Volume 8, Number A College At Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York October 8-October 2% 1986 Council Gives Up Responsibility On New Curriculum Faculty To Decide In Referendum

By Lisa Volpe need to be involved.. .but in matters of cur- riculum, particularly when we're talking'about the Amid confusion and heated debate, the College major issue of core curriculum, a faculty which Council voted to turn the decision on the proposed averages 20 years of teaching... happen to be the core curriculum over to the faculty through a expert witnesses on this matter." referendum, giving up its authority in the matter. "I think the report is complicated enough," According to CLC Dean William Tanksley, Chair- argued Professor Grafton Mouen. "I can't imagine man of the College Council, the Coancil's motion the faculty members, in the course of 45 minutes, for a faculty referendum "is not staying it approves to come up with something which we, the College !ory Comes To Fordham Page 3 the Mellon Committee's proposal, it just means Council, haven't." we're passing the ultimate decision to the faculty." "This is the body that should be deciding on the The Council also agrees that a student referendum proposal," Mouen said, "not giving away that may be held by the USG. power." The faculty must now review the Mellon Com- Assistant Dean of Students, Normand Parenteau Faculty Vents Frustration mittee's core curriculum proposal and formulate suggested that the Council motion for a student a recommendation,whic h will be given to Univer- referendum as well as a faculty referendum. sity President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. The Humanities Division Chairperson Rev. John J. At Meeting With Dean vote of the faculty.. .will be submitted to the Presi- Adam, S.J., also a Council member, disagreed dent for the President to submit, with his com- with Parenteau's request for a student referendum. By Mary Kay Linge lems in its next issue. ments, to the Board of Trustees," Tanksley said. "I wouldn't expect the students to try and review Dr. Margaret Lamb (Associate Professor of If approved, the Mellon proposal will unify the the educative system," Fr. Adam said at the At a meeting designed "so that we can get to English and Media Studies): [Contrary to what university's curriculum, thus eliminating Excel as meeting. "You don't need students to comment on know each other a little bit better," according to Tanksley had said in his speech, University Presi- adivision. (See related stpry.);;»,,.»jJ!j^Sl. ,, curriculum." CLC Dean William Tanksley, the faculty voiced dent Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J.] said at the Fac- College Council members disagreed strongly as "Well, then" responded non-traditional represen- feelings of neglect by the Rose Hill administration, ulty Senate meeting last month that the dorm to who should have the power to decide on the pro- tative Chris Kanelba, "you don't need students to despair about the future of the college, and lack would probably not be completed by 1988.. .It's posed curriculum. Some felt that the faculty should come to the school. You should haye input from of communication with Tanksley himself. so crucial that we know now what's going on... decide, while others thought it was the College the students to see if you can have programs they A short address by Tanksley, in which he and that's very hard without a continuous contact Council's responsibility. The question of whether want. stressed that CLC is "on the edge of getting the at- with the faculty, who really do want to help... or not there should be student input also arose. A "If students don't like the programs," Kanelba tention of the people who have the power to allow we're a resource you're overlooking. lengthy debate ensued. said, "then they won't come here." us to shape our own future,'' soon turned into a Tanksley: The difficulty we all have [with last "The real issue," said Tanksley, "is which body According to the minutes from the April 14th question-and-answer period that lasted over an year's strategic planning effort] is that, now that is in the best position to make the decision [on cur- Council meeting, a special committee of students hour. it's on another level, what will be the response [of riculum]. I think that, in many matters, students continued on page 15 The gathering on September 30, which had more the administration].. .but the ice jam has been of the air of a cocktail party than the first meeting broken, though what they will say about it is a of the (acuity with Tanksley since last fall, featured mystery to me... I don't have specific information Proposed Core Curriculum: What It All Means hors d'oeuvres and an open bar. They want us to about what the next step is until I get some specific eat, not talk," said a faculty member who did not response from the people who can say... [But] I p those credits with their peer group, art Option want to be identified. "Isn't this a lot like fiddling simply don't have the time or the energy or, frankly, CMunittee (also known as the Task Force on u^tretainssomc of tlw Excel ProgranfSSpirit, while Rome bums?" asked another. the inclination to sit down and meet with each of Core Carrknhnn) will, if approved, eliminate The core would end with a Capstone Seminai in which all students would discuss what thej The following is a partial transcript of some of the task forces (which formulated CLCs five-year ffcw adult-eatry Excel Program and the Frcslt- had learned in the core courses. the faculty's questions and Tanksley's replies. The plan]. jttn Interdisciplinary Program. In being "new A Faculty Core Committee would overseetbe Observer will begin an in-depth look at these prob- continued on page 15 and unified," lite proposal would cover All high (chord- nnd adult-entry students, and would entire program, Responsible for staffing, replace alt existing proficiency and area re- scheduling, and advising, the faculty Commit- quirements. The Ufc Experience Program tee would have ten members; Clubs Call For Activities Fee Increase maid continue, and the Committee report Director of the Excel Program stresses that all credits earned in previous pro- 4 Excel Committee members By Deanna Hayman not now operate effectively. grams like Escel are Irrevocable. Director of the Bridge Program (whicl Observer Editor-in-Chief Ian Baer said that he A 56-crodit Core is proposed by the Commit* advises high school entry students) CLC club leaders have expressed general was satisfied with the allocations, since it will toe. A "tracking" system would give adult 4 Bridge Committee members satisfaction in the Student Activities Budget Com- enable the Observer to lease a typesetting machine. student* the possibility of taking the first 28 of mittee's allocations this Fall. However, they have According to Baer, the Observer would have to stressed the need for an increase in the student ac- shut down if it didn't get the machine. Emergency COURSE CREDITS tivities fee, as well as in college enrollments, to Medical Services Vice-President Peter Vbsscur Entry Interdisciplinary Courses: enlarge the amount of money in the budget. said that he was satisfied with the allocations, since a. "History arid Society" 6 Lisa Guido, president of Sigma Alpha Zeta EMS was able to purchase all the equipment it b. "Language and Knowing" 6 (EAZ), said, "Initially, I and the executive board needed. Gaelic Society President Gerri Corrigan Writing Requirement: of EAZ were disappointed with our budget alloca- said that she was also satisfied, but that some clubs Current "English Composition" (4 credits) or two 2~cr«dtt courses covering the tions, considering the activeness of our club." But, should consider the budget problem and try to equivalent material - , she said, "It's really important that club leaders work together when requesting funds from such Mathematics Requirement: realize the problems the SABC has to face. She a small amount. United Student Government "Applied Mathematics" or other approved coarse (no change from current cited the main problem as the different between President Laura Dohrmann expressed satisfaction, requirement) the amount of money in the budget and the increas- too, even though part of the funds for the USG- Science Requirement: , - ing number of recognized clubs. sponsorcd Club Day were cut. a. "Pcrsfiertives in Physics and Astronomy" or "Perspectives in Chemistry and The allocations, which were announced last According to Guido, there are now two or three JJiochemistry" 4 week, were made fora touil amount of $23,185.93, times more clubs than ever before, yet Ihc Student b. "Perspectives in Life Science" 4 according to Assistant Dean of Students Normand Activities Fee has never been raised. "Relative lo 28 Credits Parcntcau. other campuses, our activities fee is ridiculously Democratic Club President Kenneth Schwartz low," she said. Corrigan, spokesman for the Enter- All of the courses in these 28 credits would have sections designated Excel Program* This is to allow expressed disappointment with Ihc allocalion.v tainment Programming Board, said that at Rose adult students t«> be in classes with their age peers. Schwartz, whose club requested $8474.25 and Hill, one club, (he Campus Activities Board, received $37.75, siad he was "dissapoimed. more receives more money than Ihc CIJC'S student ac- COUKSti wild the process of allocations Ihun with the |ac- tivities budget gels for the whole semester. "Clubs Arts Requirement tual | allocations. . the emphasis is apparently arc requesting more and more money every year Social Sciences Requirement , , more on mixers :iml such events than publications" because of Ihc variety of things they would like lo Institute's Requirement: "American Pluralism" „' ' t .' cover. It's just less and less money for more ac- Entrepreneurs Club Chairman Emeritus Ernest 1 Foreign Liuif,ua|tc Requirement t ' ' - ' Canuivc called it a "gross act to slash us over hair livilics," said Guido. According to Dohrmann, "A Literature Requirement of what his club requested. Me also said that other lot of clubs have a lot of valid events they want to Capstone Seminar ' clubs were "grossly financed"ami that his ch ' i .n. continued on page 3 page 2/CLC Observer /October 8,1906


On Thursday. September 18. we sponsored a Coney Island Car- The proposed curriculum is now up for a faculty referendum, nival/Club Day. This successful event enabled students to meet and PRESIDENT: Laura Dohrmann which, upon being voted on, will go before Fr. O'Hare for approval. join CLC clubs. A special performance by Bounce the Clown and Although the approval of faculty of a proposed curriculum is impor- Madamoiselle Ooh La La added a spark to the day. tant, it is just as important that students have an equal opportunity to evaluate a curriculum which will affect their college career.

In an attempt to reach adult students. U.S.G. held an adult students VICE PRESIDENT OF NON-TRADITIONAL STUDENTS: Geri U.S.G. is not in opposition of a revised core curriculum program. open house on September 23 and 24. We are as much concerned C orrigan However, U.S.G. is in opposition of the fact that students did not with the non-traditional (adult/evening) students' wants and needs have an input in a curriculum that will affect them. as well us the traditional students' wants and needs. VICE PRESIDENT OF TRADITIONAL STUDENTS: Lisa Robin Guido The purpose of the U.S.G. is to represent the student body at CLC. On Sunday. September 21. Fordham University bestowed upon Accordingly, we shall take the steps necessary to see that students President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines an honorary law are fairly represented in this case. degree. The event was also a rally for the Philippine community to honor President Aquino. The rally was held at Rose Hill on SECRETARY: Marissa Brin U.S.G. is supporting a student referendum to raise the current stu- Edward's Parade. President Laura Dohrmann and Non-Traditional Vice President Geri Corrigan had the honor of participating in this dent activities fee of $5.00 per four credit class, which, if taking event. Both were, along with student.representafives from Rose Hill. a full course load of 16 credits, is $20 per semester and $40 per year, escorts to the presidential party. CLC U.S.G. was greatly honored TREASURER: Lucretia Regina as opposed to the Rose Hill student activities fee of $90 per year. to partake in such an event. The student activities fee has not been raised in seven years, and with the increasing number of student clubs and the high costs of living, the Student Activities Budget Committee had to cut short On Wednesday. October 22, U.S.G. will sponsor an open forum the budget allocations of several clubs. v, ith guest speaker Joseph A. O'Hare, President of Fordham Univer- THE SENATE sit> to speak on the future of CLC. The forum will be held in Room Senior Senators: Ruben Fernandez 412 and begins at 5:00 p.m. Ann-Marie Gatti All students at CLC use services provided by the student activities fee. Every issue of the Observer is paid for by the student activities Junior Senators: Susanne Tortorella Kris Wright fee, the senior reception following graduation is paid for by the stu- There are several issues at hand which U.S.G. will be address- dent activities fee, all club-sponsored lectures and events are paid ing this semester. Sophomore. Senators: Paul Brubaker Joseph Curry for by the student activities fee. The proposed increase would be $5.00 more per four credit class for full-time students and $2.50 Freshman Senators: Valoree Celona Last spring, U.S.G. supported a student referendum to save the Nicole Ramsay more per class for part-time students. If enacted, this increase will enable all student organizations to sponsor more events and benefit EXCEL program, which was in danger of being eliminated from Non-Traditional Senators: Teri Baldwin the CLC curriculum. The overwhelming response from the student Peter Burchell the entire CLC community. bod> prompted the Mellon Committee (also known as the Task Gavin Duffy Force on Core Curriculum) which consists of 16 faculty members Leah Frankel Since the decrease in enrollment at CLC is such a great problem. to delegate a student committee to this committee. This student com- Angel Hechevarria U.S.G. is working with a task force in coordination with the admis- mittee was to consist of six traditional and six non-traditional James Hennelly sions department to promote the recruitment of new students. Presi- students. According to the Mellon Committee, this student com- John Thomas dent Laura Dohrmann and Traditional Vice-President Lisa Robin mittee wojild have input in the new core curriculum proposed to Guido are members of this committee. be adopted for new students. The United Student Government office is located in Room 408B, The committee will be designating student ambassadors who will On Thursday, September 25 at the first College Council Meeting telephone 841-5581. Our door is always open to all students and all go to high schools in the metropolitan area to recruit for CLC. Any of this semester, the Mellon Committee presented the College Coun- ideas, opinions and grievances. U.S.G. meetings are open to all students who are interested in helping with recruitment, please let cil with the proposed new core curriculum. However, this new students. October meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, October us know. curriculum was compiled without the assistance of the student com- 8 (Room 404), Thursday, October 16 (Room 508) and Wednesday. October 29 (Room 508). All meetings begin at 4:30 p.m. mittee: The proposal was worked on over the summer and the The success and future of CLC depends on the combined efforts members of the student committee were never notified. of students now. Remember, WE are the future of CLC.

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"How to Succeed in Your Oct. 16 through 18 and Own Business" Oct. 20 through 25 Guest Speaker will be at 8:00 p.m. Ms. Rita DeSilvia, founder of Matinee at 2:00 p.m. Oct. 22 Rita DeSilvia & Associates, Inc. specializing in brokerage POPE AUDITORIUM UHaneflHCflmaBeoinam 113 West 60th Street Thursday, October 16 5:30-7:30 p.m. New York, N.Y. CLC Student Lounge Room 412 General Admission: $5.00 C1 Call (212) 841-5253 for more information. AS KING LEAR Reservations: (212) 841-5267 Free Admission 0 1982, Abe Hirshfeld Refreshments will be served cftoooooooooooooooeooooooooocooooooooocoeooooocoooooooeoooitp1' October 8,1986/CLC Observer/page 3

Aquino Awarded Degree At Rose Hill

By Mary Kay Linge of peace, their freedom." Aquino, whose husband Benigno was assassinated in 1983 after leading the A yellow-bedecked campus, hundreds of yellow opposition to Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos, balloons, and a color-coordinated crowd of 5,000 won last winter's Presidential election after a bit- were all on hand to greet Filipino President Cor- ter campaign against Marcos largely because of her azon Aquino at Rose Hill on September 21. great popularity and the memory of her late Aquino, during a nine-day visit to the United husband. States, stopped at Fordham to accept an honorary After receiving her degree, which, she said, she Doctor of Laws degree from University President accepted "in the name of the Filipino people," Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J., and to speak at a rally held Aquino addressed the crowd in English and in by her countrymen on Edward's Parade. Tagalog, one of the Philippines' official languages. Referring to herself as an "ordinary housewife" Aquino arrived after an hour-long presentation who never wanted to run for office, "I live my life of traditional and modern Filipino songs and by praying with all my heart, working with all my dances performed on Keating Hall's Terrace of the mind, and leaving the rest to God," she said. Presidents. She entered to shouts of "Cory! Cory! Aquino reflected her country's strong Catholic Cory!" from the crowd, which quieted during background throughout her speech. "If we were speeches made by Fr. O'Hare and other Univer- able to make the miracle of Feb/uary, I'm sure the sity dignitaries. However, all the spectators seemed economic miracle will come soon," she said before to join in the singing of the American and Filipino introducing the.Cabinet members who were along national anthems. Aquino is mobbed as she greets supporters. Man holds picture of Aquino's late husband on the trip. She also demonstrated her popular ap- Benigno. "It has given a new surge of hope to an increas- peal by walking down the steps of Keating Hall and ingly desperate world," Fr. O'Hare said of the shaking hands with her supporters, much to the Philippines' "bloodless revolution" of last February. concern of the Secret Service agents that had been "The people were able to win back, with weapons stationed all over campus to protect her. Freshmen Choose Senators In Close Race

