Katha Pollitt | 288 pages | 28 Jul 2015 | Picador USA | 9781250072665 | English | United States Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights PDF Book

Enlarge cover. All of which might sound shocking, so rarely do we hear about abortion's benefits. One of my main takeaways, out of many, centers on how the argument against abortion always comes back to the devaluing of women, no matter what. This feels so radical because it's not a conversation we're used to hearing. Pollitt energizes the pro-choice camp in America with an energetic and smart explanation of how seriously reproductive rights are threatened and what can be done. It's a normal fact of life and has been since ancient times. Those two facts cut right through so many assumptions: that women who end pregnancies are a different kind of person than women who keep them, that are some weird, awful, desperate act and not a normal part of life in a female body. Women who have abortions often have children and simply cannot afford to have more. The purpose of sex is pleasure, to celebrate my body and my lover's body, and because orgasms. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. She had to prove she was mentally unstable to a court. Is it that the woman will, in the end, have thwarted her responsibility? Books by Katha Pollitt. I hoped that message would counteract the dominant one of abortion as moral failure and proof of social decay. I refuse to go through this humiliating process. Martin's Press - May 26th, I went into it, thinking that a light perusal would be enough and that I could put it down and move onto something else after thirty minutes or so. Oct 06, Dani rated it it was amazing. Fighting Words Roddy Doyle introduces head-turning young Irish writing. Wade already balances the interests of the pregnant woman and the state's interest in regulating abortions as the pregnancy moves forward. I feel like I will need to buy this book rather than checking it out from the library as I did and reread it frequently, as there is so much to take from it. Published: Penguin Press - September 8th, The framing of abortion as reproductive justice rather than simple choice is important too, especially given that most women who have abortions are poor or nearly poor and are disproportionately women of color. By Katha Pollitt. In two generations, contraception and abortion have allowed women to widen their worlds dramatically. How ridiculous that fact is when you look at men and the corporeal choices they're allowed to make without comment. Katha Pollitt is well known for her wit and her keen sense of both the ridiculous and the sublime. Whether you're new to reproductive rights or just getting involved or are simply tired of uterus-having humans dominating your elected officials' to-do lists and want them to move on to something more productive, this book is for you. How much right to life do women have? Especially the later children that many of those women do go on to bear--at their own time, when it is right for them. In the short term, we need to elect a pro-choice Democratic president and Senate and hope Justices Scalia age seventy-nine or Kennedy also seventy-nine —with luck, both—retire. It makes me want to give every dollar I earn to and other organizations that support a woman's right to an abortion. You might make a different decision from a particular woman who chooses not to continue a pregnancy, and you might think your decision is morally superior - but beside the fact that you don't actually know what you would do faced with those exact same circumstances, your judgment about a woman's decision is not relevant to the legal status of abortion as a whole, any more than someone giving a speech you would consider foolish reflects on the First Amendment, or someone voting for a corrupt candidate raises questions about suffrage. What is "good" about ripping off a baby's arms, legs, tearing away pieces of her stomach along with her entrails and her spine? For motherhood to truly be part of human flourishing, it has to be voluntary, and raising children - by both parents - has to be supported by society as necessary human work. Sat, May 9, , First published: Sat, May 9, , To say that society is forcing motherhood on men and women who are having consensual sex is like admitting that they don't know that the purpose of sex is to procreate. She asks us all to re-examine our ideas about abortion as a cu This is such an important book. Or sat in the waiting room. Meanwhile, with each passing day, the rights upheld by the Supreme Court are being systematically eroded by state laws designed to end abortion outright. Demand sexual and economic freedom, and the notion that motherhood should be entered into with the same forethought, the same liberty, that we value in all other pursuits. Pollitt includes a wealth of statistics, court decisions, and arguments that show how abortion opponents attempt to skirt around and debase women's rights. And those who do have abortion, about two thirds are mothers already and have them early in pregnancy. I always ask those who are pro abortion to explain to me what exactly is so "good" about quartering a preborn baby like you would quarter a pig? Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights Writer

