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T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pubhshed under the Aathonty of H xs Excellency tlze G overnor of the Colony a114 Protectorate of K eMya (Reglstored as a Nowsm - at the G P 0J

Vol. LM I- N O 27 N A IR O BI, 24th M ay, 1960 Pnce Sh 1

. . Z= . = CO N TEN TS

GAZETTE NOTICES GAZEI'I'B Nonces--jcontd ) PAGE PAGE Appolntments, etc 630 The N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance- settlng Apart of Land 646 The (Constltutlon) Order Tn Councll- 1 A ppolntm ents etc 630 631 Llquor Llcenslng 646 The Leglslatlve Councll Ordlnance- Appolntm ent 631 Bankruptclcs 646-647 The Afrlcan Exemptlon Ordlnance- Exemptlons 631 Buslness N otlce 647 The Estate Duty Ordlnance- Appolntment 631 The Socletles O rdlnance- cancellatlons 648 The Prlsons O rdm ance- A ppolntm ents, etc 632 The Socletles Rules- Reglstlatlons, etc 648 The D alry Industry O rdlnance- Appolntm ent 632 Loss of Share Ceruficates 648 The Kenya Reglment (T F ) Ordlnance- Reslgnatlon 632 Losses of Pollcles 648-649 The Land Acqmsltlon kct, 1894, of Indla- D lrectlon 632 Loss of Passbook 649 The C ourts Ordm ance- A ppom tm ent 632 Probate and Admlnlstlatlon 649-650 Tne Land Control Oldinance- lteappolntm ents 633 M unlclpal, Rural Dlstrlct and County Councll N otlccs 650-651 The W ater Ordlnance-r rder 633 Tendels 651-652 TNe Compulsory M llltaly Tralnlng Ordlnance- A ppolntment 633 N otlces of Change of N am e 652 The Agrlculture Ordlnance- Flnal day for Submlsslon of Program mes 633 SU PPLEM EN T N o 36 Legtslatkve Supplem ent The Educaflon Ordlnance- Appolntment 633 LEGAL N OTIC'E N o PAGB Klng q Afrlcan Rlies- com mlsslons and Prom otlons 633 218- The Pelsonal Tax Ordlnance 1957- East A frlcan Rallways and H arbours- rrenders 633 Cancellatlon of Exemptlon 391 East Afrlca H tgh Com m lsslon Stock 633 219- The Resldent Labourers (Uasm Glshu Cotmty Councll) (Klpkabus-lzessos W ard) Order, K enya Stock 634 1960 391 H er M alesty s Court of Appeal for Ehstern Kfrlca at 220- The Nyerl Urban Dlstnct Counml (Flre M om basa- cause Iust 634 Pre&erltlen and Flre Brzgade) By-laws, 1960 392 Vacancles 634. 221- The Tnomson's Falls Urban Dlstnct Cotm ml (Refuse Receptacles and Refuse Removal) The Clvsl Procedure (Revlsed) Rules- cerllgendum 635 (Amendment) By-laws, 1960 396 Language Exam lnatlons--c orllgendum 636 222- The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Counclls (Tana m ver East A frlcan Custom s and Exclse- sale by Publlc Jomt Board) Order, 1960 397 Auctlon 637-638 223- The M arketlng of Afrlcan Produce (Tobacco The W ater Ordlnance- A/pllcatlons 638 Leao Ordel 1960 401 O24- The M um clpalltles Ordlnance- Am endment to The Pharm acy and Polsons Ordlnance- Addltlon to L N N o 515 of 1958 402 R eglster 638 225- The Plohlblted Nets (Nyanma Provlnce) Order, The Tramc Ordfrtance- Notlce of Intended Read Closure 1960 403 The Transport Llcenslng Ordlnance- Apphcatlons 639 640 226- The Stamp D uty Ordlnanceo Exemptlon of The Patents (Reglstl atlon) Ordpnance-utzetters Patent 641 Instlum ent 404 The A1r Servlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlons- Appllcatlon 641 227- The M arketlng of Afrlcan Produce (South Nyanza Cash Crop M arketlng Board) 'Irade M arks 64,3-645 Order, 1960 405 (629 630 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 24th M ay, 1960

CORRIGEN DU M GAZETTB NoTlcE N O 2367 (.fa C 4/ 4) G azette N otlce N o 2246 appearlng on page 607 of the Ken) a Gazette dated 17Lh M ay, 1960- THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDBR IN COUNCIL SURVEV oF KEN&A OccueAwioxwL TcsTs 1958 F'or -10th zuly, 1960 In llne two of second paiagrapla (L N 158 ol 1958) substltute ::10th June, 1960 AppolxrMsx.r os TSMPORARY M EMBER oF THF LEGISLATIVL Cotm cll- By H1s Excellency Slr Patnck M ulr Renlson, K mght Com m ander of the M ost Dlstlnmushed O rder of Sam t M lchael and G AZBTTS N OTlce N o Salnt George Governor and Com mander-ln-chlet of the Colcny and Protectorate of Kenya A PPO IN TM EN TS W H EREA S there ls a vacancy ln the num ber of persons slttlng as M embers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of a declaratlon CBCIL JOHN LANG M B E (MIL ) A M 1 C E & M I SAN E A M I w B to act as C hlef H ydraullc Englneer, M lnistry of of lncapaclty m respcct of- W orkq, N alrobl, wlth tffect fl om 2nd M ay, 1960 BAl-osv S&HAI M OHINDRA o B E * NORMAN STEwART CAREV J'oxss s A (oxox ), resumed duty as a N om lnated M em ber of the C ouncll D eputy Secretaly, M lnlstry of A grlcultul e A nlm al H usbandry and W ater Resources, wlth elect from 23rd Aprll, 1960 on ln exerclse of the power conferred by subsectlon (1) of return from leave sectlon 27 of tho Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, l do hereby appolnt- M lss M ARGARET PHYLLIS ANDBRSON B SG (HONS ) (LONDONI, to act as Prlnclpal, M achakos Tlalnlng College, wlth effect flom R ICHARD EoM oNos LUYT 2h(l M av, 1960 to be a Tempolary M em ber of the sald Councll m th esect from the 17th day of M ay, 1960 M lss M ARY M ELINA G ILLIAN THOMSON B A (LONDON), to aCt ab H eadm lstress, K cnya H lgh School N alrool w lth eflect from Gzven undez my hand and the pubhc seal of Krnya thls 25th Aprll, 1960 17th day of M ay, 1960 G EORGE CARLOS M ALqOLM D ow sox to qct qs Provlnclql Com m lssloner, Southeln Provlnce wlth effect from 3rd M ay, 1960 P M RENISON , Goveri'ot SHBIK.II M OHAMED K AsslM K athl of M allndl to be actlng *G N 2366/60 Chlef K athl, ad hoc for the pulpose of ad lng as A ssessor ln the underm entioned aPPCQIS - M om basa Suprem e C ourt Clvll Appeal No 5 /59 Lall Ishelall v.ç Bal blntl Al1 GAZETTE Norlcs N0 2368 M om basa Supreme Court Clvll A pneal N o 6 /59, Shelkh (CONST 1/2/43) AI1 b1n M oham ed M shahall 3 â (l) K bam ls M asood Zehem l, (2) Abmed M ohamed b!n Sald (3b Abdalla b1n Sahm Slukely, TH E KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, (4) A11 bln M ohamed blta Sa'd (5) M ahm ud b1n M ohamed 1958 Sald (6) M asoud bln M ohamed (7) M barak b1n M ohamed (8) M wana Amlna blntl M ohamed, (9) Omar b1n A1l bm (L N 158 oj 1958) Om ar Al-Battawy (10) Sharlfl Amln b1n M ohamed APPOINTMENT op M IN1sTnRs REVER SION S By H 1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Comm andel of the M oqt Dlstlna lsbed Order of Salnt M lchael and BBVAN CECII- W lLLs B sc Dl17 AGRIC twYE) A I c 'r x ceased Salnt 'G eorge, G overnor and Com m ander ln Chlef of the to act as D eputy Fecletaly, M lnlstry Of Agrlculture, A nlm al Colony and Protectorate of Kenya H usbandry and W ater R csoulces, wlth effect frtxn 7th A pnl, 1960 IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by subsectlon (2) of sectlon 11 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, ERlc N sw Tolq G RIFFITH JoxF.s (? M G Q c' ceaqed to act as and ln pursuanct of tnstructtons gtvea to m t, by H er M alesty C hlef Secletaly w lth efk ct flona 9tl1 M av 1961) th1 ough a Secretary of State l do hereby appolnt- R ONXLD G lneoN N GAI.: By Comm and of the G ovclnol to be a lncm ber of the Counctl of M lnlsters with elect from W F CO U TT'S tho 17th day of M ay, 1960 Chlej Seo etal y Glven undel my ,hand and the publlc seal of the Colony thls 17th day of M ay, 1960