By Suzanne Myron and Celona with 23 and 25 votes, respectively. "It was a really good feeling to win," said Celona, Elections for two freshman seats in the United who claimed that many of her posters were ripped Student Government Senate, held on September down during the course of the campaign. She won, 22 and 23, were posted by USG President Laura she said, because "my friends helped me out a lot. Dohrmann after a two-day wait. Valoree Celona They made a big joke out of it." Celona said she and Nicole Ramsay won the seats in a closely- and her friends ran off fliers and put them in peo- contested race. ple's lockers to compensate for the lack of posters. According to Dohrmann, the delay resulted from They also took her complaint to the Student Activi- Moslem Veil Dancer "a question about some students that we had to ties Office, who said it could do nothing about it. validate.. .all the candidates were allowed to spend "I was unaware that that was going on at all," said a certain amount of money, and there were some Dohrmann of the problem. Jesuit Influence Is Strong In The questions about some candidates as to what they Ramsay, the other winner, said her victory came spent." An election committee, made up of all seniors in the USG and Assistant Dean of Students Normand Parenteau, had to be contacted, briefed, Philippines and then vote on what was to be done, said Dohrmann. The results of the election were then By Maria Brading trust in their faith, saying, "With God's help, posted on the door of Rm. 408, the student club everything will go well." office complex in which the USG is located. "Back home I am sometimes accused of being" - Throughout her nine-day visit to the United A total of six candidates, including one write- too much under the influence of the 'Jesuit Mafia,'" States, Aquino was met with enthusiasm and af- in candidate, ran for office. Dohrmann said the joked Philippines President Corazon Aquino. "To- fection everywhere she went. The reception sh day I have received u third honorary degree from received at Fordham was no exception. "When a Jesuit university. Perhaps now I will be the leader Cory arrived and the choir came on," said Ft. of the 'Jesuit Mafia.'" O'Hare, "they were all turning around and smil Aquino's remarks were met by warm laughter ing, saying, "We love you, Cory." Aquino was very from the 5,000 Filipino-Americans Who had moved. She said, "Everyone was afraid of Mar gathered at Fordham's Rose Hill campus in a show cos but no one is afraid of me. I don't know if dial's of support for the president. The remark, however, good or bad." NICOLE RAMSAV touched upon "a sensitive issue" said University Aquino visited Fordham to receive the honorary as a surprise to her. "I kept saying I didn't think President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, S.J. degree and also to address the Philippine people I'd win because I live up [at Rose Hill].... I know Critics have frequently accused Aquino of being According to Vice President for Administration a lot of Rose Hill people, but I don't at Lincoln too easily swayed by the politically influential Rev. George J. McMahon, S.J., there is a genera Center because in my classes I've got all non- Catholic Church in the Philippines. This criticism principle applied in deciding on recipients of traditional students," said Ramsay. stems from the fact that the Catholic Church was honorary degrees. Candidates are "outstanding in- "1 walked in here, and my friends said, 'Con- largely responsible for the events that led to and dividuals who represent the values we stand for,' gratulations!' I said, 'For what?' 'You won!' they followed the "peaceful revolution" of the Philip- said Fr. McMahon. In the past, a wide variety of said, and I turned bright red and started jumping pines this past February including drafting the op- individuals have received honorary degrees from VALOREE CELOINA up and down," she recalled. position platform and convincing Aquino to run. Fordham, including Alan Alda, Bob Keeshan (also number was much larger than last year's election. Lisa Humphrey, whose "Woman in Red" slogan What her critics sometimes refer to as the "Jesuit known as Captain Kangaroo), and Helen Hayes. "1 was shocked... .We've always had trouble fill- called attention to the fact that she wore red almost Mafia" is the group of Roman Catholic leaders in Aquino was awarded the degree because, Fr. ing our senate," she said. "This year overwhelmed daily during the campaign, said, "I think they ran the Philippines who formulate Catholic political McMahon said, "She resolutely decided to help me." The senate seats had also been reduced from it as fair, as they possibly could." Humphrey added positions and Church policy. The group includes her country in spite of tremendous odds." three to two this year, said Dohrmann, in accor- that it was difficult to seek out the voters and let the leader of the Catholic Church in the Philip- Several days before Aquino's visit to Rose Hill dance with the drop in the number of candidates them know she was running for office. "It's really pines, Jaime Cardinal Sin, and the President of the University Secretary Michael J. Sheahan said, last year. "I felt really bad... I was really im- hard to walk up and say, 'Hi, are you a freshman?' Ateneo de Manila University, Rev. Joaquim "There's a great deal of admiration for Cory, as you pressed by everyone's enthusiasm, and every single to someone." Bernas, S.J. can see from the reception.she's getting. She's a one oflhem was qualified," she said. Dohrmann said that she hoped the losing candi- In the speech he gave before presenting Aquino very popular figure." Referring to Fordham's ties The results followed with write-in candidate dates would still get involved with the school this with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree, Fr. to the Philippines, Sheahan said. The Jesuit order, Yvette Mitchell with one vote, Elizabeth Giardina year and consider r\; • •: again next year. She O'Hare purposely avoided stressing the Jesuit role especially in New York, has been conducting with 16 votes, Lisa Humphrey with 21 votes, San- added, "They shoul. ,1 write off their USG in the Philippines, choosing instead to emphasize schools and parishes in the Philippines for a dra Chapman with 22 votes, and winners Ramsay careers forever." Fordham's role in that country's history and educa- number of years. As a matter of fact, Fr. O'Hare tion. "The fact that she brought up the subject of taught in the Philippines, so there is a special in- continued from page 1 the 'Jesuit Mafia' herself," said Fr. O'Hare, "says terest (at Fordham)." Clubs to me that she has a kind of freedom.. .even if peo- According to Fr. O'Hare, the first Jesuit univer- ple criticize her, she's not p;u ilyzed or inhibited. sity in the Philippines was founded by Spanish put on. They would really boost school spirit." like they're getting more for their money." She will say what she wants." Jesuits in the 1800's. In 1921, American Jesuits Guido also said that a large part of the problem However, "It's the vicious cycle," said Dohrmann. "I think that she is a very spiritual woman," con- opened the first of a network of Ateneo Univer- with raising the activity fee is that the majority of "Until the student activities fee goes up, this is how tinued Fr. O'Hare. "She has been through a great sities, one of which is the Alenco de Manila CLC students are adults who argue that they don't it's going to be." deal of suffering, and I think that has given her a University where Fr. O'Hare taught for several have active memberships with the student clubs. Cantave expressed the need for an "aggressive great deal of serenity and freedom and inner years. "Thanks to Jesuit universities being the best "They still have the opportunity to take advantage recruitment plan" to help boost enrollment, the detachment." Referring to Aquino's approach to the in the Philippines." he said, "many political and of events that are sponsored by the clubs," Guido decrease of which, he feels, has been caused by presidency, marked by n deep faith and commit- business leaders have come out of Jesuit univer- said. "Almost every student picks up a copy of the the lack of attention paid to the Lincoln Center ment to peace, Fr. O'Hare said, "She is unlike any sities." While teaching at Ateneo. one of his newspaper, which is funded by Student Activities, campus. Ho also feels that dormitories, when they other politician. She has no personal ambition. She students was Benigno Aquino's brother. 'But?'" of which the newspaper itself takes up more than arc built, will "revolutionize the Lincoln Center simply wants to bring her people freedom and Aquino. half of the whole fee. Every student graduates and campus." Guido said that, if and when the dorms economic development. History brought her into In 1972, Fr. O'Hare relumed to the United Stales gets to go to the reception sponsored by the USG, arc built, there should be an increase in the Stu- (he presidency," he said, "and as a spiritual person after teaching at Ateneo for five years. "During my which is funded by Student Activities. Lectures are dent Activities Fee, since the facilities will cause history, for her, is not an accident." years back," he said, "1 remained cUise to the held between 5p.m. and. 6p.m. Mixers urc held greater costs. During her address, Aquino thanked the Filipino community." He was also udivc in unti- after 9p.m." According to Baer, "You cut your The Entertainment Programming Board is Filipino-American conuiuinity "for giving us your Mfircos groups in New York. The first lime he met finger and'you have to go to EMS, you're a club appealing for funding of their Christmus soini- people power and prayer power, even though your Corazon Aquino was in 1980 while the Aquinos member." formal, EAZ is appealing for $543 fornnencl-of- were 10.000 miles away." She also spoke of the " were living in exile in the U.S. Rclcrriny to her visit "We can't provide inore activities until we raise thc-scmcstcr Charity parly and $50 for candy bags revolution as the "miracle of February" and. in u to Rose Hill he said, "It was n very unusual day lor the Halloween Party, and the Democratic Cl«'< the fee," said Guido, "and I think if it goes up memorable moment, encouraged her people to for Fordham. We were honored by her presence." students will see more activity on campus and feel is appealing for funds to print its newsletters page 41CLC Obswver/OctabBr 8, 1906 GET A FASTER START AT CITIBANK



••WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. •CITIBANK MASTERCARD* OR VISA CARDS ARE PRODUCTS OF CITIBANK (SOUTH DAKOTA* N.A. MEMBER FDIC. CmBAMV October 8,1BB6/CLC Observer/page FEATURES The Sixties Then and Now By Mary Garcia Perhaps the single most hyped revival of the sixties is the still running reunions of the "Monkees." Once again, David Fischof and Fragments of the sixties still haunt us. Long hair, psychedelic his company went to extremes to bring at least three members of colors and even the experimentation with new drugs are ever present. the band together to wrap up the growing sixties curiosity. Al- Not to mention the music. though hesitant at first, Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones and Peter Tork soon agreed to take the summer off and go on the road one more From the Big Chill soundtrack (a Billboard smash in sales), time for their 20th anniversary. The two MTV marathon Monkees we hear many old favorites like "My Girl" and "Grapevine." The afternoons, where all the episodes were aired in succession, helped funny thing is that most of the album buyers weren't even a twinkle introduce their antics to younger audiences. At the same time they in their parents' eyes when those songs were released. rekindled old memories for past Monkee fans and the tour was on.

This too, was only the beginning of the sixties revival in America. Like the "Happy Together Tour," the Monkees 20th anniversary More and more Films were dedicated to showing us a real er, softer show included a set of bands, all from the sixties and all with their side to the sixties rather than the blood and guts films we had been share of hits under their belts. Herman's Hermits, Gary Puckett and seeing about Vietnam. The bitterness of the war had subsided a bit the Union Gap, and The Grass Roots all appeared before the main and people started seeing the "home front" in a different perspec- attraction. Young and old alike sang songs like "Young Girl," "Mrs. tive. Movies like The Flamingo Kid and Stand By Me are among Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter" and "Midnight Confes- some of these. sions." All in the spirit of togetherness. Once the Monkees hit stage, bedlam broke loose to the tune of "I'm A Believer" and "Last Train To Clarksville." This too, starting out in drips with no sell outs, has This led people like David Fischof to make some money on this snowballed into forcing the 40-year old Monkees to add two months popular phenomenon. With revitalization on his mind, he began put- to their tour, which was supposed to end this month and now in- ting together the "Happy Together Tour" with such nostalgic groups cludes such monstrous venues as Giant Stadium, Madison Square as the "Lovjn' Spoonful" and "The Turtles." The impact was subtle Garden and JFK Stadium. It seems that Monkeemania too is back at first, but the trendiness of the sixties renewed and soon sparked in style. people of all ages to attend and before they knew it, the "Happy Together" tour was selling out all the smaller venues around. All things pulled together, one can see that history may very well repeat itself, and not only once. A lingering feeling? Maybe not, This in turn has sparked other groups to come back together and and listening to was the ultimate in good times. Drugs but for now, the spirit of the sixties is growing stronger every day. see if they can make it one more time. "Crosby, Stills & Nash" re- today are just as popular, only more sophisticated and more expen- Who knows, maybe in the year 2,000, this spirit will be born again joined for a short tour, ending with an appearance at Live Aid, which sive. But even the psychedelic aspect of this place in time is and we can all say that we were there. also saw Joan Baez and Bob Dylan on the same stage. Bands like returning. The newest drug craze, Ecstasy, is a direct relative of LSD, the "Beach Boys" and "Jefferson Starship," who had been struggling the craze of the sixties. all along suddenly enjoyed terrific popularity once again. Fashion today also owes a debt to the sixties. Cropp' ">ants.

This growing curiosity about the sixties also prompted the growth paisiey and dressing for comfort are all very chic again. On top of of civil rights. Martin Luther King Day was finally made a national holiday. Bob Geldof and friends began fighting for a cause as were this, the re-introduction of the sixties fed, ti&-dying is back in style. many smaller organizations, maybe not realizing that the birth of TJying things in" different colors, by hand, was.a forum of expres- FEATURES these concerns was indeed in the sixties. Finding a cause and fighting sion for the sixties youth and is now in style again in the eightier to support it, no matter how small and/or insignificant it may have Along these same lines go the hair trends of today. Men are. grow- . been, was a fevorite pasttime of the sixties youth. Maybe they weren't ing their hair longer and women are cutting it shorter. Male models •as rebellious as people think. with ponytails are at the height of style while drastic cuts and bobs Psychedelic drugs were ever present in the sixties. "Dropping acid" are the most popular for women. A New Yorker's View From

By Lynn Muller A Japanese Subway People were packed on the morning train and seemed to roll over each other like potatoes. A frail, dark-haired man in a uniform and white gloves blew his whistle, drew his wooden stick, and began T0KY0 to do his work on the passengers. No, he wasn't a club wielding UNDERGROUHD maniac on the AA train. He was a people pusher, Japan's way of keeping the subways running on schedule. SYSTEM While the Japanese people consider the pushers the least attrac- tive and most unpleasant aspect of their subway system, as a New Yorker, I viewed him as an almost amusing attraction. Besides, when considering the alternatives at home-the rude charactes and big oafs by whom I've often had the misfortune of being mauled on the New York subways-I waited willingly with a silly smile to be nudged as I took my daily ride to work this past summer.

The Japanese subway system is one of the most immaculate and efficient of any I have had the pleasure of using. A New Yorker feels like Alice in Wonderland-the train pulls in quietly and both doors (not just one), open smoothly, revealing the red or green velvet seats sculpted with dragons and other traditional designs. As I took hold of a strap-hanger I am confronted with a tiny face looking at me from an advertisement placed, not just on mine, but on all the hang- ing handles. The walls of the car were a blur of splashy, vividly colored ads featuring an equal number of western models as well as oriental ones. Quite a bit of English wording was used as it is Vqnteta trying to appeal to trepdy and young yen-spenders. When I first ar- rived in Tokyo and set foot in a subway car I was admittedly dumb- founded and my mouth dropped open at the lack of filth. I was on Tokyo Underground System the.world's busiest railway, which carries over 19,487,000 passengers daily, and there is no grime, garbage or grafitti to be seen. Apparent- overhead racks for stashing anything from shopping bags to purses ly 1 must have looked a little faint because I was offered several near- that made no sense or they were often misspelled. Some of my and briefcases are all safe because no one would take something by seats. favorites were a t-shirt saying "i am a plump mary," a Philadelphia University shirt and a Budweiser pajama top. belonging to another passenger. It's a treat not to have to clutch your I had never observed more people sleeping or cat-napping in their Often the only western woman on the subway car, I did feel bag. scats. Perhaps a testimonial to the long work days put in by the scrutinized at times, but the Japanese people have a fine way of It was sad to say good-bye to Japan and to my daily train rides. Japanese people. I saw a large number of well-behaved ch^dren reserving judgement and keeping their thoughts to themselves. They To me they were not only pleasurable trips because of their whose big brown eyes met by blue eyes and blond hair with curious have perfected the art of not being annoying. To a woman accus- cleanliness nnd efficiency but because they became a cultural educa- awe or giggling. Quito regularly I'd see children wearing Walt Disney tomed to the New York subways I cannot stress to you how refreshing tion as well as an adventure for me. As a New Yorker I can only Goofy caps with long black ears hanging from the sides along with this is. Nobody makes faces or mutters obscenities. The words "hey hope that, like the art of orgami or bronze casting, the art of low other Tokyo Disneyland garments. Also, on any given day Yd sec babe" are not part of the male vocabulary, and not once did any man stress, pleasurable subway travel may reach the U.S. in a few thou- n large number of people wearing clothing with English wording pucker up his lips and make that ridiculous kissyiioisc. sand years. But somehow I feel it has more to do with culture and on it. I wits told that it is supposed to be chic but I couldn't help Yes, it truly is a treat to ride in a quiet car with air conditioning attitude than engineering. And if this is the case we have the fine but find it amusing because most of the time words were put together or rotating fans set into the ceiling to keep the passengers cool. The Japanese nrt of being gracious and considerate to master first. page Gf CLC Observer/October 8,1906 FEATURES Club-hopping Around Manhattan

