PO Box 2046, Vic 3220

White Eagle House Fellmongers Road, Breakwater, Geelong Melway Ref 452 F12

Bendigo Bank BSB 633000 Account 107909 -723

President: Cass Allen 0402 447 687 Dance Bookings: Fay Gell 0432 503 997

V. President: Janet Butcher 0414 394 691 Newsletter: [email protected]

Secretary: Paul Shadbolt 0419 657 417 Committee Members: Glenda 0411 146 763 Fay 0447 156 418 Treasurer: Warren Butcher 0432 656 650 Yvonne 0447 653 039 Adrian 5243 7874

Social Night: MEMBERSHIP DRAW 7:30pm. Mondays There is a $50 cash prize to be

Lessons: won at every one of our club 7:00 p.m. Thursdays dances. Every member who buys a ticket to the dance will Dance:

st be automatically entered into Monthly - 1 Saturday of the month the draw.

President’s Report…

Hi everyone,

Our Christmas dance, the last dance for this year, was another massive event with over 200 attendees again. Thanks to all our members, visitors and friends that came to GJR's from all over to celebrate Christmas. Honey B & the Stingers put up their best dance songs and kept the floor full all night. Thanks guys, well done!!

The Children's Christmas Party was also of mammoth proportions. We had 39 children and 70 adults. It was a great night, the children soaked up all the dancing and games and had a ball. Santa was a huge hit and the kids swamped him when he gave out the treats. Thanks to Andy for being Santa this year and thanks to “Mrs” Claus (Janet) & Elf (Jan). Thanks also to Larry for his

great photos and giving them out to our members which was a nice touch. Thanks also to Yvonne for a great list of music - the kids just loved it. The bit I loved was when the kids sat down on the dance floor and watched their Grandmas and Grandpas do the Maltese Cha Cha. They were so in awe pointing and clapping, it was beautiful to see. Also a big thanks to everyone that helped set up that great night, as well as all of you that attended. Your support at these functions is wonderful for our club so thank you all.

On Party Night, which was our last club function for the year, we all said our goodbyes to

Malcolm and Fiona with a plaque and flowers and wished them well. We had another great turn out; we gave out 52 certificates to everyone that took part in this year’s lessons. We also welcomed our new Rock n Roll teachers for next year - Chris and Raelene Palmer who are professional teachers from . Our lessons start on Thursday February 9th, 2017. I'm sure the interest in learning to Rock n Roll is definitely growing around Geelong. Chris and Raelene

have a great line up of dance steps to teach you, so tell your friends to keep Thursday nights free for the best fun you'll ever have learning to Rock n roll.

The Summer Festival is just around the corner. What a great start to a new year and I'm so looking forward to it. All the preparations are in place for an exceptional weekend with a great

line up of bands. For the Friday night dance we have The Fender Benders, for the Saturday dance we have The Lincolns from SA and on Sunday these bands plus Jump n Jive, with a DJ and Chad Gates Elvis Tribute Show. GJRs are having our own sausage sizzle this year with our brand new BBQ to raise money for Geelong Mums. I'm asking for more helpers to put their name on my roster in half hour slots to do some preparation and selling. 2-3 people each half hour would be

good. We need about 24 helpers so please ring me if you can help this great cause.

Have a good read of all the newsletter as I'm sure Janet has put some new great stories for you all. The feed-back about our new look newsletter has been very positive. I love that it's colourful and fresh! Don't forget that if you have some stories or reports to add, just email them to Janet

and she will be happy to add them to our next edition.

