Capital Injection, Restructuring Targets and Personnel Management: The Case of Japanese Regional Banks¤ Kazuki Onji, David Vera, Jenny Corbetty Abstract A case study of the Japanese bank recapitalization by Hoshi and Kashyap (2005) identified a bank that overstated the progress of re- quired personnel downsizing by shifting employees to subsidiaries. This paper asks if the recapitalization program had a systematic flaw in de- sign. We focus on regional banks with a unique panel dataset of 82 banking groups that allows us to observe the employment levels of sub- sidiaries, in addition to those of parent banks, over fiscal 1994--2006. We estimate a labor-demand equation with sluggish adjustment to compare the employment patterns of public capital recipients and other banks. We found 4 banks increased subsidiary employment after receiving cap- ital injection, but only temporarily. This temporary effect suggests that the personnel shifting was essentially layoffs. Our finding indicates that, despite the limited transparency of personnel sizes on the consolidated basis, rules on capital injection provided incentives for most recipients to pursue downsizing. ¤Onji (corresponding author), Crawford School of Economics and Government, Aus- tralian National University,
[email protected]. Vera, Department of Economics, Kent State University,
[email protected]. Corbett, Crawford School of Economics and Gov- ernment, Australian National University,
[email protected]. yWe are grateful to Takeo Hoshi for kind suggestions and help in the early stage of this research. Seminar participants at ANU, Australian Conference of Economists 2009, and Flinders provided useful feedback. Financial support from the Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance enabled us to extend the data.