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T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pubhshed under the Authonty of H zs Excellency the G overnor of tlze Colony and Protectorate of K enya (Reglstered as a Nowspaper at the G P O )

-'X = X X U Z-XZ-.U X Z- - Vol. LX IV- N O. 22 N AIR O BI, 29th M ay, 1962 Pnce Sh 1

CO N TEN TS GAZE r'IE NOTICES GAZETTB NoTtchs- tc(??pfl ) PAGB East A friuan C'ustom s and Exulse- sale by Publlu Auctlon 684 Appolntm ents, etc 578 t-lquor Lltenslng 485 rfhe Kcnya (Constltutlon ) Oldel ln Counwll- Transport Llcenslng 589, 590 D eularatlon of lncapaclty of M em bel 578 Loss of Bond Certlficate 590 Appolptm ent of Tem poratv M em bel 578 The Trust Land Ordlnance- settlng Apalt of The C ourts O rdlnanue- A ppolntm tnts 578 l-and 591-595

rhe Educatlon O ldtnance- A ppolntm ents Probate and A dm lnlstratlon

579 596, 597 f he ToB nsblps O rdlnance- A ppom tm ents Bankruptm es

597 The Loeal Govelnment (County Counclls) Oldlnance- The Com panles O rdlnanue

N om lnatlons The Socletles O rdlnance- lteglstratlons, etc 597, 598

The D etalned and R estrlutetl Persons R egulatlons- Clty m ld R ural D lstllct Councyls N otlces 598 A ppolntlnent, etc- 579 Losg of Pollcy 698 The R oad A uthorlty O rdm anue- zxppom tm ent The Fraudulent Transfer of Busm esses O rdm anco 598 The Pllsons O rdlnance- A ppom tm ents 579, 580 N otlce of Change of Nam e 599 East A fllcan R allw ays and H albouls- Closure of Ports 580 ltallan G overnment Scholarsblps 599 A m endm ent to Tarlf Book N o 3 580

H M Suprem e Court at M achakos- cause Llst 580

V acancles 580 SUPPLEM EN T N o 34 Legulatfve Supplem ent Language Exam lnatlons- R esults 581 LEGAL N oTIcE N t> PAGE

The W ater Ordm ance- Appolntments 581 264- 1q lïe Nalrobl County Counclls (Servlce F'ees) (Amendment) By-lans, 1962 453 Annual Report and Balance Sheet of Asian and Arab H ospltal Fund AuthontA 582 265 - 171e Prlce Control (Sugar) (Temporary Provl- szon) (Amendment) (No 2) Order, 1962 455 The Afrlcan D lstnct Counclls Ordlnance- A ppom tments 583 266- The Cattle Cleanslng Ordlnance- Appllcatlon A dm lsslon ot Clalm s <83 267- The W ater (M lmstry of W orks) (General) The N atwe Authorlty Ordm anùe- A ppomtm ents 583 (Am endment) Regulations, 1962 456 (577 57$ TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

GAZETTE N OTICE N o 2489 GAZET'I'E N GTICE NO 2491 (L C 4/5) THE (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN APPO IN TM ENTS COU N CIL, 1958 (L N 158 o NlcTlol.As NGANGA to be Dlstrlct Oëcer (Cadet), North Nyanza .f 1958) D lstrlct, N yanza Provlnce, wlth efect from 16th Aprll, 1962 A PPOINIM ENT OF TEM PORARY M EM BER OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL By H1s Excellency Erlc N ewton Grll th-lones, Esq , Companlon JOSEPH NOUI'A Kllo to be Dlstrlc,t Oflker (Cadet), N orth Nyanza of the M ost D lstlngulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael and Salnt D lstrlut, N yanza Pro&lnce, wlth effect from 16th A prll, 1962 George, one of H er M alesty s Counsel for K enya Learned ln the Law Actm g G oN ernor and Comm ander ln Chld ll4 ALAN FIONN H OLFORD-W ALKER to be D lstrlct COm M ISSIONCF, and over K enya M om basa D lstrlct, Coast Provm ce, wlth effect flom 9th M ay, 1962 W HEREA S there is a vacancy m the number of pelsons slttlng as M em bers of the Leglslatlve Counull bv reason of a declaratlon * a DAw sox CHRISTIAN M tAMBA to be Dlqtnct Oïcer (Cadet) K lsll of lncapaelty zn respect ot R eglnald Stanley Alexander, D lstrlct, N yanza Provm ce, w lth efïect from 1st M ay, 1962 Constltuency M embel of the Councal ln exerclse of the powers conferred by qubsectlon (1) of HEzltox Gfczttixl to be Dlstrict Oëcer (Cadet), M eru Dlstrlct seutlon 30& ot thc Kenya (Conqtltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958 Central Pro: lnce wlth eiïect from 16th Apnl, 1962 as am ended, I do heleb) appolnt- A LENANIAER TUI-I.Y to act as A sslstant Com m lssloner of Pollce RICHARD D ONALD CROFT W ILCOGK

(Force Slgnals Ofiicer) wlth esect from 27th Aprll, 1962 to be tem polarlly, m th effect from the 24th day of M ay, 1962, a M em ber of the sald Councll ERl( H UGH LINDSEY to act as M slstant C om m lssloner Of Pollce wlth elect from 1 st M ay, 1962 Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 23rd dcty of M ay 1962 L>ONARD JAMES COLLINGS W ELLS, B SC (Agric ) (Readmg), D T A E N GRIFFITH J'ONES, to act as Sem or R estealch Om cer, D epaltm ent of A grlculture, A ctlng Goveltlol wjth eflkct from 1st A prll, 1962 G N 2490/62

PR OM OTIO N S G AZETTB N o'mcE N o 2492 JOHN 'THOMAS H OCGKINSON to be A sslstant Com m lssloner Of Pollce (Force Slgnals Oëcer) wyth efkct from 1st July, 1961 THE COU RTS ORD IN AN CE (Cap 3) APPOINTMENT OF VX OFPICTO M AGISTRM E TO A H IGHER R EV ER SIO N S STJBORPINATE COURT f M AJOR (RF.T ) DAVID ALBIERT CRAMPTON Ceased to aCt RS Chlef IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the Establlshm ent Oflicer ln the K enya Pollce wlth effect from Courts Ordlnance, the G overnor, after eonsultlng the Chlef 1st M ay, 1962 Justlce, hereby appom ts- PETV,R ToM W ILLIAM POW ELL AI AN JAMES FRANCIS SIMMANCE Ceased to aCt as Crown COUIISCI wt'to ts a m aglstrate by vtrtue of l4:s oë ce of D lotltct Ofiicer M lnlstry of Legal A ffalrs w1th effect from 21st M ay 1962 N alrobl Extl rt Provlnmal Dlstrlct, to hold a subordlnate court ot the first class ln the sald dlstrlct for so long as he lq servlng as D lstrlct O tlk er m that dlstrlct D ated thls 231-d day of M ay, 1962 CO R R IG EN D U M Bv Com m and of the Governor G azette N otlce N o 2160 appearm g on page 506 of the A M W EBB, K enya G'azette dated 8th M ay, 1962, lq am ended by deletlng silnksto /t?? Legal zl/ from tho A ppolntm ents the entry referrlng to Jolm Franm s -klrxç D oyle G xzE't-rs N o'rïcE N o 2493 By Com m and of the Actlng Governor rH E COURTS ORDINAN CE (Cap 3) A M W EBB, APPOINTMENI- ()F M AGISTRATB M tkktster /or Legal X/p frç IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 5 of the Courts Ordlnance, the G overnor hereby appolnts- N AFTALY M IRITI K rARA

2 D lstrlct Asslstant m the M eru D lstnct, to be a m aglstlate GAZFTTE N oerlcE No 2490 ttzd conters upott htm the power to ltold a suboldmate coul't (L C 4/5) of the thlrd class ln the sald dlstrlct for the purposes of rem and only for so long as he shall contlnue to hold om ce as afore sald THE KEN YA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUN CIL, 1958 D ated thls 21st day of M ay, 1962 (L N 158 oj 1958) By f-omm and of the G overnor D EC! ARATION OF INCAPACITY OF CONSTITUENCY M EM BER OF A M W EBB, LLGISLATIVF C OIJNCIL M ïnlster jor Legal .d#JI/: Bv Hls Excellency Ellc N owton Grlflith Jones, Lsq , Com pam on of the M ost D lqtlngulshed Ordt'r of Smnt M lchael and Smnt G AZEI-IE NoTlcE N o 2494 Geolge, one ef HeI M alesty s Counsel for K enya Learned m the Law, A alng G overnor and Comm ander-m Chlef m THE COU RTS ORD IN AN CE and ovcr K enya W ap 3) IN EXERCISE of the powels confel red by qubsectlon (1) oi A PPOINTM ENT oF M AGISTRATE sedlon 30 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll 1958 IN PXERCISE of the powcrs conferred by sectlon 5 of the as amended I do hereby declare that- Courts OTdm ance the G evernor hereby appolnts- REGINM D STYNLF.Y Atsxo oy.lt EZEKIEL AvluAMw Inw Asl a Constltucncy M em ber representlng the Nalrobl Nuburban t D lst) let A bslçtant ln the M eru D lstrlct, to be a m aglstrate Constltuency m the Leglslatwe Councll, 1q by Teason of absence 4nd conferq upon hlm tlte power to hold a subordlnate court unable to perform h1s functlons as such M wm ber of the thlrd elass ln the sald dlstnct for ttte purposes of lem and only Tor so long as he shall contlnue to hold oë ce as aforesrtld Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 23rd day of M ay 1962 D ated thls 21st day of M ays 1962 Bv Com m tnd ot the G overnor N GRIFFIRH UONLS A M W EBB A cttng G tpz e/lïoî Nlintstet Ior Legal W/sfl? ç 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE

G XZBU E N o'rlcE N o 2495 G AZBTTE N OTICE N O 2499 (15/32/Ff'l' ) (C/121133) TH E PD U CA T IO N O RD IN A N CE 1952 TH E LOC A L GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) (No 58 oj 1952) ORD IN AN CE, 1952 APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRAIAN Of' BOARD OF APPEAL A GAINST THE (No 30 ol 1952) CANCELLATION oiz A FRICAN TEACHERS CERTIFICATES THE COUN TY COIJNCILS AN D COU N TY D ISTRICT IN EXERCISE of the powers confelred by subsectlon (3) ot COU N CILS (FILLIN G OF VA CAN CIES) RU LES, 1953 qectlon 62 of the Educatlon Ordm ance, 19$2, the M lm ster lor ' N OM INATION E ducatlon hereby appolnts- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by the County THF, HONOORABI.E ROBERT STANLEY M ATANO M L C Councqls and the County Dlstnct Counclls tFllllng of Vacancles) R ales 1953 > the M lnlster hereby nom lnates- to be chalrm an of the Board of Appeal agalnst the cancellatlon of A frlcan Teachers' Certlhwates ln place of W anyutu W aweru M R THOMAS BUCHANAN BUTTON Esq , M B E + w ho has reslgned to be a m em ber of the N alrobl County Councll representlng W ard 11 unttl tlte annual general m eetlng Irt 1965 Dated thls 23rd day of M ay 1962 D ated thls 22nd dav of M av, 1962 L G SAG IN I siknlstel jot F#ucJlJt)?! D T ARAP M 0I, x ûs 7: 6137/60 M tmster /tp? Local Govelnmellt

ûl G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2500 xzErTs lqollcs l:o 2496 (f (j: S 139/01) (P 38 / 34) M1 H E D ETAINED AND RESTR IG ED PERSON S TflE EDU CATION O RD IN AN CE, 1952 REGU LATION S, 1960 (N o 58 o.f 19521 (L N 17 oj 1960) A PPOINTMCNT ro THE N AROK D ISTRICT EDUCATION BOARD IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paraglaph (1) ot IN EX ERCISF of the powers conferred by sectlon 36 of regulatlon 14 of thtz D etalned and Restrlcted Persons Regulatlons, the Educatlon O rdlnance, 1952, the M lnlster for Educatlon 1 960, the Governor has wlth eflkct from 20th M ay 1962- heleby appolnts- (l) appolnted A lan Farral Sagar to btz Speclal Comm lssloner JONAH M BITEIKINE OLB K ERORE, EsQ for the purposes of the sald Regulatlons, and to be a m em ber of the N arok D lstrlct Fducatlon Board ln place (11) revoked the appolntment of Robert Jolm Andrew Stuart of Phlllp Eleven M aslndet, Esq ,M w ho has reslgned H lckson-M ahony as Spemal Com mlssloner, notlfied ln G azette N otlce N o 5169 of 1961 D ated thls 15th day of M ay, 1962 D ated thls 21st clay of M ay 1962 L G SAG IN I, M tnïster /o, Educaftol' By Com m and of the G overnol +G 14 2264/60 A C C SW AN N M lniste /o? Dejellce

CJ tZETTB lloTlcE l:o 2497 (C/121117) GAZB'I'TE NOTICB No 2501 (RDS 38/2) TH E TOW N SH IPS O RD INAN CE TH E ROAD AUTH ORITY ORD IN AN CE, 1950 (Cap 133) (N o 64 oj 1950) BIJNGOMA fow xsHlp A ovTsoay COM M ITTEB- A PPOINTMENTS A PPOINTM ENT OF THE ROAD A UTHORITY IN EX ERCISE of the powers confelred by sectlon 7 of the IN EX ERC ISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the Townshlps Otdlnance (Cap 133) the M lnlster for Local Goxern- R oad A uthollty Ordlnance, 1950, the G overnor hereby appolnts m d nt hereby appolntxs- the persons speclfied ln the Schedule hereto to be m em bers of The Dlstrlct Commlssloner (Chalrmanj , the Road A uthorlty The M edlcal Officer of Hea1th Elgon N yanza SCHEDIJLB The Secretary, Elgon Nyanza Afncan D lstrlct Councll 1 The D eputy Secretary to the Treuury to represent the D erek N eave Flatt, Esq , A R 1 B A M lnlstor for Flnance and D evelopm ent and ln h1s absenco, the Abdulrasul J'affer V alJ1, Esq Under Secretary (Development) Bruce Parkes, Esq , 2 The Permanent Secretary for W orks and Com m unlcatlons D hulabh t1 Pllw anhal Patel, Esq , to represent the M lnister for W orks and Com munlcatlons Alphonse M aslnde, Esq , 3 The Perm anent Secretary for Local G overnm ent to repre- Chlef Joseph W afula K haoya , sent the M lnlster for Local G overnm ent, and ln hls absence, D avtd N lcholas H ughesr Esq elther the D eputy Secretary for Local G overnm ent or the Sadrudln H usseln D ossa, Esq , Pnnclpal Local G overnm ent Ihnanclal OK cer to be m embers of the Townshlp Com mlttee for 1962 Gazette N otlces N os 1813 and 3314 of 1961 are hereby cancelled M ade thls 22nd day of M ay, 1962 D ate,d thls 14th day of M ay, 1962 D T ARAP M Ol, M ïltlster lor Local Gtliztv/llncn/ By Com m and of the G ovurnor T M CH OK W E, M tnuter jor W orks and Commumcattons G AZETTE N olvfcE N o 2498 (121 164) G AZETTE è(oTIcE N o 2502 THE LOCAL GOVERNM ENT (COUNTY COUNCILS) O RD IN A N CE , 1952 TH E PR ISO N S O R D IN A N CE (No 30 oj 1952) W ap 78) rH E CO U N TY CO U N C IT-S A N D C O U N TY D ISTR ICT A PPOINTM ENT COUNCILS (PILLING OF VACANCIES) RULES 1953 l1 tlIN EXERCISE of the powers conferre (j t) y sectlon 37 of N OM INATION I w Pnsons Ordm ance and delegated* to hlm , tbe Actlng Perm anent Secretary, M lnlstry ot Soclal Servlces hereby IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by the County appolnts- Counclls and the County Dlstrlct Counclls (Flll1ng of Vacancles) D OROTHY JEAN A RMSTRONG Rules, 1953, the M lnlster hereby nomlnates- 1 as an O ë clal V lsptor to H M Prlson and Rem and Centre M R D wvlo A LASTAIR LOFFT H OLDEN K lsum u ln the Central N yanza D lstrlct N yanza Provlnce to be a m em ber of the N yanza Cotm ty C ouncll representlng thk N orth Sotlk W ard untll the annual general m eetlng ln 1964 D ated thls 21st day of M ay, 1962 C CA M PBELL, D ated thls 231-d dav of M ay, 1962 A cttng Perm anent Secretaty

D T A RAP M 0I M lnll&.v o! Soctal s'c?vrce: M lntster /t7? Local Gtpvtpprl-cnr *L N 252 J62 580 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

G AZETTE N oTlcs N o 2503 G AZETTE N orlcE N o 2507 TH E PR ISO N S O R D IN A N C E V A CA N C Y IN TH E SER V ICE O F TH E EA ST A FR ICA N COM M ON SLRV ICES ORG XN IZATION (Cap 78) A N OINTMENT ox O FFICIAL V ISITOR PtrBtlc SERVICE C OM M ISSION APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the followlng post and should IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 77 of the be subm ltted to the Secretary, Publlc Servlce Comm lsslon, P O Prlsons O rdlnance and delegated'k to h1m the Perm anent Secre Box 30466, N alrobl, K enya A ppllcants not ln G overnm ent tary M lnlstry of Soclal Servlces hereby appolnts- servlce m ust subm kt thelr appllcatlons, ln trlpllcate, on form R e& Stephen H aughton, AG 85 Cl&11 servants m ust subm lt thelr appllcatlons, ln trlpll- H ashlm Abdl Om ar cate, through thelr departmental heads at least seven dayq 4s O qiclal V lsltors to M arsablt Prlson ln the M arsablt D lstrlct before the closlng date on form A G 85A Form s A G 85 and N orthern Provlnce A G 85A are obtaynable in K enya from the Secretary and ln U ganda and Tanganylka from the Secretanes to the Publlc D qted thls 22nd day of M ay, 1962 Servlce Com m lsslon at P O Box 107 Entebbe and P O Box C CA M PBELL, 9143, D ar es Salqam , respectlvely A ctm g Pczwltwicnf Seo etal J Seltto; -,d îststant Legal Secretal p Seo eto y Getlel al s t?/-lfcc M lnlstty oj Soclal ,5'e? 1 lces (Legal Secl etaty s C7kcnlbe? 5) A L N 252 /62 Salarv - E2 175 (no overseas or lnducement allowance payable) (M en ) PENSIONABLE G &zBrrs Closlng date 6th July, 1962 EA ST A F RICA N R A ILW NY S A N D H A R BO U R S A ppllcants m ust nossess a legal quallficatlon obtalned ln a Com m onMt,alth country and have had not less than live years' C f-osulkis oF Polt'rs experlence slnce quallfylng C om prehenslve expenence ls essen- T H E East A fncan Rallw ays and H arbours announce that wlth tlal, partlcularly ln clvll law and appllcants m ust be ready eflect from m ldnlght on Thursday, 31st M ay, 1962, all ports on 'tnd able to accept conslderable resoonslblllty D raftlng abllltv Lakes K loga and K w anla wll1 be perm anently closed wlth the ys necu sary and expellence and com petence as an advocate exceptlon of M aszndl Port arld N am asagall are essentlal The dutles of the post conslst of glvlng legal Trafllc destlned for the area prevlously served by ports on advkce to a11 departm ents of the C om m on Servlces Organlza Lakes K loga and K wanla m ay be conslgned to the new statlons tlon draftm g lncludlng som e leglslatlve draftlng and conductlng ot A chuna and A lol on the Sorotl-tvlra Extenslon and w lth cases ln court on behalf of the O rganlzatlon effect flom 1st June, 1962, to Llra Penslonable oflicers w ho are deslgnated ln the servlce of the G ELLIS G overnm ents of U ganda Tangam lka or K eaya cannot be con lor General M cpltzjx? sldered for transfer to thls post

