The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 73, Number 3 INSIDE THIS ISSUE What's happening in the diocesan Office of Vocations? I PAGE 6 NORTH COUNTRY

Movie review: 'Paul,Apostle of Christ' I PAGE 13 CATHOLIC APRIL 18, 2018 ACAll TO Baptism opens the door HOLINESS VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Parents who there is no need to "baptize to have within themselves Francis picked up several prefer not to baptize their a child that does not under­ the Holy Spirit that will guide children who rode around in children in the hopes that stand" the meaning of the them in life. Do not forget to his popemobile. Exhortation they will "understand and sacrament, the pope said baptize your children," the After dropping them off, ask for baptism" as adults doing so would deny the pope said during his weekly the pope made his way to­ from the pope lack faith that the Holy Spirit chance for "Christian virtues general audience in St. ward the stage when he was will act in their child's life, to grow within that child and Peter's Square April II. greeted by some unlikely Pope Francis said. blossom. Always give this Arriving in the square guests at the audience: three While some believe that opportunity to all children: under cloudy skies, Pope llamas.

New deacons WE ARE CALLED look back on six months Bishop Terry R. LaValley ordained 16 men as perma­ nent deacons Oct. 7, 2017. Six months later, they were invited to share their experi­ CNS PHOTONATICANMEDIA ences. This is the cover of the English Among the comments: edition of Pope Francis' exhorta­ "The last six months since tion, "Gaudete et Exsultate" our ordination have been a ("Rejoice and Be Glad"), on the great journey for me bring­ "call to holiness in today's ing me even closer to Jesus." world." In the exhortation, re­ "Six months wow! What a leased April 9, the pope faith filled and welcoming community we have here in said,"God calls all Christians to Malone. I will say that these be saints -not plastic statues of weeks have flown by way saints, but real people who too fast. God has truly make time for prayer and who blessed me, in ways that are show loving care for others in hard to describe. the simplest gestures." Pope FULL STORY, PAGES 5 & 7 Francis focused mainly on how the call to holiness is a personal call, something God asks of each Priesthood PHOTO BY TOM SEMERARO Christian and which requires a Bishop Terry R. LaValley distributes the Eucharist to Julie Cliff of Ogdensburg atthe 2018 Chrism Mass held personal response given one's preparations March 22 at St. Mary's Cathedral. This Week's Vocation Issue features numerous photos from the Chrism Mass state in life, talents and circum­ Seminarian looks ahead to since it includes a significant vocational event. All the priests of the diocese renewed their commitment to the stances. priesthood during the liturgy. Otherfeatures on vocations appear on pages 3-10. FULL STORY, PAGE 10 theology studies; young man hopes to begin seminary studies FULL STORIES, PAGES 8-9 HUMANAE VITAE: 50th anniversary, is it time for a real conversation? p. 12 DIOCESAN LIFE II NOR TH e 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe APRIL 18,2018 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS 0039-3400 Called to be holy? Sounds familiar! BISHOP TERRY Hey, did anybody see Pope His exhortation focused on tience of God's people: in those of "vocation" for each of us. R.lAVAllEY Francis at our "INSPIRE: Called how the call to holiness is a parents who raise their chil­ St. joseph Sister Bernadette President to Love" event held last year in personal call, something God dren with immense love, in Collins, who recently began REV. JOSEPH A. MORGAN Lake Placid? asks of each Christian those men and women who serving as episcopal delegate Vice President The pope could have and which requires a work hard to support their for religious, reminded us that JAMES D. CROWlEY been taking notes that personal response families, in the sick, in elderly "each of us receives this call or Secretary-Treasurer day in preparation for given one's state in life, religious who never lose their vocation to love - without ex­ MARY lOU KILIAN the apostolic exhorta­ talents and circum­ smile." ception. Editor/ tion "Gaudete et Exsul­ stances. I was especially satisfied that "This call to a personal rela­ General Manager tate" ("Rejoice and Be "We are frequently he included mothers and tionship with jesus is like any Glad") he offered last tempted to think that grandmothers among saints other relationship. It is a Publish 45 is- week. holiness is only for who form a "great cloud of wit­ process, an ongoing, life-long ® sues per year: As you remember the those who can with­ nesses who lead each Christian process. It needs to be nur­ ." Weekly except purpose of INSPIRE was draw from ordinary af­ to take steps towards holi­ tured and renewed daily," she skipping to "lead participants to Mary Lou fairs to spend much ness." said. ""How do I know the way every other rediscover the call that Kilian time in prayer," he Pope Francis' words are par­ that God is calling me to grow week begin­ each Christian was wrote. But "that is not ticularly timely for the North in my relationship with Him, ning July given at his or her bap- the case." Country Catholic as we publish the way He is asking me to Ithrough Aug. and skipping tism: the call to holi- "We are all called to our annual Vocation Issue "We serve Him?" one week in Dec. by the Dio- ness. The day was designed to be holy by living our lives with Are Called." Sister Bernadette shares her cese of Ogdensburg. help partiCipants discover (or love and by bearing witness in Along with articles from the wisdom on that question and 622 Washington Street, Og­ rediscover) their vocations as everything we do, wherever we diocesan vocation coordinator, then echoes the words of Pope densburg, N.Y. 13669. married, single, ordained or re­ find ourselves," he said. new deacons, one of our semi­ Francis. "Go forward with Editorial Office: ligious. Pope Francis wrote about narians and a young man courage on the path to holi­ 622 Washington Street, A year and a half later, we're "the saints next door" and said preparing to begin studies for ness," he said. Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. hearing the same message he likes "to contemplate the the priesthood, we are featur­ Thank goodness for that from the Holy Father. holiness present in the pa- ing a reflection on the meaning cloud of witnesses to lead us! Telephone: (315) 608-7556 FATHER MUENCH SAYS E-mail: news@northcountry Along came Lucy. •• an Easter moment Entered at the Post Office: On the Sunday after Easter, I Then there is the Thomas' can't accept this, he is so dis­ Ogdensburg, NY was waiting at the front door of story. I believe that Thomas turbed. He states that he will 13669 and the Church on Sunday morn­ was not with the other apostles not believe unless he touches additional mailing offices as ing. I was vested and waiting when jesus appeared to them Christ's wounds on his hands Periodical Postage. to begin Mass. Along came a because he was upset. He was and feet and side. Of course, young girl, named Lacy, who severely disturbed at the arrest when jesus appeared, Thomas Subscription: had a picture for me that she and crucifixion of jesus. This believes, saying, "My Lord and For one year. had colored herself. I remem­ wasn't supposed to happen. My God." In-Diocese Rate: $27 ber that the picture was a gar­ Thomas lost all his faith and Like Thomas, we will dis­ Outside ofDioceseRate: $30 den scene. It was truly nicely separated himself from the cover the Lord's presence in done for such a youngster. when he was arrested. They other apostles. He was also our lives when we have the op­ Mattersfor publication It turned out to be a special did not walk with him when he upset with the fact that he had portunity to touch the wounds should be Easter moment for me. I be­ walked to Calvary - they did deserted jesus, probably deny­ of jesus. The Lord has many addressed to lieve it was God's Easter sur­ not stand at the foot of the ing he was part of Christ's ingenious ways of placing PO Box 326 prise for me. It truly sparked cross. They didn't want any­ group. these opportunities in our Ogdensburg, NY 13669 up that Mass and that day. It one to know that they were Before I criticize Thomas, I lives. So many times, we will and should be received by brought alive the resurrection part of jesus' group. must admit that there have realize that we are certain of Thursday prior to for me - a message of new life. Yet, jesus never mentioned been times - too many times - the presence in our lives. publication. Now a little about the Gospel any of that. He blesses them when I simply separated my­ There are times in which we Paper is printed each story that Sunday. This Gospel with the Holy Spirit to forgive self from God because I was can truly touch the wounds of Monday; was about the appearance of sins. jesus sends them forth unhappy about things that the Lord. For me, I even simple dateline is Wednesday. jesus to the apostles when on his mission - a mission of were happening to me. And, surprising things like a child Member, Catholic Press forgiveness. Association. Thomas was not present. there have been times I sepa­ giving me a picture. jesus enters with peace and Today, there is a question for rated myself from the Lord be­ jesus, finally, ends by telling love and says "Peace be with us. How would I or you have cause of my sins, my Thomas and us how much POSTMASTER: you." reacted in that situation? embarrassment that I had stronger our faith should be Send address changes to Somewhere I heard this idea. Would I have supported jesus? acted so poorly. jesus says, "Have you come to North Country Catholic, This person suggested that Would I have stood at the cross When Thomas returns to the believe because you have seen PO Box 326 jesus should have scolded the And now, do I live a life that apostles, he is still upset. And me? Blessed are those who Ogdensburg, NY apostles when he appeared to demonstrates to others that I when they tell him that they have not seen and have be­ 13669-0326 them. They had deserted him am a follower of jesus? have seen the Lord, Thomas lieved." II NORTH COU NTRY CATH OLIC APRIL 18,2018 DIOCESAN LIFE WE ARE CALLED North Country Catholic's annual Vocation Issue

The 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations "Vocation is today! The consecrated religious are. son to holiness and to pro­ open to men middle school Christian mission is now! Especially on this day, we mote through prayer and age and up and their par­ Each one of us is called - are reminded of the respon­ awareness vocations to ents. Do you know someone whether to the lay life in sibility we have to pray fer­ priesthood and consecrated you think should attend? In­ marriage, to the priestly life vently for an increase in life. The plan is full of all vite him! This year we are in the ordained ministry, or vocations to the priesthood kinds of ideas and activities also sponsoring an Opera­ to a life of special consecra­ and consecrated life in our and is available on the tion Miriam lunch for young tion - in order to become a own diocese. diocesan webpage. women to find out about witness of the Lord, here To assist parishes in this The diocesan vocation of­ consecrated life. and now ... endeavor, the Vocation Of­ fice supports parish voca­ More information on these Message of His Holiness fice has provided a packet tion ministries and offers events or to register for an of suggestions to focus at­ regional training sessions event can be found on the Pope Francis for the 2018 tention on this theme. for those involved in this diocesan vocation page, by World Day of Vocations One of our diocesan prior­ wonderful ministry. Check emailing ities, set forth by Bishop to see when there is a train­ [email protected] or by By Cathy Russell LaValley, is to create a cul­ ing near you! contacting your pastor. Diocesan Vocation Coordinator ture of vocation in every The diocesan vocation of­ How will you celebrate the parish. Our diocese has a fice also organizes Opera­ 55th World Day of Prayer Sunday, April 22nd is the plan entitled, "We Are tion Andrew dinners twice a For Vocations? Step up and 55th anniversary of the an­ Called." year throughout the dio­ let's all get to work! nual World Day of Prayer The plan encourages each cese. At the dinners, we "We are not victims of For Vocations. How will you parish or group of linked pray to know the vocation chance or swept up in a se­ celebrate it? parishes to have a parish to which we are called, we ries of unconnected events; On this day, the Church vocation ministry. The pur­ enjoy a meal and Bishop on the contrary, our life and asks us to pause, to pray pose of this ministry is LaValley shares his vocation our presence in this world and to consider what a gift twofold: to promote the story along with a couple of are the fruit of a divine vo­ to the Church priests and baptismal call of every per- priests. The dinners are cation!" Pope Francis.

