
Baker & Taylor Axis 360 - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Axis 360 and Overdrive? Axis 360 offers illustration-oriented titles (ie picture , cookbooks, travel books) for free download. Axis 360 does not work on older Kindle devices. The Rancho Mirage Public Library offers popular adult fiction and non-fiction titles through Overdrive. The library offers mostly children’s’ fiction and non-fiction titles through Axis360. There are a few exceptions so please browse both collections to discover the vast variety of materials available.

Do I need any additional or app? Axis 360 works in tandem with the free Blio app. Nook, Kobo and use the ePUB format so you will need instead.

Does it work on my device? Blio is available for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android (phone and tablet), Kindle Fire and Windows PCs. Nook, Sony Reader and Kobo require you to use the ePUB format. You will have to create an Adobe Digital Editions account.

Do I need a Library Card? Yes, you will need a valid library card and PIN to login to Axis. The login link is at the top right corner of the screen.

How long can I keep the title? You can choose a checkout period of 1 – 21 days. Browse or search for titles and select at least one for checkout - 'Checkout Now' will give you your title for 21 days, 'Add to Checkout List' allows you to shrink your checkout period to as few as 1 day.

How many titles can I check out at one time? You may have up to 5 checked out at one time.

Can I return a title early? At this time you cannot return a title early. But you can choose your own loan period between 1 and 21 days.

Can I renew a title? Titles cannot be renewed, but they can be checked out again after they expire if they are still available.

Can I place a title on hold? Yes, you may place a title on hold. You will be notified by email when the title becomes available for you.

What is the difference between Blio and ePUB books? The Blio format works with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android (phone and tablet), Kindle Fire and Windows PCs. Nook, Sony Reader and Kobo require you to use the ePUB format. You will have to create an Adobe Digital Editions account.

Can I download audio books? Blio uses the Text To Speech (TTS) native to the device it is on. If there is no TTS software, a voice needs to be purchased. Depending on the device, there may be different voice packs (voices are digitized) available. eAudiobooks may be available in the future.