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HOUSES FOR SALE—Ncrthwwt. HOUSIS WANTED TO MHT (Cant.) HOUSE! FOR SALl—N.W. (Caw*.). HOUMI FOB SAL!—N«rthwest. <C*nt.>. APARTMENTS WANTED (C»«t.) house but In AMT FURNISHED NEAR KENWOOD COtINtRY CLUB—Bed- (4,000 DOWN—An older OFFICE* and NEWSMAN. wife end 8-yesr-olf dau*h- semidet.. Johni-Man- 8 ROOMS AND KIT.. FURN.i clean and rm. and bath on 1st fl.; moet attractive 8* excel, eond.; 3-»tonr now in hotel, need<1 unfurnishedunfurnls two- ter want 2-3 bedroom home or apart- m Chevy Chase, nr. Conn, FOB »AU—Nartliw—. HOUSIS FOR SALi—N.l. coral.; good transp. and neighborhood. 3 wife, vicinity, vr.-old modern br!Tele home In lovely setting viUe shingles; HOUSES chil- bedroom apartment; prefer Northwest D. C. ment, Wisconstn-Conn. ave. on eve. and all facilities; Uv. rm. with fire- 8-RsT 2-batS nr 4 adults or family with teen-aae see this exceptionally lovely detached pre- of tall trees and1 Beautifulbeautiful shrubbery.shrubbery; r_ COLORED — BUY WIT* CONFIDENCE, COLORED—BEAUTIFUL Bo* Star. 20 pref. St. Ann's pariah, by June 1, around llv, din. rm., ultramod. in cond .; oil h.-w. heat; dren. film. Bo* lO-Z, Star —20 ,'ioO-A. _ home In the Barnaby Wood* corner. 197x116; reception hall. 22-ft. lie. bright R. Preck" Boone, formerly with home, new-house EMPLOYED COUPLE need 3 or H1O0 Telephone Imerson 8120. 32* war brick with new UK refer., elec, John front 2-car DOWNTOWN—1101 17th it: n w Lae. OOVT. section of Chevy Chase, D. C. Flrit floor rm., fireplace, bright din. rm., built-in It. and pantry June* E. Scott, now broket LANGSTON hardwood trim; concrete porch; 3 room apt.; furnished, unfurnished; *55- UNFURNISHED. 3 OR 3 BEDRM. house, kit.. ishwaaher and garbage disposal unit; cioae to Gallaudet College. Kendall comb bed-llv. rm: Dure air, new Pullman has Uvinr room with fireplace, dining room, china closets, fully equipped all_-elee. Slace, REALTY CO TR. 8003, 2410 Benmni gar.; 170; reference*. WA 3885 efter service family of 3: son 10 years: rea- 3 large Dorch: 4 bedrma.. 1 and 8th and H sta. ne.; pur- kit.. *25 wklr. Ideal lor couple. Dl. 7*88 den, room, kitchen with breakfast nice screened side poVchT 2nd fl.T lie. inclosed rear Green fl.^m. sonable distance from Pentagon; not over powder large sun and sleeping on 2nd fl.; chaaer must have $3,500 in cash; balance 1 GIRL to share art with room adjoining and large screened side bedrms.. nice bath, nursery and bathe porch COLORED—1100 EUCLID ST. W 3_other jlrlsj BOY 4. GIRL 2, would like s place to live S1120. RE. 6100. Ext 4831. 21* rm full bsmt with lav., ,1* -^De- on terms; with title month. 1744 Pa. ave. n w. norch. Second floor has 3 large bedrooms deck; paneled recreation rm.. “lidsmaids floored lneulated attic, sirable location for professional,11 possession FRANCIS *26 with their We ere well-behaved FBI EMPLOYE, wife, 2 children, 2 other washer and outside rms_, INC.. 805 H st. n.w.. NA. DLJ0H8 parents. 2 baths. Third floor has 2 bedrooms with full bath; built-in garage, oil h.-w.h. laundry trays. Bendix 4 bath*, hot water, oil heat. Will show A. BLUNDON, children we have our own furniture. adults desire 1 or 3 bedroom apt. or and lot. det. gar.: —20 B.-.8 MARYLAND AVE. N.K-Aptl. lit and to Install another bath. Base- entrance; nicely landscaped by appointment to inspect Call Mrs. 0714. Box 375-A, Star. 25* house furnished, $100 or $125 a mo.; all space cash, bal terms. Call 6-rm., and 2nd firs. youn» couple, no children,, ment has large naneled recreation room, $31,360; *4.000 Weit, with D. H. JOHNSON Ca. RE. 5212, COLORED—BROOKLAND—Lovely veterans. Call Victor 7173 after 4 p.m. with C. FRED KELLEY. — bath home with full, bright basement: share bath; 111. No phone calls. —21 I EMPLOYED GIRL and mother desire lavatorv and laundry room. Some of the Mr. McFadden, Sundays and evenings. LI 0,198. 8T. entr. to Rock immed.; moderately pr ced. 21* 4934 Wls. ave.. OR. 2328 till 6 P.m. WI. 8040; eves., OL. 4660. Wedneeday large lot: best location. Priced to be sold KENNEDY. NR. 16th small fuitt. apt. other desirable features inelude attached COLORED—VACANT! open 2381 ; liv. rm.. dinette, -tfh’-A 21* CHEVY CHASE. D. detached home near —758 Oudjec now Woodridge realty do., rreek Park: just compl Ref. Box Star _ gas heat, Venetian blinds, large C,—A IMMACULATE 8EMIDET. red brick, and Thursday, 4:30 to 7 p.m garage, and lavatory; ave. 11.e NO. 7203. and pvt. bath; refined empi. TWO INTELLECTUAL TYPE, young bach- attic eahaust fan. storm windows, Bendii featuring let-floor bedroom Missouri ave. and 3rd st. n.w.: side recep. n.w.