'Preach the (iospel to Every Creature." Mark xvi, 15. VOL. I.IX. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, i<>02. NO. 20 NECROLOGY. ST. PIERRE. Father Joseph Cody (Concluded, Adminis- Miraculons Preservation of the Blessed tration of Rt. Rev. Michael O'Con- Saerainenl The Jesuits' Troubles nor, First Bishop of the Incidents of the Great Diocese. Disaster. By Rev. A. A. Lambing. 11 1 >• T. PIERRE'S disaster has much about FIFTY SEVENTH PAFLU 1 it that is of interest to Catholics. REV. JOSEPH COI>V (Concluded.) S ; ' j r 'TWfiBM \. More than three-fourths of the victims mwr i. luive seen that «111 íU* a number of were of that faith. Their wonderful devo- the stations which Father Cody at tion and beautiful trust in their spiritual » • first attended became in time sepa mother, were shown by the way in which rate and independent congregations; hut for they flocked to the Cathedral to implore the n time some of them also had their out mis mercy of God for protection. sions. Some of the older missionaries had Z'X&Sf ti&Sr PMllfei. The dispatches have said that in the ruins their own ideas about parish boundary line of that structure hundreds of charred bod- and parochial rights and privileges; and W V MiMftl&T^li?"^ ^ ies were found piled upon one another, more when the. thought occurred to them they •fwtra being taken from this place than from any would, like St. Paul of old. go around and other spot in the city. visit the places where they had previously More prominent than anything else con- preached the Gospel. Notable among these nected with the disaster was the peculiar were Father Cody and Father SUopez, of WtBMku safety which a eiboritim filled with conse- the diocese of Frio; and it was not unusual crated, wafers seemed to have. This eibori- to find one of them appear in a Cathode set um had been placed in the tabernacle of the t lenient perhaps a considerable distance main altar of ihe Cathedral and although from his church prepared "to hold a sta- hardly a stone of the edifice was left in tion" at a farmer's house, for the conveni- place this frail golden vessel was 'left un- ence of the scattered families of the neigh m serafehed and all of its precious contents hoi'hootl. The people appreciated the favor, ill was left unharmed. The miraculons escape and as he did it at his own expense, his w-1 of this consecrated article was truly wonder- brother priests found little or 110 fault with ful ami the reports from the island say that all who have heard and seen it regard the him. Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, D. I). Father Cody's held of labor had long been fact of its being uninjured as a miracle. confined to Sugar Creek; and as the place The island of Martinique forms one Catho- was retired he was seldom seen aw ay from lic diocese, which is known as the diocese home except to visit a neighbor; or at Kit of St. Pierre and Port tie France. The stopped a few months at Pa moils* at S I per week." As yet no residence Bishop of St. Pierre is a suffragan of the tanning to stop over for the night with < '"1. had heel) built for the pastor; the congrega Sirwell to take a trip to Pittsburgh. Put to- continued his studies. Me ma \rchbishop hi' Bordeaux, in France, and his ..11 .1 ulv •« tion numbered about -l.otiu souls; and the diocese ¡- regarded as a part of that see. wards the last the labor and exposure of his in philosophy and theology an illialit exa 1 pastor up to that time, Uev. l ather < >' Ueib "Che P.ishop at the time of the disaster was early missionary life began to tell on him 1 NT',, passed one of the most h iy, was assisted by Rev, Father Joseph F. 'lie Uev. .1 ules Francois Pierre Carmene, and he became very feeble, and required con- ¡nations ever witnessed in that Oeane, w 11 o remained to assist ihe new in- who by a peculiar chance was absent frfffil— siderable aíteution. The neighboring priests cumbent. The first eare ot' Father O'Connor the island and probably owes his life to this assisted •easioitauv a.' Cardinal Wiseman in his "U licet¡011s ot was to examine into some matters referred fa<-i. lie was immensely popular among the their power; but at length, near the end of the Last Four Popes." in a highly compli- to him as the representative of the Bishop. people ot the island. Me has been over them ISC.,"., he was constrained to transfer the bur- mentary manner, and in addition he carried off