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PDF: V121-N46.Pdf MIT's The Weather Oldest and Largest Today: Clouds, rain 70°F (21°C) Tonight: Rain, 61°F (16° ) ewspaper Tomorrow: unny, 65°F (l 0c) Details Page 2 Volume 121, umber 46 02139 UA Removes Three Candidates Student-Led Teach-in From Freshman Council Ballot Covers New Vzewpoint By W.S. Wang she has found that some others were By Brian loux Joyce Y. Chung 05 and Kathy H. but their ruling was not fair." STAFF REPORTER "not as friendly." ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR Li running together for publicity MIT students, faculty, and staff oulaymane Kachani G said Two ticket have been dropped chair, will no longer be able to oting bug can e 10 totes gathered in 26-100 for the econd of "there is an extreme lack of knowl- from the official ballot for the poster A A boards along the infinite A glitch on MIT's voting web- si teach-ins in re pon e to the edge about Islam, Mu lims, and Class of 2005 elections, and prob- corridor. Both of thee punishments site which led to the 10 s of numer- tragedies in ew York and the Pen- Arabs," who are now all being lems with the voting system caused are due to postering violations. ous fre hman vote caused the tagon. The only teach-in with a stu- grouped with the terrorists. all votes cast during the first 16 Chang! Lim and Goswami could Undergraduate Association Election dent-led panel, the focu of this However, Presley H. Cannady hours of online voting to be di - till win on write-in vote . Commission to discard all vote event was "international tudent '02 said that "if they want to avoid carded. Alejandro and Chung/ Li remain from the first 16 hours of online vot- perspectives." discrimination, they better be 110 The Undergraduate Association on the official ballot. Their sanc- ing. Freshman were alerted to thi Aimee L. mith G, clad in Mu - percent for America, or they will get Judicial Review Board decided tions only apply to ASA-controlled problem last night in an e-mail. lim garb, aid that she i "acting what they de erve." Thursday to remove Emily I. Chang bulletin boards. , tudents are encouraged to patriotically in fighting for freedom '05 and IsseI A. Lim '05, co-candi- "We have no jurisdiction over reca t their vote online, or by paper of religion for everyone." he said dates for Social Chair, and Shima the dorms," said Judboard Chair in Lobby lOon Thursday," said UA Goswami '05, a candidate for Secre- Leah S. Schmelzer '02. Each dormi- Election Commissioner Helen H. tary, from the ballot. Judboard tory government controls its own Lee '02. "Those [whose votes are in found that Chang, Lim, and Goswa- bulletin boards. question] should check to see if they mi had begun campaigning before Goswami feels that the decision can acces the voting website. If the time set by the UA. was harsher than it should have been. they cannot, it means their vote ha JudBoard also revoked the rights "The decision was overly severe," already been counted." of Jesse A. Alejandro '05, a candi- she said. "I don't think that my viola- The glitch was discovered at 3:45 date for Treasurer, to poster on any tion of the rules warranted the sanc- p.m. Sunday by Election Commis- bulletin boards controlled by the tion it received. '" It seemed they sion member Bradley T. Ito '02, who Association for Student Activities. were acting to keep the election fair, received a large number of com- plaints regarding the voting web site. "The problem resulted from a cor- rupted database," Ito said. Because the vote count could not be assuredly accurate, all votes cast before 4 p.m. were invalidated, and a message on <http://vote.mit.edu> asked those who voted to do so again. Roommates Craig J. Rothman '05 and Scott M. Edinburgh 'OS, who are running for Vice President MIKE LIN-THE TECH and Treasurer respectively, noticed Social justice activist Aimee L. Smith G spoke last night at a Teach- In regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks. The Teach-In, held Elections, Page 22 in 26-100, focused on international student perspectives. MIT to Impose Mandatory Meal Plan Students Express Concern Over High Cost of Plan, Loss of Choice By Maral Shamloo freshmen and 1500 for upperclass- dosht Kasheff '03. "It seems that the men. Food ervice operations in the new meal plan does not allow me to With Aramark's contract coming student center and elsewhere on do that. However, I'd like to have to an end this June, MIT is once campus would provide food during more facts before I can make a final again restructuring its dining sys- the day, but students would eat din- judgment." tem. As announced at a Dormitory ner in dormitory dining hall . Dormitory Council President Council meeting on Thursday night, "A meal plan is not about mak- Matthew . Cain '02 said that he a meal plan will be required for all ing students to accept what is there ha not yet decided whether he sup- students living in undergraduate now, but rather giving them the ports the idea of a mandatory meal dormitories next year. opportunity to experience some- plan. While he recognizes the need "This is a move towards building thing completely different - further for better food service on campus, communities among students by options on nutritious food of better Cain does not want to force students giving them the opportunity to dine quality," said Ward L. Ganger, din- to eat all their meals at dining halls. in a more sociable environment," ing manager. "I certainly don't want anything said Richard D. Berlin Ill, director that s. going to keep people from of campus dining services. Student unsure about meal plan cooking for them elves" he said. Under the plan, all students liv- Students have mixed opinions on However, Cain also said that the ing in dormitories will be required this proposal. "I like to have the quality of the food at MIT dining to pay an up-front fee for dining, option to eat whatever I want and be which would be around $1900 for able to cook for my elf," said Zar- Dining, Page 20 UA Encourages Discussion of Meal Plan By Aaron Du plan is supposed to allow more pus," said UA President Jaime E competition among vendors on cam- Devereaux '02. However, the details The Undergraduate Association pus, thu providing more dining of the issue are still open to discus- Council pa ed a resolution last options for the MIT community. sion. night asking the administration to However, student complaints In response to student com- acknowledge the complaints voiced arise due to the fear that the plan plaints, the UA resolved that MIT STANLEY HU-THE TECH by the undergraduate population would cause students, especially should not proceed with their plans Sean P.r. Nolan '03 eyes the finish line in the Codfish Bowl regarding the new mandatory meal those who have access to kitchens without exten ive feedback from Invitational at Franklin park; he finished the 5-mile course In plan. and prefer to cook for themselves, tudents. In order to facilitate this, 25:32. Although teammate Daniel R. Feldman '02 and Nolan The MIT Office of Campus Din- to spend more money on food they the UA will provide online feedback finished 1-2 In the race, the men's cross country team lost fOr ing announced recently that some would necessarily eat. form for tudents, as well as a town the first time this season to UMass lowell. form of mandatory meal plan would "There will be some form of soon be put into effect. The current mandatory meal plan on the cam- UA, Page 21 AVegetari- Comics OPINION an's Guide to Jefferson Parker says that it World & Nation 2 the MIT should take more rain to drive Opinion 4 Area protesters away. Arts 7 Events Calendar .15 Page 10 Page 14 Page 5 Page 2 WORLD & NATION R bo d r Brutal NEWSDAY Pakistan Removes Remaining EWYORK core one for the inve tor. ajor tock averages got up off the mat onday for the first time since equity markets reopened ept. 17, Diplomats From Mghanistan bol tered by bargain-hunter su pecting that the bear' pectacular pummeling of the market la t week was overdone. All three major indexes registered trong gains onday, with the 'Ialiban Ambassador pset 0 er uslim a ions Siding with Bush asdaq compo ite index making its bigge t one-day leap ince la t April. The a daq, which 10 t 16 percent last week ro e 5.33 per- By John Oaniszewski ghani tan hand over Osama bin rori m network. cent, or nearly 76 points to 1 99.11. LOS ANGELES TIMES Laden, a audi militant it con ider Zaeef aid that the Afghan peo- The Do Jone Industrial erage which had plunged by 1 .3 the prime uspe t in the ept. 11 ple want peace and are praying to percent during the first five trading day after the ept. 11 terrorist The Pakistani government attack in ew York and near Bah the almighty that this war attacks, rose onday by .46 percent, or 367.63, to 603.44. The announced onday that it had Washington, D.C. would not happen between the two tandard Poor' 500 inde climbed 3.9 percent to 1003. recalled the la t of it diplomatic The nited rab Emirate ev- countrie of Afghani tan and Amer- While some market profe ional called onday' rise in tock officers from fghani tan in a move ered relations with the Taliban over ica" and that 'efforts be fruitful" to price a fluke, other aid tocks may be close to a bottom, and ready that add to the Taliban regime the weekend.
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