Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic

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Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic Technical Report No. 3 About CAFF Theprogram for the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) of the Arctic Council was established lo address the special needs of Arctic ecosystems, species and thcir habitats in the rapid ly developing Arctic region. Itwas initiated as one of'four programs of the Arctic Environmental Protcction Strategy (AEPS) which was adopted by Canada, Denmark/Greenland, Finland, lceland, Norway, Russia, Swcdcn and the United States through a Ministeria! Declaration at Rovaniemi, Finland in 1991. Other programs initi­ ated under the AEPS and overlaken hy the Are.tie Council are the ArcticMonitoring and assessment Programme (AMAP), the program for Emergency Prevention, Preparcd­ ness and Response (EPPR) and the program for Protection of the Arctic Marine Envi­ ronment (PAME). Sinceits inaugural in Ottawa, Canada in 1992, the CAFF program has provided scientists, conscrvation managers and groups, and indigenous people of the north with a distinct forum in which lo tackle a wide range of Arctic conservation issues at the cir­ cumpolar level. CAFF's main goals, which are achieved in keeping with the concepts of sustainable developrnertt and utilisation, are: • to conserve Arctic Jlora and fauna, thcir diversity and thcir habitats; • to protect the Arctic ecosystems from threats; • to improve conservation management laws, reg ulations and practices for the Arclic; • to integrale Arctic interests into global conservation fora. CAFF operates rhrough a system of Designated Agencies and National Representatives responsible for CAFF in thcir rcspcctivc countries. CAFF also has an International Work­ ing Group wh.ith has met annually to assess progrcss and to develop Annual WorkPlans. CAFF is hcadcd up hy a chair and vice-chair which rotatc among the Arctic countries ancl it is supported by an lnternational Secretariat. When needed, CAFF also setsb up specialist and experts groups to handle program areas. The rnajority of CAFFs activities are directed at conserving Arctic biodiversity- the abundance and diversity of Arctic flora, fauna, and habitats- and at integrating indig­ enous people and their knowlcdgc .into CAFF. Some examples are: The development and assistance with implementation of conservation su·atcgies and action plans for a Circumpolar Protccte<l Areas Network (CPAN), for Arctic biological diversity, for cir­ cumpolar murres and eiders; work on a Circumpolar Arctic Vegetalion Map (CAYM) and an Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic; report on Concerns and Long-term Threats to Arctic Biological Diversity; and mapping of Traditional Ecologi­ cal Knowledge. Most of CAFF's work is carried out through a system of Lead Countries as a means of sharing the workload. Some projects are also assigned to the CAFF Secre­ tmiat. Whenever possible, CAFF works in co-operation with other international organisations and associations to achieve co.mmon eonservation goals in tbc Arctic. Atlas of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAPF} Technical Repo1·t No. 3 June 1999 by Stephen S. Talbot Boris A. Yurtsev David F. Murray George. W. Argus Christian Bay and Arve Elvebakk Suggested citation: Talbot, S.S., B.A. Yurtsev, D.F. Murray, G.W. Argus, C. Bay, and A. Elvebakk. 1999. Atlas of rare endemic vascular plants of the Arctic. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAPF) Techu.ical Report No. 3. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK. iv + 73 pp. Contents Page TabJes ............................................................................................ .. ........ ...................... ............ ................................. iv Figures ......................................................................................................... ............. ................. .. ................................. iv Abstract ...................................................... ......................................................... .............................. ............................ 1 lntroduction ... ....................... .. ................................................................... ................ ...... ................... .. .......................... 2 Background ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Defi.nition of Arctic ...... .............. .............. .................... .................................................. ........................... .................... 2 Concept of Rarity ., , .. •• , •....•....•••..•..•.•••.••.•••• .. ............................................. ............................................. 4 Importance of Rare Arctic Plants ............................................................................................................ .................... 4 Methods ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Development of the Species List .................................................................................................................... .............. 7 Taxonomic Considerations .................................................... .... ...................... ..... ... ........................... ................. ..... ..... 7 Gap Analysis .......................... ............................ ... .............. ................................................................................ .......... 8 Excluded Taxa ........................................................................ ....................................................................................... 8 Results .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Summary Statistics ............................................................................... ....................... ............................. ................ ..... 9 Gap Analysis: Relationship Between Species Distrihutions and Habitat Protected Areas ......................................... 9 Systematic List ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Acknowledgments .................................... ....................................... ............................................................................ 37 Glossary .. ! ••••• ••••• 37 Literature Cited ......................................................... ....................... .. ......................................................................... 38 Appendix I. Excluded Taxa ...................................................................................... .................................................. 43 Appendix IL Location of Rare Endemic Vascular Plants of the Arctic by Country and Latitude and Longitude .. ..................... .......................................... ........... ............................................................. ...... .. .... ........ 4 7 Appendix III. Distribution Maps of Individual Rare Endemics ..... ............ .............................................................. 50 iii Tables Numher Page 1 IUCN (1994) Red List threat categories ............................................................................................................... 6 2 IUCN Protected areas management catcgories 1-V ............................................................................................. 8 3 Numbers of rare vascular endemics in cach CAFF country ................................................................................. 9 4 Numbers of rare vascular endcmic taxa of the Arctic in each plant family ......................................................... 9 5 Numbers of rare vascular endemic taxa of the Arctic in lUCN Red List threal categories ............................... 9 6 Num.bers of rare endemic Laxa in each phytogeographic subzone ...................................................................... 10 7 Numbers of rare endemic taxa in floristic provinces and subprovinces 10 8 Unprotected rare endemic vascular plants of the Arctic .................................................................................... 13 9 Partially protccted rare endemic vascular plants of the Arctic ........................................................................... 13 10 Protected rare cndemic vascular plants of the Arctic ......................................................................................... 14 11 Distribution of rare endemic occurrences in rclation to IUCN protected areas management categodes ......... 14 Figures Number Page 1 Circumpolar map of the distribution of rare vascu]ar plants of the Arctic in relation to phyLogeographic subzones ................................................................................................................. .................... 3 2 Circumpolar map of the distribution of rare vascular plants of the Arctic in relation to floristic provinces and subprovinces ................................................................................................................................... 5 3 Circumpolar map of IUCN protected areas I-V .................................................................................................
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