G AZETTE N oTIcE N o 2505 GAZETTE N oTlcE N o 2508 VA CAN CIES IN TH E SERV ICE OF TH E KEN YA EA ST A FRIC AN RA ILW A Y S A N D H A R BOU R S G O VER N M EN T AMENDMENT TO TARtFF BOOK NO 3 (PART 11) Cïvlt- SERVJCB COM M ISSII)N THE East A frlcan Rallways and Harbours glves notlce that APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the f ollowlng posts and m ust wlth eflect from 2nd July 1962 Tarlff Book No 3 (Part I1) be submlttcd to îhe Secretal'y, Clvll Servlce Commlsslon P O w1l1 be am ended as follow s - Box 30095 N alrobl, to reach hlm by 19th June 1962 Clvll PAGE 1 1 SscrloN 312 I4I- KAVIRONDO G ULF SERVIC-ES servants must submlt theli appllcathons to heads of departm ent D elete the table show lng thlrd class f lres and lnsel t the on form CSC 2A. ln trlpllcate at least seven days before the follow lng closlng date and other apphcatlons to be subm ltted on iorm K tsum u CSC 2 , ln trlpllcate robtalnable from the Secretary Thlrd (7/t'I5-$ A vîem bo Bav S 'tprzltl Ba% .&'t??7#u Bay' #lc? N Stol ekeeper Gtade I Aknytz Pohce- M tlltstr) of Dc/e?lce Sh cts Sh cts 577 ctb 5/7 ctv Salaly Jctz/c - f 855 to f 1,170 PEN SIONA BLE M em bo Bay A pphcants preferably selvm g Govelnm ent officers, should have H om a Bay 2 20 not less than five years experlence of technlcal (transpott) stores K endu Bay 2 20 2 70 and a good knowledge ot m otor vehlcle and dlesel power plant K lsum u Pler 2 70 7 10 1 80 spareq A knowledge of G overnrnent regulatlons, financlal m struc- K uwur 2 20 0 80 2 70 3 10 tlons and l ote control ls deslrable G ELLIS Wl-echllkcal f?79// lsctor f.8uiîllr7c0 Ket') a Polj /ec/2?7Ic--A.'/i?llJ/ry /t?? General M anagel o.f Educatkon Salar) scale - f 687 to f 1 170 PEN SION A BLE or AGREE GAZETU N oTlcs N o 2506 M EN 1- lN H ER M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OF KEN YA AT A ppllcants m ust have served an apprentlceshlp and have not M A C H A K O S less than five years' lndustllal experlence Preference w111 be glven to appllcants wlth the lhnal Clty and Gullds Certlficate and Bejote the Hotloulable M 1 ïustlce Edmollds teachlng experlence w11l be advantageous The successful candldate C Ar sll Lls'r m ay be posted to any techm cal and trade school m K enya M onday, 4th June 1962 at 10 a m 5c?7It?r Fxtz??7l/?cr ()/ Accoullts- shntstry oj Dc/c?Tcc F ot Plea Cr C No 35/62 Reglna v M usau s/o Samuh Salary scale - :2687 to f 1 011 PEN SIONA BLE Cr C No 37/62 Regma & (1) Paulo Klkumu s/o M utlso (2) Appllcants m ust be servlng G oN ernm ent oë cers with at least Kaslko s/o Nduta, (3) M atolo s/o Nzomo, fve years practlcal expenence of Government accounts and/or (4) M unyall s/o Ngumbl, (5) M wau %/ o audltlng, ablhty to control stalT and conduct correspondence Ngula, (6) M usm ka s/o M wltva Preference wl1l be gw en to candldates w lt.h knowledge of the Cr C No 48/62 Reglna v Kamene d/o M walta Penslons 01 dlnance and the Llm lted Compensatlon Schem e The F or N etzrin,ç successful canclldate m ay be requlred to travel Cr C No 35/62 Reglna v M usau s/o Samuh : Increm ental credlt m ay be allow ed to new entrants to the Cr C No 37/62 Reglna v Paulo Klkumu s/o M utlso and five serw ce ln respect of quall catlons and experlence others Tuesday, 5th Tune 1962, at 10 a m GAZETTB NorlcB N o 2509 Po t H eard VACAN CIES IN TH E SERV ICE OF TH E K EN YA Cr C No 37/62 Reglna v Paulo Klkumu s/o M utlso and five G OVERN M EN T others CIvIL SERvIcE CoMstlsslox W ednesday, 6th June 1962, at 10 a m TH E Cwll Serwce Com mlsslon wl1l shortly be conslderlng the Part H eat d filllng of the underm entloned posts The Com m lsslon w1ll revlew Cr C No 37/62 Reglna v Paulo Kikumu s/o M utlso and live the field of ehglble candldates, but any oflicers w ho w lsh thelr others nam es to be blought speczfically to the attentlon of the Corn Thursday, 7t.11 June, 1962, at 10 a m m lsslon should so m form tho Secretary Clvll Servlce Comm lsslon Fo? H ealïl:g P O Box 30095, N alrobl, by 19th June, 1962 by letter, m tnpll- Cr C No 48/62. Repna v Kamene d/o M walta cate, contalnlng a statem ent of quahficatlons, experlence and servlce hlstory whlch should be sent through the Perm anent Frlday, 8th June, 1962 at 10 a m Secretary of the M lm stry ln whlch they are servlng Part f:fctz?l Cr C No 48 /62 Reglna : Kamene d/o M walta Tox ?; Planïtit'g A dvtser- lnown PJ(zrl??I?7.g D epal f/?l&??t Salary - :2,175 PEN SION ABLE D J D EV IN E , N alrobl D eputy R egtstrar, Semor Land OF ctv- flcptz? fznenr of uLtkz7ll 25th M ay 1962 Sum eme Court 0/ Kenya Salary scale - f l ,839 to f 1 989 PEN SION ABLE 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZERV E 581

G AZETU l4oTlcs l4o 2510 Pollcz - Pohce- lcontd )- (LAN 10/2/3/62/1A) Jam es N jenge G K am aru lsaak M anoah Ehyuga LA NG UA GE EXA M INA TIONS Sam w el M lnade 1 K M 'M wotha Joseph Busaka J K M refu TH E followlng results are nottfied for general lnform atlon D avld N yoro D elfino N logl Joseph N durla Sam uel M am a THE O luL PAR.T oF THF, STANDARD SwAHILI EXAMINATION Taraclslo N JII'LI D anlel Lorenga Z akalla M allm o Joseph K lpkem ol (Pass wlf/7 Dtstlnctlonj Joshua M alllu C G Okello Joseph K ham asl Edward N golanle Of/icc ()/ the M lïltster ()/ State P/150/75- Thom as D lsldw a M lchael G ltlutho for Co/?x/l/uflontzf AFakrs 5 L M alweyl Francls J Burton alkd xd.tgzu/?lyf?tzf/o??- H K K llonzo M acharla A lbert M alna M unyera C K lsaka M rs R uth V uylya Joseph K eya M ulltl M akau C Oduk C K M uhola M ulel M utlsya Isalah A ndatl N M K lara Charles Ako D M O R ourke Ephrahlm Oplyo M kntntry OJ Agrtcultute cnff F K Kasombo A lbert Jaram ba Ratlll Toya A ntntal /.Iu.y!)tzpl#ry- Polïce- Jervaslr N um ylrla Stephen Solom on W P M athagu Allen M asudl John K lpeno Sllvester N K arw a J E A yugl J J C M akaduol M M M ugwongo Charles Slnngl M M M ukolwe Rlchard N lue A llan M asudl M M anyara M 'M ungwlka J M M adete G llbert M am eu K lbul M acharla Fredenck O nzakwe M 'tustrv oj Labow- Joseph M agare John K lm anl K angethe Joei M w anzla H J K ram er H ezeklah Justln N dlpo Elm d M wangl K atongu K am lnda (Passj K lptogen Barngetuny M lchael Ndom e Jerem y K artzlkl Jonah K yprono Afnsy/z.r 0/ Aolcktltuz e fzz7tf Polkce- lcollta )- Joel M uchena Laban K lhswa -4??lr?ltzf H usbandty- Joslah M uok A S Rose A lfayo Slkolla Jackson K am undl Patrlck M utlsya Mlmstty of Lands Sutveys tzncf Toblas M lseda N Jlr1 M uthlglra J J C M akaduol Town Planntlîg- Lucas W ata M M 'Twaruchlla Fredenck Ochanda R W M oss Frederlck Ochanda R lchard N lue Sam uel O llya N dentu K lnlnda Frederlck M udanya M tntstîy ()/ Educahotl- Samuel Ollya Paulo M 'Iklnyua Blnea N asllal J E G er S W Cro%s G llbert M am eu Jullus Ochleng Om olo M tnlstly oj Laboul- A P Soal O nesm us C hum a Toblas M lseda J Lawrence B C Angove Benlam ln K aslm u Glchungl M Kunyua Omce of //)c M tlltstet oj State Ellkana Ciutuyl K ubu Benson lor Constttutloltal df/tzlr,ç Blnea Nasllal Ellas N leru and zldrêll?pllfrtz/lchhl...- Sam son M bogo Stephen N yaga Ellkana Chltup G L M a/azu Jullus Ochleng Om olo A rthur N dakwa A lfayo Slkolla Saml C P Okech Jeckonlah Oplyo M oses N leru Davld W athom e B M akanga M M 'Twaruchlra W K K lkw el Prlso'ïs- M ltltstty of Toulksln Ft)pc&/: Ndelltu Klwlnda K am au Talta W aweru Rem l atïd W tld f,l/c- Paulo M 'Ikmyua H ulbert G athu Onesm us Chum a PRELIMINARY SwaHlLl (OR&!3 EXAMINATION A D M ather G ldeon W achlra (Pa5s) Polïce- J M W anjohl N deke M uyanga Benlam ln K aslm u M /??J5&> 0/ Agllculture cPSJ A.fI??IJ/?y o.f Todf/lâ'?zl Forests K lbuthu N luguna D avld M ugo zl./ll/rlcf Hltsbaïtdry- J,7# W tld Z;/d- M ayenga N yatage Jackson K am undT T L M artln G P Stevens Enoch W anekaya N llrl M uthlgtra silmstry oj Health- M anllt Sm gh P L O N apukenya M Jl?,&/ly oj f'#,fct:I/It???- M lss E Anson D uncan M buru M utuku M wangl D S Bharal M lss J Flesher Ruben N gonu M anoah Ehyuga M lss M C Iv Boggls M knkstry t?j Labour- Joash Gldeon Oguto Otongo C D D esal A S V lrdee Nleholas W anyonl Slm on M ugula Glan Slngh Mtltlstiy oj faJ?2#J Surveys and M lchael Kangen Ptlsonz- K B L Joshl Tswlz Planm ng- Hezeklah K am wangl W A H alsey J S M aschanda A S R upra K am au Talta J M Brownlee M 1s K M cG lnlay R D a Cruz Isaak Samuel W W adhaugh F D N oronha q'ilïlistt y' oj W otks- C Clarkson Albert Jaram be H Leslle * M M M ugwongo D avld G lay Klbm M acharla B H arrls N alrobl J M N ORM AND , Johana M uganda P A K lrull 231-d M ay, 1962 Seo etary Laltguages & J?# Phllllp N yaboga J A O Rabuogl Jam es N am m W J T Gottldmg Am os Captaln J G W alnalna GAZETTE N orlcs N o 2511 Flederlck M udanya W C F1y (W ATIRWBIV)

THE W RITTEN PART OF THE STANDARD SWAHTLI EXAMINATJON THE W A TER ORD IN AN CE, 1951 tpfzs'-v with Df-v//?7cflt/n) (No 56 oj 1951) Omce ()/ the M l?u-&/E'r oj State Co opelattj,e Depal tnlent- jor Constttutlonal X#cir: A K Ndetl A PPOINTM BNTS To THE ATHI R EGIONAL W ATBR BOARD aitd ..t1(@/?u?7I5'/?(7fIo?l- M lntsttj oj z'lgriclfl/upc alld D A M ulam a A îlllnal /.&

M Tn/xî/p). o.f .X.p ïculture and nffice oj the Af/uxç/cr oj State N lcholas on the sald Board .,4.?pl?nll H usbandr).- /(?? Constktutkoïlal .d#tzl/l J G Ayugl atld .?4.J?nI?7I.î/?JlIt?,7- M aurlce Frost: ceased to be a m em ber of the sald Board J M lbbotson w lth effect from 25th N ovem ber, 1961 M lnlstry ()/ Labout- B M akanga N N N duatl N M K lara Gazette Notlce No 809 /57 ls hereby cancelled H J K lam er F M A Hm awy bhmstlk o! Lands Sut T e)s tr?# G L M aIanl D ated thls 14th day of M ay, 1962 Ftpwn Plo tt?tng- C P Okech )' N Klnyanlul C O duk M ICHA EL BLU ND ELL, R W M oss Chnstopher K lsaka Telnporary M tntstet ybr Agrlculture tzpltf Uïiofflcials- A ntm al S 'ulhtzntfry. Vllltstry OJ Ilealth..- G H M atovu A M W Heman D avld Chege '-G N 1162/61 582 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEU E 29th M ay, 1962

CIAZETTE è4oTtcE i:o 2512 THs M INISTER 17OR H EALTH AND H OUSING, P O Box 30016, N AIROBI ANN U AL REPO RT OF TH E ASIAN AN D ARAB H O SPITAL FUND AU TH O RITY Slr, In accordant.e wlth the provlslons of Sectlon 18 (1) (a) of the Hospltal Treatment Rellef (Aslan and Arab) Ordlnance No 57 of 1959, the A slan and A rab H ospltal Fund A uthorlty establlshed under the Ordlnance ls requlred to furm sh w lthln a perlod of seven m onths after the end of each financlal year, a report of lts opelatlon durlng that year together wlth a balance sheet and recelpts and pavm ents account duly audlted by the Controller and Audltor General, or such other audltor as m ay be appolnted The A uthorlty now has pleasure zn subm ttting 1ts Report for the year ended 31st D ecem ber, 1961- the second year ol operatlon supported by A udlted A ccounts A UTHORITY 2 The Aslan and Arab Hospltal Fund AuthoTlty constltuted m accordance wlth Sectlon 3 (2) of tile Ordmance, at present comprises of the followlng m em bers - M r J D Byramlee, M B E Lchalrman) ) M r S M Akram t Appolnted by the malorlty of Elected Aslan and Arab M embers of the Leglslatlve Dr S D K arve, O B E j Counml Shelkh M S M ackawl J M r P J m ley A ppom ted by the M m ister for n nance M r W R L A ddlson M B E , M C A ppolnted by the M m lster for H ealth and H ouslng

BBNBHTS 3 The Autllorlty shall pay out of the F'und a dally allow ance of such am ount and ln respect of such perlod as m ay be prescrlbed tow ards the cost of fees necessartly tncurred for hospltal treatm ent recelved by a Contrlbutor 4 BeneNts payable as at 31st D ecem ber, 1961 w ere as follow s - (1) Hospltal Treatment Allowance Sh 20 per day (19 M aternlty Cases Sh 25 pcr day, lncluslve of mother and chlld, plus Sh 5 per day for each addltlonal chlld (lil) Dolmclllary M ldwtfery Allowance of Sh 100 m respect of the day upon whlch a chlld ls born 5 The foliowlng ls a comparatwe sum m ary of the benefhs pald and the number of clalm s - 1960 1961 f f. (1) Hospltal Treatment 35,748 84,420 Ut) M aterntty 16,967 32,223 (119 Domlclllary Mldwlfery Allowance - 8,857 TOTAL f 52,715 125,500 N um ber of clatm s dealt w lth 7,077 13,260 6 The benests payable under para 4 (1) and (11) representlng an lncrease of Sh 5 per day and the Domlclllary M ldwlfery Allowance, v1z para (ln) became efectlve on the 1st January, 1961 W e have the honour to be, Slr, Y our obedlent Servantô, J D BY R A M JEE, Chatrm an,

N alrobl P J R ILEY , M em ber 12th iprll, 1962 for W:IJZI and Arab Hospttal Fund huthorlty

RseoR'r of TH: CONTROLLER ANo AUDITOR-G SNERAL ON THE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR CNDED 31sT DECEMBER 1961 I have exammed the attached Account and Balance Sheet In accordance wlth the provlslons of the Hospltal Treatment Rellef (Aslan and Arab) Ordlnance No 57 of 1959 2 Schedules of D efault am ountm g to Q 134 13xç haNe been subm ltted to m e for exam lnatlon ln respect of tax payers contrlbutlons payable to the Fund by the C om m lssloner of lncom e Ta x ,whlch was lrrecoverable as at 30th June, 1961 These am ounts have been w rltten off under the provlslons of Sectlon 16 (#) of the Hospltal Treatment Rellef (Aslan and Arab) Ordlnance No 57 of 1959 3 Sublect to the above com meat 1 itave obtamed all the lnform atlon and explanatlons that l have requlred and I certlfy, as a result of my audlt, that m my oplnlon th2 attached Account and Balance Sheet are correct N alrobl, C W H O D G ES, 7tk Apml, 1962 Controller and Audttor General


1960 R ECEIPTS 1960 PAYMENTS é, R x cts f, s cts f, E s cts j: s cts 141,672 Contrlbutlons from Con- Benefits- trlbutors under secttons A llow ances ln respect of 12 and 13 of Ordmance , 35,748 (l) Hospltal Treatment 84,419 12 00 No 57 of 1959 164,496 11 85 16,967 (11) M aternlty 32,223 11 50 10,000 Len Expenses of Co1- - (111) Domlclllary M 1d- lectlon 10,000 0 00 w ltery A llow ance 8,857 5 00 .. 154,496 11 85 125,500 131,672 52,715 35,418 Contrlbutlons from Gen- EXPENSES 01' eral Revenue under A DMINISTRATION Sectlon 14 (l) of 3,109 Salarl es , W ages and O rdm anco N o 57 of A llow ances 5,267 15 28 1959 41,124 0 45 145 Travelllng and Subsls 5,000 Second Annual Con- tence Allowance 331 11 00 trlbutlon from General 431 Prlntlng and Statlonery 157 4 25 R evenue under Soctlon 52 Telephone Charges 106 4 03 14 (19 of Ordlnance 412 Rent, Llgllt and W ater, N o 57 of 1959 5,000 0 00 etc 534 16 90 463 lnterest on Investm ents 5 171 4 62 166 Insurance and Incldentals 224 6 07 806 Furnltu re , n ttm gs and Equlpm ent 699 6 77 90 Postage 102 6 60 - A udlt Fees 100 0 00 . ,7,523 jtl 9() Balance- 114,627 Excess of R ecelpts over Paym ents 72:767 17 52 172,553 f 205,791 16 92 172,553 f 205,791 16 92 29th M ay 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTF 583

BALANCB SHEBT xs AT 3 lsT D ECEMBSR 1961 l 1960 taxslslvlss 1960 I xsssvs :6 f / kï s f f ;i) cts f cts - Accumulated Fund as at '.I 100 000 ' Investm ents on short 1st January, 1961 114 627 18 69 I term deposlt (Perm 1 14 627 ' 4dd Excess of Recelpts r J p anent Secretary to the 4 over Paym ents 1 72 767 17 52 . I Treasury) . ' 115,000 0 00 . $ 187,395 16 21 I Advance to Secretary L k 2 D (Motor car) )' 349 10 00 CaCYsOSItnS jyayjd jjwjutjjng 1 5 1 S0 stam ps - 4 Petty Cash 14 8 00 5 stam ps 18 40 15 6 40 14,616 Cash at Bank p 12,025 12 31 114,627 187,395 16 21 114,627 f 187,395 16 21

J D BY R A M JEE, Chatrman, Nalrob, P J R ILEY , M em bet , 15th Qarch, 1962 for Aslan and Atab Hospltal Fund Authorttn

GAZE'I'TB N OTICE N O 2513 CIAZSTTE lkoTlcE lko 2516

TH B AFRICAN DISTRICT COU N CILS TH E N A TIV E A U TH O R ITY GR D IN A N CE O R D IN AN C E,, 1950 (Cap 97) (Revtsed Edktton 1959) AJYOINTMBNT A PPOINTM ENT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 6 (1) IN EX BR CISE of the pow ers thereunto enabllng m e, I and ln accordance wlth sectlon 8 (4) of the Afrlcan Dlstrlct hereby appolnt the person nam ed ln the Schedule annexed Counclls Ordmance, 1950 (Rewsed Edltlon, 1959), the Prownclal hereto to be the O'mclal Chlef for the area n'tm ed thereln Comm lssloner, Coast Provm ce, hereby appolnts- M R M ASUM BIJKO ZANI D W H A LL, to be tbe Vlce-chalrm an of the Afrlcan D lstrlct Councll of sfonabasa Prob Irlcltzf Com mlnloner K wale wlth effect from 22nd February, 1962 15th slay, 1962 Coast Provlnce Gazetto N oûce N o 4287 of 25th A ugust, 1961, 1b varled ScHsout,s accordlngly N am e - N athanlel John Rughendo M toto D W H ALL, A rea - RaI1&&a) W ard, M om basa Dlstnct M om basa, Pt t)vl?lclal Com m ïsstonet 17th M ay, 1962 Coast Pl ovlnce I'F/f/; ejject J?J?z7 - 12th M arch, 1962 Rem al ks .--N ew appolntm ent

