Jilid 25 Bagian 2, 1984



ISSN 0216-6216


Nomor entri Pengarang Author(s) ~Hattab, Sjarifuddin / ______;_,;;..___,__../ Perlu pengamanan terhadap kadar Judul karangan zat asam oksigen dalaJn air sungai. Terjemahan Title (Control of oxygen content in river Translation water)

Singkatan judul majalah Abbreviated jolirnal title

Volume Tahun terbitan Volume Year of publication Nomor Number

Penyunting Bambang Suprlyo Utomo Editors Nur Rif'ah Fatich

Pengindeks Bambang Setlarso Indexers Bambang Supriyo Utomo N. Karlina Tribrata Nur Rif'ah Fatich Rosa Widyawan

Pembantu Umum Etty Budiarti Assistants Mari di Samino

Alam at PD II-LIP I Address Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. IO P.O. Box 3065/Jkt Jakarta 10002 INDONESIA DAFT AR ISi/CONTENTS

Pendahuluan/Foreword ...•..•.•...... Halarnan/Pages v . vi

Indeks Menurut Klasifikasi/Index to Classified Section ...... • . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . Halaman/Pages 1 . 9

Indeks Utarna/Main Index ...... •.... Halaman/Pages 11 • 121

Indeks Pengarang/ Author Index . . . • . . • . . . . . Halaman/Pages 123 • 136

Indeks Kata Kuncl/Keyword Index ...... Halarnan/Pages 137 • 162

Indeks Geografi/Geographical Index ...... Halarnan/Pages 163 • 165

Singkatan Judul Majalah Diindeks/ Abbreviated Titles of Periodicals Indexed . • ...... Halaman/Pages 167 • 177 Jilid 25 Bagian 2, 1984



ISSN 0216-6216


Indeks majalah ilmiah Indonesia= Index of Indonesian learned periodicals. - J il. 25, bag. 2 (1984 ). - Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah, 1986. vi, 177 hal..

1. Science - Periodicals. 2. Social sciences - Indexes. 3. Medicine - Indexes. 4. Agriculture - Indexes. 5. Indonesian periodicals - Indexes. 6. Indonesia - Bibliography. I. Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals. II. Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah. 016.059 922 1

Cetakan pertama, 1986

Dicetak pada PU SAT DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI ILMIAH Lembaga lhnu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto P.O. Box 3065/Jkt. Jakarta 10002 PENDAHULUAH

Indeks 1"1ajalah Ilmiah Indonesia 1984 J3a.gian 2 ( IMII 84-2) adalah terbitan tengah tahunan. Nomor ini merupakan terbitan kedua masa transisi sistem manual ke sistem komputer. Meliput 1286 entri karangan dalam majalah, terutama terbitan tahun 1984. Pada terbitan ini telah mengalami perbaikan dalam proses penyuntingan. Hasil luaran komputer diproses terlebih dahulu dengan "Word processor". Penerbitan serial yang memuat laporan penelitian tunggal tidak diliput dalam indeks ini, karena diliput pada Indeks Laporan Penelitian dan Survei.

Dewasa ini usi~ terbitan IMII memasuki jilid/volume ke- 25. Semula terbitan ini berjudul Buletin MIPI: 1960-1966: 3-9 dan kemudian menjadi Buletin LIPI: 1967-1979: 10-12. Dalam IMII 1984-2 terdapat 240 "Singkatan judul majalah diindeks", jumlah tersebut 21 majalah merupakan majalah yang baru pertama kali diliput dalam IMII. Selain laporan indeks karangan, IMII juga dilengkapi dengan indeks pengarang, indeks kata kunci, indeks geografi. Indeks geografi disusun terbatas hingga tingkat propinsi, sedang untuk daerah/wilayah yang lebih sempit dapat dibaca pada indeks kata kunci. Semua indeks tersebut mengacu ke inf ormasi karangan yang diindeks. oalam menyiapkan indeks kata kunci, penyunting menggunakan AID Thesaurus (USA ID 1984), Spines Thesaurus (UNESCO 1 976), Macrothesaurus (O~D 1978) dan Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (EJC 1969) sebagai pedoman kerja. Oleh sebab itu daftar kata kunci disusun dalam bahasa Inggris. Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada para penerbit yang telah mengirimkan majalah ke PDII-LIPI dan rekan ~ejawat serta semua yang telah membantu menyiapkan penerbitan. Heberapa kekurangan dalam edisi percobaan ini masih mengharapkan tanggapan para pemina t IMII untuk bahan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan.

Jakarta, Juli 1986

Penyunting FOREWORD

Indeks dajalah Ilmiah Indonesia 1984 .dagian 2 (Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals 1984 Part 2) is a semi-annual publication. This is the second issue during the transition period from a manual to a computerized system. It covers 1286 articles from periodicals mainly from 1984 publications and has been edited by word processor. A serial issuance of single research reports is not covered in this index, but is included in Indeks Laporan Penelitian dan Survei (Index of Research Reports and surveys). Now this publication is entering volume no. 25. It was first published under the title 11IPI Bulletin 1960-1966: 3-9 and then continued as LIPI ~ulletin 1967-1979: 10-22. There are 240 abbreviated titles scanned in this part. A total of 21 new periodical titles are included in this Index. Besides the article report index, an author index, keyword index and geographical index are available in this edition. '£he geographical index is arranged up to the provin­ cial level, while the regional level can be found under the Keyword Index. All indexes refer to indexed article informa­ tion. In preparing the index the editor made use of AID Thesaurus (USAID 1984), Spines Thesaurus (UNESCO 1976), Mac­ rothesaurus (OECD 1978) and Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (EJC 1969) as guidelines, in order to issue the English version. We are grateful to publishers who have sent their peri­ odicals to PDII-LIPI, our colleagues and others who have assisted us in preparing this publication. Comments regarding errors found in the trial edition will be welcomed to help us in imprpving future editions.

Jakarta, July, 1986

Edi tors BAGIAN I




Halaman/Pages 1 - 9


SERBANEKA ILMU/GENERALITIES The sciences and knowledge in general 1215 - 1216 semiotics, syntactics, semantics. Writing. Scripts. Notations. Signs and symbols 1217 - 1219 Organization study. Methodology. Analysis and systematization generally 1220 - 1223 Activity and organizing. Information, com- munication, control theory (cybernetics) 1224 - 1225 Civilization. Culture. Progress 1226 - 1229 Bibliographies 1230 Libraries. Librarianship 1231 - 1235 Cataloging and indexing 1236 - 1237 Reference work. Information service 1 238 - 1 241 General libraries 1242 - 1245 Reports 1246 - 1249 Abstracts 1250 Periodicals. Reviews 1 251 FILSAFAT/PHILOSOPHY Philosophical systems 1252 - 1255 Psychology 1256 - 1264 Typology. Individual psychology. Personality types. Idiosyncrasies. Temperaments 1265 - 1269 Higher mental processes 1270 - 1272 Phychic and parapsychic phenomena. Parapsychology 1273 - 1275 Ethics. Morals. Convention 1276 - 1279 AGAMA. TIDLOGl/RELIGION. THEOLOGY Religion. Theology 1 280 - 1281 •rhe religious life. Practical theology 1282 - 1283 science and comparative history of religions 1284 - 1285 Islam 1286 - 1290 Al-QUr'an (Koran) 1291 - 1292 Islamic law 1293 - 1297 Development 1 298 - 1 311 sects 1312 - 1313 ILMU-ILMU SOSIAL/SOCIAL SCIENCES social sciences 1314 - 1315 Sociology 1316 - 1322 sources, motives of social phenomena and change 1323 - 1329 Social processes. Group-formation 1330 - 1335 Sociography. Social geography (social surveys) 1336 - 1338 Statistical science. Theory. Method 1339 Demography. Population (vital statistics) 1340 - 1343 Political science. Politics. Current affairs 1344 - 1345 Parliamentary, modern democracy 1346 - 1347 Internal politics 1348 - 1 351 Migration. 1352 - 1356 International, foreign affairs 1357 - 1366 Political parties. Party system 1367 - 1368 Political economy. Economics 1369 - 1372 General concepts of economics 1373 - 1381

3 ILMU-ILMU SOSIAL ••• Labour. Work. Employment 1382 - 1395 Industrial relations: workers and employers 1396 - 1400 Wages. Salaries. Pay 1401 - 1403 Female labour and employment 1404 - 1405 Qualified and unqualified work or employ­ ment, skilled and unskillep labour 1406 - 1408 Hours, conditions, facilities, organiza- tion, etc. 1409 - 1414 Labour market 1415 - 1416 Banking 1417 - 1418 Savings banks. Savings 1419 - 1421 Money. Mint currency. Coinage . 1422 - 1429 Exchange. Financial market. Stockbroking 1430 - 1437 Credit 1438 - 1439 Private property. Housing problem, etc. 1440 - 1441 Co-o~erative movement 1442 - 1446 Public finance. State finance 1447 - 1453 Production. Creation of wealth. Economic situation 1454 - 1461 Industrial production. Manufacture 1462 - 1463 Price and value. Cost 1464 - 1466 Industrialization 1467 - 1471 Enterprises and entrepreneurs 1472 - 1476 Forms of enterprise. Metayage. Concession 1477 - 1479 Distribution, consumption, conservation of wealth or goods 1480 - 1482 Jurisprudence. Law. Legislation 1483 - 1484 Law in general. Comparative law 1485 - 1488 Public law. Constitutional law 1489 - 1491 Criminal law. Penal offences. Penology. Criminology 1492 - 1496 Criminology. Criminal anthropology,~ sociology, technology 1497 - 1498 Private law. Civil law 1499 - 1502 Marriage 1503 - 1505 Public administration. Administrative law. Military science and defence 1506 - 1508 Government legislation. Public services. Control. Regulations 1509 - 1511 Organization. Police force. Constabulary 1512 - 1516 Public health. Food. Housing 1517 - 1518 Waters. Irrigation. Hydraulic power 1519 - 1520 Communications. Traffic. Transport 1521 - 1522 Central government. State administration. Government departments. Ministries 1523 - 1524 Military art and science. war. National defence. Armed forces 1525 - 1530 Genaral organization of the forces 1531 ~- 1535 Operations of war. Tactics and strategy 1536 - 1537 Naval operations. Air operations 1538 - 1540 Military training. Exercises. Drill 1541 - 1542 Social welfare. Services, institutions, establishments 1543 - 1547 Medical (health) services 1548 - 1550 Hospitals, infirmaries 1551 - 1553 Family planning 1554 - 1561 Welfare of physically handicapped 1562 - 1565 Care, education and protection of neglected children 1566 - 1568 Insurance 1569 - 1570 Education 1571 - 1577


Teaching and training, school organization: educational systems 1578 - 1585 Management. Teaching staff 1586 - 1589 Prospectus. Curriculum. Syllabus 1590 - 1594 Pre-school and elementary or primary education 1595 - 1600 Intermediate, secondary education 1601 - 1605 Further education. Private study. Continua­ tion systems. Adult education 1606 - 1607 Higher education. Universities. Colleges • . Academies 1608 - 1610 General organization: staff, students 1611 - 1616 Specialist establishments, colleges 1617 - 1620 Tourist trade or industry 1621 Inland (home) trade 1622 - 1624 Foreign trade. International trade 1625 - 1630 Communications. Transport 1631 - 1633 Standardization 1634 - 1635 Ethnography. Custom and tradition. Folklore. Social anthropolo9y 1636 - 1643 Marriage. Nuptials 1644 - 1645 Women and society. Feminism 1646 - 1655 Women and work 1656 - 1658 MATEMATIICA DAN ILMU PEHGETAHUAN ALAM/MATHEMATICS AND NA'l'URAL SCIEllCES Mathematics 1659 - 1662 Calculus of ~robability. Statistical mathematics 1663 - 1664 Theoretical astronomy 1665 - 1667 Descriptive astronomy 1668 - 1670 The sun 1671 - 1674 Stars 1675 - 1678 Geodesy. Surveying 1679 - 1682 Chronology. Time. The calendar 1683 - 1684 Vibrations. Acoustics. Sound 1685 - 1688 Applications. Optical instruments 1689 - 1690 Physical nature of matter 1691 - 1692 General, theoretical and physical chemistry 1693 - 1694 Experimental and preparative chemistry. Laboratory equipment and technique 1695 - 1696 Analytical chemistry 1697 - 1699 Inorgantc chemistry 1700 - 1701 Organic chemistry 1702 - 1705 Seismology 1706 - 1708 General geology. Meteorology climatology. Stratigraphy 1709 - 1710 oceanography. Sub marine topography 1711 - 1715 Meteorology. Climatology 1716- 1724 QUaternary. Pleistocene and recent 1725 Economic geology. Minerals. Ores. Stones 1726 - 1728 Morphology. Merology. Isolated organs of man. Craniology skull, teeth 1729 - 1730 Special anthropography. Ethnology. Races of man 1731 - 1732 Genetics. Development of organisms. Evolution 1733 - 1734 Microbiology. Bacteriology and parasitology 1735 - 1739 Biochemistry. Biological catalysts 1740 - 1742 General conditions of life: relation to environment. Ecology. Phenology 1 743 - 1749


Tissue preparation, cultures (explants) 1750 - 1751 Distribution of plants. Phytogeography. Flora 1752 - 1753 Cryptogamia. Spore plants 1754 - 1757 Microspermae. Orchidales: orchids 1758 - 1759 Polypetalae. Choripetalae. Dialypetalae 1760 - 1764 Papayineae (caricaceae). Loasineae 1765 - 1766 Radiolaria (marine plankton) 1767 - 1769 Mollusca. Protostomata 1770 - 1771 Vermes. Worms. Helmithes 1772 1773 Insecta (hexapoda). Entomology 1774 - 1775 Pisces. Fishes. Ichthyology 1776 - 1779 sauropsida. Reptiles. Birds 1780 - 1784 1-iammalia. Mammals 1785 - 1787

ILMU PENGETAHUAN ~PAN. ILllU KEDOKTERAN. TEK­ NOLOGI/APPLIED SCIENCES. MEDICDIE. TECIDIOLOGY Medical sciences. Health and safety 1788 - 1790 Anatomy 1791 - 1796 Blood and circulation 1797 - 1800 Nutrition 1801 - 1802 Kidneys. Renal function. Urine. Micturition 1803 - 1804 Reproduction. Development. Growth. Ageing 1805 - 1808 Nervous system. Sense organs 1809 - 1810 Dietetics. Feeding. Foods 1811 - 1814 Nervous and mental hygiene. Health and addictions, morals, behaviour 1815 - 1817 Sexual behaviour. Sex education 1818 - 1824 Public health and safety 1825 - 1829 Medical profession, practice, eti~uette 1830 - 1832 Food, drugs, health and sanitary inspection, supervision and control 1833 - 1838 Air, soil and water hygiene and sanitation. Pollutions. Drainage 1839 - 1844 Accidents: prevention, protection, safety 1845 - 1847 Pharmacy, pharmaceutics, materia medica. Pharmacopeias. Dosage. Prescribing 1848 Organic materia medica 1849 - 1851 Practical pharmacy. Medicines. Instruments. Medical supplies, equipment 1852 - 1857 Pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology 1858 - 1859 Drugs according to action. Chemotherapy 1860 - 1862 Antiseptics, germicides, disinfectants 1863 - 1865 Physiotherapy and other treatments 1866 - 1869 Psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis. Hypnosis. Occupational therapy 1870 - 1871 Toxicology. Poisons generally 1872 - 1874 Disease. Pathology and medicine 1875 - 1881 Personal, environmental features 1882 - 1885 Heart disease. Cardiology 1886 - 1891 Anaemias. Leukaemias 1892 - 1897 Respiratory diseases 1898 - 1904 Teeth. Dentistry. ad.ontology. Caries 1905 - 1914 Skin diseases. Dermatology 1915 - 1920 Urine. Diabetes insipidus 1921 - 1926 Sex life and disorders. Sterility 1927 Diseases of the locomotor (skeletal) system 1928 - 1929 Diseases of the nervous system 1930 - 1934 Psychiatry. Psychopatology. Mental disorders. Insanity 1935 - 1946 Infectious diseases 1947 - 1948


Specific infections 1949 - 1952 surgery 1953 - 1956 Gynaecology. Obstetrics 1957 - 1960 Comparative pathology. veterinary medicine 1961 - 1963 Engineering and technology generally 1964 - 1969 Physical and chemical influences. Resistance to attack. Corrosion. Ageing 1970 - 1974 General economics of energy 1975 - 1985 Nuclear technology. Nuclear and atomic energy. Nucleonics 1986 - 1988 Electrical engineering 1989 - 1995 Applied electrochemistry. Cells. Batteries. Electrolysis 1996 - 1998 Radiocommunication 1999 - 2001 Internal combustion engines 2002 - 2003 Engines using solar or other radiant energy 2004 - 2005 Centrifugal, axial - flow and turbo-pumps 2006 - 2007 Packing and dispatch. Packaging 2008 - 2009 Lubricants: oils and greases 2010 - 2011 Tools. Machine tools. Machining 2012 Mining and mineral dressing 2013 Production boring. Oilwell drilling 2014 - 2018 In situ concrete structures 2019 - 2021 Special foundations 2022 - 2023 Bridges, bridge construction generally 2024 - 2026 Irrigation. Theory. Water sources 2027 - 2029 Natural waters and channels. River, port, harbour and coast works: dams, etc. 2030 - 2031 Dams. Large reservoirs and barrage dams. Hydraulic•power plant works 2032 - 2034 Water supply. Water works 2035 - 2038 Industrial sanitation, nuisances 2039 - 2041 Shipbuilding. Ships. Boats 2042 - 2044 Aeronautical engineering. Aircraft 2045 - 2048 Agriculture. Agronomy. Farming generally 2049 - 2053 Soil science 2054 - 2055 Operations. Growing. Cultivation methods 2056 - 2058 Plant and crop protection. Pest control 2059 - 2061 Pesticides and control chemicals 2062 - 2064 Cereals. Corn. Grain crops (food, forage) 2065 - 2067 Millet, sorghum, etc. Rice 2068 - 2077 Leguminous and other green fodders: clovers; pulses, beans, vetches, peas; sainfoin 2078 - 2081 Medicinal plants and herbs 2082 - 2084 Forestry. Forest products 2085 - 2087 Palm and other tropical, sub-tropical fruits 2088 - 2091 Bananas 2092 - 2093 Pineapples 2094 - 2095 cassava 2096 - 2100 Spinach 2101 - 2102 Mushrooms. Truffles 2103 - 2106 Shrubs, shrubberries, hedges 2107 - 2108 Animal feeding 2109 - 2120 Injuries, diseases, parasites and pests 2121 - 2125 Cattle (and other large ruminants) 2126 - 2130 Smaller ruminants. Sheep (and goats) 2131 - 2137 Pigs, sows and boars: breeds 2138 - 2141 Poultry. Fowl. Chickens 2142 - 2170 Rabbits 2171 - 2173 Dairying. Milk and milk products 2174 2177 Eggs 2178 - 2185


Meat. Flesh. Fat 2186 - 2189 Insect and reptile management, breeding, industries 2190 - 2191 Fisheries 2192 - 2196 Methods of fishing 2197 - 2203 Shrimps 2204 - 2207 Fish breeding: spawning, care, etc. 2208 - 2212 Management, organization of industry and commerce, business, communication and transport 2213 - 2218 Management theory, method, system 2219 - 2222 Direction: authority, responsibility, decisions 2223 - 2228 Office management, practice and equipment 2229 - 2232 Telegraphy. Telephony. Radio. Television 2233 - 2242 Printing. Publishing. Book trade 2243 - 2248 Transport and.postal services 2249 - 2251 Accountancy. Bookkee~ing 2252 - 2253 Accounts and accounting operations. Costs 2254 - 2259 Official control of accounts. Auditing 2260 - 2261 Business, works and shop management and techniques 2262 - 2270 Forms of business enterprise. Finances 2271 - 2279 Personnel. Human factor. Human relations 2280 - 2292 Production management and control 2293 - 2298 Marketing. Selling. Distribution 2299 - 2304 Information, advice and consulting services 2305 - 2308 Beverages. Stimulants 2309 - 2313 Food industries. Preservation 2314 - 2316 Sugar industry 2317 - 2320 Starches. Other polysaccharides 2321 - 2322 Baking, bread and flour confectionery 2323 - 2324 Preservation of organic products generally. Fruit and vegetable produce 2325 - 2333 Preservation of animal produce 2334 - 2340 Oils. Fats. Waxes 2341 - 2342 Paint and varnish industry 2343 - 2345 Essential oils. Perfumery. Cosmetics 2346 - 2349 Ferrous metals. Iron. steel 2350 - 2355 ~on-ferrous metals 2356 - 2357 Precious stones. Gemstones. Pearl- setting, etc. 2358 Timber and woodwork industry 2359 - 2361 Paper and pulp industries 2362 - 2370 Textile and cordage industries 2371 - 2374 Macromolecular materials. Rubbers and plastics 2375 - 2378 Data processing equipment 2379 - 2382 Data processing principles 2383 - 2388 software 2389 - 2394 Computers and calculators generally 2395 - 2407 Building industry, materials, trades, construction 2408 - 2411 Building materials 2412 - 2418 Carpentry. Joinery 2419 - 2420 ICESENIAN. REICRBASI. HIBURAN. OLABRAGA, DLL./ ARTS. RI!ICREATIOlil • ElilTERTAIHMElilT. SPORT, E"lC • The arts. Recreation. Entertainment. Sport, etc. 2421

8 KESENIAN. REKREASI •• • Applications of art in industry, the home, etc. Industrial, commercial design 2422 Physical planning. Landscape 2423 - 2426 National parks, reserves 2427 Landscape gardening generally: planning, layout, execution 2428 Architecture 2429 - 2433 Sacred and funerary buildings. Ecclesiastical architecture 2434 - 2437 Residential buildings. Housing. Domestic architecture 2438 - 2439 Sculpture and the plastic arts 2440 - 2445 Drawing and minor arts 2446.- 2447 Painting 2448 - 2449 Photography and cinematography 2450 - 2454 Music 2455 -· 2457 Entertainment. Pastimes. Games. Sport 2458 - 2466 LINGUISTIK. BAHASA. KESUSASTRAAH/LINGUISTICS. LANGUAGES. LITERATURE Linguistics. Philology. Languages 2467 - 2469 General linguistics and philology 2470 Malayo-polynesian languages. Indonesian languages 2471 - 2474 Literature in general 2475 - 2478 Literary forms, genres 2479 - 2482 Literary activity and technique. Writing. Editing. Speaking 2483 Creative writing. Art of writing 2484 Editorship. Editing. Adapting and arranging copy for publication 2485 Rhetoric. Oratory. Eloquence. Art of public speaking 2486 - 2487 Literary criticism. Literary studies 2488 - 2489 GEX>GRAFI. BIOGRAPI. SEJARAB/GJ!X>GRAPHY. BIO­ GRAPHY. HISmRY Biography 2490 - 2493 History 2494 - 2498 East Indies. Indonesia 2499 - 2500






Halaman/Pages 11 - 121

001 THE scI:mcES AND 1 221 KNOWLIDGE IN GENERAL Har id ah Usaha-usaha dalam menciptakan iklim organisasi yang baik. 1215 (Efforts to create a good Abdullah, Ibrahim organizational climate) Krisis ilmu dan teknologi. BER UNJA, 8 (73-74) 1983: (Crisis of science and 9-22 technology) Ilmu Bud, 6 (11) 1984: 816- 824 1222 Irwin 1216 Pengembangan organisasi seba­ Parasains mengilmiahkan ilmu gai usaha untuk mewujudkan gaib. (Parascience "science· profil organisasi penelitian fizes" magic) dan pengembangan yang produk­ Mekatronika, 6 (1) 1983: 7-15 ti f. (Organizational develop­ ment as an effort to create a profile of a productive re­ search and development 003 SEMIOTICS, SYNTACTICS, organization) SEMANTICS. WRITING. Warta Pengelol Penelit SCRIPTS. NOTATIONS. Pengembang, 5 (2-3) 1984: 1-8 SIGHS AND SYMBOLS 1223 1217 Kristyanto, Handojo Naga, Dali s. Teknik penjabaran untuk meng­ Rahasia sandi. (Code secrets) ukur keseimbangan organisasi. Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 35-39 (Simplified technique for measuring the degree of 1218 balance in an organization) Ndraha, Taliziduhu Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) Metodology skripsi. (The 1984: 24-32 methodology of theses) Widya Praja, 2 (6) 1983: 32-44 007 ACTIVITY AND ORGANIZING. 1 219 INFORMATION, COMMUNICA­ The, Liang Gie TION, CONTROL THH>RY Pokok-pokok penulisan karang­ (CYBERNETICS) a n ilmiah populer. (The principles of writing popular • science articles) 1224 Sigma, (6) 1984: 18-21 Basuki, Hari Satrio Pe layanan terintegrasi komu­ nikasi data secara nasional. 005 ORGANIZATION STUDY. (Integrated services in the METHODOLOGY. ANALYSIS national data communication AND SYSTEMATIZATION network) GENERALLY Bul LEN, 3 (1) 1984: 64-68 1225 1220 Simanjuntak, Melling Armain A., Muhammad Menjadi kera dalam era Selayang pandang tentang informasi elektronik. (TO be organisasi. (Organizations: a a monkey in the electronic glance) information era) warta BRI, 8 (89) 1984: 14-16 Optimis, (51) 1984: 30-32

1 3 008 CIVILIZATION. CULTURE. media. (Library, librarian PROGRESS and media) Pembimb Pembaca, 3 ( 1 0) 1 984: 1226 453-457, 470-473 Djawanai, Stephanus Kebudayaan daerah sebagai 1232 pendukung kebudayaan nasional Pendit, Murtini S. dan bangsanya. (Local culture Pustakawan dan profesinya supporting national culture dari masa ke masa. (The and nation) librarian and his profession Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (23) from age to age) 1983: 8-12; 4 (24) 1984: 7-9, Maj Ika t Pust Indon, 4 ( 1) 54 1983: 29-35 1227 Hastjarja, Pudja Eddie 1 233 Variasi sistem nilai budaya Poedjohadi Jawa. (Va 1 ue sys tern variety Relevansi standar perpustaka­ in Javanese culture) an pengukuran dan evaluasi Basis, 33 (1) 1984: 2-17 perpustakaan. (The relevance of library standards, 1228 measurement and library eva­ Mattulada luation) Dimensi budaya dari kerangka Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (1) landasan pembangunan. (The 1983: 3-11 cul tura 1 dimension of the development framework) 1234 Maj KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: Simanjuntak, Melling 10-11 Dana yang terbatas dan ke­ bijaksanaan pengembangan ko­ 1229 leksi. (Limited funds and Suparlan, Parsudi collection development Penelitian bagi penunjang policy) pembinaan dan pengembangan Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (4) kebudayaan nasional. (Re­ 1983: 173-177 search to support the development of the na tiona 1 culture) 1235 Basis, 32 ( 11 ) 1983: 424-430 Soebadio, Haryati Memanfaatkan perpustakaan sekolah dalam proses belajar 011/016 BIBLIOGRAPHIES mengajar. (Utilizing the • school library in the 1230 teaching and learing process) Rachmananta, Dady P. Pembimb Pembaca, 3 (6) 1984: SEAPRINT proyek kerja sama 244-248, 266-267 bibliografi Asia Tenggara. (SEAPRINT: Southeast Asian bibliographic cooperation project) 025.3 CATALOGUING AND Maj Ilmu Perpust Info, 4 (4) INDEXING 1983: 145-153; 4 (2) 1984: 15-23 1236 02 LIBRARIES. LIBRARIANSHIP Hadi, A.c.s. Katalogisasi subjek. (Subject 1231 cataloguing) Bambang Haryanto Pembimb Pembaca, 3 (6) 1984: Perpustakaan, pustakawan, dan 249-252, 262-263, 267

14 1237 an umum. (Guidance in using a Tairas, J.N.B. public library) Perkembangan internasional Pembimb Pembaca, 3 (2) 1984: standard bibliographic des­ 65-68, 74-76, 90 cription, ISBD. (The develop­ men t of international 1243 standard bibliographic des­ cription, ISBD) Hadi, A.c.s. Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (1) Meningkatkan perpustakaan 1983: 17-28 sekolah menjadi sumber belajar. (Improving the schoo,l library into a study 025.5 REFERENCE WORK. resource) INFORMATION SERVICE Pembimb Pembaca, 3 ( 5) 19 84: 196-200, 235 1238 Budihardjo, Utari 1244 Informasi dan masalahnya. Parasu, Prastowo (Information and problems) Pembina ~erpustakaan sekolah. Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (4) (Developing school libraries) 1983: 170-172 Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 74- 76, 78 1239 Budihardjo, Utari 1245 Informasi, kebutuhan pemakai Sayangbati-Dengah, w.w. (Mrs.) dan jasa informasi. (Informa­ Perpustakaan Nasional oepar­ tion, users demand and in­ temen Pendidikan dan Kebuda­ formation services) yaan. (The National Library Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (3) of the E:duca ti on and Cu 1 ture 1983: 105-113 Department) Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (1) 1240 198 3: 36-44 Hidajad, Koento Fungsi dan peran jaringan informasi dan dokumentasi i lmiah bi dang keseha tan dan 047 REPORTS kedokteran dalam penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan. (Function and role of the 1246 scientific documentation and Hardoyo, Kikiek information network in the Penulisan laporan hasi 1 pe­ field of health and medicine ne l i tian. (Report writing in research and development) research reports) Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 54- Ilmu Bud, 6 (6) 1984: 457-461 55, 80 1241 1247 Kusbandarrumsamsi, Hendrarta Raharjo Sumber informasi ilmiah. Membua t laporan. (Report (Scientific information writing) sources) warta BRI, 8 (89) 1984: 31-32 Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (4) 1983: 154-161 1248 Setiawan, Ju.swan Bagaimana membuat laporan 027 GENERAL LIBRARIES kerj a yang baik: tantangan untuk seorang menejer. (How to make a good working paper: 1242 challenge for a manager) Baderi, Athaillah Manajemen, 4 (19) 1983: Pembinaan pemakai perpustaka- 100-103

15 1249 encourage growing partici­ Sumengen pation in development ) Petunjuk menyusun laporan Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (20) penelitian. (A guide writing research reports) 1983: 49-54 Warta Pengelol Penelit 1254 Pengembang, 5 (4) 1984: 23-32 Sabda, Yoseph Suardi Ide Negara kesejahteraan di­ tinjau dAri segi ideologi 048 ABSTRACTS Pancasila. (The idea of the welfare state viewed from the aspect of Pancasila ideology) 1250 Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (13) Wahyuni, Djati Penyusunan sari laporan pene­ 1983: 4-8, 17 li tian dan survei. (Research 1255 and survey report abstracting Sanit, Arbi method) Ideologi dan perwaki lan Maj Ilmu Perpust Info, 4 (2) politik di Indonesia. (Ideo­ 1984: 34-36 logy and political re­ presentation in Indonesia) Ilmu Bud, 6 (11) 1984: 05 PERIODICALS. REVIEJIS 801-815

1251 159.9 PSYCHOLOGY Hadi, A.c.s. Peranan majalah (ilmiah) dalam proses belajar meng­ 1256 ajar. {The role of lea~ned Bahar, Daru periodicals in the teaching­ Paradigma-paradigma perilaku: learning process) alat penganalisa proses Media Perpust Pus UNCEN, 11 penyaki t. ( Behaviour para­ (4) 1983: 1-3 digms : a tool t_or analyzing the course of an illness) Maj Kesehat, (104) 1984: 14 PHILQSHOPICAL SYSTEMS 29-33 1257 1252 Bahar, Daru Hardojo, R.A..s. Perilaku sehat: Bagaimana Pentingnya pembakuan istilah­ hakikatnya ?. (What is the i s ti l ah dan pengertian essence of behavior ?) pengertian yang banyak digu­ Maj Keseha t, ( 1 05) 1 984: nakan dalam penataran P-4. 47-51, 53 (The importance of standard terminology and meaning~ u~ed 1258 in the guide to the living Bambang Otomo and practice of the 5 Ketrampilan berpikir: apa principles) itu ?. (The skill of thinking Mimb BP-7, 3 (13) 1984: 6-9, : what is it ? ) 54 Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 44-46 1253 1259 Lukman, Arsin Jatman, Darmanto Pengamalan Pancasila dan UUD KB mantap dalam tinjauan psi­ 45 menumbuhkan partisipasi kologi. (Permanent contra­ aktif dalam pembangunan. ception (steri 1 i ty) from the (Implementation of Pancasila psychological point of· view) and the 1945 Constitution Mantap, 4 (3) 1984: 64-69

16 1260 1266 Mas'ud, Ahmad Maramis, w.F. Sugesti implementasi dan man­ Masalah psikologik dalam mem­ faa tnya dalam pendidikan • bangun lingkungan hidup yang (Suggestion, its implementa­ manusiawi. (Psychological tion and use in education) problems in developing a Mimb Pendidik Agama, 12 (153) human environment) 1984: 7-9 Maj Kesehat Jiwa, 1 O ( 1-2) 1984: 15-21 1261 Mboeik, Pieter B. 1267 Makanan dan cinta: suatu Pohan, M. Imran bahasan paedagogis psikologi. ~nak perempuan jantan bukan (Food and love : a psycho­ banci. (A tomboy is not a educational discussion) transvestite) Paedagogia, 6 (24) 1984: Higina, 6 (17) 1984: 30-31 50-57 1268 1262 Pohan, M. Imran Noor, Fuadi Membentuk kepribadian yang Perasaan malu sebagai pen­ utuh dan kuat. (Building a dorong dan pengendali aktif­ complete and strong per­ i tas manusia. (The feeling of sonality) ashame in encouraging and Higina, 5 (13) 1984: 40-41 controling human activity) Wali Songo, 2 (8) 1983: 28-36 1269 Yudobusono, Suranto 1263 Informasi lain tentang waria. Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan (Other information about Pengaruh televisi pada peri­ transvestites) laku. (The effects of tele­ Pelita BPKS, 9 (97-98) 1984: vision on behavior ) 9-12 Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 7-12 1264 159.95 HIGHER MENTAL Setyonegoro, R. Kusumanto PROCCESSES Kebijaksanaan kesehatan jiwa di Indonesia. (Mental health 1270 policy in Indonesia) Endang w. Ghoiali (Mrs.) Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 17-30 Kesukaran belaj ar. (Learning difficulties) Maj Kesehat Jiwa, 1 O (1-2) 1984: 22-38 159.923 TYPOLOGY. INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY. PERSONA­ 1271 LITY TYPES. IDIOSYN­ Poespowardojo, Soerjanto CRASIES. TEMPERA­ Alam pikiran dan kebudayaan MENTS (Way of thinking and culture) Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (14) 1983: 14-18 1265 Kurniadi, Hartati 1272 Hubungan antara perilaku pria Salam, Sumini Abdul dalam masa klimakterium Meningkatkan kreativitas di dengan wanita karir sebagai lembaga penelitian dan isterinya. (Relation between pengembangan. (Improving a man's attitude in ·climac­ creativity in a research and terium and his career woman development institute) wife) warta Pengelol Penelit Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 57-65 Pengembang, 5 (4) 1984: 8-14

17 159.961 PSYCHIC AND PARA­ (Ethics and moral problems in PSYCHIC PHENOMENA. development which implements PARAPSYCHOLOGY Pancasila) Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (14) 1273 1983: 55-63 Hoemardani, Soedjono Peranan parapsikologi di 1279 dalam budaya bangsa Indone­ Supargo, Asianto; Iskandar, sia. (The role of parapsycho­ Yul logy in Indonesian national Pene li tian pendahuluan HDRS culture) pada pasien-pasien yang ber­ warta Parapsikol, 2 (1) 1984: oba t di poliklinik RSKO • 20-24 (Hamilton Depression Rating scale (HORS) preliminary re­ 1274 search on polyclinic patients Permadi at the hospital for drug Peranan parapsikologi dalam dependence (RSKO)) pembangunan. (The role of Ji wa, 1 7 ( 3) 1 984: 69-7 4 parapsychology in develop­ ment) Warta Parapsikol, 2 (1) 1984: 2 RELIGION. THEOLOGY 14-19 1280 1275 Abdoessalaam, Harith Webb, D. Gerardus van Der Leeuw seba­ Parapsikologi dan ajaran ga i seorang theoloog dan weda. (Pa raps ye ho 1 og y and phenomenoloog. (Gerardus Van weda doctrine) Der Leeuw as a theologian and warta Parapsikol, 2 (1) 1984: phenomenologist) 42-45 Al-Jami'ah, (31) 1984: 37-52 1 281 17 ETHICS. MORALS. Kebung B., Kodrad CONVENTION Gejala sekularisasi dalam masyaraka t f lores. (Signs of 1276 secularization in flores com­ Prajitno, Arrohman munities) Percobaan bunuh diri di Basis, 32 ( 11 ) 1983: 402-406 Jakarta, dalam hubungannya dengan diagnosis psikiatri dan faktor sosiokultural. 24 THE RELIGIOUS LIFE. (Attempted suicide in PRACTICAL THFX>LOGY Jakarta, in relation to psy­ chiatric diagnosis and socio­ 1282 cultural factors) soejatno, R.s. Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 22-28 Meditasi praktis. (Practical meditation) 1277 Warta Parapsikol, 1 (12) Siagian, Sondang P. 1984: 56-57; 2 ( 1) 1984: 39- Etika bisnis dan kepentingan 41; 2 (2) 1984: 42-44; 2 (3) "stakeholders". (Business 1984: 34-37; 2 (4) 1984: 33- ethics and the interests of 35; 2 (5) 1984: 58-60 stakeholders) Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: 43-47 1283 Trimurti, S.K. 1278 Kehidupan kebatinan di Simatupang, T.B. Amerika. (Mysticism in Masalah-masalah etik dan America) moral dalam pembangunan yang Mawas Diri, 12 (6) 1983: 13- mengamalkan "Pancasila". 1 0, 61

18 291 SCIENCE AND COMPARATIVE 297.1 AL-QUR'AN (KORAN) HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 1291 Menuju standarisasi Al-Qur'an 1284 huruf braile Arab di Indone­ Ali, A. Mukti sia. (Towards a standardiza­ Peneli tian agama: suatu pem­ tion of the Koran) bahasan tentang metode dan Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 64-69 sistem. (Religious research : method and system) 1292 Al-Jami'ah, (31) 1984: 23-36 Sudja'i, Ahmad Mukjizat bahasa dalam Al­ 1285 Qur'an Al-Karim. (Language Parto, F.X. Suhardjo miracle in the Koran) Bukan animisme tetapi shaman­ Mimb Studi, 7 (03) 1984: 64-69 i sme • (Not animism but shamanism) Basis, 33 (8) 1984: 295-307 297.4 ISLAMIC LAW 297 ISLAM 1293 Beberapa masalah tentang kuburan orang kafir. (Some 1286 ~roblems about the graves of Effendy, Bisri infidels) Tradisi keilmuan di pesan­ Semesta, 12 (4) 1984: 64-67 tren. (The tradition of science in Islamic) 1294 Pesan, 4 (6) 1984: 11-14 Coulson, Noel J. Masalah pembaharuan dalam 1287 hukum Is lam. (The problem of Hidayat, M. Adityawarman ammendment in Islamic law) A~aran Islam tentang ke­ Studia Islamika, (18) 1983: miskinan. (Islamic doctrine 32-42 on poverty) warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: 39-42 1295 Hassan, A. 1288 Puasa. (Fasting) Raharjo, H.M. oawam Al-Mus limun, 15 ( 1 71) 1984: Manusia dan alam. (Mankind 30-56 and nature) Media KODI, 4 (3) 1984: 12- 1296 1 4, 19 Radhie, Teuku Mohammad Hukum dan perubahan sosial 1289 serta peranan hukurn Islam di Surnarsono dalamnya. (Law and social Meningkatkan kualitas muslim. chan9e and the role of (Improving the quality of Islamic law within) moslems) Studia Islamika, (18) 1983: Harmonis, 14 (307) 1984: 20- 11-20 21 1297 1290 Thalib, Sajuti; Farihi, Hamid Yudhaifraja, Syaeful Uyun Pembaharuan hukum kewarisan Manusia dalam pandangan Allah Is lam di Indonesia. (Ammend­ swt. (Man in the view of ment of Islamic inheritance Allah) law in Indonesia) Sinar Islam, 51 (4) 1984: Studia Is lamika, ( 18) 1983: 49-56 21-31

19 297.6 DEVELOPllENT 1305 Islam, kependudukan, ke­ 1298 sehatan dan lingkungan hidup. Ali, A. Mukti (Islam, population, health Aqama dan perkembangan ekono­ and environment) m1 di Indonesia. (Religion Media KODI, 4 (3) 1984: 15-19 and economic development in Indonesia) 1306 Mimb Ulama, 8 (78) 1984: 32- Joesoep, Muhd. Sjamsoeri 45 Ibn Kha ldun dan pemiki rannya. (Ibn Khaldun and his 1299 thoughts) Alim, Ahmad Sahirul Mimb Studi, 7 (03) 1984: Islam dan IPTEK. (Islam and 45-55 science & technology) Semesta, 12 (4) 1984: 24-43 1307 Kholid, Md. 1300 Filsafat hukum Islam. (The Baiquni, A. philosophy of Islamic law) Islam dan ilmu pengetahuan. Studia Islamika, (18) 1983: (Islam and science) 3-10 Semesta, 12 (4) 1984: 6-23 1308 1301 Moehammad, Goenawan Baiquni, A. Mungkinkah ajaran Islam dapat Islam dan pengembangan ilmu menwnbuhkan ilmu ekonomi se­ dan teknologi. (Islam and the bagai pengganti bagi i lmu development of science and ekonomi yang sudah ada dewasa technology) ini?. (Is it possible for the Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 17-23 teaching of Islam to develop a science of economics which 1302 can replace existing Beberapa pemikiran tentang economics ?) pendidikan agama Is lam di Dialog, 8 .(15) 1983: 11-16 sekolah umum. (Some ideas on Islam religious education in 1309 schools) Muhsin MK. Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 43-48 Tiga serangkai modernis Islam Indonesia. (Three Islamic 1303 modernist groups in Indone­ Budiono C.G., Rully sia) Potensi musik sebagai media Al-Muslimun, 15 (169) 1984: dakwah umat Islam. (The 69-73 poter1cy of music as a medium in Islamic preaching) 1310 Ilmu Bud, 6 (9) 1984: 648- Muttaqien, E.z. 653, 668 Perkembangan dakwah di Indo­ nesia. (The development of Islamic preaching in Indone- 1304 sia) · Djamas, Nurhayati Mimb Ulama, 8 (78) 1984: 10- Varian keagamaan orang Bugis 1 5, 22 Makasar: studi kasus di Desa Timbusseng Kabupaten Gowa. (A 1311 case study on religious Rifai, Tb. Bachtiar variants among the Buginese Islam dan ilmu pengetahuan and Makasarese in Timbusseng dan tekno logi: tan tangan Village, District of Gowa in pengembanganny-a di bumi south Sulawesi) Pancasi la. (Is lam and the Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 35-42 development of science and

20 1 ts dP.ve lopment in a Panca­ 131 7 sila environment) Jacob, T. Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 24-34 Rekayasa biososial. (Bio­ social engineering) Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah 297.8 SECTS Mada, 16 (3) 1984: 125-133 1312 Daly, Peunoh 1318 Gerakan Wahabi menegakkan Peningka tan peranserta nela­ Islam murni. (Wahabi movement yan dan petambak dalam pem­ to strengthen pure Islam ) bangunan desa pantai terpadu. Studia Islamika, 8 (18) 1983: (Improving the participation 51-55 of fishermen and fishpond owners/workers in the devel­ 1313 opment of integrated Praja, Juhaya s. seasharevillages) Gerakan Syi'ah ekstrim. (The Bul Nelayan, 4 (44) 1984: extrime Syi'ah movement) 10-15 Mimb Studi, 7 ( 03) 1984: 19- 44 1319 Poerbo, Hasan; Nordholt, Nico 3 SOCIAL SCIJmCES G.Schulte Memperkenalkan model tindakan 1314 manusia. (In trod uc ting a Salim, Emil human behaviour model) Tantangan pembangunan re­ Prisma, 12 (6) 1983: 40-53 levansi ilmu sosial terhadap kebijaksanaan. (The challenge of developing social sciences 1320 relevant to policy) Setyabrata, Sudarmadji Bul Pengair, (2) 1984: 2-6 Perkembangan industri minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia dan 1315 lingkun9annya. (Gas and oil Tjondronegoro, Sediono M.P. industrial development in Penelitian ilmu sosial dan Indonesia and its environ­ penen tu kebij akan. (Socia 1 ment) research and the po 1 icy Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS, 18 (1) maker) 1984: 28-35 Prisma, 12 (6) 1983: 54-63 1321 301 SOCIOLOGY Soetrisno, Loekman Kemerosotan tertib membangun dan kesadaran lingkungan di 1316 Indonesia: sebuah ca ta tan Bandiyono, Suko; Dj ufri s., sosiologis. (The decline in Ali building order and environ­ Beberapa masalah sosial buda­ mental awareness in Indone­ ya dan sumberdaya manusia sia: a sociological note) yang d~perkirakan masih ber­ Equilibrium, (Okt) 1983: lang,sung dalam beberapa 13-16 dekade mendatang. (Some sociocultural and human re­ 1322 sources problems which may Widiyanto, Paulus continue for several more Samin surontiko dan konteks­ decades) nya. (Samin Surontiko and his Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 2 (2) context) 1983: 21-26 Prisma, 12 (8) 1983: 59-67

21 301.15 SOURCES, MOTIVES 1329 OF SOCIAL PHENOMENA Supoduto, Mar AND CHANGE Mengapa komunisme merupakan bahaya latent. (Why communism is a latent danger) Cakrawala, (272) 1983: 35-37 1323 Agus Purwanto Witjaksono Peranan tokoh-tokoh masyara­ ka t di desa dalam pembangun­ an. (The role of prominent 301.17 SOCIAL PROCESSES. village personages in devel­ GROUP-FORMATION opment) Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 39, 44 1330 1324 Arsjad, Nurdjaman Bambang Adipurwa Korupsi ditinjau dari segi Komunikasi penyuluhan dalam ekonomi. (Corruption from the program perbaikan gizi. (The ec<;>nomic aspect) communication of information MaJ Keuang, ( 114) 1983: 48-51 and advice in the nutrition improvement programme) 1331 Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 48-51 Basri, Hasan Kepemimpinan Majelis Ulama 1325 Indones~a. (Leadership of the Dahlan, M. Alwi Indonesian Moslem Counci 1) Komunikasi insani dalam per­ Mimb Ulama, 8 (77) 1984: ubahan. (Human communications 5-1 o, 32 during change) Optimis, (51) 1984: 26-29 1332 Djatikusumo, G.P.H. 1326 Kepemimpinan Tentara Nasional Hisyam, Muhamad Indonesia 1945. (1945 Indone­ Penelitian komunikasi dengan sian Nasional Army leader­ pendekatan jaringan sosial. ship) (Communication research with Dharma Wi ra tama, 1 8 ( 54) a social network approach) 1984: 6-14 Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 32-39 1327 1333 Muchtar, Rusdi Muhadjir, Noeng Analisis jaringan komunikasi, Identifikasi faktor-faktor suatu pendekatan dalam pene­ kepemimpinan untuk pem­ li tian komunikasi. (Communi­ bangunan masyarakat. (The cation network analysis, an identification of leadership approach to communication factors for socia 1 develop­ research) ment) Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 43-47 Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 124-141 1328 Sujud 1334 Departemen Tenaga Kerja Natanegara, T. Asikin versus bahaya latent komunis­ Xepemimpinan normatif di me. (The Manpower Department lingkungan TNI-AL. (Normative versus the latent communist leadership in TNI-AL (Indone­ threat) sian Navy)) Tenaga Kerja, 4 (25) 1984: Dharma Wiratama, 18 (54) 24-31 1984: 15-27

22 1335 312 DEMOGRAPHY. POPULATION Nursahit (VITAL STATISTICS) Danrami 1: menurut pandangan 11 masyarakat Jawa. ( "Danrami 1 : from the point of view of Javanese society) Yudhagama, 5 (19) 1984: 24-32 1340 Koestoer, Raldi Hendro T. Dinamika penduduk dan peri­ 308 SOCIOGRAPHY. SOCIAL laku sosial. (Population GEOGRAPHY (SOCIAL dynamics and social be­ SURVEYS) haviour) Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 2 (2) 1983: 34-39 1336 Aumudin Statistik dalam penelitian 1341 pertanian. (Statistics in Loedin, A.A. agricultural research) Pengarahan tentang penelitian Teh Kina, 1 (1) 1984: 5-8 yang menunjang u~aya penurun­ an angka kema ti an bayi di 1337 Indonesia. (Guidance on re­ Hastjarja, Pudja F.ddie . search that supports the ef­ Beberapa pengalaman kerJa forts to reduce the infant lapangan da lam pene 1 i tian mortality rate in Indonesia) sociological Ind9nesia.(Some Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (9) experiences of field work in 1 984: 541 -545 Indonesian sociological re­ search) Basis, 33 (6) 1984: 211-222 1342 1338 Mantra, Ida Bagus; Effendi, Tjitrosidojo, Soemardjo Sofian Pendekatan terhadap survei Kebijaksanaan kependudukan pendahuluan. (Approach to untuk Repelita IV. (Popula­ preliminary survey) tion policy for the Fourth Maj Keuang, (114) 1983: 47, Five Year Development Plan 59-63 (Pelita IV)) Sumbangsih, 1 (4) 1984: 15-39

311 STATISTICAL SCIENCE. 1343 THEORY. METHOD Sudihardjo, Basuki Pengkajian manfaat peta seba­ gai sarana analisis dalam studi kasus perkembangan ke­ 1339 pada tan penduduk di setiap Bangun, Mbue Kata; Tarigan, kecamatan wilayah kabupaten Cipta Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Penentuan kurva respons pada Th. 1960 sampai 1980. (The percobaan faktorial yang satu role of maps as a"tool of faktor bersifat kualitatif. analysis in the case study of (Determination of curve res­ population density growth in ponse on factorial experi­ each sub-district of Yogya­ ments in which one of the karta District from 1960 to factors is qualitative) 1980) Kultura, 16 (107) 1984: 54-59 Maj LAPAN, 8 (31) 1984: 22-49