G AZBTTS N orlcs N o 2366 P M REN ISON , G overnol (f, C 4144 THB KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 (L N 158 oj 1958) G 4zsTTs N orzcc N o 2369 D ECLARATION OF INCAPACITY OF N OM INATED M EM BER OF THE. LCONST 1 /2 / 39) LEGISLATIVE C OUNCIL THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, By H ls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson K nlght Comm ander 1958 of tne M ost D lstlngulshed Ordcl of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Governor and Com m ander ln Chlef of the (L N 158 oj 1958) C olony and Plotectorate of K enya TBMPORARY M INISTER- TERM INATION OF A PPOINTM ENT IN EXERCISE of the powels confcrred by subsectlon (1) of IT IS hereby declared that the vacancy ln tlle num ber of sectlon 29 of the Kenra (Constltutlon) 03 der pn Councll 1958 persons qlttlng ln the C ouncll of M lnlsters has ceased to exlst 1 do hereby declale that- on the appolntment of Ronald Gldeon Ngala Esq * as a m em ber of the C ouncll of M lnlsters BALDBV SAHAI M oHlxppA o B F The appom tm ent of Rlchard Edm onds Luyt, D Q' M r to a N omlnated M ember of the Leglslatlve Councll, has from be tempolarlly a m ember of the sald Councll ls accordlngly 28th January, 1960, by leason of abdent,e been unable to telm lnated wlth esect from the 17th day of M ay, 1960 perform h1s functlons as a M em ber of the Leglslatn e C ouncll D ated thls 19th day of M ay, 1960 G lven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 17th day of M ay, 1960 W F COU W S, Chlef Secretar) .P M R EN ISON , G ovo no' 2368/60 I'G N 403/60 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G AZER'TE 691

G tzsl'rB NoTlce N o G AZETIE N oTlct N o 2373 (L C 4/ i) LL C 4/5) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDF,R IN COUNCIL RHE LEGISL ATIVL CO UN CIL ORD IN ANCE 1958 qcap 38? 1<8 oj 1958) ABeOINI-MENT oF TEM PORARY M EM BER ob- LEGISI-ATIVB COIJNCIL RLVOCATION OF W M PORARY M BMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL By H1s Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com m ander of the M ost D istlngulsbed O rder of Salnt M lchael and I)J the H onourable W alter Flem lng C tm ttç, C om panlon of the Salnt G eorge, G overnor and C on,m ander ln C hzif of tho M ost Dlstlngulshed Ordel of Salnt M lchael and Salnt Colony and Plotectorate of K enya George, M em ber of the O rder of the Brltl',h hm plre. G overnor s Deputy W H ER E A.S theze ls a xacancy ln the num ber of persons slttlng ln the Legisdattve Councll as Constltuency Elected IN EXERCISE of the powels confelred by subsectlon (i) of M em bers by reason of the fact that the H onourable Sharld s, ctlon 27 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Ordel ln C-ouncll, 1958 M ohamed Abclulla Shatry , a M em ber for the Arab Ekctoral I do hereby revoke the appolntm ent'k of- area ls absent flom the C olony R ICHARO EDMONDS LUYT D C M N ow , therefore, ln cxerclse ol the ptlBers conferred by a: a Temporary M ember of the Leglslatlve Councll sectlon 21 of the Leglslatlve C ouncll O rdlnance I hereby :P17Olnt- A t.I A BDALLA SI-IIIVSLA (ylven under my hand and the publlc seal of K enva thls 21st c ay of M ay, 1960 to be wlth eflkct from the 17th day of M ay, 1960, a Tem porary M em ber of the Leglslatlve Councll for the sald electoral area W F COUTTS G os'eî ?7t), s D eputv Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K cnya thls 17th YG N 2367/60 day of M ay 1960 P M R EN ISON , G ovetnot

JAZErTE N tyerlczî N o 2371 (1, C 41 tt1 G AZETTE l4oTfcr è:o 2374 t-d.-4 8/ 14/ 1) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 TH E AFRICAN BX BM PTION O RDIN AN CE LL N 158 oj 1958) qcap 96) APPOINTMENT OT NOMINiTED M EMBER OF THE LEGISEATIVE LEIV ERS of exem ptlon have been granted to the follöwlnk C OUNCIL Afrlcans durlng 1959 ln accordance wlth the provlslons of the above m entloned O ldlnqnce By the H onourable W alter Flem lng Coutts, Lom panlon of the M ost D lstm gulshed O rder of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, M em bt.r of the O rder of the Bntlsh Emplle, N ante .- lohn M usylm l M uokl G overnor's D eputy Regtsttahon No - sauthei n Provlnce 1 /59 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph (e) of Lhstnct .- M ach4kos subscctlon (2) of sectlan 23 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order lr Councll, 1958 l do hel eby, ln pulsuance of Jnstructlons pven (?.) to n1e by H el M alesty through a Secretary of State, appolnt- Nanîe --Benalah Klngsley Nyabul . R egl %tratlon N o .- cent! al Provlnûe 1 / $9 R ICHARO EoMoNos Ltlyr D c M D tbtrlct .- -rhlka to be a N om lnated M em bel of the Leglslatlve C ouncll (h) G lvt.n under m : hand and tlat publlc seal of K enla thls 21st N ame .- charles K abetu s po %fephen K lnuthla day of M ay, 1960 Reglstratkon No - central Provlnee 2/ 59 Dlsttïct .- K lambu W F COUTTS, G overnor s D eru/)? D ated at N alrobl thls 13th dav of M ay 1960

W F CO U TTS, Chlej Secretary GAZETT'E N tm cs N o 2372 (L C 4 /4) G AZETIE N oucB N o 2375 / (f 53/ 13) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN C O U N C IL , 19:8 TH E ESTATE DU TY ORD IN ANCII (L 2'k 158 oj 1958) Lcap 257) DECLARATION OF RESUMED CAPACITY OF N OMINAEED M EMBER A PeOINTMENT oF A sslsn xr C oM M IssIoNFR OF 'rHis Lpxffst.Arfvs COUNCIL IN LXERCISE of the nowers conferred by sectlon 7 of the By the H onourable W alter Flem lng Coutts Com panlon of the Estate D uty Ordlnanûe, ihe Eqtate D uty Comm lssloners, wlth M ost D zstlngulshed O rdel of Salnt M lchael and Salnt thc apploval of the G ovelnol ln Councll of M lnlsters, heleby George, M em bel of the Order of the Btltlsh Em plre, 2PPO1l1t- 'Governop s D eputy HERBERT FRBD H AMEL W HEREA S by m strument under the publlc scal dated the to act as Ass stant Estate D uty Comm lssloner wlth elïect from 17th day of M ay, 1960*- 9th M arch 1960, fcr the nuvposes of tlze sald O rdm ance BALSEV SAHAI M 'OHINORA o B E The appollttm ent notlfiect ln G azette N otlce N o 3077 of 1959 w as declaled, by reasort of absence, to be unable to perform ls hereby cancelled h1s functlons as a N om lnated M em ber of the Leglslatlve C ouncll D ated thls 19th day of M ay 1960 In pursuance of the prtnlslons of subsectlon (1) of sectlon 29 N GRIFFITH -JON EX, of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, 1 do heleby Prestdent declal e that thu sald Baldev Sahal M olundra, o B E ls agam SS//J oj Estate Duty Ctlpzrnl-çlftprlerz able to perform hIs bald functlons (Attorney-Generalj K W S M ACKEN ZIE, Glven undtr m y hand and the pubhc seal of K enya thls 21st Vtce-presndent day of M ay, 1960 S/J?J 0/ Estate D uty Comm lsnoners W F COUTTS D CO W A RD , G overnqr s D eputv M em ber *1(J. N 2366/60 S(?J?f8 of Estate D tffy Commtssloners :3l TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 24th M ay, 1960

