March 2015 Discerning Solutions to the Challenges
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Inside this issue 3 Scott and Kimberly Hahn to speak on marriage 14 Mother Dolores Hart to speak at CAPP breakfast Please visit us on: at bridgeportdiocese at dobevents, dobyouth Latest news: Frank E. Metrusky, CFP® President and Financial Advisor 945 Beaver Dam Road Stratford, CT 06614 203.386.8977 Securities and Advisory Services offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC), Member FINRA/SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Catholic Way investments and NPC are separate and unrelated companies. 2 March 2015 Discerning solutions to the challenges... Dear Brothers and Sisters How do we evangelize and in Christ, form our parents to be able to share with their children their We are halfway through with relationship with Jesus and our diocesan synod! the Church? What needs to be At our February 7 session, done so that the diocese and our the synod delegates approved the parishes provide support and language of five global challenges pastoral care to families that are that will be established as prior- facing particular stressors such as ities for the coming years. As I financial difficulties, employment said to the delegates, these are issues, discrimination, immigra- not the only issues that will be tion challenges, addiction, or addressed in revitalizing our dio- marital breakup? cese, but will be our most imme- diate priorities. We know that 3. Evangelization—We must cre- there are many other challenges ate concrete plans for evangelization facing our youth, our families, in, with and through our parishes, and our communities throughout schools, ecclesial movements and com- Fairfield County. munities. My friends, each challenge presents a number of questions. In reaching out, what strate- The synod will now turn to dis- gies can be used to engage those DEACON BRAD SMYTHE of St. Joseph’s in Shelton helps facilitate discussion at delegate meeting. cerning solutions for them. The Catholics who are marginalized five challenges highlighted by the to participate in the life of the synod delegates include: Church? How do we create a of stewardship? What structures Our delegates have a lot of continue through this process. culture of missionary disciple- and opportunities need to be homework! Now that the chal- I want to also remind all of us 1. Liturgy and Worship—Every ship? How do we, as Catholic created to support the ongoing lenges have been clarified, they that as part of the synod process we Catholic is called to full, conscious Christians, effectively witness the training and formation of lay have been asked to provide the will be gathering to celebrate the and active participation in the wor- Gospel? leaders in our diocese? Synod Office and the Study synod, our faith, and the renewal of ship life of the Church. Committees with information on the diocese on Saturday, September 4. Leadership—There is a need 5. Catechesis and Education— best practices, models of ministry, 19, 2015, at the Webster Bank Arena How do we foster an attitude to continually call, form, and support We must renew the ministry of faith programs, places, people or insti- in Bridgeport. I would encourage of welcome and hospitality in our clergy, religious and laity in active formation throughout our diocese, tutions that can exemplify solu- every family to begin to make plans parishes and schools? How do leadership roles in the life of the leading each person to a deepening tions to these challenges. to join us that day. Please look our priests and deacons prepare Church. relationship with the Lord Jesus in I am also encouraging the del- forward in the months ahead to and deliver homilies that are rele- and through His Church. egates to reach out to all of you, details about the event, which will vant, inspirational, engaging and What is necessary to devel- through individual parish conver- be available through your parish, challenging to those who attend op a culture that promotes and How do we create opportu- sations, talks after Communion, on the synod website and through Mass? How do we create a cul- supports vocations to the priest- nities for faith formation to be or town hall meetings. the Fairfield County Catholic. ture that will reflect and celebrate hood, diaconate and consecrated offered in holistic and age-ap- It is very important that we dis- I ask for your constant prayers the cultural and ethnic diversity life in our diocese? How do we propriate ways that provide for cern solutions to these challenges for the success of the synod as we of our communities? What needs educate, form and support our a clear, authentic and faithful and the questions they raise. After work together to bring the Good to be done