Sf AUaU 32034

Vol. 13, No. 6 BOCA RATOThursday, December 14, 196N7 NEWS Pages City pushes bid for park funds

Spanish River Park fund swill acquisition will be on the table voted by the freeholders. be discussed — again — next when the group meets. Froemke told the city that there week when city officials meet R.W. Froemke, chief of con- apparently are some conflicts with Housing and Urban De- current programs for the state between the two applications velopment agency and Florida group, asked for the special which must be resolved. Outdoor Recreational Develop- session. At stake is an initial Alford said the situation took ment Council officials in At- $250,000 grant already en- on a note of urgency in view of lanta, dorsed by the state from funds the Dec. 31 deadline for appro- City Manager Alan Alford supplied by the U.S. Bureau of priations from the Bureau of and City Planner Walter Young Outdoor Recreation. Outdoor Recreation budget. are slated to make the trip to The city also has applied for Froemke said the quarter- Atlanta Monday, Two requests federal funds from HUD to million-dollars which the state for federal funds for park land match the $1,000,000 bond issue agencies endorsed for payment from Florida's share of the BOR funds is only a "phase one" grant. If all goes well, Driver caught in chase additional appropriations would bring the total up to $1 million over the next four years. The funds are for land ac- loses license in court quisition. Richard L. Rogers, who was Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Froemke was in Boca Raton involved in a high speed chase finally ended back here with the in October to inspect the Span- Bud O'Maca receives his award and check from Acting Postmaster Cecil VV. Roseke. here and subsequent three-car wreck. ish River park site and toured accident in which three patrol- Patrolman William Emerson the area with Young. men were injured, lost his li- was injured in the crash and "Spanish River is a very im- cense for a year when he ap- spent more than a week in pressive site," Froemke said Letter carrier is commended peared in city court Tuesday. Community Hospital. He will then, "and the state is behind Rogers, through, his attorn- not be returned to duty for some it 100 per cent." ey, John Quinn, pleaded guilty time yet. The city already has pur- to reckless driving and fleeing Attorney Quinn, speaking in chased 850 feet of oceanfront police. defense of the incident, said land in the vicinity of North for quick action at fire Officer David Messer told Beach and plans for develop- Rogers was guilty of nothing ment of the area are nearing the full story of the chase which more than "panic. By JACK HUTTON The incid ent began when O' Mara save the house from extensive wound through Deerfield Beach. completion. The parcel runs "Deerfield Beach (police) set from the ocean westward to the noticed smoke coming from the damage or that he saved Mrs. up a trap," Quinn said. "They An alert letter carrier was rear of the home of Mrs. Mil- Peace from injury, this possi- had him cornered like a John Intracoastal Waterway. • honored yesterday for actions dred Peace at 641 Juneberry bility does exist to theextent Dillinger and he panicked. Plans call for developing the which may have saved the life Court, that his action should be re- "He didn't even know why park as a major recreational of a Boca Raton woman. His actions are spelled out in guarded as meritorious and they were trying to catch him," area Postman Bud O'Mara re- the citation from the Post Of- worthy of award." Quinn added. ceived a special "beyond the fice Department: The citation also stated that, In revoking the license, Judge call of duty" citation from Act- "While O'Mara was deliver- "It is recommended that O'- Dix said he would recommend ing Postmaster Cecil Roseke. ing mail on Oct. 30, 1967, he Mara be awarded $50 in cash, that a restricted license be is- noticed smoke over the roof of a superior accomplishment sued to allow Rogers to drive Ann Landers Page 2B the home of Mrs. Mildred Peace, certificate, and a 'beyond the while working. "He is a fruit Church News 12B Anderson is a semi-invalid. After an unsuc- call of duty' emblem for his delivery boy, according to At- Classifieds 8-13-14-15A cessful attempt to get Mrs. commendable action in saving torney Quinn. Editorials 4A Peace's attention, this carrier property from damage and pos- Rogers still has several Real Estate 9-10B city attorney entered the house from the rear sibly saving a life at a resi- DjAYSJ charges pending in Delray Beach Sports 10-11-12A and extinguished the fire. He dence on his delivery route." and Deerfield Beach. Women's News 1-2-3-4B Malcolm Anderson was ap- then carried Mrs. Peace from In presenting the award to the house and called the fire O'Mara, Roseke said, "We are pointed city attorney Tuesday department to make a further night to replace the resigned very proud of Bud." The cita- inspection. While it cannot be tion will be placed in O'Mara's Timothy Poulton. stated with a certainty that he He will assume duties in the personal life. $13,900 post next week, Anderson was appointed at- torney ad litem Nov. 7. -Poul- ton's resignation officially be- comes effective Dec. 21, but he indicated he would like to leave as soon as possible, A native of Lafayette County, Fla., Anderson has a science degree and a master's degree from the University of Florida. He also has a law degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. Before coming to Boca Raton last May, the new city attorney served for a year with the Florida Attorney General's of- fice in Tallahassee. He is as- sociated with the law firm of Russell and Ayers and has spec- ialized in municipal law and It was rough sailing Wednesday for a beach clip.. .until it got to the beach. A city bulldozer prosecution. cleaning machine that the manufacturer wanted was called to tow it out after it bogged down in Anderson and his wife, Mar- to demonstrate for city officials at the North the sand. got, have two sons, Malcolm II, 7 years old, and James, 5 years Beach. Seems it moved along at a pretty good old. Letter from Vietnam A Christmas to be rembered

By SANDY WESLEY ages were ready to be boxed and but knowing that they were for matter of what race or color. sent out. Mrs. Emmette P. what was being done in Viet- "I've been here nearly eight It'll be a long time before Waite added one more item to nam." months and I don't have any the box. . ,A letter to the sold- regrets," he wrote; members of Beta Sigma Phi Mrs. Waite so far has re- r will forget this Christmas and iers, ceived two letters from Vietnam 'l only wish I could do more. what it has meant to at least ' 'Imagine writing a Christmas in response to the Beta Sigma I've been wounded once but the one soldier stationed in Viet- letter in. October," she said. Phi package and her letter. One pain didn't hurt nearly as bad as nam,, "That was the hardest thing I was a short letter of apprecia- what I feel for the protesters In October, the women be- had to do. How do you say Merry tion from Marine Sgt. Robert back home. gan collecting and gift wrapping Christmas to boys who are Noel, the other was from Ma- probably sitting in a fox hole?" rine Corp. C.L. McLanta. "I've seen times good and also items to be sent to the boys in times almost unbearable but Vietnam. They gift wrapped soft she asked. "Your words meant a heck of At any rate, she did it. She a lot to me when I read it (Mrs. we always manage to pull drink packages, playing cards, told the boys that the club send- Waite's letter)," Corp. Mc- through and still come out on packages of tea, candies, salted ing the box was made up of young top. I've seen men cry out in Lanta wrote. pain and agony and yet I still nuts, shaving items, anything housewives who have children. "I took it upon myself to write and everything they figured the "I told them I had a boy say to myself that I'm proud to to you a letter of thanks and be an American and fighting boys need and would appreciate. and I was teaching him to love appreciation, I just thank God By early November the pack- his country and if he has to for what I so dearly believe in that there are still wonderful and that's freedom." someday, be willing to fight for people in the world like you. his country. * I guess I'm just as patriotic He ended his letter with "so "I thanked them for what they as any red-blooded American ladies I want to say thanks again were doing for us, and I told and I feel that the purpose of for myself and my squad. Keep them that, although they may our being over here is com- your chins up and be proud. .. Patrick Osborne, 1242 NE 4th St. was injured and treated in Com- December 11-13, 1967 hear about demonstrations and pletely necessary and I'm also ours are and we're damn proud." munity Hospital following this motorbike-car accident. Police said Hi Lo Rain draft card burnings, there are a ready to die if it takes that in The corporal is a member ihe bike, driven by Michael W. McDermott, 7799 Country Club Blvd. Mon. 84 75 .43 lot more men and women who go order to preserve freedom for of the first squad, first pla- crashed into the rear of a car driven by Lauren Allard. AHard had Tues. 80 69 .33 about their daily chores never toon, third Marine division in Wed. noon 82 71 0 the loved ones at home. But not slowed for another vehicle and the bike skidded when its wheels really thinking about the war only for them, all Americans no Vietnam. locked. 2A Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Complete Bobtails - News from the High School Dry Cleaning * SHIRT LAUNDRY o 'ALTERATIONS OH Christmas dance Saturday PREMISES By DAVID BERGAMINI boys running for "Mr." iod classes. Other items fiesf in Dry Cleaning Christmas are Tom Guy, will also take place that A misunderstanding Since 1901. The oldest and most John Sparling, Jeff day. between the Sophomore Matty's important girl's service Sweet, and Warren Tret- Future Teachers of Advisors and myself oc- o club on campus, the tren. The four senior America club is pre- curred this week and I ONE-HOUR CLEANER Civinettes, will present girl candidates apply- paring to teach at Ele- would like to say I'm 1943 North Federal its third annual Christ- ing for the title of Miss mentary school after the sorry. It was a misun- derstanding and I learn- V Phone 395-2440 mas dance Saturday, Merry Christmas are Christmas vacation. Dec. 16, The Christmas Sharlene Fox, Terry Originally planned for ed some news at the Dance will be held at the Nagy, Donna Noell and Dec. 7, they had to same time. I found out £ ALERT Royal Palm Cafeteria Pat Roll. Two candi- postpone it because of that there is more than from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 dates from each of the conflicting dates. one advisor on the soph- omore class list and all ANSWERING SERVICE a.m. The price of ad- four service clubs were Sixteen seniors will mission is $1.50 chosen. Billy Williams of them have been work- teach at the new Addison ing hard. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED A live band will pre- will be master of cere- Mizner elementary and monies. The sophomores will Your Personal Secretary for: sent entertaining mu- 16 seniors will go to This dance will be J.C. Mitchell. F T A issue basketball pro- Keep her Christmas dress fres/i and sic, Kathy Chenoweth grams at all home bask- BUSINESS • PROFESSIONAL • RESIDENTIAL and Mimi Weathers will conflicting with the bas- holds close to 60 mem- new looking with this Moc/?/ne Wosft- VACATIONS • WAKE-UP ketball game against bers and is becoming etball games. A dance able Vinyl Lace Pinafore. Sizes tod- sing folk songs during will also take place after Regardless of the type of your need we are available to take the intermissions. Seacrest that same one of the biggest and dler to 6X • • .3.00 night. The game is at fastest growing clubs at a basketball game in care of all phone calls. We answer telephones with the The big highlight of February. Open 'til 9:00 P.M. Dec, 15-25 First Ring or as advised. the dance will be the Seacrest high school and BRHS. You can find at will start at 7:30 p.m. least one member in So I've" learned one 8 Hour or 24 Hour Service crowning of Mr. and Miss Merry Christmas, rather than 8:00 p.mo FT A representing each thing in my newspaper 3O S. E. 4TH STREET This will allow every- of the 40 service clubs career: Always check Inquiries are invited by Ken Higgins and Jan- S. E. 4TH STREET OFFICE PLAZA one attending the game on campus. Only seniors both sides when report- PHONE 3S5-4286 BOCA RATON et Boldizar, club presi- dents. The four senior and the dance,an extra will be allowed to teach ing school news and half hour for prepara- and observe classes this don't pick on the advi- tions. year and years to fol- sors. They all work hard kee House low, this being a senior on their own time, try- Civinettes are also CHILDRENS APPAREL Unmistakable... priviledge. ing to help the students. preparing to have their UNDER THE TOWER Christmas party for the So I'm sorry for the In the field of fine midunderstanding to all 409 Golf View Drive - Boca Raton migrant children at J,C. Pep Club started sell- Royal Palm Plaza - 395-7505 furniture Mitchell elementary ing sweat-shirts and T- six advisors. FEATURING Dec. 20 at 12:45. Club shirts for the second members, dressed as time. They completely Heritage Santa Claus and elves, exhausted their first will present the children • Paul Hanson Lamps' supplies earlier in the Furniture ~ Interiors with stockings contain- year and had to re-or- Drexel ing crayons, notebooks, der. The sweatshirts 111 E. ATLANTIC Ave. rulers, and other items will come in handy with # Chapman Lamps for them to use at home. the cold season ap- DELRAY BEACH « Woodard Wrought Iron The girls will also bring proaching and costs 276-5781 276-9629 refreshments for the $2.25. The T-shirts are ® Ftcks Rattan party. $1.75 each. They are SEE ZALE'S COMPLETE SELECTION Henredon being sold during the The French Club and lunch periods. And for ® Hickory Chair Spanish Club under the Christmas minded stu- direction of Mrs. Anna dents, they make wond- Bigeiow & Wunda- •Jacinto will sing Christ- erful Christmas pres- .Weve Carpeting mas Carols Wednesday, ents for all. Complete Interior Design Dec. 20. The Spanish OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT department "at your service" and French Chorus will The Exchange Club sing at the Boca Raton senior boy and girl of the Community Hospital at month for November are iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifinii 7 p.m. Larry Griffen and Don- Approximately 35 na Noell. See our connoisseurs cof&cttttn.ef students will sing in the From Daytona Beach, lobby of the hospital and Fla., Donna has lived in will be monitored over Boca for the past year HALLMARK the closed circuit tele- and a half. She last at- vision throughout the tended Lafayette High new four story hospital,, School, in the tenth All carols will be sung grade, in St. Louis, Mo. We are glad to announce our in French, Spanish, Ital- She is currently tak- fine assortment of Hallmark ian and English. Some of ing English 4, Spanish 2, Christmas Cards, and we will the songs will be Silent contemporary history, imprint any card we have in Night, Winter Wonder- typing 2 and physical ed- stock. land, We Three Kings ucation. She's yearbook and Jingle Bells. business manager,

treasurer of Juniorettes *As tons is case Ritd crystal ars intact The fourth and big- and Senior Class treas- HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS gest edition of the CAT urer. And yet as busy STATIONERY GIFT ^RAP NOTE PAPER Courier Newspaper will as she is, she still finds Z ALE'S CONVENIENT TERMS come out Wednesday, time for apart-time job. JEWELERS Beginning Dec. 18th thru Dec. 23 We Will Remain Open 'til 9:00 P.M. Dec. 20. The paper will She works at the Boca be our third Christmas Raton Theatre. edition and will be six Larry Griffen, our SHOPPERS HAV1N POMPANO BEACH pages. Price will re- Senior Boy, was absent main at 10£ each. at the time I took this Phone 941-5710 Open Every Night Till 9 p.m. HALSEY & GRIFFITH ,NC. Clubs and businesses interview. Congratula- 123 E. Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton can still buy a Christ- tions to both of them. mas ad today only, and Telephone 395-1300 they must be already The P.E. Classes are made up and delivered to learning square dancing the Cat Courier by 2:30 this six weeks. Many of p.m. this afternoon. the students seem to be Plans are under way to enjoying themselves. Our 18th Year Serving You have our first eight- The Parent Teachers page CAT Courier for Organization had its an- May, 1968. It will be nual Christmas program de SPITE the FENCE packed full of news on this past Monday night. #-1 the Prom, Senior Wills The music department and Last Words, Senior did a wonderful job. Superlatives, a two page sports wrap-up for the This year's officers entire year, graduation for the Science Club are and much more, (We Mike Backes, president; FLORSHEIM SHOES also plan to have a spe- Preston Wilder, vice cial graduation issue for president and Kem Par- A Wide Selection of seniors only.) ker, treasurer. The club Styles and Colors welcomes any contribu- This Wednesday, Dec. tions of science or elec- 20, marks the last day trical equipment. of school for Boca High students. The Boca High The Boca High Band Band and Chorus will has been busy the past present our Christmas week, selling Christmas program sometime dur- candy. ing fifth and sixth per-


We Have Many Christinas Gifts SAVE 50% AND MORE For Your Friends $5.83 — $7.88 INDIAN RIVER CITRUS $9.88 -$11. *GQURMET GIFTS ^CHEESES For Christmas MELLIES*COOKIES*NUTS Give a Shift Shack the Gift Certificate Florsheim In Shoppers Haven, 3421 N. Federal Highway BOCA FRUIT SHIPPERS POMPANO BEACH Now 2 Locations to Serve You Open 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.—Phone 941-2542 151 S.E. 1st Ave., Boea Raton 973 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Bch. SHIFT SHACK This Area's Most Complete Family Shoe Store. Behind rhe Fence in Boca I" ^e Village Mart 493 N.E. 20th Street 395-4844 399-8282 Winfield Park Boca Raton BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14. 1967 3A FRESHLY CUT MAINE Defendant takes jail, FIR BALSAM NICK'S GARDEN CENTER DAN'S Now Features Florida's Finest Citrus GENERAL INSURANCE CHRISTMAS TREES judge is in agreement U.SJ1 Grade A Fancy AGENCY (Also Fresh Balsam Wreaths) Gift Fruit Shipping NINETEEN YEARS "I'll take the four Other cases appear- OF BOCA RATON, INC. AT THIS LOCATION days in jail," John Mug- ing on the docket Tues- AIR EXPRESS FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY I cut these trees at the latest gins Hovorka said in city day included: Fine Fruit from Indian River INSURANCE - ALL LINES time possible in Maine to bring court Tuesday when John H. Levine, fail- and Other Famous Fla. Citrus areas south to insure freshness for fined $20 or four days ure to yield right of way, Weir Plaza Building James H. O'Neal ALL FULLY GUARANTEED P.O. Box 520 Vice President and Manager your holidays. for improper parking. did not appear, bond es- 353 N. Federal Hwy. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10;30 Hovorka had been treated and six points Boca Raton, Fla. Phone; charged with leaving his assessed against li- Boca Raton 395-1141 395-8844 & 399-6789 car in the middle of a cense. IN 0GER.FIELD lane of traffic and walk- Edward R. Eubank, BSACH ing away from it. failure to exercise due Judge Kenneth M. Dix care, accident, $35 and On Federal Hiway - at the Stoplight agreed Hovorka could five points. (at Branham's Shell Service Station} serve the time if he so Larry J. Dupree, no driver's license, $15. BOCA RATON NATIONAL BANK Willie Williams, red light violation, $10. Put The Best In Your House! Robert Windlow, pub- Boca Raton's Most Progressive Bank lic intoxication, bond • LEES CARPETS estreated, # OULiSTAN Everett M. Aldrich, public intoxication, bond « NfOHAWK estreated. • CALLAWAY Charles E. Heffner, THIS BANK CONTINUES TO OFFER ® MONARCH drunk, $25 or five days0 Frank J. Lechalk, And Many Other Famous Brands drunk, $25 or five days. THE SAVINGS PLAN BEST SUITED SHOP AT HOME Peter J. Falicki, as- If not convenient for you to COMPLETE sault and battery, nolle come in, our carpal expert will bring samples . to your home prossed, $15 court where you can best coordinate DECORATOR SERVICE TO YOUR PURPOSE .... textures and colors. He'll give Large Selection of Fabric* for" costs. an estimate without charge. Draperies and Slipcovers. Skilled Come in todayl • Reupholstery Work. Rayford R. Payne, Phone H1-1C7 or 3M-3717 disorderly conduct, nolle prossed, $15 court costs. WITH MAXIMUM RETURN Russell Home, as- sault and battery, 20- day jail sentence; con- ON YOUR DEPOSIT Co. 9m. tempt of court, $20ifine. BOCA RATON, 64 S. Federal Hwy., 395-3717 Pompano Beach, Shoppers Haven, 941-1657 Driver gets i 11 points I Judge Kenneth M. Dix ; told Walter Jay Pope in I city court that he will be \. walking a tight rope for j: the next year. j: Pope was fined for :• two traffic violations :j and had a total of 11 :"! points assessed against :• his license. Any traffic £ violation during the >• next 12 months will cost £ him his license for 30 5 days. :•: This could include as j:-- small a thing as a burned £ out taillight or parking :>: on a highway. % Pope was originally S charged with driving % while under the influ- S ence of alcohol, reck- & less driving and failure S to take required action S on an accident. Si His attorney said the 8 ALL CERTIFICATES defendant would plead •$ ARE SELF-RENEWING guilty to the lesser % charges if the DWi of- •$ fense were dropped. 8 City Attorney Timothy ij-j Poulton agreed. •;•: In accepting the guilty 8 plea, Judge Dix fined 8 Pope $80 plus the points 8 Interest Will Be Paid On against his license. g Aspires to | high ideals I THREE MONTHS She'll be two jumps ahead of everybody else with her square Arthur T. Curran ap- 8 toes, chunky heels ... and a big ribbon bow! Absolutely the last parently aspires to 8 word in the holiday world of young fashion. The newest from the higher things. $ SIX MONTHS Little Lady collection from Buster Brown. As a matter of fact 8 he was high a couple of « BLACK PATENT PRICED ACCORDING TO SIZE ways. 8 YELLOW PATENT 9.99 to 10.99 Curran was picked up 8 OR ONE YEAR GREEN PATENT for vagrancy while ;•:• BLUE PATENT sleeping on the roof of 8 the Publix supermark- 8 et. 8 Non-Cancellable Negotiable He said he doesn't 8 remember how he got 8 szroes up there. He admitted 8 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES of DEPOSIT he had taken a couple 8 MEN - WOMEN and CHILDREN drinks. 8 99 S.E. 1st Avenue, He was brought back •* 335 E. Atlantic Ave. down to earth with three £ of $1,000 or More Boca Raton Delray Beach days on the ground floor S of city jail. 8 in Multiples of $1,000 PUBLIC AUCTION Interest COMPUTED and PAID Quarterly NOW SELLING FREE Transfer of Funds from ANYWHERE in UNITED STATES or LOCAL CALL

ENTIRE CONTENTS BOCA RATON FOR CORRECT of NATIONAL BANK TIME-OFW BOCA ISLAND HOME 04 Haars * Say) PARTIAL LISTING: Two Twin Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Set, Misc. Chairs, Tables, Oriental Rugs, Patio Furniture, Bric-A-Brac, etc. (with additions). Boca Raton Auction Gallery CALL 395-2300

98 S. Federal Hwy.r Phone 391-2329, Boca Raton, Fla. I S. FEDERAL HWY. at CAMINO REAL, Boca Raton, Fla. ( Irving Pi&6 Owners Auctioneers Joseph Kafen | MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM AND I Ruth pine Associates Frank Kennedy | FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION I The view from Tallahassee State's idle funds