By Rai'ssa Luniba

It's incredible to think that, given the immeasurable content of ailturally'diverse and stimulating forms of nightclubs that New York SPEAKEASY 107 MACDOUGAL STREET (212)598-9670 ADVANCE City offers, most of us still choose to frequent the same few TICKETS: Folk Music. Not my cup of tea, but if it were, this would establishments. The nightlife of Manhattan is one of its most _OMFUG definitely be the place for me. The atmosphere is laid-back and low- powerful allurements. It is a time of extremes. The city takes key. The people in the crowd varied, but I couldn't help getting the a fervid, seductive quality with which to fully envelop oneself. A 9315 Bowery (at Bleecker) (212)982-4052 feeling that most were leftovers from the hippie generation. The we do. Just the suggestion of nocturnal urban activity elicits vivid music is fantastic: mellow, melodic, with depth and feeling. The images: dimly-lit dance halls, laced with neon, explosive with CBGBAND OMFUG315 BOWERY (AT BLEECKER) (212)982-4052 audience sits at tables in a small, intimate room with a stage area. deafening techno-pop. seething with vitality which flows out and ADMISSION VARIES: While not for everyone, CBGB cannot be The size of audience varies greatly, reaching up to three hundred fills the streets. The people of the night, difficult to describe, except placed in any specific category; it's in a class by itself (Which is one for star attractions. of its attractions). It seems a natural habitat for hip Punks, New to say that one wonders if they're the same ones we see walking The club started six years ago and has been host to an impressive Wavers and Mods. Generally, nonconformist types are the element around in daylight. list of folk artists: Suzanne Vega, Tim Paxton, Clyde McDonald, here. There is no emphasis on fads or trends, and the music that Some may not particularly like the club scene (by this I refer to Jack Harding, and many more. Advance show tickets are sold, and, is performed couldn't be heard anywhere else. Within the walls of the ultra-popular, massively crowded, sometimes mainstream dance through a mailing list over 3,000 names long, fens are informed of clubs.) And yet, we go. Hopelessly guided by the will of the crowd, the dim. cavernous club exists an atmosphere of unconventionality. coming attractions. The age group of clientele ranges from 20-40. informality, and wildness. armed behind cosmetic facade, hurling ourselves into the mobs, The Speakeasy is a club for a very specific group, namely, folk dissolving to become part of the entity which stirs and swells to the The crowd is basically younger (you have to be 16 to be admitted, and country music fans. If in search for a relaxing, mellow even- beat of some overdone rhythm. We devote ourselves to acquiring but still 21 to drink!). The bands that play here are new, young, ing out, some folk devotees might just find this the answer to their both the skill required to conduct a coherent conversation despite innovative. They vary in genre described as pop, rock, ska, hard- prayers. the ear-splitting noise, and the superhero vision needed to descend core, and noise. A sample of names of some of these bands: a flight of steps in pitch-darkness. And always, in the back of one's Cancerous Growth, School of Violence, Suicide, Adrenalin O.D., mind, is the almost certain knowledge that most of the patrons are The Sick Fucks, among others. But every night at CBGB is different, there for only one thing-and I don't mean a game of Parchese. and the music and type of crowd range from mild to outrageous. I admit, the experience does have a certain mystique in its own The club was started in 1973, originally as a country and blues rite otherwise, these clubs would not be so popular. The excitement venue. It has since evolved and today remains an institution in the has become addictive to many and the glitter people do indeed world of rock 'n roll. It gives new bands the chance to perform music entirely their own, uninhibited by material concerns to which they Blue thrive. But a night on the town doesn't necessarily entail a plunge into might otherwise have had to yield. For both the band and the the world of dance-aholic mania. There are alternatives. Some of audience, the club serves as an oasis from the ordinary. When asked these places are really quite intriguing. One might just be shocked to describe his feelings toward the place, one fan put it this way: into the realization that a less hectic experience can prove equally "There's all those places that make you sick just being there ten exciting. minutes; you know, the music, the people, and then there's CBGB." The following is a list of a few samples of various nightclubs in Oh, about the name? "Country Blue Grass Blues and Other Music Manhattan. These are the results of a probe into this other world, For Uplifting Gormandizers". I think it speaks for itself, don't you? Note to discover our options. Perhaps these impressions, findings, and observations will serve as an introduction to the wealth of enter- tainment experiences to which we New Yorkers are happily privileged. THE BLUE NOTE 131 WEST3 STREET (212)475-8592 ADMISSION $12: If you are a jazz fan, I needn't say a thing. If you aren't, one evening at the Blue Note, and you will be. There is a wellspring of historical and statistical information about the club, but what is truly memorable was the evening itself. From the moment you walk in you'll sense sophistication. The club is small, intimate, and the THE SURF CLUB 415 EAST91 STREET (212)410-1360 TlfES-SAT THE NEW DUPLEX CABARET55 GROVE STREET (212)255-5438 dim lighting sets the mood which characterizes jazz-sultry, allur- ADMISSION $5-$10: Preppies and yuppies galore! Argyle sweaters, ADVANCE TICKETS/WALK-IN BAR: In a word - FABULOUS. The. ing, seductive. The audience seems mature and cosmopolitan, but business suits, megabuck outfits, and Top-40 music, some of which Duplex epitomizes the qualities of its Greenwich Village location: I'm sure people of any age would find the club exciting. There is I've not heard in years. The club was started three years ago, intend- charm, comfort, intimacy, and an educated clientele. The at- no dress code, but a T-shirt and jeans would seem highly ing to attract preppy, over-21 clientele. The crowd has gotten older mosphere is one in which anyone would feel welcome, and relaxed. inappropriate. over the years, and perhaps more mature. Guests are double-"proofed The club is the oldest continuing cabaret in , hav- at the door, and a door manager selects only the "right people" for ing been in existence since the time of Prohibition. It is not a Service is top prierity here, and the staff lives up to their reputa- admission. showplace for new, developing acts but presents talented, established tion. Whatever the formula is here, it works, and it works well. It According to club spokesperson Lisa Ranee, the club was artists. It is divided into two parts: the cabaret, and the piano-bar works so well, in fact, that plans are in progress for a set of fran- established as a "service to the community," rather than a money- and sing-along. Among the famous acts which the cabaret boasts chises in major cities worldwide. maker. It has done so well that a restaurant is to be added. "A family are Joan Rivers, Woody Allen, Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor, What distinguishes the Blue Note from other jazz clubs, accord- atmosphere is maintained," said Ranee, one in which "a woman can Barbara Streisand, and Barry Manilow. The shows differ from night ing to club spokesman Arnold Smith, is that "people used to $ay, come and feel safe and comfortable without an escort." to night, being mainly comedy and cabaret. What distinguishes this 'let's go see who's playing at the Blue Note,' Now they just say, 'let's , The Surf Club may not appeal to everyone. It is a place to drink, club is its cabaret ambiance: one in which the star develops a rap- go to the Blue Note'.. .they know there's always something good at dance, socialize, be seen and, occasionally, be handed a business port with his audience, receives feedback, and creates a sense of our club." card bearing some massively impressive logo. Here, name-dropping intimacy and personal space. While at another club one might feel The club is open seven nights a week, from 7pm to 4am. The seems to be the norm, and a man's best asset might well be what's distant from the show, here one feels a part of it. themes vary, from a Sunday Brunch show, to after hours perfor- written on his suit label, credit card, paystub, or what have you. Advance tickets must be purchased for the comedy shows, but mances. If only to experience something new, and culturally Everyone there seemed to be enjoying him or herself. But beware - below the cabaret is a piano bar which is every bit enjoyable. Guests valuable, and perhaps learn a little about yourself and your own as one pseudo-regular patron stated: "This used to be a place where sing along amidst an atmosphere of complacency and cheer. An tastes, visit the Blue Note. It promises to be a truly enjoyable even- it felt like femily-where Td see people I haven't seen since prep evening at the Duplex is one which must not be missed, by anyone ing, and a chance to encounter one of the foundations of the jazz school, or boarding school... now the crowd is totally different!" young or old, one that will definitely be remembered. world. When it comes to jazz, the Blue Note is it. Workshops Help Students In Job Search

By Sharon Dawson Thompson (CLC '87). advantage of our career library," said Mounty. to go through this process," said David Sitzer (CLC One of the goals in the program is to develop a "I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to get '87). "I thought the criticisms on my resumes and The Career Planning and Placement Center has career focus for students. The first step was to for- interviewed by a good company, and for that I had job hunting strategies would be helpful." introduced workshops that concentrate on the four mat the program in a way that is effective and com- There are two sets of workshops, one for under- major areas that students need to know for a suc- prehensible to students. "We prepare audio-visual graduates and one for graduate business students. cessful job search, according to theDirector of materials) use career literature and resources such "The workshops help Us to be able to help students Career Planning and Placement Steven Berkowitz. as directories and guides" Berkowitz said. "We've to interview correctly and to conduct a job hunt The four major areas are Orientation and Resume made them more relevant to the job .market and that would be most successful," Mounty said. I, Career Exploration/Job Search, Resume 11/ more tailored to the student population. We've been "Students can find information on various careers Caver Letters, and Interview Techniques, he working on them for quite some time." and what the job market is like in today's society." added. The second step was to find a way to service the Two workshops are required for seniors in the "The beginning of the career planning work- students so that the information could be available Graduate School of Business, Mounty said. They shops was an evolutionary process in which we to them, Berkowitz said. "When it came to noti- include orientation to recruiting procedures, take the types of things people need who are fying students, it involved a lot of promotion and resume writing, and interviewing. "All workshops preparing to go into the job markets," he said. The delivery. This gave as many people as possible a arc required for students who are graduating, but workshops will take place from September 15 to chance to participate," he said. Students were all students are encouraged to attend them," she November 22. notified about the workshops through the Student said. In Orientation students learn 'about the Affairs Calendar, fliers, and ads in the Observer. "Many adult students aren't available during the mechanics of the recruiting program, rules, pro- It has taken a number of years to develop this week because of family commitments, so we have- cedures, and how it works. Career Exploration program with methods that make it effective. The in place a scries of Saturday workshops," Berkowitz shows how to match a student's interests, options, professional staff teaches the workshops, including said.'"In addition to job workshops we do graduate career skills, and values, and how to identify what's Assistant Directors of Career Planning and Place- school programming and we have a number of important to him or her in a career. The resume ment Deborah Alexander nnd Lauren Mounty. graduate study workshops for people who are plan- workshop teaches how to draft an effective resume Berkowitz will also be teaching in the workshops, ning to go to graduate school." and get all of yourexperience on paper for what he said. "The workshop's themselves arc really prepara- you're poing after. To sharpen interviewing tech- "We started [the workshops] to help Fordham tory for the process of job hunting. A lot of the ser- niques, students will learn how to speak effectively. students to get their resumes in order so they would vices we have in these four areas we feel arc "I signed up because I wanted my questions have a good job search. This was also done to help important for people in a job search," said Alex- answered and wanted to get rid of the uncertain- graduating students and students who are currently ander. "No matter what you do, they would help ties I had about job searching," said Natalie enrolled to help target their career search and take STEVEN BERKOWITZ you in the job hunting process." October 8, 198B/CLC Obaurver/page 7 OTHER VIEWS Getting High On Social Problems Crack Is Wack Booze Is News Or At Least Politicians Are Drinking And Campaigning DontMix

By Tom Waite By Andrew Creel Hey, the word onthe streets says, crack is wack. Don't buy it. The word here says, Ronald Reagan is wack. So is Al Underage drinking is now the most important disease afflicting D'Amato and every other politician who tries to score public our society, at least that is what the media and local politicians would relations points from kids who score drugs. Don't buy their like us to believe. Actually, cracking down on underage drinkers coke lines. These hacks are wack. really doesn't concern the media or the politicians, but focusing on : The past six months will be remembered sarcastically as the it is an assured way of making money and getting re-elected. Let great "crackdown." Embarrassing comparisons to the United us forget for a moment that one facet or another of New York City Nations will accompany all "crackdown" retrospectives. is found to be corrupt each week, and that drugs can be purchased Nowhere else have so many words been spent doing so little. on any street corner in the city. Instead, we are led to believe (by So little to combat the real problem, that is. Much has been the media and politicians) that underage drinking is really the most done to fill TV news time: "well people, you thought our serious problem that we have and the police need to crack down buildings were high... how about our Buildings Department? on the bars. Do we really listen to what people on the television Three employees were fired today..." Much has also been done and in the newspapers that much? by local pols who have taken the controversial stand against The answer seems to be yes. Next year some politician will be drugs, followed by an endorsement of motherhood and the on your television saying, I Senator John Led-By-The-Nose helped Mets. Why, our distinguished junior senator even went up to stop underage drinking in New York City and got a bill passed to Washington Heights to prove that crack is sold there. We all have you all tested for drugs. Doesn't my record speak for itself? thought he was mad. That's what they said about Christopher Sure does, but has John actually used a brain cell in his head for Columbus, D'Amato answered. Boy, a less adventurous senator the last four years? Most politicians would like the public to think would have just bought his crack from the two city workers that they genuinely care about what happens to drunk teenagers in who sold it over-the-counter.. .er, desktop at the Municipal Central Park on the weekends. Maybe they are affected by it but, Building. it is more likely they have been taught by someone how to look good Yes, our political leaders are working to combat the crack and sympathetic on camera. Their speech was written (by them?) epidemic, but the work they are doing is like the work I did at in a manner that expresses genuine concern afid maybe elicits a feel- my first job when I didn't know what to do, but didn't want my ing of reassurance to the worried parents watching them. Mayor boss to know it. From sending Coast Guard ships to blockade Koch for one, is making himself look good to the voters by seizing tive as heroin. That is what makes it so differently dangerous. New York Harbor to sending helicopter gun ships to Bolivia, a golden opportunity, I mean tragedy, to mold himself to the public's from sending Jersey drug-johns out of the state without their The .public employee, the Jersey teenager: he can buy whatever liking- , cars to sending illegal immigrant, drug peddlers out of the drugs he wants. Crack is just one of his choices. It's the Mayor Koch is not the only one, any politician or police chief, country, our public officials have tried everything to cut down unemployed worker, the ghetto teenager.that crack is so impor- would love to get their name associated with this latest crackdown. the proliferation of drugs': Everything but think, that is, and tant to. He can afford the first few hits. Then he becomes Political actions nowadays are nothing but candy-coated temporary focus on what the crack epidemic is really all about. . hooked, needs to buy more, and kills his grandmother to get solutions until another timely little abhorrence gets latched onto by Our president wants to administer drug tests to all federal the money. • the'media and another politician has a chance to secure his re- employees. These, I assume, are the same people Reagan also Sure, education is important, so are tough laws, and both - election. This is not a new concept, just the American political wants to give lie detector tests. require money. But the cocaine from which crack is made also system at work. Want to be a successful politician? Just learn to kow- But crack isn't an epidemic because public employees take it has to be kept out of the country. At least, its importation has tow to every political action committee in the country that happens and perform poorly on the job. An air traffic controller smok- to be slowed down enough to lift crack out of the bargain base- to be popular, think of quick temporary fixes for lasting society ing crack in front of his video display terminal is a scary ment. We can't accomplish that in Miami or in New York. We problems and the public will adore you. thought, but could he cause more plane collisions and near could ring the southern tip of Florida with patrol boats and But it is not just the politicians who are brain dead, though clearly misses than has the understaffing that resulted when Reagan string a net along the Verrazano Narrows Bridge and still not they are the most glaring example. Joe Q. Public is sleeping too, fired the Patco controllers? In our city's most recent scandal, succeed. Coke has to be stopped where cocoa leaves are grown. people are just riding the wave, so to speak. The government tells Building Commissioner Charles Smith said he hated to fire his That's a tough job. Countries may resist, since drugs often us that something is good for us, no one reacts, and bam! it is a law. budget director and three other employees just because they did form their most profitable export. America's big banks may also 55 mile per hour speed limit, the seat belt law, the 21 drinking age, drugs in their offices. All four, he said, were otherwise very resist, since most of these coke-producing countries have large possibly drug testing, jumping in a lake-whoops not yet. good workers. Meanwhile, at Brooklyn's 77th Police Precinct, outstanding loans. Are we blind? The Media uses incidences (like the strangling in the roll call of shame that lists 49 officers who stole drugs from But nothing will be solved by bluster and beating up on the park) to evoke a response in the public and we demand to know pushers looks more like an honor roll, with many of the cops public employees. Comedian Jay Leno said it: President Reagan more, so they do a special on underage drinking, on the nighttime owning past commendations. and his staff aren't worried about taking drug tests. Are you news. Because it is timely and therefore more people will watch and . The big problem is destitute crack addicts are killing people kidding? None of them does drugs. But just come at them with the more people that watch the more money they get for commer- in order to buy the stuff. Crack is as cheap as pot and as addic- an IQ test... continued on page 19 Melee At The Met: A New Kind of Terrorism?

