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12-14-1968 Kabul Times (December 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 220) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (December 14, 1968, vol. 7, no. 220)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1940.

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" - \ , ' LINES: hllack~d In fhght yesterday 'and leftist political detainee' includ-" it., - •. .. pII~t t~ ' .. , ... the forced fly towards ing the popular lefi.wlng tilm . .' FRIDAY Cuba WIth a g·on hIS back, a cn- star Fu Chi '!. - mpany spo~esman said her~., In less than ten days the Bri- ~oell:g he~dlDg r~l~ase~; , .".. . :-:. • • .AiiiyaJ The 727 was tish authorities have 12 , . for MIamI from St. LoUIS. It leftists from the Victoria' delen­ K.""ibar 0lI55 was n~w expecleq to reach J1a- tion centre. leaving only 17 out • Peshawar 1145 vana aIrporl at about 1800 hnu- of the original 54 still under oC" "J; ',', . " ~KA$UL, ~ rs GMT. . tcntion VOi,.·VJI,NO, 22d'.,'·: ; . SATlJROAy, .DECEMBER 14, 1968 (Q-1\US 23, 1347, S,f{,J PRICE 1 AFS, The. spokesman. said: "The pi!- The 54 were placed in the dete-, • <~,.~;,~,;,~,;~".~:~.ll)', "~.~~~i{i·~ffi ~ '~" Departure ?t radIoed th~t there was a man ntion centre las.t year under "tn­ ;'G~' ·U·:_\·~:S'''·:'''.'F''''''~ iE"";~~'- I. ,f' .' I.. ., ,'.' ,. I., ;." '. '" .... h~ ·F';,".r:.'·'·E·- .. Peshawar 0900 In the· cockpIt and that had 'ergency regulations 'for impli'a. :~., ~,", ' .TheirMajesties Tehran-Beirut 1630 forCed the plane to dIvert to Ha- urbances, vana and the pilot is proceeding __~._-'--" _ there." . ,. I)ItRU~L.AMA,N,~PALACE· to visit Japan. BAKHTARAFGHAN~ It was the 25th hijacking of Nigerian war 8 U.S, or Latin American aircr.. aft to Cuba this year. (Continued froin /fait". 2) ::Fl~m~s Toat out.of co'iltrol LINES: ques the great sPecialist In At-. in April rican front-line armies, Faulques Arrival OAU the centurion of IndoChina and . . ofor.JO hours· on Thur,sday KABUL, Dec. 14, (Bakhtai'I,­ committee Algeria, Faulques who, at the Chakhcharan-BaJiJlan 1250 Their MajeSties the ·King and Qu­ head of a handful ·of men, wns LTD~ KABUL, o..c. 14;-The roof of the entire Darulaman pa­ een will pay an official and tri­ .Departure . to .meet in for several months the leader of ,AFGIiANISCH'E WOOLIND,USTRIE' Bamian-Ch'akhcharan 0830 lace! the ceiling pf the ihlrd storey" and part of the second sioroy,. endly vJ.slt In Japan in April the superbly armed United Na­ anfl warehouse cr rhe pround floor wete devoured on Thutsd~y·. 1969 ·at the invItation Ja.pane­ tions forces in Katanga.. or Lagos next week KABUL / AFGflANISTAN by h {,ire whic~l the Fire ;)epartment could. not bring linder mn- Be Emperor Hlrohlto aDd bls wife, . "But Faulques, who is always . trol Jor al leasi 10 hours. , the Foreign Ministry anuOlmceil SI\TURDAY promised arms which do not ar­ ADDIS ABABA, Dec. 12, (AFP). The palace I. ,wP . f -two buildings constructed by Arr,;r Thur5da:y_ rive, prefers to. give ·uP. He lea­ he -The OAU's consulative committee • A~anuUah Khan, in a plan to s·hlft the city centre' to that area. Meanwhile ~is MaJesty left ARIANA AFGHAN AIR- on Nigeria may gather, in Lagos ves Biafra with· his commandos. Thursday for Jalalabad In spend One man remains: Rolf Eteiner: . The extent of the damaJ(es is estimated at Af. 60 million. within the next three weeks dlplo~ Th~ a few days In Nangarhar provin- Arriv:U ''The buildings of Ojuk"wu's t/:;rd slorev 0:' tIt,· lIalace housed the. Work Corps, Construc- ce, . rn;ltic ·sour.ces indicated here yes­ tion ond DBms and Canal Depart ments of the Minis:try of Pub- terday. residence form a light patch In Beirut, Tehran 1045 thc midst of the palm trees...Ev- lic \\'~lks. All furniture, "quiprilent and most of the papers 'n Kandahar 1100 The sources said lhat efforts ap- ery day Steiner comes to tell ,JfHces wp·~ df'stroye..1 Amritsnr, Lahore 1500 pear IC be underway 10 gel the co- h·im (Ojukwy) about the day's The cause of the fire which bro- Thirteen fire trucks from the Mi­ Royal Audience Miamana, Mazar 1610 mmittee together in the Nigerian fighting and discuss the operat­ ke out around one in the aftern­ nistry of National Defence USAID KABUL, Dec. lA, lBaklftar).­ Departure capital before the end of the year. ions being carried Qut. For the oon is not yet known Police - ~11 e and many hundreds ot pol'ice, fire The following were .received in Amritsar 0800 These elforlS follow a telegramed Ibos, as for the Federals. Oukwu investigating the motter. figtrters. and work corps members audience by His Majesty thp Mazur, Maimana 0900 reply from Nigerian Federal Leader is Clemenceau. Foch and N3pO· tried in yain to extinguish tbe fire King during the week endillJ.: Kandahar, Beirut, Istanbul. Fr­ Maj, Gen. Yakubu Gowan to a let- leon at the same time. When for many hours. . December 12: National Dc:.'fcnl·!· ankfurt, LondOn 1630. :er from Emperor Haile Selassie, the front is On the point of craC'­ WE OFFER: W oIesi ,I)il'gClh Some newspaper reporters oJ: Minister Gen. Khan Mohamm.::ld. head d the committee which is ma-. king...he exhorts to combat tho· Ihe scene talk of lack of coordi­ Commerce Minister Dr. Nom de up of six heads of state. "se French-speaking Negroes who nation and haphazardn~ss in t i;.e Ali, Agriculture and Irriga'tion 3AKHTAR AFGHAN AIR­ :\ 1110nlh ijgo HailE' Selassie wrote a~e now regularly learning to PURE CAMELHAIR CLOm begins3-molrth operation of the fire men, T .... e:­ Minister Mir Mohammad Gowon asking his views on how the .. sing, with an atrocious accent, '.' Fa·"si language daily Caravan reo Reza. and President of the Min­ ported that fire trucks did nat hc­ LINES: l.:omm:t1ec could go 10 both Lagos the Marseillaise. which has Le- for overcoat w,inter recess es and Geological Survey DC!1­ and Umahia-thc last remaining come the resistance hymn of Bi- 359,- Mslmt.r and gin pumping water until three artment in the Ministry of l\li· Oiafran hastion-to contact both afra:' 410,- Afs/mtr KABUL, Dec. 14, (Bakblar).­ o'clock and fire men tried tt: nes and Industries, Eng. !'vtir ArrivaJ "de" in the civil war and renew 1t is learnt from reliable A1'Il- The WoJesi Jirgah started its winter first douse the roo(top lire, S(l­ Mohammad Hashem M iI'zacl discussion~. can sources, that the magar-jnc'; CAMELHAm CLOTH recess Thursday which will end on me 25 metres above the ground Falzabad, Taluqan 1420 M('unwhde Maurice Fawley. Brl. article so empbarrassed the Dill· March 13. Spe.kin~ at the 'end of from the grounds of the palac.'. Departure lain's Unde:r-s~crelary of State Qt the fran leader, Colonel OjuKwu Ihe Thursday's meetine House Presi­ The Darulaman Palace was Kondo., Taluqan, Falzabad Wednes~ for suits dent Dr. Abdul Zaber .aid "in tbis Afghan, Soviet fllrcign onice arrived here, that he Qromptly sacked the t'r,]'­ 340.- Afs/mtr one of the historical and price­ hy N(j7.hand. Bakhtar 0830 day with a message for Haile Selas- mer French Foreign Legionur 5t- session we succeeded in completing less buildings in the oily. r\ sie from Premier Harold Wilson. einer. our deliberations on a number of well-known Kabul architect on defence chiefs subjects. the sCene asked how much· did PAKISTAN INTERNA­ CAMELHAIR BLANKETS Prices "We have spent at the meetings he think the palace was worth said New U.S. defence chief hopes Vietnam of the whole house a lot of time on "if someone can price the Barn­ meet in AT YOUR SERVICE for travelling purposes lhe education ·law the universities ian Buddha colossals I could /live KABUL. Dec. t4. IBakhlar).- TIONAL AIRLINES: 650,- Afs/piece constitution, ' Atih~nistan's jointing war will be over by au,fum,n1969 you a price for this palace also." National befence Minlst<'r Geo 800,,.. Afs/piece to a number of interna-tional cove­ Arrival Packing, Moviq. Forwar- WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, (AFP) decided to modify his precedec.­ Hc explained his refusal to Khan Mohammad Idt Kabul fur nants, and a series of technical as~ Kabul Governor Dr. MOh~m- -Melvin Laird, designate-dp.f~n- wo­ voice judgments on oQther "ma~ CAMELHAIR ARTICLES 950,- Afs/pieee ssor's requests for credits he Moscow ThurSday for ;1 brief visil ding, Customs ClearIq.... sistance, economic cooperation and mad. AkrsJ1l and Interior Mini:;- ce secretary, e.xpressed the h:Jpe uld do so at the end of March jor questions" relating to U.S. Peshawar 1050 TRADE MARK ... 