By MALCOLM B. JOHNSON value of money set aside for cial management over things like school teacher and years. There are provisions in the public employe pensions. The proposed new Constitu- proposed new Florida Constitu- But it is one of the least dis- tion would repeat that old pro- tion that would let the State play cussed aspects of the new Con- hibition: "Neither the state nor the stock market with part of the stitution, and you voters should any county, schdol district, mu- billion dollars in trust funds it hear about it before someone nicipality, special district, or holds, and put idle State money discovers it at the last minute agency of any of them, shall be- out in new fields at higher in- and raises a hulabaloo that come a joint owner with, or Welfare terest than it now draws in would cause votes of mistrust stockholder of, or give, lend, banks. against the whole document. or use its taxing power or credit The most cautious and con- The present Constitution puts to any corporation, association, City Council apparently is determined that no ily to nuisances — is the instruction that "the servative of State money man- extra tight restrictions on in- partnership, or person," it says municipal funds will be given to the Boca Raton city shall do all things necessary to define, pro- agers consider this good busi- vestment of public money, al- ~ but. Welfare Council. hibit, abate, suppress and prevent all things det- ness. They say it is an import- though the courts have allowed "This shall not prohibit laws Recently, the council reiterated its stand on rimental to the health, morals, comfort, safety, ant device for hedging against a good many devices to get authorizing: the matter even after it had agreed to an appro- convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the inflation that would eat into the around them in practical finan- "(a) the investment of public priation of $500 as a purse for a tennis tourna- city." trust funds." ment. The council majority held that in the tennis Without getting any more deeply involved in So, if the new document is incident, the city would receive full value for its the legalities, it seems clear that the city has adopted as it stands, the Legis- investment in terms of advertising. This position quite enough authority to spend money for the lature could pass a law allowing was upheld in court, so there seems little point same things the welfare council is trying to do. Christmas message investment of a portion of re- in debating the merits of the expenditure. Councilman Pat Honchell raised the same ques- tirement trust funds in such At the time of that appropriation, we said edi- tion last May when the Welfare Council's re- things as private corporation torially that regardless of how the suit might be quest for funds first came before the City Coun- stocks. determined, it was not a wise decision. Re- cil. gardless of the legality of the Council's action, At that time, the Welfare group petitioned for A good many citizens will get it only stands in sharp contrast to the decision $500 "to help with overall expenses in extending the jitters at the thought of the not to provide $500 for the work of the Welfare emergency aid to the less fortunate. . ." The State "playing the stock mark- Council. group did not ask for funds for its own benefit. et"; but every great foundation After the tennis incident, the Junior Woman's Honchell pointed out that "the functions of the and all the heavily-endowed col- Club petitioned the council again to reconsider Welfare Council are primarily those of attend- leges and universities do ex- its action and provide welfare funds. Council ing to the needs of the city's less fortunate and actly that. again refused. is a city problem." They invest some of their At the risk of oversimplifying the issue — the Honchell's motion asked for a legal opinion money in government bonds, City Attorney has prepared several lengthy doc- on whether or not a municipal expenditure, some in corporation bonds, uments on the subject — the questions which might be authorized under the city's general some in common stocks, some have been involved are only two: first, a charter powers. The attorney's memorandum simply perhaps even in mortgages. provision which permits using municipal funds was not to the point. They buy and sell as the mark- for advertising purposes; second, a charter pro- It's interesting to note that the Chamber of et rises on one kind of security vision which prohibits the expenditure of city Commerce expends municipal funds for mu- and falls on another. They don't funds "in any manner whatsoever to accrue nicipal purposes. . .those same advertising carry all their eggs in one either directly or indirectly to the benefit of any funds we were talking about earlier. Included in basket, as the State of Florida religious, charitable, benevolent, civic or ser- the city's $5,500 public relations budget is requires of its trust funds. vice organization." $4,000 which is used by the chamber for bro- Of course, there is nothing The city attorney has ruled that the tennis ex- cnures and related expenses. in the proposed new clause penditure is advertising, while the welfare ex- There is no contractual agreement between the which would prevent the Legis- penditure is simply prohibited on the second city and the chamber. lature from authorizing wild point. If there are any doubts, it looks as if it could speculations in oil wells, gold Discussing the tennis incident and the Welfare all be resolved by contracting with the Welfare mines, inventions and the like-- Council at the same time is something of a dis- Council to act as the city's agent in providing or attempting to rescue some service to both causes. Two separate points of welfare facilities in Boca Raton. popular attraction like Disney- law are involved and the waters are muddied It would be a worthy cause and one which would land if it ran out of financing. somewhat by the tendency to confuse the two. be of greater advantage in the long run than any The money managers say it But herein lies part of the basic problem. Only amount of advertising. We're not in the welfare would be better to let public two points of law were considered and the city's business, but we are in the advertising business, opinion act as a brake on inju- legal advice skirted around the simple basic so we speak with some authority in that area. dicious legislative authoriza- issue of what the Welfare Council was asking If the City Council chooses not to provide tion and irresponsible admin- for in the first place. funds for welfare projects, it should simply say istrative action than to put too First, let's consider what sort of an outfit so and quite hiding behind a charter clause which many restrictions in the Con- the Welfare Council is. The group is incorpor- seems altogether irrelevant. stitution. ated as a non-profit corporation under Florida law. Spelled out quite succinctly in the articles So much for the investment of incorporation are the Welfare Council's pur- of public trust funds. poses: 'To lend welfare assistance to needy Another exception to the pro- persons in the Boca Raton area; to act as an in- hibition against pledging the vestigative and referral agency in welfare work; Gidup. Exploring words credit of the State and its sub- to pool the resources of the Boca Raton area to divisions would permit invest- care for welfare emergencies and to serve as a ment "of other public funds in communicant arm of the permanent welfare Watching that new-fangled beach cleaning obligations of, or insured by, services. . ." contraption get bogged down in the sand the other the United States or any of its That's what the Welfare Council is authorized day, we just couldn't help but think of Grandpa. instrumentalities," to do. According to the City Charter, the city Looks like the whole business could be done a Transient word What this is meant to do, pri- is authorized to do many things. Among the lot cheaper and easier with a team of mules and marily, is let the Legislature lengthy list is the authorization to "construct, a hay rake. Shouldn't cost the city more than a authorize deposit of tempor- operate, maintain, improve or extend public im- couple hundred bucks for the whole rig. Might the WPA (Works Progress Ad- rarily idle State, county and provements and projects for any public pur- even be able to set 'em to work on a few other By JOHN BARCLAY city money in such institutions projects and graze the team out back of City ministration) and the CCC (Civ- pose (including). . .welfare facilities." BEATNIK -- Transient ilian Conservation Corps.) as federal savings and loan as- Also tucked away in the bottom of another Hall. Dadgum mules eat sandspurs just about as sociations. well as anything. words like this could drive a Those serious students who Charter clause —which seems to relateprimar- dedicated word-explorer over graduated during the depression At present, this is not per- the brink from aspirins to in- had the stigma of being called mitted because money put for dulging in marijuana or LSD, 'The Lost Generation.' Ironical- safe-keeping in a savings and Views of other newspapers trying to track the source or ly, many of them were decorated loan association is not, tech- person who first coined the in World War II for valor be- nically, a bank deposit. By law, term. yond the call of duty and they it is a "share" of the associa- A decade ago, Jack Kerouac didn't have to effect Beatle tion's operating account. As was the darling of the "beat- hair-does converting back to such, it is prohibited under the Lookout nicks." He wrote such prolific civilian jobs. 1885 ban on the State becoming barroom prose as: 'On the Road' The contemporary words for "a joint owner or stockholder and 'The Subterraneans,' which those who revolted during the in any company, association or Henry Ford taught us that there's nothing like the Moscow officials have wisely decided that glorified the downbeats of this depression were: "defeatists" corporation." a motorcar to jolt a country out of old habits. the private motorcar is here to stay. downbeat generation," and to and "proletarians." It's any- The state has many millions Now even the Soviets are finding this out. him the credit should probably one's guess what the minority of dollars sitting in banks wait- New automobile factories will be turning out group of eccentric youths, circa "Watch it!" the Soviet newspaper Pravda is go. ing for bills to come in and be shouting, warning that soon hundreds of thous- 800,000 or more cars annually by 1970, and 2,000 A.D. will be called if the approved for payment. Most of probably a million or more by 1972, Right now," Those who profess another world, by then is still spinning ands of Soviet automobiles will be piling off the school of thought, hold forth it draws less in interest than assembly lines, and what will these do to the production of passenger cars stands at 230,000 around in the universe, you could get for your money at the equivalent of about a 10-day output in the that "beatnick" stemmed from either a bank or a federal sav- country's inadequate highways, sparse garages, United States. the word beatific or beatitude. :*:*:¥:-:K:£S£:;y^^ scarce filling stations, nonexistent parkingfacil- These terms imply religious ings and loan association. ities! Better be prepared, Pravda is warning To mix metaphors, the motorized wave of the overtones, denoting a supreme- Opinions... The loan associations would city planners. future is about to engulf the unready Soviet ly happy person and are based love to compete with the banks Former Premier Khrushchev was impressed system, and officials are becoming suddenly on the Biblical quotation: for the right to hold, reinvest by the thousands of autos he saw on American aware that the shiny chrome-plated, consumer- "Blessed are the poor in spirit, and use part of such money. If highways. He said the Soviets, too, would soon aimed automobile is going to have the unsettling for they shall inherit the earth. Opinions expressed by col- this provision stays in the new have plenty of cars, but they would be autos impact of a nuclear weapon. We sympathize. In the late 1960's, the term umnists and in letters to the Constitution, brace yourself for for hire — taxis. But that was years ago. Now -Christian Science Monitor a major lobbying battle between "hippie" obsoleted "Beatnick" editor are those of the writ- the commercial banks and the into the limboland of ephemeral ers and are not necessarily slang. "Hippie" could be a syn- loan associations over a law to onym for happy, as it aptly those of the Boca Raton divide up the accounts. defines the generation of "flow- News. Opinions of the News Such competition should do a er children and their long-hair are expressed in our editor- great deal to raise the interest Helpful students consorts who share a shock- ial column. paid on our tax money that's value in their philosophy of sitting in banks waiting to be communal poverty in the public spent. During a surprise snowstorm which hit the verts to a cause. parks and "Pot" pads with Boston metropolitan area (recently) hundreds "Love-Ins." of motorists were caught in traffic snarls and -The Spokesman-Review (Spokane) During the depression of the* other hundreds had to abandon their cars. 1930s, when Wall Street specu- Part of the surprise, however, was the help- lators were jumping out of their ful hand extended by numerous young men iden- Speaking of billions skyscraper offices, a stage play, tified as students'of some of the colleges in that "Class of '29," starkly por- trayed the dilemma of serious- Thursday 4 A Dec. 14,1967 area. minded high school and college According to the news reports, they were given One hears so much these days about "mil- Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. a kind word by an observant bus driver who ap- lions" and "billions" that it escapes the imag- graduates with diplomas. They preciated the plight of the stranded drivers, and ination to try to visualize how much money they had no place to go in the world 2nd st., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub- actually mean. of business or the Military, and lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. appreciated even more the enthusiastic volun- Try this for an explanation: they were denied the dignity of teer efforts of the students^ to keep the traffic honest labor. moving. If a housewife goes shopping 40 hours aweek, spending $1,000 an hour, it would take her 25 The portrait was true, as H. CLAY RILEY "These kids weren't pro or con anything, weeks to spend $1 Million. If she followed the older professional men such as JOHN T. OPEL the bus driver said in reporting his amazement. same schedule, spending a billion dollars would doctors, lawyers, scientists and Editor Adv. Mgr. "They weren't handing out literature. take her 481 years. How's that for an explana- civil engineers were also starv- It is too bad that student activity has been as- tion? ing. To their credit, as Ameri- Entered as second class mail at the postoffice at Boca sociated, in the minds of some people, with stu- Or, another way to tell the difference between cans, only the weak minority dent agitation for or against some world-shat- a million and a billion, at the same rate of spend- fell for the baited trap of com- Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. tering crisis. ing, it would take a housewife 158,009 years to munism. Member of the Florida Press Association and National It is good to learn that students are still in- spend the equivalent of the U.S. national debt. To offset revolution in the dividually helpful to fellowmen in trouble ~ On the other hand, who would want a wife that streets, emergency measures Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in and that good deeds are accomplished without is 158,009 years old? were expedited by President the city 70$ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00, thought of reward or the chance to recruit con- -Ontario (Ohio) Tribune Franklin D. Roosevelt such as 6 months $6.00, 3 months 14.00. BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14; 1967 13A Classified Display Classified Display SYMBOL OF CHRISTMAS


Beautiful Furniture at LAY-AWAY NOW ADD a I I B-t AND STYLE Moderate Prices Stocks are complete TO YOUR HOME Selection is great.... COME & BROWSE PERSONAL GIFTS FOR MOTHER AND RAY'S CYCLERY GRANDMOTHER FOR "HER" ROOM 641 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY Think of the charm and comfort POMPANO BEACH 942-6866 her "very own" chair can bring. Hours: Evenings 'til 9 P.M. Fri. & Sat. 'til 8:30 Colorful slipper chairs . . . small lounge chairs ... a chaise lounge.

MANCHESTER- NOVA CARPETS FIREHOOD AZTEC PIERCE 2438 N. Federal Hwy. Stop in and see the many different free-standing decorator Beacon Light Shopping Center - 943-5650 fireplaces now on display. Manchester-Pierce, Fire HOOD, Aztec .... there's a fireplace to fit any decor. Choice of beautiful decorator colors. In gas and wood burning models Furniture for ... easily installed to add the warmth and atmosphere of an * Living Rooms open hearth to your home or cabin. On display now! Western & English Riding Apparel * Saddles * Dining Rooms Horse Equipment * Square Dance Togs * Bedrooms mere Is Stii! Time to Have One for Christmas! Children's Cowboy & Cowgirl Outfits # Ladies * Patios SEE THE DIFFERENT MODELS AT Leather Carved Purses » Belts * Billfolds Come See Jackets * Hats and much more Special of the Week Reg- to 11.95 FLORIDALE PRODUCTS, Inc. RICHARDS FURNITURE 88 525 So. Andrews 524-8549 KODEL $6 Bit 3749 N. fed. Hwy., Pompano Beach IWtf Ft. Lauderdale, Fla, 670 S. CYPRESS RD. OPEN EVERY NITE " V $q. yd. 28 Years in Ft. Lauderdale CYPRESS PLAZA 943-5390 TO 9 Complete Flooring Service POMPANO BEACH -w»w TILL CHRISTMAS 941-0617 Carpet - Tile - Carpet Cleaning 943-5650 524-6102 BEAUTIFUL DRAPERIES WITH SPRING PLEAT Open Fri. 'til 9 P.M.

gifts, gifts, great gifts, gifts, gifts, great gifts,to

^ —1-1 We have gifts that even % D Santa's elves a haven't seen yet ...

in (£


in -^- o Q w O)




o re

SEE OUR COLLECTION OF JEWELRY, V) PEWTER AND BRASS. (£3 VISIT OUR ORIENTAL ROOM, -*^ in -•• LUAU AND AFRICAN HUT. at •a great gifts, gifts, gifts, great gifts, gifts, gifts,2

ONLY WE can guarantee custom beauty like this ! NOW SEE OUR SCOTCHGARDED FABRICS At Last! Draperies at every window that hang in permanently graceful SPRING CREST is truly economical! Professional decorator service folds. Our unique Spring Pleater hardware is guaranteed for 10 years... Written Guarantee. Wide selection of drapery treatments including dec- and our fabrics in 30 patterns and 200 colors are guaranteed against orative poles, swags, cascades, sun, moisture or atmospheric fading for seven years!

