Administrative Court Jurisdiction 95-8
Index Aceh, high court of 55 Babon River case 38, 64, 74-5, 117, 134- administrative courts, Indonesian 49, 249, 255, 260, 262, 271, 288 – administrative court jurisdiction Balai Budidaya Air Payau Jepara 135 95-8 Balai Tehnik Kesehatan Lingkungan – Jakarta administrative court 97, 108- (Technical Institute for Environmental 10 Health) 138, 143, 172 – Presidential decrees, inability to re- Banger River case 38, 78-9, 112, 117-33, view 97, 103-5, 114, 258 146-9, 249, 252-3, 260, 262, 271, 285, – quality of judicial administration 14 287 – specialist training of judges in envi- Banti village 91, see also WALHI v. PT ronmental law 263-4, 291-2 Freeport case administrative environmental litigation Bapedal see Environmental Impact 93-116 Agency agriculture sector, environmental dis- Barito Pacific 37 pute resolutions in 46-7 Batang district government 165-6, 169- Amungme, indigenous people displaced 70, 281 by Grasberg mine 44, 106-7 Becker, Theodore L., definition of judi- APHI see Indonesian Forestry cial independence 15 Entrepreneurs Association Bedner, A., recommendations for judicial article 20 EMA 1982 cases 68-73 reform 265 article 34 EMA 1997 cases 36, 49, 63, 73- Bedono village 134, 136, 139-40, 142, 80, 89, 112-3, 121-2, 127, 137, 142, 148, 146-7, see also Babon River case 254-5, 291 Belumai River 38, 54, 72-3 article 37 EMA 36, 49, 57-66, 74, 111, Bina Produksi Melosia, PT 100-1, see also 247, 254, 256, 259, 292, see also repre- Sulae case sentative actions Bintang Buana, PT 134, 137, 139, see also article 1365 of the Civil Code
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