G AZERTE N o'rlcs N o 2514 THE AFRICAN D ISTRICT COU N CILS ORD IN AN CE, 1950 QJAZBTTB '4OTICE ;;O 2517 (Revtsed Edktton, 1959) AD OINTMENTS TH E N ATIVE AUTH OR ITY ORD IN AN CE IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 6 (l) of Lcap 97) the Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councyls Ordlnance, 1950 (Revlsed Edltlon, A PPOINTM BXT 1959), the Provlnclal Commlssloner Coast Provlnce, hereby appolnts the person nam ed m the Flrst Schedule hereto to bo a IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, l hereby m em ber of the Afrlcan Dlstnc.t Councll of K lllfi wlth effect appomt the person named ln the Schedule annexed hereto to be from the 1st day of M ay, 1962 the O m clal Chlef for the aroa nam ed thereln 'I'hc person nam ed ln the Second Schedule to thls notzce ls a m em ber elected m qccordance wlth the provlso to subsectlon D W H ALL, (2) of the aforesald sectlon M ombasa Provlnclal Com lnlsnoner Gazette N otlce N o 4810 of 3rd October, 1961, ls vaned 15th M ay, 1962 Coast #? t7l lnce '! accordlngly SG IBDIJLB FIRST SCHEDULE N ame - stephen M uturl M akonde A ppotnted M em ber Area .-f hangam we W ard, M om basa D lstrlct Chlef H arry Fanlo rfz lïh c#t'c; fronl - 17th February, 1962 Sbacoxn SCHEDULE R enlatks .- N ew appolntm ent Elected M em ber M r Chuma Ngolo, 1 tce Jeremlah Davld Ngumbao (reslgned) D W HALL, G AN TTS N OTICB N o 2518 M om basa, Provlnckal Cbznznlxllc'ner 22nd M ay, 1962 Coast Provlnce rH E N ATIVE AU TH ORITY ORDIN AN CE qcap 97j GAzr'rrs N o'rlc's N o 2515 APPOIXTMBNT IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabllng m e, I hereby AD M ISSION OF CLAIM S U N DER TH B CO OPERATIVE appolnt the person nam ed ln the Schedule anaexed hereto to be SO C IETIES O RD IN A N C E, 1945 the O fliclal Chlef for the area nam ed thereln T ap 287) Re The M lffll?n Co-operattve Soctety Llmkted (u?I#cr D W HALL, llqukdattonj M om basa, Provlncfal Com mlssloner 1, bemg duly appolnted llquldator of the above-named 15th M ay, 1962 C oast Provtnce Soclety, hereby appolnt 30th June 1962 as the day on or bdore whlch credltors of the sald Soclety shall state to m e SCHBDULE thelr clalnzs for adrm sslon Such clalm s shall be addressed to me N ame - Abdurahm an Om ar at Sham as Houso, P O Box 2027, N alrobl Area .-x lsaunl W ard, M om basa D lstrlct D ated thls 18th day of M ay, 1962 W kth c#ccf jrom - 1st M ay, 1962 M AN OHA R LALL Remarks - N ew appolntment m place of Chlef Ahm ed N assor, Lkquïiator who retlred on 31st M arch, 1962 584 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

GAZE'I-rE N o'rlcs No 2519 EAST A FRICAN COM M ON SERVICES ORG AN IZATION EAST A FRICAN C USTOMS AND EXCBE D EPARTMENT NOTICE ts hereby gtven that ttle undermentloned goods wlll be sold by Pubhc Auctlon at the Queen's W arehouse, Kllmdlnl, on 2nd July, 1962, at 9 00 a m , lf not clearod before that date Custom H om e, M om basa G R COATS

Re gtonal Conlmusloner o.f Ckf-ç/tpzp.î and Exclse, Kenya Lso'utlll Lls'r oF UNENTSRED Gooos LYING IN THE QUSBN S W AREHOUSE FOR OVER TwO M ONTHS DUE FOR SALE ON M ONDAY 2ND JULY # 1962

W E K N o Shlp s N am e D ate of M arks and N um bers D escrlptlon of Contents and D ate A rnval

517/27-11-61 Tozal M aru 31-10-61 B A S Usanl M argao v1a M armugoa /-/2022 1 case plastlc purses 2/2-1-62 Clty of Durham 30-11-61 Nalrobl vla M ombasa 1 bag soap powder 30/20-1-62 Rondo 15-12-61 NIL 5 bags fertlllzers 47/24-1-62 Robln Goodfellow 27-12-61 NlL 50 drums palnt llquld 74/16-2-62 W alkelo 25-11-61 A S M oshl 4 bundles hlna powder 91/20-2-62 Kampala 24-1-62 Shall SN & DA P O Box 890, Nalrobl 2 cases rellglous books 109/3-3-62 Nllkerk 29-1-62 NIL 10 bags fertlllzers N lL 1 coll plaln wlre N lL 1 bundle strawboards N lL 2 reels barbed w lre 113/7-3-62 Thorsdrake 5-2-62 M anubha 1 ,Nalrobl vla M ombasa 2 cartons ttArborlte'' contact cement Lareco, Box 788, M w anza vza M om basa 1 carton M utac thread rubber 114/8-3-62 La Bourdonnatse 6-2-62 To Express Transport Co Ltd , Box 39, 1 case medtclne M om basa N IL 1 carton em pty tlns 115/7-3-62 W arwlck Castle 30-1-62 Alrakslmen, Box 5, Koru, Kenya 1 case lndustrlal bollers N lL 1 carton tollet soap N IL 1 roll paper 31 feet long M S & Co , N alrobl vla M om basa 50 cartons baklng pow der 117/15-3-62 Adventurer 5-2-62 NIL 1 bag colourlng chemlcal N IL or D ongul 120 loose bmcks N IL 1 case lndustmal m achm ery N lL 1 bundle plates N IL 1 bundle lron bars 1 18/15-3-62 Urundl 12-2-62 NlL 9 bags fertlllzers D & M N 19 1 parcel plastlc pleces 19J/ x 11.1. N IL 7 paper bags m alt, 2 paper bags chem lcal N lL 1 sack m alt N 1L 3 bags coloured chem lcal M M & Co 2700/1 Jjnla v1a M ombasa 1 bag malt M M & Co Ltd , 2675 Kaklra vla M om basa 47 em pty gunny bags 119/8-3-62 St Ciement 4-2-62 Belpar N/95/61 Nalrobl vla M ombasa -/ / 128 1 carton Shredded W heat Chandulal & Co , N alrobl 1 carton garden peas 122/19-3-62 M ason Lykes 17-2-62 M lchaels Phllllp s r Forest Dept , P O 31, 1 box plastlc Entebbe, U gand a ,A frlca M edloo lnc , R lruta for D r M ungal N loroke 10 cartons laboratory equlpm ent Cllnlc, K enya vla M om basa 125/22-3-62 Rotherwlck 14-2-62 NlL roll roofing felt N lL carton tollet paper N lL carton baklng pow der N IL carton chalk N IL carton lantern globes N lL carton baby food H RC C 9507 A O 1 16216 Stores Branch, P O ! case label contalners Box 3031 : 5 .. Nmrobl, Kenya, M ombasa /-/-/1 126/21-3-62 Plerre Lotl 19-2-62 BSM N or GK 2 1 bag beans 128/21-3-62 New Bank 18-2-62 SJB M ombasa 1 bag rlce DBS 5001/62 M ombasa 1 bag rlce M K & Co 36/62, Jmla vIa M ombasa 4 bags rlce G PC Broke r ,M om basa 1 bag rlce SV K M om basa 1 bag rlce KSCO N alrobl vla M om basa 1 bag rlce K aranla, M om basa 1 bag rlce V PS 5002 M om basa 1 bag rlce N lL 6 bags rlce 130/17-3-62 Alcor 16-2-62 M OP & Natrobt vta M ombasa 72809 1 case adverttslng materlal Super M arket, N alrobl v1a M om basa 1 carton canned frults N IL 1 paper bag lollypop stlcks N IL 1 bundle m otor-car sprlngs TOM XE 243/61 E/EC/Radlo, M oshl v1a 1 carton electrlc bulbs N M ombasa -/-/ 625484 IL 43 bags fertlllzer sw eeplngs 131/19-3-62 Ayrshlre 8-2-62 NIL 1 loose tyre 12 4 x 11 28 6 p1y 136/28-3-62 Kenya Castle 20-2-62 IM PRM 405 5/8 4 B/s woollen plece goods L H Nalrobl v1a M ombasa / /1 83 1 case personal efrects SPS N yert vla M om basa 1 case laboratory appllances 137/24-3-62 Clan Cummlng 22-2-62 G P & Sons, M ombasa /-/23 1 carton D D T m sectlclde N IL 1 bundle ballng hoop 138/ CpL 777 M ombasa -/-/25 1 carton Alax 22-3-62 R obln M ow bray 18-2-62 Jose PH Se-Baylkka Rubaga, P O Box 14126, 1 trunk used nooks M engo, U ganda, E A N IL 1 carton w hlte glnger, 1 carton pro vlslon , 2 cartons plastlc goods 139/24-3-62 Serooskerk 19-2-62 A M M ercantlle, C 124 Ltd , Zanzlbar 2 drums sanltary lluld 141/26-3-62 Afrlcan Llghtnlng 23-2-62 Klmanl Nyolke c/o ZlV 13 Kamalya, M akerere 2 trunks ) College, Kampala, Uganda 2 sultcases Fpersonal eFects N1L 4 boxes J 1 carton TtN onfat' dry m llk pow der 142/29-3-62 Europa 27-2-62 Vllperga Dapelo v1a F Venezlan 1 carton ladles shoes M oledl naa Arusha wa Tanga -/ / 3874 1 carton Bultonl 144/28-3-62 Almdllk 23-2-62 Anglo Amencan Fllm Dlstnbutors Ltd , 1 package prlnted matters N alrobl vla M om bas aJ Express Transport 146/30-3-62 Usaramo 26-2-62 IM & T Co Ltd , Nalrobl vla M ombasa 7 empty paper bags A J P B M om basa 1 bundle em pty bags N lL 13 bags fertlltzer sweeplngs 147/26-3-62 Chllka 25-2-62 C & G M ombasa 1 loose tyre slze 6 40 x 13 4 p1y N IL 1 bag U bolt w lth clam p 150/31-3-62 Clty of Poona 24-2-62 NlL 5 cases batterles

M S J 11 17,. Nalrobl v1a M ombasa -/-/44/45 2 cases Poltex 151/31 Simlt DFF 48 M alacca v1a Slngapore /-/100 1 case hose - 3-62 Sl-Klang 27-2-62 M M & Co Ltd , M adhvanl (Kaklra) v1a 8 bundles empty gunny bags M om basa 152/31-3-62 Robm Locksley 25-2-62 NIL 1 carton palnt 29th 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 585

Lls'r oF UNCLAIMBD AxD ABANDONED Gooos LYING IN THE QUEEN s W ARBHOUSE DUE FOR SALE ON 2ND JULY, 1962 W E K No Shm s N am e D ate of M arks and N um bers 1 Descrlptlon or contents and D ate A rrlval

Q 62/3-3-62 Robln Locksley 25-2-62 N1L 24 bottles provlslon, 2 tlns provlslon , 1 sm all bag powder Q 63/3-3-62 Amra 1-3-62 NIL 1 can Jaggery Q 64/9-3-62 Unknown, Port Pollce C R 18/62 1 nylon shlrt C R 23/62 1 bed sheet C R 19/62 1 cotton shlrt C R 14/62 155 tablets aspro C' R 12/62 3 cakes soap C R 9/62 1 used coat and strlng N IL 2 pullovers Q 65/9-3-62 Tozal M aru 1-3-62 NlL 5 boxes penclls Q 66/9-2-62 Averdyk 5-3-62 NlL 18 pleces coats Q 67/10-3-62 Robln M owbray 18-2-62 NlL 1, l42 pleces second hand clothmg , 2 pleces bedcovers s 4 tlns provislon, 85 em pty bags, 1 roll wlre net, 2 meces outboards Q 69/13-3-62 Unknown NlL 1 bag sugar Q 71/15-3-62 M ellno N lL 1 tln sulphadlmldlne B P Q 70/14-3-62 Durban Castle N1L 2 Jersevs ? 2 palrs sunglasses, 1 purse, l 1 handkerchlef , 1 palr sandals , 1 palr blnocular, 2 tles Q 72/20-3-62 Bow Plate 5-3-62 NlL 1 plece Optlmus stove (broken) Q 73/21-3-62 Rhodesla Castle 20-3-62 N1L 1 used blanket , 2 prlnted books Q 74/22-3-62 Garoet 13-3 -62 NlL 1 bottle wme 7 Q 75/24-3-62 Afrlcan M oon 19-3-62 NlL 6 pleces second hand clothlng Q 76/24-3-62 Rhodessa Castle 20-3-62 NIL 1 toy, 1 odd shoe , 1 odd nylon sock Q 77/28-3-62 State of Bombav 16-3-62 N lL 1 plece beddlng holders Q 79/28-3-62 Kampala 26-3-62 NlL 1 small c10th bag, 1 palr sandals, 2 colr m ats Q 80/28-3-62 Clan Chattan 15-3-62 N lL 4 Chemlco householders cleanser , 1 tln lnsectlclde, 6 m eces plastlc cups 10 pleces lron M /F Q 81/29-3-62 Afrlcan M oon 20-3-62 NlL 5 pleces ladles wear Q 82/29-3-62 Straat Slngapore 11-3-62 N lL 11 bottles shape proof washer, 15 tms provlslon , 1 tube for m llklng low Q 83/29-3-62 Kenya 5-3-62 NlL 1 lot m lscellaneous artlcles Q 84/30-3-62 Leonce V elleux 7-3-62 N lL 3 small bags confectlonery Q 85/30-3-62 Journa11st 14-3-62 NIL 5 tms mllk, 4 packets mgarettes Q 87/31-3-62 Thorscarrler 29-3-62 NIL 169 pleces second hand clothlng, 3 pleces m otor car tubes

U NCLAIMBD Pos'r PARCELS D uE r()R SALE olq 2N0 JULY, 1962 Durban, George Johnso nu 80 M asaka 1 parcel m edlcme F 2/62 Code 1249 . F 3/62 CO D 1204 R esldentlal M r Joseph, K am pala M asaka 1 parcoi cosm etlcs F 4/62 A M 7461 M /s A G M akalal, Box 33 45 ,Kl1 1 parcel clgarettes (75) F 5/62 A 5 185 Tallers Travel & Co , O flk e, N akuru 1 parcel calendars F 6/62 A 12344 N lL l parcel Indlan m edlclnes F l 1/62 A 12345 N IL 1 parcel lndlan m edlcm cs

EiAzsTws pfoTlcE tqo 2520 G AZBTTE N o'rlcs N o 2522 (A A 22582) rHE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE 1957 THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDIN ANCE, 1957 (No 20 oj 1957) (No 20 oj 1957) APPOINTMFNT OF LIQUOR LICENSING COURT TAITA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (2) TH E followlng applleatlons were approved at a statutory ot sectlon 4 of the Llquor Llcenslng Ordlnance, 1957, the m eetlng of the Talta Llquor tacenslng Court held at the M lnlster for Detence hereby anpolnts- Dlstrlct Com mlssloner s Oë ce, W undanyl, On 14th M ay, M AJOR A C K BARKAS 1962 to be a m em ber of the Llquor Llcenslng Court for the N anyukl N Ew APPLICATIONS l-lcenslng A rea ln place of Col C C C O ulton, who has M alt rfntf N on spirltuous Llquor On-hcence reslgned S J La1Jl, Plot N o 2, Vol Taveta Road, P O M watate D ated thls 17th day of M ay, 1962 A C C SW ANN , M alt (7,1# N on â'pirl/lftlu.ç Llquor O#-/lccrlccuç sitnlsteï /@? lDejence M wlwawl s Jo M walgacho, M aktau Tradlng Centre, P O Bura A bsalom Shako, M bale M arket, Irlwa, P O Vol G Azsrrs N orrc's N fa 2521 Solom on M wakulom ba, K lgom bo M arket, P O Box 23, Vo1 (2258 10) F lnuel N dege Telta C oncesslons Llm lted, P 0 M w atate THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDIN-ANCE, 1957 Jezrlel M bogo Shagasha, M asungunp M arket, P O W tm danp (No 20 o! 1957) N AKURU LIQUOR LICENSING COURT R ENEW AL DU LY authorlzed by tho Provm clal Gom m lssloner, Rlft Valley M alt and .N(??1-u$'J7l?l//dt7l/,5' Llquot On-hcence Provm ce a speclal meetlng of the N akuru Llquor Llcenslng C ourt w lll be held m tho Provlnclal C om m lssloner's C onference Charles M sengo, Plot N o 55, K arlakor, P O Box 23, V o1 Room at 10 a m on 26th June, 1962, to conslder the followlng appllcatlon - TRANSFER AND RATIFICATION OF N AMBS N Ew A TYI-ICATION W holesaïe Ltquor Llcence M alt (/,1# N on-spllttuous Zftzlftp? O n lkcence Noordln N oorm ohqm ed Adam , Plot N o 26, P O Box 25, Vo1 m chard A lnga, P O B ox 138 M olo , N akuru C ounty C ouncll Beerhall, M olo Beerhali P H BROW N , G K K ARIITH I, N akuru, Ptestdelît Prestdent 17th M ay, 1962 N alsulu f lquol fzlcerly/n.g Couî t Tlz/tz D quor D censlng Court 586 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

G AZE'IU'E N orlcs N o 24J5 GAZETTE N OTICE N O 2325 THE CROW N LAN DS ORD IN AN CE THE CROW N( CLANDS ORDINANCE (Cap 155) ap 155) TH E ROYAL NATIONA L PA RKS OF K BN YA K lsuMu M EDIIJM DBNSITY RESIDENTIAL PLOTS OR DIN ANCE THE Actlng Commlssloner of Lands gtves notlce that the (CJJI 215) undermentloned two plots, as descnbed ln the Schedule hereto, t1) LANGATA- PETROL STATION (HALF Aœ APPROXIMATELY) and prevlously advertlsed under Gazette N otlco N o 724 of 1958, (2) HOTBL/M OTEL AND RBSTAURANT ( I'BN ACRES are avallable for allenatlon and lnvltes appllcatlons for the APPROXIMATELY) dlrect grant tlw reof THE Com m lssloner of Lands glves notlce that sublect to 2 A plan showlng the plots m ay be seen at the oë ce of legal am endm ent to the Royal N alrobl N atlonal Park bopndary the Town Clerk, Klsum u, or at the Publlc M ap Odice sltuated approxlm ately half an acre of land, as descnbed ln the Schedule ln the Lands Department Bulldm g, Clty Square, N alrobl, or hereto, ls avallable for ahenatlon for the pum ose of a petrol m ay be obtalned from the Pubhc M ap Ofhce, P 0. Box 30089, statlon, and lnvltes appllcatlons for the dlrect grant thereof Nalrobl, on paym ent of Sh 4, post free 2 It ls the lntentlon that the developm ent of thls plot be 3 Appllcatlons should be subm lttcd to the Com m lssloner of carned out ln conlunctlon wlth the devtlopment of the 10 acre Lands throttglt the D lstnct C om m lssloner, K lsum u, so as to plot nearby for a hotel/motel and restaurant, appllcatlons for reach tho latter not later than 26th June 1962 the lease of whtch are requested by the Trustees, Royal N atlonal Parks of K enya, hereunder 4 Appllcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlons a cheque m ade payable to the C om m lsslonel of L m ds for Sh 1,000 3 The plot has not been surveyed and ls sltuated on the left hand stde of the Natrobl/ Langata road opposlte the Lattgata drawn on the appllcant s own banklng account (no other Cem etery A plan of the site show m g the approxlm ato botm - cheque,s wlll be accepted) as a deposlt whlch w11l be dealt dancs m ay be lnspocted at thc Pubhc M ap Oë ce, Lands D epart- wlth as follow: - m ent Btuldlng, Clty Square, N alrobl, or may be obtam ed on (J) It the appllcant ls odered and takes up and pays for a paym ent of Sh 4, post free, from the Dlrector of Surveys, plot wltlilrl a penod of 14 days the deposlt wl11 bc credlted P () B ox 30046, N alrobl to hlm 4 Appllcatlons should be sent to the Com m lssloner of Lands, (bj If the appllcant ls unsuccessful the qppllcant's deposlt m 11 P O Box 30089, N alrobl, m sealed envelopes m arked f

