Jilid 25 Bagian 2, 1984 INDEKS. MAJALAH ILMIAH INDONESIA (INDEX OF INDONESIAN LEARNED PERIODICALS) ISSN 0216-6216 PUSAT DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI ILMIAH INDONESIAN CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION LEMBAGA ILMU PENGETAHUAN INDONESIA INOONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES Jakarta, Indonesia Petunjuk Pemakaian - User's Guide Nomor entri Pengarang Author(s) ~Hattab, Sjarifuddin / ______;_,;;..___,__../ Perlu pengamanan terhadap kadar Judul karangan zat asam oksigen dalaJn air sungai. Terjemahan Title (Control of oxygen content in river Translation water) Singkatan judul majalah Abbreviated jolirnal title Volume Tahun terbitan Volume Year of publication Nomor Number Penyunting Bambang Suprlyo Utomo Editors Nur Rif'ah Fatich Pengindeks Bambang Setlarso Indexers Bambang Supriyo Utomo N. Karlina Tribrata Nur Rif'ah Fatich Rosa Widyawan Pembantu Umum Etty Budiarti Assistants Mari di Samino Alam at PD II-LIP I Address Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. IO P.O. Box 3065/Jkt Jakarta 10002 INDONESIA DAFT AR ISi/CONTENTS Pendahuluan/Foreword ...•..•.•......... Halarnan/Pages v . vi Indeks Menurut Klasifikasi/Index to Classified Section . • . • . • . Halaman/Pages 1 . 9 Indeks Utarna/Main Index ..........•.... Halaman/Pages 11 • 121 Indeks Pengarang/ Author Index . • . • . Halaman/Pages 123 • 136 Indeks Kata Kuncl/Keyword Index . Halarnan/Pages 137 • 162 Indeks Geografi/Geographical Index . Halarnan/Pages 163 • 165 Singkatan Judul Majalah Diindeks/ Abbreviated Titles of Periodicals Indexed . • . Halaman/Pages 167 • 177 Jilid 25 Bagian 2, 1984 INDEKS MAJALAH ILMIAH INDONESIA ( INDEX OF INDONESIAN LEARNED PERIODICALS) ISSN 0216-6216 PUSAT DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI ILMIAH INDONESIAN CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION LEMBAGA ILMU PENGETAHUAN INDONESIA INDONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES Jakarta, Indonesia KATALOG DALAM TERBITAN/CATALOG IN PUBLICATION Indeks majalah ilmiah Indonesia= Index of Indonesian learned periodicals. - J il. 25, bag. 2 (1984 ). - Jakarta: Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah, 1986. vi, 177 hal.. 1. Science - Periodicals. 2. Social sciences - Indexes. 3. Medicine - Indexes. 4. Agriculture - Indexes. 5. Indonesian periodicals - Indexes. 6. Indonesia - Bibliography. I. Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals. II. Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah. 016.059 922 1 Cetakan pertama, 1986 Dicetak pada PU SAT DOKUMENTASI DAN INFORMASI ILMIAH Lembaga lhnu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto P.O. Box 3065/Jkt. Jakarta 10002 PENDAHULUAH Indeks 1"1ajalah Ilmiah Indonesia 1984 J3a.gian 2 ( IMII 84-2) adalah terbitan tengah tahunan. Nomor ini merupakan terbitan kedua masa transisi sistem manual ke sistem komputer. Meliput 1286 entri karangan dalam majalah, terutama terbitan tahun 1984. Pada terbitan ini telah mengalami perbaikan dalam proses penyuntingan. Hasil luaran komputer diproses terlebih dahulu dengan "Word processor". Penerbitan serial yang memuat laporan penelitian tunggal tidak diliput dalam indeks ini, karena diliput pada Indeks Laporan Penelitian dan Survei. Dewasa ini usi~ terbitan IMII memasuki jilid/volume ke- 25. Semula terbitan ini berjudul Buletin MIPI: 1960-1966: 3-9 dan kemudian menjadi Buletin LIPI: 1967-1979: 10-12. Dalam IMII 1984-2 terdapat 240 "Singkatan judul majalah diindeks", jumlah tersebut 21 majalah merupakan majalah yang baru pertama kali diliput dalam IMII. Selain laporan indeks karangan, IMII juga dilengkapi dengan indeks pengarang, indeks kata kunci, indeks geografi. Indeks geografi disusun terbatas hingga tingkat propinsi, sedang untuk daerah/wilayah yang lebih sempit dapat dibaca pada indeks kata kunci. Semua indeks tersebut mengacu ke inf ormasi karangan yang diindeks. oalam menyiapkan indeks kata kunci, penyunting menggunakan AID Thesaurus (USA ID 1984), Spines Thesaurus (UNESCO 1 976), Macrothesaurus (O~D 1978) dan Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (EJC 1969) sebagai pedoman kerja. Oleh sebab itu daftar kata kunci disusun dalam bahasa Inggris. Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada para penerbit yang telah mengirimkan majalah ke PDII-LIPI dan rekan ~ejawat serta semua yang telah membantu menyiapkan penerbitan. Heberapa kekurangan dalam edisi percobaan ini masih mengharapkan tanggapan para pemina t IMII untuk bahan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan. Jakarta, Juli 1986 Penyunting FOREWORD Indeks dajalah Ilmiah Indonesia 1984 .dagian 2 (Index of Indonesian Learned Periodicals 1984 Part 2) is a semi-annual publication. This is the second issue during the transition period from a manual to a computerized system. It covers 1286 articles from periodicals mainly from 1984 publications and has been edited by word processor. A serial issuance of single