By Jayne Cohodas toured parts of the U.S. in May and June appearing at the Felt Forum in Madison Square a new kind of terrorism. The next time the without attack. Garden, November 25-27. bomb could be made of explosives. It will cost On August 2, the cold war between the Anna Kisselgoff supposes, in an article We can only hope that the Met incident was lives, in order to achieve the front page head- United States and the Soviet Union crossed the appearing in the Sunday New York Times that a matter of chance and that this doesn't lead to lines terrorists have gotten used to enjoying. political boundaries and entered into the Arts. the Moiseyev might be more attractive to a ter- No one can say whether this act of American rorist because it is a •"victim of its reputation as terrorism was a single, unaccountable incident, the premiere arts export from- the Soviet Un- or if it is the beginning of a new approach to ion." Does a tear gas-throwing terrorist know Pride Vs. Need continued from page 8 terrorist violence. the difference between the ethnic dances of the an end, which leads me to view Pride as the The Moiseyev appearance at the Metropol- Moiseyev and the classical repertory of the You never buy birthday and Christmas presents victor. But then again, I always go back-not to itan Opera House attracted the elite and ballet- Kirov? Would the Kirov also have been at- separately anymore and you never receive the same person, but it doesn't matter. When omanes into the audience, and the Soviet policy tacked if they had scheduled performances at individual invitations anywhere. And, your the Met? Need and her companions exert themselves I protesters to the plaza area. The boundaries friends don't ask you out anymore-out of con- jump. And then the battle ensues. were kept and each party remained separated. America's doctrine of free enterprise and sideration, thinking that you wouldn't want to Three minutes after the curtain went up, in- capitalism runs on economic supremacy. The do anything without your right arm anyway. filtration set in. Politics entered the opera next step towards obtaining the goals which ter- And Bingo-it happens. Your boyfriend Is now house when a tear gas bomb was released into rorists strive for would be to hit America in a part of you and you a part of him. Which is Outside Looking In an unsuspecting audience. her pocketbook. Harrassment of those who can nice. Need says so anyway. And Need says it's The bombing of the Moiseyev's first ap- afford such luxuries as sixty-five dollar seats at more than nice, it's excellent! A person needs continued from page 8 pearance in the United States since 1974 made a ballet or opera leads to the intimidation of another person to sustain him/herself. A buoy- the 11 o'clock news that Tuesday night. The economic democracy. If the secure elite be- ant force. A lover, Need says, is as necessary decision to attend Fordham. Therefore, the stu- media effect was complete with ambulances, come fearful, perhaps it would incite Ameri- to life as food and water. And it's true. Some- dent should be included in the decision-making police bomb units, and a special guest ap- cans to open their eyes to the fact that this is times! screams Pride. What about freedom? process. Student Input could have only helped pearance by Mayor Ed Koch. By daybreak, the real violence and that no one is really safe What about retaining your individuality? I don't develop the proposal's content and, just as im- story had been relegated to the third page of from it. know, says Need shaking her head. (Need can portant, its reception among the student body. the "New York Times" Metropolitan Section. If the mind of the American terrorist behaves be compassionate.) I guess if Need is there it It certainly could not have done any harm. I Why the Moiseyev? Other Soviet cross cul- the way we have been led to believe their Arab gets forgotten as easily as those American con- am not comforted in knowing that there is no tural events have progressed smoothly. There is and European counterparts work, the same ter- cepts of freedom and equality for all. precedent or tradition for students to vote or currently an art exhibition from the USSR at rorists will have a second chance to demon- Personally, I just don't know. All of my rela- have a dialogue in their curriculae. I think it is the Metropolitan Museum and the Kirov Ballet strate their discontent. The Moiseyev will be tionships so far, have sooner or later come to time for a change! page 8/CLC Observer/October 8,1B8B OTHER VIEWS 3,000 P&irs Of Shoes Later The Dust Clears In The Philippines, Now On With The Show

all ifs and what Mrs. Aquino must do now is saw a woman who didn't look like she be- By Gene A. White if there was a need to. Third, a separation from the United States means less aid and therefore take out Marcos' trash for the last time and longed with the 20-car motorcade, the bullet- start anew. But infighting with her own politi- proof vested Secret Service people, and the 20 It has been seven months since Corazon retarded development for her country. Mrs. cal advisor doesn't help. Though she is a junior or so New York policemen who were armed Aquino became the President of the Philip- Aquino cannot afford to lose her biggest diplomat, Aquino must learn quickly of with automatic rifles. Aquino looked like pines, ending the reign of Ferdinand Marcos supporter.. the snakes in politics and learn how to deal a lady who wanted to remain a housewife, but and the shoe empire of his wife Imelda. Since It is sad to see Aquino trying to save with them. She will receive no introductory couldn't because she and her late husband becoming president. Aquino knew about the her country from the deathbed Ferdinand course to be President. Corazon Aquino should believed in their country so much. Corazon many problems, such as the Communist insur- Marcos and his wife helped to create. If Mar- follow good advice and stay close to the U.S. Aquino must continue to act out the legacy of gence. were going to exist from the start. cos had spent money in his own country in- Already intelligence circles are talking about a her husband. She wants the Philippines to be Aquino and her friendly smile, not only have stead of on New York real estate, maybe the coup by Marcos supporters if • . Aquino an honest, God-fearing country which the won great admiration and adoration from the country would be in better shape. But those are 'does not get quick economic help and does not world would respect. . - people of her own country, but of the world eradicate the Communist problem. Corazon the too. housewife knows people power comes and But this admiration cannot sustain her polit- goes, and already many Philippines are getting cally. The Philippines have amassed a 26 bilion Curriculum Changes restless despite acknowledgement of her being Let all of us hope that through our own gov- dollar foreign debt which needs to be paid off a kind lady. ernment we will be supportive of Aquino and soon. The Philippines still have a tremendous As I witnessed Aquino's return to her all her efforts and in turn that she will become problem with homelessness and poverty, and On The Outside Alma Mater, The College of Mt. St. Vincent, I not only a great leader, but a great ally too. need we forget about the 30,000-plus strong New People's Army which is ready to end the democracy of the Philippines. She is in a battle Looking In with Defense Minister Juan Enrile. Enrile Big Brother Is Here believes Aquino should act stronger than she By Lisa Robin Guide has against the Communists. These problems have no easy answer, but Aquino is ready to Last semester, through my involvement with In This Age Of Floppy Disks deal with them promptly. the United Student Government, I became in- She has just ended her visit to the United terested in the development of new core cur- By Peter Vasseur in computer science. In plain English, it is that States, where she and her husband - martyr riculum requirements for CLC students. The Benigno - once lived in self-exile. Benigno was number system that only uses 0 or I to express new curriculum issue was called "Save Excel." Have you ever wondered why your social a number (e.x. Decimal number 25 = HOOl in gunned down by Marcos' troops as he returned Since I am a traditional day student, I thought to his native country in 1983. Corazon Aquino security number is so important? Why it is binary). This may seem confusing to the Jay- that these changes would not really affect me. I used on our I.D. cards at CLC? Why the cash- person, but it makes sense to the computer is continuing the legacy of her husband. In a was surprised to find out that they affect all recent interview with CBS' Diane Sawyer, ier-at the bursar's window always asks for it scientist. students. after you tell him or her your name? Why you Your social security number is unique! It is Aquino told how she sometimes feels the pres- A committee, made up of CLC faculty mem- ure of being President and sits back and longs have to provide it in all the forms you fill out used, indirectly to obtain the proper memory bers, was formed under the Mellon Project. for the office of financial aid? Why is a nine location within the computer that holds all data for the days of being a regular housewife again. This committee also addressed the possibility ' But she knows there is work to be done and of changes in the curriculum. Later, when the work that must issue a new set of examples to committee's goal was somewhat redefined, it the Philippine people. was renamed the "Task Force on Core Cur- * Those examples must-be in jobs and growth riculum," and it was still made up of only for an economy that is lagging. Mrs. Aquino's faculty members. So here we have an educa- style served her well in Washington. After" tional institution, expert faculty and a new core delivering an eloquent speech to Congress, .,.., curriculum. So what is missing here? Students! AbOVT Congress voted to aid the Philippines with 200 I applaud changes in the CLC curriculum. million dollars in assistance. Corazon's magic However, I think that it is vital to have students worked again. Unfortunately magic^will not involved in these changes. Students are mem- fill wiT# ovt. tilvd work in the Philippines alone. Mrs. Aquino bers of the University community. It is impor- must keep the United States as a strong ally to tant to get student opinions and insights into bring her country through this crisis and not every aspect of university life. Why not in lead her country away from the prosperity that discussing the curriculum? the U.S. can offer. Mrs. Aquino could save Why were students not invited to participate. thousands of jobs in her country by keeping It is possible that we could have provided a dif- Clarke Air Force Base in the Philippines. So ferent perspective or made suggestions that far, Mrs. Aquino has not said whether she will would have enhanced the proposal. renew the lease, which expires in 1991. Clarke Is the committee not even curious enough to is essential to both the U.S. and the Philippines see how students receive and react to a pro- for several reasons, two of which are that it is posal before it is turned into policy? Since the the Philippine's largest employer and the U.S.'s curriculum is designed for students, why does largest Air Force base. U.S. dollars have gen- it seem that we are an after thought? We made rated U.S. military personnel spending which the decision to attend Fordham because we saw has not hurt the Philippines in the least bit. value in the curriculum and I feel that any Secondly, the U.S. provides a strong deterrent changes in the curriculum effects a student's against a possible coup by the Communists. continued on page 7 Mrs. Aquino could always fall back on Clarke Pride Vs. Need An Analysis Of Relationships

By Deanna Hayman is interesting. Clothed in majestic purple she stands holding her head high, brandishing a The other day my boyfriend came to visit me golden sword. She is stubborn and immovable. at work, grinning mischievously. I knew he Need, on the other hand, is swathed in flaming was going to tell me something monumental. red. She stands with her arms folded and her "My friends approve," he announced. My first feet planted firmly on the ground. It is incon- reaction was that of pleasant surprise, based ceivable to her that she might lose this battle. more on the effect of his cute smile and blue Besides, she has too many supporters. Staunch eyes than on the actual impact of his words. ones too: love, affection, desire, friendship. "Really?" I asked eagerly. "They like me?" digit number so important to so many admin- concerning you. Your name could be used, Need is not going to lose. But neither is Pride. "Yeah," he said. "Especially personality-wise. istrative institutions? Why are zip-codes, area however, as an alternate means of accessing a She has the individualists on her side: freedom They said you blew Michelc (his ex) away." code, street addresses^ and serial numbers memory location. A computer converts a char- and liberty, individuality. Well, even though I had never met Michele, I important? acter to a special number that is equated with was very flattered. Al first. Now I know this is beginning to sound like Obviously they arc used to categorize and it. This number is in a different format than the propaganda used in the Revolutionary War, But what if his friends hadn't approved? I " arrange information about people; where they binary, and is again converted so that the com- but this is a serious matter. Here I am, in the wouldn't have been fluttered then. And what if live, what they do for a living. A social secu- puter can understand it. middle of a nice relationship and I wonder later on I did something that cosl me their ap- rity number is the government's way of know- If a computer can use names, as well as whether it is possible or ever will be possible proval? Would there be a new one when his ing who you arc (actually it is one of the var- numbers, than you may ask why not abandon to be involved with someone and still be able friends blew me away? And do I really want ious means they have available to them). To a the usage of serial numbers as a means of iden- to retain my. individuality. It seems impossible. the fate of my relationship with one boy to de- government computer your social security tifying people? The reply to this question is In any good relationship, in any relationship pend on the reaction of three or four other number is, the number which it associates with simple. As I slated before, your social security that develops, after a while personalities begin boys? Well, certainly not. But what's a girl to all the daln it has stored ahoul yon. number is unique. In theory, you are the only to merge. For instance, you're not just Jan and do? I don't want to gel rid of him for such a A computer's memory is divided up into person thai possesses it; however, your full he is not just James anymore-you're Jan and •stupid reason. Bui is it a stupid reason? units that have a specific address. The address name is not unique. If names were used as the James. I know that that souitds pretty trivial, is in binary code, anil is used as a locution only means of accessing data, more conflicts of Ultimately, wluil this whole thing reduces to but it happens, and the effects arc far reaching. is an internal battle. On one side of the fort marker for the information in storage. Bianary, stands Pride. On tin- other, stands Need. Pride continued on page 7 is the number system of base Iwo that is used continued on pugc ') October B, 1B86/CLC Observer/ page 9 O BSERVATIONS Deliberately Dormant

s it a delegation of authority or a refusal to accept it? I The College Council's decision to mandate a faculty referendum that will decide the fate of the proposed core curriculum may seem like democracy to some. To us, it looks like a retreat. What began as the Mellon Project experiment aimed at forming a unified curriculum has degenerated into an administrative free-for-all. Despite the bluster of various committees, councils, and task forces, whose debates have been raging ad nauseam for the better part of five years, nothing has been resolved. Resolution demands responsibility; responsibility is exactly what the Council has refused to take. Having had six months to ponder the proposal, the Council has finally come to its decision: to make no decision at all. Instead, it has forced the faculty to pass judgement on the most crucial issue to hit CLC in a decade, giving them just three weeks to do so. This type of buck-passing is typical of the way decisions are made at CLC: they're not. It leads us to wonder about the nature and function of this Council, since its purpose, by definition, is to make decisions. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Monetary Notes

nrollment is at an all-tune low and so is the Student Activities Budget. EA total of $23,185.43, as opposed to last year's budget of approximately $26,000, was distributed among sixteen student clubs and organizations. The $3,000 difference did not bode well for many CLC clubs. A petition has been circulating which suggests that the student activities fee be doubled to $10 for a four-credit course and $5 for a two-credit course. That should keep most piggy banks intact. However, some may become upset, especially those who are not directly involved in any student club or organization. Another increase, let alone a 200% increase, will not fair well with the inactive. Anyone who reads the Observer is seeing what his or her student activities fee is funding. Anyone who has an accident in the school building can get help from CLC's infirmary, the Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S.). These are organizations funded by the student activities fee, too. Whether F. student realizes it or not, when they pay the student activities fee, doubled or not, they see where it goes.

Staff: Franz C. Adams, David Atlas, Samaris Ayala, CLC OBSERVER Maria Brading, Fran Brancatelli, Paul Brubaker, Sharon Dawson, Mary Garcia, Jacqueline Hart- EDITORIAL BOARD man, John E. Heinbockel, Vic Marasso, Susan Neill, LETTERS Peggy Polk, Gary Rosen, Jeffry A. Samis. Ian J. Baer Editor-in-Chief Graphics: William Acevedo, Joan DiPierro, Sonia Tom Wrobleski Managing Editor Gracia Mary Kay Linge News Editor An Ethical Issue Lisa Volpe Asst. News Editor Adrians D'Andrea To The Editor: university. It betrays the purpose of higher Editorial Page Editor Regina Mawn Arts Editor The CLC OBSERVER is the independent stu- I find it appalling that the Observer could run education. dent newspaper of the College et Lincoln an ad (9/24/86, bottom right p. 5) that offers The fact that the Observer derives revenue from Vincent Rasquariello Assistant Arts Editor Mery Beth Features Editor Center, Fordham University, New York. The "Research Papers.. .on 16, 278. . .all subjects." such ads does not justify accepting them. It is opinions expressed in the OBSERVER, in- tainted money. It makes thg Observer an accessory Maslowski cluding those in columns, letters, end Ramon Garcia Sports Editor This so-called service makes students who use to a shameful and unethical practice. It is, to be graphics arp those of the individual writer Sergio Rorez Photography Editor it partners in cheating, in helping perpetrate a fraud blunt, accepting a bribe. or artist. Those expressed in editorials are Greg Lord Sidney Rosenblatt Assistant the opinions of the editorial board. No part against themselves, their classmates, and their of the OBSERVER—including adver- CLC, May '82 Photography Editor Suzanne Myron Copy Editor tisements, articles, photographs, and Caroline Volk At-A-Glance Editor graphics—may be reproduced in any way, continued from page 8 shape, or form without the express written Theresa Mistretta Business Manager permission of the editorial board. For Big Brother • Elizabeth Stone Faculty Consultant advertising information or other cor- respondence, contact the CLC OBSERVER, Typeset by Kells Typography, Inc. data — incorrect data accessing-would occur. your telephone payment records, banking infor- Box IB, Lincoln Center Campus, Fordham mation and social security records. If it is University, New York, New York 10023. A computer would be unable to distinguish © CLC Observer, 1986 Room 426 C. Telephone (212] 041-5364. between multiple entries for the same name. stored in a computer, then they can eventually However, a computer can distinguish between get access to it. It is also possible for a computer error-by multiple entries, for persons with the same Awoctated name, if their social security numbers are the way I hope you are aware that computer ColWfUce cTp scientists believe that computers do not make COLUMBIA used. SCHOLASTIC My point? To a computer you are recognized mistakes, people do. I respond to this by saying PMM a PRESS ASSOCIATK3O not by your name, but by your number. By im- that to err is human but to really foul things up First Place Award, 1985 plication this means that large institutions and you need a computer-to black list some one First Place Award, 1983 corporations will tend to see individuals as a needlessly. Suppose your account with Chem- Second Place Award, 1984 1984 Mark of ical bank was fouled up by an error on the part collection of digits, since they are in a position Excellence Contest Second Place Award, 1985 to deal not with people, but with information of the person in charge of checking accounts. concerning people. It may seem dehumanizing The error shows that you arc overdrawn, when to most people to be referred to not by their in reality you have a large sum of money stored names but by a series of numbers that a ma- in checking. The result? Chemical bank's com- chine can identify, but it is a dehumanizing puter will notify all other computers that arc may have misinformation about you stored in late twentieth century, we should not forget that reality that we must face. networked to it, about your status. This means their data base. The error someone else made this same demand is also slowly warping our thai Citibank, Irving Trust, the Greater, the is now back to haunt you; perhaps another per- values. We have to be prepared for the new Without trying to elicit images of an Qrwcl- Dime, and other banks, will know about it. son forgot to notify the other systems on the sociological, and economic, effects computers lian nightmare, I would like to point out that You arc then left in the position of having to network of what had really happened. will have on our lives. There is no way that we our culture, is pointing towards an alarming prove to your bank that you arc not at fault 1 hope no one reading this ever has to go can function properly without the benefits we future. At the present time it is very easy for (which from my experience is not that difficult through whut I have just described. But (he hav gained from the uses of computers. I hope our government to keep track of what we do. to do). However you have still been put possibility exists. Human errors arc magnified that people will not develop a fear of com- The FBI, IRS and CIA get much of their back- through an unjust ordeal. Suppose later on you a thousand fold by a computer system. As our puters, and computer applications, but become ground information from census information, decide to take a loan from another bank? They technology grows to meet the demands of the better aware of {heir misapplications. page 10/CLC Observer/October B, 19BB AF The King Is Coming}t