Provlded that tf default shall be m ade ln tho perform ance 3 A ppllcatlons should be sent to the Com m lssloner Of Lands, or observance of any of the requlrem ents of thls condltlon P O Box 30089, N alrobl, ln sealed envelopu m arked f'Langata lt shall be lawfttl for the Com m lssloner of Lands or any per- H otel/ M otel and Restaurant Slte not later than 9d1 June, son authonzed by h1m on behalf of Her M alesty to re-enter 1962 mto and upon the land or any part thereof ln the nam e of 4 A ppllcatlons m ust be accom pam ed by a statem ont tho whole and thereupon the term hereby created shall cease, lndlcatlng- but wlthout preludlce to any rlght of action or rem edy of H er M ajesty, the G overnor or the Com m lssloner ln respect (a4 the detalled proposals of the apphcant for the develop- of any antecedent brcach of any condltlon hereln contained m ent of thc slte N o sketch plan ls requzred but the succe-ssful tenderer w1ll be reqm red to subm lt for approval 3 The grantee shall at hls own expense sultably connect sketch plans of the bulldmgs he proposes to ere'ct before tho sald dralnage system and also the water supply system proceedlng wlth tho detalled drawm gs rrlle outhned pro- wlth any town dralnage and/or 'own wetter supply system posals should lnclude- when m the oplnlon Of tho Local A uthorlty the latter systems (1) a slte layout plan ln suëclent detml to show 4he are so far com pleted as to enable the grantee to do so sltlng of the bmldlngs m relatlon to the plot boun- darles , 4 'I'he grantee shall m alntaln m good and substantlal repalr and condltzon a1l blzlldlno at any tlm e erected on the land (11) an mdlcatlon of thg nlzmber of bedrooms and other room s to be constructed , thls accomm odatlon to be 5 Should the grantee glve notlce m wntlng to the Comm ls- com ploted and ready f or occupatlon wlthln 24 m onths sloner of Lands that he ls unable to com plete tho bmldm gs of the comm encem ent of the term of tlze lease wlthln the penod afor% ald the Com mlssloner of Lands shall A ppllcants m ay lf they wlsh subm lt thelr plans for (at the grantee s expense) accept a surrender of the land com- subsequent addltlonal development , prlsed herem (111) the nmnber and nature of publlc rooms to be provlded , Provided further lf such notlce as aforesald shall be glven (1) wlthln 12 months of the commencement of the term the (1v) a descnptlon of the amemtles and recreatlonal faclll- Com m lssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per tles to be provlded centum of the stand prem lum pald m respect of the land, or (bb the amount of capltal avallable for lmmedlato develop- (2) at any subsequent tmle prlor to the explratlon of the sald ment whlch m ust not be less than Sh 400,000 (E20,000), bulldlng ptrlod the Comm lssloner of Lands shall refund to the together w lth a statem ent from the appllcant's bankers grantee 25 per centum of the sald stand prem lum In the or from the representatwe.s of som e other fnanclal m stltu- event of notlce belng after the explratlon of the sald bm ldmg tlon acceptable to the Com m lssloner of Lands certlfym g perlod no refund shall be m ade that thls am ount ls elther lmm edlately avallable or w111 6 The land and bm ldlngs shall be used for the purposes of becom e avallable dunng the course of the constructlon of a petrol and servlce statlon whlch shall m clude only the greas- the hotel/m otel and restaurant lng, washlng and ollmg of vehlcles A dequate car parklng faclll- tles are to be provlded on the plot for those cars whlch General Condltw ns are servlced at the statlon 1 Tht. lease w111 be m ade under the Royal N atlonal Parks of K enya Ordlnance and the term of the lease wl11 be 33 years 7 The grantee shall comply wlth the provlslons of the trom the lirst day of the m onth followmg tile notlscatlon of Petroleum Ordmance (Cap 304) and any amendment thereto the approval of the lease or re enactm ent thereof for the ttme bem g ln force and the rules m ade from tlm e to tlm e thereunder 2 'Fhe lease w111 be lssued ln the name of the appllcant as stated ln the lotter of appllcatlon 8 The bm ldlng shall not cover a greater area of the land than m ay be prescrlbed by the Local Authorlty Speclal Condïtlons The grantee shall not subdlvlde the land 1 All bulldlngs m ust be of a porm anent natlzre and no bulldlng shall be erected on the land nor shall addltlons or 10 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet or charge the external alteratlons be m ade to any bm ldlngs otherm se than land or any part thereof except w lth the prlor consent m wrltlng ln conform lty wlth plans and speclficatlons prevlously approved of the Go& ernor , no apphcatlon for such consent (except ln w rltlng by the Trustees of the R oyal N atlonal Parks of ln respect of a loan requlred for bulldlng purposes) wlll be K enya and the Local Authorlty The Trustecs of the Royal consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 2 has been performed N atlonal Parks lof K enya shall not glve thelr approval unless 11 'Fhe grantee shall not erect on the land any hoardm g, they are satlsfed that the proposals are such as to develop the phcard, poster, slgn or advertlsem ent except a notlce advertlslng land adequately and satlsfactorlly the presence of product.s of the grantee's buslness 2 The Iessee shall wlthin slx m onths of the com m encem ent 12 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, of the lease subm lt ln tnpllcate to the Trustees of the Royal assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be Natlonal Parks of Kenya and the local authorlty plans (lnclud- lm posed, charged or assessed by any G overnm ent or Local 1ng block plans showm g the posltlons of the bulldlngs and Authorlty upon the land or the bulldlngs erected thereon, m clud- a system of dralnage for the dlsposal of sewage, surface and 1ng any contrzbutlon or other sum pald by the G overnor ln llcu sullage water), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons of the thereof bulldlngs the lessee proposes to erect on the land and shall wlthln 24 m onths of the com m encem ent of the term com plete 1'3 n e G overnor or such person or authorltv as m ay be the erectlon of a hotel/motel and restaurant and the construc- appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon tlon of the dralnage system ln conform lty w lth such plans, the land and lay and have access to water m euns servlce drawlngs, elevatlons and specllicatlons as amended (1f such plpes and dralns, telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc be the caseb by the Trustees m alns of all deascrlptlons, w hether overhead or underground and the grantee shall not erect any bulldlngs ln such a way Provldod that lf default shall be m ado ln the porform - as to ctner or lnterfere Blth any exlstlng allgnm ents of m aln ance or observance of any of the reqmrem ents of thls condl- or servlce plpes or telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc tlon lt shall be lawful for the Trustees of the Royal N ational m alns Parks of K enya or any person authorlzed by them to re-enter lnto and upon the land or any part thereof ln the nam e of the SCHEDIJLE whole and theroupon the lease hereby created shall cease, but wlthout prequdlce to any rlght of acbon or rem edy of the Plot Wo - unsurveyed Trustees ln respect of any antecedent breach of any condltlon Alea ! acre (approxlmately) hereln tontalned Stand prem tum - Sh 40,000 3 The lessee shall at hls ow n expenso sultably connect the Annual rent - Sh 8,000 sald dralnage svstem and also the water supply system m th any Survev yee.ç - payablo on demand town dralnage and /or town water supply system when ln tlle op nlon of fhe local authorlty tbe latter system s are so far (2) Langata- HotellM otel Restaurant and Anclllary Putposes com pleted as to enablo the lu see to do so (Tcn Acres Approxkmatelyj 4 The lessee shall m alntam ln good and substantlal repalr The T rustees of the R oyal N atlonal Parks of K enya glve and condltlon a1l bulldm gs at any tlm e erected on tho land notlce that approxlm ately ten acres of land, as descrlbt.d ln the 5 The land and bm ldlngs shall be used for the plzrpose of Schedule hereto, ls avallable for allenatlon for the purpose a hotel/motel, restaurant and ancllla!'y purposes only of a hotel/motel, restaurant and anclllary purposes, aud mvlte appllcatlons for the lease thereof SCHBDULB 2 The plot l3as not been surveyed and ls sltuated on the Plot N o - u nsurveyed left-hand slde of the Nalrobl/Langata road opposlte the Langata A'ea - 10 acres (approxlmately) C em etery A plan of the slte show fng the approxlm ate boun- darles m ay be m spected at the Publlc M ap O flice Lands Fcrr? - 33 years Depaltm ent Btuldlng Clty Square, N alrobl or m ay be obtalned Rent - .TO be m utually agreed upon by the Trustees of the on paym ent of Sh 4, post free, flom the D lrector of Sumreys, Royal N atlonal Parks of K enya and the successful appllcant P O Box 30046, N airobl Slkrvey /c'cJ - payable on demand 588 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 29th

G AZETTB N oTlcE No 2326 3 The grantee shall at h1s own expense stutably oonnect the sald dralnage system and also the water supply system wlth any town dralnage and /or town water stmply system whtn ln the oplnlon of the Local A uthorlty the latter system s are so (CJ# 155) far com pleted as to enable the grantee to do so N AKVRU S4UNICI/ALITY--PETROL SBRVICB STATION SITB 4 The grantee shall m alntaln In good and substantlal repalr THE Com mlssloncr of Lands glves notlce that a plot ln and condltlon a1l bmldlngs at any tlme erected on the land N akuru M um clpahty, as du cnbed m the Sclledule ltereto, ls avallable for ahenatlon and appllcatlons are m vlted for the 5 Should the grantee glve notlce ln wrltlng to the Com - dlrect grant of the plot mlssloner of Lands that he ls un Able to com plete the bulldlngs wlthln the pellod aforesald the Comm lssloner of Lands shall 2 A plan of the plot m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Oë ce (at the grantee's expense) accept a surrender of the land com- sltuated ln the Lands D epartm ent Bujldlng Clty Square, prlsed herem N alrobl, or at tho OG ce of the Town C lerk, N akuru, or m ay Provlded further tbat lf such notlce as aforesald shall be be obtalned from the Publlc M ap Om ce, P O Box 30089, glven (1) wlthln 12 months of the commoncement of the term N alrobl, on paym ent of Sh 3 per copy, post free the Com m lssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per 3 Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Comm lssloner of centum of the stand prem lum pald ln respect of the land, or Lands, N alrobl, through the Town Clerk, N akuru Appllcatlons (2) at any subsequent tlme prlor to the: explratlon of the sald m ust be sent so as to reach the Town Clerk, N akuru not bulldlng perlod the Com mlssloner of Lands shall refund to the later than noon on 8th June, 1962 grantee 25 per centum of tho sald stand prem lum In the event of notlce belng after the explratlon of the sald bmldlng perlod 4 Appkcatlons m ust not be sent dlrect to the Com m lssloner no refund shall be m ade of Lands 6 The land and bulldlngs shall be used for the purposes 5 A ppllcants m ust enclose w lth thmr appllcatlons thelr cheque of a petrol and servlce statlon whlch shall lnclude only the for Sh 1,000 drawn on the appllcant's own banklng account greaslng washlng and olllng of vehlcles Adequate car parklng (no other cheque wl1l be accepted) made payable to the Com- facllltles are to be provlded on the plot for those cars whlch m lssloner of Lands as a deposlt, whlch w lll be dealt wlth al e servlced at the statlon R efreshm ent room s m ay also be as follows - elected on the plot If the grantee so deslres (J) lf the appllcant ls ofered and takes up and pays for a 7 The grantee shall com ply wlth the provlslons of the plot m thm a perlod of 14 days, as reqm red m para- Petroleum Ordm ance (Cap 304) and any amendment thereto graph 6 below, the deposlt m ll be credlted to hlm or re enactm ent thereof for the tlm e bem g ln force and the (b) If the appllcatlon ls unsuccessful the appllcant s depoqlt rules m ade from tlm e to tlm e thereunder wlll be returned to hlm 8 The bulldlngs shall not cover a greater area of the land (c) If the apphcatlon ls successful and the apphcant falls to than m ay be prescrlbed by the Local A uthonty take up and pay for tlte plot olered to hlm wlthln a perlod of 14 days, as reqm red ln paragraph 6 below, the 9 Th: grantee shall not subdlvlde the land Com mlssloner of Lands m ay declare the deposlt forfelted 10 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet or charge and the appllcant shall have no further clalm thereto the land or any part thereof except wlth t*e prlor consent ln wrltlng of the G overnor no appllcatlon for such consent 6 The allottee shall pay to the Com m tssloner of Lands (except ln respect of a loan requlred for bulldlng purposes) w lthtn 14 days of notlticatlon that hls appltcatlon has been w1ll be consldered uatll Speclal Condltlon N o 2 has been approved the assessed stand prem mm and proportlon of annual purform ed rent, together wlth the survey fees, the fees payable ln respect of the preparatlon and regtstratlon of the grant (Sh 225) and 11 The grantee shall not erect on the land any hoardlng, the stamp duty m respect of the grant (appqoxzmately 2 per ptacard, poste.r slgn or advertlsement except a notlce advertls- cent of the stand premlum and annual rent) ln default of lng the presence and products of the grantee s buslness payment wlttun the speclfed tlm e the Com m lssloner of Lands 12 The grantee shall pay to the Com m lssloner of Lands on may cancel the allocatlon and the appllcant shall have no dem and such sum s as the Com mlssloner m ay estlm ate to be further clalm to the grant ot the plot the proportlonate cost of constructlng a11 roads and dralns and sewels servlng or adlolnlng the land and shall on com pletlon G eneral Condtttons ot such constructlon and the ascert>lnm ent of the actual 1 The ordlnary condjttons apphcable to tow nshm and tradlng proportlonate cost elther pa'y (wlthln seven days of demand) centre grants of thts nature shall apply except as varled or be rcfunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate hereby cost exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesald 13 The grantee shqll from tlm e to tlm e pay to the Com m ls- 2 n e grant w111 be m ade under the Crown Lands Ordln- sioner of Lands on dem and such proportlon of the cost of m aln- ance (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of Kenya) talnlng all roads and dralns servlng or adlolnlng the land as attd tttle wlll be lssued undec the Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordtn the C om m lssloner m ay assess ance (Cap 16(4 The term of the grant wl11 be 99 years from the Erst day of the m onth follom ng the notlfcatlon of the 14 Should the Com m lssloner of Lands at any tlm e requlre approval of the grant any road servm g or adlotntnp the land to be coastructed to a hlgher standard the grantee shall pay to the Com m lssloner on 3 The grant w1ll bo lssued ln the nam e of the appllcant dem and such proportlon of the cost of such constructlon as as statcd m the letter of appltcatlop the C om m lssloneç m ay assess 4 D lrect acceqs on to Pnncess M argaret W ay w1ll not be 15 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes charges, dutles, perm ltted assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descrlptlon as m ay be Spectal Ctpnll/ltpn.ç lm posed chqrged or assessed by any G overnm ent or Local Authorlty upon the land or the bulldlngs erected thereon, 1 N o bulldm gs shall be erected on the land nor shall addl Includlng any contnbutlon or other sum pald by the G overnor tlons or external aiteratTons bo m ade to any bulldlngs otllerwlsc than ln confonm ty wlth plans and speclfcatlons prevlously ln lleu thereof approved m wntlng by the Comm lssloner of I ands and the 16 The G overnor or such person or authorlty as m ay be L ocal A uthorlty The Com zm ssloner shall not glve h1s approval appolnted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon unless he ls satlsEed tbat the proposals are such as to develop the land and lay and have acuess to water m alns, servlce the land adequately and satlsfactonly plpes and dralns, telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m alns of all descrlptlons, w hether overhead or underground, 2 The grantee shall wlthln slx m onths of the com m encem ent 4nd the grantee shall not erect any bulldlngs ln such a way as of the tenn subm lt ln trlpllcate to the Local A uthorlty and to cover or lnterfere wlth an) exlstlng allgnm ents or m aln or the Commlssloner of Lands plans (mcludmg block plans show servlce plpes or telephone or telegraph wlres and electrtc m am s lng the posltlon of the bm ldlngs and a system of dralnage fo1 the dlsposal of sewage, surface and sullage waterls drawlngs, 17 N o covenant oondltlon or requlrem ent w11l be entered elevatlons and specliicatlons of the bm ldlngs the grantee pro lnto lm posed or m ade vhereby the ow nershlp or occupatlon poses to erect on the land and shall wlthln 24 m onthq of the of the land or any part thereof ls restrlcted to persons of a comm encem ent of the tcrm com plete the erect,on of a petrol partlcular race or races or classes of race, or whereby such servlce statlon and the constructlon of the dralnage system ln persons tre excluded from such ownershlp or occupatlon conform lty wzth such plans, drawlngs, elevatlons and specllica tlons as amended (1f such be the case) by 1he Commlssloner D ated at N alrobl thls 5th day of M qy, 1962 Provlded that lf defaalt shall be m ade ln the perform ance or SCHEOULE observance of any of the requlrem ents of thls condltlon lt shall bt lawful f or the Com m lssloner of Lands or any person N bku? u M ullkctpahtl- pettol SeI I Jcc Stattoït kîkfc authonzH by hlm on behalf of H er M alesty to re-enter m to Plot N o - 459 and upon the land or any pazt thereof m the nam e of 1he whole A rea - 0 408 of an acre and thereupon the term hereby created sllall cease, but wlthout Stand z-vcz?3l//?z7 - Sh 54,000 preludlce to any rlght of actlon or rem edy of H er M alesty, A nnual ? ent - Sh 10,800 the G overnor or the Comm lssloner ln reqpect of any antecedent Survey jees - Sh 199 breach of anv condltlon hereln contalned Road charges - payable on dem and 1962 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 589

G AZETTE N oTlcs No 2523


TH E underm entloned apphcatlons w111 be consldered by the Transport Llcenslng Board m eetlng at the K aderblloy M em orlal H all, M om basa, on Tuesday, 19th June, 1962, at 9 a m Every obp ctlon ln respect of an apphcatlon shall be lodged wlth the llcenslng authorlty and the dlstrlct com m ls sloner of the dlstrlct ln w hlch such appllcatlon ls to be heard, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the appllcant not less th an seven days before the date of the m eetlng at whlch such appllcatlon ls to be heard Except where otherwlse stated the appllcatlons are for one vehlcle

R K BAH AL /tp? Executtt e O'ccz D anspo't fadcerl.sl?lg Boald P 0 B ox 30440, N all obt