23 32 POLITICAL SCIENCE. developing entrefreneurs) POLITICS. CURRENT AFFAIRS Manajemen, 3 (16 1983: 55-59 1350 1344 Sanit, Arbi Ghazali, Zulfikar Organisasi kemasyarakatan Mengenal sendi demokrasi: dalam sistem politik Indone­ lintasan pemikiran barat. (An sia. (Social organization in introduction to · system of Indonesian poli­ democracy: western thought) tics) Ilmu Bud, 4 (4) 1982: 297-302 Ilmu Bud, 6 (6) 1984: 401- 420, 432 1345 S¥amsuddin, ~asarudd,in. . 1351 Dimensi sosial politik dari Sidik, Saliman kerangka landasan pembangun­ Masa lah pewarisan ni lai-ni lai an. (Social political dimen­ 45 kepada generasi muda. (The sion of the basic framework problem of passing on the '45 for development) values to the young genera­ Maj KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: 7-9 tion) Tenaga Kerja, 4 (24) 1984: 52-58 321.7 PARLIAMENTARY, MODERN DEIK>CRACY 325 MIGRATION 1346 Abdulgani, Roeslan Dinamika demokrasi Amerika dalam tahun Pemilu 1984. (The 1352 dynamics of American de­ Bandiyono, Suko mocracy in the 1984 election Pekerjaan di luar sektor per­ year) tanian dan migrasi desa-kota: Harmonis, 14 (300) 1984: suatu respon terhadap tekanan 10-11 penduduk dan pembangunan di Jawa. (Non agrarian jobs and 1347 rural-urban migration: a res­ Mubyarto ponse to population· pressure Partisipasi dan demokrasi di and development in ) pedesaan. (Participation and Masy Indon, 10 (2) 1983: democracy in villages) 229-243 Pusara, 52 (6) 1984: 230-235 1353 Kebijaksanaan pengawasan De­ 323 INTERNAL POLITICS partemen Transmigrasi. (Su­ pervision policy of the Transmigration Department) 1348 Transmigrasi, 1 ( 1 ) 1984: Abdulgani, Roeslan 42-47~ 1 (2) 1984: 2-4 Proklamasi 17 Agustus trauma dan nostalgia. (The August 17 1354 proclamation of independence, Levang, P. trauma and nostalgia) Shifting cultivation for Eksekutif, (50) 1983: 24-26 transmi~ration project? how ~primitive" technique could 1349 help to solve development Onghokham problems in Central Kaliman­ Minoritas dan keluarga dalam tan transmigration areas. penumbuhan wirausaha. (The Ilmu Pertan, 3 (6) 1984: minority and the family in 275-283

24 1355 Sidik, Saliman 1362 Pembinaan moral transmigran Joesoef, Daoed perlu dikembangkan. (It is The Western Pacific in the necessarl· to improve the year 2000: politic al and morale o transmigrants) security trends and their Transmigrasi, (2) 1984: 34-38 implementations. Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 402-409 1356 1363 suwarinata, Rubaman Sutopo, A.R. Menciptakan kota-kota baru The conduct of Indonesia's sebagai salah satu usaha pen­ foreign policy over the next capaian program transmigrasi five years. dalam Peli ta v. (Creating new Indon Q, 12 (3) 1984: 364-377 towns as one part of the transmigration program in 1364 Peli ta V) Sutopo, A.R. Transmigrasi, (2) 1984: 19-20 Pelaksanaan politik luar ne­ geri Republik Indonesia dalam lima tahun mendatang: suatu wawasan Indonesia. (The 327 INTERNATIONAL, FOREIGN execution of foreign politics AFFAIRS of the Republic of Indonesia in the next five years: a Indonesia point of view) 1357 Analisa, 13 (3) 1984: 232-248 Djiwandono, J. Soedjati The long-term strategies of 1365 the Southeast Asian Tambunan, M. Marwil countries: the case of ASEAN. Cara dan prosedur penyele­ Indon Q, 12 (2) 1984: 193-199 saian sengketa yang timbul dalam interpretasi dan imple­ 1358 men tasi hukum laut interna­ Hassan, Fuad sional yang baru. (Method and Great powers' interests in procedure in resolving con­ Southeast Asia. flicts arising in the Indon Q, 12 (2) 1984: 164-170 interpretation and implement­ ation of the new internatio­ 1359 na 1 law of the sea) Hassan, Fuad Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) Relevansi gerakan non-blok 1984: 88-120 dewasa ini. (The relevance of the non-block movement 1366 nowadays) wanadi, Jusuf Eksekutif, (56) 1984: 28-29 Regional issues: Australia, Indonesia, PNG and the South Pacific. 1360 Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 416-422 Husein Oh. Masalah dan prospek normali­ 329 POLITICAL PARTIES. s as i hubungan RI-Cina. PARTY SYSTEM (Problem and prosEect of nor­ malizing RI-China relations) 1367 Ilmu Bud, 6 (9) 1984: 694-702 Marsudi, Djamal Lahirnya kepartaian di zaman 1361 penjajahan Hindia Belanda. Indorf, Hans H. (The birth of parties during Critical undercurrents in the Dutch colonial era) future US-ASEAN relations. Maj KORPRI, 8 (91) 1984: Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 440-460 35-38

25 1368 pad a era Pe 1 i ta: sebuah ana- Prodjokusumo, H.s. 1 i sa ekonometri. (The rela­ Muhammadiyah dan pertumbuhan­ tionship between annual go­ nya. ( Muhammadiyah and its vernment spending in the growth) state budget (APBN) and Harmonis, 14 (307) 1984: 22- public investment activities 23, 47 in the Pelita (Five Year Development Plan) era: an econometric analysis) 33 POLITICAL m.x>NOMY. Ek on Keuang Ind on, 32 ( 1 ) ECONOMICS 1984: 107-115

1369 1375 Doan, Trong Truyen Basri, Jafar Possibilities of economic Analisa nilai dan perannya cooperation between Vietnam da 1 am kehidupan. (Value and other Southeast Asian analysis and its role iri nations. life) Indon Q, 12 (2) 1984: 224-232 Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: 26-28 1370 Nasution, Anwar Indonesia's Pelita IV: 1376 1984/1985-1988/1989. Boediono Indon Q, 12 (3) 1984: 287-305 Belaj ar i lmu ekonomi dari Maestro. (Studying economics 1371 from a Maestro) Silalahi, Pande Radja Equilibrium, (Okt) 1983: 4-5 Perekonomian Indonesia dalam Pelita IV. (Indonesian eco­ nomics in the Fourth Five 1377 Year Development Plan) Djiwandono, Soedradjad Analisa, 13 (3) 1984: 154-167 Dimensi ekonomi dalam ke­ rangka landasan pembangunan 1372 nasional. (The economic di­ Soesastro, Hadi mension in the framework of Economic cooperation among national development) countries in Southeast Asia. Ber Pasar Kerja, (12) 1984: Indon Q, 12 (2) 1984: 233-241 4-35

330 GENERAL CONCEPTS OF 1378 EL'ONOIUCS Kamaluddin, Rustian Metodologi penyususunan pe­ 1373 rencanaan kebutuhan investasi Azis, Iwan J. dan sumber pembiayaan pem­ Perkembangan teori keseim­ bangunan daerah. (Methodol­ bangan umum: dari Cassel ogies for planning investment sampai Debreu. (The develo.p­ requirements and sources of ment of the general equili­ funds for regional develop­ brium theory : from Cassel to ment) Debreu) Ekon Keuang Indon, 31 (4) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jan-Feb) 1983: 393-406 1984: 33-36 1374 1379 Bambang Triyoso Kemana arah perekonomian In­ Hubungan antara pengeluaran donesia ? (Where is the pemerintah dalam APBN dengan Indonesian economy going ?) kegiatan investasi masyarakat Eksekutif, (53) 1983: 15-20

26 1380 velopment Plan) Madjan, Elkandar Bul Li tbang DPP-FBSI, 5 (20) Analisa cost benefit sosial: 1983/84: 85-90 suatu ilustrasi penerapan metodologi evaluasi proyek. (Social cost benefit analy­ 1386 sis: an illustration of the Perkembangan tingkat produk­ application of project eva­ tivi tas pekerja industri pe­ luation methodology) ngolahan. (The development of Maj I lm Fak Per tan UN AND, 24 worker productivity in the (1-2) 1984: 3-17 manufacturing industry) Bul Litbang DPP-FBSI, 5 (20) 1 381 1983/84: 51-54 Simandjuntak, Djisman s. Ref leksi dalam sistem ekono­ mi. (Reflection in an econ­ 1387 omic system) Pon tj o Su towo Eksekutif, (60) 1984: 24-27 Pengembangan sumberdaya manu­ s i a. (The development of human resources) Ekonomis, 11 (Mei) 1983: 331 LABOUR. WORI(. 29-31 EMPLOYMENT

1388 1382 Purba, Yutamardi Badaruddin Sumberdaya manusia dalam pola Buruh sebagai penunjang pem­ pengembangan industri. (Human bangunan. (Laborers as sup­ resources in the industrial porters of development) development pattern) Tenaga Kerj a, 4 (25) 1984: Tenaga Kerja, 4 (24) 1984: 36-38 • 25-29 1383 Daham, Rady 1389 Perkiraan kesempatan kerja Sidarto dalam Repelita IV melalui Standardisasi la tihan. (The pendekatan elastisitas kesem­ standardization of training) pa tan kerja. (Estimate of Tenaga Kerja, 4 (24) 1984: work opportunity in the 5-10 Four th Five Year Development Plan via the approach of elasticity of work opportun­ 1390 ity) Sidik, Saliman Tenaga Kerja, 4 (21) 1984: Istilah tenaga kerja identik 28-32 buruh. (Manpower term identi­ cal with labour) 1384 Tenaga Kerja, 4 (21) 1984: Kesehatan mental di lingkung­ 36-39 an industri semen. (Mental hea 1th in the area of cement industries) 1391 KATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 14-22 Simandjuntak, Payaman J. Perspektip dan strate9i ~e­ 1385 ngembangan tenaga kerJa in­ Mas a lah tenaga kerj a dan dustri. (Perspective and transmigrasi primadona Pelita strategy in developing the IV. (The problem of manpower industrial work force) and transmigration in Peli ta Ber Pasar Kerj a, ( 1 2) 1 984: IV the Fourth Five Year De- 36-42

27 1392 nesia. (The scop of occupa­ Sindunagoro, Subroto tional health in Indonesia) Pengenalan masalah tenaga Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (9) kerja Indonesia sektor indus­ 1984: 569-574 tri dalam Felita IV. (Intro­ duction to Indonesia's indus­ trial manpower problem in the 1398 Fourth Five Year Development Kedudukan hukum karyawan PT Plan) (Persero). ·(The legal posi­ Insiny Indon, 32 (5) 1984: tion of governmental enter­ 15-20 prise workers) Sumbera Manusia, 1 (06) 1984: 1393 42-54 Suhar so Angkatan kerja dan kesempatan kerja di Indonesia. (Labour 1399 force and job opportunity in Sagir, Soeharsono Indonesia) Mo ti vasi dan disiplin kerj a Masy Indon, 10 (2) 1983: karyawan. (Work mo ti va ti on 185-194 and discipline among em­ ployees) 1394 Sumberd Manusia, 1 (07) 1984: Sutojo, Heru 31-34 Peranan peningkatan produkti­ vi tas tenaga kerja terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi OKI. (The 1400 role of increasing manpower Sarbini, Achmad productivity in OKI (Jakarta Hubungan perburuhan yang se­ region) economic growth) rasi. (Harmonious labour re­ Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jul-Ags) lations) 1984: 18-22 Sumbera Manusia, 1 (07) 1984: 20-26 1395 Wahono, Rachmat I. Peranan pendidikan-latihan dan angkatan kerja di Jawa Timur. (Role of education­ training and labour force in 3311.2 WAGES. SALARIES. PAY F.ast Java) Masy Indon, 10 (2) 1983: 209-227 1401 Husodo, Siswono Judo Imbalan karyawan kalau harga 331.1 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: BBM naik lagi. (Workers wages WORKERS AND F..MPLOYERS if fuel oil prices increa•e again) 1396 Varia Perikan Lampung, 4 (22) Djoko Utomo 1984: 38-41 Pemogokan buruh tani di abad ke-19: kasus Yogyakarta. (the 1402 labourer's strike in the 19th Pengarahan Menteri Soedomo century: the case of Yogya­ mengenai kenaikan BBM dan karta) pengupahan karyawan. ( Min~s­ Prisma, 12 (8) 1983: 68...,78 ter Soedomo's suggestion about increasing. fuel oi 1 1397. prices and labour wages) Fauzy, Oemaf Sumberd Manusia, 1 (06) 1984: Scop kesehatan kerja di Indo- 6-12

28 1403 ment and development) Silalahi, Bennet N.B. Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 2 (2) Masalah pengupahan dalam pe­ 1983: 27-33 rencanaan dan pembinaan ten­ ta ng kerja. (Problems of wages administration in per­ 331.8 HOURS, CONDITIONS, sonnel planning and develop­ FACILITIES, ORGANIZA­ ment) TION, ETC. Varia Perikan Lampung, 3 (16) 1983: 41-43 1409 Boedjosastro, Soeprapto Partisipasi pengusaha d.alam 331.4 FEMALE LABOUR AND peningkatan kondisi dan ling­ EMPLOYMENT kungan kerja di sektor indus­ tri kecil. (Entrepreneur par­ 1404 ticipation in improving work Mustafa environment and conditions in Perlindungan tenaga kerja the small industry sector) wani ta di apotik. (Women­ K.ATIGA, 5 (47) 1984: 12-16 worker protection in dis­ pensary) 1410 varia Farm, 5 (49) 1984: Manuaba, A. 21-22 Kondisi dan lingkungan kerja industri kecil di Indonesia. 1405 (Conditions and working Sofian, Benny environment of small scale Aspek-aspek tertentu tentang industry in Indonesia) buruh wanita. (Particular K.ATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 34-41 aspects of women labour) Bul Info Huk Mandala UIK.A, 1411 (2) 1983: 14-31 Panken, Peter M. Bagaimana menangani keluhan karyawan. (How to handle 331.7 QUALIFIED AND workers complains) UNQUALIFIED WORK OR Varia Perikan Lampung, 4 (24) EMPLOYMENT, SKILLED 1984: 42-45 AND UNSKILLED LABOUR i412 Purwana, Rachmadhi 1406 Bekerja, ditinjau dari sudut Sayoso; Boesro, Ahmad kesehatan. (Work from the Pengelompokan tenaga di lem­ heal th point of view) baga litbang. (Manpower­ Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 grouping in the research and (2) 1984: 91-95 development institute) Warta P.engelol Penelit 1413 Pengembang, 5 ( 1 ) 1984: 1 -9 Sahab, Syukri Tugas panitia pembina kesela­ 1407 matan dan kesehatan kerja. Soenarta, Nakoela (The task of the committee Manusia dan teknologi. (Man for work health and safety) and te~hnology) K.ATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 8-12 Suara Teknol, (93) 1984: 23-27 1414 Tan Malaka, Moh. 1408 Pengendalian pencemaran ling­ Wahono, Rachmat I. k ungan kerja. (Controling Jabatan peneliti, pengembang­ pollution of the working an ilmu dan pembangunan. (Re­ environment) search post, science develop- KATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 42-46

29 331.965 LABOUR MARKET 1421 1415 Williams, Glen; Johnston, Keadaan pasar kerj a bulan Mary Desember 1983. (Labour market The arisan: a tool for econo­ situation in December 1983) mic and social develofment?. Ber Pasar Kerja, (11) 1984: Prisma Eng Ed, (29 1983: 57-70 66-73 1416 Swasono, Yudo; Rachmandsjah s., Chairul 332.4 MONEY. MINT CURRENCY. Bursa tenaga kerja. (Labour COINAGE exchange) Sumbera Manusia, 1 (07) 1984: 1422 6-10 Fachruddin, Musjaffa Peranan teori portofolio pada lembaga perantara keuangan. (The role of portfolio theory 332.1 BANKING in monetary meditation insti­ tutions) 1417 Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: 29-33 Boedirahardjo, Sardi Peran dana bank pembangunan. 1423 (The role of development bank Marsono, Hindro finance (OF I)) Pengganda uang setelah 1 Juni Uang Efek, ( 11) 1984: 17-22, 1983. (The money multiplier 49-50 after June 1 1983) Uang Efek, (13) 1984: 35-38 1418 Nasution, Anwar 1424 Liberalisasi perbankan dan Marsono, Hindro erkembangan dunia usaha. Permintaan uang di Indonesia. fLiberalized banking and (Monetary demand in Indone­ entreprenurial development) sia) Prisma, 13 (7) 1984: 24-33 Uang Efek, (11) 1984: 42-44 1425 Odano, s. 332.2 SAVINGS BANKS. A note monetary sector model­ SAVINGS ling of the Indonesian econo­ my. Maj Pemasy, 11 ( 1) 1984: 15-28 1419 Panggabean, John Heart 1426 Gerakan tabungan masuk de~a. Panglaykim, Jusuf (Saving activities are being Dunia keuangan dan sektor introduced into the village) wirausaha. (The world of warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: 24-26 finance and the entrepre­ nurial sector) 1420 Prisma, 13 (7) 1984: 34-40 Syaman, Rachmat Tabungan: arti dan peranannya 1427 dalam rangka pemenuhan kebu­ Slangor t uh an modal perusahaan. Kebijaksanaan moneter baru (Savings: significance c;tnd setelah liberialisasi per­ role.~n meeting company in­ bankan. (New monetary .i;x>licy vestment needs) after the liberalization of warta, BRI, 8 (85) 1984: banking) 2-3, 17 Prisma, 13 (7) 1984: 3-23

30 1428 1435 Sulardi, M. Setelah investasi tanpa in­ Kebijaksanaan 1 Juni '83 per­ sentif. (After investment lu J?enyesuaian. (Government without incentives) policy of 1 June '83 is re­ Ekonomis, 12 (Mei) 1984: 39-41 quires adjustment) Uang Efek, (13) 1984: 15-17 1436 Sulardi, M. 1429 Dampak kenaikan tingkat bunga Voci, Joseph J. bagi perekonomian dan pasar Bagaimana meramalkan arus kas modal. (The impact of in­ suatu proyek. (How to predict creased interest on the eco­ the money supply flow in a nomy and stock market) projects) Uang Efek, ( 1 3) 1984.: 8-10 Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 38-41 1437 Thee, Kian Wie 332.6 EXCHANGE. FINANCIAL Japanese and American direct MAR.KET. STOCKBROKING investment in Indonesian ma­ nufacturing compared. 1430 Ekon Indon, 32 ( 1) 1984: Blej er, Mario I.; Khan, Moh­ 89-105 sin s. Kebijaksanaan pemerintah dan investasi swasta di negara­ 332.7 CREDIT negara berkembang. (Go­ vernment policy and private investment in the developing 1438 countries) Alwie, Muhammad Armain Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 33-37 Capital dan pemberian kredi t jangka pendek. (Capital and 1431 the granting of short-term Endang D. Soeseno credit) Perkembangan penanaman moda 1 Warta BRI, 8 (90) 1984: c:sing di Indonesia. ( Forei9n 1- 3, 6 investment development in Indonesia) 1439 Maj BPPT, (7) 1984: 42-48 Nasution, Anwar Beberapa masalah hutang­ 1432 hutang luar negeri negara­ Giliran Jawa Timur tawarkan negara berkembang. (Some investasi. (East-Java bar­ problems of foreign loans in gains for investment) developing countries) Ekonomis, 11 (Mar) 1984: 39-42 Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) 1984: 14-19 1433 Kester, w.carl Strategi investasi yang men­ jamin pertumbuhan. (Strategic investment which can guaran­ 333.3 PRIVATE PROPERTY. tee growth) HOUSING PROBLEM, ETC. ManaJemen, 4 (23) 1984: 74-81 1434 1440 Naibaho, Yannes Batubara, Cosmas Pendidikan dan karier di pa­ Pola penyediaan perumahan sar sekuritas. (Education and untuk rakyat • (The pattern career in the security of providing housing) market) Mimb BP-7, 2 (10) 1983: Uang Efek, (11) 1984: 8-13 15-?.0, 47

31 1441 market in Indonesia) Soeb'3:rto, Oerip Prisma, 13 (7) 1984: 41-53 KeseJahteraan sosial peru­ mahan, dan lingkungan'masya­ 1448 rakat pedesaan. (Social wel­ Hadibroto fare, housing and environment Undang-undang perpajakan 1984 of rural society) dan dampaknya terhadap prof e­ Pelita BPKS, 9 (99) 1984: s i akuntan. (Tax regulation 9-14, 37-38 1984 and its impact on the accountancy profession) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) 334 CO-OPERATIVE MOVEMENT 1984: 47-51

1442 1449 Bey, Anwar Kamaluddin, Rustian Koperasi alternatip mengha­ Keuangan Daerah Kotamadya dapi resesi. (Cooperatives an Padang Panjang: profil, po­ alternative in face of the tensi, dan pengembangan. (The recession) . profile, potential and de­ Ekonomis, (02) 1983: 38-39 velopnent of finance in Kota­ madya (municipality) Padang 1443 PanJang) Hadisoegondo, Soebroto Ek on Keuang Indon, 32 ( 1) Problematik koperasi dalam 1984: 73-88 Peli ta IV. (The problems of cooperatives in the Fourth 1450 Five Year Development Plan Silalahi, Pande Radja (Repeli ta IV)) Kalau harga minyak turun: Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 76-79 bagaimana dampaknya APBN?. (If the oil price declines: 1444 how will it effect the state KUO Tani Raharja merayap da­ budget) lam kesuli tan. (Tani Raharj a Manajemen, 5 (25) 1984: 48-53 village Cooperative Unit in trouble) 1451 Eksekutif, (43) 1983: 49-50, Silalahi, Pande Radja 53, 55 Reorientasi penerimaan nega­ ra: sebuah tinjauan. (Re­ 1445 orientation on inland re­ Mekanisme kerja kelomJ;>Ok ne­ venue: an evaluation) layan. (Working mechanism for Manajemen, 3 (16) 1983: 60-64 fishermen groups) Bul• Nelayan, 3 (33) 1983: 1452 15-18 Sugandakusumah, R. Supardi Undan~-undang perpajakan In­ 1446 donesia dan implikasinya ter­ soal koperasi yang harus man­ hadap prosedur pemeriksaan diri. (Cooperatives which umum. (Indonesian tax regula­ have to be independent) tions and their implication Ekonomis, (02) 1983: 36~37 in auditing) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) 1984: 41-46 336 PUBLIC FINANCE. STATE FINANCE 1453 Sutojo, Siswanto 1447 Menyimak perkemban<.Tan pasar Bambang Riyanto modal di tanah air. (The Pembe lanj aan perusahaan dan development of the stock­ pasar modal di Indonesia. market in Indonesia) (Company budget and the stock Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 52-57

32 338 PRODUCTION. CREATION 1460 OF WEALTH. ECONOMIC Tinjauan triwulan perekono­ SITUATION mian Indonesia. (Indonesian economics quarterly review) 1454 Ekon Keuang Ind on, 32 ( 1 ) Gunawan, Ahmad . 1984: 3-29; 32 (2) 1984: Produktivitas dalam sistem 119-144 produksi. ( Productivity in the production system) 1461 Forum Pengusaha, 1 (3) 1983: Wardhana, Ali 24-26 Overview: Indonesia's econo­ my - the next five years. 1455 Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jan-Feb) Hilman s. 1984: 3-8 Stagnasi dunia bisnis, infla­ si, resesi dan ekonomi segi 338.45 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION penawaran: supply-side econo­ MANUFACTURE mics. ( Stagnation in the bu­ siness world, inflation, 1462 recession and supply-side somaatmadja, Dardjo economics) Pengembangan agro industri di Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: 14-17 Indonesia aspek dan peranan sektor perindustrian. (The 1456 development of agro industry Sardi, J. in Indonesia, the role of the Ikut melacak analisa ekonomi industrial sector) pedesaan di Indonesia. (Rural Komun Ba 1 Besar Pene lit economic analysis in Indone­ Pengembang Ind Has Pertan sia) Bogor, (211) 1983: 13 p. Cakrawala, 15 (2) 1983: 3-43 1463 1457 Susan to, Hari Silalahi, Pande Radja Pengaruh industri impor sub­ Prospek perekonomian Indone­ sti tusi terhadap pola konsum­ sia tahun pertama Pelita IV. si masyarakat. (The influence (The prospect for the Indone­ of import substitution indus­ sian economy in the first try on socia 1 consumption year of Pelita IV (the Fourth patterns) Five Year Development Plan)) Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 63-66 (4) 1984: 11-19 1458 Soesastro, Hadi 338.5 PRICE AND VALUE. COST The western Pacific in the year 2000: economic trends 1464 and their implications. Dalimunthe, Parlindungan Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 410-415 sebuah perhitungan harga da­ sar gabah kering giling. 1459 (Calculation of the floor Taroepratjeka, Harsono; Wi­ price for dried milled rice) diarto . Bul Pengair, (1) 1984: 45-51 Penggunaan fungsi. prod~k~i Cobb-Douglas pada analisi~ 1465 sistem produksi citronella di Garda, R.A. Jawa Barat. (The use of the Mengawinkan ancangan pene­ Cobb-Douglas production tapan harga strategik dan function in anal.yzing the taktis. (Crossing preparatory citronella production system strategic and tactical price in ) regulation) Proc ITB, 17 (2) 1984: 11-32 Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: 21-26

33 1466 338.93 ENTERPRISES AND Susanto, Bari ENTREPRENEURS Diskriminasi harga OPEC: kon­ sekuensi produk monopolistik. (OPEC price discrimination: 1472 the consequence of product Kamaluddin, Rustian; Iskan­ monopoly) dar, Iswandi Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 3 (1) Investasi dunia usaha swasta 1984: 46-49 di Sumatera Barat. (Invest­ ment in private enterprise in West Sumatra) 338.924 INDUSTRIALIZATION Prisma, 13 (7) 1984: 61-72 1473 1467 Kristyanto, Handojo Gauru, Lo Jal ur alih pengetahuan di Prospek pengembangan industri dalam perusahaan. (Transfer di Nusa Tenggara Timur. (The of knowledge in enterprises) prospect of industrial Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jan-Feb) development in East Nusa 1984: 9-1 3 Tenggara) Bul Penelit UNDANA, 4 (1) 1474 1983: 60-86 Navis, A.A. Kewirausahaan menurut sosio­ 1468 logi Minangkabau. (Private­ Oshima, Harry T. entrepreneurship according to Issues in heavy industry de­ Mina~gkabau sociology) velopment in Asia. ManaJemen, 4 (19) 1983: 49-54 Ekon Keuang Indon, 32 (1) 1984: 31-72 1475 Simandjuntak, Djisman s. 1469 Some notes on Repelita IV: Panetto, Abdul Rachman opportunities and challenges Dampak pembangunan industri for the private sector. besar dan menengah terhadap Indon Q, 12 (2) 1984: 137-140 ~embangunan Indonesia. (The impact the development of big 1476 and middle sized industries Soehoed, A.R. on Indonesia's development) Perkembangan industri keci 1 Tinj Ekon BNI-1946, (113) dan sedang di Indonesia. (The 1984: 10-21; (114) 1984: 7-17 development of small and medium scale industries in 1470 Indonesia) Thee, Kian Wie Analisa, 12 (7) 1983: 573-584 Beberapa masalah sekitar per­ kembangan sektor industri di Indonesia. (Some problems of development in the industrial 338.95 FORMS OF ENTERPRISE. sector in Indonesia) METAYAGE. CONCESSION Masy Indon, 11 (1) 1984: 1-14 14 71 1477 Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono Aminullah, Erman Berbagai masalah dalam Peranan perusahaan f armasi pembangunan industri di Indo­ transnasional di Indonesia. nesia. (Various problems in (The role of transnational industrial development in pharmacy enterprises in Indo­ Indonesia) nesia) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) varia Farm. 5 (53) 1984: 1984: 20-23 31-34

34 1478 1484 Simandjuntak, DJisman s. Soekanto, Soerjono The expansion of the role of Ilmu-ilmu hukum dan pengem­ the private sector during bangan hukum. (Law and law Pelita IV: between urgency development) and reluctance. Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: Indon Q, 12 (3) 1984: 319-327 37-45 1479 Simandjuntak, Djisman s. Peningkatan peran sektor 340 LAW IN GENERAL. COMPARA­ swasta dalam Pelita IV: anta­ TIVE LAW ra urgensi dan keengganan politis. (Increasing the role 1485 of the private sector in the Agus Salim Hasan Fourth Five Year Development De Islamisasi Snouck Hurgro­ Plan between urgency and po­ nj e da lam lapangan hukurn dan litical unwillingness) perundang-undangan. (Snouck Analisa, 13 (3) 1984: 182-190 Hurgronj e's Is lam in law and constitution) Al-Muslimun, 14 (177) 1984: 339 DISTRIBUTION, CONSUMP­ 87-93 TION, CONSERVATION OF WEALTH OR GOODS 1486 Nusantara, Abdul Hakim G. 1480 Pengembangan hukurn lingkungan Bambang Triyoso di Indonesia sebuah tinjauan Menyimak perkembangan pola kri tis. (Environment law de­ konsumsi BBM selama leriode velopment in Indonesia: a 1968-1983. (The deve opment critical review) of fuel oil consumption pat­ Bul Info Huk Mandala UIKA, 1 terns during 1968-1983~ (2) 1983: 1-13 Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jul-Ags) 1984: 3-1 2 1487 Simandjuntak, Payaman J. 1481 Doktrin produktivitas se­ Danusaputro, st. Munadjat dunia. (World productivity Zone ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE). doctrine) (Exclusive economic zone) Tenaga Kerja, 4 (25) 1984: Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 16-18 (3) 1984: 1-18 1488 1482 Sudarna, Dadang Effendi, Hirwan Huk um ada t dan teor i "re­ Konsumsi energi spesifik. ceptio in complexu". (Custom (Specific energy consumption) law and "receptio in com­ Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 18 (2) plexu" theory) 1984: 1 0-22 Wali Songo, 2 (9) 1983: 19-28 34 JURISPRUDEJiCE. LAW. LEGISLATION 342 PUBLIC LAW. CONSTITU­ 1483 TIONAL LAW Ahmad, M. Rais Pengembangan hukum dan nilai dasar kesadaran hukum. (Law 1489 development and basic values Eddy Kristianto of law consciousness) Iming-iming hak azasi. (Human Bul Info Huk Mandala UIKA, 1 rights) (2) 1983: 52-55 Basis, 33 (6) 1984: 232-237

35 1490 (The urgency for a management Fungsi konstitusional sidang system in criminal court law) urnurn MPR. ('I'he constitutional Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: 89-94 function of MPR the People's Consultative Congress Plenary 1496 Sessions General Meeting) Thee, Kian Wie Komun Ekapr Pancakr, 4 (13) Masalah korupsi dan masyara­ 1983: 12-17 kat pencari rente. {Problems of corruption and a society 1491 searching for moneylenders) Rahardjo, Satjipto Manajemen, 4 (19) 1983: 29-34 Pikiran alternatif tentang hak asasi manusia. (Al terna­ 343.9 CRIMINOLOGY. CRIMINAL ti ve thinking about human ANTHROPOLOGY, SOCIOL­ rights) OGY, TECHNOLOGY Bul Info Huk Mandala UIKA, 1 (2) 1983: 48-52 1497 Lubis, o. Bachtiar Konsep gangguan jiwa dan 343 CRillINAL LAW. PENAL tanggung jawab pidana. OFFENCES. PENOLOGY. (Concept of psycho~ath and CRDIDJOLOGY criminal responsibility) Jiwa, 17 (3) 1984: 31-40 1492 Hidayat, Taufik 1498 Mekanisme hukum di Indonesia Samirin dalam konfigurasi nilai dan Sebab-sebab kejahatan. citra sosial: sebuah pengham- (Causes of crime) iran terhadap KUHAP. Pelita BPKS, 9 (99) 1984: fIndonesian jurisprudence 23-26, 39-40 mechanism in social image and value configuration: an ap­ proach to KUHAP (the rule of 347 PRIVATE LAW. CIVIL LAW criminal law book)) Ilmu Bud, 6 (11) 1984: 1499 857-873 Hudiyono, s. Kesaksian de audi tu. (De­ 1493 auditu evidence) Komenta·r-komentar atas kasus Maj UNDANA, 11(32-33)1983: pembunuhan di Sragen, Jawa 71-77 Tengah. (Comments on murder cases at Sragen, Central­ 1500 Java) Sri Setianingsih, Suwardi Bahana, 5 (1) 1983: 14-19 Peranan lembaga lisensi wajib dalam rangka alih teknologi 1494 dari negara maju ke negara Rahardjo, Satjipto berkembang. (The role of a Pokok-pokok uraian tentang compulsory license institu­ hukum acara pidana dan per­ t i o n i n t e ch n o 1 o g i c.a 1 lindungan hak asasi manusia. transfer from modern to (Principal details concerning developing countries) the criminal law procedure Huk Pembangun, 17 (2) 1984: and human rights protection) 103-118 Bul Info Huk Mandala UIKA, 1 (2) 1983: 45-47 1501 Valencia, Mark J.; Danusapu­ 1495 tro, St. Munadjat Rahardjo, satjipto Indonesia: law of the sea and Urgensi siste~ manajemen da­ foreign policy issues. lam hukum keadilan pidana. Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 461-520

36 1502 1508 Wijaya, Krisna Triatmodjo, Sudibyo Memasyarakatkan "leasing". Strategi pembinaan PNS dalam (The publishing of leasing) Repelita IV. (Civil servant warta BRI, 8 (90) 1984: 4-6 development strategy in the Fourth Five Year Development Plan) 347.62 MARRIAGE Maj KORPRI, 8 (91) 1984: 23 26-27 , 1503 Basri, Cik Hasan 351 GOVERNMENT LI'J;ISLATION. Hukum dan perubahan sosial: PUBLIC SERVICES. suatu telaah mengenai UU per­ CONTROL. REGULATION kawinan sebagai sarana peru­ bahan sosial. (Law and social 1509 . change: a study on marriage Pedoman penyederhanaan dan law as a tool for social pengendalian perizinan di change) bidang usaha. (A guide to the Mimb Studi, 7 (03) 1984: 1-18 simplification and control of licensing in the field of 1504 business) Menyongsong satu dasa warsa Tinj Ek on BNI-1946, ( 11 4) undang-undang perkawinan. 1984: 23-38 (Celebrating a decade of mar­ riage law) 1510 Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 49-53 Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI tentang pen~elolaan dan 1505 perizinan apotik. (Ministry Pelaksanaan undang-undang of Health regulation concern­ perkawinan di Nusa Tenggara ing management and licensing Barat. (The implementation of of drugstores) marriage law in west Nusa Varia Farm, 2 (19) 1981: 5-7 Tenggara) Dialog, 8 (15) 1983: 54-64 1 511 Somawidjaja, E. Soekasah 35 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Kebijaksanaan pengawasan pem­ ADllINIS'l'RATIVE LAW. bangunan. (National develop­ MILITARY SCIENCE AND ment supervision policy) DEFENCE Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 55-61

1506 Hardoyo, Kikiek 351.741 ORGANIZATIOR. POLICE Birokrasi dan sistem poli tik FORCE. CONSTABULARY Indonesia: sebuah pendekatan sosiologi poli tik. ( Indone­ sian bureaucracy and 1512 political system: a Agus Wiradihardja sociopolitical approach) Polisi sebagai fungsi dan Ilmu Bud, 6 (9) 1984: 709-914 organ ditinjau dari segi pe­ laksanaan tugas di bidang 1507 keamanan dan ketertiban ma­ Lubis, Mochtar syaraka t di Indonesia. (The Alam pikir birokratis dan police as a function and prospek pembangunan nasional. organ seen from the aspects (Bureaucratic thinking and of task implementation national development pros­ concerning public security pects) and order in Indonesia) Manajemen, 5 (25) 1984: 22-25 Bhayangkara, (09) 1984: 11-23

37 1513 "project benefit monitoring" Ismail, Chairuddin dan eval uasi pada proyek­ Polisi dan warga masyarakat: proyek irigasi. (Some notei mencari landasan partisipasi. about project benefit (Police and society: monitoring and evaluation of searching for a basis for irrigation projects) participation) Bul Pengair, (2) 1984: 19-23 Bhayangkara, (09) 1984: 25-34 1520 1514 Santosa, Paul Mardiaman Perkumpulan petani pemakai Masalah pengukuran efektivi­ air (P3A) Dharma Tirta. tas dan efisiensi. (Measuring (Water user farmers associa­ police effectivity and effe­ tion of Dharma Tirta) ciency) Bul Pengair, (4) 1984: 1-24 Bhayangkara, (09) 1984: 51-63 1515 Sitompul, P.M. 351.81 COMMUNICATIONS. Resiko dan tanggung jawab TRAFFIC. TRANSPORT polisi. (Police risk and res­ ponsibility) Bhayangkara, (09) 1984: 35-44 1521 1516 Latief, H.Ch.N. Sugiarso Angkutan penumpang dan hari Hubungan polisi dan masyara­ depan angkutan umum kita. ka t di Jepang. (Relation (Passenger transport and the i;>etween fol ice and community prospect of public transport) in Japan Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: Bhayangkara, (09) 1984: 65-72 54-59 351.77 PUBLIC HEALTH. FOOD. HOUSING 1522 Tjokroadiredjo, R.E. 1517 Memahami masalah pengaturan Gani, Ascobat ekonomi angkutan udara. (Un­ Tinjauan segi ekonomi terha­ derstanding the problem of dap dana uraya kesehatan ma­ air transport economy regula­ syarakat. Economic study on tion) pub 1 ic hea 1th expedient Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mar-Apr) funds) 1984: 17, 31-34 Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 (2) 1984: 67-73 1518 354 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT. Suklan STATE ADMINISTRATIOH. Aspek legalisasi dalam penga­ GOVERNMENT DEPAR'DIEN'l'S. wasan makanan di Indonesia. MINISTRIES (Legalization in food control in Indonesia ) Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 58-60, 67 1523 Saleh, Mimien Peranan Pusat Informasi Na­ 351.79 WATERS. IRRIGATION. sional dalam menunjang pemba­ HYDRAULIC POWER ngunan. (The role of a Natio­ nal Information Center in 1519 , supporting development) Beberapa catatan mengenai Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 47-51

38 1524 ternational order) Sosrodarsono, suyono Prisma, 12 (10) 1983: 3-10 Uraian singkat kegiatan­ kegiatan Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan kaitannya dengan 1530 sektor-sektor lain dalam Sudarsono, Juwono Pelita IV. (Brief descrip­ Lingkungan internasional dari tions of the Ministry of pertahanan keamanan Indone­ Public Works in relation to sia. (The international envi­ other sectors in the Fourth ronment and Indonesia's se­ Five Year Development Plan) curity-defence) Insiny Indon, 32 (3) 1984: Prisma, 12 (10) 1983: 17-26 13-18

355 MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE. 355.3 GENERAL ORGANIZATION WAR. NATIONAL DEFENCE. OF THE FORCES ARMID FORCES 1525 Djiwandono, J. Soedjati 1531 The Soviet presence in the Godjali, o.I. Asia-Pacific region: an Indo­ Postur babinsa yang diharap­ nesian perspective. kan sebagai ujun~ tombak Indon Q, 12 (4) 1984: 423-439 koter. (Posture of 'babinsa" recommended for a territorial 1526 command (koter) lance point) Djumeno H. Yudhagama, 5 (18) 1984: 39-48 Pemantapan kemanunggalan ABRI dengan rakyat dalam rangka meningka tkan s tabi 1 i tas na­ siona 1. (Strengthening the 1532 union between the Indonesian Nursahit army and the people in order Motivasi kejuangan TNI-AD to increase national salah satu upaya peningkatan. stability) (The army's mo ti va ti on to Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) fight: one attempt at 1984: 121-156 improvement) Yudhagama, 5 (18) 1984: 17-30 1527 Herman s. Tantangan-tantangan tahun 1533 1984-1985. (The challenges of Soemardi 1984-1985) Kesadaran memegang rahasia Yudhagama, 5 (18) 1984: 70-78 tentara. (Awareness that army secrets are secret) 1528 Yudhagama, 5 ( 1 9) 1984: Jacob, T. 48-56 Universitas, polemologi dan perang terakhir. (The univer­ sity, polemology, and the final war) 1534 Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Soenarko Mada, 16 (2) 1984: 51-62 Us aha menj amin dan memantap­ kan kelestarian dwifungsi 1529 ABRI. (Guaranteening and re­ Sjahrir inforcing the continuity of Sistem pertahanan Indonesia the armed forces double dan tatanan dunia. (Indone­ function) sia's defence system and in- Yudhagama, 5 (19) 1984: 33-39

39 355.5 MILITARY TRAINING. 1535 EXERCISES. DRILL Suparman, Maman Postur kekuatan TNI-AL pada 1541 80-an sebagai implikasi pe­ Temadja, I Ketut ngakuan zone ekonomi eksk 1 u­ Latihan tahunan TNI-AL Jales­ s i p (ZEE) 200 mil. (Power veva Jayamahe 1983/1984. (In­ posture of the Indonesian donesian Navy annual training navy in the 80s as on impli­ Jalesveva Jayamahe 1983/1984) cation of recognition of the Dharma Wiratama, 18 (54) 200 mi le exc 1 usi ve economic 1984: 1 07-119 zone) Dharma Wiratama, 18 (54) 1542 1984: 28-106 Temadja, I Ket~t . Sesko ABRI bag1an laut menJa­ 355.4 OPERATIONS OF WAR. wab tantangan tugas. (Indone­ TACTICS AND STRATEGY sian Mariner Staff and Com­ 1536 manders' School answers the Maulani, Z.A. challenge of their task) Strategy pre-emptive. (Prr·- Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) emptive strategy) 1984: 10-17 Yudhagama, 5 (18) 1984: 31-3 362 SOCIAL WELFARE. SERVICES 1537 INSTITUTIONS, ESTABLISH­ Silalahi, Tb. MENTS Strategi penangkalan dan per­ kembangannya. (Deterence 1543 strategy and its development) Hardiati, Enni . Yudhagama, 5 (18) 1984: 8-16 sumbangan pikiran usaha me­ ningka tkan PSM. (Some ideas 355.46 RAVAL OPERATIONS. on efforts to improve public AIR OPERATIONS social workers (PSM)) Peli ta BPKS, 9 (97-98) 1984: 1538 21-24, 52 Pattihaluan, John Peranan kapal kombatan permu­ 1544 kaan air dalam peperangan la­ Samirin ut: kebangki tan kembali le­ Peningkatan kesejahteraan wat teknologi. (The role of sosial masyarakat. (Increas­ surface combat ships in sea­ ing public social welfare) war: resurgence through tech­ Peli ta BPKS, 9 (97-98) 1984: nology) 49-51 Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) 1~4: 76-87 1545 Sirna, I Nyoman 1539 Penelitian tentang kemiskinan Soewarso rakyat ~edesaan pada lima Masalah penguasaan laut. negara di Asia. (Study of the (Problem of ocean control) rural poor in five asian Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) countries) 1984: 46-63 Media Info, ( 1) 1984/85: 76-86 1540 Soewarso 1546 Persoalan keamanan dan per­ soehartono, Irawan timbangan strategik Selat Pemetaan masalah sosial di Malaka. (Strait of Malaka: daerah rawan. (Mapping social problem of security and stra­ problems in crisis areas) tegic considerations) Media Info, ( 1) 1984/85: Dharma Wiratama, 17 (53) 67-75 1984: 18-25

40 1547 1553 Sudiyar Z.A., Ahmad Pohan, Imbalo s. Hambatan dan kemudahan parti­ Penekanan biaya peme 1 iharaan sipasi sosial remaja dalam sarana hospital melalui tata usaha kesejahteraan sosial. cara perakunan biaya dan tek­ (Obstacles and case affecting ni k manajemen. (Containment the participation of youth in of hospital equipment mainte­ social welfare efforts) nance costs through cost ac­ Media Info, ( 1) 1984/85: c oun ting procedures and 54-59 management techniques) Arogya Sala, 1 (1) 1984: 37-42 362.1 MEDICAL (HEALTH) SERVICES 1548 362.178 FAMILY PLANNING Azwar, Azrul Pelaksanaan sistem rujukan dalam praktek kerja. (Imple­ mentation of the referral 1554 system in a practice) Isa, Mohamad Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 Kebijaksanaan pemerintah (2) 1984: 74-76 (Dep.Kes.RI) dalam pelayanan kontrasepsi mantap di Indone­ 1549 sia. (Governmental folicy Gunawan, L.A. (Department of Hea th) on Tinjauan penelitian berbagai secure contraception in Indo­ alternatip strategi dalam nesia) sistem pelayanan kesehatan. Mantap, 4 (2) 1984: 29-34 (A review of research on alternatives for strategies in the heal th) Arogya Sala, 1 (1) 1984: 9-14 1555 Prabowo, R. Prajitno 1550 Pengalaman melaksanakan pen­ Menata kembali pelayanan ke­ didikan/ la tihan tubektomi seha tan. (Reshaping health untuk mahasiswa kedokteran di services) Fakultas Kedokteran Universi­ Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 tas Airlangga Rumah Sakit (4) 1984: 27-30 Dr.Soetomo. (Experience in tubectomy training and educa­ tion for medical students at 362.11 HOSPITALS, the Medical Faculty of Air­ INFIRMARIES langga Uni versi ty-Dr.Soetomo Hospital) 1551 Mantap, 4 (2) 1984: 39-43 Bagaimana merencanakan rumah sakit. (How to plan a hospital) Manajemen, 4 (23) 1984: 62-67 1556 Saifuddin, Abdul Bari 1552 Beberapa sumbangan untuk Lumenta, Benyamin program latihan dalam rangka Struktur tarip rumah sakit: program keluarga berencana suatu ancangan alokasi biaya. rumah saki t. (Some sugges­ (Hospital fee structure: a tions for training programmes cost allocation plan) in the hospital family Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jul-Ags) planing prograritme) 1983: 36-40 Mantap, 4 (3) 1984: 31-38

41 1557 1563 Saifuddin, Abdul Bari; Suma­ Pengertian dan kriteria keca­ praja, Sudraji catan. (The meaning and cri­ Pendidikan dan latihan kon­ teria of handicap) trasepsi mantap bagi mahasis­ Penyul Sos, (54) 1984: 9-14 wa kedokteran di Indonesia. (Educ a ti on and training in secure contraception for me­ 1564 dical students in Indonesia) Rehabilitasi penyandang cacat Mantap, 4 (2) 1984: 19-28 di dalam pan ti. (Rehabi li ta­ tion of the handicapped in 1558 institutions) Siahaan, Nommy H.T. Penyul Sos, (54) 1984: 21-24 Mencegah malapetaka ledakan penduduk melalui NKKBS. (Pre­ venting population explosion 1565 disaster through the NKKBS Rehabilitasi penyandang cacat (happy small family)) di luar panti. (Rehabilita­ Ma] KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: tion of the handicapped out­ 29-31 side institutions) Penyul Sos, (54) 1984: 25-27 1559 Soejoenoes, Ariawan Kontrasepsi mantap minilap interval dan pasca persalin­ 362.74 CARE, EDUCATION AND an. (Interval mini laparotomy PROTEX!TION OF secure contraception and NEGLECTED CHILDREN postchild birth) Mantap, 4 (3) 1984: 39-45 1566 1560 Lubis, Firman Yuwana, Rudy Kesejahteraan anak: masalah­ Melaksanakan pendidikan dan masalah yang perlu lebih di­ latihan vasektomi untuk maha­ perha tikan. (Child welfare: siswa kedokteran di Fakul tas the problems that require Kedokteran Universitas Di~o­ more attention) negoro. (Vasectomy education Optimis, (51) 1984: 64-67 and training for medical students at the Medical Fa­ culty of Diponegoro Uni­ 1567 versity) Ma'as, Bakrim Mantap, 4 (2) 1984: 35-38 Pembinaan dan pengembangan remaja di desa. (Youth 1561 guidance and development in Yuwana, Rudy villages) vasektomi sebagai salah satu Pelita BPKS, 9 (97-98) 1984: metoda kontrasepsi mantap 13-16 pada pria. (Vasectomy as a method of sterilizing men) Mantap, 4 (3) 1984: 46-51 1568 Thompson, R.C. Pembunuh bayi misterius: SIDS 362.4 WELFARE OF PHYSICALLY dikenal sebagai salah satu HADICAPPED penyebab kematian bayi di Amerika. (A mysterious killer of infants ; SIDS (Sudden 1562 Infant Death Syndrome) as one Penanganan penyandang cacat. cause of infant death in (Caring for the handicapped) America) Penyul Sos, (54) 1984: 15-19 Aku Tahu, 1 (18) 1984: 40-41

42 368 INSURANCE 1576 Suryomihardjo, Abdurrachman 1569 Pandang pembuka masa kini Lukum, Nico menatap hari depan. (Look at Premi dalam polis asuransi the opening of the present marine. (The premiums on a period to examine the future) marine insurance rlicy) Optimis, (49) 1984: 34-40 Kalawarta, 8 (30 1983: 4-5, 18 1577 1570 Syarkawi SM., Nazmy Soedibyo Pendidikan merupakan sarana Segi hukum dari asuransi. vital dalam meningkatkan (Legal aspects of insurance) prestasi buruh/karyawan. Forum Pengusaha, 1(3)1983: (Education is vital to in­ 11-1 3 creasing the performance of the workforce) Suara Buruh, (9) 1983: 34-35 37 EDUCATION 1571 Eddy Kristianto Pendidikan di daerah. (Educa­ 371 TEACHING AND TRAINING, tion in the provinces) SCHOOL ORGANIZATION: Basis, 33 (8) 1984: 309-319 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS 1572 Endang Pujiaty (Mrs.) 1578 Peranan ibu dalam keluarga Danusastro, Suhardjo dan akibat memanjakan anak. Belajar mandiri sebagai sara­ (The mothers role in the na peningkatan mutu pendi­ family and the effect of dikan dan perluasan kesem­ spoi liug children) pa tan belajar. (Student Tenaga Kerja, 4 (21) 1984: autonomy to improve educa­ 64-67 tiona 1 quality and increase study opportunities) 1573 Paedagogia, 6 (24) 1984: 1-6 Prodjokusumo, H.S. Pendidikan manusia Indonesia seu tuhnya. (Ed uca ti on of the 1579 complete Indonesian) Diyanto Mimb Ilmu, 8 (78) 1984: 16-22 Strategi belajar mengajar bagi peningkatan produktifi­ 1574 tas. (Teaching and learning Soedjatmoko strate9y for increasing pro­ Tantangan belajar untuk abad ductiv1 ty) 21. (The challenge of study Lembar Ilmu Penget !KIP for the 21st century) Semarang, (Ed.Khus) 1984: Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 47-50 48-72 1575 Sunardji 1580 Pembentukan manusia Indonesia Iskandar, Noor Muhsin seutuhnya sebagai sasaran PAN dan PAP dalam peni laian pembangunan pendidikan di pendidikan • (Norm referenced Indonesia. (Creating the measurement and criterian complete Indonesian as an referenced measurement in educational development educational evaluation) target in Indonesia) Paedagogia, 6 (24) 1984: Pusara, 52 (2) 1984: 73-75 25-33

