Sf AUaU 32034 Vol. 13, No. 6 BOCA RATOThursday, December 14, 196N7 NEWS Pages City pushes bid for park funds Spanish River Park fund swill acquisition will be on the table voted by the freeholders. be discussed — again — next when the group meets. Froemke told the city that there week when city officials meet R.W. Froemke, chief of con- apparently are some conflicts with Housing and Urban De- current programs for the state between the two applications velopment agency and Florida group, asked for the special which must be resolved. Outdoor Recreational Develop- session. At stake is an initial Alford said the situation took ment Council officials in At- $250,000 grant already en- on a note of urgency in view of lanta, dorsed by the state from funds the Dec. 31 deadline for appro- City Manager Alan Alford supplied by the U.S. Bureau of priations from the Bureau of and City Planner Walter Young Outdoor Recreation. Outdoor Recreation budget. are slated to make the trip to The city also has applied for Froemke said the quarter- Atlanta Monday, Two requests federal funds from HUD to million-dollars which the state for federal funds for park land match the $1,000,000 bond issue agencies endorsed for payment from Florida's share of the BOR funds is only a "phase one" grant. If all goes well, Driver caught in chase additional appropriations would bring the total up to $1 million over the next four years. The funds are for land ac- loses license in court quisition. Richard L. Rogers, who was Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Froemke was in Boca Raton involved in a high speed chase finally ended back here with the in October to inspect the Span- Bud O'Maca receives his award and check from Acting Postmaster Cecil VV. Roseke. here and subsequent three-car wreck. ish River park site and toured accident in which three patrol- Patrolman William Emerson the area with Young. men were injured, lost his li- was injured in the crash and "Spanish River is a very im- cense for a year when he ap- spent more than a week in pressive site," Froemke said Letter carrier is commended peared in city court Tuesday. Community Hospital. He will then, "and the state is behind Rogers, through, his attorn- not be returned to duty for some it 100 per cent." ey, John Quinn, pleaded guilty time yet. The city already has pur- to reckless driving and fleeing Attorney Quinn, speaking in chased 850 feet of oceanfront police. defense of the incident, said land in the vicinity of North for quick action at fire Officer David Messer told Beach and plans for develop- Rogers was guilty of nothing ment of the area are nearing the full story of the chase which more than "panic. By JACK HUTTON The incid ent began when O' Mara save the house from extensive wound through Deerfield Beach. completion. The parcel runs "Deerfield Beach (police) set from the ocean westward to the noticed smoke coming from the damage or that he saved Mrs. up a trap," Quinn said. "They An alert letter carrier was rear of the home of Mrs. Mil- Peace from injury, this possi- had him cornered like a John Intracoastal Waterway. • honored yesterday for actions dred Peace at 641 Juneberry bility does exist to theextent Dillinger and he panicked. Plans call for developing the which may have saved the life Court, that his action should be re- "He didn't even know why park as a major recreational of a Boca Raton woman. His actions are spelled out in guarded as meritorious and they were trying to catch him," area Postman Bud O'Mara re- the citation from the Post Of- worthy of award." Quinn added. ceived a special "beyond the fice Department: The citation also stated that, In revoking the license, Judge call of duty" citation from Act- "While O'Mara was deliver- "It is recommended that O'- Dix said he would recommend ing Postmaster Cecil Roseke. ing mail on Oct. 30, 1967, he Mara be awarded $50 in cash, that a restricted license be is- noticed smoke over the roof of a superior accomplishment sued to allow Rogers to drive Ann Landers Page 2B the home of Mrs. Mildred Peace, certificate, and a 'beyond the while working. "He is a fruit Church News 12B Anderson is a semi-invalid. After an unsuc- call of duty' emblem for his delivery boy, according to At- Classifieds 8-13-14-15A cessful attempt to get Mrs. commendable action in saving torney Quinn. Editorials 4A Peace's attention, this carrier property from damage and pos- Rogers still has several Real Estate 9-10B city attorney entered the house from the rear sibly saving a life at a resi- DjAYSJ charges pending in Delray Beach Sports 10-11-12A and extinguished the fire. He dence on his delivery route." and Deerfield Beach. Women's News 1-2-3-4B Malcolm Anderson was ap- then carried Mrs. Peace from In presenting the award to the house and called the fire O'Mara, Roseke said, "We are pointed city attorney Tuesday department to make a further night to replace the resigned very proud of Bud." The cita- inspection. While it cannot be tion will be placed in O'Mara's Timothy Poulton. stated with a certainty that he He will assume duties in the personal life. $13,900 post next week, Anderson was appointed at- torney ad litem Nov. 7. -Poul- ton's resignation officially be- comes effective Dec. 21, but he indicated he would like to leave as soon as possible, A native of Lafayette County, Fla., Anderson has a science degree and a master's degree from the University of Florida. He also has a law degree from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex. Before coming to Boca Raton last May, the new city attorney served for a year with the Florida Attorney General's of- fice in Tallahassee. He is as- sociated with the law firm of Russell and Ayers and has spec- ialized in municipal law and It was rough sailing Wednesday for a beach clip.. .until it got to the beach. A city bulldozer prosecution. cleaning machine that the manufacturer wanted was called to tow it out after it bogged down in Anderson and his wife, Mar- to demonstrate for city officials at the North the sand. got, have two sons, Malcolm II, 7 years old, and James, 5 years Beach. Seems it moved along at a pretty good old. Letter from Vietnam A Christmas to be rembered By SANDY WESLEY ages were ready to be boxed and but knowing that they were for matter of what race or color. sent out. Mrs. Emmette P. what was being done in Viet- "I've been here nearly eight It'll be a long time before Waite added one more item to nam." months and I don't have any the box. ,A letter to the sold- regrets," he wrote; members of Beta Sigma Phi Mrs. Waite so far has re- r will forget this Christmas and iers, ceived two letters from Vietnam 'l only wish I could do more. what it has meant to at least ' 'Imagine writing a Christmas in response to the Beta Sigma I've been wounded once but the one soldier stationed in Viet- letter in. October," she said. Phi package and her letter. One pain didn't hurt nearly as bad as nam,, "That was the hardest thing I was a short letter of apprecia- what I feel for the protesters In October, the women be- had to do. How do you say Merry tion from Marine Sgt. Robert back home. gan collecting and gift wrapping Christmas to boys who are Noel, the other was from Ma- probably sitting in a fox hole?" rine Corp. C.L. McLanta. "I've seen times good and also items to be sent to the boys in times almost unbearable but Vietnam. They gift wrapped soft she asked. "Your words meant a heck of At any rate, she did it. She a lot to me when I read it (Mrs. we always manage to pull drink packages, playing cards, told the boys that the club send- Waite's letter)," Corp. Mc- through and still come out on packages of tea, candies, salted ing the box was made up of young top. I've seen men cry out in Lanta wrote. pain and agony and yet I still nuts, shaving items, anything housewives who have children. "I took it upon myself to write and everything they figured the "I told them I had a boy say to myself that I'm proud to to you a letter of thanks and be an American and fighting boys need and would appreciate. and I was teaching him to love appreciation, I just thank God By early November the pack- his country and if he has to for what I so dearly believe in that there are still wonderful and that's freedom." someday, be willing to fight for people in the world like you. his country. * I guess I'm just as patriotic He ended his letter with "so "I thanked them for what they as any red-blooded American ladies I want to say thanks again were doing for us, and I told and I feel that the purpose of for myself and my squad. Keep them that, although they may our being over here is com- your chins up and be proud. .. Patrick Osborne, 1242 NE 4th St.
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