I would like to personally wish all our new committee and every one of our members, friends and visitors a very Merry Christmas and safe and healthy New Year. Love to you all and

Keep on Rockin’

Cass Love to you ALL .CASS x

On a Wing and a Prayer! Hello Lovelies! Thank you so much for all your positive feedback on the last article!  This month I have had a few ladies ask me about eyeliner so I have put down a few thoughts. Hope it inspires you to give it a go! Firstly, I cannot recommend Youtube highly enough! There are hundreds of tutorials out there to help you get this right. Pinupdollashleymarie and Denitslava are both gorgeous and have great, quality videos that will help you heaps, but here are a couple of things I have learned along the way…

Who knew that winged eyeliner is actually a wedge shape??! I always thought it was kind of a sideways “S” shape where you follow the lashes and then flick out at the end. Nope. This will always come out looking a bit strange. It should be a kind of squashed triangle or wedge shape with the apex about halfway between the outer edges of your eye and the tip of your eyebrow - a good tip is to pencil your brows first so that you have a clear guide as to where your eyeliner should start/finish. The sides of the “triangle” should be pretty close to straight when your eyes are closed. Open your peepers and Voila! Perfect winged eyeliner! If you are anything like me and your eyesight isn’t up to scratch invest in a pair of make-up glasses that have lenses you can flip up. It’s important they flip up not down as you will get better access to your eyes that way. You can get these for about $15 on Ebay. Failing that a shaving mirror or magnifying mirror is a good option. Make sure you have good light and never try to put on eyeliner in a hurry! That’s just a recipe for disaster! And keep a fan handy to dry your eyeliner before you open your eyes. This will prevent wet eyeliner from running into your crease. Aaaargh!! Make sure your hands are steady. Rest your elbows on a table or vanity – even the tap will do. If you have nothing to rest your elbow on rest your pinky on your cheek as a last resort. You don’t have to apply your eyeliner in one sweep – it just looks that way. You can stop and start as often as you like. And remember to BREATHE! Oh, and always make sure there is enough product on your brush. Most tutorials I’ve seen start the eyeliner at the inner corner and work out but I actually prefer to work from the outside in. I just find I can pin point the outer corner better that way. There’s no right or wrong way - just go with what works for you. Always use an eye primer as your eyeliner will last longer - even better if you apply eyeshadow as well. I always wear powdered eyeshadow – it’s just usually skin coloured as I like the bare lid look. Don’t use a cream shadow as they go runny as soon as you get a bit warm and don’t provide a good base for the eyeliner. Always apply your eyeliner before false eyelashes, mascara or curling your lashes.. Don’t pull your eye while you are applying eyeliner. Having said that I usually have to pull just a little to get the inner corners to apply smoothly. I have tried a LOT of eyeliners! As a general rule I find that gel eyeliners don’t go the distance. I usually get to morning tea time and they have started to smudge and smear. Not good. The felt tipped ones usually don’t like going over eyeshadow and are not a true black. They also don’t make it past breakfast! By far and away the best for staying power is an old fashioned waterproof liquid eyeliner. Having said that try and avoid the ones with the long, skinny, soft brushes - leave these for the makeup artists as they are just too hard to control. The best brushes have a nice point and are almost like a Texta. The best eyeliner I have found is called Essence and it’s about $5 or $6 at Priceline. The waterproof one has a blue lid – don’t worry it is black! This stuff stays put no matter what but is easy to remove with Micellar Water. The brush is not great though as it doesn’t come to a nice point but perservereand you should get used it, I did. Last but not least – practice, practice, practice! I wear eyeliner every day and I still have days when things don’t quite go to plan and I have to start over but when you get it right it looks amazing and you feel a million bucks! 

A man is incomplete

until he is married.

Then he is finished. Zsa Zsa Gabor

Summer Festival Packages are now available

Please book in soon to secure your spot!

Psst! Ladies, at last count we had 17 stalls booked so bring your purse!!

Lonnie Lee & The Leemen

at Geelong Arts Centre Sat 25th Feb 2017

Paul Shadbolt is taking bookings if you would like to attend a great night of Rock n Roll! Paul Shadbolt 0419 657 417

GJBR would like to welcome Chris and Raelene Palmer as our new teachers for 2017. Lessons start again on the 9th of February so come along for a great fun


We would also like to thank Malcolm and Fiona for their wonderful lessons in 2016

and wish them all the best.