G Azs'r're N o'rlcs N o 2376 GAZI-A rlc N ()l Ic.E NO 238f) (28 / 5 / 15) (DAIRk IBD I 1) THE PRISON S ORDIN ANCE TH E DAIRY IN DUSTRY ORD INAN CE, 1958 W ap 78) (N o 34 oj 1958) A PPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL VISITOR APPOINTMENT ol7 M EMBER OF THE K ENYA DAIRY BOARD IN EX ERCISB of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of the IN EXERCISE of the powt-rs conferred by subsectloa (5) of Prlsons Orxhnance and delegated* to hlm , tht, U nder Stcletaly gectlon 6 of the D alry lndustry Ordlnance, 1958, the M lnlster M lm stry of Internal Secunty and Defence, hereby appolnts- for Agrlcultule, Anlm al Flusbandly and W ater Resources hereby àplnoint-c;- T HB R Bv FR Eow ARo CORCORAN M lss R K BBLE-W HITE as an Oïclal Vlutor to K wale Prlson ln the K wale Dlstrlct to bc a m em ber of the K enya D alry Board durlng ttte tem porary Coast Provlnce absence from the Colony of Counclllo! M ls D E Clarke *

Dated thls 16th day of M ay, 1960 D ated thls 17th day of M ay 1960 A C SM A LL BRU CE M CK ENZIE, U ltdet kW c? etary M lnlstel /t?? Agrlcultute Antmal A/fy:crltfry M ln/A/ry oj /?;/c? nal s'ecurl/yr and Dejdrl: e and W ater R esources ï'L N 37/60 I'G N 2953 / 58

G AZE'I'TE NoT;cE N o 2377 (28 / 5/ 32) GAZBTTE NOTIC:E No (Df'F 30/ 141 / 1 / V) TH E PRISON S OR D IN ANCE THE KENYA REGIM BNT (TBRRITORIAL PORCE) W ap 78) O R D IN A N CE APPOINTMENT OF OFFTCIAL VISITOR W ap 89) IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of the RBSIGNATION Prlsons O rdlnance and deltgated* to h1m the U nder Secretary IN EX ER C ISB of 1he pow ers conferlecl by sectlon 20 of M im stry of lnternal Secullty and D efence, hereby appolnts- the Kenya Reglment f'lnerrltorlal Force) Ordlnance, the Governor REVEREND FA rHER OTTNVION SESI'ERO has accepted the reslgnatlon of the undermcntloned Omcer wlth eileet from 25th Aprll, 1960 - as an Oëclal V sltor to K andongu Prlson Camp ln the Em bu Dastrlct, Central Provlnce LISIJTENANT l D CAMPBELL (KR 5851)* Dated thts 13th day of M ay, 1960 Dated thzs 17th day of M ay, 1960

A C SM 4LL By Com mand of the G overnol U ndel Sec; etav J M intstry t# Interl3al s'cc/fzl/.'p alld Dejence A C C SW AN N , *L N 37/60 M tlllsteî /t?? Intet ??(zl Securttv and Dejence Z'G N 1575/ 60

GAZETTF N orlcs N o 2378 (28 / 5 / 15) GAZETTE p4oTlcE N o 2382 (LND 26/26 Il) TH E PRISONS ORD IN AN C: Tl4E LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894, 0F INDIA (Cap 78) C ZNCBI-LATION oF A PPOINTM SNT os O FFTCIAI- V lsleroft DIRECTfON UNDBR SECTION 17 (1) IN EXERCISE of the popers conferred by sectlon 17 (1) of IN EXBRCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of tllc the Land A cqulsltlon A ct, 1894 of Indla, the G overnor hereby Prlsons O rdlnance and delegated* to hlm , the U nder Scclctaly dlrects- M lnlstry of lnternal Securlty and Defence, lxleby cancels the appolntmentt of- ALFREIA POUGLAS SWEET A R I C S A R 1 THE R Ev FR J'NMES G RENNAN to take possesslon of tht, alea of land on M om aasa M alnland N orth descrlbed ln the Schedule to G azette N otlce N o 1211 as an OKclal Vlsltor to K wale Prlson ln the K wale Dlstt lut of 1960 on the explratlon of 15 days from the publlcatlon of C oast Provlnce the nollce mentloned ln sectlon 9 (1) of the sald Act Dated thls 16th day of M a> 1960 Dated thls 16th day of M ay 1960 ! A C SM A LL By Com mand of the G overnol U nder Secrefazy M llllstry oj f/l/crFgfl/ Securlty tz?pJ Dejence W B H AV ELOCK *L 1: 37/60 rG N 273 /59 M lntstet jol Local Gtpvezzlzne?lf and rf7?ilx?

G AZETTE N tyrlcE N o 2379 G AZETTE N orlcs N o 2383 (28 / 5/ 8) THE COU RTS OR DIN ANC E TH E PRISONS ORD IN AN CB W ap 3) (Cap 78) APPOINTMENT oF M AGISTRATS l7oR VALUATION COURT Ptmposss CANCELLATION of? AIYOINTMENT os OFFICIAL VISITOR IN EX ER CISE of the pow ers confclred by sectlon 5 of tl4e IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 37 of the Cou! ts O rdlnance the G ovirnor hereb) appolnts- Pnsons Ordlnance and dclegated* to hlm , the U nder Secretary M lnlstry of Internal Secunty and Defence, hereby cancels thc THovl'ts A Noltpw s D sxxlsox appolntmentt of- F 1 FERGIJSI)N to be a M aglstrate wlth power to hold a subordlnate court of the first class l'll the N alrobl E xtra Provlnclal D lstrlct for the as an Olclal V sltor to N yerl Prlson the N ytll Dlstiic.t purposes of subsectlon (3) of st-ctlon 13 of the Local Govern Central Provlnce ment (Valuatlon and Rating) Ordlnance 1956 Dated ttus 14t* (hy of M ay, 1960 D ated thls 21st day of M ay, 1960 A C SM ALL By C om m and of the G overnor & nder 5>c/ etal y M ïntstry oj Internal s'cczfpl/y and Dejence N G RIFFITH JON ES *L N 37/60 I'G N 1122/52 M ïntster /t7h Legal zzlpblry !4th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 633

