Big Islands Landscape Assessment Cordova Ranger District Chugach National Forest June 20, 2005

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Big Islands Landscape Assessment Cordova Ranger District Chugach National Forest June 20, 2005 Big Islands Landscape Assessment Cordova Ranger District Chugach National Forest June 20, 2005 2003 satellite image of Green, Montague, Hinchinbrook, and Hawkins Islands. Team: Susan Kesti - Team Leader, writer-editor, vegetation, socio-economic Milo Burcham – Wildlife Resources, Subsistence Bruce Campbell - Lands Rob DeVelice – Forest Ecology, Sensitive Plants Heather Hall – Heritage Resources Carol Huber – Geology, Minerals Tim Joyce – Fish Subsistence Dirk Lang – Fisheries Bill MacFarlane – Hydrology, Water Quality Dixon Sherman – Recreation Ricardo Velarde – Soils Table of Contents Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... vii Chapter 1............................................................................................................................. 1 Purpose............................................................................................................................ 1 The Analysis Area........................................................................................................... 1 Montague Island.......................................................................................................... 3 Hinchinbrook Island.................................................................................................... 4 Hawkins Island............................................................................................................ 4 Green Island................................................................................................................ 5 Wooded Islands........................................................................................................... 5 Desired Future Condition................................................................................................ 5 Chugach Land and Resource Management Plan direction ......................................... 5 Chapter 2 – Analysis Area Description ............................................................................ 11 Physical Characteristics ................................................................................................ 11 Climate...................................................................................................................... 11 Watershed Morphology ............................................................................................ 12 Ecological Classification .......................................................................................... 13 Geomorphology ........................................................................................................ 13 Landtype Associations.............................................................................................. 15 Geology..................................................................................................................... 18 Soils........................................................................................................................... 24 Wetlands ................................................................................................................... 24 Streams...................................................................................................................... 25 Streamflows .............................................................................................................. 26 Water Quality............................................................................................................ 27 Biological Characteristics ............................................................................................. 28 Fish............................................................................................................................ 28 Vegetation................................................................................................................. 35 Wildlife ..................................................................................................................... 38 Human Dimension ........................................................................................................ 55 Human Occupation ................................................................................................... 55 Heritage Resources ................................................................................................... 56 Socio-Economic........................................................................................................ 57 Subsistence................................................................................................................ 60 Sport, commercial, and subsistence fishing.............................................................. 62 Sport and Subsistence Hunting ................................................................................. 65 Timber harvest .......................................................................................................... 66 Roads and Access ..................................................................................................... 69 Recreation Use and Facilities.................................................................................... 69 Easements ................................................................................................................. 73 Special Uses.............................................................................................................. 75 Cape Hinchinbrook Lighthouse Reserve .................................................................. 77 Minerals .................................................................................................................... 77 Visual Resources....................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 3 – Issues and Key Questions.............................................................................. 83 i Physical......................................................................................................................... 83 Fish................................................................................................................................ 83 Vegetation..................................................................................................................... 84 Wildlife Issues .............................................................................................................. 84 Heritage Resource Issues .............................................................................................. 85 Mining and minerals potential ...................................................................................... 85 Recreation, Easements, and Special Uses..................................................................... 86 Chapter 4 – Conditions and Trends .................................................................................. 89 Disturbance regimes and geomorphic processes .......................................................... 89 Climate...................................................................................................................... 89 Tectonic..................................................................................................................... 89 Hillslope erosion processes....................................................................................... 89 General hydrologic trends............................................................................................. 91 Streamflows .............................................................................................................. 91 Stream Channels ....................................................................................................... 91 Lakes......................................................................................................................... 92 Large Woody Debris................................................................................................. 92 Effects of Human uses on Hydrology....................................................................... 92 Conditions and trends of fisheries resources ................................................................ 93 Population trends of the key fish species.................................................................. 94 Human Influences on the fisheries resources............................................................ 98 Factors affecting vegetation........................................................................................ 111 Tectonic influences on vegetation succession ........................................................ 111 Wind Influences...................................................................................................... 111 Insects and Diseases................................................................................................ 112 Timber harvest and vegetation treatments .............................................................. 112 Non-Native Plant Species ....................................................................................... 113 Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plant Species............................................. 113 Conditions and trends of wildlife resources................................................................ 114 Condition and trends of heritage resources................................................................. 115 Conditions
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