New Antron metallic effect LIMITED Heavy Elegant Casement Fabric. Sunfade $ 1 SIQ per yd. Ninon sheer - Choice of 9 Colors. 51.50 per yd. QUANTITIES Guaranteed. Choice of 2 Colors I iV/ FLORIDA is averaging a 75% increase every 30-day period! With Spring Pleated Draperies. COMPARE OUR FABRICS Spring Crest Fabrics and Hardware Sold Exclusively through Selected Decorators or Spring Crest Stores AND PRICES! ONLY. Capeziof ARE YOU FREE LABOR INCLUDED the way to a dancer's feet. TIRED OF For 80 years, Capezio has been creating dance shoes for beginners and virtuosos. PINCH CALL US FOR National This Christmas, give your favorite dancer Capezios, PLEATS? FREE ESTIMATES any dancer would welcome the tights Spring and accessories to match. 563-2626 CapezioVbeen dancing since 1887. Spring Crest is Different Because: Pleated Come and See the Complete Line * Draperies look beautiful from both sides * New, feather-lite easy-draw glides and master Draperies of Capezio Dance Wear at — carries made of friction free DELRIN * LIFETIME SPRING STEEL PLEATER * Con- Hirshman & Son, Pompano vertible "pull" - changes quickly, easily from right hand to left hand pull * Tension pulley may be used if desired * Your choice of decorator rod finishes': Off white, Statuary 2306 E. OAKLAND PARK 6LVD OPEN LATE EVERY EVENING TILL CHRISTMAS Bronze, Polished Brass. * Available in wood traverse poles * Available in standard or ACROSS FROM CORAL RIDGE heavy duty rod. * Easy to install on wall or ceiling. Overtreatment such as valance or SHOPPING PLAZA HIRSHMAN & SON cornice optional * Costs no more than ordinary draperies. * No offer installation mainten- 48 N.E. First St. ance problems * Draperies hang with regal grace and glide freely * Drapery balance is Down town Pompano Beach exact - directly below the centering of track. * Ball bearing cord pulls. Phone 943-3737 14A Thursday, Dec, 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS 5 C Child Care 10 A Help Female 15 A Miscellaneous Sale 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail 25 B Apartments for Rent CASH for your Lantana Boatyard TIC TOC Nursery Kin- TYPING & Shorthand, Brand New Table mod- 18' WOODSON Dual 1 & 2 bedrooms, furn. of Classified dergarten. 1-6 yrs. 273excellent opportunity for el . Val- Cathedral Boat, all unfurn.Apts. Wall to Wall ORIENTAL or NW 15th St. Boca — advancement with Na- ue $200. Sacrifice $85* white, walk through Carpeting, Pool, phone CHINESE RUGS XMAS BOATS (Continued from page 8A) 395-5044 tional firm. Salary com- Call 395-1268. windshield to deck. 395-9472. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EXPERIENCED woman mensurate with ability. ANTIQUES Lounge seats back to OCEAN BEACH OLD OR NEW ORIENTALS would like to care for 395-5507. Have you visited areas back, elec. starter, tilt All Apartments over- truly interesting shop? . 399-2000 HOUSEBOAT 5 B Personals children in her home. 10 B Help Male trailer, elec, winch. 1966 look Pool & Ocean. Full 42' Used Houseboat with 2 Furniture, Rugs, Paint- 100 HP Johnson Motor, 278-2103. EXPERIENCED lumber kitchen in all Apts. Com- power plants, huge living To Buy or Sell ings, Glass. 6 days — dual tanks, First class pletely furn. Weekly, BICYCLES quarters, full home-sized 10 A Help Female yard employees, all Sun, PM. Antique World, condition. $2400. Can be NEW-XJSED -AVON types needed. Excellent monthly or Season. bath, large Galley. Custom WAITRESS Wanted, for 4209 N. Fed., Pompano. seen at 1181 SW 11th St. Drifting sands, 63ON. Service and Parts built for very particular peo- Call 278-4972 opportunity for right ple. A bargain at $6,500. ALL NEW: Burton's. lunch only, 10:30 - 2:30. T,V. Console Boca Raton from 10 AM AlA,Deerfield.399-0595 On All Makes Rizzo's Restaurant, 45 personnel. Apply Gulf to 6 PM.. Yours during this Xmas Sale Nursery & Kindergarten. Stream Lumber Co. 1415 REASONABLE 1 bedroom unfurnished' CAMPBELL Year Round. Full Care, S. Fed. Hwy., Boca. 395-2583 apt. all electric kitchen. HOME & AUTO COUNTER & grill work, S. Fed. Hwy., Boynton 274 SE 9 Ave. Deerfield Beach. R.C. central air condi- 144 S. Federal Hwy. $3,650 insurance and paid va- Automatic Washing Ma- 25 A Rooms for Rent 395-3830 Beach, 399-4586. chine & Wash Tub. 1145 tioned. Pool and land- Lantana Boatyard Inc. cation, D o b b s House, WANTED PORTER Newly furnished Private scaped patio. Annual Authorized Schwinn Dealer WEIGHT WATCHERS 701 ,S. Fed. Hwy., Boca. 48 hr. week. Top wages S.W. 7th St., Boca — Bath & Entrance Refrig- Palm Beach County's 391-2646. lease. Adults. 371 SW Largest Boat Dealer Meets Wed. 7:30 First & meals. Apply in per- erator. Block from 8th St., Boca 395-5779.. Federal S&L, Delray. WOMAN for part time, son. Chez Joey Restau- PAN-ELL Presents Beach. 391-0430. 10 Acres Sales & Service for General office work. 908-938 No. Dixie, Lantana 585-9374 Thurs. 9:30 A.M. Uni- rant, 36 SE 3rd St., Autumn Haze on Special Large room, private APARTMENT Lanfana Boatyard Open Every Day 9 am to 9 pm versity Bowl, Boca Ra- Must be good typist. @ $3.99. 4301 N. Dixie HEADQUARTERS Thermo Industries,Inc. Boca Raton, bath & entrance in Wa- ton. Thurs. 7:30 P.M., TOOLMAKER in small Hwy., Ft. Laud. Open terfront Home. $25. week Seasonal - Weekly First Federal S&L, 8141 State Rd. 8O8.Just 8 to 8, Sat. 'til 5 — •XMAS BOATS Lantana Boatyard West of Parkway, Boca plant specializing in all .391^1394. Monthly Boca Ratoru 565-4261 25 B Apartments for Rent Raton, 395-0212. engraved dies. Good pay, Various convenient lo- GATEWAY holidays, 40 hr. week, LOST bright carpet col- 2 bedroom, 2 bath, com- cations. Brand new own- ANNOUNCES MAID for Beach Motel, pletely furnished. Feb., er-operated efficiency, OFFSHORE NATURAL benefits. Request ap- ors. ..restore them with 27' SPORTCRAFT C-Eagle Experienced pointment stating age,Blue Lustre, Rent elec- March, April, Call — 1-2 Bedrms., featuring Natural, Vitamins & 399-0700 with twin Buick 120hp OMC 1968 Minerals Organically experience, and re- tric shampooer $1. 399-7491. complete kitchens, car- I-O's, full Cabin with head, grown, dried -fruit. SHOE Lady, full or part quired pay scale. Aer- Belzer Hardware, 3198 Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath peted, drapes, beautiful huge after deck area for fish- Dietetic Foods & Vege- time for Boca Shoe Box. omark Corporation. 1595 N.Fed.Hwy., Boca Raton. furnished Apt. Heat, furn. or unfurn,, some ing, a big seaworthy Nassau "CHARACTER" table Juices. Call 399-2415 for ap-NW 1 Ct., Boca Raton. quiet area, 2 blocks from with Pool. Walk to shops, boat. AH fiberglass, brand Sailing Dinghy pointment. APPLIANCES Ocean. Seasonal — churches, schools. new 1967. A value at original 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. RETIRED Tool Maker, Broward County's lar- list $8,800'. Yours during this Pompano 941-8120 395-0684. Please Call 395-8220 In keeping with the expan- SECRETARY 21-25 Tool Designer, or Tool gest Selection of recon- AN ITVENUS Xmas sale sion of our Yacht & House- Have a Beeline Fashion Apply in person, Mr.Engineer, to design and ditioned Frost Free Re- Directly on Intracoastal ENTERPRISE boat divisions, we are proud Waterway. Big 2/2 town- to announce the exclusive Christmas Party, Dec. Khan at Boston Rug Co. build or modify marking frigerators, all sizes & DELUXE $6,552 2800 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca machines and related colors. Also washers, house apt.Complete pri- n«w 1968 "CHARACTER" 5th through 25th. Host- INTRACOASTAL H. Duty Trailer at Cost Dinghy, the finest most un- ess will receive a free Raton. equipment. Part time — dryers & ranges. 1 yr. vacy, only 5 neighbors. RENTAL APARTMENTS Lantana Boatyard Inc. usual & seaworthy sailing 1/2 oz. perfume, valued Sales Lady, experienced Hours open ~ wages op- Warranty — Largest Pool. New, never lived FURNISHED _, dinghy ever made in this at $20. Nationally ad- Better dresses & Sports- en. Aeromark Corpora- Trade-in on New Gib- in. $250. mo, MacLaren One block irom Boca Palm Beach County's & Anderson, Realtors— country, a superb copy of an vertised in Vogue mag- wear, excellent salary tion, 1595 NW 1st Ct.,son, Philco, etc. Sales Raton Hotel & Club, ov- Largest Boat Dealer ancient Norwegian Royal azine. Free clothing and 391- Boca Raton. Service & Free Deliv- Ph. 395-1333. erlooking Royal Palm 10 Acres Sales & Service Dinghy. The perfect com- plus commission. Comfortably furn. 1 & 2 808-333 No. Dixie. Lanfana 585-9374 panion to your Yacht or other gifts. For more ALL Round Machinist, ery. Yacht & Country Club. Open Every Day ? «m h 9 pm information, call Diane 2753, 942-1822. year round steady work. USED bedroom Apt. also Effi- Seasonal & Yearly. Houseboat. Hatton. 395-4273. SENIOR HAIRDRESSER" Job shop experience de- APPLIANCE MART ciency. Quiet location, WOMAN experienced in LAMARICK BEAUTY sirable, must have own He m b e r Chamber of 395-2596. Adults Only. Models open Daily. 10-5 Lantana Boatyard Baby Sitting, will care SALON tools and work from Commerce, 101 S. Fed. Furn. 1 bedroom & eff. $695 for your children in my 1075 Spanish River Rd. JACKSONS BYRONS print. Good hourly rate, 942-1380, Pompano -- Apts., Air Gond. 300' to XMAS SALE Lantana Boatyard Inc. home. 391-0576. SHOPPERS HAVEN paid vacations & bene- 1325 NE 4th Ave., Ft. Beach, 1910 SE 2nd St. AT LAST STORE Laud. JA-31326, Palm Beach County's 5 E Schools & Camps fits. No phone calls. Deerfield, 399-4453. CHILDREN WELCOME . Largest Boat Dealer Year Round - Guaranteed Please apply atZonolite 15 D Pets For Sale BRAND NEW - Immed- Boca Palm Day School. Salary, Paid Vacation 2 BLOCKS TO SKI-SHOP 10 Acres Sales & Service Children 3 to 6 yrs. Division, W. R. Grace & POODLES FOR XMAS BOCA BEACH iate occupancy 3 bed- 103-633 No. Dixie, Umiena 585-9374 1/2 Day ~ Full Day and other Benefits. Co., 1555 NW 1st Ave., White-Female Private extra large ef- room, 2 bath, Apart- CLOSE-OUT Open 9 om to 9 pm every day 395-3698 Lis. & InsPhon. e 942-9191, Mrs. Boca Raton. Black-Male (puppy) ficiency Apt. Available ments. Ideal for famil- Nelson10 B Help .Male Merry Christmas 5 D instructions. Tutoring 10 C Help, Male or Female 395-4437 - 395-2232 Dec. 16 thru Jan. 5. Week ies. Including fully car- FRENCH classes or SALESMAN — TOTAL SALESMEN to sell lux- SIAMESE kitten, lilac, or Day. $70. wk.$10per peted rooms, draperies From ( optional) 50% OFF private lessons, begin- SALES: Selling, adver- ury, condominium apart- 14 weeks, beautiful eyes. day. 395-3226. Lantana Boatyard ners or advanced. Call tising, promotion, PR, ments, and luxury homes $30. No Shots. Telephone most convenient location Lantana Boatyard is clr-sing Long Season. Furn. 4 in Town. Parochial & out its Ski Shop & all ski ac- Mrs. Yvonne Perkins, etc. Resident. Boca Ra- from models. 395-2511 after 6 p.m. 395-4720. bedroom, 2 bath, Swim- 276-5694. ton News Box D-14. Public Schools, almost cessories at 50% off original or 399-1022^ 3 Yr. old large pony ming Pool, 2 car garage. at door. Walk around list. Everything goes this SANTA-LAND 10 if-Situations Wanted month. hunter, excellent for Call owner days 942- corner to complete ACCESSORIES SALESMAN —TOTAL child, can also carry 7975 -_ Eve. 395-5470, shopping center. Move SERVICE DIRECTORY SALES: Selling, adver- GIFT-SALE LEARN TO DRIVE light adult. Good pleas- DORAN up to Boca & Live. For tising, promotion, PR,ure pony or show pros- further information call 50% OFF Fedders Air Cond. res- Help with Driver's li- etc.Resident.Boca Raton AT OUR NORTH STORE id ential, commercial, pect. Also, 8 yr. old 395-8220. cense tests. Qualified News, Box p-14. heavy weight hunter. 2 bedroom, 2 bath Apt. Lantana Boatyard Inc. 15% OFF central & room. Tom instructor, reliable 115 A Miscellaneous Sale Gentle, honest. This fully furnished. Season- We have them - All the odds Myers Appliance—2029 door-to-door service. 2-20 Gal. Fish Tanks, horse can teach rider al. THE Palm Beach County's and ends you meant to buj NW 2 Ave. 395-4611. Easy Method Driving Largest Boat Dealer all year. $15 ea. 2-10 Gal. $8. to jump. 395-4374. DORAN REALTORS BOCA RATON 10 Acres Sales & Service ALTERATIONS School. 278-4140. & INSURERS 8OS-S38 No. Dixie, Lantano 535-9374 I Electric & Manual horns ea. Good condition — 15 E Pets, Grooming & Board AUCTION GALLERY EXCELLENT Tailor ~ LUMBER 133 Boca Raton Rd. Open 9 am to 9 pm every day \ Fire Extinguishers," tie- 395-2435. DOG BOARDING All kinds of Ladies & Do it yourself center. Dumb-Waiter, Lift and 395-1102 Now Accepting down straps, Boat cleaners Building materials & Reservations Necessary Distress Kits. Batteries Men's Alterations — Assembly. Contact Mr. Accommodations Consignments for the Lantana Boatyard Battery Boxes, Batterj Barton & Miller Clean- supplies from our mill Matthews, Coral Inn, CHRISTMAS 1967-68 Season Chargers, Bilge Pumps, Ven service, lumber & Ply- Limited CERTIFICATE ers & Laundry, 2600 N. 2899 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca Air Conditioned One Item Kits, Gas cans & Fuel Tanks, Dixie Hwy. at 5 Points. wood cut to size while Raton. Give Your Teenager Or Entire Estate XMAS BOATS Life Seats & Vests, Dittj Wilton Manors.566-4314 you wait. M A R M A C K Bags, Sea Legs Dnclc Shoes, KNAPP SHOES 3925 S. Fed, Hwy. or Wife Ladies & Men's Altera- DEERFIELD Please Call 933-7322 DRIVING LESSONS Phone Spare Anchors & Props" tions. Fast service, pick BUILDERS SUPPLY Delray 278-4896 for a Christmas Gift! 391-2329 UNUSUAL! Boat Stereo Srfs, Johnson up & deliver. Phone Hillsboro Blvd. at Fla, anytime. CM, White. 15 P Marine Wanted To Buy Get Your Gift Air Buoy & thai: amazing 'SELL us your old boat 24' CENTURY RAVEN with 1968 Portable 3.5hp Johnson "Polly" Boca391-1896. East Coast Railroad HO Trains, 2 levels, 3 Certificate Here. 2irihp inboard engine. Dual Spare Motor in its own car- 399-1010 engines, 4x8 Board. $65. or motor" Special Rates plec. system. Fathometer, Alterations & Complete Lantana Boatyard, Inc. LEASE rying case.. Deck chairs, Dry Cleaning & Shirt MOVING-STORAGE 395-0665. AA AUTO Bunk area forward with ma- Boat Clock's & Compasses Willie's Transfer & BLUE Sequin Gown, long 808-838 N. Dixie Hwy. DRIVING SCHOOL A BRAND NEW rine head, full canvas, many Speedometers, & group of Laundry Plant. Matty's extras. Original owner na- Deluxe Executive gifts in- 1 Hour Cleaners. 1943 Storage. Local & Long Never worn, size 10. Lantana 585-9371 85 SE 4th Ave. 1968 BUICK Distance moving & stor- 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail tionally known Aircraft En- cluding Radio Desk-Pen Sets, N. Fed. Boca, 395-2440. $140. — Sell $50. 395- Delray Beach, 276-5353 As Low as $89.50 gineer maintained Craft in Kadio Sunglasses, Imported age. Packing & Crating. 4216 before 10 a.m. _ 1964 23' Seabird, 150 per month like new condition. A.H new Swiss Nautical Watches, RX. Bennet 391-0606. 389 NW 1st HP OMC 1/0 - Auto, Insurance & Maintenance Ladies & Men's altera- COLONIAL Cocktail Included special Top & paint A very Bracelets, Pendants, & Fine Ave., Boca Raton. bilge pump, power horn particular craft for very par- Jewelry. tions. 1821-B NE 25th PLUMBING Table, practically new. — power lift, Trimated Mow, Mow, FRANK ticular boatmen who appre- St., Pomp. 942-5414. $25.00. 395-8187. Expert Plumbing, Sew- trim tabs, Spotlight, new Mow Your Lawn. COULSON ciate great ship building art- GIFT IDEAS DRESSES to order &~alib er connection. K o h t z Childs Electric Chrod- bimini top - full canvass. istry in solid Mahogany lap- alterations, Benicia's Organ. Wood Case & The Best You've Ever BUICK strake planking. A very real Plumbing & Heating, Recent motor overhaul. value. Fashions, 2871 E. At- 395-0800. Time pay- Legs, $25. Good condi- V-Bunks, Head, all in Seen. . . In Little Delray 15% OFF lantic Blvd., Pompano. ments can be arranged. tion call: 395-4785. perfect condition. Re- 278-3292 Open 9 am to 9 pm 941-5014. New Home Sewing Ma- KINGS MOW RE-UPHOLSTERY placement value $7200. 52,975 Every Day Until The AUTO PARTS chine, antique desk — $3450. Call 395-2994 941-6538 Rattan Cushions remade, model. Like new $85. AUTO PAINTING Car, Truck & Tractor Your Fabric or Ours. after 6 p.m. Lantana Boatyard Inc. Last Boat Is Sold Parts Fast! D&M Auto 391-0576. Foam Rubber, Poly- 1966 International Con- "The Elite Palm Beach County's Lantana Boatyard Inc. Parts, Dick Heidgerd, TDC Slide Projector, Largest Boat Dealer foam, direct from fac- vertible, like new, rig- Lawn Service" AUTOS 220 S. Dixie, 395-2412 tory, Phone: 399-5152. large silver screen — ged for fishing and ready 10 Acres Sales & Service Palm Beach County's 133 NE 2nd Ave.Deer- trays and carrying cas- PJUKTED 808-338 No. Dixie, Lontano 585-9374 Largest Boat Dealer EOOF PAINTING & to go. Sleeps 3, with head Open 9 am TO 9 pm Every Oay 10 Acres Sales & Service field Beach 399-8220. es. $35.00 - 395-7826. galley, outriggers, rod CLEANING 4 COATS BUPOMT BAKED ENAMEL 803-B38 No. Dixie. Loninna 585-9374 CAMERA REPAIR TAKE advantage of our holders, full canvass 150 WANTED PRIDE WHITE ROOFS CONSIGNMENTS Tracks Muted A«i Uttarttf Color print. Cam- end of HUNTING SEAS- OMC 1/0 ' loaded with 10 Mutrin FiaiHt HM • I Diy S*rvka era repair & cleaning, 941-0248 ON SALE. Guns, Ammo. other extras. Cost $8150. Big and Small 391-0599 Priced firm at $4500. From a Single Piece to • io»r Don • OFBOismr • rtiais BUTLER MOTORS Free Est, Guaranteed Boca Tackle Shop • HAT COVMS • {ONVilTlllE TOM work. The Photo Mart. S & M. PAINTERS 451 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. 7151 NE 8th Dr., Boca An Entire Estate • •(CMIICALWOd Has the Cleanest Cars in Town! 942-6043 Interior & Exterior Boca Raton Harbour.Phone 391-1370 No Article Too Small THESE CARS MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Tak* DAIII'C r«*»»«Kl. CARPENTRY Lie. & Insured. Call No Estate Too Large It To PAUL *ft Cunlyhr LOOK AT THESE PRICES!!! 391-1739 at 5.-PM. !0y«flra Doors, Drawers, Cabi- Call 278-2373 'C7 MIICTAtJP Convertible, V-S, power- steering and SECRETARIAL ARTHUR JAMES AUTO BOOT* PAINTSHOP 0/ inUOIMnU automatic. This car has only nets, Appliances, Win- WANTED «,000 miles and can bs bought for only SERVICE AUCTION GALLERIES 418 So. H St. LAKE WORTH dows, Walls, Leaks, & J Squeeks, make your list. Typing, Stenographic, 615 East Atlantic Avenue 585-6220 B7 PLYMOUTH FURY HI Delray Beach, Florida On. Block W«.f of Dixie One call fix all. Lie. &Photocopy, Notary, Experienced Sales Manager condition. Extra sharp car far only No Connection With Open Sunday* far estimate* Ins. Call MauriceOldre. Bookkeeping, Reliable, Any Other Gallery >GK TUHMMTDBIDII ™5 «* •" exceptionally sharp Accurate Service 03 lnUnUE.nOlnU car. it's Whil« with Turquoise General Service (with Service Experience) Interior. Full power and air conditioning *73QIi 395-3397 399-0595 for only i

i BOCA RATON NEWS Thu 25 8 Apartments fur Rent 25 F Miscellaneous for Rent 35 A Lots & Acreage Sale'..- .35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes for Sale; 35 H Homes for Safe 'Efficiency, Cove Area SEE US FOR "Hub" of Royal Palm By owner 3/2 air condT NEW HOME Immediate occupancy, Deerfield Beach. Call: SEASONAL Yacht & Country Glub - & central Ht. Carpet- ROYAL PALM YACHT lovely 3/2 central air & New 3 and 4 Bedroom Daily 399-1781 after 5:00 PM. RENTALS Southwest corner - Roy- ing & drapes. 400 NE 44 & COUNTRY CLUB Ht. W/W Carpeting.dish Homes for Immediate 1176 * Furn. 1 bedroom Apts. Large selection of Furn- al Palm Way & Maya St. $18,500. 395-9487* 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, washer, luxury bath & occupancy. Good Terms. Spacious, l/2blockfrom Palm Drive East. Lot 8, Pool, This Home must kitchen. Only $23,500. .399-5922. Boca * ished Houses & Apart- BUILDERS MODEL 3 bedroom, 2 bau. Ocean. 391-0578, ments with or without block 12, $11,000 — be sold. First reason- Low down payment. RIDICULOUSLY ~ 943-2283. New 2 bedroom, 2 bath, able offer accepted. 399-5442 or lawn, sprinkler sys. 1 BEDROOM apt. airPools. Carpets, Draperies. LOW PRICE Owner 399-6790. WATERFRONT — No roofed Patio. Undt cond. heat. Season or Atlantic Boca Realty,Inc. $27,000 - 984 W. Cam- $20,000. Realtor BOCA RATON Bridges to IntracoastaL yearly. 1820 NW 15 Vis- ACREAGE ino Real.Open every day. NEW LISTING " y. Realtors BANYAN REALTY, INC. ta. 395-1812. Harriet Jackman, assoc. 2 bedroom,2 bath, "Cove 2 bedroom, 2bath, large CHARMING 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. walk-in-closets. Cen- 234 S. Fed. Hwy. 395-8500 anytime Section of Deerfield" on 395-3535 SEASONAL RENTALS 25 6 Wanted To Rent 160 Acres within 3 miles & tral heat & air. 2 Tier 2 & 3 Bedroom Deluxe DISTINCTIVE a lovely large Water- . Boca Raton, Fla. Eve. 395-1499 Delightful 3/2 Home. of IBM site, $2000, acre, front Lot with Intra- Dock — Stainless steel Apts. on the Boca Raton Large Patio, cable heat, Good Terms, 80 acres Four bedroom 4-1/2 area 305-395-9355 kitchen — beautiful Hotel's Golf Course, 200 with over 4000 ft. of road bath home — outdoor coastal access. SE ex- We Have a Brand New Pool. On lake, mo. or posure, overlooking Wa- 2 bedrooms 2-1/2 baths, screened porch on SE E. Royal Palm Rd. -- Season. 399-7344. frontage near IBM Site. diving pool — central (plus Den, could be 3rd corner—Price $24,900. 2 Bedroom - 2 Bath 399-7121 - 395-5453. $2,250. acre. Good heat and air, washer and terway from Florida Do you want to rent your room & Master Bed- bedroom). Wall to Wall $6 500. down. Phone INTRACQASTAL Small furnished Apt. Apartment or part of Terms. dryer, carpets & drap- Carpeting, Drapes, owner, 399-0967. Month Dec. Maid ser- eries — in Boca's most room. $21,900, MLS BR WATERWAY HOUSE house for Season to pro- BATEMAN & CO. 1163W. , Washer & vice. TIFFANY APTS. fessional couple — local Realtors desirable residential Dryer, Living room, ITVENUS 395-6420. Office, Apt. References. 399-0802. 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. area. . .MLS 921P. — Dining room, Electric FOR SALE ! For inspection of this 18. 431 W.CaminoReal. 30 C Business Opportunities 395-9355 CARLEN Kitchen, Pass-thru win- $36,500 lovely home, call Appraisal & Realty. Inc. F0R|d|l Boca Raton. For Lease. Beer & Wine Eve. & Sunday — dow to Patio, with Pool. DELUXE Bob Webster 395-2899 LLOYD LIVELY. . . 450 E. Palmetto PK. Rd. 2 c a r garage. Must be Bar. Excellent return. Weir Plaza Building Boca Raton 399-4440 m-s& STUDIO APT. Call 395-9794. 35 B Co-ops & Condominiums Sale seen to appreciate — Furn. unusually nice ~ One Bedroom Apartment 855 S. Federal Hwy. 399-6729. 30 E Income Prooerlv Sale Boca Raton :Ph.395-4000 BUY NOW Large yard. Ideal loca- GOOD INCOME in Luxury Oceanfront SAVE 399-2611 tion. Walking distance Lovely 3 unit Apt. with Building with Pool. Low POOL HOME TAXES1 WANT A Four; Beach & Town. 20's. Owner 276-5056. RE KLTOHS BIG HOME BEDROOMS plenty of room for ex- SW Delray Beach, new Acquire a Home by Jan, ON A FRANCES pansion. Buy now and VERDE Apt. 807. large 3 bedroom, 2bath, 1st and save with Home- 1 A most charming Colon-; PARK" YOUR YACHT ai APARTMENTS 2 bedroom, 1-1/2baths, den, separate dining BIG LOT? Very seldom the dock of this, lovely gain this Season's Rent. stead Exemption. We ial Home, set high on a i Tropical Home, iust off 114 SE 7th Ave. 2 spacious - 1 bedroom completely furnished, room, screened & roof- do we have a really big 1 the Intracoastal for |ust have several fine beautifully, landscaped, S32,500. Very clean,- Big Delrav Beach Apts, & one Deluxe Stu- carpeted thru out &ed patio, stove, refrig- Homes, priced realis- 4 bedroom home with large 223' Lot overlook- , Florida Room, and charm- 25 G Houses for Kent oversized 16'x32' pool ing Living Room with nat- dio Apt, Furn. unusually drapes. Screened furn- erator, drapes, many tically, available for ing a dedicated Park. Its [ -urat fireplace. 2 big baths 2 bedroom, 1 bath, com- ished Patio. All like new with 25'x70* screened —' "Top Drawer" Coral nice. Ideal location, ,extras. $17,000 by own- IMMEDIATE OCCU- 100 year old Buttonwood Ridge location — Call pletely furnished. Avail- call 395-3909. er, no closing costs. patio on a lot 97'xl69' June Raulerson anytime walking distance Beach PANCY. MacLaren & Tree alive with song — Evenings 565-9678. able now, for 3 months. & Town, Well construct- 35 G Apis, Motels, Hotels-Sale: $2500 down, balance on deep enough to add abirds. A large Studio Call 391-1025, Boca Anderson, 135 E. Pal- ed & Maintained. '8 UNITS 18-year mortgage. Call metto Pk. Rd., 395-1333. tennis court behind the Bedroom, and 3 addi- FORD R. CARTER Raton. New Apartments $7,000 Pool! If you can go %§§ INC, REALTORS FRANCES APTS. 278-2572 or 278-2676 tional bedrooms — all 2907 •£. COMMERCIAL Comfortable Home, 114 SE 7th Ave. 56 NE 46 St. Complete for appointment. 000. we've got the nousfc with private entrance. BLVD. Information IT YEN US for you. BR1166P. PHONE: 563-3201 nicely furnished. A/C Delray Beach WATERFRONT French doors openfrom and Heat. Short walk to 35 A lots & Acreage Sale BLACKWELL REALTY FIRST REALTY CORP. t h e Fireplace Living B.eachi Only $2,000. Realtors G, E. Gold Medallion FOR HOMES 20 SE 1st Ave. room to the Patio, For- Prior xo Dec, 31 Ft. Lauderdale Home in Boca Raton on Season 1 MacLaren & tablish tax loss. 399-5442 Call Anytime 395-8600 mal Dining room opens Anderson, 135 E. Pal- 564-5944 - 399-5860 CanaLLess than $20,000. to another Patio & there $3500. BELOW COST 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large Split level House, 3 bed- BOCA INLET metto Pk. Rd., 395-1333. FREE RENT 399-4119 rooms, 2 baths, very is a Terrace Patio for repair WITH INCOME carpeted living room & afternoon Sun, This su- APARTMENTS OR SALE business for sale. Es- Five Unit Motel with dining room. Central large screened Terraz- The perfect 2 bedroom, IF YOU WANT zo floored perch; beau- perb and charming home 2 Bedroom - 2 Bath tablished 9 yrs. Call: extra bedroom and bath. Air Cond. & Heat. 30x30 must be seen to be ap- 2 bath Home. Large bed- 732-5203,Boynton Beach Will pay better than 10% Screened Patio, large tiful kitchen, Tappan Carpeting and Drapes, rooms, Lots of closets l Electric Range, Top preciated. Located be- Linen included — New. •fenced yard. Newly De- A beautifully landscap- Sign" & FJastlc letter on total investment,Keep , disposal, double tween the Beach and In- & Storage space. Large open all year and in-corated. Immediate Oc- ed 3/2, A/C, corner $34,800 walk-in closet, JOINES shop. Good location. sink, terrific cupboards, tracoastal in an area of Ready to operate. $1,200 crease income by 60%. cupancy. 6% MTG. Byhome with large pool pa- Excellent Homes. In- Master Bedroom which owner. No Brokers. For tio opening from spa- electric dishwasher, puts you in business. Only 200 ft. from ocean sprinkler system covers spection by appointment. ARVSDA has glass sliding doors Mr, Conrad, 942-2100. good location for year appointment call 941- cious family room, this MLS BR 1073= Call: Jack opening to spacious 9135 -- House open till is just what you have beautiful lawn and gard- Realty Sales, Inc. round rentals. Good 6% en and sewers are in-Dolan, screened porch. Air PRESTIGE SITE mortgage. Priced in 4 P.M. Sat. & Sunday. been looking for. Spa- 701 E. Camino Real conditioning & heat. 324 SW 13 Place, Boca cious rear play yard as stalled. House located 395-5232 ESTATES 50's. MLS. BA 31. opposite park •facing in- BATEMAN & CO. Drapes & Carpeting. Raton. a bonue for those young- Realtors Sacrifice $17,000. Com- Southwest corner Via sters. Price? Call us, land waterway, only 2 short blocks from 5th 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. plete Furnishings avail- Cabana & Coconut Road ROYAL PALM you'll be surprised. BR Boca Raton 395-9355 able if desired. 451 NW ~ 150'xl00' —perfect REALTOR $45,000.00 1114P. Ave. Shopping Center, 3 and 4 for large home - Priced 140 N. Federal Hwy., Boca closed garage, lots of Eve. 942-6693 12th Ave., Boca Raton. 395-8155 Three bedroom, family FIRST REALTY CORP. MLS 1069. right! MLS BV 119 — 35 H Homes; for Sait 20 S E 1st Ave. closets, utility room and Bedroom For all information call room and den home — abundant shelves. A bar- RICHARD F. ROSS KEN PRICE. . . Waterfront 3 bedrm., 2 included in price, wash- Call anytime 395-8600 gain at $21,000. Call BOCA'S FINEST HONES Realtor - Weir Plaza Building bath, Carpeting & er & dryer, central heat J'WE'VE A HONEY' eves, for appt. Melvin, LOCATION Drapes. Owner trans- Block to Ocean. 2 Bedroom, 399-6444 395-0650 855 S. Federal Hwy. and air conditioning, AM OF A HOME 395-0870. 2 Bath, huge Living room, from $18,500 BocaRaton Ph.395-4000 ferred. Under $22,000. -FM intercom - carpets Large Beautifully furn- : 391-1494. FOR SALE . . .AND THE LIVEN' separate dining space. and draperies. . .MLS Estate Section $42,500. Fireplace, central air and VOGUE HOMES ished House in Harbour. 80 Acres, just West of 947P __ For all inform- IS EASY ! heat, garage. Shrubs and Island on the Intracoas- Boca Raton. 2600' of SHADED HOME with good existing Mtg. If you have been search- 984 W. Camino Real 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fam- ation call HARRY planting defy description. tal Waterway. Heated State Hwy. frontage. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 ing for comfortable liv- §25,500. Owner, 395-1815. Boca Eaton, Fla. ily room, patio, facing GRIFFITHS... car garage, fenced in Pool. For rent from Dec, Less than $3000. per Weir Plaza Building ing. . .stop right here! Or Your Broker. 399-6790 1 to Jan. 10th. 7181acre will buy it. South. Large lot. Pal- yard. Screened Pool This magnificent home metto Park. 395-0834. 855 S. Federal Hwy. area with Southern ex- NE 8th Dr., Boca Har- Boca Raton:Ph.395-4000 was designed especially bour. Mr. Bedell, 391- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, plus posure. Present Owner for just that — 4 bed- 1370 or 391-1785. large family room, in recently spent $6000. on rooms, one can be used Two Bedroom, one bath, Aos.nn.Hwr. REALTORS Beautiful Royal O ak ITVENUS improvement. Call for as maid's room and one NEW HOMES completely furnished •OCA RATON . 395-4624 Hills. Large North fac- Appointment to see. MLS as a den. Master bed- home for rent for sea- Call: Ed Ronan - assoc. ing corner Lot, Carpet- fOR HO Ml BR 1039P. room, living room, din- 5 SOLD in 2 WEEKS son only - no children 395-4624-Eve. 395-7280 ing, Draperies. Occu- BATEMAN & CO. ing room open onto east or pets - Available Jan- ROYAL PALM LOT pancy within 2 weeks. 399-5442 Realtor facing patio and pool STILL AVAILABLE uary 1st. Quiet area. Not on waterway or golf Assume excellent Mtg. 399-4179 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. area via glass doors. 4 Bedroom-2 Bath & Poo!...... $28,508. Write Boca Raton News course. Quiet street, no 5-3/4% MLS. WATERFRONT 395-9355 Master bath has marble 3 Beoroom-2 Bath $22,500. Box #N-16t Boca Raton. thru traffic, close to ONLY Eve. & Sunday, Mrs. tub with huge walk-in Country Club. Should be $23,750 Drake Assoc. 395-9486. closet. Patio has cabana NO CLOSING COST 25: F Miscellaneous lor"Ren!; interesting to prospec- This lovely two bed- which can be entered STORE OR OFFICE tive home owner, build- 6OS.FID.HWY. RfAlTORS room, two bath home A GRACIOUS from bath. Built in bar- 1,000 Sq. Ft. on East er or speculator at this >OCA BATON Ph. 395-4624 HOME b-cue with tile counter, Palmetto Pk. Rd. 1-1/2 with oversized Florida price. Easy terms — Call: Ed. Ronan, assoc. room looking southdown This charming 2 bed- sink and cabinets. Kit- Telephone: block East of Fed. Hwy.Phone 395-4174. 395-4624 - 395-7280 chen possesses built-in 399-5922 good location with rear a wide canal is clean room 2 bath home on a CONSTRUCTION Inc. • NEW LISTINGS and modern. Completely quiet street is close to double oven, dishwash- parking. cV «\3^ TOM SAYS, Beautiful Custom Built air conditioned, new both elementary and er, disposal and instant BRANNON REAL TY, Inc. s hot water faucet plus Realtor I've got some new buys 3 bedroom, 3 bath, home carpeting in living room high school — the bed- in Boca Raton Square. in exclusive Estates and dining area, built-in rooms are exceptionally pass-thru service bar THE GOLF-VIEW 330 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. to lanai and bar-b-cue 391-2444 391-1984 Lots as low as $3190. Section. Spacious rooms electric range and dish- large — the 16x10 patio Boca Raton's Finest Rental Apartments Don't delay call - Wood burning Fire- washer in kitchen, gar- is roofed and screened area. Much, much more. Office for Lease, Newly By appointment only — Featuring Extravagantly Spacious TOM MERIDITH place ~ large 100'xl60' age with storage space —priced to sell at $14,- Painted - 40 SE 7th St. and extra tool shed out- MLS BR-1172P — *3 bedroom - 3 bath Realtor Lot. SEE THIS HOME. 900,00 — Mortgage is Boca Raton. Call: MLS BR 1164 — $34,- side for garden tools — approximately $10,000 $69,550.00. *2 bedroom - 2 bath ORYAL HADLEY at the: 900. Call today 399-4440 MLS - BR - 1097W, at 5-1/4 interest rate... kMOTHERWELL Realtor MLS 1142. For details APARTMENTS 400 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. Wing OFFICE IVB REALTY call HARRY GRIFFITHS 757 S. Federal Hwy. With Free Carpeting, Free Drapes, Free Hot 395-2244 395-1515 GARLEN 757 S. Federal Hwy. Weir Plaza Building Colonial Building Water, Free Sauna Bath, Fully equipped Kit- 545 Appraisa0 E. Palmettl S/Really'-lntVo Pk. Rdr. Colonial Building 855 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, Fla. Boca Eaton 399-4440 Boca Raton, Fla. BocaRaton:Ph.395-4000 Phone 395-4044 chens, Heated Swimming Pool, Resort Facil- Phone 395-4044 ities. ROYAL PALM Come to the GOLF COURSE BEAUTY! TRADE OR SALE Conveniently located between U-S. #1 and the PRIVACY! HAVE: 100 ft. by 168 ft, YELLOW DOOR Intracoastal Waterway, overlooking the Pictures- PRESTIGE! que Boca Raton Hotel & Golf Course. Hew Business Expansion 1 REALTONS Colorful view down the U.S. No. 7 front- fairway. A 3 bedroom, Lovely custom-built age, Boca Raton. 200 E. Royal Palm Rd. 399-7121 — 399-5453 Step 1 Mow's the time... 2-1/2 bath, pool home, home, never before of- WANT: Condominium,2/2 Tom Clark, Mgr. Convert fo fered for sale. On choice or 3/2 on Ocean. large dining area, sun- corner Lot in beautiful ken living room, large "Estates" section near family room, 2 car gar- SALE JALOUSIE CUSSAN9 age. Carpets & draper- ocean. ALL over-sized WATERFRONT LOCATION GLASS CHI'S REMOVED AWNING rooms.Three bedrooms, Lot, Size 70 ft. by 100 ies. Best priced Golf four baths, separate din- ft, Deerfield Beach Es- Offered in this 2 bedroom, 2 bath attrac- Course home at $62,- tivehome on well landscaped plot. Family WINDOWS 500. BR 824. ing room, family room, tates. Remove Old big screened patio - room or 3rd bedroom. An excellent buy Operator Without removing the frames! FIRST REALTY CORP. porch, designed to add SALE at only $21,900. MLS 7 7 77W. Eves. & Sun. • NO PLASTERING 20 S E 1st Ave. pool. Many desirable 395-6775. EXISTING JALOUSIE FRAMS U.S. No. 1 frontage, Bo- « NO PAINTING Call anytime 395-8600 extras." Exceptional LOOKING FOR landscaping. Immacu- ca Raton, 227 ft. by 230 « NO MESS POOLSIDE ft., Zoned; RB-1. YOUR DREAM HOME? Step 2 YULETDDE! late condition, MLS— Step 3 Whistle clean. Recently BR 1105. $59,500 — Attractive, immaculate home. Perfect for painted. Fully landscap- MacLaren & Anderson, BANYAN retired couple. From the cheerful living 135 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. PLASTRIDGE room to the spacious patio this 2 bedroom, CONVERSION HARNESS ed. Three generous bed- REALTY, INC. ATTACHED TO rooms, one panelled for Ph. 395-1333. 8 REALTY 2 bath home shows quality and good EXISTING MWUSIE FRAME "**« l\ 234 S. Federal Highway den ~ 2-1/2 baths — 2 BEDROOM PHONE: 395-3535 224 So. Fed. Hwy. taste. MLS 1131. This may be yours for spacious area around 2/BATH 395-1433 $29,500. Sun. & Eves. 395-6775. pool. Formal dining HOME J 4 room and extra large ROYAL OAK HILLS— NEW APARTMENT RENTALS LOVE THE OCEAN? NEW OPMATOE • kitchen. Get all this for Florida room — well POOL --$115.80 mo. Vfatch the ever-changing view from this $48,500 in Boca Raton's beautiful apartment in Tiara East. Many kept — sprinkler sys- 7 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Living Room, Dining area, EXISTING JALOUSIE FRAME finest subdivision, Roy- extras, marble in the 2Vz baths, quality tem — central heat & W/W carpeting, new range, refrigerator, central EXISTING JALOUSIE FRAME al Palm Yacht and Coun- air — includes draper- heat and air, master TV antannae. Laundry room, carpets, custom-made drapes. Make this Tested — Approved — Passing All Bldg. Codes try Club! Have it andies — frost free refrig- 2 bedroom apartment yours. An outstand- love it for Christmas! erator — storm shut- swimming pool, patio, ample parking, 2,5 miles North of Delray. Contact: ing offering for only $29,500. MLS Condo MLS-BR-1098P. ters — Priced rightl 55P- Sun. & Eves. 395-6775. (Window Gc OTHERWELL $21,000 — MLS BR412 onversiom REALTY For details, call BILL BANER REALTY IMC. M BRADSHAW. .. BOCA RATON FT. LAUDERDALE 757 S. Federal Hwy. 814 E. Atlantic Ave. 80YAL PALH REALTY Colonial Building Weir Plaza Building Delray Beach, Florida 307 Golf View Drive PH. 395-5872 PH. 523-8681 276-7401 Days Nites: 391-1173 Member Greater Ft. Laud. Chamber of Commerce Boca Raton, Fla. 855 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton 395-1661 Phone 395-4044 BocaRaton:Ph.395-4000 ^ I M,,tKb LHJW-U.T

