'Preach the (iospel to Every Creature." Mark xvi, 15.



Father Joseph Cody (Concluded, Adminis- Miraculons Preservation of the Blessed

tration of Rt. Rev. Michael O'Con- Saerainenl The Jesuits' Troubles

nor, First Bishop of the Incidents of the Great

Diocese. Disaster.

By Rev. A. A. Lambing. 11 1 >• T. PIERRE'S disaster has much about FIFTY SEVENTH PAFLU 1 it that is of interest to Catholics. REV. JOSEPH COI>V (Concluded.) S ; ' j r 'TWfiBM \. More than three-fourths of the victims mwr i. luive seen that «111 íU* a number of were of that faith. Their wonderful devo- the stations which Father Cody at tion and beautiful trust in their spiritual » • first attended became in time sepa mother, were shown by the way in which rate and independent congregations; hut for they flocked to the Cathedral to implore the n time some of them also had their out mis mercy of God for protection. sions. Some of the older missionaries had Z'X&Sf ti&Sr PMllfei. The dispatches have said that in the ruins their own ideas about parish boundary line of that structure hundreds of charred bod- and parochial rights and privileges; and W V MiMftl&T^li?"^ ^ ies were found piled upon one another, more when the. thought occurred to them they •fwtra being taken from this place than from any would, like St. Paul of old. go around and other spot in the city. visit the places where they had previously More prominent than anything else con- preached the Gospel. Notable among these nected with the disaster was the peculiar were Father Cody and Father SUopez, of WtBMku safety which a eiboritim filled with conse- the diocese of Frio; and it was not unusual crated, wafers seemed to have. This eibori- to find one of them appear in a Cathode set um had been placed in the tabernacle of the t lenient perhaps a considerable distance main altar of ihe Cathedral and although from his church prepared "to hold a sta- hardly a stone of the edifice was left in tion" at a farmer's house, for the conveni- place this frail golden vessel was 'left un- ence of the scattered families of the neigh m serafehed and all of its precious contents hoi'hootl. The people appreciated the favor, ill was left unharmed. The miraculons escape and as he did it at his own expense, his w-1 of this consecrated article was truly wonder- brother priests found little or 110 fault with ful ami the reports from the island say that all who have heard and seen it regard the him. Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, D. I). Father Cody's held of labor had long been fact of its being uninjured as a miracle. confined to Sugar Creek; and as the place The island of Martinique forms one Catho- was retired he was seldom seen aw ay from lic diocese, which is known as the diocese home except to visit a neighbor; or at Kit of St. Pierre and Port tie France. The stopped a few months at Pa moils* at S I per week." As yet no residence Bishop of St. Pierre is a suffragan of the tanning to stop over for the night with < '"1. had heel) built for the pastor; the congrega Sirwell to take a trip to Pittsburgh. Put to- continued his studies. Me ma \rchbishop hi' Bordeaux, in France, and his ..11 .1 ulv •« tion numbered about -l.otiu souls; and the diocese ¡- regarded as a part of that see. wards the last the labor and exposure of his in philosophy and theology an illialit exa 1 pastor up to that time, Uev. l ather < >' Ueib "Che P.ishop at the time of the disaster was early missionary life began to tell on him 1 NT',, passed one of the most h iy, was assisted by Rev, Father Joseph F. 'lie Uev. .1 ules Francois Pierre Carmene, and he became very feeble, and required con- ¡nations ever witnessed in that Oeane, w 11 o remained to assist ihe new in- who by a peculiar chance was absent frfffil— siderable aíteution. The neighboring priests cumbent. The first eare ot' Father O'Connor the island and probably owes his life to this assisted •easioitauv a.' Cardinal Wiseman in his "U licet¡011s ot was to examine into some matters referred fa<-i. lie was immensely popular among the their power; but at length, near the end of the Last Four Popes." in a highly compli- to him as the representative of the Bishop. people ot the island. Me has been over them ISC.,"., he was constrained to transfer the bur- mentary manner, and in addition he carried off the gold medal for mathematics. I 'ope Ile tlieti turned his attention to the building since 1S7ti. den to other shoulders, and Uev. .1. < >'G. of a schoolhouse, and for that purpose called Gregory XV!.. who was present on the oc- Me has been prostrated by the shocking Scanlon was sent from Kiltanning to assume a meeting of the men of t he congregai ion, casion was so pleased that he remarked lat- end of such a large part of his see, and was the pastorale. Soon after he rei ¡red to the .1 uly Ist h. at which a committee was ap- er that he deserved a crown of gold, Me for a time seriously ill in Paris. Me was so Mercy hospital, Pittsburgh, whore he was pointed to take the matter in hand, and a took his degree of doctor of divinity, but very anxious to return to the desolate St. affectionately eared for by the Sisters and by subscription was opened which reached s I ,- had already been ordained to the priesthood Pierre and ruins of his former home that it his nephew. Very Rev. Father Mickey, w I10 ».M the sa me day a more considerable sum on the 1st of the previous .1 tine. was with some difficulty that he was re- was then Vicar-General of the diocese. Full at that time than at present. Me was immediately named professor of st rained from starting immediately upon re- of years and rich in merits he calmly rest- Sacred Scripture in the Propaganda, and a (To he continued.) ceipt of the terrible news. ed from his labors In the sleep of death little later he became vice rector of the Ir- August 7. 1871. in the 70th year of his age Ihe history of the Church in the islands ish college at Rome. Me was frequently Bishop Garrigan Consecrated. has not been chronicled very elaborately and nnd the 3ath of his priesthood. Mis remains called upon by the highest authorities to there is a great dearth of information. The were taken to Sugar Creek and laid to rest •¡nit v Sunday, M a v 'Jôt h Bight Be v. prepare official documents or revise them in most important evcut. or 1 lie one event for in front of the church which lie had served Or. Philip .1. Garrigan. vice rector of the the various languages with which he was which this island was the theatre that had so long and zealously. Father Mickey cele- Catholic Fniversity at Washington, was eon (I ! tie Popes any lasting bearing on the affairs of the brated the Mass, and as he had married my familiar, and was seerated Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, in St. guist" oh account of bis ahiliiies in 1 hai line. Church in the world, had to do with the parents and baptized seven of the nine chil- Michael's church, Springfield, Mass The S0011 he was re cali ed io I reland, being the 11 Jesuits ami their expulsion from France. dren and as I had served at his altar and ceremony began at 10:30 o'clock ami lasted twenty four years of ago, w liet e he occitpied worked on his farm, 1 was sub-deacon. four hours, .lust before the .close of the ser- Martinique was the scene of the prelimin- se ve tal un import a ut positions. A1 length Father ('ody was no more than medium vices a cablegram was recei ved from I 'ope aries which finally resulted in that occur- t li ere was a proiessorsliip of dogmatic theol- height and well proportioned; was not highly Leo XML. congratulating Bishop (»nrrigan rence. and to ihis day these preliminaries og> vaeant at Maytiooth college, and as us- are among the best known things about the gifted; but very earnestly devoted to his ami giving the Papal blessing to him and his uai the re was severa! applicants l'or the ex- history of the 1'hutch there. The story of work; was of a temper that was very easily amiuatiou which had io ì»* passed I »eforo the The Ut! Uev. Thomas O. Heaven, Bishop Father \ ntoiue Oe La valett.e's unfortunate ruffled hut soon returned to its wonted com- appointment would he iliade. Chief among of Springfield, was the eonseerator, assisted speculations and transactions in the island posure. and had a high idea of the true dig- these were Or. O'Conuor and a Or < l'Beilly, by the Bt. Uev. Thomas .!. Coiiaty, reef or rendered him a bankrupt and brought dis- nity of his sacred calling. Though not des- and it is sani that cadi mie remarked ihat of the Catholic Fniversity. ami the Rt. Uev. credit for a time on the order is perhaps tined to figure prominently before the world the only persoti he tea reti was the other. known to many. It was particularly fatal to Edward B. Allen. Bishop" of Mobile, Ala. ho did good work in a wide field; and it But abolii tliis timo Ut. Uev. Francis P. the Jesuits, for their enemies in France took There w ere present I of 1 priests a ml may truly be said that he "brought forth Kenriek, eo-adjutor Bislmp of Phlladelphia, it up ami used it as such a powerful Instru- of the Church, including Archbishop Wil- much fruit; and his fruit remains." wli0111 he had known in Rome, and wlio con- ment against 1 hem that they were finally * * * liams of Boston, Archbishop .1. ,1. Keane of templai ing a diocesan seminary, persuaded expelled from the country. I Hibuquc. Iowa: Bishop I tennis Bradley of RT. REV. MICHAEL O'CONNOR, 1». I»., hi ni to cross over ami assume the presiden- Father Lavalclte was sent to the West In- < y. Mis resolve prò\ed a blcssing for the Manchester, N. 11; Bishop Matthew Hark ins First Bishop of Pittsburgh. Of Providence. B. L: Bishop P. A. Lmlden of dian islands in 17|| and subsequently be- Cliurch in A moriea in more senso t han mio, came superior of the Jesuits house at La Having sketched the li\ es of the priests as wlll appear. Syracuse. \. V.; Bishop Henry Gabriels of who served on the mission in Western Penn- Ogdeiisburg. N. V.; Bishop .loins Brady of Martinique. In 1 T.~».*I he was denounced to The heginnings of 1 he great semina of the Government as being guilty of commer- sylvania from the earliest times to the erec- •v.. Boston, P.ishop John S. Mh-haud of Burling- tion of the see of Pittsburgh, in August, St. Charles Borromeo were binubie eli ton. Vt.: p.ishop Michael Tierney of Mart- cial transactions forbidden by the rule, and 1S-K5, and under its first Bishop to the date but the names of the P.ishop and Its presi ford, Conn., and Bishop M A Burke of At Father Visconti. the general of the society, and Uouille, minister of the navy, ordered of his resignation, it will be most oppor- dent soon ga ve it a standing far abo\e it : baiiy. him to report to France to defend his con- tune to place here a brief sketch of that il- material appearam but The sermon was delivered by Archbishop lustrious , treating more particularly owing to the s.-an iiy of priests l»">'1. that were arisiitg front lime to lime deter chants of Marseilles and other French sea- dertake the strain, which will probably be et setj.) Michael O'Connor was horn in the n lined the Bishop to a 1 « minor ports and bought 011 speculation immense prolonged, of the work in connection with city of Cork. Ireland, September 2S, 1810, Vicar General l'or the country west of the tracts of land. the Philippine mission, he w ill appoint a and passed his childhood at Fpper Glanuyn, mountains. In fact the matter of forming a In oitler to a void attracting the attention committee of American delegates, it is near his native city, and his boyhood in separate diocese in the western part of the of his superiors in France, from whom he thought likely that Cardinals Martinelli. Sa Queenstown, where lie studied his classics. State had engaged the ait-niion of the had concealed the whole affair, he sent his lolli and Vivesy Tuto, the last named a As an altar boy in the Cathedral he soon Fathers of the Provincial Council as early ships freighted with merchandise to Hol- Spaniard, will const Hut e this committee. attracted the attention of Bishop Coppinger. as 1 Siiti; but the matter was permitted to land. but during the war that broke out be- Mg<\ Gasharri will act as secretary. with whom he became a favorite, and who rest for a few years. tween England and France many French had him Instructed in the French language. 1 >r O'Connor set out for hi- new field of vesse]s, ami those of Lavaletfe among them, Our whole eternity will hinge on the "lit- At the age of fourteen he showed such un- labor and arrived in due time, as lie informs were captured by the English corsairs. Se- tle while" of probation here, only an inch mistakable signs of a vocation to the priest- us lu his brief "Notes," where he writes: vere losses resulted and to retrieve his brok- of time to choose between an eternity of hood that tin- Bishop determined to send him "June 17, IMI. Arrived in Pittsburgh on glory or the endless woes of hell. (Contiuued on 4th page.) to the Propaganda college at Rome, but he this day (Thursday), lodging at Mrs. Tini- ir tli Holy Corpus Christ}. !-d Con mm "Among tlie various dopina,*-* f th Spring Medicine IXH, to o lie Clmrcii." writ es Cardinal Cibi Xa viel iW r virai There's no when good m Is itou«' wfhie h rests on slroujioi season I/ LABOR SAVING S Real authority than r> doctrine of medicine is so rauoh needed as in Holy Ku'-lini' Presence of .losns il UK SIRI t. I . I'll I Sill Mill, PA wo refcGlved in the years of t hildlioou. Ethm, L. He a n. Eaton Carter. N. H. not of controversy on the point, our ttionir.i and affections are drawn by a holy mstinj to the worship of our Lord m tins mom ii< O OO Sacrament, and now es ¡•lauy ;is oc: about to celebrate one < tIh* most feasts of the whole year As this II I loly t. D. BROWN, sn^'h"1,!}"',^ Sacrament may lie said to be all Catholic belief so is its lit to a place of honor amongst th« LT rent tens of the Church that follow so elos. other since Holy Week. "It doe- Father Faber. "come after the A 'lision. unbroken order, as one feast ol « 1 r tri I I", /WW lowing another, nor even at <>n. e attei i tecost. when the descent: of the Holy <-i had been as it were the fruit of the As« sion and the sweet token of the .strange tr that it could ever be e\[ie< us that our Lord should go away. Hut it waits until the Church has led up all her mysteries into the secret fountain, the mother myslcry. of • NEW COLORINGS • the Most Holy Trinity, as if the whole \ • NEW DESIGNS J lective devotion of th«' year rose up into Hie <\ -•f unapproachable light, and fell lmek airain NEW FASHIONS f ( • In showers of glory and in streams of celcs < 4 tor Spr'ng* f tial power and beauty upon men in the Getitlciuen will find our assort- j grand and e'onsiunmating mystery <>t tran > t• meat of fabrics one of the largest ^ substantiation." ) • • in the citv. • On this feast of Corpus Christi. we t'ath.i \ • • \ -f lies feel ourselves more • MERCHANT TAILORS, • of heaven than on any other (»•«•asion. 900 Wylie \ve., Pittsburgh, Pa. • true that the feast of Christ mas brings s • 4- heaven on earth, but this feast seems s • transport earth to heaven, and our pro«-es sion of the Most Blessed Sa- rament seems to us a triumphal maivh through the intense breathing gardens of the heavenly .b-rusa 5 1., Nu^vPcc 5 lem. Yes. it is a feast of triumph as well as LOUIS CELLA, Jr. of love, of the triumph «if lo\ «• over th« hearts of men. It Is. then, a favorable tim« Z keal listate and Mort^a^e liroker Z to go to the throne of grace to beseech buhl V a« Hrushton Ave.. 3Tih VV'ard. V for the many poor ehiklrou who still "Walk : INSI'.HANCE ASI) Kknts. PITTSBURGH, PA. I i M— rto I.o a.I,w .K ia S,.„ «o Sui«- J in darkness and In the shadow of death. M M MM ls It should be for us a day of thnnksgh i well. If there is any benefit for whi.-h w« should be more grateful than for others, ESTÀ BLt SHED 1870. surely It is the perpetual abiding amongst TITUS BERGER & SON, us of our dear Lord. A great doctor ol tin* HOUSE PAINTING ANI) I>ECOKATIN(J Church has said: "Take awav faith and you take all." Well, therefore, may we IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Wall Paper ami Interior Decoratlons. "take away that which is the alpha and the ) omega of our faith and there remains to us Kal8onilning ami Wall Painting. nothing." And it is a well known fa«'t that i A rt-Stalned Glass. wherever the Holy Mass has ceased to be 3312 Butler St., 6(X)8 Penn Ave. celebrated, ruin and desolation were th. Tele. Flsk 31. Tele. E. E. 182. result. Mindful, therefore, of this our two fold duty of petition and thanksgiving, or rather of thanksgiving and pet it ion (they Teleobones: 112 Flak (C. I). & P.) must always be accompanied with IMI FALLEN OP THE FIGHT (P. & A. Co.) 130 Flsk. tion), let us sing out* "I'ange. Lingua" with the saints and angels who, as well as we. Oh, the lory and t ne v Ol ie fallen of the lieht colebrato this day and keep it a holiday in [he McJtmkiii Straight heaven. Beneath [he droopt dreaminu in the laurels ami the cht ! Is there rumor of the strife nowJ PURE DAIRY PRODUCT Sacred Heart Devotions. Do their bri uh t swords 1< an t( 1 ife now. 3"Mil to 3r ol the captains reach their anks a I ! ü li y white cred Heart is specially commended by our Nay—they rest with r s •r> Hells of Genuine Hell-Metal. lloly Father Leo XIII.. who ordered that b- should be recited on the three days of pray Ali tile u 1 orv-starred 1 at The Chaplain-Fulton MTgCo., er preparatory to the solemn of And th »eaee of Ci od is on them in the splendor ,( « h 30, .'VJ and 84 Penn Avenue, mankind to the Sacred Heart June 0, 1ssn. P1TTSHURGH, PA. and in a letter of that date expressed tin- In the peace ( iod they slee le the 1 Kittle wish that it should form a part of tlie tir-i ,weei: Friday services throughout the world. He Over the echt in; DC cans v • U i calleth unt WORLD'S SREATfST Itti FOURDSY K>'-ah 1«««. e (it e 4 luarrli. I*«*hI nnd 4 li ime llrlla. also commended in a spccia 1 manner for put» \\ here from stormy sea to sea Super:«' CepjT . : fc in.iiu Tjs ,«*• 1 eacliuir.Ijr, lie and private use the act of consecration •• »' W. V TMII CO. Iluckrvr llcll Foundry, f lucimi«,U, O penned by himself. The Communion of re- Waves the starred Ha.il of the free paration and the lioly hour are practices of And their comradi arme in >nor their viii'il lire devotion to the Sacred 11 earl which ha v«- CHAS. D. GILLESPIE, their origin in the revelation made to I ".less ATTOR NEY, ed Margaret Mary. To these we may add ( )h, their storyand their eiory. Let the red stripes o II \\ PllTSBUBQH, PA- the various other acts of reparation a nil «•««n Red as t ie Mood that crimsonedthem-thelife-blood TELEPHONE 2305. serration and the many indulgent -ed ejaeulu tions and longer prayers. Blow, bugles, east and west, « V. I). WATTKKSON A. B. RE1D. This month, however, of the year of Papal Over tli e ir rose-wreat . rest, jubilee, Leo X111. recommends to us with And the love i • i Watterson & Reid, particular insistance ami earnestness, "The like a Little Office of the Sacred Heart," which In* Attorneys-at-Law, has recently approved and enriched with an Indulgence of 200 days for each public or 341 Fourth Av«nu«. May 28, 1902, ititj pirr&buküM CAIIIOUC. a

^ Brief Church News of the World. ^ ,wh o weeps when lie speaks of holy «&,and dlìe: vont things necessarily leads a holy life. The Pope ri'i'i'ivril recently in audience known. however. ¡hat it contains 0t>,0< .0 in a recent ini civ ion t 'aril inai Capecclatro Archbishop Katzer of Milwaukee-, <'atholies, has foreign missionaries. 1.""»."» na• ,.f t "a pua .stated that Socialism means de-- |

'im, , p., « I I : . ,ll„„,„ti„1 , ,.„. live 1priests . M school - and -1 charitable in 1pot ism in that it proposes t,, tak e charge: . Selfishness produces selfishness; indolence 1 1H> l .ill lit, 10 1potili la t lo I of Loll S IS . , , incl'e.iseMss uiu 11,1 i ,,...,..,. i.r . , ,„, , , . , ,. . ., st iI,,ut ut ions of the work i ninnalL i s t une a tor ani 1 w a ges. "" " o\«ry hour of indulgence: over 22( »J M H i accord ng to ( h ireh Progress. " " • ->mi vvh-it i>s hi.f itl uiKidU,,,, !,,,.K„ nc-aus. c it i.s diffi., -' The total number of Indians in the United U,n • William .1 l'alt.o,. chairman ot the The nuns of the- order of Reparation, of, eidt today will he doubl» difficult tomorrow States is put down at L'H.ooo, ,,f whom !»'.». oommitt, studies ..I the Columbian < ail, Montmartre, Paris, have acjuir.-d a house :i:!S are Catholics. <>»<' S»«»...ier School, has con ted the hst opposite the Mart,le AM, 1 Ion which - - 11"' l«-c will he titled lip as a cuvent and chapel, m _ -—^ On July 1st the first section of a jubilee turcs, so t hat the program is now practically which the devotion of the perpetual adora • . W. O A LJ CI r""\ , pilgrimage to Home under the leadership of «-«miplete. The sessions of t he school will be ; io» of t ho Blessed Sacrament will be ear , ARCH1TFCT Father Poreile will sail from . held at St. Paul. Minn., ,lulv S ,'{o, l;t«r_\ ried out. * The two dioceses of Patagonia, South Father Srelfhauf of the Uedeiiiiitorist or- The Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, N. Churches and Schools a Specialty America, contain PKi.noo Catholics. have ,i. |,.ls |„ ..¡, ,-reated F.;-I...p M-mtnal \ . an about to open a new novitiate at 335*337 FIFTH AVE nr. priests and -M schools. He had to retire from tie- order t, at cept i he (Vnterporl, I .ong Island, where their canti Hamilton Building. Rooms 613-614-615. It is now reported that the Holy Father '^'"'-V... Z' iT r)!!! tS^i ill "HTlit uJ^Z \ Telephone 1178. Urani has been personally assured that peace *»» nit when tlie order came from Koine for ing. This branch of the order has been ap I ! he had proved bv two of the Sovereign Pontiffs ai "ill be brought about in South Africa. but '¡!f obey''' ^ """ "" "!m K™^ ! ™.phone 520, Grant Thlie «Catholi .it ti* il itc* universities oif Oxfordi»\t««i In,,,la. one „I the most disti, ^ ,, (li;U ri!y. 1 . [). fcC \ ANS, Prague in the vear 1-1 US. .".f.. Pal is, in giiisheti .lestuts in » alum ui.i. «lieti let cut > , . ]53jf liOODO ' in Iiis 71st year, lie went to California in The stones that nave been circulated of! ARCHITECT. 1,N(j7, a1'I after long service at Santa Clara laic concerning the Catholic Fuiversity ai Room» 814 SI5 Lewis Building, corner Smith- At Cenile Valley, Idaho, seventeen fami eollege lie became, in 1 ss;i. president ot" St gross and malicious exaggerations. No j• n field St. and Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. lies sent a petition to l ather Hendricks, ask Ignatius college, ami later superior of tin- lessors have resigned. Spine lectures ha\ ing that they be received into the <'atliolic Jesuits in California. been iliscontinm-d because nt> one atti Chofch. , . , „ them The I ' niversit \ has no molt.-v to statement that Arch,isliou Simar of , ; , ,. , .. ., , ; . ,.. S. F HECKERT, throw aw a v. but eiioimh tor all its prcsei 'oli:::;^::^'^;:;;''^ 7 : architect. u, ; 1)s 1 l,;ill,ls staff of Agulnal.lt. and the other on that of ¡, h ;1 striking lad thai "Cormaiiv has "Jo. " '' Stevenson Building. 341 SIXTH AVENUE. a Spanish general. in in,lit hi Catholics ami no < "animal. while Kev. Lather Albert, member of t lie Bene I.ong Distance Telephone 1782, Grant s Of the SM Archbishops and Bishops of 1 he Spain with a population Ot liMlc over I . dietine order at St. Leo's. Florida, has gone A|.m _ ." ~ ' ai-sr^sr..;. ? -IFi ^'fix MAGINN & LEWIS.