43 1581 1587 l'taryadi Nurtain Krea ti vi tas merupakan ti tik Gaya dan wibawa kepemimpinan awal untuk belajar mandiri. kepala sekolah dalam mengelo­ (Creativity as the starting la kematangan guru dan hu­ point to study autonomy) bungannya dengan hasil bela­ Paedagogia, 6 (24) 1984: 7-15 jar murid. (The style and leadership of headmasters in 1582 managing teachers, and its Nurgiyantoro, Burhan connection with pupils' Analisa kesalahan dalam pe­ learning) ngaj aran bahasa. (Error ana­ Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: lysis in language teaching) 110-123 J Kependidik, 14 ( 1) 1984: 11-31 1588 Sukarman J583 Aspek ekonomi dari pendidik­ Soedharto, 8. an: suatu pendekatan sistem. Strategi belajar mengajar (The economic aspect of edu­ bagi peningkatan produk ti vi­ cation: a system approach) tas. (Learning and teaching Informasi, 10 (1) 1983: 39-51 strategies for increasing productivity) 1589 Lembar I lmu Penget I KIP Suwendho Semarang, (Ed. Khus) 1984: Peningkatan mutu profesi guru 3-12 dalam operasi pendidikan. (Increasing the professional 1584 quality of teachers in educa­ Sukarno tion) Memperkena lkan STOS. (Intro­ Yudhagama, 5 (19) 1984: 40-47 d uc ti on to STOS: Science Teaching Observation Sche­ 371.214 PROSPECTUS. CUR- dule) RICULCJll. SYLLABUS Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 1590 (73) 1984: 2-6, 48-49 Bawa, Wayan Pelaksanaan kurikulum 1975 1585 dalam pengajaran biologi pada Wetik, B. SMA negeri di Bali. (The Strategi belajar mengajar implementation of 1975 curri­ bagi peningkatan produktivi­ culum in biology education at tas. (Learning and teaching senior secondary schools in strategies for increasing Bali) productivity) Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: Lembar Ilmu Penget !KIP 100-109 Semarang, (Ed. Khus) 1 984: 13-24 1591 Darmodiharjo, Darji 371.1 MANAGEMENT· TEACHIHG Pendidikan moral Pancasila di STAFF SD, SLTP dan SLTA. (Pancasila 1586 moral education in elementary Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry school, junior and senior Kebutuhan dan penyediaan te­ secondary school) naga guru sekolah menengah di Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: Jawa Barat: untuk periode 19-25 1975-1985. (Deman for and supply of secondary school 1592 teachers in west Java: for Jambulingam, A.P. period 1975-1985) Curriculum development. Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 142-149 26-28

44 1593 1597 Rupaka, N. Mudardjito Program pengajaran ilmu pe­ Se layang pandang: pendidikan ngetahuan sosial yang memadai taman kanak-kanak. (Kinder­ sesuai dengan tuntutan kuri­ garten education) kul um 197 5. (Social science suara Guru, 33 (3) 1984: 23- teaching programs that match 26; 33 (4) 1984: 25-28 the 1975 curriculum) Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 54-61 1598 Nasoetion, Andi Hakim 1594 Buku di dalam kehidupan kita. Subandiyah (Books in our life ) Studi deskriptif inventarisa­ Pembimb Pembaca, 3 (1 O) 1984: · si problem jam kosong dan 448-452 pemecahannya dalam merealisa­ si kurikulum SMA 1975 di SMA negeri Kabupaten Sleman, Yo­ 1599 gyakarta. (A descriptive Ramelan study on the inventarisation Problem-problem yang timbul of the teacher absence pro­ dalam pelaksanaan pelajaran blem and its solution in metematika SD kelas III di implementing the senior se­ Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. condary school curriculum (The problems arising in ma­ 1975 in SMA negeri Sleman, thematics teaching in 3rd Yogyakarta) grade of primary school, J Kependidik, 14 ( 1) 1984: Yogyakarta region) 57-68 J Kependidik, 14 ( 1) 1984: 69-77

372 PRE-SCHOOL AND ELEMEN­ 1600 TARY OR PRIMARY EDUCA­ Wijono TION Studi korelasi antara stcttus sekolah swasta dengan presta­ 1595 s i belajar siswa pada SD Haditono, Siti Rahayu swasta di Kotamadya Surakar­ Memperhatikan perkembangan ta. (Corelation study between masa dini anak berdasarkan private school status and beberapa pandangan baru. (At­ student succes at private tention to early childhood primary schools in Surakarta development based on some new municipal/regency) views) Paedagogia, 6 (25) 1984: Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 30-40 76-85 1596 Idris, Naswil 373 INTERMEDIATE, SECONDARY Faktor-faktor yang berhubung­ EDUCATION an dengan adopsi praktek da­ sar hidup sehat para murid sekolah dasar: suatu deskrip­ 1601 si analisis regresi ganda. Belen, s. (Factors related to the adop­ Sekolah menengah bahasa tion of healthy life prac­ asing: gagasan Ki Hajar De­ tices by primary school wantara yang belum terwujud. pupils: a double regression (A foreign language secondary analysis description) schoo 1 Haj ar Dewan tara' s Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: idea as yet unfulfilled) 86-99 Pusara, 52 (2) 1984: 68-72

45 1602 1607 Dahlan, M.D. Sudaryono, Bondan; Yuwono, Ciri-ciri kepribadian siswa Nyoto Sarwo SPG negeri di Jawa Barat Bagaimana melaksanakan pende­ dikaitkan dengan sikapnya katan perorangan dan memper­ terhadap jabatan guru. (The oleh kepercayaan dalam kegi­ personality of teacher a tan penyul uh an pertanian. training school pupils in (The personal approach: how West Java in relation to to win confidence in giving their attitude towards the agricultural guidance) position of teachers) Maj Pertan, 31 (2) 1983/1984: Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 16-19 150-160 1603 378 HIGHER EDUCATION. UNI­ Sunardji VERSITIES. COLLEGES. Pengajaran mengarang dalam ACADEXIES bidang studi bahasa Indonesia di SMP di Jawa Tengah. 1608 (Teaching composition in In­ Amidjaja, D.A. Tisna donesian language lessons in Kemampuan pendidikan tinggi junior sch.ools in Central dalam menyediakan kader-kader Java) pembangunan. (The ability of Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: higher education to prepare 68-75 development cadres) Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 1604 8-18 Usodo, c. Paket be laj ar untuk sekolah 1609 pendidikan guru. (Package Hieronymus B.S. lessons for teacher training Sepercik renungan pendidikan schools) berpikir dan humaniora bagi Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: masyarakat perguruan tinggi. 46-53 (Education for thought, and humaniora in college society) 1605 Maj Mhs, 7 (38) 1983: 17-23 Yustinus, Ngadino Pembuatan satuan pelajaran 161 0 pada SMA negeri di Kotamadya Nurzaman, Usman Surakarta. (Learning unit Kemungkinan-kemungkinan dan construction at senior se­ hambatan universitas terbuka. condary schools in Surakarta (Possibilities and obstacles municipal/regency) of the open university) Paedagogia, 6 (25) 1984: 8-16 Lembar Ilmu Penget IKIP Semarang, (F.d. Khus) 1984: 34-47

374 FURTHER EDUCATION. PRI­ 378.1 GENERAL ORGANIZATION: VATE STUDY. CONTINUATION STAFF, STUDENTS SYSTEMS. ADULT EDUCATION 1611 Bambang Siswanto Pentingnya pengaturan komuni­ 1606 kasi dalam organisasi profesi Santosa, Salamin Budi mahasiswa. (The importance of Teknik memimpin diskusi. (The co-ordinating communication tech?ique of leading a dis­ in a university student pro­ cussion) fessional organization) Mimb BP-7, 3 (13) 1984: 10-13 Maj Mhs, 6 (34) 1983: 38-41

46 1612 1617 Ischak Hadiwigeno, Soetatwo Minat membaca literatur pada Sistem pendidikan tinggi eko­ mahasiswa. (Interest in nomi dalam kaitannya dengan reading literature among col­ profesionalisasi dan spesia­ lege students) lisasi. (The economics higher J Kependidik, 1 4 ( 1 ) 1984: education system in con­ 5-10 nection with professionaliza­ tion and specialization) Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: 1613 29-36 Juniarso, Triman Per 1 unya organisasi profesi 1618 mahasiswa. (The need for uni­ Kartakusumah, Dan Hisman versity student professional Tinjauan pendidikan dan pem­ organization) binaan seni rupa di OKI Ja­ Maj Mhs, 6 (34) 1983: 7-12 karta sekitar tahun 1976- 1983. (A study of art educa­ tion in Jakarta, around 1976- 1614 1983) Pidarta, Made Berk Seni Rupa, (8) 1984: Perencanaan model seleksi 49-59 calon mahasiswa : salah satu alternatif. (Planning a model 1619 for student selection : an Murdiyono al terna ti ve) Pendidikan dan pengembangan Anal Pendidik, 4 (2) 1983: tenaga programer. (Training 62-67 development of programmers) Komput Elektron, 2 (1) 1983: 46-48 1615 Prestasi belajar mahasiswa 1620 ditinjau dari latar belakang Widyahartono, Bob kehidupan sosial berorganisa­ Permasa lahan pendidikan in­ si jurusan pendidikan luar forma tika • (The problem of biasa Fakultas Keguruan dan information education) Ilmu Pendidikan. (Student Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 72-75 success observed in relation to the background of social and organizations in the 380.8 TOURIST TRADE OR special schools department of IHDOSTRY the education and teacher training faculty) Paedagogia, 6 ( 25) 1984: 1621 41-48 Industri pariwisata bolehlah berteriak. (The tourism in 1616 dustry may shout) Sukardi Ekonomis, 11 (Mar) 1984: 8-11 Studi kore lasi an tara ni lai STTB sek tor tes masuk dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. 381 INLAND ( HDHE) TRADE (Correlation study between the certificate examination test score and student 1622 ability) Hidayat Paedagogia, 6 (25) 1984: 1-7 Mengapa konsumen cenderung membeli barang kredit?. (Why do consummers tend to 378.9 SPECIALIST ESTABLISH­ buy by instalment ?) MENTS, COLLEGES MaJ Keuang, (126) 1984: 13-16

47 1623 1630 Jamal, Sarjaini Siswoputranto, P.S. Toko obat dan kemungkinan Posisi Indonesia dalam perca­ peningkatan peranannya dalam turan komoditi internasional. program kesehatan. (Drug (The position of Indonesia in store and its possibility to international trade) improve its role in health Manajemen, 3 (16) 1983: 87-93 program) Varia Farm, 5 (49) 1984: 12-15 383/388 COMMUNICATIONS. 1624 TRANSPORT Onghokham Merosotnya peranan pribumi 1631 dalam perdagangan komoditi. Ma lapetaka i tu memang te lah (Declining the role of native datang. (Disaster has indeed Indonesian in commodity come for satellite Palapa B2) trading) Ekonomis, 11 (Mar) 1984: Prisma, 12 (8) 1983: 3-19 20-22 1632 Maspaitella 382 FOREIGN TRADE. INTER­ Pendidikan transportasi seba­ NATIONAL TRADE gai suatu tuntutan dasar pem­ bangunan nasional Indonesia. (Transportation education as a basic demand of Indonesian 1625 national development) Kopi di Ivory coast. (Coffee Transte 1 Indon, (44) 1984: on the Ivory coast) 13-22 Kopi Indon, (9) 1983: 13-16 1633 1626 Perhubungan dan kemantapan Pengaturan ekspor kopi ••• ketahanan nasional. (Communi­ 1982-198~ (Co-ordination of cations and stability of na­ coffee export ••• 1982-1983) tional defence) Kopi Indon, (8) 1983: 13-18 Transtel Indon, (43) 1984: 3-16 1627 Simandjuntak, Djisman s. Sistem preferensi umum MEE 389.6 STANDARDIZATION dan peluang bagi ekspor non­ migas. (General preference of the MEE and opportunity for 1634 non oil and gas exports) Rustandi, Lily (Mrs.) Manajemen, 4 (19) 1983: 23-28 Laboratorium penguji dalam kaitannya dengan sertifikat. 1628 (Laboratory testing in rela­ Siswoputranto, P.S. tion to certification) Ekspor kopi 1981-1982. (Indo­ BulLEN, 3 (1) 1984: 2-11 nesian coffee export 1981- 1982) 1635 Kopi Indon, (8) 1983: 5-9 Sai t, Salya Mengenal standardisasi indus­ 1629 tri di Indonesia. (An intro­ Siswoputranto, P.s. duction to Industrial stan­ Ekspor kopi ke pasaran non­ dardization in Indonesia) k uo ta. (Coffee exports to Komun Bal Besar Penelit non-quota markets) Pengembang Ind Has Pert.an Kopi Indon, (9) 1983: 8-12 Boger, (217) 1984: 11 p.

48 39 ETHNOGRAPHY. CUSTOM AND 1642 TRADITION. FOLKLORE. Putra, Heddy Shri Ahimsa SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY Strukturalisme Levi-Strauss: sebuah tanggapan. (Levi­ Strauss structuralism: a 1636 review) Glinka, Josef Basis, 33 (4) 1984: 122-135 Analisis faktorial ciri-ciri metris penduduk Pulau Palue. 1643 (Principal component analysis Sularto, B. of the metrical characteris­ Adat garebeg di Yogyakarta. tics of the inhabitants of (Garebeg ceremony in Yogya­ the island of Palue) karta) Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Eksekutif, (50) 1983: 81-82, Mada, 16 (3) 1984: 135-143 85-86

1637 392.5 MARRIAGE. NUPTIALS Husken, Frans Kinship, economics and poli­ 1644 tics a Central Javanese vil­ Dunbar, R. lage. AJ;>a alasan di belakang evolu­ Masy Indon, 11 ( 1) 1984: si monogami ?. (What are the 29-43 reasons behind the evolution of monogamy ?) Aku Tahu, 2 (21) 1984: 40-43 1638 Leibo, Jef. 1645 Buat kedua orang tua yang be­ Marriage customs of the indi­ ke rj a. (For both working genous people of Betawi (Ja­ parents) karta) • Pusara, 52 (4) 1984: 150-152 Ipdon Today, 10 (3) 1983: 6-7 396 WOMEN AND SOCIETY. 1639 FEMINISM Marbun, B.N. Bisnis tradisional Batak dan 1646 manajemen modern. (Batak tra­ Da'ie, Adlan ditional business and modern Mengerling status wanita le­ management) wa t kaca mata Islam. (A Manajemen, 4 (23) 1984: 6-13 glance at women's status through the Islam point of view) 1640 Al-Muslimun, 15 (171) 1984: Minangkabau sebuah sorga wa­ 67-69 ni ta? (Minangkabau a womens paradise?) 1647 Eksekutif, (44) 1983: 70-73 Mayling, Oey Wanita dan sektor informal. (Women and the informal 1641 sector) Moerdowo, R.M. Galang, (3) 1984: 5-7 Dilema seni klasik tradisio­ nal Bali dalam perkembangan 1648 kebudayaan nasional. (The Murpratomo, A. Sulasikin dilemma of traditional Bali­ (Mrs.) nese classic arts in the Pergerakan wani ta Indonesia. development of a national (The women's in Indonesian) culture ) Maj Ketahan Nas, 13 (45) Ilmu Bud, 6 (6) 1984: 421 -432 1984: 49-59

49 1649 396.5 1IOllmt AND WORK Pentingnya penyuluhan dan pe­ mahaman undang-undang bagi kaum wani ta. (The importance 1656 to women of information ser­ Hurip, Husada vices and knowledge of the Badola di desa ·Tidore law) Sangi he-Ta 1 a ud. (Bado la Wanita Dalam Pembangun, 1 (3) fisher women. in Tidore, 1981: 19-24 Sangihe-Talaud) Media LEKNAS-LIPI; 2 ( 2) 1983: 40-44 1650 Peranan wanita Indonesia da­ 1657 lam pembangunan bangsa. (The Sri Wahyuni; Elizabeth J. role of Indonesian women in Women's role in smal 1 rumi­ nation building) nant production in Cirebon, Gema Angkat 45, (76-80) 1983: West Java. 91-93, 96-97 Ilmu Peternak, (6) 1984: 247-250 1651 1658 Pringgoadisurjo, Luwarsih Suparmi (Mrs. ) Ibu-ibu muda calon pembawa Kesempatan kerja bagi wanita perubahan. (Young housewives sesuai den9an kodratnya. (Job as potential agents of opportunities for woman, ap­ change) propriate to her nature) Optimis, ( 51 ) 1 984: 60-62 Tenaga Kerj a, 4 (25) 1984: 56-59 1652 soeratman, Darsiti Pelaksanaan ci ta-ci ta Karti­ 51 MATHEJIATICS ni, suatu nuansa. (Realiza­ tion of Kartini's ideas, a nuance) 1659 Pusara, 52 (4) 1984: 145-149 Gultom, B. Konsep penting dalam metode bidang fasa. (Important 1653 concepts in phase space Staudt, Kathleen ·A. method) Women's organizations in Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 rural development. (34) 1984: 26-33 Media Gizi Kel, 7 (1) 1983: 30-36 1660 Gul tom, B. 1654 Mode 1 ma tema tika sua tu sis tern suwita, Rukmini Sastra identifikasi. (Mathematical Azas dasar kewanitaan. (The model of an identification feminine principle) system) Theosofi, 14 (7) 1983: 14-20 Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 (33) 1984: 17-23 1655 Tjakrawati, Sylvia wani ta dan pembanc:i-unan : 1661 citra wanita yang diidamkan. Naga, Dali s. (Woman and development: the Perhitungan cepat trachten­ image of the ideal woman) berg. (Trachtenberg rapid Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 2 (2) calculation) 1983: 12-20 Aku Tahu, 2 (21) 1984: 50-52

50 1662 523 DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY Sutrisno Si stem bi langan biner. (The binary number system) 1668 Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 Batas jagad raya, dimana? (73) 1984: 7-1 4, 46-47 (Where is the limit of the world?) Sartika, 8 (17) 1984: 50-53 519.2 CALCULUS OF PROB­ ABILITY. STATISTICAL 1669 MATHEMATICS Leksono, Karlina Bumi yang kesepian. (The 1663 lonely world) Maspupu, John Aku Tahu, 2 (18) 1984: 49-51 Peranan kuasa tes untuk me­ nentukan besarnya sampel dari 1670 suatu populasi. (The role of Leksono, Karlina testing to determine sample Darimana bulan datang? size from a population) (Where did the moon come Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 from?) (34) 1984: 34-42 Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 55-57

1664 523.7 THE SUN Supranto, J. Mengapa pimpinan perusahaan harus mengerti statistik. 1671 (Why managers must understand Bagaimana menyaksikan gerhana statistics) matahari. (How to witness a Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: solar eclipse) 65-73 Warta PERTAMINA, 17 (12) 1983: 24-26

521 THIDRETICAL ASTRONOMY 1672 Bambang Hidaya t 1665 Ma tahari sebagai bin tang. Kambry, Maspul Aini (The sun as a star) Menentukan posisi satelit Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 buatan tanpa memperhitungkan (35) 1984: 5-14 efek gangguan. (Determining artificial satellite position without calculating distur­ 1673 bance effect) Kambry, Maspul Aini Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 8 Variasi diameter matahari. (30) 1983: 17-32 (Variation in the sun's diameter) 1666 Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 Rufinus, Jeffrey (33) 1984: 32-40 Tachyon: lebih cepat dari kilat. (Tachyon : faster than lightning) 1674 Aku Tahu, 2 ( 18) 1984: 37-39 Maspupu, John Pendekatan kurva bilangan 1667 sunspot dengan menggunakan Tonie; Atanas fungsi kubik terpotong. (Sun­ Satelit-satelit dan Doppler. spot number curve approach (Satellites and Doppler) using cubic spline functions) Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 6 Ber PUS Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 ( 72) 1984: 2-5, 14 (35) 1984: 15-24

51 523.8 STARS 1681 Teka-teki di gurun: misteri gambar-gambar ukuran raksasa. 1675 (Mystery in the desert: the Bambang Hidayat; Admiranto, mystery of the giant size A. Gunawan; Hucht, Kare 1 A. pictures) Van Der Aku Tahu, (Peb) 1983: Wolf-Rayet binaries: evolu­ 52-59 tionary causes for their dis­ tribution in the galaxy. 1682 Contr Bosscha Obs, (79) 1984: Theodolit elektronik era baru 175-190 dalam pengukuran. (Electronic theodolite a new era in measuring) 1676 Mekatronika, 6 (4) 1983: Dawanas, D.N.; Hirata, R. 60-62 Radial velocity and profile variations of the ultraviolet 529 CHRONOLOGY. TIME. circums tel lar lines in Tauri. THE CALENDER Contr Bosscha Obs, (83) 1984: 139-144 1683 Gozali, Wikarya Membuat program basic untuk 1677 menghitung jumlah hari. (How Leksono, Karlina to make a basic program for Menyelidik bintang lewat war­ counting days) na. (Investigating stars by Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: colour) 14-18 Aku Tahu, 2 (21) 1984: 53-55 1684 Santoso, Trias 1678 Penghitungan kalender dengan Loore, c. De; Sutantyo, w. komputer. (Calender calcula­ Late stages of the evolution tion by computer) of close binaries. Komput Elektron, 2 (2) 1984: Contr Bosscha Obs, (82) 16-19 1984: 33 5-354 534 VIBRATIONS. ACOUSTICS. 528 GEODESY. SURVEYING SOUND 1685 1679 Engel, Kenneth Simmons, Henry Membedah suara. (Voice sur­ Eksplorasi sumberdaya bumi gery) dari antariksa. (Earth re­ Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 17-21 sources exploration from space) 1686 Pertamb Energi, (14) 1983: Fortunatus K.C.M., Peter 41-43, 45-48, 53 Akustik ruang. (Space ac­ coustics) Sigma, (6) 1984: 31-35 1680 Suharsana 1687 Pemakaian radar untuk peme­ Johan A.H. taan topografi secara otoma­ Akustik musik merdu estetik. tis. (Automated topographic (Acoustics of aesthetic melo­ mapping by radar) dius music) Medi a Te kn , 5 ( 3 & 4 ) 1 9 8 3 : Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 2-5 (73) 1984: 32-38, 47

52 1688 1694 Prajuto Madjid, Johasman Mencaca t gem pa bumi. (Noting Pembuatan dan aplikasi dari earthquakes) fungsi polyelektrolyte. (Pre­ Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 22-23 paration and application of function of polyelectrolytes) Insiny Indon, 32 (3) 1984: 535.8 APPLICATIONS. OPTICAL 23-29 INSTRUllENTS 542 EXPERIMENTAL AND PRE­ 1689 PARATIVE CHEMISTRY. Harimawan, A.; Farid, R. LABORATORY EQUIPllENT Prototipe periskop pasif. (A AND TECHNIQUE prototype of passive peri­ scopes) 1695 Instrumentasi, 7 (1-3) 1983: Subarno 21-24 Penyulingan minyak atsiri. (Essential oils distillation) 1690 Prof Bal Ind Ambon, 1 (02) Sumastri 1984: 2-8 Cara mengukur benda-benda kecil dengan mikroskop. 1696 (Measurement of micro matter Y'amanishi, Tei by microscope) Kimia flavor teh. (The che­ Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 mistry of tea flavour) (74) 1984: 34-39 Teh Kina, 1 (1) 1984: 24-34

539 PHYSICAL NATURE OF 543 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY MATTER 1691 1697 Budi Santoso Haya ti S., Nur Modifications of the born Analisa kadar timbal dalam approximations in atomic batuan dengan metoda spek­ scattering calculations. trofolometri gravimetri dan Atom Indon, 9 (1) 1983: volumetri. (Analysis of lead 19-31 content in rocks by gravime­ try and volumetry spectrovo­ lumetry) 1692 Bu 1 Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 2 Nawi, Ismail (5) 1984: 12-18 Gesekan pada serat kapas. (The friction of cotton 1698 fibres) Santosa, Wiweko; Wibowo, Arif Maj BPPT, (7) 1984: 11-23 Nyala api bunsen. (The bunsen burner flame) Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 541 GENERAL, THEORETICAL AND (74) 1984: 28-33 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 1699 1693 Suklan Jenie, Umar Anggara Efisiensi pengiriman sampe 1 Studi jalur delokalisasi pada peristiwa keracunan ma­ elektron pada inti porfirina. kanan. (The efficiency of (Study on electron delocali­ sending samples in cases of sation lines in nucleus of food poisoning) porphyrins) Maj Kesehat, (104) 1984: Maj Farm Indon, 11 (2) 1983: 34-36, 39 12-18

53 546 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 550.34 SEISMOLOGY 1700 1706 Hattab, Sjarifuddin Alexander, George Perlu pengamanan terhadap Anatomi gempa bumi. (Earth­ kadar zat asam oksigen dalam quake anatomy) air sungai. (Control of Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 oxygen content in river (7 3) 1984: 39-45 water) Ay am Te 1 u r, 1 1 ( 5 1 ) 1 9 8 3: 47-49 1707 Ridwan, M. Muliadi 1 701 Per go 1 akan bumi: apa day a Kuntoro, Sapto kita?. (Earth turbulence: Logam merkuri: manfaat dan what power do we have?) bahayanya. (Mercury meta 1: Aku Tahu, 1 (6) 1 983: 26-29 its uses and dangers) Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 6 (72) 1984: 25-29 I 47-48 1708 Soetomo J.A.; Bambang Santoso Kenampakan ref leksi seismik 547 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY pada struktur diapir di Suma­ tera Utara. (Seismic reflec­ tion appearance of diaperic 1702 structure in North Sumatra) Irianto, Hari Eko Bul Geol, (13) 1984: 5-16 Masalah histamin pada ikan. (Histamine problem in fish) 551 GENERAL GEOLOGY. ME- Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: TIDROLOGY CLIMATOLOGY. 29 STRATIGRAPHY 1703 1709 Mustafa, Bustani Sahara, Moedh. Eddy The effect of blending etha­ Pengelolaan daerah aliran nol in gasoline on physical sungai. (Watershed manage­ and chemical properties. ment) Sci Con tr, ( 2) 1983: 27-35 Energi Listr, (4) 1984: 18-26 1704 Nasution, A.s. Kinetika reaksi hidrogenasi 1710 benzena menjadi sikloheksana Wibowo, Arif dengan bantuan katalis Ni­ Pen9amatan gunung api. (Vol­ W/A.1203. (Kinetics of hydro­ canic observation) genation reaction on benzene Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 to cyclohexane with Ni-­ (73) 1984: 25-31 W/Al203 as catalyst) Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 18 (1) 551.46 OCEANOGRAPHY. SUB­ 1984: 3-1 5 MARINE TOPOGRAPHY 1705 1 711 Soedarsono; Atmomarsono, Umi­ Birowo, Sujatno yati Ekspidisi ilmiah kelautan Peran kolesterol dalam makan­ Snellius II Indonesia-Belanda an pada manusia dan beberapa (Juli 1984 - Juli 1985). hewan percobaan. (The role of (Indonesian-Dutch Snellius II cho les tero 1 in food for oceanic scientific expedition humans and some experimental (July 1984-July 1985)) animals) Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 Warta Zoa, 1 (2) 1983: 35-37 (2) 1984: 23-35

54 1712 1718 Hasyim, Bidawi; Arief, Much­ Koes wadi lisin Radar untuk pengamatan ionos­ Penentuan temperatur permu­ fer. (Radar for ionosphere kaan laut menggunakan data observation) satelit cuaca dengan analisa Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 komputer. (Sea surface tem­ (35) 1 984: 31-35 perature determination by computer analysis of weather satellite data) 1719 Maj LAPAN, 8 (31) 1984: 2-14 Luthfi, Hakim; Nurwendaya, Cecep; Bambang Hidayat 1713 Transparansi angkasa sebelum Joko Cahyono da~ sesudah letusan gunung Analisa harmonik pasang surut ap1: kasus angkasa Lembang air laut di seki tar muara tahun 1982. (Atmospheric Sungai Krueng Aceh dan transparancy before and after Lamyong. (Tide harmonic ana­ a volcanic eruption: the lysis around Krueng Aceh and case of Lembang 1982) Lamyong river) Proc ITB, 1 7 ( 1) 1984: 11 -27 Bu 1 Peng air, ( 1 ) 1984: 52-59 1714 1720 Sembirin<;J Mengatur angin. (Wind regula­ Simulas1 pergerakan tumpahan tion) minyak di laut. (Simulation Aku Tahu, (Peb) 1983: of oil spill movement in the 46-50 sea) Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS, 18 (1) 1984: 16-24 1721 Ristanti, Nancy; Sri Kaloka 1715 Prabotosari Sitepu, M.J. Tabulasi spread F berdasarkan Peranan data hidro-oseanogra­ URS! handbook of ionogram. f i dalam operasi laut. (Role (Spread F tabulation based on of hydrooceanography data in URS! handbook of ionogram) sea operations) Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 Dharma wi ra tama, 1 8 ( 54) (34) 1984: 13-25 1984: 140-167 551.5 METEX>ROLOGY. 1722 CLIMATOLOGY Setiana, Adang Dampak modifikasi cuaca dan 1 716 perlunya monitoring ling­ Bambang Hidayat kungan. (The impact of Angkasa matahari dari fotos­ weather modification and the fer ke ·korona. (Solar atmos­ need for environmental phere from photosphere to monitoring) corona) Maj BPPT, (7) 1984: 24-32 Maj LAPAN, 8 (32) 1984: 18-28 1723 Soegijo, J. 1717 Beberapa faktor yang perlu Eddy Kelana diperhatikan dalam peneli tian El nino dan tragedi cuaca masalah meteorologi. (Some dunia. (El nino and the world factors in meteorology climate tragedy) research) Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 47-53 (35) 1984: 25-30

55 1724 phism in morphognostic fea­ Sri Kaloka Prabotosari tures of the inhabitants of Lapisan ionosfer di atas the Island of Palue) Venus, Mars dan Jupiter. (The Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Ionosphere of Venus, Mars and Mada, 16 (2) 1984: 85-93 Jupiter) Ber PUS Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 1730 (34) 1984: 5-12 Pratiknya, Ahmad Watik Anatomi sosial: suatu kajian prospektif, (Social anatomy: 551.79 QUATERNARY. PLEIS­ a prospective study) TOCENE AND RECENT Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Mada, 16 (3) 1984: 145-151 1725 Tjia, H.D. Aspek geologi kwarter Asia Tenggara. (Quarternary geo l­ 572.9 SPECIAL ANTHROPOGRA­ ogy aspects in Southeast PHY. ETHNOLOGY, RACES Asia) OF MAN Bul Geol, (9) 1983: 1-22 1731 Glinka, Josef 553 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. Karakteristik antropometrik MINERALS. ORES. penduduk Pulau Palue. (An­ STONES thropometrical characteris­ tics of the inhibitants of 1726 the Island of Palue) Darsoprajitno, Soewarno Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Batu mulia. (Precious stone) Mada, 16 (2) 1984: 77-83 Pertamb Energi, (14) 1983: 75-78, 81-82 1732 1727 Rochmah, Wasi lah; Wi lopo, Reksomutro, Lukito Siswanto Agus; Aswin, Soe­ Pokok-pokok kebijaksanaan na­ djono siona l dalam pengembangan Hubungan antara tekanan darah sumberdaya mineral. (Prin­ dan ukuran-ukuran antropome­ cipals of national policy in trik sekelompok pelajar seko­ mineral recources develop­ lah lanjutan tingkat pertama ment) di Kotamadya Yogyakarta. (The Insiny Indon, 32 (6) 1984: relationship between blood 18-2 7 I 39-58 pressure and anthropometric measurements of junior high 1728 school students in the mu­ Sutrisno nicipality of Yogyakarta) Menyingkap sumberdaya alam Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah terpendam. (Revealing hidden Mada, 16 (2) 1984: 95-99 natural resources) Aku Tahu, 1 (9) 1983: 43-45 572. 7 MORPHOLOGY. MEROLOGY. 575 GENETICS. DEVELOPMENT OF ISOLATED ORGANS OF ORGANISMS. EVOLUTION MAH.CRANIOLOGY, SKULL, TEETH 1733 1729 Soedarmono, Pratiwi Glinka, Josef Plasmid dan permasalahannya. Dimorfisme seksual dalam ciri (Plasmids and their problems) morfognostik pada penduduk Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (7) Pulau Pal'ue, (Sexual dimer- 1984: 405-408

56 1734 1739 Tantra, I G.M. Toha, Moh.Ali; Aminuddin, Mgs. Erosi plasma nutfah nabati Peranan screening antibody dan masalah pelestariannya. (indirect match). (Role of (Vegetable germplasm erosion antibody screening (indirect t~e problem of its conserva­ match)) tion) Bul Transf Darah, 12 (126) J Penelit Pengembang Pertan, 1984: 12-19 2 (1) 1983: 1-5 577.1 BIOCHEJUSTRY. BIO­ LOGICAL CATALYSTS 576.8 MICROBIOLOGY. BAC­ TERIOLOGY AND PARA­ 1740 SITOLOGY Gusdinar K., Tutus Industri, memanfaatkan enzim 1735 dari mikroba. (Industry, Martani, Erni using enzymes from microba) Biodegradasi senyawa-senyawa Dinam Farm, 2 (6-7) 1983: hidrokarbon dalam minyak bumi 31-32, 34 oleh isolat-isolat Pseudomo­ nas Spp. dari lingkungan ter­ 1741 cema r. (Biodegradation of Kardono, L. Broto Sugeng hydrocarbon compounds of pe­ Sedikit tentang bioteknologi troleum by Pseudomonas Spp. dalam penyediaan baku obat. isolates from polluted envi­ (Biotechnology in supplying ronment) raw materials for medicines) Ilmu Pertan, 3 (6) 1984: Dinam Farm, 11 (9) 1983: 251-262 21-24 1736 1742 Natalia, Lily Sri Mulangsih Mikroorganisme dalam mani Vitamin C: beberapa pandangan sapi dan penangguJ_angan. (Mi­ baru mengenai penggunaannya. croorganism control in bul 1 (Vitamin C: several new views semen) about its uses) Warta Zoa, 1 (2) 1983: 39-42 Bul ISFI OKI Jakarta, 1 (5) 1984: 6, 9 1737 Partoutomo, Sutijono 577.4 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF Diagnosa penyakit parasiter LIFE: RELATION TO EN­ dengan ELISA: Enzime-linked VIRONMET. ECOLOGY. immunosorbent assay. (Para­ PHENOLOGY sitic disease diagnosis by ELISA: Enzime-linked immuno­ 1743 sorbent assay) Ekologi-genesisa dari ilmu Warta Zoa, 1(2)1983: 21-23 tentang manusia dan alam. (Ecology-genesis from science about man and nature) 1738 Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 Pribadi, Wita; Oakung, Legia (3) 1984: 25-32 S.; Ismid, Is Suhariah "Viability" parasit malaria 1744 dalam darah konservans sehu­ Har idij a tno bungan dengan malaria trans­ Pengertian dan penerapan ana- fusi. (Viability of malaria 1 is is dampak lingkungan. parasites in blood concervans (Meaning and application of in relation to malaria trans­ environmental impact analy­ fusion) sis) Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) Transmigrasi, (2) 1984: 1984: 671-175 12-17

57 1745 581.9 DISTRIBUTION OF Jhamtani, Hira P.; Djaja, PLANTS. PHYTOGEOGRA­ Benny; Hadi, Dwi Sutanto PHY. FLORA Some notes on Indonesia's forest and marine environ­ 1752 ment: condition, problems and Irawati; Munaf, Hasan Basri; future management. wahyudi; Supardiyono Ilmu Bud, 6 (9) 1984: Eksplorasi flora dan fauna di 654-668 Suranatli, Pulau Moyo dan Tam­ bora Bara t, Nus a Tenggara 1746 Barat. (Flora and fauna ex­ Kartaraharja, Albert ploration in Suranadi, Pulau Pencemaran lingkungan hidup Moyo and west Tambora, West oleh pembangunan industri. Nusa Tenggara) (Environmental pollution Alam Kita, (9) 1983: 26-35 caused by industrial devel­ opment) 1753 Insiny Indon, 32 (6) 1984: Soedomo, R. Prasodjo 28-29 Usaha pelestarian flora di Indonesia. (The effort of 1747 flora conservation in Indo­ Maluku, Indonesia maritime nesia) province. Ilmu Bud, 6 (11) 1984: Ekonomis, 11 (Mei) 1983: 825-834 58-61 1748 582.2 CRYP'l'OGAMIA. SPORE Salim, Emil PLANTS Dampak negatif dalam bidang pertamban9an dan energi harus 1754 diperkecil. (Negative impact Darsono, Prapto; Hutomo, Ma­ in energy and mining must be likusworo reduced) Komunitas biota penempel di Warta PERTAMINA, 19 (5) 1984: perairan Sura la ya, Se lat 11-12 Sunda. (Sessile biotic com­ munity in Suralaya waters, 1749 Sunda Str,ai t) Soesanto, Sri Soewasti Os ea no 1 Indon, ( 1 6) 198 3: Tukang pu 1 ung dan j asanya 29-41 terhadap 1 ingkungan. (The scavenger and his services to 1755 the environment) Ganggang: sumber gizi dan Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: sumber devisa. (Algae: a 20-21 source of nu tri ti on and income) 578.085 TISSUE PREPARATION, Aku Tahu, (10) 1983: 16-18 CULTURES (EXPLANTS) 1756 1750 Kompiang, I Putu Pembibitan dengan kultur ja­ Yeast as a source of protein ringan. (Seedling by tissue in broiler rations. culture) Ilmu Peternak, 1 (4) 1983: Trubus, 15 (171) 1984: 121-124 114-116 1757 1751 Suhirman; Jones, E.B. Gereth Tunas-tunas revolusi hijau Preliminary observations on kedua. (The shoots of the lignicolous marine fungi in second green revolution) the Java Sea, Indonesia. Scientiae, (Jul) 1984: 38-44 Ann Bogor, 8 (1) 1983: 35-49

58 582.59 MICROSPERMAE. 582.843/.844 PAPAYINEAE (CARI ORCHIDALES: ORCHIDS CACEAE). LOASINEAE 1758 Anggrek bulan putih si bunga 1765 nasional. (White moon orchid, Soetedjo, Soejoto Phalaenopsis amabilis, the Gambaran histologik otot nation flower) seran lintang (daging kam­ Trubus, 15 (171) 1984: 92-93 bing) sete lah di taburi eks­ trak Carice papaya. (The effect of papain extract of 1759 Carica papaya, on muscle Anggrek komoditi eks~or yang tissue of goat meat) diharapkan. (Orchids an Maj Kedokter Diponegoro, 18 export commodity with poten­ (3-4) 1983: 49-52 tial) Ekonomis, 12 (08) 1983: 4-8 1766 Susanto, Fx. 582.67/.89 POLYPETALAE. Bibit pepaya dalam plastik. CHORIPETALAE. (Pepaya seedlings in plastic) DIALYPETALAE Trubus, 14 (167) 1983: 222-223 1760 Bambang Sudaryanto Gliricidia maculata (Text in Indonesian). 593.14 RADIOLARIA (MARINE Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: PLANKTON) 30-31 1 767 Djoko P. Praseno 1 761 Kondisi fi toplankton di per­ Kussusani airan seki tar Ci lacap dan Kaktus. (Cactuses) Segara Anakan. (Phytoplankton Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: conditions in waters around 354-356 Cilacap and Segara Anakan) Oseanol Indon, (16) 1983: 9-17 1762 Lamtoro gung tanaman serba­ guna. (Leucaena glauca, a 1768 multipurpose plant) Purnajaya Bul Info Pertan-Padang, (1) Sebaran plankton di laut. 1982/83: 28-32 (Distribution of plankton in the sea) Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: 1763 21-31 Pembibitan bunga mawar. (Rose seedling) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: 1769 351-353 Sinaga, Tony P.; Moelyono Komunitas plankton di Situ­ lengkong Ciamis. (Plankton 1764 communities in Si tulengkong Si raksasa di kolam K.RB. (The (Lake Lengkong) Ciamis, West giant in the K.RB water reser­ Java) voir) Bul Ilm UNSOED, 9 ( 3) 1983: Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: 18-31 230-232

59 594 MOLLUSCA. PRO'IDSTOMATA 1775 Widjaja, Mochammad Chandra 1770 Jenis-j enis tanaman pakan Pete, Andena lebah madu (Apis cerana F.) Tepung bekicot untuk makanan di desa Cereme, daerah KPH ternak. (Snail Accatina fuli­ Te lawa, Jawa Tengah. (Bee ca meat powder for cattle forage study of Apis cerana feeding) F. at Cereme, Telawa Forest Poultry Indon, 4 (39) 1983: District, ) 19 Lap Pus Penelit Pengembang Hutan, (443) 1984: 6 p. + 1771 app. Pulungan, Khaidir Parlin­ dungan 597 PISCES. FISHE.S. Komposisi cumi-cumi, Cepha­ ICHTHYOLOGY lopoda yang tertangkap dengan ke long ka tak, di perairan 1776 Kecamatan Bintan Selatan, Berburu benih belut. (Eel Kepulauan Riau, Riau. (Compo­ fry) sition of squid., Cephalopoda Trubus, 14 (163) 1983: caught with frog tropis in 365-367 South Bintan, Riau Island) Terubuk, 9 (27) 1983: 2-19 1777 595.1 VERMES. WORMS. D)ajadiredja, Rustami; Nata­ HELMINTHE.S wiria, sutardjo; Sri Sumastri Pene li tian dan pengembangan 1772 budidaya kodok. (Research and Darmono development of frog aqua­ Parasit cacing Paramphistomum culture) Sp. pada ternak ruminansia J Pene 1 it Pengembang Pertan, dan akibat infestasinya. (Pa­ 2 (1) 1983: 29-35 rasitic worms Paramphistomum Sp. in ruminants and the con­ sequences of infestation) 1778 Warta Zoa, 1 (2) 1983: 17-20 Dwiponggo, A.; Sujastani, Tatang; Nurhakim, Subhat 1773 Pengkajian potensi dan ting­ Tarmudji kat pengusahaan perikanan Bagaimana cacing hati menca­ torani di perairan Sulawesi pai induk semang dan kon­ bagian Selatan. (Potential trolnya. (How does the liver harvest and level of ex­ worm Fascilola Sp. reach the ploitation of torani (flying anima 1 s and how can it be fish) in the Southern part of controlled) Sulawesi waters) Ayam Telur, 11 (51) 1983: Lap Pene 1 it Perikan Laut, 39-40 (25) 1983: 1-11 595.7 INSECTA (HEXAPODA). 1779 ENTOMOLOGY Zatnika, Achmad; Bambang Soe­ roto; Sjafei, Djaja Subardja; 1774 Kusmia ti; Rachma t, Rachmaniar; Sukartono, p. Affandi, Ridwan Biologi dan pencegahan bubuk Penelitian aspek makanan ikan kayu kering. (Biology and payangka di danau Tondano prevention of Heterobostry­ Sulawesi Utara. (The aspect chus aequalis water coleop­ of fish feeding research for tera) Ophiocara aporos B. in Tonda­ Maj Per tan, 31 (2) 1983/84: no lake, North Sulawesi) 32-35 Maj BPPT, (5) 1983: 23-37

60 598 SAUROPSIDA. REPTILES. 61 MEDICAL SCIENCES. BIRDS HEALTH AND SAFETY 1780 1788 Cusack, o. Loedin, A.A. SAR dengan bu rung mer pa ti. Metodologi pene li tian: a lat (SAR (Search and Rescue) with a tau tu an. (Research method­ pigeons) ology : tool or master) Aku Tahu, 2 (18) 1984: 20-21 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) 1984: 458-463 1781 Haji, Son 1789 Mencipta bibi t puyuh unggul. Tjondroputranto, Handoko (To create high qua 1 i ty Beberapa mas a lah da lam i lmu quail) kedok teran kehakiman. (Some Trubus, 15 (179) 1984: problems in medical juris­ 226-227 prudence) Media Hosp, (70) 1983: 39-46 1782 Pambudy, Rachmat 1790 Persi langan pada puyuh. Yunizarman; Wi tjaksosno AS., (Quail cross-breeding) Julianto ; Rachimhadhi, Tri­ Poultry Indon, 5 (59) 1984: jatmo; Saifuddin, Abdul Bari; 12-13 Sumapraja, sudraji Catatan medik berorientasi 1783 masalah (CMBM). (Problem Snake ••• vi! lain or victim? oriented medical records) Garuda Mag, 3 (3) 1983: 8-13 Maj Obstet Ginekol Indon, 9 (4) 1983: 211-225 1784 Subani, Waluyo Penyu-penyu yang dilindungi dan yang merupakan sa twa bu­ 611 ANATOMY r uan. (Protected turtles and turtles for hunting) Bul warta Mina, 3 (5) 1983: 1791 12-14 Djimantoro, Bing Makna pemeriksaaan sitologi vaginal dalam mendeteksi kar­ 599 MAMMALIA. MAMMALS sinoma dari serviks uteri. (The use of vaginal cytology 1785 in detecting carcinoma of the Mentransmigrasikan gajah. cervix) (Resettling elephants) Maj Ilm Fak Kedokter USAKTI, Trubus, 14 (160) 1983: 2 ( 3) 1983: 259-265 164-166 1786 1792 Sistem matriarkat pada gajah. Jantung dan kepribadian. (The matriarchal system in (Heart and personality) elephants) Sartika, 8 (17) 1984: 22-24 Eksekutif, (44) 1983: 85-89 1787 1793 Tahap awal perkembangan so­ Moeloek, Nukman sial pada primata. (The in­ Analisis semen manusia. itial stage of social de­ (Human semen analysis) velopment in primates) Cerm ounia Kedokter, (30) Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: 1983: 51-58 41-47, 56-57

61 1794 1800 Rosmiati, Hedi; Sinto, Aza­ Panigoro, Ramdan lia; Siswoyo, Siti Koesparti; Perubahan-perubahan pada sel Martoprawiro, Moehammad; su­ darah merah manusia selama herman, Suharti penyimpanan dengan berbagai Uji teratogenesitas jamu pe­ larutan pengawet.(The luntur pada mencit. (Tera­ changes in human erythrocytes togenicity test on Jamu pe­ during storage with various luntur in mice) preservative solutions) Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (9) Bul Transf Darah, 12 (126) 1984: 509-518 1984: 5-6

1795 612.39 NUTRITION Santoso, Bayu Aspek anatomi dan fisiologi 1801 pada usia lanjut. (Anatomy Suryadhi, N.T. and physiology in old age) Analisis pengukuran antropo­ Media Hosp, (82) 1984: 49-51 metri untuk menentukan kea­ daan gizi balita. (An analy­ sis of anthropometric mea­ 1796 surements in assessing the Sjamsuddin, Mardiana; Moe­ nutritional status of loek, Nukman children under five) Pemeriksaan viskositas dengan Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) pipet dibandingkan dengan 1984: 57-63 viskometer hellige. (The examination for viscoci ty of semen by pipette compare with 1802 viscometer he l lige) Urgensi vitamin E untuk ke­ Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) seha tan dan kecan tikan. (Im­ 1984: 436-438 portance of vitamin E for health and beauty) Gema BPRB, 6 (57) 1984: 612.1 BLOOD AND CIRCULATION 27-28 1797 Bandaso, Randanan; Nielsen, 612.46 KIDNEYS. RENAL Anne Lisbeth; Ory, Ferko FUNCTION. URINE. The Prevalence of HBsAg among MICTURITION pregnant women in Uj ung Pan­ dang, Indonesia. 1803 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (10) Suryaatmadja, Marzuki; Sosro, 1984: 595-598 Rustadi Tes faal ginjal dan manfaat­ 1798 nya di klinik. (Renal Dhar ma, R.; Immanue 1, S.; function test and its useful­ Wirawan, R. ness in the clinic) Penilaian hasil pemeriksaan Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) hematologi rutin. (Evaluation 1983: 39-44 of routine hematology test results) Cerm ounia Kedokter, (30) 1804 1983: 28-31 Wirawan, R.; Immanue 1, S.; Dharma, R. 1799 Penilaian hasil pemeriksaan Hutabarat, Bernard S.M. urin. (Evaluation of urine Kekurangan vitamin A. (Vi ta­ test results) min A deficiency) Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) Trubus, 15 (171) 1984: 105 1983: 35-38

62 612.6 REPRODUCTION. DEVEL­ 613.2 DIETETICS. FEEDING. OPMENT. GROWTH. AGEING FOODS 1805 1811 Cara pemeriksaan silinder Khumaidi, Muhamad urine dan makna dari ditemu­ Pengantar mengenai sistem kannya silinder di dalam kewaspadaan gizi dan sistem urine manusia. (Urine cylin­ informasi dini dan inter­ der examination and purpose vensi. (Introduction to a of cylinder found in human nutritional surveillance urine) system and early warning in­ Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: formation and intervention 14-20 system) Media Gizi Kel, 7 (1) 1983: 1806 10-14 Moeloek, Farid Anfasa Laparoskopi pada pemeriksaan klinik infertilitas· wanita. 1812 (Laparoscopy in the clinical Soerjodibroto, walujo investigation of infertility Gizi, latihan fisik dan ke­ in women) sehatan. (Nutrition, physical Arogya Sala, (1) 1984: exercise and health) 15-19 Maj KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: 26-28 1807 Moeloek, Farid Anfasa 1813 Penggunaan histeroskopi dalam Suroto, Gunawan reproduksi wanita. (Hysteros­ Gemuk yang jadi masalah. (The copic use in woman reproduc­ problem of obesity) tion) Sartika, 8 (17) 1984: 25-28 Maj Obstet Ginekol Indon, 8 (2) 1982: 112-126 1814 Tarwotj o, lg. 1808 Hasi 1 pe laksanaan program Sutjahjo, Sri Rahayuningsih perbaikan gizi di Indonesia. Masalah laktasi dan hubung­ (The results of the nutrition annya dengan gizi. (Lactation improvement programme in In­ problems and their relation donesia) to nutrition) Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) Warta Konsum, 10 (Mei) 1983: 1984: 479-484 5-7 612.8 NERVOUS SYSTEJI. 613.8 NERVOUS AND MENTAL SENSE ORGANS HYGIENE. HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS, MORALS, 1809 BEHAVIOUR Boediharto, H.R. Segi biokimia dari unsur pe­ 1815 ngan tar tidur. (Biochemistry Erupsi karena obat. (Drug of sleep inducing factor/ caused eruptions) element) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: Maj Kesehat Jiwa, 10 (1-2) 313-314 1984: 11-1 4 1816 War to no 1810 Merokok bermanfaat atau me­ Wiyadi, M.s. rugikan? (Is smoking be­ Audiometri. (Audiometry) neficial or harmful ?) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (9) 1984: Warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: 455-457 22-23