I *

RESORT W 4 . FOR THAT MAN DELRAY BEACH BOCA RATON I ••* Section B Thursday, December 14, 1967 Page 1

By SANDY WESLEY Heart of Mary for nine years have a folk mass." now, came to Boca Raton this She also took courses at Jul- "My mother used to say I past fall to join Marymount liard School of Music, would be a torch singer some- College faculty as head of the "I don't practice as much as day," laughed Sister Regina. music department. I should," she said, "but I en- Sister Regina says Mothers have been known to She's also found herself very joy entertaining." be wrong, but in this case Sis- much in demand at such places While she was in Quebec ter Regina's mother might only as women's organization teas, teaching in elementary and high have been partially wrong be- concerts and yes, even the Cata- school and college, she gave cause although Sister turned lyst, Florida Atlantic Univer- piano lessons. "Not everyone," the tables and joined the con- sity's coffee house for college she said. "I sometimes gave vent instead, she still likes to students. lessons 35 hours a week. It it with music sing such songs as "Bill Bail- She admits that she still was too tasking. I really didn't ey. doesn't know how the people like it." Sister Regina, a member of take to religious strumming a At Marymount she no longer the Religious of the Sacred guitar and singing such songs gives piano lessons, but she as "Scarlet Ribbons" and "Bill does teach art history, one of Bailey." her favorite subjects, along "At first," she said, "I felt with her course in music and rather uncomfortable singing in modern culture and art. front of so many different peo- "Oh yes, I also have a Glee ple, and I didn't know whether Club," she remembered. The or not I should doit." However, Glee Club will perform at the she's met with no objections so Municipal Band's Christmas far either inside the convent or concert Friday night in the Com- outside. munity Center. Sister Regina "In fact," she said, "the sis- will stay in the background for ters have encouraged it." that concert. "I love music," she said. She also plays the guitar and "I'm fascinated by the power it sings at the Marymount folk has over people, especially the masses and plays piano for the young people. Music has become Florida Atlantic University a common bond for people," Community Chorus, she added. "I've written a folk mass "I feel I can say so much too," she said. "But Ionlyused with music. It's a way for me to it once." express my feelings. It's an out- "I enjoyed singing at the let for me and the other sisters Catalyst," she added. "I didn't understand that." think I would at first, but it Performing as a singing re- has such a nice atmosphere. I ligious might be new to Sister enjoy singing for a live aud- Regina, but performing as a ience. People really respond singer is not, to music and you can feel the "I came from a musical fam- response." ily," she said. "Both my Moth- Her favorite kind of music? er and Father were musically "I think I'm erratic, maybe inclined and I sang in a trio a bit nutty when it comes to with my two sisters. The trio music," j she said. "I like mu- sang for women's clubs and in sical comedy and drama. I did amateur shows." 'Oklahoma' once. I love all kinds Now her older sister is mar- of music, operas, folk music, ried and her younger sister is Mozart's 40 symphony. I have in New York City pursuing a a nutty kind of taste, I guess. I career in the opera. "My older also like Simon and Garfunkle sister leaned toward musical and I enjoy Strauss." comedy. Although Sister Regina en- ' 'I'm afraid I did lean more joys singing for people and ev- toward torch singing," she ery so often the sisters at Mary- laughed. mount can get her to take out Sister Regina majored at her guitar and hum "Scarlet Marymount in New York and Ribbons" or "Joy is the Rain" plays the piano, saxophone, for them, she isn t exactly sure clarinet and more recently the she'd like to be referred to as a guitar. "singing nun." "I learned how to play the "I often say people aren't guitar when I was teaching in going to fall for another singing Quebec and the girls wanted to nun, she said.

Hospital plans hall

Bethesda Memorial Hospital will hold its 13th annual benefit ball Give Yourself a Present... January 12 in the Patio Royale, Boca Raton Ho- tel and Club. ...So YouIIhave a Future Plans for the black tie gala, first major south county event of the new year, include cocktails at 7 p.m., din- PER ANNUM ner service at 8:30 and dancing from 9 to 1 PASSBOOK SAVINGS a.m. to the music of Tex Compounded Qt/arterly Reneke and his orches- tra. Attendance for the event, which has its headquarters at 162 E. Boca Raton Rd. will be PER ANNUM limited to 400. Proceeds from the 1968 ball will 6 Month Savings Certificates go toward expansion of •4 the out-patient facilities Multiples of $1000 at Bethesda. Contribu- tions from supporters of past Bethesda balls, helped finance con- struction of the original hospital, the south wing which trippled patient bed capacity to its pres- ent 216 beds and 12 bed intensive care unit soon MORE PEOPLE think first of First Federal— to be opened. because First Federal thinks MORE of YOU / First Federal Savings

Your Christmas Seal con- and Loan Association of Delray Beach tribution will be working ail year—fighting TB . . . emphysema . . . air pol- Home Office 645 E. Atlantic Blvd., Delray Beach lution ... a matter of life and breath. BOCA RATON OFFICE Gene Robinson Ed Earnhardt 601 North Federal Highway - Phone 395-2121 Your TB-RD BUSINESS BOCA RATON CONSULTANT Association BRANCH MANAGER 2B Thorsdqy, Dec. 14, ^67 BOCA RATON NEWS ANN LANDERS Being adopted was a lucky break

Dear Ann Landers: it for a long time and I which revealed that 10 The letter from the times when that barrel I'm a steady reader who feel like a million dol- out of 11 girls said they teen-age boy who signed did the job of two mar- was adopted at birth. lars now that I've said would rather have too himself Pressure Cook- riage counselors. For the 50th time I've it. Thanks for the oppor- much than too little. er was especially inter- Our "little boy" is been asked by a tunity. Surveys don't help the esting to me. married now, and when "friend" if I ever won- —NO STRANGERS woman whose bra straps When our son Bob was we asked him what he der who my real par- LIVE HERE cut into her shoulders 14 he came to me and wanted for a housegift ents are. How can I get Dear No Stranger: like because they said he didn't know what guess what he asked What a wonderful letter! are carrying such a load. to do about Ms "terrible for? The barrel. it through their unthink- —PROBLEM SOLVED ing heads that I am liv- It sounds as if someone Surveys don't help the temper,'' Bob express- has done a beautiful job unfortunate girl who ed himself much in the Dear Solved: The bar- ing with my real par- of making you feel want- can't wear sweaters or same way as the boy who rel idea is well worth ents? ed and loved. Cheers for scoop neck dresses or wrote. He described his imitating. Thank youl Is there some set rule the whole family. clingy fabrics and. is uncontrollable feelings that says parents must called by nicknames you of anger and confessed When romantic glan- go through the motions Dear Ann Landers: couldn't print in your that he had once kicked ces turn to warm em- of childbirth. Where Recently you published letter. the dog because some- braces is it love or does love come in? I one had been nasty to chemistry? Send for the mean no disrespect to a letter from a woman Why didn't you tell the who was bemoaning the woman who wrote that him at school. booklet "Love or Sex my natural mother but I and How to Tell the Dif- often thank God for put- fact that she was over- the super-blessed fe- endowed. (When the males can now be help- I bought a big rubber ference," by Ann Land- ting me into the home of. salesgirls saw her com- by surgery? The opera- barrel at the hardware ers. Enclose a long, the wonderful people who ing, they used to sigh, tion is not dangerous. store and told Bob that stamped, self-address- raised me. It was a "Good grief, here The surgeon merely re- whenever he got mad to ed envelope and 35 cents lucky break. comes old D-cupl" moves the excess fatty go to the basement and in coin with your re- I don't think I've said You answered by tell- tissue and the woman kick the barrel. quest. this very well, Ann, but ing her about a survey emerges with normal It worked wonders, Ann Landers will be I've been wanting to say made in your office measurements. Ann. ' 'Kicking the bar- glad to help you with So many problems are rel" became afamily your problems. Send insoluble. When one affair. When my hus-them to her in care of Peter Schaaf will play comes along that can be band and I had a dis- Boca Raton News, Box solved, I should think agreement we would go 3346, Chicago, Illinois, you'd be happy to pass down to the basement 60654, enclosing a the word. together and kick the stamped, self-address- piano for Music Guild —BEEN THERE barrel. There were ed envelope. Sydnae Andrews Hershey with one of her "smiling Christ" portraits and Dear B.T. You are her "Happy Birthday to Jesus" cake. Pianist Peter Schaaf green room, : will be presented in con- Schaaf's program will right. The surgery you cert Friday by Florida include Bach's Prelude describe has helped Atlantic Music Guild. and Fugue in E Major, many women. I was Mrs. Hershey gives birthday- The concert will be- Beethoven's Sonata in aware of the procedure gin at 8:30 p.m. in the A Major, Opus 101, Al- and I should have sug- Florida Atlantic Uni - legretto ma non Troppo, gested it. My apologies versity Theatre follow- Vivace All Marcia, Ada- to all whose cups run- THE GOLD C cakes as gifts at Christmas ed by a reception in the gio ma non Troppo, con neth over. affetto, and Allegro, and Christmas in a way is like chocolate and think- treated just like any Franck's Prelude, Dear Ann Landers: just like the weather,, ing possibly that Jesus other birthday cake, ' Births Choral and Fugue. Everyone talks about himself might like choc- she said. "Everyone Also included in the putting Christ back into olate," she smiled. blows out the candles Mr. and Mrs. Peter program will be Ravel's Bridge winners COMPARE Christmas, but not too "I think, though, that and makes a wish. The Ravenhall, 155 N.E. 20th Sonatine, Modere, Mou- many folks really make angel cake could wish should be for St., announce the birth of vement de Menuet and KEELER'S too big an effort to do make a remarkable peace," she added. a son, Paul Alan, Dec. 3 anime; Prokofiev's So- are announced anything about it. "Happy Birthday to Je- The birthday cake is in Bethesda Memorial nata number three in A Eight couples won EVERY DAY Sydnae Andrews Her- sus Cake." The legend only one of Sydnae's ac- Hospital. Mrs. Raven- Minor and Opus 28, and awards in the recent shey of Boca Raton has "Happy Birthday to Je- complishments. She also hall is the former Mari- Chopin's Andante Spia- Duplicate Bridge Club made the effort. sus is written in a cir- paints portraits of the lyn Mead. nato et Grande Polon- games. LOW In fact, she began her cle around the top of the smiling Christ. "Funny aise, Opus 22. North-south winners small campaign eight cake. thing," she said, "when Mr. and Mrs. James Schaaf is a graduate of were: Mrs, Carmen Ev- CONTRACT years ago when she "When I was a child I was six years old I Graham Davis Jr., St. the Juilliard School of erett, Mrs. Edward J. PRICES originated the "Happy Christmas was always told my teacher in school Andrew's School, an- Music where he studied Krause, first; Mrs. Jack Birthday to Jesus" cake. celebrated in my family I was going to paint nounce the birth of a with Sascha Gorodnitzki M u n d e r, Mrs. Ruth All draperies expertly Bryan Memorial as Christ's birthday," Christ smiling. I did son, James Graham III, and Mme. Lhevinne. He Meyers, second; Mrs. made in our own Church officials in Mi- Sydnae said. "We didn't too." Dec. 3 in Bethesda Me- earned his bachelor and Lena Carey, Mrs. Betty workrooms. ami liked her idea so bother too much with Sydnae began painting morial Hospital. Mrs. master's degrees at and drawing when she V. Johnson, third and much that each year the Santa Claus bit, but Davis is the former Juilliard and with them Mrs. Glenn Berry and At KEELER'S you'll was three years old, and No charge for making since they've erected a now Christmas has be- Elizabeth Jeannette he was awarded the Mrs. Thomas Spratley, find hundreds of bolts of although she says she full length, regular or tra- 40 foot high wooden cake come so commercial- Cochrane. highest honor given by fourth. the most exciting drapery wanted very much to be verse, from $1.98 yd. Guar- with 25 foot candles and ized that we've lost sight the faculty, the Morris East - west winners fabrics anywhere . . . just a six foot angel atop it. a missionary doctor, irn anteed rods and installation. of what it really means." Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Loeb Memorial Prize were: Mrs. Harry Mer- for the Gold Coast! The cake stands on the Sydnae always gives stead she became apro- W. Thomas, 1101 W.Ca- for excellence in piano. rill, Mrs. Dorothy Hay- church lawn during the her friends a "Happy fessional portrait paint- mino Real, announce the He has performed for Christmas season, er. At the age of 23 den, first; Mrs. Victor Open Mon.-Sat. Birthday to Jesus" cake birth of a daughter, Di- educational television at Nockin, Mrs. Carl 9-5 Sydnae herself has as a Christmas gift, "It she had painted her first ane Marie, Dec. 5 in Florida Atlantic Uni- picture of Christ smil- Blomshield, second; Come In made anywhere from makes a nice gift for a Bethesda Memorial versity, in recital for Mrs. Marie Williams, Or Phone • Draping the Gold Coast one to three tiered family," she said. ing. Now she has sev- Hospital. Mrs. Thomas American Association of eral. She's never taken Mrs. Gertrude Black- "Happy Birthday to Je- When Sydnae first is the former Janet Mc- University Women at burn, third and Mrs. An- 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, 278-2877 sus cakes and has dec- dreamed up the idea in formal lessons. "I went Leon. Marymount College and drew Baldwin and Ed- Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop orated them with green Miami, she decorated to Norman Rockwell one in a concert series at ward A. Merriman, (Cove Center) Deerfield Beach - phone 399-2837 lettering, 20 red cand- lavishly a three layer time and asked him if Mr. and Mrs. JakeW. the Norton Gallery fourth. les signifying 20 cen-cake and soon she had he would instruct me. Embrey, Boca Raton, Threatre in West Palm turies and topped them her friends decorating He told me just to announce the birth of a Beach. with a small angel. cakes for Christ's paint,"- she said. daughter, Judy Elaine, "I've baked white birthday. "Now it's an Dec. 6 in Bethesda Me- To Place a cakes and sometimes accepted thing in Mi- Women plan morial Hospital. Mrs. chocolate cakes, re- ami," she said. Embrey is the former Classified Ad membering that children The birthday cake is Yule party Joyce Sedoris. Call 395-8300 Boca Raton Woman's PICTURE FRAMING Club will hold its annual EVEN IF YOU GLAMOR by JENNINGS Christmas party Friday SPECIALS in the home of Mr, and DOH'T HAVE A Mrs. Kenneth Jones, for CHRISTMAS 601 S.W. Eighth Terr. NEW ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS The party, honoring new members and mem- WARDROBE Glamor, plus bers husbands, will be- THIS FALL.,. 24-hour security! gin at 7 p.m. Instant Action ... No Mess! ARKLA CORONET Use the Classifieds GAS GRILL GAS LIGHT Christmas Special: $57 plus low installed with up to 50 feet of line installation cost. $ $ $ 2 DOWN- 2 MONTH We Can Make 13.95 SPECIAL Flat monthly rate far gas, burn it day and night, Your Garments no limit, $2.25. Look Like New MAYTAG

This is a startling statement to HALO-OF-HEAT make, but our exclusive process of revitalizing clothes- is startling, too. Wear and tear and ordinary usage -r- i. ATLANTIC cause wrinkles and puckers, and make GAS DRYER i clothes look old and dejected. Our mod- Christmas Special: $174.95, you save DELRAY BEACH ern drycleaning methods give renewed life to the fibers, $43.00! Greatest work-saver since the and actually make your garments look like they did when . No money down . . . FREE USE new. OF A KODAK Remember — our process is exclusive. Only we can give INSTAMATie your clothes this special treatment. CAMERA Exclusive

* Plant Open 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. Miracle- Offer lin.ited • Same Day Shirt Service and Flo-Gas ciistorrttsts. Finish • One Hour Dry Cleaning ...for the modem "m/nrcfe" fabrics * Fre« Pickup and Delivery dry cleaning

YOUR ONE STOP PHOTO SHOP 3oca LAUNDfgY & CLEANING MATTHiWS CAMEiAS WEST PALM BEACH LAKE WORTH DELRAY BEACH Also Visit our Lantana Store in Lantana Shopping Center 30 S.E. 1st ST. 395-5200 S. DIXIE at FERN ST. — TE 2-2461 12 S. J ST. — W 5-6401 325 N.E, 2nd ST. — 278-2636 BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 3B

Mr. and Mrs. William Ackerman (right) chat Bon Vivante Christinas party. The party was with James Frizzell and Miss Dolly Moore at held in Boca Raton Hotel and Club recently. I Girl Scout News I.v.