PHOTOS BYTOM SEMERARO These scenes from the 2018 Chrism Mass show Bishop LaValley at prayer, St. Joseph Sister Suanne Johnson ofTicon­ deroga reading from the scriptures and priests of diocese joining the bishop for the . IINOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LI C DIOCESAN LIFE APRIL 18,2018 WE ARE CALLED God has a hope, a dream for each of us Before we can begin to re­ the fullness of life in Christ. relationship. It is a process, By Sister Bernadette Collins, 55) spond to God's call, how­ This conversion is the call an ongoing, life-long Episcopal Delegate for Religiou s ever, one thing must be to holiness, a call to good­ process. It needs to be nur­ present in our hearts. That ness, beauty, and truth tured and renewed daily. Since Vatican II a better one thing is conversion to which is love. How do I know the way understanding of the sacra­ jesus Christ which is a turn­ Each of us receives this that God is calling me to ment of Baptism has helped ing away from self. call or vocation to love - grow in my relationship us to understand that God This turning away from without exception. This call with Him, the way He is ask­ "has a hope, a dream, a vo­ self is not to put ourselves to a personal relationship ing me to serve Him? cation for each one of us ... " down but to open us up to with jesus is like any other First, God must have some significance in one's life. God needs to be more than just head knowledge, or we won't be able to rec­ ognize God's call. We won't' be aware of that gentle whisper and consequently we won't be able to respond to His invitation because we will not have fostered a sig­ nificant relationship with the Lord. Growing in our faith must PHOTO BY TOM SEMERARO be preeminently as impor­ Father Bryan D. Stitt, pastor in Can­ tant as our intellectual and ton and director of the diocesan De­ emotional growth and our partment of Worship; and Deacon physical well-being. In other PatrickJ. Donahue, diocesan direc­ words, God, jesus, the Spirit tor of Catholic Charities, make a joy­ must have first place in our ful walk into St. Mary's Cathedral for daily lives until the day we the March 22 Chrism Mass. die. Another sign of a vocation the Church. There needs to is the awareness of an ur­ be some manifest evidence gent or important need. God that the course of action is invites each of us to re­ being done out of love and spond to a particular need. in conformity with the The third sign or way of Church's mission. knowing that God is calling In the words of Pope Fran­ us to a course of action is cis: Dear Friends, in the First when we recognize that we Letter of St. Peter we hear cannot meet a goal or need this exhortation: As each on our own. None of us has one has received a gift, use the insights and wisdom it to serve one another as needed to meet all the chal­ good stewards of God's var­ lenges before us. We need ied grace. Whoever community; we need each preaches, let it be with the other. We need God's pres­ words of God; whoever ence in our lives. Lt's all serves, let it be with the about relationships! strength that God supplies, A fourth sign of a voca­ so that in all things God tion is that it always in­ may be glorified through volves a leaving. There jesus Christ(4.10-11). Here must be a conversion, a is the call to holiness! Ac­ turning away from self to cept it with joy, and let us the other, a leaving behind support one another, be­ of my own agenda or prefer­ cause we do not travel the ences to respond to the path to holiness by our­ needs of others. Ultimately selves, no, each on their it is a turning to God and ac­ own, but together, that one knowledging my need. body which is the Church, The last sign that a course loved and made holy by the of action is God's desire for Lord jesus Christ. Let us go us is that it must be incor­ forward with courage on porated into the mission of this path toward holiness NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC APRIL 18,2018 DIOCESAN LIFE WE ARE CALLED Deacons: In the person of Christ the Servant The 16 men ordained permanent deacons this uniquely powerful. past October celebrated their sixth month of or­ My role as an ordained minister continues to dina tiona April 7. Here, seven of the new dea­ slowly transform my relationship with God and cons reflect on the joys and challenges of their my ability to serve the body of Christ. new ministry. One of my favorite ministries is the one-hour exposition and benediction of the holy Eucharist Deacon Brent Charland that St. Agnes does every Tuesday night prior to an evening mass. I serve as the minister of the St. Andre's Parish, Malone exposition and benediction while our pastor Six months wow! What a faith filled and wel­ hears confessions. This weekly hour of adora­ coming community we have here in Malone. I tion was instituted as an initiative to increase will say that these weeks have flown by way too priestly vocations and has slowly grown in popu­ fast. God has truly blessed me, in ways that are larity with a steady line of confessors at the con­ hard to describe. fessional. This ministry of service to others as a deacon My parish, St. Brendan's in Keene is linked with brings me great joy. As I proclaim the Gospel, I the larger St. Agnes parish in Lake Placid and we just love the feeling of trust God has put in me, are building bridges together with our Catholic and each time I receive the blessing from Father neighbors at St. Bernard's in Saranac Lake. I look joe Giroux before I proclaim the word, I am re­ forward to finding new ways to share resources minded of that trust. and work collaboratively to address the needs of I had the privilege and honor of chanting the our communities in the future. Gospel at the Easter vigil this year, talk about stepping out of your comfort zone' I cannot take any credit for that, or for anything that I have Deacon Philip J. Regan done so far, the words I speak and the things I do St. Andrew's, Norwood are the work of the Holy Spirit. PHOTO BY TOM SEMERARO The last six months since our ordination has The only negative thing so far is that I have not Deacon Brent Charland ofSt.Andre's Parish in Malone is one of been a great journey for me bringing me even completed my thank you's for all the cards, gifts 16 deacons who observed six months as a permanent deacon closer to jesus. The weekend of ordination was and well wishes from my ordination! I truly ap­ April 7. He is among those wrote about his experiences of the certainly a whirlwind of activities of which I will preciate everything! diaconate. never forget. My ministry so far has enabled me to do Bap­ The only time that I had any doubt, I guess it tisms, funeral services and communion services. friends and family, coworkers, Bishop LaValley, was more apprehension, was when I began think­ I recently was able to bless an unborn child in its the priests, deacons and sisters who have in­ ing about being assigned to my own parish. I mother's womb. My first wedding is coming structed, encouraged and guided me. kept thinking about the scripture reading of soon. It just all brings an enormous amount of My most unexpected joy is taking communion Matthew 13:54-58, the rejection of jesus at joy to my heart. I am hearing great things from to hospital patients. Walking the halls carrying a Nazareth, his home village. How would the around the diocese about my Classmates; I pray ciborium, I don't know if I will be in a room parishioners at St. Andrew's in Norwood, who every day that they continue to do not just good laughing with Sister, witnessing healing or crying have known me most of my life, accept me as things but great things. with a son watching his mother die. I leave feel­ their deacon. That anxiety was short lived as I The most awkward part of being ordained so ing I received more than I ever gave. was not only accepted with open arms in my far is trying to convince people I am not a priest, It is not about me, it is ministry in persona own parish but also in our sister parish of Visita­ although flattering its awkward when standing Christi Servi. tion-St. Raymond's in Norfolk and Raymondville. with the priest, 101. I ask you to please continue My duties as chancellor for the diocese provide Being a deacon has brought great joy and satis­ to pray for me, pray for vocations also! a unique experience. Researching an issue for faction into my life. I don't have the feeling that I Bishop laValley, helping solve a problem for a am better than anyone else, but have the feeling parish or answering a question for a pastor are that I am a better me. Deacon James D. Crowley regular opportunities to serve. That service takes We are fortunate to have a second deacon as­ many forms; guiding others, working on commit­ signed to the same parishes so we get to split up St. Mary's Cathedral, Ogdensburg tees, time on the phone, brainstorming and the assignments. Over the weekend there are 'The deacon is called to minister in persona paper pushing. four Masses, two on Saturday and two Sunday. Christi Servi - in the person of Christ the Ser­ The bishop appOints his chancellor from any­ Deacon john Levison and I split the Masses up, vant." Slowly and surely this continues to sink one in his flock. I often choke up when I relive each doing one on Saturday and one on Sunday into my hard head and my hard heart. Bishop laValley asking me to take this responsi­ rotating each week. Despite all the formation and watching, I think bility. Hoping to do better each day, I continue Other assignments given me include baptism it was a month after ordination before I recalled working to make my prayer, "Help me to minister preparation, in charge of the minister's assigned a homily. When I finally remembered it is about in persona Christi Servi." home visits and hospital visits, and will share in diakonia - service, I could let go of my nerves officiating at funeral vigils. and serve. I truly enjoy the opportunities and the Deacon John Fehlner Unexpected joys would be the smiles, hand­ encouragement from so many people. shakes and thank yous I receive after mass. New experiences include baptizing, serving St.Brendan~,Keene The highlight of my first six months as a dea­ The only unforeseen challenge I have encoun­ Mass for our Bishop and Priests, Benediction and tered so far was chanting the Exsultet at the recently Singing the Exsultet at the Cathedral con was the celebration of the Triduum. jour­ neying with Christ from the first Eucharist Easter Vigil. (maybe I didn't let go of all my nerves). To the Deacon Inquires, stick to it, the journey Ordination and diaconal duties distracted my through His death and triumphant resurrection has always been a moving experience, but being is rewarding. May God Bless You, wife Rita and me from the stress of becoming CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 empty-nesters. I need to thank Rita, our girls, able to participate in the rituals as a deacon was II N O RTH CO UNTR Y CATHOLI C DIOCESAN LIFE APRIL 18,2018