63 1 817 1823 Widodo, Moch. Aris Tadjudin, M.K. Penyalahgunaan obat tinjauan Tujuan kontrasepsi pada dari sudut f armakologi. (Drug pria: oligozoospermia, azoo­ abuse a review from the phar­ s permia atau aspermia? (Aim macology viewpoint) of male contraception: oligo­ Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: zoospermia, azoospermia or 414-418 aspennia?) Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) 1984: 693-694 613.88 SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR. SEX EDUCATION 1824 Zaidun, Mulyamin 1818 Beberapa hal yang mempenga­ Bambang Hartono r uh i p e n g·e ta h u a n s e k s • Berbicara soal seks dengan (Factor afferting knowledge anak usia de lapan tahun. about sex) (Discussing sex with 8 year Anda, (80) 1983: 23-25 old children) Maj Keseha t, ( 1 04) 1984: 20-22; (105) 1984: 29-32 614 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY 1819 Hidayat, M. Adityawarman 1825 Dapatkah banci disembuhkan? !dries, Abdul Mun'im (Can the transvestite be Perlindungan terhadap konsu­ cured?) men suatu permasalahan al­ Mawas Diri, 13 (9) 1984: ternatif. (Consumer protec­ 49-53 tion an alternative problem) Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 52-55 1820 Nefi, Alex 1826 Pemenuhan kebutuhan biologis, Kafein baikkah untuk kese­ seksual terpidana. (Ful­ hatan manusia? (Caffeine: is filling the biological and it good for human health?) sexual needs of prisoners) Gema BPRB, 6 (57) 1984: Bahana., 5 ( 1) 1983: 23-25 15-17

1821 1827 Setyawati B. Sosroamidjojo, Soedarto Efek samping komplikasi kon­ Dampak negatif akibat penya­ trasepsi di Jawa 1983. (Side­ ki t cacing. (The negatif effects and complications of impact resulting from worm contraception in Java, 1983) diseases) Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 Maj Keseha t, ( 1 04) 1 984: (2) 1984: 101-108 75-80

1822 1828 Soehadi, Koentjoro; Adimoel­ Talogo, R. Widodo ja, Arif Pengaruh lingkungan sehat Aspek kehidupan seksual le­ terhadap kehidupan manusia. laki pada sekelompok peserta (The effect of a healthy KB lestari. (Sexual life of a environment on human life) group of sterilized men) Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 Mantap, 4 (3} 1984: 59-63 (2) 1984: 81-90

64 1829 1834 Taurany, Hendrik M. Muhilah Ancangan pemecahan masalah Kandungan aflatoksin hasil dikaitkan dengan pelaksanaan olah kacang-kacangan, berba­ rogram bidang kesehatan. gai bahan makanan yang ke­ fProblem solving approach adaan fisiknya rusak, dan re 1 a ted to hea 1th program j amu. (Af la toxin content of implementation) processed food: some damaged Arogya Sala, 1 (1) 1984: foodstuffs and "jamu" (tra­ 43-47 ditional herbal medicines)) Gizi Indon, 9 (1) 1984: 26-28 614.25 MEDICAL PROFESSION, PRACTICE, ETIQUETTE 1835 1830 Sebai, Zohair A. Abadi, E. Surya Primary health care an in­ Dokter perusahaan dan tugas ternational perspective. kewaj ibannya. (The company Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: doctor and his task) 288-291 Maj Kesehat Masy Indon, 15 (2) 1984: 97-100 1836 Soekirman 1831 Peranan sektor kesehatan da­ Lumenta, Benyamin lam program perbaikan gizi Deskripsi perawatan dan fung­ nasiona 1. (The role of the si perawa t: sua tu tinj auan health sector in the national kepustakaan klasik 1850-1940. nutrition improvement pro­ (A description of nursing and gram) the· nurse's function: a Gizi Indon, 9 ( 1) 1984: 7-14 classical literature review, 1850-1940) Arogya Sala, (1) 1984: 1837 32-36 Suhardjo Kecukupan dan keamanan pangan di Indonesia. (Food suffi­ 1832 cient and safety in Indone­ Mohamad, Kartono sia) Dokter keluarga untuk Indo­ Media Gizi Kel, 7 (1) 1983: nesia. (Family physicians for 1-9 Indonesia) Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: 613-615 1838 Tarwotjo, Ig.; Husaini, Mahdin Anwar 614.3 .FOOD, DRUGS, HEALTH AliD Keadaan gizi dan program per­ SANITARY INSPEC"l'ION, baikan terhadap masalah gizi SUPERVISION AliD CONTROL utama di Indonesia. (Nutri­ tional conditions and the program to combat the main nutrition problems in Indone· 1833 sia) Amar, Abu Gizi Indon, 9 (1) 1984: 1-6 Penyelidikan penyakit yang disebabkan makanan yang bera­ cun. (A study of disease 614.7 AIR, SOIL AND WATER caused by poisoned food) HYGIENE AND SANITA­ warta Konsum, 1-1 (125) 1984: TIOR. POLLUTIONS. 18-22 DRAINAGE

65 1839 614.B ACCIDENTS: PREVENTION, Aminul lah, Erman PROTECTION, SAFETY Masalah kesehatan masyarakat dan era industrialisasi di 1845 Indonesia: sebuah ca ta tan Pusponegoro, Arjono Djuned awal. (Public heal th problems Sistem penanggulangan korban and the era of industrializa­ masal. (The system for tion in Indonesia: some pre­ dealing with large numbers of liminary notes) victims) Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 Warta Konsum, 10 (Mei) 1983: (4) 1984: 1-10 12-14

1846 1840 Suma'mur P.K. Arief, Yunisyaaf Peranan kese lama tan dan ke­ Pencemaran minyak di laut be­ seha tan kerj a, kondisi dan berapa faktor yang mempe­ lingkungan kerja dalam pe­ ngaruhinya dan akibatnya. ningkatan produktivitas. (Oil pollution in the sea: (Role of safety and health of some factors which influence work, working conditions and it and its effects) environment in increasing Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: productivity) 48-56 Tenaga Kerja, 4 (25) 1984: 5-10 1841 Cawthorne, N. 1847 Membom minyak di laut. Topi pelindung (helm) dari (Bombing oil at sea) abad ke abad. (Helmets from Aku Tahu, 2 (18) 1984: 22-24 century to century) KATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 28-30 615.1 PHARMACY, PHARMACEU- 1842 TICS, MATERIA MEDICA. Hidayat, M. Adityawarman PHARMACOPBIAS. Polusi suara dan hubungannya DOSAGE. PRESCRIBING dengan kesehatan manusia. (Noise pollution and its 1848 effect on human health) Hanafiah Ws., A.; Sutomo, FX. warta BRI, 8 (90) 1984: Pembuatan dan perbandingan 19-20, 31 profil kinetika 99m Tc-DIDA dan 99m Tc-PG. (Preparation and comparative kinetic pro­ 1843 file of 99m Tc-DIDA and 99m Immanue 1, S.; Dharma, R.; TC-PG) Wirawan, R. Maj SATAN, 17 (2) 1984: Penilaian hasil pemeriksaan 33-45 tinja. (Evaluation of faeces test results) Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) 615.3 ORGANIC ~TBRIA MEDICA 1983: 32-34

1849 1844 Forsell, Peter Polusi suara dan kesehatan Obat dan wanita hamil. (Me­ manusia. (Noise pollution and dicine and pregnant women) human l}eal th) Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: Sartika, 8 (18) 1984: 20-22 657-659

66 1850 1855 Haryanto Dh.; Darmanaden R. ; Istianto, Jati; Setiabudi, Castel J.; Loubatiere J. Rianto; Sinto, Azalia; Kunar­ Turunan baru benzopirannon-4 di, Loecke dengan aktivitas analgesik Pengaruh lisozim oral terha­ dan an ti inf 1 a mas i. (New de­ dap bioavailabilitas dan rivatives of benzopyranone-4 efektivitas in vitro amoksi­ with analgesic and anti in­ si lin. (The effect of oral flamation activity) lysozyme on bioavailability Proc !TB, 17 (2) 1984: 1-10 and effectivity in vitro amoxicillin) 1851 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (10) Ichsan, Loekman 1984: 585-593 Peranan transfusi darah pada korban kecelakaan lalu lintas di Surabaya. (Role of blood 1856 transfusion in traffic acci­ Keuntungan kesehatan non­ dent victims in Surabaya) kontraseptif penggunaan pi 1 Sul Trarisf Darah, 1 2 ( 1 26) KB. (Non-contraceptive ad­ 1984: 7-11 vantages for health of con­ traceptive pills) 615.4 PRACTICAL PHARMACY. Maj Kesehat, (104) 1984: MEDICINES. INSTRU­ 25-26, 28 MENTS. MEDICAL SUP­ PLIES, EQUIPMENT 1852 1857 Darmansjah, !wan Obat baru: trinordiol. (A new Obat ~enerik versus obat medicine: trinordiol) esens1a 1. (Generic versus Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: essential medicine) 317-318 Varia Farm, 6 (55) 1984: 18-20 1853 615.5 PBARMACODYNAMICS. Hartono Hdw. PHARMACOLOGY Bagaimana menjadi seorang pengelola apotek PP-25 yang diharapkan? (How to manage a 1858 despensary according to go­ Darmansjah, Iwan ve rnmen ta 1 regulation No. Masalah obat dalam pelayanan 25?) kesehatan di Indonesia dan Bul ISFI DK! Jakarta, 1 (5) peran farmakologi. (The 1984: 3-5 problem of medicines in the health services in Indonesia 1854 an~ the role of pharmacology) Herjuni, K.S.; Zainudin M.; MaJ Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) Judonarso, Jubianto; Warsa, 1984: 467-477 Usman; Sri Adi Sularsito Studi perbandingan antara sa lep na tr i um fusida 2% 1859 dengan salep gentamisin sul­ Muchtar, Armen fa t 0,1% terhadap infeksi Peranan farmakologi klinik kuli t yang disebabkan bakte­ dalam masalah informasi obat. ri. (Comparative study of the (The role of clinical pharma­ effect of 2% natrium fusidate cology in the problem of and 0,1% gentamycin sulphate information about medicines) ointments on bacterial skin Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) infections) 1984: 661-665 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) 1984: 667-669

67 615.7 DRUGS ACCORDING TO 615.8 PHYSIOTHERAPY AND ACTION. CHEMOTHERAPY OTHER TREATMENTS 1860 1866 Gafar, R. Soetiono Bergson, Anika; Tuchak, Vla­ Segi farmakologi obat-obat dimir infeksi saluran kemih. (Phar­ Shi a tzu pij at car a Jepang. macolo9y aspects of medicines (Shiatzu, Japanese massage) for urinary tract infection) Warta Parapsikol, 1 (7) 1983: Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: 40-41; 1 (8) 1983: 32-34; 404-413 1 (10) 1984: 34-36; 1 (11) 1984: 22-24; 1 ( 12) 1984: 53-55; 2 (1) 1984: 60-62; 1861 2 (2) 1984: 36-38; 2 (3) Handoyo s. 1984: 55-57 Obat anti hipertensi. (Anti hypertension drugs) Neurona, 4 (2) 1984: 61-65 1867 Elfrida Baikkah berolah raga j ika 1862 kuran9 tidur. (Is sport be­ Siregar, Charles J.P.; su­ neficial if accompanied by priatna, Masna lock of sleep) Penelitian sifat-sifat bebe­ warta PERTAMINA, 19 (5) 1984: rapa sediaan tablet parase­ 22-23 tamol. (Study on the pro­ perties of some paracetamol tablets) 1868 Acta Pharm Indon, 9 (3) 1984: Hoedijono, Stella Hartati 132-141 {Mrs.); Maramis, W.F. Percobaan klinik buta ganda estazolam dengan plasebo pada 615.777 ANTISEPTICS, GERMI­ penderi ta insomnia murni. (A CIDES, DIS­ double blind clinical trial INFEX::TANTS of estazolam and placebo on pure insomnia patients) 1863 Maj Kesehat Jiwa, 10 (1-2) Bagaimana agar desinfektan 1984: 1-10 bekerja dengan baik. (How to make disinfectants work well) Ayam Telur, 12 (02) 1984: 1869 30-31 Iskandar S.; Ressang, Aidar Pengobatan sendiri. (Self therapy) 1864 varia Farm, 5 (49) 1984: Hedianto, Umi C.; Hedianto, 16-17 Y.E. Disinfektan untuk kandang ayam. (Disinfectants for 615.851 PSYCHOTHERAPY. PSY­ chicken coops) CHOANALYSIS. HYP­ Trubus, 14 (161) 1983: NOSIS. OCCUPATIONAL 222-223 THERAPY 1865 1870 Jamal, Sarjaini Mangindaan, Lukas Penisi lin dan stabili tasnya. Psikoterapi eksistensial dan (Penicillin and its stabil­ aktualisasi diri. (Existen­ ity) tial psychotherapy and O self Varia Farm, 5 (51) 1984: actualization) 29-33 Jiwa, 17 (3) 1984: 19-30

68 1871 1877 Yusuf, M. Lawi Ganda, Hendra tno; Kabulrach­ Konsep-konsep dasar psikote­ man rapi dinamik. (Basic concepts Resistensi terhadap DDS pada of dynamic psychotherapy) morbus Hansen: beberapa aspek Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 31-45 dan mas a lahnya. (Diamino Diphenil Sulfon resistancy of 615.9 TOXICOLOGY. POISONS morbus Hansen: some aspects GENERALLY and problems) Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) 1872 1984: 492-499 Bahri, Sjamsul; Tarmudji Keracunan sianida pada ternak dan cara mengatasinya. (Cya­ nide poisoning in cattle and how to deal with it) 1878 warta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 61-64 Latu, Jeanne Menafsirkan hasil tes labo­ 1873 ratoriurn. ( Interpretation of Eddy Hartono; Ngurah, Ketut laboratorium test results) Beberapa aspek farmakologik Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) intoksikasi pestisida. (Some 1983: 3-6 pharmacology aspects of pes­ ticide intoxication) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (9) 1984: 452-454 1879 Reksodiputro, Harryanto 1874 Limf oma non-hodgkin dan saran Pu tra, Tj okorda Raka; Dwi mengenai alternatif penata­ sutanegara laksanaannya di Indonesia. Kasus keracunan akut yang (Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and dirawat di Bagian Penyakit suggestions of alternatives Da lam RSUP Denpasar. (Acute for its management in Indone­ poisoning c~ses admitted to sia) the Department of Internal Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 33-44 Medicine, Denpasar central hospital) Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) 1984: 1 2-16 1880 Suryandi, Antonius; Adikusu­ 616 DISEASE. PATHOLOGY mo, Arman Perawatan nginap untuk pasien AND MEDICINE schizophrenia. (Hospital care 1875 for schizophrenia patients) Bahar, Daru Jiwa, 17 (3) 1984: 61-68 Teori-teori tentang penyaki t. (Theories of disease) Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 34-38, 46 1881 wardhani, Retno; Marwoto, 1876 Wirasmi; Muljanto, Wagini Bambang Sugen9; Syaifuddin; Jamur candida pada pemerik­ Thalut, Kamard1 saan sitologi sekret vagina. Penyembuhan dan penanganan (Candida yeasts in the cy­ 1 uka. (Wound hea 1 i ng and tological investigation of wound care) vaginal secretions) Maj Kedokter Andalas, 8 (1) Maj Kedok ter Ind on, 34 (9) 1983: 24-29 1984: 529-533

69 616-05 PERSONAL, ENVIRON­ 1887 MENTAL FEATURES Effendi Ys., Rustam; Sutomo K.; Bagindo, A. St.; Muhad­ syah, O.K.; Renardi H., R. 1882 Pencegahan dan pengobatan Harahap, Alida Roswita; Kres­ penyakit jantung rematik. no, Siti Boedina; Sundaru, {Prevention and control of Heru; Samsuridjal rheumatic heart disease) Kadar imunoglobulin E total Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: dalam serum penderita alergi. 309-312 (The total immunoglobulin E levels in serum of allergic patients) 1888 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) Panggabean, Marulam N. 1984: 431-435 Konsep rasional pengobatan gagal jantung kongestif. (Ra­ tional concept of failure in 1883 congestive heart treatment) -Husaini, Mahdin Anwar; Hasi­ Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: buan, Zubaidah 381-384 Antropometri: mengukur obesi­ t as pada orang dewasa. (Anthropometry: measuring 1889 obesity in adults) Parsoedi A.~ Imam Gizi Indon, 9 (1) 1984: Pengelolaan penderita hiper­ 19-28 tensi. (Management of hyper­ tension patients) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: 1884 301-308 Jusuf, Ahmad; Hutagalung, Halomoan Penatalaksanaan diit pada 1890 obesitas. (Diet management in Putra, Tjokorda Raka; Wita, obesity) Wayan . Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: Penatalaksanaan hipotensi 298-300 postural. (Management of postural hypotension) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: 1885 281-283 Malawa, Nur Aeni F. Citra diri para wanita usia lanjut yang mendapat santunan 1891 home care. (The self image of Roesma, Jose; Sidabutar, R.P. elder 1 y women who receive Aspek k 1 inik hiper tensi. home care support) (Clinical aspects of hyper­ Jiwa, 17 (3) 1984: 75-98 tension) Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: 626-627 616.12 HEART DISEASE. CARDIOLOGY 616.155 ANAEMIAS. 1886 LEUOEMIAS Ala tas, Husein Masalah dan penanggulangan hipertensi pada anak. (The 1892 problem and treatment of hy­ Bambang Permono pertension in children) Anaemia aplastik. (Aplastic Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: anaemia) 628-635 Contin Educ Ilmu Kesehat Anak, (9) 1984: 11-17

70 1893 1899 Kartasasmi ta, H. Pandi, Purnaman Sardjiono Leukimia: kanker dari j a­ Memahami ilmu penyakit r i nga n pembentuk darah. telinga-hidung-tenggorokan. (Leukaemia: cancer from bl9od (Understanding otorhinola­ forming tissue) ryngology) Gema BPRB, 6 (57) 1984: 7-1 0 Higina, 5 (13) 1984: 28-29 1894 Soemantri, AG; Sudigbia, I.; 1900 Widjaya Prim Iron deficiency anemia among Pemberantasan penyakit TB Indonesia children. paru di Indonesia. (Eradi­ Paediat Indon, 24 (1-2) 1984: cating pulmonary tuberculosis 28-42 in Indonesia) Maj Kesehat, (105) 1984: 1895 6-9' 1 5 Suryaa tmadja, Marzuki; Si 1- man, Erwin Diagnosa laboratorium ke­ 1901 lainan lemak darah. (Labora­ Rasjid, Rasmin tory diagnosis of lipidemia Paru sehat, pembangunan me­ abnormality) ningkat. (Healthy lungs, de- Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) velopment is increases) 1983: 14-18 Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (9) 1984: 547-560 1896 Syah, Nurman; Acang, Nusyir­ wan; Nursal A.; Kamin, Osri; 1902 Zulbadar P. Syamsudin, A. Hubungan kadar magnesium se­ Pengendalian pen¥akit ingusan rum dan eritrosit dengan hi­ menular pada sapi dan kerbau. tung retikulosit terhadap (The control of an infectious anemia deficiensi besi dan cold-like disease in cattle­ engaruhnya pada pengobatan. and buffaloes) fCorrelation between magne­ War ta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 17-19 sium concentrations of serum and erythrocytes with re­ ticulocyte count in iron­ 1903 deficiency anemia and its Trastotenojo, Moeljono S.; effect on treatment) Harsoyo N.; Sachro, Anggoro Maj Kedokter Andalas, 8 (1) D.B.; Soemantri, A.G.; Said 1984: 7-14 H.W. Use of acetyl cysteine in 1897 respiratory tract disease in Untario, s. children. Trombosi topenia pada anak. Paedia t Indon, 24 ( 1-2) 1984: (Thrombocytopenia in child­ 1-10 ren) Contin Educ Ilmu Kesehat Anak, (9) 1984: 3-9 1904 Wiyadi, M.S. 616.2- RESPIRATORY DISEASES Beberapa penyakit yang me­ merlukan pemeriksaan audio­ 1898 metri. (Some diseases that Agung, I.B.; Purwadi need audiometrical investi­ Obstruksi larinx akut. (Acute gation) obstruction of the larynx) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: Maj Dokter Kel, 4 (3} 1'985: 390-393 1 08-111

71 616.314 TEETH. DENTISTRY. 1909 ODONTOLOGY. CARIES Djamal, Niniarty z. Beberapa faktor yang perlu 1905 diperhatikan dalam perawatan Abyono, Rafiah gigi dan mulut pada penderita Penen tu an frekuensi ka vi tas diabetes mel li tus. (Some fac­ berdasarkan klasifikasi ka­ tors needing attention in the vitas black. (Determination dental and oral care of dia­ of cavity frequency based on betes mellitus patients) black's cavity classifica­ Maj Pers Dok Gigi Indon, (40) tion) 1984: 51-60 Maj Pers Dok Gigi Indon, (40) 1984: 70-77 191 0 Prajitno, Moetmainah 1906 Pengaruh penyimpanan terhadap Asmara, Djodi kekerasan ISOLUX. (Effect of Serabut kolagen pada penyem­ UV-light on the microhardness buh~n luka cabut gigi pada of ISOLUX) Cavia cobaya setelah perla­ Maj Kedokter Gigi Surabaya, kuan dengan vitamin C dosis 17 (1) 1984: 8-15 berlebih: pendekatan secara histologi. (Collagen fibers in the healing of a tooth 1911 extraction wound in Ca via Samadi, Karlina cobaya after the administra­ Kebocoran apeks dari bahan tion of high doses of vitamin ZnOChKM dan Calxyl sebagai C: .a hystologic approach) pasta pada pengisian saluran MaJ Kedokter Gigi Surabaya, akar dengan guttap point: 17 (3) 1984: 45-53 studi laboratoris. (Apical leakage from ZnOChKM and Calxyl as the paste on the 1907 root canal sealants with gut­ Bambang Sunarko tap point : laboratory study) Pengaruh tekanan sikat gigi Maj Kedokter Gigi Surabaya, dalam gerakan menyikat ter­ 17 (2) 1984: 19-26 hadap banyaknya abrasi dari sesuatu komposit resin. (Effect to tooth brushing 1912 pressure on abrasivity from a Sutrisno, Gatot resin composite) Reaksi pulpa pada molar tikus Maj Kedokter Gigi Surabaya, terhadap resin komposit untuk 17 (1) 1984: 1-7 gigi posterior tanpa liner. (Pulp reaction of rat molar to composite resin for pos­ 1908 terior teeth without liner) Cecilia L.H. (Mrs.) Maj Pers Dok Gigi Indon, (40) Pengaruh waktu (umur) amalgam 1984: 61-68 lama dan penambahan campuran amalgam encer terhadap ke­ kuatan pelekatan geser antara 1913 amalgam lama dan baru: studi Tandika, Y.; Patuwo, B. laboratoris. (Effect of the Apendisitis. (Appendicitis) age of amalgam and the addi­ Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 10-12 t~on of liquid amalgam mixture on the shear strength 1914 between old and new amalgam: Yulidar; Soebagyo; Dollah, a laboratory study) Syahrir; Zulkarnaen, Iskan­ Maj K~dokter Gigi Surabaya, dar; Sunyataningkamto; Walu­ 17 (3) ,1984: 35-44 yo, Sabdo

72 The incidence of rotavirus 616.63 URINE. DIABETES infection among infants and INSIPIDUS children with acute gastro­ enteritis. 1921 Paediat Indon, 24 (1-2) 1984: Kusnandar, Simson 43-48 Pemeriksaan laboratorium pada diabetes me l li tus. (Labora­ 616.5 SKIN DISEASES. tory examination of diabetes DERMATOLOGY melli tus) Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) 1915 1983: 25-27 Aisah, Si ti Prurigo hebra (Text in Indo­ 1922 nesian). Rusdidjas; Ramayati, Rafita Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) Infeksi saluran kemih pada 1984: 689-692 anak. (Urinary tract infec­ tion in children) 1916 Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: Budimulja, Unandar 385-389 Penyakit jamur kulit. (Piti­ riasis versikolor diseases) 1923 Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: Sargo, Pramono 650-651 Risiko diabetes dalam ke­ hami lan. (Diabetes risk in 1917 pregnancy) Ginting, Ngepkep Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 13-14 Kaskado di Kalimantan Sela­ tan. (Cascado in South Kali­ 1924 mantan) Soewarto, Soetomo Warta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 13-16 Kehamilan dengan diabetes mellitus • (Pregnancy in dia­ 1918 betes mellitus patients) Muliana, L.T. Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: Ni lai tes ku lit (dengan pe­ 419-420 nisi lin) untuk pencegahan "shock" anafilaktik. (The 1925 value of skin tests (with Wahjoetomo penicillin) in the prevention Penanggulangan diabetes mel­ of anaphylactic shock) li tus. (The treatment of dia­ Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (10) betes mellitus) 1984: 615-618 Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (8) 1984: 377-380 1919 Siregar, R.s. 1926 Gejala-gejala klinik dan cara Wattimena, Yoke R. Penanganan diabetes melli­ dia~nosa dermatofitosis. (Clinical symptoms and diag­ tus. (Handling diabetes mel­ nosis of dermatophytosis) litus) Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: Dinam Farm, 11 (9) 1983: 652-656 1 3-1 7 I 44

1920 616.69 SEX LIPE ARD DIS­ Taufiequrrochman; Wikanto, ORDERS. STERILITY Radix; Sunaryo, Sugastiasri Pengobatan dermatitis atopik. 1927 (The treatment of atopic der­ Assin, M. Sutan matitis) Isosexual precocity in girls. Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) Paediat Indon, 24 (1-2) 1984: 1984: 681-684 17-22

73 616.7 DISEASES OF THE 1933 LOCOMOTOR (SKELETAL) Rahayu, Murni SYSTEM Cedera pada sumsum tulang belakang. (Spinal cord in­ 1928 juries) Darwono, A. Bambang Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 Penanganan patah lengan bawah (74) 1984: 17-24 tertutup dengan gips teraan lengan bawah. (Treatment of 1934 forearm fractures bandaged Rampengan, T.H.; Salendu­ with imprint gypsum) Warouw, S.; Wantania, J.M.; Maj Orthop Indon, 9 (2) 1983: Munir, Muzief 15-32 Corticosteroid in the treat­ ment of cerebral malaria. Paediat Indqn, 24 (1-2) 1984: 1929 11-16 Ratnaningsih; Cornain, San­ toso; Suryadhana, Nyoman Gde 616.89 PSYCHIATRY. PSYCHO­ Perubahan kadar protein fase PATOLOGY. MENTAL akut penderita artritis re­ DISORDERS. INSANITY ma toid dan poliatritis. (Changing protein levels in 1935 the acute phase in rheumatoid Darwis, Yulizar arthritis and polyarthri tis Guilty feelings pada depresi. patients) (Guilt feelings during de­ Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) pression) 1984: 425-428 Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 53-56 1936 616.83 DISEASES .OP THE Dipojono, Bonakamsi NERVOUS SYSTEM Faktor psiko-sosial demensia. (Psycho-social factors in 1930 dementia) Agoes, Achdiat; Dallhar, Maj Doktet- Kel, 3 (9) 1984: Moch.; Purnomo, Hari 450-451 Gangguan saraf f>ada diabetes meliitus. (Nervous disturb­ 1937 ance in diabetes mellitus) Hasyim, M. Saleh; Yusuf, H. Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (9) 1984: Syafri 447-449 Psikiatri komunitas • (Com­ munity psychiatry) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: 1931 295-297 Hassan, K. Gilang Pamekar Sakit kepala dan kelainan 1938 refraksi. (Headache and re­ Joesoef, Aboe Amar; Husin, o. fraction abnormality) Ma'ripin; Soetjipto, Prapto Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (6) 1984: Aspek biokimiawi kecemasan. 284-287 (The biochemical aspect of anxiety) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (9) 1984: 1932 458-472 Nuradyo, Damodoro; Meliala, Lucas 1939 Penggunaan "Y plester" untuk Manaf, Nazif; Herdjan, Soe­ pengobatan Bell's Palsy. (The harto use of inverted Y-adhesive Psikiater dan masalah perce­ plaster in Bell's Palsy raian. (Psychiatrists and the treatment) problem of divorce) Neurona, 4 f2) 1984: 47-52 Jiwa, 17 (3) 1984: 1-9

74 1940 1946 Mangoendiwirja, R. Daldiri Tanzil, P. Hubungan kecemasan dengan Pengalaman dan saran tentang kehidupan sexual dan orang­ diagnosa psikiatri. (Experi­ tua. (The relation of anxiety ence and suggestions concern­ to sexual life and parents) ing psychiatric diagnosis) Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1983: Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 81-84 620-625 1941 616.9 INFECTIOUS DISEASES Mawardi Aspek psikiatri dari kegon­ 194 7 cangan keluarga. (Psycholo­ Effendy, Armyn; Abidin, Si ti gica 1 aspect of family dis­ Alisah N. turbance) Berbagai kasus amubiasis Maj Dokter Kel, 2 (12) 1984: extra-intestinal di Indone­ 617-619 sia. (Various cases of extra­ intestinal amoebiasis in In­ 1942 donesia) Notosoedirdjo, Moeljono Maj Kedokter I.ndon, 34 (9) Pendekatan epistemologi ilmu 1984: 563-568 kedokteran jiwa dalam studi perilaku manusia. (An epis­ 1948 temological approach to psy­ Ismoedij an to P.; Parwati chiatry in the study of human S.B.; Soejoso, Dwi Atmadji; behavior) Moersintowarti B.N.; Kaspan, Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (11) M. Faried 1984: 697-711 Ta ta laksana penderi ta difte­ ri. (Management of diphthe­ 1943 rial patients) Ranukusuma, Teguh A.S.; Lum­ Cantin Educ Ilmu Kesehat bantobing, S.M.; Mardjono, Anak, (9) 1984: 41-52 Mahar Kelainan syaraf pada hiper­ tensi. (Nerve obnormali ty in 616.98 SPECIFIC INFECTIONS hypertension) Maj Dokter Kel, 3 (9) 1984: 1949 441-446 Danusantoso, Halim Abses hati dan paru karena 1944 entamoeba histolytica. (An Soemartha, Totok; Beek, Aart absces of the lung and liver van due to entamoeba histolytica) Penyembuhan dalam hospital Maj Kedokter Indon, 34 (8) melalui pelayanan konvensio­ 1984: 445-451 nal dan pendampingan pastoral psikologis: suatu presentasi 1950 kasus pelayanan holistik. Dracunculus dan Dracunculia­ (Recovery in hospital via sis. (Dracuncul us and dra­ conventional care coupled cunculiasis) with psychopastoral: a case Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: of holistic care) 32-40 Arogya Sala, 1 (1) 1984: 56-60 1951 Sofwan, Iwan 1945 Pencegahan dan pengobata~ Supeno, Susilo aspergi l losis. (Prevention Transverting pada waria di and treatment of aspergil­ Indonesia. (Transvestism-of losis) gay people in Indonesia) Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: Neurona, 4 (2) 1984: 53-57 11

75 1952 618 GYNAECOLOGY. OBSTETRICS Wijaya, Erno Kasus salmonellosis pada ter­ 1957 nak unggas merupakan sumber Agus Purwadianto penyakit bagi manusia jangan Mencegah bayi lahir cacat. dianggap ringan. (Salmonello­ (Preventing the birth of sis in poultry farming is a handicapped babies) source of human disease which Aku Tanu, 2 (21) 1984: 36-38 should not be taken lightly) Ayam Telur, 12 (02) 1984: 1958 32-33 Halimun, E.M. The effect of surgery on neonatal hepatitis • 617 SURGERY Paediat Indon, 24 (1-2) 1984: 23-27 1953 1959 Sejarah orthopaedi·di Indo­ Sisdjabari nesia. (The history of or­ Pria lebih peka terhadap me­ thopaedics in Indonesia) nopause. (Men more sensitive Maj Orthop Indon, 9 (2) 1983: about the menopause) 1-6 Sartika, 8 (17) 1984: 46-48 1960 1954 Soepardiman Soemi tro, Daryo W.; Padmo­ Pemeriksaan pap smear. (Pap santjojo smear tests) Ensefalokel anterior: evalua­ Cerm Dunia Kedokter, (30) si kasus-kasus dalam men­ 1983: 48-50 j aj aki kemun9kinan melan~kah ke bedah kraniomaxillofasial. 619 COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY. (Anterior encephalocele: eva- VETERINARY MEDICINE 1 u at ion of cases in considering the possibility 1961 of craniomaxi l lof-acial sur­ Sri Poernomo; Ronohardjo,P.; gery) Prasetyo, L.B. Neurona, 4 (2) 1984: 39-46 Efektifitas nopstress dengan erythromycin dan sulfadi­ methoxine (NES) terhadap in­ 1955 feksi kuman gram-negatif dan Sudjono; Widjaya; Widjaya, Staphylococcus aureus pada Surya anak ayam type pedaging. Hereditary oculocerebrorenal (Nopstress effectivity with syndrome of lowe/ lowe's syn­ erythromycine and sulpha­ drome (Text in Indonesian). dimethoxine (NES) on gram Neurona, 4 (2)· 1984: 37-38 negative bacterial infection and Staphylococcus aureus in broiler chicks) 1956 Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 198'4: Syahrial, H.A.R.; Hasan, 163-168 Muchlis; Sulin, Dj usar Terapi operatif terhadap 1962 fistula vesico-vaginal di RSU Syamsudin, A. Dr. M. Jamil Padang. (Opera­ Pengembangan metode produk­ tive therapy of vesicovaginal si beberapa vaksin veteri­ fistulas in Dr. M. Jamil ner. (Developing production general hospital (RSU), methods for some veterinary Padang) vaccines) Maj Kedokter Andalas, 8 (1) J Penelit Pengembang Pertan, 1984: 1-6 2 (2) 1983: 43-47

76 1963 1969 Tarmudji Sastrapradja, s. Efek kronik sulfaquinoxaline Bioteknologi pemahaman dan (Noxal) pada ayam, ~ambaran pemanfaatannya. (Biotechno­ klinik dan patologik. (The logy, its comprehension and chronic effects of sulpha­ utilization) q ui nox al in e (Noxal) on Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 chickens: pathologic and cli­ ( 2 ) 1 9 8 4: 1 -8 nical description) Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: 620.193 PHYSICAL AND CHEMI­ 148-1 51 CAL INFLUENCES. RE­ SISTANCE TO ATTACK. 62 ENGINEERING AND TECH­ CORROSIOB. AGEING NOLOGY GENERALLY 1970 1964 Hadi H.S., Noegroho Chandra, Julius Faktor utama penyebab korosi Mengalih teknologi mili ter ke atmosfer di kawasan industri. sipi 1. (Technology transfer (The main factor causing from military to civil) atmospheric corrosion on in­ Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 14-16 dustrial estates) Lembar Puhl LEMIG~S, 17 (2) 1965 1983: 10-14 Faqiy, Muhammad Abdul Qadir Mampukah teknologi menanggu­ 1971 langi dampak yang ditimbulkan Hadi H.S., Noegroho nya sendiri? (Can technology Korosi atmosfer pada logam overcome its own ~-mpact?) carbon steel. (Atmospheric Al-Muslimun, 14 (177) 1984: corrosion of carbon stee 1 47-57 metal) Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS, 18 (1) 1966 1984: 25-27 Johannes, Herman Teknologi yang diperlukan In­ 1972 donesia. (Technology that is Hadi H.S., Noegroho needed in Indonesia) Pengamatan biokorosi pada Maj Barang Kulit, Karet tanki penimbun BBM. (Biocor­ Plastik, 1 (1) 1984: 21-25 rosion survey on. oil storage) Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS, 19 (4) 1967 1984: 35-39 Kuspurwahati, Habsari Penerapan teknologi dan ke­ 1973 sempatan kerja di daerah pe­ Subowo, T.; Yuswono; Sulai­ desaan. (Technology applica­ man, A. tion and job opportunity in Korosi pipa baja tahan karat rural a~eas) AISI 430 oleh kondensat air Maj BI!PT, (7) 1984: 1-1 0 nira. (Corrosion on stainess pipe AISI 430 by sugar juice 1968 condensate) Parth.i,ana, Wayan Korosi, 5 (1) 1983: 10-13 Masalah perlindungan dan pe­ ngembangan teknologi tradisi­ 1974 onal (indigenous technology) Subowo, T. dalam alih teknologi di Indo­ Korosi retak tegang injektor nesia. (The problem of protec suatu mesin diesel yang ter­ ting and developing indigen­ bua t dari besi tuang kelabu. ous technology in the trans­ (Stress crack corrofion of fer of technology) injector of a diesel engine Huk Pembangun, 17 (2) 1984: made of grey cast iron) 140-155 Korosi, 5 (2) 1983: 29-35

77 620.9 GENERAL ECONOMICS OF 1982 ENERGY Sembiring, Rachman Pemakaian tabel input-output dalam memperkirakan kebutuhan 1975 energi sektor industri. (The Dench, Neville D. use of input-output tables to Geothermal exploration, with estimate the energy needs of Indonesian examples. the industrial sector) Energi Listr, (3) 1984: 78-90 Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 18 (2) 1984: 3-8 1976 Hankin, J.W.; Cochrane, G.F.; 1983 Van der Mast, v.c. Soedjarwo Geothermal power plant design Teknik konstruksi: tanki pen­ for steam with high non­ cerna gas bio untuk petani. condensable gas at Dieng. (Construction technique: bio­ Energi Listr, (3) 1984: 64-77 g as digester tanks for farmers) 1977 Insiny Indon, 31 (6) 1983: Hays, Lance; Studhalter, 47-50 Walter; Yamaoka, Keijiro Biphase geothermal wellhead 1984 power plants for Dieng. Soesastro, Hadi Energi Listr, (3) 1984: 33-48 Perbedaan regional konsumsi eriergi di sektor rwnah tan9- 1978 ga. (Regional differences in Iskandar household energy conswnption) Energi panas bumi. (Geo­ Analisa, 12 (5) 1983: thermal energy) 408-421 Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 6 (72) 1984: 6-1 o, 23-2.t 1985 Yuliman, Sanento 1979 Energi hij au, energi mas a Jalit, Ikna Suyatna depan? (Green energy, the Eceng gondok sebagai salah energy of the future?) satu sumber energi biomassa. Scientiae, (Apr) 1984: 29-31 (Water hyacinth (Eichchornia crassipes L) as a source of 621.039 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY. biomass energy) NUCLEAR AND ATOllIC Ber Ind, 16 (4) 1983: ENERGY. NUCLEONICS 1 7-1 8, 48 1986 Agus Taftazani; Aminjoyo, 1980 Sukarman; Sudaryo Krisbandono Analisis grafit kolom termal Membuat biogas: suatu alter­ reaktor atom Kartini dengan natif energi pedesaan. metode penetrasi merkuri. (Making biogas: an alterna­ (Analrsis of thermal column tive rural energy) graphite of Kartini nuclear Tari k , 3 ( 2 9 ) 1 9 8 4 : 11 - 2 2 reactor by mercury penetra­ tion method) 1981 Maj SATAN, 17 ( 1 ) 1984: 3-20 Poesponegoro, Mi lono; Aiman, Syahrul 1987 Methane-starter culture: its Ginting, Ilias ~reparation and application Penggunaan teknik nuklir da­ in the production of biogas lam penelitian material. (The from cassava solid waste by use of nuclear technology in anaeiobic digestion. materials research) Teknol Indon, 6 (1) 1983: Bul Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 2 11-2'1 (5) 1984: 22-26

78 1988 1994 Hyypia, J. Sulistyarini, Linda Energi nuklir migma: aman dan Menghemat listrik. (Elec­ murah. (Migma nuclear energy: tricity saving) safe and cheap) Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 Aku Tahu, 2 (16) 1984: 24-26 (74) 1984: 25-27, 48-49 621.3 ELECTRICAL 1995 ENGINEERING Wijaya, Isnu Edhi; Wahyono, Yuliarso F.ddy . 1989 Industri lampu listrik di Boes et Indonesia. (The electric lamp Alarm batas kecepatan mobil. industry in Indonesia) (Audible speed limit signals Maj BPPT, (5) 1983: 1-22 in cars) Elektron, 7 (25) 1983: 2515-2519 621.35 APPLIED ELECTR.0- CHF.MISTRY. CELLS. 1990 BA'l'TERIES. ELF£­ Bondan, Alit TROLYSIS Solusi numerik untuk rang­ kaian listrik sederhana (rangkaian RLC). (Numeric 1996 solution for RLC circuits ) Harini Maj LAPAN, 8 (31) 1984: Perlindungan logam dengan 15-21 metode lapis listrik. (Metal coating by electroplating methods) 1991 Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 60-63 Iskandar, Stanley LM 1820 N sebuah IC yang 1997 dapat digolongkan kedalam Hartomo, A.J. klasifikasi hebat. (LM 1820 Se 1 bahan bakar dan ki ta. N: a sensational integrated (Fuel cells and us) circuit) Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 CQ Nusant, 2 (06) 1984: ( 74) 1984: 2-9, 16 18-19 1998 Wahyudin K. 1992 Lapis listrik tembaga nikel Kadir, Abdul; Yoon, Hyung Kim dan krom. (Copper, nickel and Masalah pengembangan kelis­ chrome electroplating) trikan di Jepang, Korea Se­ Korosi, 5 (2) 1983: 36-43 latan dan Taiwan. (Problem of developing electricity in Japan, South Korea and 621.396 RADIOCOllMUNICATIOH Taiwan) Energi Listr, (1) 1984: 1-15; (2) 1984: 83-95 1999 Bambang Endroyo Kemungkinan-kemungkinan man­ 1993 f aa t radio kampus dalam me­ Kayatmo, Soemaryato nunj ang pendidikan terbuka. Usaha pengembangan industri (The possibilities of using a elektronika di Indonesia. campus radio to support open (The development of the elec­ education) tronics industry in Indone­ Lembar Ilmu Penget IKIP sia) Semarang, (Ed. Khus) 1984: Bul LEN, 3 (1) 1984: 12-34 25-33

79 2000 621.67 CENTRIFUGAL, AXIAL­ Tanzi!, Arifin FLOW AND TURBO-PUMPS Perhubungan radio. (Radio communication) 2006 Suara Teknol, (94) 1984: 3-5 Sumardi; Bendiyasa, I Made Alternatif pemilihan pompa sentrifugal untuk sistem pipa 2001 bercabang. (Alternative se­ Tardiana, T. lection of centrifugal pump VOX (Voice operated relay) for branched piping) (Text in Indonesia). Media Tekn, 5 (1-2) 1983: Elektron, 7 (23) 1983: 40-44 2318-2321 2007 Sumardi, P. Perancang pemipaan dan pe­ 621.43 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ngaruhnya terhad~p "perfor­ ENGINES mance" pompa sentrifugal. (Piping planning and its effect on the performance of 2002 centrifugal pump) Batti, F.; Kaslan, w. Media Tekn, 5 (1-2) 1983: A study on octane requirement 20-24 for motor vehicles in Indone­ sia. Sci contr, (1) 1984: 2-15 621.798 PACKING AND DISPATCH. PACICAGING 2003 2008 Karyanto, E. Poernomo Teknologi mesin turbine gas. Penanganan lepas panen, pe­ (The technology of gas ngemasan dan pengangkutan turbine engines) sayur-sayuran dan buah-buah­ Mob, (118) 1984: 32-33, 36 an. (Post harvest handling packaging and transport of ve~etables and fruits) MaJ Pertan, 30 (4) 1982/83: 621.47 ENGINES USING SOLAR 11-20 OR OTHER RADIANT ENERGY 2009 Sukirlan, Lalu Pengembangan ekspor industri 2004 non migas melalui peningkatan Pardede, M.; Asiati, Siti mutu pengemasan. (Improvement Metode penaksiran tahanan of non oil and gas industrial beban optimum silicon solar export by improving packaging sel sebagai sumberdaya. quality) (Method of estimating optimum Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: 9-13 load resistance of silicon solar cells as resources) Ber Pus Ris Dirgant LAPAN, 9 621.892 LUBRICANTS: OILS (33) 1984: 5-16 AND GREASES 2010 2005 Wartawan, Anton L. Teknologi terap: pemanas air Identifikasi minyak pelumas surya. (Applied technology: multi grade. (Identification solar water heater) of multi grade lubricant oil) Scientiae, 15 (116) 1984: Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 18 (2) 62-63, 93 1984: 30-33

80 2011 2016 wartawan, Anton L. Sabikun Minyak pelumas mesin diesel Penelitian pengolahan bijih otomatif. (Lubrication oi 1 sulfida kompleks jenis Kuroko for automotive diesel en­ dari daerah Rumanga Sulawesi gines) dengan cara sulfatasi dan Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 19 (4) flotasi. (Study of the pro­ 1 984: 13-1 7 cessing of complex Kuroko sulphide ore from Rumanga Sulewesi by sulphation and 621.9 TOOLS. MACHINE TOOLS. flotation) MACHINING Metalurgi, 3 (1) 1983: 25-33 2012 Membuat perajang sederhana 2017 untuk keperluan industri ru­ Sirait, S.T.M. Laut mah tangga. (Making a simple Analisa dan evaluasi data cutter for home industry) unjuk kerja alat penangkap Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, minyak di kilang minyak Cepu. (01) 1983/84: 18-22 (Analysis and evaluation of work data of oil cather at the oil refinary in Cepu) 622 MINING AND MINERAL Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 19 (4) DRESSING 1984: 3-11 2013 Nawawi, Djumhani; Abdurrohman 2018 M.S.; Nawari, Anang E. Umar, Faraz Rancangan sistem inventari­ Pemikiran kearah pengembangan sasi dan informasi sumberdaya teknologi esktraksi bijih mineral. (Mineral resources uranium Indonesia. (Improving information and inventarisa­ Indonesian uranium ore ex­ tion system design) traction technology) Publ Khus Direkt Sumbera Insiny Indon, 32 (7) 1984: Mineral, 2(14)1984: 21 p. 19-27

622.24 PRODUCTION BORING. OILWELL DRILLING 624.012.4 IN SITU CONCRETE STRUCTURES 2014 Barmi, Okti Memperkirakan produksi minyak 2019 berdasarkan jadwal pemboran Hoedajanto, Dradjat dengan a lat hi tung TI-59. Design and analysis of pre­ {Estimating oi 1 production stressed concrete elements based on drilling schedule state of the art (Text in using the TI~59 calculator) Indonesian) J Teknol Miny Gasbumi, (7) Ber HAKI, (94) 1984: 8-13; 1984: 83-86, 89-94 (95) 1984: 29-37 2015 Permadi, Pudji 2020 Efisiensi aliran sumur dengan Sosrowinarso perforated completion. (We 11 Some application on relia­ flow efficiency with per­ bility analysis of forated completions) structures. J Teknol Miny Gasbumi, (7) Ber HAKI, (69) 1985: 29-35 1984: 67-70, 72-79

81 2021 626.81 IRRIGATION.; THIDRY. Widjaja, Sondjaja WATER SOURCES Program komputer .l?enulangan balok persegi akibat momen 2027 lentur + gaya normal. (Com­ Endang Samsuddin; Sukarj i, puter program for square beam R.; Lubis, Adlin u. reinforcement as result of Kebutuhan air untuk bibit bending moment + normal selama di pembibitan. (Water tension) requirement in seedlings) Ber HAKI, (96) 1985: 13-16 Pedom Tekn Pus Penelit Marihat, (85) 1984: 6 p. + lamp. 624.159.1 SPECIAL FOUN­ DATIONS 2028 Hadiwijono, Slameto 2022 Proyek percontohan partisi­ Bambang Suhendro pasi petani dalam rangka J?em­ Analisa "Shear wall" pada bangunan dan pemanfaatan iri­ bangunan bertingkat tahan gasi sederhana. (Farmer par­ gempa dengan metode "Equi va­ ticipation: demontration pro­ lent bracings". (Shear wal 1 ject in the development and analysis of earthquake re­ utilization of simple irriga­ sisting multistory buildings tion) with equivalent bracing Bul Pengair, (4) 1984: 39-50 method) Clapeyron, (17) 1983: 27-30, 2029 52-54 Pedoman pengumpulan data la­ tar belakang mengenai irigasi 2023 ukuran kecil di Indonesia. (A Char le son, A.W.; Hadi, Yasman manual of background data Daktili tas pada bangunan ta­ collected about small scale han gempa. (Ductility in irrigation in Indonesia) earthquake resisting build­ Bul Pengair, (4) 1984: 25-34 ings) Clapeyron, (17) 1983: 56-58 624.21 BRIDGES, BRIDGE 627 NATURAL WATERS AND CONSTRUCTION GEN­ CHANNELS. RIVER, PORT, ERALLY HARBOUR AND COAST WORKS: DAMS I ETC. 2024 Bagaimana menghindari kega­ ga lan konstruksi dan struk­ 2030 tur. (How to prevent failure Djoko Legono construction and structure) Manfaat perencanaan pengen­ Konstruksi, 8 (11) 1984: dalian banjir suatu sungai 6-13 ditinjau dari segi ekonomi. (Use of river flood control 2025 planning from the economic Bahusin aspect point of view) Jemba tan bunder. (sunder Clapeyron, (17) 1983: 49-51 bridge) Sigma, (6) 1984: 8-13 2031 suwitha, I Putu Gede 2026 Catatan singkat pelabuhan Tirtowidjojo, Yohanes Parsiki Kuta abad ke-19. (Brief des­ Merencana pondasi tiang ~n­ cription of Kuta seaport in cang un tuk j emba tan. (Bridge the 19th century) pile foundation design) Masy Indon, 11 (1) 1984: Ber HAKI, (96) 1985: 16-26 45-60

82 627.8 DAMS. LARGE RESER­ 2038 VOIRS AND BARRAGE Tika, Pabundu DAMS. HYDRAULIC Dampak ekonomis sumur pompa POWER PLANT WORKS dan pembebanan biaya EPR kepada pe tani. (The economic 2032 impact of we 11 pumps and the Bambang susmono cost to the farmer) Kapasitas intake pelimpah Bul Peng air, (2) 1984: 7-12 PLTA Mrica suatu hasil pene­ li tian dengan mode 1. (In take capacity of Mrica hydroelec­ 628.5 INDUSTRIAL SANITA­ tric power station overflow TION, NUISANCES result of research using a model) 2039 Energi Listr, (4) 1984: Limbah pertanian: tambang 27-38 emas masa de pan. ( Agricu 1- tura l waste: a future gold 2033 mine ) Dinding diafragma pada ben­ Scientiae, (Mei) 1984: 80-83 dung Sampean Baru. (Diaphragm wall on Sampean Baru dam) 2040 Konstruksi, 8 (9) 1984: Sastrodiwongso, Teguh 40-47 Pengukuran tingkat kebisingan diatas kapal. (Noise level 2034 measurement on the ship) Tirtowidjojo, Yohanes Parsiki Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: Bangunan tenaga air mini. 39-45 (Mini hydropower building) Ber HAKI, (96) 1985: 4-7 2041 Taufik, P. 628.1 WATER SUPPLY. WATER Deterjen serta pengaruhnya WORKS terhadap mikroorganisma air. (Detergent and its effects on 2035 water microorganisms) Harsojo; Andini, L.S.; Sia­ Ma j Ke s e ha t , ( 1 0 5 ) 1·9 8 4 : gian, E.G.; Arifin, M.; su­ 56-57 har~ono; Aboeyoewono Disinfeksi sludge dengan ra­ diasi sinar gamma. (Disin­ fection of sludge by gamma 629.12 SHIPBUILDING. irradiation) SHIPS. BOATS Maj BATAN, 17 (2) 1984: 67-76 2042 Idris, A. Rachman 2036 Peranan biro klasifikasi In­ Jamali, Adi 1 donesia. (The role of Indone­ Penyediaan air pada tanur sian classification bureau) tiup mini di Lampung. (Water Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: supplies for the mini iron 3-12 blast furnace in Lampung) Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 13-18 2043 Mansoben, Johsz 2037 sistem pemilikan perahu dan suparman, Paulus hubungan kerja antara majikan Air minum yang sering dise­ dan buruh ne layan di Ci tuis. pelekan. (Drinking water that (Fishing boat ownership and is often cousidered unimport­ the relation between employer ant) and fisherman in Cituis) Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: Masy Indon, 10 (2) 1983: 35-36 265-275

