1. Geography 2. Socioeconomy
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Chapter 1 The Brantas River Basin 1. Geography (1) Location......................................................,.........................4 (2) Population................................,....................,........................5 (3) Topographyandgeology.............................................................7 (4) Climate..."..".."."........."...........".."."..m."."""....."."....."".9 (5) Rivers..................................................................................11 2. Socioeconomy (1) Society and culture...................................................................I3 (2) Politicsandnationaldefense....................................................,...15 (3) Economy..............................................................................17 (4) Industry..m.",.,........."..""."..,......................"......m..".....""18 3. Brantas Basin Characteristics (1) Watercourseoutline............................,...,........,........................25 (2) Hydrology"".".".."."....."."."""."........"..........."..",".".."".28 (3) Irrigation.,..............,..............................................................30 (4) Rainfallandrunoffcharacteristics..................................................31 (5) Floodwaters ofBrantas'mainstream ............................................33 (6) Eruption of Mount Kelud...""......."........"...""..""".............""..35 Chapter 2 History of Brantas River Basin Development Project 1. Brantas Project Development (1) Overview..............................................................................40 (2) PhaseIDevelopment...........................................................,....44 (3) Phase II Development..............."..,......................................m,,.49 (4) Phase III Development..........,...................................."..............50 (5) Sustaining and expanding project effects..........................................52 2 Brantas River Basin Development Planning (1) Hydroelectric power development planning.......................................54 (2) Roodprotectionplanning...........................................................57 (3) Planning foragriculture andinigation.....,......,....,......,...........,....,,..73 (4) VolcaRicdisasterpreventionplanning.............................................76 (5) Water resources development in the Basin........................................79 (6) Evaluation and priority..............."...."...."................................"82 (i) 3. Sustainability of Project Effects (1) Projecteffects.........................................................................86 (2) Issues for accelerating projecteffects..............................,...............87 4. Urban Surabaya Development lnstitution (1) Background of urban Surabaya.....................................................91 (2) Basic concepts for regional development projects................................95 (3) Surabaya City as of 1993........................................."..........."....95 5. lmplementation of Brantas River Basin Development (1) Project implementation structure....................................................99 (2) Organizationofprojectexecutingbody.................,........................102 (3) Developmentfinancing.........,..................................................104 (4) Technical assistance and consultants.............................................105 6. lntroduction of Projects (1) Darnprojects.....................,..........................................,.......108 (2) Irrigation projects.".."..."....."...........m.".......""..,.....""..""..113 (3) Riverimprovementprojects....,..........................................,.......114 (4) Debriscontrolprojects.............................................................116 Chapter 3 Evatuation of the Brantas River Basin Development Project 1. Effects of the Project (1) Multipurposedams..............,..................................................118 (2) Floodprevention................,..................................................120 (3) Inigation and agriculture ..................................................,....... 123 (4) Electricity....................................................................,.......127 (5) Volcanicdisasterprevention...,..........................................,.......129 (6) Water supply to Surabaya urban area....................................,....... 130 2. Local Economy and Contribution to National Poticy (1) Developmentofhumanresources................................................132 (2) Improved standard of Iiving for local citizens................................... 135 (3) Correction ofeconomic disparity and eradication ofpoverty ................. 