GZ/FETT'I- N OTICE N O 2384 GAZEW E X OTICE N O 2388 (LND 4/ 16) (5/702 /39/4) TH E LAN D CON TROL O RD INA NCE THE EDU CATION OR DINAN CE, 1952 W ap 150) (No 58 oj 1952) LAND CONTROL BOARD- REAPPOINTMENTS ABPOINTMENT TO THE COUNTY EDUCATION BOARD I r IS hereby notlfed ln accordance wlth the provlslons of stcLlon 3 of tho Land Control O rdlnance that the follow lng Gazette N otlce N o 2048 of 1960 :ls amended by substltutlng rtappolntm ents have betn m ade to the Land Control Board - for the nam e Colln W ood, Esq , whlch appears thereln, the nam e Cyrll W oods, Esq B RIGADIER P S M YBIJRGH C B E D 8 () M C R Pllàllcs EsQ M ade tlus 14th day of M ay, 1960 llated thls 20th day of M ay 1960 D S M ILLER, / D vector (7/ Educatton W B H AVELOCK , M lntster /t?? Local Goveïnmeltt tzz/l Lands GAZET'I'E Norfcs Ntl 2389 GAZBTTE N o'rlcE N o 2385 (DEF 30/ 111/ 1) IPJM T 36/33/82) K IN G 'S A FRfCAN RTFLES TH E W ATER ORD IN AN CE, 1951 COMMISSIONS AND PROMOTIONS OF X FICBRS OF THE G ENERXL (No 56 of 1951) Lls'r IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 136 of TH E, follom ng notttk atlons of the comm lsslonlng and prom o- W ater Ordlnance 1951 the M lnlster for Agrlculture, Anlm al tlons of oë cers of the G eneral L1%t, K m g's Afrlcan m tles, Husbandry and W ater Resources after consultatlon wlth Xhe appeared ln the London G azette as undel - W ater ResourcesN Authorlty and on the appllcatlon of the suppument to me t-ondon Gazette of 3,p u ay 1960 (No 42022) Pe m anent Secretarv for W orks hereby m akes the followlng General n st tx.d./tl Order - Regular Army TH is W ATF,R SG PLY (VARIATION OF LIMITS) ORDER 1960 Capt W llllam Alfred M organ (372020) from Short Servlce I Thls Order m ay be mted as the N yerl W ater Supply Commlsslon RASC (EM P Llst 4) to be 2nd Lt 1st M ay, (V àrlatlon of Llmlts) Order, 1960 1960, wlth sem orlty 17th Apnl, 1951 ' The 3lmlts of supply of the Perm anent Secretary as water 2nd Lt W A Morgan (372020) to be Lt 1st May, 1V0, wlth undertaker for N yerl shall be the area delm eated m red on senlorlty 17th Aprll, 1953 Pkn LS 24/2 deposlted ln the oëces of tho M lmstry of W orks, Lt W A M organ (372020) to be Capt 1st M ay 1960, wlth Nalrobl, and of the Dlvlslonal Englneer, Nyerl The Ilmlts of senlorlty 17t11 Apnl, 1957 Supply relatmg to N yen notlfied ln G overnm ent N otlce N o 387 of 1954 are accordlngly vaned D ated this 17th day of M ay, 1960 M ade thls 20th day of M ay, 1960 J L H W EBSTER, BRUCE M Permanent Secretary //r De/ence CK EN Z IE, M lntster Jtpr Agrtculture An'mal Husbandry and W ater R esoutces GAZEM N oTlcE N o 2390 EAST AFRICAN RAILW AYS AN D H ARBOU RS G kzE'r'l'p NOTICE N o 2386 (DEF 78/ 12) TBNDERS FoR LAtm cc s ANo CARGO LIGHTER THE COM PU LSORY M ILITARY TRAIN IN G R EN D ERS are m nted for the purchase of the m otor vessels ORD IN AN CE, 1951 N dege, M ckwcnzl M pala Rugen the m otor launch K elvm and a sm all cargo llghter, together wlth a quanttty of englne qNo 51 tp/ 1951) spares for the vessels M akwanzl M pala and R uges; APPOINTM ENT Or M EM BBR TO THE FZXEMPTIONS TRIBUNAL The N dege M c/twcrlzl M pqa Rlfgtryl and the cargo hghteo IN EX EA CISFZ of the powers conferred by sectlon 15 of the are avallable for m spectlon at M wanza on apphcatlon to the Cflm pulsory M llltary Tralnlng Ordlzmnce, 1951, the G overnor Englneer m -charge, M wanza Launch Servlces, and the m otor ln Councll of M lnisters hereby appolnts- launch K elvln m ay be lnspected at Klsum u on apphcatlon to PBTER COOMBE H ARRIS the Sem or M arlne Engmeer, K lsum u as a member of the Exem ptlons Trlbunal ln place of Patnck Further detalls m connexlon m th these vessels, together wlth Ctlchton * the 11st of spares for the M bkwcnzl M pala and Rugesl m ay be had on apphcatlon to the Stores Superlntendent, P O Box 40, Dated thls lltll day of M ay, 1960 N alrobl, to whom all enqm rles should be addressed By Comm and of the G overnor ln Councll of M lnlsters These vesscls are oFered for dlsposal as they he at M wanza H D D EN T or Klsumu and separate osers should be m ade for each vessel Secretary to the Councll ()/ M lnksters and m cludlng the above spares -' *G N 1906/59 Sealed tenders m arked firfenders for Launches ' should be addressed to the Chalrm an, Rallway Tender Board, P O Box 30066, N alrobl, and should be despatched to arn&e not later G XZBTTE N OTICB N O 2387 than 12 noon on Saturday, 25th June, 1960 The lllghest or any tender w11l not necessanly be accepted TH E AG RICULTU RE ORDIN AN CE, 1955 (No 8 ol 1955) SUBM ISSION OF PROGRAM MES OF PRODUCTION G AZBTTB N OTICE N o 2391 IN EXERG SE of the powers conferred by subsectlon (3) ol sedlon 110 of the Agnculture Ordlnance, 1955, the Board EAST AFRICA HIFGH COM M ISSION 51 PER CENT ol Agrlculture (Scheduled Areas) hereby spemfes - SID CK, 1980/84 THE IOTH D AY OF JIJNE 1960 IT IS announced for general lnform atlon that the total am ounts of the above-mentloned stock held on the London as the date before wluch the form s relatlng to farm m g opera- and Local Reglsters at the close of buslness on 29th Aprll, 1960, tlons concerm ng the productlon of essentlal crops ln all produc- /J(az; areas shall be com pleted and subm ltted to Agncultural were as follows - Sab-c om nuttees f s d Gazette N otlces N os 281 of 26th Januar y y 1960, 1306 of On the London Repster 3,261,593 16 4 2 'nd M arch, 1960 and 1675 of 12th A prll, 1960, are hereby On the Local Register 238,406 3 8 c kncelled Dated thls 20th day of M ay, 1960 f 3,500,000 0 0 By Order of the Board of Agrlculture (Scheduled Areas) H BALDW IN , W N B LO U D O N Chkej Accountant Board t# AgncuClh'/ztlrce/ (SEcxheecduutllveed AO/rJeacesr) Nalrobl East Afrtcan Raklways and Harbours, 16tl., Vas 1960 jor ftzxç/ Ajnca /.!4// Commlssw n 634 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 24th M ay, 1960

GAZFTTE N OTICE N o 2392 G zzE'f'rE N OTICE N 0 2396 VACA NCIES IN U G AN DA PROTECTORATE K ENYA GOVERNM ENT 4) PER CENT STOCK , 1971/78 PssLlc SERVICE CoM vlssloN IT IS announced for general lnform atlon that the total am ount of the above-m cntloned stock held on the Local APPLICATION S are m vlted for the followlng posts and m ust Repster on 15th M ay, 1960, was as follows - be subm ltted to tile Secretaly to the Publlc Servlce Com m lsston P O Box 107, Entebbe, to leach lum not later than 18th June f 1,259,957 6.: 461 1960 All apphcatlons, ln tnphcate on Form P S C 3 obtalnable from the Secretary, or by servm g om cers from thelr heads of departm ent, shottld beqr the reference num ber quoted as well TH E TRBASU RY , as the tltle of the post For K enya apphcants Forms P S C 3 P O Box 30007 N aïrobl art, obtalnable from the Secretary, Publlc Servlce Comm lsslon P O Box 30466, N alrobl, and for Tanganylka appllcants from the Secretary, Publlc Servlce C om m lsslon, Prlvate Bag, D ar es Salaam Candldates should not enclose m th thelr appllcatlon form s orlglnals of testlm onlals or certlscatesy btlt certlfied coples GAZS'I'TE N o'rlcE N o 2393 only Crown Counsel Attorney-General s OMce 2) PER CENT KENYA STOCK , 1965/70 (CV 339 /2 /30) FO R the purpose of preparm g the w arrants for lnterest due Salary- G overnm ent ITA '' Scale wlthln the range f 984 to on 15th July, 1960, the balances of the several aocountq ln the E1 518 per annum (PENSIONABLE) above stock wlll be struck at close of buslness on 15th June To be ehglble for conslderatlon for appolntm ent to thls post, 1960 after whlch date the stock w1ll be transferable ex dlvldend candldates m ust be Barrlsters-at-Law or Sohcltors, wlth a Stockholders wlshmg to transfer thelr holdlngs to the London m lnlm um of three years experlence after call or adm lsslon Reglster should note that, lf the necessary appllcatlon form s The dlztles of the post lnclude appearance for the Crown ln are not lodged wlth the Pcrm anent Secretary to the Treasury Crlm m al and Clvll C ases and ln Cnm m al A ppealv opm lon In tlme to enable the appllcatlon to be transm ltted to the Crown work draftlng ol leglslatlon Agents for O versea G overnm ents and Adm lnlstratlons ln London so as to reach them on or betore 15th June, 1960. paym ent of Pnsons Farm Omcer Prlsons Department lnterest due on 15th July, 1960, wlll be m ade by the Permanent Secretary to the Treasqry (CV 579/ 1 /31) Salary- Govqrnm ent 'eC ' Scale wlthm the range :624 to TH E TRFM U RY, f 1 263 per annum (CONTRACT) -' P (7 Box 30007, N alrobt Candtdates m ust imve a good standard of tducatlon and should have had conslderable experlence ln the control of a m lxed farm ln East Afrlca The possesslon of a dlplom a ln agrtculture ts deslrable The successful candldate wlll be responslble for the orgamza tlon of a large farm em plopng pnsoner labour Prlson farms QJAZBTTE iç oTlcE l:o 2394 are estabhshed m alnly for the productlon of foodstufs for A fncan prlsonels but m addltlon conslderable revenue ls reqm red from tho productlon of cattle herds, poultry breedm g, ptg IN HER M AJESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL breedlng and m arket-garden ltem s for local m arkets FOR EASTBRN AFRICA AT M OM BA SA The ol cer would be statloned at Kltalya Prlson Farm and CAusB LIsT would be reqm red to undertake perlodlc vlslts of znspectlon to