10 !he ·al thc invita­ loal} agreements with friendly coun- ter Dr. Mohammad Omar W...... I- here last night that Presirle·"t­ beginoin~ defence by saying that if he we­ Departure insuring your pods by air or the of April, 1968. tion of the Soviet Defence Minish~r ak appeared on the scene early elect Richard Nixon's in::opli!lJ! re to do so be.fore taking ove)' Peshawar or land or sea my part tr~f' Meanwhile, "he will make all Marshal Andrei Grechko. 1150 to CAMELHAIR BLANKETS in the afternoon, Prime Mi.~' administration would end lhe \li­ dec~1ns in the Pentagon· it could lead to the he want$'- between Reports from Moscow 'iaid tht' of the worl•. "Th"e--WC'lesi· Jirgah's committee ba­ er Noor Ahmad Etemadi' . l~'ciJne etnam war by autumn 1969. some miscalculations in other coun­ now and· January 20:', ."Laird 'aiel. defence minister was received by mixed With pure Afghan fleece ve also done a f!reat deal of work to-- Darulaman around five o'd- hI hoee -we can end the war 550,- Ms/piece However, "I hope, that" blue­ tries. Marshal Grechko. the Af~h:ln Am­ which has been submitted to the ~ill INTERNATIONAL CLUB wool in elegant designs ock Thursday. before -we rome to the prepara- ribbon committee reapprJ:i­ When a journalist commented bassador to Moscow Gen. Moham­ Best serviee ad cllea)leSt house's secretariat and which will The fire was brought ,unl!(~r tion bf our first .cl.efence budge..:' se defence policy adminb;t- that in earlier time6 the future Saturday Dec, 14, 8. p.m, to id mad Aref and memberS' of the em- be taken up by us spring. , control after midhigltt· . 'wnp.n ·Laird said. after a discussion ·... t Def'mce Secretary,t hail favoured next ratiOn in the not. distant fu- bassy. 'r" ~-- .. - MIdnight Teen Dance (parents rates. ,.... ''This is ,he last recess which the most of \ll,ood work in the pal~ the Pentagon with the present ture", he said, ad g that ··,uch Am~'Cica's having f l~a '~first strike Yeslerday af!ernoon Gen. Khan are welcome), Accompanied CASHMERE C.LOm deputies will have in the- course of­ ace had burnt down. Srr.:Jkc was defence sE;cretary, Chttolf Clifford. a top-level working ~~roup would capability,': Laird·.,. replied ·tha, Tel: 21128 the present parliament. [t is an op­ rising in some areas untIl - 10, La.ird pledged "~nthuE\astic ~u­ in that case present'its report to this was fn 1962, .I'period of con­ Mohammac;l mel his Soviet counter­ guests Af. 100 portunity more than ever before to a.m. Frida.y. ,-'. "pport ,to the~l'bgettiv,,' to end the the defence secretll", within six frontation", whereas the situation part and last'ni!!ht the Soviel de. Cable: AiRPACK for suits in various recl~rtioll 440,- Afs/mtr upto try to find oul tbe aspirations of the war in Vietnam", month's to 8 year's "time. at the 'present time was a "period fence minister held a in P.O.B, 568 fashionable shades 62&,- Als/mtr electorate to epable a$ to exercise Yesterday ..fternoon hcwe'ler... This was "the. C1)~jor objective" .He declined to cQrnment un of negotiati~n9 when we face the his honour. our responsibilities ~etter", Dr. Za. everything was 'quiet and W.n ~{ of the future Ni·xon administrate Nixon's allegatiOn . puring the future," At the .rneeVng between the tWll Weather her said, Corps m.en 'were putting ·back on~ he told a press conference.. presidential electiOn campaign On the possibility of an agree­ defence ministers were the military He ended the session with expres­ things which they had tak',n cut l1e said he did n,ot plan to that the lack of new Amencan ment between WashingtQn' and attache at the Afehan Embassy jn CASHMERE ARTICLES succ~sses from second and first storey TO- visit Southeast Asia till he was Moscow On a reduction of strate­ Mc:scow, Rokai -Sulaiman, the So­ Skies In the north&n:, northea­ CASHMERE BLANKETS sions of "hope for fi.irther "trateglc weaeons had created a TRADE MARK of rhe .deputies in their service to . oms., confirm£il by the Senate." This serious "security gap" between gic weapons strength, Laird said viet chief of !>taff, and First Depu1y stern, northwestern, eastern, sou­ the natkn, lhe prosperity of Afgha­ Bakhtar news agency repiJrt..-,.d could take place in the last rlays the U.S. and the UsSR, he was "optimistic and hope­ Defence Minisrer Marshal Zakharov. ·be in various designs them and eentral regions will 1.100,- Afs/pieee upto that Prime Min'ister EtemaJi ha> of J.nuary.. ful." President of the armoured col- cloudy with chance of rain and nistan. and Ihe Ion!! lite for HJs "I will do everything I can to Kin~ instruoted thaI the building On the subject of modificati"lls This was one ooint. where he umns seclion and head of the fo­ snow. Other parts of country 1.800,- Afs/pieee Majesty, the our democratic see lhat the security pI' the Uni­ the a~ should 'be repaired in its uril!in- he mighl make to' the defencc ted States is protected at all li­ agreed with the ~policy practised reign Liaison· Department in the will be clear' with ehance of clo­ , monarch". . parlia~ al form as soon as possible. , budget which Clifford was no\\·· by Clifford and his predecessor, Soviet Defence Minls!ry were als(l udiness_ Yesterday the wannest Before the deputies left the mes and our -nation remains str­ ment building th~y met Prime Mi~ The. MinistrY of Public W~r- preparing, Laird said that if he ong", he affirmed.' Robert McNamara, he added.' present at t.~e meeting. areas were Kandahar, Farah and AE'ROFLOT WINTER WORSTED ks will have to move to other "r· Laghman .with high of Ihe 16 C, nister Noar Ahmad Etemadi who th~re emises but, as yet a choic(~ a 61 F with cloudy skies, The cold­ was to say good bye to them. at that it will be moved tc (hE est areas were Lal and Shahrak SCHEDULE equivalent to English quaUty :l50,- Ms/mtr upto The frime Minister also' went to Asians· need peace General Assembly turns down new home for the mmistry hitS ~j with· a iow of -14 C, 7 F with from pure imported English Ihe Meshrano Jirgah to say goodbye , • ,• IndcneSlia marks 415,- Afs/mt'i- to the senators. not been made. -c~ • .;<. rain and snow. YesterdaY North fleece wool says Singapore PM Salang had 5 nun. rain, 135 em. EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1968 . Afro-Asian bid on S.' Africa friendship pact snow, South SaJang 24 mm, 155 WORSTED UNITED NATIONS Dec. 14. ended its polkY o'f racial dist.·riml­ em, Shahrak 8 nun, 30 cm, Kon­ Pak opposition parties forecon. growth, tAFPI.-Jl1e General Assembly has nation". KABUL, Dec. 14:-Thc onni'.'­ do. J9 mm, Ghozni 6 mm, 6am­ made out of pure Afghan 215,- Afsi'mtr and lurned back 'an AfrC'~Asian bid tliat· Voting against were Austrahd. ersary of the conclusion of Fri­ NEW YORK, Dec. 14, (AP).·-­ Af~hdn­ ian 5 mm, 18 em snow TodaY's Aeroflot flight SU-019/020 fleece wool 'it formally approve lasl sprin5!'s ex.­ , Belt'ium, Bolivia. Botswa­ endship Treaty between' temperature in Kabul at 11:00 , 250,- .-us/mtr call.for general strike The nations of Southeast Asia no­ na. Brazil, Canada, Denmark, EI istan and Indonesia was '11(;-j'k~d ve a cha·nce of .reversing their dusion 0'- South Africa from the a.m. was 4 C, 39 F, Wind speed KARACHI. Dec. 14, (AFP).-A ces would he· allow "frustrated' poli­ United Nations Conference- on Salvador, Finland, France. Gree:e, here Thursday evening at .1 rc­ was recorded in Kabul at 2 to ticians" to spread violen:e Bnd di6~ "di:::mal record of the lasi. twu Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Haly, ception at the residence of Indo­ caU by Ihree opposition parties for decades" if their new general·, Trade and Development. 5 knot>;. a general strike throughout East order in the province. Japan. Lesotho, Luxemboure:, Ma· nesia Amba;sador R.M. Soeba­ BLANKETS .ion of leaders can get a pe:-ivl A resolutit.m to this effect was Yes!erday's temperatures: Pakistan Friday was immediately He recalled that two people were adopted by the assembly's Economic lawL Netherland's. New Zealand. gio Surjanjinbrat. The reception of peace and security to promOte was attended by President of Kabul 6 t -I C countered by the g·oyernor of East kiUcd in incidents resulting from a and Financial Committee last week Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Para­ FLEECE WOOL ARTICLES out of seleeted. pure Afghan 4~- free enterprise and region31 (0­ the Meshrano Jirgah Sen. Ab­ 43 F 30 F 'Ms/piece upto Pakistan Abdul Monem who warned strike laSt Sunday and said': that by a vote of 4\1 to 22- with 23 abs­ guay. Pcrtugal. South Africa, Swa­ ~; ~8rt operation-plus a "dramatJr s:o' ziland, . Sweden. the United King­ dul Hadi Dawi, cabinet memb' Mazare Sharif 13 C 3 C ~, TRADE MARK fleece wool in many colours 550,- Afs/pieee. that police were being directed to "disruptive activities" on the of tentions. 