Parish Apostolate: New Opportunities in the Local Church
IV. PARISH APOSTOLATE: NEW OPPORTUNITIES IN THE LOCAL CHURCH by John E. Rybolt, C.M. Beginning with the original contract establishing the Community, 17 April 1625, Vincentians have worked in parishes. At fIrst they merely assisted diocesan pastors, but with the foundation at Toul in 1635, the fIrst outside of Paris, they assumed local pastorates. Saint Vincent himself had been the pastor of Clichy-Ia-Garenne near Paris (1612-1625), and briefly (1617) of Buenans and Chatillon les-Dombes in the diocese of Lyons. Later, as superior general, he accepted eight parish foundations for his community. He did so with some misgiving, however, fearing the abandonment of the country poor. A letter of 1653 presents at least part of his outlook: ., .parishes are not our affair. We have very few, as you know, and those that we have have been given to us against our will, or by our founders or by their lordships the bishops, whom we cannot refuse in order not to be on bad terms with them, and perhaps the one in Brial is the last that we will ever accept, because the further along we go, the more we fmd ourselves embarrassed by such matters. l In the same spirit, the early assemblies of the Community insisted that parishes formed an exception to its usual works. The assembly of 1724 states what other Vincentian documents often said: Parishes should not ordinarily be accepted, but they may be accepted on the rare occasions when the superior general .. , [and] his consul tors judge it expedient in the Lord.2 229 Beginnings to 1830 The founding document of the Community's mission in the United States signed by Bishop Louis Dubourg, Fathers Domenico Sicardi and Felix De Andreis, spells out their attitude toward parishes in the new world, an attitude differing in some respects from that of the 1724 assembly.
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