By Vincent Pasquariello The presence of Stattel amongst the Fordham regulars, is something that is mutually beneficial. He noted that, "It's impor- The King is coming. William Shakespeare's epic masterpiece. tant for professionals to go back to their roots every once in a while King Lear, is soon to be upon us in all its glory and grandeur. The to be part of the youthful and enthusiastic years." He was also quick timeless tragedy, which is being directed by David Davis and is to praise his cohorts as "a very talented group of people." featuring accomplished Shakespearian actor Robert Stattel in the Director Davis, in turn, cited Stand's work as both "inspiring and title role, will be gracing the Pope Auditorium stage for a total ol challenging' to the other cast members. Ryan Carey, who will be ten performances, commencing on October 16 and running through appearing in the role of Oswald, said, "It's a really unique experience October 25. The curtain will be raised at 8:00 on all nights, with to be able to work with someone like Bob Stattel because you can the exception of October 19. when there will be no performance. leam so much just from sitting back and watching him. He has great In addition4 there will be a 2:00 matinee on October 22. respect for the Theatre-something which young actors should So why this particular play? Surely, a less ambitious undertak- learn." ing would have saved Director Davis numerous headaches. Davis Will the final product be worth the many hours of preparation owes his choice to a change in his perception of just exactly what and labor which have gone into it? If you'd like your chance to the play is about. As he puts it, "In the last couple of years, I began decide, ticket prices are $5.00 for General Admission and $2.00 for to think of King Lear and see it in a different light. I used to think Fordham students. Reservations can be made in Room 423 or by it was a play about getting old, now I believe that it's about redemp- calling (212) 841-5267. As a special bonus, the October 20 perfor- tion and salvation. King Lear becomes born again." mance will be free to Fordham students. Indeed, the play is rife with Biblical allusions and symbols. Davis The King is coming. Don't miss him. noted the historical Christian context of the play, in that it was first performed before the court of King James I during the Christmas season, on Saint Stephen's Day. Saint Stephen was the first Chris- Robert Stattel tian martyr. This play is not merely superficial. As Davis com- mented. "It is a bottomless pit of thought, philosophy, poetry, and but a William Shakespeare as well as Shakespeare's mother did. clearer to the audience is one of Davis' main goals. This is Stand's second time in the role of King Lear. For his To realize his goals. Davis has enlisted the aid of actor Robert previous characterization, he received a Drama Desk nomination. Stattel as King Lear. And just what does the director think about On his performing as Lear, he comments, "I love playing it. his star? "He is the best American actor I have ever seen." Enough Everything I've done has led up to it. I think it's one of the great said. r roles in literature." He is also fond of the work itself, saying, "I think Stattel. a freelance actor who has plied his trade on the stage, en the Shakespeare experience must be grown into. After this produc- TV. and in film, is a veteran of Shakesperian theatre. As well as tion, we (the cast) will all have a greater appreciation for the work." performing in numerous Broadway and Off Broadway productions. • Stattel hpes that he can also give the audience a greater apprecia- he has hadf featured and leading roles in eight New York Shakespeare tion for King Lear. His goal is to "share the experience of the play Festival productions, and has performed with the American with them." He concedes that the title role is "one of the most, Shakespeare Festival for four seasons. His list of Shakesperian per- demanding, if not the most demanding parts," yet with his skills, formances includes roles in Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Titus An- he hopes to make it "very simple to understand." A noble quest for dronicus, Julius Caesar, The Tempest, and Twelfth Night, to name any Moonlight Off The Shelf

Contrary to popular belief, college students do the lirst in a series of grusome murders. It seems read books other than those assigned. From now someone is leaving a trail of headless bodies Serenade on, The Observer will be running a book column around the city. An army of police is called in to to tip ran off as to what's new, hot, or just made assist in the investigation, and ends up increasing By Anthony Giglio it to affordable paperback. If you've read anything the number of suspects. And there are other things you think the CLC community should hear about, besides suspects to sin through, prostitution, drug' in an unsuccessful attempt at fame. He dies in let us know.' But for now here's the first (of what dealing, voodoo ceremonies and other weird If you were unable to attend Fordham College obscurity in 1898, alone and unacclaimed. we hope to be many), book reviews. rituals. All elements that enter the investigation in at Lincoln Center's Studio Theatre presentation of What is unique about this play is the fact that one way or another, all providing minute clues to The Blaspheming Moon, starring Christopher D. Hewitt plays the one and only role required By Vivian Lake the identity/mentality of the murderer. Hewitt, you missed a unique theatrical experience. throughout the entire play. Hewitt's solo perfor- The Blaspheming Moon, directed by Mike mance needed no extras or prop changes: his nar- If you like murder, mayhem, and all the gory Break-neck pacing, vivid detailed description Thomas, is an imagined diary of Achille Emper- ration accompanied by music of that period and details, Headhunter by Michael Slade is one for and believable characters make this read worth aire, a nineteenth-century Impressionist painter sound effects helped the viewer to change the sets you. Written by three criminal lawyers specializ- your while. There's plenty of action, and a variety whose best friend is a hot-tempered genius named mentally. What enhances the authenticity of ing in criminal insanity, this thriller offers an of suspects that will keep you guessing until the Paul Cezanne. What is unique about Emperaire is Hewitt's portrayal of Emperaire is the fact that he authentic presentation of police procedure and an absolute last minute-and your jaw will hit the the fact that he was born with a crippling bone con- himself was born with the same disease as the main eerily intimate knowledge of the workings of a floor when you find out. The clues are all there, dition which prevented him from growing more character—osteogenisis imperfecta. Aside from criminal mind. you'll go back over all of them in astonishment. No than four feet tall. His dynamic personality enables the help of Gerald Glackin, who played Emper- Set in Vancouver, Canada, the story unfolds with loose ends in this one, I promise. him to marry and even raise three children with aire's attendant, Hewitt performed seated in an arm hardly any income. He strives to be as good a chair with a wit and charm that simply embraced painter as Cezanne, and he even ventures to Paris the audience. Spots To

By Jayne Cohodas

For those Who thought brise voice was another new French dessert Album Notes making its sweep across the palate of America, or shuffle, ball change, slap, slap, was the sound of a car engine screaming for a tune-up, or even believed that a tabletop was merely a piece of fur- By Rumon Garcia sounded exactly as it should. Dancing Undercover niture, read on. 's latest album. Constrictor, is :• sounds as if it were recorded over the phone. The In the past few decades, dance has broken through the stereo- masterpiece, full of all the things thai made Aha blame doesn't lay on the production, though, the typical constraints of classical music, pink tights, and scquincd tutus. Cooper what he was. The makeup's back, the blame lies on the lack of quality songs. The Dancers and choreographers arc updating themselves to the cur- snake's hack, but most of all the songs arc back record's got ten songs on it and seven sound like rent state of (he art in both music and movement. In one evening, Six years ago, Alice discovered synthesizers and fillers. 's second album wasn't up to the first you can become transfixed to a dancer pushing the extremes of what his music's suffered ever since. On this album, the one, songwisc, but with this one, they've hit rock is physically possible, to the beat of an electronic synthesizer, in guitar is pushed up front. Alice still has the bottom. front of the backdrop of computer graphics. Never before have so "School's Out," "I'm Eighteen" mentality on such many different forms of dance been open to the general public at songs as "Teenage Frankenstein" and "Give It Up." Iron Maiden's sixth studio Lp, Somewhere In affordable prices. At other times he's just plain warped, as on "Thrill Time, has recaptured the intensity that'd been lack- The fall is a great time to venture out and taste the variety that My Gorilla" and "Life And Death Of The Parly." ing on their last studio release, Pmverslave. The the dance world has to offer. Each theatre has its own personality, Alice Cooper is a genius. It's great to sec him back album contains eight songs but it's got a running and each concert its own flavor. in all his glory. This album is a must. Buy Or Die! lime of over 50 minutes. The one thing that For those who don't mind the uptown trek. Riverside Church, on separates Maiden from most metal bands, is that 120th and Riverside, has its annual fall dance festival. Many up- A bunt's third album is usually the crucial point they don't write simple songs about sex and party- and-coming modern dancers and choreographers use this lime to in ,i band's existence. If that's the case, Rail's third ing. Maiden's lyrics are challenging, whether deal- show their work in this small, yet intimate space. Tickets cost be- Tht- M rcleuso, Dancing Undercover might be their kss ing with one's memories, as on "Wasted Years" (the tween $5.00-7.50. For more information, phone 212-864-2929. miliar to the general puhlic's eyes.' ol death, Last year's first single), or history, with "Alexander The Great" Downtown a bit, on 95th and Broadway, is Symphony Space, an pany, n somewhat avant-garde n record had the perfect sound. Every instrument or The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner." old, converted roller rink. It is a good place to sec dance companies October 30 to November 2 and tii who have made a name within the dance world, but are still unfa- phone number is 212-864-5400. October 8, 1086/CLC Observer/page 11 rrs Overblown Violence Frequencies By Claire Vindigni 'Round the Run-DMC went from a club group to the first rap group to have a platinum album, Raising Hell. This year, they became the first rap group to enter the Top Ten on Billboard's pop chart. Dial However, the excitement of the group's success has been over- shadowed by incidents of violence associated with some of their con- By Fran Rrancatelli certs. After their June 28 show in Pittsburgh, the mayor called for Local radio stations are undergoing many a movement to ban all rock concerts. After Run-DMC's Madison changes and tightening up programming as the) Square Garden concert, the media reported a mugging rampage. anxmu.sl) await the release of the Summer Arbi Earlier this month, in California, they were banned from appear- iron ratings book. Here are a few notes about what ing at a street festival. Does Run-DMC deserve it? has been going on: Anyone at the Madison Square Garden conceit can tell you that Over at rock station WNEW FM, disc jockey none of the groups that performed that night initiated any type of returned to his afternoon shift (week- violence. Granted, the music did get 20,000 people out of their days, from 2:0O-5:O0p.m.) on Tuesday, September scats-but to dance. Run-DMC, like any other good performers, 23, after a two-month absence. Muni was suffer- gets their audience*involved. They sing to the audience. They talk ing from an upper respiratory infection. Although to the audience. They make it worth spending your money to see Muni is supposedly fully recovered, his voice still them perform live. Contrary to popular belief, Run-DMC does not sounds strained. Weekend man Dennis Elsas did rap about the joys of mugging and how proud you should be if you a great job filling in for Muni by blending current are illiterate. They don't tell the fans to run out after the concert and Run-DMC features with some past interviews that Muni had rob pocketbooks and gold chains. Run-DMC raps about positive a large group of people together in one place they are bound to get conducted, such as: the "Things from England" things like saying "no" to drugs, and how important it is to get an restless and rowdy. Some claim that fans at musical events are the special from 1974, featuring .... Afso education. most rambunctious of them all. But is that really true? at WNEW, morning D.J. Richard Neer is hosting Frankly, I think that the media takes incidents from rap and rock Let us look at sporting events. The fans, while cheering on their a new show called "Rock Today." The show, which concerts and blows them out of proportion. After the Garden con- favorite teams, often get into arguments among themselves. Many features music by, and interviews with, selected cert, it was reported that Teens Riot After Rap Concert." True, some times, probably due to the consumption of beer and the heightened musicians, airs on Sundays at midnight on people did commit crimes that night. But they were few in number excitement of the game, fights break out between the fens. With some WNEW. .. . Infinity Broadcasting, which owns and they did this hours after the concert and away from the Garden. fans, it's difficult to decide where the action is, on the field or in K-Rock, has just bought WBMW FM (B-106) in I can't think of any reason why the music should be blamed for the their section. Washington. Infinity plans to simulcast Howard actions of the thirty-five people who were arrested. Aside from the fighting, let us look at something that happened Stern's morning show (heard weekdays 5:30 Why is there a constant fixation of the link of music to violence in sports recently. When the New York Mets clinched the Eastern 10:00a.m. on K-Rock) on WBMW. The show us and teenagers? Are we turning back the clock of our thinking to the Division title, their fans ran onto the field, injuring both the players already being simulcast on WYSP in Philadelphia days of early rock and roll when many thought the music to be and the grounds. Isn't that vandalism? Didn't those fans trespass on ami is pullinp in good ratings. K-Rock promotes associated with sin and lack of morals? If history is prone to repeat private property? Stern as a "Rock-n-Roll Outrage." I don't know why. itself, those trying to ban rock and rap concerts should look back Well, then, if rock and rap concerts are going to be banned, he barely plays music. On a good day, Stern plays to the 195O's. It has been shown that Elvis Presley's "wild" music, shouldn't sporting events also be banned? about two songs an hour. Stern's syndicated show, and his "animalistic" body gyrations have not hurt anyone, then or You see, just as we can't blame all Met fans for ripping out the "The National Howard Stern Show," which is heard now. The teenagers of that era did not produce a corruptive society grass at Shea Stadium, we can't blame music'fans for what some on Saturdays on K-Rock, does feature more music and our country is still going strong. Why, then, are there the same people do after the concerts. and less talk, though. The show is syndicated on feelings about music that there were thirty years ago? I honestly believe that our officials should do something about fifty stations nationally Be on the lookout for Today, with large stadiums being able to facilitate the needs of the real criminals in our society, like the drug dealers and muggers , a new program to begin broadcasting on K-Rock. thirty thousand people and more, it is not difficult to gather a large who wait for their prey to leave the concert sites, and leave rock, The show, "Rock Watch," will be a three-hour crowd for an event. Just about everyone knows that when you get rap, and Beethoven alone. + countdown of the Top Thirty rock tracks, accord- ing to Radio and Records weekly survey. "Rock Watch" will be hosted by Oedipus, the outrageous Program Director at WBCN in Boston. The show control of the vehicle. In the ensuing accident, will also include interviews with some of the artists bassist Cliff Burton was pinned under a bunk and, who have songs in the countdown.... K-Rock had Short died instantly. Conflicting reports had drummer an inventive concept a couple of weeks back. They Lars Ulrich suffering either a broken toe or foot. had what they called a "Tumblin' Dice Weekend." The injury to his foot was of such a nature that The disc jockey rolled the dice and then played that speculation was that he may never play the drums I number of consecutive tracks by a selected band again. Ulrich is currently in England consulting I or musician. Listeners heard from two to twelve Notes II an orthopedic specialist. One other passenger, a ' tunes by a certain artist. The idea worked great. By Ramon Garcia drum roadie, was also in serious condition. The: I hope K-Rock has another "Tumblin' Dice Week- This past year had been a banner one for remainder of the band and crew suffered minor end" again soon.. . .Urban contemporary station Metallica. The band's first full-fledged major label abrasions. WBLS sponsored auditions for the syndicated tele-