Jesuits and 1". Bimedietines. Crt.ke, Archbishop ol Cashel, is seriously in '\!sions ' ' articid-irlv' to" iio'ti 1 HEATING EN(iINEEIt8.

The album of autographs soon to be pre 'lisposed will cause deep ivur.-t an ^t Ir (•;1,fiun,.s uilll x ¡,.w ,lf inaugural in- the Steam and Hot Water 1 i; A 1 our Holy Father by the women of '» ! '"> , ¡" sam- work the ,,..., Cat holies in Flo, uaailn4y a>wl .„ .. . Mexico alr.-a.lv contains oxer slgna strong Nat.onabst ami a genuine Ineml .,f j)|:| hl ,1h. ,„,„. ,-„,„,,. Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, inl.lW ' the In- has through a long and busy . A whole w editing party was excotumuni 1 ovv, r 1 General Steam Kitting. A plan is suggested to provide Fnglish ciitetl in West Point. N. N., recently. The | 'J AX C* 4- A <'atholie literature for the <'atholics in Japan fellttw countrymen. w.-dtling cereuit>n.\ had been arranged and i I'lTSt AVCIllie, to offset the result of the mass of airnoslic It seems an ama/iug thing that Catholic „.|s ,,, |lt. perfornied b\ Father n'KeelTe. At Wrplioiit-aiwcoufi. Pitt«hiir«*l» MHil1 1 matter now being poured t.n that coiuitrv Spam, h,,sh.uil.h l join hands with the enemies of t!i(. i,.lst momenhi 1 t the prit-st tlis.oxere; m1 ,VlUMd 1that '' 1' ' »«-»-»DUrgn. Archbishop K.van and Joseph P. M.-Cllen, ' ["' "" " V"'* " ': •••••• Esti , have tpialitietl as executors of the will ,, '"'" " ' , ' 7 ", s " ' :,' "iair\ the people. A 1 i"tc:-t in! « t , .. iDT7UKDr.Cn • of Col. John M, Kee. C Johns..,,,. .•v.cth »ha may happen „, the perft.nne.l the ceremony a. the appointed t . AR I ZBERGER, » a, , , iU, r 1 list] . and A nt lion v A. Hirst, Esq., are their 'T' i' "", „ ''' r /. i V TI u'f ' " ' '" " I"'"»"""""- '»'" ! ? u{rtiM lllh Wvw^r t attornevs pre-nletit ot the liberal mimslry, has decltir t -hurch s ba1 n against all participants f Ul 1101 <1110 J iCSCOCl, X

, , , ... ed war against tin religious as-...-iat ions information wis receivetl from Rome bv • Hi Cedar Ave AHe(ke.> Crt>.P. rd.ng to the current Dublin papers, th l v i u . the t Telephone No. H58-Ri„ a l'..ll,er S tee ,-iti s .-11 Wo lie ol. -t new Voitme Lotnr ttrolios.-l 11111 fo\ell lent S are at ¡1st Ul( K< X •l"1"1 lvas]).U/,\ t K 1. plo\in the interior, many w eat herbeaten carving« w «011 grt -gat ion of the Resurrect toni Petgeii Art Glass Works. Si,ice the begini.ing of the war in South „„„..j,,,. ;,,.;,„,„ iuIl ,',„. oltl'church «as '""ndcd by sev.-ral l'olisi, K.- MCMflPl Al u » Africa. OJMM» ( ,at holic soldiers h.ave lost ¡, , Vl. t(, ¡„, , ,| The eoni|>le| ioti of the < 'at lodif priesls a boni sixty years ago . IfltmUnl AL Hamilton and Hflh Ave«., their lives in the servite of Fngland. It is , ,. .„',,,.. .,.',' temls. with its missioti and citi, at ¡.mal ii WINRfìWQ >. l n mitv propose,] lo builtl a church .0 their ' hm ' h u 1 "|Uii ' M 1 " ' 1 stitutious. throughoul the worl.l. ami had WINUUWb.j fcast End, Pittsburgh, Pa meinory at Ahlershot. People of the Cincinnati dioces,. ha ve a I on proba tion sixty vetirs Katabllahed 1884. - Woiiien catechists are reported a greal '''' '' . " ' ' 1 '" Pending the compiei ioli of ile- interior ..fi \ \ " \ I \/| \ I)/ 11 T <1 need of the Church in .lapau owing to the ' . , ' ' ,, ? ,"" W.-stminster Calli,-.Irai, the full . IlotaI otti. - VV iVL. IVI A JLVVy U k5. . . .. \ isitt-.l the itisi t, ni ioti the ot Iter tlav. t a k sIng ,. , . . , . ., ., , , , . . ., , . / faet tliat Japanese ctistoins iliscountelianees , , ., w,w ilni ,Mhe chatited, aliti !, th e i!(.apitular lugli Mass | uSucccs»or to Wui. Nelson.) woman of that country „versa,i.,,, ^ u^XrZ f" '"iu!^ TZ * ^^^ «¡ »> / | STAINED CLASS. wilh male religious. . ,, , -, , . , , V , conne.-iing Arehbishop s house w uh the t a ; t,,,lk irai, whi.-h is now being tin.-d np a- a Window & Piate Ulass. Mgr. Marchetti, auditor of the Papa! I»eie "u'r """ leiuporarv chapel l'or the purpose. The Ali kinda or Glass In Stock-Cut to Order. giili.tn, Washington, luis been apponile,I ad Setialor K.-ams of 1 i-tl, hi- -iven -, Ictmi «'li»ral servi.-es will be renderei! by the sin ! 101) Market St., Tele. 1334. Pittsburgh, Pia. ininistrator in the interim belweeit Cardinal S(>In,. • n,t , ,, sjv, , , , , ' d.-uts of the t'athe.lral choir. establishe.1 ai ; Martinolli's tleparlure ami the appomt.ncnt ^^ !1 [ V.caHnù' .l'.mpl',''. iÌ!',!' a'."« l-d'etThi !!" V r-libishop's house.1. assist.-d by ih. U I / 1 LM I J \T fi Q ot his sueeessor. ,„ai state. The ,-ost wà- sialcd. Imi vlc-gy Ol tiA Alt lu O Hi 1-LlliMxO, Cardinal Cibboi.s had a coiiferetice recent 'auiiliar with the plaus of the editic- Aubrey «I.- Vere betpicathcd the ct.pyright ORNAMENTAI-, DUST PROOF, PIRE PROOF. i! ly with Arehbishop Irelaud. While It is uot will be 1,,-twce,, ami $1(Jihhi. A ,,f his jmblishc.l works and ali protits to Uwr llne lg entlrely now, hlghly ornamantal known what the subjeet of the eonfereii.-e friend ot the pastor in ih.- cast ha- .L-o do rruI11 ,|ie sale theretif to Cardinal 1 an,| ,.au t^ put on over old plaatar was, it is suppose«! thev discusseti the l'hit «»ated a mauintu-eui M...0110 aliar. Vaughan to be applicd l'or the purpose of ih inpinea ami the successt.rship lo Arehbisbop . ., . , ,, , , l ,. , religious educati«. 11 of Cat boi a ni > Bike lllos people, i he Pope 1.1 Ils itile - n 1 • i .1 i- i i it S. KIIVIjLIIIV cigli leyT •, ri . , , _ Cturigan. weakness a lo\t' f.,r sweetmeats This is ml y 1 ilt,'"ll,'s 1,1 I''n-1:,I1(1 wish ö ^J » I lanufacturing Co. was that his lit era rv executor siiouhl exam LOCUST STREBT N'KAIt OHffSTV rr^ An imperial edict just Issued at Pekin uel known in Italy, ami a. Ins jubilee a jm. ,)js ni,-rurv remains and err.,s ! Telenbone 0 D 4 P OrÌS S confers a mandarin's button of the first motherly peasant woman gave expression ¡„mdcu. e marked for publication, and if telephone 0 1^ & P. GrantL, 850, 111 l8Bt,ttOH f A Hass on the Itisi «,f South Shan Tung. by a prese,,! ot at. enormous pile f m JWl. lhl|,.(i - su l ls Mgr. Anzer, for services in maintaining '" ' - wrapp«-«l iti a huge colored cotton ,„,|,|js|H,(| peace between Chinese Christians and lion- pocket handkerchief 11 is said at 1 he time . C Christians',, . , . lJl,« t,.,uI llo,u 01 <¡1,. ne. i>,,,„1 ope. .s. ¡11.1m ,.,pit. sen, t, s. .ph-as1 , - Mirin. g- the •ve a r liti, ' t he e«.ngregatio, , , n ot ed him more than this. christian Charity assisted b,b>o sick peopb S, H, M CAIN, Blantt.n IMincaii. formerly a labor lender, Barchma. Spain, stippplyiiig to them —, though a wealthy man, in Louisville. Ky . '>r Pivsto,,. the CaUmlic l'.isl,..p ,,f Hex :».",. M3 bowls of refreshing soups, b>S7::i V^OntraCtOf and IJlllldpr. but lately a capitalist in California, left bv »>""> N«'»' Castle, preaching the «du pieces of meat, -11.l.W loaves of bread, t-.geth W1UaWlUI UlM UUUWUI will, a few davs ago. several isand doi «""""' ^as alieg.-tl the measure er with other rc-piisiies, Sixty one families 1 QQA VFTO STRFFT lars to Itisliop McCloskev. of Louisville. K v., emlowed religiviis educati«, n from tin- rates, were supplie,1 with medicines during the j * ' ^ iv ü 1 IVL.L, l , to be applied to such charities as the latter hut ,his Wils rals(1- Th" ''¡H ""l.v paid for year and 177. with milk.' All this assistali..- I All K ( i El K \ PA desired secular education in Catholic schools, but was rendered at a total cost of M.n;:: pese- j 1t, ' false, tas. the sum being raise«! chieils by sul. | 1 no,,# I87- marl4-Iy The ancient lami of Mesopotamia is known as none had made greater sat riti, e for edm a scription. The record is at, excelh n " readers of the Bible. It is not so well I ion than I hey had. for a single city Telephone, 0. D. & P., South, 230. ers. l'rie; lo 1 cnts. In illese few pages 1 he The Epworlh League. l'al holic will li nd new proofs of the lioliness . , , , > , L. BENZ & BROS., LITERARY NOTES. A lb t of the Church. the sante totlav as in everv " t , *l f , , U cent 11 ry of the pas. sim-e its foun.latioi, ' | V' v'it , l^ t H v«. I » • lTela.-e.U.y Bt Lev lgn illìam I Russell s.-nt the folh.wing LUHBER. PITTSBURGH, PA. a F. Horstmann. I* I ). The t'at holic I W in ( 'a rdinal < Jihbom ,n 8S St. Xavier's Monthly is always a welcome l ' - Flevelaml. 1 ». Th,.-, .„ .-».-,,„.,„-, l)v ,n vuur n.,111(.vt ,ll(l Cardinal di ls s,,nl l,,rlh ils guest. The splendid Fnglish training of the "" "ni-smn in order that It n,i ^ |H(, (ii s,, v |-ll(. vir(m.s h,- 'would es f ;, pupils shines forth in the delightful and '" -V «h' ^reat g I lor the glory <.I Cod und i;l!lv .^.„ntmentl t.. yonng men are truth Nicholas Mangold, SB, breezy pages. The accomplished "Mercedes" tne eUttteatlon ami eouv.-rsion of souls. an.! sim-erit v «,f characttT. The highest com .. , . „ „ lias a very beautiful poem in th.- current * plim.-nt thai can be h.-towel on a man is to N Ave- E- B- »'»ttsburgh. Pa. A number, "The Sisters' Cemetery at St. Vin , Scripture Liietit the Blessed \ irgin," SM v nf him t hat he is a man of his word; and: 0HURGHES A SPECIALTY. cent's." "" 1 ""b's 1 '»; lo'v. -»•'•• ( S;ln the greatest reproat It that can be cast 011 an ; Ti-.LiienoN'K 893 r. 3 kast. a I ram « atholie I ruth Sot n-tv. his is a . • , conti tiseo 'tit, of tie -.1 - hi - •* ts Individua 1 l is to assert that lie has no regard I — .Tune number of the Messenger of the Sa / ' ' " , " "'' s for the virtue of \ »-racily. Truth is the gt.l.l ! T I \ 1 *VJ I I \ XT CH />1/r\ ere,I Heart is redolent with page after page V:li'/.Ii - l*Tt .-Bun In uhi- 'f Im'"'^ '"iuu m' »="uped J . .L. M O 1 1 A JN iL (JO. 1 1 of love inexpressible toward the Adorable ^ "'¡J -..r\ t', « i". '"J * t" -¡Î JI i •. U* « "a t'lT î ''!' all nations and p|umbJnif, House Drainage & Ventilation Heart ot the Saviour in this the month ol njj(i ,ri.,| tribes ami peoples and tongues; its slandard * roses, and especially consecrated to the ^ \alue never changes or depreciates. ' 721 -723 New Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pv 1 grand and beautiful devotion. T1|(, j >(.jjni..,|,H. [um. numl.er will nh-ise ' ' Pi nth has such a face am! such a mien. Telephone,