M S /R/42 /60- K1lona s Jo Nzlokl, P O Box 440, M ombasa TLB 392--Su1em an Sardarkhan P O Box 2558 M ombasa R oute M om basa-v ol-K lbwezl-lkutha M utom o Route M wrophwrophnl M tum wa M waluwano - lkanga (46 passenger vehlcle ) Ada M afundanl - N yalanl - Vlgurunganl - Banga - Klnango (33 passenger vehlcle ) TLB 8930- K 1lutu N zongol M atlnyanl P O K ltul R oute Kltul Klbwezl-vol-M ombasa (ss-passenger vehlcle ) 1371- Sa!d A bdulla Basadlk, P O Box 304 M allndl V arlatlon of route to add G arsen G alole Present 33zl--G ulabkhan and Brothers, P O K lnango vla route M am burl - M allndl G anda - M adungm nl - M om basa A ppllcatpon f0r change of tlm e-table M arafa-Barlcho Fundlsha (KAK 242 44 pas over the route M angwanl M kongwanl-K lzlbe sengers ) M baazl Klnango -n wl M ombasa (K AS 685 2611- K assam 41t A bdulhusseln P O Box 160, M allndl 35 passongers ) V arlatlon of route to ridd Kakuyunl to M om basa vla M allndl and K lllfi Present route M allndl- 113/ l- Esmall Essak, P O Box 13 Klllfi Apphcatlon for Kakonenl M allndl-M atolanl , M ahndl M aduguni , change of tlm e-table over the route M arlakanl- M allndl Chakama , M almdl Vltengenl (KAU 699 K lllti v1a Gotam , K alolenl, Jarlbunl and Ganze 30 passengers ) Present route M anakanl Vltengenl- (KAK 92, 31 passengers ) M allndl - K akonenl - V ltengem - D lta - K lllfi - M avuenl-Kalolenl Gotanl-M arlakanl (KAN 576 7305'- Solom on Zakayo K aale, P O Box 7248 M om basa 34 passengers ) Change of condltlon to lncrease pas%enger-carrylng capaclty from 12 passengers to 18 passengers Pre- M S /R/ 15/62- Bom anl General Store, P O Box 112 M allndl sent route M om bas'i V ol-W undanyl, but no plck- Route M allndl M ombasa (KAV 175, 5 pas 1ng up or settlng down passengers betw een V o1 and sengers ) (2) Route M allndl-Klllfi Townshlp M ombasa (KAT 311, 12 passengers ) M ombasa (Two vehlcles of 7 passenger capaclty each ) 332- Shah Jlvrrtl V1rJl P O Box 2754, M om basa Route M om basa-K enya C olony for the carrlage of w ed 16/62- RaJabu b1n Hamlsl c /0 W llllam F Sundor, P O dlng partles school partles, football partles qnd Box 80 M om basa Route N dlglrla-llla-Bam ba- pnvate slght-seelng partles on charter , and also to M arlango - G urugtlru - M nyenzenl M arlakanl- operate as a stand-by ln the event of breakdown Rabal (36-passenger vehlcle ) of exlstlng Eeet of buses, Present route M om basa M amakam only ln acoordanco wlth M arlakanl 9092- M ukala M waega P O M arlakanl Varlatlon of Comblne Tlme table (KAP 924, 36 passengers ) route to add M arlakanl-Rabal M utsaponl v1a K ako- Preseat route K lllli-lfalolenl G othanl M arlakanl- tonl Presont route V lgm unga 4: M akam m l K egu- M ombasa KAS 699 35 passengers ) Present route thl-lflnangop-samburu M arfakanl (KAU 668, 25 Kldem u-M om basa v1a Bam ba G otanl Kalolenl paqsengels ) m be and Rabal (KAT 634 41 passengers ) Present routk- M arlakanl K akonenl v1a Bam ba Jlla and 6094- Joseph C K atana, M wandonl P O K lllfi V arla N dlglna and to K akuyunl, and from M arlaketnl tlon of route to add M avuenl Present route to M ombasa wlthout touchmg M azeras (KAN 699, M wandom -M buyulm Locatlon Sokoke K arlbum - 36 passengers ) Present route M ombasa-K akonenr Kalolenl-Klllli-lialolenl M arlakanl (KAV 89, 30 v1a Bam ba and V ltengepl, subpect to the condltlons that no passengers wll1 be plcked up between passengers ) M anakanl-M om basa or set doBn betw een M om - 9657- 411 Sallm u Tdl, P O Box 9833, M om basa Varla- basa-M arlakam, and to Kakuyunl (KAP 2, 32 pas- tton of route to add M allndl M ombasa Present sengers ) (To operate 't Land-Rover of between route M allndl only (KAM 115, 8 7- to 10 passenger capaclty, and one m ore vehlcle passengers ) of 20 passenger capaclty ) (2) Varlatlon to add K enya C olony, for w eddlng partles, school partles 17/67- M zee M usa M ukasa, P O Box 8114, M ombasa football partles and prlvate slght seelng partles on Rotlte M om bctsa M um clpallty M om basa charter ctnd also to operate as a stand-by ln the M allndl M om basa-shlm onl , M om basa--falta H llls event of breakdown of exlstlng fleet of buses on the Bura (KGE 687, 6 passengers ) underm entloned routes Present route M om basa- M arlakanl only m accordance wlth M arlakanl Com 8so- Abdulrehm an Sldlk, P O Box 372, M om basa blne Tlme table only (KAP 924 36 passengers ) Route M ombasa M allndl Lamu Klunga (One Present route K lllû-K alolenl-G othanl M arlakanl vehlcle ) M ombasa (KAS 699, 35 passengerq ) Present route K ldem u-M om basa v1a Bam ba G otanl, K alolenl, 18/62- Hasanl b1n Abdullah P O Box 1030, M ombasa Rlbe and Rabal (KAT 634, 41 passengers ) Pre Route M ombasa Tlwl M sam bwem Ram lsl Bodo sent route M arlakanl K akonenl vIa Bam ba and (zo-passenger vehlcle ) Vltengem , subject to the condltlons that no pas- sengcrs w11l be plcked up betw een M arlkanl-M om 19 /62- D H D Durward-Brown P O Box 1073, M om- basa or set down between M om basa-M arlakanl basa Route M ombasa Dlstrlct, for carnage of 4nd to Kakuyunl (KAP 2 32 passengers) and to hotel resldents and hotel guests only (KAL 552 delete present condltlon Coast Provlnce excludlng 7 passengers ) gam e parks, for weddlng partles and school partlcs only (not safarl party) (KAT 367, 36 passengers ) 20/62- Ocean1c Hotel Llmlted, P O Box 929, M ombasa Route M om basa D lstrld f or carrlage of botel 9300- Charo M w achltl P O K lnango Change of condl- resldents (KAS 299 8 passengers ) tlon to add the carrlage of m llk also Present route M wangulu-Klnango M anakanl (KAQ 781 30 3538- Kr1shna Devl Sonl w/o Kamal Dev Sonl, P O passengers ) Box 5007, M ombasa Route M ombasa M urtlclpal Area (KAS 322, 6 passengers ) 14/ 62- Tanga Afrlcan M otor Tr Anspolt, P O Box 2065 Tanga Route Vanga Lunga Lunga (TAB 974 32 21 /62- Town Transport P O Box 7422, M ombasq Route passengers ) Shlmba l-lllls M ombasa (7-pabsenger vehlcle ) 590 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEXV E 29th

T$B' CARRIERS LICENCES TLB 813- Ruby Cabs Llm lted, P O Box 436 D ar es Salaam R B 603- N ev1lle Owen Thom as Forwardlng Com pany Carnage of bulk petroleum products Route tam lted, P O Box 1769, M om basa Carrlage of M ombasa-Kenya/Tanganylka Border at Lunga Esso Petroleum products R oute M om basa D 1s Lunga (One tanlter traller of 1,500 gallon capaclty ) trlct M om basa-M arlakanl M om basa-u kunda (Two vehlcles of 7-ton capaclty each , and one m ore M S/B /35/62- Hassana11 A Gomberawalla, P O Box 280, vehlcle of 7-t(m capaclty ) T anga Carrlage of petroleum products R oute M ombasa Kwale-Kenya/Tanganylka Border en M S /B /42/62- Devrakhl Parbat P O Box 8354, M ombasa C zr route to Tanga (TAC 766 and US 711 of 5 ton rlage of general goods R oute M om basa-K wale capaclty each ) Dlstrlct (s-ton vehlcle ) 36/62- M utem1I M ohamed Kaslnga and Brothers, P O 43 / 62- V 1rJ1 D Ladva, P O Box 8354 M om basa Carllagc Box 695, M om basa Carrlage of petroleum pro- of farm produce and general goods R oute M om ducts ln bulk Route M ombasa-N alrobl Two basa-Kwale Dlstrlct (KFB 732, 3 tons ) tankers of 18-ton capaclty each ) (2) Carrlage of general goods Route M om basa-vol-K lbwezl- 44/62- Ja1doon Stephens, P 01 Box 7392, M ombasa Car rlage of petroleum products, cem ent, firewood, Nalrobl- (Tw0 vehlcles of 18-ton capaclty charcoal, farm produce and general goods R oute each ) M om basa D lstrzct-Takaungu-ltalolenl Bam ba M ana gsz- -farm oham ed Abdulganl P O Box 4, G arlssa kanl - Rabal - Rlbe - Gotanl - M allndl (KAT V anatlon of route to add Ganssa to M om basa v1a 375, 11,960 lb ) M wlngl-loltul Klbwezl-vol, when Galole/M ahndl load ls closed durlng ralns Present route N orthern 6293- M oham ed Sald Sallm , P O Box 8251, M om basa Provlnce, sublect to the perm lsslon of the Pro- V anatlon of route to add K lllfi and Kwale D Is vlnclat Comnussloner, N orthern Provlnce, and to trlcts, for bmldlng m aterlals and petroleum pro Lam u-M om basa, but no lmported goods from ducts Present route M ombasa Dlstrlct (KAK 553 Islolo to M eru or N anyukl and between Thlka 5 tons ) Nalrobl-Athl ltlver (KGU 487, 13,330 lb ) 45/62- Seb1 b1n Sadl, P O Box 440, M ombasa Carrjnge 37/62- Hassan Shelkh P O M oyale Carrlagc of shop of A frlcan trade goods and A fncan llquor R oute goods, hldt's and sklns Route N orthern Provm ce M om basa - R abal - M sam bwem - Sam buru - M o3 a1e Garlssa M om basa , M oyale-lslolo-M eru M anakanl Kllls Kwalo (GAF 913 .) ton ) Nanyukk (s-ton vehlcle ) 2540- M ahfudh bin A wadh, P O Box 630, M ombasa 577l- K anJ1 Khlm ll Shah, P O Box 41 Voz V arlatlon V arlatlon of route to add K lllfi D lstrlct Present of route to add M om basa-N alrobl, for vegetables route M om basa Island, M om basa D lstrlct-K lll; and general goods Present route Talta D lstrlct, D lstrlct on m aln M lnlstry of W orks roads only excludlng Tavcta (KAJ 449, 10 495 lb ) (KFU 710, 5 tons ) 4o3l- N oorm oham ed Adam and Sonsy P O Box 2, Vo1 46/62--M ohmed A11 and M J Chokwe, c/o Chlef Khalfan Carnage of shop goods produce and general bIn Sallm , P O Box 6019, Llkonl Carrlage of goods Route Talta Dlstnct (s-ton vehlcle ) local produce and shop goods Route Llkonl- Tlwl - Dlanl - M sam bwenl - W anga Llkonl - 38 /62- Hamed Shamls, P 0 Vanga Carrlage of farm pro M ombasq Shlm o la Tewa-lfallli Llkonl-M om basa- duce and trade goods R oute V anga-K w ale-M om M azeras-M arlakanl (KAS 380, 1 1 tons ) basa Dlstrlct , Vanga-Konya/rfanganylka Border c?I ? oute to Tanga (s-ton vehlcle ) 2744..-.V 1:11 M eghll Patel, P O Box 7044, M om basa C al- rlage of bm ldlng m aterlals R oute M om bqsa- 6zll- M oham ed M uum ln P O Box 323, M allndl Change K lllti M om basa-M arlakanl M om basa--flwl of condltlon to add the carrlage of potroleum pro- M ombasa-Kwale (KAN 760, 13,055 lb ) ducts and general goods Present route M allndl- Lam u for all goods , and betw een M allndl-M om - 2732- A beld M oham ed, P O B ox 8159 M om basa Car basa D lstnct-Tana m ver Dlstrlct for cotton seed rlage of m erchandlse goods rtnd m eat Route and salt (KAP 714, 13,735 lb ) M ombasa Dlstrlct (KAE 763, 1) tons ) 3769- K assam a11 M ulla N azarall and Sons, P O Box 7262- A hm cd Sallm A1 M ohorogh, P O Box 2470 M om 241, M allndl C arrlage of general m erchandlse basa Carmage of general goods R oute M om basa R oute M allndl K llfi-M om basa , and M allndl Dlstrlct (KAG 185, 10,445 lb ) Lam u (5 ton vehlcle ) 381- VlrJl Bhanll and Com pan) , P O Box 9 M ombasa 39 J6z- Nooreln M A11 and K aqslm M wlnp A11, P O Box Carrlage of genera.l lm port and export goods 16, K lllfi Carnage of general goods R oute Route M ombasa Island IKAK 740, 11 675 lb ) Klllfi Dlstrlct-M allndl M ombasa Kwale (s-ton 47 /62- M ohs1n Husselnbhcu M amulee P 0. Box 81 39 vehlcle ) M om basa Carrlage of general m erchandlse Route 40/62- lbrah1m Osman Abucar, P 0 Box 18163, Nairobl M ombasa M unlclpal Area (5 ton vehlcle ) Carrlago ol general goods and packed petroleum 48 p6z- chandrakant P Saralya, P O Box 8230, M om products Route M ombasa-Kenya/somalla Border basa Carnage of general goods R oute M om basa vla Klbwezl-Kltul and Garlssa Nalrobl-Kenya/ Town (Two vehlcles of 3-ton capaclty each 4nd Somalza Border v)a Ganssa (One 8-ton vehlcle and two mole vehlcles of 5-ton capaclty each ) and one more traller of lo-ton capaclty ) 49 /62- V1rJl Devrakhl P O Box 8204 M ombasa Carrlage 41 p6z- hffakupq Cheapest Cycle M art, P O Box 8102 of general goods Route M om basa M unlclp tl Area M om basa Carrlage of petroleum products and (Two small vehlcles of betMeen 1 to 1 1 -ton ow n goods R oute M om basa D lstrlct M om basa capaclty each and tw o m ore large vehlcles of be Klllfi M ombasa Kwale (KAU 841, 10,330 lb ) tween 3- to 5 ton capaclty each )

G AZBT'I'E N oTIcE N o 2524 G AZB'I-I'E N orlcxs N o 2525

TH E TRAN SPORT LICENSIN G ORDIN AN CE TH E W A R LOAN ORDINAN CE 1940 W ap 237) Loss oF BOND CERTIFICATB THE underm entloned appllcant w111 be consldered by the Transport Llcenslng Board along -1th others to be heard on IN PURSU AN CE of the provlslons of regulatlon 17 (2) of the 5th June, 1962 at 9 a m , at the A frlcan D lstnct Councll W ar Loan Regulatlons notlce ls hereby glven thctt the undel H all K lsum u on Tuesday mentloned 2.1. per cent East Afrlcan W ar Bond Certlficate has been lost and Jt ls proposed after the explratlon of 30 days from R K BA H AL the date of thls notlce to lssue a dupllcate of such certsficxte - jor Fxcclf//l e Oxcer Tranîport fzlcenuslzyg Boa' d 1949/51 Selle% B P 0 Box 30440, N all obt Bond Certlflc 4te N o 4010 for f,5 ln the nam e of M essrs t-11 à ROAD SERVICE LICENCB G enelal A genc: -1 LB 80o1- Al1l Jama, c/o P O Box 184 Kltale Route Kltale- Endebess Crossroads Suam Rlver (9 passenger N alrobl J H BU TTER vehlcle ) 29th M ay, 1962 rt l /Altz?lc/l/ Scc.; e/c? y' to the T? etzvl/? .k 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 591

G kzErl'fs N orlcE N o 2526 GAZErrl N tm cs N o 2528 TH E TRU ST LAN D ORD IN AN CE THF' TRUST LAN D OR DINAN CE (cap 1t)O) CCaP 100)

' NOTICE ls hereby glven that the land du cnbed In the N OTICE ls hertbv glven that the land descrlbed m the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance w lth Schedule hereto has been duly set apart m accordance w lth the provlslons of Part III of the Trust Land O rdlnance for the the provlslons of Part III of the Trast Land Ordlnance for the purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule purpose speclfied m the sald Schedule SCHEDTJI,E SO EDIJLE Placc .- u kasl, N gom enl L ocatlon, K ltut D lstrlct Place ---o ng ora, Sakwa Locatlon, South N yanza D lstnct Purpose - M arket Plkrpoçe - R ehglous Alea - 1 4 acr% (approxlmately) Atea - 0 25 acre (approxlmately) Descrmtton o/ Iand - Descrtptlon // land Thls land ls sltuated approxlmately 18 m lles to the east of Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately 2.1. m lles to the north- Ngum M arket The boundanes are dem arcatcd on the ground north-west of Pe H 11l A C lnterm edate School The boundarles and are descrlbed as follows - are dem arcated on the ground and are descrlbed as follows - Startlng from a pom t A, whlch ls a stone calrn from whlch Startlng from a polnt 4, Mhlch ls a ctlncrete beacon from Ukasl Rcck and K angul H lll are half a m lle and half a mzle whlch Akoko H 11l and Rabuor H ll1 are three m lles and live dlstant on bearlngs of 150 degrees and 353 degrees respectlvely m lles dlstant on bearm gs of 212 degrees and 2 degrees respec- tlvely thence for 200 feet on ';t bearlng of 10 degrees to pom t B, a stone calrn > thence for 90 feet on a bearlng of 10 degrees to polnt B thence for 300 feet on a bearlng of 100 degrees to polnt C , stone calrn , a stone calrn , thenee f or 120 feet on a bearm g of 100 degrees to polnt C thence for 200 feet on a bearlng of 190 degrees to pom t D , stone calrn , stone calrn , thence for 90 feet on a bedrlng of 190 degrees to pom t D stone calrn , thence for 300 feet on a bearlng of 280 degrees back to the startlng polnt A thence for 120 feet on a bearlng of 280 degrecxs back to the startlng polnt A A l1 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A1I bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A plan of tlze area m a, be lnspected at the oflice of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, K ltul A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oflice of the D lstrlct C om m lssloner, South N yanza, H om a Bay D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 D ated thls 15th day of M ays 1962 K M COW LEY , G A SK IPPER , Provtnclal Com m lssloner A cttltg Pr/vlrtclcl Com m ln toner Southe'n Provtnce N yanza Provtnce

GAZB> Noxq(7E N o 2529 CIAZETTE lfoTlcE 'fo 2527 THE TRU ST LAN D ORD INA NCE

TH E TR U ST LA N D O R D IN A N C E (Cap 100) W ap 100) SETTING A PART OF LAND SETTING A PART oF L KND N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance w lth N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descrlbed m the the provlslons of Part lII of the Trust I-and O rdlnance for the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart m accordance wlth purpose specllied In the sald Schedule the prowslons of Part H.I of the Trust Land Ordlnance for the purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule SCHBDTJJ-E Place - -N gllunl, M ulango L ocatlon, K ltul D lstrlct SCHBDIJLE Pulpose - M arket Place .- ltwa N douthl, M lgwanl Locatlon, K ltul D lstrlct 4tea - 3 acres (approxlmately) Pkttpose - M arket Descrtptlon of Iand Area - 2 1 acres (approxlmately) Thls land zs sltuated approxlm ately live m lles to the south lDescî Ip/ltpn oj Iand - west of K ltul Townshlp The boundarles are dem arcated on Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately five m lles to the east the ground and are descrlbed as follow s - of M wlngl Substatlon The boundarles are dem arcated on the Startlng from a polnt A w hlch ls à stone beacon from w hlch ground and are descrlbed as follows - N zam banl R ock and M bltlm H l11 are five m lles and elght Startlng from a polnt A , whlch ls a stone beacon from whlch m lles dlstant on bectrmgs of 45 degrees and 103 degrees respec- N uu H1ll ls 30 m lles dlstant on a bearlng of 112 degrees tlvely , thence for 300 feet on a beanng of 60 degrees to polnt 13) thence for 363 feet on a bearlng of 7 degrees to polnt B t stone beacon a stone beacon T thence for 300 feet on a bearm g of 150 degrees to polnt C thence for 360 feet on a bearlng of 97 dcgrees to polnt C, t stone beacon , a stone beacon thence for 363 feet on a bearlng of 187 degrees to polnt D , thenee for 300 feet on a bearlng of 240 degrees to polnt D a stone beacon , a stone beacon thence for 300 feet on a bearlng of 330 degrees back to the thence for 360 feet on a bearlng of 277 degrees back to the startlng polnt A startlng polnt A A l1 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A ll bearm gs glven above are m agnetlc A olan of the area m ay be lnspected At the oflice ot the A nlan of the area m ay be llkspected at the oflice of the D lstrlct C om m lssloner, K ltul D lstrlct Com m lssloner, K ltul

D ated thlb 10th day of M ay, 1962 D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962

K M COW LEY K M CO W LEY Ptovkzkclal frtlrzlrnl,swlt?/lc? Ptovm ckal C om m tsstoner Southe n Prtp!z tnce sblff/zcrn Provtnce 592 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

G AZETTE N orrcs N o 2530 CIAZETTB èfoTlcE 'ço 2532

TH E TRU ST LAN D ORD IN AN CE TH E TR U ST LA N D O R D IN AN CE (Ccp 100) (Cap 100) SETTING A PART OF LAND SETTING A PART oF LAND N OTICE is hereby glven that the land descrlbed ln the N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descrlbed ln the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart In accordance w lth Schedule hereto has been duly set apart 'n accordanco wlth the pro&lslons of Part l1l of the Trust Land O rdlnance for the the provlslons of Part III of the Trust Land Ordlnance for the purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule purpose soeclfied ln the sald Schedule

SCHBDIJI-E S/HEDUI-E Place --t-undlj M m Locatlon, K ltul Dlstrlct Place - K arunga, M lgwanl Locatlon, K ltul D lstrlct /:1/, pose - M arket Pllîpose - M arket Area - 2 8 acres (approxlmately) Aîea - 3 4 acres (approxlmately) Deso d,/l(7n oj Jtmff - D esclwtloîï ()/ /c?7# Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately four m lles to the north of M ul Cam p The boundarles are dem arcated on the ground Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately 15 m lles to the east of and are descrlbed as follows - M wlngl M arket The boundarles are dem arcated on the ground and are descrlbed as follow s - Startmg from a polnt A , whlch ls a stone beacon from whlclt M balka N zlu H l11 and M utltl H 111 are tw o m lles and seven Startlng from a polnt A whlch ls a stone beacon from whlch mlles dlstant on bearlngs of 267 degrees and 185 degrees respec- M utukya H 11l and N uu H l1l are four mlles and 21 m lles dlstant tlvely on bearlngs of 95 degrees and 147 degrees respecttvely , thence for 300 feet on a bearlng of 285 degrees to polnt B, thence for 264 feet on a beanng of 246 degrees to polnt B, a stone beacon et stone beacon thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 15 degrees to polnt C, thence for 560 feet on a bearlng of 154 degrees to polnt C a stone beacon a stone beacon thence for 300 feet on a bearmg of 105 degrees to polnt D thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 43 degrees to polnt D a stone beacon , a stone beacon thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 195 degrees back to the thence for 420 feet on a bearlng of 317 degrees back to the startlng polnt A startlng polnt A A1l bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A ll bearlngs gtven above are m agnetlc A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the omce of the A Dlan of the area m ay be Inspected at the oE ce of the Dlstrlct Comm lssloner, K ltul D lstrlct C om m lssloner, K ltul