Even as abortion becomes more and more restricted, gun rights expand Between and more restrictions were placed on US abortion services than in the previous 10 years combined. Apr 21, mis fit rated it really liked it Shelves: body , human-rights , , inequality , race-class-gender , sexuality , mothering , health , reproductive-rights , abortion. How much right to life do women have? In other words anti-choicers hate equality, and specifically they hate the idea of women achieving some closer parity to men. However, Pollitt highlights - as many feminist writers have done before her - that if we want women to achieve equality in our nation, we need to have abortion. None of this is without risk of death or damage or trauma, including psychological trauma. Daily: 9 AM - 4 PM. A right includes the freedom to use it in ways others find distressing or even wrong. Pollitt makes a strong case for reclaiming abortion as a reproductive right that is necessary for the economic health of women, and ultimately, society. Beyond that, seeking a moderate position typically involves pontificating about the circumstances where a woman might seek an abortion and deciding in what circumstances responsible! Pollitt does an excellent job of unpacking [the statistics] and showing the contradictions in our views, as well as the limits to what surveys can tell us about the decisions Americans make for themselves. More justice. No trivia or quizzes yet. By Elliot Ackerman. Forgot Password? In the end, abortion is legal. PRO is both uplifting and empowering, and sad and helpless. Between and , new restrictions were enacted, more than in the previous 10 years combined. Feb 03, Antonia rated it did not like it Shelves: no-friggin-way , fuck-this-shit. Or they have a cesarean, as I did, which is a major surgery. It is, to my mind, the definitive work of our generation on the subject, and it needs to be required reading for every woman's studies scholar, for every medical and nursing student, for every law student, social worker, and legislator. It's good for people to be able to have sexual experiences and know that birth-control failure need not be the last word. Dec 10, Steve rated it it was amazing Shelves: friends-of-mine , recommended. In , Subject to Debate won the National Magazine Katha Pollitt is well known for her wit and her keen sense of both the ridiculous and the sublime. If the next president is a Republican, game over. It makes me want to call every congressman and woman and give them the true facts that Pollitt took the time to include in her book. They see the alternatives all too clearly. She asks us all to re-examine our ideas about abortion as a culture war issue, and start to reframe it as an urgent, practical issue that has ripple effects into other issues such as the economy. She brings in facts, data and examples of how policy in the capital affects real people at home. You might make a different decision from a particular woman who chooses not to continue a pregnancy, and you might think your decision is morally superior - but beside the fact that you don't actually know what you would do faced with those exact same circumstances, your judgment about a woman's decision is not relevant to the legal status of abortion as a whole, any more than someone giving a speech you would consider foolish reflects on the First Amendment, or someone voting for a corrupt candidate raises questions about suffrage. It would simply mean more lost hope, more bad marriages and family misery, more and struggle for women, their partners, and their kids. Your judgment of that woman is not even an interesting fact about yourself. Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights Reviews