—An outstanding buy; B beautiful Rhode Island kit., bcdrm. HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwttt. Conn. ave. within a pi. *215. Box 38-B, Star. —20 elor* need 2-room furn. apt.; with kitch- washer, slate roof, electrie refrigerator it la !e-sted west of hall. llv. rm. with fireplace, large din. rm rms, 2 inclosed porches, full basement, COLORED—2-FAMILY ELAT. *d.i>50—Nr. couple: IS brick home*; Amer- Wilson High. rof'PLE to live in apartment with one enette, bath, pvt. entrance; »nod refs. Bo* NEW, DETACHED and large beautiful level fenced lot with moment’s walk of Woodrow den, eaulp. kit with breakfast nook on conv. to everything: must be sold to settle I3th and D sis. n e.. each apt. has 3 rms, * on Alton pi, Ben Murch Elementary voune lady: kitchen privileges; *H0 ’)98*A StET "1 ican Unlv. Pk.—GI approved, trees and shrubs. Hie entire house is la Alice Deal Junior. 1st floor; 3 bedrms. and inch sleeping estate. 8top by and see this lovely home, kit. and oath; low down payment and between 3 blocks from a distance from St. Ann s month 2301 Mt. View pi. s.e Apt.. 1, WASHINGTON DIRECTOR social legisla- 43rd and 44th, just condition throughout. Owner Is and reasonable porch up; full bsmt., oil h.-w.h., screened, or call Mr!Mr. Henson, LO.LU. UlOd210B or HO. 0<l-> monthly teim». Call Mr. Barr. LI. 4110, Wisconsin ave.; near perfect Sacrament Parochial Schools: TR. :;«03. —20 tion organisation, with school-age daugh- Sear* Roebuck on leaving town and wants to sell. Substan- and Blessed front slate roof; a real buy at; with MALCOLM. OW. 3024. _ 6 stores within 3 porch, AREA—Llv. rm.. one unfurnished 3-room apartment schools, churches, store* end tramp.. tial cash reouired. If have been look- transportation at hand; SI WOOD-CONLEY CO., Realtors, OFFERING of this fi- COLORED—2923 10th SI. N.E.—6-rm. DUPONT CIRCLE ter. wishes you consists of entrance hall, H,050. j COLOURED—-dFIRST entr.; Per to •rienas rms bath and half, las heat, screens a home is you blocks; 1st floor SL. 5,00; in a n w sec- brick, oh heat; modern kit.; iront and bcdrm kit. and bath; S *175 or rmall house; n.w convenient ins for that really nice, large 0710 Oa. ave.. Silver Spring, rm. row brick, desirable —70 or throughout, elec, refer., gas stove. For living room with stone fireplace, gas amd elec. rear open tor an otter. Attention, mo DU 7784. Box 41-B, Star. meeting house or Ward Circle school; must see this one. Shown by appointment SH. 0015 tilt 0 _ tion. Pull bsmt., coal heat, porches; call MR. or MR. room, roomy kitchen, library or .— CULTURED lady to share with another, will exchanae s.e. apartment. AT. .1508 Information, NOLAN Only. Call Mr. Schwab, WO. OH84, with dining NEAR WALTER HEED HOSPITAL. 1.1th Reas, terms. StiRETrY REALTY CO EX, brokers: WA. 4214, 4263, WILLIAM L. DU. covered living porch; r b. In first-class hotel, vie. 20* KNOX. NA. 9250. or nights, 6037, SHANNON A LUCHS CO.. 1505 H st. n.w., bedroom, lavatory, st. n.w.—New brick det. PRIMROSE REALTY, 0404 R. I. ave. one k apt. after 7 p.m. bedrooms each with pi. and Aspen Box .387- fur- Ext. 304. House open at 44th and Alton 2nd floor. 3 splendid 6 — SOLDIERS' Mount Md Woodley rd and Conn, ave.; *45. QUIET EMPLOYED COUPLE desire NA ,345. lot is homes, center and side-hall types; large COLORED OVERE.OOKINO Rainier. Saturday and Sunday. huge closet, large tiled bath; the elec, tt-rm. row desir- A Star. 20* nished apartment in Arlington, ~*3 BURNT MILLS HILLS, MD —This beauti- trees rooms, Sti baths, modern kitchen Home Park—Vacant. Spacious COLORED—HROOALAND—Several — White brick and 60'xl35', It is level, several shade lge. bath THREE-ROOM AND PRIVATE RATH apt. rooms, pvt. bath. Box 344-A. Star. 20* BAKNABY WOODS ful estate, in one of the finest exclusive with garbage disposal; gas a.-c.h., Vene- brick, 3 porches, built-in carage, able homes troni a rms. ana to Iga. 0 3 and ample shrubbery; owner leaving town m nice home, private back entrance, furnished 1-bedroom or stone, on exquisite lot; rms., baths; sections in and around Washington, con- screens, insulation, weather bsmt. and attic, new oil heating system. brick homes with ree. rms ; det. and rowi quiet COUPLE desire has Priced It at *17,600 for prompt sale. tian blinds, everything lurn. except linens; refined RE. 5313. 20* immaculate condition: *24,500. Call OE. sists of a Williamsburg with 7 rms., slate roofs, copper pipes; $32.- bathe, etc.