so that the celebration clergy, promote holy and healthy teaching of our Catholic faith? consultation, I have also made the News of the Gospel to the people of the sacraments is revitalized? living, and assist them in their What can be done to more effec- decision to add an additional ses- of Fairfield County. leadership roles? What efforts tively reach our teenagers and sion of the synod in order to do all 2. Family Life—There is a need to are needed to assist Catholics to young adults? How do we pro- the work that is before us. I recog- strengthen and support family life and discern and share their personal vide ongoing opportunities for nize the potential burden this places empower and assist parents to be the gifts and talents with the larger all the baptized to grow in their on our delegates and I thank them + Frank J. Caggiano, primary teachers of the Catholic faith. community of faith in a spirit prayer life? profoundly for their willingness to Bishop of Bridgeport ON THE COVER | CONTENTS CARDINAL EGAN IS PICTURED on his last visit to the Diocese of Bridgeport 4-5 FAREWELL CARDINAL EGAN 13 DIOCESAN REAL ESTATE DIRECTOR on February 8, 2015, for the 50th Third Bishop of Bridgeport Andrew Schulz of Fairfield Inside this issue Anniversary Mass for Msgr. William Scheyd, pastor of St. Aloysius Parish in New 6 SNOWBIRDS SUPPORT APPEAL 23 LENTEN REFLECTION By Msgr. Chris Walsh Scott and Kimberly Hahn Canaan. Even after being named to lead the Postcards from Florida 3 to speak on marriage New York Archdiocese, the Cardinal never forgot his friends in Bridgeport, and often 8 SAINT PATRICK DAY PARADE 25 NOTRE DAME H.S. GRADS Mother Dolores Hart to returned. Photo by Amy Mortensen 14 speak at CAPP breakfast Ted Lovely is Grand Marshal Compete in Deaflympics Please visit us on: ABOVE THE MAST—The Fish Fry at bridgeportdiocese at St. Joseph Parish in Shelton brings at dobevents, dobyouth Latest news: DEACON TIM SULLIVAN ® the faithful together for a prayerful 11 “DON’T JUMP” CAMPAIGN 30 Frank E. Metrusky, CFP President and Financial Advisor 945 Beaver Dam Road Passes away in Trumbull parish repast. Against Physican Assisted Suicide Stratford, CT 06614 203.386.8977 Securities andMember Advisory FINRA/SIPC, Services offered and athrough Registered National Investment Planning Advisor. Corporation (NPC), Catholic Way investments and NPC are separate and unrelated companies. 3 March 2015 Local News New Diocesan Youth Choir announced BRIDGEPORT—Bishop Frank to be previewed at the Closing schools are represented in the J. Caggiano has announced plans Celebration Mass of the Synod new choir,” he said. for the formation of a Diocesan on Saturday, September 19, at the Auditions and open houses Youth Choir that will sing in large Webster Bank Arena of Harbor for the new choir will be held diocesan liturgies with the bishop Yard in Bridgeport. Pending exe- throughout the diocese in the and at prayer services and other cution of the venue contract, the Spring and Summer. select performances. full choir is scheduled to perform While the choir will be intro- The choir will draw from at a youth Christmas concert duced at the Closing Celebration elementary, high school and set for next December at the of the Synod, the first public per- college-age students throughout Norwalk Concert Hall. formance of the full choir is set the diocese. Auditions for youth The diocese is in the process for the special Christmas concert and young adults are expected to of hiring a choir director who will in Norwalk. This concert has begin this spring. be responsible for the musical been named C4Y (Concert For “The Youth Choir will ener- programs and overall administra- Youth), as funds generated from gize the entire diocese,” Bishop tion of the choir, he added. it will be used to support dioce- Caggiano said. “Not only will “The Diocesan Youth Choir san youth programs including the it involve youth in a formative will foster awareness of music as new Bishop’s Scholarship Fund. activity but also celebrate their an integral part of worship, and It is expected that C4Y will faith, their energy and the excite- help to build self-esteem through become an annual showcase of ment they bring to the Church. successful group singing and instru- the Diocesan Youth Choir. Rick Their voices will be a great gift mental accompaniment,” said Ryan of Black Rock is serving as to us and help to revitalize our Deacon DiTaranto, who noted that overall management and market- liturgies as so many people have young singers will learn music and ing coordinator of the concert. requested in our synod process.” performance skills as they rehearse BISHOP FRANK J. CAGGIANO HAS ANNOUNCED plans for the for- (For more info on the youth choir, Deacon John DiTaranto, and sing for select liturgies.