Community Participation in Coastal Conservation: A Case Study of Upstream Area of Segara Anakan Lagoon,

1. Nandi, M.Sc., Geography, UPI Bandung - Indonesia 2. Jürgen Heinrich, Prof. DR., Physical Geography, Institute of Geography Universität Leipzig


The increasing population growth and the rapid development activities in upstream of the catchment area for various utilizations (residential, industrial, Agricultural, tourism and others) affected to the ecological pressure on the River Ecosystem and Coastal Resources. It also requires very wide land, thus forcing land use changes at Catchment Areas. The intensive land use in the upstream also creates erosion and causing the large production of river sedimentation brought from upstream to downstream.

Community is one of the stakeholders who plays important role in conservation process of Lagoon. The existence and participation in coastal conservation would be able to make sustainable of coastal ecosystems.

The objectives of this research are to identify and analysis of community response and participation in conservation, particularly community at upstream area of Segara Anakan Lagoon. This research also uses survey and analytical descriptions as methodology. The findings demonstrate that there are still lacks of community participation in the forms of participation such as idea, materials, money, energy, and social.

Keywords: Community, forms participation, coastal conservation, Segara Anakan Lagoon

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th 5 Proceediings th 338 April 27 , 2013 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University


Segara Anakan Lagoon is located in the western district of Cilacap - Central border with Ciamis District - Indonesia. Growth and development of inland areas Segara Anakan Lagoon (Cilacap, ) has increased so fast. Silt brought by several rivers (Citanduy, Cimeneng and Cibeureum) into the Segara Anakan approximately 5 million cubic meters each year. Although dredging has been conducted but the contribution of silt from a river that resulted in narrowing the lagoon area was too large.

To prevent this development, the Government of and the Central Government has planned to conduct the normalization of Ci Tanduy River, so that eventually flow of Ci Tanduy River is no longer leads to the Segara Anakan Lagoon but direct to Indian Ocean. This plan is only under discussion, because in fact these programs has not been released and are controversial.

The lagoon environment is a closed and semi-closed environment formed by the interaction between marine and terrestrial processes; has a complex resource that comes from land and sea. A source of water in the Lagoon is the river and the sea, where tidal currents and waves are still influential.

Therefore, lagoon environment is very interesting to study, unique, not only containing a variety of aspects (geology, oceanography and climatology) but also mineral and biological resources are quite large.

Today, the area of Segara Anakan Lagoon increasingly narrowed because a very intensive process of sedimentation. Some locations that previously declared a scorched area of sand, has merged with the mainland in Cilacap.

Basically, there are three main issues and problems regarding the Segara Anakan coastal conservation. Erosion process at the upstream area, a very intensive process of sedimentation, and the area of Segara Anakan Lagoon increasingly narrowed.

Based on the above problems, silting and destruction of the ecology of lagoon's existence should be anticipated and addressed. Some things to be done (hypothetical), including: (1) structuring function, (2) improving standards of living, and (3) increasing community participation of conservation of the lagoon.

The existence of local community at upstream area is very important in conservation

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process of Segara Anakan Lagoon. The utilization of various lands in upstream area is one of th 5 Proceediings th 339 April 27 , 2013 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University the triggers of sedimentation in Segara Anakan, so that local community awareness and concern is required.

There are two districts located at upstream of Citanduy River. Ciamis Regency and that have played main roles as contributor of sedimentation by erosion process. Therefore, it would be interested in to identify and analyses forms of participation from those of districts.

Source: Satellite Image SPOT 2007

Objective/Research Question

This study tries to analyse the following research question: To what extent community participation in conservation of Segara Anakan Lagoon. Identifying and analysing the participation of community in upstream area will address this question. The objectives are to knowing and identify social economic condition and forms of participation on coastal conservation at upstream area of Segara Anakan.

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Research Methodology

This research using survey method, which is directly observing objects that are examined. A Survey is a method of research that aims to collect large amounts of data in the form of variables, units, and individuals at the same time. Data collected through individual or specific physical sample in order to be able to generalize against what is researched. The variables that are collected in the research include social condition of individuals.

The location of this research taken from two regency where both of them have characterized as upstream area of Citanduy River which contributes to sedimentation of Segara Anakan Lagoon. There are Ciamis (West Java Province) and Cilacap (Central Java Province). The samples of individuals have been taken by purposive sampling. Data collection is derived from the depth interview and field survey on both of location.