Holy Cross CoHege. Opening of Alumnae Hall. Tuesday, May 20i.li, was a gala day a I •e lall and DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Holy Cross college, Worcester. Mass., and commencement at Mount Aloysius academy, the faculty, past students, alumni and pres- Cresson. will take place Tuesday, June 17th. ent students vied with one another io add at 10;.'!o a. m. The alumnae reunion and honor to lhe mitred sens: .Uiglif ¡lev. Tlmrn banquet at 1 p. m.. followed by students Have You Rheumatism? Do You Have as Heaven. 1). I)., liishop oi' Springfield; dramatic entertainment at o'clock, will Kt. lie v. Penis M. liradiey. 1». 1 >.. Bishop Complete the day's program. Bladder or Uric Acid Trouble? of Manchester, X. 11.: Kt. Iiev. Thomas .1. Class day exercises and distribution of County, 1». I».. Hisliop of Samos; Hi. Kev. prizes will take place on Monday. June | Bain or dull ache in the back is unmistak- Matthew llarkins, 1>. 1»., Hishop of I'p.vi blth. Handsome portraits of Mr. and Mrs. able evidence of kidney trouble, it is Na- denee; Hi. Kev. .Michael 1". llohan. 1 >. It C. M. Schwab reaehed the academy recently i ttire's timely warning to show you that the Hisliop of Serantoii. 1'a.: lit. Kev. John S. the work of the noted Philadelphia artist, track of health is not clear. Michaud, 1'. I»., Hishop of Bnrlington, Vt. Mrs. Leonora Barragh. The charming per- j if there danger signals are unheeded, more $ß ltighf Kev. Idpliege Cravel, 1». 1'.. Kishop sonalnot these prominent, personages is serious results are sure to follow: Hrisiht's of S'icolet, 1*. was expected to he pre- faithfully and artistically port rayed. The disease, which Is the worst form of kidney gife ¡I eiit at ilie pontifical Mass in the moT/ninu. paintings will lend added interest to the j trouble, may steal upon you. but lie got as far as Woousucket. K. 1.. and handsome hall. The mild and the extraordinary effect of was taken sick. the world-famous kidney and bladder rein- The Bishops were given a hearty welcome Si, Xa\ier's Commencement. j edy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot:. is soon real to their old home, hack to lioly < 'mss where ' {zed. It stands the highest for its wonder- inmençenient wil ful cures of the most A their youthful days were passed, where 11 lay. June 2'Uh. they procured those rich treasures, pleasant trial will convince anyone and y on may memories of school boy days, which are more have a sample bottle free, by mail. lasting and more sacred as year sue«-eed< Columbus Club Picnic. year. Backache and I rinary Trouble The general arrangements for the r.->,p if the Columbus club, their Among the many famous cures of Swamp lion to the Bishops uas left to the presi- [s will picnic at picturesque Koot that have been investigated, the one dent, Kev. Joseph 1'. Haiiselmau. S. .1.. and >n Tuesday. June 10th. we publish this week for the benefit of our Kev. Thomas 10. M urphy. S. J., prefer! of readers, speaks in the highest terms of the studies. Everything passe.1 oi in a most Mt. St. Mary's, Emmitsburg. wonderful curative properties of this kidney successful manner, and reiicctcd considera remedy. hlc credit on the work and tideliiy of the tencemeni exercises of | \ >r_ Kilmer & Co.. Kinghamton, N. V. two priests and their conscientious assist Mount will be held on Wednesday. (Je non When I wrote v< a st ants. ISfh. Mr. A. V. I». Wat tersoti, I.B. I >,, March for a sample Uvamn K In the afternoon following the religious ot this city, will deliver the address to the my wife was a great sufferer from head- services of the morning, a grand dinner was trrailuates. A iarge number of Bittsbnrghers ache, rheumatism and urinary trouble. Af served in the old study hall, and 2:in of the will attend tlie commencement. ter frying the sample hot Hp. she bought a members of the alumni, past students, mem- j, I, i i / large bottle hero at the drug store. That bers of the faculty and the senior class at- Mount De Chantal. did her so much good she bought more. tended. The banquet hall was beautifully The effect of Swamp Koot was wonderful decorated in pink and green hunting, and at The commencement exercises will be held and almost immediate. She has felt no re- either end of the hall were festoons of pur- at half after one o'clock Wednesday. June turn of the old trouble since. ple and white. On the Bishops table were 11th. Ail unusually rich ami varied pro s¿ m Oct.. B.H)B B. THOMAS bouquets of Easter lilies, and on ail the oth- grain has been prepared. A cordial Invita- 127 Best St., Buffalo, V V. er tables were bouquets of lilacs. tion is extended to the friends of the aca- Baine back is only one symptom of kidney Kev. Joseph llauselman. re« tor of the eol demy in this district to attend. trouble—one of many, other symptoms lege, sat at the head of the Bishop's table, showing that you need Swamp-Root are. ob- and on his left were Kishop liradiey. Kish- End of the -l ire." liged to pass water often during the day and op Michaud. Kishop < "ouaty. Mgr Hriffin. to get up many times at night, inability to Hon. Joseph Ballon, Kev. YV. 11. I i'/patrick. The summer shutdown of the window hold your urine, smarting or irritation in j ising. brick-dust or sediment in the urine, Kev. Daniel II. O'Neill, and on l he right os ida> which will continue until ()e- I catarrh of the bladder, uric acid, constant '.adache, dizziness, sleeplessness, nervous- 1st, tii in circumstances the rector were Kishop Heaven. Kishop r. Kilmer & Co., Kinghamton, N. It was said by a clergyman who had talk A Madonna in Tapestry. j y.. who will gladly send you free by mail immediately, without cost to you. a sample ed the matter over with persons who had bottle of Swamp Koot and a book of wonderful Swamp-Root testimonials. He sure to inside informal ion that either Rev. l»r. Kurt A lady, whose home is in Dresden, has ex- say that you read this generous offer in The Pittsburgh Catholic, sell, of Rondout. N. V.. or Kev. Fharles II. ecu t i".l a wonderful piece of embroidery, the' if you are already convinced that Swamp Boot is what you need, you can purchase Colt on. rector of St. Stephen's church. New subject being the Sistine Madonna. Indeed i the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at the drug stores. Don't, make any York, has been chosen digitus. die has with her needle copied the famous mistake, but remember the name, Br. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing- Kishop Barley has returned from Burope painting so perfectly that those who behold ' ha niton. N. Y.. on every bottle. He was at l.ourdes when lie heard of An li if are amazed when they are told that it is . bishop Forrigan's death, and at once has- done with silken threads instead of oil col- " " T~ ______tened home. When he reached Paris lie ors. She was engaged upon the task for deucy of industry to seek economy by found two letters from the Archbis.tiop more than five ye ors, using variously color- cent ration. ie advantage is in Hie assent last one dated April huh. in which he said and a number of different st itches. bling and intercha of materials. It i: Pittsburgh Carpet Co. he was lying helpless in bed. as lie had been ! i s sort of work, which may be called moreover an encoi ring sign that the cor for several weeks and he admonished Kishop tapestry painting, the eyes are the most dif- poration which manufactures more stee Parley to secure all the rest he could, as ticiili parts to represent. Many persons have than all of Hreat Britain or Germany,, it there would be plenty of work for him to do succeeded w ith the main port ions of an em- fact. t">7 per cent as much as bol h combined Season Closing Sale the latter part of May and the firs; of June. hroidered picture and failed with that; but is satisfied that transportation facilities wil OF BEST Braulein < 'lara has kept to t he very exprés- be brought to meet the requirements of ilu- sión of the eyes of Our Lady, matchless region. School for Breaker Boys. As soon as this marvelous picture was completed, the king and queen of Saxony Kev. Bather llussie. the priest of Hazel i a me to see it, and it was afterward exhibit- The Beet Barons. CARPETINGS. ton who has been taking an active interest ed at St. Petersburg and London: finding its •rilfl six UT,.at packing houses that together | in the miners' strike, on Monday. 2dih. way eventually to the Paris Exposition. ,.„lllrol per cent, of the meat business of j Xearini;; the end of a great sea- opened a school for breaker 1 »•>s who have where it received a gold medal from the ,)l(. r„i,,„i states have been enjoined from son, we have many designs and been thrown out of employment b\ the -it- judges. continuing any combination or agreement by pension of operations. 1 luring the strike which prices are fixed or trade is restrained. colorings of this season's Car- period the boys of any faith can improve A Peter's Pence Gift. •Il"fgé Oro-seup in the Fuited States cir pets, that we shall not carry this their time in this summer school. Some 2-">o hoys, ranging in age from b> to 17, are now euit court at Chicago, at tlie request ot tlie ¡ fall. enrolled, and father llussie expects several With the tiling of Archbishop Forrigan's ijoveruuient. entered the order for temper j hundred more to join the classes during the w ill the statement was revived that the per- apy Injunction. The packers made no opposi- THEY WILL BE CLOSED OUT week. , sonal estate of the Archbishop had been re- tion to it. They propose to admit the facts dneed .<:.o,iniii by a gift to the Pope in alleged and set "up that the fads do not con THIS WEEK AS FOLLOWS "I hope that my strike school may suggest March. According to priests who should stitute a cause of action, the establishment of other schools of the know, the gift was that of the archdiocese. kind in all parts of the anthracite district, It is what is known as Peter's Pence. The Double Entry. Tapestry Brussels, 45^ and in that way much good may come on usual time for sending this offering to Rome of this forced idleness." said Bather lie wli leti feast of SS. I'« Bookkeeping by double Body Brussels, • 85p sic. and Paul. Archbishop Corrigan thought it public by a monk. Pioeio »ver four liuti a \d Father llussie on Sunday last distributed would be appropriate to send the offering dred years ago. On Novenib» •r Pi. HÜB lo $ 5 2,5,(j0 pledge buttons to his parishioner-. during the period of the Pope's jubilee. A published a book. "He Summ a Arithmetic," Hartford A\rninsters, l;?a trfd They are of celluloid, and attached are blue certified check for $."iU,0Qt.i ou the chancery in one chapter of which the sv —borders to match ribbons, which pledge the wearers to tem- funds of the archdiocese was sent to Rome, entry as now used wis dose H.ed. Picchili perance in all things. Printed on the face of The chancery only advanced the money, had learned the art when tutor to the som- the button are the words: "Strike Pledge. which will be made good by collection in the of a Venetian merchant, and though not the No carpet buyer should fail to churches on or before .1 une 120 i.h. Father inventor of the system, was the first to make see these poods— William Daly said that the Archbishop had it known to the world, A Wise Observation. made no personal gift. Dr. Andrew Thompson Douthett says, that A whole wedding party was exeommuni- Pittsburgh Carpet after visiting al! the leading schools in tho Significant Plans. eated In West Point. X V.. recently The Co. United States and witnessing the bungling * wedding ceremony had been arranged and theories and mistaken practices of the teach Plans for the removal of the American was to be performed by Father O'KeefTe. At 227 FIFTH AVENUE. ers, lie does not wonder at the unrest and Bridge company plants down the Ohio river the last moment the priest discovered that I dissatisfaction of thoughtful people, who are significant in two aspects. First as the groom had been divorced and refused to think that public education may yet be de- demonstrating the desire of the United marry the people. A Protestant minister States Steel Forperation to continue it - prin- performed the ceremony at the appointed clared to be an expensive and disastrous V. M. I. Outing Rock Point, Decoration failure and point to the superiority of the eipal field of operations in the Pittsburgh hour, and Father <.)'Keeffe pronounce« 1 the great educators of Catholic orders. district, and second, in illustrating the ten- Church's ban against all participants. lav. "Yes, nearly nil my life, and this Is how erything distinctly. Jack I'yper was much I li nd her." with me, and from him I learned that Hel- ".My God!" he exclaimed. en .Martin, although still weak, was grow- "She shall not lie here." I said, and taking ing stronger every day. She knew nothing her in my arms I carried her to my sitting of th«- horrible fate which she had so nar- THE DEAD AND THE LIVING room ami laid her upon a couch. She seem- rowly escaped, and Jack and I agreed that ed like one sleeping peacefully ; her face w as she should never know it. By H. A. HINKSON. pale, but. i he whiteness of her skin was un- When at last I was permitted to see her, changed. She had been beautiful in life, 1 could not doubt tin- reality of her love for now in death she was no less beautiful. I in,.. Her eyes shone, and her cheeks glowed threw myself upon my knees and clasped lici- with happiness. I sat beside her and held to my heart. her haud. ((. 'ontlnued.) proceeding to sit upon the sack I had put in "Mine at last and for ever," 1 cried. "Now "I have been ill. Boy," she said. Shortly after midnight I t «lown lo Si. so carefully. no one shall take you from me. The grave "Yes, sweetheart, but you will soon be bet- Dominie's Lane. It was a dark night and "Not there." I cried angrily, and snatched has given you up to me." ter." I answered. cold, the titter for our purpose. At the end the body in my arms." Jack laid his hand upon my shoulder. "What of my uncle?" she impure«!. of the lan«' I found Jack i'yper uniting. We "For «¿oil s sake, Roy. be quietJack "Come away. Hoy," he said; "leave her "I ha ve not seen him," I returned. "Has were both dressed as near as possible lo re exehiimed in alarm, "or we'll nil be making until you are calmer." In- been kind to you?'' But I shook his hand oil roughly. semble laborers. acquainlanre with the gallows." She shuddered a little. "I feel like a murderer," I inutlered, and "Co. go. leave us together." "Not always; not as he used to be. He "There's no sign of f had whiskey can make alone at last. So. kneeling by the couch, I if she had left a lover to lament her. I re "Yes; and oh: Boy, 1 have had such a ter- him. Ha. here lie comes." held her fast, and whispered of love and of A cart lumbered along through the gloom Ulembercd Helen and all her pledges of love, rible dream." and how jiearlv 1 had «'oine to forget I ing my longing for her. as though her ears could and a minute later a lantern lias 1 on our hear me. Madness it may have been, but it "Then don't think of it, dearest." faces. It was Cognrty. sure enough, lie sal her. 1 "But I must tell you: it will make me hap- "Hist:" cried Jack, "did you hear any was s\\ cefi r than the despair of sanity. peercher d upon a heap of saeks, peering out pier. 1 am nearly well now, you know." thing?" I h«- fire burnt low, the lamp tlickered and likket an evil spirit. went out, leaving us in darkness. < iutside "Yes. you are nearly well; t«'ll me your "'Tis mv ow i.!. trouble I've had. said he. I listened intenth a moment. dream." " "fis the sound of w heels," I said. I could hear vaguely and as if from another "getting the horse and .art away, with «>m world the hoarse cry of the watchman tell- "I thought that one day my uncle came to "Behind or in front?" me and told me in a very kind voice that asking for a lift, and another where 1 w:i- "Behind." ing ili«' hours to those who listened, arid that, going: hut sure here 1 am." all was well. Then slowly the dawn crept as I did not wish to marry his frieml. Mr. We not into the eart and drove »n slowh "Then I would wager my life that we are Bolton, I might marry you. Then he bade followed," .Jack exclaimed, and began urging in at the window and fell upon Helen's face, until we were out of the eity. At the end uie go and dress myself for my wedding, for the horse to go faster. at first cold and white, then as the sun's of Thomas street a w ¡itehman stopped us, that you were awaiting me in the private "If we ¡ire followed our only t-hanee nf eP- light grew stronger, warm with the hue of demanding to know where we were gom-J life. The noise and bustle of daylight sound- chapel at «'arriek hall. oh. Boy, 1 was full e.-ipe is to go slowly mi«! let them overtake '¿Where would we be going. exelaimed of fear and delight, though I wondered why us." 1 said. ed outside, but 1 did not heed them. I rose (lognrty. "but to bring Peter Moriarty s ¡»ra softly a nd taking a rug, wrapped it closely you hadn't com«' to me before. When I So lie drew rein and allowed the horse to ties to the marketV" about her. came down I was almost fainting with ex- walk. "It's enrlv you're going." said lie. citement with the thought of meeting you. A crescent moon was rising, and faintly "She will feel the cold when she wakes." "'Tis so;' but the road is long, and prates M\ uncle was very kind, and made me drink illumined tin» darkness, «¡ogarty lay stretch I muttered. IVrhaps I was mad at the time; is no light load on a poor beast; and ould a glass of w ine to keep my heart up. Then ed in the cart fast asleep and snoring hor- who can tell? Peter is a hard man to plazo.' I took his arm and went down the corridor ribly. The sound of the wheels earn«- lienrer The door opened softly, and Jack I'yper "lie's all that." replied the watehman. and nearer, and w e listened with beating came into the room. to the chapel. I was very much confused with a laugh. "So good lin k to you. Cor it s hearts. I turm-d my head and saw a car- "You are tired, Koy." he said. and could see nothing clearly. Suddenly I a eowld night for dhrivinV riage drawn by two horses rapidly overlak "Hush." I whispered, "she is sleeping." looked up and saw beside me, not you, but "There's them that's eowlder than the ing us. Jack drew near the ditch to let it 1 wondered at the paleness of his face, Mr. Bolton. 1 shrieked out. Then I remem- weather." muttered Cogariy. wluppmg up pass, and the moonlight fell for an instant lie went to ]he couch and looked down at bered nothing more. When 1 came to myself his horse. on a pale, haggard face that looked front tin» her. Then he sprang back, and a cry broke I was lying here in this bed. Wasn't it a from his lips. l>ark as it was. 1 knew the road perfect- window. I could scarce repress a cry of as- strange dream, Boy?" "My «.'oil Koy, she has come to life:" ly 1 had often ridden along it to Car tonishment, for I recognize«! the face of Col "Very strange," I answered with a beat- tor My brain seemed suddenly rent asunder. rick ami thinking of it made my heart soft oiiel Martin So he had returned at last to ing heart. I strove to «¡peak, then darkness overwhelin- and 'gave mo less stomach for business. Hut Oarriek hall, and there doubtless at this Then 1 rose fo my feet. ed me. and for days it was doubtful If I jack I'yper was as gay as if lie were going moment was Helen. "You will not leave me, Roy." Ileleu ex to his wedding. should ever recover my reason again, lint "That man has troubles enough of his ow u claimed. "I am so lonely h«-re." "You're as dull as an owl to-night. k«»y. I had a strong consti) ut ion and that ulti- without adding to ours," Jack remarked "<>nly for a little while to inform Colonel he exclaimed. "Take a drop of this to put mately triumphed. Cratlually the mist when the carriage was gone, Martin how well you are getting on. It is life into you." , , , ch ared from my brain and I remembered ev- right that he should know." I took a hearty pull from the tlask and "Did you see his face?" returned it to him. "That I did. and if I have any skill in "We have no • to lose." 1 said, "for physiognomy that man would riot be sorry WHEELING, W. VA. the moon rises at four." to change places with one of these guests ACADEMY OR When we came to the cross-roads C,.giirty of ours." put out the lantern and turned his horse to- "lie has lost the game," 1 thought to my 1 self, "but thank < bid lie cannot injure I lei i wards the mountains. SS®? 0ur La(jy of Mercy «•n." POR V OLINO LADIESAcademy. , j * * The church of Kilbride stood in an obi and ruined burying ground, which was over- We reached the back entrance to the ineili First-class tuition In all branch ee. Good 3333 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. ca 1 school without further alarms, although buildings, extensive grounds, healthful loca grown bv weeds aiul long, dark grass. 1 he 1 churchyard was ful- •l• of treacherou^m^m l holes several carts passed us on tlie way to tie tlon. Under the immediate superrlslon of Refined School for Young Ladies and where "the vaults had been broken or the col • market, but their drivers seemed too sleepv Rt. Rev. P. J. Donahoe, Bishop of Wheel- Misses. tins had fallen in. so that it was necessary to trouble themselves about us. Verv expe- lug. For Prospectus address Class to proceed cautiously. ditiously and without difficulty we carried kindergarten. for Small Boys, the bodies into the medical school and placed THE DIRE0TRE8S. Gogarty drew the horse under a tree and Examinations for Trinity College, them in their sacks upon the marble slabs Wash we'got out of the cart, taking our spades in the preparing room. I lugton, I). 0., held In June and September. and shovels with us. We dared not light Apply to DIRECTRESS. the lantern for fear of discovery. I think I was never so rejoiced at finishing any business as I was now. and we were ST, XAVIER'S ACADEMY. "Can you find ihe new graves'.'" both chilled to the bone. CONDUCTED BY THE ed. "Hoy. eld fellow." exclaimed Jack When "Ay»-, can I," he replied: "sure if I was we had set down our burdens. "1 don't SISTERS OF MERCY. URSULINE ACADEMY, blind I could smell the fresh earth." BEATTY, Westmoreland 0o.. PA. think a tumbler of punch would come amiss Winebiddle Avenue, He got over the stile and set off across the aud I am sure we have earned It." St. Xavler'n Academy, located on one of graves with marvelous certainty, while we "You'll find whiskey in the cupboard of Westmoreland'» most picturesque height«, Near Penn. followed as best we could. my sitting room." 1 answered, and I told offers peculiar advantages to young ladles At last he paused at the hack ,,(' the old Doyle to keep the lamp lighted and the lire | w ho wish to receive a solid and refined edu- Boarding and Day School Conducted church. burning. Meanwhile I suppose I had better cation. Conveyance« meet all the dally trains "The ould one's buried here." said he. "an' set these in order." j from east and west. For further particulars by Ursuline Nuns. devil a more nor a foot deep: the young wan When he was gone I unfastened the mouth | apply to Complete course of English and French; is over there foruinst you." of the first «,-iek and took out ilie body. It private lessons In music, instrumental and So we set to work, and in a little while, for was that of an old man. and that* lie had The Directress of the Academy, j vocal; French. German. Drawing, painting Mi«» elay was soft, uncovered the coffin and been dead some time I could not doubt, since pried the lid off. Then when Gogarty held his face was dark and discolored. His head and elocutloa. the sack ready we drew out the body by the was covered with thick, white hair, and For terms apply to the DIRECTRESS. shoulders. It was. as well as I could judge there was a smile on his face show inr tint St, Joseph's Academy, an old man and not very heavy. When it he had «lied easily. TITUS VILLE. PA. was put. in the sack 1 set to work to till up I now turm d to the oiher sack and tenth Pittsburgh Catholic College the grave, while I he others proceeded to the untied the string, for I felt a great lender For Young Ladies, Little second grave. Then I heaped up 'he mound ness ami pity upon me this niirlit. Tin - liodv — OF THE — and took the body in the sack and carried it was wrapped in white silk, and a heavy Boys and Girls. on my back to where the cart was. I Impenetrable veil hid the face. This surprised Under the Care of the Sisters of Mercy. thought 1 heard the sound of wheels and me. for it was not usual to bury gentle folks Complete course of English, German and j Holy Ghost. stood a few moment's listening, but the noise in the earth, but in a vault carefully sealed j I.ntIn. Private lessons In .Music, Stenogra- For Boarders and Day Students. was not repeated. against disturbance. I heard .lack's voice phy, Typewriting, Kindergarten, When I returned to the graveyard 1 met calling to me that the punch was ready. j For further particulars apply to. Training thorough in the Grammar, Aca- Jack and < Jogart \ coming towards me. «b>- Then I lifted the heavy veil and gazed THE MOTHER SUPERIOR. demlc, Commercial and College Department« gurt.v carried a sack in his arms as lightly oh. Cod: upon tin face of 11eleii Martin. Courses In Modern Languages, Shorthand, as if it were a bundle of hay. A cry of horror broke from my lips, con- Typewriting and Mechanical Drawing. "She didn't weigh much, the young one 1 used sounds buzzed in my ears, and I fell Speolal classes for students preparing for didn't,".he said with a grin as he stumbled senseless to the lloor. Mi. St. Mary's College, any profession, and for backward boys. along, When I recovered consciousness Jack 1'y A sudden anger rose in me. Near Emmitsburg, Md, Rooms for Senior Boarders. per was kneeling beside me and pouriiig Night School October to April. "Be careful, you villain," 1 exclaimed. whiskey down my throat. Situated in a healthful mountain district, Then I snatched the body from his arms "Where is HelenV" I murmured, for in\ sixty miles from Baltimore. Conducted by Very Rev. M. A. Hehir, President. and laid it gently on the hay in the eart, brain was still clouded. j Secular Clergymen, aided by eminent Lay 10-9-U putting about it the few sacks of potatoes "Helen:" exclaimed Jack. "Roy, old fel- I I 'rofessors. which we had brought as a blind. low. you are ill or dreaming." Classical, Scientific, Commercial Courses. "It's little harm that Gogarty can do her "I may be. but. Cod help me, I am not Separate department for young boys. now," said I'yper. "and you ought to be in «beaming," I cried as the r«-alitv «if the Ninety-fourth year opened Sept. 11. 1901 Here Is Your Opportunity! a better humor seeing that we have what thing came back to me. Then I sprang to For Catalogues, etc., address, JHKSISTKRS OF CHARITY, c f the diocese of Cleva- will keep the knives busy for more than a my feet, and seizing Jack's hand, drew him REV WILLIAM L. O'lIARA, ing charge of St Ignatius' hospital, Youngs- month to come." town. Ohio, have in connection with their training to where the two bodies were lying side bv Mt. St. Mary's P. 0., Frederick Co., Md. school rot nurses, a preparatory naming school for young "Aye. if we get home safe; we may be si«l«\ Almost beside myself. I began to kiss :'om<;" •>"}»•«•«» «'•" ««¡es of 15 and 2ft years. The object of followed." 1 said. her lips, calling her to come back to me this school is to prepare its students for the religious state or to prepare them to enter the nurses training school, or "But not caught," he returned, showing Jack seized me by the arm. ernleavoring to mt thu 1 U f VILLA HARIA ACADEMY, m-7 i'i:" ° •r' ' "«»U>Ped °r <>"• various duties the butt of a pistol beneath his coat. "I «haw me away. I saw that he thought Vint ourse of education given shall be based on have no liking for the dock." West Eighth St., Erie, Pa. mv and on such lines of 1 had taken leave of my senses, which jh v bo "Nor I for the gallows '' de.il was not far from the truth. Suddenly •V' «¡1! effect the end proposed, The course of Instruction embraces a thor C ommun.cat.ons may he referred to the following cleifT Jack «lid not answer me, but taking the I became calm. ; ough English education, also the Latin. Ger- of the diocese of Cleveland reins bade Gogarty sit in the back of the man and French languages; music, painting Rev K. Mears. St Columba'» church; Rev. Nf p. Kln- "Jack," I said. "I know that von think me kead. Immaculate Conception church: Rev j, Kioto St. ca rt. mad but I am not. I loved her, and she and drawing. For further particulars ad Joseph s church. Rev. J. P. Barry, St. Ann', ctaoroh. "Sure I'll find a comfortable sate any- bes there dead dead." | dress Youngstown, Ohio. way," the rascal said with a grin, and was "Loved her?" Ohio* G°° LeomIn*- SRcred Heart church, Nasalton. The Directress of the Academy, j Rev, J. Stewart, Glrard, Ohio, talyt-l May 2S, 1902. I MU Pi ri iSBURUH CATHOLIC. i "Yet?, it is vìgili," siu> murmured. as though tlic tinnitili gave. her no pleasure. The Catholics of Philippine Islands. ;<» to sleep now; grow strong quickly," I sail), a mi went <>ui. In a Willi»1 I w; mg rapidly along tlie road to Carriek hall. I found the nouse W ill darkue^s save for a gli miner of light in tlie hall. The door was opened by <>ld Joyce, Notes. the lnitler. lie lifted tip his hands in amazement when he saw nie. A famous New York Matter Makes "Lord save us! is it yon. Master Roy V" ho A Clergyman's Experience. 5 ex el a ¡mod. "Ah, bin it is to a sorrow fid Moro, 111., Feb.. 1809. house that you have eonie. Sure the light Is I had some trouble with my stomach gone out of it with Miss Helen," and lie be for several years, tried several things gau io whimper. without relief, hut Pastor Koenig's Nerve "Where is Colonel Marl in V" I asked impa Tonic had an excellent effect. After using tieutly, for my heart was so hot with what three bottles of It T am entirely well, ding M: I had io say to him that I could not bear therefore reoominend the Tonic con- delay. scientiously. Rev. H. Ussack. What "The master's in the library. Master Roy. The Rev. Sisters ol the Preclou* Blood In Mlamlaburr. O., say: "We are well OTTO OETTING, You'll II in J him changed: sure he's never satisfied with the effort of Pastor Koe- lifted his head since. Shall I tell him you'iv riig'ti Nerve Tonic, which we have used here'.'" for several years." "No, mi. I'll announce myself." The Rev. Sistora of St. Joseph. Indian- I turned the handle and entered the libra apolis, Ind., say: "Our attention was ry. Colonel Martin u a.- seated before the called to Pastor Koenlg's Nerve Tonic about 10 years ago, and we use It with on Court Hoosc Hill lire, with a decanter of whiskey on tlie table the best results." at his el how. A Valuable Book on Ner- "Is that you. .loyce. ' he enquired feebly. vous Diseases and 3 Samplo "No, it is I. Roy J .a l ouche." iiotile to any address Poor pa- FREE tient« also i.;et the medicine free. i(> ALL iwORj K GUARANTEED. ^ lie sprang to his feet and gazed at me Prepared by the Ktv. KjlTheh Kobniu, uf Kor» M r wildly. 1 was shocked at t he pa leiicss a ml Wayne, Ind., since 1ST0, and now by the I VAN HOR>RN BROTHERS, $ emaciation of his face. KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. CEMENT PAVING OF ALL KINDS, Roy La louche," he repealed. Then 40 S. Franklin Street. W Office, 1222 Grant Avenue, with an. effort to be calm lie went on. "It is Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle; 6 for 45- Ul li Teleph a sorrowful home you have come to. Von 1'. & A. T.I. 213 L*rf Size, $1.75} » Bottles for S9. NORTH. have heard of our loss'.-' lie leant against tlie table and his hand shook, t here was n<> ALLEGHENY. PA- R tight in him now. - v£ • — "e- i _ va vt virSrvtÄf^ "1 have heard of Helen's illness." I said. "And of her death':" lie asked in a w hisji er. REDUCED RATES J .C • ^^V^w^oo*»^« on h "How did it happenV" I enquired, as calm m as I could. A gleam of suspicion came into his eves. sylvan ¡a Ha "Happen, how should I know, but sudden Council, \i,|, Iy, very suddenly." Mr. l'.i.l "And you buried her in Kilbride'.-' • account of the Imperial Council, Nobles He bent his head. Of the My si ie Shrine, at San Franeiseo Cal This Space I came nearer to him and looked into his •Inne I'Mh to 1 1th. the Pennsylvania Itailroad face. <;.ii,|,any will sell excursion ticket« to San Reserved for "< 'olonel Martin." I said very slowly, "llel Lost Oppi r u lilies. I- raiicisco ur Los A ngeles from all stations etl is not dead, hut alive." '.n its lines, from May 2'ith to .June 7th. In- ".Not dead! Impossible!" he cried out and clusive. at urea t ly reduced rates. These tickets will be sold for return passage within his face was full of terror. sixty days from date of sale when executed "She is alive. I.ess than an hour ago I by Joint Agent at I.os Angeles or San Fran F. E. McGILUCK spoke with her. She was taken from the > cis.-o and payment of fifty cents made for grave alive." service. Cur rates apply to He stared at me as though he doubled his General Contractor and Ho ticket agents. ,il!l 2t senses, then suddenly bursting into tears he threw himself at my feel. lion, if he I Special Low Rates on Sundays During Sum- "Oh Cod!" he shrieked. "1 am no murder- young! lie .! Builder, er. no murderer." He grovelled before me. mer Season. Baltimore & Ohio and for a few minutes I watched him pit i books is we: Railroad. h ssly. Now my suspicions Were amplv con how io stud' lb Margareta and St. Clair Sts., tinned. Ihe Baltimore A Ohio I; K. will sell ex- PHTSBURGH, PA. "(.'olonel Martin." I said, "a terrible crime ing and returning same day, every Suudav has been commit ted and it is my duly io see lie that the guilty party is punished." and from all st cm, Pittsburgh and Ciiritiellsvil No rate higher Telephone, East End, 380. "Hush, hush." he cried in a terror striek < ih. vv hat a pity i than ÌI.ÒU. i ';( agent for rates en whisper, "1 will tell you everything. A and time of trai crime was done, but not murder, not min- man of mauniticcut leelittg thai der. If suffering can alone, oh < bid! how I bv nature iut ended have suffered: It was Bolton who led me to nit ¡able when eomti died 1 o do the W ESTABLISH EI) 1886. do it. He held me in his power. 1 owed 111 Hit I n I alot him money that I could not pay. lie curit v threatened to ruin me if Helen refused to if youth ihai eltafi THOMAS McCAFFREY, Notary Public, all's ami longs to marry him. 1 tried to persuade her. I con BUTLER ST., PITTSBURGH, fess it. hut 'twas no use. so I told him, but he was not to be balked, lie it was that sug a I ter CAN SELL OR RKNT YOUR PROPERTY QUICK. gested tii me to pretend that Helen was go- ingly ing to marry you and having drugged her to LIRE INSURANCE PLACED IN RELIABLE COMPANIES. substitute him. I consented but I was lb iat vv it when 11 i 1 \ - W'h en he vv 1,1,1, 1 1, all hav Kent Collecting a Specialty en to it. I gave the drug to her in a & UISS Bt ]1 phone r ; of wine. Almost immediately she lost What :iIt' e invest: luetif 1 K 11II * 4 l isk. Phone P. & A. 174 Lawrence. seiousiioss. For several days she show •d no s and lai sign of life, then we believed that sin wa s incut in an clue: SESSELS dead and were terror-strieken, thinkim. that ture whi' we were guilty of murder." I"! ua 1 tu He poured whiskey into a glass and i Ira uk To rob otieselt 'o f tin it. The stimulant seemed to give him back \\ ilicll tviluca t ion THE FAMILY MEAT BILL IS NOW OF some of his former composure. ] I ion ill prosperi! it on. materia 1 y cat mind. It is a pei y the tact ion GREATEST IMPORTANCE. penalty." There was something like dignity in his under d manner as compared with his abject self Patronize— abasement of a moment before. It touched it v heai me in spite of myself. DUNLEVY'S RETAIL MEAT HARKETS "Colonel Martin." I said. "1 owe you no kindness, yet since you are Helen's uncle and Save Money. Good Milk and the brother of my father's dearest friend I would spare you the consequence of your ed Cow BEEF, LAMB, VEAL AND PORK, crime. y«ui would have taken Helen from native in Horden' WHITE LILY HAMS, BACON AND LARD me. It is the hand of Cod that has given isei:l Milk her back to me. Now she believes that ¡ficaIIv f. THE MOST PI.EASING MADE. what she remembers of your Ireacliery is •t A v only a dream. She knows nothing of the brani horrible death to which you and your part- ner had sii nearly consigned her. I am uti SPRING BROOK ELGIN BUTTER, willing that she should know the truth and REDUCED RATES TO PORTLAND so 1 spare you I Hire, Sweet and always Fresh. lie stretched out his hand to me, but I went on: Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Account Nailon- Sausages, Boiled hams and Bologna. "On one condition. I will spare you. that ai Convention. Travelers' Protective As- you leave the country within twenty-four vtvim tu tin i'Bicrs hpasonbali sociation of America, and the Supreme hours and that before you go yon leave with my lawyer a written declaration of your Lodge. Ancient Order Cnited Workmen. LEADING DEALERS SELL OUR GOODS. consent to my marriage with Helen." < tu account of the national convention He would have caught my hands, eagerly Travelers' Protective Associai ion of Ameri- VISIT OUR SHOPS AT endeavoring to express his gratitude, but I ca, .lune ."»I to 7th. and the Supreme Lodge, turned my back upon him and went out. Ancient Order United Workmen, .lune lui li Twenty-sixth Street and Penn Avenue. to L'olii, at Portland. Oregon., the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company will sell excursion Hamilton Avenue and Enterprise Street, East End. < 'olonel Martin fullilled the eoiulifion.s of tickets to Portland from all stations on its my silence. for indeed he da rei I not do oth lines, from May 'JUith to June 7th, inclusive, erwise. and within teli days after he limi at greatly reduced rates. These tickets will left the country ITelen and I were married. be good for return passage within sixty To tliis day she has no stispieiou tliat her days from date of sale when executed by dream was not a dream Imi a grim reality, Joint Agent at Portland and payment of tif- DUNLEVY & BRO. though sin* sotnetltnes wonders how she ho eents made for this service. Apply to tick carne ili so suddenly and dici uot remember et Agents. 5-21-2t an chariiies was humble, hut its growth has of the Senate, Whe s to the vote, recall their deeds of valor and patriotism In The Pittsburgh Catholic. been rapid and stron.tr, so (hat now wo ran however. Mr. Hoar ly an artful sealf••ring the sweet flowers of the early OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE point with commenda ble pride to its suit uer. lie cam •if of party al- spring on their grassy mounds. Any other fid record. PITTSBURGH DIOCESE. ly, and hence form of observing the day jars. Decoration During tlie seven years of its existeuc has sheltered within its protecting w influence pub- ''ay is grandly eloquent of peace. Kneeling PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY many iiundreds of well disposed hut d< .Ma' an exception. 1 he graves of I he nation's dead and rp- I ule iioys wiio \\ ould otherw ise have I caliiug the mighty object for which they TERMS IN ADVANCE. compelled to wander (lie streets, expose* sw lit am! di.-d. the preservation of the Union, the pray- $1 r)0 "H ^'"Ptations and sufferings of novo 1 copy by mail, per year \\ * i. llie baneful example of evil associations. er is for the continuance of that peace which 1 copy, for six months r loss of the God given gift of faith, f'nn as the carry they helped to gain. Single copy.. r o iut these homeless u aifs under ihe chasten Foreign subscriptions, by mail I I 'Peace whereso er our starry garland gleams , . . influence of religion it lias saved them !r< 'tortal pen] lhree weeks are require d after receip1 t of • AnHdI pea. •verv lire _ , . ., , pauperism, vatrraHcv ami. perchance. a 1 i.ais. with money before the date opposite votir name * "i crime, ami lias mane oi tin m good and vol v. on your paper, winch shows to what time • , , ... , ,, , . . , ,, , 1 razors. Tin ' majority „„„!. „,., • .. .. . , , honest citizens ami worthy chlldren ol Moth your subscription is paid, tan be chamred. , , poop arn- always p Father MeCabe, in his recent letter in The r ( huivl When notifying us of change of address ' ia red to u fancied p Catholic, places before our societies a prac- give former address as well as the new ad , ...... , .-.,, ..... ,, >,- tical work, and one that dress. mst illtng into their minds senti s,l! ""I 1M"1'1<' ••»" WORK FOR m n,s s n s< l1 comes within the scope All communications intended for the cur- ! ' " returnee. respect and man - «: mi.v 1 at any time or in any mE rent Issue of the paper should be in the of- • eouraim. " l,:ls enabled them to face and place. There should be a stringent law re- cnncrirc of their professions. flee not later than Monday I'. M. cope with the difficulties and temptations ! , the salaiee . anand nnoo mamann shoulshouldd bbee alal- ~5UCIKMfcb """"-" I here is nothing polit i- 01 ,,l n n inc , .... ell It, »Iii...... t. rill Manuscripts sent to the editor unaccom- ' J lowed to purchasläsee unlesunlesss grantegrünted a license < al in this work. The Catholic body is now panled by stamps will not be returned if 11 Ls- therefore. with confidence that we 1 ^ ,l' ' they are found unavailable. ;|l'in>al to your generosity for the means to ' " • u,-lll!/t'(l 111 1,s various organi- If through any mischance you do not re- continue the work so auspiciously begun and I - - ate all right on a farm, but in a /;"lnlls' concentrated in the federated so- celve your paper regularly, every week, no- s" successfully carried on. Heretofore but . tended city thev are au unmiti'-ated mr- ' '''ties to voice its emphatic dissent to the tlfy us Immediately. ' ' few calls on your charity have be, made Thev'shoui.l not be licensed but -up baselytizing efforts of the preachers in the Remit by Express or Money Order only, tor the Protectory, because the Probers in , .,'., 1 school« i,, \t,,h, Post office preferred. If by Check ADD charge and the boys themselves have siriv P'^s.-d. »'».•>• an-, without ,hmbi. propaga 1 ,s "J il,v well .satisfied TEN CENTS exchange, as we have to pay on to make it self-supporting, underuoiim on " ,|is";i '' The> arc a . .instant danger "i:lt 1,1,1 (lovernmeut is no party to this mis- this amount for collecting cheeks. this account main privations and sacrifices. and menace in houses where children are; erable work and its attention being called to All Money Orders, Drafts or Communica- Now finding their best efforts unavailing there is no telling when an innocent child's ,llf,!<<>r. It will efficiently stamp out this tlons should be addressed to they a re com polled to stretch out their hands teasing may arouse the brute's vicious pro I'^D^anda. We recall, distinctly, at the CATHOLIC PUBLISHING CO.. for'help. line of the Columbian Exposition in Ch lea- CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH BUILDING, Ui,h 347-349 FIFTH -\VENUE ' plst_ rikI'j|itei •'a« responsivee chorchordd iinn yourr heartheartss woe ,lH'ir '¡five barkings and onslaughts. Worn- 1,i:it a Certain Mr. Buiterfield, one of its direct the reverend pastors of the diocese to on. they say. are partial to dogs as pets, but •fficlnl heads., and who was delegated tt o go PITTSBURGH, PA. „ „ "!» !1 collection for the Protectory on some women's \ i -nies defv everv mi«. ,.r abroad in its interests on his return inmlr. Entered as second-class matter at Pitts- Sunday, .lune Sth. Where this Sun,lay'is in- !!„.". . 1. ..'.!'' f>. J, ™U an unjustifiable attack o,l ourgh. Pa. m mon sen A woman with a dog sin »Ii the Pope. The Co- convenient it may be taken up on the follow - Ilin...... , ,, . g,ia,M , vo, ,iou c,ub> of ,Ius rl, v iook ing Sunday. We likewise direct that due ' " - «'' the dog, upwards, but t - - the matter announcement be made on the Sunday pre of the woman, downwards. :ii"1 tll(V Catholic societies followed. The WEDN ES DA Y. MAY 28, 1002. ceding t he collect ion. The amounts collected result was that Mr. BuUerfleld had to step are to be sen„ t to the treasurer Rev Fîmes The Am an press is ediioriali'/im- over 1,0 wn 1111(1 out Let the societies be emulous Oumn, St. Joseph Protectory, Vine what will be done in lb,me in regard to «VJ of Precedent. street, Pittsburgh î R. P HE LAN friars in our Eastern territories and the final Bishop of Pittsburt disposition of their properties. One need not Hisll"i> Thoburn, of the Methodist Episeo Pittsburgh, May 20. 1002. be a prophet to predict that Rome will stand 1)111 churcl1' luls a" emphatic view in the untlinchingly for justice and right. Not one Philip]dnes occupation man behind the gun is not the a d io I a will be sacrificed to clamor and prcju AN ACT '*-v our Government, the dice, and we have faitlh enougeiiouL'h in the AmeAnierr OF Ü0D, «h'clared before the highest official in the land. The man behind man people's innate love of justice and fair <'ongressional investi- flie cross has always been in the van. Al! play to abide wholeheartedly by policy. rai ing committer, in nu answer to Senator the genuine civilization that the wi en otherwise we have misinterpreted the his '.itterson, that this occupation was "an act joys today is due to the cross. lory of the United States from its beginning f God." The Methodist brother is usually 011 . ~ still, let us remember that vigilance Is the he mos" t intimate terms with the Deity, a An American pilgrimage, numbering two price of rights. wirelc correspondent, as it wore, between BISHOP'S LETTER OF APPROVAL. hundred and upwards will leave New York the terrestrial and celestial regions. It is llanl Episcopal Residence, March ti, 190J. next month for Home. They go in the spirit We need take no irlonnv v' lie after - however, to have patience with such of faith to the seven hilled city to r>rav r.^nM« r so loie :U1 insufferable dogmatist as this so-called Having every confidence that The Pitts- ,,1,.,,,, ,„ini< .... 1 , . burgh Catholic will be conducted on sound ' ' aM llu'!r f;nih- receive .„, the,,. healthy '.¡shop, lint the are manj more like him, nv lK lure Catholic principles, for the edification and In- ' '-ods altars in the matchless abiding aiiei What we have to fear and *H'T'e v\ no tnrough some notion of their own struetion of the faithful. We cordially re- b niples. to see and hear the Vicar of 0111 must avoid by a rigid enforcement of our suPeriority of wisdom or ¡1111 norlry are so in commends It to both Clergy and Laity, and Lord, the gentle I.eo ,inhil f hope that It will meet with that encourage- Rome immigration laws rin- raff element of " hlentifying their .»pinions and ment and support which its publishers de- Europe, the scum tide! and anarchiai prejudices with the decrees of heaven that serve. We have good reason from Its re \ n-cent ueddii y , i 111 1 ing in ih ity was market} teachings. The m u ti among us, who ""' ' " " '»"l '00k upon all who call them cord In the past, to believe that it will con- , are the glory and tinue to render valuable assistance in the ",v :"""'s "r U1;U1-V ,hl' >•" cm;t h of the rcpub 'I'lcstion as wlcktHl; enemies of < iod and cause of religion, education and morality, present. A merry dispos • r immigrants, who '"»'«'»«liaries h, society. They do not doubt which Is also the cause of our Church and such a jovous event but the line should 1 . hither wi thm the Almighty thinks precisely as they country We recognize the necessity of drawn between offensive 1 ,MmesS and wit h wiilin to work and sound do. and expect that their views will be re- strenuously supporting the recognized Cath- ut e What America ceived with the deference due to an Infalll- olic press as the defender of Catholic truth. !ll,> Our Holy Father. I.eo XIII.. has more than 1 ;l little ... ; he wawavy ooff ththee besbestt revelation. These people do not combat ,i ,(l s once dwelt on the Importance of Catholic their proper place, in in* to do. with our "i " " . they cry out against them: they do newspapers and on the duties of Catholics •Nine immigrant, not- not respond to arguments, they arraign their to support the Catholic press. "A Catholic V prognostications of :in'l!°rs; they do not seek to convince, and newspaper in a parish Is a perpetual mis- r Ma- the university of l""k !Il'un error not as a thing to be over- sion," writes the Holy Father. The Fathers hravely initiated into the duties ,,f 1 of the Baltimore Council strenuously urge office, lb- has attended a "royal bull ti- to this country. come, but to be punished in the person of its in the decrees the support of the Catholic the bull and the kit believer. press. We would wish, therefore, most ear- ' ' "" '* honors x, , the ( ¡vie nestly, to see The Pittsburgh Catholic taken :lmnn- ,Iu' 1:,>000 M'<"'tators. lie will be It. Kaiser Wilhelm, determined that the by every family in our diocese. It will con- excellent 1 standing elici, would not outdo the Teuton, will tinue to be the medium of Our official com- munications. and for this reason, also, it ,j , present us with a statue 1( THE should be supported bv the bodv of the judgment trains, intel of the Great Frederick. U1 faithful. We earnestly' request that the KAISERS With our usual spon- capitalist N llllsìf•oithl 'vl doubt Reverend Clergy will commend it to their' I;t!>.>p (if IT. taneity we lune accept- peojile. •art latity 1'he public ed the same, and in rhapsodical sentences We are pleased to note that the Presby l, !t 1 ,l! id a bod a pa ble of 'he President is gushing in his effusive terian assembly has taken up the matter of adjust! ecu labor and capi ' hanks to t he German ruler. Frederick divorce and will ro-operaie wit tal. It is the this federation now should be placed in juxta position with inations in urging special and 'tu operators in the an- Rochambeau. since both are to be on view islatiou on the subject. T is tuli a it I the labor officials in the national capital; this in the interests step torward. Great sticklers for the Bible, '' heir cause for arbi- n :lli tif tiiKforj- 11 11 I 1 I .1 let them go to the root: "Whom God hath ' " They answerahle by law " • ' ••• 1111 ;!I|d m 'lie h ay of compari- Joined together let ito man put asunder." "" snn 1 r" d> rick was the "friend of Wash- This doctrine in practice will alone minimize from • in they draw their ington.'' at least he is reported to have said the evil. living ar. T s >. When Washington and his ragged con- OFFICIAL. 1 lai as t tie people, tinentals were making their immortal fight ami u'eised. We believe CLERICAL CONFERÌ'\< 1'. for our liberties, and to save themselves SU U,IM ling for arbitration, The clerical conference for t h will ""' ' ' ' hnlen air. ui!l be with us H,a from beine hanged, quartered and drawn as be held in the Cathedral Lyceum Ttiesdav. hey should be held rvM< if 1 ,,1;il ]-„..,, h'feat ed. the great Frederick gra- June 10th, at 2 p. m. i- a- hcs us how to live, how to die. up disi urbers .s f ' ""lsl-v Permit ted the Hessians the privilege o That Heart is ever an open house, faithful and •ss disturban. ' Ills Kingd. >m wh il.i ' on their way to this ountry to d< Illti *1 t1 1f t>? TO THE CLERGY AND LAITY OF THE ur:"'"MIS :,s 11 U;,s "" the repentant Mag substance, harass and ut cher its n DIOCESE: H:,l"n 111 Silll,,,l's t'«»'t"cting or that 011-comb;a'ant s and bring Fred- „ ,,, , , . sweet home beloved at i'.ethinv It ct.-m,U i rick's friem:1 a nd id s followers to the gai- For some months past our attention has ling day when the reiu- nvs. 1 .est vy e forget we recall this histori- been called to the pressing needs of St ,lo> irmies of the liuion vis- ,ll ,> a! incident of the 1 eph's Protectory, but owing tu the urgent ap ' n it the graves of their ;reat man at this mo- peals made for other charities outside the sweet. draw the bars tent. We h;1 ve no 11 oed of going into hero* DECORATION fallen comrades in the diocese, to which we were obligated, we gaie i> lord' come ii • •s over Kalisel - Willi 'elm's gift. The Koch- were unalde to present the claims of thi? DAY. strile, is once more at 111 beau statule 1 »ears justly deserving home charity. hand. Decoration day is tor us a very different You are by this time well acquainted with rej • reseui s a nation and people the object of this institution, to provide a 'he Government's posit ion in t he 1' who gave in the hundreds of millions of home, school, a workshop in which honest. was made Thursday. 1 by the money, whose sons' blood stained our soil industrious homeless boys shall receive good Senator Hoar of M i- that we might live as a nation, free and in- care, sound moral training, a fair education • .,,„ ere to be sol- rs 111 ,in !s and the opportunity to learn a trade. "' " ititi t'ititi ones win nd friends wo Id df',,on(llMlt' 1{<*'l'ambeau paid from his pri- The beginning of this latest of our dioces- soIid ,;acts he hehl the undivided attention move out to the tented camp of deaV anil th« fpovori:5lled that an«t they might have bread, ho bared his bosom May 28. 1902. THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC.