The real problem is stigma. In Pro , Pollitt takes on the personhood argument, reaffirms the priority of a woman's life and health, and discusses why terminating a pregnancy can be a force for good for women, families, and society. Fathers leave, leaving pregnant women without support. Katha Pollitt takes a calm look at the state of abortion rights in America and points out where we've gone astray. Even those who support a woman's right to an abortion often qualify their support by saying abortion is a "bad thing," an "agonizing decision," making the medical procedure so remote and radioactive that it takes it out of the world of the everyday, turning an act that is normal and necessary into something shameful and secretive. If you love women and their right to life you might read this book. In the ordinary course of electoral politics, it matters a lot that abortion opponents are far more likely to be single-issue voters than abortion rights supporters are. I came into this thinking I was pretty solid on my pro-choice stance, and came out of it realizing I'd still been incredibly hypocritical and swayed by emotional appeals rather than fact when it came to certain elements of the discussion. Naomi Paik. Pollitt says we need to stop apologizing for abortion and embrace it as a positive right necessary for women's equality. More justice. To ask other readers questions about Pro , please sign up. She uses many of the standard pro-choice arguments, but I really found her arguments to be pro-abortion — she urges complete acceptance of abortion, including late-term abortion, interviews are far more radical than that of most Americans. This is such an important book. Have you ever thought strongly about a topic, but could not put your ideas and feelings into words? There is a strong tendency to approach highly charged of which this is among the most highly charged issues by seeking a "moderate" position. Did a friend go with her? So, most people know a woman who has had one, probably several. Short stories. As Pollitt puts in her crucial book, let women decide. Published: New Vessel Press - June 9th, Whether you're new to reproductive rights or just getting involved or are simply tired of uterus-having humans dominating your elected officials' to-do lists and want them to move on to something more productive, this book is for you. Or sat in the waiting room. She reminds us that sexuality is not a sin. New groups like Sea Change, the Abortion Conversation Project, and the Abortion Diary podcast are encouraging women to speak out about their own experiences. A must-read for feminist politics and culture. What to do? I have not, however, followed this issue closely over the years, so did not realize the extent to which abortion rights have been eroded, or how Roe v. I'm strongly pro-choice and believe that reproductive rights belong first, and foremost, to women. She talks about reproductive healthcare and how it has been decimated in many states. This is a vital book that everyone who cares about women's health, rights, and the state of the land should read. What a fabulous book! Nov 07, Holly rated it really liked it. And to push this one step further, would we expect a man to give up an opportunity to go to college, to have a career, or to take better care of his already existing children, if there were other options for him? What I love most about PRO is Pollitt's ability to use logic to explain that if you oppose abortion, then you must also oppose this and "this. That's all there is to it. View all 3 comments. Katha Pollitt does it for me in PRO, and I was hanging on to literally every word, sentence, quote, statistic and phrase. Dec 26, Janice Liedl rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction. Review : Definitely another well-thought out book by Ms. For that to happen, though, we would need to see women as more valuable than fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses. It makes me want to call every congressman and woman and give them the true facts that Pollitt took the time to include in her book. Non-indexed nonfiction works make my head hurt. I found this a well organized book that tackled the individual points of the anti abortion movement in an accessible way. The Cage, a short story by Tony Wright. And these statistics reveal that we object not so much to the abortion as we do to society relinquishing control over what a woman can do with her life. But even in feminist heaven, there will be abortion, as there is in even the most prosperous, enlightened countries in the world. None of this is without risk of death or damage or trauma, including psychological trauma. Rebecca Your understanding of the procedure to terminate a pregnancy is very skewed. Motherhood is hard enough if you go into it willingly.

Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights Read Online

She makes her audience clear from the beginning: the "muddled middle," those who approve of abortion in some circumstances but hesitate in others. But in the wider world it is not. Hardcover , pages. It's unlikely that Pro is going to change anyone's mind about abortion, but Pollitt's invigorating articulation of the web of connections that could, someday, create a society concerned with the well-being of all its citizens is reason enough for anyone already on the bus to pick it up. We should accept that it's good for everyone if women have only the children they want and can raise well. Abortions happen, and that's not a bad thing. They are supposed to live for others. Therefore, the self-titled "moderate" position and talking points such as "safe, legal and rare" have essentially devolved into bemoaning abortion as a wrong in general. Other editions. The 12 women who leave Ireland every day to access abortion services in Britain do not exist in social isolation. Pollitt explains how abortion is a complete war on women, discusses whether there is a compromise available between pro-lifers and pro-choicers, and offers explanations for why so many choose to believe that life begins at conception despite the science and reasoning to argue otherwise. Feb 03, Antonia rated it did not like it Shelves: no-friggin-way , fuck-this-shit. It's a holistic vision of a more just society that in her telling is at once utterly reasonable and heartbreakingly elusive. Dec 26, Thomas rated it it was amazing Shelves: feminism , nonfiction , own-physical , five-stars. Women who have stillbirths or miscarriages are being arrested for their conduct during pregnancy. These days, we seem farther from that than ever. Most anti- abortion legislation happens in legislatures. And have facts of which there are plenty in this book to support your views. For motherhood to truly be part of human flourishing, it has to be voluntary, and raising children—by both parents—has to be supported by society as necessary human work. Wade already balances the interests of the pregnant woman and the state's interest in regulating abortions as the pregnancy moves forward. Time to shout out that abortion is about healthcare, economics, and, above all, the right to self-determination. However, Pollitt highlights - as many feminist writers have done before her - that if we want women to achieve equality in our nation, we need to have abortion. Pollitt shows that the "controversy" around abortion is not, nor has ever been a "moral" issue about life, rather it's the ancient argument about where a woman's place is in the world. I was completely wrong. Wade ruling, "abortion" is still a word that is said with outright hostility by many, despite the fact that one in three American women will have terminated at least one pregnancy by menopause. Is it that the woman will, in the end, have thwarted her responsibility? Just because the Republican Party has a breeze the pro-life position does not mean that pro-lifers unilaterally accept all I have to give Katha Politt credit for trying — she pulls out all the stops to defend the pro-choice position.