyer, struck a low ders. law has been declared in Wuhu in bags. THE NORTHERN GOVERNMENT place where a, culvert had been A. T. & T. Demonstrates That “ Generous Mrs. Santle,” an attempt to control Chinese washed out two miles south of Erie, continues Jts raids agalnst alleg- murmured one lady aid. Then - centers of" Nationalist, sym^ troops, who are threatening to get Kansas, twenty persons were’hurt, the aiders put the rugs on possibly dangerously. Six One Can See Speaker Be .pathy,' amdr' an -American ,mis^ .out of control as tholr allegiance sale. Mrs. Santle rushed in. stonary .institution ‘ at Yenching coaches went into a ditch. “ Please aid me to find my to their leaders is split. Part of tho Brave Brakeman is understood to , have been fore Telephone — Im rugs,” she said. “ I fear your warned of a possible raid on troops support General Chiang Kai After th3 Texas Flyer had gone aid aided by my maid, who Into the ditch, a brakeman, whose groufids that It is . sheltering j Shek while the remainder are sup- put them on the. porch by radical- students. name was not learned, swung mistake, has brought them porting-^the Communist leaders, ac across the creek on .the hanging provements Coming. JAPANESE MARINES, reinforced cording to reports received here. here to be sold.” by British troops,, have engaged rails and flagged another train that They hadn’t been sold, and The Chinese military are report was following, saving it from crash the Ladies’ Aid sent the rugs in a lively sktrmiskiwlth Chinese ed to have, seized all fo r e i^ houses, ing inttf^the wreck. Washington, April 8.—Radio back again. gunmen in the northern area of in CKinklang. Fear that others besides the en moving picture reproducers will be Shanghai, with two gunmen Warships are picking up a num dead and one Japanese wounded. gineer and fireman on the former just as common in the America of ber of Spanish priests between Han train may have met death was ex AMERIC.4N WOMEN and children kow and Wuhu. Tnese priests have pressed when the waters of the the future as the ordinary receiving WILD STORIES TOLD are- leaving Peking, and Mrs. been forced to evacuate their creek submerged several coaches set of the present time. Dr. J. H. Biitish marines and Japanese destroyers who are allied witli American sailors. Devil Dogs and men- John Van A- MacMurjray. and her Yangtse posts hurriedly because of and Pullmans shortly after passen Dellinger, chief of the radio labora o’-war at Shanghai to protect foreign lives and property against the warring Chinese armies. Leading the children^,- the faail^y- io f the threats ”of rtolence'; '• ^ • American minister,-'hsive' an gers had made their way through tory of the bureau of standard, de British marines along Nanking road to'defensive positions is a Shanghai mounted municipal policeman. Tue the water-logged cars. Some of the AT HOLMES TRIAL nounced their forthcohi'fng de clared today. flotilla of Nipponese destroyers is shown waiting developments at an anchorage in the confluence.df the »IORE JAP TROOPS passengers may have been trapped, Yangtse and Whangpoo rivers, seven miles downstream from the Paris of the East. parture. American officials de- Washington, April 8.— The Jap it is believed. Following the remarkable demon clarie there is no panicky exodus anese have " landed 800 additional In both wrecks steel coaches and stration of television and visual ra from Peking, but. otper Nation sailGPS in Shanghai as a -result f'of Pullmans saved the passengers dio, by the American Telephone and als are criticizing the Americans Telegraph Company, Dellinger said Miss Fortiii^-Sister De^ an attack l^ t night upon Japanese more serious injuries and possible for t gu id in g the^orth Szechwan road, death. that it is a simple step from send Strike^In THE SOVIET GOVERNMENT Is ing pictures over the wire, to rout scribes Night In Hotel delaying action on the aiding of Rear Admiral C. S.' Williams, com ing them through the air— from ex its Peking legation, but the Sov mander of the Asiatic fleet, advised HONG WIFE BY WRISTS, perimental demonstration to com KILL RUM RUNNERS iet press charges that the raids the Navy Department today.\ mercial practice. Over Sacco-—Vdnzetti With Ex-Pastor Present. were Instigated by the British to Guard Consulate “ Carrier Waves.” open the way for intervention "A cordon of police and Shang SO SHE GETS DIVORCE For the wire channel of commu of the powers. hai volunteer corpsmen were nication will be substituted a "car Boston, Mass., April 8.:—The thrown around the Soviet consul Boston, Mass., April 8.— ^While,^ The stage was set for the passin.g ate at Shanghai at five p. m., yes rier wave” over which the electrical Two Dead, One Seriously story of a night revel in a South Tied Her Sister Up In Barn Al impulses representing pictures of reports from Buenos Aires of a 48-;°^ sentence In Norfolk county Su- terday, and all persona entering or End hotel with Guy Willis Holmes, so, She TeUs Bridgeport actual events, glide through the hour general strike in protest Dedham tomorrow. leaving are being searched,” Wil ether to be recreated in action on Wounded In Florida Hos unfrocked New Bedford Methodist liams said. Judge. against, the failure of Massachu- j Thompson was planning some le- FORD’ 4 CYLINDER the screen of the receiving set. ■piinister, and Miss Antionette For It has been reported, Williams Not only will visual radio become setts courts to grant a new trial to gal action. The Dedham courthouse added, that Genera! PI Cbu Chen, Bridgeport, Conn., April 8.— Mrs. a practical accomplishment, but it Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vaq^i will bp .well guarded, pital— Sailor’ s Story. tin, nineteeo-year-old tea room fqrmerly adn\iral of, thp Tstogtao Susan M. Bronson today received at will be possible to produce appara zetti, convicted slayers, were-beinlr With public eehtiqient cryfetalized fleet and defence’’ eontm^bder- of the hands of Judge Isaac Wolfe in tus^ to bring pictures of events to published -here members of -tte''in fe¥6r of a'new trial for Sacco dnd that, area, has been executed afc gryanzetti defense appeal, supporters _ of Miami, ’‘Fla.v^ April 8.—^oftst Smith, and herself in a-’ctraneettag 4 ■ftinrhoine of the family of nwa»W(t* guatdamen killhff “ two ineti and Tsinan.