Chapter 1 A Study of Gene Linkage and Mapping Using Tetrad Analysis in the Fungus Sordaria fimicola Jon C. Glase Introductory Biology Program Division of Biological Sciences Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-0901 (607) 255-3007, FAX (607) 255-1301,
[email protected] Jon is a Senior Lecturer in the Introductory Biology Program at Cornell University, where he is coordinator of the introductory biology laboratory course for biology majors. He received his B.S. in Biology (1967) and Ph. D. in Behavioral Ecology (1971) from Cornell. He was a co-founder of ABLE and President from 1991–1993. His research interests include social organization of bird flocks, laboratory curriculum development, and computer biology simulations. Reprinted from: Glase, J. C. 1995. A study of gene linkage and mapping using tetrad analysis in the fungus Sordaria fimicola. Pages 1–24, in Tested studies for laboratory teaching, Volume 16 (C. A. Goldman, Editor). Proceedings of the 16th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 273 pages. Although the laboratory exercises in ABLE proceedings volumes have been tested and due consideration has been given to safety, individuals performing these exercises must assume all responsibility for risk. The Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE) disclaims any liability with regards to safety in connection with the use of the exercises in its proceedings volumes. © 1995 Cornell University 1 2 Tetrad Analysis Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................2