83 2044 cultural indicators to pre­ Soepono, R.E. dict food crises in Central Pembinaan personil armada Lombok) niaga nasional sebagai ke­ Media Gizi Kel, 7/8 (2/1) kuatan cadangan matra laut 1984: 51-67 dalam masa damai dan masa perang. (The national mer­ 2050 chant navy personne 1 building ·Mubyar.to as marine reserves in peace Sej arah ekonomi petani Jawa. time and war) (The econo~ic history of Dharma Wiratama, 18 (54) Javanese farmers) 1984: 168-203 Agro-Ekon, 14 (21) 1983: 7-31 2051 629.13 AERONAUTICAL ENGIN­ Sadjad, Sjamsoe'oed EERING. AIRCRAFT Mencari nila1 suatu sistem: BIMAS padi. (Evaluating a 2045 system: BIMAS rice) Adi s. Salatun Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol, 28 Problema peramalan lokasi ( 3) 1984: 19-24 jatuhnya satelit tak terken­ dali di bumi. (The problems 2052 of predicting where uncon­ Somaatmadja, Dardjo trolled space satellites will Peningkatan manfaat hasil fall to the earth) pertanian • (The improvement Maj LAPAN, 8 (32) 1984: 2-17 of agricultural products) Komun Bal Besar Penelit 2046 Pengembang Ind Has Pertan Broto, Seno s. Bogor, (213) 1984: 19 p. Menuju ke laik udara. (Toward to airworthiness) 2053 Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: Teken, I. Gusti Bagus 30-34 Meningkatkan produksi pangan dalam rangkia memantapkan pe­ 204i ningka tan pendapatan petani Menguak kegagalan peluncuran dan swasembada pangan. (In­ Palapa. (The Palapa launching creasing food production to failure) increase farmers' incomes and Scientiae, (Apr) 1984: 12-16 food self sufficiency) Insiny Indon, 32 ( 1) 1984: 2048 42-48 Subandhi, Kisman Program penelitian peroketan LAPAN dalam Pelita-IV. (The 631.4 SOIL SCIENCE program for LAPAN rocket research within the Fourth 2054 Five Year Development Plan) Rusman, Bujang wartaLAPAN, (16)1984: 40 P• Proses dan penilaian degra­ dasi lahan. (Process and eva­ luation of land degradatidn) 631 AGRICULTURE. AGRONOMY. Maj Ilm Fak Pertan UNAND, 24 FARMING GENERALLY (1-2) 1984: 41-61 2049 2055 Khumaidi, Muhamad Sukamto, Y. Studi penilaian indikator Hubungan antara tanah-air­ pertanian untuk peramalan tanaman. (Relation between bahaya krisis pangan di Ka­ soil-water-plant) bupa ten Lombok Tengah. (An Bul Pengair, (1) 1984: 2-18; evaluation study on agri- (2) 1984: 24-29


2056 2062 Sarwono, B. Masa lah kebersihan, keseha t­ Mari bertanam bawang putih. an, pengamanan dan keadaan (Let us plant garlic Al lium darurat dalam memproduksi sa ti vum L.) pestisida. (The problem of Trubus, 14 (166) 1983: sanitation cleanliness, 158-161 heal th, safety and emergency conditions in the production of pesticide) 2057 Media Pestis, (06) 1983: Sitang<;rang, M. 12-15 Bonsai tanaman apa pula. (What kind of plant bonsai 2063 is) Partosoedjono, Soetijono; Higina, 5 (13) 1984: 17-18 Soekardono, Soeprapto Beberapa pilihan insektisida untuk pengendalian lalat­ 2058 lalat pengganggu dan penghi­ Teknik berhidroponik. (The sap darah pada ternak di technique of hydroponics) Indonesia. (Some insecticides Trubus, 15 (172) 1984: selected for controling 147-151 bother some flies and blood suckers among livestock in Indonesia) warta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 25-27 632.9 PLANT AND CROP PRO­ TECTION. PEST CONTROL 2064 Sudjatmoko, F.x.B.; Dharmadi, 2059 Atik Pengendalian hama Plutella Pengujian efikasi beberapa xylostel la pada tanaman ku­ akarisida dan insektisida bis. (Pest Plutella xylos­ terhadap tung au j ingt_Ja, Bre­ tella control on cabbage vipalpus phoenicis Geijskes plants) pada tanaman teh. (Efficacy warta Penelit Pengembang test of som~ acaricides and Per tan, 6 ( 3) 1984: 8-9 insecticides on B. phoenicis Geijskes in tea bushes) Teh Kina, 1 (1) 1984: 42-46 2060 Siswoj o; Irawan Efikasi carbofuran terhadap nematoda pada tanaman tebu. 633.1 CEREALS. CORN. GRAIN (The effica,cy of carbofuran CROPS (FOOD, FORAGE) against nematodes on sugar cane) Bul Bal Penelit Perus Perkeb 2065 Gula, (103) 1984: 13 P• Hakim, Nurhayati Pengaruh sisa pengapuran dan pupuk Mg terhadap produksi 2061 jagung pada podzolik Si­ Tanaman penutup tanah untuk tiung. (Residual effects of pengendalian gulma. (Legumi­ lime and magnesium fertilizer nosa cover crop for weed on corn grain grown on Si­ control) ti ung podzolik soils) Bul Info Pertan-Padang, (5) Maj Ilm Fak Pertan UNAND, 24 1982/83: 16-18 (1-2) 1984: 96-104

85 2066 2072 Ismal, Gazali; Rumawas, Fred Harahap, Z.; Harmel; Parto­ Pengujian daya hasil jagung a tmodjo, A. hibrida IPB 1 pada tiga loka­ Batang Agam: varietas padi si dan populasi tanaman. sawah dataran tinggi. (Batang (Evaluation of corn hybrid Agam: an upland wet field (!PB 1) yield at three loca­ variety) tions and plant population) Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan, Maj I lm Fak Per tan UNAND, 24 (6) 1984: 1-5 (1-2) 1984: 69-95 2067 2073 Syarief, Rizal; Richard­ Harahap, Z.; Sahi, Ibrahim ; Molard, o.; Nurie, Ahmad Soewi to Tj .; Susan to Tw. Mempelajari analisa dan pe­ Citanduy varietas padi dengan nyebaran mikotoksin Zearale­ mu tu beras baik. (Ci tanduy none pada biji jagung selama rice variety with good grain penyimpanan. (Studies on quality) Zearalenone determination and Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan, its distribution in corn (4) 1984: 1 3-18 during storage) Bul Penelit Ilmu Teknol Pangan, 3 (3) 1984: 102-115 2074 Harahap, Z.; Sularjo; Suyi t­ 633.17/.18 MILLET, SORGHUM, no; Soewito, Tj.; Machfud ETC. RICE Porong dan Bogowonto varietas padi berumur genjah dengan 2068 rasa nasi enak. (Porong and Bambang Suprihatno; Lande, Bogowonto short period var­ Mansur; Oman S.; Mustari; ieties of rice which taste Sama, Shagir delicious) Kelara varietas ~adi tahan Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan, tungro. (Kelara rice a var­ (4) 1984: 1-5 iety resistant to tungro) Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan, (4) 1984: 7-11 2075 Mudj isihono; Adnan, Moch.; 2069 Noor, Zuheid Bertanam padi sistem gogo Pengaruh perendaman alkali rancah. (Planting rice in dry dan asam terhadap mutu giling fields) dan mutu tepung biji sorghum. Bul Info Pertan-Banda Aceh, 3 (Effects of alkali and acid (4) 1983/84: 6-7 baths on the milling and flour quality of sorghum 2070 grain) Djalil, Mastina Maj Teknol Pangan, 3 (5) Serba serbi mengenai tanaman 1984: 411-418 sorgum. (The sorghum plant) Maj I lm Fak Per tan UN AND, 24 (1-2) 1984: 34-43 2076 Simanul lang, Z.A.; Alibasyah, 2071 Misbah; Sudirman, Suwarto; Harahap, Z.; Soetj ipto Kr. Harahap, z. Ayung varietas unggul ketan Singkarak varietas baru padi tahan wereng coklat. (Ayung, gogo tahan blas. (Singkarak, a high yieldin9' glutinous a new variety of dryland rice rice variety resistant to the resistant to blas Pyricularia brown planthopper) oryzae) Pemb Pene lit Pus li tbangtan, Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan, (6) 1984: ;21-28 (4) 1984: 23-29

86 2077 633.88 MEDICINAL PLANTS AND Sire9ar, Hadis; Bambang K.; HERBS Soewi to Tj .; Harahap, z. Pembentukan varietas padi Cimandiri. (The formation of 2082 the Cimandiri rice variety) Bercocok tanam kunyit, Cur­ Pemb Pene 1 it Pus 1 i tbang tan, cuma domestica Val. (Culti­ (6) 1984: 7-12 vating turmeric, c. domestica val.) Bul Info Pertan-Padang, (5) 1982/8 3: 19-20 633.3 LEGUMINOUS AND OTHER GREEN FODDERS: 2083 CLOVERSi PULSES, Pariyem BEANS, VETCHES, PEASi Obat-obatan asli. (Traditio­ SAINFOIH, ETC. nal herbal medicine) Mawas Diri, 13 (9) 1984: 37-41

2078 Arafat, Nasser; Basri AB. 2084 Tauge usaha sampingan yang Ramli, Yatizar produktif: dua cara menanam­ Sedikit tentang kegunaan ken­ nya. (Bean sprouts, a pro­ cur. (The use of Kaempferia ductive spare time activity: galanga L.) two ways of planting them) Maj I lm Fak Per tan UN AND, 24 Bul Info Pertan-Banda Aceh, 3 (1-2) 1984:'62-68 (4) 1983/84: 8-10

634.0 FORESTRY. FOREST 2079 PRODUCTS Lamtoro masalah dan potensi­ nya. (Potential and problems of Leucaena leucocephala) 2085 Biologica, 9 (49) 1984: 5-9 Martawij aya, Abdurahim; Kar­ tasuj ana, !ding Inventarisasi dan pemanfaatan 2080 kayu di Indonesia. (Wood Oey, Kam Nio; Lie, Goan Hong; stock taking and utilization Herlinda, J.; Nainggolan­ in Indonesia) Sihombing, G.; Aminah, Risna­ Insiny Indon, 32 (7) 1984: wati; Sumardi 30-40 An unknown toxic (or anti­ nutri ti ve) substance in the saga-bean. 2086 Bul Penelit Kesehat, 9 (1) Rochidajat G. 1981: 37-45 Percobaan pembersihan tum­ buhan bawah di dalam petak coba penanaman anakan rotan 2081 manau di Gunung Gadung, Sukasman Banjar Utara. (Experiments on Lamtoro gung, Leucaena le­ clearing of the undergrowth ucocephala kemungkinannya se­ in the experimental plots of bagai pohon pelindung tanaman rattan manau seedling planta­ teh. (Leucaena leucocephala: tion at Gunung Gadung, North the possibility of planting Banjar) is to shade tea bushes) Lap Pus Penelit Pengembang Teh Kina, 1 (1) 1984: 62-67 Hutan, (440) 1984: 1 O P•

87 2087 634.772 BANANAS Sastrawinata, Hidayat Atje; Soemarna, Komar Studi tentang intensitas pe­ 2092 narikan contoh dalam inventa­ Anwar, Ikhsan risasi potensi permudaan alam Pisang: diperbanyak dengan dan tegakan sisa di kelompok KB. (Banana: multiply with hutan Teluk Belidak, KPH family planning) Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Trubus, 15 (172) 1984: (Sampling intensity of rege­ 162-163 neration and standing stock study on logged-over area in the Forest Complex Teluk 2093 Belidak, Pontianak Forest Hartati, Reni Mardu District, West Kalimantan) Beberapa cara yang mempenga­ Lap Pus Penelit Pengembang ruhi kemasakan buah pisang. Hutan, (426) 1984: 18 p. + (Some methods which effect app. banana fruit ripening) Maj Tekno 1 Pangan, 3 ( 5) 1984: 397-402 634.6 PALM AND OTHER TROPI­ CAL, SUB-TROPICAL FRUITS 634.774 PINEAPPLES 2088 Chan, Fidber; Siregar, K.; 2094 Lubis, Adlin u. Kalie, Moeh. Baga Density problem dan usaha Mau ikut lomba nenas? (Join mengatasinya pada tanaman the pineapple contest?) kelapa sawit. (Density Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: problem and steps taken to 224-225 overcome it in oil palm cul­ tivation) Pedom Tekn Pus Penelit 2095 Marihat, (82) 1984: 5 p. Nenas. (Pineapples) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: 264 2089 Endang Syamsuddin; Sukarji, R.; Lubis, Adlin u. Bibit lewat umur (tua). (Old 635.23 CASSAVA seedlings) Pedom Tekn Pus Penelit Marihat, (89) 1984: 4 p. 2096 Agus Setyono 2090 Distribusi kandungan cyanida Ginting, Arun; Syukur, Suhei­ dalam bahan se lama proses mi; Lubis, Adlin u. ekstraksi pati ubi kayu. Pedoman pengukuran pertum­ (Cyanide content distribution buhan bibit kelapa sawit. (A in cassava during starch ex­ guide to growth measurement traction process) of oil palm seedlings) Maj Tekno 1 Pangan, 3 ( 5) Pedom Tekn Pus Penelit 1984: 403-410 Marihat, (88) 1984: 3 p. 2091 2097 Kelapa hibrida. (Hybrid co­ Cara menyimpan ubi kayu. conuts) (Cassava storage methods) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, 380-382 (02) 1983/84: 12-1 3

88 2098 2104 Nitis, I.M.; suarna, M.; Dunia jamur di ne9eri Belan­ Lana, K. da. (Mushrooms in the Ne­ Pengaruh jangka waktu dan therlands) tinggi pemotongan stylosan­ Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: thes terhadap produksi ketela 246-248 ~ohon. (Effects of cutting interval and cutting height 2105 of the stylosanthes companion Jamur merang. (Edible mush­ crop on cassava yield) rooms) Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: 1 984: 1 -11 358-360 2099 2106 somaatmadja, Dardjo Ruang tunnel untuk jamur me­ Pemanfaatan ubi kayu dalam rang. (Tunnel room for rice industri pertanian. (Using straw mushrooms) cassava in agricultural in­ Trubus, 15 (179) 1984: dustry) 222-223 Komun Bal Besar Penelit Pengembang Ind Has Pertan Bogor, (214) 1984: 25 p. 635.976 SHRUBS, SHRUBBER­ RIES, HEDGES 2100 Sukarso, B. 2107 Rehung singkong: asparagus Djoko Prijono bohong-bohongan. (Cassava Tanaman pagar yang serbaguna. sprouts: false asparagus) (Multipurpose hedges) Trubus, 15 (172) 1984: Trubus, 1 5 (173) 1984: 164-165 222-223 2108 Jenis tanaman pagar hidup. 635.41 SPINACH (Hedge varieties)

2101 636.084/.087 ANIMAL FEEDING Mudjisihono, Rob. Mengenal bayam Taiwan. (In­ troduction to Taiwan spinach) b36.084/.87 ANIMAL FEEDING Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: 218-219 2109 2102 Achmadi, Ali Sudarmo, Widayat M. Pengawetan jerami ~adi untuk Bertanam bayam bebas ayam. makanan ternak. (Rice straw (Planting spinach free from preservation for cattle feed) chicken disturbance) Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, Trubus, 14 (180) 1984: ( 01 ) 1 983/84: 3-5 286-287 2110 Bahri, Sjamsul 635.8 MUSHROOMS. TRUFFLES Evaluasi efek goitro, genik dari lamtoro, Leucaena leu­ cocephala pada marmut. (Eva- 2103 1 ua tion of the goitrogenic Bertanam jamur merang. effect of Leucaena leucoce­ (Planting edible mushrooms) phala on guinea pigs) Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: 214-217 145-147

89 2111 for ruminants) Bahri, Sjamsul; Hamid, Helmi; Bul Peternak Fak Peternak Ginting, Ngepkep; Arifin, UGM, 8 (1) 1984: 5-9 Zainal; Yuningsih Pengaruh pemberian singkong pahit, Manihot esculenta ter­ 2117 hadap pertumbuhan dan keadaan Silase untuk ransum ternak kelenJar thyroid ayam peda­ dan ikan. (Silage for fish ging. (Effects of bitter and cattle rations) cassava, Manihot esculenta on Bul Info Pertan-Bogor, (01) the body growth and thyroid 1983/84: 13-1 4 glands of broiler chickens) Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: 173-178 2118 Tentang makanan anak ayam ras. (Chicken rations) 2112 Ayam Telur, 15 (09) 1984: 30- Ginting, Ngepkep 33; 15 (10) 1984: 31-33; 15 Aflatoksin di dalam bahan ( 11 ) 1984: 22-23 baku pakan dan pakan ayam pedaging: I Di daerah Bogor. (Aflatoxin in raw feedstuff 2119 and feed of broilers in the Usri, Tahjan Bogor area) Mengganti sebagian bungkil Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: kedelai dengan dedak gandum. (Replacing a part of soybean 152-155 oil cake wheat bran) Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: 2113 26, 49 Hadiyanto Tepung bekicot sebagai ransum 2120 makanan ayam. (Achatina fuli­ Wanasuria, Suharja ca flour as chicken feed) Tepung cacing tanah sua tu Ayam Telur, 12 (1) 1984: pilihan. (Land worm flour: an 30-31 alternative) Ayam Te 1 ur, 1 5 ( 1 2) 198 4: 2114 21-22 Makanan ikan. (Fish feed) Bul Info Pertan-Padang, (5) 636.089 INJURIES, DISEASES, 1982/83: 25-26 PARASITES AND PESTS 2121 Hastiono, Sukardi 2115 Tinjauan epidemiologik as­ Pulungan, Hamzah; Bhakti, pergillosis unggas. (An epi­ Budhiman Nusa demiologic study of poultry Substitusi konsentrat dengan aspergillosis) tepung pada domba jantan yang Warta Zoa, 1 (3) -1984: 45-49 sedang tumbuh. (Concentrate substitution with dried cas­ sava flour for growing rams) 2122 Warta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 29-31 Laporan percobaan lapangan mengenai penggunaan daimeton untuk pencegahan dan pengo­ 2116 batan leucocytozoonosis pada Santosa, Krishna Agung ayam petelur. (Field study Perkembangan konsep protein report of daimeton uti liza­ untuk ternak ruminansia. tion for prevention and (Protein concept development treabnent of leucocytozoono-

90 sis on egg laying hen) birth and sex of the calf, in Ayam Telur, 12 (1) 1984: Yogyakarta province) 36-41 Bul Fak Peternak UGM, 5 (3) 1981: 95-102 2123 2129 Partadiredja, Masduki Tarmudji Penanganan penyakit pada Retensio secundinae pada sa­ unggas. (Tack 1 ing poultry pi. (Retensio secundinae in diseases) cattle) Ayam Telur, 12 (04) 1984: Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: 37 1 3-1 7 2130 Thalib, Chalid; Siregar, 2124 Abdul Rahman Rachman, Suharmi Ternak sapi Bali di Timar, Penyakit-penyakit pada ung­ Nusa Tenggara Timur. (Bali gas. (Diseases in poultry) cattle farming in Timar, East Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: Nusa Tenggara) 1 9-21 warta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 1-7 636.3 SMALLER RUMINANTS. 2125 SHEEP (AND GOATS) Soeripto Pengamatan infeksi E. tenel la 2131 pada ayam sayur, ayam peda­ Amien, M. Ch. ging dan ayam petelur. Pemeliharaan kambing dan dom­ (Survey of E. tenella infec­ ba secara zero grazing. tion in village chickens, (Sheep and goat breeding with broilers and layers) zero grazing methods ) Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: warta BRI, 8 (86) 1984: 169-172 32-3 5, 42 636.2 CATTLE (AND OTHER 2132 LARGE RUMINANTS) Bambang Wikantadi Variasi regional berkeringat 2126 (sweating) kambing Saanen Djagra, I B.; Saka, I K.; dalam kondisi lingkungan yang Putra, I G.G.; Mantra, I B. dikontrol. (Sweating: in Jumlah gerak rahang dan pe­ Saanen goats regional varia­ riode mengunyah waktu remas­ tion in controlled environ­ tikasi pada sapi Bali. (Jaw mental conditions) movement and length of Bul Peternak Fak Peternak chewing during remastication UGM, 8 (1) 1984: 17-20 of Bali cattle) Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) 2133 1984: 39-45 Hutahean, Jannes Perkandangan kambing dan dom­ ba. (Sheep and goat stables) 2127 Poultry Indon, 5 (58) 1984: ET sapi dan scampi baru. 30-31 (Embryo transfer of cows and new scampi (Nephropidae)) 2134 Trubus, 14 (167) 1983: 237 Ma'sum, Mursyid; soesetya, R.H.B. Growth pattern in terms of 2128 heartgirth measurement in Soetimboel, M.; Kustono; swamp buffalo in , Ismaya; Sudarno Indonesia. (ENG) Pengaruh bangsa pejantan, Agri vi ta, 6 (2) 1 983: 1 -3

91 2135 2140 Purnomo, Hari Putra, D.K. Harya; Meningkatkan produksi cempe. Blackshaw, A.w. (Increasing the production of Kompensasi peningkatan pro­ lamb) duksi sperma dari babi yang Ayam Telur, 12 (04) 1984: dihemikastrasi. (Compensatory 38-39 increase in daily sperm out­ put (DSO) of the boar fol­ lowing hemicastration) 2136 Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) Suradisastra, Kedi; Nolan, 1984: 46-56 Michael F. Traditional sheep farming in 2141 Garut, West Java, (Indone­ Putra, D.K. Harya; sian): a sociological pers­ Blackshaw, A.W..; Waters,M.J. pective. Pengaruh hemikastrasi terha­ Ilmu Peternak, (4) 1983: dap konsentrasi hormon tes­ 141-146 tosteron dan luteinizing hor­ mone (LH) dalam plasma darah dari babi. (The effect of 2137 hemicastration on the con­ Zulbadri, Muhammad; Sastro­ centrations of testosterone dihardjo, Soediman and luteinizing hormones (LH) Pendugaan bobot lahir anak in the boars blood plasma) kerbau rawa berdasarkan ling­ Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) kar dada, panjang badan.dan 1984: 17-27 tinggi pundak. (The estima­ tion of live weight of water 636.5 POULTRY. FOWL. buffalo calves from measure­ CBICKEl!IS, ETC. ment of chest girth, body length, and shoulder height) 2142 warta Zoa, 1 (1) 1983: 45-47 Abubakar Tepung gaplek sebagai ransum broiler. (Tcfl>ioca flour as feed for broilers) ' Poultry Indon, 3 (27) 1982: 15-16 636.4 PIGS, SOWS AND BOARS: BREEDS 2143 Aspek-aspek genetis dalam produksi perunggasan pada iklim panas. (Genetic aspects 2138 in poultry production in hot Basuki, Purwanto climates) Teknik pemberian pakan yang Ayam Telur, 15 (10) 1984: men9untungkan pada babi fat­ 34-37 tening. (Feeding technique that favors pig fattening) 2144 Bul Peternak Fak Peternak Bambang Agus Murtidjo . UGM, 8 (1) 1984: 30-32 Intensifikasi ternak itik di Indonesia. (The intensifica­ tion of duck farming in Indo­ 2139 nesia) Hutahean, Jannes Ayam Telur, 12 (05) 1984: 41- Penyebab mortalitas an~k b~bi 42; 15 (06) 1984: 53; 15 (07) pada periode sebelum disapih. 1984: 33-36; 15 (08) 1984: (The causes of piglety mor­ 23-24; 15 (09) 1984: 34; 15 tality in preweanling period) (10) 1984: 27, 48; 15 (11) Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: 1984: 24-25; 15 (12) 1984: 31-32 23-24

92 2145 2150 Bambang Agus Murtidjo Kusumawati, Upik Sebuah pemikiran swasembada Ayam ka te, apakah mengun­ bibit ayam nasional. tungkan? (Are dwarf chickens (Thoughts about selfsupport­ profitable?) i ng national chicken Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: breeding) 16-17 Ayam Telur, 12 (04) 1984: 28-30 21 51 Nono, Cornelis 2146 Penambahan daun singkong da­ Djoko Soetrisno; ?riyo~o lam ransum babi, perlu di­ S.B., Subur; Hartadi., Harl.; dayagunakan. (Cassava leaf Haryono, Ismu addition to pig rations, Pendu~aan energi tercerna needs to be more efficient) (DE) li.mbah pertanian untuk Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: 42 kambing dari analisa kimia dan analisa biologinya. (Es­ timation of digestible energy 2152 (DE) of agricultural wastes Nurtini, Sudi as goat feeds from their Analisa biaya faktor-faktor chemical and biological ana­ produksi pada usaha peter­ lysis) nakan ayam pedaging di DIY. Bul Fak Peternak UGM, 5 (3) (A cost analysis of produc­ 1981: 88-94 tion factors in poultry hus­ bandry in Yogyakarta) Bul Fak Peternak UGM, 7 2147 (3-4) 1983: 48-59 Faizah; Ahmad, Baihaqi; Herman, Rachmat Penggunaan manure ayam dan 2153 manure domba dalam ransum un­ Pedor, Yos; Karda, I Wy.; Sri tuk produksi daging ayam jan­ Widhiharti tan petelur. (The use feed Pengaruh temperatur ling­ containing of poultry manure kungan terhadap perubahan and sheep manure on the meat fisiologis tubuh dan produk­ production of male chickens) ti vi tas ayam. (The effect of Media Peternak, 8 (1) 1983: environmental temperature on 17-34 physiological· change and chicken productivity) Oryza, 8 (2) 1984: 25-33 2148 Gizi murah dari puyuh. (Cheap nutrition from quails, QOtur­ 2154 nix qoturnix Japonica) Performans i tik Bali. (The Trubus, 13 (153) 1982: performance of Bali ducks) 433-436 Poultry Indon, (15) 1981: 22-23 2149 Guntoro, Suprio 2155 Bekicot sebagai bahan ransum Polandos, Yoseph unggas dan masalahnya. (Land Si ayam kampung jadi petelur. snails for poultry feed, and (Domestic chickens become the problem) layers) Ayam Telur, 15 (10) 1984: Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: 28-30 244-245

93 2156 2163 Rahman, Burhani Sabrani, M. Usaha beternak itik ternyata Pengendalian faktor resiko cukup menguntungkan di Fili­ lewat PIR. (Control linq the pina. (Duck breeding is pro­ risk factor with small holder fitable in the Philippines) nuclear enterprises (PIR) Ayam Telur, 15 (11) 1984: Poultry Indon, 5 (58) 1984: 29-31 19-21 2157 2164 Rasyaf, Muhammad Saki, Slamet Riadi Beternak ayam pedagin~ di Kebutuhan kalsium bagi ternak atas lantai cage. (Broiler unggas. (Calcium requirements poultry farming on the cage of poultry) floor) Ayam Telur, 11 (53) 1983: Poultry Indon, (16) 1981: 30-31 1 3-14 2158 2165 Rasyaf, Muhammad Sarmanu M.S. Kepadatan kandang. (Density Berbahayakah lamtoro sebagai in chicken-coop) sumber gizi ternak ayam. (The Ayam Tel ur, 1 5 ( 1 O) 198 4: danger of feeding Leucaena 21-23 leucocephala to poultry) Ayam Telur, 12 (02) 1984: 2159 19-20 Rasyaf, Muhammad Makanan unggas. (Pou 1 try feeding) 2166 Trubus, 14 (166) 1983: Soejono, M.; Kamal, M. 148-150 Penggunaan biji karet dalam ransum ayam petelur. (The use 2160 of rubber seeds feed for egg Rasyaf, Muhammad laying hen) Memelihara ayam pedaging di­ Bul Peternak Fak Peternak musim kemarau beternak meng­ UGM, 8 ( 1) 1984: 20-23 hindar matahari belum popu­ ler. (Breeding of broilers in 2167 the dry monsoon, poultry Suradisastra, Kedi farming avoiding sunshine is Adu ayam di Filipina. (Cock not popular yet) fighting in the Philippines) Poultry Indon, (16) 1981: Ayam Telur, 12 (Mar) 1984: 11-1 2 24-25 2161 2168 Rasyaf, Muhammad Syarief, Abdullah Perencanaan peternakan ung­ Jenis strain belum menjamin gas. (The planning of poultry keuntungan. (Variety of husbandry) broiler strain is still no Ayam Telur, 15 (12) 1984: guarantee of profit) 25-27 Poul try Indon, 5 ( 57) 1984: 6-7 2162 Razak, Nono 2169 Menyusun ransum ayam dengan Uzu, Gerard tepung bekicot. (Snail Acha­ Peranan protein pada ayam tina fulica meat in chicken petelur. (The role of protein feed) in laying hens) Poultry Indcrn, 3 (29) 1982: Poultry Indon, 3 (36) 1982: 19-20 19-23

94 2170 2175 Wirat, P.; Seregig, N.; Ressang, Abdul Aziz; Nasu­ Suaryana, K.G.; Gede, I G.M. tion, Abdul Muis Perbandingan keuntungan pe­ Cara memper lakukan air susu. meliharaan ayam tanpa dan (Milk processing methods) dengan program pencegahan Bul PPS!, 4 (30-31) 1983: penyakit berak darah. (An 14-18; 4 (31-32) 1983: 12-14 income comparison between poultry farming with and without preventive therapy 2176 against coccidiosis) Sri Poernomo; Hardjoutomo, Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) Suprodjo; Sutarma 1984: 28-38 Isolasi Campylobacter fatus subspecies intestinalis dari sapi perah asal Garut Jawa 636.92 RABBITS Barat. (The isolation of Campylobacter fatus sub­ 2171 species intestinalis in dairy Ismaya; Kernan, Sunaryo cattle from Garut, west Java) Pengaruh bangsa dan varitas Peny Hewan, 16 (27) 1984: terhadap servise per concep­ 183-187 tion, lama bunting, litter size, berat lahir dan average daily gain kelinci. (The ef­ 2177 fect of rabbit type and var­ Yusran, Mohamad Ali; Achman­ iety on service per concep­ to, Yudi Pri yo tion, length of pregnancy, Dua masalah dalam tatalaksana litter size, birth weight and pemerahan dan pengaruhnya average daily gain) pada produksi susu sapi perah Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 8 (1) di daerah Grati, Pasuruan. 1984: 26-30 (Two problems in milking ma­ nagement and their effect on dairy cattle milk production 2172 in Grati, Pasuruan area) McKenzie, Joanna War ta Zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 21-24 Kelinci. (Rabbits) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: 366-370 637.4 EGGS 2178 2173 Hattab, Sjarifuddin Sitorus, Sorta Silitonga Hutu telur konsumsi. (QUality Ternak kelinci sebagai masa­ of eggs for consumption) lah sumber protein hewani. Ayam Telur, 12 (3) 1984: (Rabbit farming as a source 29-32 of animal protein) Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: 25-26 2179 Membersihkan, menyimpan dan 637.1 DAIRYING. MILK AND mengawetkan telur. (Cleaning, MILK PRODUCTS storing and preserving eggs) Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, 2174 (02) 1983/84: 3-6 Budiman, Haryono Tinjauan terhadap kualitas 2180 air susu peternakan sapi pe­ Mengintip telur yang dite­ rah. (Study on the quality of taskan. (A peep at incubated dairy cattle milk) eggs) Ayam Telur, 12 (02) 1984: Ayam Telur, 12 (1) 1984: 37-41 32-33

95 2181 2187 Mesin tetas telur. (Egg in­ Regulations on intra-ASEAN cubator) movement of fresh meat and Ayam Telur, 12 (02) 1984: products for human consump­ 24-25 tion. Manual Karant Kehewan, 3 (25) 1983/84: 1 3-1 7 2182 sunarlim, Roswita Evaluasi uji kesukaan telur 2188 dan dendeng i tik yang diper­ Sapi mana yang biasa dipo­ o l eh dari hul u sungai utara tong? (Which cattle can be Kalimantan Selatan. (Evalua­ slaughtered?) tion of the popularity of Trubus, 15 (180) 1984: duck eggs and seasoned dried 296-299 duck meat from up river South Kalimantan) warta Zoa, 1(3)1984: 41-43 2189 Sunarlim, Roswita; Sirait, Cel ly H. 2183 Survei pengolahan telur dan suradisastra, Kedi daging itik tradisional di Konsep ekonomi rasional dan daerah hulu sungai Kalimantan pemasaran telur. (Rational Selatan. (A survey of the economic concept and egg mar­ traditional treatment of duck keting) egg and duck meat in up river Poultry Indon, 5 (58) 1984: areas of South Kalimantan) 6-7 Warta zoa, 1 (3) 1984: 37-39

2184 Suryawijaya, Basya Penetasan telur itik. (In­ cubating duck eggs) 638 INSm:"T AND REPTILE Poultry Indon, 5 (57) 1984: MANAGEMENT, BREEDING, 12-15 INDUSTRIES

2185 Triyantini; Sirai t, Ce l ly H.; 2190 Abubakar Anwar, Ikhsan Mutu telur itik pada berbagai Mengenal lebah madu. (An in­ tingkat pemasaran di daerah troduction to the honeybee) Karawang. (Quality of duck Trubus, 15 (181) 1984: eggs at several marketing 356-359 levels in Karawang) Ilmu Peternak, 1 (4) 1983: 151-154 2191 Kaomini Pembandingan mutu beberapa 637.5 MEAT. FLESH. FAT ras ulat sutera (Bombyx mori L.) produksi Pusat Pembibitan 2186 Candiroto, Jawa Tengah. (Com­ Munir, Sahibul parison of some silkworm Kemunduran mutu ikan dan cara races qua 1 i ty B. mori L. menghambatnya. (Deterioration produced by Egg Production of fish quality and its pre­ Centre, Candiroto, Central vention) Java) Warta Konsum, 11 (120) 1984: Lap Pus Penelit Pengembang 1 2 I 1 7 Hutan, (429) 1984: 8 P•

96 639.2 FISHERIES 2198 Surur, Fatichus 2192 Mini long line dan pengem­ Hardjosworo, Soehardjo bangannya. (Mini long line Penyakit dan produksi per­ and its developnent) ikanan. (Disease and fish Bul Nelayan, 4 (39) 1983: production) 24-25 Ayam Telur, 15 (11) 1984: 41- 43; 15 (12) 1984: 41-42 21~9 2193 Surur, Fa ti ch us Kolam ikan sistem air deras. Umpan untuk mini long line. (Running water fish ponds) (Bait for mini long line) Trubus, 12 (138) 1981: Bul Nelayan, 4 (44) 1984: 200-202 26-28 2194 Mujiman, Ahmad 2200 Penyakit bakteri pada ikan Tarmudi air tawar. (Bacterial dis­ Bubu: alat penjebak be lut. eases of fresh water fish) ( Bubu : ee 1 trap) Trubus, 12 (138) 1981: Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: 203-205 390-391 2195 Pemanfaatan dan pembinaan 2201 sumber daya perairan dan pan­ Tirto, s. ta i menunjang peningkatan Pancing bait casting. (Fish­ kesej ahteraan ne 1 ayan dan ing bait casting) petambak. (Use and develop­ Trubus, 15 (179) 1984: ment of water and sea shore 228-231 resources to improve the in­ comes of fishermen and fish­ poder workers) 2202 Bul Nelayan, 4 (44) 1984: Tirto, s. 15-21 Pancing spinning. (Spinning fishing rod) 2196 Trubus, 15 (180) 1984: Sobari, Moch. Prihatna 300-302 Suatu kebijaksanaan dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan perikanan. (A policy for the 2203 development and improvement Widianto of fisheries) Perikanan trammel net di dae­ warta BRI, 8 (86) 1984: rah Ci lacap. (Trammel net 4-5, 1 5 fishing in Cilacap area) Maj Pertan, 31 (2) 1983/84: 56-60 639.2.081 METHODS OF 639.281.2 SHRIMPS FISHING 2204 Hadie, Wartono 2197 Artemia salina Lac. sebagai Soetrisno H.S., A.H. makanan hidup benih ikan dan Penangkapan ikan den9an pole udang. (Artemia salina Lac. and line. (Fishing w1 th pole as live feed for fish and and line) shrimp fry) Bul Nelayan, 3 (32) 1983: Maj Per tan, 31 (2) 1983/84: 14-15 3-8

97 2205 2212 Irianto, Hari Eko Tirto, s. Teknologi pengeringan dan Tawes: pemijahan ala Awipari. pengalengan udang. (The tech­ (Tawes fish: spawning ala nology of shrimp dehydration Awipari) and canning) Trubus, 15 (172) 1984: Poultry Indon, 5 (58) 1984: 166-168 27-28 65 MANAG91ENT, ORGANIZATION 2206 OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE, Suyanto, S. Rachmatun (Mrs.) BUSINESS, COMMUNICATION Benih udang windu benih dari AND TRANSPORT alam dan benih hasil hatch­ ery. (Shrimp, Penaeus monodon 2213 fry: natural fry and hatchery Danusaputro, St. Munadjat produced fry) Manaj emen kekayaan laut ma­ Bul Nelayan, 4 (37) 1983: salah mendesak untuk Indone­ 15-18 sia. (Managing the wealth in the sea an urgent problem for 2207 Indonesia) Suyanto, s. Rachmatun (Mrs.) Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 24-32 Mun~kinkah merubah j ad wa 1 musim pemeliharaan. (Shrimp 2214 culture pattern in the pond) Morris, Peter W.G. Bul Nelayan, 3 (35) 1983: Revolusi dalam manaj emen pro­ 4-7 yek. (The revolution in pro­ ject management) Manajemen, 4 (23) 1984: 639.3 FISH BREEDING: 50-55 SPAWNING, CARE, ETC. 2215 2208 Siagian, Tumpal Edwin s. Menuju manajemen budaya. (To­ Mari beternak le le. (Cu 1 ti­ ward cultural management) va ting Clarias batrachus L. Warta PERUMNAS, 4 (08) 1984: fish) 26-27 Bul Nelayan, 3 (30) 1983: 23-29 2216 Tjokroamidjojo, Bintoro 2209 Efisiensi nasional dalam ma­ Pemeliharaan ikan mas dalam na j emen pembangunan. (Na­ kolam air mengalir. (Carp tional efficiency in devel­ culture in running water opment management) ponds) Mgmt usahaw Indon, (Mar-Apr) Bul Nelayan, 4 (39) 1983: 1984: 3-7 21-24 2217 2210 Toha, Muharto Tirto, s. Peranan industri migas dalam Dari telur jadi kepalang. meningkatkan partisipasi dan (From egg to spawner) pembangunan sosial ekonomi Warga Sejaht, 15 (173) 1984: budaya masyarakat di daerah 242-245 seki tarnya. (The role of the oil and gas industry in in­ 2211 creasing the participation Tirto, s. and cultural socioeconomic Mari, memanfaatkan air lim­ development of society in the bah. (-_Using waste water) surrounding area) Trubus, 14 (167) 1983: Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS, 18 ( 1) 245-247 1984: 36-41

98 2218 2224 Wardoyo, Supomo Marmain A., Mohammad Mencari akar budaya Indonesia Pendelegasian wewenang dan untuk manajemen. (Searching tanggung jawab. (Delegation the roots of Indonesian cul­ of authority and responsi­ ture for management) bility) Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: 6-13 Warta BRI, 8 (86) 1984: 6-10 2225 65.01 MANAGEMENT THEORY, Siasat mensukseskan rapat. METHOD, SYSTEM (Strategy in successing meetings) 2219 Eksekutif, (63) 1984: 57-59 Manao, Hekinus Rahasia keberhasilan manaje­ 2226 men Jepang, teori Z: apa itu? Sumantri, D.A. (The secret of the success of Arus kebijaksanaan dan pe­ Japanese management, Z theo­ ngambilan keputusan di wila­ ry: what is it?) yah/daerah. (The current of Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: policy and decision making in 21-24, 70 the provinces) Huk Pembangun, 17 (2) 1984: 156-169 2220 Sepuluh pedoman berharga ten­ 2227 tang manajemen. (10 valuable Suryohadiprojo, Sayidiman points concerning management) Beberapa pikiran tentang bi­ Eksekutif, (56) 1984: 67-68 rokrasi. (Some thoughts about bureaucracy) Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 17-22 2221 Silalahi, Bennet N.B. 2228 Bagaimana menerapkan manaje­ Widodo, Fadjar men SESTA. (How to apply Pe ranan actuating da lam men­ SESTA (success ful 1) manage­ c apa i tuj uan. (The role of ment) actuating in reaching goals) Manajemen, 4 (23) 1984: Warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: 30-33 4-6, 1 2

2222 651 OFFICE MANAGEMENT, Tuj uh keke 1 i ruan fa ta 1 seo­ PRACTICE AND EQUIPMENT ra ng manaj er. (The seven fatal errors of manager) 2229 Eksekutif, (60) 1984: 64-66 Handayani, Puj i Mas a lah kearsipan di kantor. (Problems of archives in 65.012.4 DIRECTION: offices) AUTHORITY, RESPON­ Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: SIBILITY, DFX:ISIONS 58-61 2223 2230 Margerison, Charles; Kaka­ Kristyanto, Handojo badse, Andrew Perubahan organisasi: 3 di­ Menyimak faktor sukses para mensi yang per 1 u diperhi­ eksekutif puncak. (In ves­ tungkan. ( Organi za tiona 1 tigating the success factor change: three dimensions must of to~ executives) be considered) Mana)emen, 5 (25) 1984: Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jul-Ags) 31-38 1984: 13-17

99 2231 2238 Soemarlan Panambang, Sutomo R. Pe ran dan tugas penge lo la Karakteristik radio sebagai Litbang. (The role and tasks medium komunikasi. (The cha­ of a research and development racteristics of radio as a manager) medium for communication) Warta Pengelol Penelit Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: Pengembang, 5 (4) 1984: 1-7 23-29, 50

2232 2239 Winarno, Bondan Parastho, Sutomo Jaba tan rangkap. (Doub le Peranan PRSSNI dalam menun­ functions) jang komunikasi pembangunan. Eksekutif, (55) 1984: 66-68 (The role of private broad­ casting in supporting de­ velopment of communications) Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 15-22 654. 1 TELEGRAPHY. TELEPHONY. RADIO. TELEVISION 2240 Saragih, s.L. 2233 Perlu atau tidak panduan bagi Abwar , Di tj e penonton film dilayar televi­ Sedikit tentang program pe­ si. (Is a guide needed for ngembangan siaran radio. (The the audiences of television radio broadcasting develop­ films) ment programme) Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 13-17 Komun1ka, 5 (3) 1984: 31-34

2234 2241 Atmowiloto, Arswendo Sudibyo, Alex Mesem suatu kritik terhadap Kemungkinan pengembangan sa­ dunia televisi kita. (Mesem a te lit siaran langsung do­ criticism of our television mestik untuk menunjang pem­ world) bangunan sistem penyiaran te­ Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 25-31 levisi di Indonesia. (The possibilities of improving 2235 the domestic direct broadcast Bikuwata satellite system to support Radio siaran swasta (non pe­ the development of television merintah) di Indonesia. (Pri­ broadcasting in Indonesia) vate broadcasting in Indone­ Warta LAPAN, (14) 1984: 52p. sia) Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 7-14 2236 2242 Irawanto Wiromartono, s. Sistem siaran televisi mela- Kelompok pendengar siaran ra­ 1 ui satelit. (Television dio pedesaan dan perkemban9- broadcasting system via a nn ya. (The rural radio satellite) broadcast audience and its Komunika, 5 (1) 1984: 1-6 development) Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 35-42 2237 Oemie s. Penyiar merupakan profesi yang menyenangkan. (An­ nouncing as a profession) 655 PRINTING. PUBLISHING. Komunika, 5 (3) 1984: 1-6 BOOK TRADE

100 2243 dalam sistem transportasi Beberapa masalah pembuatan nasional menyongsong indus­ pikersel dengan tangan dalam tri.alisasi dalam Pelita IV. usaha meningkatkan mutu cetak (The role of the rai 1 ways (cetak tinggi). (Some pro­ (PJKA) in the national trans­ blems of overlay manufacture portation system to support by hand to improve letter industrialization in the press printing quality) Fourth Five Year Development Penyul Graf, 12 (2) 1983/84: Plan) 18-21 Insiny Indon, 31 (6} 1983: 28-29, 32; 32 (1) 1984: 33-41 2244 Memindahkan disain ke atas skrin. (Transfer of design to 2250 screen) Kramadibrata, Soedjono Trubus, 15 (171) 1984: Peran serta transportasi da­ 122-123 rat dalam mengatasi dampak pertumbuhan penduduk dalam keterbatasan sumber daya alam 2245 di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. Perwajahan grafika di Jepang. (The participation to excel (Graphical layout in Japan) population growth impact in Penyul Graf, 13 (2) 1984/85: the natural resources limited 9-12 in Java and Sumatra Islands) Transtel Indon, (44) 1984: 23-29 2246 Perwajahan majalah yang efek­ tif. (Effective magazine 2251 layout) Manajemen perhubungan laut: Penyul Graf, 13 (2) 1984/85: masalah_dan prospeknya. (Sea communication management: 24-27 problems and prospects) Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 6-15 2247 Teknologi penyinaran dalam bidang grafika. (Lighting technology in reprographics) 657 ACCOUNTANCY. Penyul Graf, 12 (2) 1983/84: 4-7 BOOKKEEPING

2248 2252 Triwiharto Batubara, Sambungan Fungsi pengolah kata, word Analisa manajemen keuan~an processor dalam proses susun Pe rum perumnas. ( Financia 1 huruf foto. (Word processor management analysis of Na­ fungction in photo composing) tional Public Housing En­ Penyul Graf, 12 (2) 1983/84: terprises) 1-3, 7 Warta PERUMNAS, 4 (08) 1984: 20-22

2253 656 TRANSPORT AND POSTAL Harahap, Sofyan Syafri SERVICES Pendeka tan teori akuntansi yang terpadu. (Integrated 2249 accounting theory approach) Kramadibrata, Soedjono Maj Keuang, (126) 1984: Peran perkereta-apian (PJKA) 43-46

101 657.4 ACCOUNTS AND ACCOUNT­ 2260 ING OPERATIONS. COSTS Bokim, Adna Komunikasi dalam pemeriksaan: 2254 psikologi pemer1ksaan dan Afadlal teknik wawancara. (Communica­ Analisis biaya dan manfaat tion in auditing: audit psy­ untuk pemilihan proyek. (Cost chology and interview tech­ analysis and advantages for nique) project selection) Pemeriksa, (1 7) 1984: 47-48, warta Pengelol Penelit 53-54 Pengembang, 5 (4) 1984: 15-22 2261 2255 Joedono, M.P.S. Akuntabi li tas fublik. (Public Arti dan pentingnya pemerik­ accountability saan. (The significance and Pemeriksa, (1 7) 1984: 55-61, importance of auditing) 63-69 Pemeriksa, (16) 1984: 49-57; (17) 1984: 37-41 2256 Analisa proyek bagi para 658 BUSINESS, WORKS AND pengambil keputusan.(Prpject SHOP MANAGEMENT AND analysis for decision makers) TEX::HNIQUES Bul Pengair, (2) 1984: 13-18 2262 Drobnick, Richard 2257 Posisi bisnis internasiona 1 Siregar, Ratna M.T. dekade 80-an. (International Teknik penyusunan anggaran business position, decade 80) produksi. (The method for Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 49-53 calculating production costs) Bul LEN, 3 (1) 1984: 54-63 2263 Malpas, Robert 2258 Merencanakan per 1 uasan pabr ik Soeratmo dan problematikanya. (Plan­ Menghitung laba usaha ayam ning factory expansion and potong dengan benar dan ma­ its problems) pan. (Calculating profit of Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 31-39 broiler farming) Ayam Telur, 15 (10) 1984: 25-26 2264 Marbun, B.N. Peranan manajemen dalam me­ 2259 r~alisasi tanggung jawab so:­ Yoedo, Moh. Latief Malang s1al perusahaan. (The role of Cara pembiayaan program pem­ management in carrxing out bangunan Perum Perumnas. the social responsibilities (Cost method on development of business) program of National Public Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 23-30 Housing Enterprises) warta PERUMNAS, 4 (08) 1984: 23-25 2265 Pengembangan dunia usaha da­ lam Repeli ta IV. (Business 657.6 OFFICIAL CONTROL OF development in the Fourth ACCOUNTS. AUDITING Five Year Development Plan) Ti n j Ek o n B N I - 1 9 4 6 , ( 1 1 4 ) 1984: 1-6

102 2266 2272 Sinungan, M. The financial model building Tahun pertama Peli ta IV tan­ process at schiphol inter­ tangan bera t bagi dunia us a­ national airport, Amsterdam, ha. (The first year of Pelita the Nether lands. IV (the Fourth Five Year Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mar-Apr) Development Plan) is a seri­ 1984: 38-43 ous challenge for the busi­ ness world) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mei-Jun) 2273 1984: 30-36 Ismangil, Wagiono Pengendalian BUMN implikasi dan permasalahan dalam me­ 2267 laksanakan PP-3. (The control Suharto, A. Sandiwan of state/public enterprises, Pengembangan manajemen untuk implications and the problem kelangsungan organisasi. (Ma­ of carrying out government nagement developnent for or­ regulation No. 3-1983) ganization continuity) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mei-Jun) Manaj emen, 4 (23) 1984: 14-22 1984: 6-10