M ubende, M asaka, M barara, Fort Portal and M aslndl, where M onday, 30th M ay, 1960, at 9 30 a m subsldlary pnson farm s exlst For S ctw ag Crlmtnal Appeal Pnson Farm s OKcers are not requlred to engage ln any No 194/59 (R) Petlo Otlendo v.ç W anlara and another form of custodlal dutles, nor are they concerned ln the adm lnls- tratlve dlm es ot a prlson Tuesday, 31st M ay, 1960, at 9 a m For H earlltg Ckw / A ppeals D ental Xl/rgetpz; M edïcal D epartm ent No 79/59 Govmd Ukeda Patel v.ç Dhanll Nanll (CV 75 /2 / 32) No 27/60 Amutlal Hransral Sheth, tradlng as Amrltlal Hansral Salaly- G overnm ent 4 A '' Scale, plus Extenslon, w tthln the and Blothers vs K V N athwanl, tradlng a: range :945 to :1,770 per annum (PENSIONABLE OR CON- K V N athwanl and Company TRACT) W ednesday, 1st June, 1960, at 9 a m Candldates should be m possesslon of the J o s B o s or other dlplom a or degree reglsterable ln the U nlted K lngdom No 86/59 M anubhal Bapalal Trlvedl l'.v The Officlal Recelver Thursday, 2nd June, 1960, at 9 a m D uttes m clude the practtce of dental surgery am ongst a1l races ln the Protectorqte successful candldates m ay be requlred to No 5/60 Pushpa d/o Raollbha! M Patel, a mlnor, by he1 undertake any spechal dental lnvestlgatlon requlred by the father and next fnend, Raollbhal M Patel v,s Dtrector of M fdtcal StrNatxw supervtston and tram m g of local The rleet Transport Com pany Llm lted staff Tratned Gtaduate Teachers Educatton D epartment N alrobl 21st kay 1960 M ADct lnDg ERSeAgIls,tra' (CV 400 lll 33) Nalary- Governm ent T-B ' Scale wlthln the range :576 to f984 (CONTRACT) Candldates must hold a degree fpreferably honours) m Sclence wlth Blology as a m aln sublect, or Com merce, or GAzE'r'rs N ()'rlcB N O 2395 Geography/l-llstory or Hlstory fEnghsh or M athematlcs of a recogm zed Indlan or Paktstan unw erstty attd, m addltlon, bave a post-graduate dlplom a ln Educatlon of a U nlted K lngdom unlverslty or a Bachelor of Educatlon or Bachelor of Teachlng VACAN CY IN THE SERVICE OF TH E K EN YA degree of an lndtan or Paktstan recognlzed umverslty Candldates 'GOV ERN M ENT m ust also have had at least live years successful teachlng C lvlL SsRv1cs dcoM M lssloN experlence ln a senlor secondary school, three years of whlch must have bten m Fast Afrlca Tn a G overnm ent or alded Chlej Accountant school A VACAN CY w1l1 shortly occur ln the post of Chlef The term s of appolntm ent for the ctboNe posts wlll be ln Accountant, Oïce of the Chlef Secrutaly, on the scale f 2 000 accordance wlth the condltions ef serv,ce appllcable to locally f2,140, and the field of oë cers at present selvlng as Accountants engaged oG cers of tho U g m da Civll Servlce m the case of ol Flnanclal O m cels on the B1 scale w 111 be revlew ed fol candtdates wbose homes are la East Afllca Oë cers servm g selectlon for prom otlon to thl: post A ny other servm g om cer under the Govcrnm ents of U ganda K eqya, Tanganylka or the whosc quallficaïlons and experlence m ake hlm ellglble and who H lgh Com m lsslon, whose salarles ccntaln an lnducem ent elem ent wlshes to be consldeled, should lnform the Secretary Clv:l w111, lf selected, be appolnted on lndueem ent term s wlth the Servlce Com mlsslon, before 14th June 1960 by letter thlough approprlate leave and passage prlvlleges, provldcd they are not thç head of departmtnt nolm ally dom lclled ln East Afnca 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 635