to the Hessians' steel in our cause. Without in the background. lie will lind that if he the aid of the French the fight for American strives worthily and valiantly Iiis fellow citl- inih'pendenee would have been lost. Lest we ,zons will recognize and reward Ins worth. forget let us remember t Iiis in the way of tV-> m ; * - •. • - • i =••.'- • . SUMMER-TIME comparison. The kaiser, rash and iinpul ons tra te the truth of this statement. Ti stve, should have been better advised than play our part as cii i/.ens worthily is one H0USEFURNISH1NGS. to offer the statue of Frederick the «;reat (Vi t lie dut ics lilt »osed on us by religion. 1 and when offered it should have been declin- is a duty we cannot shirk. But in pulì There are times and seasons for special Mousefurnishing needs, hut ed with thanks. We hope that the resolution affairs, as w< 1 as in the affairs of life. there is no time when there is not some one needing something, so that an recently introduced into Congress for I he re- ligkm enters fur the Catholic. He sets bet"» up to date l urniture store must be ready tor all demands. We are. Come jection of this statue will pass. him certain fixed and immutable prineip and see. of which he cannot lose sight. It insists i United States has redeemed for t'uba on certain truths which rea« Ulti the pledge made when war was declared part ment s of work, social and individual. REFRiGBiATORS. BABY CARRIAGES. J_J against Spain. It was It is the duty of the t'atltolie to maintain CUBA a specific pledge, the these principles, to guide himself by these The very itesi kmc] jOlh 1)1 Neatest, CT i i Tilín it >i nil -lit e the truths whatever may be the siile lie may I IBRE independents cold with Ii lie ice. lPettiest styles. - island. It ha icen adopt in political and jfarty controversies. kept in the spirit of the letter. « uba, after Let us not neglect our opportunities, govern- Ice Chests, Go-Garts, centuries of .servitude, takes her place ed always by true and righteous principles. $4.50 to $12 $3.50 to $30 among the world's republics. In territory Do not he pusilanimotis. RefnVerators, Buggies, This is not the day of the weak-kneed. and population site does not rank among the $8 to $25 $7.50 to $50 tirst, but in all the attributes of freedom Remember that every man Is the stronger 1 she is fully clothed, and she lias the guar- front having to profess his principles before antee of protection from the great republic the world. Too manv among us. the old as PORCH ROCK I: RS. PORCH STANDS. that gained her this freedom. Her tirst well as the young, who are always ap Indispensable as ornament or ne- I5est for beauty and comfort. president has the genuine American spirit ic. They are very unobtrusive. When they ces sity. set foot on the floor of the world they do He has lived many years in this country $1.50 UP. $1 .00. is a brainy, intelligent man, is reported to their work and merit the mmendation of have excellent judgment, and the consensus industry and honesty, hut lirink from e\ À of all who are intimately acquainted with pressing or showing their religious eonvic him is that he is the right man in the right lions. The world progresses on its way and lie choicest lines and low- place. His task Is a difficult one. He will the apprehensive follower of Chr si pnces, 15c a yd. and up. have the unqualified support of the upper that his only chance of' exisiene" is to re MATTINGS. class, the Spaniards in business in Cuba main unnoticed. This is a miserable attitude who control Its varied interests, and the Cu for any man with a spark of manhood. It buns descended from the pure Spanish stock, spoils the man. It is bad for the cause, and TERMS: URPHY While these are in the minority they em- it is even a misfortune to the world iiself. brace the intelligence of the island, and We do not advocate aggression, but we de BROS. brains control. The mixed stock, the no- sire frankness, openness, courage among our 808 PENN AVE. groes. are hot-headed, excited easily and are Catholic people, freely and simply this is a very impulsive. They lend themselves to rule and law learning to bear the daylight the arts of the demagogue, are carried away and sharing in the eontliet. and at peace in by catchy phrases and maudlin sentiment, the well earned shat f the re wan Suddenly raised to liberty and put on a lev- I el. with equal rights shared with their fel- CHI KCH CALHNIMR. FRESH ARRIVAL OF "UTTINGS. lows, they are likely to give trouble. It will J une. Some Beautiful Designs and Patterns. need a firm hand and a judicious head to re- Sunday. 1. Second Sunday after I'entecost. strain them. Time will demonstrate the re St. l'aniphihis, 1'. M. A noti 1er t of PORCH FURNITURE Now Arrivili! suit of liberty for Cuba, which is just now Monday, 'J. ss. .Marcellinus and Peter, an experiment. The past two years, under TuesdaWednesdayy 3.. St1,. StClotilda. Lranci, Qs . Carniccio! Cenerai Wood's administration, has done Thursday, a, St. Boniface. A bp. VINCENT, SCOTT CO. much to smootlie the future, and its prom Friday, 0, Least of the Sacred Hear 6023 PENN AVENUE, EAST END. ise is bright. We believe it is only a ques- Saturday. 7, St. Robert. tion of time, however, when Cuba, now un- der our protection, will admit the superior FORTY HOURS DEVOTION. JOHN STULEN JR. FRANK L. STULEN wisdom and will desire annexation with us. The devot,Ion of the Forty Bours' in honor The question of the status of the Church of the Most Holy Sacrament in the diocese JOHN STULEN & SON, in the new republic remains to be detennin- of ,,,,,Pittsburgh wil, l he held as follows. (The LEADING HOUSE IN HIGH ART DECORATION, . . , , , devotion is obligatory on the date named In ed. A we informed correspondent gi\es his al,l, churche. , s am. i. Institutior, n _ .arked in this \\1 A I I O \ OPD CHURCH FRESCOING, HOUSE AND SIGN view on this subject, and is of the opinion schedule with an asterisk): YY ALL I A § Crlv PAINTING, HARDWOOD FINISHING. that there will be no disposition on the part JUNK. 101-103 MARKET STREET. of the Cuban executive or its new congress •1, Holy Innocents', Sheraden. BOTH PHONES. '_'. - -, Bradenviile. for drastic legislation, either against the in- St. Cert ri Vandergril't. dividual or the Church. Under the terms of *r>, St. Cecelia's, Rochester. FOR AUL, the Piatt amendment it w ill be impossible to (t. St. Mary's. Clenticld. Flowers and Plants OCCASIONS. foist upon Cuba laws hostile to civil or re- •7, St. Timothy's. Smitlitoti. r y a i owers—alill «rad ill prie Customers are tiven every ¡mention, and ligious liberty. Cuba, says this correspond- S. St. Boniface, Chestnut Ridge. •9, St. - , Colfax. cd it ent, enters upon her new life with problems 10, St. trick's. Brady's Bend, 345 Sixth Avenue, of weighty importance sufficient to tax her •11. St. iry's, (Uolish), McKeesport. Pittsburgh, Pa, solons without creating new difficulties sure »13. St. mi's. Butler. <1 Telephone 2280. to follow any trespass upon the rights of re- *ir>, St. A.W ligion. It may safely be predicted that the *1T, St. t 'o vies vil le. •IP, change of government will not: directly af St. •21, St. . Allegheny. aim is trained in infusing an interest among feet the status or condition of the Catholic St. Way iiesbnrg. the laity for religious matters. The mem King's School of Oratory, Church in this island. If there be any com- •25, St. is, Dunbar. hers should he encouraged in the attendance fort in the knowledge, the new Congress •27. St. at e militici "meetings. 528 Wood St., PITTSBURGH, PA. w ill comprise in its tirst assembly five Cath- •20, ss BYRON W. KING, A. M„ Ph. D., Pres. , West WInfield. St. Xavier's Alumnae. olic priests, members of the lower house. 30, Spring term i ,.i¡i May fit it with speri,»! classes in Kl- \ will give a tinn, fh>-!>ioal Culture. Shakespeare Study and Hibtu St. Xavier'«. Alumnae Soci Summer Session. •M. I'n , :ulv I to August 3. Ordination* heii«Tn reception in Mozart mil. l.atrobe, \ueu\I Session. I- al»'' Lake Siiti', Ohuutauqua. Thank heaven there are very few among .M<»nday evening, .1 une 2d. '1 e event is one j • ì twenty entertainments for Ordinations will be held in St. Vincent's t in the enter j us, and their number grows smaller, who of more than ordinary interi in the tirst week of .1 une, Wednesday, Ith, is Iii*' first (H'" i think there is no place •sday. 5th. and Friday. »Ith. The follow Pittsburgh Law School. TIRESOflE in Public life for Catho- of this diocese wil lie or- Law Department of the Westerrv University alumnae receptions, 'the diversion for the Vndrew l'ohornee. Francis of Pfmnsvfvania.. READINGt hes in the United States, dained priests evening will be military euchre until lt:30 Kolb, John Mailer, John Hykaeewski. I.en 1 all O il!, «¡11 1 • . in M- ml n. Octobct ti. 1903. Persons It is a doctrine that, o'clock, after which supper will be held and ' •!• - •; ii•i.i mati i> ul.m . slinuld apply to the Secretary. Meyer. James Carrigan, Anlliony Tarkow should be utterly repudiated. There is a the evening rounded out with dancing. ski, John Wezeeuer and John Creancy. RALPH LONGENECKER, place, an extending and increasing place. If t his is the second of a series of benefits j that 'lie association lias inaugurated t<> ; St. Nicholas Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diocesan Collections. they choose to occupy it, as enlightenment lupii.lale the debt of alma mater, and each ¡ 10-2 spreads and as bigotry and intolerance die The recent collections for the Holy Fati succeeding entertainment will be in charge iti!'-' -puri; timo can easily out. It Is the duty of Catholics to take n ()H. Holy Land and the negro and Indian »if a different commit tee, each vieing with ;ì SI 00 »•) 8300 per day intelligent interest in public life. There is missions show a heavy increase over those the other in striving for success. The asso- • •.vii liotnrs. No canvas- LADIES it-ntcul c-rnployment. no interest of public moment in which they of last year. They exceed these collections, ciation has a large membership in Pitts- burgh, many of whom it is expected will be should not take an interest. 'litis does not although at that time many counties now AMERICAN TEA CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. embraced in the Altoona diocese were in present to participate in this and the college mean that I hey should be narrow partisans, our diocesan territory. The collection for picnic, which will follow at Idle wild the WANTS. 't he supreme head of the Church, the august the Holy Father netted S5.000: for the Holy following day. June 3d. Leo Mil., has given light and learning on Land, $ 1,0(50, and for the Indian and negro m kint .nid «»'lierai house Mozart and i'.nul y ai V. M. ( M in ai W missions $4,200. ico. 211 lJitbiidee Street. political subjects in his magnificent encycli- Kock l'oint, I »ei ora i ion day. cals; lie believes and urges that Catholics Catholic Truth Society. truite a iot of new suitings have just ar- should interest themselves in the public life FI LTERS. of their respective countries, in support of We bespeak the earnest attention of our iseli. Light weight cheviots and homespuns readers to the work of this most excellent for two-piece business and outing suits. 10 x- Catholic principles and Catholic ideals, e. g. .TER lakes of titters kept constant' socielv among us and urge upon all who can •lusive patterns and only enough for one I y t 1 13) 1-ninth aveuue. Tele.719. honesty in government and justice bet ween possibly do so to attend the public meeting suit of each. This wet $30 the suit, man and man. A man by being a good Cath- in the Lyceum auditorium, in honor of l'ope ular price would be .$-!("> to $5»». Special fa ing. Id Miss Margaret Schnalm, of St. John's par- olic does not therefore take a diminished in- Leo's jubilee, to be held Sunday evening. cilittes tor cleaning and pr< ish. South Side, being a candidate in the the Tailor, 420 Wood street. terest in public life. lie has the same right June 1st. The object of the society is to j jcontest is giving a euchre and recep- to iuterest himself in public life as anyone spread Catholic truth, refute errors and tion at the V. M L rooms, corner Eighteenth correct misapprehensions. No charge of ad Trains leave Lniou Station for Hock Point else; lie has the same right to strive after at S : IÖ and 0.30 a. in. From Allegheny 8:25 and Mar y streets. Tuesday evening, June m,ss, 19 midfi | Admission 50 cents. She extends to all its dignity and emolument as anyone else H á"woSII» I».« » I'- »>• <- v. b: >• o«> lection takeu. Decoration day, May 30th. I the readers au invitation to attend. It is a false humility that would keep him does not seek self-gain, nor notoriety, its mS IM ti PirrSBUNUH CATHOLIC. May 28, 1002. Ignatius l.oyola and John Runyan. They Are Temperale Now. 1 i. t>. cali.kky, v JOHN W. TAYLOR. Treasurer Wo may faifly assume tlull Ignatius Loy ola and Jolin Iiun.vaii, in their several sta tions, were for (lie lirst t w»• 111 y or twenty City Trust Company, live years of their lives neither inueh better Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. UOr intleli worse than ot her \miioi nieii azUOIigSt whom I hey lived. There was little on the surfact' to iorbnil' the saint in either Capital and Surplus, - • - $1,250,000 of thetu, exeept that si rutui ami st allowed «n Time east: of mind which neem* i |>e imlis|ien»a Me •posits f I oil! Oic.lst natural hasis of liitrli holiness. Thai l.;ita Ivs Mi litis ultiinately attained to lii.irh holiness we luive tin; word of the < "bun h wheh i-.-nitui ized him. What the helmets of John I-.111 11. c. U KT 1 ENGEL, Cashier. yan was worth in the siuhi of < bid even reader of his works may eonjeei ore for hii Diamond National Bank of Pittsburgh, self ami risk his own eoneiusious. To n • > the writ inns of John Bunya n le'Ve been a ml Cor. Fifth Avenue and Union Street. are more and more as the odor of a held Capital, $200,000. Surplus, $350,000 which the Lord hath blessed, redolent of thai DIRECTORS: Win. M. Herat), Chftrle* Donnelly, W. A. Nimlck, A 0 Wettcneel ' goodness and sweetness, thai unw midline-- •lohn S. Scully. Wm. Ii. Rodgera. A. <1. Harnett, A. L. Iirnhrn, <}. W. Crawford John ami love of Christ. thai hmniliiy and hon.it tv A I \\. Robinson. of sin, whleh I I a lie to mark the presence A general banking btiBiness tranf.aet Discount days. Monday Wednesday and Friday. of the Spirt of (¡fid. even in i In midst of iui- .Hl. maii inlirmity and delusion. 11 is iioi e,i-> for an Englishman. 11asImlic or i'roiestanl, who tmdersiands Human to rea«l I dry eyes and without feelm.tr Ids heart sol I $50,000 Capital Incorporated, 1901. ened to impressions of trniee I i death of a Good Indian. I am not rash in speaking of .b l "eonversion" as well as of the eonversion of St. Ignatius, I'oor John's conversion for he ile flirt iiiil il öl Heil Pi., wtis "as poor as a howlef." and "of a low and inconsiderable generation" I u\ca u in fear, more markedly so than that of the chiv- Greene County Depository. alrous Cast ilia n nobleman, lie w a s Fifty Self the pilgrim at the opening of hi- " 1 To SOLICITS HUSlNEi gross." crying, "What shall I do to be ed? I fear that this burden (of si in that upon my hack will sink me lower than ihe ili grave, and 1 shall fall into Tophet fa lie receives "a pareiinient roll, a mi t here n a< written within. 'Ii.\ from ilie wrath to eome.'" father Rickaby. S J . in the Amci Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bank, lean Catholic Quarterly Review. OF BIRMINGHAM. red At 1115 Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Truth About Mixed Marriages. 4% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. 2%Jnierest Paid on Checking Accounts. j When a Catholic is so dea f to I lie leaeU Ings of the Church as to 1:0 before a ehil magistrate or a non-Catholic minister, ihei. • bill is every reason to fear that his faith is so weak that I he rude blasts of tempi a i ion and Fidelity adversity will be more than sufficient to e\ GERMAN Iiuguisli it. The children of such a < 'a!Imlie may learn to use a phrase often heard Title and Trust Company. NATION AT RA1W many parts of this country: "I am a friend 341 & 343 FOURTH AVENUE. ^ 1 of the Catholics, for my fa 1 her was om-e Concerning « a member of that < 'hiitvh. or my moihei Capital - - $1,000,000.00 of Allegheny. ought to lie a < 'at hollo." Expressions of that •d an article entitled ' W; Undivided Profits kind tell of an immortal soid bartered in - 910,151.19 ter ceni interest an iheiking accoiinli 709-711 OHIO ST., satisfy the era rings of an unholy love. A A 11 rates on time ifeposits Christian marriage invokes a Itlessingoii 1 in leading ( husband, wife and children: tin < ! I i.imincs anil insures Titles In Kenl Cita Assets Over Siile Deposit [luxes tor Kent. nuptials entail malediction and misfortune. — in-HCu of the misery which haunts the fool steps of the married couple proeeeds from Anion 84,000,000.00 such a difference of natural disposition in rs. jo; A. I the man and woman as will not eoalesee t.» "Cirls I .arrest Hank in the ("itv. form an agreeable euinpaiiiniisliip. It human it day weakness and folly can mar the beauty of the Christian nupi ions, over w hie Church extends the mantle of her pro!e.- American Trust Company tion. it vitiates nimii more those in which religion has no part. The I'roiestanl doe - ltd Si Anchor Savings Bank > OV PITTSBURGH, not reflect as a ('at liolic, a ml, how ever well vigil; FIFTH AVK.. PITTSBURGH liis conduct may seem to accord willi 1 h e •a I u 3.VI Fourth Avenue. maxims of human prudence, he ea man be Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. a good Christian husband, lie differs ,n tially from his companion in his nianiiei 1,ppofiiu of 1100 &nd thinking. Bolli the present and the future Received. Solicits Accounts from Banks, Bankers are viewed from a different standpoint A. M HUOWN. President n . . . ' JOHN KELLY, vier President. Corporations, Firms and Individuals. What should be all to hi- wile i- 01 link- Se 11 led By Admiral Dew e v. importance to him: he lives tor time and THOMAS II. LEWIS, Cashier, j the world, she for eternity and Coil. In a ff ¡cull Ii word, they remain, as before marriage, not a 1 one. hut two. ass that v'Ä^ärS; si h. — — —~ - V- They 1 t0 CheCk a nk I i. Î i Kuhn. R J. Stoney, Jr.. J. II. Scott. H^nry ! " Give Them Something to Read. irai hex a t A i Smith, Jmw Ii Purdy. | Speeiai rates of Interest on depoHitu made for The Pan list fathers Kliiot t and Co e battle Mi ESTABLISHED 1879. definite iH'iiodi. recently gave a very successful mission to matti non-Catholics at St. Charles' church, < 'hi- a go. Thirty-two converts were received The I Many of them had never been bapiized. The interest in the preaehimr w as verv -rea 1 111. ht and no less than 1 ,l'.lt> eopie.- of ••PlaiiJ BURNS & klill.lA, Facts" were given a w ay. It see ins "516 FOVKTH AV K, easier to gather in converts in the west than in the Oilst. Perhaps there i- more taith MEMBERS PITTSBURGH among nonfat holies out (here II.-re tln-v read too much that is they follow too blind' STOCK EXCHANGF M; ly the lcachings of atiiioslies and iutbhJ l ei. Bell No. 1 Court. You may preach to them ami 1 hoy .-annoi be lieve. (.live them books like Plain Pacts STOCKS BONDS RI AL I S i \ I I and you will find that you do not v.-t . their difficulties. ( Jive them faith and \.. furnish them that which they ue< ,| most' it is rather doubt fill whether tiiev u , | ] turn in large numbers towards the Catholh- iWTAti > RUmiM - PKoriTt Chureh. Still many believe that "ii 'is i|,e "Ci;oR<;|; i»i;\\ A STLADY 6,000,000.00 Catholic Church or nothing." ami ii 1- Telephone in Every House. DIVIDEND PAYiiR great pity that cheap literal tire is not fur nislied these wavorers by the ton. Cold tvoe The Idilli Butte Company pays monthly Is doing more work silent h than some of us dividends at the rate of realize. There ought to be dozens of bo,,!.- RluITs, lo as cheap as this popular work Civo us iti teleplj, 12 per cent per annum. half-million edition of the Faith of tun* l ull for a t wv!i t v-ti y Since is<-'<) this Cont}>auv has paid ers. hi the cent* a copy. This excellent to place $1,192,1-18 IN DIN II)|;N|)S ON work has been kepi from the poor bo A CAPITAI.IZA TION OF $250,000. enough. a I el'cphi 'II I IT:R CP.,NT be mu run We offer this stoc k to persons who ate PLUS Excursions to Atlantic City looking for a sure, safe and good in-