release went Top 30. They toured America as The band have scrapped the remainder of the ( vision show "Puttin' on the Hits" on October 3rd. special guests on Ozzy Osbourne's Ultimate Sin European tour as well as the entire forthcoming I at Kings Plaza Shopping Mall in Brooklyn.... Tour and built up enough of a following that they U.S. tour and are taking this time to re-evaluate the And last but not least, the new WQHT recently embarked on their own headlining tour of the U.S. band's future. began a television advertising campaign. The com- and Europe. The 24 year-old Burton was a talented and in- mercials bear a striking resemblance to the dance- All of that came to an end on the morning of novative bassist in a genre that usually boasts' scenes from "Flashdance." Saturday, September 27th. The band was traveling no-talent noise makers. He will be missed. As for from Sweden to Denmark when the driver of their the band's future, here's hoping Ulrich has a full tour bus apparently fell asleep at the wheel and lost recovery and the band can overcome this latest obstacle and continue as "the greatest thrash band by longtime friend Anton Fig (currently playing Metallica: Hetfield, Ulrich, Hammet and Burton ever" drums with Paul Shaffer's Late Night band). It's been two years since Ace's N.V. mini-tour and anything he did was taken as an act of GoJ. See Steps' Ace Frehley made his return to the stage on Ace and the band first tore through "Rip It Out" September 24th, joining Smashed Gladys at the off of his solo album. For the second song. Tommy Cat Club on that night. gave up his guitar to a surprise guest, club veteran The event had been slightly publicized and some Richie Scarlett (a member of Ace's solo band), for The Joyce is the newest theatre to open specifically for the pro- in attendance must've wondered why there were the Kiss classic "Cold Gin." Ace then treated the motion of dance. Home of the Feld Ballet, it attracts many different two drum sets (and only one drummer) on stage? crowd to a totally off-the-wall solo. forms of dance. The Jazz Tap Ensemble, featuring Gregory Hines, They found out soon enough. Ace's solo album is nearly two years ov rdue, was a recent attraction at the Joyce, located on 18th and Eighth The Cat Club is like Smashed Gladys' home turf but as Ace commented backstage, "It's nan I to do Avenue. Tickets are usually less than $20.00. Phone 212-242-0800 and on that night they were definitely on. Bart an album when you've got no record deal." He also for further information. Lewis showed off with some impressive slide said, "I'll be doing one in the very near future. City Center, on 55th and Sixth Avenue, houses the Joffrey Ballet guitar work on an instrumental version of "Amaz- Definitely soon." Aside from his record, fans can from October 16 to November 16. Through the course of the year, ing Grace." Equally impressive were J.D. Malo's look forward to a book by Ace. Ace was always many European and American dance companies offer both modern bass leads on Janis Joplin's "Move Over." Aside greatly interested in state-of-the-art electronics and and classical repertories within their seasons. Tickets are generally from those two, the band did most of the favorites his latest toys are computers. He said he'd probably under $40.00. The box office phone is 212-246-8989. from their debut LP and some new tunes from their publish a book on computer graphics in a couple And finally, the world-renowned Lincoln Center. Lincoln Center coming second album. of years. houses both the. Metropolitan Opera House (phone 212-799-3100) An all out party tune, "Go To Hell" (no it's not Every once in a while a band comes along the and the New York State Theatre (phone 877-4700). The Met is home about Satan worship) and the next album's title cut, metal underground and creates quite a buzz. The to the American Ballet Theatre, and the State Theatre is home to "We Did It (To Get Laid)" fit into the set perfectly latest of these is Inner Rage. The band consists the New York City Ballet. The early fall is the Opera season for and on the latter singer Sally Cato proved she could of The Chris(bass), Kenny Dce(vocals), Mr. both theatres, but the New York City Ballet opens its season in be just as sleazy as any front-man. Matt Stclutto Mark(guitar), and Johnny Ragc(drums). November. Tickets can run up to $65.00 for orchestra scats, but pro- was tight as ever on drums but something has to The band's three song demo (not yet the final ductions like the Nutcracker or A Midsummer Night's Dream arc be done about guitarist Tommy Wah-for the mix. mind you) seems to be the hottest tape well worth the expense. » " band's own protection. Tommy has this habit of around. Adam Youck of the Bcastic Boys will be So give it a shot. If you find that you don't appreciate sprite bodies spinning himself around in tiny 36O°s. The Hnc handling the final remix of the demo. Several pounding away onstage, you can always close your eyes and listen problem with this is anything in his way, mike major labels arc showing interest in the band, stunds for example, gel flung across the stage. although the most is coming from the Bcastic's I'he Rebecca Kelly Dunce Com- to the music. What other art form offers so much sensory stimuli? The band performed one encore before introduc- own, Dcf Jam. lodcrn compiiny, is uppcaring By the way, for those of you whose curiosities were peaked, n ing Iheir special guest. Ace, who looked better than Can the Inner Rage, Beastie Boys, Slayer triple L-kets are $10.00. The box office hrisd voice" is a ballet step; shuffle, ttlap etc. is tap; and u lublctop is n layout position in modern terminology. he has in recent years, was accompanied on stage bill be far off? page 12/CLC Observer/October 8, 1886



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A Healthy Dose Silent Control

By Rebecca Yuhl by ever-changing forms and materials that cap- tivate the audience, and carry the program from Imagine a play without words, a story without the simple realm of a comedy of shapes to a of Poison thought-provoking commentary on human a defined plot, apd you've captured the essence of Mummenchanz the New Show. This art form of balance. By Regina Mawn silent theater, unique to the Mummenchanz troup, Mummenchanz is performed in silence. Any would be meaningless without one crucial ele- dialogue goes on in your head. The addition of Why should you take die time and spend the like moves. ment: your imagination. For something so simple music or words would dilute the attention of the money to go see Arsenic and Old Lace on Broad- The set was wonderful. The Victorian living and funny, it sure makes you think a lot. audience. There is a constant push and pull,-be it way when you already know the story? Simple, the room of the Brewster home was shown complete Mummenchanz was created by Andres Bossard, through a forms changing shape or the interaction all-star cast is fantastic and you'll laugh from start with frontdoor, window seat, windows, stairs for Floriana Frassetto and Bernie Schurch in 1972. of figures. This constant tension keeps adults on to finish. Arsenic and Old Lace is currently play- . Teddy to "Charge!" up, and doors to the kitchen Now the cast is back on Broadway at the Helen their guard, and the constant change keeps children ing at the 46th Street Theatre. and Panama (the basement). Hayes Theater with an all new program. More than amused. For those of you who never read the play or saw Fortunately, most people know the plot of mime, Mummenchanz is the metamorphosis of The underlying theme of the program is control. the 1944 movie version (with Cary Grant), Arsenic Arsenic and Old Lace already. Many of the jokes shapes into characters, identifiable through the The show opens with a giant gloved hand open- and Old Lace is the story of the Brewster sisters, rely or are made funnier because you know what's talents of the actors and your imagination. ing the curtains. The hand controls the first act. two elderly ladies who help lonely old men by coming. But don't think you know everything. Although we are conscious of their presence, the Although it leaves the stage from time to time, it lacing elderberry wine with arsenic (and other There are surprises right through the curtain calls! players' physical selves are removed and replaced always returns to a chorus of laughter as if it had poisons). They bury the men in die basement with never left: scribbles with an oversized pencil, snaps Scene from Arsenic and Old Lace. the help of their nephew, who thinks he's Teddy up a newly formed fortune cookie with a giant pair Roosevelt. Another nephew, Mortimer, discovers of chopsticks, or knocks pieces out of a painstak- what's going on but before he can jiemedy the situar ingly formed puzzle with its index finger. tion his evil brother Jonathan shows up with Dr. The second half of the program is dominated by Einstein, plastic surgeon to the underworld, and the head. (What is believed by some to be the basis a corpse of their own. of man's control and restraint.) The head, however, is never in control. Creatures are constantly unable Jean Stapleton, who plays Abby Brewster, is best to control their visages and losing their heads. One known to millions as All In the Family's Edith Bunker. Bits of Edith sneak into her Abby perfor- scene focuses on two figures, presumably a man mance: the laugh, the ditzyness. Polly Hoiliday's and a woman'. Their heads are huge frames with an inflatable material covering one side. They Martha Brewster is nothing like the Flo character 1 she played or. Alice. Martha is more like Alice's, appear to be trying to get together, but as one head Vera. inflates and approaches, the other retreats as it deflates. Another scene focuses on characters with Tony Roberts, who has starred in five Woody foam rubber, moldable heads. The creatures Allen films, plays Mortimer Brewster, a drama change each other's faces, but always seem to drop critic for a New York paper. He can't convince his their heads when diey try to control their own aunts they're doing wrong by killing men. Michael- expression's. john McGann plays Mortimer's brother Teddy. He Towards the end of the program, a head gets out thinks the graves he's digging in the basement are of hand, pardon the pun, and the hand is called actually locks for the Panama Canal. The third upon to save the audience from the terrors of an brother, Jonathan, is played by Abe Vigoda, known oversized, out-of-control monstrous head. The better as the crusty Detective Fish. hand is in control, while the head cannot be. The real star of,the production is William As you watch Mummenchanz, you are more Hickey, who plays Dr. Einstein. This past year, aware of the visual contrasts than anything else. Hickey earned an Oscar nomination for his por- The first twenty minutes of the show are all in trayal as the Don in Prizzi's Honor. Hickey steals black arid white, as time passes, colored lights are the show with his accented whine and cat burglar- added, and then, finally, as the theme really begins to make itself evident, colored props are added. although color really doesn't seem necessary to this snangnai quality presentation. Disaster Under To The By Debbie Hirsch Guys After viewing the movie Shanghai Surprise pro- duced by George Harrison, and starring Sean Perm Top and spouse Madonna, one wonders whether they By Regina Mawn have just viewed a movie or been a witness to somebody's bad dream. Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. They just Shanghai Surprise is a complicated attempt at don't make them like that anymore. Movies like By Regina Mawn a plot involving a missionary, played by rock star Tough Guys however, they make all the time. Dundee, who has never been to a city, learns about Madonna, and an American hoodlum living in Unfortunately, the Douglas-Lancaster team up Crocodile Dundee has been receiving mixed life in the Big Apple. Japan played by papparrazzi's favorite, Sean Perm. in Tough Guys, fails to make the film come alive. reviews. The people who love the film probably Hogan is very runny as an outback show-off and The plot involves the search for legendary stolen Sure there are plenty of laughs along the way, but have only seen Paul Hogan as the man in the city ingenue. The vast majority of the comedy in it just lacks. opium in order to help the sick. George Harrison Australian Tourism commercials and perhaps they the film revolves around him. The half in the out- Harry Doyle (Lancaster) and Archie Long as executive producer proves his only talent was caught the 60 Minutes segment on him last year. back could have had more gags thrown in. Once (Douglas) are released from prison after serving as a Beatle. Scenes are choppy, unmixed and ap- The people who like the movie but don't love it are Dundee gets in the airplane for the flight to New a 30-year sentence for robbing the Golden Flyer pear video like. The music also written and pro- those who have seen The Paul Hogan Show. York the laughs come closer together. duced by Harrison makes you wonder if he actually (train). Harry is 72 and his parole officer has to The. Paul Hogan Show (like Hogan) is Aus- The film credits read "Introducing Linda ever belonged to the Beatles. put him in a nursing home. Archie's only 67, so tralian. A few years ago, Channel 9 aired it on Kozlowski." She does a good job of portraying the he can still work. The parole officer gets him a For Penn, who has been acclaimed for his per- Saturday nights. It's sort of like The Carol Burnett little rich girl reporter whose Dad owns the paper. job at a health food place. Harry hates the home formances in such films as Bad Boys, Falcon and Show in format, but it's far more sexual. One thing Her character isn't especially likable. She wears and Archie hates his job. Harry runs into an old the Snowman and his most recent, At Close Range, you could always count on was a lot of laughs. skimpy shorts and shirts (one looked like a sup- this movie is a step down. Actually, its more like girlfriend and Archie meets a very athletic Crocodile DundeJs story idea is by Hogan. He port bra/girdle) and skirts for trudging through the younger woman. jumping from a building. As for Madonna, her role also co-wrote the screenplay. There are laughs outback. Once she gets to the city it's expensive Still, the old boys aren't happy. They decide to as a missionary is as believable as her role as a throughout the movie, but knowing Hogan, you'd designer ensembles. She keeps switching her favor go back to crime. All the commercials feature them virgin was during her last tour. She is the only mis- expcol more. •between the wimpy editor (Mark Blum) and sionary who smokes, drinks, curses and uses sex holding up the Golden Flyer. Unfortunately, this Michael "Crocodile" Dundee (Hogan) is a guide Dundee. (One audience member kept yelling out to get her way. The movies docs prove that occurs in the last twenty minutes of the movie. The for tours of the Australian outback. Susan (Linda "ass wipe" whenever the editor appeared on whatever talent Madonna docs possess is on stage, screen.) rest of the time, while pleasant enough, is just set Kozlowski) a visiting reporter from New York up for a few laughs. and she should leave the acting to her counterpart. Newsday, wants to do a story about Dundee's Crocodile Dundee is worth seeing if only for the The audience for the preview that I attended at The plot of the movie turns und twists so many miraculous 100 mile crawl to civilization after a warm feeling you have when you leave the theater. my neighborhood theater was predominantly times the audience loses interest as to what the crocodile chewed his leg. Off she goes into the out- It's basically a romantic comedy. Hopefully middle-aged. There were maybe ten people under point is. Actually, I believe the audience loses back with him for a three day adventure,,She Crocodile Dundee,will become a mega hit and 25, including the ushers (and their friends). The perspective as to whether the mission should be becomes fond of him and gets him to return to Channel 9 witfbring back The Paul Hogan Show. older people enjoyed the movjc much more. The completed or not. Madonna puts about as much N.Y.C. with her (for the articles of course) and But in the meantime, good 'ay mate! life into her act as u desul fish and Penn, who lias key to this film is remembering Lancaster and the potential talent, isn't given the storyline or op- Douglas as they were in their heyday They keep portunity to prove himself. CO&OOOOOfO' cracking jokes in the film about the good old days There tire ridiculous chase scenes which try to lesson in throwing a knucklcbull. and how it used to be. IK" amusing hut drop like (lend Hies alongside many Along with the main characters are u slew of us in desperation. VrnglnGuvs is a nice litlle movie. If you're a one liners which go right hy without the faintest characters intermingled sporadically who account Alter leaving Slitinghai Surprise. I have some Jinciistcr or Douglas fan from old, you'll probably sign of a snicker. In one of the more "believable" for nothing but more confusion. The ending is advice if you're in the mood for a surprise- enjoy this film a whole lot. For everyone else, wnit scones, important information is exchanged for a much awaited, not so much as in anlicipiilion, but throw u party. lor the video cussctlc or the cable broadcast. page 14/CLC ObBarver/October 8,19S6

Running The Show? Marie Fleminings tunity to advise his parents on how the other children should be young. Throughout the show, he makes jokes about life in order to raised. This is all taken in stride. break through the tough facades that the students have managed to On CBS's Kate and Allie, two divorced women live in the city build up. This, of course, does not work. His jokes are met with Telc\ ision is amazing! Because of it. we no longer have to go out with" their children. Their two teenage daughters are far more sighs of boredom. Then again, if he were to succeed and win them and experience life ourselves. Television doe> ii all )<>r us. Through knowledgeable about life than their moms. On a recent episode, the over in the first few weeks there would not be any need for the show the years, television has managed to tell us what to wear, where to girls informed their mothers about the proper way to build a rela- to continue. live, and how to raise our kids. tionship with a guy. I suppose this is proper for a 16-year-old girl. One of its latest trends is having kids raise their parents. Whatever They feel the humor in the show is for the teenage girls to show their These shows are not realistic at all. Children and teenagers can happened to the good old days when kids were kids? When we divorced mothers how life should be. be mature without missing out on the fiin that comes with being watched a show, we were always sure who were the kids and who The question is, is all this early adulthood good or bad? If kids young. Adults do not have to be portrayed as idiots unable to deal were the parents. No more. It used to be all they wanted were later are staring adulthood in the face at fourteen and.fifteen, what do with today's youth. I think the parent of today is a lot more in touch curfews and the keys to the family car, not it seems that what they they have left? Depression? This season ABC has introduced Head with "teen life" than the parent of ten years ago. Believe it or not, want is to run the household, as well as the world. On television, of The Class. The program is about a group of academically gifted there is humor in real life situations. the teen of today is more likely to attend an arms rally than his or teens who have lost touch with being teenagers. Due to their high Maybe if it were not for these unrealistic images of youth, kids he prom. i.Q.'s, they have been treated like adults since they were very young. would not be in such a hurry to grow up. The responsibilities and On Family Ties. Alex, the eldest son. is a prime example of this They never had the chance at a, "normal" childhood. However, they maturity that are part of adulthood will happen when the time is situation. He has been politically active since 15 and feels as though are "saved" by a substitute teacher. The teacher is a pupil of the six- right. They should occur naturally and not when television makes he is a peer of his parents and all adults. He even takes the oppor- ties. He sports a ponytail and gives sermons about the joys of being it fashionable. Is Lucy Lovable Anymore?