GA IETTB N OTICE N o 2163 G &ZBTTE N tyrtcs N ô 2168 VACAN CY F0R SIJPERINTEN DBN T, M EN TAL HOSPITAL, K EN Y A G O V ERN M EN T H IG H ER CLER IC A L H EA LT H D EPA RT M EN T , ZA N ZIBAR E XA M IN A TIO N , 1960 APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the post of Superlntendent, SVEDNESDAY 24TH AND THURSD&g 25TH A UGUST 1960 M ental H ospltal, ln the H ealth D epartm ent, Zanzlbar 3 H E exam lnatlon w1ll be that lald down ln Eotabhslunent The post may be held elthel on penslonable terms ol on Clrcular N o 52 of 19th D ecem ber 1955, and w11l be held on contract terms wlth gratulty payable at the rate of 131. per cent 24th and 25th A ugust, 1960, at centres to be arra Aged ln of total substantlve em olum ents on final term lnatlon of K 1q um u, M om basa, N alrobl, N akuru and Nyen only appolntm ent The baslc salary siale of the post ls scale N 2 f 1,104 per 2 The exam lnatlon zs open to a1l Clerks ln G ovtrnm ent Servlt.e whose baslc salary ls not less than f 180 per annum , ann llm except as stated ln Daragrapb 7 of Estabhshm ent Clrcular N o 44 lnducem ents allowance w1ll be pald where apphcable Entry of 14th N ovem ber, 1958 lt ls also onen to Clerks m grant- potnt w ould be accorutng to quallûcatlons and prevtous aldt d lnstltutlons, Afrlcan D lstnct Counclls, the hast A frlcan approved experlence Lalkd Forces O rganlzatlon N yanza Provlnce M arketm g Board A ppllcants should possess a R M N C ertlficate or the equl- M a tzu and Produce Control and the N yen Electnclty U nder- valent thereof Prevlous expenence of work ln a m ental lnstltu taktng, on paym ent of a fee of Sh 5 Entry form s from clerks tlon ln the troplcs w ould be an advantage T he successful ln tho above non-G overnment oë ces w11l only be accepted Sf candldate w1ll be requlred to be fully responslble for the the fee of Sh 5 accom panles the form adm lnlstlatlon of a m ental hospltal of 185 beds to the part tlm e M edlcal O ë cer ln charge H e m ay also be expected to partl- 2 In accordance m th Establtshment Clrcular No 25 (P 1) of clpate ln the tralnlng of m ental hospltal stas 8th July, 1959, the Departmental Test ln General K nowledge has bee a abohshed Apphcatlons glvm g full partlculars of qualtticatlons and experlence should be subm lttcd to the Dlrector of M edlcal 1 The Typewntlng Examm atlon u lll be held depa; frnen/clJy Servlces, P O Box 236, Zanzlbar, by 31st M ay, 1960 on Frlday, 19th August, 1960, at 10 a m Appllcatlons from servlng G overnm ent oë cors should be j Clerks m grant-ajded lnstltutlons m ust apply for the speclal accom panled by comm ents of the head of department wlth a pal,er m heu of the Code of Regulatlons paper detalled confidentlal repolt t' Afncan Court Clerks who wlsh to take the speclal Court E N G U N D EV IA , Cltrks paper ln lleu of the Code of Regulatlons, A ccounts and Zanzlbar, jor C/llej Secretary to the Government TyJ lewrltlng papers m ust state thls clearly on the entry form 28th A prll 1960 The Secretatlat Zanzlbar It Inust be stressed that thls speclal paper ls for Afncan Court Clerks only G AZETTB N oTlcB N o 2169 5 Entnes close on 15th June, 1960, and entry form s m ay be obtalned from the Exam lnatlons Sectlon of the M lnlstry of V A CA N CY FO R A PH A R M A CIST-STO REK EEPER Edacatlon, P O Box 12259, N alrobl H EA LTH D EPA RTM EN T ZAN ZIBAR E f n /?o clrcum stances w lll late entrtes be accepted and A PPLICATION S are m vlted for the post of Pharm amst- hea ds of departm ont are lequested to bnng thls notlce, whlch Storekeeper ln the H ea1th D epartm ent, Zanzlbar w lll appear ln the Olliclal G azette no less than three tlm es, to The post m ay be held elther on penslonable term s or on the attentlon of thelr clerks 1 otherwlse a certam nllm ber m ay contract terms wlth gratulty payable at the rate of 13.) per cent bt penahzed of total substantlve em olum ents on linal term lnatlon of appolnt m ent S JU D SON , The baslc salary scale of the penslonable post ls Exammatlons O'cer Scale 85- 2 f 678 to f 1,308 per annum The baslc salary scale of the contract post ls Scale B(c)5- 2 f678 to f 1,308 per annum Iqducement allowance w1ll be pald where apphcable Entry GA TCTTS N orrcE N o 2279 polnt for the scales would be accordlng to quahscatlons and DreVlOuS approved ex7enencc V ACAN CY IN TH E ZAN ZIBAR IGOV ERN M EN T Apphcants should be quallsed pharm aclsts holdmg a Ph C degree The successful candldate w111 be expected to carry out Educatlon O' cc? the followlng dutles - (c) To be ln charge ot the medlcal stores , APPLICATIONS are pnvlted from graduates wlth a degree (b) To asslst ln the tralnlng and conduct examlnatlon of m Enghsh and Hlstory and a teaching dmlom a for the post of dlspensers , Ed lcatlon Oflicer ln the K lng George V l School The schooi ls : Secondary Gram m ar School and the successful appllcant (c) to act as an mspector under the regulatlons controlhng %111 be expected to teach Engllsh and H lçtory to G C.E dangerous drugs and polsons , O rlllnary Level (#) such other dutles as may be allotted to h1m by the Dlrector of M edlcal Servlces R he post m ay be held elther on penslonable terms or on Appllcatlons, m vlng full partlculars of quav catlons and contract terms m th gratwty payable at the rate of 13.) per cent experlence, should be subrm tted to the D lrector of M edlcal of total substantlve em oluments on hnal term lnatlon of appolnt Servlcees, P O Box 236, ZanMbar, by 31st M ay, 1960 m eat Appllcatlons from selwlng G overnm ent oflicers should be lYe baslc salary scale of the penslonable post ls - accom panled by com m ents of the head of departm ent m th a Honom s Graduates Scale A3- 1 or A(W J3- 1 :726 detatled confidenttal report f 1,1518 per annum E N GU ND EVM , G raduate m th general degree Scale B5- 1 or B(W )5- 1 jor C/zJe/ Seoetary to the Government f 678-E1,518 per annum Zanrbar, The Secretarlat T he salary scale of the contract post ls - 22nd A prll, 1960 Zanzlbar Honours Graduates Scale A(C)3- 1 E726 f 1,518 per > nllum Graduates m th gcneral degree Scale B(C)5- I f678-: 1,518 G AZETTE NoTIcE N o 2397 Ilcr annum THE CIVIL PROCEDURE (REVISED) RULES 1948 l aducem ent allowance w 1ll be pald where appllcable Entry polat for the scales would be accordlng to quahfcatlons and (1959 Reprmf) prevlous approved expenence CORRIGENDIJM A ppllcatlons w lth partlculqrs of the candldate s age and expe Subparagraph (3) ln paragraph (e) of Order V, Rule 21 as rlelkce should be subnutted to the D lrector of Educatlon P O set forth ln Gazette Notlce No 2391/59, should read as Bo : 162 Zanzlbar on or before 5th June 1960 together wltl) follow s - oilles of three Jecent testlm onlals w (3) by 1ts terms or by 1ts lmpllcatlons to be governed by A opllcatiozls from selvlr'g G overnment oflicers should be K enya 1aw accom panled by com m ento of the head of denartm ent w lth a T h's accords w jth the qubparaglaph as contalned ln the 1959 def llled confidentlal report R eprlnt E N 'G UN D EVIA In resoect of thls subparagraph the corrlgendum pllnted ln Za lzlbar, foI Chlej Secletarv to the Governnlent tçhle-g lsGlaatlzoentt e fNoro tlGcfTem prlelcfaetrlroends 'to ls ln error m substltutlng Ard M ay, 1960 The Secrellrllf Zanzlbar 636 TH E K sx v A G Azs'r'rs 24th M ay, 1960

Gàzpa'rs N oTlcs N o 2*71 Provlded further that lf such notlce as aforesald shall be gwen (1) wlthm 12 months of the commencement of the term the THE CROW N LANDS ORDINAMCE commlssloner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per centum of the stand m emm m pa1d m respuct oé tlw jand, or (Cap 155) (2) at any subsequent tlme pnor to the expratlon of the sald bulldlng perlod the Conm usmoncr of Lands shall refund to the ELX RET SECTION X X V II- PLOT FoR PRIVA'I'B RizsloExcc grantee 25 per centum of tho sald stand prem lm n In the event