.i. .By BARBARAMcBRIDE an afternoon slaving ov- Troop 139 returned from Hanson and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Richard Brannon presents her contribution Chapter, National Woman's Farm and Garden er the hot stove making an over night camp trip Overby who generously to the Christmas basket for needy families as Association and their husbands last weekend. My, oh my, but Christ- Christmas cookies. full of expectation for offered their cars and mas seems to be fast Between cooking and their next trip to Camp time to drive them to Mrs. Thomas Becker and Mrs. Brian Anderson The basket will be completed and sent to the approaching! Each .day eating I'm sure they'll Welaka in the spring. and from their first ov- hold (he basket. Supplies for the basket were Welfare Council this week. is filled with card writ- have lots of fun0 Their This trip was a training er night camp out. contributed at a party for members of Royal Palm ing, cookie baking, gift leaders are planning a program in fire build- buying, wrapping, mail- Christmas party for ing and cooking skills ing, decorating, sing- them on the 21st, which in preparation for their ing, eating, visiting and will find the girls fin- spring trip. Leaders, ishing up their Christ- Mrs. C.H. Newman and lots of love. Mrs. James Sterling are Amid all these activi- mas crafts, then eating, singing carols, and full of praise for their ties the Girl Scout girls — reported that As Always Now Also troops are busily pre- playing games. everything went In Boca Raton paring parties, gifts for The troop really smoothly and everyone In Delray Beach parents and service thinks that Christmas did a fine job. projects for the com- came early this year munity. with the donation to them The camp out took Some of our troop by the Ladies Auxil- them to Camp Mary news now: Cadette iary of the American Prince, near Lake Worth Troop 107, co-led by Legion in Boca Raton of and in addition to their Mrs. Robert Beeh and a troop American flag. leaders they were ac- Mrs. Thomas Alter will Miss Helen Radigan, a companied by Senior spend the evening of the representative of the Scout Carol Cornell, 21st giving much joy to Post brought the flag, Mrs. Anton Hejl, a reg- the patients of the Boca and small individual istered nurse, and Mrs, Raton Community Hos- flags for each Brownie. Thomas Beasley. The pital. They will be car- She told them about the girls divided into pa- oling via closed circuit care of the flag, the re- trols for their meals — television at 7 p.m. and spect we feel for it, and they planned their menu, each patient can enjoy then showed them the shopped for their food them and perhaps sing proper way to fold the and cooked their food along from the comfort flag. over open fires. of his own bed. Breakfast menus var- After their carolling The Brownies and ied from oatmeal to eggs session the girls will go their leaders are very to pancakes, and I'm to the home of Mrs. proud and delighted with sure no one was left their new flag, and feel Alter for a Christmas hungry — hiking and Now party. The girls will deep appreciation to- fire building does bring bring gifts to this party, ward the Ladies Auxil- on an appetite. The girls but not for each other iary. and leaders are grate- Two Salons to Serve You . . — these will be toys all Members of Junior ful to Mr. and Mrs. Hank wrapped and ribboned to be given to the Welfare n Two Cities Council for needy chil- dren. As with all of our Boca Raton Scout troops these girls find their enjoyment heightened when shared and with others. Brownie Troop 186, Delray Beach co-led by Mrs. Arthur Platt and Mrs. Robert Benson is planning a Have a gala fashion fling carolling party too. Theirs will take them to visit Kemp's for . . . the Royal Palm Shop- ping Center on the eve- ning of Wednesday, Dec. Shoes that go everywhere . . 20. These sweet little gals and their leaders will begin their songs Shoes for every taste . . . at 6:30 p.m. and will carol for about an hour occasion and pocketbook while walking slowly around the center. If you have any last minute . . . Shoes you know and love shopping to do'this would be the perfect night to buy your gifts and get a little more Christmas -Colony Studio Photo spirit, too. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Dorr, Sr., parents of When their songs are Mrs. Albert G. Shiphorst, Boca Raton, will cele- ended the girls will all brate their 50th wedding anniversary with a fam- go to Mrs. Platt's home for refreshments, ily dinner party today. The couple was married games and probably Dec. 14, 1917 in Newark, N.J. and have been more singing. Last residents of Florida since 1957. They have three meeting found the girls children, Mrs. Shiphorst, William Dorr Jr., North busy making tray fa- Miami Beach and Mrs. Leroy W. Leffel, Carlsbad, vors which will bring some Christmas spirit Calif., and three grandchildren. to the patients of the State Hospital in Holly- wood. Another Brownie vc Troop which has lots of Christmas plans ahead Exclusive at Kemps is troop 61 co-led by European and Mrs. Robert Tata, Mrs. American trained exquisite Delill Donald Reed and Mrs. HAIR STYLISTS evening purses. David Kennedy. Next to serve the week the girls will most discriminating divide into six small Ladies at moderate groups and will go to the prices. A glorious selection of homes of their leaders and Brownie mothers; Christmas gifts to Mrs. Thomas Alter, flutter the feminine A gift certificate from Kemp's Mrs. Armand Moens and Mrs. Donald Bradley for hearts on your lists. is a gift superb ! ! It's so very special when it comes from

SPECIAL GOURMET DINNER MENU Complete Dinner Five Dollars KEMP'S DOME or COCKTAILS A LA CARTE DINNER SHOi PENTHOUSE FLOOR FROM 5 P.M. 5"-30-ll P.M SALON THt Reservations Suggested: 525-3303 Now in Two Locations (Closed Sundays) THE AYERS Royal Palm Piaza 1004 Atlantic Avenue 333 SUNSET DRIVE AWARDS HOLIDAY 5-STAR In La Cave FORT LAUDERDALE MAGAZINE MOBIL GUIDE From 8:30 Downtown Boca Raton Downtown Delray Beach 4B Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Smart shoppers have no problem selecting right Christmas turkey

Choosing the holiday states that the size of per person; for turkeys they can have left-overs turkey can be an easier the turkey should be de- that weigh more than for cold cuts, sandwich- task if you know what termined by the number 12 pounds, you'll need es, and casseroles. qualities make up a good of persons to be served. 1/2 to 3/4 pounds of bird for your holiday Fry has a handy rule ready-to-cook turkey meal. of thumb housewives can per person. The smart shopper follow to help them buy can select a better tur- more efficiently: for However, most fami- key if she knows the turkeys that weigh less lies prefer to buy a bird class, size and grade than 12 pounds, you'll somewhat larger than of this native American need 3/4 to 1 pound of necessary for their fowl and the number of ready-to-cook turkey Thanksgiving dinner so persons she intends to serve. Class refers to the Give someone fat jar age of the turkey which determines how the bird should be cooked. The of cookies this season most common classes of YOU turkeys are (1) fryer- Check your Christ- Mix with oats. Add al- roasters, and (2) young mas list. Is there any- ternately with apples to MEAN hens or toms. one who wouldn't love creamed mixture. Add The fryer - roasters getting a fat cookie jar walnuts, and mix well. are marketed at about filled with delectable Drop by rounded table- MY 13 weeks of age, and homemade treats? A spoons on greased bak- may be roasted, fried, "bake 'n* take" gift is ing sheet. Bake in mo- SCREENS or barbecued. Such one of the nicest (and derate oven, 350 de- birds usually weigh least expensive!) ways grees F. about 20 min- about 4 to 8 pounds. The to remember close utes. Makes 3 dozen AREN'T young hens and toms friends and relatives at cookies, are full-grown birds, the holiday season. about 20-26 weeks of COVERED? Cranberry Orange Cake age, and are suitable for Santa's Samplers are IJse roasting. Hens general- perfect for the "bake" INSURE WITH "DAY" ly weigh about 10-16 part of your gift. Ev- Christmas Recipe of the week eryone will love them BE SURE TOMORROW! pounds, and toms about — soft and plump, spicy Seals 16-26 pounds or more. and crunchy with chop- Turkeys are graded ped nuts. Thanks to the A, B, or C. Birds that canned apple slices in Cranberries in Christmas cake are marked less than them, these treats stay --.".. Agerrcy Grade A are downgrad- moist and fresh with 500S.FEDERAL HWY. ed for reasons such as Consider the cranberry. Do you reserve it it. It's so good you'll want to bake it at other zesty flavor for days. FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS 395-0220 for holiday dinners only? Do you serve it only times of the year, as well as Christmas. poorer finish and flesh- Apple slices also sim- as a sauce for meat? This year, do things CRANBERRY ORANGE CAKE ing, bruises, or missing plify the making, for AIR POLLUTION differently,, Discover how refreshing, the 1 cup cut-up dates skin. Fry points out they come out of the can cranberry can be in other foods like cookies, 1 cup finely chopped walnuts that often these turkeys firm and juicy, already OUR GIFT TO Y0U! cakes and hot breads. 1 cup cranberries, halved are a better buy than cored and peeled, ready Come in Now for Your 1968 TRAVELERS There's nothing quite like the tart, nippy 1/2 cup sifted regular all-purpose flour Grade A birds, but to use. flavor of the dark red cranberry. Small 1/2 cup butter housewives may not To complete this wonder it has played an important part in 1 cup sugar completely understand pleasant, personal gift, American cookery ever since the Pilgrims 2 eggs the reasons for a bird ctake" the cookies in a CURRIER landed. The first settlers found Indians en- 3 tablespoons grated orange rind having a lesser grade. gift-wrapped cookie jar. joying this small, pungent red berry along 2 cups sifted regular all-purpose flour She wants a turkey for Tag on the Santa's Sam- & IV ES with their venison and wild turkey and soon 1 teaspoon baking powder the dinner table that has plers recipe — that adopted it as a relish for their meats. As 1 teaspoon baking soda no defects and seeks the cookie jar should nev- CALENDAR the years passed, the wild cranberry was best choice. Most of er go unfilled! 1/4 teaspoon salt the turkeys sold in re- cultivated and developed into today's plump, 1 cup buttermilk SANTA'S SAMPLERS (If unable fo juice variety. And now is the time to find out 2/3 cup sugar tail stores are Grade A. 1/2 cup shortening Frozen turkeys are come in about its possibilities. 2/3 cup orange juice 2/3 cup sugar immediately, This holiday season, bake a cranberry In a bowl combine dates, walnuts and cran- inspected as well as 2 eggs studded cake that gives new dimension to the berries with 1/2 cup flour; set aside. In a graded by the U. S. De- 1 cup all-purpose please phone fruit cake idea. This one's not made with the mixing bowl cream butter; gradually add 1 cup partment of Agricul- flour, sifted to have one usual multitude of spices and chopped candied sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Beat in ture. The inspection teaspoon baking reserved.) fruits. Its flavor-makers are tart-sweet eggs one at a time. Add orange rind. Sift to- label assures the con- powder cranberries, tangy orange rind, chewy sweet gether 2 cups flour, baking powder, baking sumer that each turkey 1 teaspoon cinnamon dates and chopped walnuts. Butter milk adds soda and salt; add to creamed mixture alter- has been checked for teaspoon nutmeg its wholesome goodness and makes the cake nately with buttermilk, beginning and ending wholesomeness. 1/2 teaspoon salt moist and tender. with dry ingredients. Fold in fruit-nut mix- The inspection label 1 cup rolled oats Extra moistness is added by a special sugar ture. Turn into buttered 9-inch tube spring- is round, with black or 1 cup canned apples and orange juice syrup you pour on after the form pan. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven blue printing on a white slices, drained and cake comes out of the oven. This luscious 1 hour or until done. Cool on wire rack 15 background. The grade chopped liquid soaks right into the freshly baked cake, minutes. Meanwhile in a small saucepan heat label, though, is the 1 cup walnuts, chop- giving it a delightful tang. Then you refrig- 2/3 cup sugar and orange juice until sugar is shape of a shield with ped erate the cake to let the flavors blend for at dissolved. Remove cake from pan; place top white printing on a blue Cream tegether JOHN D. TALBOTT least 12 hours. side up on a wire rack over a shallow pan. or black background. shortening and sugar. If you're a fruit cake , you'll love this Pour orange juice mixture over cake, catch- Look for the presence Add eggs, one at a time, Insurance Agency, Inc. Cranberry Orange Cake with the fresh flavor ing drippings and pouring back over cake. of both labels before beating after each addi- and crimson color of cranberries all through Cover and refrigerate at least 12 hours be- selecting a turkey. tion. Sift together flour, 489 N.E. 20th ST. BOCA RATON fore serving. The poultry expert baking powder, cinna- WINFIELD SHOPPING CENTER mon, nutmeg and salt. PHONE 395-1511 - 399-1516 FOR A LIFETIME OF PROUD POSSESSION Book honors Looking for something...? o local women OMEGA If your paper hasn't arrived by 8:30 a.m. please Three Boca Raton wo- call 395-8300 and special delivery will be made. men have been selected WE ARE to appear in the 1967 Calls may be made at any time between 8:30 patiofurniture,juie gifts, accessories, YOUR AUTHORIZED edition of Outstanding 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays AGENT Young Women of Amer- between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. ica. Mail subscribers are asked to contact the Boca SALES - SERVICE Women are Mrs, John Raton News circulation department in case of Shoup, 98 S.W. Tenth EXCLUSIVELY BY - Ave., Miss Mary Jo missed deliveries. TYLER HOUSE has a new and Kurk, president of Delta Zeta Alumnae, and Mrs. large selection of accessories, H.V. Hanson, 2198 N.E. 48 SE 1st Ave. at Royal Palm Road Fourth Ave., 1966-67 Downtown Boca Raton district ten director, gifts and fine casual furniture. B-$135 - 395-3462 - Florida Federation of Authorized Omego Agency Junior Women's Clubs fCHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITE D| Florida Federation.

t |rcun££6

See Frances Brewster First!


Offering Our Usual Fine Selection of Sizes S fo 44 and You're Invited to visit our just opened Distinguished Clothes for Dress and Casual Wear Half Sixes W/2 to 2V SPARKLE SHOP 1100 E. Atlantic Ave.-DELRAY BEACH-Phone 276-4148 259 Worth Ave.-PALM BEACH-Phone 833-3679 for a variety of unusual Christmas ideas Miami Beach, 1060 Kane Concourse Winter Park, 258 Park Avenue, North Ft. Lauderdals 3500 North Ocean Dr. (A-l-A on Gait Ocean Mile) k 100 E. PALMETTO PARK OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY NINE TO FIVE 2001 North Federal Highway, Delray Beach Phone 276-9500 Westhamplon Beach, N.Y. Southampton, N.Y.| BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 5B Space It's that time of year Talk It's that time of year is where the deadly should wear gloves when again — the snakes are coral snake burrows to working with leaf By Col. John A. crawling! keep out of the sun. mulched plants. "Shorty" Powers (Ret.) Ross Allen, authority Allen says gardeners on poisonous snakes and Dear Col. Powers: Since the Russians have ac- director of the Ross complished an apparent soft-landing on Venus, a Allen Reptile Institute prominent U.S. scientist recently said on tele- in Silver Springs, cau- vision that now the U.S. is six years behind Rus- tions Floridians to ex- sia. Is this really true, or is he politicking for ercise extreme caution more funds? -Fred C. Nolting, Boca Raton, Fla. in the woods and around Dear Fred: What you read was a newsman's homes. conclusion, based on a space agency official The rattlesnakes are Custom Made Draperies and Shades statement admitting that the U.S. has no firm plans on the move to winter Slipcovers • Upholstery for a soft-landing on Venus for at least six years. hibernation holes (go- If you can jump to a conclusion based on today's pher and man-made) and Free Decorator Service For Consultation plans and on the space agency's pessimism over residents should keep a public complacency, then you might say that the watchful eye around Phone 399-7033 single achievement by the Soviets puts the U.S. homes, particularly six years behind in the race to the planets. The areas landscaped with space agency official was simply reading from the clumps of bushes and schedule. other shrubs. Care should also be Dear Colonel Powers: Since the United States used in digging around DRAPERY STUDIO can make a "hookup" in space between two ve- plants that have been 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY.. BOCA *ATON hicles, could this be done in time to save our as- highly mulched, for this tronauts in the event something went wrong with a vehicle in orbit and it was unable to return to Earth? Thank you for your very interesting col- umn, "Space Talk." -Jeremiah Henderson, At- lanta, Ga., age 33, occupation, clerical. Dear Mr. Henderson: It is feasible to perform a rendezvous and docking maneuver so as to res- cue stranded spacemen. However, the possibility of becoming stranded in orbit is pretty slight. Maggie Blanco, a Cuban living in Miami, points out Argentina to Dr. Willy We have not, therefore, pressed this capability. Feuerlein who as professor of economics at Florida Atlantic University, Gemini 6 and 7 performed an historic rendezvous between two manned vehicles and could have, if may already have known where it is. President of the Organization of Amer- the circumstances had dictated, performed a res- ican Students at FAU, Maggie is a graduate of the University of Miami and cue maneuver. is now a student in FAU's graduate school of Education.

Dear Colonel Powers: Is it possible to communi-i" cate by light? -Eric Baird, Fort Worth, Texas, Monthly book reviews age 11. Appraised, Bought & Sold Dear Eric: You must be talking about Laser We also buy beams. Scientists have used these light beams to scheduled at library old gold & antique jewelry carry communications but we don't have a good HAVE YOUR practical system developed yet. Work on Laser Boca Raton Public Li- Reviewers this year POODLE SALON communication is still in the research stage with brary will present a will be Mrs. Clarence DIAMONDS CHECKED much yet to be done before it will come into daily Kent, Mrs. Ralph B. & CLEANED use, if ever. series of five monthly book reviews beginning Kling, Mrs. Raymond NO CHARGE STRIPPING AND CLIPPING ALL BREEDS January 18. Pascoe, Mrs. Richard F. The reviews will be Leitch and Mrs. Paul (ENANN JEWELERS DOG AND CAT SUPPLIES The senders of the two best questions each held at 2 p.m. the fourth Cline. week—in the judgements of Col, Powers and the CALL DURING A. M. X editors of World Book Encyclopedia Science Ser- Thursday of each month x vice, Inc.—will receive $25 U.S. savings bonds. in the Community Cen- FOR APPOINTMENT 395-5770 ter. In other years the UNIQUE m When submitting questions, please include name Jean Napier - Canine Beautician and age or occupation. Mail them to Col. John reviews were held in the Boutique KENANN BUILDING Powers, c/o Boca Raton News, P.O. Box 580, library, however the li- Th6 One and Only blOUSC 3101 N. FEDERAL HWY. Boca Raton, Fla. 33432. brary can no longer hold Shop in Florida FT. LAUDERDALE 960 N. Dixie Hwy.r Boca Raton,Fla. the amount of people who 6 N.E. 5th Ave. Delray Beach c. 1967 World Book Encyclopedia Science Service, Inc. attend the reviews. South-8ound Fed. Hwy. 565-2021

decorqtfons, people!

everything-yoq"l I need and wani~1br Christmas fhis year Is gfrf|p.Uncjer^nerppfTAnd completely air conditioned throughout; even 3s you j^o from Store to store. IT'S CHEISFA4AS

Lake Park Wsst

Just make your shopping list. And then Then, while your gifts are being wrapped, West Palm Beach Blue Heron Blvd. check ours. We have 3 huge department stop for lunch. Or dinner. Buy a tree stores. Jordan Marsh, J. C. Penney, and and all the trimmings. A turkey and all the Richards. Florida's most beautiful arid varied. fixings. Candy. Fruitcake. Flowers. Cards. J And if they don't have everything on your Be sure to visit Christmas City. list, relax ... that's just the beginning! Palm Beach Mall. The lights, the decorations, ach Lakes 8[vd Palm Beach Mall has 84 other stores, with.the and Old Saint Nicholas. Open from 10 to 9:30 largest assortment of Christmas gifts 6 days a week. in. in i—i south of the North Pole. Shop our 12 women's Everything you'll need for Christmas is -OkeechobeeRd shops. Our 5 men's shops. Our 5 Jewelry right here... to make your Shopping ^^3 j| Belvedere Rd. ) Palm Beach ^ Ij and gift shops. Our 17 specialty shops. the most rewarding ... and your family's International' \ I' -, *"<">« rJ\\ And dozens more. and friends' Christmas ... the happiest ever.