55 F 37 F "frustraled politicians" woutd ham­ wing down of the population gr­ dom. the United States and UrjJg­ ers, high rankin~ officials al;d "protect 'those who wanted to work. But when the assembly \'oted Uil owth." newspaper editors. Herat 12 CIC The strike call. to protest against per the country's overall develop­ it la:e yesterday it won ('nly ~5 uay 4lF 34F • ..:. .•., •. - .':(0.. -',-' • "repression" was made by the East· ment and generally damage Pakista­ This admittedly-optimistic pre­ votes. :0 3] against and 28 absten­ JalaJabad 15 C 10 C Pakistan National Awami Party and ni interests. diction WaS made ThursdllY ni· tions. This was shy of -the neec.leJ ~11' 59 F 50F Be at Kabul Airport in time. the National Democratic Front. ght by Loe Kuan Yew, Prim" two-thirds majIJrity. nister of Singapore. in ml~: of Czechs discuss economic Kondll2 14 C 4 C i Speaking in an un:scheduled radio In a press statement issued in Thai the ,resolu:lon would be dl'­ 57 F 39 F . ; .. " ' .. :i4;~-!:-: '~~"I't]. ~!O.j~ the 11 th annual gabriel silver >,.,..... ,.. &.' , broadcast Monem warned that po­ Labore Thursday General Moham­ feated became clear when the U;!.­ North Salang - 5 C -9 C llee were b;eine: directed to prOVide mad Azarn Khan, a former govemor lectures at Columbia Universit:·'. ~embly voted on :he ·ruline of th\.' policy, government changes Tese lectures are dedicated ·to 23 F 15,5 F aU support to shopkeepers, busi­ of East Pakistap, suggesled the cr­ current presid~nt, Guatemalan Fo­ PRAGUE, Dec. 1"4, (AP).- party leadership, remain in his South Salang 4 C - 5 C international peace and Lee's su­ 'PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOPS! ness men and transport workers eating of "'rut)' representative po­ reign Minister Emilio Arenales, thaI The Central Committee Party job. 39 F 23 F bjec( was "trends and tendencies who wanted to work. Iiti:al parties on' an all Pakistani a two-thirds majority was_ in fact ended two-day meeting in Pr­ "In order to make our declara­ Bamian 2 C -11 C in Southeast Asia." a He added that in nO circumstan- basis". needed for adoption since this \\ a" tion entirely clear," the letter sa­ 36 F 12,5 F ague Castle Friday night on eco­ Shop I Green door bazar-place an "important" question. nomic policy· and government id, "we shall oppose his recall Inlourisl African delecates bitterly fought changes. party sources said. from office by all the means av­ Shop II Pamir Cinema Development of U,SSR eco'nom,y discussed Ihe rulin~, but lest the vo!e on the A resolution· of some 35 pages, ailable to the working class, int'­ lOPES YOU WILL ENJOY 'tOUR TRIP TO THE SOVIET UNION poinl, 56 to 48- with 13 abstention.,. luding a general strike." Shop III plan of the fourth year of the fi­ io_" in the c2ntre of the country approved Friday night, was to be Opposite blue Mosque, Shal'-e-Nau MOSCOWj, Dec. 14, (Tassl.­ Although it was then clear that the made public Saturday at the ear­ These workers said they . had Intourist offers you a ve year plan (1966-1970) wtll be . of powerful atomic electrical sta­ The Chambers of the Supreme resolution Wits 'doomed, its propon­ liest, the sources added. sent a letter to the central "com. Soviet of the USSR the Soviet success~u1ly: implemented. This tions with million kilowatt reac­ choice. of more than 100 Shop IV Spinzar Hotel ents insisted that it be voted lHl. Qualified sources had insist­ mittee declaring they would work of the Union and the Sov,et of plan envisages the growth of in. tors. only for the reform sYstem plan­ various and interesting The minister of nonferrous me­ ed throughout the meeting that. Shop V Maidin fruit bazar Na'tionalities finisl)ed Thursday' 'dustrial production by 7.3 per ned before the Soviet action by itineraries. tallurgy Pyot.., ,Lomako said that What swayed a num.ber of dele­ no changes in the top party lea­ Shop VI Na~r the discussion of the draft plan cent, the growth of agricultural anti.·Sou~h party chief Alexander Dubcek. Djade Pashtoon the increment of the production gations away [rom the dership would be made there. Between 'October 1st for the development 'of the production by 6.1 per cent, real African vole they made in commit­ But workers and stl.ldentsl their Smrskoysky and President Ludvik income per head of population­ of aluminium, copper, lead, tin, . USSReconolny in 1969 and _tee· was the 'argument that they suspicions fueled by the lack of Svoboda. and April 30th cost' of tours by ·5.5 per cent in· comparison titanium, mercury' and other bas­ ARIANA CINEMA: Shop Vo .Frujt bazar, KarteParwan the draft USSR state bUdget pr~cedent-tcr~ Unconfirmed reports said hun­ ic nonferrous metals· for the last would be setting a information 01) the closed meet­ At 12!, 2!, 7 and 9 p.m. Ame­ to the Soviet Union is for 1969,., with this Year. dreds of similar letters and dec­ Shop VUI Oppposite Ministry of PubUc Health three years is equivalent to the med, Illegal by lhe UN )egal adviser ing Friday, threatened strikes rican colour film dubbed in Farsi considerably reduced. The plenarY session of the The deputies paid main atten­ larations had been forwarded to Increment in the preceding five and SecreJary G,eneral U Thant­ if their liberal favourites are ous­ THOSE CALWWAYS with Soviet parliament was held in tion to the first and foremost pr­ that might·have Incalculable efTecls, ted from power. the central committee from wor­ l?or Infonnation apply to oblems of the development of ec­ years (1961-1965). BRAINKEITH, VERA MILES and the Kremlin for the third day The nub of the areument was For the first time sjnce Soviet ker and studeni groups ·through· BRANDON DEWILDE, Intourist Office, Thursday." onomy, science,· culture, Though out the country. . The rates of growth o{ nati,,· that if thi.s worked againSt South action in Czechoslovakia last US.SR Embassy, Kabul. the annual increment of the· pa­ Augusl a Czech newspaper ·Fri­ Student 'sourCes said committe­ wer capacity of the power sta-­ -nal income in Latvia and E~t~m­ .Africa il could work 3!lainst any Andrei Kirilenko, Alexei Kosy­ state, which could find.itself d~l}riv­ day carried a threat of a gene­ es at Charles University here we­ gin, Nikolai Podgomy, Mikhail Hons in the USSR amounts to ia, as it" was informed at the ses· PARK CINEMA: TeI''''« ._ AFGHANISCHE WOLLINDUSTRIE LTD., KABUL ed of its rights without any pru­ ral strike. re prepared to ·call it student str­ Suslov and other Soviet leaders 10 million kilowatt, the·· minister sion,' are higher than ,in the pre­ At 12, 2!, 7-i and 9! p.m. Iran­ ceding five. years. The industrY leclion from Ihe UN Charter. Prace, the trade union organ, ·ike if _progressives are deposed. ian film ONE STEP TO HEAVEN took part in the slttinas. of ·elecetljc-j>Qwer. development published a letter from workers . Another letter from Prague FACTORY: PUL-I-CHARKHI TEL.: 23556/23521 aDd electrlflcatloll Pyotr Neporl)_ of Armenia: said the deputy chi>­ The resolulion urced the assem­ with Wahdat and ,Pori Banayee. The depilties representing al1 at a Prague topls factorY dem­ auto workers, published in Pra­ the repubUc . of the USSR lar­ zhny informed that these r*s. irman of the council of ·minist­ bly to "decide" officially on a mo­ Moses~ dification· of UNCfAO's composi­ anding that National Assembly ee, referred to unofficial reports ge i,!dustrial and agncultural ce­ must be doubled in the nearest ers of this republic Suren ·yan, is ',developing faster' than in t'icn so as 10 exclude South Afril:OI chairman Josef Smrkovsky, 'the that Smrkovsky's ouster is being ntl""s confinned by facts their years. He _proposed to carry out moSt outspoken liberal in the prepared. firm belief 'that the new plan, the a vast programme of construct- the USSR as a whole. "i.mtil such timp as it shall have

.' , I .. I ,\ • I ". '\ , J .

