An Introduction to Jacob Boehme Four Centuries of Thought and Reception
An Introduction to Jacob Boehme Four Centuries of Thought and Reception Edited by Ariel Hessayon and Sarah Apetrei (New York and London: Routledge, 2014) Bibliography 1. Works up to 1840 Anonymous, Muggleton Reviv’d (London: D.M., 1677) Anonymous, “The Inventions of William Blake, Painter and Poet”, in London University Magazine (March, 1830) Adolphi, Christoph, Reformation … Was von der allgemeinen Reformation der Kirchen … zu halten seye? ([Frankfurt/Main]: Unckel, 1624) Alexander I (of Russia), “O misticheskoi slovesnosti,” in Perepiska imperatora Aleksandra I s sestroi, Velikoi kniaginei Ekaterinoi Pavlovnoi (Saint Petersburg: Velikii kniaz' Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1910) Anderdon, John, One Blow at Babel In those of the Pepole called Behmenites (London, 1662) Arnold, Gottfried, Unparteyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie, 2 vols. (Frankfurt a.M.: Fritsch, 1699- 1700) idem., Das Geheimniß der göttlichen Sophia (Leipzig: Thomas Fritsch, 1700) idem., Consilia und Responsa Theologica [. .] gemein gemacht von Gottfried Arnold (Frankfurt: Thomas Fritsch, 1705) Baader, Franz von. Fermenta Cognitionis (Berlin, 1824) ———. Sämtliche Werke (Leipzig: Herrmann Bethmann, 1851-1860) Bauer, Ferdinand Christian. Die Christliche Gnosis (Tübingen: Osiander, 1835) Baxter, Richard. The Vnreasonableness of Infidelity (London: Thomas Underhill, 1655) ———. The Quakers Catchism (London: Thomas Underhill, 1655) ———. A Key for Catholics (London: Nevil Simmons, 1659) ———. Reliquiae Baxterianiæ, ed. Matthew Sylvester (London: T. Parkhurst et al., 1696) ———. Directions for weak distempered Christians (London, 1669) ———. The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter, William Orme, ed. (London: James Duncan, 1830), vol. 20 Beckmann, Christian. Exercitationes theologicæ (Amsterdam: Johann Janssonius, 1643) Blake, William. The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake. Edited by David V. Erdman. Newly Revised ed. (New York: Anchor Books, 1988) ———.
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