GJBR’s would like to welcome the following new members…

Leigh Ditchfield, Suzie Erwin, Michael and Shirley Causon, Kevin and Dianne McCann, Jeffery Boundy, Marie Vella and Garry Colban

The Committee are currently working on a new roster for running the music

on Monday nights and also for the door on Thursday nights. If you think you might be able to help out on either night please contact Cass and she will add you to the roster.

Don’t forget there are still two places available on the new Committee...we would dearly love someone to help with the updating of the website so if you feel you have the necessary skills or aptitude to learn please let Cass know. 

The next committee meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 17th of January

At White Eagle House. All members are welcome to attend.

Warren and I went along to the Gippy Rocks Festival which is run by Andrew Camp and

Ashley Tavner. This is only the second year for this festival and I must say that we thoroughly enjoyed both times. This year was a little different as they are still finding their feet, there were no workshops this year but they compensated with an awesome

Prom Night. We heard some great bands – Johnny Stingray and the Wanderers on Friday night who were a bit slow for our taste but filled the floor none-the-less and Saturday night was Prom Night with Honky Tonk Rockers and the fabulous Fender Benders. The crew did a fantastic job with the hall decorations with real tablecloths, runners and chair covers which made it feel really special and balloons and streamers that had to be seen to be appreciated. There was also market stalls, classic cars and open air dancing to the bands again on Sunday but unfortunately we had to head off early to be back in time for work the next day.

Gippy Rocks is run entirely for charity with all proceeds going to Ronald McDonald House and they have some of the best raffles anywhere! It is a coordinated effort with

Gatha Rocks, Lakeside Rockers and S’Cool House Rock and Swing pulling together to make it all happen. It has a great country atmosphere and everyone makes you feel so welcome. Definitely worth the drive!

Warren and I also went to Alley Catz 11th Birthday bash on Friday 25th of November in Sunshine. They had a Hawaiian Luau (try spelling THAT without spell-check!) theme so there were loads of lovely tropical print dresses and not a few shirts to match. One couple came dressed as a very cute lifeguard complete with red bathers and inflatable ducky swim ring and he came dressed as a thong (no not IN a thong – AS a thong!). Everyone was given a lei (again with the spell-check!) which really added to the atmosphere but the icing on the cake was the HUGE blow up wave which towered over the mechanical surfboard! EVERY party should have at least one of these!! The bands were great – Slap Jack and the Magic 8 Balls from Bendigo were really fun and got things hopping and The Vincents were great – I’ll be putting in a good word for these guys with the committee as I’d love to see them at one of our dances next year. Jonathon always puts on a great night but his birthday bashes are always huge and really great fun – I don’t know how he’s going to top this one next year though!


Janet and Warren Butcher

Date What Where Band Contact Monday Boxing Day Red Hot The Vincents Adrian 26/12/2016 Dance Rockers 0402 402 913 Essendon Saturday New Year’s Seaview Club The Sandra 31/12/2016 Dance Lovely Banks Speedsters Virgona 0418 337 215

Saturday New Year’s Black Hat Delmatics Georgia Cirak 31/12/2016 Dance Daddies 0434 143 647 Ballarat Friday Festival Geelong The Lincolns, Chris Ryan 06/01/2017 – Jukebox Fender 0432 503 997 Sunday Rockers Benders, 08/01/2017 White Eagle Jump & Jive House Saturday Social Red Hot The Rousers Adrian 28/01/2017 Dance Rockers 0402 402 913 Essendon Saturday Social Geelong Cadillac Fay

04/02/2017 Dance Jukebox Drifters 0432 503 997 Rockers White Eagle House Saturday Social Black Hat Fender Georgia Cirak 11/02/2017 Dance Daddies Benders 0434 143 647 Ballarat Thursday Festival Ballarat Beat Various John Morris 9/02/2017 - Sunday 12/02/2017 Saturday Social Top Katz Joyce Mearns