Cape May. Sea Isle City and Ocean <'itv N vestment. y mi s:i vi- .1-, Ocean City. Mil, ami liehohoth I'.each nil l'Odici I VK> OS O'PI.IC x TION si n i u l'eai'ii- Del., at very low rates, Thursdays es ;i eoilipe- 10th, July 17th and :!Isf, August Nth* a,,d 5i2 k di 28th, and September Ith. Tickets will l„ iiiiiiciis tenee and good sixteen days, including date of salt N. W. I Co, ^i[ l - i the world foi For full information eotieerniiiii tickets el* |i\ Hjiettiliy stop overs, time of trains, sleeping and par' lor car accommodations, call on or addre- nearest ticket agent. Baltimore & Ohio R j; [OERnANIA SAVINGS BANK. for full information which the "sal! au annual net Wood and I'iauioiid streets. When Does the School Age Begin. DoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQC The merry little kindergarten peop FACETIAE. soniewluu'e in the neighborhood of — with their games ant 1 songs, theii pretty . 8HEADACHE Artificial Limbs. ereises. and the plea sa lit imluci ¡i e melliotU ••\\ln-i FEICK BROS. CO. by which I hey are g litietl into 111 " 1 lo W 1 to 1 he butcher shop," sil•t said. o A Sour Stomach earnest world. M osi parents tl "Ha ve you money to buy a steak ," asketl he. A Sallow Complexion 4M Wood Street, tpiiie soon enough for a ehi d's serious "Ves, we've just mortgaged our place, said I schoolilays to begin. and it is taken for c Successors To g All proceed from imperfect di- g granted that a child who has no been tax — ed ami forced ami p uslietl into m itine devel Asci m Mr. I'ragley claims t< • be a mali O gestion. It's easy to acquire 9 FEICK BROS, opmcnl, will learn r: pidiy en tin gl alter iliat o|° stai idiiig in your church. O PERFECT digestion by using; 0 and mile stone, in a fo •mer dav chi ifireli were Hev. Mr. Coodley Well, he sh ould be. Ile O ° o very much earlier | uslietl 'into dticsll' rent it pew. Neubert & Son. world. Al four. Mai aiiley could 'eat! ami at Murray's § three Robert Murray M (-Che,vue 1 iati learned \\ liy do we say, "Cive us this d iv olir tiaily the Creek alphabet At sex ell a man who bromi". " asked a Sunday school t •aeher after today stands high in the literary world, was 1 Ile le-;son. o Charcoal § reading Caesar, ha \in g masieri • 1 I'.nglish "I5ei a use we want it fresh." answere.d a 1 ST. ANTHONY'S SHRINE FOR THE DEAF. reading at three am a half. I'll * writer tit :irl. O Tablets. § this paragraph couh 1 reati fluent ly at four. O Baltimore, Md. In the little chapel of St. i-'t ancis Xavier's School for ami was studying Hnglish his tory with Kl In 1 I>o you ihiuk !hat t eorge was 1 V ili\lt al»11l1 druggistsUIU^^I.M.^, oV'r1 maileiimnwd v.on. Q while U-.-af Mutes, located at id« MeCulloh Street, pleasure at si\. In the ohi days-, children's slrilek by my beauty? o receipt ot price. 25c. per box. Q thiee Public No-1 MIS are m.ule every month by the lives were very silli ile. and mit so exciting l'Ittr i 1 hardly think he was se \ e re i \ in oil the FIRST. TENTH <> fi O i l »ml Twentieth, f• >i the intention of all who have con- as now; ihey were sent early t tributed to the support of this School which has never they were subordiua e lo their p; 1*1'lit S Ìli S» • g A. J D1TMAN. 2 Barclay St., N. Y. § feceoed any aid except that i:iven by friends. real a way that their small mini s Were not Site I want you to see my ne w piano the ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i i v 1 I'lis DAY for the same in- tention weighted with ihe iced of th cisions (ill next t ine you call. There is also a Shrine in honor of the Infant of Prague, their own account 1 'lie new etillc ation is. on Ile When do you expect to gel the Statue having been inven as a Chunk-ottering, and it the whole, more s y m metrical, mm •«• of an all Sili' < dt. in about six months. has touched the miraculous statue in Prague. Two McKnight & Victory, Ni-veii.e: a month are made for the intentions of around affair, and it tells less a I id develops — in this little Shrine, on the FIFTH and more. The manual i in i it in tí u hieI t begins so "My money talks for me," sal« the gelitle 413 Fourth Avenue. Ml- I'F.KNTH. w children ina it i i the green plaid suit, wi lì the large «'I •> in need of many things to render it more early is admirably a laptotl to dn Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. eiiiciont and so to advance the cause of Catholic Educa- into a practical ¡Iire •t ion. They learn the 1 1 i-I 1 linid i in his shirt. • hi| has twenty-seven use of t heir hands a s well as of heir heads. W'hc real the wise policeman smiletl nier inmates, seven boys and twentv «ills; ages from 3 years now ing full well that it Dealers in Gas and Electric f ixtures, led iii lHi!S, with the Approbation of His < in many account- lile posi 1 u llemelli t of rily, 1, was li ush I Eminence, ( ardinal Gibbons school life is an ad\ a ut a ge. It g ves the lit money to which the gentleman •eferred. Brackets, Pendants, Pillar lights, Etc .. mother m. joseph, «b McCULLOH ST«1 I r, ST, I-KAN I 1.-, XAV1ER -, .. HOOL FOR tie one time to play nul as grown up life has Lift and force Pumps of every description. "1 a skei 1 papa when the mill« ' i n i i u i n wus 1 so little t ime f< ir pia v. chili!! diould lia ve Water Faucet«, hath tub sinks, lead and iron N . It Mi -II, and Novitiate where ap- ed a..' «t u I all the play pnssib e. Play is recreation. eomin' , an' if Mars was inhabit pipe, sheet lead, hydrant hoee. Cooking plications f"i Admission to the Order are received is lo- was gì • in' to rain next fourth of •luly, a ri he I cated at lit. W. 11 i. Iti le Sil,-et. Italtimoi e, Md. In the Seven is soon eno y mi know . ('arte r. that I cu n Planet the faith the world over. act ua ly write my name in the tlust on tliat Phone 153 North, » ****** The figures lT.'i.ooo. givm as he < 'atholie t a 1 ile V 220 FOURTH AVE. population of the is lami, ami of the i 11 iti t'a r er Faiih. that's more th;i n 1 can do. Stables 813-815 W. Diamond St., ** souls said to have perished in St. Pierre Su re there's nothing like edu •alioli, after ASSETS OVER only a very small |tereelitag e w ere without ali. the fold.