By Gary Rosen 'h'i Lucy is now living with the family and was employee gave a good performance. The rest of the MM .'ing the hardware store in his absence. cast is mediocre at best. Lucy's daughter and son- After a 12 year retirement, the queen of comedy. The first episode fell short in many ways. One in-law are cutesy-wootsey. They're supposed to be Lucille Ball, is back in her fourth sitcom. Her new was the script. Madelyn David and Bob Carroll the perfect American couple. There is no spon- show. Life With Lucy, premiered Saturday. Jr., the old writers from the original I Love Lucy taneity, no laughs. Dusenberry and Anderson are September 20th on ABC. The third place network show, are this show's .creators and writers. They not believable, they seem to be plastic people. is banking on big stars this season to improve their are very talented people who seem to be stuck in The second episode also had less trivial talk ratings. Can Lucy help? the past. What was once hysterical in the 50's and from Margo and Ted. Another plus was Ruth Buzzi This time out. everyone's favorite redhead plays is still funny today through reruns does not work as a customer af the store. She was looking for a Lucy Barker, a recent widow. Her late husband. this time around. They must think of "new" ideas welcome mat, but instead of "Welcome," it said Sam, left her half-ownership in the M&B Hard- for Life With Lucy. Lucy is still up to her same old "Get Lost" and "Go Away." This was good for a ware Store. His partner, Curtis McGibbon, owns tricks. Some of the physical slapstick included quick laugh. the other half. Gale Gordon returns to series tele- Lucy knocking a store ladder on Curtis' badly When Lucille Ball announced she was return- two grandchildren alone, without their annoying vision as the crusty shpwowner. Gordon, now 80. sunburned- nose. Another scene had a fire in the ing to weekly television people were surprised. She parents. As long as Davis and Carrol Jr. stay away is still as funny as ever as. the huffy McGibbon. hardware store. Lucy by chance, had just pur- made a statement at a press conference where she from the past and not try to make Lucy 45 years, Deciding that she doesn't want to live alone chased a $5000 power extinguisher. So of course said "I can't ever top what I've done, and I'm not old again, there is a chance for success. anymore, Lucy moves in with her daughter, Margo , she used that to put the fire out. The establishment trying to do so now." That's definitely so. No matter As expected, the first week's episode won the (Ann Dusenberry), r son-in-law, Ted (Larry filled up with soapsuds. It wasn't funny, it was just how good Life With Lucy is, it's doubtful that it time slot for ABC, but the network, as well as Anderson), who is Curtis' son, and her two a tired gag.' • could be as good as her previous 3 sitcoms. ' Q Lucy, know that the secret is keeping people tuned, Life With Lucy has a lot of room for improve- grandchildren... . . v Ball and Gordon can still be funny, the chemistry in for the next 21 shows. With improved writing Everything is fine in "grandma heaven" until between them is still evident. In a supporting role, ment. Hopefully the writers can come up with and better dialogue, 'if anyone can do it;'it's the Curtis returns from his vacation in Hawaii to find Donovan Scott who plays Leonard, a store scripts that have Ball and Gordon working with the Lucy that we all love.


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Council continued from page 1 Faculty continued from page 1 was to be formed to "discuss and propose changes" repeatedly called for the Council to vote on the mo- Lamb: But it's really a very small place.. .When no authority over them. concerning the curriculum proposal, as well as to tion, but the discussion still continued. When one doesn't see you acting as Dean, it's just very Tanksley: The people who do have authority "work with the Mellon Committee." USG Vice- Tanksley posed the question, "All those in favor of difficult to find a shape of things to come. have heard your complaints, but I can't go down president for Traditional Students Lisa Robin the motion?' Council members appeared confused Tanksley: I think you have to let me know, indi- there and say "You must do this..." Guido was present at the meeting and argued that about whether they were voting for a faculty refer- vidually and collectively, what you want. Grossman: We have a perception that there are this had not occurred. Guido, a member of the stu- endum, a student referendum, or both. Faculty, Ellen Waldinger (Adjunct in English): I think problems at your level.. .Why don't you do your dent committee, said "there was no student input students and administration blurted out "In favor we're being thrown a carrot in faculty development job? into the proposal. We had met with the members of what?" "In favor of the proposal," Tanksley [which, Tanksley had said, should begin to im- Tanksley: The perception of me putting pressure of the Mellon Committee, but [the proposal] was answered. "All those in favor?" he asked again. prove under Fr. O'Hare]... but that does for on you is the exact opposite of what [the adminis- presented to us as a final draft. We had no input." naught if we don't do something about enrollment tration] see as happening with me.. .I'm the guy "1 think we should vote on the question," said one .. .there are serious morale problems among the who will not shut up.. .Outside of beating people "That's correct," said Mellon Committee Chair Council member. faculty, and even among the students there's more over the head, I don't see what else I can do. Dr. Leonard Nissim. "We discussed the proposal "All those in favor of posing the question?" talk about the place falling apart. Dr. Anne Hoffman (Assoc. Professor of Com- with students last spring as a finished proposal, not Tanksley asked. Tanksley: There is more money available to the parative Literature): I think part of die difficulty because it was half done and we wanted input. It "We don't know what the question is," said recruitment, admissions and advertising effort... that we're feeling is that "wait-and-see-what-we're- was to inform them and answer questions." another" Council member. Guido said that she thought the student commit- what exactly we can do, I don't know. told" attitude. Without responding, Tanksley again called for tee would be able to "modify" the proposal. Nissim Tanksley: Two weeks ago, I was at the edge of a vote on the proposal. The result was 11 in favor, Waldinger: It's a waste if we can't get some disagreed. despair. ..I have seen a few lights in the 8 opposed; the faculty referendum passed by two assurance that we can get something sensible distance... I don't want to wait either, I think we've The Mellon Committee expressed the strongest votes. begun this year. resistance possible to having additional members Tanksley: I agree.. .there are questions that I waited long enough.. .and yet [more waiting] is added to it," said Nissim. "It viewed itself as a After the motion for the referendum was passed, don't have the answers to, and we've waited long what I'm saying. faculty task force." Tanksley suggested that an emergency council enough... but I can't speak for the administration. There was further confusion concerning the pro- meeting be scheduled a week later to vote on I can't guarantee what I have not been told is Dr. Lawrence Kramer (Associate Professor of posal, due to a "contradiction" between the Univer- whether or not there should be an open forum held guaranteeable. English and Comparative Literature): There's a sity Statues and the College Council Constitution, by the USG on the proposed curriculum. Dr. Dennis Shulman (Assistant Professor of root problem: the people in the upper administra- according to Tanksley. Tanksley cited Section III, Council members suggested it would be better Psychology): In the discussion on faculty develop- tion are not committed to this campus. They Article 7 of the University Statutes, which allows to vote on the forum immediately. A motion was ment, what was said about line eliminations? systematically undervalue it; they systematically the College Council to delegate any decisions to proposed for an open forum, conducted by the Tanksley: That was not part of the agenda.. we undervalue us as a faculty... I worry about a future a faculty referendum. Parenteau referred to the USG, to be attended by students, faculty, and discussed faculty travel, research, support ser- in which I and my colleagues are wasted... by an College Council Constitution, which states that members of the Mellon Committee, as well as a vices. . .the development of new programs, in- administration that really doesn't give a damn "The operation and decisions of the College Coun- separate student referendum to be held one week creasing faculty benefits, the possibility of faculty about us.. .We're asking, how can we help? We'll cil shall be subject to the approval of the college prior to the faculty referendum. housing.. .There are some major problems that write letters, we'll picket if we have to.. .they community..." Parenteau, and others, took this to After less than a minute of discussion, the mo- Fordham faces in attracting and holding that should wake up to the fact that we do have "One mean that a student referendum would also be re- tion for an open forum and a student referendum faculty. Fordham," and not this little vermiform appendix down there at Lincoln Center. quired, and that the final decision on the cur- passed with a vote of 16 in favor, one opposed, and The tone of the meeting is distressing in a way riculum would still remain within the jurisdiction one abstention. to me. I understand you're upset... but I don't think Tanksley: I have not reached the conclusion that of the College Council. These two totally different Guido saidthat, although the USG will hold the we have to despair. they have made a conscious decision that [CLC] interpretations of University rules led to con- student referendum and the forum, "I have my Dr. Jeffrey Isaac (Assistant Professor of is not important to them... but if you feel that way, siderable problems when the final vote was called. doubts as to the effectiveness of a student referen- Political Science): Do you really think that it's die say so... I'm certainly not going to undercut you. Parenteau said later that his confusion over the dum, because the proposal is so complex and re- responsibility of the faculty to be involved in proposal was due to a lack of available informa- quires a great deal of consideration.. .an in-depth recruitment and advertising matters?... Shouldn't tion on the subject. According to Parenteau, he did study of the proposal [is needed], and there just there be competent specialists paid to do these not receive an agenda for the meeting until two isn't enough time." things? hours before it was to begin. "I didn't know what "What good is a student referendum at this Tanksley: This becomes an issue of what the was going on," said Parenteau. "I tried calling point?" asked Parenteau. "It's a waste of time." faculty wants to do.. .the experts and the profes- around the day before the College Council meet- According to Tanksley, the faculty referendum sional ought to come to us with their plans... it's OBSERVER ing, but there was no agenda to be found anyplace. will be held "by October 24th," giving the USG two a mistake for the administration not to take advan- I tried calling Dean Tanksley's office, I tried call- weeks to plan both the forum and the student tage of faculty who want to help... ing the Assistant Dean's office^ .. no one had an referendum. Ultimately, the final decision regard- Dr. Marshall Grossman (Assistant Professor 841-5364 agenda," he said. ing the new core curriculum and the fate of Excel of English): We can't change [the Admissions and Towards the end of the meeting, Tanksley rests with the faculty. Communications Departments] because we have

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walk before a run, or it can consist of a few gentle By Lynne S. Nathan calisthenics and joint rotations. After your aerobic- workout, cool down for about the same length of What do you think of when you hear the word time-never sit down immediately following "aerobic?" Do you think of Jane Fonda and Jamie aerobic exercise; the blood in your limbs will not Lee Curtis dancing wildly to number one on the be returned to the heart as quickly and you may hit parade? Do you think of sprained ankles, burn- become faint. Simply walk slowly for two to three ing abdominal muscles, and expensive outfits? If minutes, then follow up with some simple stretches you do, chances are you have been living too long for the main muscle groups you used. Stretching in videoland. But don't be ashamed, most people is best after the exercise, when your muscles are think aerobic has something to do with dancing and warm and flexible. exercise, and they are not totally wrong, but... Now that you know what most celebrity exer- well.. . read on. cise gurus don't, forget about the burn, find your Back in the early seventies a talented and athletic pulse, and swim, walk, dance, skate, row, climb, woman named Jacki Sorensen came up with a run, or bike your way to aerobic fitness. dance exercise program based on aerobic training principles. She called her program "Aerobic Dance," and it caught on big. Soon others with less TARGET HEART RATES: Finding Your Train- knowledge but more star quality picked up her tide ing Zone and used (or misused) it to cover a variety of exer- cises from leg lifts to abdominal crunches. Aerobic 1. Take 220 and sub- became synonymous with skin-tight spandex and tract your age. That "go for the burn." But those burning exercises are number is your pre- not aerobic at all. Somewhere along the way, the dicted maximum aerobic in aerobic dance breathed its last. heart rate. 220- =_ So if leg lifts and fanny firmers are not aerobic, 2. Take 60% of your what is? Aerobic actually refers to any form of maximum heart rate. exercise which: I. uses large muscle groups in a 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 That number is the 65 70 low end of your rhythmic, repetitive manner; 2. raises the heart AGE l rate into a "Training Zone" (see chart); 3. lasts at training zone. .60 A V4_ least fifteen minutes. In order to be aerobic, an as fuel, the body needs plenty of oxygen-the or a low boredom threshold might try: bicycling 3. Take 85% of your exercise must meet all three of these requirements "aer-" in aerobic means oxygen-so the activity (use low gears, keep legs moving, and wear a maximum heart rate, at the same time. Watching "Aliens" will raise your should be performed at a pace that keeps you from helmet), swimming (expect slightly lower heart that number is the getting "winded." If you work so hard that you can't rates here due to the body's horizontal position in high end of your heart rate, and may even make you sweat, but no l major muscle groups are involved, so it isn't breathe, you aren't working aerobically any more. water), rowing, jumping rope, or even aerobic training zone. .85 A 'A. aerobic. However, if you were to jump up and Aerobic activity helps you lose weight and by dance (check the three criteria to make sure it's down on your movie seat for the duration of the improving heart and lung function, helps prevent really aerobic). Cold weather doesn't have to put During aerobic exercise, your heart rate (in # of film, that would be aerobic exercise. You would heart disease and heart attack. an end to aerobic training; try cross-country ski- beats' per minute) should fall somewhere in be- be using the large muscles in your legs and but- But whatever your goal—to keep your heart ing or ice skating. tween the numbers you got for 60% and 85% of tocks over and over as you jumped, and your heart healthy or to shed excess fat—don't waste any more The options are almost endless. Mix and match your maximum heart rate. rate would rise (from the exertion) enough to send time lying on the floor waving one leg around. —if you do two weekday workouts of more tradi- it into its training zone. Since movies last longer Stand up on both feet, pick an aerobic activity you tional walking or swimming, use a fun weekend Beginners should work at the low end of their train- than fifteen minutes, you'd be all set as long as you like, and get moving. activity like roller skating or hiking for your third ing zones. People who exercise regularly can work didn't stop for popcorn. There are lots of activities to choose from. Some training session. Just remember, you must use at the higher end, although aerobic benefits will large muscle groups continuously for at least fif- For aerobic activity to do you much good, of them are'even fun. For starters, try walking. A be obtained even from work at 60% of maximum. teen minutes and should raise your heart and though, it must be performed regularly. The brisk pace—no window shopping or Haagen Dasz breathing rates a bit. Many of the things you American College of Sports Medicine suggests at stops—with arms swinging will get all but the most This formula is based on averages. You may find already do for recreation, like ballroom or disco least three twenty-minute sessions per week at a fit into their aerobic training zones. Walking is ter- that your heart rates do not match these predicted dancing, can, with a few modifications, serve moderate intensity, or four sessions per week at rific for those who may not have time, money, or numbers. A general and fairly accurate indication aerobic ends. a low intensity (about 60% of your maximum heart equipment for sports. Bring sneakers to school or that ypu are in your training zone is called the rate, see chart). Since the primary fuel during work, slip them on before you leave, and walk One final thing-don't forget that any vigorous TALK TEST: you should be able to talk as you are aerobic exercise is provided by your own stored home. You may beat the trains and buses if you go activity should be preceded by a five minute warm- exercising even though you are breathing more body fat, one of the benefits of this kind of exer- during rush" hour. up period. The warm-up can be as simple as a slow rapidly than normal. cise is significant fat loss. In order to use body fat People with more time, a higher level of fitness, version of the activity you intend to do, like a brisk The Beat Wheel of Fortune Steinbrenner Sweepstakes Is A Joker's Game

By Ian J. Baer Torre has been mentioned, but in his brief Atlanta career, he gained an unsightly reputation as an overmanager. Experts say he bunted I've held off all year. Since May of 1985,1 have been both kind and tried to steal too much. In the N.L.* that can be forgiven, but and respectful to the man all New York sports fans have come to in the A. L., that's suicide. Former Minnesota skipper Billy Gardner know as The Boss. But I swear, if George Steinbrenner fires Lou is a fiery Martin-type who just might appeal to George's tastes. Ex- Piniella, it's war. Yankee third baseman Graig Nettles may retire, and he's always got to be considered. Yankee broadcaster Bill White, a baseball genius, has also been mentioned. Who's next, George? Will Billy Martin return once again, mak- But why fire Lou in the first place? He'll only get better with time, ing him to baseball what Jason of Friday The 13th fame has become and he really wasn't all that bad this year, working with a triple-A to the movie industry-the thing that just won't die? I really don't rotation. If he's set free, he will win a pennant for someone else, think so. Billy has been humiliated too many times, and the man a la Dick Howser. Trading Don Baylor to Boston may have been Orioles owner Edward Bennett Williams called "the best one-year the stupidest thing Steinbrenner has ever done, but records are meant manager in baseball" will seek out new surroundings, most likely to be broken, aren't they? in Minnesota. After Martin repeatedly referred to the Hubert H. ****** Humphrey Metrodome as the "worst stadium ever designed," it'll It appears that the Indians have decided that 6-3 Cory Snyder won't be a shortstop after all ..especially with the tremendous defensive be interesting to sec how he handles it on a daily basis. He has improvements of Julio Franco. Therefore, trade rumors now seem already gone on record as saying, "I'd win the pennant over there," to focus on third baseman Brook Jacoby. Among possible new so my guess is that he'll be afforded that chance. homes for the rising slugger are Pittsburgh, where a Rick Rhoden deal is always possible, and the Cubs, who will dangle pitchers Steve Will it be Bucky Dent, the one-time Yankee hero and matinee idol Trout and Dennis Eckerslcy. One more 15-game winner, and I'm who has managed winning clubs in Fort Laudcrdale the past two calling Cleveland the 1987 AL East champs. seasons? I hope not. Nothing against Bucky, but it's obvious that Piniella's biggest drawback is his inexperience. Bringing in Dent doesn't change matters any. I'm sure he'll be a fine manager some- • Then you have to look ut the longshots. Columbus manager Barry The Yunks will be busy in the off-season, and will likely be the day, somewhere, but putting him at the Yankee helm in 1987 just Footc is regarded by many as a fine managerial prospect, but forget continued on page 19 doesn't make sense. His age (36) is also working against him. it. He's too young, too inexperienced, and too logical a choice. Joe page 18/ CLC Observer/October 8, 198G What if you dorit get into the grad school of your choice?

