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/ Ceremonies. Crojrt«r«md»lQjKJit*»«eH}4 Continued from page %> Archbishep fkrley tfteu wWA BTfth op Hlckey*« crosier, likewise fctn ejBtaco- At the end ot the tract the consecrator pal ring, with appropriate *d«M*nitt<8i*t took his place again at the altar and stated the duties of a bishop In these] The crosier is Intended to signify that simple terms: "It behooves a bishop to the power and grace of the* eijfcscojHiJ „,-,T.„. „. Mechanics Savings Bank judge, interpret, ctttisecrate, ordain, bap­ ofllce must be derived frora God* the tize and confirm." « supporter of human weakness. The ad­ monition with the'crosier te; *'Bfioeiv© While the archbishop called upon the congregation to pray. Father Hickey the staff of the pastoral offices that again prostrated himself at the left of thou may be piously severe tn the cor­ the consecrator and all but the arch­ rection of vices, e^reislns Judgrntent bishop knelt while the sanctuary cho!* without wratffc, soothing the «ss|&d* Oft 18 Exchange Street the hearers in cherishing, vJttwe, Aftp sang the "Utany of the Saints." Toward : the end, the archbishop making1 the «t||n abandoning; a $ust mwtlW W W*W~ of the cross, pronounced a clause Of ness.** ple^> troin t«€.^ blessing thrice over the bishop-elect, who The ring is an emblem of the Udell** I Interest allowed on accounts of $1,000 and under at the still remained in a prostrate' position, watfoh the bishop owe* #B . lci*Kteh> galvanized and (mblematie of the interior humiliation ""Take tfcia ring as tfe© seal . of faW* 1 of the soul in the presence of the In­that, being adorned with Invlolat* Mth, finite majesty of God. This is one of the thou mayest, without stain, guard $he I rate of 4.per cent, per annum. spouse of God, to wit, fits holy enure*,** '4 touching parts of the ceremony which cannot easily he describes. While the After blessing the crosier and ring, On accounts exceeding $1,000 8£ per cent, on whole congregation still knelt, Archbishop Far-, Archbishor**. Farley took the book oC ta^-d«»& ... ley rose and, with crosier in Wrft hand, j ^J^H^f-H*??i.JL® « ™£»!2!l turned toward the people and prayed. elect~*~~,* *th e latte"~* "r~ touchin" "*g" it without account: "That God may vouchsafe to bless—to opening his hands, "Whilst She coW- bless and sanctify—to bless and sanctify orator eatd, "Receive Che Gospel and. go OJI|©SMSN3 and consecrate this eject here present." preach to t&e people

At Bishop McQuaid's table sat: Rt. Rev. T. F. Kiekey, the guest of honor- Gas Fittingl Most Rev. D. Falconio, Most Rev. J, M. Farley, Most Rev. J. EJ. Quigley, Most Rev. C. H. Gauthier, of Kings­ Rt. Rev. Jas. A. McFaul, D. D. ton; Most Rev. P. Bourgade, Bishop of Trenton archbishop of Santa Fe; Bishops C. H. 453 Hudson Ave. Colton, of Buffalo; P. A. Ludden, of Bishop Hickey then knelt, extending Syracuse; Dr. Keiley, of Savannah; Ig­ a&otfv x&ho+wo. both his hands to the archbishop, who natius Horstmann, of Cleveland; Henry thrice anointed tbem with chrism, say­ Gabriels, of Ogdensburg; J. J. O'Connor, Fisher, r-y* ing: "May these hands be anointed with of Newark; C. B. McDonnell, of Brook­ Choice Flowers consecrated oil and the chrism of sancti- lyn; T. M. A- Burke, of Albany; J. M Street, fication; as Samuel anointed David McFaul, of Trenton; P. J. Muldoon, of .',} 'Designs and 'Decorations for tAll Occasions king and prophet, so may they be Chieago, and Thomas F. Cusack, aux Bell Phone 1996 Main Roch. PfMm* anointed and consecrated." He prayed, iliary bishop of New York; Very B * Special Attention Given Churches and Societies also, that whatever Bishop Hickey Andrew Morrissey, of Notre Daipe; I [Formerly 8 East Ave. and 343 Main S*- j should bless might be blessed, and Rev, W,. A* Byrftfe. JO, B.l,% ©w.'.'l'fepw. J whatsover he should sanctify should be ,- V, Continued on pace 6 Palms, Ferns and Flowering Plants. 6 sanctified. .,'. -v •< ; *T -"iVv

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