18/02/2017 Dance Rockers 0438 830 707 Ballarat Friday Festival Cobram River The Lincolns Derek 10/03/2017- Rockers 0407 848 123 Sunday 12/03/2017 16/03/2016 – Festival Ararat Fender 0409 403 281 19/03/2016 Jailhouse Benders & Rockers various bands

New Years’ Dance at Seaview Club with The Speedsters

Tickets $30. This dance has now sold out and there is a waiting list so Sandy has asked if all those who have booked and not yet paid could please pay as soon as possible to confirm your seat. 

Banking details: Bendigo Bank 633 000 A/c Name – S. Virgona A/c No. 108625922 Ref: your name

Geelong Revival…

What a great turn-out we had for the Geelong Revival on the waterfront on the weekend of 26- 27th of November! I think someone counted 53 members there which is just fantastic! The crowds seemed to be much bigger on the Sunday and they really appreciated the dancing and the fantastic Cadillac Drifters. Lots of flyers were given out so hopefully we may see some more new faces at lessons in the New Year and at the festival.

It’s really easy to get bogged down with the negative stuff you hear but we really do live in a wonderful part of the world. How lucky are we to have our great foreshore and such amazing events. One couple from New York came up to me and said they have nothing like this event back home.

January Birthdays…

Happy birthday to all our members who are having a birthday in January!

Cass Allen Eddie Holt Andrea Welch Sam Campagna

Leanne Johnson Michael Causon Peter Kramer Marlene Dopper

Ken Loone Aggie Duncan Trevor McPherson Rhonda Ferwerda

Ken Morgan Bevyn Gray Pauline Panozzo John Hallifax

Keith Robinson Tim Harris Dawn Russell

Remember, birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that those who have the most, live the longest!

A Very Retro Christmas!

I thought it might be fun to have a look back at Christmas over the years…..

Carols by Candlelight is a uniquely Australian tradition which started in South Australia in the 19th century and quickly spread to Victoria. has

held Carols by Candlelight at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl since 1938 and it is the biggest event of its kind. We Aussies tend to take this tradition for granted so if you ever have visitors from overseas at Christmas make sure

you take them along to your local Carols – I’m sure they’ll love it! According to Wikipedia Bing Crosby’s White Christmas is still the biggest selling single of all time with sales in excess of 100 million copies.

The much beloved image of a jovial “slightly” over-weight Santa with the fur trimmed red suit is the result of an immensely popular advertising campaign for Coca Cola from the 1930’s. Haddon Sundblom painted Santa every year

for Coca-Cola from 1931 right up until 1964 using the image of Santa represented in the poem “The Night Before Christmas” as his inspiration. Before then Santa had many different images from a tall gaunt man in robes

to a small elf-like figure. The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of dyed goose feathers.

All the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas would equal 364 gifts. Most of Santa’s reindeer have male-sounding names, such as Blitzen, Comet, Rudolph and Cupid. However, male reindeers shed their antlers around Christmas, so the reindeer pulling Santa’s sleigh are likely not male, but female or castrated. And Norwegian scientists have speculated that Rudolph’s red nose was likely the result of a parasitic infection. Poor Rudolph couldn’t take a trick! The name of Mistletoe comes from from the Anglo-Saxon word misteltan, which means “little dung twig” because the plant spreads though bird droppings. Ew! Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra, who lived during the fourth century. Born in Patara (in modern-day Turkey), he is the world’s most popular non-Biblical saint, and artists have portrayed him more often than any other saint except Mary. He is the patron saint of banking, pawn- broking, pirating, butchery, sailing, thievery (!), orphans, royalty, and New York City. Early illustrations of St. Nicholas depict him as stern, commanding, and holding a birch rod. He was more a symbol of discipline and punishment than the jolly, overweight character children know and love today. Oh, BTW - Merry Christmas!!!