Bishop's Schedule Environmental Stewardship Work of the Vocation Office April 19 - 9:45 a.m ., Episcopal 'Cry out with joy to the parents are a way to learn about the call to Council Meeting at the Bishop's Res­ Lord, all the earth' By Cathy Russell priesthood, to hear real vocation stories and idence in Ogdensburg PS .l00 Oiocesan Vocation Coordinator to enjoy a good meal with the bishop and During the Easter Season as we area priests.) April 20 - 12 p.m., Mass at St. celebrate the Paschal mystery of The Vocation Office of the Diocese of Og­ • Operation Miriam ( Similar to the Andrew Mary's Cathedral the passion, death and resurrection densburg creates and supports opportunities dinners, these are for young women so they 6 p.m., Dinner with the New­ of Jesus, we experience the echoing to promote creating a culture of vocation can learn about consecrated life through lis­ of this mystery unfolding in the throughout the diocese. That means the cen­ tening to Sisters' vocation stories and sharing man Club at St. Mary's Rectory in tral truth of our faith that God calls each per­ a meal. Potsdam earth around us. son to a life of holiness and gives each • Discernment Groups (Monthly gathering As we read in John's Gospel be­ person a mission. for young men who come together to pray April 21 -11 a.m., Confirmation at fore Jesus' passion,Jesus connects In addition, the Vocation Office promotes and discern whether God is calling them to Holy Name Church in AuSable Forks this mystery of his human life with the call to priesthood and consecrated life. priesthood. that of the natural world."Unless a To these ends, the following activities are • Individual vocational counseling and 4 p.m., Mass at St.John's Church in Plattsburgh grain of wheat falls on the ground offered: support and dies, it remains only as a single • Parish Vocation Ministries (set up, sup­ • Annual visits grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich port, training and networking) • Parish Workshops, retreats, catechetical April 23 - 7:15 p.m., Novena & harvest." (In .12:24) • Print and promotional vocational materi­ program visits on vocation, discipleship, ho­ Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral als, annual seminarian poster liness During this month we celebrate • Regional Operation Andrew Dinners - • Altar server gathering in the summer three special days that connect us (These gatherings for young men and their • Support for seminarians April 25 -l1a.m.Meeting with the with the earth. On May 15 the Diocesan Prison Chaplains at the Church celebrates the feast day of Bishop's Residence St.lsadore, the patron of farmers . CORRECTION As a Nation, we celebrate two other Subscribe to the North Country Catholic today! St. Augustine's Church in Peru, Rest in Peace days that also centered on the pre­ was omitted from the list of parish cious gifts of Creation, namely, Subscribe online at Earth day on April 22 and Arbor or call our office at 315-608-7556 to subscribe today! groupings whose plans have been This week marks the anniversary approved by Bishop Terry R. LaValley of the deaths of the follo wing Day on April 27. Options to receive the NCC in your mailbox or in your e-mail. in the update on parish planning clergymen who have served in the There appears to be two com­ printed in the April 11 issue of the Diocese of Ogdensburg mon threads that run through North Country Catholic. April 19 - Rev.William S. Kelly, these celebrations. One is the invi­ St. Augustine's is part ofthe 1908; Rev. Edward C. Laramee, 1932; tation to celebrate and give thanks II m Adult Children of Alcoholics grouping which also includes The Rev.William P.Fraser, 1961 for the beauties of Creation that in­ IWeekl y meeting - Wednesdays at 7:30 PM Catholic Community of Holy Name April 20 - Rev.James Igo, 2007 clude both the natural world and St. Peter's Church, Plattsburgh and St.Matthew(Au Sable Forks), April 21 - Msgr. Michael E. Fogarty, the human family. Pope Francis Upstairs Room Roman Catholic Community of Kee­ 1936 states:'lt is our humble conviction Adult Children of Alcoholics is a recovery program for adults seville, St. Margaret's Church (Wilm­ April 22 - Rev. Daniel M. Sullivan, that the divine and the human ington) whose lives were affected as a result of being raised in an 1933 meet in the slightest detail ... of God' Creation, in the last speck of alcoholic or other dysfunctional fam ily. It is based on the April 23 - Rev. L. Victor Petit, O.M.I., our planet." Laudato Si .(#9) success of Alcoholics Anonymous and employs its version of To Report Abuse 1898; Most Rev. Henry Gabriels, 1921 April 24 - V. Rev. Alfred L. Pelletier, The second thread is the chal­ the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. lenge to recognize our responsibil­ For more info rmation on ACA, go to If you have a complaint of sus­ O.M.I., 1978; Rev.Thomas Egan, S.J., pected misconduct involving dioce­ 1994 ity towards all Creation. Pope san clergy, religiOUS, employees or Francis, quoting Patriarch Order your 2018 Diocesan Directory! volunteers, contact Victims Assis­ Bartholomew, says "we are called tance Coordinator, Terrianne Yan­ Protecting God's Children to acknowledge our contribution, The Official 2018 Directory of ulavich, Adult & Youth Counseling smaller or great, to the disfigure­ Services of Northern , 618 The Diocese of Ogdensburg has ment and destruction of cre- the Diocese of Ogdensburg Lake Rd, Chateaugay, NY 12920; scheduled sessions for Protecting ation ... for human beings to includes detailed information [email protected] God 's Children for Adults. Pre-regis­ contaminate the earth's water, its about parishes, schools and Phone: Day:51 8-651-2267, Night: tration online is required in order to land, its air and its life ... these are other Catholic organizations. 518-569-0612; or Father Christopher participate. Participants may pre­ sins." (#16) Carrara, the Episcopal Vicar for Pas­ register at by select­ What seeds of new life might I toral Personnel at 315-393-2920 ing the registration button and plant that could bring healing both Order online at following the directions. Further in­ to the natural world and to the Directory formation is available from Jill n.e ...... c.ddlcDlDoeoeal human family? Consider planting a Lawrence, 315-393-2920, ext 1440 ...... - Follow Pope Francis on tree, or planting seeds in a patio or call our office at Upcoming sessions: Twitter! pot or in a personal or community 315-608-7556 April 26 -5 p.m., Holy Ghost Parish $15.00 Center, Tupper Lake garden, and observe the unfolding each to order yours today! May 8 -3 p.m., Immaculate Heart of the Paschal mystery before your ~#Pontifex Central High School, Watertown very eyes NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC APRIL 18,2018 DIOCESAN LIFE WE ARE CALLED Deacons Deacon Thomas J. Yousey Deacon David D. Demers St. Peter's, Lowville Notre Dame, Ogdensburg My ministry still calls for As I look back on the last prayer and discernment. six months, I see mistakes, Preparation for ordination successes, and sheer joy. strengthened my call to All of it has been a bleSSing. serve as a Hospice chaplain I have been touched by the and lead me to better under­ people of my parishes who stand what "call to service" not only congratulate me on means. I was asked to do a my ordination but thank me presentation for service for my service. providers on the topic, "ser­ I have the honor of shar­ vice leadership" just after ing in the needs of the ordination. I discovered parishes with six other dea­ that preparing for that pres­ cons who have certainly entation was like preparing taken me under their wing for a homily. When one lets and help guide me through the Holy Spirit be the gUide, the last few months. the presenter learns more There are many ministries I than the participants. have been called upon to as­ I have not felt this excited sist with I am a sixth grade and this challenged since religious education teacher, my first year in the class­ serve funerals, bring com­ room in 1971. The excite­ munion to the sick and ment invited the Deacon to home bound, serve on the "keep trying" and to "do it vocation and youth min­ again until you do it right." PHOTOS BYTOM SEMERARO istry committees and serve The challenge keeps the Deacon Thomas J. Yousey of Lowville reads the Gospel during the March 22 Chrism Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral. at the Mass along side the Deacon reading, studying wonderful priests of our and praying. cese as their servant. A ser­ so much. My wife, Dee, is Diaconate. I thank God parishes Father joe Morgan, As far as challenges, there vant to help them in any my greatest supporter. We every day for His grace and Father justin Thomas, Fa­ have been so many: how to way I can, as a catechist, a often have the opportunity for leading me ther james Shurtleff and Fa­ provide quality liturgy? how liturgical minister or per­ to work together in different on this journey. I give ther Richard Sturtz. to keep going when tired? haps just someone to talk to ministries especially plan­ thanks for all the bleSSings Thank Lord jesus Christ how to find the time to meet in a time of need. ning liturgies. She has even in my life and I encourage for allowing me to hear your all the requests? how to just My diaconal formation encouraged me to sing everyone to listen and to call to serve your church trust in the Lord, let Him be has given me a great deal of which was never one of my hear God's call. and its people. the guide! confidence as how to ad­ greater talents. So, at the And there have been un­ dress different situations as Easter Liturgy on Sunday expected joys including my they arise. My pastor and morning, I did sing and it first wedding as the my fellow brother deacons went pretty well. God was presider; what an honor. It are very supportive and al­ definitely helping me out. PERMANENT was the first wedding, since ways willing to offer help The love, support and un­ my own, that tears came to and advice. derstanding from everyone DEACONS my eyes I am also very apprecia­ is overwhelming. I have also been uplifted tive of the support I receive I could never profess to of the by daily unexpected re­ from my fellow parishioners be the most intelligent dea­ sponses to our God, our here at St. Mary's in Clayton con or the most talented but DIOCESE OF church, to those around as a and St. john's in La­ I am so happy and I feel so result of prayer with indi­ fargeville. I really enjoy blessed to be called to the OGDENSBURG viduals and small groups working at the parish level. Father LaBaff is so encour­ Ministers to the people of our Diocese since 1977. Deacon Neil J. Fuller aging and enables me to do St. Mary's, (layton 41 years working with our Bishops and Priests to spread Each time, as I vest for Mass, I kiss my stole and re­ the Good News ofJesus Christ. alize what an awesome gift I have received by being or­ For information about our order contact: dained a Permanent Deacon Deacon John White in the Diocese of Ogdens­ Director of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate burg. It is a most blessed feeling of having the oppor­ YlfJljlott/ A /1ft r!Jfla? tunity to work with the St. Lawrence SOCiety of Deacons, Diocese of Ogdensburg Catholic faithful of our dio- .