Mptyzine40 Net.Pdf
SOMETHING LIKE A DISCLAIMER THIS ZINE IS A PROUD 100% DIY PRODUCT, IS NOT ABOUT MUSIC REVIEWS HOW THEY SHOULD BE, IS NOT ABOUT CRITICS, IS NOT ABOUT FASHION OR LATEST TRENDS, IS ABOUT FEELINGS, IS ABOUT MY FRIENDS, MY BANDS, MY PASSION. IS NOT ABOUT PROFIT, IS NOT with good and FOR SALE AND IT WILL NEVER BE. IS JUST A HOBBY bad things, 13 FOR ME, IS NOT MY FULL TIME “WRITER/MUSICIAN/ CRITIC”JOB. IS NOT IN A PERFECT ENGLISH :) 13 years years in the ALL THE PICTURES ARE USED FOR PROMO AND THE DIY scene is something, 13 is our lucky number. Always COPYRIGHT REMAIN TO THE ORIGINAL OWNERS. ALL THE PROMOS ARE FREE AND I AM NOT TAKING ANY here and always we try to support what we like. In PROFIT FROM PROMOTING SOME LABELS OR BANDS. these moments we support the freedom of expression more than ever. We need the unity more than ever, we need to stop the abuse from corrupt politicians, police brutality and media brainwash, we need to place the CONTACT FOR CRITICS unity back in the center! United we fight!. Always stay SOMETHING LIKE A THANK YOU yourself and never forget your roots, never forget the CTHC,KOB RECORDS, MAD BUTCHER editor: MirceONE struggle and never forget the streets. Until next time RECORDS, 3 CEASURI RELE, PARCHEZ CA UN layout: BOU, CORO AXA VALAHA, SCANDAL, VERDE cojocearo (who knows when...) be nice to each other! URBAN, OLD JUNKS CONSTANTA, FAT WRECK CHORDS, IORISKA, HELLCAT RECORDS, web: CONSTANTIANA.
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