Alternative Analysis of Flood Control Downstream of Way Sekampung River

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Alternative Analysis of Flood Control Downstream of Way Sekampung River 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590 (ICETD 2013) Universitas Bandar Lampung Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS OF FLOOD CONTROL DOWNSTREAM OF WAY SEKAMPUNG RIVER Sugito, Maulana Febramsyah Master of Civil Engineering, Graduate School, University of Bandar Lampung, Jl. Zaenal Abidin Pagar Alam 26 Bandar Lampung, 35142, Indonesia Abstract-Downstream part of the watershed is an area of lowland Sekampung with +3.00 to +4.00 elevation above sea level. Area located between the border regions of South Lampung regency and East Lampung. Originally this area was flooded reservoir area, the Swamp Sragi and surrounding areas, but along with the development of this area is used as a residential area, pertaniandan pond area for the people around the area. Padatahun 2002 River Way Sekampung experience overflow caused flooding in downstream areas which suffered losses of up to 38 billion rupiah. In this study analyzed the incidence of flooding that may occur based on rainfall data available. Based on the results of the input stream and cross sectional design flood discharge is seen that when the flood began when the river reaches flood discharge Q50-year anniversary. In this study flood control analysis performed on the three methods are: the construction of levees, making retention ponds and dredge rivers. The third input method results in HEC RAS 3.1.3 shows that building levees to reduce flooding by 32%, on a flood retention pond can be reduced up to 45% and normalization of the river is only able to reduce flooding by 20%. Most effective flood management recommendation is to build two retention ponds and technical cost reduction by flooding. Keywords: Floods, Levees, Retention Pool, Normalization River, Investment Costs 347 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590 (ICETD 2013) Universitas Bandar Lampung Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science INTRODUCTION equation) and the constriction and dilation (additional coefficients of the change in Way Sekampung is the largest river in speed). Momentum equations useful in the province of Lampung flow region situations where the water surface profile covers three districts namely: East Lampung and South Lampung regency changes abruptly. These situations include Tanggamus. With high intensity rainfall the combined flow calculation system River Way Sekampung often cause (example: water jump) or flow on the flooding to the area - the area through bridge and changes in water level at the which the flow. Natural conditions that confluence of the channel (the flow at the cause decreased function Way intersection). Sekampung is the main factor for the flood event. Where the River Way 2. Unsteady flow Sekampung no longer have the capacity to normal reservoir, the decrease in the capacity of certain moments when the rain Components to be developed for the came down with a high intensity and a flow is not steady subcritical flow very long time the incident was unavoidable flooding occurred in the area calculations. Hydraulic calculations for around the river. cross-sections, bridges, culverts and other hydraulic structures that were developed RESEARCH OBJECTIVES for the steady flow component coupled with no steady flow calculations. The study objectives are: Components for steady flow is not used to a. Minimize flood inundation that model the hydraulic reservoir and occurred in River Way relationship with catch. Sekampung with river flow regulation. b. Recommend technical handling a proposal / concept in river flood 3. Water Front profile on Steady Way Sekampung Downstream. Flow LITERATURE REVIEW HEC - RAS can calculate water surface profiles for one-dimensional flow 1. Steady flow gradually lasting change on natural and artificial channels. Subcritical flow, Components in the model used to supercritical, and the combined system calculate the water surface profile in flow water surface profiles can be steady flow conditions (steady). This analyzed system can be used on a channel, network or a large network of small channels 4. Basic equations including channels and other. Steady 5. component of the flow can be modeled on Water surface profiles are computed the condition of subcritical flow, from a cross-section to the next cross- supercritical, and the combined system section energy equation solved by the so- water level profile. called Basic computer calculations based on the solution of one-dimensional energy. Energy lost due to friction (Manning Metode Step Standar 348 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590 (ICETD 2013) Universitas Bandar