The Parish Register of Hartshead, in the County of York, 1612-1812
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Brigham Young University Zbe publications OK Zbc Jflorfesbirc fl>arisb IRegietcr Society VOL. XVII. Ssaueo to gufescrfbGW for tl.v \?ear 1903. J. Whitehead & Son, Printers, Alfred Street, Boar Lane, Leeds. cs 435 XLhc Bearish IReoister OK Dartsbeab, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, 1612-1812. TRANSCRIBED AND EDITED BY EDITH B. ARMYTAGE PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE YORKSHIRE PARISH REGISTER SOCIETY 1903. HAROLD B. LEE LIBRARY BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY ^"^mnvnFROVOk'WAHJ ITAH — — PREFACE. The Registers printed in the following pages are those of the Parish of Hartshead, anciently called Hertesheved or Hartshead- cum-Clifton. It is a chapelry within the Parish of Dewsbury, and comprises the two townships of Hartshead and Clifton, which accord- ing to the Ordnance Survey contains 3,070 acres, and had in 181 1 a population of 1,728, increased in 1901 to 3,452 persons. The entries up to 181 3 are contained in three volumes. The first volume, containing baptisms, marriages and burials intermixed, is 13 inches long by 8 inches wide, the pages of the same being partly 12 by 7^, and partly u| by 7^. It was much dilapidated, but fortunately was thoroughly restored in 181 1. It is bound in full Russia leather, and inscribed on the side : THE REGISTER OF THE PARISH OF HARTSHEAD. Volume I. It contains a title-page, as follows : THE REGIS T E R OF THE PAROCHIAL CHAPEL OF HARTSHEAD,' Anciently written Herteshevet. Uohtme 3L Containing Baptisms, Marriages and Burials from the 4th May, 1612, to jot/i Decent'', 1692, inclusive.
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