~ t~; DECEMBER, 14. 109ti8 ... j i 1 ,. • \ I I '... Jm;; \.1( i , ., ~, 1 ••:". F.~I ~~~I~*':~r~"ii: . R:_r' _ ... "'. 'I' • MON£¥(, MA.m_,~ ,,'::;;:~.<' '. , . i .- uJ 'th~ Bef3·f.! pnslaught of mate- ted their close'si rei~tJv~iI "o~;:·" , , 11lI~ 1 " • '~,.....:t.';;,Y;;Ub ~'. \ ; sOme olle Ime r O'"£''' It the stetr- d. ..( ~~~l~'" '\~'":'.' rI)alsm1.: dialectic or otherwlt;e, triends with.tbe who", •.lhOpe'-:~" 11~ o~ 'task; N6W; ifiIhnctT1lent' • ' friendsnlp'-riJeant a lot to us in If such peOple don't lea'6 :tO~;, . , Ing and knowledge-even If rau thJs' 'country It Involwed fi'\~nd~ I~thouebl Sacn- Ihey ask their "to~'. ~.' _to-J1asJ1loon _cbil<\,~n...,." flce, privation and liaJ:dshlP arrangements for',the.-m j; - 10/111 Galswarth) It -took a long time and a lut And most oftePi .it"1s Ithe~' ~ Af effOh to choose a friend. Se- who bargams Witll: -the- ~iiI's veral"lIiaxlms and acid tesls had father about the allnount df mo­ • to bi! appUed In order to tlnd out neY or property, .whlch Is to \;>e J .1 if a ll1,lY was a real fnend The~e,are gIven to the bride. , stili quite a few pe- Our people ge'nerallY fall ople in' Ih10 each community who at- three catagones, wJ:wn,it cornes THE KABUL tach" a grl'llt .deal of itnportance to fnendshlp tJmSe '"",bo expect, to frlenposed to look lIltd ·the·ml­ notrees sund~r on the your famIly, he ought have-ai!lIll!ted',to remuneratlon~ baby's fo­ to help People who WOIll! to the mld­ ,. all sorts- of de­ but sHe always tr­ rror because th1S would ul\Set' rehead and you 10 then Plenty of II ,n arrangmg the bunal and die class and hai~ had some VICes ,e$ 10 slren~en the behef that hIS stoma~h As most the SIt With edu- AollOrding' o( the suck­ saucer she takes to her he- you In mosque tn ord':>l catton expect fldm their fnends 10 general behef, the eVIl eye lis there and every­ 109 babre, mdl~es< els to only "'" prone to J accept the sympathy ot all as much as th9' can do some people possess thIS one IS susceppble to It Therefo­ tlOn and so (In mothers those them destructIve try the­ The last superstitIOn In thiS who attend condolence For power and use It bY' re she says , on her I Instance, Iff,they can PIIY a departure r beSt to !teet> ·th'em away from senes concerns babies and gro­ meetmgs VISit looking WIth envy at somethIng, And mmd yqu to a Sick friend they exp- my kIds, the ev- the mIrrors 'lest" they see their wn-ups alike Persons who sus­ LikeWIse, ,f there IS a wedd- be Il a load horse or a handsome tl eye causeQ ect the same whf.n they fall 111 cracks In a rocK" tIny faces and add to theIr tr­ taIn wounds on then bodies Ing 10 your famIly, your frIend chIld In mosl new buiIdmgs, The proce,;t of whirling ou­ Some of then!1\¥e ,even -Ol'X'Ild­ the oubles ght to be careful not to have IS supposed 10 help you arrange mmded old-fashioned 1I0iks fll< a tahs­ tumbler above the chIld's enough I to forgive their head I have J;>layed up 1A1rth thIS these aggravaled by walking ab the weddIng party, receive the fnend man wrapped m a red cloth tr and spllltng ItS water whIle shortcon\lpgs when they recI­ particular superstition In my out Tbere are some people who­ guests, make transporatlOn arr- fall on.j,~ • consp1cuous pmce w catch the tIng those magIc words to fulfil or two of theIr IS called 0\, 1\ houseiiold Whenever a ba· se VOlce makes sores more palO- angements and take care 'VII eye 'cheshmak" I of al- obligatIons f\ oy hltpOt:n'ed to' suffer from cnn- ful and unresponsive to most all the detads If you thlOk ChIldren are also fortifIed Mosl of theSe medIcal In the thtrd ·'Clttail,ory fall the women adept I' stIpatron 'I maoe hIm' ot hel cures members of your own family are SophIsticated with all kmds of talIsmans befo­ cheshmak adVls-2 fnends l,)lp pepple who believe and to look tnlo- the mIrror - and Some of these people have not able to cope With these thm fnendshlp Iehand And those who fau prey relatiVes to slop the 8a­ IS to be chenshed as eVIl eye be thus saved the money I was' aU lural 'evIl vOices" and ot~e-t gs 'w the eVIl eYe are treated by fore It Can do any the a matter of COJ1lpanlOnsblP not harm When­ pposed to spend on laxatIves rs aqutre thIS ouahly by A frtend of mme who has se the old woman m the famIly ever they hllPpen dnnT<­ entallmg any obligahons, flnan- to 'marvel at Of course my herellcal actIOn 109 a soeclal dnnk ven daughters and no sons adop. or m the neighbourhood somethmg, thay should hnd ~'lot clally or otherwise a st­ caused''' of ,protest "'lLthe 1t so happens that a man hv ted one to please hIS WIfe The woman hils a tumbler raw and brea\k 1t In two part -The wa~ above of my mother-In-law but I ,ng ~t laggershead WIth an arch boy was brought kJ hIS house by As Ihe number_ WIth an<;l,.whlf\$..·tt above the. head ,of !,he obloet wan~es;l of such people kl.!i'll~ of th"v; dldn t care. I lust to pl' rival or enemy goes to a quasl­ a shady character but he d,dn IS hm,ted, the wlUU! ·he. Is'ly­ ave t most friends are sup­ adpul'lItbM" :J " " - that It was -n superstJhon pnest tQ~..arrange thlS water for care posed to mAke financial Ing On' a maUre!lll.' Meanwhile, :U~i ,md not..a fact, sacnflces Anothen'- batt I has to, but because fac­ 111m so that If he sustains He had of course when she recl~tbe follaWillll do a wo­ problems ,n they are requested or wllb tbe .-mirrpt ~lians, 1~1<.e t.::. and S\IJ>.erstlt rJDS were Inter­ lind In a hght, It should nol nammg the httle thing when "I WIsb to neutraltse the effe m~ take because they feel hke It It IS a the, ll'tl~9i m1~rpr mingled her mwd T could not too long to heal because everyone, fnend matter cts of the eVIl eye the possessor hold 'tlie of an or relaltve, sug­ of com{llon expenence In grelJ~~ 1tS hIt the nal~ On the head cVll of whIch may be 1f it were a .sa" vOice gested several namesl some that most men -. of ~ a relatrve, a of profeSSIons cred "olijE;ar!~i.1 ,ji"n Ihey moyel td Another supershtlOn In conne ChJldren suffenng from small­ them recently In vogue He Slm­ don't charge thell" fnends stranger or an enemy Whatever .ijo~,"'tbey ctJOn. for the t1r~·ey'" a new' a\wllYs sella \vlth bab1.CS IS the use of pox or other ailments Involvmg lhursd.lyo,; Ife\utltl phfled the whole thIng by serv,ces they the COlour of brown, bl­ a .. ,trneu lh(>sL' and other .nternatlllmrl you or Th~~:;';Jimpottan:t tJ~rt of of smallpox. an old eVIl vOices ThIS supershtlOn preSl.'1l1 ~ the country superY1smg members fam~. After whlrhng the tumbler se­ 15 the ,hape of lhE" tablc Ithcnngs (or the Lause of worlc tbe con­ of yo,/- "_ the lr • s\~.ceremor» 11J.~ woman 10 the household marks IS prevalent tn the rural comm­ Latin America struction of It ven tun,es, above the kid's, head llOlllld whll.h the ll'UI delegates p.alC and internatIOnal l.:ooperat1on a new house when IS saId that a certain doctor okmghlnlo ~l1e fmr~~;' ,'~!fcli, h,s forehead WIth II. plncb of unities espeCially In the lfr'all1le sbe splashes the water ... the areas ... hnuld SIt 'he t>dltorlal t'xpresscd the hllpc SOn fell ill TheY con refused to acce}!t any fees from Wlth a preV1oiisJy~ it~i1iC' .s~~ .. undur and places a saucerful where family feuds thal suited lot of resentment as are stIll the 'he North Vlt'tnamesc ij\IVCrn III thp lutule the one or two doctors but It hIS fnend but t'll! mQn's WIfe ,m­ If It cont­ bd~il~WYt\il1 ar the entrance of the two I.:ountncs w) a,ns -dro"" the lin l' a~e.