138 3. Japan's Assistance (1) InvestmentontheBrantasRiverBasinDevelopment..................,.......140 (2) Consistent involvement from masterplan through implementation .......... 141 (3) Continuityofassistance........,..................................................142 (4) Devotion to technology transfer.................................................. I42 (li) 4. Consulting Services (1) Braiitas Office operational advice ...................................,............ 144 (2) Newprojectdevelopmentandpromotion..........................,............ 145 (3) Executionofproject...................................................,............ 145 (4) Post-completion maintenance and operational advice.......................... 146 Chapter 4 Future Prospects 1. Future Directions in Development (1) Assistance policy of the Japanese government.................................. 149 (2) DevelopmentpolicyofIndonesiangovernment...................,............150 (3) Future direction of the Brantas River Basin Development..................... 150 2. Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources Management (1) The JICA Study in 1997-98,......""........."..........."".."."........."157 (2) TheMasterPlan....................................................................158 Attachments 1 - 10....dt------I-....d-t----p..I...-.t--l-t--1--J-......id---l--.........itst-e-t---ny-----d-.-ttt-t-t-- 165 Appendix 1 Reference Materials.........................................,............ 175 Appendix 2 Memories of Brantas Spirit.."".....".....,"....."-•--•-••i--."..-dd••••-s-- 233 Appendix 3 Survey on Track Record of "Brantas People".................. 254 (iii) Chapter 1 The Brantas River Basin :, 'g "."-'if\ts"ts.tsaj.ewgSxl•i . , • .fp,• The mouth of the Porong River is advancing out to sea an average of 150m yearly due to sand sedimentation. The coast around its mouth is a rich tishing area including shrimp, crab, milkfish and various other torms of marine life. (1972) o= ) -v xm 1Ooe 11oe 12oo 13oo 14oo - -" os Aceh South Chjna Sea ',., li• ::N Megan MALAYSIA BRUNEI ,e / Kuala Lumpur -./5X i'' ' .-' N Rts O pacific ocean il) X.s o /ee o. rti"• ,-, Sulawesi Sea "-D -- =tE t' ss paikanga5uN:" SINGAPORE / SaraxakL Iilllsi,"k'i,"i"llli,,.IO :e' ' Menado ------------h -. Fes EquatOr .- Halmahera Bukittinggi "'-'•••• Padang ••• ':;aS{S"-'-"•••-. Pontianak. 'tllts ---------------t4----------------- "' M"' ' Kj5 . eGxBiak Samarinda. " . Jambi p.)l.iiiiiiiSbil)l2ang"`C> , g ss6Q)ze-.o' 1 KalimantaA Sulawesi 1?..c=, eb 1 , ' e Seram ' Banjarmasin• ' Buruv " IrianJaya •:' t Z7eparepare . " Telukbetung Java Sea ezZ? b ts Ambon 1 .Jakarta Makasar ,g Åí 5-., . - 5 : BandaSea Elll Nt lndlan Ocean IIIdt51a,III.lai.$at.M.ÅéItllllllllll.,o Oe Java lsl -a- . (l)b zfll? /:. o Kupang e ' ... L-...-.- . v)o/i) iDu'i=) o qe e" o 0 ArafuraSea ..-- Meraukf .,,s,{ISI}'Mor- et-" /, 1oo ''" AUS' ,,l/k,.,./....lLi".,, ' Sumba U' o 500km Ni O Jakarta . D Bogor. Barrdung . -semarangBOjOiegOrO Madura... g. C}"b' Sukal)umi . Tasikmalaya. cimm Tegal. L . Clacap Magei . T[l6gt.,S'Obk.rt.N4aGiu.n. (,S"'aballaiang B,,j,.,,gi • NBIitar' Denpasar Baii, . Java Island 0ee 100 km BRANTASBAslN V •D Figure 1-1 Republic of Indonesia o= ) -v mx Legend: rs i Kalimantan l " N 2" " Sumatra as O .2' River 1 4 . City :Java Sea ,o ,5" 5n. Basin boundary o Jakarta : I e ----- Sernararlg Surabaya i'!' i st= I 84 li8o . [h lndian Ocean Joglakarta acÅíb [ Java Sea I I •- 2 1ose llO' 11so / / / ... .-... e Tubane SOIO River / !/ Semarang - 1 -AqoKegoro Madura ..-- Cepu. '• r.;. rt . Babat ttt ..tt Gresik e ..-- / Soto River Mas River Surabaya.- l ' "gJtlgralb2LyaRNver Wonokromo f-Channel Q' Ngawie / r- . f< Widas Sidoarjo. Madura Strait / Solo. Sragen -/River ' . Jo Mojokerto -Madiun e Porong Rive'/ r- /-1 L / >ganjuk...' 7'e / / 1 • 1;/ Mt.AWilis -NX (ti O"eo Mt• AArjuno / /- ; Jogiakartav Mt. Lawu Kediri , Pasuruan s A ./x .t..Neop N ./ Å~ lt Å~ .>tK. N t4 AKMeai:adng' Å~--- ../x N Blitar qN N Tuiungagung' Mt' Åë4,N, Mt. Semeru Pacitan Lk . tiNENslEtl!9!ranigstt/ver/ mk v- Dampit 4/ / '".- , --/ .-. -x-. Y-- sio . /' '' KO .. .-Z ScaleO 50 100 /-' km •'' ?q - /-J'". v-- / /- -' xX X" - 4 -.. X- -. //f" Indian Ocean '"' t" " .. Figure 1-2 Brantas River Basin CHAPTER 1 1. Geography (1) Location The Brantas River is located on the Island of Java, of the Republic of Indonesia (hereafter Indonesia). It runs through the western section of the East Java Province. Indonesia is the largest archipelago nation in the world consisting of approximately 13,700 islands, 1arge and smal1, broadly ranging from Sumatra Island in the west to Irian Jaya in the east. Situated on the equator, from Lat. 60 N to 1 1O S and from Long. 950 to 1410 E, the nation stretches 4,500 km east to west and 1,700 km north to south. The total national