Distinctive anion,i. the builtliii gs Of 1 lie P,oo kkeeper What can 1 n. Hay and Grain^ that this edifice is ; il down w it tion of one tower. Mi its site so ifching par- .i>irate (to new |ioli.cenian) 1 >id you no- 716 and 718 Fifth Ave., lies found o.non ! t il a iewelrv store in the 1111 y later < hogs. This is the greatest sale of ! ceil wa i ele Geo. T. Oliver, Chas. McKnighl. ever held in New Kitgland There a New 1 hi (after a sei I logon .Jrvfteoh Wood, H A Philips. BRUNSWICK COFFEE. large number and many of ihe < ah arc nan may In h m -il a thai .1.unos \V. Grove, Geo. II. Motheral. young that those who do not wish i ay tl but lie liar. W H. Koeeh. J. Led Up <ì Ion Inger, high prices usually brought by i istori Win. F. Lloyd, I). r. Black. stock will be able to get some \ ery .Mrs. ( ailing au a i ('lias I ». Armstrong. Individuals at a great ha rga i i-: ele entii d W il ., New \V ma u Stunk« dairy man and farmer can afford to What dt luv dear? thine to enrich his herd, either a ( 'olíw "i cow. a heifer or a pig. It is the op i un of a lifetime. Those who cannot h lit have friends who w ill at lend shoith •argani Drawing a Sion them to use their judgment in it ¡i hundred. Big Salary something from these famous her T lien s .1 tl catalogue, which llood farm has published, myself. Wlia is not the \\ hole gives a great deal of information to those in hi a Klondyk< tiling. Saving a jv >rt ion of it is the forested in Jerseys and Yorkshires, and it > Ml 1 lashleigh V all important con- a work of art. It will be sent to all who Ni-, I nor tins." sna|»|M'i write for it. sideration. Start a • la milady. bank account here in i response, All L'iVf i and make a system REDUCED KATES. hoarder, "on if the saving habit. 4 per cent, in- ht daims th terest on time deposits. Chance for Trips via Pennsylvania I dues a t 11« fir lu Hit- las Small Cost. ni til SEND FOR BOOKLET. In addition to local excursions and reduced PRUDHNTIAL TRUST CO., fares authorized for various events, the fui Low-Rate Tour to the Yellowstone Park via 6124 Penn Ave., E. E . Pittsburg. It in & matchleus combination of th* high- lowing opportunities are offered for trips via est grades of several flue growths, careful- Pennsylvania Lines at special rates: Pennsylvania Railroad. ly selected, roasted and cleaned by the beat To San Francisco. I.os Angeles, <'al.. Ma; tin account of the annual convention of the motleru methods ami furniBlietl In 1 lb. Pat- 2t5th to .lune Till, inclusive, account Imperiai National Educational Association at MLnnc ent Preservative Packages which retain It« Council. Nobles of Mystic Shrine, national FI Ri INSURANCE, apolis the Pennsylvania, liailroatl Company full strength and tlavor Indefinitely. convention T. P. A. of Atneri-a. and Su will run a personally conducted tour to Min- It positively surpasses In drinking merit preme Lodge. A. t). F. W. neapolis and the Yellowstone I 'ark, leaving INSURE WITH Till; RELIABLE any separate growth, or any other comblna To Denver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo, New York July r.tli, and, returning, arriving t ion however expensive. Colo., June 21st to 2"hi. inclusive, account New York July 20th. Hound trip tickets cov- It U always uniform In quality and alway« Sunday School International Association, ering all necessary expenses for the entire fresh and fragrant. It is sold by retailer« t rientiial eon vent ion. trip, will he sold at rate of $ir»o from all City Insurance Co., at 25 cents per lb. always In packages— To Minneapolis, Minn.. .Inly 5th to 7th. in points on the Pennsylvania roilroatl east of never In bulk. Ask your grocer for it. elusive, account National Educaiion Associa 48 Fourth Ave., (1st floor) Tradesmen* B'idg. Pittsburgh. Kate from Pittsburgh $5 less. (Fortuetly at W Fourth Ave.) I'ittsbuiuh, Pa. lion. A special train of Pullman dining, sleeping, j To Tacotna. Wash., or Port land. Ore.. compartment and observation cars will be i VALUABLE PREMIUMS July 15th to 2oth, inclusive, account annual Organized 1870. Capital $100,000. used. Six days will be spent in Yellowstone j OFFERED meeting V. P. < P.. Society of 1 nil ed I 'res Bark. by I cria n church. )HN C RE II.LY. President, For itineraries and other information apply j KinVAKIi KEI.LV. Vice President. To Sail Francisco or L<»s Angeles. < 'a I., XLERED S. MSIIOP, Sec y and Treasnret. to ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 11'.»! Broad 1 A V. 1>. WATTERSON, Solicitor. FOR PATRONAGE. August 1st to 7th. inclusive, account hi en way, New York, or

0ATIEBDEAL—Tlie devotion of the Forty in attendance. Mi. .,. A. Ilunm, pr,,,<, .¡.i,,. Hours' will commence at (lie late Mass on of ¡he Alleghen v muni v branch of I ho A. < >. And Lots flore to Come. Thursday, 2!>th, the feast of Corpus ('liristi. II. u ill have charge. as- and will end Sunday. June 1st. This dov<> ret imie of aid-. Tin- soeiet}<•-• will assemble W „Z GET AN tion Is always opoiiod and ended with an ai Ihep ehuivChurch at 1 :;<;.,>( p. m . and will m.ne imposing ceremonial in the Cathedral church. over the following l I Bi : ; I J Surmises are rife In regard to fhe build Tu eniy-eighi Ii st ree ! heneo to I.ih. ing of the new (Cathedra 1 in the Belielieid street, to I 'en n avenu o Main street, h lì ask a <>r district. The recent acquisii ion of the prop tu Liberi v street ami d erty of the Unitarian church ah ing on the heal líe v. Bishop per Craig street has given rise to many conjee and the _ 1 turee. This latest property bought rounds •iate. in Verv Key. Fat Wilke Tile=Lined out what the Right Rev. P.ishop and his ad I' A. Bu risers think is needed. Plans have been place Ibv. Father Charles Foyne, submitted for the new edifice by architects I ram i.- he Sales', MeK.-t- Rocks, äHr ¡iij at home and abroad. The Catholic learn- prea i If ¡ j that at present the Right Rev. Bishop dues Beanc. master ot ceremonies. \ , rv manv of not contemplate any building operations the revcren 'tit. I1i this year, although circumstances may The annual pi. nie will b. change, and the building be proceeded with June loth, at Kenwood la n Si li AT In the near future.

SACKED HEART The novena in honor ST. PATRICK'S A class of L'lHI ehildrc of the Sacred Heart will begin on Wednes received Confirmation Sunday. May 2f»th, j day, 2Sth, closing on the feast, Friday, .Itine 3 o'clock. The Right Rev. P.lshop was a Demmler Bros., 5th. sisted by liev. l athers MeKeever, CiHinin. * ham. Kosensteel and Lynch. 526 and 528 Smith field Street. In the morning of the same day thev r< SS. PETER AM) PAUL Dining the fres eeived their first Holy Communion. coing of the church, and owing to the hin- And you will 1 more drance of the scaffolding, the church of the Help of Christians is being used, pro (em. ST. PUILOMKXA'S The annual pieni. for funerals, etc. On Monday. 20th, Mr. .la .... , - • _ ,• .bis congregai ion w i 11 take pia. e at Calli' SOU I) COMFORT cob Arenth, a worthy member of the parish ,,lirk ,<1:|> .,,„„. 'M.nn was btirled from the Help of Chrisiians priz. awarded ihe winner.- >> 1 han Irom any trip to the church. Hls son, Rev. George Arenili, cele bowli .'Uli -t. brated the solenni Requiem Mass, l atin i Suhr preached the sermon. ST. Kl! IC 11 »'S I'his church is al. SEASHORE undergo a I -vat ion. It will be ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST The prepara re-frescoed. The windows ,, i the west side tion for laying the corner-stone of the new will l.e made as 'W. The total church building- are completed- . The cere cost- of- iii• ---. -•••,— »'euietits w ill lie about SI monies will be unusually interesting and will HUM. The annual pi. ni. take place at 3 o'clock p. tu., Sunday, June day, .lune ITH Wh.. have themselves invested, declare Block of the 1st. Prior to the official function then- will previous outings. Calhuui be a grand parade of the different societies selected. MAPLE LEAF MINING AND DEVELOPMENT CO., 8..i British Columbhi, A Sure and Rare Investment. Tlie late r«npected and revered } Neighboring Parishes. ^ ,, BISHOP DURIEN, il h ALLEGHENY, St Peters Mr. Theo. C. port, a set of books. IVlOftSIC JOi?E H. rilMfVIELEM Gilbaum and Miss Mary .leekel were mar of the Okaaacan MlMinn, B. C„ reni !in th<> A very enjoyable social function, largely minster Iri the Hoard ..t I'¡rectors in >' stork of the diocese of New West- rled in St. Peter's at the nuptial Mass l ues attended, was held Tuesday evening last, York, who hat; sin, .• bee..me a Direct»' 'tter !.. the Ho it Patrick Hzau, of New •day morning. May 20 th.- Rev. Father Ryan given lu t iie interests of St. Thomas' church Personally I hnvt> pledk-oil iiivs.ilf i priests »Hi. are stociih iid.tr» i , i,|s ,J:If 111-..!her Ä « an 1 *-NiUri and ilio numerous Officiated. Tin jy will make their home in It was a euchre and several handsome prizes pa 11.11.1 opinion V.I I I an li..n< «ilr " »» i I a-u Kol-.JÍ to .10 »... In my .-»iiniMMKi llili ht¡m*It l.i your friiíad» ai Merrvviile. were awarded : a diamond brooch, leather a turn and rar« Invtwi mi. ,i. # cou. h and a china closet. REV. FATHER F J. HARTMAN WILKINSBUUG Rev. Father A A Lain ef Maple Park. 111., aim. a it... k!i.dd.«r -a vs ' I c.ui5ldur i Im v iii... .,r i <, « ' * ,. TFTng, LL. I», paid a visit last week to SH.VlíPSBFRG A an lnveainte.it will tun out a ¿r.»a w 1 ,' .. . rtl-< |Hmlb«lll«j. aiM fo •undílent thai Greensburg. lie was the guest of 1ns sis ill atiareholde». ' * « surroundliiK n.trfl :.»»« enrtehnd shrine of Lourdes 1 •ttu; e Mining experts make the >.tnu- statement ter, Mrs. Peter F. McCatin, of Oakland ave- lawn of the parish house of si Mary's une. church by Lev. Father .lohn Ott.-it. C. s Sp Sincere sympathy is manifested here for THE MAPLE LEAF mi ij I ii) DEVELOPMENT COMPANY The shrine will l.e a miniature duplicai imi Owns Fourteen Most Valuable Mines the sad bereavement that has come to the of the shrine Ihai lia.- fame throughout Fu home of Mr. and Mrs. Doran of Kruwiisville. In the very heart of the richest minim- . ,m l'ope. ¡111.1 the holy ill a ce to which 7hou-.n d - bv nitnes of the hotHHll.ns, of I ONI>0> - ¡a. tiring surrounded in the loss of their infant son. Moth parents oí suffering make pilgrimages every year mines, some of which, like the YMIK mI Vp ' . ' men. arid other rich pays now id for ;>o cts. a share were former residents of this place; the The grotto will be about 20 feet wide and mother, formerly Miss Agnes Lambing, IÖ feet high. The interior will be tilled with $ 5 0 V E daughter of Mr. John Lambing, and niece of And another rh e'ST °P° '°r " ° rocks and plants, anions: which will be our beloved rector. for illumination. liosslbllltles ana w.-aith-V• S- ' , r, J^r h'.S aml ,such ^rcat caultalUatlon; other» would have m i e a w n iu l BR ADDO OK About ,".t) members of the NORTH <> \Ki..\ M i .1, Columbus »'lub and Ladies' Auxiliary to ; he 'ph I >'Doom 11 club from this place enjoyed a troiìev ride one ut the oldest and respected citizen- ,, IHuiegal township, died suddenly Fri.lai to McKeesport one evening last week, and 1 1 U!ler evening. the pith, about six o'clock lie b treasury stock ••'> 30,000 share* of were the guests of the Young Ladies' Sodai AT 60 CENTS PER SHARE, ity connected with St. Peter's church of Me survived by a wife and twelve children Keesport, of which Rev. Father C. \ Me Michael. Albert .le--;,. -.,„; iV(Hl ,, Worth Today /»for« Than Par Value- Virginia oil (¡elds; Mr- '.lohn La lie " Mr-' Derinott is pastor. The Mraddock guest No orders°?or" less" ^fc^r CiuT'.^M^ Owen Brady. Mrs. Thomas McGuire ' Fle in 4 rus lus were entertained with progressive en. hie asssyer's reports and also for stock, can'.r write at once u» ' »' l""' - Raymond. Irene. Certrude and Clar ," -,' and dancing, and sujijier was served at mid '«"»«•• A R-quiem Mass was celebrated In JOHN R. TRAISEA. ro «^v. ^, m, . night. The prize winners were Mr. Joseph Um ;nis l ather (,!.', mi in the North Oakland ohiir.'i ^ ACtTt JicB If you Wiih n,...®: "V'T "' ' earlch you. A small Investment" an Uv the fo'undai. V IV^uV^ ~ Finnan of this place, who won a silk um- "11 Monday, pith, and the remains were in brella, and Miss Agnes Murray of MeKees terred in the ad ¡oinin- eenieterv