~ room whe- order of the day 1l1c.:n\ It $31<,1 .wants the tlltl :'it Ir' developmg Prospects of relations W'as no use IilIn..!dI!om8e""es to .the~ 0.101 s Nalional hi Tagore and Nehru and the gardless of SIze and strength When my fnelld returned, ev· while still saying "oh pl­ Llberallon Fr.ont azil and Argentma, popularly rooms dudnlP!be lIlealer part 0 J:leg.lt1 knowledge of IndIan claSSICS cooperatIon at the UN where fer our condolences He was res­ any fnend any teihl' be of rectangular shape el Sin' Sud AmerIca", have re­ ugh to recall the goOll oT~da:ys witH ,!I It was equally tn eVIdence Ihe Latm Amencan gro~p has ted assured that he had fnends lis delegallon may Sil wltli at fused to SIgn the nuclear Non­ Afier hIS fnelld's w.fe safely Il,t: SllU1h Lhe talks lhat Mrs GandhI 20 members With two seats on and everythmg was taken care ,n~~~ ~Ifttost,ttll"of' Vietnamese delegallon on VJo-~ had ProliferatIOn Treaty In 1961, the deposlted the money In hls:';POC' tbese:' alII" With the I flne 'Iue van JUS government leade­ Secunty Councl1 IndIa's ex­ of and Ihe North Vietnamese Latm Amencan group sent th­ ket, the doctor left *e. house as nlfied old gentlemen have lost their lnd NLF .. rs, In the banquet speeches and Perience of the Latin AmertcaDs nattK'Aill>~a~'tJIlke,to delegatlOns On the other .. ree observers to 1f he had , the Nonahgned notIced The New YOlk TI1I1f!\ • In In notlllnfl· wear "\\ Inat the com.:ept of your Side saId Thurs­ balanced hiS cabinet about the JOint commumques Issued Conference at the UN In the past has not the case of weddmgs too You pass the tesl of; fljp.edshlP d.l~ that Presldent-elet:1 equal!} at Belgrade been very the false ones they need somethind soft lI11J our '\Ide rnav Richard between progressive at the end of the VISit to each co­ happy fnend comes m handy •Most when you and~DIlIlltdJillV,iJ> prevail 10 the ~Ixon repubhcans and At the 1965 Nonahgned lend your trieDd the -eat-.Bd thIS formed a competent but un­ untrY Indeed both the Con­ Whereas on some broad fathers or brothers don't hke they nCgOllallOns lonservallves Latm ference at AlgIers, Ihell ISSUes, the money he needs and leave It to sometlmes fOist on everyone t :\.... llmg t.:ab net Amencan heart and numbet; such as raCialism, they Idea of gIvIng the hand In the :--'hlrth Vu."tnam l.:onsJders thiS In­ 1 \\ 0 edltonals of general mterest the head se· Increased to seven, have be­ of theIr hltn whtln- he chooses to repay It -\s a 1. ')up emed to With Cuba daughters family -.1-'[ Ilh [he ncwspaoer .:>.;IIl... be With us en With uS l On others or sIsters 10 marnage;!i\1ld .. C of the Amencan delegatIon In 1 hursday s Frank/urter AI/gem­ partIclpatmg on both occasIOns VItal to If :yolll.have to remmd hIm One of their favourite In In _l.Illorl •• 1 the men The talks India, such iishes IS 1\) l-'If' l.:ontr;Jf\ \1\ (he agreements assembled 1/11<' ZeltUllg stuck out revealed a remark­ as KashmIr, they ha­ to the son of a so and SOb iefl allout It b\ Presldent-eled of the most as a full member At the n.;xt ve YOIlG''sI¢lIIld do It very knOWn as "!tacbl" whlcb IS actually I r:adwd ~Jvcr lht: NIXOn are ltke leadJOg able Identity of vIews on vaTious been largely agamsl us PreVIOusly, some of t em "olitely enl,lrged peace artIcles In the West German C'oI)ference, the number may gr.,\ the town '1111 il Tooil'dabout way a kind of flour puddmg mlOUs su­ 1 alternatfVc SUg~S­ and rather Commenting On aIr pIracy closer relahons definItion of to help gre­ dough IS u)lt llrles~ the One repeatedly nonalignment· beco ater served m huge nat dishes tllme;; stlLh as a semI Circular shaped ulOs(>fvallvc dally" recalled sal" 10 Latm mes more recogmtlOn of the harsh With I added thaI eIg­ Amenca fleXIble reality the cen're f,lled WIth bOlled t.lblC' no agreement has been reached \0\ t1lJal11 P Rogers \I. .J, hteen limes so. a recogmtlOn of the co­ Mrs that the KashmJr Issue IS all unexpected far thts year air GandhI herself effect,ve butter and liqUid su,="ar or some 'n lill ISsue and '\tlll con'\tltute (hlll(e lor secrelan gi:ing~ters mmunity of Interest between us Iy OOt one lhal can be solved by the Sl~tp h.ld hIjacked machlOes 10 spelt out the hopes and amb­ other sweet ,lll,flr 01 ~Ince he has nu bat.:kground and them and lhe fact that .. Imple for~uJa of self-determI­ l1hlOg 'lb'itade 'll thl.: Lummenl.:ement m d<.lll CIt pistol DOlnt forCing pllOIS se ,tlOns of the dev&!oPlDg. nal<~s Those Wll&i-plll!lake of this food III I~HJrSldcd III foreign all IllS -althouuh nu velc­ para1tely but SImilarly we both nahon Tht.. ! ilks !, land lin (ff-route alrport,s Her words were carefully dio­ make lIny.hal... In thelt alloted por­ \'lh(/lI~h r.ln of the dtpartment he IS to he;\d facc loe same challenges of Iiir act. tew dunng the tnp ,hI" shape of the table flu1ht laplams had been gIven sen she aVOIded all publIc ref­ uons In the "ish to store the ~t l' t:on_crncd J{~pre'tnt.ll\\C MelVin 1l1,lalled ttl passen~ers ties and w:on these .Idop' laird lhl (lhS('rvl' the Conference their confidence In lion seeds which ore l d d, of 'the 77" In In - LatIn AmerIca aQd pro­ supposed to nourish ,nl ,1l1ltnh.· lowanjs these prrhp( IVe ,_ ... rl'laq \~( defenL:t.· I ~ ( rew!> New Deihl by makmg It WIdely a sandaU dwing'the cold Winter nl~hls. t:uuld be e4Ulpoed WIth a Algiers and the second UNCTAD rrotJog cultural exchanges and the Pll1d:dul d III i11(IS the peaLe tugge"tlons the ------~- snowfall and the boys have to sho~ 11111' ...... 1 I), 1,/nil ,tnd 4 illS bulh \\\lIk llO ,he Huuse 01 KE'presenta Money crisis II 'II/kl/lr[( I A rlj?emt'lfle said JO­ vel snOW a} con'tnuously II" J ldlhlll..d" un 'he annl\el~ary Il\l, dpprOpn\tlnns LOO1mlt!ee So has ll11lled even Ihe Illstal/alion of trap the mother or grandmother III h.. '\ f~htbe ,ngredient$ are first 'dPi-Hll" III o.;{Jmt> uf the Imporldn1 l'f'{'....t\P l(ln:-;E'rv,tll"m Ferdmand Marcos [nvlslble 01 non·trade dollals 'f,lllIkl"Th'r 411f}euu Ine Zel111110 • made- Into a paste nil rll II llllnl t.:tfherln~s has shrugged off recent OppOSI­ are foreIgn ear~,.th­ Presldenl Marcos 10 and "hel}. cookel! such as the In L'lnLrll NIXon aPDl',1I [II IldVl \\Iotp exchange a speech tIOn cnt1clsm that the coun rough US government spendUlg last Sunday saId there would be m the "Oven 1111111' ""1"'"111" """''''1111'''11111",,'11111' """'1111111'1111'" If Y was "lIlU"IUI,llllll'lllllllllt IIIIIII'llll'IIIII'IUIIIIllll'llll,I.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII""I"II'lllIII"'II'I'I'I,rll On the verge of bankr. 10 Manila, lounsm, servlcet> at no return to full exchange cont­ Bo.led whole wbeal IS ground and Clamf,ed per U7U!, bold fllPe Af 20 = 5 Kha/:! Ed.tor-In-chltl eptey due t -* this i' , , Ilcy ~


I ~


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~ t~; DECEMBER, 14. 109ti8 ... j i 1 ,. • \ I I '... Jm;; \.1( i , ., ~, 1 ••:". F.~I ~~~I~*':~r~"ii: . R:_r' _ ... "'. 'I' • MON£¥(, MA.m_,~ ,,'::;;:~.<' '. , . i .- uJ 'th~ Bef3·f.! pnslaught of mate- ted their close'si rei~tJv~iI "o~;:·" , , 11lI~ 1 " • '~,.....:t.';;,Y;;Ub ~'. \ ; sOme olle Ime r O'"£''' It the stetr- d. ..( ~~~l~'" '\~'":'.' rI)alsm1.: dialectic or otherwlt;e, triends with.tbe who", •.lhOpe'-:~" 11~ o~ 'task; N6W; ifiIhnctT1lent' • ' friendsnlp'-riJeant a lot to us in If such peOple don't lea'6 :tO~;, . , Ing and knowledge-even If rau thJs' 'country It Involwed fi'\~nd~ I~thouebl Sacn- Ihey ask their "to~'. ~.' _to-J1asJ1loon _cbil<\,~n...,." flce, privation and liaJ:dshlP arrangements for',the.