Community participation is undertaken every effort of the community, it could be individuals or groups within an activity. Community participation in this research is focused on how peoples involved on conservation efforts both in private, collective, and institutional. Participation is indicated by the presence of active participation from the start to the process of planning, implementation and evaluation process. Participation of the stakeholders varies in intensity and approach (Arnstein, 1969).

The degree of participation may be of three types: non-participation, partial participation and genuine participation. In nonparticipation, the local people are ignored and the outside officials and experts take the decisions of conservation and management. In partial participation, the local people are not involved in decision‐ making, but are consulted or they may be allowed to participate in return for food, cash and other incentives. In genuine participation, the stakeholders are involved in decision‐ making directly taken on planning, implementation and monitoring of mangrove resources. The last type of people’s participatory approach is most important and it deserves wide spread appreciation (Kathiresan, 2004). (Oakley & Marsden, 1991) Defined community participation as the process by which individuals, families, or communities assume responsibility for their own welfare and

develop a capacity to contribute to their own and the community’s development. In the

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th 5 Proceediings th 341 April 27 , 2013 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University context of development, community participation refers to an active process whereby beneficiaries influence the direction and execution of development projects rather than merely receive a share of project benefits. The objectives to which community participation might contribute are: 1. Sharing projects costs: participants are asked to contribute money or labour (and occasionally goods) during the project’s implementation or operational stages. 2. Increasing projects efficiency: beneficiary consultation during project planning or beneficiary involvement in the management of project implementation or operation. 3. Increasing projects effectiveness: greater beneficiary involvement to help ensure that the project achieves its objectives and that benefits go to the intended groups. 4. Building beneficiary capacity: either through ensuring that participants are actively involved in project planning and implementation or through formal or informal training and consciousness-raising activities. 5. Increasing empowerment: defined as seeking to increase the control of the underprivileged sectors of society over the resources and decisions affecting their lives and their participation in the benefits produced by the society in which they live.

This research tries to explain several variables that connecting to forms of participation which is conduct by peoples at upstream area. There are: 1) Socialization that ever been used by the government/NGOs/other institutions, 2) reforestation area, 3)

Improving sanitation/drainage, 4) Planting on front yard, 5) planting on critical land, 6) reforestation preserved area, 7) conservation plan activities, 8) road maintenance, 9) Keeping the environment clean, 10) Safeguarding the environment, 11) Provision of health and education facilities. Then, these variables are crosstabs with the type or form of participation that have been made by people, such as how percentage of the people who participated in the form of ideas/thoughts, money/materials, energy, expertise, and social. Based on the data that has been obtained in the field, it can be said that there were differences in the forms of participation that exist in Ciamis and Cilacap. In each category of participation, among Ciamis and Cilacap having a different percentage. The highest percentage was in existing of ideas or thoughts on the categories of activities contained in the

conservation planning in Cilacap, while in Ciamis the highest was in the category provision

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th 5 Proceediings th 342 April 27 , 2013 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University of education and health facilities. This is caused by the level of education in Cilacap better than Ciamis, judging from the number of graduate of schools in the two districts. Participation in the form of goods/materials related to the economic conditions that are owned by the people. This condition allows the ownership of the goods can indicate as the social status and the amount of participation given. In the category of forms participation of material, Ciamis people contributes more on reforestation activities in preserved areas and planting on critical lands, while in Cilacap material given to reforestation in the area. Same with the material participation, participation in the form of money also indicates economic conditions of people. The better of economy condition the more contribution that money given. in Ciamis participation in the form of money given to the maintenance of roads, whereas in Cilacap was given to forest preservation activities. In Cilacap community, the activities of socialization on the conservation of upstream area are very desirable. This can be seen from the relatively high percentage of participation, means that people in Cilacap always come in the socialization activity given by local governments or other institutions that provide guidance and counselling in the context of conservation. Whereas in Ciamis, percentages of participation in the forms of energy given to reforestation. These caused by a number of young people and have a large energy for conservation. The expertise of the people closely associated with the level of education held by the community. The experts in the field, the more he would be interested in selecting the appropriate participation of specialization. On average, people in Ciamis were contributing in activities of reforestation preserved area, conservation plan activities and road maintenance. While many people in Cilacap are choosing reforestation and environmental hygiene respectively. In the form of social participation has shown by a voluntary community involvement in certain activities. In Ciamis, community jointly maintains the health and education facilities, while also maintaining forests. Whereas in the Cilacap, social engagement activities shown in the planning of conservation area.