2268 2274 Sutojo, Siswanto Kri~tya~to, ~andojo Persiapan dan langkah mana­ Klaim di dunia konstruksi In­ jeria l dalam bisnis patun~an. donesia. (Claims in the Indo­ (Preparation and managerial nesian construction world) steps in a joint venture Manajemen, 4 (24) 1984: 69-74 business) Manajemen, 4 (20) 1984: 67-71 2275 Nora, Usdika Irba 2269 Kewiraswastaan dalam pan­ Winarto, v. dangan Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Kait.an vertikal sebagai jalur (Entrepreneurship in the view kewirausahaan. (Ver ti ca 1 of Ki Hadjar Dewantara) linking as an entrepreneurial Pusara, 52 (6) 1984: 248-250 channel) Manajemen, 5 (25) 1984: 56-61, 63-64 2276 Panglaykim, Jusuf 2270 ?fektif~tas, efisiensi, tu­ Yahya, I. s. J 1:1an-tuJ uan yang kompleks, Manajemen perubahan dalam lingkungan, dan BUMN: bebe­ lingkungan perusahaan. (Ma­ rapa catatan. (Effectivity nag~ng change in the business eff~ciency, complex goals: environment} enviro~ent and state/public Manajemen, 4 (22) 1984: 76-81 enterprises: some notes} Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mei-Jun) 1984: 24-29 658.1 FORMS OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISE. FINANCES 2277 2271 Peranan BUMN dalam Pelita IV. Adnan, Husni (The role of public/state Bagaimana meningkatkan ke­ enterprises in Pelita IV (the mam~uan memperoleh laba. (How Fourth Five Year Development to increase profit ability) Plan)) Forum Pengusaha, 1 (3) 1983: Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mei-Jun) 5-10 1984: 3-5

103 2278 2283 Prawirosaputro, Iman Sutadi Korten, David C. Perkembangan kemampuan usaha Manusia, pusat proses pem­ nasional dalam jasa pemboran. bangunan dalam manajemen (The progress of na tiona 1 strategik. (Humans, the enterprises capability in centre of the development driling service} process in strategic manage­ J Teknol Miny Gasbumi, (7) ment} 1984: 59-64 Manajemen, 4 (23} 1984: 70- 73, 82-85; 4 (24} 1984: 85-89 2279 Tjokroamidjojo, Bintoro 2284 Pengendalian BUMN pada umum­ Larosa, Gofuaro nya dan persero pada khusus­ Pelaksanaan motivasi untuk nya. (The control of state/ meningkatkan produktivitas public enterprises in general kerja. (Motivation for in­ and private companies in creasing work productivity} particular} Warta BRI, 8 (85} 1984: 8-9 Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mei-Jun} 1 98 4: 11 -1 2, 2 3 2285 Manuaba, A. Menyelaraskan mesin dengan 658.3 PERSONNEL. HUMAN manusia. (Synchronizing FACTOR. HOMAN machines and men} RELATIONS Scientiae, (Mei} 1984: 64-69

2280 2286 Adi Ps., Widyarto Muins, Sultan Makmur Pengelolaan sumberdaya manu­ Cepat merupakan salah satu sia di perusahaan. (Human re­ 9ara mengaj ak _bawahan beker­ sources management in enter­ J asama. (Fast is one method prises} of encouraging subordinates Manajemen, 4 (23} 1984: 44-49 to cooperate} Tenaga Kerja, 4 (21} 1984: 33-35 2281 Bambang Hartono Komunikasi dengan menejer: 2287 titik strategis pengembangan Odiorne, George s. perpustakaan. (Communication Mengatasi friksi antar mana­ with managers: a strategic jer umum divisi. (Overcoming point to develop a library) friction between division Maj. Ilmu Perpust Info, 4 (2) general managers} 1984: 4-10 Manajemen, 4 (23} 1984: 92-97 2288 2282 Saono, S.; Karsono, H.; Suka­ Karmawij aya ra, E.; Sudjana, M.; Hartati Waktu sumberdaya paling pen­ Pemanfaatan waktu kerj a oleh ting bagi seseorang manager. tenaga peneliti suatu studi (Resources timing is most kasus di pusat I?enelitian important for a manager} botani, Lembaga Biologi Na­ warta PERTAMINA, 19 (5) 1984: sional-LIP!. (Utilization of 20-21 researchers' working hours, a case study in LBN-LIPI} Masy Indon, 10 (2) 1983: 245-263

104 2289 2295 Sistem status untuk tenaga Soewito, Srirahadi; muda berbakat. (Status system Penerapan sistem pengendalian for gifted young employees/ kualitas secara menyeluruh workers) dalam industri: total quality Eksekutif, (56) 1984: 65-66 control. (The application of a total quality control system in industry) 2290 Bul LEN, 3 (1) 1984: 35-46 Soebandono, J.P. Perencanaan tenaga kerja pada perusahaan jasa komputer. 2296 (Personnel planning in the Suroto, Gunawan computer services business) Budidaya sampah dapat menye­ Sumbera Manusia, 1 (07) 1984: rap tenaga kerj a demi ke­ 11-14 sinambungan pembangunan na­ sional. (Garbage culture can absorb manpower for national 2291 development continuity) Supriatna, Dede Tenaga Kerja, 4 (21) 1984: Kegiatan human relation ke­ 68-73 pa la kantor atau manager. (Human relations activities for office chiefs and mana­ 2297 gers) TQC yang lagi hangat. (Total warta BRI, 8 (86) 1984: quality control, now much 11-1 5 talked about) Media Tekst, 8 (5) 1984: 21-26 2292 Susanto, Astrid s. Peranan komunikasi dalam per­ 2298 usahaan dan organisasi. (The Widodo, Fadjar role of communication in en­ Buku pembantu seorang peqawai terprises and organizations) bank. (A manual for bank Manajemen, 3 (15-16) 1983: officials) 77-84 Warta BRI, 8 (89) 1984: 22-26 658.5 PRODUCTION MANAGmtEN'l' AND CONTROL 2293 658.8 MARKE'l'ING. SELLING. Budiman DISTRIBUTION Masalah pengelolaan modal kerja pada perusahaan kons­ truksi. (The problem of work 2299 capital management in a con­ Agus Hartanto struction company) Taktik dan strategi pemasar­ Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jul-Ags) an. (Marketing tactics and 1984: 34-39 strategy) Bul LEN, 3 (1) 1984: 47-53 2294 Gµnawan, Ahmad Pengawasan mutu, biaya dan 2300 waktu dalam manajemen pro­ Bahri, Rinaldi duksi. (Quality control, cost Self service di supermarket. and time in production mana­ (Self service in super­ gement) markets) ForumPengusaha, 1(1)1983: Bul IMPM, 1 (2) 1984: 6, 21 7-8

105 2301 2307 Edi Rinaldi Saryono Interrelasi kegiatan produksi Amerika Serikat, Unesco dan dan situasi pasar. (Interre­ Cominac. (USA, Unesco and lation of production activity Cominac) and market situation) Kornunika, 5 (1) 1984: 40-46 Bul IMPM, 1 (2) 1984: 5, 22 2302 2308 Haryono Sudiyahyo, Sri Wardhani Manajemen pemasaran model Hubungan konsultan dengan baru. (New style of marketing klien. (The client-consultant management) relationship) Media Film Indon, (Apr-Mei) Warta Pengelol Penelit 1984: 34-40 Pengembang, 5 (1) 1984: 10-17 2303 Heany, Donald F. Tingkat inovasi produk dan 663 BEVERAGES. STIMULANTS implikasi bisnisnya. (The ~reduct innovation level and 2309 its implications for busi­ Adhany, R.T. ness) Paling arnan, bikin sirup sen­ Manajemen, 5 (25) 1984: 66-75 diri. (Making your own syrup) Tarik, 3 (29) 1984: 23-26 2304 Pawi tra, T. 2310 Peranan kekuasaan da lam or­ Ikawa ti, Yuni ganisasi pemasaran. (The role Menawarkan air laut. (De­ of power in a marketing or­ salination of seawater) ganization) Aku Tahu, 2 (21) 1984: 60-61 Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Sep-Okt) 1984: 33-40 2311 Nusan, B. 659.2 INFORMATION, ADVICE Air untuk industri. (Water AND CONSULTING for industry) SERVICES Bu 1 Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 2 (5) 1984: 5-9 2305 Bambang E. Prasanto 2312 Informasi yang diperlukan Slarnet, Dewi Sabita; Irawati, oleh kontraktor dalam mana­ Anies; Kornari j emen proyek pada taha~an Pengarnatan kimiawi sari nenas konstruksi. (Information jalam botol selarna penyimpan­ needed by a contractor in :i.n. (Chemical investigation project management in the ~n bottled pineapple juice construction phase) during storage) Ber HAKI, (92) 1984: 31-33 Lap Penelit Perikan Laut, 9 (1) 1984: 15-18 2306 Basuki, Sulistyo 2313 Komunikasi ilmiah: dari surat Sutarnada, I G.K. pribadi sampai majalah. Mengenal brem minuman ber­ (Scientific communication: alkohol kadar rendah spesifik from personal letters to produk daerah Bali. (Brem low journals) alcohol content drink: a Maj Ilmu Perpust Info, 4 (2) Balinese product) 1984: 11-14 Ber Ind, 16 (4) 1983: 21-24

106 664 FOOD INDUSTRIES. 664.2 STARCHES. OTHER PRESERVATION POLYSACCHARIDES 2314 2321 Satari, Gunawan Salim, Alimuddin Strategi mengatasi krisis Pengembangan panganan sagu. protein. (Strategy in re­ (Developing food from sago) solving the protein crisis) Prof Bal Ind Ambon, 1 (02) Scientiae, (Apr) 1984: 65-69 1984: 9-1 5 2322 2315 Singkong yang diragi. (Fer­ Somaatmadja, Dardjo mented cassava) Pemilihan jenis industri Trubus, 14 (167) 1983: pan~an yang sesuai untuk di­ 250-251 kembangkan di Indonesia pada sepu 1 uh tahun menda tang. 664.6 BAKING, BREAD AND (Selecting an appropriate FLOUR CONFECTIONERY food industry to be improved in Indonesia during the next 2323 ten years) Cara membua t tepung. (How to Komun Bal Besar Penelit make flour) Pengembang Ind Has Pertan Trubus, 15 (172) 1984: Boger, (216) 1984: 31 p. 180-182 2324 2316 Pengujian/survey biskuit Widjajanti, Rochmi marie. (Marie biscuits Bahan tambahan makanan. (Food tested) additives) Warta Konsum, 11 (125) 1984: warta Konsum, 11 (125) 1984: 10-11, 13 23-26; 11 (126) 1984: 16. 664.8 PRESERVATION OF OR­ 664.1 SUGAR INDUSTRY GANIC PRODUCTS GENER­ ALLY. FRUIT AND Ym;­ 2317 ETABLES PRODUCE Bawono, Sri Kuncoro Mengenal tetes tebu. (In­ 2325 troducing molasses) Amirin, Munawar Poultry Indon, 5 (58) 1984: Jelly kulit jeruk Bali. 16 (Jelly from the skin of Bali oranges) 2318 Trubus, 15 (173: 1984: Gunung Madu plantations. 252-253 Maj Gula Indon, 10 (2-4) 1984: 1 006-1 014 2326 Apriadji, Wied Herry 2319 Ke cap ampas tahu. (Soy sauce Handojo, H. from tofu waste) History of the Indonesian Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: sugar research institute. 106-107 Maj Gula Indon, 10 (2-4) 1984: 1015 2327 Mempertahankan kesegaran 2320 buah-buahan dan sayur-sayur­ Profil: sirop glukosa. (Pro­ an. (Keeping fruits and veg­ file: glucose syrup) etables fresh) Gema Ind Kecil, (27) 1984: Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, 123-138 (02) 1983/84: 10-11

107 2328 2335 Prawiradiputra Abubakar; Sirait, Celly H. Mengawet buah alpuket. (Pre­ Pengaruh perebusan dan tem­ servation of avocado Persea pera tur penyimpanan terhadap americana) daya tahan daging sapi. (The Trubus, 14 (167) 1983: 221 effect of boiling and storage temperatur,on beef quality) Ilmu Peternak, 1 (4) 1983: 2329 155-158 Prihantoro R.Y. Manisan jantung, keripik bonggol, mau coba. (Banana 2336 flower sweets and chips) Ahmad, Muchtar; Pardinan Tarik, 3 (29) 1984: 29-32 Percobaan pengeringan ikan di daerah ruang plastik. (An 2330 experiment to dry fish in Sibarani, Sudjana plastic) Pembuatan tempe kacang gude Terubuk, 9 (26) 1983: 13-19 Cajanus cajan dan analisis zat gizi. (A study on tempeh preparation using ~igeon pea 2337 c. cajan by traditional in­ Lewa, Mientje oculum and analysis of its Pengalengan ikan mackerel dan nutritive value) sardin. (Canning mackerel and Medi a Gi z i Ke 1 , 7 ( 1 ) 1 9 8 3 : sardines) 15-28 Prof Bal Ind Ambon, (02) 1984: 16-19 2331 Siswoputranto, L. Laksmi D. Mengawet buah durian segar. 2338 (Preservation of fresh durian Mengawetkan ikan dengan cara fruit) pemindangan. (Fish preserva­ Trubus, 15 (171) 1984: tion with peminQa.ngan method) 117-119 Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, (02) 1983/84: 7-9 2332 Suhardiman, P. Pengalengan jamur merang. 2339 (E>:iible mushroom canning) Pengujian/survey ikan saus Trubus, 15 (180) 1984: tomat dalam kaleng. (Canned 288-290 fish in tomato sauce: a test/ survey) 2333 Warta Konsum, 11 (120) 1984: Syamsiah M.S. (Mrs.) 7-9 Benarkah tempe makanan ber­ gizi. (Is tempeh really a 2340 nutritious food) Rachman, Sholicha Muflia Gema BPRB, 6 (57) 1984: Pembuatan tepung ikan dan 50-51, 60 minyak ikan. (Preparation of fish flour and fish oil) Pesan, 4 (5) 1984: 39 664.9 PRESERVATION OF ANIMAL PRODUCE 665 OILS. FATS. WAXES 2334 Abubakar 2341 Cara pengawetan daging. Membuat minyak kelapa. (Co­ (Meat preservation methods) conut oil manufacture) warta Konsum, 11 . (1 20) 1984: Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru, 10-11 (02) 1983/84: 30-31

108 2342 2349 Nasution, A.s. Sarwono, B. Hydrocracking of vacuum dis­ Menyuling minyak jahe. tillate and lubricant base (Ginger oil distillation) stock production. Trubus, 15 (173) 1984: Sci Contr, (1) 1984: 16-22 249-251

667.6 PAINT AND VARNISH 669.1 FERROUS METALS. INDUSTRY IRON. STEEL 2343 2350 Cat dan pengecatan. (Paint Adilien, Zainal and painting) Industri logam besi sebagai Warta PITB Yogyakarta, 3 (10) salah satu penunjang pem­ 1984: 21-23 bangunan Indonesia. (Ferrous metal industry as a support of Indonesian development) 2344 Ber Ind, 16 (5) 1983: 34-39 Keadaan industri kecil cat di Indonesia. (Situation of small paint industries in 2351 Indonesia) Bambang Kiranadi Bul Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 2 Kinetika oksidasi zat warna (5) 1984: 19-21 metil jingga oleh periodat yang dikatalisa oleh rutenium (III). (Kinetic oxidation of 2345 methyl orange dye by per­ Nuryani, Yenni iodate catalysed by ruthenium Bagaimana mengetahui mutu (III)) cat. (How to determine the Teknol Indon, 5 (2) 1982: quality of paint) 67-77 Bul Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 1 (3) 1983: 24-29 2352 Djaja, Sukarna; Effendi,·Elli Herlia 668.5 ESSENTIAL OILS. Pengaruh ~nggunaan elektroda PERFUllERY. COSMETICS paduan timbel antimon pada pembuatan manggan dioksida 2346 elektrolitik. (The effect of Djasman using Pb-Sb alloy electrodes Pengawasan kosmetika. (Cos­ in the production of electro­ metics control) li tic mangane~e dioxide) Varia Farm, 6 (56) 1984: Teknol Indon, 5 (2) 1982: 22-27 59-65 2347 2353 Ind'eswari, Netty Sri Djaja, Sukarna Teknik pengambilan minyak Prospek teknologi tanur tiup atsiri. (Essential oil ex­ di Indonesia. (The prospects traction) for blast furnace technology Maj Ilm Fak Pertan UNAND, 24 in Indonesia) (1-2) 1984: 18-33 Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 3-12 2348 2354 Mawar: mengekstrak minyak Kool mawar. (Roses: extracting Baj a tahan karat. (Stainless rose oil) steels) Trubus, 15 (175) 1984: Suara Teknol, (94) 1984: 386-389 21-22, 37-38

109 2355 2360 Pencegahan korosi dengan gal­ Padlinurjaji, Iding M. vanisasi: memiliki umur yang Teknik pengawetan kayu untuk lebih panjang. (Corrosion bangunan rumah. (Wood pre­ prevention by galvanization servation technique for wood lasts longer) used in building houses) Konstruksi, 8 (2) 1983: Insiny Indon, 32 (6) 1984: 18-21, 23 30-32; 32 (7) 1984: 49-50, 54

669.2/.8 NON-FERROUS METALS 2361 Papan wol kayu. (Wooden wool 2356 board) Ardiwilaga, Suryadi war ta PITB Yogyakarta, 3 (9) Konsentrasi dengan Jig pada 1983: 20-22 bijih kromit tersebar dari Barru, Sulawesi Selatan. (Jigging of disseminated 676 PAPER AND PULP chromite ore from Barru, INDUSTRIES South Sulawesi) Teknol Indon, 6 (1) 1983: 2362 25-33 Adilien, Zainal Pemanfaatan limbah hutan kayu untuk pulp dan industri ker­ 2357 tas serta dapat menambah sum­ Firdiyono, F. be r energi. (Forest waste Pemanggangan nikel laterit used for pulp and paper in­ silikat dengan gas N2 + ua~ dustry and to increase energy air dan bubuk besi sebaga1 source) bahan imbuh. (Silicate lat­ Ber Ind, 16 (2) 1983: 22-27 erite nickel roasting with N2 + steam and iron filings as an additive reagent) 2363 Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 19-26 Budiman, Muchlis; Toorsilo­ hadi Prospek produksi kertas kraft 671.15 PR.PX:IOUS STONES. di Indonesia dan proses pem­ GEMSTONES. PEARL­ buatannya. (The prospects of SE'rl'ING, ETC. kraft paper production in Indonesia and its production 2358 process) Batubara, Yohannes Maj BPPT, (4) 1983: 25-51 Menengok kerajinan batu akik di Paci tan. (An introduction to the agate industry in 2364 Paci tan) Jamali, Adil; Dwi Tjahyono, warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: E.; Nasution, Ronald; Surana­ 34-36, 42 tha, Wayan; Nursaid; Sufian­ di, Deddy Operasi pilot plant mini pe­ 674 TIMBER AND WOODllORK n90 lahan seng. (The mini INDUSTRY pi lot plant for the extrac­ tion of zinc) 2359 Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 45-53 Hendrowarsito, H.B. Mengenal kayu pertukangan. (Introduction to carpentry 2365 timber) Menentukan kekasaran kertas 'rrubus, 15 (171) 1984: dengan metode IGT dalam ka­ 120-121 i tannya dengan penintaan.

110 (Determining paper coarseness 2372 with IGT method inrelation to Ishida, T. inking) Teknik proses teksti 1 dan Penyul Graf, 13 (1) 1984/85: penghematan energi: pemin­ 27-29 talan, pertenunan, pencelup­ an. (Textile processing tech­ niques and energy saving: 2366 spining, weaving, dyeing) Partiwi, Wieke Tifico, (34) 1984: 2-7 Albizzia falcataria dari ber­ bagai umur untuk pulp rende­ men tinggi putih. (Albizzia 2373 falcataria of various ages Pengembangan industri tekstil for bleached high yield pulp) di Indonesia. (Textile indus­ Ber Selulosa, 19 (2) 1983: try development in Indonesia) 47-52 Ber Ind, 15 (7) 1981: 26-29; 15 (8) 1981: 50-52 2367 Soeripto K. Mengenal industri logam dan 2374 masalahnya. (An introduction Pengetahuan dasar serat: to the metal industry and its kapas. (Basic fibre science: problems) cotton) Maj Kesehat, (104) 1984: Tifico, (34) 1984: 16-20 23-24 2368 Tri Priyadi Basuki Studi pembuatan papan semen pulp. (-Study on pulp cement board) 678 MACROMOLECULAR MA­ Ber Selulosa, 19 (2) 1983: TERIALS. RUBBERS AND 53-56 PLASTICS 2369 Wikstrom, Harald Pasaran pulp kayu asah, se­ 2375 puluh tahun mendatang. (Pulp Ag us Nuryan to marketing in 10 years later) Sintesa polymer precursor Ber Selulosa, 19 (2) 1983: polybutadien dan cross 65-67, 68 linking agent tipe M'D4M', R(SiH)2, Ar(SiH)2. (The.syn­ 2370 thesis of polybutadiene poly­ Yusuf, Erlinda N. mer precursor and cross Anoda karbon untuk proses linking agent type M'D4M', elektrolisis aluminium. R(SiH)2, Ar(SiH)2) (Carbon anode for the elec­ Maj LAPAN, 8 (32) 1984: trolysis of aluminium) 29-43 Metalurgi, 4 (1) 1984: 54-59

677 TEXTILE AND CORDAGE 2376 INDUSTRIES Amypalupy, Khaidir Observasi kebun karet hasi 1 2371 okulasi pada biji sapuan. Ishida, T. (Observation of rubber estate Keadaan air-jet loom dewasa grown from sapuan seed bud­ ini. (Air-jet loom today) ding) Ti f i co, ( 2 8 ) 1 9 8 3 : 2-6; ( 2 9 ) La teks, 1 (No. Perdana) 1984: 1983: 6-9 5-7

111 2377 2384 Satibi, Loekman Metode monte carlo: contoh Penentuan struktur dan berat pemakaian bi langan random. molekul polibutadien dengan (The monte carlo method: an spektroskopi resonansi mag­ example of using random num­ netik nuklir proton ( 1 H NMR). bers) (Determination of the struc­ Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: ture and molecular weight of 45-49 polybutadiene by proton nu­ clear magnetic resonance 2385 spectroscopy (1 H NMR)) Pemrosesan kata. (Word pro­ Maj LAPAN, 8 (32) 1984: 44-52 cessing) Komput Elektron, 2 (2) 1984: 2378 61-64 Sugianto s. Karet busa dari lateks yang 2386 berkadar karet kering rendah. Rahardjo, Ilham (Foam rubber from low dry Singkat tentang data base dan rubber latex) data base management system. Menara Perkeb, 50 (4) 1982: (Data base and data base 103-108 management systems in a nut­ shell) 681.3 DATA PROCESSING Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 19 (4) EQUIPMENT 1984: 25-33 2379 2387 Goldfarb, Stewart; Griffin, Sirait, S.T.M. Laut Steve Sedikit uraian tentang data Microcomputing hardware. base. (A short description of Ber HAKI, (70) 1982: 23-36; data base) (71) 1982: 6-16 Lembar Publ LEMIGAS, 18 (2) · 1984: 35-38 2380 Micro processor (Text in In­ 2388 donesian). Tanutama, Hosea s. Suara Teknol, (94) 1984: Pengertian yang salah menge­ 17-1 9, 42 nai data base management system. (Misunderstanding of 2381 data base management system) Pranoto, I.H. Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: Universal product code (Text 52-53 in Indonesian). Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: 681.3.06 SOP'IWARE 48-49 2389 2382 Luhukay, Jos Sutrisno Bahasa komputer: bahasa ra­ Mikroprosesor dan ahli jan­ ki tan. (Computer language: tung. (Microprocessors and assembly language) the cardiologist) AkuTahu, 2 (18) 1984: 52-55 AkuTahu, 2(16)1984: 27-29 2390 681.3.01 DATA PROCESSING Luhukay, Jos PRINCIPLES Bahasa pascal: kini saatnya kita membahas lagi satu ba­ 2383 hasa komputer yang populer, Database pada mikro. (Data­ bahasa pascal. (Pascal lan­ base of microcomputers) guage : a popular computer Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: language) 57-64 Aku Tahu, 1. (21) 1984: 56-59

112 2391 2398 Naga, Dali s. Liem, F.X. Peng Hong Sub-rutin umum masukan untai Urutan tahapan. (Steps angka. (Genera 1 sub-routine sequence) of number string input) Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: Komput Elektron, 2 (2) 1984: 43-47 41-46 2399 2392 Malonda, Iwan F. Pas ca 1 (Text in Indonesian). Dunia di dalam komputer. (The Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: world in the computer) 24-26 Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: 54-56 2393 Pranoto, I.H. Computer aided drafting (Text 2400 in Indonesian). Menyimak bangunnya industri Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: komputer di Inggris, Perancis 27-28 dan Jerman Barat. (The ~wakennin9 of the computer 2394 industry in England, France Sitohang, Benhard and West Germany) Performansi perangkat lunak Komput Elektron, 2 (6) 1984: dan efisiensi penggunaan kom­ 8-1 o, 18 p u t er mikro. (Software performance and efficiency using micro computer) 2401 Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: Musa, Ichjar 21-25 Kebijaksanaan pemerintah di bidang komputerisasi. (Go­ vernment policy in the field 681.31 COMPUTERS AND CAL­ of computers) CULATORS GENERALLY Komput Elektron, 2 (2) 1984: 20-26 2395 Anton H. Berkomunikasi dengan mesin 2402 berpikir. (Communication Said, Setyo-Utomo with a thinking machine) Pemanfaatan komputer dalam Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 7 segi management. (The use of (74) 1984: 10-16 computers in management) MaJ Keuang, (119) 1984: 2396 43-46 Anton H.; Bambang Mario Sejarah dan riwayatnya. (History of the computer) 2403 Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam, 6 Soedarto, Gatot (72) 1984: 11-14 Mengena 1 kompu ter dan mas a­ lahnya. (Introducing the com­ 2397 puter and its problems) Coudal, Etl9ar F. KATIGA, 5 (44) 1984: 56-62 Alat pendidikan masa depan: komputer mikro bukan lagi suatu kegaiban. (Tools for 2404 education in the future: Soeratno, F.L. micro computers are no longer Komponen komputer. (Computer magical) components) Komput Elektron, (6) 1983: Gema Telekom, (161) 1981: 7-10 66-71

113 2405 691 BUILDING MATERIALS Supermikro molecular. (Su­ permicro molecular) 2412 Komput Elektron, 2 (5) 1984: Baralangi, Yusuf 50-51 Pedoman pembuatan batu secara sederhana. (A guide to simple brick making) 2406 Prof Bal Ind Ambon, (02) Syamsun, Muhammad 1984: 20-23 Komputer sebagai alat bantu manajemen. (The computer as a tool in management) 2413 Teh Kina, 1 (1) 1984: 12-23 Ba tu apung • (Pumice ) Warta PITB Yogyakarta, 4 (12) 1984: 22-23 2407 Yang perlu diketahui untuk memiliki komputer. (What the 2414 computer owner should know) Fosfogipsum sebagai bahan Suara Teknol, (93) 1984: untuk mempertinggi mutu dari 18-21 I 40-42 batu cetak tras-kapur. (Phos­ ~hogypsum as a material to improve "batako" quality) 69 BUILDING INDUSTRY, INFOBANG, 17 (3-4) 1984: 1-4 MATERIALS, TRADES, CONSTRUCTION 2415 2408 Mardini Christiawan Standar mutu ubin-semen Strategi usaha pemborongan di (tegel) menurut standar in­ bidang industri jasa kon­ dustri Indonesia. (Quality of struksi. (The strategies of cement floor tiles according contractors in the construc­ to Indonesian industrial tion service industry) standards) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Mar-Apr) Prof Bal Ind Ambon, (02) 1984: 11-1 6 1984: 24-27

2409 2416 Danadibrata, Herman Pengolahan panil bambu. (Ma­ Beberapa masalah praktis dan nufacturing of bamboo panels) saran pemecahannya bagi kon­ Warta PITB Yogyakarta, 3 (11) trak tor. (Some prac ti ca 1 1984: 15 problems and suggestied sol­ utions for contractors) Mgmt Usahaw Indon, (Jan-Peb) 2417 1984: 37-39 Pintu dan jendela bambu. (Bamboo doors and windows) 2410 warta PITB Yogyakarta, 3 (11) Kasus: biaya tinggi da lam 1984: 16-18 membangun rumah. (High cost of building a house: a case) Maj Keuang, (119) 1984: 38-40 2418 Suhodo 2411 Baja konstruksi paduan rendah Syarat bangunan tahan angin. kekuatan tinggi. (High (Building requirements for strength low alloy structural wind resistance) steels) Warta PITB Yogyakarta, 3 Bul Ind Bahan Barang Tekn, 2 (11) 1984: 19-20 ( 5) 1984: 27-40

114 694 CARPBHTRY • .JOINERY 2424 Partisipasi pembangunan pe­ 2419 desaan. (Participation in Surjokusumo, Surjono rural development) Penggunaan panil kayu khusus­ Penyul Sos, (54) 1984: 34-44 nya kayu laI?is di tinj au dari segi keteknikan. (The use of wooden panels especially ply­ 2425 wood: the technical) Salim, Emil Ber HAKI, (91) 1984: 7-11; Indonesia menjelang tinggal (92) 1984: 7-15 landas tahun 2000. (Indonesia approaches the year of 2000 2420 for take-off) Surjokusumo, Surjono Mimb Ulama, 8 (78) 1984: Perencanaan penggunaan wood 23-31, 45 base panel dalam bidang kon­ struksi. (Planning the use of wood-base panels in the field 2426 of construction) Sandi, I Made Ber HAKI, (92) 1984: 15; (93) Land use planning (Text in 1984: 32-36 Indonesian). Insiny Indon, 32 ( 1) 1984: 12-16 7 THE ARTS. RECRENI'ION. ENTERTAINMENT. SPORT, ETC. 712.23 RATIONAL PARICS, 2421 RESERVF.S F.ddy, Nyoman Tusthi Mencari hikmah dalam kesu­ 2427 nyian. (To find wisdom in Wiriosoepartho, Ammar s. solitude) Daya dukung lapangan perum­ Basis, 32 (11) 1983: 415-120 pu tan satwa liar herbivora dan aspek konservasinya di Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa 7.05 APPLICATIONS OF ART IN Timur. (Carrying capacity of DIDUSTRY, THE HOME, grazing grounds and their ETC. INDUSTRIAL, conservational aspects in COMMERCIAL DESIGN Baluran Nasional Park, East Java) 2422 Lap Pus Penelit Pengembang Zainuddin, Imam Buchori Hutan, (428) 1984: 19 p. Disain produk: merancang ba­ rang menyapa hari depan. (Product design: planning commodities for the future) Scientiae, 15 (119) 1984: 712.3 LANSCAPE GARDENING 68-11· GENERALLY: PLANNING LAYOUT, ~ION

71 PHYSICAL PLANNING. LANDSCAPE 2428 Tjakrawati, Sylvia 2423 Mengenal landsekap dalam ka­ Bambang Sumarsidi i tannya dengan manusia. (An Teras datar sampai bangku. introduction to landscape and (From flat terrace to bench) its relation to man) Trubus, 14 (161) 1983: Media LEKNAS-LIPI, 2 (1) 234-235 1983: 13-19

115 72 ARCHITECTURE 2435 Kusumanto, Suryo 2429 Mesjid tradisional di Jawa. Arum Sp.; Setyowati; Bambang (Traditional mosques in Java) Mursito; Suparno; Ramadhan s. Roman Arkeol, 6 (21) 1984: Lingkungan Kotagede. (Kota­ 16-24 gede's environment) Warta PITB Yogyakarta, 4 (12) 2436 1984: 05-10 Mystery shrounds the temples of Dieng. Garuda Mag, 4 (1) 1984: 9-12 2430 Nimpoeno, John s. 2437 Perancangan sebagai hasil in­ wawardi, Raditya teraksi antara manusia dengan Candi Borobudur dan peranan­ lingkungannya.(Design as a nya pada j i wa bangsa. ( Boro­ result of interaction between budur temple and its role in people and their environment) national spirit) Inddes, 3 (1) 1983: 12-29 Warta Parapsikol, 2 (1) 1984: 4-9 2431 728 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. Peran arsitek, pendidikannya HOUSING. DOMESTIC dan masa depan arsitektur ARCHITECTURE Indonesia. (The architecture role, education and prospects 2438 of Indonesian architects) Arsitektur tradisional di DI Konstruksi, 8 (11) 1984: Yogyakarta, rumah tinggal. 1 4- 1 7; 8 ( 1 2 ) 1 9 8 4: 3' 6-1 0 (Traditional architecture in DI Yogyakarta, houses) Warta PITB Yogyakartac 3 (10) 2432 1984: 12-20; 3 (11J 1984: Saliya, Yuswadi 7-14; 4 (12) 1984: 13-21 Di manakah letak makna i tu?: mencari dinamika disain. 2439 (Where is meaning located?: Mudjiandoko the search for design dy­ Perumahan, air dan lingkungan namics) hidup. (Housing, water and Inddes, 3 (1) 1983: 2-11 environment) Air Minum, 6 (29) 1984: 35-38 2433 73 SCULPTURE AND THE soemardjan, Hindro T. PLASTIC ARTS Pendidikan arsitektur dan pembangunan nasional: sebuah 2440 tinjauan budaya. (Architec­ Heraty, Toeti ture education and national Seni rupa: kritik dan teori. development: a cultural re­ (Fine art: criticism and view) theory) Cipta, 12 (62) 1983: 8-10 Berk Seni Rupa, ( 6) 1984: 101-107 726 SACRED AND FUNERARY BUILDINGS. ECCLESIAS­ 2441 TICAL ARCHITECTURE Isbandi, Rudi Plus minusnya penulisan kri­ 2434 tik seni dewasa ini. (In­ Ahdiani, Dhien crease and decrease of writ­ candi Bima. ( Bima temple) ten contemporary art critism) Ro mah Arkeo 1, 6 (21 19.84: Berk Seni Rupa, (6) 1984: 4-10 22-36

116 2442 75 PAINTING Karma, Mara Penulisan seni rupa di media mass a. (Writing about fine 2448 art in the mass media) Kusnadi Berk Seni Rupa, (6) 1984: Sejarah seni lukis di Jakart~ 37-58 1945-1983. (History of painting in Jakarta 1945- 1983) 2443 Berk Seni Rupa (5) 1984: Kusnadi 78-93 I Tanggapan kreator terhadap penulisan seni rupa Indone­ sia. (The creator's response 2449 to writings about Indonesian Soekarman, M. Sulebar fine art) Pembinaan penyampaian ungkap­ Berk Seni Rupa, (6) 1984: an dalam.lukisan anak-anak. 88-100 (Expression in children's painting) Berk Seni Rupa, (3) 1983· 2444 37-43 . Pirous, A.D. Tanggapan kreator terhadap penulisan seni rupa di Indo­ 77 PHOTOGRAPHY AND nesia. (The creator's re­ CINEMATOGRAPHY sponse to writings on fine art in Indonesia) 2450 Berk Seni Rupa, (6) 1984: Filter koreksi warna. (Fil­ 73-87 ters for colour correction) Bul Lemb Fotogr Candra Naya, 7 (5-6) 1984: 8-11 2445 Sudarmaj i Penulisan seni rupa di Indo­ 2451 nesia dalam tinjauan sejarah. Iskandar S.N., Uus Nandang (Writings on fine art, a Fil~ sebagai suatu unsur historical analysis) med-ia-massa. (THe film as Berk Seni Rupa, (6) 1984: past of the mass-media) 6-21 Komunika, 5 (2) 1984: 32-35 38 I

2452 74 DRAWING AND MINOR ARTS Kartoleksono, Soekonto Comput~rized tomography. (Text in Indonesian). 2446 Media Hosp, (88) 1984: 30-32 Dewey, Alice G. Boundary and batik: a study 2453 in ambiguous categories. Lens a te le. (Te le photo Masy Indon, 11 (1) 1984: lenses, 61-72 Bul Lemb Fotogr Candra Naya, 7 (8) 1984: 25-32 2447 2454 Pencegahan keretakan pada Wied, Mas barang kerajinan dari kayu. Berburu foto. (Photograph (Fracture prevention in hunting) wooden handicrafts) Bul Lemb Fotogr Candra Naya 16 (2) 1983: 50-51 7 (8) 1984: 10-15 31 35 I Ber Ind, 1 1

11 7 78 MUSIC 2461 Mistri, Saker An American enters the world 2455 of wayang. Akwan, Celly Indon Mag, (11) 1984: 18-21 Musik rakyat tradisional In­ donesia surrealistis? (Tradi­ 2462 tional Indonesian folk music Mohan M.s'. is it surrealistic ?) Journey to Mount Bromo. Basis, 32 (11) 1983: 407-414 Indon Q, (11) 1984: 46-49, 51 2456 Danumihardja, Tim Kantoso 2463 Perjalanan musik jazz di In­ Siswojo, E. donesia. (Development of jazz Pengembangan seni pertunjukan in Indonesia) rakyat tradisional sebagai Optimis, (49) 1984: 20-24 media penerangan pembangunan. (The develo~ment of tradi­ 2457 tional public entertainment Sulasman as a medium for broadcasting Peranan perangkat kesenian information about develop­ mewujudkan suasana kerasan ment) dan mantap warga transmigran Mimb BP-7, 3 (13) 1984: 35, dilokasi pemukiman baru. 38-44 (Role of art instruments in helping transmigrants to feel 2464 at home and in their new­ Soetomo housin9 location) Permasalahan sandiwara dalam Transmigrasi, (2) 1984: 43-44 acara televisi kita. (The problem of drama on tele­ vision) 79 ENTERTAililMENT. PASTIMES. Komunika, 5 ( 1 ) 1 984: 1 8-24 GAMES. SPORT 2465 2458 Suprapto, Imam Djide, Tahir Dampak perj udian dan segala Pembinaan fisik di pelatnas as,i;ieknya. (The effects of bulutangkis. (Physical fit­ gambling and all its aspects) ness training in badminton Tenaga Kerj a, 4 ( 25) 1984: national training centre) 60-62 Sartika, 8 (17) 1984: 18-20 2466 2459 Taxonomi pelatihan atlit Gultom, M. olympiade: otot, otak, hati. Efektifitas pertunjukan rak­ (The taxonomy of training yat dalam menyampaikan pesan­ olympre athletes: muscles, pesan pembangunan. (The ef­ brain, heart) fecti vi ty of public shows in Scientiae, 15 (119) 1984: 72- giving development messages) 77, 92 Mimb BP-7, 3 (13) 1984: 27-34 80 LINGUISTICS. PHILOLOGY. LANGUAGES 2460 Hardiati, Enni 2467 Hiburan rakyat sebagai sarana Feisal, Jusuf A. penyuluhan sosial. (Folk en­ Bahasa nasional sebagai sa­ tertainment as a medium for rana komunikasi. (Nqtional social extension work) language for communication) Peli ta BPKS, 9 (99) 1984: 15- Maj KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: 1 8, 42 32-34

118 2468 2474 Heart P., John Sunaryo, Adi Bahasa kita. (Our language) Kamus bahasa Indonesia baku warta BRI, 8 (90) 1984: 9-12 sebagai sarana pembakuan ba­ hasa. (A standard Indonesian dictionary to standardize 2469 language) Solichin, Jusni Maj KORPRI, 8 (90) 1984: Linguistik karakteristik dari 35-37 kepribadian. (Linguistic cha­ racteristic of personality) Jiwa, 17 (2) 1984: 1-5 82 LITERATURE IN GENERAL 2475 801 GENERAL LINGUISTICS Atmaja, Jiwa AND PHILOLOGY Sastra bukan jatuh dari langi t. (Literature does not 2470 fall from the sky) Budiasa, I Gede Basis, 33 (2) 1984: 61-71 Selayang pandang tentang per­ bedaan antara bahasa Inggris Amerika dengan British. (A 2476 glimpse at the differences Fi tria ti, Rita between American and British Kakawin Hariwansa. English) Roman Arkeol, 6 (22) 1984: Maj Ilm Univ Udayana, 11 (11) 24-31 1984: 64-75 2477 809.92 MAI.AYO-POLYNESIAN Navis, A.A. LANGUAGES. INDONE­ Sastra Islam: suatu utopia? SIAN LANGUAGE (Islamic literature: a uto­ pia?) 2471 Optimis, (49) 1984: 50-52 Masinambauw, E.K.M. Bahasa-bahasa di Timor-Timur. (Languages in East Timor) 2478 Ber Antrop, 11 (36) 1980: Rampan, Korrif:! Layun 68-81 Membina minat dalam bidang sastra dan bahasa Indonesia. (Encouraging on interest In­ 2472 donesian language and litera­ soeparno ture) Konstruksi frasa benda koor­ Pusara, 52 (4) 1984: 15 7-1 59 dinatif hubungan serial dalam bahasa Indonesia. (Serial re­ l a ti on coordinativw noun phrase construction in Indo­ 82-1/-9 LITERARY FORMS, nesian language) GENRES J Kependidik, 14 ( 1) 1984: 43-56 2479 2473 Alisjahbana, s. Takdir Subantari R., A. Kebangkitan suatu drama mitos Bahasa Indonesia dan ragam tentang bangkitnya dunia ba­ bahasa ilmu. (The Indonesian ru. (The resurgence a myth language and the form of drama about the rise of a new scientific language) world) Mimb Studi, 7 (03) 1984: Ilmu Bud, 6 (6) 1984: 56-63 441-116

119 2480 82.085 RHETORIC. ORATORY. F.ddy, Nyoman Tusthi ELOQUENCE. ART OF Bentuk-bentuk apresiasi pui­ PUBLIC SPEAKING si. (Forms of poetry appre­ ciation) 2486 Pusara, 52 (2) 1984: 76-78 Ashari, Asnar Sukses berbicara di depan 2481 umum. (Success in public Pragolapati, Ragil Suwarna speaking) Sastra dalam Trimurti. (Lite­ Warta BRI, 8 (85) 1984: rature in Trimurti trinity) 27-29 Pusara, 52 (4) 1984: 155-1 56 2487 2482 Sukarno Sajono, T. Rhetorika. (Rhetoric) Memandu pengarang cerita Mimb BP-7, 3 (13) 1984: anak-anak. (Guidance for 45-54 authors of children's stories) Pembimb Pembaca, 3 (5) 1984: 82.09 LITERARY CRITICISM. 205-208, 236-237 LITERARY STUDIES 2488 82.08 LITERARY ACTIVITY AND Rahmanto, B. TOCHNIQUE. WRITING. Emha berdia log dengan Tuhan. EDI'l'ING. SPEAK.ING (Emha has a dialogue with God) 2483 Basis, 33 (9) 1984: 338-342 Kusbandarrumsamsi, Hendrarta Ciri-ciri nama pengarang wa­ 2489 ni ta Indonesia. (Characteris­ wardhana, Veven Sp. tics of Indonesian authores­ Perihal bahasa dan simbol ses' names) dalam roman Burung-burung Maj Ikat Pust Indon, 4 (3) Manyar karya Y.B. Mangunwi­ 1983: 114-118 jaya. (Language and symbol in Burung-burung Manyar, a novel by Y.B. Mangunwijaya) 82.081 CREATIVE WRITING. Basis, 33 (9) 1984: 343-354 ART OF WRITING 2484 92 BIOGRAPHY Mangunwidjaja, Romo Y.B. Keberanian menulis. (The 2490 courage to write) Ateh, Saiful Sigma, (6) 1984: 22-24 Sul tan Mahmud Badaruddin II: pahlawan nasional dari Pa­ lembang. (A na tiona 1 hero 82.083 EDITORSHIP. EDITING. from Palembang: Sultan Mahmud ADAPTING AND ARRANG­ Badaruddin II) ING COPY FOR PUBLI­ Harmonis, 14 (307) 1984: CATION 6-7 I 31 2485 2491 Pengamatan editor terhadap Haikal, Husain latar dan nuansa suatu karya. Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) ne­ (An editor's observations garawan utama?. (Ibn Khaldun concerning the back9round (1332-1406) a major states­ and nuances of a 11 terary man?) work) Penyul Graf, 13 (1) Informasi, 10 (1) 1983: 1984/85: 24-26 26-38

120 2492 2497 Peter F. Drucker bapak mana­ Sejarah buku. (The history of j emen modern. (Peter F. books) Drucker, the father modern Al-Maktabah, 9 (2-3) 1983: management) 3-7 Eksekutif, (50) 1983: 36-37, 39-40 2498 Temadja, I Ketut 2493 Pelajaran-pelajaran dari za­ Sapari, Gunoto man klasik: perang Athena Mengenal Rabindranath Tagore. melawan Sp~rta. (Lessons from (An introduction to Rabindra­ the classical period : the nath Tagore) war of Ath~na against Sparta) Pusara, 52 (6) 1984: 245-247 Dharma W1 ra tama 18 ( 54) 1984: 120-139 '


2494 Chaksana A.H.S. 991 EAST INDIES. IHDO~IA Tipologi gerabah Gunung Wingko. (Artifacts typology of Wingko Mountain) Roman Arkeol, 6 (21) 1984: 2499 11-15 Alisjahbana, s. Takdir Kebangkitan Indonesia dan kemungkinannya dalam poros 2495 sej arah dewasa ini. ( Indone­ Kusumanto, Suryo sia's resurgance and its pos­ Masalah sejarah kuno di Jawa sibilities at the pivot of Tengah. (Problems of ancient modern history) history in Central Java) Ilmu Bud, 6 (9) 1984: Roman Arkeol, 6 (22) 1984: 614-647 4-10 2500 2496 Simatupang, T.B. Pratama, Isman Proyek akhir angkatan 45. Kebudayaan Hoabinhian. (Last project of the genera­ (Hoabinhian culture) tion of 45) Roman Arkeol, 6 (22) 1984: Maj Ketahan Nas, 13 (4-5) 14-20 1984: 14-23






Halaman/Pages 123 - 136

Abadi, E. Surya 1830 Andini, L.S. 2035 Abdoessalam, Harith 1280 Anton H. 2395, 2396 Abdulgani, Roeslan 1346, Anwar, Ikhsan 2092, 2190 1348 Apriadji, Wied Herry 2326 Abdullah, Ibrahim 1215 Arafat, Nasser 2078 Abdurrohman M.S. 2013 Ardiwilaga, Suryadi 2356 Abidin, Siti Alisah N. 1947 Arief, Muchlisin 1712 Aboeyoewono 2035 Arief, Yunisyaaf 1840 Abubakar 2142, 2185, 2334, Arifin, M. 2035 2335 Arifin, Zainal 2111 Abwar, Ditje 2233 Armain A., Muhammad 1220 Abyono, Rafiah 1905 Arsjad, Nurdjaman 1330 Acang, Nusyirwan 1896 Arum Sp. 2429 Achmadi, Ali 2109 Ashari, Asnar 2486 Achmanto, Yudi Priyo 2177 Asiati, Siti 2004 Adhany, R.T. 2309 Asmara, Djodi 1906 Adi Ps., Widyarto 2280 Assin, M. Sutan 1927 Adi s. Salatun 2045 Aswin, Soedjono 1732 Adikusumo, Arman 1880 Atanas 1667 Adilien, Zainal 2362, 2350 Ateh, Saiful 2490 Adimoelja, Arif 1822 Atmaja, Jiwa 2475 Admiranto, A. Gunawan 1675 Atmomarsono, Umiyati 1705 Adnan, Husni 2271 Atmowiloto, Arswendo 2234 Adnan, Moch. 2075 Aumudin 1336 Afadlal 2254 Azis, !wan J. 1373 Affandi, Ridwan 1779 Azwar, Azrul 1548 Agoes, Achdiat 1930 Agung, I.B. 1898 Badaruddin 1382 Agus Hartanto 2299 Baderi, Athaillah 1242 Agus Nuryanto 2375 Bagindo, A. St. 1887 Agus Purwadianto 1957 Bahar, Daru 1256, 1257, Agus Purwanto Witjaksono 1323 1875 Agus Salim Hasan 1485 Bahri, Rinaldi 2300 Agus Setyono 2096 Bahri, Sjamsul 1872, 2110, Agus Taftazani 1986 2111 Agus Wiradihardja 1512 Bahusin 2025 Ahdiani, Dhien 2434 Baiquni, A. 1300, 1301 Ahmad, Baihaqi 2147 Bambang Adipurwa 1324 Ahmad, M. Rais 1483 Bambang Agu~ Murtidjo 2144, Ahmad, Muchtar 2336 2145 Aiman, Syahrul 1981 Bambang E. Prasanto 2305 Aisah, Si ti 1915 Bambang Endroyo 1999 Akwan, Celly 2455 Bambang Hartono 1818, 2281 Alatas, Husein 1886 Bambang Ha.ryanto 1231 Alexander, George 1706 Bambang Hidayat 1672, 1675, Ali, A. Mukti 1284, 1298 1716, 1719 Alibasyah, Misbah 2076 Bambang K. 2077 Alim, Ahmad Sahirul 1299 Bambang Kiranadi 2351 Alisjahbana, s. Takdir 2479, Bambang Mario 2396 2499 Bambang Mursito 2429 Alwie, Muhammad Armain 1438 Bambang Permono 1892 Amar, Abu 1833 Bambang Riyanto 1447 Amidjaja, D.A. Tisna 1608 Bambang Santoso 1708 Amien, M. Ch. 2131 Bambang Siswanto 1611 Aminah, Risnawati 2080 Bambang Soeroto 1779 Aminjoyo, Sukarman 1986 Bambang Sudaryanto 1760 Aminuddin, Mgs. 1739 Bambang Sugeng 1876 Aminullah, Erman 1477, 1839 Bambang Suhendro 2022 Amirin, Munawar 2325 Bambang Sumarsidi 2423 Amypalupy, Khaidir 2376 Bambang Sunarko 1907