the gold medal for mathematics. I 'ope Ile tlieti turned his attention to the building since 1S7ti. den to other shoulders, and Uev. .1. < >'G. of a schoolhouse, and for that purpose called Gregory XV!.. who was present on the oc- Me has been prostrated by the shocking Scanlon was sent from Kiltanning to assume a meeting of the men of t he congregai ion, casion was so pleased that he remarked lat- end of such a large part of his see, and was the pastorale. Soon after he rei ¡red to the .1 uly Ist h. at which a committee was ap- er that he deserved a crown of gold, Me for a time seriously ill in Paris. Me was so Mercy hospital, Pittsburgh, whore he was pointed to take the matter in hand, and a took his degree of doctor of divinity, but very anxious to return to the desolate St. affectionately eared for by the Sisters and by subscription was opened which reached s I ,- had already been ordained to the priesthood Pierre and ruins of his former home that it his nephew. Very Rev. Father Mickey, w I10 ».M the sa me day a more considerable sum on the 1st of the previous .1 tine. was with some difficulty that he was re- was then Vicar-General of the diocese. Full at that time than at present. Me was immediately named professor of st rained from starting immediately upon re- of years and rich in merits he calmly rest- Sacred Scripture in the Propaganda, and a (To he continued.) ceipt of the terrible news. ed from his labors In the sleep of death little later he became vice rector of the Ir- August 7. 1871. in the 70th year of his age Ihe history of the Church in the islands ish college at Rome. Me was frequently Bishop Garrigan Consecrated. has not been chronicled very elaborately and nnd the 3ath of his priesthood. Mis remains called upon by the highest authorities to there is a great dearth of information. The were taken to Sugar Creek and laid to rest •¡nit v Sunday, M a v 'Jôt h Bight Be v. prepare official documents or revise them in most important evcut. or 1 lie one event for in front of the church which lie had served Or. Philip .1. Garrigan. vice rector of the the various languages with which he was which this island was the theatre that had so long and zealously. Father Mickey cele- Catholic Fniversity at Washington, was eon (I ! tie Popes any lasting bearing on the affairs of the brated the Mass, and as he had married my familiar, and was seerated Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa, in St. guist" oh account of bis ahiliiies in 1 hai line. Church in the world, had to do with the parents and baptized seven of the nine chil- Michael's church, Springfield, Mass The S0011 he was re cali ed io I reland, being the 11 Jesuits ami their expulsion from France. dren and as I had served at his altar and ceremony began at 10:30 o'clock ami lasted twenty four years of ago, w liet e he occitpied worked on his farm, 1 was sub-deacon. four hours, .lust before the .close of the ser- Martinique was the scene of the prelimin- se ve tal un import a ut positions. A1 length Father ('ody was no more than medium vices a cablegram was recei ved from I 'ope aries which finally resulted in that occur- t li ere was a proiessorsliip of dogmatic theol- height and well proportioned; was not highly Leo XML. congratulating Bishop (»nrrigan rence. and to ihis day these preliminaries og> vaeant at Maytiooth college, and as us- are among the best known things about the gifted; but very earnestly devoted to his ami giving the Papal blessing to him and his uai the re was severa! applicants l'or the ex- history of the 1'hutch there. The story of work; was of a temper that was very easily amiuatiou which had io ì»* passed I »eforo the The Ut! Uev. Thomas O. Heaven, Bishop Father \ ntoiue Oe La valett.e's unfortunate ruffled hut soon returned to its wonted com- appointment would he iliade. Chief among of Springfield, was the eonseerator, assisted speculations and transactions in the island posure. and had a high idea of the true dig- these were Or. O'Conuor and a Or < l'Beilly, by the Bt. Uev. Thomas .!. Coiiaty, reef or rendered him a bankrupt and brought dis- nity of his sacred calling. Though not des- and it is sani that cadi mie remarked ihat of the Catholic Fniversity. ami the Rt. Uev. credit for a time on the order is perhaps tined to figure prominently before the world the only persoti he tea reti was the other.
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