JASA TIRTA I PUBLIC CORPORATION Jalan Surabaya No. 2A Malang 65115 http://www.jasatirta1.co.id IMPROVEMENT OF HYDRO INFORMATION SYSTEM - BRANTAS EXPERIENCE - Presented by : Firman Sarifudin
[email protected] Presented at The Collaborative Workshop of Sedimentation and Dam Technology Malang, 18th December 2013 Page 1 Brantas River Basin An archipelago of 13,000 islands – 240 million inhabitants – 5,600 rivers all over the country – divided into 131 river basins – Brantas is one of the strategic river basin of out 33 selected basins (President Decree No. 12/2012). Brantas River Basin (12.000 km2) Length = 320 km Population in CA = 16 million people Brantas River Basin = 25% area of East Java Province GRDP Brantas River Basin = 64 % GRDP in the East Java Province (as of 2009) Page 2 Infrastructures in the Basin Master Plan I Master Plan II Master Plan III Bening Dam (84) (1961 - 1973) (1974 - 1985) (1986 - 2000) Gunungsari B. (81) Waru-Turi B. (92) New Lengkong B (74) Selorejo Dam (72) Menturus R.D (93) Wonorejo Dam (00) Jatimlerek R.D (93) T.Agung Tunnel (91) Lodoyo Dam (83) Wlingi Dam (78) Sutami Dam (72) Lahor Dam (77) SengguruhPage Dam 3 (88) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Spiral Brantas River Basin Page 4 Jasa Tirta I Public Corporation PJT-I is a Corporate Type RBO . 2 river basins [Brantas & Bengawan Solo] . Approx. 600 employees . 1200 G-Wh generated energy . 250 million m³ industrial bulk-water . 400 million m³ domestic bulk-water MAIN TASKS MANDATES Jasa Tirta I Public Corporation are Jasa Tirta I Public Corporation is a state- stipulated in the Government Regulation No owned company with a mandate from the 46 of 2010 comprising among others: Government to carry out specific preventive O&M of water infrastructures and management assignments in Brantas and rendering water services.