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By Ramon Garcia

Been boned lately? Tired of seeing the same faces doing the same old things? Well, come along on a visit to Rangerland where G.M. Phil Esposito always keeps things hopping.

IN THE LATEST EPISODE OF THE MARK PAVELICH-N.Y. RANGERS FEUD: the self- exiled center was legally withheld from playing for the Dundee Rockets ice hockey team of Scotland.

JUST FOR OLD TIMES SAKE: Espo got Pierre Larouche his No. 10 sweater back saying. "It should never have been taken away from him. He was still with the organization." Espo publicly says he'd like to have Barry Beck back in a Ranger uniform this season but his No. 5 has already been given to rookie RW Ron Talakoski. Reijo Routsaainen's No. 29 will now be worn by rookie C Mark Raedeke. Eddie Giacoman Comes Home Rounding out the cry babies' number situation, Mark Messier: Future Ranger? George McPhee Pavelich's No. 16 is now on Kelly Kisio's back. He wore the same number in Detroit. WELCOME TO THE NHL: In his first intraT as a goaltending coach. It's good to have Eddie upcoming NHL season and who knows what Espo Kelly Miller has switched back to his original squad shift George McPhee used a rookie's face back and you can look forward to a long overdue will do by then. Stay tuned. No. 40, possibly hoping it'll bring with it some for a punching bag. The punching bag had cheap Eddie Giacoman night this season. luck. Last season. Miller usually did everything shotted Bob Brooke. On McPhee's next shift he lost Disagree with anything you've read in this section but score. a tooth in a collision. The more things change... lately? Got any other thoughts you'd like to share? TOO MUCH IS NEVER ENOUGH: As if Espo Well, the Sports section is looking for writers. The Walt Poddubny's got the No. 8 he wore with hadn't made enough moves already, the latest Sports section doesn't only deal with major pro Toronto from Kjell Samuelsson. GOOD NEWS DEPT.: Tony Feltrin, whose rumors are: D Willie Huber to Edmonton for LW sports such as baseball, football, hockey and basketball. The Sports section is always looking career was thought to be over last season due to Mike Krushelnyski and D Steve Smith (who put Lucien DeBlois refused to take No. 26. His to expand. In this issue there's an article on an eye injury, is in the Ranger's camp. During the the puck in his own net during last year's playoffs), former teammate and car-pool partner, Dave aerobics. Last issue had a sports feature on a day offseason, Feltrin had two separate eye operations or D Reijo Routsalainen, RW Tomas Sandstrom at the U.S. Open. If you've got any ideas, call the Maloney, wore it when they played together and and his vision improved enough for him to attempt and Huber to the Oilers for C Mark Messier and Observer office at 841-5364 and ask for Ray or DeBlois didn't think it appropriate. a comeback. Feltrin now wears a visor. Smith. Both are pretty tempting. Doug Soetart will wear the No. 1 he wore with That's it for now from Rangerland. Next issue's come by in person to room 426-C. You've got to- the Rangers during his first time around. Eddie Giacoman has been brought back by Espo In The Crease will be devoted to a preview of the make the first move. Mike Tyson: People's Champion Or Something More?

By Andrew Creel run, end up like Marvis Fra?ier, who got knocked rags-to-riches story behind him. a year. He has fought 27 times in less than two out in 30 seconds. Not that Marvis is any kind of Tyson is just that. He grew up poor in the years. Also, Tyson is in the H.B.O. heavyweight Fighting, I mean boxing, is back, and Mike a heavyweight, but 30 seconds is ridiculous. Brownsville section of Bedford Stuyvesant, Brook- unification series which is trying to make one Tyson is the guy leading the pack. Here is a Anyway, Tyson is the best thing that could have lyn, got into trouble and was put in a juvenile home champion out of the current three. (WBC champ 20-year-old undefeated heavyweight, who just happened to heavyweight boxing. Everyone was in upstate N.Y. There he was introduced to Cus is Trevor Berbick, WBA is Tim Witherspoon, plain beats people up. None of this, jab here, jab losing interest in heavyweight boxing, with all D'Amato through a teacher at the home, and the Michael Spinks is IBF.) Tyson is scheduled to fight there, dance-around-the-ring bull, Tyson stalks the these different titles and old champions lumber- rest is history. People eat this kind of stuff up. As Trevor Berbick for the WBC heavyweight cham- ring like a possessed wild man. ing around. Gerry Cooney, the "Great White for being built, this guy could probably qualify for pionship in November. When Tyson enters the ring for a fight he looks Mouth," what a joke. Who wants a heavyweight the Mr. America contest. D'Amato, in case you Fighters like Tyson have been sorely missed in like a real ticked off Conan. He has already champion that stops his boxing career when his don't know, was the trainer of former heavyweight boxing, he is a guy who can knock you out with knocked out 25 of his first 27 opponents. He does feelings get hurt? Champs don't get hurt feelings, champion Floyd Patterson, among others. either hand, and enjoy doing at the same time. He not wear a robe into the ring, just black shoes, especially when they are six foot six and 220 does not play games in the ring. He knows that he black shorts, and a scowl on his face that makes Also, Tyson fights out of Troy, New York which is there to fight, so that is what he does. It is a Clint Eastwood look like Daffy Duck. The fighters pounds. Larry Holmes boxes with a tire around his makes him even sound like a gladiator. You know, refreshing sight in this age. Spoiled promoters and (more like sprinters) that Tyson faces, usually run waist, who wants a fat champion? If you do, there Troy as in the Greeks. Tyson also fights all the fighters abound in this sport, and a good pure around the ring trying to get away from him or hold are plenty of them, Tim Witherspoon, Greg Page, time; at least every three weeks, unlike most fighter is hard to find. Tyson is what boxing has onto him so that he can't hit them. Those that don't etc. No, we want a well-built champion, with a real heavyweights who are lucky if they have one fight been looking for.

causes a lot more wear and tear on the knees than playing infield on grass. Finally, the chance to play in the media capital of the world IS continued from page7 The Beat will be too much to pass up for a man who has spent the past seven continued from page 17 years in Montreal. After all, he just may be the best all around player cial spots. The politician sees that the public is worrying about a most active team all winter long. Deals will be struck for two in baseball and he's sick and tired of nobody noticing. The only thing certain problem sees a chance to secure his re-election or further established starting pitchers, with free agents Jack Morris, Jim that stands between Timmy and the Bronx, besides several mug- his career, and suddenly there is a new law on the books to protect Clancy and Dave Stewart, as well as the Chisox' Floyd Bannister, gers, is Andre Dawson. Dawson, besides being a free agent in search the public. Somewhere along the line someone docs not give a damn the Padres' Lamarr Hoyt, and the Dodgers' Bob Welch prime con- of financial splendor, is Raines' best friend, arid Tim has told peo- or is asleep. Arc we taking the media sources (TV. and the tenders for a pinstriped future. ple that he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his career on the same newspapers) as the people who know what is good for us? Who has One rumored blockbuster would have the Yanks sending (get this) team as Dawson. If that's the case, then the White Sox, Braves, and been telling them what to tell us about? The Government maybe? second biiscman and team captain Willie Randolph, along with Dodgers would all be willing to comply, but the Yanks wouldn't take People arc too quick to jump for solutions to problems facing our pitchers Brian Fisher and Doug Drabck, to San Diego for Hoyt, Dawson a year ago, and they won't take him now. society. Yes, there arc many problems in everyday American life, shortstop Garry Templeton, and catcher Terry Kennedy. This would If both aforementioned deals come off, picture this opening day but you don't always pick the first answer in a multiple choice exam. be followed by the signing of free-agent superstar Tim Raines to a lineup for the 1987 Yankees: Hcndcrson-cf, Raincs-2b, Mattingly-lb, Lately, we don't care, people just want to get a handle on things and megabucks deal, with Raines moving back to his minor Icagugposi- Pasqua-lf, Winficld-rf, Easlcr-dh, Kenncdy-c, Pagliarulo-3b, that is alright as long us we don't let people tell us how we should tion of second base. Tomplcton-ss. WOW. And a rotation of Morris, Hoyt, RonGuidry, react. Most of us arc not "led by the nose," so we should not let Why would an established superstar of Raines' caliber accept such Dennis Rasmusscn, and Stewart don't sound half bad. But, hey, I'm ourselves fall into this trap. Question everything you arc told, and a switch? First, because Steinbrenner will offer him a Dave Winfield- just drcamin' and running on rumors here. Stcinbrcnncr's bound to definitely everything that you sec on TV. After all, Leave It Tb typc deal. Second, he knows that playing the outfield on astro-turf screw up somewhere, just like always, and the beat goes on... Beaver is not an accurate portrayal of typical American family life. page 20/CLC Observer/October B,1988

Cafeteria Hours: Plaza Cafe Hours: M - Th 8-8 M - Th , 12 - 10 F 8-6 W - Th 12-11 S 8:30 - 2:30 At A Glance F 12 6

COMPLIMENTARY CLUB PASSES are available for: SHOUT, BECOME A SISTER of Sigma Alpha Zeta! Open meetings for HALLORAN HOUSE, HEARTBREAK, PALLADIUM and prospective members are on October 8 and 9, 22 and 23, at 3:30 AVAILABLE IN 420 more. .. .Stop by the SAO, Rm. 420. in Room 502. Come or inquire in Room 4O8C, or call 841-5252. STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE ****** ******

POSTING: All posters flyers MUST be approved and posted by DISCOUNT THEATRE TICKETS are available in Rm. 420 for USG OPEN FORUM WITH FR. O'HARE-Wednesday, October the SAO, Rm 42Q (see Poster Policy on pg. 20 of the 86/87 CLC 22 at 5 p.m. in the Student Lounge, Room 412. AH members of Ford- Student Handbook). Posting will be done on MONDAYS: 3-5p.m., the following shows: 42nd Street, Oh! Calcutta!, Perm & Teller, ham community are welcome. TUESDAYS: 1:30-3 p.m.. and THURSDAYS: 3-5 p.m. All Mummenshanz, Big River, Sex Tips For Girls, I'm Not Rappaport, unauthorized posters/flyers will be taken down. Sills & Company, Nunsense, and Arsenic & Old Lace. ****** ****** ******

IS THERE A SPORTS BUFF OUT THERE!!!??? Did you know FREE NYC Bus and Subway Maps are now available in Room 420. FREE!! Subway and bus maps are now available in room 420. that the new 1986-87 varsity Sports Calendar is out? If you like ajiy varsity sports such as football or basketball, pick up your calendar ****** in room 420 NOW!!! ******

****** THURSDAY CONCERTS!!! Every Thursday in uVfall, concerts IMPORTANT!!! Lockers MUST be rented through the SAO. The will be given on several well known operas. Admission is free. For DID YOU KNOW-That Fordham CLC Library holds exhibitions cost for the year is $3.00. Get your locker now!! further information, call (212) 724-3200. every few months?? Are you interested in a little culture? If so, stop by room 420 to pick up your exhibition calendar! ****** ****** ****** END NUCLEAR TESTING??? Interested?? Then be at the God- ALL POSTERS/FLYERS - Must be approved by the SAO in room dard Riverside Community Center at 593 Columbus Ave. on Fri- 420. Official rules for posters/flyers are in the Student Handbooks day, October 17, at 7:30 p.m. Guest speakers will analyze the causes PEACE!!! Are you interested in Peace?? If you are- Do Your Part. on page 20. and effects of Nuclear Testing in the modern world. The Million Minutes of Peace, an International Appeal, is looking for your help. This organization has many jobs for you. If you're interested, write to: Million Minutes of Peace, P.O. Box 2492, New York. NY 10163. ****** ATTENTION!!! Fordham Rams, are you a fan?? If so, sign up in room 420 for your season tickets and official Ram Van schedule to HEY PLAYBOY!!! Playboy magazine is now accepting entries to ****** get you to the games. its annual College Fiction Contest, open to ail registered college undergraduates and grad students. The prize is $3,000 in cash. The deadline is January 1, 1987, so hurry!! For further information call TIRED ALREADY??? Well, do something about it. Club Getaway Bill Paige at (312) 751-8000 Ext. 2259. has great packages starting as low as $159 (including all extras). For a free booklet call Bette Bregman at (212) 734-9652, or write: Club Getaway, P.O. Box 20002, Cherokee Station, New York 10028. INSIDE CLC ****** DO YOU DARE??? Have you always dreamed of riding the waves?? Well here's your chance! Pocono Whitewater LTD. is offering one day rafting adventures, starting as low as $18. For further informa- The NEW 1986-87 COLLEGE AT LINCOLN CENTER STU- SPECIAL LITURGY!!! For CLC students only-every Wednes- tion, contact Pocono Whitewater Rafting LTD. at (717) 325-3656. DENT HANDBOOKS are now available in the Student Activities day at 12:30 in the Chapel (room 223). Music and singing-ALL Office (Rm 420). All undergraduate students should pick one up ARE WELCOME!!! now! *******

* * * * The Counseling Center is offering the following workshops dur- ing the months of October and November to all Lincoln Center USG MEETING-October 19 at 4:30 in Room 404. students: Study Skills, Thurs., Oct. 16, 3-4 p.m. & 5-6 p.m.; Stress LOCKERS must be rented for the 86/87 academic year. Cost is ****** Management, Tues., Oct. 14,5-6 p.m. & Wed., Oct. 15,2-3p.m.; $3.00. All unauthorized usage will result in the clipping of locks Interpersonal Skills & Business Communication, Tues., Nov. 4, SIGMA ALPHA ZETA sponsors a Bake Sale on October 15 from and the disposal of contents. Lockers can be rented in the Student 11:00 a.m.-12 Noon & 4-5 p.m. Activities Office (SAO), Rm 420 Mondays-Thursdays: 10 a.m. to r 12 noon to 5 p.m. on the plaza. Try the cakes and cookies prepared 7 p.m. and Fridays: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. by the sisters of EAZ. All proceeds will go to Covenant House. ******

****** HEY DEMOCRAT!!! The Democrat Club wants you!! Interesting I.D. CARDS are now made and validated in the STUDENT AF- seminars on the role of the young Democrat in the U.S. today. If FAIRS OFFICE, ROOM 220 on Mondays & Thursdays from 2-5:45 you're interested, drop by the Democrat Club and find more about CLASSIFIED p.m. REPLACEMENT ID's are $10and TEMPORARY IDs are $1. CLC's newest club!! ATTENTION SOCIAL SCIENTISTS!!! On Friday, October 17, ****** the 12th floor faculty lounge of Fordham hosts an all day conference THE PSYCHOLOGY ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES: Oct. 14. on "Social Science in America." The various speakers include faculty ADS Tues. at 4:45, room 412 "Student Research Symposium." Students of Fordham, and also include renowned social scientists. Fee for and faculty will be discussing their own experiences on students is $7 and faculty $18. PERSONAL WORD PROCESSING undergraduate research projects and Ihc best way to go about it. Free refreshments. For more info, contact David Bidcrman a! the ****** Specializing in academic work Psychology Association (room 420) or Prof. Takoosian (841-5116). Dissertations, Term Papers, Cover Letters, Manuscripts Oct. 17, Fri. at 8:45-6 p.m.. Faculty Lounge. Conference on "Social Science in Action." commemorating the 50th anniversary of tlfe DO YOUR PART!!! The Samuriians of New York City have set up - Extensive Law Firm Experience!— Society for the Psychological Study of Sociul Issues. Includes ii 24 hour hotline for teen-age suicide prevention. The Samaritans -Accurate, Dependable, Reasonable Rates - keynote speeches, workshops, conversation hours and u reception. need your help, so whin about becoming a good Samaritan! They . Experienced with Fordham Specifications and Formal Oct. 20, Mon. iit 7:30 p.m. Trip to the New York Academy of need people to run the hotline switchboard as well as donations. Sciences, 2 East 63rd St., to hear its President, psychologist William For either of the above, please write to the Samaritans of NYC, P.O. C. Cain, discuss his research on "The Psychophysics of Olfactory Box. 1259, Madison Square Station, NY, 10159, or call (212) CALL STEPHANIE (212) 7344928 Disorders." 673-3000.