UkeS Boulevard {1Zth st) Bet Be * n '"9 Congresg s Owned and operated by Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation, Youngstown, Ohio 6B Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Christmas gift suggestions for all members of the family trich-plum boa; flower- stilte; Peanut dolls, ad- les to construct them- How "with it" areof course); electric bat- cuum hassock; table ated clock radio; re- surf board; lamp clock; tery re-charger. cubes; tickets to off-corder; cartridge tape battery-operated phon- power poster; love soap; dress book, desk set; selves; oatmeal - box you? Check yourself mod watch; six-inch paper- mache piggy table; paper pinafore. against this list of gift New Career or New- Broadway's "You're A player; hi-intensity ograph. lywed: Inflatable plastic Good Man, Charlie lamp; old movie pos- Teen-Age girl: Mini (plus) wide belt; water bank; Winnie-the-Pooh That's it. We bet suggestions for hep hol- buffalo sandals; mini stationery pack; skirt- it's safe to say you're iday shoppers to find out chair; Peter Max pos- Brown," or current lo- ters; giant soup canhair dryer; electric ter; paper Tiffany lamp cal musical. wastebasket; paper curlers; leg art paint; billfold; anything pur- pants dress; paperlunch reasonably familiar just how you'll rate with ple; a book on horos- box- pack; see and tell with 60 per cent of the the swinging set come columns; printed win- College student: slippers; polka dotted electric hair and nail dow shades; cube or Street sign discards or suitcase. kit; papier-mache slave copes. phonographs. above. If you hit the the gift-giving season. Small Fry: Peanuts Toddlers: Paper hou- 80 mark, you're in there Most of the items have sphere lamp; shaggy replicas; street sign Teen-Age boy: Gui- bracelets; mirror jew- pillow ball; flag or soup pillows; inflatable pil- tar; records by The elry; chained belts; bra- pillow, shirt, games; big ses to climb into; paper pitching and for any not been around very soup-can storage bin; tub chairs; sutffed Win- score above that, count long. Those that have can decorated drink- lows; cartridge tape Association; bean bag celets and bags;records ware; portable clothes portable AM-FM ster- radio; book on palm by The Supremes; foot- "The Jungle Book;" nie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, yourself a real swing- are enjoying a new wave high-riser bike; skate Piglet; chairs and tab- of popularity and all are dryer; wicker chest; va- eo radio; battery oper- reading; op art mobile; wide paper flowers; os- generally available. Count one point for ev- ery item you've heard of. Then find your "swinging" rate at the ICKlRD end. ECKERD Dad: Cartridge tape player for the car; mini _ .DRUGS _ ice bucket; Charlie Chaplin or Laurel & Hardy home movies; el- SALE PRICES THRU SATURDAY ectric hedge trimmer; OVER 9 A.M.'til 9 P.M. op art dart board; paper 3,000,000 weight; LP recording of SATISFIED Marshall McLuhan's CUSTOMERS VICKS "The Medium Is the Massage." Mother; Racing VAPORUB gloves; paper caftan; make-your-own six- hour knit dress pack; mini stretch wig; wig SAVINGS HEADQUARTERS stand; pale glass sun- Let Eckerd Drugs glasses; 10-inch length skilled pharmacists of fake eyelash; turtle- FILLED RIGHT. skin pocketbook; pewter __,„- _.«„- fill your next bathroom fixtures; knit ... PRICBD RIGHT prescription and helmet; caballero hat; Save! cordless electric spoon. • Aunt and Uncle: Mini garden tools; Norwegian MZHBBnfc goat cheese; mini art on mini easel; circular jigsaw puzzle; mini pic- nic thermos; sugar bowl thermostat **•«•* . Automatic Thermostat for cream (powdered, . 1320 Watts tt Chart on St« . complete With Collage easy panel to construct A "collage" for Christmas, easy to make and costing under two dollars, presents an attractive centerpiece for the festive board. Following the family SHOP EARLY WHILE GIANT STOCK LASTS holiday dinner, it can be mounted on a wall or placed on a sideboard as an added decoration during the 12 days of Christmas. The centerpiece can be made with inexpen- sive materials that are usually found around the house. It can be com- pleted in an hour or two and stored away for next year too. Household glue, paint, PANASONIC WIN paper doilies, drinking cups, 3 sizes of tree SONG decorations and, believe . Hotel »«.s14ft VALUE • Operates J»y*»ere Solid Hm it or not, drinking fttl Solifl Stats, .BjsBoitHfi AS Maxtor 25sVH.SE HW PRINCE MATCHABELLI straws are the magic TtlMJSIwa* supplies for an artistic effort. He can't get you out of Easy-to-follow di- % Ife. Mon. Line his mind when Wind Song rections require sim- whispers your message... ply covering a 15-inch square of smooth ma- sonite or beaver board with flat white paint. OASSIC 4-SPSD When it dries, glue on three straws in each of the four corners, 6 inches for the long and Halts S Caps Removable Measuring 4-1/2 inches for the Cap, 1 Oi. Size short lengths. Glue 6- inch doilies to the four Available as Perfume, Cologne Parfumee, Bath Oil outer sections, between Dusting Powder and Sheer Essence Body Lotion. the straws. Then spray the entire board with a desired SUNBEAM ANTIMONY color of aersosol paint SHOP SINGLE CANDUER or enamel. Vary the ELECTRIC JEWEL BOXES tones of the coating by EARLY With ELECTRIC BULB Embossed cover with plush Twin Reciprocating Blades velvet lining WHILE Beautiful Mantel or Table Decoration making the edges of the Scalloped Edges with tiie Tip that Trims Assorted designs board darker. Allow STOCK Posti-Sutton Btade Release enough time to dry. LASTS 6-Ft. Removable Cortl Glue eight 2-inch star PROCTOR decorated paper cups in CITATION i a circle and place small GRUEN CHRISTMAS 2-Sliee Mwtel • F»lljf Automatic FAMOUS BRAND WALTHAM ornaments in the spaces Praetor Color CoMrsl CANDLE between. Place four HELBROS Bsautifttf Chrome Body Assortment cups on the second tier DRUGS WATCHES VULCAN and secure one upright AND MANY Decorator in the center. Glue med- MORE Glass Holders ium sized ornaments in 16 Transistor Glittered Toostmaster 17 and 21 Jewel Exterior for all the cups but the up- POCKET RADIO Electric Carving With Matching Bands Festive Holi- right which should have COMPLETE WITH day Occasions BOCA AND one twice as large. Two • Earphone 1.00 VALUE small ornaments may • Carrying case SUCINe KNIFE then be glued together RATON • 9-volt battery Westport «

Milton N. Weir Jr., serves as vice president president of M.N. Weir of Florida Bancgrowth, & Sons, Inc., realtors, Inc., and is immediate has been elected a mem- past president of the ber and chairman of the Boca Raton Board of board of the Delray Realtors. The Gold Coast's Finest Beach National Bank. Active in scores of Weir succeeds his business, civic and fra- father, N.M. Weir Sr., ternal organizations. ALL WATERFRONT who relinquished the po- Weir is: director and sition to "concentrate vice chairman, Security COMMUNITY J more effort on his other Exchange Bank, West business and financial Palm Beach; director, enterprises." Weir Sr. First National Bank in LOTS from *12,800 ® HOMES from $38,000 has served as chairman Fort Lauderdale; vice since he helped estab- president of Boca Raton PRIVATE BEACH lish the bank in 1956. Plaza, InCo, and a mem- MODEL HOMES REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Weir Jr., recently ber of the chambers of (Furnished or Unfurnished) appointed to the Inter- commerce in Boca Ra- ama Authority by G o v. ton, Pompano Beach, ? Mile North of Claude R. Kirk Jr., has Deerfield Beach and Boca Raton on BROKER CO-OPERATION headed the Boca Raton Delray Beach. Scenic Route A1A Write or phone JACK S. BUTLER and Pompano Beach IN HIGHLAND BEACH P.O. Box 69, Boca Raton, Fla. Classified Ad Service Agent on Premises D ._ 278-3087 realty firms since its ' ... _ _ .. Reg. Real Estate Broker founding in 1953. He also Phone 3S5-8300 IV A.M. - 5 r.M. Tunison Properties of Florida, Inc.

Rex, one of the colony of Rhesus monkeys at Rainbow Springs, Dunnel- lon, Fla., climbs aboard Suzanne Warner's shoulder to receive his treat. The monkeys at tfie right, having learned that patience, like virtue, is its own reward, are lined up quietly waiting their turn, their usually boister- ous nature momentarily subdued by the thought of what lies ahead. FLORIDA Major Gilbert Schultz receives IS TO SEE. Air Force Flying Cross award Florida Power & Light is aware of the importance of U.S. Air Force Ma- ic flight inspection con- Force," the citation Florida's subtropical climate is host to a multitude jor Gilbert J. Schultz, sole and narrowly miss- reads. of nature's most colorful living things. We are preserving Florida's unique natural beauty. Plantings of brother of Mrs. Harry ed wounding a crew surrounded with a wealth of brilliant plumes and adonidia palms and ligustrum hedges enhance our Miami Sorenson, of Boca Ra- member. petals, of beauty on foot, on the wing, on the vine. No Plant... and colored lighting accents the landscaping ton, has been presented According to the cita- CROSBY W. ALLEY the Distinguished Fly- tion presented him with matter where in the Sunshine State one may be, nature's which has earned garden club recognition . .. another ing Cross Award for ex- the award, Major world is only minute's away . .-. extending an open reminder of the beauty that surrounds us and invites resident traordinary achieve - Schultz completed his invitation to DISCOVER FLORIDA. and visitor alike to ... EXPLORE FLORIDA. ment while participating mission and flew the BILL BRAGG in aerial inspection aircraft to a base where ASSOCIATE flights near Hue Phu the plane was repaired. Bai, Vietnam. EXECUTIVE "The professional BUILDING The mission required competence, aerial skill ,21 S.E.3rdSt. low altitude flight over and devotion to duty by an area known to be oc- Major Schultz reflect Phone cupied by the Viet Cong. great credit upon him- During Major Schultz' self and the U.S. Air 395-4404 third run the Viet Cong fire destroyed a portion of the complex electron- WE HAVE SOME $ Plans sale

Boca Jets Booster -EXCELLENT SEASON Club will hold a rum- mage sale Friday and Saturday in Fifth Avenue Shopping Plazae RENTALS Mothers will man the sale headquarters. Money from the sale On Ocean And Waterfront will be used to buy equipment for the Jets next football season. REALTY Inventory reports show the teams will need close to $2,000 worth of 399-2611 equipment to begin play- ing football next year,



FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION Massive & Luxurious One and Two Bedroom Apartments. UNDERGROUND enclosed assigned off-street PARK- ING. Every apartment has an unexcelled ocean view from living room and bedrooms. Beautifully landscaped, private play areas - private terraces - putting green - fSpeotyto cunicularia floridana) (^ shuffleboard court - dish washer - carpeted - naturally, Found in the prairies of central and southern Florida, this comical- appearing bird is named for its nesting habits. The nest is usually dug all of the etceteras that a prestigious home affords. by the bird itself (though the abandoned burrow of another creature Yearly Leases — One Bedroom Units at $235; Two may be used) and extends underground in a tunnel 4 to 8 feet long, curving upward to a larger cavity where the eggs (3 to 7) are laid. Bedroom Units at $300. and up. The Burrowing Owl's diet—insects, spiders, small rodents and am- T~ phibians—makes it a great asset in controlling the pest population. !~Why BUY when you can RENT ? ' j Enioy Freedom of Resale Worries J FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Helping build — and preserve — Florida SPONSOR 8 MANAGER REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS-INVESTORS TELEPHONE- area code 305 399-7911 BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967_9B_

Joins national organization « Builders group affiliated The Florida Atlantic field Beach, as a 1968 ciation. The charter period will end Dec. 31, Builders Asso. is nownational director, and membership enrollment 1967. officially affiliated with Leon Cloutier, Boynton the National Association Beach, as 1968 alter- of Home Builders, Leon nate national director to Cloutier, president of serve on its nation-wide the newly formed local board. John M. Stanfel, association, reports. Boca Raton, was re- At its annual board installed as a member of directors meeting in of the NAHB executive Chicago, the National officer's council. He Association unanimous- formerly served that ly approved F AB A's re- group as representative quest to become one of of the Home Builders J^, the 442 Local Associa- Association of Palm tion's in the United Beach County and is a States, serving over 48, past president of the 500 member companies Florida executive of- of the Construction In- ficer's council. Addi- dustry . This action tional FABA members gives Florida its twen- representing the local For a new twist on topping-off ceremonies, a left, Bill Walsh, Bob Palco, Harare Hixon and tieth local association association in Chicago with an accumulation of were Donald Marra, Christmas tree was used at the Sir William John- Bob Hill. over 2,200 members son Inn'. Checking the building's plans are, from Delray Beach, and Ed- The perfect setting state-wide. ward Bal me, Boca Cloutier said FABA Raton. for your Florida home... will soon open its head- Cloutier said an all- quarters in the Deer- out membership drive Dolan takes over management field Beach area. will start immediately The NAHB Board of to enlist charter mem- CAM I NO Directors in the Chicago bers for the Florida At- meeting also elected lantic Builders Asso- ofPalm-Aire Corp. holdings Cornel Danciu, Deer- GARDENS Johnny Dolan, ama- Palm-Aire Country Club Corp. said Dolan brings viously he was general American Oil exec in beautiful BOCA RATON, midway teur golfer and veteran and Apartments, and the to the South Florida re- manager of the old Ta- between Palm Beach and Ft. Lauderdale golf resort manager, Barefoot Mailman Hotel sort the experience of a tem Surf Club ~ now the has been named execu- & Beach Club. top hotel executive and. Barcelona. moves to Boca Raton Six rambling acres of garden, embracing a tive director of the Florida Palm-Aire a top golfer as well. Do- Dolan is the second The newly retired vice spent three years in private lake and island, lie between you and lan left Doral after five top man of Doral to be president of administra- Brazil, Argentina, and years of service where signed by the Florida the world of everyday things... in a tion for American Oil Uruguay, and one year in community of sweeping hills, waterways, Real Estate Exam Coyrse he was credited with Palm-Aire Corporation. Company, Herman L. Mexico installing ac- making the Doral Open Earlier this year Jim landscaped streets ... and homes that are no Boyle of Chicago, and counting systems and less than superb! For Brokers or Salesmen the success it is today, Yancey, greenskeeper his wife have establish- supervising accounting Horvey Real Estate School's operates a branch of its popu* and also was instrumen- and argonomist, became ed residence in Boca offices. See the distinguished EASTPORT ... a lar Real Estate Exam Course in Boca Raton at the UNIVER" tal in having that tourn- head turf analyst of Raton at 419 E. Coco- la;ge, 3-bedroom, 2-bath home that features SITY BOWL CONFERENCE ROOM, DIXIE HWY. and 20th ament nationally tele- Palm- Aire Country ST., Boca Ratan. The course is composed of "6 lively inter- nut Palm road. They vised. Previously, he Club. a panoramic dining and living room complex. esting sessions which.thoroughly cover the Fla,, Real Estate have frequently vaca- Huge screened terrace is open to five rooms, •Handbook. Total cost only $50.00. was general manager of Dolan will be in com- tioned here. TUESDAY EVENING - 7:00 P.M. the Bal Harbor Hotel for plete charge of the en- features pass-through from kitchen for gra- Boyle, who left col- cious al fresco dining. You may attend first session free five years and the same tire Palm-Aire proper- lege and high school Mr. Cooper will be in the Conference Room each Tuesday length of time managed ties. He will assume his teaching to enter the oil One of six new exhibit homes of Camino at 6:30 P.M. to answer any questions. and promoted Roy Ev- duties immediately. For Information call: MR. COOPER 395-2289 ans' Racquet Club. Pre- industry, retired in Oc- Gardens, priced from $29,950 to $45,950, tober after 40 years' (Slightly higher on waterfront.) On Camino Classified Ad Service company service. He Real 2 Blocks West of U.S. 1. Or see your Phone 395-8300 was responsible for the Realtor. operations of the comp- troller's, electronic- FASCINATING data-processing, sec- «-ircaFf3L\"f retary's, tax, and treas- JIM BROTHERTOH urer's departments. He started with par- can save you ent Standard Oil Com- money on insurance pany (Indiana) in 1927 Fifth Avenue Plaza as a traveling auditor By out of the treasurer's 395-7707 office. He was later EAST r W.P. transferred as systems LUXURY CONDOMINIUM APAR Bebout specialist in a subsid- iary company operating You're in good hands with muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui /# Beauiiiai 3oca throughout six southern ALLSTATE* WEIR ENTERPRISE EVER HEARD OF states. Named chief ac- INSURANCE THOUGHTOGRAPHY? countant for various FOUNDED BY SEAHS foreign subsidiaries, he Allstite Insurance Companies • Horns Offices: Skekie, 111 There is a man by the name of Ted Serios who lives in Denver, Colorado, and he says he has an amazing tal- ent. He can photograph WATERFRONT and NON-WATERFRONT his thoughts by trans- mitting them to the Palm Beach film of a Polaroid HOMES from $20,000* Winner of the 1966 "Condo of the Year" Award Camera. That's right . . .his thoughts will In Boca Islands, Palmetto Park Terrace, Lake Fioresta and Tunison Paims By all standards... the finest appear as a picture on Apartments in the most desir- the film. able location in Boca Raton ... Are you skeptical? A prestige area — yet only two His story is upheld by blocks to shopping, theatre and Denver psychiatrist restaurants . . . Dr. Jule Eisenbud, or Spacious residences surround* it was at the last ac- I ing beautiful tropical gardens count we had. ... Quiet Eastern automatic ele- We don't have the Cveztftkmcjfi vators—Private screened patios ability to do things —Large Clubhouse with Audi- like Mr. Serios, but torium — Kitchen — Booms for we do take pride in the Arts, Grafts, Hobbies, Billiards, talent we have to give Color TV—large card area—out- Why not visit Boca Verde you the finest service door Barbecue—picnic tables— available. We will al- and See for Yourself! therapeutic heated pool—shuf- ways endeavor to make fleboard, and many other our customers king at features. our place of business. One and two-bedroom apart- Serving your insur- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ments are priced from $11,190 ance needs completely to $18,100—with down pay. and efficiently. Call us. OS YOU MAY RESERVE THE APT. ments from $2,700. Mortgages IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY OF YOUR CHOICE NOW IN BUILD- Call 395-4334, W.P. are currently available, BEBOUT, 140 No. INGS 3 & 4 UNSER CONSTRUCTION * 3,4 and 5 BEDROOMS * POOL Models Open and Representative FOR FUTURE RESIDENCE Federal Highway, Boca Raton, for the ethical 2 LUXURY BATHROOMS * FAMILY ROOMS Pre sent, to Assist You Daily In- advise and valuable in- cluding Saturdays and Sundays. Furnished models ere open 9 to 5:30 daily formation you need. * WALL-TO-WALL CARPETING * * * * MODEL OPEN !N BOCA HINT FOR THE * CENTRAL HEAT and AIR CONDITIONING HOME: Iron dirty? If • GE KITCHEN Includes: ISLANDS AT 1320 S.W. you do not have any 5tfi COURT. GENERAL WM) ELECTRIC 6DLQ W^J MEDALLION commercial products Americana Oven-Range, to clean your iron, KITCHEN APPLIANCES, CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING & HEAT. simply put equal Dishwasher and Disposal amounts of vinegar and water in your iron, 41 Si. 1st Avenue 3oca 1/ezde £ast steam about four min- 400 N.E. 20TH STREET, BOCA RATON • PHONE 395-8717 utes, disconnect and ITVENUS Boca Raton, Florida let stand one hour. TWO BLOCKS WIST O* UJ. I ON 20TH STRIST Rinse thoroughly with Development & Industrial Corp. 395-1211 399-5442 399-4179 clear water. WRITE OR PHONE FOR fREE COLOR BROCHURE BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 1IB

Fannie May (Contains Luscious Nut Pieces, Creams. Crisp & Chewy Centers, includes Pixies) 0t# Deluxe Kitchen Fresh FOR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING Colonial Assortment

2-lb. I box

We have a large supply of Paradise Glaze Fruits for your Holiday bakin including 4-oz.. 8-oz. and 16-oz. Re Cherries, 4-oz. Green Cherries, 6-02. cups of natural Sliced Pineapple, 6-oz. cups of Green or Red Sliced Pineapple, 16-oz. cup Prices Effective Natural Pineapple Wedges, 4-oz. cuos Diced Citron, 4-oz. Orange or Thurs-Fri-Sat. Lemon Peel, 8-oz. and 16-oz. Diced Fruit & Peel, and 4-oz. cups December 14-15-16 Sliced Ginger.

Hi-C Assorted Joan of Arc

46-oz. 303 Fryif Drinks . . 3 cans 89< Tomatoes . . .4 cans 89< Libby's Low Calorie Yellow Cling Joan of Arc Whole Kernel Golden

303 303 Peach Halves 4 cans 89< Corn...... 4cans 89< Libby's Low Calorie Joan of Arc Cream Style White

303 303 Fruif Cockfail 3 cans 89< Corn .4 cans 89< Libby's Low Calorie Joan of Arc

303 300 Pears 3 cans 89< Buffer Beans. .§ 89< Libby's Low Calorie Joan of Arc Light Red 303 300 Apricofs . , . .3 cans 89< Kidney Beans 6 89< Libby's 16-oz. Bottles 303 Pympkin ... .2 cans 35< Pepsi Cola . . . . 8/pak (Plus Tax * if.po.lt) Marti 14-oz. or South Shore 14%- Peter Pan Smooth or Crunchy Spanish Manzanilla Stuffed Olives Peanut Butter. . . V 59° Heinz 12-oz. Wide Mouth or 14-oz, FFV Wheat Thins or Caraway Seed Regular Bottle Appetizers '^29c Tomato Ketchup . . Sunshine Wear-Ever Heavy Duty, 18-inch Cheez-it Crackers *%£ 29c Crisco Aluminum Foil Swift's Premium Assorted Flavors Betty Crocker Walnut 22-oz. SHORTENING Ice Cream Brownie Mix. siz? 59c Betty Crocker Stix Swift's W/Beans Pie Crust Chili Con Carne Betty Crocker Mix Mrs. Bells Seedless Red Raspberry, Seedless Blackberry or Seedless Pie Crust Blackberry (Your Choice) 12-oz. $1 Crosse & Blackwell Preserves... 3 jars J- • Mince Meat Listerine [LIMIT I WITH OTHER PURCHASES Alka-Seltzer U14-oz. OF 55 OR MORE) Tablets Si 88c Crosse & Blackwell Antiseptic S£Z 67c (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1967) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Mince Meat Lustre Creme Regular or Extra Hold To Miami ONLY) Hair Spray 1l."-47c Johnstons Graham Cracker ' "•*! » EXTRA Ready Crust { Anaclml^GreenStampn s Prices In This Ad Effective Tablets VS? $1.18 (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1967} ; Only In Dade, Broward, Palm (Coupon Good From Varo Beach Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and To Miami ONLY) Indian River Counties. EXTRA Cook Quik, Chopped Cubed Dirr's Gold Seal All Beef 1 B Fresh Florida Grown JljJ^GreenStanipsg Beef Steak P £ 89c Franks 49c Liquid or Tablets 8-oz. or 24's eacti (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) POLE BEA Pepto Bismol 88c Swift's Premium Ail Meat {Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1967} Oscar Mayer Vacuum Pack Select From Our Display Of (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Bologna . 59c To Miami ONLY) Sliced Bacon ... ». 69cRath Black Hawk TOMATQEJS Oscar Mayer All Meat Dainties ih. 89c Fresh gfaT 4 Franks n>. 59c (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required)

BIBB L McCarmlck For Salads, Pies, Black Pepper &' 45c (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1967)* (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) TReals

Celebrity Brand Imported From Denmark (Great With Corned Beef) Fresh Green Ib. 99c Ham...... McCormick CABBAGE.... B 6< Vanilla Extract _§;£• 45c (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1367) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY)