D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 Dated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 K M COW LEY K M COW LEY, Provlnctal Com mlssloner Provtnctal C om m lssïonet Southern Pro%lnce Southern Prtpvlncd

G AZETTE No'rlcs N o 2531 G AZETTE N oTlcE N o TH E TRU ST LAN D ORDINAN CE (Cap 100) THE TRU ST LAN D ORD IN AN CE SBTTING A PART oF LAND (Cap 100) N OTICE ls hereb) glven that the land descrlbed ln the SBTTING A PART oF LAND Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance w lth N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descrlbed ln the the provlslons of Part lII of tho Trust Land Ordlnance for the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance w lth purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule the provlslons of Part III of the Trtlst I-and Ordlnance for the purposc speclfied ln the sald Schedule f,cHlm ul,E Place - M uanganl, Locatlon, K ltul D lstrlct SCHBDULB Pulpose - M arket Place - M bondonl, M lgw anl Locatlon, K ltul D lstrlct A'ea - 3 7 acres (approxlmately) Pltlpove - M arket Descrlptlon oj land - 4, ea - 2 4 acres (approxlmately) Thls land ls wmtuated approxlm ately four m lles to the w est of the Ikutha Tradm g Centre n e boundarles are dem arcated Deso Ip//t)?z of /tw7# - on the ground and are descrlbed as follows - Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately four m lles to the south- Startmg from a polnt A , whlch ls a stone beacon from whlch west of M wlngl Substatlon The boundarles are dem arcated on N gunyum u H 11l ls elght m lles dlstant on a bearlng of 147 the ground and are descrlbed as follow s - degrees , Startlng from a polnt A , w hlch ls a stone beacon from whlch thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 130 degrees to polnt B, K lom o H 111 and M ukuthu H 1ll are four m lles and four m lles a stone beacon dlstant on bearlngs of 24 degrees and 360 degrees respectlvely thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 220 degrees to polnt C, thence for 300 feet on a bearlng of 140 degrees to polnt B, a stone beacon , a stone beacon thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 310 degrees to polnt D , thence for 40f) feet on a bearlng of 222 degrees to polnt C , a stone beacon , a stone beacon thence for 4O0 feet on a bearlng of 40 degrees back to the thepce for 300 feet on a bearm g of 320 degrees to polnt D , startm g polnt A a stone beacon , Gazette Notlce No 581 /60 of 9th Februa y, 1960, whlch set thence for 400 feet on a bearlng of 42 degrees back to the apart K ltutl M arket ls hereby cancelled startlng pom t A A 1l bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A l1 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the otlice of the A Dlan of the area m ay be lnspected at the om ce of the D lstrlct C om m lssloner, K ltul D lstrtct Com m lssyoner, K ltul

D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 D ated thls l0th day of M ay, 1962 K M CO W LEY K M CO W LEY Provlllclal C/zzl/'z7ls'z5'ltl//é7 Ptovlltclal Conlm tsstoner s't?lf thet ?T Proî J/3Cd Sotlthern Ptovlnce 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 593

G AZETTE 'fOTICB ':o 2534 CIAZBTTE èqoTlcE 'qo 2536

TH E TRU ST LAN D ORD INAN CE TI4s .jx u s,r t vA x o O R D IN A N CE W ap 100) (cap 1:0) SEH ING APART oF LAND ssm qxG APAR.I- os t -ax'o N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descnbed ln the w o-l-lcE js hereby gwen that the land du crlbed ln the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance wlth schedule hqreto has been duly set apart m accordance wlth the provlslons of Part lI1 of the Trust Land O rdlnance for the the prow sjons of Part 11I of the Trust Land O rdlnance for the purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule purpose speclfied m the sald Schedule SCHEDIJLE . scusstyts Place - N gunganl, K atse Locatlon, K ltul D lstrlct P Place - K akungula, lkutha Locatlon, K ltut D lstrlct urpose - Educatlonal purposes as approved bv the D lrector of Educatlon Plkrpose - Rellglous purposes Alea --6 acres (approxlmately) Area - 0 25 acre (approxlmately) Descrlptton oj land - Desolptloll oj Iand - Thls land ls sltuated approxlm ately s1x m lles to the w est Thls land Is sltuated approxlm ately two nules to the north of K athllanl M arket The boundarles are dem arcated on the of M ulolo s Camp 'rhe boundanes are dem arcated on the ground and are descrlbed as follows - grotm d and are descrlbed as follows - Startlng from a polnt A whlch ls a stone beacon from whlch Startlng from a polnt A , whlch ls a stone beacon from whlch Ngungl H11l and M aklnylnl H1ll are 1.) mlles and two mlles M almu H1ll ls 15 mlles dlstant on bearlngs of 20 degrees , dlstant on bearlngs of 99 degrees and 255 degrees respectlvely , tltence for 35 yards on a bearlng of 345 degrees to polnt B , thence for 540 feet on a bearlng of 260 degrees to polnt B a stone beacon , a stone beacon , thonce for 35 yards on a bearlng of 87 degrees to polnt C , thence for 484 feet on a bearlng of 350 degrees to polnt C , a stone beacon , a stone beacon , thence for 35 yards on a bearlng of 165 degrees to polnt D , thence for 540 feet on a bearlng of 80 degrees to polnt D , a stone beacon , a stone beacon , tuence for 35 yards on a bearlng of 257 degrees back to the thence for 484 feet on a bearlng of 170 degrees back to the startlng polnt A startlng pom t A A ll b earlngs glven above are m agnetlc A ll bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A plan of the alca m ay be lnspected at the oflke of the A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oK ce of the D lstrlct Com m lsslonerp K ltul D lstrlct C om nussloner, K ltul D D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 K M COW LEY, K M COW LEY, Provlnclal C'tpzazrll-çxsltpner Ptovtnclal tlltpznzrlluvxTit/nc, Southern #, ovlnce ksblfm ev?z Pt om nce

GAZBTTE N o'rlcs No 2535 THE TRU ST LAN D ORD IN AN CE G AZETTE NOTICE N() 2537 (Cap 100) THE TRUST LAN D O RD IN AN CE SETTING APART OF LAND W ap 100) N OTICE ls hereby glvcn that the land descnbed zn the S Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance wlth ETTING APART olv LAND the provlslons of Part lI1 of the Trttst Land O rdlnance for the N o lnlcE ls hereby glven that the land descrlbed m the purpose speclsed ln the qald Schedule schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance m th the provlslons of Part III of the Trust Land Ordlnance for the SCHEDU ,E purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule Place - M tm yum , M ul L ocatlon, K ltul D lstrlct Pllîpos'e SCHEDUI.E '- R ellglous purposes A rea - 0 25 acre (approxlmately) Place - Elwam kha, Bukhayo Locatlon, Elgon N yanza D lstnct Descrkptton oj Iand - Purpose - M arket Thls land ls sltuated approxlmately one mlle to the north- Area - 2 1 acres (approxlmately) wcst of M m Camp The beundanu are demarcated on the nescrtpuon (p/ Iand - ground and aro descrlbed as follows - Startlng from a polnt A , whlch ls a stone beacon from of TMlus land ls sltuated approxlm ately two m lles to the east wiuch M wanzua H1l1 and N zla H 1l1 are four m lles and two ungatsl M arket j)eT he boundanes are dem arcated on the m lles dlstant on bearlngs of 300 degreeas and 215 degrees ground and are descn ,d as follows - respectlvely Startlng from a polnt A , wluch s a concrete beacon from thence for 105 feet on a bearlng of 270 degrees to polnt B, wonh lbch tw o large fig trees are 100 yards and 80 yards distant a stone beacon , earlngs of 198 degrees and 145 degrees respectwely , thence for 105 feet on a bearlng of 360 degrees to polnt C, thence for 286 feet on a bearlng of 111 degrees to polnt B y a stone beacon , thence for 326 feet on a beanng of 194 degrees to polnt C , thence for 105 feet on a bearlng of 90 degrees to polnt D , thence for 287 feet on a bearlng of 290 degrees to polnt D a stone bmacon , thence for 329 feet on a bearlng of 14 degrees back to thence for 105 feet on a bearm g of 180 degrees back to the polnt A startlng polnt A A 11 bearlngs gw en above are m agnetlc A 11 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oë ce of tbe A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oë ce of the D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Elgon N yanza D lstrlct, Bungom a D lstnct C om m lssloner, K ltul Dated thls 11th day of A prll, 1962 D ated thls 10th day of M ay, 1962 K M COW LEY , G A SK IPPER, Provfnclal Com m kssïonet A cttng Provlnclal Com m usloner Soutllern Prtpylnce N yanza Provlnce 594 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

G AZETTE N o'rlcs N o 2538 G AZETTE N OTICE N 0 2540 TH B TRU ST LAN DS ORD IN AN CE TH E TRU ST LAN D ORD INAN CE W ap 100) (Cap 100) S SBU ING APART os LAND ETTING APART oF LAND NOTICE ys hereby glven that the land descnbed ln the N OTICE Is hereby glven that the land d%cnbed m the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance wlth Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance m th the provlslons of Part I1I of the Trust Land Oedlnance for the the provlslons of Part 1II of the Trust Land Ordlnance for the purpose speclfied ln the sald Schedule purpose speclfed m the sald Schedule Scc otm s scr ntmE Place - K lm aetl, W est Bukusu L ocatlon, Elgon N yanza D lstrlct Place - G a1y M lvukonl Locatlon, K ltm D lstrlct Purpose - M arket Purpose - Rellglous purposes (mlsslon and blble School) Area - 3 1 acres (approxlmately) Area - 10 acres (approxlmqtely) Desom tlon t# Iand - Desotptkon (7/ land - Thls land ts sltuated approxlm ately three m lles to tlte south 'I'hls land Is sltuatcd approxlm atel) two mlles to the north of Kyuso Cam p 'fhe boundarles are dem arcated on the ground of M yanga Rallway Statlon The boundarlt's are dem arcated on the ground and are descrlbed as follows - and are descrlbed as follows - Startlng from a polnt A , whlch ls a beaoon from whlch Startlng from a polnt A , wlnch ls a concrete beacon from N geam H 1l1 and N duum anya Rock are t'hroo m llcs and one-esghth whlch Slbotl Beacon ls three m lles dlstant on a bearlng of of a m lle dlstant on beanngs of 182 degrees and 7 degrees 751. degrees , respectlvely , thence for 470 feet on a beanng of 291.1. degree,s to polnt B , thence for 528 feet on a beanng of 180 degrees to pom t B, thence for 266 feet on a bearlng of 15 degrees to polnt C , a beacon

thence for 4681. fee.t on a bearmg of 107 degrees to pomt D , thence for 828 feet on a beanng of 270 degrecs to polnt C , a beacon , thence for 301) feet on a bearlng of 195 degrees back to polnt A thence for 528 feet on a bearlng of 360 degrees to polnt D , a beaccn , A1l bearm gs glven above are m agnetlc thence for 828 feet on a bearm g of 90 degrees back to the A plan of the area m ay be m spected at '* oK ce of the startm g pom t A D lstrlct Com m lssloner, Elgon N yanza Dlstrlc 3ungom a Al1 bearmgs glven abovo are m agnetlc D ated thls 11th day of Aprll, 1962 A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the ollice of the D lstrlct Comm lssloner, K lttu A cttng Pro SK IPPER, D ated thls llHh day of M ay, 1962 Com mtssloner anza Provtnce K M COW LEY, Provlnclal Com mksstoner Southern Pr/vlncc


N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land dascnbed ln the N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the land descrlbe.d Tn the Schedule hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance wlth Schedule hereto has been duly set aoart ln accordance wlth the provlslons of Part lII of the Trttst Land Ordm ance for the the provlslons of Part 1I1 of the Trust Land Ordlnance for the purpose speclfod ln the sald Schedule purpose specltied ln the sald Schedule

ScHBntœM SCHEOUI.B Place - sam anga, svest Azarachuonyo Locatton, South N yanza Place --tKyanzoa) M utomo, Ikanga Locatlon, Kltm Dlstrlct D lstrlct Purpose - Rehglous purposes (Cathollc mlsslon and hospltal) Purpo%e - R e11g10us purposes Area - 13 6 acres (approxlmately) Area --0 37 acre (approxlmatoly) Descrlptïon 0/ land Descrtptton t?/ land -.- Thls land ls sltuated approxtmately one-elghth of a nule to 'Fhls land Is sltuated approxlmately 21. mlles to the w%t of the west of M utom o Substatlon The boundarles are dem ar K oblla D B B School The boundarle,s are dem arcated on the cated on the ground and are descrlbed as follows - ground and are descnbed as follows - Startlng from a polnt A , whlch ls an lron peg ln concrete Startlng from a pom t A, whjch ls a concrete beacon from from whlch ltua H 1ll and M athendu H111 are one-elghth of a whlch Sam anga H 111 and the hlghest pom t of H om a M ountam m lle and one quartor of a m lle dlstant on bearlngs of 126 are a quarter of a m lle and s1x m lles dlstant on bearm gs of degrees and 140 degree's reaspectwely , 275 degrees and 322 degree,s respecttvely , thence for 524 feet on a bearlng of 49 degrees to polnt B, thence for 100 feet on a bearlng of 190 degrees to polnt B, a stone beacon stone calrn , thence for 370 feet on a bearlng of 52 degrees to pom t C a stone beacon , thence for 160 feet on a beanng of 280 degrees to pom t C, stone calrn , thence for 840 teet on a bearlng of 158 degrees to polnt D , a stone beacon , thenco for 100 feet on a bearlng of 10 degrees to pom t D , stone calrn , thence for 430 fegt on a bearm g of 225 degrees to polnt E, a stone beacon , thence for 160 feet on a beanng of 1(* degrees back to the thence for 840 feet on a bearm g of 310 degrees back to the startlng polnt A startmg polnt A A11 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc Al1 bearlngs glven above aro m agnetlc A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oë ce of the A plan of the area m ay be lnspected at the oK cc of the Dlstrlct Cpom m lssloner, South N yanza, H om a Bay D lstrlct Cpom m lssloner, K ltm

D atod thls 2nd day of M ay, 1962 D ated thts 10th day of M ay, 1962 G A SK IPPER, K M COW LEY , X cflng Provsnclcf Com m ïsçoner Provtncm l C om m tsstoner Nyanza Provknce Southern Prtpvince 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZET TE 595

G AZFTTE N o'rlcs N o 2542 G AZETTL N ol-fcc N o 25-t5 TH E T RU ST LA N D O R D IN A N CE IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA (Cap 100) AT M OM BASA DISTR ICT REGISTRY SETTING AZART oF LANO PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTR ATION N OTICE ls hereby glven that the land descnbed m the TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls Schedt7le hereto has been duly set apart ln accordance wlth C ourt 1n- the provlslons of Part llI of the Trust I-and Ordlnance for the purpose specllied ln the sald Scheuule (l) CAuss N o 33 OF 1962 By M oham ed Ram zanah Valll Rahem tulla of M om basa, SCHEOIJI.E K enya Protectorate, the eldest son of the deceased, f or a grant of letters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estato of Rarnzanall Place - N angenl, W est Bukasu Elgon Nyanza D lstnct V alll Rahem tulla of M om basa aforesald who dled at N alrobl- Punposs - Educatlonal purposes as approved by the D lrector of M om basa traln on the 16th day of M arch, 1962 Educatlon Al ea - 16 7 acres (approxlmately) (D CAUSE N() 34 ()F 1962 Deubcrtptlon t?/ Iand - , By Burlorll M erwanll D arukhanawala of M om basa, K enya Protectorate, the executor named m the w1ll of the deceased, 'rhls land ls sltuated approxlm ately two m lles to the west of for a grant of probate of the w 1ll of A ban Burlorll of M om basa Klbuke M arket The botm darle,s are dem arcated on the ground aforesald, who dled at M om basa aforesald on the 26th day of and are descrlbed as follows - February, 1962 Startlng from a polnt A, whlch ls a concrete beacon from whlch Slbotl trlgonom etrlcal m llar Is three m lles dlstant on (3) Cwuslz No 35 oF 1962 a bearlng of 355 degrees , By A likhan D arlakhan and Varllnabal D arlakhan, both of thence for 794 feet on a bearlng of 176 degrees to polnt B , M om basa, K enya Protectorate, the son and daughter respec- tlvely oi the deceased, 1or a grant of letters of adm lm stratlon thence for 826 feet on a bearmg of 262.1. degrees to polnt C , lntestate of thc estate of Darlakhan Fatehkhan of M om basa thence for 990.1. feet on a bearmg of 357 degrees to pomt D , aforesald, w ho dled at M ahndl, K enya Protectorate, on the thence for 816) feet on a bearmg of 96 degrees back to 1st day of January, 1962 pom t A Thls C ourt w ll1 proceed to Issue the grant tm iess cause be A l1 bearlngs glven above are m agnetlc snown to the t-ontraly and appearance ln thls respect entered on or before the 19th day of June, 1962 A plan of the area m ay be Inspected at the oë ce of the D lstrlct C om m lssloner, Elgon N yanz.a D lstnct, B tw gom a ROGER J QUIN, A cttng D eputy R egïstrar D ated thls 27th day of M arch, 1962 M ombasa H M Supleme Court oj Kenya, 19th M ay, 1962 M om basa G A SK IPPER , A cttng Provtncm l C'oznrzTl.çslclnc, N ote - The w111 m entloned above ls deposlted and open to N yanza Provlnce lnspectlon at the C ourt

G AZETT'S N ozqcs N o 2543 G AZBT'G N orlcB N o 2546 IN HER M AJESTY S SU PREM E COURT OF K EN YA A T IN HER M A JESTY 'S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA AT N AIROBI N AK URU PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls TA KE N OTICE that appl catlon havlng been m ade m this Court m - Court ln - (1) CAUSE No 144 oF 1962 CAIJSE N o 9 oF 1962 B3 Peter N oble (Iunlor) of N alrobl ln the Colony of K enya, the son of the deceased, through M essrs R obson H arns and C o By Carohne Phyllls Paln of P O Box 3, N loro, ln the Colony advocates of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of adm lm stratlon and Protectorate of K enya, tho wldow of the deceased, through M essrs G eoffley W hlte and Co advocates of N akulu, for a lntestate of the estate of Peter Noble (senlor) of Nalrobl afore- grant of letters of adm lm stratlon lntestate t)f the estate ol: sald who dled at N alrobl on the 26th day of Apnl, 1962 G eorge M aunce Pam of N joro, who dzed at N akuru on the Thls Court w111 proceed to Issue the sam e unless cause be 9th day of M arwh, 1962 shown to the contraly and appearance m thls respect entered on or before the 12th day of June, 1962 Thls Court w1ll proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contral'y and appearance ln thls respeet entered on D J D EVIN E, or befoie the 12th day ot June, 1962 N alrobl, D eputy R cpxsfpt?r 25th M ay, 1962 Supreme Court oj Kenya P N KH AN NA , D 'strïct D elegate, 'fakuru, H M Suprellle Court 0/ Kenya GAZE'I-I'E N orlcE N o 2544 22nd slay, 1962 N akuru PR OBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TAKE N OTICE that after 14 days from the date of thls G AZE'I'TE N orlcE N o 2547 G azette, I lntend to apply to H M Suprem e Court at N alrobl for representatlon of the estates of the porsons named m the S1R FRAN K O'BR IEN W ILSON , C M G , D S O , second colltm n of the Schedule hereto, who dled on the dates D ECEASED respectlvely set forth agam st thmr nam es A nd f urther take notlce that all persons havm g any clalm s N OTIC E ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 28 of the agalnst or m terests ln the estates of the sald deceased persons Trustees Ordlnance (Cap 36) that any person havlng a clalm are requlred to prove such clatm s or m terests before m e wlthm agalnst or an lnterest In, the estate of the late S1r Frank two m onths from tho date of thls Gazette, after whlch date O Brlen W llson, late of U lu In the Colony of K enya, who dled the clalm s and lnterests so proved m 11 be pald and satlsfed and on the 7th day of Aprll, 1962, at U 1u aforesald ls hereby the several estates dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw requlred to send partlculars ln wrltmg of lus or her clalm or m terebt to the underslgned before the 31st day of July, SCHEDTJLE 1962, after whlch date the execlztors w11l dlstrlbute the estate am ong the peTsons entltled thereto, havmg regard only to Publlc Testate the clalm s and m terests of w hlch thoy shall have had notlce T IQIStee's Nam e of D eceased Address Date or or and w1ll not as respects the property so dlstrlbuted be hable cause N o D eath Iatostate to any person of w hose clalm they shall not have had notlce 34/62 Helena Elllot M c- Buckle 1 1-8 61 Intestate llveen Scotland Dated the 15th day of M ay, 1962 35/62 Peter M anase M u 10-6 61 Intestate khom bw a KAPLAN & STRAW ON , Advocates to the execwutors Nalrobl D D CH ARTERS, Queensway House 23,4 kxay, 1962 azl.sylyfcnf Publtc Trustee P O Box 111, N aïrobï 596 TH E K EN YA G AZETV E