125 Bambang Suprihatno 2068 Cornain, Santoso 1929 Bambang Susmono 2032 Coudal, Edgar F. 2397 Bambang Triyoso 1480, 1374 Coulson, Noel J. 1294 Bambang Utomo 1258 Cusack, O. 1780 Bambang Wikantadi 2132 Bandaso, Randanan 1797 Da'ie, Adlan 1646 Bandiyono, Suko 1316, 1352 Daham, Rady 1383 Bangun, Mbue Kata 1339 Dahlan, M. Alwi 1325 Baralangi, Yusuf 2412 Dahlan, M.D. 1602 Barmi, Okti 2014 Dakung, Legia s. 1738 Basri AB. 2078 Dalimunthe, Parlindungan 1464 Basri, Cik Hasan 1503 Dallhar, Moch. 1930 Basri, Hasan 1331 Daly, Peunoh 1312 Basri, Jafar 1375 Danadibrata, Herman 2409 Basuki, Hari Satrio 1224 Danumihardja, Tim Kantoso 2456 Basuki, Purwanto 2138 Danusantoso, Halim 1949 Basuki, Sulistyo 2306 Danusaputro,St.Munadjat Bat ti, F. 2002 1 481 r 1 501 I 2 21 3 Batubara, Cosmas 1440 Danusastro, Suhardjo 1578 Batubara, Sambungan 2252 Darmanaden R. 1850 Batubara, Yohannes 2358 Darmansjah, Iwan 1852, 1858 Bawa, Wayan 1590 Darmodiharjo, Darji 1591 Bawono, Sri Kuncoro 2317 Darmono 1772 Beek, Aart van 1944 Darsono, Prapto 1754 Belen, s. 1601 Darsoprajitno, Soewarno 1726 Bendiyasa, I Made 2006 Darwis, Yulizar 1935 Bergson, Anika 1866 Darwono, A. Bambang 1928 Bey, Anwar 1442 Dawanas, D.N. 1676 Bhakti, Budhiman Nusa 2115 Dench, Neville D. 1975 Bikuwata 2235 Dewey, Alice G. 2446 Birowo, Sujatno 1711 Dharma, R. 1843, 1804, 1798 Blackshaw, A.W. 2141, 2140 Dharmadi, Atik 2064 Blejer, Mario I. 1430 Dipojono, Bonakamsi 1936 Boediharto, H.R. 1809 Diyanto 1579 Boediono 1376 Djagra, I B. 2126 Boedirahardjo, Sardi 1417 Djaja, Benny 1745 Boedjosastro, Soeprapto 1409 Djaja, Sukarna 2352, 2353 Boeset 1989 DJaJadiredja, Rustami 1777 Boesro, Ahmad 1406 Djalil, Mastina 2070 Bokim, Adna 2260 Djamal, Niniarty z. 1909 Bondan, Alit 1990 Djamas, Nurhayati 1304 Broto, Seno s. 2046 Djasman 2346 Budi Santoso 1691 Djatikusumo, G.P.H. 1332 Budiasa, I Gede 2470 Djawanai, Stephanus 1226 Budihardjo, Utari 1238, 1239 Djide, Tahir 2458 Budiman 2293 Djimantoro, Bing 1791 Budiman, Haryono 2174 Djiwandono, J. Soedjati 1357, Budiman, Muchlis 2363 1525 Budimulja, Unandar 1916 Djiwandono, Soedradjad 1377 Budiono C.G., Rully 1303 Djoko Legono 2030 Djoko P. Praseno 1767 Castel J. 1850 Djoko Prijono 2107 Cawthorne, N. 1841 Djoko Soetrisno 2146 Cecilia L. H. (Mrs.) 1908 DJoko Utomo 1396 Chaksana A.H.S. 2494 Djufri s., Ali 1316 Chan, Fidber 2088 Dj umeno H. 1 526 Cha~dra, Julius 1964 Doan, Trong Truyen 1369 Charleson, A.w. 2023 Dollah, Syahrir 1914 Christiawan 2408 Drobnick, Richard 2262 Cochrane, G.F. 1976 Dunbar, R. 1644

126 Dwi Sutanegara 1874 Gusdinar K., Tutus 1740 Dwi Tjahyono, E. 2364 Dwiponggo, A. 1778 Hadi H.S., Noegroho 1972, 1971, 1970 Eddy Hartono 1873 Hadi, A.c.s. 1236, 1243, Eddy Kelana 1717 1251 Eddy Kristianto 1489, 1571 Hadi, Dwi Sutanto 1745 Eddy, Nyoman Tusthi 2480, Hadi, Yasman 2023 2421 Hadibroto 1448 Edi Rinaldi 2301 Hadie, Wartono 2204 Edwin s. 2208 Hadisoegondo, Soebroto 1443 Effendi Ys., Rustam 1887 Haditono, Siti Rahayu 1595 Effendi, Elli Herlia 2352 Hadiwigeno, Soetatwo 1617 Effendi, Hirwan 1482 Hadiwijono, Slameto 2028 Effendi, Sofian 1342 Hadiyanto 2113 Effendy, Armyn 1947 Haikal, Husain 2491 Effendy, Bisri 1286 Haji, Son 1781 Elfrida 1867 Hakim, Nurhayati 2065 Elizabeth J. 1657 Halimun, E.M. 1958 Endang o. Soeseno 1431 Hamid, Helmi 2111 Endang Pujiaty (Mrs.) 1572 Hanafiah Ws., A. 1848 Endang Samsuddin 2027 Handayani, Puji 2229 Endang Syamsuddin 2089 Handojo, H. 2319 Endang w. Ghozali (Mrs.) 1270 Handoyo s. 1861 Engel, Kenneth 1685 Hankin, J.w. 1976 Harahap, Alida Roswita 1882 Fachruddin, Musjaffa 1422 Harahap, Sofyan Syafri 2253 Faizah 2147 Harahap, z. 2071, 2072, 2073 Faqiy, Muhammad Abdul Qadir 1965 2074, 2076, 2077 Farid, R. 1689 Hardiati, Enni 1543, 2460 Farihi, Hamid 1297 Hardjosworo, Soehardjo 2192 Fauzy, Oemar 1397 Hardjoutomo, Suprodjo 2176 Feisal, Jusuf A. 2467 Hardojo, R.A.S. 1252 Firdiyono, F. 2357 Hardoyo, Kikiek 1246, 1506 Fitriati, Rita 2476 Haridah 1221 Forsell, Peter 1849 Haridijatno 1744 Fortunatus K.C.M., Peter 1686 Harimawan, A. 1689 Harini 1996 Gafar, R. Soetiono 1860 Harmel 2072 Gaffar, Mohammad Fakry 1586 Harsojo 2035 Ganda, Hendratno 1877 Harsoyo N. 1903 Gani, Ascobat 1517 Hartadi, Hari 2146 Garda, R.A. 1465 Hartati 2288 Gauru, L. 1467 Gede, I.G.M. 2170 Hartati, Reni Mar du 2093 Ghazali, Zulfikar 1344 Hartomo, A.J. 1997 Ginting, Arun 2090 Hartono Hdw. 1853 Ginting, Ilias 1987 Haryanto Oh. 1850 Ginting, Ngepkep 1917, 2111, Haryono 2302 2112 Haryono, Ismu 2146 Glinka, Josef 1636, 1729, Hasan, Muchlis 1956 1 731 Hasibuan, zubaidah 1883 Godjali, o.r. 1531 Hassan, A. 1295 Goldfarb, Stewart 2379 Hassan, Fuad 1358, 1359 Gozali, Wikarya 1683 Hassan, K. Gilang Pamekar Griffin, Steve 2379 1931 Gultom, B. 1659, 1660 Hastiono, Sukardi 2121 Gultom, M. 2459 Hastjarja, Pudja Eddie 1227, Gunawan, Ahmad 1454, 2294 1337 Gunawan, L.A. 1549 Hasyim, Bidawi 1712 Guntoro, Suprio 2149 Hasyim, M. Saleh 1937

127 Hattab, Sjarifuddin 1700, Isbandi, Rudi 2441 2178 Ischak 1612 Hayati s., Nur 1697 Ishida, T. 2371, 2372 Hays, Lance 1977 Iskandar 1978 Heany, Donald F. 2303 Iskandar s. 1869 Heart P., John 2468 Iskandar S.N., Uus Nandang Hedianto, Umi c. 1864 2451 Hedianto, Y.E. 1864 Iskandar,, Iswandi 1 4 7 2 Hendrowarsito, H.B. 2359 Iskandar, Noor Muhsin 1580 Heraty, TOeti 2440 Iskandar, Stanley 1991 Herdjan, Soeharto 1939 Iskandar, Yul 1279 Herjuni, K.S. 1854 Ismail, Chairuddin 1513 Herlinda, J. 2080 Ismal, Gazali 2066 Herman S. 1527 Ismangil, Wagiono 2273 Herman, Rachmat 2147 Ismaya 2171 2128 Hidajad, Koento 1240 Ismid, Is Suhariah 1738 Hidayat 1622 Ismoedijanto P. 1948 Hidayat, M. Adityawarman Istianto, Jati 1855 1287, 1842, 1819 Hidayat, Taufik 1492 Jacob, T. 1317, 1528 Hieronymus B.S. 1609 Jalit, Ikna Suyatna 1979 Hilman s. 1455 Jamal, Sarjaini 1623, 1865 Hirata, R. 1676 Jamali, Adil 2036, 2364 Hisyam, Muhamad 1326 Jambulingam, A.P. 1592 Hoedajanto, Dradjat 2019 Jatman, Darmanto 1259 HoediJono, Stella Hartati Jenie, Umar Anggara 1693 (Mrs.) 1868 Jhamtani, Hira P. 1745 Hoemardani, Soedjono 1273 Joedono, M.P.S. 2261 Hucht, Karel A. van Der 1675 Joesoef, Aboe Amar 1938 Hudiyono, s. 1499 Joesoef, Daoed 1362 Hurip, Husada 1656 Joesoep, Muhd. Sjamsoeri 1306 Husaini, Mahdin Anwar 1883, Johan A.H. 1687 1838 Johannes, Herman 1966 Husein Oh. 1360 Johnston, Mar~ 1421 Husin, D. Ma'ripin 1938 Joko Cahyono 1713 Husken, Frans 1637 Jones, E.B. Gereth 1757 Husodo, Siswono Judo 1401 Judonarso, Jubianto 1854 Hutabarat, Bernard S.M. 1799 Juniarso, Triman 1613 Hutagalung, Halomoan 1884 Jusuf, Ahmad 1884 Hutahean,· Jannes 2133, 2139 Hutomo, Malikusworo 1754 Kabulrachman 1877 Hyypia, J. 1988 Kadir, Abdul 1992 Kakabadse, Andrew 2223 Ichsan, Loekman 1851 Kalie, Moeh. Baga 2094 !dries, Abdul Mun'im 1825 Kamal, M. 2166 Idris, A. Rachman 2042 Kamaluddin, Rustian 1472, Idris, Naswil 1596 1449, 1378 Ikawati, Yuni 2310 Kambry, Maspul Aini 1665, Immanuel, s. 1843, 1804, 1673 1798 Kamin, Osri 1896 Indeswari, Netty Sri 2347 Kaomini 2191 Indorf, Hans H. 1361 Karda, I Wy. 2153 Irawan 2060 Kardono, L. Broto Sugeng 1741 Irawanto 2236 Karma, Mara 2442 Irawati 1752 Karmawijaya 2282 Irawati, Anies 2312 Karsono, H. 2288 Irianto, Hari E:ko 1702, Kartakusumah, Dan Hisman 1618 2205 Kartaraharja, Albert 1746 Irwin 1222 Kartasasmita, H. 1893 Isa, Mohamad 1554 Kartasujana, !ding 2085

128 Kartoleksono, Soekonto 2452 Lumbantobing, S.M. 1943 Karyanto, E. 2003 Lumenta, Benyamin 1552, 1831 Kaslan, w. 2002 Luthfi, Hakim 1719 Kaspan, M. Faried 1948 Kayatmo, Soemaryato 1993 Ma'as, Bakrim 1567 Kebung B., Kodrad 1281 Ma'sum, Mursyid 2134 Kernan, Sunaryo 2171 Machfud 2074 Kester, W.Carl 1433 Madjan, Elkandar 1380 Khan, Mohsin s. 1430 Madjid, Johasman 1694 Khalid, Md. 1307 Malawa, Nur Aeni F. 1885 Khumaidi, Muhamad 2049, 1811 Malonda, Iwan F. 2399 Koestoer, Raldi .Hendro T. 1340 Malpas, Robert 2263 Koeswadi 1718 Manaf, Nazif 1939 Komari 2312 Manao, Hekinus 2219 Kompiang, I Putu 1756 Mangindaan, Lukas 1870 Kool 2354 Mangoendiwirja, R. Daldiri 1940 Korten, David c. 2283 Mangunwidjaja, Romo Y.B. 2484 Kramadibrata, Soedjono 2250, Mansoben, Johsz 2043 2249 Mantra, I B. 2126 Kresno, Siti Boedina 1882 Mantra, Ida Bagus 1342 Krisbandono 1980 Manuaba, A. 1410, 2285 Kristyanto, Handojo 1223, Maramis, W.F. 1266, 1868 1473, 2274, 223Q Marbun, B.N. 1639, 2264 Kunardi, Loecke 1855 Mardiaman 1514 Kuntoro, Sapto 1701 Mardini 2415 Kurniadi, Hartati 1265 Mardjono, Mahar 1943 Kusbandarrumsamsi, Hendrarta Margerison, Charles 2223 1241, 2483 Marmain A., Mohammad 2224 Kusmiati 1779 Marsono, Hindro 1424, 1423 Kusnadi 2448, 2443 Marsudi, Djamal 1367 Kusnandar, Simson 1921 Martani, Erni 1735 Kuspurwahati, Habsari 1967 Martawijaya, Abdurahim 2085 Kussusani 1761 Martoprawiro, Moehammad 1794 Kustono 2128 Marwoto, Wirasmi 1881 Kusumanto, Surya 2495, 2435 Maryadi 1581 Kusumawati, Upik 2150 Mas'ud, Ahmad 1260 Masinambauw, E.K.M. 2471 Lana, K. 2098 Maspaitella 1632 Lande, Mansur 2068 Maspupu, John 1663, 1674 Larosa, Gofuaro 2284 Ma ttulada 1 228 · Latief, H.Ch.N. 1521 Maulani, Z.A. 1536 Latu, Jeanne 1878 Mawardi 1941 Leiba, Jef. 1638 Mayling, Oey 1647 Leksono, Karlina 1669, Mboeik, Pieter B. 1261 1670, 1677 McKenzie, Joanna 2172 Levang, P. 1354 Meliala, Lucas 1932 Lewa,·Mientje 2337 Mistri, Saker 2461 Lie, Goan Hong 2080 Moehammad, Goenawan 1308 Liem, F.X. Peng Hong 2398 Moeloek, Farid Anfasa 1806, Loedin, A.A. 1341, 1788 1807 Loore, c. De 1678 Moeloek, Nukman 1793, 1796 Loubatiere J. 1850 Moelyono 1769 Lub-is, Adlin u. 2088, 2090, Moerdowo, R.M. 1641 2089, 2027 Moersintowarti B.N. 1948 Lubis, D. Bachtiar 1497 Mohamad, Kartono 1832 Lubis, Firman 1566 Mohan M.S. 2462 Lubis, Mochtar 1507 Morris, Peter W.G. 2214 Luhukay, Jos 2390, 2389 Mubyarto 1347, 2050 Lukman, Arsin 1253 Muchtar, Armen 1859 Lukum, Nico 1569 Muchtar, Rusdi 1327

129 Mudardjito 1597 Nursahit 1335, 1532 Mudjiandoko 2439 Nursaid 2364 Mudjisihono 2075 Nursal A. 1896 Mudjisihono, Rob. 2101 Nurtain 1587 Muhadjir, Noeng 1333 Nurtini, Sudi 2152 Muhadsyah, O.K. 1887 Nurwendaya, Cecep 1719 Muhilah 1834 Nuryani, Yenni 2345 Muhsin MK. 1309 Nurzaman, Usman 1610 Muins, Sultan Makmur 2286 Nusan, B. 2311 Mujiman, Ahmad 2194 Nusantara, Abdul Hakim G. Muliana, L.T. 1918 1486 Muljanto, Wagini 1881 Munaf, Hasan Basri 1752 Odano, s. 1425 Munir, Muzief 1934 Odiorne, George s. 2287 Munir, Sahibul 2186 Oemie s. 2237 Murdiyono 1619 Oey, Kam Nio 2080 Murpratomo, A. Sulasikin Oman s. 2068 (Mrs.) 1648 Onghokham 1349, 1624 Musa, Ichjar 2401 Ory, Ferko 1797 Mustafa, Bustani 1703 Oshima, Harry T. 1468 Mustari 2068 Mustofa 1404 Paadmosantjojo 1954 Muttaqien, E.z. 1310 Padlinurjaji, Iding M. 2360 Pambudy, Rachmat 1782 Naga, Dali s. 1217, 2391, Panambang, Sutomo R. 2238 1661 Pandi, Purnaman Sardjiono Naibaho, Yannes 1434 1899 Nainggolan-Sihombing, G. 2080 Panetto, Abdul Rachman Nasoetion, Andi Hakim 1598 1469 Nasution, A.S. 2342, 1704 Panggabean, John Heart Nasution, Abdul Muis 2175 1419 Nasution, Anwar 1418, 1439, Panggabean, Marulam N. 1370 1888 Nasution, Ronald 2364 Panglaykim, Jusuf 1426, 2276 Natalia, Lily 1736 Panigoro, Ramdan 1800 Natanegara, T. Asikin 1334 Panken, Peter M. 1411 Natawiria, Sutardjo 1777 Parastho, Sutomo 2239 Navis, A.A. 1474, 2477 Parasu, Prastowo 1244 Nawari, Anang E. 2013 Pardede, M. 2004 Nawawi, Djumhani 2013 Pardinan 2336 Nawi, Ismail 1692 Pariyem 2083 Ndraha, Taliziduhu 1218 Parsoedi A., Imam 1889 Nefi, Alex 1820 Partadiredja, Masduki 2123 Ngurah, Ketut 1873 Parthiana, Wayan 1968 Nielsen, Anne Lisbeth 1797 Partiwi, Wieke 2366 Nim~eno, John s. 2430 Parto, F.X. Suhardjo 1285 Nitis, I.M. 2098 Partoatmodjo, A. 2072 Nolan, Michael F. 2136 Partosoedjono, Soetijono Nono, Cornelis 2151 2063 Noor, Fuadi 1262 Partoutomo, Sutijono 1737 Noor, Zuheid 2075 Parwati S.B. 1948 Nora, Usdika Irba 2275 Pattihaluan, John 1538 Nordholt, Nico G.Schulte Patuwo, B. 1913 1319 Pawitra, T. 2304 Notosoedirdjo, Moeljono Pedor, Yos 2153 1942 Pendit, Murtini s. 1232 Nuradyo, Damodoro 1932 Permadi 1274 Nurgiyantoro, Burhan 1582 Permadi, Pudji 2015 Nurhakim, Subhat 1778 Pete, Andena 1770 Nurie, Ahmad 2067 Pidarta, Made 1614

130 Pirous, A.D. 2444 Rahardjo, Ilham 2386 Poedjohadi 1233 Rahardjo, Satjipto 1491, Poerbo, Hasan 1319 1494, 1495 Poernomo 2008 Raharjo 1247 Poesponegoro, Milono 1981 Raharjo, H.M. Dawam 1288 Poespowardojo, Soerjanto Rahayu, Murni 1933 1271 Rahman, Burhani 2156 Pohan, Imbalo s. 1553 Rahmanto, B. 2488 Pohan, M. Imran 1267, 1268 Ramadhan s. 2429 Polandos, Yoseph 2155 Ramayati, Rafita 1922 Pontjo Sutowo 1387 Ramelan 1599 Prabowo, R. Prajitno 1555 Ramli, Yatizar 2084 Pragolapati, Ragil Suwarna Rampan, Korrie Layun 2478 2481 Rampengan, T.H. 1934 Praja, Juhaya s. 1313 Ranukusuma, Teguh A.S. 1943 PraJitno, Arrohman 1276 Rasjid, Rasmin 1901 Prajitno, Moetmainah 1910 Rasyaf, Muhammad 2157, 2158, Prajuto 1688 2159, 2160, 2161 Pranoto, I. H. 2393, 2381 Ratnaningsih 1929 Prasetyo, L.H. 1961 Razak, Nono 2162 Pratama, Isman 2496 Reksodiputro, Harryanto 1879 Pratiknya, Ahmad Watik 1730 Reksomutro, Lukito 1727 Prawiradiputra 2328 Renardi H., R. 1887 Prawirosaputro, Iman Sutadi Ressang, Abdul Aziz 2175 2278 Ressang, Aidar 1869 Pribadi, Wita 1738 Richard-Molard, D. 2067 Prihantoro R.Y. 2329 Ridwan, M. Muliadi 1707 Prim 1900 Rifai, Tb. Bachtiar 1311 Pringgoadisurjo, Luwarsih Ristanti, Nancy 1721 1651 Rochidajat G. 2086 Priyono S.B., Subur 2146 Rochmah, Wasilah 1732 Prodjokusumo, H.S. 1368, Roesma, Jose 1891 1573 Ronohardjo, P. 1961 Pulungan, Hamzah 2115 Rosmiati, Hedi 1794 Pulungan, Khaidir Parlin- Rufinus, Jeffrey 1666 dungan 1771 Rumawas, Fred 2066 Purba, Yutamardi 1388 Rupaka, N. 1593 Purnajaya 1768 Rusdidjas 1922 Purnomo, Hari 1930, 2135 Rusman, Bujang 2054 Purwadi 1898 Rustandi, Lily (Mrs.) 1634 Purwana, Rachmadhi 1412 Pusponegoro, Arjono Djuned Sahara, Moedh. Eddy 1709 1845 Sabda, Yoseph Suardi 1254 Putra, D.K. Harya 2141, Sabikun 2016 2140 Sabrani, M. 2163 Putra, Heddy Shri Ahimsa Sachro, Anggoro D.B. 1903 1642 Sadjad, Sjamsoe'oed 2051 Putra, I G.G. 2126 Sagir, Soeharsono 1399 Putra, Tjokorda Raka 1874, Sahab, Syukri 1413 Sahi, Ibrahim 2073 1890 Said H.W. 1903 Rachimhadhi, Trijatmo 1790 Said, Setyo-Utomo 2402 Rachman, Sholicha Muflia Saifuddin, Abdul Bari 1557, 2340 1556, 1790 Rachman, Suharmi 2124 Sait, Salya 1635 Rachmananta, Dady P. 1230 Sajono, T. 2482 Rachmandsjah s., Chairul Saka, I K. 2126 1416 Saki, Slamet Riadi 2164 Rachmat, Rachmaniar 1779 Salam, Sumini Abdul 1272 Radhie, Teuku Mohammad 1296 Saleh, Mimien 1523

131 Salendu-warouw, s. 1934 Silalahi, Pande Radja 1371, Salim, Alimuddin 2321 1450, 1451, 1457 Salim, Emil 1314, 1748, 2425 Silalahi, Tb. 1537 Saliya, Yuswadi 2432 Silman, Erwin 1895 Sama, Shagir 2068 Simandjuntak, Djisman s. Samadi, Karlina 1911 1381, 1475, 1478, 1479, Samirin 1498, 1544 1627 Samsuridjal 1882 Simandjuntak, Payaman J. Sandi, I Made 2426 1391, 1487 Sanit, Arbi 1255, 1350 Simanjuntak, ·Melling 1225, Santosa, Krishna Agung 2116 1234 Santosa, Paul 1520 Simanullang, z.A. 2076 Santosa, Salamin Budi 1606 Simatupang, T.B. 1278, 2500 Santosa, Wiweko 1698 Simmons, Henry 1679 Santoso, Ba:yu 1795 Sinaga, Tony P. 1769 Santoso, Trias 1684 Sindunagoro, Subroto 1392 Saono, s. 2288 Sinto, Azalia 1794, 1855 Sapari, Gunoto 2493 Sinungan, M. 2266 Sara9ih, S.L. 2240 Sirait, Celly H. 2185, 2189 Sarbini, Achmad 1400 2335 Sardi, J. 1456 Sirait, S.T.M. Laut 2017, Sargo, Pramono 1923 2387 Sarmanu M.s. 2165 Siregar, Abdul Rahman 2130 Sarwono, B. 2056 2349 Siregar, Charles J.P. 1862 Sarwono, Sarlito Wirawan 1263 Siregar, Hadis 2077 Saryono 2307 Siregar, K. 2088 Sastrapradja, s. 1969 Siregar, R.S. 1919 Sastrawinata, Hidayat Atje Siregar, Ratna M.T. 2257 2087 Sirna, I Nyoman 1545 Sastrodihardjo, Soediman Sisdjabari 1959 2137 Siswojo 2060 Sastrodiwongso, Teguh 2040 Siswojo, E. 2463 Satari, Gunawan 2314 Siswoputranto, L. Laksmi D. Satibi, Loekman 2377 2331 Sayangbati-oengah, w.w. Siswoputranto, P.S. 1628, (Mrs.) 1245 1629 I 1630 Sayoso 1406 Siswoyo, Siti Koesparti 1794 Sebai, Zohair A. 1835 Sitanggang, M. 2057 Sembiring 1714 Sitepu, M.J. 1715 Sembiring, Rachman 1982 Sitohang, Benhard 2394 Seregigj N. 2170 Sitompul, P.M. 1515 Setiabudi, Rianto 1855 Sitorus, Sorta Silitonga 2173 Setiana, Adang 1722 Sjafei, Djaja Subardja 1779 Setiawan, Juswan 1248 s~ ahrir 1529 Setyabrata, Sudarmadji 1320 SJamsuddin, Mardiana 1796 Setyawati B. 1821 Slamet, Dewi Sabita 2312 Setyonegoro, R. Kusumanto Slangor 1427 1264 Sobari, Moch. Prihatna 2196 Setyowati 2429 Soebadio, Haryati 1235 Siagian, E.G. 2035 Soebagyo 1914 Siagian, Sondang P. 1277 Soebandono, J.P. 2290 Siagian, Tumpal 2215 Soebarto, Oerip 1441 Siahaan, Nornmy H.T. 1558 Soedarmono, Pratiwi 1733 Sibarani, Sud]ana 2330 soedarsono 1705 Sidabu~ar, R.P. 1891 Soedarto, Gatot 2403 Sidarto 1389 Soedharto, B. 1583 Sidik, Saliman 1351, 1355, Soedibyo 1570 1390 Soed~arwo 1983 Silalahi, Bennet N.B. 1403, SoedJatmoko 1574 2221 Soedomo, R. Prasodjo 1753

132 Soegijo, J. 1723 Sri Kaloka Prabotosari 1724, Soehadi, Koentjoro 1822 1721 Soehartono, Irawan 1546 Sri Mulangsih 1742 Soehoed, A.R. 1476 Sri Poernomo 2176, 1961 Soejatno, R.S. 1282 Sri Setianingsih, Suwardi Soejoenoes, Ariawan 1559 1500 SoeJono, M. 2166 Sri sumastri 1777 Soejoso, Dwi Atmadji 1948 Sri wahyuni 1657 Soekanto, Soerjono 1484 Sri Widhiharti 2153 Soekardono, Soeprapto 2063 Staudt, Kathleen A. 1653 Soekarman, M. Sulebar 2449 Studhalter, Walter 1977 Soekirman 1836 Suarna, M. 2098 Soemantri, A.G. 1894, 1903 Suaryana, K.G. 2170 Soemardi 1533 Subandhi, Kisman 2048 Soemardjan, Hindro T. 2433 Subandiyah 1594 Soemarlan 2231 Subani, Waluyo 1784 Soemarna, Komar 2087 Subantari R., A. 2473 Soemartha, Totok 1944 Subarno 1695 Soemitro, Daryo w. 1954 Subowo, T. 1973, 1974 Soenarko 1534 Sudarmaji 2445 Soenarta, Nakoela 1407 Sudarmo, Widayat M. 2102 Soepardiman 1960 Sudarna, Dadang 1488 Soeparno 2472 Sudarno 2128 Soepono, R.E. 2044 Sudarsono, Juwono 1530 Soeratman, Darsiti 1652 Sudaryo 1986 Soeratmo 2258 Sudaryono, Bondan 1607 Soeratno, F.L. 2404 Sudibyo, Alex 2241 Soeripto 2125 Sudigbia, I. 1894 Soeripto K. 2367 Sudihardjo, Basuki 1343 Soerjodibroto, Walujo 181 2 Sudirman, Suwarto 2076 Soesanto, Sri Soewasti 1749 Sudiyahyo, Sri wardhani Soesastro, Hadi 1372, 1458, 2308 1984 Sudiyar Z.A., Ahmad 1547 Soeset¥a, R.H.B. 2134 Sudja'i, Ahmad 1292 SoetedJo, Soejoto 1765 Sudjana, M. 2288 Soetimboel, M. 2128 Sudjatmoko, F.X.B. 2064 Soetj ipto Kr. 2071 Sudjono 1955 Soetjipto, Prapto 1938 Sufiandi, Deddy 2364 Soetomo 2464 Sugandakusumah, R. Supardi Soetomo J.A. 1708 1452 Soetrisno H.S., A.H. 2197 Sugianto s. 2378 Soetrisno, Loekman 1321 Sugiarso 1516 Soewarso 1539, 1540 Suhardiman, P. 2332 Soewarto, Soetomo 1924 Suhardjo 1837 Soewito Tj. 2073, 2077 Suharjono 2035 Soewito, Srirahadi 2295 Suharsana 1680 Soewito; Tj. 2074 Suharso 1393 Sofian, Benny 1405 Suharto, A. Sandiwan 2267 Sofwan, Iwan 1951 Suherman, Suharti 1794 Solichin, Jusni 2469 Suhirman 1757 Somaatmadja, oardjo 1462, Suhodo 2418 2052, 2099, 2315 Sujastani, Tatang 1778 SomaWidjaja, E. Soekasah Sujud 1328 1 511 Sukamto, Y. 2055 Sosro, Rustadi 1803 Sukara, E. 2288 Sosroamidjojo, Soedarto 1827 Sukardi 1616 Sosrodarsono, Suyono 1524 Sukarji, R. 2089, 2027 Sosrowinarso 2020 Sukarman 1588 Sri Adi Sularsito 1854 Sukarno 1584, 2487 Sukarso, B. 2100

133 Sukartono, P. 1774 Sutamada, I G.K. 2313 Sukasman 2081 Sutantyo, w. 1678 Sukirlan, Lalu 2009 Sutarma 2176 Suklan 1518, 1699 Sutjahjo, Sri Rahayuningsih Sulaiman, A. 1973 1808 Sulardi, M. 1428, 1436 Sutojo, Heru 1394 Sularjo 2074 sutOJO, Siswanto 1453, 2268 Sularto, B. 1643 Sutomo K. 1887 Sulasman 2457 Sutomo, FX. 1848 Sulin, Djusar 1956 Suto~, A.R. 1363, 1364 Sulistyarini, Linda 1994 Sutrisno 1728, 2382, 1662 Suma'mur P.K. 1846 Sutrisno, Gatot 1912 Sumantri, D.A. 2226 Suwarinata, Rubaman 1356 Sumapraja, Sudraji 1557, suwendho 1 589 1790 Suwita, Rukmini Sastra 1654 Sumardi 2006, 2080 Suwitha, I Putu Gede 2031 Sumardi, P. 2007 Suyanto, S. Rachmatun Sumarsono 1289 (Mrs.) 2206, 2207 Sumas tri 1690 Suyitno 2074 Sumengen 1249 Swasono, Yudo 1416 Sunardji 1575, 1603 Syah, Nurman 1896 Sunarlim, Roswita 2189, 2182 Syahrial, H.A.R. 1956 Sunaryo, Adi 2474 Syaifuddin 1876 Sunaryo, Sugastiasri 1920 Syaman, Rachmat 1420 Sundaru, Heru 1882 Syamsiah M.s. (Mrs.) 2333 Sunyataningkamto 1914 Syamsuddin, Nasaruddin 1345 Supardiyono 1752 Syamsudin, A. 1962, 1902 Supargo, Asianto 1279 Syamsun, Muhammad 2406 Suparlan, Parsudi 1229 Syarief, Abdullah 2168 Suparman, Maman 1535 Syarief, Rizal 2067 Suparman, Paulus 2037 Syarkawi SM., Nazmy 1577 Suparmi (Mrs.) 1658 Syukur, Suheimi 2090 Suparno 2429 Supeno, Susilo 1945 Tadjudin, M.K. 1823 Supoduto, Mar 1329 Tairas, J.N.B. 1237 Supranto, J. 1664 Taloga, R. Widodo 1828 Suprapto, Imam 2465 Tambunan, M. Marwil 1365 Supriatna, Dede 2291 Tan Malaka, Moh. 1414 Supriatna, Masna 1862 Tan, Mely G. 1150 Suradisastra, Kedi 2183, Tandika, Y. 1913 2167, 2136 Tantra, I G.M. 1734 Suranatha, Wayan 2364 Tanutama, Hosea s. 2388 Surjokusumo, Surjono 2419, Tanzil, Arifin 2000 2420 Tanzil, P. 1946 Suroto, Gunawan 2296, 1813 Tardiana, T. 2001 Surur, Fatichus 2198, 2199 Tarigan, Cipta 1339 Suryaatmadja, Marzuki 1895, Tarmudi 2200 1803 Tarmudji 1963, 1872, Suryadhana, Nyoman Gde 1929 2129, 1773 Suryadhi, N.T. 1801 Taroepratjeka, Harsono 1459 Suryandi, Antonius 1880 Tarwotjo, Ig. 1838, 1814 suryawijaya, Basya 2184 Taufiequrrochman 1920 Suryohadiprojo, Sayidiman Taufik, P. 2041 2227 Taurany, Hendrik M. 1829 Suryomihardjo, Abdurrachman Teken, I Gusti Bagus 2053 1576 Temadja, I Ketut 1542, 1541, Susanto Tw. 2073 2498 Susanto, Astrid s. 2292 Thalib, Chalid 2130 Susanto, Fx. 1766 Thalib, Sajuti 1297 Susanto, Hari 1463, 1466 Thalut, Kamardi 1876

134 '!'he, Liang Gie 1219 Wartawan, Anton L. 2010, 'I'hee, Kian Wie 1470, 1437, 2011 1496 wartono 1816 Thompson, R.C~ 1568 waters, M.J. 2141 Tika, Pabundu 2038 Wattimena, Yoke R. 1926 Tirto, s. 2201, 2202, 221 O, Wawardi, Raditya 2437 2211, 2212, Webb, O. 1275 Tirtowidjojo, Yohanes Wetik, B. 1585 Parsiki 2034, 2026 Wibowo, Arif 1710, 1698 Tjakrawati, Sylvia 2428, 1655 Widianto 2203 Tjia, H.o. 1725 Widiarto 1459 T)iptoherijanto, Prijono Widiyanto, Paulus 1322 1471 Widjaja, Mochammad Chandra Tjitrosidojo, Soemardjo 1338 1775 Tjokroadiredjo, R.E. 1522 Widjaja, Sondjaja 2021 Tjbkroamidjojo, Bintoro Widjajanti, Rochmi 2316 2216, 2279 Widjaya 1894, 1955 Tjondronegoro, Sediono M.P. Widjaya, Surya 1955 1315 Widodo, Fadjar 2228, 2298 Tjondroputranto, Handoko Widodo, Moch. Aris 1817 1789 Widyahartono, Bob 1620 Toha, Moh. Ali 1739 Wied, Mas 2454 Toha, Muharto 2217 Wijaya, Erno 1952 Tonie 1667 Wijaya, Isnu ~hi 1995 Toorsilohadi 2363 Wijaya, Krisna 1502 Trastotenojo, Moeljono s. Wijono 1600 1903 Wikanto, Radix 1920 Tri Priyadi Basuki 2368 Wikstrom, Harald 2369 Triatmodjo, Sudibyo 1508 Williams, Glen 1421 Trimurti, S.K. 1283 Wilopo, Siswanto Agus 1732 Triwiharto 2248 Winarno, Bondan 2232 Triyantini 2185 Winarto, v. 2269 Tuchak, v~adimir 1866 Wirat, P. 2170 Wirawan, R. 1843, 1804, 1798 Omar, Faraz 2018 Wiriosoepartho, Ammar s. 2427 Ontario, s. 1897 Wiromartono, B. 2242 Usodo, c. 1604 Wita, wayan 1890 Usri, Tahjan 2119 Witjaksono AS., Julianto Uzu, Gerard 2169 1790 Wiyadi, M.S. 1904, 1810 Valencia, Mark J. 1501 Van der Mast, v.c. 1976 Yahya, r.s. 2210 Voci, Joseph J. 1429 Yamanishi, Tei 1696 Yamaoka, Keijiro 1977 Wahjoetomo 1925 Yoedo, Moh. Latief Malang Wahono, Rachmat I. 1395, 1408 2259 Wahyono, Yuliarso ~dy 1995 Yoon, Hyung Kim 1992 wahyudi 1752 Yudhaifraja, Syaeful Uyun Wahyudin K. 1998 1290 Wahyuni, Djati 1250 Yudobusono, suranto 1269 Waluyo, Sabdo 1914 Yulidar 1914 wanadi, Jusuf 1366 Yuliman, Sanento 1985 wanasuria, Suharja 2120 Yuningsih 2111 Wantania, J.M. 1934 Yunizarman 1790 wardhana, Ali 1461 Yusran, Mohamad Ali 2177 wardhana, veven Sp. 2489 Yustinus, Ngadino 1605 Wardhani, Retno 1881 Yusuf, Erlinda N. 2370 Wardoyo, Supomo 2218 Yusuf, H. Syafri 1937 Warsa, Usman 1854 Yusuf, M. Lawi 1871

135 Yuswono 1973 YUwana, Rudy 1560, 1561 YUwono, Nyoto Sarwo 1607 zaidun, Mulyamin 1824 Zainuddin, Imam Buchori 2422 Zainudin M. 1854 zatnika, Achmad 1779 zulbadar P. 1896 Zulbadri, Muhammad 2137 zulkarnaen, Iskandar 1914





Halaman/Pages 137 - 162

Abortion 1794 Alloys 2352 Abrasives 1907 Alternative energy technol- Abrus precatorius Linn 2080 ogy 1980 Absenteeism 1594 Alternative health delivery Abstracting 1250 services 1879 Acaricides 2064 Aluminum 2370 Accident prevention 1845 Amalgams 1908 Accidents 1851 American democracy 1346 Accountability 2255 American English language Accountants 1448 2470 Accounting 1452, 1553, 2253, American mysticism 1283 Achatina fulica 1770, 2113 Amoeba 1947 Acoustics 1685, 1686, 1687 Ampicillin 1855 Activity learning 1235, Anaemia 1892, 1894 1251, 1578 Analgesics 1850 Adhesive tapes 1932 Anaphylactic shock 1918 Administrative costs 1552 Anatomy 1730, 1795 Adolescence 1572 Ancient history 2495, 2498 Adoption services 1596 Animal breeding 1781, 2128, Aflatoxin 1834, 2112 21 31' 21 35, 2145, 21 50, Agricu 1tura1 enterprises 2156, 2157, 2160, 2171 1462 Animal diseases 1773, 1902, Agricultural extension 1607, 1917, 2125 2051 Animal feeding 1756, 1770, Agricultural industry 2099 1775, 21 09, 211 1 ' 211 2, Agricultural land 2423 211 3' 2114, 211 6, 211 7' Agricultural markets 2183 211 8, 211 9, 21 20, 2138, Agricultural policy 2196 2142, 2147, 2149, 21 5,.' Agricultural productivity 21 59, 216 2, 2165, 2166, 2049 2317 Agricultural products 1339, Animal husbandry 1777, 2052 2144, 2156, 2161, 2173 Agricultural research 1336, Animal nutrition 211 6' 1777 2148, 2164 Agricultural wastes 2039, Anima 1 physiology 2150, 2146 2153 Agric,µltural water manage- Animal protein 2169, 2173 ment 1520 Animal slaughtering 2188 Air transportation 1522 Animism 1285 Airports 2272 Anthropology 1642 Airworthiness 2046 Anthropology research 1636 Albizzia falcataria 2366 Anthropometry 1731, 1732, Alcoholic beverages 2313 1801' 1883 Algae 1754, 1755 Anti inflammatory agents Allergenic extracts 1918 1850 Allergic diseases 1882 Antibodies 1739 Allium sativum 2056 Anxiety 1938, 1940

139 Apicoectomy 1911 Banking systems 1417, 1418, Aplastic anaemia 1892 1427 Appendicitis 1913 Batak 1639 Appropriate technology 2005 Batik 2446 Aquatic resources 2195 Bean sprout 2078 Arabic 1291 Bees 1775 Archaeology 2494 Benzopyranone-4, 1850 Architects 2431 Betawi 1645 Architecture 2429, 2430, Bibliographic description 2432, 2433, 2435, 2438 1237 Archives 2229 Bibliographic services 1230 Arisan 1421 Bintan 1771 Army 1332, 1526, 1532, Biochemistry 1809, 1938 1533, 1534 Biodegradable wastes 1735 Arthritis 1929 Biogas 1980, 1981, 1983, Articles (pe.riodical) 1219 1985 Artists 2421 Biographies 2490, 2491, Arts 1641, 2457 2492, 2493 Arts and humanities educa- Biology 1590 tion 1609, 2431, 2433 aiomass 1979 ASEAN 1357, 1361, 2187 Biomass conversion 1981 Astronomy 1666, 1669, 1672 Biomass digestion 1983 Atmospheric corrosion 1970, Biosocial 1317 1971 Biota 1754 Atmospheric physics 1716 Biotechnology 1741, 1751, Atomic orbitals 1693 1969 Atomic structure 1691 Birth 1957, 1958 Audio perception 181 O Blast furnaces 2036, 2353 Audiometry 1810, 1904 Blindness 1868 Audiovisual educational Blood analysis 1895 media 1231 Blood cells 1800, 1896 Auditing 1452, 2260, 2261 Blood chemistry 1797 Auditory defects 1904 Blood diseases 1893 Australia 1 366 Blood transfusion 1738, Authors 2482, 2483 1851 Avocado 2328 Bonsai 2057 Books 1598, 2497 Brackish water 2195 Bacteria 2176 Braille 1291 Bacterial diseases 1854, Breeding methods 2131 1961, 2125, 2194 Brem 2313 Badminton 2458 Brick industry 2412, 2414 Bamboo 2416, 2417 Bridge construction 2024, Banana trees 2329 2025, 2026 Bananas 2092, 2093 British English language Bank officials 2298 2470 Banking education 1434 Broadcasting 2239, 2242

140 Broiler 2157, 2160, 2168 Cassava 1981, 2097, 2098, Bromo mountain 2462 2 09 9, 21 0 0, 211 1 , 211 5, Budgets 1447 2142, 2151, 2322 Buffaloes 1902, 2134, 2137 Cassava starch 2096 Buginese 1304 Cast iron 1974 Building components 2416 Cataloging 1236 Building construction 2023, Catalysis 2351 2034, 2410 Catfishes 2208 Building design 2430, 2432 Cattle 1736, 1770, 1872, Building materials 2360, 1902, 1917, 2109, 2117, 2414 2126, 2127, 2128, 2129, Bureaucracies 1506, 1507, 2130 2227 Cause of death 1568 Business economics 1 277, cavities 1905 1455, 2262, 2303 Cement 1384, 2368 Business enterprises 1277, Central processing units 142 O, 1 44 7, 147 3, 1477, 2380 1830, 2265, 2266, 2270, Cen tri fuga 1 pumps 2003, 2278, 2280 2006, 2007 Business law 1509 Cepu 2017 Business management 1639, Ceramics 2494 2264 Cerebrovascular disorders 1934 Cereme village 1775 Cervix diseases 1791 Cabbage 2059 Chemical analysis 1697, Cactuses 1761 2312 Caffeine 1826 Che mica 1 kinetics 1704, Cajanus cajan 2330 2351 Calcium 2164 Chickens 1756, 1961, 1963, Calculus 1661 2037, 2111, 2112, 2113, Calender computation 1684 2118, 2125, 2142, 2145, Calorific value 2146 2147, 2150, 2152, 2153, Calves 2137 2 1 5 5, 21 5 7, 21 5 8 ,· 21 6 2; Cane sugar 2318, 2319 2166, 2167, 2169, 2258 Canned foods 2332, 2339 Child welfare service 1566 Canning 2205, 2337 Children 1267, 1268, 1572, Capital 1438 1595, 1598, 1801, 1818, Carbon 2370 1886, 1894, 1897, 1903, Carbon steels 1971 1914, 1922, 2449, 2482 carcinoma 1791 China 1360 Cardiology 2382 Cholesterol 1705 Carp 2209 Chrome 1998 Carrer development 1577 Chromite ore deposits 2356 Cartography 1546, 1680 Chronic diseases 1963 Case studies 1304, 1343, Ciamis 1769 1396 Cilacap 1767, 2203

141 Cirebon 1657 Composite resins 1907, Cities and towns 1356 191 O, 191 2 Citronella oil 1459 Computation 1683 Civil engineering 1964 Computer.applications 1684, Civil servants 1508 1712 Claims 2274 Computer programmes 2392 Clarias batrachus L. 2208 Computer science education Classification 2042 1619, 1620 Climate 1717, 2143 Computer software 1683, Clinics 1859, 1891 2021' 2386, 2392, 2393, Coccidiosis 2170 2394 Cocks fighting 2167 Computer technology 2248 Coconut oil 2341 Computers 2290, 2379, 2380, Coconuts 2091 2381' 2382, 2383, 2384, Codes 1217, 2381 2385, 2389, 2391, 2395, Coffee 1625, 1626, 1628, 2396, 2397' 2398, 2399, 1629 2400, 2401, 2402, 2403, Collagens 1906 2404, 2405, 2406, 2407 Colonialism 1367 Computers systems hardware Color 1677 2379 Combatant ships 1538 Concentrated foods 2115 Command & control 1542 Constitution 1253 Commodities 1624 Constitutional law 1485, Common law 1649 1490 Communication 1224, 1633, Construction industry 2293, 2281, 2292, 2467 2408 Communication control sys­ Construction materials 2417 tems '1611 Construction techniques Communication media 2238, 1983, 2274, 2305 2306, 2460, 2463 Consultants 2308 Communication processes Consumer protection laws 1324 1825 Communication satellites Consummers 1622 1631, 2047, 2236, 2241 Consumption (economics) Communications development 1463, 1480 2307 Contraception 1554, 1557, Communications management 1823 2251, 2308 Contraception behavior 1821 Communications research Contraceptive methods 1823, 1 326, 1 327 1856 Communism 1328, 1329 Contraceptive side effects Community par ti cipa ti on 1821 1253, 1513, 1547, 2028, Contractors 2305, 2408, 2424 2409 Community relations 1516 Cooperatives 1442, 1443, Competitive student selec­ 1444, 1445, 1446 tion 1614 Coordinating 1611

142 Copper 1998 Cultural research 1229, Corn plants 2065, 2066, 2218 2067 Culture 1227, 1228, 2496 Corrosion 1970, 1971, 1972, Culture and humanities 1973, 1974 2215, 2433 Corrosion prevention 2355 curcuma domestica 2082 Corruption 1330, 1496 Curing 2093 Corticosteroids 1934 Curriculum 1590, 1592, 1593 Cosmetics 2346 Curriculum design 1605 Cosmology 1668 Customary law 1488 Cost benefit analysis 1380, Customs 1643 1519, 2170, 2258 Cutters 201 2 Cost control 2294 Cyanides 1872, 2096 Cost of housing 2259, 2410 Cyclohexane 1704 Costal regions 1318 Cysteine 1903 Costs 1552 Cytology 1791, 1881, 1960 Costs analysis 2152, 2254 Cotton 2374 Cotton fibers 1692 Dairy cattle 2174, 2176, Courts 1495 2177 Crackers 2324 Dams 2033 Craniofacial dysostosis Dapsone 1877 1954 Data analysis 1343, 1712, Creative ability 1258 1 71 5, 201 7 Creative development 1272 Data bases 2383, 2386, Creativity 1272, 1581 2387, 2388 Credit 1438, 1439, 1496, Data collection 2029 1622 Data transmission 1224 Crimes 1498 Day 1683 Criminal law 1492, 1494, Deafness 1904 1495, 1497 Decision making 2226, 2256 Criminal psychology 1497 Dementia 1936 Criminology 1493 Democracy 1344, 1347 Critical reviews 2234, Demographic research 1341 2440, 2441, 2481 I 2488, Denpasar 1874 2489 Density 2088 Cropping systems 2069 Dental care 1909 Crop production 2065 Dental caries 1905 Crop quality 2073 Dental cements 1908 Crop weeds 2061 Dental materials 191 O, 1911 Crop yield 2065, 2066, 2098 Dental pulp 1912· Cross breeding 1782 Depressions 1279, 1935 Cultural anthropology 1639 Dermatology 1919 Cultural development 1226, Desalinization 2310 1229, 1641 Deserts 1681 Cultural integration 1226 Detergents 2041 Developed countries 1500

143 Developing countries 1430, Disinfectants 1863, 1864 1439, 1500, 1545 Dispensaries 1404, 1 51 O, Development 1408 1623, 1853 Development finance 1 41 7' Distillation 1695, 2342, 1449 2348 Development personnel 1608 Divorce 1939 Development planning 1323, Documentation 1240 1342, 1345, 1354, 1356, Doves 1780 1363, 1364, 1371, 1374, Dracunculiasis 1950 1377' 1392, 1 507' 1 551 ' Dracunculus 1950 1632, 1901' 199 3, 2265 Drama 2464, 2479 Development plans 2048 Drug abuse 1817 Development policy 1234, Drug addiction 1279 1274, 1314, 1511, 1534, Drug industry 1741 2296 Drug interaction 1852 De ve 1 opmen t programs 1 228, Drug therapy 1906 1523, 1838, 1992, 2259 Drug tolerance 1849 Development project evalua­ Drugs 1623, 1815, 1856, tion 1 380, 1 519 1860, 1861 Development projects 1429 Dry farming 2069, 2076 Development strategies Drying 2336 1391, 1508, 1549 Ducks 2144, 2154, 2156, Diabetes 1923 2182, 2184, 2185, 2189 Diabetes mellitus 1909, Durian 2331 1921, 1924, 1925, 1926, Dyes 2351 1930 Diagnosis 1737, 1895, 1898, Earthquake resistant struc­ 1919, 1946 tures 2022, 2023 Diameters 1673 Earthquakes 1 688, 1706, Diaperic structures 1708 1707 Dictionaries 2474 Ecology 1747, 2132 Dieng 1976, 1977, 2436 Econometrics 1374 Diesel engines 1974, 2011 Economic adminis tra ti on Diet 1813, 1884 1522 Differential equations 1659 Economic ana 1 ys is 1374, Diphtheria 1948 1375, 1456 Disaster prediction 2045 Economic aspects 1377, Discussion groups 1606 1436, 1588, 2030 Disease research 1833 Economic conditions 1371, Disease treatment 1888, 1460, 1461 1920, 1925, 1932, 1934, Economic cooperation 1369, 1951 1372 Diseases 1875 Economic development 1298, Diseases detection 1256 1421, 1478, 1479 Diseases prevention and Economic doctrines 1487 control 1886, 1887, Economic education 1617 1,951, 2170 Economic forecasting 1458

144 Economic growth 1370, 1394, Educational psychology 1261, 1433, 1457 1595 Economic history 2050 Educational systems 1302, Economic impact 1469, 2038 1571, 1573, 1575, 1609, Economic indicators 2049 1632 Economic legislation 1522 Eels 1776, 2200 Economic planning 2183 Effectiveness 1514 Economic recession 1442, Efficiency 1514