%./< CJbcrttw/lJ [[ NORTH CO U NTRY CATH 0 LI C DIOCESAN LIFE APRIL 18 ,2 018 WE ARE CALLED Heart speaks to heart complete certitude myself, I from an ongoing engage­ seminary, I know that God By Leagon (arlin have no fear of what is to ment of God's unfathomable has called me to take this Diocesan seminarian come. mercy and ability to equip leap. Therefore, regardless What can be the reason the radically imperfect men of any fear, doubt, confu­ I will graduate from the for this hope? (such as myself) whom He sion, or sinfulness that I Pontifical College As with all good ques­ calls; may experience, I rest in the josephinum in May, a reality tions, God is ultimately the • joy, not simply a feeling firm conviction that He not much different from a answer. In a more particular but a state of being, holds me in His Heart. As multitude of other students sense, relationship with God dwelling in God's individual long as I listen to the voice my age. is the answer: His Heart love for me and rejoicing in of His Heart in mine, I can Out of the projected two speaking to mine, and mine it; be assured of doing His will. million matriculants receiv­ to His. From this constant • Peace, coming only from With all of this being said, ing four-year undergraduate conversation, I draw all of a total surrender to His plan this is not a place I have degrees in the my strength, all of my joy, for me, and His desire to been able to come to simply this spring, many will be un­ and all of my peace. take my unworthiness and or comfortably. It has taken sure of their path, scared of At this juncture in my use me as His instrument in four years in minor semi­ the unknown and uncertain path to the priesthood, I whatever way He wishes. nary, learning how to give future. find the confidence to carry As I move on in formation up, trying and failing to give Yet, while I have not been on within the lived experi­ toward the priesthood of all of myself to God, while graced with any measure of ence of those qualities: jesus Christ, advancing into always holding something • Strength of resolve, this second stage of major back. I have had to discover that any time I try to control my life, to find my own answers Constancy in prayer to the questions of vocation, I fail and cause more harm is our service than good. As G.K. Chesterton tells in the Church ... us, ''The riddles of God are more satisfying than the so­ PHOTO BY TOM SEMERARO lutions of man." All of our Leagon Carlin is completing his first SISTERS ADORERS OF lives, we encounter riddles, four years of study for the priest­ and the more solutions we hood and preparing to move on to THE PRECIOUS BLOOD come up with, the more major seminary. Here, he writes confounded the riddles be­ about this time of transition in his A CONTEMPLA TIVE COMMUNITY come. It is not until we real­ life. Above, the Plattsburgh native OF PONTIFICAL RIGHT ize that we don't have the enjoyed some hammock time dur­ solutions, and learn to re­ ing the 2017 gathering of seminari­ Watertown, New York ally love and embrace the ans held at Guggenheim. riddles, that we can live our "1 t is yourface, 0 Lord, tfiat 1 seek:," 315-788-1669 Holy Body and Blood in the www.sist lives happily. This isn't about blind obe­ Eucharist daily and frequent dience, or denying our gifts confessions, has enabled and talents. This is about me to come to this cross­ DIOCESE OF OGDENSBURG uniting our total self, body roads and choose to con­ and soul, heart and mind, tinue. VOCATIONS SOCIETY (D.O.V.S) freely to God. So, as I do my best to stay As I stand now, I have not on the narrow way, as I con­ accomplished this complete tinue to speak to His Heart, journey of conversion, and and He to mine, I very much To encourage and promote likely won't fully accom­ count on your prayers. vocations to the priesthood, plish it in this lifetime Be assured that I am pray­ (thank God for the gift of ing daily for the wonderful permanent diaconate, and Purgatory!). However, after people of our diocese, as are my brothers at other stops consecrated religious life in four years of dedicated dis­ cernment, I have moved along the seminary path. our diocese. closer to the Triune God Please pray for us a little than I had ever known was each day, as well, that God possible. may show us His will, and "It was not you who chose me, but I The graces that He has be­ then give us the grace to do it! May the Blessed Mother who chose you" stowed on my life through prayer, especially through wrap you in Her mantle, and John 15:16 my reception of His Most bring you closer to Her Son! NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC APRIL 18 ,2018 DIOCESAN LIFE

WE ARE CALLED Taking first steps towards the seminary Communion class. With the idea of being a traveled with Father Lucia By Tyler Fitzgerald After I made my First priest becoming more real, and another discerner to Seminary candidate Communion, I began altar I started attending discern­ The Josephinum. This trip serving. I remember being ment groups meetings in was different from the first When asked to give my quite scared the first few Potsdam and, more re­ one but yet very beneficial. vocation story, I'm often months, but after much cently, Canton. On this trip, I asked conflicted about where to practice I realized serving (I highly recommend any more questions about the begin. After reading and was something I enjoyed other high school man dis­ academics and figured out hearing other vocation sto­ and looked forward to cerning to attend these smaller questions I had ries, I realized that every­ As I got older, I had an meetings. They're very in­ about seminary life. one's is different. Mine increasing interest in the formative and great to dis­ I spent a great deal of isn't very exciting mainly Extraordinary Form Mass. cuss any questions you time praying and contem­ due to the fact that I've al­ The silence and reverence may have.) plating God's plan. By then, ways known I wanted to be of this form instantly at­ I had the opportunity to I knew for certain this was a priest. tracted me. visit The Pontifical College going somewhere. For as long as I can re­ Josephinum last December I submitted my Diocese member, I've been fasci­ where I was able to learn of Ogdensburg application nated by the priesthood. I've always known I more about seminary it­ knowing I was making one After my parents and I wanted to be a priest self. I met other seminari­ of the best choices I've moved back to New York, Tyler Fitzgerald ans, faculty and got to ever made. we attended Church of The Ironically, Father know our seminarians a lit­ Some advice I would give Visitation. Msgr. Robillard, quently. I signed up to tle better. By the time I left, to any fellow discerners Howard Venette , pastor of serve for every holy day although retired, was still St. Mary's in Potsdam at the I knew I was on the right would be to not be afraid active in the parish and we and special Mass I could, path. to take the leap. If you feel time, asked me after Mass and volunteered to serve instantly became fond of one Sunday if I had ever I kept discerning and God is calling you to the each other. funerals. Every aspect of praying for my vocation, priesthood, find others been to an Extraordinary serving at Mass attracts He was an excellent Form Mass. I told him my but nothing exciting or who feel the same, contact priest and a humble, com­ me. Being so involved with major occurred. The the Vocations Department interest in it and he invited the liturgy has sparked a passionate man. I also re­ me to one he was saying biggest and most recent or ask other priests for member he would show passion for it. events have taken place their story. the following Sunday. More and more aspects me his vestments, and I This was the Mass that this past year. In June, Fa­ Also, don't get discour­ specifically being intrigued of priesthood began to ap­ ther Douglas Lucia, dioce­ aged when things seem would change how I saw peal to me. Being able to by his chasuble. This is my vocation. This was san vocation director, was stagnant. If God is calling what made my interest in offer the sacraments and assigned to Madrid which you, he will make it hap­ around the time I began re­ bring others closer to priesthood click. Granted I alizing the priesthood was was a true blessing. pen. had no idea what priests Christ is what really This past December, I Please pray for me. much more than putting started to draw me in. did besides "dress up" and on vestments and preach­ talk to people but I still re­ ing. member how fascinating I After I began to consider found it. priesthood on a much ~r LED to give YOLIr From this moment on, more serious level, I e You being CAL ., . my mentality was along started serving more fre- the lines of "being a priest would be neat." Thus the beginning of my vocation story. We left Church of The Visitation and started going to St. John's in Madrid where I began First For a New or Used Car Mort Backus & as a Consecrated Religious ... a "Bride" of Christ? Sons CONTACT: Sister M. Gregory, SSJ, Vocation Director On Canton-Ogdensburg Rd. GO GREEN! 315-393-5899 Sisters of St. Joseph Ileceive Ih e Nee in your e-mail every 1425 Washington Street, Watertown, NY 13601 Monday where ever you are in Ih e world. EMAIL: [email protected] ~: 315.782.3460 E-mail [email protected] CHEVRDLET 10 sign up loday. 0 R THe 0 U TRY CAT H 0 LI C WORLD/NATION liN N APRIL 18,2018 WE ARE CALLED 'Holiness means being loving, not boring' speaking directly to the indi­ and by bearing witness in By Cindy Wooden vidual reading it. everything we do, wherever Catholic News Service we find ourselves," he said. Pope Francis writes He wrote about "the saints VATICAN CITY (CNS) - God calls all next door" and said he likes Christians to be saints -- not "Gaudete et Exsultate" "to contemplate the holiness plastic statues of saints, but ("Rejoice and Be Glad,") present in the patience of real people who make time God's people: in those par­ for prayer and who show lov­ an apostolic exhortation ents who raise their children ing care for others in the sim­ with immense love, in those plest gestures, Pope Francis on the call to holiness men and women who work hard to support their fami­ said in his new document on "With this exhortation I holiness. lies, in the sick, in elderly re­ would like to insist primarily ligious who never lose their "Do not be afraid of holi­ on the call to holiness that ness. It will take away none smile." the Lord addresses to each of Pope Francis also noted the of your energy, vitality or us, the call that he also ad­ joy," the pope wrote in challenges to holiness, writ­ dresses, personally, to you," CNS/CINDY WOODEN, PHOTO/PAUL HARING ing at length and explicitly "Gaudete et Exsultate" ("Re­ he wrote near the beginning. This image contains a quote from Pope Francis' exhortation, "Gaudete et Ex­ joice and Be Glad"), his apos­ about the devil just two Saying he was not writing a sultate" ("Rejoice and Be Glad"), on the "call to holiness in today's world." weeks after an uproar caused tolic exhortation on "the call theological treatise on holi­ The photo shows the pope during his general audience in St. Peter's Square to holiness in today's world." by an elderly Italian journal­ ness, Pope Francis focused at the Vatican April 4. ist who claimed the pope Pope Francis signed the ex­ mainly on how the call to ho­ hortation March 19, the feast told him he did not believe in liness is a personal call, circumstances. spend much time in prayer," the existence of hell. of St. Joseph, and the Vatican something God asks of each "We are frequently tempted he wrote. But "that is not the released it April 9. "We should not think of the Christian and which requires to think that holiness is only case." devil as a myth, a represen­ Much of the document was a personal response given for those who can withdraw "We are all called to be holy written in the second person, tation, a symbol, a figure of one's state in life, talents and from ordinary affairs to by living our lives with love CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