GAZETTE NOTICB NO 2548 G AZBT'I'E N on cB N o 2552 IN HER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORD INAN CE AR M OM BASA D ISTRIG REG ISTRY W ap 30) BANKRUPTCV JlirRlsozcuaoN (N uszs N o 15 oz? 1960 N oTlcE oF D IVIDBND Sum m ary Case D ebtol s nanle - M H M ulla N anll Address - Form erly Crawford Street, M om basa R e M ohtndel & ?lg/z C haggar, banktupt D escnptton - M erchant Couït - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M ombasa O RDER M ADE ON A PPLICATION 14OR D ISCHARGE No tp/ zzltzffc? - B C 16 of 1956 D ebtor s name - M ohlnder Slngh Chaggar A nlount pd? f - Sh 4 Fktst t?; final ()? otherqvlne - n rst Addless --clo M essrs Sachdeva and Company, advocates, W hen pavable - 25th M ay, 1962 M om basa W here payable .- ofice of the Oë clal Recelver, Old Custom s D esolptlon - Bulldlng supervlsor H ouse, Fort Jesus R oad, P O 366, M om basa Coult - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, M tlm basa M om basa, D J G JON ES, No oj ntatter - B C 15 of 1960 17th M ay 1962 Deputy O'citzf Recenet Date t?/ o'det - 13th Apnl, 1962 Natule oj order nlade - Dlscharge suspended untll the bankrupt has pald Sh 5 ln the f CIAZETTE TVOTICE l(0 2553 ROGER J QUIN, M om basa, A ctlng D eputv R ekgzlfptzr THE BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN AN CE 16th M ay H M s'up? eme Coul t ()/ Kenha (Cap 30) N on c's oF D IVIOBND CIAZBTTS èloTlcB l;o 2549 D ebto' s nam e - chhaganlal M eghll Shah, tradlng as C hhaganlal M eghll and Brothers TH E BAN K R U PTCY O R D IN A N CE A ddl ess - P 0 1 Suna, M lgorl D escrw tlon - -rrader (Cap 30) Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at K lsum u INTF.RIM R ECEIVING O RDER No t# mattel - B C 8 of 1956 A nlottnt per z'f --49 cents D ebtor s 17tzzrlc - lkantllal Popatlal, tradm g as Fam um Stores Fl/xf or lnJ/ ot otherwtse .-n rst A ddl e'5.î - Ram lsl, M om basa W hen payable - 11th June, 1962 D escl Ipntpn - lketall m erchant W here payable .-f rown Law Oëce, R O Box 30031, N alrobl Date 0/ hhng peflfltpn - 15th M ay 1962 K lsum u GOD REJ P TALA TI, L'ottï t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa 18th M ay, 1962 Agent 5/ the Omctal Recetver No t# M atto - B C 8 of 1962 Date (?J o'del - 17th M ay, 1962 W hethel debtors (7, ctedlto' s pcflfltpn .- r redltor's GAZBTTE N oTlcs N o 2554 Act ol ccfs- oj à7f??,&l uptc; - Debtor submltted declaratlon of lnablllty to pay h1s debts THE BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE (CJA 30) / M om basa D J G JON ES, A ozuolcm oN 21st M ay 1962 Deputy O/JcIJf Recelî c? D ebtor s ntzz?7c - ltalm kant K eshavlal Shah, tradlng as R alnlkant and C om pany A ddress - prm cess M arle Lom se R oad, M om basa G AZETTE 'qoTlcE ';o 2550 C ourt - H M Suprem e C otu't of K enya at M om basa No 0/ matte - B C 17 of 1961 TH E BA N K RU PTCY O R D IN A N CE Date ()/ o'dco'r - 3rd M ay, 1962 (Cap 30) Date t)/ petktlon - 30th October, 1961 N OTICE OF INTENDED D IVIDEND M om basa, D J G JON ES, Sum m aty Case 17th M ay, 1962 Deputy O#icIcJ Recetvet D ebtot s nlpnc - taakham shl Ralshl Shah A ddress - P1ot N o 1, Sectlon X III, Shlm anzl, M om basa D escrlptlon - M erchant G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2555 Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa IN H ER M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA N o 0/ matto - 13 of 1957 AT N AIROBI Last day /t)? 7 ecetb lng m oojs - 12th J'une, 1962 IN BANKRUPTCY CAUSB N O 74 OF 1958 N anle (7/ h ustee - The Oë clal Recelver Re M otlbhat Jlla% erbhat Patel banktupt A ddress - P O Box 366, O ld C ustom s H ouse, Fort Jesus R oad, TH E bankrupt havlng applled to the C ourt for hls dlscharge M om basa the Court has flxed Frlday, the 22nd day of June, 1962, at 10 30 o'clock ln the forenoon, at the Law Courts, N alrobl, for M ombasa, D J G JO N ES, heanng the appllcatlon 21st M ay, 1962 Deputy Olc/tz! Recetno D 'tted thls 19th day of M ay, 1962 CIAZETFE 'çoTlcB llo 2551 D J D EV IN E ,

D eputy R e,wxvfitz? THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE H M Supteme Ctprf?f 0/ Keny'a (Cap 30) N oTicE oF D IvIDENo G AZETTE N o'rlcB N o 2556 D ebto; ,î nazne .- N athalai M adhavlll M ul)1, f orm erly tradmg as (1) Gohll Tallorlng House, and (2) Popular Drapers IN H ER M AJESTY S SU PREM B COU RT OF KEN YA Addl ess - Plot N o 163, Sectlon X'V1, M akupa Road, M om basa AT N AIROBI D escttptlon .- Tallor lx BANKRVPTeY CAusB N o 59A oF 1958 Cou; t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa R e C hhotubha, A'crtzn/l Patel, ptztflng as X ll/cn Store Dtzrlk?z/pf N o ol ?nJ//tv - 1 of 1957 Anloïtilt pet f - Sh 7/21 TH E bankrupt havm g apphed to tho Court for hls dlscharge, the Court has fixed Frlday, the 22nd day of Junç 1962, at Fïtst (77 h'nal f)/ otheî wlxc .-Flrst and final 10 30 o clock ln the forenoon, at the Law Courts, N alrobl, for W hen pa) able - 29th M ay, 1962 hearlng the apphcatlon W heî e pa bable --oflice of the Oë clal Recel/er, Old Custom s H ouse, Fort Jesus Road P O Box 366, M om basa D ated thls 19th day of M ay, 1962 D J D EVIN E, M om basa, D J G JO N ES, D eputy Aep y/gc? 21st M ay, 1962 Deputy O' clcf Recelver H M s'l/p?c?zle Court 0/ Kenva 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 597

GAZETTE N oTl(7E No 2557 GAZETT'E N o'ncE N o 2562 IN H E R M A JESTY S SU PR EM E C OU R T O F K EN Y A TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE, 1959 AT N AIROBI (No 50 oj 1959) IN BANIVRIJPTC: CAusE No 31 oF 1956 PURSUANT to sectlon 339 subsectlon (5) of the above R e Vllall R czzycvll/?(?; Jcthwa ptzcflng as F R Jcl/iwc banktupt Ordlnancc, lt ls hereby notlfied that the underm entloned com - TH E bankrupt havlng apphed to the Court for hls dlscbarge, pany has thls day been struck off the Reglster of Com panles the Court has lixed Frlday, the 22nd day of June, 1962, at and the compaby ls dlssolved - 10 30 o clock llz the folenoon, at the Law C ourts, N alrobl, N YATI LIM ITED for hwarlng the appllcatlon N atrobl, O J BU RN S, D ated thls 22nd day of M ay, 1962 22nd M ay, 1962 A ïststant R cgdxf?tt? of Companles D J DEVINE, D eptlty R eglstl r?? H M Suprelne Court oj Kenq a CIAZETTB èCOTICE ;;O 2563 THE SOCIETIFS ORDIN AN CE 1952 GAzETrs N oTlcB N o 2558 (No 52 0/ 1952) TH : SO CIETIES R U LES 1961 IN THE M ATTER OF THE COM PAN ILS ORD IN AN CE, 1959 PU RSUAN T to rule 1 7 of the Socletles Rules 1961 notlce (No 50 oj 1959) ls hereby glven of the reglstlatlon of chrtngcs of nqme of the M D socletles exem pted from rcglstratlon llsted m tbe Schedule heleto IN 4H E M ATTER OF STEEL CORPORATION OF EAST SCI-IEDLI-E A PR ICA LTD K enya C ouncll of Soclal Selvlces to K eny t A d$ lsory C ouncll M EMBERS VOLUNTARY W INDING UP on Socl 11 A falrs PH IS notlce ls lnserted for thc purpose of lnform m g the K enya N atlonal Farm els U nlon A rea Branch 4, to K enya publlc that the above m ernbers' voluntar, w lndlng up refers to Natlon tl Farm ers U rtlotA A rea Brctnch 4 and 5 a Com pany lncorporated ln Kenya There ls no connexlon wlth a Com panv havlng a slm llar nam e whlch ls lncolporated ln D ated thls 231:1 M xy, 1962 U gznda N J M O N TG O M ER T STU RM AN .,4.ss! vtatlt R eglstl tRI o Llquldatol .f Soclette% P O Box 1968, N attobl N all obl f-fvlzl#c/o? 231-d M ay, 1962 P O Box 1968 N atl tp@p, G AZETTE N o'm cs N o 2564 RH E SO C IETIPS O R D IN AN C E GAzl'l-rs NoTlcr N o 2559 LNo 52 oj 1952) PURSUAN T to sectlon 6 (1) of the Societles Ordlnance, 1952 IN TH E M ATTE,R OF TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE, 1959 h tvlng le tson to bf-llevt, tbett the reglstered socletles nam ed ln (No 50 oj 1959) the Schedule hereto h'tvo ceased to exlst I hereb: c z11 upon the s 41d socletles to furnlsh m e wlth proof of thelr exlstence w tthln O D three m onths ef the d 1te hereof IN TH E M A TTER O F CLA R E LTD SCHEDIJLE CREDITORS VOLUNTARY W INDING U P G od s W ord ctnd H oly Ghost Churt.h Thlka Branch N OTICE is hereby gwen that a m eetm g of the cledltors oi Clal e Ltd w1ll be held ln Room 335 M anslon H ouse Nalrobl, Luo Unlon (East Afrlca) N arok Brxnch on M onday 18th June 1962, at 4 p m for the ' purptaqes con- Tanganylk t Soclal O rganlzatlon talnetl ln sedlons 286 287 and 288 of the Com panles Ordinance, D ated thls 23rd dqy of M ay 1962 1 959 N ORM AN SPFNCER t TD N J M ONTG OM ERY Secrettv les Asslstant Reolst; ar oj Socletles

GAZE'I-I'B N oTIc1 N o 2560 G AZPTTB N OTICE N O 2565 TH E C OM PA N IES O RD IN A N CE TH E SOC IET IES O R D IN A N CE W ap 288) qNo 52 oj 1952) N oTIcE oF D fvloExo PURSUANT to sectlon 6 (1) of the Socletles Ordlnance, 1952 Name oj c(?z?zpt/ply - A splund 'fwlm lted havlng reason to belleve that the qocletles exem pted from Regutel ed tpWct .- M anslon House Ellot Street, Nalrobl reglstratlon nam ed ln the Schedule hereto have ceased to exlst, Coul t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl I hereby call upon the sald socletjes to furnlsh m e w lth prool N o 0/ matter - Bankruptcy and W lndlng-up Cause N o 55 of of tbelr exlqtence wlthln three m onths of the d 4te hereof 1956 zlzntpunj pc? .f - 28 cents SCHBDIJI.E 1711st ol #?74// ot otherwlse --Flrst and final N yanzq D ram atlc Soclety W hol ptzytzsfc - 29th M ay 1962 Nakuru College Youth Club W here payable --oflice of the Oë clal Recelver, Crov,n Law Kenya N atlonal Farm ers U nlon Area Branch 5 Oflice (opposlte Parllament Bulldlng), P O Box 30031, N alrobl D ated tlllq 23rd d4y of M ay, 1962 N alrobl, H F H AM EL N T M ON TG OM ERY, 23rd M av 1962 D eputy O/./ït.rtzl Recen ez alkd Ltquïdator Asîkstant Reglstlat (7/ Soclette.b

GAZE'I'TE Nozqce N o 2561 G kZFTTE N OTIC.E N o 2566 TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE (Cap 288) TH E SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 N o'rlcE oF D IVIDEND (No 52 o! 1952) Name oj ctprnptzpil? - carsales tamlted C EssxTloN oF ENISI-F-NC'B Reglbtered tpf/ic: '- blvlngstone House, Hardlnge Street, Nalrobl PURSUANT to sectlon 6 (2) of the Socletles Ordlnance, 1952 Couî t - H M Stlprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl belng sansfted that tbe soclety nam ed ln the Scbedu'e bereto No tp/ nlatto - Bankruptcy and W lpdlng-up Cause No of has ceased to exlst I hereby notlfy that the sald socletv shall 1956 uease to be a regkstered soclety from the date hercof A nlount pc? J - 62 cents Flrst ot Jnt?l or of/zezpsiâ'c --Flrst and final SCHBDULE W hert payable - 29th M ay, 1962 A kam ba A ssoclatlon, N 'tlrobl Branch W here payable .- oflice of the Oë clal Recelver, Crown Law Office (opposlte Parllament Bulldlng), P O Box 30031, Nalrobl D ated thls 23rd day of M ay, 1962 N alrobl, H F HA M EL N J M ONTG OM ERY 231-d M ay, 1962 Deputy OF c.Ic/ Rscelvo and fptzlfltfc/tl? -d. vslstant Reglstrar oj sbclc//c.î 598 TH E K EN Y A G A ZE TTE 29th M ay, J962

GAzEr7 E N OTICE N o 2567 GAZFI'TB N OTICL N 0 2570

TH E SOCIETIES ORDIN ANCE N A IROBI EASTERN RURAL D ISTRIG COUN CIL (No 52 of 1952) CESSATION oF EXISTENCE LOCAL GOVERN M ENT (COU NTY COU N CILSJ ORD INA N CE, 1952 PURSUANT to sectlon 6 (2) of the Socletles Ordlnance, 1952 lnelng satlsfied that the socletles nam ed ln the Schedule hereto N AIROBI LASTERN RU RAL D ISTR ICT COUN CIL h tve ceased to exlst, I hereby notlfy that the sald socletles shall cease to be socletleq exem pttd from regtstratlon from tlle date (LICEN SIN G OF PREM ISES AND TRADERS) BY LAW S hereof 1962 SC-HEDIJI-E N AIROBI EASTERN R UR AL D ISTRIG COUN CIL G1ll H ouse Soclal Club (PUBLIC M ARKET) BY LAW S 1962 Jura Farm Afrlcan Club Shree K athlaw ar Jansarl M andal N ollcil Vlrsad Unlon of East Afrlca H lndu U nlon N alrobl N O I'ICE ls hereby glven that the N alrobl Easteln Rural Shlee Ralput D hobl Sam al D lstrlct Council m tends to apply to the M m lster of lwoual Govern G oan 5f tlslcal Soelety m ent fo1 appl oval of the N allobl Eastern Rural D lstrlct Councll Shree Bh trat Vldyalaya (Karadl) Sahayak M andal (Llcenslng of Plemlses and Traders) By laws 1962 and the Shree H lndu M ahlla M andal, M om basa Nalrobl Eastern Ru1 al Dlstrlct Counell (Publlo M arket) By laws Shree M om basa Lohana Boardm g H ouqe 1962 Shree M ombasa Brqhm a Sam al K lllti Young Players Football Club The general purpose of the by laws ls to regulate and, whele appllcable, to llcense antl plescrlbe feeo tor the control of m alkets M ombasa Seva D al and trade s D ated thls 23rd day of M ay, 1962 Coplts of the proposed by-law s are deposlted ln the C ounty N J M ONTG OM ERY , H all, Connaught Road, N alrobl and are avallable for publlc Asststalzt Reglst; al tp/ Socletlcs lnspectlon dullng ordlnary offlue hourq A copy of the proposed by laws w1ll be sent to any lnterested person on recelpt of Sh 1 A nv oblectlonq tc tho propoqed bv laws m tlqt be lodged wlth G AZEI'TE N OTICE N o 2568 the undelslgned wlthln 12 days of the date of publlcatlon ol this notlce TH E SOCIETIES ORD INAN CE, 1952 R T W RIGH T (N o 52 ol 1952) N alrobl, Clerk OJ the C'tpdf/?clf TH E SOCIETIF-S RU LES, 1961 25th M ay 1962 Coltnty H all ,N'tu? obl PURSUAN T to rule 17 of the above-m entloned Rules, notlce ls hereby glven that- (c) the socletles llsted ln the Flrst Schedule hereto have been reglstered , and GAZETTE N OTICB N() 2571 (bq the socletles llsted ln the Second Schedule hereto have been exem pttd from reglstratlon under the provlslons of the LEGAL AND GENEG L ASSURANCE SOCIETY LIM ITED abovc m entloned Ordlnance Loss or PoLlcY FIRST SCHEDULB D ate Pohcy h o E,A 300940 /(), Sh 50,000 dated 1.:/ A ugust 1959, o'ï R cglf/rtz/ltpz; the ltje (7/ alkd //?e pl (lpel /y ()/ Patrlck zflr//lld/ Janles vN'fpve 0/ Socïety EFected M ul l c> H al tell W aswa M bare (Oruako) Soclety 17-5-62 N O I-ICE ls heleby glven that evldence of the loss'x or destluc- M oonllght Om ar Jazz Band A ssoclatlon of A lr T raK c C ontrol O m cers, East tlon of the above pollcy has been subm ltted to the Soclety and A frlc't 17-5-62 any person Tn possesslon of the policy or clalm lng to have any M uolnl M baa N dune Clan Soclety 17-5-62 m tertest thereln, should uom m unlcate Im m edlately by reglsteled K enya Afrlcan Church, K athaana Branch 17-5 62 post wlth the lnsurer Falllng any such com m unlcatlon a certlhed M ach tkos D lstrlct Parents' A ssoclatlon 17-5-62 eopy of the pollcy (whlch w1ll be the sole evldence of tho contract) K lsum u U genya W elfare A ssoclatlon 17-5-62 wlll be lssued to the owner O gango W elfare A ssoclatlon, W est K ano 17-5 62 J A LA W , U nlted Social C lub, N yerl 21-5-62 N alrobl M atlager East Ajtlca Shlru W elf-tre Soclet) 21-5-62 25th M ay, 1962 P O B ox 4774, N alrobt Tanganylka Afrlcan Club, N alrobl Branch 21-5-62 SEccm o SCHEDULE D ate Exem pttol' CIAZETTB 'MOTIcB ';o 2572 Nanle 0/ Soctety EFected K on--fkkl Club 17-5-62 Coast Com m erclal and Servlces Football League 17-5-62 TH E FRAU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BUSINESSES ORD IN AN CE D ated tbls 23rd day of M ay, 1962 (Cap 286) N J M ONTG OM ERY , N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness of a boardlng Anlstant Regïstrar (7/ Socïettes kennels for doas and other dom estlc am m als form erly carmed out by Chrlstlne Pearson under the reglstered buslness nam e or style of Chepkatet Boardlng K ennels at the prenuses near has, as from the first day of D eccm ber, 1961, been GAZBT'I'E N DTJCE N o 7569 sold and transferred to Susan K ay Napler D avls, who wl11 carry on the sald buslneass under the sam e reglstered buslness nam e CITY COU NCIL OF N A IROBI or style as the sole proprletor thereof at Farm L R No 7613 / 1, ELECTION oF Couxczz.l-oR, 19TH M AY, 1962- Etm cœEAx Eldoret CEIII'RAL W wlm Tho address of the transfezor ls P O Box 444, Eldoret N OTICE ls hereby glven that- At,rltEo GRANVILLB Ross The address of the transferee îor the sald buslness ls P O Box 444, Eldoret has been duly elected a m em ber of tho Clty Cotm cil of N alrobl to lepresent the European Central W ard The transferee does not assum e nor does she lntend to The perlod of ofllce as Counmllor for whlch the above- asstuno any llablllty of the transferor In respect of the sald nam ed has been elected comm enced on 19th M ay, 1962 and buslness up to and lncludlng the 30th day of N ovem ber, 1961 w1ll termlnlte on 30th June, 1963, provlded there ls no change and the sam e m ll be pald and dlscharged by the transferor ln tbe exlbtlng Statutol-y prOV1slOnS A ll debts owm g to tlte transfeTor up to the sald 30th day of N ovem ber, 1961 ) should be pald to the transferor D Ated thls 21st day of M ay, 1962 CH RISTIN E PEA RSON , R O BER T LU N N , T? ansferoï Returmng O/lccr C'ify H all SUSAN K N DAV IS, P O Box 30075, N alrobt F? ansjeree 29th M ay, 1962 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 599

