
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (the Ramchal): Biographical Sketch By Avrohom Katz

Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School

Description: This item features a brief biographical sketch describing the life and accomplishments of Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, the Ramchal zt”l. It includes a brief overview of the Ramchal’s life and a list of the sefarim he authored. It also includes a picture of the Ramchal and of his kever. Use this item to discuss this great tzaddik on his yahrtzeit, 26 , as part of a Gedolei Yisrael unit, or before beginning the study of Mesilas Yesharim.


Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto zt”l, (known as the Ramcha”l) was born in Paduah, in 1707 (about 300 years ago) to very wealthy parents. He was a baki (fluent) in kol hatorah kula. He was also a tremendous baki in all sifrei . The Ramcha”l was known to have memorized all Kisvei Ariza”l when he was just 14 years old!! Starting at age 20 the Ramcha”l was zoche to have a malach from shomayim (known as a ) teach him the secrets of the .

The Ramcha”l left Italy for in 1735. Once he arrived in Amsterdam, he was able to continue learning kabbalah peacefully, and was accepted as a great man there. It was in this period that he wrote Mesilas Yesharim, Derech Hashem, Da’as Tevunos and more.

One of the most famous praises the Ramcha”l received was from the . He was reported to have said after learning Mesilas Yesharim, that were Ramcha”l still alive, he (the Gaon) would have walked from Vilna to learn at his feet. The Maggid of Mezritch also praised the “Chassid of Paduah” and his sforim to his Chassidim. He left Amsterdam for Eretz Yisroel in 1743 and settled in Acco. Three years later, he and his family died tragically in a plague, and he was buried near in T’veria. The Ramcha”l was only 39 years old when he was niftar!

Below is a list of the sforim the Ramcha”l wrote in his short lifetime!!!!

 Ma'aseh Shimshon written at 17 years old!  Lashon Limudim written at 19 years old!  Migdal Oz written at age 20!  Koheles  Shivim Tikkunim  Zohar Tinyanah  Klallos Haillan  Ma'amar HaShem  Ma'amar HaMerkava  Ma'amar Shem Mem-Bes  Ma'amar HaDin  Ma'amar HaChochma  Ma'amar HaGeulah  Ma'amar HaNevuah  Mishkanei Elyon  Ain Yisrael  Ain Yaakov  Milchamos HaShem  Kinnaos HaShem Tzivakos  Adir Bamarom  Iggros Pischei Chochma v'Da'as  Sefer Daniel (pirush)  Tiktu Tephilos ("515 ")  Kitzur Kavvanos  Ma'amar HaVechuach  Klach Pischei Chochma  Areichas Klallos HaEilan  Klallim  Da'as Tevunos  Peirush al Midrash Rabbah  Derech HaShem  Ma'amar al HaAggados  Maamar Ha'ikarim  Derech Chochma  Vikuach HaChocham V'HaChassid which is actually a first draft of Messilas Yesharim that only resurfaced recently  Messilas Yesharim his most famous sefer  Sefer HaDikduk  Sefer HaHigayon  Ma'amar al HaDrasha  Sefer Hamalitza  Derech Tevunos  LaYesharim Tehilla

An 1836 edition of Derech Chochma.

An 1833 edition of Lashon limudim.