EXTRA Swift's Premium Quick Frozen 20 lbs. & up Ib. Pillsbury 11.5 oz. Butterscotch, 11.4 oz. Peanut Butter Swift's Premium Proten Gov't.-inspected or Chocolate Chip Refrigerated Heavy Beef Evisc. Gov't.-inspected [ItoGreenStamps! 16-oz. Cookies size 3§c Cora! Bay Snow Flake Chuck Roast . . . Ib. 59< BUTTERBAlf Coconut '££ 49c Mrs. Filbert's Golden Quarter (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1367) Mb. (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Margarine . . . . , ctn. To Miami ONLY} 25< Chuck Sfenk . . . Ib. 59< Mrs. Filbert's Soft Mb. EXTRA Margarine ctn. 35c California Roast Ib. 79« StoGreenStamps Master's Small or Large Curd 16-oz. Bakars Cottage Cheese . , cup 25c Boston Cut Roast • 7§< Chocolate Chips "£• 44c (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1S67) Kraft's Onion, Clam, Blue Cheese, (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Bacon & Horseradish To Miami ONLY) B-oz. 45c Ground Beef. .3 Hips size (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) EXTRA Wisconsin Ib. 7tc WilK THII COtl S Longhorn Cheese. . . Swift's Premium (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Evisc. Gov't.-lnspecti Sarasota Brand Corned Beef •-• 89c Wisconsin Sliced (Coupon expires Sat. December 16.1967) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Muenster Cheese .... pk°|. 29< GOLD CHEST To Miami ONLY) Kraft EXTRA 4-DZ. 33c TURKEYS under 10 lbs Ib. Blue Cheese portion iHIJiWGreenStampsP Swift's Premium Swift's Premium'Quick Frozen Swift's Premium FROZEN FOODS Evisc. Gov't.-inspected Butterball Canned Ham $3.99 (Coupon expires Sat. December 16,1967) The Real Thing From Florida, Snow Crop (Coupon Good From Vero Beach 6-oz. To Miami ONLY} Orange Juice. .... 5 size STUFFED Pictsweet Poly Bag Vegetables: 20-oz. Green Beans or Green Peas, Corn, TURKEYS (8toT4!bs.) Ib. 49< 2 4-oz. Mixed Vegetables . . . size 39< Ore-Ida Fresh Cooked Florida Stone 16-oz. $ 09 Tefer Tots 2 49c Crab Claws . . . ib. 1 Bird's Eye Genuine Red 32-oz. 109 Cool Whip size 49c Salmon Steaks . ib. Bird's Eye Quick Thaw 10-oz. Cherries ...... size 39c Holloway House Regular or With Camino Gardens - Boca Raton Spur Cream & Chives 12-oz. tOO W. Camino Real Baked Potatoes . size 39c On-Cor Sliced 32-oz. 49 5fh Ave. PLAZA- Boca Raton Beef & Gravy . . size *1 U.S. Highway #1 & 5fh Ave. * Handy's Brand Standard 12-oz. (PLUS 1OO S&H GREEN STAMPS Oysters ..... can 99c Delicious with Ham, Red & Juicy Palm Aire Shopping Center Beefeater Brand WITH COUPON) 12-oz. 272 5. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach Calves Liver ... pkg. 99c YAMS....B15< 12B Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS At First Methodist Church First Presbyterian Church 600 West Camlno Real Live Nativity scene is scheduled jj Worship tilth us 9:30 Sunday School First Methodist Church will preach on "The Angels Visit to present their cards of re- present a live nativity scene for the Shepherds" at the service dedication as a Christmas gift 10:45 Morning Worship the second year on the church's for Trinity Church of God. to the Christ child. Dr. Torrey Johnson front portico. Rev. Eugene O. Krug will 7:00 Evening Worship Old Fashioned Members of the church will Rev. Larry Love, formerly preach on "We Journey to Beth- Christmas Cantata "Born A King" re-enact the nativity scene 7:30 pastor of Bethany Presbyter- lehem." Mid-Week Worship CHRISTMAS CAROL SING to 9:30 p.m. every day from ian Church, Fort Lauderdale, Monday, Dec. 18 through and recently associated with Christian Reformed Church Wed. 7130 P.M. Christmas Eve. Billy Graham Evangelistic Cru- will observe Advent at both ser- 8:00 P.M. The church's Chancel and sades, will preach Sunday at vices Sunday. "AMAHL AND THE NS6HT VISITORS" Wesleyan choirs and J.C.' Mit- the 7:30 p.m. service in Uni- Rev. John Schuring will chell and Addison Mizner versity Baptist Church. preach on "Only Eight Days COMMUNITY CHURCH (Meno/fi's Opera In One Act) Schools' sixth grade choirs will Dr. George Thomson will to Christmas" at the morning BOCA RATON Presented by present special music 8 to 8:30 preach on "A Day in the Life of service and "Advent and the . 4th AVENUE AND N.W. 6th STREET each evening. Jesus" at the 11 a.m. service. Ark" at the evening service.. The Westminster Choir The nativity scene was inaug- DR. TORREY JOHNSON and urated by the church last year. Wise Men or Fools?" will be Bibletown Community Church Minister Members of the congregation the sermon topic of Dr. Fred- will launch its 1967-68 Bible Cast take turns every half an hour erick Nelson at the services in conference season Sunday.Dr. re-enacting the roles of Mary, United Church of Boca Raton. Torrey M. Johnson, president Everyone Cordially Invited Joseph, the three wisemen and and minister of Bibletown, will the shepherds. "Our Journey to Bethlehem" preach at the morning service Nursery Available will be the theme of both ser- and the Sanctuary Choir of 40 No Admission Charge "The Life of Faith" will be vices in St. Paul Lutheran voices will present the Christ- the sermon topic of Rev. Albert Church. The traditional ser- mas cantata, "Born a King" L. Eastman, at the 11 a.m, ser- vice includes a processions of directed by Don Newman. Hild- vice Sunday in Church of the men, women and children down ing Halvarson and Neil and Pat Open Door. the church center aisle to the Macaulay also will be featured CHURCHES John Eastman, the pastor's manger scene before the altar in the Christmas music service. son, will assist his father in the service. John is a second year ADVENT American ST. PAUL Mo. Synod student at the Dallas Theologi- 5001 NE 4 Ave. Near U.S.I 701 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. cal Seminary, Dallas, Tex. Christmas carols will pre- SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 cede the sermon at the 7:30 WORSHIP Service 8:30-11:00 WORSHIP 8:30 and 11:00 pom. service. Topic will be Ronald J. Dingle (Pre-School Nursery at lj) Pastor 'When Taxation Becomes a E.O. Krug, Pastor What's Happening to Our World Blessing." Phone 395-3632 Phone 395-0433 Phone 395-4741 and 395-1939 A special Christmas program will be presented by First Pres- byterian Church Sunday, Old fashion Christmas carol- ling will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the church under the direction UNIVERSITY of Rev. Albert Shiphorst, fol- lowed at 8 p.m. by a presenta- Baptist Church tion of Menotti's opera "Amahl 1551 "W. Camino Real and the Night Visitors" per- Dr. George Thomson - Pastor formed by a cast plus the church's Westminster Choir. The program is open free to the 7:30 P.M. REV. LARRY LOVE public. 11:00 A.M. Dr. Thomson - Preaching "What's Happening to Our World" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Albert G. Shiphorst at both services Sunday in First .QneQORys episcdpAL clumct) Presbyterian Church. Christian Reformed Church 901 W. Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton Road at N.E. Second Avenue "Is the Universe, Including SUNDAY SERVICES Man, Evolved by Atomic Our Beautiful 8:00 A.M. Ho/y Communion and Homily Force?" will be thelesson sub- 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Church ject for First Church of Christ, New CHURCH is OPEN School Scientist services Sunday. Visit With Us and Enjoy This New 11:00 AM. Morning Prayer, Holy Commun- House of Worship ion, and Sermon "What Manner of Man?" will Julie Bell, Austin Reed and Jill Bragg paste pieces of newspaper SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. Daily except Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy be the sermon topic of Rev, onto a wire frame camel to be used in the live nativity scene by MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. Communion Thursdays 10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy John Papandrew in Unitarian- EVENING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. Communion First Methodist Church. The youngsters, members of the church's Nursery John Schuring, Pastor — 1040 SW 1st Street Universalist Church. Chanter Choir, were among other children who constructed the pa- Available Boca Raton - 395-3942 per mache camel under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kinney. Rev. Dale Hency will I CHURCH OF G&t> : of BOCA RA1QN |-*yl K^l l*nrT\y CAnd.rson, Indiana) ;5 : 450 N.E. 51st St., Boca Raton, Florida SUNDAY SERVICES Dale 1. Henoy, pastor ? Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Worship Service 10:45 A.M. Evening Service 7:30 P.M. FIRST BAPTIST ADVENT LUTHERAN FIRST CHRISTIAN NEW FACILITIES Temporary location, 3333 N. N.E. 4th Ave. at 50th St. just New facilities at 450 N.E. 51st Federal Highway, (Grant Bldg.). off U.S. 1, Rev. Ronald J. Dingle Street, Boca Raton. Sunday Rev. William Gardner, pastor, pastor, Sunday Schedule: 9 and School 9:30 a,mu Morning Wor- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morn- 10 a.m. The Church at worship; ship 1045. Evening Worship 7-30 FIRS! BAPTIST CHURCH ing worship, 11 a.m. Training 9 a.m. The Church at Study. 7:30 Wed. Prayer & Bible Study Rev. William Gardner, Pastor Union, 6:30 p.m.; Evening Wor- Gene Stinson Minister 4627 N. TEMPORARY LOCATION UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST ship, 7:30 p.m. Mid-week pray- Braa Raton, 164 W. Palmetto E. 4th Ave. Tel 395-14901 3333 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton er service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES Park Rd., 10:30 a.m., Sunday 'The University Church' Sunday School? 9:45 A.M. Training Union 6:30 school and church. CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Even Dig Worship 7:30 CHRISTIAN REFORMED •35th St. and 3rd Ave. N.W. Rev. Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7:30 P.M. 901 W. Palmetto Park Rd. John Albert L. Eastman, Pastor,, THE CHURCH of THE OPEN DOOR "Bible Teaching and Bible Preaching" O. Schuring, minister; Services Sunday Services; Sunday school 300 N.E. 35th St., Boca Raton Sunday at 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST 9:45 a.m. for which there is a Minister: Albert L. Eastman Northeast Second Court, pastor, nursery available. Morning •f Sunday School and Adult Bible Sunday School 9:45 A.M. classes, 9:45 a.m. Nursery Rev. J.E. Latham. Services, Worship, 11 a.m., Youth Fellow- Wednesdays: Bible Study - Prayer 7:30 P.M. available for Sunday school and 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. with Sunday ship 6:45 p.m. Evening service UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH school, 9:30 a.m, first and third at 7:30. Tuesday evening Senior 11:00 A.M. "THE LIFE OF FAITH" - Message by morning service at the parson- Pastor. age, 1040 S.W. First St. Sunday choir rehearsal, Wednesday evening Bible study hour at 7:30 P.M. "WHEN TAXATION BECOMES A BLESS- 162 W. Palmetto Park Rd. 7:30. ING." Topic: FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD ST. GREGORY'S EPISCOPAL The pastor, Rev. Albert L. Eastman will preach at "WHAT MANNER OF MAN" Temporarily located in admin- 245 E. Boca Raton Rd. Sundays, both services. will be the topic of Sev, John Papandrew istration building, 1675 N.W. Holy Communion and Homily, 8 MORAVIAN CHURCH a.m.; Holy Communion and Fourth Ave. Services Sunday, 11 2 S.W. 12th Ave. Rev. Christian Congregational 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL & CHURCH a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday Church School, 9 a.m.; Morning D. Weber, minister, Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Wednesday^ Prayer, Holy Communion, and School at 9:45 aom. and Church UNITED CHURCH OF BOCA RATON Prayer and Praise Service, 7:30 Sermon, 11 a.m. Daily (except Service at 11:00 a.m. p.m. Thursday, Morning Prayer and Evangelical and Reformed Holy Communion, 7:30 a.m, Frederick Nelson, D.D. Minister FIRST METHODIST Thursday, Morning Prayer and ST. PAUL LUTHERAN Sermon Topid: 625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton N.E. 2nd Ave. at N.E. 6th St.- Holy Communion, 10 a.m. 701 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Rev. Minister: Glark S. Reed Clark S. Reed, minister. Sun- Eugene O. Krug, pastor.Sunday "Wise Men or Fools -" day school, 9:45 aBm0Church school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser- 251 SW 4th Avenue Musical Director: Dr. Kenneth Robinson TRINITY CHURCH OF GOD Church School 9:45 A.M. services, 8:30 and 11 a.m. Nur- vices, 8:30 and 11 a,m. Pre- Between Camino Real and Palmetto Pk. Rd. sery for children. MYF meets Temporary location, Addison school nursery during 11 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. - Church School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 8:30 and 11:00 Sunday, 5:45 p.m., in the Church Mizner School, Rev. Dale E. o'clock service. Hall. Hency, pastor. Sunday school IN THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY "He Pitched His Tent" 9:30 a.m. Services, 10:30 a.m. WITH THE COMMUNITY IN ITS HEART AIR CONDITIONED - NURSERY EBENEZER BAPTIST Sunday. UNIVERSITY BAPTIST Northeast 12th Street, Revo 1551 West Camino Real, Dr. Earlie Robinson, pastor. Sun- George Thomson, pastor, Sun- day school, 9:30 a.m.; morning FIRST PRESBYTERIAN day services, 11 a.m, and 7:30 First Church of Christ Scientist 600 West Camino Real, Rev. p.m., Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Temporary Location service , 11 a.m.; BTU meeting Albert G. Shiphorst, pastor, 5 p.m.; evening service, 6 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, Boca Raton Printing Company Bldg, Temporary Location Services 9:30, 11 a.m.; church 7:30 p.m. ART GUILD BUILDING school, 9:30 a.m. 41 S.E. 4th St., Boca Raton 801 W. Palmetto Park Rd. READING EOOM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEBREW CONGREGATION SERVICES CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. First Church of Christ, Scien- Sunday 11 a.m. Bocade Bldg. Arcade WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00A.M. BIBLETOWN Boca Raton Hebrew Congrega- Sunday School 11 a.m. 110 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Jio Program Suno'cy 8:30 A.M. WSBR 740 on Dial tist, Boca Raton Printing Co. tion, P.O. Box- 568. Services Nursery 11 a.m. Weekly 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH Wednesday DAVID NICHOLAS, PASTOR building, 41 S.E. Fourth St., temporarily held at Marymount Sundays 2 - 4 p.m. w&st of Federal Highway. Sun- 600 N.W. Fourth Avenue, Dr. Torrey Johnson, myiister; Sun- College. Leonard Bernstein, day school and services at 11 president. a.m., Wednesday at 8p.m. Read- day school, 9:45 a,m.; morning ing room in Bocade building, service, 11 a.m.; evening ser- ST. JOAN OF ARC FIRST ASSEMBLY of GOD CHURCH Palmetto Park Road. vice, 7:30 p.m. Communion ser- vice at 6:30 p.m. Memorial S.W. Third Street, Rev. Paul of Boca Raton Hall. L. Manning, pastor; Sunday TEMPORARY LOCATION -ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Masses 7, 9, 10:30 a.m. and 1675 N.W. 4TH AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH noon.; Confessions will be WARREN FORNEY, PASTOR Temporary location, Art Guild UNITED CHURCH heard every Saturday from 4:30 SUNDAY SERVICES building, 801 W. Palmetto Park Sunday School 9:45 A.M. 251 S.W. Fourth Ave., Rev. to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Rd., Rev. David Nicholas, Pas- Frederick Nelson, D.C., minis- Daily Masses 6:30 and 8 a,m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M. tor, Sunday Service, 11 a.m., ter, Church school 9:30 a.m., Holy Days, 1, 9, 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday Prayer & Praise Service 7:30 P.M. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Service, 11 a.m. 6:00 p.m. BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 13BB FAMOUS DOOR How thru Sat. CHINESE RESTAURANT in She COVE SHOPPING CENTER - D&ERFIELD SERVING LUNCH & DINNERS! Closed Mon. James H. Nicholson 8 Samil Z. Attaff „ PSYCHEDELIC FOR TAJCE OUT ORDERS • PHONE 399-5455 ~ — COLOR POTFONDA SUSAN H^^ RECOMMENDED FOR LAST DAY - ROBBERY _. STRASBERGPW^ Early-Bird Spec. - Mon. - Fri. 1 fc - 2:00 PLUS - "'RlOt ON SUNSET STRIP" STARTS TOMORROW /'< MGM presents •>• AJudd Bernard- :•; IrwinWinkler Production


Conservation is theme GEORGE CLAIRE.'S F'RO-DUCTION OF Rainbow Springs to expand Plans for a multi- ment. We are ready to low the surface of the famous underwater million dollar expansion accept that responsibil- water. Docks for the boats will be relocated,, for Rainbow Springs ity, and we have already have been announced by taken the first steps in Lamar Mitchell, presi- that direction." dent of the tourist at- Economic Research mnmz traction on U.S. 41 near COCKTAIL LOUNGE Dunnellon, Florida. Associates, leading Enjoy Your Favorite Cocktail in consultant firm, con- The Exotic Atmosphere of the BR1G1TTE BARDOT RUMMY The plans call for a ducted the study being Confucius Lounge BISHOP number of new features Fashion Show - Ttiurs. Lunch 1 as well as extensive re- used by Rainbow Springs LUNCHES-DINNERS-TAKE OUT SERVICE two weeks in (Joey Bishop's Favorite Comedian) furbishing ofpresentfa- in development of the at- 391-2424 and cast of eioven. cilities,, The one thing traction. They are well- FAMOUS that cannot be improved qualified for this role, September A NEW MUSICAL upon," says Mitchell, having previously con- OPEN 11:30 A.M. "TIL 10 P-M- COMEDY REVUE "is the incomparable ducted a similar study Closod Monday. Diners Club S99D N. FEDERAL HWY., BOCA RATON, FLA beauty of Rainbow for Disney World which Amer. Express DINNER SHOWS of 8:30 end 10:30 P.M. Springs, which is what is being built near Or- kindled our interest in lando, Florida. Late Shows Thurs., Fii. & Sat. acquiring the property Open 7 nights a woek— a year ago." Dine 'til 3 A.M, In spite of this inter- est, the final decision in RIZZO'S (AM major credit cards honored.) favor of the acquisition was contingent upon a U.S. #1 Between number of other fac- Pompanii & Deeifseld tors. Mitchell says that STEAK HOUSE & SUPPER CLUB _ the top firms in the STARTS TOMORROW ,1184. South federal Hwy. Pompano Beach (1 mile M. of Ft. Utufcrdale) ON U;S.1J field of public enter- Itiliin Cuisini "L ' " Reservations PHONE 941M744 / tainment research were *STEAKS *CHOPS retained. They were LAMB -SIRLOIN OF BEEF asked to come up with the answer to a very ORDERS TO TAKE OUT challenging question, namely: Could all the features required to make Rainbow Springs into an up-to-the-min- A good example of management's philoso- ute, one-of-a-kind at- OPEN Check list of traction be accomplish- phy in action can be seen 7 DAYS LUNCHES in the plans for the wa- •DINNERS ed without detracting in A WEEK DAILY any way from the breath- terfront area, where ex- taking beauty which al- tensive work is being done both above and be- your kids* favorite ready existed there? AT BROWN'S LIQUORS Mitchell said, "Our mind was made up that without a guarantee that this could be done, noth- places to go* ing would be done at all." This philosophy has pervaded every decision that has been made since. Mitchell says that Barefoot Madman from the very beginning, management was un- . willing to accept any HOLIDAY SEASON OPENS concept other than one which would transform Rainbow Springs into the most beautiful spot in America. "We intend to make Rainbow Springs the kind of place of which Florida will be proud. In a state already noted for its outstanding tour- ist attractions, we rea- wifh the Sophisticated lize this objective SOUHB OF places a great respon- sibility upon manage- FLIP PHILLIPS and his new SOCIETY ORCHESTRA

Kids dig going to a New England Oyster House. Plus the They like our special children's menu. (It turns into a hip fishtail hat) Lilting Songs They like what they see on it, too. Fourteen kid-tested dishes like giant fried Mexican jumbo shrimp. of MOST Crispy, easy-to-eat fish sticks. Colorful broiled lobster tails. EXCITING f DIANA Mothers and fathers dig taking their small fry to a New England Oyster House because PORPOISE SHOW OF ALL! KING the prices are scaled down for tadpole-size appetites. It's one place you can afford to take the family to again and again. oceAn Perhaps we should have shown the parents'check list instead. New England Oyster House is at the top.

WORLD AMERICAN EXPRESS SHOW ! Lunch I Dinner I Cocktails — 7 days CARDS NOON - WED., DEC. 20TH - COMMENTARY HONORED BY DARCY SHE AN Boca Raton—1701 N. Federal Highway-395-8181