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Steve Tartaglia Director of Family Life ~ Diocese of Ogdensburg V (315) 393-2920 ~ [email protected] II NO RTH CO U NTRY CATH 0 LIC APRIL 18 , 2018 WORLD/NATION Holiness CATHOLIC CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 church can be helpful, he that proclaim themselves to speech or an idea," the said, but no one else's path be Christian, but are really pope wrote in his exhorta­ can be duplicated exactly. forms of pride, like knowing tion. 'This mistake would all the rules and being quick lead us to let down our The path to holiness is al­ to judge others for not fol­ WORLD guard, to grow careless and lowing them. end up more vulnerable" to most always gradual, Holiness "is not about the devil's temptations. swooning in mystic rapture," AT A GLANCE "The devil does not need to made up of small steps in he wrote, but it is about rec­ possess us. He poisons us prayer, in sacrifice and in ognizing and serving the Pope apologizes for mistakes in judging Chilean abuse cases with the venom of hatred, Lord in the hungry, the VATICAN CITY (CNS) --In a letter to the bishops of Chile, Pope Francis apolo­ desolation, envy and vice," service to others. stranger, the naked, the poor gized for underestimating the seriousness of the sexual abuse crisis in the he wrote. "When we let down and the sick. our guard, he takes advan­ Each person, he said, Holiness is holistic, he country following a recent investigation into allegations concerning Bishop tage of it to destroy our lives, needs "to embrace that Juan Barros of Osorno. The pope said he made "serious mistakes in the assess­ said, and while each person families and communities." unique plan that God willed has a special mission, no one ment and perception of the situation, especially due to a lack of truthful and The path to holiness, he for each of us from eternity." should claim that their par­ balanced information. I ask forgiveness of all those I have offended and I hope wrote, is almost always grad­ The exhortation ends with ticular call or path is the only to be able to do it personally in the coming weeks," the pope said in the letter, ual, made up of small steps a section on "discernment," worthy one. which was released by the Vatican April 11. Several survivors apparently have in prayer, in sacrifice and in a gift to be requested of the "Our defense of the inno­ been invited to the Vatican to meet the pope. Abuse victims alleged that service to others. Holy Spirit and developed cent unborn, for example, Bishop Barros -- then a priest -- had witnessed their abuse by his mentor, Fa­ Being part of a parish com­ through prayer, reflection, needs to be clear, firm and munity and receiving the reading Scripture and seek­ ther Fernando Karadima.ln 2011, Father Karadima was sentenced to a life of passionate for at stake is the sacraments, especially the ing counsel from a trusted dignity of a human life, prayer and penance by the Vatican after he was found gUilty of sexually abus­ Eucharist and reconciliation, spiritual gUide. which is always sacred," the ing boys. Father Karadima denied the charges; he was not prosecuted civilly be­ are essential supports for liv­ "A sincere daily 'examina­ pope wrote. "Equally sacred, cause the statute of limitations had run out. Protesters and victims said Bishop ing a holy life, the pope tion of conscience'" will help, however, are the lives of the Barros is guilty of protecting Father Karadima and was physically present while wrote. And so is finding time he said, because holiness in­ poor, those already born, the some of the abuse was going on. for silent prayer. "I do not be­ volves striving each day for destitute, the abandoned lieve in holiness without "all that is great, better and and the underprivileged, the Pontifical Commission proposes synod on women prayer," he said, "even more beautiful, while at the vulnerable infirm and elderly though that prayer need not same time being concerned exposed to covert euthana­ VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The in Latin America must recognize and be lengthy or involve intense for the little things, for each appreciate the role of women and end the practice of using them solely as sub­ sia",," emotion." day's responsibilities and And, he said, one cannot missive laborers in the parish, said members of a pontifical commission . In ad­ 'The holiness to which the commitments." claim that defending the life dition, at the end of their plenary meeting March 6-9 at the Vatican, members Lord calls you will grow Pope Francis also included of a migrant is a "secondary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America proposed that the church hold a through small gestures," he a list of cautions. For exam­ issue" when compared to Synod of Bishops "on the theme of the woman in the life and mission of the said, before citing the exam­ ple, he said holiness involves abortion or other bioethical church. There still exist 'macho,' bossy clerics who try to use women as servants ple of a woman who refuses finding balance in prayer questions. within their parish, almost like submissive clients of worship and manual labor to gossip with a neighbor, re­ time, time spent enjoying "That a politician looking turns home and listens pa­ others' company and time for votes might say such a for what is needed. All of this has to end," said the final document from the tiently to her child even dedicated to serving others meeting. L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, reported April 11 that thing is understandable, but though she is tired, prays the in ways large or small. And, not a Christian," he said. the theme of the four-day meeting, "The woman: pillar in building the church rosary and later meets a poor "needless to say, anything Pope Francis' exhortation and society in Latin America," was chosen by Pope Francis. In addition to 17 person and offers him a kind done out of anxiety, pride or also included warnings cardinals and seven bishops who are members of the commission, the pope word. the need to impress others about a clear lack of holiness asked that some leading Latin American women also be invited; eight lay­ The title of the document will not lead to holiness." demonstrated by some women and six women religious participated in the four-day meeting and in was taken from Matthew Being holy is not easy, he Catholics on Twitter or other drafting its pastoral recommendations, the newspaper said. 5:12 when Jesus says "rejoice said, but if the attempt social media, especially and be glad" to those who are makes a person judgmental. when commenting anony­ persecuted or humiliated for always frustrated and surly, Vatican announces consistory to approve canonizations mously. his sake. something is not right. "It is striking at times," he VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Francis will preside over aconsistory to approve The line concludes the "The saints are not odd said, that "in claiming to up­ several canonizations, the Vatican announced. The May 19 consistory, which the Beatitudes, in which, Pope and aloof, unbearable be­ hold the other command­ Vatican announced April 11, will most likely confirm the canonization dates of Francis said, "Jesus ex­ cause of their vanity, nega­ ments, they completely Blesseds Paul VI and Oscar Romero. The meeting of cardinals and promoters of plained with great simplicity tivity and bitterness," he ignore the eighth, which for­ the sainthood causes, also known as an "ordinary public consistory," formally what it means to be holy": said. 'The apostles of Christ bids bearing false witness or ends the process of approving a new saint.While no date has been formally an­ living simply, putting God were not like that." lying." first, trusting him and not In fact, the pope said. Saints, on the other hand, nounced, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, has said that earthly wealth or power, "Christian joy is usually ac­ Blessed Paul's canonization will take place at the end of the Synod of Bishops "do not waste energy com­ being humble. mourning companied by a sense of plaining about the failings of on youth and discernment, scheduled for Oct.3-28. At a meeting March 6 with with and consoling others, humor." others; they can hold their Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes, Pope being merciful and forgiving, The exhortation included tongue before the faults of Francis recognized a miracle attributed to Blessed Paul, who was born Giovanni working for justice and seek­ many of Pope Francis' famil­ their brothers and sisters, Battista Montini and was pope from 1963 to 1978. ing peace with all. iar refrains about attitudes and avoid the verbal violence The example of the saints that destroy the Christian that demeans and mistreats offiCially recognized by the community, like gossip, or others." II NORTH COUNTRY CATHOLIC COMMENTARY APRIL 18,2018 SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS Jesus: a caring, comforting, gentle shepherd Today is Good Shepherd lasting and constant, and continue to hear from in the image and likeness of Sunday. Of all the many ti­ His voice is ever clear, lead- Peter's speeches form the APRIL 22 God. If we really believe tles by which we ad- ing us to light­ Acts of the Apostles. Fourth Sunday of Easter that, then we will care for dress jesus Christ, some pastures The Sanhedrin had impris­ READINGS the poor, the sick, and the that of "Good Shep­ that truly nourish oned Peter because of his immigrant. herd" is the most ap­ and strengthen alarming success in convert­ Acts 4:8-12 "Our defense of the inno­ pealing to millions of our souls. ing the jews to the Good 1John 3:1-2 cent unborn, for example, Christians and jesus has laid News. Peter tells the leaders John 12:11-18 needs to be clear, firm and rightly so. down His life for that "there is no salvation in passionate, for at stake is The image of jesus these sheep, as anyone else." need. This reading also in­ the dignity of a human as a caring, comfort­ well as for those In the second reading, vites us to plan every day life ... Equally sacred, how­ ing, and gentle Shep­ who have faith­ john assures us that we are new ways in which we can ever, are the lives of the herd can even be fully stood by "children of God" and as yet become good shepherds. poor, those already born, found on the cata­ their baptismal we cannot grasp the full the destitute, the aban­ Monsignor Pope Francis has just combs of third-cen­ and confirmation meaning of what we shall published a new Apostolic doned and the underprivi­ tury Rome. Paul E. commitments. one day become. These Exhortation called (in Eng­ leged ... the vulnerable Even though He Whitmore How tragic if words give us encourage­ lish) Rejoice and Be Glad. infirm and elderly, the vic­ shares in the awe­ more are lost. It ment for the present and In it, he gives us good ad­ tims of human trafficking, some power of the Fa- will not be the fault challenge for the future. vice on how to be reach ho­ and every form of rejec­ ther and the Holy Spirit, of the Good Shepherd, but The Gospel invites each liness in our modern world. tion". jesus never forces us to re­ the fault of those with of us to imitate jesus, who His vision goes all the May God bless us for our main in His sheepfold, whom jesus has shared His is the Good Shepherd in His back to Genesis where God efforts to become shep­ never "browbeats" us into role of guardian of the flock. caring for His sheep, espe­ tells us that all creation, all herds after the heart of submission. His love is ever- In the first reading, we cially those who are most in men and woman are made jesus, the Good Shepherd. 50 years after BI. Paul VI's encyclical is released Aconversation about 'Humanae Vitae' may finally be possible it was portrayed in cultural cation and actual experi­ keep their mouths shut and ally used as mere objects of By (harlie (amosy circles of power (media, aca­ ence, simply knew better. their pens dry - at least if desire in a sexual market­ Catholic News Service demia, government, etc.), This consensus against they want to remain re­ place -- a marketplace facili­ not as the latest iteration of "Humanae Vitae" would spectable in cultural circles tated by smartphone Can one imagine a more consumer culture, but as come to be strictly en­ of power. The narrative that applications. difficult year for "Humanae part of a broader social jus­ forced. Though many only backward-thinking • Pornography dominates Vitae" ("Of Human Life") to tice movement. A move­ Catholics have the "Charles dogmatists could take it se­ the internet and the script be heard than 1968? ment which pushed back Curran affair" at the center riously became the received for Western sexual encoun­ Blessed Paul VI's encycli­ against outdated and op­ of their narrative in this re­ wisdom. ters. But it has done so in cal came out just as the sex­ pressive views of the past. gard, his case would prove But now, on the verge of ways which normalize ual revolution was picking The replacement culture to be the exception. the document's 50th an­ hookups, violence against up steam, well on its way to was liberating. The natural (Catholic University of niversary, a new cultural women, and even sex be­ becoming a dominant force direction of social progress. America's board of trustees moment has arrived. tween family members. As a in Western culture. Only backward-thinking, re­ denied the tenure of Father Blessed Paul warned that result, even liberal countries Contraception was part of ligious dogmatists rejected Curran, after the professor the separation of sex from like the United Kingdom a basic right to privacy and it. Smart and open-minded publicly disagreed with the procreation and committed and Iceland have recently on a path from normaliza­ people embraced it. encyclical's teaching.) relationships would have tried to ban porn. Lurking tion to celebration. Playboy Swimming against this In recent decades the con­ disastrous effects, and there right behind porn in sepa­ and other pornographic powerful cultural tide, in sensus against "Human is now strong evidence to rating sex from genuine re­ magazines and films were the short run at least, "Hu­ Vitae" has been so strong show that he predicted bet­ lationships are sex robots. on the ascendant. Casual manae Vitae" never had a that theologians and even ter than he knew. Many are already worried sexual encounters, along chance. Few of its critics ac­ Catholic priests can feel Consider these cultural that, given current assump­ with no fault divorce, were tually read the text, and quite safe in their dissent. trends: tions and practices, there becoming much more even fewer could allow The occasional finger-wag­ • The #MeToo movement will be little to stop them prevalent. Sex manuals and themselves to be challenged ging or bad book review has demonstrated that our from radically disconnect­ erotic novels were on the by its arguments. from the institutional sexual culture is fundamen­ ing sex from unification living room bookshelves of It fit neatly in the revolu­ church serves to do little be­ tally broken and often vio­ with another person. respectable people. Movies tion's cultural narrative: an yond increasing the promi­ lent. Far from liberating, • Hookup culture is im­ and music pushed the revo­ out-of-touch celibate hierar­ nence of the thinker and "hookup culture" is a partic­ possible to imagine without lution at every turn. chy using power to enforce increasing their book sales. ular instance of what Pope widespread access to con­ This revolution, it should a superstitious and harmful But those who've been Francis calls the "use and traception as an enabling be said, made a lot of peo­ view of sex onto people sympathetic to the docu­ throwaway" culture. People technology. And the riskier ple quite a lot of money. But who, given their better edu- ment have been forced to are dehumanized and mutu- CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe APRIL 18,2018 ENTERTAINMENT ATTHE MOVIES PAUL, ApOSTLE OF CHRIST Corinthians -- and familiar ders about whether his fel­ By John Mulderig to wedding guests every­ low Christians should stay Catholic News Service where. or go. Instead, he and Luke The story gets off to a suf­ eventually strike on the idea In the long history of the ficiently dramatic start. In of recording Paul's conver­ church, perhaps no partner­ the wake of the Great Fire of sion and their missionary ship has been more conse­ Rome in A.D. 64 - which the travels together, along with quential than that between Emperor Nero notoriously other events, in the text that St. Paul the Apostle and his blamed on the followers of will become known as the disciple, St. Luke. jesus - Christians are being Acts of the Apostles. Between them, they ac­ subjected to a massive per­ This new narrative, they count for at least 15 of the secution and Paul (pleas­ hope, will offer encourage­ 27 books of the New Testa­ ingly sonorous james ment to those facing possi­ ment, and Luke accompa­ Faulkner), as their most ble martyrdom. nied Paul on some of the prominent leader, has been For a different reason, journeys during which the arrested, tried and con­ Luke's nascent history is of Apostle to the Gentiles demned to death. interest to Paul's chief jailer, sowed the seeds of faith Thus Luke Uim Caviezel) Prefect Mauritius Gallas across the Roman Empire. is taking a huge risk when (Olivier Martinez). An essen­ So the idea of a film ex­ he resolves to return to the tially humane man torn be­ ploring the relationship be­ Empire's capital and visit tween the rigor with which tween these two great Paul in his cell at the he is expected to deal with figures certainly seems Mamertine Prison. Fortu­ his captive and his vague at­ promising. With the drama nately, he has the help of traction to the transcendent "Paul, Apostle of Christ" two early Christian leaders values of the Gospel, Mauri­ CNS PHOTO /SONY PICTURES (Sony), however, only part mentioned in the Bible, hus­ tius is perplexed by Luke's Jim Caviezel as Luke and James Faulkner as Paul are seen in the film "Paul, of that potential is realized. band and wife Aquila Uohn curious behavior in sneak­ Apostle of Christ." Writer-director Andrew Lynch) and Priscilla Uoanne ing into his prison. Hyatt's somewhat flawed Whalley). Catholic viewers will ap­ than it does considered The film contains scenes script fleshes out the bare The spouses are at logger­ preciate a scene in which strictly as a piece of cinema. of brutality and torture with bones available to us from heads over whether the be­ Paul celebrates the Eucharist As a valuable resource for some gore, a few gruesome the canonical sources with lievers still under their and gives Luke Communion catechetical instruction, images and mature refer­ believable human details. protection should remain in as well as the way those fac­ moreover, the movie makes ences, including to prostitu­ But it unwisely presents fa­ Rome or flee. Some in the ing slaughter in the arena acceptable and worthwhile tion. mous verses and, indeed, community also yearn to prepare themselves by recit­ fare for teens, despite its The Catholic News Service whole passages of Scripture take up arms and avenge ing the Our Father. unsparing, albeit momen­ classification is A-II -- adults as deriving from Paul's themselves on the authori­ In fact, "Paul, Apostle of tary, presentation of the suf­ and adolescents. spontaneous conversation. ties. Christ" works better as an ferings to which Paul The Motion Picture Associ­ This includes his famous Though Paul rejects any easy and enjoyable intro­ himself and many of his ation of America rating is discourse on love preserved notion of violent resistance, duction to its two central contemporaries in the early PG-13 -- parents strongly in the 13th chapter of First he is reluctant to give or- figures' lives and works church were subjected. cautioned. 50 years CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 large doses of hormones in below this threshold: Ger­ • The move from procre­ The obvious surrender of sex created by this cul­ the pill and long-acting con­ many is 1.47; Great Britain, ation to reproduction has our sexual culture to con­ ture, perhaps counterintu­ traception. Dubbed by some 1.8; Italy, 1.37; Poland, 1.32; accepted the logic of con­ sumerist market forces, par­ itively for some, has the "Pro-Kale, Anti-Hor­ and so on. Tax incentives to sumer culture. Given the ticularly after #MeToo, has actually led to more sexu­ mone" movement, many have more children aren't perceived need for a cultur­ led many different kinds of ally-transmitted infections, women with the means to working. japans' fertility cri­ ally determined income and people to look for alterna­ not fewer. For evidence­ do so are avoiding the pill's sis has resulted in trillions lifestyle, the market decides tives. based approaches, contra­ substantial side effects by in lost GDP and a popula­ if and when one should If 1968 was one of the ception no longer appears using versions of natural tion decline of 1 million have a child. Child-bearing worst years possible for to be the solution to our epi­ family planning. people, all within just the is often delayed until it is "Humanae Vitae" to be demic of STIs, sexually • Most countries who had past five years. This is hap­ much more dangerous for heard, then 2018 may be transmitted infections. a sexual revolution now pening in the U.S. as well. In both mother and child. one of the best. Let the con­ • More and more progres­ have a fertility crisis. A cul­ 2008 and 2009, the U.S. had These cultural trends are versation begin. sive and even secular ture needs to have 2.1 chil­ replacement-rate fertility, so different from where Camosy is an associate women are starting to react dren per woman to replace but since then, we've fallen they were 50 years ago that professor in the theology negatively to the health its population, but every Eu­ to about 0.3 kids below re­ "Humanae Vitae" many fi­ department at Jesuit-run problems created by the ropean country is well placement level. nally get a genuine hearing. Fordham University. II NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe AROUND THE DIOCESE APRIL 18,2018

