The Birth of English Poetry Dr Stuart D Lee
[email protected] Lesson Aims • General points about Old English poetry • Old English poetry collections • Performance / Authorship / Audience • Technicalities of Old English Poetry • Consider some Old English poems A small topical digression… Months Days Bede, De temporum ratione Fusion and appropriation Christianity arrives in 597 AD Saxon days started the previous evening Conversion by appropriation Thus ‘æfen’ or evening is part of the next day Celtic feast of Samhain, Norse feast of Vetrnætr - e.g. Midsummer’s Eve, ‘appropriated’ > Feast of Christmas Eve All Hallows EndFusion of summer and … appropriation ‘Like the Celtic counterpart, the people used to Christianity arrivescelebrate in this597 nightAD by lightingSaxon large days bonfiresstarted the to previous frightened spirits and demons,evening because on this night they freely roamed the world. It is also on Conversion bythis appropriation night that Odin was supposedThus ‘æfen’ to leador evening the is part spectral horsemen and houndsof the innext the day Wild Hunt. The Wild Hunt lasted throughout winter, peaking Celtic feast of Samhain, at Yule's night before ending the following year on Norse feast of Vetrnætr - e.g. Midsummer’s Eve, May Eve (Walpurgis' Night).’ ‘appropriated’ > Feast of Christmas Eve All Hallows Fusion and appropriation Christianity arrives in 597 AD Saxon days started the previous evening Conversion by appropriation Thus ‘æfen’ or evening is part of the next day Celtic feast of Samhain, Norse feast of Vetrnætr - e.g. Midsummer’s Eve, ‘appropriated’ > Feast of Christmas Eve All Hallows ealra halgena æfen All Hallow’s Eve (31st October) Fusion and appropriation Christianity arrives in 597 AD Saxon days started the previous evening Conversion‘Ac by weappropriation gehyrdon seggonThus ‘æfen’sumne or evening þisne ismann, part þæt nan mann ne leofode,of the next þe day him blod lete on ealra halgena mæssedæg, oððe gif he Celtic feast of Samhain, gewundod wære.’ e.g.