1455 Eggs 21 5 5 I 21 69 I 2178 I

·Economic regions 1535 2179, 2180, 21 81 I 21 82, Economic risk 2163 2183, 2184, 2185, 2189 Economic stabilization 1465 Elections 1346 Economic studies 1376, 1517 Electric lamps 1995 Economic support fund 1234, Electric power 1994, 1997 1517 Electrical circuits 1990, Economic systems 1381, 1425 1991 Economic takeoff 2425 Electrical industry 1995 Economic theories 1308, Electricity 1992 1373, 1376 Electrodes 2352, 2370 Economical aspects 1330 Electrolysis 2370 Economics 1308, 1379, 1637 Electronic components 2404 Editing 2485 Electronic equipment 1682 Education 1395, 1555, 1557, Electronic technology 1225 1560, 1577 Electronics industry 1993 Educational administrators Electroplating 1996, 1998, 1587 2367 Educational aspects 2275 Elephant 1785, 1786 Educational camps 1999 Emergency food distribution Educational development 2314 1225, 1574, 1575, 1576, Emergency medical care 2062 1592, 2478 Employees 2043 Educational economics 1588 Employment opportunities Educational facilities 1243 1393 Educational goals 1542 Encephalocele 1954 Educational guidance 1567 Energy consumption 1480, Educational innovations 1482, 1982, 1984 1260 Energy exploration 1975 Educational institutions Energy sources 1979, 1980, 1286 1985, 2362 Educational media 1598, Energy storage tanks 1972, 2397 1983 Educational methods 1242, Engineering 1317 1572, 1578, 1579, 1580, England 2400 1583, 1585, 1590, 1591, Entamoeba 1949 1593, 1604, 1616, 1618 Enterprises 1472 Educational needs 1574 Educational occupations 1589

145 Entrepreneurs 1349, 1409, Extraction 2018, 2096, 1418, 1426, 1474, 1475, 2349, 2364 1479, 2269, 2275 Eye diseases 1955 Environmental areas 2429 Environmental aspects 1266, Factor analysis 2163 1305, 1321, 1409, 1410, Factories 2263 1441, 1486, 1530, 1828, Family 1349 1846, 2427, 2428, 2439 Family disorganization 1941 Environmental degradation Family health care 1832 2054 Family planning 1259, 1556, Environmental effects 1744, 1 558, 1822 1749, 2153 Family relationships 1572, Environmental management 1638 1414 Farm income 2053 Environmental monitoring Farmer associations 1520 1722, 1745, 2132 Farmers 1396, 2028, 2050, Environment-al protection 2053 1748 Farming systems 2038 Environmental research 1744 Fauna 1752 Environments 1743, 2276 Feasibility studies 2046 Enzymes 1740 Feces 1843 Epistemological doctrines Female labor 1404, 1405, 1942 1656, 1658 Equilibrium theories 1373 Fermentation 1741, 2322 Equipment costs 1553 Ferrous metals 2350 Ergonomics 2285 Fertility surveys 1806 Error analysis 1582 Field work 1337 Erythrocytes 1800, 1896 Films (cinema) 2451 Erythromycin 1961 Filters 2450 Essential oil crops 1695, Finance 1417, 1426 2347, 2348, 2349 Financial incentives 1435 Es the tics 1802 Financial institutions 1422 Ethanol 1703 Financial management 2252, Ethics 1277, 1278 2272 "Europe 2498 Financia 1 market 1434, Evaluation methodology 1580, 1436, 1447, 1453 2234 Financial needs 1378, 1420, EvaP<;>ration 1973 1424 Evidence 1499 Financial resources 1449 Evolution 1678 Financing 1234 EXercise (physiology) 1812 Financing sources 1378 EXploi tation 1778 Fish 2186 EXploration 1752 Fish breeding 2208, 2209, Exports 1626, 1627, 1628, 2210, 2212 1629, 2009 Fish culture 2207, 2211 Extension services 1324, Fish diseases 1702, 2192, 1607 I 1649 2194

146 Fish feed 1779, 2114, 2117, Food processing technology 2199, 2204 2100 Fish hatcheries 2206 Food production 2053 Fish oil 2340 Food security 1518, 1837 Fish ponds 1318, 2193 Food storage 2097, 2179, Fish preservation 2336, 2312, 2335 2338 Food supply 1837, 2049 Fish products 2192, 2337, Forage legumes 1760 2339 Foreign funds 1439 Fish protein concentrates Foreign investment 1431, 2340 1437 Fisheries 2193 Foreign languages 1601 Fishermen 1318, 1445, 1656, Foreign policy 1363, 1364, 2043, 2195 1501 Fishery development 2196 Forest resources 1745 Fishing equipment 2198, Forestry 2086, 2087 2200, 2201, 2202, 2203 Formal education 1564 Fishing methods 1776, 2197, Fracture 2447 2198, 2199 Fracture fixation 1928 Flavorings 1696 France 2400 Flies 2063 Fresh fruit 2327, 2331 Flood control 2030 Fresh meats 2187 Floors 2415 Fresh water fish 2194 Flora 1752, 1753 Frictions 1692 Flores 1281 Frogs 1777 Flour 2115, 2323 Fruit juices 2312 Flowers 1758,· 1759, 1763, Fruit products 2328 2329, 2347 Fruit vegetables 2327 Foam rubber 2378 Fruits 2008 Folk arts 1641, 2459, 2460, Fuel cells 1997 2463 Fuel oils 1401, 1402, 1450, Folk culture 1226 1466, 1480, 2002 Folk music 2455 Functional analysis 1459 Food additives 2316 Fungal diseases 1881, 1916 Food analysis 1705, 1834 Fungi 1757 Food consumption patterns 2187 Galaxy 1675 Food deprivation 1295 Gambling 2465 Food industry 2315, 2318 Gamma irradiation 2035 Food inspection standards Gardening 2428 1518 Garlic 2056 Food poisoning 1699, 1833 Garut 2136, 2176 Food preparation 2100 Gas burners 1698 Food preservatives 2328, Gas turbines 2003 2331, 23j2, 2334, 2335 Gases 1320 Food processing 2309, 2321, Gasohol 1703 2329 Gasoline 1703

147 Gastroenteritis 1914 Heal th policy 1264, 1623 Gastrointestinal diseases Health research 1549 1827, 1947 Health services 1548, 1549, Generations 1351 1550, 1858 Genetic resources conserva- Heart 1792 tion 1734, 1753 Heart diseases 1887, 1888 Genetics 1743 Heavy industries 1468 Geochronology 1725 Hedges 2107, 2108 Geologic structures 1708 Helmets 1847 Geology 1 725 Helminthiasis 1950 Geotherma 1 energy 1975, Hematology 1798 1976, 1977, 1978 Hemodynamics 1732 Germ cells 1734, 1793, Hepatitis 1958 1794, 2140 Hereditary diseases 1955 Ginger 2348 Heterobostrychus aequalis Glucose 2320 1774 Goat meat 1765 Higher education 1608, 1617 Goats 2131, 2133, 2135, Histamines 1702 2146 Historical research 2445 Government and law 1509 History 1232, 1348, 1367, Government departments 1353 1953, 2396, 2448, 2476, Government policy 1264, 2495, 2496, 2497, 2498, 1428, 1430, 1511, 1554, 2499, 2500 1727, 2401 Holistic medicine 1944 Government programs 1524 Home industry 2012 Grain sorghum plants 2070, Homicide 1493 2075 Honeybee 1775, 2190 Grasslands 2427 Hormones 21 41 Graves 1293 Hospital equipment 1553 Ground cover 2061 Hospitals 1279, 1551, 1552, Group communication 1445 1556, 1874 Guilt 1935 Households 1984, 2012 Guinea 2110 Housing 1440, 1441 Gynecology 1960 Housing conditions 2439 Gypsum 1928 Housing density 2158 Human behavior 1256, 1257, Handicapped 1563 1261, 1262, 1263, 1265, Handicrafts 2446, 2447 1266, 1288, 1319, 1325, Hardness 1910, 2365 1407, 1942 Harmonic analysis 1713 Human communication 1325 Headache 1931 Health 1240, 1257, 1305, Human development stages 1412, 1842, 1856 1595 Health care 1802, 1835, Human diets 1261, 1884 1880, 1944 Human ecology 1266, 1743, Health care planning 1551, 1828 1829 Human relations 2291

148 Human resources 1316, 1387, Industry 1463 1388, 2280 Infant mortality 1341, 1568 Human rights 1489, 1491, Infant nutrition 1801 1494 Infants 1914, 1957 Humaniora 1609 Infections 1854 Humans 1290 Infectious diseases 1914, Humans resources 2283 1961, 2125 Hunting 1784 Infidels 1293 Hydrocracking 2342 Inflation 1455 Hydroelectric power plants Informal sector 1647 2032 Information 1238, 1269, Hydrofoil boats 2043 1324 Hydrogenation 1704 Information and referral Hydrography 1715 services 1548 Hydroponics 2058 Information centers 1523 Hydropower 2034 Information dissemination Hygiene 1596 2459 Hypertension 1861, 1886, Information industry 1225 1889, 1891, 1943 Information management 1238 Hypotension 1890 Information needs 1239, Hysteroscopy 1807 2305 Information networking 1224, Ideologies 1254, 1255 1240 Immunologic diseases 1882 Information services 1224, Import subs ti tu ti on 1 463 1225, 1239, 1241, 1859 Incubation 2180, 2184 Information systems 1811, Incubators 2181 2013 Independence 1348 Inheritance law 1297 Indigenous populations 1645 Inland fisheries 221 O, 1603, 2211, 2212 2467, 2472, 2473, 2474 Insecticides 2063, 2064 Industrial areas 1384, 1970 Insomnia 1868 Industrial development Instalment credit 1622 1320, 1388, 1462, 1467, Instruments 2457 1468, 1469, 1470, 1471, Insurance 1413, 1569, 1570 1476, 2315 Intake systems 2032 Industrial machinery 2371 Integrated circuits 1991 Industrial management 1411 Integrated regional develop- Industrial occupations 1391 ment 1481 Industrial processes 1386 Integrated rural development Industria 1 sector 1392, 1318, 2424 1462, 1470, 1982 Interest rates 1436 Industrial technology 2353, Interests 161 2 2400 Internal migrations 1353, Industria 1 wastes 1746, 1354, 1355, 1385 1839 International conflict 1365 Industrial water 2311

149 In terna tiona 1 cooper a ti on Kaempferia galanga L. 2084 1230, 2307 Karawang 2185 International law 1365 Kencur 2084 International level 1237, Kindergarten 1597 1530, 1835, 2262 Kinetics 1848, 2351 International loans 1439 Kinship systems 1637 International monetary sys­ Kits 1848 tem 1426 Knowledge 1473 International organization Koran 1291, 1292 1359 Korea R 1992 International politics 1529 Kotagede 2429 International relations Kuta 2031 1360, 1361, 1366 International trade 1630 Interpersonal communication 2260 Labor 1 382, 1384, 1390 Interpersonal relations Labor costs 1401, 1402 2043, 2308 Labor disputes 1396 Interviews 2260 Labor force 1328, 1385, Intoxication 1873 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, Inventory models 2013 1395, 1406, 1749, 2296 Investment promotion 1420 Labor laws and legislation Investments 1378, 1432, 1 398, 1404, 1405 1433, 1435, 1436, 1453, Labor management 1399, 1403, 1472 1411 Ionogram 1721 Labor market 1415, 1416 Ionosphere 1718, 1724 Labor productivity 1386, Iron deficiency anemia 1394, 1454, 1487, 1577, 1894, 1896 1846, 2284 Irrigation 1519, 2027, 2029 Labor relations 1400, 2043 Islam 1286, 1287, 1290, Laboratories 1634, 1878, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1895 1296, 1297, 1298, 1299, Laboratory tests 1911, 1921 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, Land management 1709 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, Land resources 1679 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, Land snails 1770, 2113, 1312, 1313, 1331, 1368, 2149, 2162 1485, 1646, 2435, 2477 Land transportation 2249, Isolation 2176 2250 Ivory coast 1625 Land use 2426 Landscape 2428 Landscaping 2057 Japan 1516, 1866, 1992, Language teaching 1582 2219 Languages 1292, 2471 Jellies 2325 Laparoscopy 1806 Joint ventures 2268 Latex 2378 Jurisprudence 1492, 1789 Launching 2047

150 LaW 1294, 1296, 1297 I 1307 I Local languages 2471 1483, 1484, 1485, 1486, Logging 2087 1488, 1503, 1504, 1505 Lombok Tengah 2049 Law of the sea 1365, 1501, Lower secondary education 1539 1603 Layout 2245, 2246 Lubricants 2010, 2342 Lead 1697 Lubricating oils 2010, 2011 Leadership 1323, 1331, Lung 1901 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335 Lymphoma 1879 Learning 1235, 1583, 1585, 1600 Magazine 2246 Learning ability 1270 Magelang 2437 Learning motivation 1251, Magic 1216

1581 I 1587 Maintenance management 1553 Learning theories 1578, Maize 2067 1579 Makasarese 1304 Leasing 1502 Malaka 1540 Legal aspects 1483, 1570 Malaria 1738, 1934 Legal sciences 1484 Male 1823, 1959 Legality 1518 Malignant neoplasms 1893 Leguminous crops 1760, Management 1510, 1889, 1890, 2061, 2079, 2081, 2165 2213, 2215, 2251, 2264, Leprosy 1877 2268, 2269, 2280, 2282, Letterpress printing 2243 2283, 2289, 2293 Leucaena leucocephala 2110, Management aspects 2224, 2165 2270 Leucaena trees 1762, 2081 Management by objectives Leukemias 1893 1948, 2223 Librarians 1231, 1232 Management development 2267 Libraries 1231, 123 3, 1242, Management goals 2221, 2228 1245, 2281 Management information sys- Library collections 1234 tems 2402, 2406 Library cooperation 1230 Management methods 1353, Library networking 1240 1495, 1553, 1606, 1709, Licenses 1500 2177, 2219, 2222, 2276, Licensing 1509, 1510 2284, 2285, 2286, 2292, Lighting 2247 2305, 2492 Linguistics 2468, 2469, Management operations 1248, 2470, 2472 1550, 1879, 2214, 2216, Lipoproteins 1895 2220, 2225, 2273, 2279 Literature 1612, 2475, 2476, Management research 2218 2477, 2478, 2481, 2485, Management systems 2386, 2489 2388 Liver diseases 1773, 1949 Managers 1587, 1664, 1853, Livestock 2063 2222, 2231, 2232, 2281, Livestock housing 2133 2287, 2291 Loans 1439 Manganese oxides 2352

151 Manpower needs 1403, 1586 Mercury 1701, 1986 Manuals and handbooks 1721, Metal coatings 1996 2298 Metal working industry 2350 Manufacturing 1386, 1437 Meteorological satellites Manures 2147 1712 Mapping 1680 Meteorology 1723 Maps 1343, 1546 Methane 1981 Marine areas 1745, 1747 Mice 1794 Marine biology 1757, 1768 Microbial processes 1740 Marine fisheries 1778, 2213 Microorganisms 1736, 2041 Marine insurance 1569 Microscopes 1690 Marine resources 2195, 2213 Middle income 1469 Marine transportation 2251 Migration 1785 Market management 2299, Migration workers 1352 2302, 2303 Military 1335, 1526, 1536, Market planning 2183 1537, 1964 Marketing 2185, 2301, 2369 Military personnel 1531 Marketing management 2304 Military strategy 1542 Marriage 1503, 1504, 1505, Milk processing 2175 1644 Milk products 2174, 2177 Marriage customs 1645 Minangkabau 1474, 1640 Mass communication 1611, Mineral 2357 2237, 2239, 2240 Mineral resources 1727, Mass media 1231, 2442, 2451 2013 Massage 1866 Ministry of health 1510, Materials tests 1987 1554 Mathematical analysis 1659 Ministry of labor 1328 Mathematical models 1660 Ministry of publication Mathematics 1599 works 1524 Measurement 1732 Minority groups 1349 Measurement and detection Modernization 1309 1223, 1580, 1697' 2040, Molasses 2317 2134, 2137 Molecular structure 2377 Meat processing 2189, 2334 Molecular weight 2377 Meat products 2187, 2335 Monetary policy 1423, 1427, Medical records 1790 1428 Medical sciences 1240, 1789 Monetary systems 1422, Medicinal plants 2083 1423, 1425 Medicine 1849, 1852, 1857, Money supply 1424, 1429 1858, 1859, 1862 Moneylenders 1496 Medium-scale industry 1476 Monogamy 1644 Meetings 1490, 2225 Monopolies 1466 Menopause 1959 Moon 1670 Mental disorders 1497 Moral education 1591 Mental health 1384 Morals 1278, 1355 Mental health care 1264 Mortality 2139 Merchant marine 2044 Mortality decline 1341

152 Mortality rate 1341 Network 1326 Moslems 1286, 1289 Network analysis (manage- Mosque 2435 ment) 1327 Mothers 1572 Nickel 1998 Motion picture 2240 Nickel ores 2357 Motivation 1399, 1532 Noise pollution 1842, 1844, Motor vehicle engines 2011 2040 Motor vehicles 2002 Nonformal education 1565 Mountains 2462 Nuclear energy 1988 Movement 1359 Nuclear reactors 1986 Muhammadiyah 1368 Nuclear scattering 1691 Multinational enterprises Nuclear technology 1987 1477 Number theory 1662 Muramidase 1855 Numerical analysis 1990 Mushrooms 2103, 2104, 2105, Nurseries 1831 2106, 2332 Nurses 1831 Music 1303, 1685, 1686, Nursing 1880 1687, 2456 Nutrition 1801, 1808, 1811, Mycotoxins 2067 1812 Mysticism 1283 Nutrition improvement 1324, 1755, 1814, 1836, 1838, National budgets 137 4, 2148 1450, 1451 Nutritional analysis 2330 National defense 1526, 1527, 1529, 1530, 1539, Obesity 1813, 1883, 1884 1540, 1633, 2044 Observation 1584, 1710 National level 1245, 1331, Occupational heal th 1397, 1332, 1836, 2249 1413 National policy 1727 Occupational opportunities National resources 1481 1383, 1393, 1967 Natives 1624 Occupational organizations Natural environment 1288 1611, 161 3 Natural resource development Occupational qualifications 1727 1258 Natura 1 resources 1728, Occupational safety 1413, 2250 1846 Natural resources invento- Ocean and seas 1840 ries 2013 Ocean tides 1713 Naval operations 1538, 1539 Oceanographic research 1711 Naval warfare 1538 Oceanography 1715 Navy 1334, 1535, 1541, 1542 Octanes 2002 Nematicides 2060 Oculocerebrorenal syndrome Nematodes 2060 1955 Nervous system abnormalities Office management 2229, 1943 2291 Nervous system disorders Office workers 2298 1930, 1932 Oil drilling 2014

153 Oil palms 2088, 2089, 2090 Papain 1765 Oil pollution 1840, 1841 Papaya 1766 Oil recovery 2014, 2017 Paper industry 2362 Oil spills 1714 Paper products 2363 Oil storage 1972 Paperboards 2368 Oil wells 2015 Papua New Guinea 1366 Ointments 1854 Paracetamol 1862 Old age 1795 Parapsychology 1273, 1274, Old age benefits 1885 1275, 1282 On farm water management Parasites 1738 1520 Parasitic diseases 1737 On the job training 1548 Parents 1638, 1940 Onions 2056 Parliament 1490 Open universities 1610, Pasta 1911 1999 Pasuruan 2177 Operating costs 2257 Pathology 1963 Ophiocara aporos B 1779 Patient care planning 1948 Optical equipment 1689 Patients 1279 Oral communication skill Peace 1528 2486 Penetration 1986 Oral health 1909 Penicillins 1865, 1918 Oranges 2325 Performance standards 2007 Orchids 1758, 1759 Periodicals 1251 Organizations 1220, 1221, Peripheral nervous system 1222, 1 223, 1 350, 1368, 1932 2230, 2267, 2292 Periscopes 1689 Ornamental plants 2107, Persea americana 2328 2108 Personality 1267, 1268, Orthopaedics 1953 1602, 1792, 2469 Otorhinolaryngologic di- Personnel 1406 seases 1898 Personnel development 1403 Otorhinoloryngology 1899 Personnel management 1587, overflows 2032 2044, 2290 Oxidation 2351 Pest control 1774, 2059, Oxygen 1700 2063, 2064 Pest resistance 2068, 2071, Pacific ocean 1525 2076 Pacitan 2358 Pesticides 1873, 2062 Packaging 2008, 2009 Petroleum 1841 Padang Panjang 1449 Petroleum industry 1320, Paddy 1464 2217 Painting 2343, 2448, 2449 Pharmaceutical industry Paints 2343, 2344, 2345 1477 Palembang 2490 Pharmaceuticals 1848 Palue island 1729, 1731 Pharmacists 1853 Pancasila 1253, 1254, 1278 Pharmacology 1817, 1855, Pap smear tests 1960 1858, 1859, 1860, 1873

154 Phenomenalism 1280 Poisoning 1872 Philippines 2156 Police 151 2, 151 3, 151 4, Philosophical doctrines 1515, 1516 1275, 1287 Policy making 1315, 2226 Philosophy 1285, 1307 Political aspects 1479 Philosophy of action 1253 Political leadership 2490, Philosophy of ideologies 2491 1252, 1254 Political participation 1351 Philosophy of life 1253 Political parties 1367 Philosophy of science 1216, Political philosophy 1254 1942 Political representation Photographic lenses 2453 1255 Photography 1681, 2450, Political sociology 1345 2454 Political systems 1350, Photosphere 1716 1506 Physical ex'amination 2171 Politics 1357, 1358, 1362, Physical fitness 1812, 2458 1363, 1364, 1637 Physical handicaps 1'562, Polluted areas 1735 1563, 1564, 1565, 1957 Pollution 1414, 1746, 1839 Physical therapy 1867 Pollution impact 1714 Physicians 1830, 1832 Polybutadiene 2375, 2377 Physiology 1795 Polyelectrolytes 1694 Phytoplankton 1767 Polymers 2375 Pigeons 1780 Pontianak 2087 Pilot scale operations 2364 Population and demography Pineapples 2094, 2095, 2312 1305, 1343 Pipelines 2006 Population density 2158 Piping systems 2006, 2007 Population dynamics 1340, Pippetes 1796 1346 Placebos 1868 Popu la ti on growth 1558, Plankton 1767, 1768, 1769 2250 Planning 1614 Population impact 1352 Plant breeding 2092 Population policy 1342 Plant fibers 2374 Populations 1729 Plant growth 2055, 2090 Porphyrins 1693 Plant morphology 2057 Portofolio theory 1422 Plant physiology 2057 Position (location) 2045 Plant propagation 2066 Potable water 2037 Plant resources 1775 Poultry 1863, 1952, 2119, Plasmids substitutes 1733 2143, 2147, 2149, 2152, Plastic arts 1618, 2440, 2159, 2161, 2163, 2164, 2441, 2442, 2443, 2444, 2165, 2168 2445 Poultry diseases 2121, Plutella xylostella 2059 2122, 2123, 2124, 2170 Plywood 2419 Poultry housing 1864 Podzols 2065 Poultry meat 2182, 2189 Poetry 2480, 2488 Poverty 1287, 1545

155 Power demand 2002 Progress reports 1248 Power plants 1976, 1977 Project management 2214, Practical meditation 1282 2256 Precious stone 1726, 2358 Prolonged lactation 1808 Pregnancy 1797, 1849, 1924, Prose 2482 2128 Proteins 1929, 2314 Pregnancy complications 1923 Prototypes 1689 Preschool education 1597 Provinces 1571 Preservatives 1800 Prurigo 1915 Preserved foods 2109, 2179 Pseudomonas 1735 Pressure 1907 Psychiatric diagnosis 1276 Prestressed concrete 2019 Psychiatrists 1939 Price regulation 1465 Psychiatry 1937, 1941, 1942, Prices 1401, 1402, 1450, 1946 1464, 1466 Psychoanalysis 1276, 1946 Primary schools 1591, 1596, Psychological aspects 1259, 1599, 1600 1266, 1941 Primates 1787 Psychological guidance 1944 Printing industry 2243, Psychological needs 1820 2244, 2245, 2246, 2247 Psychology 1943 Printing papers 2365 Psychology education 1261 Prisoners 1820 Psychopathology 1497 Private education 1600 Psychotherapy 1870, 1871, Private enterprises 1472, 1944 1474, 1475 Psychotronics 1216 Private investments 1430 Public consumption 1463 Private sector 1426, 1475, Public education 1564 1478, 1479 Public enterprises 1398, Problem solving 1829 2273, 2276, 2277, 2279 Product development 2422 Public health 1412, 1517 Product standards 1634, Public health care 1836, 2415 1839, 1844 Production increa,ses 1657, Public housing 1440, 2252, 2053, 2135, 2303 2259 Production management 1459, Public investments 1374 2014, 2257, 2294, 2301, Public relations 1516, 1607 2398 Public transportation 1521 Production methods 1454, Pulmonary tuberculosis 1900 1962 Pulp 2362, 2366, 2368, 2369 Productivity 1454, 1579, Pulpotomy 1912 1583, 1585 Pumice 2413 Professionals 1232, 1407, Puppetry (theater) 2461 1589 Profits 2258, 2271 QUail 1781, 1782, 2148 Programmers 1619 Quality 2174, 2178, 2185, Programming languages 2389, 2186 2390, 2394

156 Quality control 1518, 2294, Research centers 2319 2295, 2297, 2324, 2345, Research management 2048 2346 Research methodology 1284, Quality of life 1289, 1589 1663, 1723, 1788, 1987 Quarternary 1725 Research organizations 1222 Research workers 2288 R & D centres 1272, 1406 Residential buildings 2438 R & D managers 2231 Resistance 2004 R & D operations 1222 Resources allocation 1552 Rabbits 2111·, 2172, 2173 Respiratory diseases 1898 Radar 1680 Respiratory system 1898 Radar equipment 1718 Respiratory tract diseases Radio 2001 1903 Radio broadcasting 2233, Responsibility 1497, 1515, 2235 2224 Radio communications 1999, Rethoric 2487 2000, 2235, 2238, 2239, Revenues 1451 2242 Rheumatic heart diseases Radiography 2452 1887 Rats 1912 Rheumatoid arthritis 1929 Rattan 2086 Rice 1464, 2051, 2.068, Raw materials 1741 2069, 2071, 2072, 2073, Reaction kinetics 1704 2074, 2076, 2077 Reading 1 61 2 Rice straw 2103, 21 05, Recruitment 2290 2106, 2109 Refraction 1931 Rivers 1713, 2193 Regional development 1378 Roasting 2357 Regional economic integra- Rockets 2048 tion 1481 Roots (plants) 2084 Regulations 1510 Rubber crops 2166, 2376 Rehabilitation 1564, 1565 Ruminants 1772, 2116 Reinforced concrete 2020, Rural areas 1456, 1545, 2021 1967, 1980, 1983 Relay systems 2001 Rural communities 1347 Religion 1284, 1298, 1302, Rural development 1419, 1304 • 1653, 2242, 2424 Remote sensing 1679 Rural sociology 1441 Renal 1803 Rural urban migration 1352 Rendom processes 2384 Rural youth 1567 Reports 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250 Safety 2062 Representative democracy Sagabeans 2080 1255 Sago 2321 Reproduction 1807 Salmonella 1952 Research 1229, 1279 Saltwater fish 2338 Research and development Samin 1322 2231 Sampling 1663, 1699

157 Sangihe-Talaud 1656 Semantics 2470 Sardines 2337 Semen 1736, 1793, 1796 Satellites 1665, 1667, 2045 sensitivity 1959 Saving and loan associations Serodiagnosis 1882 1421 Sex deviation 1945 Saving energy 1994 Sex education 1818, 1824 Savings 1419, 1420 Sexual behavior 1820, 1822, scattering 1691 1927, 1940, 1945 scavengers 1749 Sexual dimorphism 1729 Schizophrenia 1880 Shamanism 1285 School libraries 1235, Sheep 2115, 2131, 2132, 1243, 1244 2133, 2135, 2136, 2147 Schools 1302, 1596 Ships 2040, 2042 Science 1299, 1300, 1301, Shock (pathology) 1918 1311, 1408, 2473 Shrimp 2127, 2204, 2205 Science & technology 1215 Shrimp farming 2206, 2207 Science education 1584 Signals 1989 Scientific culture 1286 Silage 2117 Scientific expeditions 1711 Silicate minerals 2357 scientific information 1219, Silicon 2004 1240, 1241, 2306 Silkworm 2191 Scientific researchers 1408 Simple irrigation 2028 Scientific theories 1216 Si tiung 2065 scientists 1280 Skilled workers 1407, 2237 Sea 1714, 1841 Skin diseases 1854, 1915, Sea surface 1712 1916, t917, 1919, 1920 Seaports 2031 Skin resistance 1918 Search and rescue services Sleep 1809, 1867 1780 Sleman 1594 Seawater 2310 Sludge 2035 Secondary schools 1586, Small business 2152, 2258 1590, 1591, 1594, 1601, Small enterprises 2163 1602, 1603, 1605 Small farms 2163 Secret 1217 Small industries 1409, l410, Secret police 1533 1476 Secularism 1 281 Small ruminants 1657 Securities 1362, 1525, 1540 Small scale industy 2344 Seedlings 1763, 1766, 2027, Smoking 1816 2089, 2090, 2376 Snakes 1783 Segara Anakan 1767 Social acts 1312, 1313 Seismic monitoring 1688 Social anthropology 1636 Seismic reflection 1708 Social aspects 1326 Seismographs 1688 Social behavior 1340, 1513 Selection 1614 Social change 1296, 1503 Self actuaiization 1870 Social costs 1380 Self instruction 1578, 1581 Social development 1333, Self medication 1869 1421, 1483, 1484, 1787

158 Social legislation 1505 Speed control 1989 Social medicine 1730 Spinach 2101, 2102 social movements 1312, 1313 Spinal cord 1933 Social participation 1347 Sports 1867, 2466 social philosophy 1278 Squids 1771 Social problems 1411, 1496, Sragen 1493 1546, 1594 Stability 1526 Socia 1 psycho logy 1936, Stainless steel 1973, 2354 2260 standardization 1233, 1237, Social science education 1252, 1291, 1389, 1634, 1593 1635 Social security 1512, 1531 Stars 1672, 1677, 1678 Social services 1562 Statistical analysis 133·9, Social structure 1642 1664 Social values 1227, 1345, Statistics 1336 1375, 1492 Steel construction 2418 Social welfare 1441, 1544, Stellar evolution 1672 1546, 1547 Stellar spectra 1676 Social workers 1543 Sterility 1259 Sociocultural change 2217 Sterilization (birth sociocultural systems 1227, control) 1555, 1561 1271, 1273, 1 276, 1 296, Sterilizing 2035 1316, 1321, 1322, 1335 Stocks and shares 1436, 1350, 1639, 1640 1447, 1453 Socioeconomic development Storage 2067, 2097 1480, 2217, 2425 Straits 1540 Sociology 1317, 1474, 1506 Strategic planning 1 357, Sociology of science 1314 1433, 1535, 1536, 153 7, Sociology research 1315, 1540, 1579, 1583, 1585, 1337, 2136 2314 Soil fertility 2055 Stream flow 2193 Soil mineral content 2065 Structural analysis 2019, Soil sciences 2054 2020, 2022 Solar cells 2004 Structural design 2019 Solar eclipses 1671 Structural grammars 2472 Solar energy 2005 Structural steels 2418 Solar radiation 1716 Student evaluation 1615, Solid wastes 1981 1616 Solutions (physi~s) 1990 Student guidance 1555, South Pacific 1366 1557, 1560 southeast Asia 1230, 1357, Student performance 1600 1358, 1361, 1369, 1372 Student teachers 1602 Soy sauce 2326 Students 1611, 1612, 1613 Soybean meal 2119 Subject indexing 1236 Soybeans 2078 Sugar cane 2060 Special schools 1615 Suggestion 1260 Spectroscopy 2377 suicide 1276

159 sulphaquinoxaline 1963 Technology transfer 1473, Sulphation 2016 1500, 1964, 1965, 1968 Sulphide minerals 2016 Te lecommunica ti on technology sun 1672, 1673 1631 Sunda Strait 1754 Telecommunications 1224 sunspots 1674 Television 2464 Supermarkets 2300 Television broadcasting supervisors 1511 2234, 2236, 2240, 2241 Supply side economics 1455 Television effects 1263 Surabaya 1851 Tempeh 2330, 2333 surakarta 1600 Temperature 1712, 2153, Surgery 1954, 1958 2335 Survey 1338 Temples 2434, 2436, 2437 Swine 2138, 2139, 2140, Terminology 1252, 1390 2141, 2151 Terracing 2423 Synthetic oil extraction Tests 1878 2347 Textile industry 2373 Syrup 1973, 2309, 2320 Textile machinery 2371 System design 2244, 2422, Textile processes 2372 2430, 2432 Theodolites 1682 Systems analysis 2252, 2256 Theology 1280 Therapeutics 1869, 1898 Tables (data) 1982 Thermal column 1986 Taiwan 1992, 2101 Theses 1218 Tawes 2212 Thinking ability 1258 Tax audits 1452 Thrombocytopenia 1897 Taxation 1448, 1452 Thyroid gland 2111 Taxonomy 2466 Tiles 2415 Tea 1696, 2064, 2081 Timber 2359 Teacher education 1602, Timbusseng-Gowa 1304 1604 Time 2282 Teacher status 1602 Time measurement 2288 Te~chers 1586, 1587, 1589 Tissue cultures 1750, 1751 Teaching 1579, 1583, 1585, Tocopherol 1802 1594, 1603 Tofu 2326 Teaching aids 1235, 1243, Tomography 2452 1251, 1303 Tondano lake 1779 Teaching methods 1310, 1584 Tooth abrasion 1907 Technological aspects 1965, Tooth brushing 1907 2205 Tooth extraction 1906 Technological development Tooth root 1911 1968, 2018 Top level managers 2223 Technological innovations Topography 1680 2303 Tourist industry 1621, 2462 Technology 1299, 13001 1301, Toxic diseases 1833, 187 3, 1311, 1407, 1966, 1967 1874 Toxic substances 1872, 2080

160 Toxicology 1874 Uranium 2018 Trade 1624 Urban development 1318 Trade liberalization 1418 Urinary tract infections Trade regulation 2187 1860, 1922 Tradition 1286 Urine 1804, 1805 Traditional culture 1639, USA 1361 1641, 1643, 2136, 2455, USSR 1525 2463 Utilization 1967 Traditional housing 2435, 2438 Vaccines 1962 Traditional medicine 1794, Vaginal diseases 1791, 1881 1834, 2083 Value 2333 Traditional technology Varietal research 2074, 1968, 2189 2076, 2077 Traffic accidents 1851 Vasectomies 1560, 1561 Training 1389, 1541, 1555, Vegetables 2008 1556, 1557, 1560 Vesicovaginal fistula 1956 Training centers 2458 Veterinary medicine 1961, Trains 2249 1962 Transmigration 1353, 1354, Vietnam 1369 1356, 2457 Villages 1318, 1323, 1347, Transmigrations 1355, 1385 1419, 1444, 1531, 1567, Transportation 1632 1637 Transsexualism 1945 Viral diseases 1914, 1951 Transvestism 1819, 1945 Viruses 1951 Transvestite 1267, 1269 Viscometers 1796 Tribal groups 1406 Viscosity 1796 Trinordiol 1857 Vitamin A 1799 Tubectomy 1555 Vitamin C 1742, 1906 Tuberculosis 1900 Vitamin deficiencies 1799 Tunnels 2106 Vitamins 1802 Turbines 2003 Vocational guidance 1242, Turmeric 2082 1607 Turtles 1784 Vocational training 1395 Volcanic eruptions 1719 Ujung Pandang 1797 Volcanoes 171 0 Ultraviolet radiation 1910 Ultraviolet spectra 1676 Wages 1402, 1403 Universities 1611 Wa9es policy 1401 Universities and colleges Walls 2033 1528 Warning systems 1989 University and college waste management 2296 students 1613 Waste recycling 1749 Upland cropping 2072 Waste treatment 2326 Upper secondary education Waste water 2211 1586, 1590, 1591, 1594, Wastes 2296 1601, 1602, 1605 water buffaloes 2134, 2137

161 water heaters 2005 worms 177 2, 177 3, 1827, water hyacinths 1979 2120 water lilies 1764 Wounds and injuries 1876, water management 1700 1933 water quality 1700 Writers 2483, 2484 Water supply 2027, 2036 Writing skills 2484 Water supply engineering Writing systems 1218, 1219, 2439 1 246, 1247, 1 248, 1 249, Watersheds 1709 1250, 1603, 2441, 2442 Wayang 2461 2443, 2444, 2445 Weather modification 1722 weed control 2061 Yeast 1756 weeding 2086 Yield increase 2074, 2098 Weight 2137 Young workers 2289 well pumps 2038 Youth 1351, 1547, 1567 west German 2400 western Pacific 1362, 1458 Zinc 2364, 2367 Wheat flour 2119 Zinc coatings 2355 Wind 1720 Wind resistant construction 2411 Women 1 2 6 1 , 1 4 0 4, 1 4 O5, 1640, 1649, 1654, 1797, 1806, 1807, 1849, 1885, 2483 Women in development 1265, 1647, 1648, 1650, 1651, 1653, 1655, 1657 Women's rights 1646, 1652 Wood 2085, 2447 Wood construction materials 2419, 2420 wood"particle boards 2361 Wood preservatives 2360 wood wastes 2362 Woodworking 2359 word organized storage 2248, 2385 Work study programs 1389 Workers 1318, 1398, 1399, 1401 Working capital 2293 Working conditions 1221, 1397, 1400, 1409, 1410, 1412, 1414, 1445, 1846, 2288





Halaman/Pages 163 - 165

Aceh 1713 Bali 1590, 1641, 2154, 1874, 2313, 2031 Jakarta 2448, 1276, 1394, 1645, 1618 Jawa (Java) 1227, 2050, 1757, 2435, 2250, 1821 Jawa Barat (West Jawa) 1657, 1459, 1586, 1602, 2185, 2176, 1 754, 21 36, 211 2, 1 769 Jawa Tengah (Central Jawa) 1322, 1493, 1395, 1976, 1977' 1637, 1605, 1603, 1600, 2495, 2017, 2437, 2436, 2203, 1775, 1767 Jawa Timur (East Jawa) 21 34, 1432, 1555, 1851' 2177' 2358, 2427, 2462 Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) 2087 Kalimantan Selatan (South Kalimantan) 1917, 2189, 2086, 2182 Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) 1354 Lampung 2036 Maluku 1747 Nusa Tenggara Barat (West Nusa Tenggara) 1505, 2049, 1752 Nusa Tenggara Timur (East Nusa Tenggara) 1467, 1636, 2130 Riau 1771 Sulawesi 2016 Sulawesi Selatan (South Sulawesi) 2356, 1797, 1778 Sulawesi Tengah (Central Sulawesi) 1304 Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi) 1656, 1779 Sumatera Barat (West sumatera) 1474, 1472, 1449, 1640, 2065, 1956 Sumatera Selatan (South sumatera) 2490 Sumatera Utara (North Sumatera) 1639, 1708 Timar Timur (East Timar) 2471 Yogyakarta 1396, 1343, 1594, 1643, 2429, 2438, 1599, 2128, 2152






Halaman/Pages 167 - 177

Acta Pharm Indon Acta Pharmaucetica Indonesia Agrivita Agrivita Agro-Ekon Agro-Ekonomika Air Minum Air Minum Aku Tahu Aku Tahu Al-Jami'ah Al-Jami'ah Al-Maktabah Al-Maktabah Al-Muslimun Al-Muslimun Alam Kita Alam Kita Anal Pendidik Analisis Pendidikan Analisa Analisa Anda Anda; majalah psikologi populer Ann Bogor Annals Bogorienses; a journal of tropical general botany Arogya Sala [l.rogya Sala Atom Indon Atom Indonesia Ayam Telur Ayam & Telur

Bahana Bahana (Bantuan Hukum, Hak-hak Asasi Manusia, Hukum Pidana dan Acara Pidana) Basis Basis; majalah kebudayaan umum Ber Antrop Berita Antropologi Ber HAKI Berita HAKI (Himpunan Ahli Konstruksi Indonesia) Ber Ilmu Penget Teknol Berita Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Ber Ind Berita Industri Ber Pasar Kerj a Berita Pasar Kerja Ber PUS Ris Dirgant LAPAN Berita Pusat Riset Dirgantara LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) Ber Selulosa Berita Selulosa Ber UNJA Berita UNJA (Universitas Negeri Jambi) Berk Ilmu Kedokter Gajah Mada Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran Gajah Mada Berk Seni Rupa Berkala Seni Rupa Bhayangkara Bhayangkara

169 Biologica Biologica Bul Bal Penelit Perus Perkeb Gula Buletin Balai Penelitian Perusahaan Perkebunan Gula Bul Fak Peternak UGM Buletin Fakul tas Peternakan UGM (Uni versi tas Gadj ah Mada) Bul Geel Buletin Geologi Bul Ilm UNSOED Buletin Ilmiah UNSOED (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman) "' Bul IMPM Buletin IMPM (Institut Manajemen Prasetya Mulya) Bul Ind Bahan Barang Tekn Buletin Industri Bahan dan Barang Teknik Bul Info Huk Mandala UIKA Buletin Informasi Hukum Mandala UIKA * Bul Info Pertan-Banda Aceh Buletin Informasi Pertanian-Banda Aceh Bul Info Pertan-Banjarbaru Buletin Informasi Pertanian-Banjarbaru "' Bul Info Pertan-Bo9or Buletin Informas1 Pertanian-Bogor Bul Info Pertan-Padang Buletin Informasi Pertanian-Padang Bul IS~! DKI Jakarta Buletin ISFI (Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia) DKI Jakarta Bul Lemb Fotogr Candra Naya Buletin Lembaga Fotografi Candra Naya Bul LEN Buletin LEN (Lembaga Elektroteknika Nasional) Bul Litbang DPP-FBSI Buletin Litbang DPP-FBSI (Departemen Penelitian dan Pengembangan-Federasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia) Bul Nelayan Buletin Nelayan Bul Penelit Ilmu Teknol Pangan Buletin Penelitian Ilmu & Teknologi Pangan Bul Penelit Kesehat Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan Bul Penelit UNDANA Buletin Penelitian UNDANA (Universitas Nusa Cendana) ~ul Pengair Buletin Pengairan "' Bul Peternak Fak Peternak UGM Buletin Peternakan Fakultas Peternakan UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada) Bul PPS! Buletin PPS! (Perhimpunan Peternak Sapi Indonesia) Bul Transf Darah Buletin Transfusi Darah Bul warta Mina Buletin Warta Mina Cakrawala Cakrawala; majalah penelitian sosial Cerm Dunia Kedokter Cermin ounia Kedokteran Cipta Cipta Clapeyron Clapeyron

170 Contin Educ Ilmu Kesehat Anak Continuing Education Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Contr Bosscha Obs Contributions of the Bosscha Observatory * CQ Nusant CQ Nusantara Dharma Wiratama Dharma Wiratama DialO<,J Dialog Dinam Farm Dinamika Farmasi

Ekon Indon Ekonomi Indonesia Ekon Keuan9 Indon Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia Ekonomis Ekonomis Eksekutif Eksekutif Elektron Elektron Energi Listr Ener<,Ji & Listrik Equilibrium Equilibrium

Forum Pengusaha Forum Pengusaha

Galang Galang Garuda Mag Garuda Magazine Gema Angkat 45 Gema Angkatan 45 Gema BPRB Gema BPRB (Badan Penghimpunan Rumah-rumah Bersalin/Rumah-rumah Sakit Bersalin) Gema Ind Kecil Gema Industri Kecil Gema Telekom Gema Telekomunikasi Gizi Indon Gizi Indonesia

Harmonis Harmon is Higina Higina Huk Pembangun Hukum dan Pembangunan Ilmu Bud Ilmu dan Budaya Ilmu Pertan Ilmu Pertanian Ilmu Peternak Ilmu dan Peternakan

171 Inddes Inddes Indon Mag Indonesia Magazine Indon Q Indonesian ~arterly Indon Today Indonesia Today INFOBANG INFOBANG (Informasi dan berita penelitian dan pengembangan) Informasi Informasi; majalah ilmu dan pembangunan FKIS-IKIP (Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Sosial, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan), Yogyakarta Insiny Indon Insinyur Indonesia Instrumentasi Instrumentasi J Kependidik Jurnal Kependidikan J Penelit Pengembang Pertan Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian J Teknol Miny Gasbumi Jurnal Teknologi Minyak & Gasbumi Jiwa Jiwa; majalah psikiatri Kalawarta Kalawarta * KATIGA KATIGA (Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja) Komput Elektron Komputer dan Elektronika Komun Bal Besar Penelit Pengembang Ind Has Pertan Bogar Komunikasi Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri Hasil Pertanian Bogar Komun Ekapr Pancakr Komun1kasi Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa Komunika Komunika Konstruksi Konstruksi * Kopi Indon Kopi Indonesia Korosi Korosi Kultura Kultura; majalah bulanan pertanian Lap Penelit Perikan Laut Laporan Penelitian Perikanan Laut Lap Pus Penelit Pengemban9 Hutan Laporan Pusat Penelit1an dan Pengembangan Hutan * Lateks Lateks Lembar Ilmu Penget !KIP Semarang Lembaran Ilmu Pengetahuan IKIP (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) Semarang Lembar Puhl LEMIGAS Lembaran Publikasi LEMIGAS (Lembaga Minyak dan Gas Bumi)

172 * Maj Barang Kulit, Karet Plastik Majalah Barang Kulit, Karet dan Plastik Maj BATAN Majalah BATAN (Badan Tenaga Atom Nasional) Maj BPPT Majalah BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) Maj Dokter Kel Majalah Dokter Keluarga Maj Farm Indon Majalah Farmasi Indonesia Maj Gula Indon Majalah Gula Indonesia Maj Ikat Pust Indon Majalah Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia Maj Ilm Fak Kedokter USAKTI Maj~lah Ilmiah Fakultas Kedokteran USAKTI (Universitas Trisakti) * Maj Ilm Fak Pertan UNAND Majalah Ilmiah Fakultas Pertanian UNAND (Universitas Andalas) * Maj Ilm Univ Udayana Majalah Ilmiah Universitas Udayana Maj Ilmu Perpust Info Majalah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informatika Maj Kedokter Andalas Majalah Kedokteran Andalas Maj Kedokter Diponegoro Majalah Kedokteran Diponegoro Maj Kedokter Gigi Surabaya Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Surabaya Maj Kedokter Indon Majalah Kedokteran Indones.i.a Maj Kesehat Majalah Kesehatan Maj Kesehat Jiwa Majalah Kesehatan Jiwa Maj Kesehat Masy Indon Majalah Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Maj Ketahan Nas Majalah Ketahanan Nasional Maj Keuang Majalah Keuangan Maj KORPRI Majalah KORPRI (Karp Pegawai Republik Indonesia) Maj LAPAN Majalah LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) Maj Mhs Majalah Mahasiswa Maj Obstet Ginekol Indon Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia Maj Orthop Indon Majalah Orthopaedi Indonesia Maj Pemasy Majalah Pemasyarakatan Maj Pers Dok Gigi Indon Majalah Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia Maj Pertan Majalah Pertanian Maj Teknol Pangan Majalah Teknologi Pangan Maj UNDANA Majalah UNDANA (Universitas Nusa Cendana)

173 Manajemen Manajemen Man tap Man tap * Manual Karant Kehewan Manual Karantina Kehewanan Masy Indon Masra~akat Indonesia Mawas D1r1 Mawas Diri Media Film Indon Media Film Indonesia Media Gizi Kel Media Gizi dan Keluarga Media Hosp Media Hospitalia * Media Info Media Informatika Media KODI Media KODI (Koordinasi Da'wah Islam) Media LEKNAS-LIPI Media LEKNAS-LIPI (Lembaga Ekonomi dan Kemasyarakatan Nasional-Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) * Media Perpust Pus UNCEN Media Perpustakaan Pusat UNCEN (Universitas Cenderawasih) Media Pestis Media Pestisida Media Peternak Media Peternakan Media Tekn Media Teknik Media Tekst Media Tekstil Mekatronika Mekatronika Menara Perkeb Menara Perkebunan Metalurgi Metall.lrgi Mgmt Usahaw Indon Management & Usahawan Indonesia Mimb BP-7 Mimbar BP-7 (Badan Pembinaan Pendidikan Pelaksanaan Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila) Mimb Ilmu Mimbar Ilmu Mimb Pendidik A~ama Mimbar Pend1dikan Agama Mimb Studi Mimbar Studi Mimb Ulama Mimbar Ulama Mob Mob; mekanik populer & mobil

Neurona Neurona

Optimis Optimis Oryza Oryza

174 Oseanol Indon Oseanologi di Indonesia Paedagogia Paedagogia Paediat Indon Paediatrica Indonesiana Pedom Tekn Pus Penelit Marihat Pedoman Teknik Pusat Penelitian Marihat Peli ta BPKS Pelita BPKS (Balai Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial) * Pemb Penelit Puslitbangtan Pemberitaan Penelitian Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan Pembimb Pembaca Pembimbing Pembaca Pemeriksa Pemeriksa Pendidik Ilmu Penget Alam Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan ALam Peny Hewan Penyakit Hewan Penyul Graf Penyuluh Grafik~ Penyul Sos Penyuluh Sosial Pertamb Energi Pertambangan & Energi * Pesan Pesan Poultry Indon Poultry Indonesia Prisma Prisma Prisma Eng Ed Prisma; English edition Proc ITB Proceedings ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) * Prof Bal Ind Ambon Profil Balai Industri Ambon Puhl Khus Direkt Sumberd Mineral Publikasi Khusus Direktorat Sumberdaya Mineral Pusara Pusara; majalah pendidikan, ilmu dan kebudayaan Roman Arkeol Romantika Arkeologia Sartika Sartika Sci Contr Scientific Contribution Scientiae Scientiae; majalah sains dan teknologi populer Semesta Semesta * Sigma Sigma Sinar Islam Sinar Islam Studia Islamika Studia Islamika * Suara Buruh Suara Buruh

175 Suara Guru Suara Guru Suara Teknol Suara Teknologi Sumbangsih Sumbangsih Sumberd Manusia Sumberdaya Manusia Tarik Tarik * Teh Kina Teh dan Kina Teknol Indon Teknologi Indonesia Tenaga Kerj a Tenaga Kerj a Terubuk Terubuk Theosofi Theosof i Tifico Tifico (Teijin Indonesia Fiber Corporation) Tinj Ekon BNI-1946 Tinjauan Ekonomi BNI-1946 Transmigrasi Transmigrasi Trans tel Indon Transtel Indonesia Trubus Trubus Uang Ef ek Uang & Efek Varia Farm Varia Farmasi varia Perikan Lampung varia Perikanan Lampung Wali Songo Wali Songo Wanita Dalam Pembangun Wanita Dalam Pembangunan Warga Sejaht Warga Sejahtera Warta BRI Warta BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) warta Konsum Warta Konsumen Warta LAPAN Warta LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) Warta Parapsikol Warta Parapsikologi * Warta Penelit Pengembang Pertan Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Warta Pengelol Penelit Pengembang Warta Pengelolaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Warta PERTAMINA Warta PERTAMINA (Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara) Warta PERUMNAS warta PERUMNAS

176 warta PITS Yogyakarta Warta PITS {Pusat Informasi Teknik Sangunan) Yogyakarta warta Zoa warta Zoa Widya Praja Widya Praj a Yudhagama Yudhagama