
Digital Media Provider Digital Media Resource App available? Which Systems?

3M Cloud Library ()

Access Video [Films on Demand] {Infobaselearning} (Streaming Video) iOS compatible website Alexander Street Press (Streaming Music, with temp. download options) website Axis 360 {Baker & Taylor} (Audiobooks | eBooks)

Acoustik app for Audiobooks in the Axis360 collection

axisReader app for ePub format eBooks in the Axis360 collection

Blio app for Blio format eBooks in the Axis360 collection EBSCOhost Research Databases (Audiobooks, eBooks)

Bluefire Reader app for eBooks in the EBSCOhost collection Freegal Music (Audio, Video) | Movies and Television (Streaming Video) Gale Virtual Reference Library (eBooks)

Bluefire Reader app option for eBooks in the GVRL collection Hoopla (Audiobooks, Music, Video) OneClickDigital (Audiobooks | eBooks) OverDrive (Audiobooks, eBooks, Music, Video)

Kindle app for Kindle format eBooks in Overdrive collection Scholastic Digital [Flix series: BookFlix, TrueFlix, etc.] (Multimedia) mobile compatible website Sesame Street eBooks Tumble (Multimedia) mobile optimized website Washington Anytime Library [OverDrive Consortium], see >> OverDrive Zinio (Magazines) Under the Resource column, media formats are listed in parentheses, comma separation indicates that the primary app works with all formats listed, vertical bar ( | ) separation indicates different apps are required for each separate format listed. Alternate product names are listed in square brackets, alternate provider names in curley brackets. If a mobile app is available, its icon will be listed in the App column, otherwise the resource is only accessible via web browser. The Blio app uses a different icon image for each of its system versions (icon image order matches listed system order).

App is universally available to and iPhones (including iPod Touches)

App is designed for the iPhone (available to, but not optimized for, iPads, e.g. smaller screen resolution, etc.)

App is designed for iPads, not available to iPhones (or iPod Touches)

Android App (available to devices: Nook HD +, Samsung Galaxy, Kobo Arc 7, Google Nexus, Asus Transformer)

Android App with limitations, see below

Android App only available to Kobo Arc 7 tablets

Amazon Kindle Fire App (available from the Kindle Fire's Appstore)

Windows (Surface) App Axis 360 app (in beta) provides access to digital collection/account, iOS device issues for libraries not requiring PINs. Per the EBSCOhost FAQ dated Sept. 2014, Audiobook and Collections are not compatible with the EBSCOhost app. website No dedicated app, only accessible via web browser app (Android Browser, Safari, Silk, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc.) This generally means access to resource across mobile devices have been tested and confirmed. Video is available in mobile compatible website formats other than Flash (which iOS devices do not support). May need to enable Flash playback in Kindle Fire Settings. iOS compatible website Mobile device compatibility limited to iOS devices, currently doesn't work for Android devices.

mobile optimized website A separate website optimized for mobile devices, may offer more functionality than a merely compatible website.

Techniques for installing On the Kindle Fire, navigate to Device Settings (swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Settings Menu, tap the following Android apps More, then tap Device) and enable the option to "Allow Installation of Applications". Launch the Silk browser, available (not currently available from the Apps Menu off the Home screen. If known, navigate to the given Android app's download link (see list below, through the Kindle files end in .apk), otherwise navigate to m.SlideME.org (or other Android store such as m.GetJar.mobi, the Google Play Appstore) onto Kindle Fire store, play.google.com, is not an option, because it only downloads to Google account registered devices and Kindles are devices. Apps installed in account registered devices), search for and download the selected app. After download, from the Silk Browser's this manner are not Navigation Panel, swipe right from the screen's left edge or tap the Navigation Menu icon (three horizontal lines along automatically updated. top left corner), and tap Downloads. Install and Open the downloaded app by tapping its icon and moving through the various prompts. For SlideME downloads, the SlideME Application Manager (SAM) will launch first before installing the SlideME App Downloads: Android app. Initiating a download from within the SAM app requires a free SlideME Account, to avoid this, continue to download free apps off the website via the Silk browser (installing the Zinio app through SlideMe requires the SAM app).

http://ebookdownload.3m.com/apps/android/3mcloudlibrary.apk Android Apps with http://apps.axis360.org/axisreader Direct Download links: http://apps.axis360.org/blio http://www.bluefirereader.com/files/BluefireReader.apk http://imgs.zinio.com/faq/ZinioReader.2.1.6195.KindleFire.apk