Morgenstern, Dan. [Record Review: Stan Getz: Voices] Down Beat 35:1
r. t =,. - -,. Record, are raviewed by Don OeMicheal, Gilbert M. Erskine, Kenny Dorham, Ira Giller, Rolph Johnson, Bill Mathieu, Morion McPartland, l Dan Morgenstern, Horvey Pekor, Bob Porter, BIil Quinn, William Russo, Harvey Siders, Carol Sloane, Pet~ Welding, and _Michael Zwerin. _ -. f.. Review, are signed by the writers. · · . -- I lotlngs are: * * * * * excellent, * * * * very good, * * * sood, * * fair, * poor, . When two catalog number• are ll1ted, the flnt 11 mono, and the •~cond 11 1tereo. _i Roy' Ayers•----------- ■ ·extremely long session this group made for fine backing by :first-class helpmates, and . VIRGO VIBES-Atlantic SD 1488: Th, Ring- Prestige. It's strange that they· recorded :unobtrusive voices-for once-which don't . - eri Ay , rloom; ,,, Lim,ligh1; Virgo Vibes; ·Baker at such length since he has a good, . ~ ~ ·. · G1ou, Flou •er. ,1,, . bother even me too much, though I usual- · Personnel: Charle5 Tolliver, trumpet; Joe Hen~ ·but ·not extraordinary group here, and ly cringe at such goings on. · · derson or Harold Land, tenor saxophone; Ronnie · b · rt ·n1 t th · ·al Clark or Jack Wilson, piano; Ayers, ,·ibes; Reg• smce . e JS ce at . y no ' . e comme_rc1_ . Some will no doubt call this album I gic Workman or Buster Williams, bass; Bruno attraction he was m the 50s. "commerciai." Well, why not commercial? ...i • · Drr or Donald Bailey, drums. • I reviewed one of the other records from To hell with such thinking; it has set back Racing: * * * * 1/2 · · · · the session, Groovin.\ some time ago. This jazz . and given musicians needless com · -·. Here is one of the more satisfying re- one gets a higher rating because Lightsey plexes long enough.
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