¡»is part. The debate, which closed the even Lyceum (irand Elocutionary Contest. ing exercises, aroused the attention of the There will be an e tic and vaiule- The annual eloeiitionai receptive audience. It was early seen where ville entertainment in tlie Lyceum on dents of (he l'i the si ii Monday, June I'd, for trglI l I '< »liege Of the lío the sympathies of the majority lay. and this B. & lie lieneMt of the B. added a little to the work of the affirmative. new Lyceum. Owing to he hard work for lay - i en ì iig . the L'ut Air. Francis A. M a limey was chairman an.I the past two weeks of the enterprisin: 1'he .vas a line asset young stage managers, Messrs Thonia aiid ml i 'rien.I?< ol" (he cu his excellent address commanded a vote of lege to honor Garrigan, this promises to he one of the eea sion i and to greet ti "lie hundred points from the judges. The $6.50 beat successes ever seen in this place. There ho CO1 1 ¡ î r h »d 1 1 for ti affirmative side of tlie question was ablv will be a new and novel electrical feature lis. Tf i rot* it leda Is wei maintained by Mr. « liarles i:. Meliuah and which no amateur companv has ever dared Mr William .1. Kyati. The nodali ve was lace bed sets, the respective student: to attempt. The winners of all atliletic eon supported by Mr. Peter A. Gostclloe and Mr. selected pieces from Ibi in recitatioi tests will be awarded line prizes. To show •lass ea 1 liorna" F. i "oakley. The marks for argu $3.50 their Interest In the new I.veeum evervbodv t hors. The principal medal, a handsome and ment, expression, delivery and gesture ran is requested to attend. artistic gold mie, donated bv A \ |i \\o. very closely. Mr Thomas F. <'oakley. how bought, one hundred and eighty-eight- all Plans, we learn, are bciritr prepared for the i.!i,..„,,s ,,„ ,„,.„ >„r «•ver. was 111', »eia inied the vielor. a' l'i the of two patterns biggest purchase of the judges eon. lin ing. '1'he musical program un new Lyceum building on Washington street kind we ever made. opposite the new church of the Kninhany der Uie direction of Father liritfin v. as aiilv the Philippin They're fine and pretty Renaissance pat- It will be a three-story brick buildhi" of . -- be Maintained or \0P modern design. The librar v. read in- room Among the audience hi-dilv ¡m voe;,| selections were highly applauded. tern Wire Net Fa eos perfe.'t. with one ex- parlors, theater, chapel and irvmnasiuni will "ratorit;11 s<• veral''of'the d|o i-epiion one of the threads runs double. a be handsomely equipped. While the new I v " Clergy. Kev. l ather .lol-u I'ri. e r-! Fifth Annual < luting by Sharpsbnrg f'oun- I<»r, of St. .Ian.es-, \\ . ;„„„„„„.,., , , ' I h ! I .el-feet ¡on so slight that the Mill had ceum Is being erected, temporary quarters eil. No. I.V.I, v. M t.. at * Rock Point, Decor- will be established In the basement of the made this large quantity before it was dis- mI ation day, Friday, May 30th. new church of the Epiphany. There are ¡^'JIX'S ;, "" U:iS <- Male , , covered "" Judges Were utianiiiiotis i„ Hieir v. t . now 200 members in the I.veeum Father h , k n Pi ,m 'I In- best Face Fiirlain Mill in America Lawrence O'Gonnell has charge of the work tertor TnhJohni iI'. t rovire -n hose (hein> "I • ..Ma. " i:\ciirsion Rates. Joseph Hodgetts Is manager. luei-v'S'' ,0°k" iionors. His For Decoration Day Trips. Nothing the matter with the shams. U M companion in Division II. was Master Fxcursiou tickets will be sold via Penn- We have the same Setts now in stock at Itlehard T. A Onnis in«.-. ¡. , f Everyone and their friends will be at tfe sylvania Fines for Decoration day trips. c good until May Slst, i Dusenberry's good Pies- Grocers restaur moral strength. This bricht v,.,.„.• ,, ' icuhu-s about rates ai ants. ds calm and forcible rendition sho ve ex" i> to ,l. K. Fin,m. Distri BOO OS & BUHL, ceilent training and a brainy concemhm ^f Passenger A: Hoom ;:t>u park buiidin Pittsburgh. Allegheny, Pa. May 28, 1002 TM 13 PnTSBLRGh CATHOLIC 13 ¡C7 Altoone^ Diocese. Western Pennsylvania Medical [College, 1' I T T S Ii U K G H , P E N N ' A. A 1,11 Mt.N A Mrs Agues W ilk in son died Frl Miss Mary Conrad, of thi: day afternoon. U.'ld. at i ..".<• of diseases inci announced. It will take SESSION OH 1902-i903. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. (lent to old age at her home I'.'IT l ift It ;u e Springs on 'Tuesday. June NT mi«>. Shi1 was married to Ignatius 15. Wil esi'8. MKDICAI. DKIWKTMKNT OF TIIK WKSTKRN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. klnson oil August :»«>, is;;?, tin- ceremony 1«' * 1 ing performed by tin prince priest In tin 11 A STI NOS William 0. Graded Courses of Eight Months, Commencing October 1st, 1902. old chapel which still stands at Uoretto, I'. 1 ionie ou Saturday e venin; (. -.,, v,..,|t ...... ¡.,.,i liisliiiciion Jirmcjil Superior rimirai ntlviuitnuu offered students. College and them were horn 1 I children, eleven <>f whom' of 11 years, of curvature t Clinic lniit.tiiiKH NI-W an.t a,Me,I :.n,l 1 u.-n-e., l.nboraleii.s und Apparatus. Hospital Medical Clinics and with tlieir father, preceded the mother t< Ward-hedfiUi.li: - f I,ni, s Suiti, it Ondatimi and Maternity, und Dispensary and Outdoor Clinics daily. Labors- funeral took place on Tues tory winik the grave. Her surviving children are Join o'clock in St. Poniard's el itais. address T. M. I Mr KEN N AN. M . 1) etarv of 1-acuity, 524 l'enn Avenue. Pittsburgh. S. Wilkinson. Mrs. John Farrell and Mrs, .1 oi respondents will wiite DR. W. I. ASDAl.K, Secretati I of Truste S. Oilelillst, The funeral took phlee fruit EUswi 8, K. K., Pittsburgh, Pa. S tiered 1 ieart church mi Monday Morning TV H«>N F tin Sunday II interment being made In Si. John's «-cm«- were published In St. .Matt terv. roue, ef Mr. Frank J. Mill, M John Mufty. in his «¡nth year, died at si> belli H av. of Pell wood. o'eioek Thursday evening at his home. pj) 1 : MACKEREL-NEW MACKEREL, Ninth nreiuie The funeral oeetirred oi l M Mil" A sanctuary Monday morning at In o'clock in !he Sa< iv« 11* art church. beaut it ili NEW HOLLAND HERRING AND NEW CODFISH. Joseph, sen of John and Ai if WrSolvrk. il ; l'or iiiir- Your trade wants them. We have them at the right price. of -It Ml Tenth street, died on T irsil:iy moni- ebusing the. lami» were raised by the mem- ing at ids iioine, aged 1 I year? The funeral bers of the Altar Society. occurred on Saturday mornim ii! St. Mark's The work of cleanin.tr up St Aloys ins eem- j I AC \ M^ATPPL) QON WHOLESALE GROCERS, i\. lTlCr\ I l^I^tV VX OV /1 ^ cor 7th & Liberty .Pittsburgh. church, with interment in St .Maw's (fin »•terv is now in progress under the supervis- «•terv ion of 11. J. Lynch. Eight men are at work, John Woods died Thursday afternoon at ami when completed it will present a tine i ;;0 at the home of his daughter, Mrs appearance. i harles Walter, 7o7 Third sireei. aged •'.) » years. lie was a member, of St. Mark's I .PFNSP.F IK I In the church of the Holy | church.' Name Sunday evening was performeil the Mr. and Mrs. William I Minim, of l.VJ'J J. S. BLAZIER & CO. beautiful spectacle of crow iiing the May OEALERS IN Eighlcenth a\enuo have the sympathy of all Queen. Miss May Brown representing the their friends in tlie less of their little 2-year tjlleeli. old son. I Toward, who died oil Thursday OYSTERS, FISH AND GAME, The Uight Lev. Plshop ailminislered < 'on morning. 22. lirniation to a class in the church of the <'harles W . son of <'haties and Ida Fagan Holy Name on Sunday, 46 and 47 Diamond Market, died on Saturday morninir as a result of an injury received at school, aged in years, » P. J LKONAKD, TROP. PITTSBURGH, PA. The funeral was held in St. Mark's church CAUUOI.I.TOWN The arrangements for on Monday morning. lhe observance o! Memorial day in Carroll Father I Minn, of Pittsburgh, celebrated town include eelebratimc memorial Mass high Mass at tlie Sacred Hi art church on in St. 1 iem-dici's church for the V. M. !.. Sunday morning. and the decoration of the graves of the Mr. P. Joseph I loss, of Pittsburgh, and soldiers buried in St. Benedict's cemetery Catholic Prayer Books, Re- M i«s Annie M. I'rita. of Vltoomi. were ma r by a committee of veterans consisting of ligious Goods and Church rh-d May 21st at H a. in., in Si. Mary's Vincent Ui«*g, «'harles I'unlap and .John \Y. Church by Father Zwiekert. Mr. and Mrs. Miller. KEATING'S Supplies. I less will reside in Pittsburgh. The pupils of Si. Benedict's school will Hev. Father Fallon, of MeKecsporf, w as hold an entertainment in the school hall on HAS REMOVED TO visiting friends in the A Itoona diocese last Thursday and Friday e\ citings, June ."»Hi and Opp. the week. c.ih, (>n Tluir.-day evening the entertainment Cathredral. Appropriate Memorial flay addresses will vt ill he by the girls ami on Friday evening 522 GRANT ST., be delivered ill the respective parochial by the boys. ¿chools on Thursday afternoon as follows The brick for the m w monastery have ar- Legal Blanks. IV.ank Kooks and Mationcn St. John's school. Father Morgan M Slice dy and William Talbot; Sacred Heart school. Father T. P. Smith ami William II f 'onroy: St. Mark's school, Father V J (>' Ueilly and i ; A i.i.iT/.i N r ¡she«! I'honuis Martin; St. Mary's I, Father D. Zwlckert and Frhardt Zeinsch. I i. hael I '. P.rai The lecture by Mr. James .1. Walsh, of 4 and Mi,ss Marga rei I, ,i. Mr. i;ramni + G R ELLIOTT CO., " New York, given in St. John's hall Thur> one of the proprietors the I'orta-e If. tlay evening under the auspices of the New Cullitzin. f T DlAflOND HARKET, PITTSBURGH, man Heading Circle. was one of Hie best en 1 ai her .1. .1. I »easy •ut Tucsiluv * tertaininents yet provided for tlie public by + friends at Fbensiburg. * Nurseries, Perrysville Avenue, Allegheny. that organization, and was attended by a 1 y stationed. • large audience. A picnic \vas held m Sat unlay, * A large class of children received their the licnetit of * General Line of Trees, Shrubs, hardy Plants, first Holy Communion in St John's church on Sunday morn ing. Hew Father Sheedy of i* Roses, etc. Prices Lowest. Drop a card for filiating. LOCK II A \ I ; X I at her .N.'cArille. ,,f 15.11. *i # l'onte, part icijiai.'il in i lie l'ori y Hours' Ih information. ASH VI LI J10 A picuie will be held ill t lie vol '¡tin services ili Lock Huven last week. i grove 1 H'coration day. under the auspices of 1 he V. M. I the proceeds for the benefit of i.oi:i:i"i'(> i rancis A Storni «lie.l al liis home Iiear I.orci tu oli Thnrsilay night, May Sr. Thomas' church. A la rye attendance is - a diocoan celled¡,,n l'or the l'r» ìr.t h. of atrophy «if the li ver, in his Tòt li author expected. tectory on Sunday, .lune Mh. and published Good Uy Screens * \ ear Mr. Storni u as marrieil wlieti ui h of l.oretio. Catholic University. hall Tuesday afternoon and evening. 27th. l'htee sisli'i's Miss Kale Storni and Mrs. But they last much longer, and— The work was greatly admired by a large l-nizaheth Sauker. hot h of I.orette, and Sarah The solemn closing exercises of the I'ni what is of greater importance— number of persons who visited the hall. Si.>riu. kiiowu in rclìLiiou as Si-»ter M <'re ersily will begin on Sunday, June 1st.. # \ el-, of t Ile order of St. .1 osepll. in l'hiladel here will lie a solemn Mass at ',».:'.o o'clock, keep the flies out— cum' SPHINHS The approaching mar jihia al so survive. luteriuoi n St. Mich at which Right Uev. Kishop < ¡arrigan of Si- riage of Ed wart 1 Storm. of Cressoii. and ael's c««nieterv. oux Oily, will pontificate The ("losing ser- We are putting in a great many mon of the year will he preached by Rev. 1*. screens this spring - good screens, J. Haves, S. T 1-, of New York, president I he institution has its own bakery, and 111 of course—But we are still pre- St. Joseph's Protectory. of the Alumni Association of the University. hovs themselves make their own bread. An The professors of the University will he en- pared to give prompt service— The seventh anniversary id' St. Joseph's what is more, they ;a l'e planm mg to oro a «leu tertained at dinner in Caldwell hall by the Protectory was celebrated on Trinity Sun Im •ad ai id sell it . and «nit. a nil make more rector, a nil i here will be an Informal presen- flay last. The invitation extended through thus put imo practic e t he prit iciple 0f learn TAYLOR & DEAN, tation' of the teaching corps to the newly the columns of The Catholic to its friends ing to take car«- of t lit llisclv es by in ak ing created Rishop later in the day. On Wed- anil patrons and citizens generally to visit the hest with that wh ii 11 111.1 y he at hand. 201 -3-5 Market St. nesday. June 1th, his Kminence Cardinal ami inspect the workings of the place was As t lie Inst it ut ion gr O WS, as it expects to do «; ibtums, chancellor of the University, will accepted by quite a fair number. The Pro- each year, oilier tra¡de s will he added! . and preside at the final exercises for the year. tectory deserved a larger and more generous many little improve inenit s W i 11 he ins tailed Addresses will be made by the chancellor recognition. It needed only the attcudam e which have so far 1» Cl'll denk»« 1 owing to a ami the rector, ami the candidates for de- The Sunday of visitors to indicate how little is t hui eh th e institut ion is limited treasury. Al L'rees will be presented by their ilea us to the Best known of the institution throughout the a ('athoik- one. it is reali y non seda riai i. and Cardinal, who will award '.he honors. Proposition city, and not knowing and understanding, many of the 1 »>\ s wilo a re she Iteifil an d giv I ii«' year book of the University for 1!)02-.'5 a corresponding lack of interest was display mi homes and au ed mat ion at «• the ell ildrcn You'll Fi rid ed by the public. The 5ame may be said to of Protestant parent is now ready for «listrihntion, ami can he had If Yovi Want on application to the University. be true with regard to the financial support Sunday's exerels« were prepare d l».v of the, institution year in and year out. lì rot her Theopliilnsi , t he s uperior. There There Is nothing received In the way of GOOD CLOTHES were recital ions, ma relic•s , violli n solos. drills. Rock l'oint, 1 ration da y. May .".m h. V State aid, ami there is nothing received in dialogues, etc., and ¡th e hoys « lid remai •kably To Order the way of appropriations from the city. well. The institut io n is linde• r t lu- tu:mag« ' Is My Line of A few men ami women, more public spirited ment ot the follow i ug 1 mani of managers. Blue rind Black than the great majority, contribute to the in umht Uev. II. Plii-I an. presililent ; Uev . Jos The Uuffalo. Rochester \ Pittsburgh Uy. Serges, Over Plaid stilution's support. Often this is insufficient e-pr««sllh' t it; A. Stock, epli Sucht', ¡irsi vi« has placed oil sale tourist tickets, good re- Chevoits and Striped Flannels. to make both ends meet, and then the hoys, Uev. J 1.. (,»uimi . second V ice presili« •nt; turning to (let :; 1st to Niagara Kails. Mtis- . many of them under 12 years of age, do the treasurer: U. M. F: igail, seel •etarv: C harles EVERYTHING IN CLERICAL rest.' They have a modest little printing of kok a Lakes. Thousand Islands. Adirondack M Schwab, W. li. 1 .upt ou. Feopoi d Viilsa«'k . GAR MENTS. lice, and a paltry few dollars are eked out mountains and all Canadian und New Kng Jeremiah iMinlevy. Jr., 1 VennI:s Hays . Ed- in that way. Then they have a tailoring land summer resorts. Two through vesti- I ward Kelly. Jr.. Ti tllS Porge r. I'eter Keru- establishment, which is perforce anything buled trains daily to Rnffalo and Rochester, ei, Willis F. McCool J« ihn Fiirret ì am 1 John J. II. MURRIN, but an elaborate affair, and thus a few more i, dining ears, free reclining chair cars and Molamphy. Fxeei.it i:V C l •omini 1 tee. Very Uev. new 1'ullnintt sleepers. city tiekvt of- | dollars are secured to help the good cause 203 BIJOU BLDG. E. A Iînsh chairman; Titus P.el'L.'«'!'. seere- lice 5tio Smithfiehl st reef, corner Fifth ave- along. It was but a short time ago that the . .Ir'. , ami1 1 .copold1 VII- institution bought all the bread that was tary; Fdward Kell.v nue. For further information address C. Fine Merchant Tailoring needed 1o feed the many hungry little sack. O il. l'Hseault. I>. V. A., 500 Sinithfleld mouths that dally applied for food. Now The official letter of the U t. Uev. 1 t Is hop x>ooooooococ^ PALI. TtSM BEGAN TUBO4Y. OCTOBER Ut. 8 75he HOME CIRCLE. ¡>y PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Established under the pan af the Rt. Rev Bishnp K. phctan, I). I> , and with special approbation of his Kmim

*OOOCOOOGCK>0C1 XX KU TABEE. ( t the hit: hef.t art ist it i tiik We nmke a spe< ialty f training organists in all the lech- FASH IONS. ni.jue nf chinch ¡uni con roi . and offer to them unnxcelled facilities for ac4 est navy, is the predominai in g spring tini. Tin« ju'w slot seam is much in «• \ idem e "r : Oil a lost tan iTOi'Otl clot li jackets, ,lj«' dinner tü ne gown ami s Il IV tu m i favored. t ' Ilces i > is m Telephone Court 1539, intended for sea also a va liante an Butter. Cheese. tile Witll a gui ñipe wh en 1th e di ans an- taxed to I either hi gh or low liti Il o.sl It lìti i liat a small p nee of ti Old (in os and n lotisse line tiri filler, iti .pie ha vii t il h their digest: McCann & CO., taffeta are anions Ih nost styli sii of new suimnor ribbons art ea 11V t hoy t'orni I lio h:i Fourth Avenue and Market Street. l„, of taking eheest ti in nor. l'ho ohe Collars and cliffs for shirt waist ilgin Creamery, Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Iiggs. We sell Retail at Whole- correct should iend to «ofI effects; »tiff should appear ot aldo a l'I or tho dos oll, linen collar is quite passe. ami before tlie o nid thin, orisi» pio sale Prices. We ask you to give us a trial and we shall of toast. Sometí course of ioliv : The beautiful styles of the. Fouls \ V. peri endeavor to merit your continued patronage. cheese is introdu od are coiunie it taut for dress, while tin A morirà us beuiu Gibson models role for athletic costnine; EVERY ARTICLE and utility wear. Girdles for shirt waist suits are notably so sist largely of l; rated cheese. GUARANTEED. Vere. tinishod with stitching. * * # Only the merest suggest ion of an elongal 111 K I Si: OF I'KIJt i\ I I >K ed waist front remains this season. I'••ro\¡¡lo is antisoliti« and 1'aggoting is the ua mo given one uf t he bleaching ipialit ies ti most popular ornamental t rimming si itches, average woman In hands of lho> Bo much used now. a re. familiar with i rtni's and the L. A. BUTLER, Coarse Hat braids and Hat rather wide ns.es in which it can l'Ut shapes, with low bell crowns and a neat lent. Haw llesh will heal tpiickl \ 1 Marquise shape, are most prominent among manic touch, and pimples will' disappear correct outing hats. without leaving scars A weak solution suit CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS A couching parasol in a dark myrtle green able for toilet purposes ea n bo purchased bv is one of tin- favorites of tlie moment. tho ounce, but nnle-s it is kept in a dark Hole or tab ends serve as a finish to many ee,lured bottle and awa\ from lie wmol_e:sal_e: and retail. stocks and collars, hoth ¡arue and small. loses some >>r its power. Some women pn The sash effect or birdie of contrasting for t<> buy it in sealed packages and full 628, 630 LIBERTY ST., T^ifrT'"1 Pittsburgh. stuff is one of the silent points of swagger sirongth and dilute it - no third with water summer gowns. w hen using it. It ean he applied i., anv part The present day sash is hardly ever worn of the skin, but should be kept awa v from witli loops, just I wo long ends fastened with eyebrows, lashes and hair about t he face be a jeweled pin in the back. cause of its bleat hitm power, l or suportiu Fancy veils of lace, draped around the hat mis hair upon the skin it ean be used with UP-TO-DATE. and falling ill Du Marry style, are much prolii. as it ¡akos oui tie- eolor by repealed With enlarged capacity and all the latest im- worn in the morning. application, and when used often emui-h if- * * * provements we are keeping right up with the * * * procession. NATURE'S TOXICS. ft if; \ |;\k llE.\l»\< HE. o Nature lias supplied many excellent tonics • 'our some boiling wafer into a basin, add ittMWtai in the vegetables which are now found on :l hllle ean do cologne. toilet vinegar. la von Your Patronage Solicited. the market stalls. dar water or even couimou vinegar, and ^froo^y Fresh, sharp tasting dandelion salad is a bathe the back of ihe neck just below the -•ULI TELEPHONE, BRADY, 101 line spring tonic. It eon l.ains iron and other hair, usimr the w aior as hot as \ ou r;ni bear exhilarating minerals that are put into pat it A cloth wrung out of ¡he same a ml laid ent pellets. A single lamb chop, eaten with across the forehead also does good Some JAS. S. McVEY. JNO. McMURRAY. a big bowl of dandelion salad, is a w hole people also drink a cup of hot strong tea -TsUtttc «wal for the spring fever patient. with a slice of lemon ¡n ¡t, but no milk or IRON CITY HEATING COMPANY, Rhubarb contains valuable a< id properties and eaten as a simple sauce is as good as * * * medicine. I'seeee "I'm k x< >\\ Carrots are a groat beautilier. They have |,, i, eelerv Steam and Hot Water Heating Un- properties wliicli acl directly on the skin. odor of onion- Manufacturers of DUQUESNE STEAM AND HOT WATER BOILERS. Watercress salad is a combination of vir \i; , . >..,... i.i.., . ,. ., .,, »,„ . ,i I i i , , , • ,IX Mm ' 1 honing w ii h a bitle amnioni tues that should be appreciated by the t<. prevent its hurnii t teatini: and Ven.it;,tin, .f Public ,.„1 P, Ivate Building. Estimates uf all kinds of Pipe Fittine furnished housekeeper in arranging the daily menu. E"urs will , Cress litis abundant sulphur and iron. frviiur pan Iv it PHONtS, Bell 2011 Court, P. & 20i s on hi red kn you are troubled with insomnia, try eating a with brick di is! and vuieg AMES t. M ANN li K sandwich tilled with chopped onion before n ,,}• p¡n e set on ibi IOH N S. FLA NN ERY going to bed. lj,, f' s i jams will p 'id i heir moh Cabbage when young ami tender is full or ¡u,. phosphate useful' in enriching the t .ft 1 For ordinary window washing a lilt le I ero JAMES J. FLANNERY & BRO., Hut it musl be properly cooked. Moil it w ater w ili prove an off. only fifteen minutes, then drain, transfer it \V(. briglitetior to another vessel which has been previously Kubbiii" vonr Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Iteli With vaseline heated, add butter, cover elosely. and allow win lemrfiicn iheir th of service ami keep it to finish cooking by its own steam or on ihoni blaek and soft the hack of the stove or over a double boil To el can so' white si., 541-543 Grant Striet. 1837 Second Avenu«. s got a box of com er. The addition of cream when served phoratod chalk mix ii^ Tel. 1172 Grant. Tel. Wood 5. makes it a still more ]>alatable dish. Cab- milk and apph w it h a ti-i »roes I. Flannery. Res. Tel . Park 301. lohn S. Flannery, Res. Tel., Wood 36 2. bage prepared thus is a direct benefit in * * *