T' HF, Actm g Com mlssloner of Lands glves notlce that the Of notlce belng glven after the explratlon Of the sald bulldm g reszdenttal plot m M unlclpahty as descrlbed ln the Penod no refund shall be m ade Schedule hereto, ls avatlable for ahenatton and ttw ttes appllca 3 'I'h ttons for the dlrect ahenatlon thereof e grantee shall m amtaln ln good and substantlal repalr and condltlon al1 bulldzags at any tlme erected on the land 2 A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the oë ce of the Town Clerk, Bldorot and at tlle Pubhc M ap Oë ce of the Survey 4 N ot m ore than one przvate dwelhng-house m th the necessary D epartm ent, or znay be obtalned from the D lrector of Surveys, oëces and outbmldlngs appurtenant thereto (excludmg a guest P O Box 30046, N alrobl, on papnent of Sh 3 per copy, post house) shall be erected on the land free 5 The grantee shall not subdlvlde the land 3 Appllcatloms should be subm ltted to 1he Actlng C om m lsmoner of Lands, N alrobl through the Town C lerk, 6 The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part Eldoret A ppllcatlons must not be seqt dlrect to tho Actmg wlth the possesslon of the land or any part thereof or any Com mlssloner of Lands bmldlng thereon except wlth tho prlor consent ln wntlng of the Govelnor, no apphcatlon for such consent (except m respect of 4 Apphcatlons m ust be sent so as to leach the Town Clerk, a loan requlred for buzldmg purposes) m ll be consldered untll Eldoret, not later than noon on 4th June, 1960 Speclal Condltlon N o 2 has been perform ed 5 Apphcants must enclose m th thelr apphcatlon a cheque 7 'I'hc grarttee shall pay to the Comm lssloner of Lands on for Sh 1,000 drawn on the appllcant's own banklng account ln demand such sum as the Comm lssloner m ay estlmate to be the favour of the A otlng Com nussloner of Lantls, and no other proportlonate cost of constructlng a11 roads and dralns and oheques m ll be accepted Thls sum w1ll be dealt wlth as sewers servm g or adlolnlng the land and shall on com pletlon of follows - such constructlon and the ascertam m ent of the actual pro- (J) If the apphcant ls oflkred and takes up and pays for the portlonate cost elther pay (wlthm seven days of demand) or be plot wltlun the penod of 14 days as requlred by General refunded the am ount by whlch the actual proportlonate cost Condltlon N o 1 below, the deposlt w111 be credlted to exceeds or falls short of the am ount pald as aforesald lum 8 The grantee shall from tlm e to tlme pay to the (5) If tlle appllcatlon is unsucccssful the appllcant's deposlt Comm lssloner of Lands on dem and such proportlon of the cost m 1l be returned to h1m of m alntalm ng all roads and dralns servlng or adlolm ng the land (c) If the appllcatlon ls successful and the appllcant falls to as the C om m lssloner m ay assess t-qke up and pay for the plot wlthln a perlod of 14 days the A ctlng Com mlssloner of Lands m ay declare the 9 Should the Com m lssloner of Lands at any ttme requzre the deposlt forfelted and the appllcant shall have no further sald roads to be constructed to a lugher standard the grantee clazm thereto shall pay to the Com m lssloner on dem and such proportlon of the cost of such construotlon as the Comm lssloner m ay assess (c) General Condltlons 10 Tile grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, 1 The allottee of the plot shall pay to the Com mlssloner of assessment.s or outgolngs of whatever descnptlons as m ay be Lands m thln 14 days of notlhcat on that h1s appllcatlon has been lmposed, charged or assessed by any G overnment or Local approved the assessed stand prem m m and proportlon of annual Authorlty upon the land or the bm ldm gs erected thereon, rent together m tlz the survey fees, the fees payable m respect lncludlng any contrlbutlon or other sum pald by the G overnor of the preparatlon and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 220) and ln lleu thereof the stamp duty m respect ot the grant (approxlmately 2 pe1 cent of the stand promlum and annual rent) ln default of 11 The G overnor or such other person or authorlty as m ay be payment wltlun the spemfied tlme the purchaser shall have no appolnfed for the purpose shall have the ngllt to enter upon further clazm to the grant of the plot the land and 1ay and have access to water m ams, serwce plpes and dram s, telephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m alns of 2 The grant w11l be lssued m the nam e of the allottee as stated all descrlptlons, whether overhead or undergrotmd, and the ln the letter of appllcahon grantee shall not crect any bm ldm g m such a w ay as to cover or 3 The grant wl1l be m ade uader the Crown Lands Ordtnance lltterfele m tb. any exlstm g altgnm ents of m am or servlce m pes tCap 155 of the Revlsed Edztlon of the Laws of Kenya) and or tclephone or telegraph wlres and electnc m alns tltle wlll be lssued under tbe rep stratlon of Tltles Ordlnance The term of the grant m ll be 99 yeurs from the hrst day of the 12 N o covenant condltzon or requlrement WIII be entered m to m onth follom ng the notlficatlon of the approval of the grant tmposed or m ade whereby the ownerslup or occupstaon of the land or any part thereof ls restrlcted to persons of a partlcuhr race or races +1 class or classes of race, or whereby such persons (D) Speclal Condltlons are excluded from such ownershlp ol occupatlon 1 N o bulldlng shall be erected on the land nol shall addltlons or external alteratlons be m ade to any bm ldlngs otherwlse than ln conformlty m th tplans and specé catlons prevlously approved SCHF-DIJLB ln wntlng by the Com mlssloner of Lands and the Local Eldoret M unlclpallty- sectlon XX VII Authonty n e Com mlssloner shall not glve h1s approval unless he ls satlshed that the proposals are such as to develop the land Plot N o L R 778 - 114 adequately and s* sfactorlly Area t-d.pp?tpa,l --0 886 acres 2 n e grante,e shall m thln 24 m onths of the com mencement Stand PI erzllu??z - Sh 2,120 of the term subnut ln trlpllcate to the Local Authonty and the Annual Rent - Sh 424 Com nussloner of Lands plans m cludlng block plans shom ng Road Chaïges (fnlfltzl Contrïbutlonj - Sh 1908/04 the posltlons of the bm ldlngs and a system of dram age for the sklz : ey Fees - Sh 199 dlsposal of sewage surface and sullage water) drawlngs, elevations and speclfcatlons of the bulldlngs the grantee proposes to erect on the land and shall m thln 24 m onths of the comm encem ent of tlze term complete the erectlon of such bulldlngs and the G AZSTTE N orlcE N o 2398 constructlon of the dralnage system ln conform lty wlt.h such LLAN 10 /2 / 3) plans drawlag elevatlons and specllicatlons as am ended (lf such be the case) by the Commlssloner provlded tha: lf default shall LAN GU A GE EX AM IN ATION S be m ade ln the performance ol observance of any of the reqm rem ents of tlus condltlon lt shall be lawful for the STAND &RD SW AHILI EXAM INATION- CORRIGENDUM Comnussloner of Lands or any person authorlzed by h1m on On page 598 of the K enya Gazette of 10th M ay, 1960, jn behalf of H er M alesty to re-enter lnto and upon the land or Gazette N otlce N o 2195, ln the second colum n of names on any pal't thereof m the nam e of the whole and thereupon the the left hand side of the page, under the name of 2/Lt M H term lzereby created shall cease but m thout prem dlce to any rlght Thom as, lnsert a new headlng - of actlon or rem edy of H er M alesty the G overnor or the (Pass W holej Comm tssloner ln respect of any antecedent breach of any condltlon hereln contalned Also ln the headlng at the top of the rlght-hand slde of the sam c page delete the words - Provlded furthor that should the grante,e gwe notlce Tn wntlng (Wltll Dlstlnctlo'l ;rI the Oral part onlyb to the Commlqsloner of Lands that he/she ls unable to complete the bmldmgs m thm the penod aforesald the Comm lssloner of J E D IG BY , T-nnd, shall (at the grantee's expense) accept @, surrender of the N alrobl, Secretary 3:nd. comprlst4 lwrem . 17th M ay, 1960 Tanguages poqrd, 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 6371

G lkzsr'rs N o'ncE N o 2399 1 EAST AFRICA H IGH COM M ISSION EAST A FRICAN CUSTOMS AND EXCISE D BPARTMENT NOTICE Is hereby glven that the undermentzoned goods w111 be sold by Publlc Auctlon at the Queen's W arehouse, Kllmdlm, on 4th July, 1960, at 9 00 a m , zf not cleared beforo that date Ctlstom Houso, M om basa G R COATS, Regtonal Commustoner of C'vâ//?ax and Exclse, Kenya Lsouthj Lls'r or UNENTBRED CARGO Lym G rx THB QUEEN'S W AREHOUSE l7oR OVER TwO M ONTHS DUE FOR SALE ON 4TH JULY, 1960

W E K N o Shlp's N nme D ate of M arks and Num bers Descrtptlon of Goods and D ate A m val