research reports is not covered in this index, but is included in Indeks Laporan Penelitian dan Survei (Index of Research Reports and surveys). Now this publication is entering volume no. 25. It was first published under the title 11IPI Bulletin 1960-1966: 3-9 and then continued as LIPI ~ulletin 1967-1979: 10-22. There are 240 abbreviated titles scanned in this part. A total of 21 new periodical titles are included in this Index. Besides the article report index, an author index, keyword index and geographical index are available in this edition. '£he geographical index is arranged up to the provin­ cial level, while the regional level can be found under the Keyword Index. All indexes refer to indexed article informa­ tion. In preparing the index the editor made use of AID Thesaurus (USAID 1984), Spines Thesaurus (UNESCO 1976), Mac­ rothesaurus (OECD 1978) and Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms (EJC 1969) as guidelines, in order to issue the English version. We are grateful to publishers who have sent their peri­ odicals to PDII-LIPI, our colleagues and others who have assisted us in preparing this publication. Comments regarding errors found in the trial edition will be welcomed to help us in imprpving future editions. Jakarta, July, 1986 Edi tors BAGIAN I SECTION I INDEKS MENURUT KLASIFIKASI INDEX TO CLASSIFIED SECTION Halaman/Pages 1 - 9 ICLASIFIKASI/CLASSIFIED SECTION SERBANEKA ILMU/GENERALITIES The sciences and knowledge in general 1215 - 1216 semiotics, syntactics, semantics. Writing. Scripts. Notations. Signs and symbols 1217 - 1219 Organization study. Methodology. Analysis and systematization generally 1220 - 1223 Activity and organizing. Information, com- munication, control theory (cybernetics) 1224 - 1225 Civilization. Culture. Progress 1226 - 1229 Bibliographies 1230 Libraries. Librarianship 1231 - 1235 Cataloging and indexing 1236 - 1237 Reference work. Information service 1 238 - 1 241 General libraries 1242 - 1245 Reports 1246 - 1249 Abstracts 1250 Periodicals. Reviews 1 251 FILSAFAT/PHILOSOPHY Philosophical systems 1252 - 1255 Psychology 1256 - 1264 Typology. Individual psychology. Personality types. Idiosyncrasies. Temperaments 1265 - 1269 Higher mental processes 1270 - 1272 Phychic and parapsychic phenomena. Parapsychology 1273 - 1275 Ethics. Morals. Convention 1276 - 1279 AGAMA. TIDLOGl/RELIGION. THEOLOGY Religion. Theology 1 280 - 1281 •rhe religious life. Practical theology 1282 - 1283 science and comparative history of religions 1284 - 1285 Islam 1286 - 1290 Al-QUr'an (Koran) 1291 - 1292 Islamic law 1293 - 1297 Development 1 298 - 1 311 sects 1312 - 1313 ILMU-ILMU SOSIAL/SOCIAL SCIENCES social sciences 1314 - 1315 Sociology 1316 - 1322 sources, motives of social phenomena and change 1323 - 1329 Social processes. Group-formation 1330 - 1335 Sociography. Social geography (social surveys) 1336 - 1338 Statistical science. Theory. Method 1339 Demography. Population (vital statistics) 1340 - 1343 Political science. Politics. Current affairs 1344 - 1345 Parliamentary, modern democracy 1346 - 1347 Internal politics 1348 - 1 351 Migration. 1352 - 1356 International, foreign affairs 1357 - 1366 Political parties. Party system 1367 - 1368 Political economy. Economics 1369 - 1372 General concepts of economics 1373 - 1381 3 ILMU-ILMU SOSIAL ••• Labour. Work. Employment 1382 - 1395 Industrial relations: workers and employers 1396 - 1400 Wages. Salaries. Pay 1401 - 1403 Female labour and employment 1404 - 1405 Qualified and unqualified work or employ­ ment, skilled and unskillep labour 1406 - 1408 Hours, conditions, facilities, organiza- tion, etc. 1409 - 1414 Labour market 1415 - 1416 Banking 1417 - 1418 Savings banks. Savings 1419 - 1421 Money. Mint currency. Coinage . 1422 - 1429 Exchange. Financial market. Stockbroking 1430 - 1437 Credit 1438 - 1439 Private property. Housing problem, etc. 1440 - 1441 Co-o~erative movement 1442 - 1446 Public finance. State finance 1447 - 1453 Production. Creation of wealth. Economic situation 1454 - 1461 Industrial production. Manufacture 1462 - 1463 Price and value. Cost 1464 - 1466 Industrialization 1467 - 1471 Enterprises and entrepreneurs 1472 - 1476 Forms of enterprise. Metayage. Concession 1477 - 1479 Distribution, consumption, conservation of wealth or goods 1480 - 1482 Jurisprudence. Law. Legislation 1483 - 1484 Law in general. Comparative law 1485 - 1488 Public law. Constitutional law 1489 - 1491 Criminal law. Penal offences. Penology. Criminology 1492 - 1496 Criminology. Criminal anthropology,~ sociology, technology 1497 - 1498 Private law. Civil law 1499 - 1502 Marriage 1503 - 1505 Public administration. Administrative law. Military science and defence 1506 - 1508 Government legislation. Public services. Control. Regulations 1509 - 1511 Organization. Police force. Constabulary 1512 - 1516 Public health. Food. Housing 1517 - 1518 Waters. Irrigation.
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