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Provision of health and Cilacap education facilities

social Safeguarding the Ciamis environment

Keeping the environment Cilacap clean

expertise Ciamis road maintenance

Cilacap conservation plan activities energy Ciamis reforestation preserved area

Cilacap Safeguarding the forest

existing Forms of Participation money Ciamis planting on critical land

Cilacap Planting on front yard

materials Ciamis

Cilacap Idea


0 20 40 60 80

Source: Research Analysis


Community participation in conservation efforts is closely related to a variety of things such as education, culture, environment, and others. Education plays an important role in environmental conservation need. Through education, people can know the impact of the

activities that had been done to their environment. Are these activities in order to preserve the International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences Social and Humanities on Conference International

environment or damage it? In Citanduy River upstream, especially for Ciamis and Cilacap

th 5 Proceediings th 344 April 27 , 2013 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University district as the area of research, most of their peoples only completed primary school. This is due to geographical conditions vary. Most communities upstream of Citanduy River are in a mountainous area, which is quite difficult to reach. Thus causing low school enrolment. In addition, the number of education facilities is very limited. Distance to the location of the school is relatively far away, and the condition of inadequate educational infrastructure. It also causes very low level of participation in the conservation of Segara Anakan Lagoon. In addition, farming and cultivating land that is also important in the uplands. If the way in which the environmentally unfriendly it will damage the continuity of the land in that area. In fact, people in the uplands are very involved in various processes of conservation activities Segara Anakan. Upstream area is a major location that contribution in the process of erosion of Citanduy River which then flows into sedimentation in Segara Anakan Lagoon. Lack of knowledge about conservation in schools and lack of socialization on the conservation by the government, would lead to low awareness of people to keep their environment. Almost all the community in the upper Citanduy River have just active role in keeping the environment if the benefits can be felt directly by them. For instance, people who maintain the river because of their settlement close to the river. Meanwhile, people who live far from the river would not care to the cleanliness and condition of the river begins to deteriorate and dry in the dry season. Some of the activities carried out which showed a high level of participation in the reforestation effort. It’s because of through planting tree then water demand will remain safe. But planting trees was conduct if any government assistance programs. In this case the initiative of the people themselves are very low. In addition, farming also do not fully conform to the principles of conservation, thus accelerating soil degradation and erosion is high in upstream areas. Most of farmers who use the land, it is usually a perennial plant trees, because they found the tree to hold water like Indonesia albizia, teak, mahogany, and others. In fact, these species require very high conservation technique. In addition, the farmers do not use the correct conservation principles in processing dry land, such as the use of terracing, and infiltration wells. They just use it in the wetlands or Paddy fields. So that, in the rainy season the potential of erosion in upstream areas is high. Attrition rate is very high in upstream areas will cause a very intense sedimentation in downstream areas. In this case sedimentation has occurred in Segara Anakan Lagoon. Intensive sedimentation and siltation could emergence of new lands. New land could lead to disputes arising in communities

downstream. Disputes can occur between people and the government.

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Generally, community in Ciamis and Cilacap gives participation in forms of energy or power. This is caused by the absence of factors sufficient knowledge about conservation, so it was not emerge by the consciousness of self. Participation is given when there is implementation of the government's reforestation program. The government provides counselling in the form of ordinances and tree planting seedlings administration. Knowledge about Segara Anakan was very low. It caused by a lack of socialization and information about the importance of existence of Segara Anakan to society. So that the information obtained was very less. Though the activities of farmers and communities in the uplands of Segara Anakan highly contributed to sedimentation problems that arise in Segara Anakan today.


Based on the results of research had to simultaneously influence to the success of the conservation program, it can be seen from the percentage participation given by the Ciamis and Cilacap. Forms of participation that can be given are ideas/thoughts, materials, money, energy, expertise, and social. The success of the conservation program is determined by factors that include human resources, skills development programs, and other organizational resource mobilization. From these results we can note that participation is not as input that can affect to the process of conservation, but the government is more dominant factor in determining the success or failure of conservation programs. Therefor, participation in conservation activities must be developed from the bottom up.

The quality of human resources is very influential to the success or failure of conservation programs. The low quality of human resources in the communities of Ciamis and Cilacap will lead to unsuccessful conservation program. Based on the findings of the field of research location, they do not know what it is conservation mean. Because the quality of human resources is very important in the efforts of conservation, then the government must be increase the human resource-oriented of environmental conservation. This activity should be a government priority activity. Giving ample opportunity to the entire community in Ciamis and Cilacap to going to school until a higher level makes efforts. In addition, the government continues to provide informal counselling, education and training that is sustainable conservation.

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