CIAZETTE l(oT1cE l:o 2573 GAZER E lçoTlcE lço 2578 N OTICE OF CH AN G E OF N A M E N OTICE OF CHAN GE OF NA M E 1 D ahyabhal N athu M lstry, a Brltlsh sublect of P O Box 171, K akam ega ln K enya Colony, hereby glve publlc notlce that by 1, Sushlla Devl d/o Ram Lall Ghal, of Nalrobl ln the deed poll dated 22nd M ay, 1962, duly executed by m e as father Colony of K enya do heroby glve publlc notlce that by a deed and natural gtzardlan (and attested by C D Amln, Esq , advocate poll dated the 25th day of A pnl, 1962, duly executed, attested of Klsumu) oi my daughter Sunltaben, heretofore called and and reglstered w lth the R eglstrar of D ocum ents at N alrobl known by the nam e of Gangaben, born at K akamega on 27th aforesald, the use of m y form er lirst names of Prem K um arl July 1945, and whose blrth was reglstered under blrth entry N o have been absolutely renounced, rehnqulshed and abandoned 17 of 1954 at the D lstrlct Com m lssloner's Office, K akam ega, and and ln lleu thereof have been assum ed and adopted the first rusldlng at K akam ega, m y sald daughter form ally and absolutely nam es of Sushlla D evl lenounced and abandoned the use of her sald nam e of G angaben ln pursuance of the change of m y Erst nam es as aforesald and m lleu thereof assum ed and adopted the nam e of Sunltaben l hereby declare that I shall at a1l tlm es hereafter upon all for al1 purposes and I herebv authorlze and request a11 persons occaslons w hatsoever and w heresoever use and slgn m y lirst to deslgnate and address my sald daughter by such assum ed nam e of Sunltaben nam es as Sushlla D evl D ated at K lsumu thls 22nd day of M ay, 1962 1 therefore authollze and request aIl persons to deslgnate and address m e by such assum ed hrst nam es of Sushlla Devl D AHYA BHA I N M ISTRY only

SUSHILA DEVI D/o RAM tALL GHAI, G AZETTB N oTlc's No 2574 17ot r/le/ ly àwtpw?z as Prem fflfzzltrl dIo Raln Lall Ghat N O TICE O F CH A N G E O F N A M E 1, Lalll Vlrpar of M ombasa, in the Colony and Protectorate f3f K enya the father and natural guardlan of H ansa, heretofore known and called by thz name of Baby hereby glve notlce that CIAZETTS '4orlcs lqo 2579 by a deed poll dated the 16th day of M ay, 1962, duly executed by m e as the iathel and natural guardlan of the sald H ansa, N O TIC E OF CH A N G E O F N A M E I form ally and absolutely renounce and abandon the use of her former nam e of Baby and ln lleu thereof assum e and adopt the 1 Ram La1l Ghal of N alrobl ln the Colony of K enya, the nam e of H ansa for all purposes, and 1 hereby request and father and natural guardlan of m y daughter U sha D evl, w ho authorlze a1l persons at all tlm es hereafter to deslgrlate, descnbe was born m Indla and also known as Shanta K um arl do hereby and address her by the sald assumed a zd adopted nam e of Hansa glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated the 25th day of Aprll, 1962, duly executed attested and reglsteled wlth the D tted at M ombasa thls 16th day of M ay, 1962 Reglstrar of D ocum ents at N alrobl the use of the sald nam e LAL JI V IR PA R , of Shant K um arl has been abandoned and ln lleu thereof the jather and ?pcfr/rc! guardlan oj has been assum ed and adopted the nam e of U sha D evl Hallsa yt?r?zle?/.y Anown as Baby A nd ln purstlance of the change and adoptlon of the nam e as aforesald I as her father and natural guardlan, declare that she shall at all tlm es hereafter upon al1 occasions whatso- G AZBI'TE Nolqcs N o 2575 ever and wheresoever use and slgn and/or subscrlbe her nam e as U sha D evl N OTICE OF CHAN G E OF NA M E I Pushpa d po Samll Devshl Savla, of P O Box 6, Nakuru, l therefore on her behalf hereby authorlze and request a11 ln the C olony of K enya heretofore known and called by the persons to deslgnate call and address her by the sald nam e name of Nankuverben d/o Samll Devshl Savla, hereby glve of U sha D evl notlce that by a deed poll dated the 28th day of Aprll, 1962, duly executed by m e and reglstered m the Reglstry of D ocu- RAM L NL G HAI m ents at N alrobl I form ally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of m y sald nam e N ankuverben and ln lleu thereof assumed and adopted the nam e of Pushpa for all purposes and I hereby request and authorlze a11 persons to deslgqate and address m e by the sald assum ed nam e of Pushpa G AZE'I'TE N OTICE N O 2580 d/o Samlt Devshl Savla D ated 'At N àkuru thls 18th day of M ay, 1962 N O TICE O F CH A N G E O F N A M E I R alchand Panachand Shah, of P O Box 508 N alrobl PUSHPA D/0 SAMJI DEVSHI SAVLA ln the Colony of K enya, the father and natural guardlan of my Ftprzne? f; called Natlkuverbent dIo Samit Devshï s'cv/c daughter B aby, do hereby glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated 10th M ay, 1962, duly executed and attested and G AZETU N oTlcB N o 2576 reglstered ln the R eglstry of D ocum ents at N alrobl ln V olum e B 3, Follo 69/164, the use of the name of Baby has been abandoned and In lleu thereof has been assumed and/or N OTICE OF CHAN GE OF N AM E Adopted the nam e of H ansa l M eena K rintarla, of P O Box 1439, N alrobl, ln the Colony ot K enya hereby glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated ln pursuance of the change and adoptlon of the nam e as the 3rd day of M ay, 1962, duly execute,d by m e, I form ally tforesald 1, as her father and natural guardlan declare that and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of m y frst she shall at all tlm es hereafter upon all occaslons whatsoever lzam e of M anlula and ln lleu thereof assum ed and adopted and wheresoever use and slgn and/or subscrlbe her name as the nam e of M eena for a1l purposes, and I hereby authonze H ansa :nd request al1 persons to deslgnate and descnbe and address m e by m y assum ed nam e of M eena D lted at Nalrobl thls 19th day of M ay, 1962 Dated at N alrobl thls 21st day of M ay, 1962 M EEN A K AN TA RIA RAICH AN D PAN ACH AN D SHAH

G Azsrrs N orlcs N o 2577 ûlwzsTrs 'foTlcs ';o 2581 N OTICE OF CH AN GE O F N AM E l Joglnder Kaur w/o Ranllt Slngh of P O Box 109, Nyerl, ln the Colony of K enya and a natural born Brltlsh sublect ITA L IA N G O VE RN M EN T SC H O LA R SH IPS heretofore ealled and knoMn by the nam e of Joglndro, hereby N OTICE gl&e publlc notlce that on the 6th day of A prll 1962, l have form ally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of TH E ltallan G oxernm ent ls ofenng scholarshlps to K enya my sald name of Joglndro and assum ed and adopted ln place Afncan students tor studles ln Pallan unlvelsltles The courses thereof the nam e of Toglnder K aur and further that such avajlable lnclude Englneenng (C1v1l and lndustrlal) Archltecture, chango of nam e ls evldenced by a deed poll dated the 6th M athem atlcs, Physlcs, G eography, M lneralogy, Pharm acy, da) of A prll 1962 under m y hand and seal duly executed Chem lstry Econom lcs, Blology, Zoology, M edlcm e and Surgery, by m e V eterlnary Surgery and A grlcultul e I çxpressly authorlze and request a11 persons at a1l tlm es here Aftf-l to deslgnate and address m e by such assum ed nam e of Appllcants m ust be holders of at least Cam brldge H lgher School Certlfiuate or G eneral Certzhcate ot Educatlon at J ogln 1er K aur A dvanced level A ppllcatlons should be sent to the ltallan JOGIN DER K AU R C onsul G eneral, P O Box 30107 N alrobl 600 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 29th M ay, 1962

' PU BLICATION S ON SA LE A T G OV ER N M EN T PR IN TIN G AN D STA TION ERY D EPAR TM EN T Sh. Ct&. Sh ctg . A nntlal R eports : * Hides and Skin! Handbook (postage 80 cts.) 3 50 Agriculture Annual Report, 1960 (Vol. 1) (postage Hfghway Code ln Elzglijh (postage 20 cts.) 50 30 cts.) ...... 4 00 Highway Code ln Swahlli (postage 2: cts.) 50

Agriculture Annual Report, 1960 (Vo1. I1) (postage Itenya European and Asian Agricultural Census, 1960 31 cts-) ...... 7 50 (postage 80 cts-) . . 00 Agrlculture i-riennia;l Report 1jj8/60 (/ostage 30 cts-) 3 oo . clvfl servlce commlssfon, 1960 (eostage 25 cts-) . . 1 ()tl Ke3nsy a survey of Industrial proluction, 1957 (postage c cts-) . . 7 oo ommunity oevelopment, 1959 (postage 3s cts-). l 50 Kenya Televîsion cbmmission keport (postage 30 cts c ,) 3 ()o o(rpfoiesttda gRo espho. ris) o. r.i gins, and G. r. owth. . or M au M au 15 oo Kyanite in Kenya, M emoir N o. 1 (postage 8o cts.) 7 50 'nze psychology of- M au M au (By or. carythers. List or Kenya orasses (ByA.v. Bogden s.I-.s.) M e. 0y'M.) (postage 25 cts.) 50 (Postage 35 cts.) 5 ()tl Education oepartment, 'rriennial survey l9s:/6() Law Reports or Kenya: (postage 35 cts-) . . 4 1924-1926, Vol. X (postage 80 cts-) 27 50 Forest Department. 1960 (postage 50 cts-) 4 1927-1928, Vol. XI (postage 80 cts-) 27 50 Game Department 1958/59 (postage 30 cts-) 2 1929-1930, Vol. XII (postage 80 cts.) 27 50 Game Department 1960 (postage 30 cts.) 2 193 1 . Vol. XII1 (postage 80 cts.) 27 50 Kenya Flsheries, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) . . 2 1932, Vol. XIV (postage 80 cts.) 27 50 Immigration Department. 1960 (postage 35 cts-) 2 1933, Vol. XV (postage 80 cts.) 27 50 Department of Informatîon, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) 1 - . 1934 >Vol. XVI ) Part I (postage 80 cts-) 10 00 Kenya Colony, 1959 (postage 80 cts-) 5 t936-1937, vol. xvll, Part I and 11 (postage 80 ets.) 27 50 Labour Department, 1960 (postage 50 cts-) 5 1938-1939. Vol. XVIII, Part l and 11 (postage 80 cts-) 27 50 taand Bank Report, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) I 1940-1941 L , Vol. XIX, Part I and 11 (postage 50 cts.) . . 10 00 Landls GDoevpearrntment, 195680 /5(p9o (sptoagstea g3e5 5c0ts -c) ts-) . . 51 1942-1943, Vol. XX, Part l and 11 (postage 80 cts-) 22 50 Local Government Loans Authority, 1960 (postage 1944-1945, Vol. XXI, Part I and 11 (postage 80 cts-) . . 20 00 35 ots-) . . . - ...... 2 00 1946-1947, Vol. XXII, Part I and 11 (postage 80 ets-) 40 00 M ines Department, 1960 (postage 35 cts.) . . 3 0() 1948, Vol. XXll1, Part I (postage 80 cts.) 15 00 M inistry or Health Annual Report, 1960 (postage 1949 vol. XXIII Part 11 (postage 80 cts.) 17 50 cts-) ...... 00 1950' ' , Vol. XXIV, Part I (postage 80 cts.) 17 50 M (iPniossttrya gq o2f0 cLtsa )b our&. l-lousin. g. (H.o .u sing . . Sectio.n .) 1 00 1951, V01. XXIV, Part 11 (postage 80 cts.) 17 50 Alrport ânnual keport, 1960 (postage 30 cts-) 3 00 1952, Vol. XXV, Part 11 (postage 80 cts.) 20 00 Police Department, t960 (postage 35 cts-) 2 00 1953, Vol. kxvl (postage 50 cts-) 15 00 Printing ahd stationery Department, 1960/61 (postage 1954, Vol. XXVII (postage 80 cts.) 27 50 35 cts-) ...... 1 00 j:5, .5 vol. xxvlll (postage Sh. 1) 35 (h0 Registfar-Generalgs Dopartment, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) 4 00 ' . Registrar of Co-op. Development A nnual Renort. 1960 A Digest of the East African and Kenya Law Reoorts. 40 cts-) . . - ' 4 00 1897-1952, Volum es 1-25 (1) (postage 80 cts-) * ' 27 50 Ro(apdo sAtaugtebority Annual Report, 1959/60 (postage Sh. 1) 5 00 L*W Reports, Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa: Social Services Annual Report, 1960 (Postage 20 cts.) 2 00 1941 (postage 35 cts-) 12 50 survey of Kenya Administration, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) 3 00 1942 (postage 35 cts-) 17 50 Treatment of' Ofrenders Report, 1960 (postage 35 cts.) 5 00 1943 (postage 35 cts-) 20 ()t) veterinary Department, 1960 (postage 35 cts-) 5 00. 1944 (postage 35 cts-) 17 50 w eights and M easures, 1960 (postage 25 cts.) 1 00 1945 (postage 40 cts-) 17 (x) catalogue of Kenya Timbers, by S. H. W imbush (postage 1946 (postage 50 cts-) 25 otl 25 cts-) ...... 2 50 194,/ (postage 80 cts-) 25 (jtl cotoutths eR Leepgqlsrtla trlpvre sceoleucntciplln ( poofs tAagfrei c8a0n cRtse-) presentatives 4 ()fl 1948 (postage 80 cts.) .25 a) E 1949 (postage 50 cts-) 2: ()c conomic survey, 1961 (postage 25 cts.) . . 3 00 1950 (postage 50 cts Exotic Forest Trees in tlle Kenya H iehlands (Bv H .H .C. -) 25 ()() Pudden O.B.E., M .A. Silviculturis-t) (Postag-e-3o cts-) 2 00 1951 (postage 80 cts-) 27 50 Geological Reports: ' 1952 (postage 80 cts-) 2: ()() Nou l 7 ,Country between Embu and M eru (postage 1953 (postage 80 cts.) 25 ()c 50 ct-s.l ...... ; I 2 00 1954 (postage 80 cts.) 47 50 No. 18, Kisii District (postage 50 cts-) . . 1 5 00 1955 (postage Sh.1) 60 ()0 NoM 19, Area North-west ot- 'Township (Trans 1956 (postage Sh. 2) 65 00 zoia, Elgon and W est Suk) (postage 80 cts.) 1 7 50 Luo cpstomary Law and M arriage Law Customs N o3.5 2û, M ariakani-M aekinnon Road Area (postage (Eagjjsh mtvuol (postage 80 cts-) each. . . . ()0 No 2c1t s-K) isumu o.i s. trict (. p. ostago sla. 1735) . . 158 (0k() . :: M irathi ,,s the M ohammedan Law or Inheritance w . , (postage ,stl cts.) . . 4 (m o. 22, w ajir-M andera oistrict, worth-east Iienya ' ' (postage 80 cts.) ...... Report or committee on Agricultural credit o r Arricans No. 23, Area south-east of Embu (oostaze 80 cts.à (postage 80 cts-) . . 5 oc No. 24, M ombasa-Kwale Area (po-s-tage -80 cts) ' Reports on visits to India, M alaya and ceylon, gith some No. 2s south-east M achakos Area (postage 35. cts-) . . notes fer the guidance of Tea Planters ln Kenya w o ' Broderick Falls Area (postago 5o cts.) (Postage 80 cts.) 7 50 . 26, x o. 27 southern M achakos oistriet (postage 50 cts.) Report on Problems of Child w elfare in Kenya (postage x , 35 cts-) . 1() co No. 29s , sKualtkaanm Hegaam Dudis tArircet a( p(poostsatgage e8 :0 0c tcst.s) .) . . Report of the socia. l security committee (postage ,50 cts. -). 3 50 x o. 30,# Area (postage 80 cts.) . . Report into Administrytive and stafr kelations or the xo. 31, M eru-lsiolo Area (postage 8() cts.) Kenya M eat commlssion + sessional Paper xo. 7 x or 1961 (postage 25 cts-) 4 co so. 332 , NTaovrethta KAirtueai A(proesat a(pgoe s8ta0 gcet s:.)0 cts.) Reported Employment and w ages in Kenya 1948-.60 ' No. 34, -M azeras Area (postage 80 cts-) . . . . tpostage 35 cts-) . . . - 50 No 35 Kitale cherangani Hills Area (postage 80 cts.) Quinquennial Advisory committee Report (postage N . , all cts.) j cc xo. 3j,6, sMoaultihn dxi iAturie aw (rpeoa s(tpaogset a8g0e c 8tst)- ) c. t.s -) . . Sessional papers xo. lo/s9 and 6/' 6- : on ' s- and. ' ('postage N 30 cts-) . . . . a cc No . 398 , NMawminagnig Aa-rBeias.s eNl oArrteha K(pitousit a(pgeo s8t0a gcet s8-)0 cts.) . . Sir lbbotson ,s Report on the M arketiny. of M aize and N . , other Produce (postago 35 cts.) . . . . 3 (m o(p. o4s0ta, geT a8k0a cbtbs-a) -w ergudud A. re. a M .a .n dera D istrict 1 5 otj Syllabus for European Primary schools (postage 35 cts.) 3 00 No. 41, Kalossia--fiati Area (postage 80 cts-) 12 50 Syllabus for Arab and Asian Primary Schools (postage

-No. 42, M agadi Area (postage 80 cts-) . . 17 50 35 CtS.) 3 ()b N o. 43, Derkali-M alka M urri Area (postage 80 cts-) . . 15 00 Te2 Plazting by G. Gamble, M.B.E. (English and Swahili) N o 44 E1 W ak-Aus M andula Area (postage Sh. 1) 17 50 (POSt3Ve 25 cts.) . . . . . 4 2 50 No ' Tecjmical Report No 3 i)yr G. J. H. Mccall B.Sc. Ph.d. . 45, Gwpsi Area (postage Sh. 1/50) 1 5 00 A , , Nou 46, Geology of the M id-Galana Area (postage .R.C.S., D.J.C. deologist'lpostage 65 cès.) 10 00 50 cts.) ...... 12 5: The .Biology of Trout in Kenya Colony (paper cover) 25 00 No. 4 7 ,Geology of thQ Bur M ayo-ererbaj Area The Biology of Trout in Kenya Colony tbound in hard (postage 80 ets.) ...... 1 7 5: cover) . . . 30 ()() N o. 48, Geology of the M andera-Dam assa A rea Tuberclzlosis in Kenya by W . S. H aynes, M.A., M.o., tpostage Sh. 1 ) . . c . . . . : . . . . 2j 50 (postage 80 cts-) . . . . . - . . j 5 ()tl Nos 49, Geology of the Area South of the Teita Hills upper Tana catchment W ater Resources Survey 1958/9 (Postage 50 cts.) 8 50 oostage sla. 2) :5 ()tl