-m j; - 10/111 Galswarth) It -took a long time and a lut And most oftePi .it"1s Ithe~' ~ Af effOh to choose a friend. Se- who bargams Witll: -the- ~iiI's veral"lIiaxlms and acid tesls had father about the allnount df mo­ • to bi! appUed In order to tlnd out neY or property, .whlch Is to \;>e J .1 if a ll1,lY was a real fnend The~e,are gIven to the bride. , stili quite a few pe- Our people ge'nerallY fall ople in' Ih10 each community who at- three catagones, wJ:wn,it cornes THE KABUL tach" a grl'llt .deal of itnportance to fnendshlp tJmSe '"",bo expect, to frlenposed to look lIltd ·the·ml­ notrees sund~r on the your famIly, he ought have-ai!lIll!ted',to remuneratlon~ baby's fo­ to help People who WOIll! to the mld­ ,. all sorts- of de­ but sHe always tr­ rror because th1S would ul\Set' rehead and you 10 then Plenty of II ,n arrangmg the bunal and die class and hai~ had some VICes ,e$ 10 slren~en the behef that hIS stoma~h As most the SIt With edu- AollOrding' o( the suck­ saucer she takes to her he- you In mosque tn ord':>l catton expect fldm their fnends 10 general behef, the eVIl eye lis there and every­ 109 babre, mdl~es< els to only "'" prone to J accept the sympathy ot all as much as th9' can do some people possess thIS one IS susceppble to It Therefo­ tlOn and so (In mothers those them destructIve try the­ The last superstitIOn In thiS who attend condolence For power and use It bY' re she says , on her I Instance, Iff,they can PIIY a departure r beSt to !teet> ·th'em away from senes concerns babies and gro­ meetmgs VISit looking WIth envy at somethIng, And mmd yqu to a Sick friend they exp- my kIds, the ev- the mIrrors 'lest" they see their wn-ups alike Persons who sus­ LikeWIse, ,f there IS a wedd- be Il a load horse or a handsome tl eye causeQ ect the same whf.n they fall 111 cracks In a rocK" tIny faces and add to theIr tr­ taIn wounds on then bodies Ing 10 your famIly, your frIend chIld In mosl new buiIdmgs, The proce,;t of whirling ou­ Some of then!1\¥e ,even -Ol'X'Ild­ the oubles ght to be careful not to have IS supposed 10 help you arrange mmded old-fashioned 1I0iks fll< a tahs­ tumbler above the chIld's enough I to forgive their head I have J;>layed up 1A1rth thIS these aggravaled by walking ab the weddIng party, receive the fnend man wrapped m a red cloth tr and spllltng ItS water whIle shortcon\lpgs when they recI­ particular superstition In my out Tbere are some people who­ guests, make transporatlOn arr- fall on.j,~ • consp1cuous pmce w catch the tIng those magIc words to fulfil or two of theIr IS called 0\, 1\ houseiiold Whenever a ba· se VOlce makes sores more palO- angements and take care 'VII eye 'cheshmak" I of al- obligatIons f\ oy hltpOt:n'ed to' suffer from cnn- ful and unresponsive to most all the detads If you thlOk ChIldren are also fortifIed Mosl of theSe medIcal In the thtrd ·'Clttail,ory fall the women adept I' stIpatron 'I maoe hIm' ot hel cures members of your own family are SophIsticated with all kmds of talIsmans befo­ cheshmak adVls-2 fnends l,)lp pepple who believe and to look tnlo- the mIrror - and Some of these people have not able to cope With these thm fnendshlp Iehand And those who fau prey relatiVes to slop the 8a­ IS to be chenshed as eVIl eye be thus saved the money I was' aU lural 'evIl vOices" and ot~e-t gs 'w the eVIl eYe are treated by fore It Can do any the a matter of COJ1lpanlOnsblP not harm When­ pposed to spend on laxatIves rs aqutre thIS ouahly by A frtend of mme who has se the old woman m the famIly ever they hllPpen dnnT<­ entallmg any obligahons, flnan- to 'marvel at Of course my herellcal actIOn 109 a soeclal dnnk ven daughters and no sons adop. or m the neighbourhood somethmg, thay should hnd ~'lot clally or otherwise a st­ caused''' of ,protest "'lLthe 1t so happens that a man hv ted one to please hIS WIfe The woman hils a tumbler raw and brea\k 1t In two part -The wa~ above of my mother-In-law but I ,ng ~t laggershead WIth an arch boy was brought kJ hIS house by As Ihe number_ WIth an<;l,.whlf\$..·tt above the. head ,of !,he obloet wan~es;l of such people kl.!i'll~ of th"v; dldn t care. I lust to pl' rival or enemy goes to a quasl­ a shady character but he d,dn IS hm,ted, the wlUU! ·he. Is'ly­ ave t most friends are sup­ adpul'lItbM" :J " " - that It was -n superstJhon pnest tQ~..arrange thlS water for care posed to mAke financial Ing On' a maUre!lll.' Meanwhile, :U~i ,md not..a fact, sacnflces Anothen'- batt I has to, but because fac­ 111m so that If he sustains He had of course when she recl~tbe follaWillll do a wo­ problems ,n they are requested or wllb tbe .-mirrpt ~lians, 1~1<.e t.::. and S\IJ>.erstlt rJDS were Inter­ lind In a hght, It should nol nammg the httle thing when "I WIsb to neutraltse the effe m~ take because they feel hke It It IS a the, ll'tl~9i m1~rpr mingled her mwd T could not too long to heal because everyone, fnend matter cts of the eVIl eye the possessor hold 'tlie of an or relaltve, sug­ of com{llon expenence In grelJ~~ 1tS hIt the nal~ On the head cVll of whIch may be 1f it were a .sa" vOice gested several namesl some that most men -. of ~ a relatrve, a of profeSSIons cred "olijE;ar!~i.1 ,ji"n Ihey moyel td Another supershtlOn In conne ChJldren suffenng from small­ them recently In vogue He Slm­ don't charge thell" fnends stranger or an enemy Whatever .ijo~,"'tbey ctJOn. for the t1r~·ey'" a new' a\wllYs sella \vlth bab1.CS IS the use of pox or other ailments Involvmg lhursd.lyo,; Ife\utltl phfled the whole thIng by serv,ces they the COlour of brown, bl­ a .. ,trneu lh(>sL' and other .nternatlllmrl you or Th~~:;';Jimpottan:t tJ~rt of of smallpox. an old eVIl vOices ThIS supershtlOn preSl.'1l1 ~ the country superY1smg members fam~. After whlrhng the tumbler se­ 15 the ,hape of lhE" tablc Ithcnngs (or the Lause of worlc tbe con­ of yo,/- "_ the lr • s\~.ceremor» 11J.~ woman 10 the household marks IS prevalent tn the rural comm­ Latin America struction of It ven tun,es, above the kid's, head llOlllld whll.h the ll'UI delegates p.alC and internatIOnal l.:ooperat1on a new house when IS saId that a certain doctor okmghlnlo ~l1e fmr~~;' ,'~!fcli, h,s forehead WIth II. plncb of unities espeCially In the lfr'all1le sbe splashes the water ... the areas ... hnuld SIt 'he t>dltorlal t'xpresscd the hllpc SOn fell ill TheY con refused to acce}!t any fees from Wlth a preV1oiisJy~ it~i1iC' .s~~ .. undur and places a saucerful where family feuds thal suited lot of resentment as are stIll the 'he North Vlt'tnamesc ij\IVCrn III thp lutule the one or two doctors but It hIS fnend but t'll! mQn's WIfe ,m­ If It cont­ bd~il~WYt\il1 ar the entrance of the two I.:ountncs w) a,ns -dro"" the lin l' a~e.~ room whe- order of the day 1l1c.:n\ It $31<,1 .wants the tlltl :'it Ir' developmg Prospects of relations W'as no use IilIn..!dI!om8e""es to .the~ 0.101 s Nalional hi Tagore and Nehru and the gardless of SIze and strength When my fnelld returned, ev· while still saying "oh pl­ Llberallon Fr.ont azil and Argentma, popularly rooms dudnlP!be lIlealer part 0 J:leg.lt1 knowledge of IndIan claSSICS cooperatIon at the UN where fer our condolences He was res­ any fnend any teihl' be of rectangular shape el Sin' Sud AmerIca", have re­ ugh to recall the goOll oT~da:ys witH ,!I It was equally tn eVIdence Ihe Latm Amencan gro~p has ted assured that he had fnends lis delegallon may Sil wltli at fused to SIgn the nuclear Non­ Afier hIS fnelld's w.fe safely Il,t: SllU1h Lhe talks lhat Mrs GandhI 20 members With two seats on and everythmg was taken care ,n~~~ ~Ifttost,ttll"of' Vietnamese delegallon on VJo-~ had ProliferatIOn Treaty In 1961, the deposlted the money In hls:';POC' tbese:' alII" With the I flne 'Iue van JUS government leade­ Secunty Councl1 IndIa's ex­ of and Ihe North Vietnamese Latm Amencan group sent th­ ket, the doctor left *e. house as nlfied old gentlemen have lost their lnd NLF .. rs, In the banquet speeches and Perience of the Latin AmertcaDs nattK'Aill>~a~'tJIlke,to delegatlOns On the other .. ree observers to 1f he had , the Nonahgned notIced The New YOlk TI1I1f!\ • In In notlllnfl· wear "\\ Inat the com.:ept of your Side saId Thurs­ balanced hiS cabinet about the JOint commumques Issued Conference at the UN In the past has not the case of weddmgs too You pass the tesl of; fljp.edshlP d.l~ that Presldent-elet:1 equal!