Him 0»l/ Xncfvini OhienttiM OS North Palm Beach—661 U.S. Highway #1-848-5245 RES: 341-0100 West Palm Beach-7400 South Dixie Highway- 582-5822 John F. Do/qn, Executive Director • 15 Slar Porpol»« • P»m»I» "•» P"0' Also in Perrine, Coral Gables, Miami, North Miami, Dania, • Man-Eitinf Stiaiks < Dints, • Giant Sta Turtles • Coral H»el Fittl Ft. Lauderdale South, Ft. Lauderdale North, Pompano Beach, • Playful Sta Lions • Macawsfc MonHay s . Wand Tw teat Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Orlando (Maittand) Bain or Shins 7 Days a W.ek From 10 a.m.—L«t Show 4 p.m. T.4BB. Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS spectiori and except the fly- NOTICE OF CLOSING Voters whose status has changed Public Notices Public Notices ing of the national, state OF REGISTRATION BOOKS from non-freeholder to free- Public Notices and city flags and service , PRECEDING CITY OF holder and are not as yet regis- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING and civic clubs and organ- BOCA RATON ELECTIONS IN tered as freeholders should A PUBLIC HEARING will be A PUBLIC HEARINC will be ization signs and banners FEBRUARY, 1968. qualify themselves as freehold- PUBLIC NOTICE held on the following proposed held on the following proposed during day of meeting. Flag The Election Law requires that ers in order that they may par- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Ordinance at 7:30 P.M. on Jan- Ordinance at 7:30 P.M., on JAN- banners for model homes registration books be closed for ticipate in a freeholders refer- The City of Boca Raton will re- uary 2nd, 1968, in the Council UARY 2nd, 1968, in the Council or model apartment units registration of voters not less endum which is expected to be ceive sealed bids for the con- Room at City Hall, at which Room at City Hall, at which shall be limited to an area than thirty (30) days prior to the held together with election of * BY CLARK KINNA1RD struction of Fire Sub-station time the City Council will con- time the City Council will con- of fifteen (15) square feet Councilmen on February 6th, sider its adoption into Law. date of Election, The City of No. 2, on December 28th, 1967, sider its adoption into Law. per flag." Boca Raton will hold Municipal 1968. This may be done at City 'Doctor, I die hard his wife catch up in ne- at 2:00 P.M. at the City Hall, s/Jacob Heidt Elections oh February 6th and Hall by completing a "Free- 201 W. Palmetto Park Road. ORDINANCE NO. 1270 ORDINANCE NO. 1271 Jacob Heidt, City Clerk February 20th, 1968. holder Affidavit" form. but I am not afraid to glected correspondence Plans, specifications and other AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY S/Jacob Heidt go," George Washington by phrasing a response related information may be ob- OF BOCA RATON AMENDING OF BOCA RATON AMENDING Publish: December 14th, 1967 Jacob Heidt, City Clerk said with difficulty to for her to copy off and tained at the office of Roll, SECTION 10-25 OF THE CODE SECTION 18-11 OF THE CODE Furnish Proof of Publication Notice Is hereby given that the CITY OF BOCA RATON, Johnson and Associates, Ar- OF ORDINANCES, THE SAME OF ORDINANCES AS REGARDS registration books for the City FLORIDA. Ms physician and long- send to Mrs. Samuel chitects, 461 East Palmetto PROVIDING FOR CANVASSING BANNER SIGNS. of Boca Raton will be closed at Park Road, Boca Raton, Florida, FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE 5:00 P.M. FRIDAY, JANUARY time friend, James Powell of Philadelphia. OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS. THE CITY OF BOCA RATON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 5th, 1968. Publish: December 14th, 1967. Craik. At about 10:30He included a delib- ALAN C. ALFORD THE CITY OF BOCA RATON HEREBY ORDAINS: the undersigned desiring to en- CITY MANAGER HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. That Section 18- Furnish Proof of Publication P.M., Dec. 14, 1799, the erately humorous para- Section 1. That Section 10-25 11 (d) of the Code of Ordi- gage in business in Boca Raton, Qualified citizens of the City of man who was "First in graph that read: Florida, under the fictitious Boca Raton who are not as.yet Publish: December 14 and 21, of the Code of Ordinances is nances be amended as follows: name of VILLA MEDITERRA- registered are urged to do so war, first in peace, first "I am now, by desire 1967 amended to read as follows: "(d)A banner sign (except one (a) The Supervisor shall keep of temporary nature which NEA, intends to register the at the City Hall, 201 West Use the Classified in' the hearts of his of the General to add a Furnish Proof of Publication absentee ballots safe and is of general benefit to the said name with the Clerk of the Palmetto Park Road. countrymen/* was dead. few words in his be- unopened until election community and which is ap- Circuit Court of Palm Beach It could be said with half; which he desires Project No. 300-67-6 day. On election day he proved by the city mana- County, Florida. SECTION A shall deliver the absentee ger, upon request submit- JOAN CORENA justification that he had may be expressed. . » ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS' ballots unopened to the ted through the director of & MARIA FAUCI been killed by the treat- that despairing of hear- Sealed Proposals will be re- election clerks of appro- planning and zoning and) 407 Golf View Drive ment given for a pneu- ing what may be said of ceived at the office of the City priate precincts. The pre- except for two (2) flag Boca Raton, Florida Manager, City of Boca Raton, cinct election board shall banners per model home monia. Four times with- him, if he should sud- Publish: Dec. 14, 21, 28, 1967 275 VIA ROSADA * BOCA RATON, FLA.~ Boca Raton, Florida, until 2:00 compare the information or model apartment at time Royal Palm Plaza - 395-0544 . \f in 24 hours he had been denly go off on an ap- P.M., EST., on JANUARY 9, on the back of the envel- the model home or model & January 4th, 1968. bled — that is sub- oplectic or other fit (For 1968, at which time and place ope with the registration apartment is open for in- Furnish Proof of Publication jected to loss of blood. he thinks that all fits all bids received will be pub- book to insure: Such bleeding was anthat issue in death are licly opened and read aloud for (1) That the elector is the furnishing of all labor, ma- registered in thepre- allopathy much prac- worse than a love fit, a terials, transportation and ser- cinct, ticed in those times. fit of laughter, and many vices for providing "Pumping (2) That he has not voted THISYEAR GIVE A G-E other kinds which he Equipment for Water Treatment on election day, and could name) — he is Plant" for the City of Boca (3) That the signature on A few days more than Raton, Florida. the envelope is auth- two years earlier, spec- glad to hear beforehand Any bids received after time entic. ifically Dec. 17, 1797,what will be said of him and date specified will not be If the precinct election Washington had helped on that occasion.. .And considered. One contract will be board shall unanimously besides, as he has en- awarded for all work. agree that the ballot is All Proposals shall be sub- regular in all respects, tered into an engage- mitted in triplicate on the stan- the ballot shall be treat- ment with Mr. Morris, dard forms included in the Spe- ed as provided in sub- and several other gen- cifications, and shall be sealed paragraph (b) hereof. If and plainly marked "Sealed any member of the pre- tlemen, not to quit the Proposal for Project No. 300- cinct election board shall theater of this world be- 67-6," and addressed to the question the authenticity fore the year 1800, it City Manager, Boca Raton, or validity of the ballot, may be relied upon that Florida. the ballot and covering Each bid must be accompanied envelopes shall be pre- no breach of contract by a certified check, cashier's served, marked "con- shall be laid to him on check, or bid bond In amount tested", and treated as provided in subparagraph that account, unless dire not less than five percent (5%) (c) hereof, necessity should bring it of the base bid, as guarantee about. . .In that case, that the Bidder, if awarded (b) The precinct election the Contract, will within ten (10) clerk shall open the cov- MOBILE MAID he shall hope they would days after written notice hav- ering envelopes and re- do by him as he would ing been given of such award, cord the fact of a ballot by them / — excuse it. enter into a written contract having been cast upon the with the City of Boca Raton, registration books. Then, PORTABLE DISHWASHER At present there seems Florida, in accordance with the before the plain sealed to be no danger of his accepted Proposal. envelopes containing the giving them the slip, as All work shall be done in ac- ballots are opened, they cordance with the Plans and shall be so mixed as to neither his health nor Specifications which may be ex- make it impossible to de- spirits were ever in amined at the office of the termine the identify of greater flow, notwith- City Manager, or the office of the elector casting the the Engineer, Black, Crow and ballot. The plain sealed GET A 10-DAY standing, he adds, that Eidsness, Inc., 700 S.E. Third envelope shall then be he is descending, and Street, Gainesville, Florida, and opened and the ballot tal- has almost reached, the 315 Golf View Drive, Boca Ra- lied on a separate pre- MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ton, Florida. A set of such docu- cinct absentee ballot tal- We believe that you'll be so delighted bottom of the hill; or, ments may be obtained from the lysheet. When all absen- in other words, the Engineer, Black, Crow and tee ballots have been with your new G-E Mobile Maid Automatic shades below. . ." Eidsness, Inc. 700 S.E. Third thus tallied, the totals Dishwasher...that you'll never want to Street (P.O. Box 1329), Gaines- shall be recorded, sep- go back' to the old fashion drudgery of Facsimile ofpoition of Thus Washington ville, Florida 32601 upon de- arate from machine to- letter in which Washing- posit of FIFTEEN DOLLARS tals, on the precinct hand-washing your dishes. BUT if you missed by seventeen ($15.00). This amount repre- "Certification of Re- ton quoted himself as are not completely satisfied, we will days fulfilling his "con- sents reproduction cost and is sults." Cheerfully refund the purchase price pledging with Mr. Morris tract" with Robert Mor- nonrefundable. (c) The precinct election ris and other Gentle- No Bidder may withdraw his clerks shall deliver "con- according to the terms of our written and others "not to quit bid for a period of thirty (30) tested" absentee ballots guarantee of satisfaction! the theatre of this world men. days after the date set for the to the supervisor of reg- Model before the year 1800." opening of bids. istration who shall keep Proposal shall be submitted such safely and unopened SM-280 Public Notice in triplicate on the Proposal until the City Council form furnished as a part of meets as a canvassing NOTICE'TO CREDITORS these Specifications, extra cop- board. The canvassing IN THE COURT OF THE ies of which are available at board shall compare the COUNTY JUDGE, IN the office of the Engineer. information on the back of AND FOR PALM BEACH All Bid Bonds, Performance the envelope with the reg- PORTABLE! POWERFUL! LOW PRICED, TOO! COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN and Payment Bonds, insurance istration book to insure: PROBATE, No. 26129. contracts and certificates of (1) That the elector is Rolls anywhere . . . does a full day's dishes ... eliminates pre-rinsing, scraping! insurance shall be either exe- registered in the pre- IN RE: ESTATE OF cuted by or countersigned by a cinct, 3-Level Thoro-Wash with Built-in Soft Food Waste Disposer ANDERS E. EKSTROM licensed resident agent of the (2) That he has not voted Deceased. surety or insurance company, on election day, and Just tilt off large or hard food scraps — dirty dishes come out having his place of business in (3) That the signature on To All Creditors, Legatees, the State of Florida, and in all the envelope is auth- spotlessly clean! Lift-Top Rack! Lifts up with lid . . -.easy-reach Distributees and Persons ways complying with the insur- entic. Having Any Claims orDemands ance laws of the State of Flor- Majority vote of the can- loading and unloading. Handles-up Silverware Basket! Has con- Against Said Estate: ida. Further, the said surety or vassing board shall pre- You and each of you are here- insurance company shall be duly vail in making such de- venient carrying handle! Automatic Detergent Dispenser! by notified that you are re-licensed and qualified to do bus- termination. quired by Law to present any iness in the State of Florida. S/Jacob Heidt claims and demands which you, The City of Boca Raton, Flor- Jacob Heidt, City Clerk or either of you, may have ida, reserves the right to re- <§>•. against the estate of ANDERS ject any and all bids, to waive Publish: December 14th, 1967 FILTER-FLO E. EKSTROM, deceased, late of informalities, to readvertise, Furnish Proof of Publication said County, to the County Judge and to award the Contract in the of Palm Beach County, Florida, best interest of the City. at his office in the court house AUTOMATIC of said County at West Palm CITY OF BOCA RATON Beach, Florida, within six cal- Boca Raton, Florida \^ PfilNTING CO. • j endar months from the time of Alan C. Alford WASHER the first publication of this City Manager 800 N. W. 1ST AVENUE, BOCA RATON notice. Each claim or demand TELEPHONE 395-1909 : . • TWO WATER LEVEL shall be in writing in dupli- Publish: Dec. 14 and 21, 1967 FOR EVERY PRINTING• NEl SELECTIONS Furnish Proof of Publication S cate, and shall state the place Best .PS V WS^A . • THREE WATER of residence and post office ad- teS dress of the claimant, and shall at* ^JIMM TEMPERATURE be sworn to by the claimant, his OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. CONTROL SETTINGS agent, or his attorney, and any INCLUDE WATER, such claim or demand not sc COMPLETE WASH AND RINSE EARL WILKINSON filed shall be void. • PORCELAIN ENAMEL AGENT S/Regina V. Ekstrom TOP, TUB, BASKET r Regina V, Ekstrom 217ft M.L. 1st Ave. As executrix of the HOME OF 40 FAMOUS BRANDS 1-STOP Last Will and Testament of Boca Raton, Florida Anders E. Ekstrom, deceased. Complete Line of Garden Tools & Accessories Office 395-3515 i Hallman, Meeker &. Sanson 172 E. Boca Raton Rd. 395-2442 Residence 395-26361 131 Northeast First Avenue Boca Raton, Florida 33432 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES STATE FARM Attorneys for Executrix Publish in Boca Raton News Complete Line MATCHING MUTUAL once each weekforfourconsec- [AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPAN utive weeks: Dec. 14, 21,28and Home Office: Bloomington, Illinoi Jan. 4, 1968. DRYIR Furnish Proof of Publication ©TIMED SELECTOR BUTTON • SAFETY START SWITCH individual Bulbs • FLUFF SELECTION Happy Homer says: Complete Assortment for 0 WASH 'N WEAR/ PERMANENT PRESS Happy New Taste! Try HOME MILK'S All* Sets POSITION • PORCELAIN ENAMEl Fscslurigig o Fine Selection \ TOP AND 9 StaTrim CLOTHES BASKET 2% BUTTERFAT of GIFTS INCLUDING ITEMS BY THESE FAMOUS MAKERS LOW-FAT SUNBEAM FARBERWARE G.E. HAMILTON BEACH the word is reliance in Vida Appliance OSTER WEST BEND WARING PYREX C0RN1NGWARE WEAR EVER REVERE WARE HARDWARE- HOUSEWARES LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES SHOPPERS HAVEN CHARCOAL GRILLS and SUPPLIES 941-5837 — Pompano Beach HOME MILK DRAPERY RODS and FIXTURES PRODUCERS' ASSN. WALLPAPER - PAINTS 5th Ave. SHOPPING PLAZA $ *l Mini If H!it! i Glassware - Small Appliances 395-4122 — Boca Raton • ARTIST SUPPLIES* L BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Dec. 14r 1967 T3B

Save that U.S. CHOICE W-D BRAND S' YELLOW "NEW CROP" Poinsettia! 24-OZ. BOTTLE Don't toss out that pot DELMONICOS 1 ONIONS of holiday poinsettia FEDERALLY INSPECTED when the last leaf drops BUSCH BAVARIAN. . .12 OZ. and the final red bract WESSON OIL droops atop a spaghetti- like stem. Like a red-headed BEER 6 88« maiden without make-up . Limit 2 — 6 Pks. with $5.00 or More Order. — the plant can be re- vitalized into a marvel FROZEN SLICED ^ of beauty with proper PRICES GOOD AT treatment. STRAWBERRIES wessoni The plant will show PALM BEACH COUNTY brilliant color next STORES ONLY or RASPBERRIES winter if you follow these tips from Dr. E.W. OPEN 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. .McElwee, Agricultural MON. THRU SAT. Extension Service horti- LIMIT 1 WITH $5.00 ORDER; culturist. 10-Oz. First, store the pot, Pkgs. OR MORE plant and all, in an out- of-the-way place and SUPER BRAND forget about it until U.S.D.A. GR. A FLORIDA FRESH about the middle of LARGE EGGS ] K. March. 7. 0 This careless treat- ment is intended to hi- bernate the plant during the frosty days while W-D BROADBREASTED the shriveling top feeds U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" QUICK FROZEN the sleeping roots. Don't water the dor- mant plant. ,- But, so it won't dry out too much, lay the potted plant on its side 19-23 in a cool dry place. Un- LD.Avg. der the back porch is QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED j. an ideal place. If you PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16TH LB. 49-OZ. ™ live on a concrete slab, try storing the sleeping 5-18 Lbs. . .390 BOX plant in that shady corn- 28-02. NO DEPOSIT BOTTLE ALL FLAVORS er of the carport. CREEK SMOKED GHEK DRINKS 4/49° When spring comes, 10 Vi-OZ. CAN THRIFTY MAID CHICKEN NOODLE tenderly awake the plant TOMATO - OR VEGETABLE by sloughing off the LIMIT 1 WITH $5 00 ORDER dead top and by placing SOUPS 10/1. OR MORE the roots in a new bed of CRACKIN GOOD UNSALTED OR REGULAR rich soil. You can grow B the new plant in last SALTINES...-...£cs2/49 season's pot, but the IN ','SSUPERBRAND poinsettia will be hap- MARGARINE 3/49° pier if you set it in the 20-OZ. THRIFTY MAID SLICED OR CRUSHED # soil where it can flex its roots better than in PICNICS PINEAPPLE 3/69° the confines of a pot. N 12-0Z. FISCHER IN CAN OR BOTTLE (Jour ALEOR BEER 6/PK. 89° If you did not get a 200-CT. 2/PLY ARROW FACIAL gift of poinsettias for (choice Christmas, it is easy to WHOLE TISSUE 3/49° 1-LB.;' - i establish plantings of 12-0Z. CAN THRIFTY MAID PORK LUNCHEON the holiday ornamental ONLY CAN; by purchasing potted MEAT 3/1. stock from a local nur- DEEP SOUTH PURE STRAWBERRY seryman. However, PRESERVES -69° W> some green thumb oper- 6-8 LB. AVG. 16-OZ. THRIFTY MAID ^ ators feel that they have better luck if they sneak TOMATOES 2/39° OR hardwood cuttings from 8-0Z. MUELLERS EGG a neighbor's yard fol- C lowing the flowering SLICED 43 NOODLES 2/39° season. 14-OZ. CAN CLEANSER You can root hard- U.S. CHOICE FEDERflLLY INSPECTED HEAVY WESTERN BEEF AJAX 4/49° wood poinsettia stalks U.S. CHOICE W-D BRAND NEW YORK BONE IN U.S. CHOICE W-D BRAND CHUCK ROASTS OR 7-OZ. CAN FISHERS SALTED IN SHELL by punching holes in the C desired location, in- STRIP STEAKS a *\» STEAKS LB59 PEANUTS2/4^ LIMIT 1 OF EITHIER WITH serting three quarters W-D BRAND LEAN U.S. CHOICE W-D BRAND ROUND BONE 29-OZ. CAN THRIFTY MAID WHOLE SPICED $5.00 ORDER OR MORE of each of the woody cut- GROUND BEEF....5PLKBGT9 SHOULDER ROASTS, OR PEACHES 2/49= tings into the soil and W-D BRAND ALL MEAT STEW OR " alCAKo LB. fS 23-OZ. CAN THRIFTY MAID SWEET 4® pressing the soil firmly GR CHUCK. 2]A£g\"' U_SCHO™ BRAND CALIFORNIA - around the base. Be sure POTATOES2/49° W-D QUICK FROZEN KUAdId LB. IS 14-0Z. CAN SPRAY DISINFECTANT to keep the soil moist. CUBE STEfilfS 2WB$159 U.S. CHOICE W-D BRAND $ 29 Mulching around the bust ^itmb */2PKG1 LYSOL 1 cuttings will help you LONDOM BR0|L B$109 32-OZ. QUICK FROZEN U.S.D.A. GRADE A 5 TO 7 LB. AVG. maintain moisture, soil S0FTB0NE temperature and weed- BONE IN MIRACLE WHITE 69° free conditions for root- ffiicken U.S. CHOICE FEDERALLY INSPECTED ROAST. CHICKEN 49° S^» OF THE Cft ing and growth. QUICK FROZEN 8-OZ. PKG. HELLMANN'S If you prefer to prop- agate by softwood cut- FRYER LIVER 2/49° TUNA tings, put off the project FARMER BOY SMOKED COTTAGE GREEN LABEL until around June. These BUTTS V79* tender shoots root well QUICK FROZEN SOLE 32-OZ. CHUNK . under constant mist or 0 JAR in any propagating unit. FILLETS LB49 Remember, it's impor- PEELED & DEVEINED LARGE PINK 6I/2-0L. tant to keep the humidity SHRIMP 1«G*1$9 CANS high around the cuttings DIRR'S OR COPELAND'S ALL MEAT during the rooting pro- SEMI BONELESS E-Z CARVE cess. WIENERS LB59* There are a number of DIRR'S OR COPELAND'S PURE PORK ROLL poinsettias that will SAUSAGE B49C grow well out of doors. COPELAND 8-OZ. SLICED OLIVE PICKLE & If you desire red-bract- PIMENTO OR LIMIT 4 WITH $5.00 ORDER ed varieties, propagate OR MORE such plants as fireball, LIVER CHEESE 3/1. COPELAND SLICED 8-OZ. PKG. U.S. Indianapolis R ed, Al- WHOLE t bert Ecke, oak leaf or BOLOGNA3/1. CHOICE r Mrs. Paul Ecke. For OR HALF TALMADGE'S COUNTRY CURED GEORGIA color combination E | I |: B FEDERALLY mingle the red planting HAMS *"!?L. .?. !. )^ ..LBB9 INSPECTED with Ecke white or a pink LB. COPELAND ALL BEEF 12-OZ. PKG. variety. WIINERS 49° Poinsettias will grow LB. on a wide range of soils, WESTERN CORN FED PORK u.s. no. i wwr* including sand, muck, WESTERN CORN FED % PORK LOINS SLICED INTO marl, rocky soil and C clay. In spite of the wide FROZEN PORK CHOPS 59 adaptability, the plants WESTERN CORN FED LITTLE PIG HARVEST will present youabetter FOODS SPARE RIBS LB59C show of color if you take WESTERN CORN FED BOSTON BUTT proper care of them,, FROZEN MORTON'S CHICKEN • TURKEY FRESH POT PIES ORBEEF8-02,5/1. ROASTS LB49* * Fertilizer application HARVEST FRESH JUICY FLORIDA 1D POTATOES •: is important. Apply FROZEN 20-OZ. W-D CHOPPED BEEF PATTIES PEPPERIDGE FARM about 1-1/2 pounds of a $ltAHSTEAKSS P.««1?.?^ ? 6039" Bg-n fi ft M F* ** HARVESTFRESH WASHINGTON REO'DELICIOUS good garden fertilizer FROZEN SARA LEE CLOVERLEAF OR tUMrif llUKf f APPLES 11/1. per 100 square feet of C plant space in early ROLLS BUTTER GEM 6-OZ.. 39 \lkl»»" ** " • » L »} HARVESTFRESH GEORGIA NEW CROP ' spring, again in June FROZEFRD7FN CRINKLCRINKI EF CUT ** ••••ill mim. FCVARW • PKG.93 L B e HARVEST FRESH FLORIDA V1NERIPE and perhaps in mid- POTATOES 2P K G 29 17-0Z, C summer if there are FROZEN ASTOR 10-OZ. SPECKLE BUTTER TOMATOES 22LBS49 heavy rains. BEANS OR FORDHOOK ggy^ pQQQ HARVEST FRESH U.S. NO. 1 WHITE B e Pruning is the secret LIMA BEANS 5/1. CHOCOLATE FUDGE POTATOES 2O8A G89 of a canopy of color next HARVEST FRESH FLORIDA GOLDEN 10 49 FROZEN G. & W. WITH CHEESE Christmas. 7 As each sprout reach- PIZZAS.... - 3/1. CORN 10/59° .; \ es 12 inches long, pinch LARGE WESTERN HEADS it back to six inches. LETTUCE It • Continue this cruel Snatt'Mace CAMINO REAL AND! treatment to all sprouts S.W. 3rd AVENUE until the middle of Sep- CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER tember. 14B Thursday, Dec. 14, 1967 BOCA RATON NEWS Racing yacht has served U.S. as warship Everyone Loves A

that she had served on the yacht with two 24practice ship for mid- Yard for repairs. Be- Some of them carried BUICK By RAY SOREL both sides. The Confed- pounders amidships and shipmen, but the Navy fore they could be com- simple underwater de- released her to answer pleted, World War II was tection equipment. A Several weeks ago I eracy had her first, in- a rifled 12 pounder tending to use her as a (chase gun) up forward. the British challenge for upon us and money for sailboat with no mach- FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A spent a column talking blockade runner because Then they put her on the America's Cup in repairs was frozen un- inery running was a about what a 12 meter of her speed. She be-blockade duty off Jack- 1870. The Navy put her til hostilities were over. pretty good platform to yacht was. It's the 12came bottled up in the sonville. Since it was in condition for the race But deterioration had listen from for the sound MS BUM meter boats that race St. Johns River before her job to stop mer- in the New York Navy proceeded too far and of a submerged enemy for the America's Cup. she had a chance to do chantmen from supply- Yard. Of 15 yachts she was never restored. submarine. SEE FRANK COULSOM The cup {and the race) anything when Jackson- ing the South through entered in the race, She was dismantled and gets its name ville fell to Union the port of Jacksonville, though, America came some of the wood in her from a yacht she didn't have to be in fourth. The British timbers was used to Direct Factory Denier forces. build a model of the for the which cross- The Confederates heavily armed. A small challenger came in ten- • FINEST SERVICE * LARGE PAEVT & BODY SHOP ed the Atlantic vessel like this could th. America which is on CORRECT TIME tried to hide the Amer- display in the Naval and entered a ica by scuttling her in escape from heavily Civic minded yachts- 24 hours a day British regat- Dunn's Creek. It's notarmed warships by sail- men raised money to Academy Museum. ta and won the easy to hide a schooner ing into water too shal- buy her after the Navy This wasn't the only trophy. She over 100 feet long with a low for the larger ves- had disposed of the old yacht used in warfare, Call 395-2010 brought the 2£ foot beam in water sel. vessel and presented though. During World courtesy of DELRAY BEACH trophy to the that seldom gets more The America was her to the Naval Acad- War II, a fleet of pleas- 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 United States than 18 feet deep. The quite successful in her emy at Annapolis in ure boats that was re- BOCA RATON and the British have Union forces found her unusual job. She had 1921. The end came for ferred to as "the splint- never been able to winand after about a week been raised in March of the old lady in 1940 when er fleet" patrolled our NATIONAL BANK it back. This was back of arduous labor, suc- 1862 and began block- she was hauled out at coasts against submar- S. Fed. at Camino Real in 1851 so it has been ceeded in raising1 her. ade duty in June of that the Annapolis Yacht ines and enemy spies. Call 395-8300 For Classified Ad Service # over three hundred They found that the wa- year. But she was sent years. ter hadn't harmed any almost immediately to Charleston where she I recently learned in of the interior woodwork the pages of the United or furnishings. After stayed on blockade duty States Naval Institute drying out, the carpets until June of 1863. At Proceedings that this and drapes seemed as this time she sailed for ^BOURBON yacht had served as a fresh as they had ever New York for an over- 86 PROOF warship during the War been. haul at the Brooklyn Between the States and The Yankees armed Navy Hard. After the war, the Municipal Band concert America served as a S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY A MODERN PACKAGE STORE BOCA RATON to feature Glee Club INVESTMENT NO DELIVERY OR CHARGES, SERVICE ON THESE SPECIAL SALE HEMS FULL QUART Dorothy Wells and Glee Club also will be FOR INDIVIDUALS featured at the concert, fLEISCHMANN' CUTTY SARK Julia Rolle will be fea- AND tured in Boca Raton Mu- co-sponsored by Sorop- HARVEY'S VODKA OR nicipal Band's "Christ- timist and Kiwanis INSTITUTIONS mas in America" con- Clubs. Write, call or stop in for your comply SCOTCH meotary copy of our latest Investment cert Friday. Miss ••Rolle will sing Outlook as well as other helpful material. DEWARS WHITE LABEL The concert will be "Birth of a King" and held at 7:45p.m. in Boca Miss Wells will sing Raton Community Cen- "The Christmas Song.' LAIRD. BIS SELL ter. Other Christmas songs 8 MEEDS, INC. SCOTCH Marymount College include "Weneed alittle Members New York and American Stock Christmas," "Silent Exchange! and other Principal Stock Night," "Jingle Bells" and Commodity Exchanges FULL QUART Center slates and "The Great King." Arvida BIdJg., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Color Guard will be Telephone: 395-7500 MacNavghton presented by Girl Scout music lessons troops 107 and 201. JIM BEAM IMPORTED CANADIAN STRAIGHT A new series of mu- sic lessons, sponsored BLOOD'S BOURBON by the Boca Raton Rec- HAMMOCK REG. 5.39 reation Department, is beginning a new six GROVES weeks. Tuesday, Dec. 19 Mrs. WHERE ALL Alan Millar will begin a FRUIT 15 PICKED, new series of piano les- sons at 3 p.m. for young- PACKED AND sters seven and over. SHIPPED WITHIN Lessons on the song- 24 HOURS 7 DAY flute will begin Satur- day, Dec. 16 at 10:30 Now Shipping a.m. Ed Kluge will teach the course to youngs- Pink and White Grapefruit HAIG & HAIG ters seven and over. 5 STAR ©E Registration is still Hamlins, Navel & Tangelos open, according to Lee YEAR OLD KENTUCKY GENTLEMAN 1 Pettie, instructor, for Plan Your Fruit Shipments Now SCOTCH beginner, intermediate FULL QUART KENTUCKY BOURBON and advanced students. Classes meet Saturday BLOOD'S HAMMOCK GROVES it at 1, 2 and 3 p.m. (Closed Sundays) CARSTAIRS = For additional in- Military Trail North PHONE formation or registra- 4 Miles to Germantown All Shipments FIFTH tion contact the Com- Bo ad Guaranteed munity Center. 276-7671 FIFTH REG. 5.15


FULL QUARTS FIFTH FULL QUART REG. 4.60 Boca Chica SEAGRAMS IMPORTED IMPORTED ENGLISH, PUERTO RICO RUNT otWALKER'sGINt Wall Street isn't the 94.4 PROOF only place to keep up REG. 5.90 FIFTH FOUR ROSES REG. 6.00 with the market. BLENDED WHISKEY Just about every major industry today is in a period of rapid innovation, experimentation and change. Chivas Regal To try to keep up with it all, you often have to get up close and take a good look at things CANADIAN U no™ firsthand. That's why we have people constantly traveling across the country, watching, listening, questioning key people in key industries/The information they bring back is carefully analyzed FIFTH and made available to you in special Field Reports, complete with the recommendations of our REG. 9.50 industry specialists. Ask for a sample copy today. x DRAMBUIE FIFTH I HARRIS, UPHAM & C^ CHRISTIAN BROS. BRANDY FIFTH •> INCORPORATED Main Office: New York City • Members N. Y. Stock Exchange • 62 Offices Nationwide HENNESSY COGNAC 3 STAR FIFTH FIFTH Weir Plaza Bidg., 855 South Federal Highway HARVEY'S BRISTOL CREAM SHERRY Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 • 395-4540 MOET & CHANDON CHAMPAGNE WHITE SEK FIFTH Ft. Lauderdale Telephone 399-5286 &*&^^