purifying the blood, and, eonseipto 111 clearing the complexion. WHEN THE WEE T<»I>I>] L'li IT MIÎI.ES It HIN BUHNS. A child beginning to walk is sure to tro i a JOHN J. GILTINAN * * * good many tumbles and probablv not a few THE TREATMENT OK SERVANTS bruises, A common place for a bruise is the forehead, caused generally by the child BURNS & GILTINAN, As the servant's home is in the house coming down on the eorm u a sola or where she works, the relation between her chair. A m and the mistress is more close than that be swelling appears, graduallv in- FUNERAL DIRECTORS, tween clerks and their employers or workers creasing in size; later on il turns blue' then of any other sort. For this reason there green ami yellow, ami linaliy disaj.pears, 547, 540, 551 GRANT STREET, I he best treatment is to leave it alone If PHONES; Tn^u^sr PITTSBURGH. must be more considérât ion than when the the Child seems in pain with it put on a lit >HN BERNS. HKS TI- t.H.. 537.K. A A .' EAST jOUN I GILTINAN, RES, TELE . 1649 MAIN it'. A A.) situation ean be called a pureh business ar Ile eau «le cologne. A picee „f raw beef p rangement. Household service is a business a plied at once causes «a bruisoi m>ei t1o1 » .1i1 isa i it ioa r arrangement, and again it i.s not. and (hose very rapidly. housekeepers who rooogni/.e the two-fold * * * character of I he situation are the best eal » eulated to succeed in solving the domcstio T<> FHESEHVE I CCS i (ft problem. In the business character of the For preserving .-l's ó-.et n, , F. A. ERNY, 1 situation you must demand prompt;, effi - - s i mi k t nom hi salt •I t ient labor, honesty and cleanliness: but, on » t dn tw.dve hours after the.\ are laid, pílele them small end dow and m such "(I the other hand, your labor is a member of » manner that one o^-g will t touch aiiotlu Funeral Director and Embalmer, i your family, and w ill not secure p.od results nor the side of the vessel which they a Î! if you forget her womanhood. There is a pa ok et I. Keep them in a ol place ai GENERAL LIVERY. Ät great difference In people's idea of beinL- where they Will not be dis kind, but a kindly manner, orders uiven as * * * I TELEPHONES 202 SOUTH. 1822-26 CARSON STREET. | For onibil requests, a little attention to the bodily eon ter]y destro ng t lie most dition of the worker, a little friendly advice •s. for devas on matters of dress or similar ihing's that dalin g homes ucing { m i w'i •r misery pn concern lier as a woman. suppIemenTm- 1 Telen Notth 49Ó clean and comfortable i,„, * * in. is certainly a Men ma v good type of kindness. m niakt CHAS. O. REEI Keep Your Promises. than is generally believed, Funeral Director and Embalmer. ami not In no way. perhaps, can a young man th ruel than in similar e stroy his business character more effectual Nine men out of t3 •rises 0 OHIO STREET, Opp. St. Peter's Church. ly than by obtaining the reputation of one sohem-v eiihe ALLEGHENY wlro breaks his m-unises. The mercantile tIt. 11 her to having traded world, in placing i%!or its ban the individ their affairs' ,,r ', manag« ual who suffers his notes to be protested i al spot iat is. i ho v •ave undertaken mo less unjust than is popularly supposed. In Uiey cmld perfo'nn and -i P. J. & GEO. M. HcNULTY, Stnilfifi.ss nf toif.lul.lt, oi!. . Stances of hardship, we are willing to eon at the ti tue ot the promise that there cede, do• occasionoccasionalls y arise under the opera great tioubt whether thev . Undertakers and Embalmers, tion of this rule, but they are less frequent engagement. 11,4 5 4 ould ^ Tele. East 300-2. 5989-5991 CENTRE AVENUE. A Page for the Young Folks. @r—

I'Al'A'S I>IP1.0MAP\ io an tue tui ly had retired. She thought Alice 11 y Jau lawk. « Mi. Alice. m\ .c. I.ul on striking a match found was fast asleep. After a while the ¡Urii.ii for • ( 'a 111 • > 11 •-'.'in tu ¡aIk • a >h how 1 wish Ar- i.(-mil iniieil.ï Kley would send me some flowers, She was wnüilcriiiu if Arthur u. 1 11;:11 not mean that he loves me— that t'M'iiinii ti. |ii i.|i.(sc in |.i I Mm w 1 1 love him so.' t "l»o not blush, souihUhI nu the door, :tml tin* n. -, nay as well be tel.I now."I "Well, lie was siaiiiliuu tu'l'ufc In r in al! ti w as very much surprised at the ¡ltion of his manly lu au;y alni ai I. for twelation it was to her; she beai'itiLT. suspected that Alice loved you. "Ali. 1 am m'ii'Vi-tI to In ar of yum me. to whom it was not so much of sitiou. Miss < ; ray. 11 < • w arc a continuation for I ihiwV" as la- advanced in 'in- irem suspected Alice's secret. Having a 1 hit in 111'.* dia ir. wliii i diilii um ai "iil: conviction that the young man ; weakness ami pleasure. 11 • • t«>ok ! 'U did love tin yeiiuu lady in i[ues- jusl as formally as evei :iml timi w on 1.1 not declare it for some rea- himself a short spare opposite lie nd VI n'-r. I resolved je try a little strata- was no e\ei11 • 111e111 m' em-'t mu iu .Uhi- fi u'lp affairs aloii.tr. The whole thing net* u hat ever, ami Alice's liea ri Poor . that I secured a card of sink, lie was acfìiur si ra timely fur man's off the hall table and sal- had that iiiorliihu proposed, fhmiu i in i pi est uf some (lowers, for 1 had some source or other that the III' s OOll lM'i an had said jf he ever sent or tiavf s uli itH'1 wottld mean that he loved lily « 1 mi Al Well. purchased an Faster lily, and iicss ¡.nul whir I and card done up in one package •m tlic Willi lu [it to the lovelorn lass, and if I can i a 1 u . 1It 1i.1 « 1« 1f l i «! -11 . ! with the desired re- -Alt. what a iben with a hearty lamrh he led Alice thinki to Alt- chair and joined (heir lie cefi a inly d "Pu.'iil. I never thought I'd inaile 1 he ivi i to be a match maker! < 'hildren, my t lll'fllMI Sllli.jcc 1 - |'e "Ves . it vva (The End.1 Mr. \\ '.•llslcy. prêt 1 ily.. " 1 w; eh pleased. I < Mi. In>\ V S\ve PITTSBURGH tTNION STATION voice ill W'lllc PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD eapt i v;a t itifi. ennsylvania Lines IN EFFECT 'AVtABV I, 1902. •W'li V, Willi your 1 »anion. Miss Clav, d«rd Ti TRAINS ITAVI; UNION STATION, PITTSBURGH lutatati it*. v.- fellows i Eastern Standard Time): "Mi- take." TUA IN: I Kuli PHI LAWELPHIA. NEW YORK, BALTIMORE iuu he r check •at;. 1 at 1 10 am • I t". am ANW WASHINGTON "No. 1 "elll.'l utiapo 8 an I. 1 1.0 am • 1 tS itfii ; Atlan Ex press, daily 3.00 A M once. • arid 1 ir. am 1 tu am I'l'imsyl'omis i vania l.imited, daily 7.15 A M Ti Hill and Tule.ii j . Way h xpress, daily (lower s t<» a } . 7.80 A M 1 !.. M I üllill-'.ft])u|is Hint St 1; Main I,ine Express, daily 8 00 A M 1 un en liei, Weilsville and iiciìatu I am »tarlisi.tirg Mali, dally .. 12.45 P M wist f tilly. Welinvil • and Hi-Ham I am riarrislinrn Express, daily 4.49 P M Alitane«.' and Ci.vi-ian einlade'pina Express, daily 4.60 P M ••I r \. M. and lu 45 p jf. 50 pin j daily. sa\ t hai voti were pleased a Fur Oil city, «; 15, !> and fu!l information can be obtained at the Ticket "W e'll take your tol a u ay Hill tal ottiees No. 360 Fifth avenue, corner Fourth avenue and Trv street, and I'liion Station, Pp to our pretty i lu rry tree I v) nin. , Ε * 50 am, ;2 .1. B. IH "Ti HINSO.N, J. H. WOOD, To spend the mouth uf May. h.ast i,iverjii (.ietterai Manager. Gen'i I'ass'r Ageut There, all ilie day fnuu morn !ill nijiht <>u a leafy liontrli shell sv. i11u. Salem and J I ilr.T ¡3 111 pm. •ry .lay. ,. s only. Su inlays only, And there, until the muriiiim's liirht. e tables, tie ileeping ear space may I e Pittsburgh & Western R. R Her Hi I la I iy we'll sitm. at 360 Eift Si UKI'I "..K linn tivk NOVEMBER 17, 1901. I'or when she tires we'll mail' her a lie, station. Pi and at Fort Wavne stati Leave B. A <>. Station, Pittsburgh, Eastern Time. l\- ti lenv For i hieago. *3.30, 7.55 pm. (if cherry blossoms fair. Fur Cleveland, *3 30 pin, Akron, Youugstown, New (>u which to lest her little head < 'a.-tie. Eli wood I'ity, *3 30, »7 55 pin.Leave P. A W. To dream iu the mootdiirht air. station, a I leg hen v Eastern Time, for Youugstown, ¡'iiniesviilt' and K'ane K.ot) am. Clarion, Koxburg, "We'll feed her oil the choicest crumbs S ui am, 13 20 pm. New ( astle. »8,00 am, j-3.20.t5 HO pm., Elhvuud City, ».s 00 am, fL15, 13.20, »5 30 pm; Butler, That tall from heaven's irate; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad ' eii, *soo. Ho 45 am, 11.15, +3.20. »5 50, ft>. 15 pm; Erie, For aiiiriTs feast uu simar plums Meadviile isixiam, 11.15 pm; Mercer, Oreeuvllle fS.OO'; am, +i 15, 13,20 pin. Aml dainty am; el cake Leave Station, Puiiman Sleeping cars on all through trains ¿between And we'll steal a pair of aif-iei w imrs Pittsburgh and ('hieago. Then pin them to her back I'll •Daily. I Except Sunday. To take her .iff to Saturn's rim:-. & Mi Pk (;. w bassktt. q. p. a. And .Jiuiinielioys hicycle I rack. l'I) & Fidi We'll itv tile Sky I ruin north to soulh. & Mt Piai Then round from ea-i to w.-i IJUFFALO, ROCHESTER AND • And when she shows a pu«ls'iimr mouth 112 20 pm 0 • PITTSBURGH RAILWAY My Ilea Veil's irate we'll lest; Ile oc Mt I loas ih » nd Bait THROUGH VESTIBULED TRAINS (In an emerald sione out -ide i he w all PRINCIPAL CONVENTIONS * 4 00 p m Where robins often go. BETWEEN t 5 00 pm To learn the angel's buirle call Piiiiadtdoh: iv York Pittsburgh Rittsburghj H< N'ari I, it Tills much may mortals know, and | and ' States r Which lai i;at Wash Wail and Philst "«>h. robins, stop," 1 said in turn. LINES WEST Buffalo I Rochester lu Kfï via Half A I >hi \Y,e;h 'Pis! .V Wheeli "Although you're kind forsooth. ( . 1 C in and St I. Ex .Ml „nice Par! M«l. V. M « ' A. 1 -•..!'!•': HI- WITH PULLMAN Sl.EEI'ERS, HANDSOME To liud for her sm h dainty tood. 1 >AY 'v.'uac HES, CAI-'E and FRKE Kbclinino CHAIR CAKS, She has a stlirar toot h: V A. Ul .1 ui Tickets a Col Cin and St 1. Ex Quick lime Superior Service. 1 iideed, you cruel tittle things. LINES WE VU Some hear! you surely lack: 171 CbicflRO and Cleveland ... From P. & W, STATION, ALLEGHENY. t To think you'd pin a pair of wings Fra ir ¡ft Noi of Mvs! Siiiliic, Very ÎLeave P & T/eave Xmve To a baby's tender back! PutW Ka.-teni standard Time Tiel l:iy L'ii ,1 uno 7. t.»m Buffale , Rochester, Punxsy, Wu- "And Pin afraid poor selfish mc tun I Ut li ila y s from d'iti Bois and Brad ford Exp »9.00 » m •6.45 pm win , (»cut ed a nil on i*u • and WuBois A ceo in It 10 p m 111.00 a m As you rest on that emerald stone. Buffali and Rochester Express.... •10 00 p m *7 30ajn Very much sttrprisei! you'd be lift' at 11 io dt' oM'oiit inn al 1. »Daily. fWeek Way», If you were left alone; a m tram has < afe an.l Reclining Chair Cars. For the angels would take a peep at y it) am l.llv Hut Iman SU . pint; Cars on 10.00 p tn train between Pittt- They'd glance at her. and ilien: E11V d and Ht imrgli ai d Builalu. PttUburKh »nd Rochester. Why. they would surely take her thrmmh Butler. I ,. l;i t , ft:,,00 -miti'tield St., corner Fifth »venue. Butler nnd Ha-inonv.. 10-30 pai 20 pui E c L.-Vt'EY, C. O'D. PA80AULT, With the wings you stule from them." •Oiiily. tUaily except bunday. i ion 'i i'asa'r Ag't, I>iv. Paaa'r Ag'tL Marie Louise < I miu. Rochester, N. Y. Pittsburgh, P Youogstown. BAUER BROS. & CO; M r < i* BAKERS, i* VIENNA, Our Lendine QUAKER, A un Branch W HOflL-MADL, HEALTH. Manufacturers of PAN CAM and BtiCkWIir AT FLOURS. day at recelv 571ÎÎ3 PK NN AVENUE, E. E. BAKING POWDFH •li vert m] Tele. E. E. 74. l^ittiiBurjfH, Pa.

Makes delicious hot biscuit, WUNDERLY BROS., > i t II t witn i m- compliments o I INE ART DEALERS griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. Miss »Catherine I.aughlin, près have removed to eut a t ion. Father Meurs respond words expressive of his osteon 607-609 Snii ili field Street. An absolutely pore, cream of tartar powder. appreciation for iti Where you will find the largest stock of Framed Pictures from 81.00 tip, ever into complaints If | shown in the city, at greatly reduced his virtue Is des- prices. Our Societies. RECENT DEATHS. Plaster Casts, Copley Prints, Mir- rors, Old English Prints, lite. Knigh Is of Columbus. (i. A. k. F. NC A MI* Mi-NT Altoona Council. No. ."»I. a nu-ep Mr. and Mi Tuesday evening. ScmmmI Wunderly Bros., Pittsburgh were present. < iel rysburg via Peiinsy The preparations for-toiif ia ilailroad. 0(17-000 Smithfield St. degree a re complete U most itnposing luii' wis n-1 I ; ialiti Ar PITTSBURGH. history of the loe;i i ne naie i- Wediie.sdnv of 1 'enii> Thursday evening, at ' evening 2Si h, as er ¡ned tn lasi i nia Ha ilroad Co i.'inv w DEER PARK HOTEL, week's Catholic. ickeis to Cellysl all sta- DEER PARK, MI). Vnnsvl Mav :;i. ,1 une I. MOST DKLIOIPTFUL SUMMER RE- Y. M. I. eliildhood a SORT OF THF, A I. LEO 11 K.N IKS. Attend the Outing of Siiarpsimrg * unie il. u radisi1. Uose No 48!), on 1 )ecorat ion d:iy. Lid ighter of Mr. above sea to ve I. The Loretto Comieil ni' the V M 1. uavi a d Mi Wall Station. bail in the pa rocliia! school ha il on Saturda.v I principal cities evening. il. was w e 11 altended and a h m ! i i y ne 'iiei ii con ven- v Mi lnuhs Klee n ie enjoyable affair. An on hestra front l'hest ; t. A ii Wilt I uestia v re T levai,irs. Tuiki-h Springs furnished gond nnisic. FIRST On Sutuiay. .lune M, the four Altouh lit 11 he I a 111 Kan. . a- unnomnnmol I sort or your olidation will strengt lieu the order • r daughter with The members ni i lie A lu , jpg•n sI * ï>.i*. %^¡ffl l a RosarRos y and a ( shortlv attend in a body at the Saered Ileart Book, or 7 J. J, McCORMICK,^ ehurch at S o'elock. wiierc will be ¥ fi dSiitljiOT perhapnerbai s some said by ihe reetnr, lies, riioiiuts i'. Su other article of for the repos1 e of i lie .--ouis "i the detea>ed devotion as a members of the order. Communion Steamship, Railroad and Day Gift? We Fish balte V. M. 1. Uutlng Mai have a fine cata- 30th logue of Devotional Articles which Exchange \gent, we will gladly mail to you, free, on Will move to request. E. B. A. 506 Smithfield St., Branch No. Mo. Altoona. bas e,t The W. J. Fee!ey Co. - following officers lo sei ve dui 7 4» Monroe St., CHICAGO. MELLON BUILD!NO. ing year: l'resideut. B. V. Mntiahan. vice pièsident, A 15. < nie. st ci'ct; ey ; treasurer, Michael Shut/ ; marshal, Wtl liam Lanaghau; stewards, John M. .'Mulini, T. <;. I:\ A.\S .V co and 0. A. Conrad; messenger, John 1 ialini). PEW RENT RECORD What to Buy the and RECEIPTS. C. T. A. li. New system,Simple,Convenient The monthly meeting was held in IMI BRIDE Economical. quesne hall, 21»; l'enti avi nue. Sunday 2 11 h, and was presided over by B 1 Cull, in ti e 1 iride ( »lad to send you samj.)les and absence of the president. l'a t her p.eatie. •Hilter number of delegates were present from ad prices. joining parishes and tlie attendance was \Y LODINO PR LSLNTS large. The action of the governing bnaid in I;ICH BAUM COflPANY, selecting June loth for the date of t he an Book Makers. Printers, Stationers. Engravers, iiual convention at New ( last le was indorsed, Binders. and it was decided to make the occasion a 232 l ifth Avenue, grand liehl day and to wcleome all who i M ANACI: li H Alili Cut Glass in housands of Pieces and Sets. eonie, whether members oi the union or nut. V l'A V Pittsburgh, Pa Secretary Stephen Madden was instructed to Chi-\,a sets Ills-ill tue success of Mi; secure specially printed railroad tickets for This Werk Only.. $20 people's unions io attend .-i unit •la riaii lieh Miss Ma Mr. Mi rally at Now Caslle, Juno 'JPtli, ua 4 ¡m) 0 ed and attendance there rci oi e. has, it Our Name Guarantees Quality. The Catholic Total Ahstiiu'in e I i ever, has no authority to elect del MlIHt T. (i. EV \NS & CO. it, but some oi' the members will Ik burgh and th testing; tin im 506 Wv lie Ave., two doors from fifth. A 642-644 Liberty St. shown lu the L. C. B. A. seats. The s; The officers in attendance at !i>< lar iTrtKija|7 meeting of lirauch 211, held \V Mr Clarke hi a v < .'odi va." it 1 evening, May 21 si , w ere handsomely remem "Suppose i Live." bered Eloquent addresses wen- made, Mi s An endowment policy Is a wonderful Joseph Miller was presented with an emblem help in I lie matter of living. The ,. ir A pin, and responded in a feeling addn proPlem of living is a deal harder than Mrs. T. M. I'opp re.-e the problem of dying anyway. Read Slip IS (juet, also a pair of Iiresden vases. M rs. will our iltile free, tense booklet, "The Miti Frances Bit'/ received a vase; Miss Wirt 11 ill! i low and The Why." It ia cheerful, not was given a flower vase; Mrs. Magdalena doleful. |PliB JÊÊÊÈÊÈ&& Whirl an emblem pin. The meeting was Are you golii closed by the spiritual adviser. Rev. Father PENN MUTUALLIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, • Ao* ','.'• J I ,'Y. VV AV£.. Norbert 0. S. B. An elegant lunch was Buy Cood Pit ••^ifXP x-ÀJ-i • a me. J » i ttil Chestnut Street, Chltaitflphta. then served. berry's pies art restaur tuts. IìOJelephone ¡079. PïTTSQL/RQty, Pfo