} at Belgrade been very the false ones they need somethind soft lI11J our '\Ide rnav Richard between progressive at the end of the VISit to each co­ happy fnend comes m handy •Most when you and~DIlIlltdJillV,iJ> prevail 10 the ~Ixon repubhcans and At the 1965 Nonahgned lend your trieDd the -eat-.Bd thIS formed a competent but un­ untrY Indeed both the Con­ Whereas on some broad fathers or brothers don't hke they nCgOllallOns lonservallves Latm ference at AlgIers, Ihell ISSUes, the money he needs and leave It to sometlmes fOist on everyone t :\.... llmg t.:ab net Amencan heart and numbet; such as raCialism, they Idea of gIvIng the hand In the :--'hlrth Vu."tnam l.:onsJders thiS In­ 1 \\ 0 edltonals of general mterest the head se· Increased to seven, have be­ of theIr hltn whtln- he chooses to repay It -\s a 1. ')up emed to With Cuba daughters family -.1-'[ Ilh [he ncwspaoer .:>.;IIl... be With us en With uS l On others or sIsters 10 marnage;!i\1ld .. C of the Amencan delegatIon In 1 hursday s Frank/urter AI/gem­ partIclpatmg on both occasIOns VItal to If :yolll.have to remmd hIm One of their favourite In In _l.Illorl •• 1 the men The talks India, such iishes IS 1\) l-'If' l.:ontr;Jf\ \1\ (he agreements assembled 1/11<' ZeltUllg stuck out revealed a remark­ as KashmIr, they ha­ to the son of a so and SOb iefl allout It b\ Presldent-eled of the most as a full member At the n.;xt ve YOIlG''sI¢lIIld do It very knOWn as "!tacbl" whlcb IS actually I r:adwd ~Jvcr lht: NIXOn are ltke leadJOg able Identity of vIews on vaTious been largely agamsl us PreVIOusly, some of t em "olitely enl,lrged peace artIcles In the West German C'oI)ference, the number may gr.,\ the town '1111 il Tooil'dabout way a kind of flour puddmg mlOUs su­ 1 alternatfVc SUg~S­ and rather Commenting On aIr pIracy closer relahons definItion of to help gre­ dough IS u)lt llrles~ the One repeatedly nonalignment· beco ater served m huge nat dishes tllme;; stlLh as a semI Circular shaped ulOs(>fvallvc dally" recalled sal" 10 Latm mes more recogmtlOn of the harsh With I added thaI eIg­ Amenca fleXIble reality the cen're f,lled WIth bOlled t.lblC' no agreement has been reached \0\ t1lJal11 P Rogers \I. .J, hteen limes so. a recogmtlOn of the co­ Mrs that the KashmJr Issue IS all unexpected far thts year air GandhI herself effect,ve butter and liqUid su,="ar or some 'n lill ISsue and '\tlll con'\tltute (hlll(e lor secrelan gi:ing~ters mmunity of Interest between us Iy OOt one lhal can be solved by the Sl~tp h.ld hIjacked machlOes 10 spelt out the hopes and amb­ other sweet ,lll,flr 01 ~Ince he has nu bat.:kground and them and lhe fact that .. Imple for~uJa of self-determI­ l1hlOg 'lb'itade 'll thl.: Lummenl.:ement m d<.lll CIt pistol DOlnt forCing pllOIS se ,tlOns of the dev&!oPlDg. nal<~s Those Wll&i-plll!lake of this food III I~HJrSldcd III foreign all IllS -althouuh nu velc­ para1tely but SImilarly we both nahon Tht.. ! ilks !, land lin (ff-route alrport,s Her words were carefully dio­ make lIny.hal... In thelt alloted por­ \'lh(/lI~h r.ln of the dtpartment he IS to he;\d facc loe same challenges of Iiir act. tew dunng the tnp ,hI" shape of the table flu1ht laplams had been gIven sen she aVOIded all publIc ref­ uons In the "ish to store the ~t l' t:on_crncd J{~pre'tnt.ll\\C MelVin 1l1,lalled ttl passen~ers ties and w:on these .Idop' laird lhl (lhS('rvl' the Conference their confidence In lion seeds which ore l d d, of 'the 77" In In - LatIn AmerIca aQd pro­ supposed to nourish ,nl ,1l1ltnh.· lowanjs these prrhp( IVe ,_ ... rl'laq \~( defenL:t.· I ~ ( rew!> New Deihl by makmg It WIdely a sandaU dwing'the cold Winter nl~hls. t:uuld be e4Ulpoed WIth a Algiers and the second UNCTAD rrotJog cultural exchanges and the Pll1d:dul d III i11(IS the peaLe tugge"tlons the ------~- snowfall and the boys have to sho~ 11111' ...... 1 I), 1,/nil ,tnd 4 illS bulh \\\lIk llO ,he Huuse 01 KE'presenta Money crisis II 'II/kl/lr[( I A rlj?emt'lfle said JO­ vel snOW a} con'tnuously II" J ldlhlll..d" un 'he annl\el~ary Il\l, dpprOpn\tlnns LOO1mlt!ee So has ll11lled even Ihe Illstal/alion of trap the mother or grandmother III h.. '\ f~htbe ,ngredient$ are first 'dPi-Hll" III o.;{Jmt> uf the Imporldn1 l'f'{'....t\P l(ln:-;E'rv,tll"m Ferdmand Marcos [nvlslble 01 non·trade dollals 'f,lllIkl"Th'r 411f}euu Ine Zel111110 • made- Into a paste nil rll II llllnl t.:tfherln~s has shrugged off recent OppOSI­ are foreIgn ear~,.th­ Presldenl Marcos 10 and "hel}. cookel! such as the In L'lnLrll NIXon aPDl',1I [II IldVl \\Iotp exchange a speech tIOn cnt1clsm that the coun rough US government spendUlg last Sunday saId there would be m the "Oven 1111111' ""1"'"111" """''''1111'''11111",,'11111' """'1111111'1111'" If Y was "lIlU"IUI,llllll'lllllllllt IIIIIII'llll'IIIII'IUIIIIllll'llll,I.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII""I"II'lllIII"'II'I'I'I,rll On the verge of bankr. 10 Manila, lounsm, servlcet> at no return to full exchange cont­ Bo.led whole wbeal IS ground and Clamf,ed per U7U!, bold fllPe Af 20 = 5 Kha/:! Ed.tor-In-chltl eptey due t -* this i' , , Ilcy ~


I ~


~, ,I " ' ,If \ ... l • , '1 j, , ," ~ 'I "I' r .'••_ t oF:,·; II L ':, ' -t} I' , .1 ., J, ., ~". \ l \. '. , . PAm: 4 , '. -, .' . , .. I , • I;,. ',I' I Ii ; . ;; , I• THE KABUL TIM]i:S ...... L' :Z •• ~'''n-~' h~ .';~c ! DECEMBER 14,1968' , .• : -: 'tt '-$ oz' . . I •' • Airlines Relations'with Afro-AsianS 'iln~: '~~~~~y >. lfOR sHEE::R:. ',. ~ Ariana Afghan AlrUnes: r-,ilippines"«(,~Iinited fJ!l1l",~)', ~ ;.t~.f,'t:.·f]:W controls'1~9; ;t~2 GAME (Conlimted lrom P'JlC TThe visit helped to generate from i ." between' and subjected ODEErGHw~, Arrival. 2) pesdii.-'.~id··, §al~' t I "t Kbost india has al present' five mis- much goodwill for India and Far. from begrudging the en" ., .H!;! tJi,e .I ,irUllllg was to licensing aU'" • of foreign l)' \ \\: I r 7 r. f, I ,\ ~ [) 1l3t Arg- : ES " sions in the area (Brazil, projected it powerfully in the . JOYmen\- or-income, Ile sale!, the not ,a.. re.toratlon. of exch3nge exchange whether, for payment Herat, Maaar, Kun.h•. 1610 ", DEPAR'lURE entlria, G:hUe, Mexico and Cuba) distant coiItinent-a projecll\ln • na'tional polley Was to IncI;ease' contfojj-,b.l1t'merely ensure' the of irnPQl'\S, or ,in\.isibles, sucli .as, ' ,~,r,.~\ ... the swiss quality watch of and these between them cover whjch"commerelal pub!fcity co.; "'-the . Rational incolI\e a. much as proper 'usel'of .­ circus orchards are nOW bear­ Traffic Department -4l700 In eonciUSion, the trip to the rael of conhnulng to ··dlstort the EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER IDg fruIt and another 1000 Jertbs new world was undertaken not truth, play With words and gel out 1, 1968 Tbe UN offiCial said Ihal lD or­ glv1ngs Airport -21283-2081! VW-Variant 1500 1964 model der to deal adequately WIth pr­ The first decade should have ta­ Will be turned IOto orChards. a day too soon. It was something of its commitments··, one year after New Intelsat Fire Department 13 oblems posed by sbortages of fo­ ught all of us some lessons," he OlIve trees take up 500 JeT! bs Saigon streets cleared as that Nehru himself had earnest­ (be Secunty CounCJI resolutlcn ~ Telephone repair 29 in good running condltton. reIgn exchange for development contmued. ··but I wonder whether on the farm A 150 JeT! b area IS. ly hoped for and desired during However. he said In l!plle of Js~ experllnent~IIY Aeroflot flight we have understood them devoted to growmg his last years raelt IDtransmgence, E~ypi would SU·019/020 "we all need to get down to the to be orbtted U.S. V.C. Tel: 23859 detaIled task of produclDg and Many or the ministers we ad­ a large vanety of mdlgenous tre­ fears new attack sLJll cooperate with Dr Jarnn.,: s e.;; lllll1r l\lnll .11'1'11" t marketmg for export" VI"E' I susoect shll believe that of the prOVlllce, other areas SA,IGON Del I' Oteutrrl nir,II.\I·" \\ • pO"I· pt'ace efforts In 'he MlddJe East above Brazil \! ll'~ d n~ h,,\(.· h:, n nrd('r<'ll 1111 '1"1lS and \ch ~I'. In l,n Nlnh Blnh Arrives in KABUL at 9, 20 every Wednesday He added that Ihe UN was pl­ pl~~ners have ~aglc formula wlt.h from abroad Saigon pro~ annmg to glve greater assistance \\ hlch to conjure success I ot­ HIS Majesty at the end of hIS '.111'111 st·C'.::" ,I" lilt' ... 11) Il' n.III1S I' 'g ,lfld Fhlh1.. 1 '111· PI(l\ I1ll~ In Free Exchange Rates At three hour tour of the farm ex 1m ~tllll ijkTt In "-.'S\ 'II .1 p lS,IPI. h· hI Hil' ,II' j In thIS field ten wonder whether some plan1'­ CAFE KENNEDY Dt'c 10 pressed hIS satIsfactJOn w1th the VWI (ung ,Itlmk "1 til Itl I'} '"~ .lInd II" ,\pip,,· Departs KABUL at 8, 35 every Thursday ers have not also persuaded the: (Reuter) -A hIghly advancerl D'Afghanistan Bank new shapes pro~o ess b210g made \\-Inll' t\IllCll"-olll !l111l111\ pllll.,~ Ij~ hi,. h\lll(pll!II'd Jtlltl11hl:-'l mselves Into shsnng thiS belief communIcatIons satellite deSigned III n I.L"t nll!hl \\,linl'd '\111.. 