^ X O N A L ^ FEDERAL« REGISTER VOLUME 13 J , ? Ì L 4n ^ NUMBER 71 </AilTEO Washington, Saturday, April 10, 1948 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE Defense. Appointments under this sub CONTENTS PERSONNEL division shall not exceed one year. (vii) One position of Vice Chairman or Agriculture Department Page Chapter I— Civil Service Commission Deputy Chairman of the Munitions Proposed rule making: Board. Handling: P art 2—Appo in t m e n t T hrough th e (Sec. 6.1 (a), E. O. 9830 (Feb. 24, 1947), Milk in Fort Wayne, Ind., C o m petitive S ervice 12 F. R. 1259) area-------------_------------- ... 1954 P art 6— E x ceptio ns P rom th e Walnuts in California, Oregon U nited S tates C iv il S erv and Washington (Corr.)___ 1955 C om petitive S ervice ic e C o m m issio n , Rules and regulations: MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS [seal] H. B. M itc h el l, Limitation of shipments in Cal President. 1. Effective upon publication in the ifornia and Arizona: 1951 F ederal R egister, a new paragraph (h) [P. R. Doc. 48-3180; Piled, Apr. 9, 1948; Lemons__________________ is added to § 2.114 as follows: 8:53 a. m.] Oranges---------------------------- 1953 Alien Property, Office of § 2.114 Temporary appointment. * * * Notices: (h) Emergency-indefinite appoint a ien t. Whenever the Commission deter TITLE 7—-AGRICULTURE Vesting orders, etc.: Baracs, Anna__________ __ JL968 mines that it is in the interest of na Chapter IX— Production and Mar tional security to do so, it may enter Brull, Margaret____________ 1966 into a special agreement with an agency keting Administration
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