CLINTON Date: April 26 Schedule: Bus leaves at 7a.m. from St. Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mary's. Trip includes a guided tour at SPAGHETTI DINNER Place: Msgr.Sechi Hall each church, visiting the Oratory's mu­ Peru - Peru Knights of Columbus to Cost: Adults, $8, Children, $4; Children seum and gift shops at both locations. Fr. have a spaghetti dinner. under 3,Free; Sauce, $5 per quart; Meat­ Art LaBaff will say Mass for the group in Date: April 21 balls, $.75 the crypt church at StJoseph's.Arrival Time: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 Features: Take-out available at 4 p.m., back at St. Mary's is expected to be be­ Place: St. Augustine's Parish Center please bring your own containers tween 9.30 and 10 p.m. Menu: regular and gluten-free Place: St. Mary's Parish Center Contact: St.Mary'sChurch at 315- spaghetti, salad, bread, dessert 686-3398. Cost: Adults, $7.50;Children 6 to 12, ROSARY CRUSADE $2.50; under 5, Free; Take-outs available. LEWIS Carthage - The 16th Annual Family Rosary Crusade to be held. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS HUMAN TRAFFICKING Date: May 18 Houseville - Divine Mercy Devotions Plattsburgh - "Human Trafficking in Place: StJames Minor Church for the month of May to be held. Your Backyard?" Elizabeth Horsman, As- Schedule: begins with Mass at 5:15 Date: May 6 sistant U.S. Attorney, Northern District of p.m. followed by exposition of the Time: 3 p.m. New York, will speak on this topic. The North County Catholic welcomes contributions to"Aroundthe Diocese': Blessed Sacrament.At 6 p.m . and at the Place: St. Hedwig 's Church Date: April 18 Parishioners are invited to send information about activities to: top of the next seven hours, three com- Features: The program inciudes:Ves­ Time: 6:30 p.m. North Country Catholic,PO Box 326, plete Rosaries will be prayed in honor of pers (Evening Prayer), Exposition of the Place: St.john XXIII Newman Center Ogdensburg,NY 13669; fax, 1-866-314-7296; Our Ladies Seven Sorrows. Each hour Most Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Features: Presentation will include: e-mail [email protected]. also has specific intentions. Mercy Chaplet and Benediction . What does modern day slavery look like? Items must be receivedinthe NCC office by the Thursdaybefore publication. Features: Artist and event coordinator, Where is it happening? What are ways to 1------,------1 Bob Renaud, also paints a painting each ST. LAWRENCE eradicate it in our own area and in the Date: May 25 _ 27 PANCAKE BREAKFAST year to set a theme. For those attending places we travel? Event is sponsored by Schedule: May 25, Golf at Harmony Treadwell Mills _ The Kof Cwill hold StJames for at leastthree hours (in ACIES CEREMONY St.john XXIII Newman Club and Sisters Golf Course at 11 a.m .;Welcome Back re- an all you can eat Pancake Breakfast. honor of Our Lord's passion and suffer- Ogdensburg - Legion of Mary will cel­ of StJoseph Social Justice Committee. ception at Valcour Brewing Company at Date: April 22 ing), a print of the painting will be dis- ebrate the annual ACIES Ceremony. Event is free and open to the public. 6 p.m.; May 26, School tours from Noon Time: 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. tributed. This year's painting is entitled; Date: April 28 Light refreshments will be served. to 2 p.m ., Alumni Banquet at the West- Place: StJoseph's Church Parish Hall 'With the Queen of Hearts, There's Hope'. Time: after the 4 p.m. Mass. side Ballroom at 6 p.m.; May 27, Mass at Cost: Adults, $7; Children 6-12, $3; Contact: For more information check Place: St. Mary's Cathedral TEA FOR TWO St.john's Church at 9:30 a.m. under 5, Free StJames parish website: catholicsof- Features: The Legion of Mary, Our Lady Peru - The Catholic Daughters of the Contact: Susan Pellerin at 518-561- Or the artist's of Perpetual Help praesidium invites Americas, Court St. Monica is hosting its 4031 option7 to register FOR LAY MINISTERS personal website: everyone who has a special devotion to Annual Tea Party Au Sable Forks - All Commissioned Lay the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to this Date: April 22 GARAGE SALE Ministers are invited to an event. LOSING ALOVED ONE service.This is also an opportunity to Time: 1 p.m. to 4 Plattsburgh - Donations are being ac­ Date: May 12 Watertown - Bereavement meeting to find out more about the Legion of Mary Place: St.Augustine's Parish Center cepted now for the Seton Garage Sale. Time: 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. be held. and its mission in our diocese. Following Cost: $10 Date: Donations accepted now, Garage Place: Holy Name Church and School Date: April 23 Mass we will pray the legion prayers and Features: proceeds will support the El­ sale to be held June 2 and 3 Cost: $10 Time: 7 p.m. make a consecration to our Blessed more SPCA.This year's theme is"Fabu­ Features: Items needed: Furniture, Speaker: Fr. Paul Kelly Place: SSJ Motherhouse Mother in the sanctuary. Light snacks lous 50's, featuring 50's music and con­ Books, DVDs, Clothing & Shoes, Home Topic: The Holy Spirit Empowers Us! follow in Bishop Brzana Hall. tests for dance, hula hoop, costumes Decor, Kitchen Supplies, Holiday Decora­ Contact: Online pre-registration is en­ SPAGHETTI DINNER Contact: For more information,Jane tions, Electronics (no TVs or printers), couraged. Evans Mills - Spaghetti and Meatball SPRING RETREAT FOR ADULTS Woods [email protected]. Jewelry, Small Appliances, Athletic Items, /formation /commis- dinnerto be held to benefitthe Indian Morristown - Spring Retreat for Adults 518-562-1175 Toys/Games, Bikes, Accessories, Etc. Drop si oned-Iaymi nisters/ clm-event -reg istra­ River Knights of Columbus. to be held. off locations at Seton Academy and Date: May 5 Date: May 4-6 HEALING HEARTS OF CHILDREN tion.html Seton Catholic. or by mail to: PO Box 106 Canajoharie, Time: 4 p.m. to 7:30 Place: Cedarhaven Peru - An Elijah House Teaching Series Contact: If you need assistance with NY 13317 Place: St. Mary 's Parish Center Cost: $125 (Suggested offering) has been planned your donation, we will pick it up for you. Cost: Adults, $7; Senior Citizens, $6; Speaker: Sr Bethany Fitzgerald, SSJ Date: April 19 and 26 Call or text Hank at 660-626-7442 JEFFERSON Children under 12, $5; under 5, Free if Features: Living the 'Bookend Beati- Time:6:30 p.m. eating at the parish center; Sauce, $5 per tudes': an invitation to explore the first Place: St. Augustine's Parish Center LAKESIDERS FISHERS CLUB HAM DINNER quart and eight beatitudes and ways to put Features: From tips for new parents in Plattsburgh - The Fishers Club, a dis­ Evans Mills - Ham dinner to be held to them into practice through prayer, shar­ healthy training of children, to repairing cernment program for men (juniors in benefit the Indian River Catholics. TO SHRINES IN MONTREAL ing and other spiritual practices. the spiritual injuries of adult children ., high school and older) open to the pos­ Date: April 28 Clayton - Parishioners from the parishes Contact: 315-212-6592 or the lessons shift the focus from who to sible vocation to the priesthood, to meet Time:4 p.m. to 7:30 of St. Mary's, and St.john's, La Fargeville [email protected] blame for what has gone wrong, to how Dates: April 22 and May 6. Place: St. Mary'sChurch are sponsoring a day trip to Montreal to to restore honor and Godly interactions Time: 3 p.m. Contact: For more information, call visit StJoseph's Oratory and Notre S1. RAPHAEL'S FOOD PANTRY in family relationships. Place: St. Peter's 315-629-4678 Dame Basilica. Heuvelton - St. Raphael's Food Pantry Features: discussion, prayer, dinner. Date: May 15 will be open every Friday. ALUMNI REUNION Contact: Fr.Howard Venette­ SPAGHETTI SUPPER Cost: $125 covers coach transportation Time: 9 a.m. to 11 Plattsburgh - The Seton Catholic, MAl ba [email protected]/315-369-3554 Watertown - St. Anthony's Altar from St. Mary's, admission and tour Place: Parish Center & SJA Alumni Reunion is set Rosary to have a spaghetti dinner. costs, lunch, and dinner in Old Montreal. CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE NOR THe 0 U N TRY CAT H 0 LIe II tI.. IT:'1 J\ APRIL 18, 2018 ______~ ______~ ~1~~L~VV~liS. ~ ~ OBITUARIES The Pontifical Mission Societies of the Altona - Jeanne L. Forkey, 53; Mass of St. Ann's Church. St. Mary's Cathedral; burial in St. Mary's Diocese of Ogdensburg, Inc. Christian Burial April 13, 2018 at Holy Cemetery. Angel 's Church. North Bangor - Edna Elise Cornell, 95; ~~~Mi~ The Society for the Propagation of the Faith Mass of Christian Burial April 9, 2018 at Plattsburgh - Gary D. Boyer; Mass of Sr.Mary Ellen Brett,SSJ,Director Brushton - John E. Finnegan Jr., 82; St. Augustine's Church; burial in parish Christian Burial April 10, 2018 at St. 622 Washington 5t., Ogdensburg, NY 13669 (315) 393·2920; fax 1·866·314·7296 Mass of Christian Burial April 14, 2018 at cemetery. John's Church. [email protected] St. Mary's Church. Ogdensburg - Joan Betsy Fisher Barr, Plattsburgh - G. Eileen Perras, 97; Mass Burke - Donald I Mangan, 92; Mass of 80; Mass of Christian Burial April 9,2018 of Christian Burial April 12, 2018 at St. Christian Burial April 10 , 2018 at St. at St. Mary's Cathedral; burial in Pine Hill John's Church; burial in Mt. Carmel Ceme­ George's Church; burial in Riverside Cemetery. tery. Vocations and Cemetery, Woodstock, VI Ogdensburg - Rhea I. (Flood) Casey, 93; Potsdam - John Robert Sheehan, 77; Cadyville - Richard H. Chase, Jr., 77; Mass of Christian Burial May 21,2018 at Memorial Services May 4,2018 at St. the missions Mass of Christian Burial April 14, 2018 at Notre Dame Church; burial in Notre Dame Mary's Church. StJames Church; burial in Whispering Cemetery. Growing the faith. Our own faith journeys seem like an Maples Mausoleum. Saranac Lake - Donald Tallman, 71; ongoing cycle of growth: seeds of faith planted by our par­ Ogdensburg - Martha E. (lebo) De­ Mass of Christian Burial April 10, 2018 at ents, nurtured by family and friends, strengthened by the Mineville - Geraldine Barcomb, 94; St. Bernard's Church. seasons of our lives, especially times of trial when we cling mers, 91; Mass of Christian Burial April close to the Lord's love and hope. Mass of Christian Burial April 13, 2018 at 13,201 8 at Notre Dame Church; burial in From time to time, questions regarding the role of the All Saints Church . Notre Dame Cemetery. Watertown - Burt Etheridge, 65; Mass Missions in Vocations come up. From our National website of Christian Burial April 13, 2018 at St. of the Pontifical Mission Societies, here are a few of our fre­ Mooers Forks - Matthew H. Mesec, 46; Ogdensburg - Frederick P. Marek, 96; Anthony's Church; burial in Chamberlain quently asked questions and some helpful answers. Mass of Christian Burial April 18, 2018 at Mass of Christian Burial April 14, 2018 at Cemetery, Round Pond, Maine. • I hear that vocations are growing in the Missions. How many seminarians does the Society of St. Peter Apostle sup­ port? Currently, more than 30,000 major seminarians in some 400 seminaries receive help from St. Peter Apostle. In addi­ tion, close to 10,000 men and women Religious novices re­ BI. Romero's canonization ceive assistance. • How can I help the Society of St. Peter Apostle? You can offer your prayers and personal sacrifices for the growth of mission vocations. You can also help young men probably in Rome in October as they prepare for the priesthood through the Society of St. Peter Apostle with a donation of $700 for a year of studies. place Oct. 21. cle, a solution to this prob­ A gift of $300 will help toward the formation of men and By Rhina Guidos Archbishop Escobar, who lem," he said. "He is with us women novices preparing for a life of service as Religious Catholic News Service occupies the post held for and intercedes for us." Brothers and Sisters. You may also want to remember the three years by Blessed Blessed Romero was assas­ Society of St. Peter Apostle when writing or changing your WASHINGTON (CNS) -- During an Romero, from 1977 until his sinated March 24,1980, dur­ Will. April 11 homily in Washing­ assassination in 1980, said EI ing Mass after repeatedly • Why does it cost more to educate a seminarian than a ton, Salvadoran Archbishop Salvador's bishops sent the pleading for an end to vio­ Religious novice? Jose Luis Escobar Alas said pope a message asking that lence, to injustice against the Seminarians typically spend a greater length of time the canonization of Blessed the canonization be held in poor, and to the killing of in­ studying for the priesthood than a religious brother or sis­ Oscar Romero will "probably" their country. Many of the nocent civilians during an ter would spend in a spiritual formation program. A greater be in Rome and "probably" country's poor would not be armed conflict that ulti­ length of study requires a seminary to provide additional take place at end of October able to otherwise attend the mately lasted 12 years and textbooks, classroom supplies as well as room and board after a meeting of bishops. ceremony, a first for EI Sal­ resulted in more than 70,000 for that period of time. "Soon we will have a can­ vador, he said. Archbishop deaths in the country. • Once ordained, where do these priests serve? onization," the archbishop Romero's May 2015 beatifi­ Some of those deaths in­ Very often, priests ordained in the Missions will serve in said to a crowd of mostly Sal­ cation took place in EI Sal­ cluded 20 Catholic priests, the very dioceses where they were born and raised. Others vadoran immigrants gath­ vador. Ultimately, the pope two bishops, including are asked by the ordinary (bishop) of their dioceses to serve ered for Mass at the Shrine of will decide what to do, he Blessed Romero, and men in other areas of their native countries or in other dioceses the Sacred Heart. "On May said. and women religious, as well throughout the world - even in the United States. 19, we will know the date "In any case, he (Romero) as catechists and ministers, • May I sponsor an individual seminarian or novice and the place." will be canonized," he said the archbishop said. One of through the Society of St. Peter Apostle? That's the date cardinals during the homily. "We are them was Jesuit Father Ru­ Contributions to the Society of St. Peter Apostle are allo­ will gather at the Vatican for happy." tilio Grande who is "en route" cated to seminaries and seminarians in mission dioceses a meeting known as a consis­ Archbishop Escobar told to beatification, he said. throughout the world according to need, with certain help tory, where they're expected those gathered at Mass to The church of El Salvador offered to each seminary by the number of students there. to decide the details. pray for Blessed Romero's in­ also is working to recognize This system of allocating funds helps ensure that aid is dis­ The archbishop's state­ tercession and a miracle so the other martyrs, he said, tributed fairly and that those who are most desperately in ment came hours after re­ that lawmakers find a perma­ which include four American need receive enough support.. ports that Honduran nent solution and an answer church women from Cleve­ Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga to their pleas. land slain in the country late Please remember"The Society for the Propagation of the Faith" said to members of the press "We would like you to in­ in 1980, months after when writing or changing your Will. in Madrid that the Romero voke (Blessed) Romero for Blessed Romero's martyr­ canonization would take his intercession in this mira- dom. AROUND THE DIOCESEi lNO RTH COUNTRY CATHOLI C APRIL 18 , 2018 Around EASTER FUN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 River Inn and breakfast on Saturday. shirtsand snacks. Contact: [email protected] or Features: Open to high school (enter­ SILAWRENCE call 315-714-2016. ing 9th grade in Fall 201 8) and college MIDLANDERS FISHERS CLUB students. During the week, campersw ill Canton - Fishers Club, a discernment DIOCESAN EVENTS volunteer at various sitesthroughout the program for young men (juniors in high PARISH VOCATION MEETINGS Plattsburgh area during the day and school and up) who are open to a possi­ Regional parish vocation ministry meet­ participate in fun, faith-building pro­ ble vocation to the priesthood, will meet ings have been scheduled for those cur­ grams in the evening. Place: St. Mary's Rectory rently involved and those who wish to Contact: Jocelyn Kelly and Samantha Time:9a.m. get started. Poulin at ch [email protected] Schedule: April 28 Schedule: April 21 in Watertown; May or call Jocelyn at 518-651-0786. Addi­ Features: brunch, discussion, and 5 in Norfolk tional information: www.heartwork­ prayer with Fathers Douglas Lucia and Time: 9:30 a.m . to 11 :30 . Bryan Stitt. Contact: Contact Cathy Russell at crus­ Contact: Fr. Doug Lucia dlucia@rc­ [email protected] RACHEl'S VINEYARD S-348-4466 Saranac Lake - A Rachel'sVin eyard YOUTH RALLY after-abortion healing retreat iss et TRIP TO YANKEE GAME Canton - Th eannual diocesan Youth Date: June 1-3 Canton - The Canton Knights of Colum­ Rally to be held for young people in Place: Guggenheim Lodge bus is sponsoring aYankee Baseball Trip grades6-12 . Features: Father Mark Reilly will serve to . Date: April 28 asthe retreat chaplain. Confidential reg­ Date: Aug. 10 Place: St. Mary's istration forms at the Respect Life web­ Cost: $230 per/person double occu­ Cost: $30 (Includeslunch and at-shirt page: pancy. The price includes lu xury coach while supplies last) CAMP GUGGENHEIM transportation, ticket to the ballgame, Features:The day will include keynote Regi stration for Camp Guggenheim in one night's hotel stay at Meadowlands speaker Bob Perron, interactive park, Saranac Lake is open .Weeks 1-5 are prayer, workshops, and a closing Mass open to ages 12-15,and Week 6 is open Prayer request celebrated by Bishop LaValley. to 16-18 year-old s. Contact Youth leaderscan register Contact: Register at Father Rolland Hart, a retired their groupsat /camp. priest from the diocese, is now liv­ /youthrally/rally NEIGHBORING DIOCESES ing at Memory Care at Allen Brook in Williston, VT. Memory CATHOLIC HEART WORKCAMP YOUNG ADULT DAY Plattsburgh - Catholic Heart Workcamp Isle La Mott, VT -The Diocese of The Easter bunny visited Kindergarten at St. Mary's School in Ticonderoga Care provides a safe and welcom­ March 27. Students adopted baby PEEPS, named them, filled out birth cer­ is returning to Plattsburgh Burlington Office for Youth and Young ing home for individuals requir­ tificates and made nests for them. They went home and when they came Date: June 24 to 29 Adults Ministry invitesyoung adults to ing memory care. Father Hart's back the next day there was a treat for being a great parent for a day. Above, Place: Seton Catholic Central their Young Adult Day at St.Anne's address is: 99 Allen Brook Lane, Dillon Johnson is pictured with his adopted PEEP. Schedule: Daily Mass, Penanceand Shrine for fun, refl ection, fellowship and Williston, Vermont 05495. Please prayer, work in the community. spiritual growth . Features: Day Will include presenta- I Contact: William Gavin, Director for keep Father Hart in your prayers. Cost: $375 which includes meal s, lodg­ Date: April 29 tion s, time for fellows hip and reflection, Youth and Young Adult Ministry: ing, transportation to the work sites, t- Time: 2 7 Mass, cookout. [email protected] ------Welcome Spring! Plattsburgh Visit our website at Wholesale Homes to pay by Credit Card for immediate delivery. Building the North Country OR Send this coupon with payment to: for over 45 Years! North Country Catholic PO Box 106, Canajoharie, New York, 13317 Smart. Styl ish. Functional. "Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery when mailing in your renewal" Everything you want in your New Era modular home. o Inside Diocese $27 0 Outside Diocese $3 0 I want to be a Patron: 0 $35 0 $5 00 $1000 $250 0 Please send my subscription to my We process all VA loans Enjoy the renewal of o New Subscri ption 0 Renewal e-mail address: spring with a Name ______New or Used Manufactured and Modular Homes I subscription to the Address ______I N orth Country Catholic, Located on 7109 State Route 9 I the newspaper for the City______State_ Zip__ _ Exit 39 of the Northway, across from the city beach of Plattsburgh : Diocese of Ogdensburg. Parish, ______518-563-1100·