11\ 111 h ,111111" t 111'<; .1 !;"I" n' 111 It (n I· Compromise to go Into statIOnary orbIt high KABUL. Dec 15 -FollOWIng 1.-1\1\\ InS .1" well I" ,\u"tr dllil" .lllll I• '1l!,' 1111 ll1 d\IIllP" Inl! 111l"1 sh,· for Paris tables above the coast of Brad will be arL' the exchange rates at the All times local Ncv, ZC·].ll1dels Ih.ll th~) .,hl111l 1 t .:l<: P' 1<" fl 1\ h .\t' l1l\ 11 pI r "1/ 1 All meetings banned in Pindi launched from h~f C' neXt Wedn­ Da Afghanistan Bank expreased PARIS, Dee 14. (AFP).-The IlCH hf' on 11: "·'I't t nn\1l'l'S \\, 11 I IIP'l l'sday P~'l una In Afghani of foreign up III .111 US I nllll1.ln mcsSCs In lhl' 111 l.;tl ,In pi'" \(",tldl\ d'I'11· South VJ.etnamesc. dele&ation to the reached on ThiS WIll be the "econd attempt (U rJ ency today December 15 Pans talks sUlllested yesterday, wI'h ,Be at Kabul Airport in time_ as Ayub arrives from Dacca ll· ... \V~·nln" thp lJ S ['t'·"'t1!l11l\ ,Ill td il1\' \ II'! ( ,Hlg \\l.:I" pl.lnnllll.: It' to begin a new global communi' ~ BUYlDg Selhng the approval of the UnJted states I estllded In S,Il~nn ht t \\ ('1. n 7 p III I <; I 11tH' I I 'n h In (AFP) - Tlotmg mobs had dlcd d hiS JnJu- cations satellite network 'WIth Ai 7275 (per US dollar) KARA( HI Dec 15 TIes At leasl -l00 persuns \\C're arrcs~ dnd 7 am unllss l'n tll111.1al bU!lnUlll unk's lhl'v had a larg~ paralCd by "'0 little rectanlllliar 'a­ plann~ng ~ Silent proceSSion through ruming a $ 15 mI1hon miSSIOn francs) 1482,80 nuclear nallons On dIsarmament ":Jld last llI'}h. the full fWani' the th­ One.card with high quality envelope costs Af. 8. A ~cmmendatlons of the non-nuc1t:.~ l!l' 1111l'd scpal •• ilon Of SlOI­ propaganda bad tried to blame I\le seSSion, their Nuclear N0nprohfera­ opened fire 10 Chlttaeong telephone· calls or four dJffererlt were J31alabad and FVah witb dents of vlolen-ce JnvOlvlng pulice hOllr baltle ne::l1 Trrnp, Bang ~-t . 'lhJ JIlltH tiL.' l'll'led K IOgd\lm .IS .1 a higb of 17 C, 63 F With dou. aUted side for delays lD opening or P.O.B. 637 Kabul, Atpa- lion Trea:y Will have come Inlo ef­ In Okara 10 persons were arres­ lelevlslOn broadcast relays at 0n'2 1:';1. ... 10\ .1IJ sll'p but said the I ,1­ ALARM CL'OCKS forces and Pashtoonlstam nallon­ km:; \\1..'''\1 oj die <. 3'nboUIIIl hOlll\·' tbe conference >'for lack. of agree­ fect leu and later released en bal) after tIme ThiS IS four tImes the am­ dy skle., The coldest area was alJsts IS on the Increase th~ rt'p­ \C~lt.'l· how ),:,lVernl11ellt ,...l\lJart: of Slot· .I~­ rhe US S'ral(lI01\,e:-iSCs ment on Ihe problem of llIe tables' nistan As parl of Ihe I,;OmpIOn1ISe pllhce broke up a JOint processIon ount of traffic can be handled h; p.Jrtl,rpHthlll La! with a low of -16 C, 3 F arts say d,IY kept up tlwlr hnnlbaldment 01 I,<,;h dl'SIIl' lor' Pll'c\l<"1 shape" re::mcnt, the non~nucJear natIon, by the Comsats satellItes now In 01­ witb rain and snow, Yesterday the Nattonal Awaml LeaRue and In central occupIed Pashtoonls· ~crth ITl l1l'l hIUll-Tni..lklllg 01 g,krnUa and Vl\'ln,1111c.w North Salang bad 15 mm rain, The communist added that "It IS h::ne lIltroduced a pat:kage deal the TexlIle vVorkers· Union Friday taT! Pashtoonl"tam natl01ldltsts bit I he Pnnw l\! nl<;ler W.1l neLl sep,l· lEO em snow, SlIIlth Sa1aiII' 4 in this spint that the eoverament of f("llir draft lC:solutlons. Meanwhile the West Pakistan In Peshawar and Mardnn have , 1111 n \\ ould \. Ul Scotland 011 froIn The hi 511 merely asks govel n hJ~h l nun. 157 cm, La! JI nUn, 3S CllII. South Vielnam anced to take part Cl)lIr has ordered the release warned Moslem League memb­ IJ. j III S C\,.llntlO1ll IE"SIlUI_es Sl.:O'­ Shahrak 3 mm, 25 em Bamlan in these meetine-s" ments to study the rec:omrnendullo11s 01 1wc persons an ested last month ers not to take actIOns against \.1111.1 In 1ll,ln\ fields illre&dy h,ld .1 l:Onrl~ ~ 10 cm, and Ghani 10 mm, 12 of the non·nuclear ·st.lIes \.,. th Oppr:sltlon leadflrs Zultik.t1 the mdependence movement of III ( II t.:.a~· ll[ dc\{)lut 0'1 he ~.Ild cm Today's temperature In Ka· ence Rh,ltto and W.dl Kh,lfl Pashtoornstan \\ "\I!; 11111 .. <)prll.',lrul to t.lkl .I Arnone: the ullInt!l<:s Cll-splln~or bul at 10:00 a.nL WIUi 2 C, 36 F self-determination Unle~s you tellaln from hymg I Ill, h, I\ Il\ III 'u tll ... h na'10n.1IIs1 InC thiS resolutIon '.Ife several WIth But the t.:ourt reJed~d ,I pc:ltlOn 1 With rain and SlWW, WIDcI speed Cards to create obstacles In the way of , t1 lI)ll" I., '11 1I1 p·tl\ 1ll11 ":-I.:JtI' was recorded In KabDl at 4 kD (Ct>ntm"ed trom pase 2) strong rcsCTValllJl1S aboul :hc Nuclear ,1g,llnsl the detentIOn of the secre­ freedom of PashtooOlstan natIOn \\,',\ II Ill" bl'tll \ ,:,t'\,.!lIl"':: l\llhC~· ots In concluslon, with Sulen', per­ Nonproliferation Treaty-Including lary of Bhutto s P.1klstan People s the entire Pashtoontslan' nation .. 1110" Il,'>.Il".llh I Ihll'lr "' ... prt'll\ Argentlt1a, Austl ;111<1 Bruzil Italy. mission, let US say a few wordi Will stand up agaInst you thl..' III ....ul :,n1d .tllll \\'.11 ...... L sllprt'01.ll \ Yesterday s temperatures: about islamIC Untty Afehanlstao IS Japan amJ Pakistan It alhl\\ed tormer foreign mIOlS­ warmng says II',. It, 11.',1 h\ till l'lhl'l P pf 1l.IIIlHl aa Islal/Ile Stale and the Afghans Under pressure from the ter Bhulto to appear In court durmg The reports add the Pashtoonn'· II ~I ,,'li Illllnl pnvers Ihe~c luuntnes abandoned Kabul 8 C -1 C are al the forefront for tbe ach_ a l\eannH nn a pehtlon agamsl hiS tam natlOnaltsts have raIded the n"'''l.lrtt 1\11l·1I~1~ d\·n hi the Idea of ue;Jltn.:!.1 permanenl 46F 30F 1evement of IslamiC uQlty They dl."lent,on but s Leagv.e members. In Tlran, 1Il(l €,. llll\ld 11 ,ddrp~... 1 ">.lltlish \Ihlp,~ dormanl UN disarmament comml:>­ lod~t.~ 61 F 39F idea that Ihe rights of a MuslIm Lawvers have a protest pendent Pashtoonlstan, all the 1 H'\\' "l'\,.'~ \ 1l1\;l' III hl·It' Mazare Shant 10 C 3 C communuy be usurped or seiZed by slOn to deal With secunly disarma­ .lg.un,,1 th~ etrresl or 12 of lhe.r co­ tnbes have unaOlmously given a PIli lid.. .j,. Illtd \\Il~on" lhllsl­ ment and eoCOne-mll development 50F 3TF another one In the name of Islam leagues 11\ Sahlwal ncar Lahllre warnmg to the Pakistan Gavel n­ m.IS ~Ilh til<' I .ill...! llld Isl,lllds- It) I hc nuclear pow~rs InSisted ~hal Herat 9 C 5 C Islam IS a sreat world re/talon and r-nda)'. durms il pfUl..·CSSlon ment that It must refraIn from \1·HIlIIIl.. tllhl.ll'l, •\ l.;pll·l .lIlt! UN op>ans already CXlst to take 48F o , ll:IA believers form a vast community East Pd their Oowenu 10 this land, but committee on the peal.:eful uses lIt Illdnent committeE" they do not form the warp and woof The sources said consul atlOns on dill! \ ilL \\,lunded <1m! laprul'CU JALALABAD. Dec 15 lBakh­ the sea-bed after sevelal weeks l)f the size of the permanent cumml!­ 'he la tter SIX countries salon 1he rllllhk·n ~l'el1ll'd t Ix' Ilhll \' of our national conSciousness. We ll ''I dd~h With l"ldl'lt [lllll''' nl'· tar) -The ProvlDclal Public He­ IOfO! mal consu1t.ttlnns. ll,formed sn· Ihe Ad HOl study grouD whcn 1\ te~hnlt.'31 ·\m':ll. bave not sained our lDd.,pendcnce tee thus turned Into"a numbers political thun 11ll' .11 Nl'veh lIT \0 thl Rl'IS,Hl V" allh Department has launched an url.:es said met IWIC(' 111 New Yl~ik and on(.:c l.lll tn revive them" l::ame·. With proposals ranging from authontlf's .JW-fSlamic history and He saId thdt thL'll' \\t,'!l' I\RIAN'A CINEMA: -. ~ factories have newly arrived: es, saId sources of the Public He· penods. the SO\lrces said One~tfjlrd te-wards each other and agreed un Hoc body wl1'0 are cer:aln to Sll 011 It (·If as long ,IS pOSSible. (Ibscf\l.'r.. L.l"ualtles 0 n the Isr



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_..-__.. ~ ~