Lampung Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science 2 1 2 Energi Grade 2V he 2 Line 2g Water Surface Y 2 Channel Bottom Y Z 1 2 Z Datum 1 Energy equation can be seen as follows: v2 v2 Y Z 2 2 Y Z 1 1 h 2 2 2g 1 1 2g(1) e Gambar 1. Parameter Penyusunan Persamaan Energi Figur 1. Energy lines Information : Y1 , Y2 = high depth on cross- Head loss(he) between 2 cross section due to friction caused by the loss and loss section 1 and 2 (m) due to narrowing or widening. Z1, z2 = channel base elevation at Head loss equation is as follows: cross-section 1 and 2 (m) 2 2 2v2 1v1 α α = speed coefficient he L S f 1, 2 2 g 2 g (2) v1 ,v2 = speed (m/dt) 2 g = gravitasi (m/det ) Information : he = loss of energy (m) He = Head loss (m) L = friction length field of 2 points observation (m) C = Loss coefficient due constriction and dilation 349 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590 (ICETD 2013) Universitas Bandar Lampung Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science α1,α2= speed coefficient A = wet cross-sectional area (cross V1,V2= speed (m/det) section) sub area G = gravitasi (m/det2) R = hydraulic radius for the sub area METHODOLOGY Calculation of the discharge cross- section in each stream section 1. Data Collection Data obtained from secondary data in the form of daily rainfall data and data on Determination of total discharge and river elevation. Detailed data required in velocity coefficients for a cross section this study are as follows: requires the division of the flow into the units because the flow velocity is not a. Rainfall Data distributed evenly. In the HEC-RAS Rainfall data obtained from local approach used is the division of the area observation stations obtained from on the levee area using constraints n Dinas PU Lampung Province values that exist in the cross-section Irrigation Station Unit One Village (location where the value of n changes) as Seputih River Region, namely the basis for the division. Discharge is Argoguruh Station, Gedong Tataan, calculated within each sub-area in the Jabung, Pagelaran and Palas Jaya. levee Manning formula is used (in metric These data taken 13 years to units) are as follows: determine the rainfall observations and debit plan in accordance with the plan of the steps in the flow chart scrutiny. Q k.S 1/ 2 b. Map Location of Study f Maps used in this study is a map of (3) the location and area of flood inundation maps that occurred in the area of the River Way 1,486 2/3 k AR Sekampung area of sub-watershed n (4) particularly Way Sekampung Downstream. c. River Elevation Data River elevation data specific to the needs of the use of HEC-RAS 3.1.3 software in simulation of flood Keterangan : events based on discharge plan with the elevation of the river can be Q = discharge seen the river flow profiles used in this study. K = drainage coefficient for the sub-area Sf = slope of the riverbed 2. Data analysis n = Manning roughness coefficient for The data has been collected and then transferred into a spreadsheet for easy sub area 350 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development ISSN 2301-6590 (ICETD 2013) Universitas Bandar Lampung Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science classification and code data, to facilitate Leveesto be builtontheriverside of data analysis stages. therunoffoccurs. Basedontheresults of runningtheprogram HEC RAS 3.1.3 Data analysis includes the presentation overflowingriverhadbegun at the time of of the data into tables, graphs and theflooddischarge Q50 yearstocross 23- pictures, then do the calculations to 11. 4, whilethecrossunder 11.4 describe the data obtained. This analysis despiterelativelysafefromfloodingfor up to includes the calculation of hydrology, Q100 yearflooddischarge. hydraulics, and economic analysis of levee stability. Planningresults back leveeheightenteredintotheprogram HEC RAS 3.1.3 to determine thewatersurfaceprofileafterbeingaddedtoth RESULTS OF RESEARCH eleveeontheright and left of thecliff and theriverleveeknowthesecuritygiventotheda ngers of flooding. In thisstudyconductedananalysis of theplannedfloodmitigationmethodswill be leveeconditions are safefromthedanger used. Themethodisplannedto be of analyzedisthemethod of construction of floodingiftheelevationleveeisgreaterthanth thelevee, makingretentionponds and ewaterlevel. dredgeriversdredgingtheriverbed. Graphicscapabilitiesusingtheleveeontheriv erafter 23 to Q50-year cross can be seen in thepicturebelow. 3. FloodPreventionwithLevee Capacity River After The Levees Surveillanceembankmentheightisdeter minedbytheprovisionscontained in table the capacity limit of the 2.6 are basedonthevalue of River Without Levees flooddischarge. Basedontheresults of runningHec Ras 3.1.3 forflooddischargewhenrepeated 2, 5, 10,50 and 100 years
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