543/5-10-59 Clan Campbell 4-8-59 NIL 1 tractor tyre 28/75-1-60 Mzsakl M ar'u 22-11-59 Rluno P 15 M ombasa 7 1 bundle G C 1 sheets 64/6-2-60 M ombasa 31-12-59 Bawa M bale v1a M ombasa 04 1 carton shoe pohsh 88/29-2-60 Landaura 23-1-60 Tancot 6777 M orogoro /1a Dar es Salaam 18 bags cement 99/3-3-60 Sebastlano Caboto 30-1-60 Rlchand Dharamshl Nalrobl v1a M ombasa 27 1 bundle galvanlsed buckets N IL 1 carton safety m atches 101/2-3-60 Tmtagel Castlo 29-1-60 Qmp EL/1651 Nalrobl vla M ombasa M S 4/25 1 carton tea pots N IL 342 1 carton chrom m m plated m pe fittm gs M SJ 330 K am pala vla M om basa 3, 5, 87 3 cartons soap 102/3-3-60 Straat Slngapore 30-1-60 NIL 1 bag unldentlfed lron manufacture Qulp Rep Nalrobl M ombasa 1 1 case louvre wmdow frome 106/7-3-60 Good Fortune 3-2-60 M alda Ltd , N alrobl via M ombasa 2 bundles empty paper bags 109/7-3-60 Aagtedpk 3-2-60 NIL 20 A C sheets A tta Ltd u M alze Bran 1 bag fertzllzer USF OP/SA/19/59 Lugazl vla M ombasa 2 bags empty gunny bags N IL 1 bundle em pty gunny bags NIL 10 bags fertlllzer sweeplng 111/2-3-60 Awa M aru 29-1-60 Rhokatan Investm ents (Kenya) Ltd , P O Box 1 case advertlslng materlal 6702: N alrobl, K enya 17 A v1a M om basa N o 1 KAM /5345/V AP & AL Kampala Uganda 1 case M /C spares 1 13/2-3-60 Robln Sherwood 29-1-60 NIL 1 roll whlte cotton matenal A M M ercantllo C H O Ltd 1 carton horse radlsh EA BS Llmlzw M om basa 2 bags llme M H D 9999 X 1 lead ingot E A P C 15/21/58 1 bundle empty paper bags N IL 1 bundle em pty paper bags l 16/14-3-60 Ursula 7-2-60 M T C W 1 crate tlles IL 19/14-3-60 W arwzck Castle 3-2-60 Jlvandas RCC/510A Nalrobl v1a M ombasa 1 carton azure blue B S C D M om basa 547 1 case carved chest ITL M ombasa N o 7 1 case carved chest N P M art Ltd K ampala vla M om basa No 1 carton Bmtonl 4554 121/14-3-60 City of W mmpeg 2-2-60 NlL 24 hose N IL 2 bundlçs bahng hoops NIL 1 case bsavlonn hosm tal concentrate (26/24-3-60 Kyushu M amz 16-2-60 NIL 1 bag whlte wash powder 128/24-3-60 Robm Gray 16-2-60 Internatlonal Harvester, Nalrobl vla M ombasa 1 tractor chaln Lot 952566 Ord 72833 50011 129/24-3-60 K ampala 15-2-60 A D M ombasa 6 1 carton asbostos mpe fttlngs t30/23-3-60 Aagtekerk 13-2-60 T & T 35/39 Kampala via M ombasa 8 C 1 mpe fttlngs 131/31-3-60 lngnd Brodln 20-2-60 NIL 1 bag salt 1413 Gordhandas, N azrobl v1a M om basa 1 case cotton plece goods 12218 :32/28-3-60 Forester 19-2-60 NIL 1 bundle condmt mpos N lL 1 bag m etal brackets NIL 3 M /V tyres slze 8-25-20 N IL 1 crate tlles NIL 1 carton glassware NIL 5 bundles M /V sprlngs N IL 1 bundle steelwork N IL 10 umdento ed tron m anufactures N IL 1 case black palnt L33/31-3-60 Rowallan Castle 21-2-60 Capt E' M W arrlck Re 34th Independent 1 bale camplng equlpment Fleld Sqdn Re BF PO 10 v1a M ombasa N o 1 134/31-3-60 Kenya Castle 24-2-60 NIL 2 condult mpes M odesty N alrobl v1a M om basa 4209, 62 1 keg dlstemper Vashdev Sltalda s ,P O Box 10510, N alrobl, 1 bundle advertlsm g m atenal, 1 bundk K enya v1a M om basa safety slms Lombard, N alrobl v1a M om basa 1 case blnders Standard Tele , N alrobl v1a M om basa 29092 1 case photographs Aldo Caon Presso Bltta Boero, P O Box 40499 1 case personal eFects N alrobl M om basa ZA 300 135/31-3-60 Sarangan 25-2-60 VRA. K 4 1 bag asbestos sbre 136/31-3-60 Ugalmo Vlvaldl 23-2-60 NlL 4 bags marble chms 137/31-3-60 W lndlmk 21-2-60 M M & Co Ltd 2301 Kaklra v1a M ombasa 4 bundles empty gtmny bags C 1 G alley 735767 739 N alrobl v1a M om basa 1 carton contalm ng one sbrm glass iush 1810/1UP clstern NlL 1 bundle tlles N 1L 3 m ckaxes N IL 1 coll steel straps 1 Blue 1 Y ellow 2 A C sheets N IL 1 m otor vehlcle part N IL 1 roll weld m esh 139/31-3-60 Rempeng 22-2-60 9:, Galley 712216, 712 M ombasa 96582/14 1 case pamt 138/31-3-60 Karanla 19-2-60 C L M ombasa 1 bundle grmdlng stone 140/30-3-60 G ty of W lnnlpeg 22-2-60 B E M SA/SI/104 A C M ombasa 1 carton safoty matches 174/28-3-60 Thorsrwer 19-2-60 NIL 3 bags S/H shoes

' LlsT oF UNCL- D AND ABANDONED Gooos IN THB QusBx's NvwuEuouss Dus FoR SALB ox 4TH JULY #1960

Wa nEd K D aNteo Shm's Name DArantev aolf Marks and Numbers l Descrlptlon or eoods

Q 55/5-3-60 W lndhuk 21-2-60 NlL 4 blcycle tubes , 10 packets safety razor Q 56/8-3-60 Unknown NlL 1 bundle plpes /1 58/9-3-60 lngnd Brodm 19-2-60 NIL 4 palr socks, 1 trouser Q 60/15-3-60 Unknown NlL 1 lot rmscellaneous artlcles 638 THE K EN YA G AZEW E 24th M ay. 1960

Lx= ov UIK LMMBO xuo M xuoo>ao Gooos I'4 'rH? Qvee'x s W Aamlouse ouB l'oa Sxt,s o:q 4q'H Jtit-v, 19150- (Ct7,;1ff ) W E K N r)4# o Shlp's N am e D ate of M arks and N um bers D escrlptlon of G oovls and D ate Arrlval

Q 61/18-3-60 Unknlwn NIL 1 Jot mlscellaneous artlcles Q,62/21-3-60 Mormac Mall 20-3-60 N1L j 1 r1 oll paclvlng materlal , 25 s/h coatq, Q 63/21 s/h trouser - 3-60 K am pala 20-3-60 N lL 1 e,npty baskt.t Q 65/24-3-60 State of Bombay NIL 21 odd shoto , l odd sanda! 3 pullovers Q 66/25-3-60 Kampala 20-3-60 NlL 4 grlnding bowls , l grlndmg stone, 2 tow els Q 68/29-3-60 Am ra 27-3-60 M lss L M Pate 1 ,Bunk 482 empty tln John Talpar, Bunk 488 em puy basket N lL roll canvas webblng Q 67/26-3-60 Rhodesla Castle 23-3-60 Colly, Jmla crate personal eflkcts Q 69/29-3-60 Rhodesya Castle 2 1-3-60 NlL parcel mlsuellaneous artlcles Q 70/5-4-60 State of Bombay 9-3-60 NIL palr shoes Q 71/5-4-60 Clan M acDonald 23-3-60 NlL cycle chalrs, 1 packet basln cllpo 1 s/h coat, 3 shllts Q 72/6-4-60 Rhodema Castle 23-3-60 NlL 1 lot mlscellazteous altlcles Q 73/7-4-60 State of Bombay 6-3-60 NlL l empty 'aasket , 1 baslket prlnted books Q 74/7-4-60 Tozal M aru NIL 3 lengtlzs C P Goods, 1 r l!r ladles qandals 1 m uftle Q 75/11-4-60 M lhara M aru 29-3-60 NlL 1 shirt Q 78/20-4-60 Unknown NlL 2 motor car battertcs (damagcd) Q 79/20.-4-60 Unknown NlL 1 lot m lscell lneous artlcles

Lls'r oF UNCLAIMED POST PARCELS IN THE QUEEN'S W AREHOUSE DUE FOR SALL ON 4AH JULY 1960 1T 3/60 COD 107 David M ulangl, Box 3, M eru 1 parcel mudlclne

GAZETTM Ntm cs No 2400 TH E W ATER ORD m AN CB, 1951

N nme and Dlstrlct m ver and L R No Quantlty ln Gallons per Day Normal or Use F'looct Flow consolata Cathollc M lsslon, Am bom , 2274 2,400 i N orm al Domestlc use Mwelga 1,000 h Flood Mlnor lrrlgatlon M jm stry of Forest and Develop- Trlb of N aururu 400 1 N orm al D omestlc use m ent, Lajkmza stream , Crown Land 2,000 N orm al M inor lrrlgatlon Constructlon of a dam 11 ft ln Flood Conservatlon ol flood flow helght jlow M jm stry of Forest and Develop- Un nam ed trlb of 1,050 Norm al D om estyc use m ent, Lalklpla N aururu, Crow n Land M jnlstry of Forest and Develop Source of K lpmges, 1,200 Norm tl D om estlc use m ent, K encho Crow n Land 5,000 Flood M lrlor lrrlgatlon Hlllcrest Estate Ltd , Klambu Gethathura, 17/1 900 Normal Domestlc use 36,000 Normnl Industrlal use (80 T.o teturn- able) Larl Farm Ltd , Klambu Larl Swam p, 7482 Reclam atjon of 450 acres of Larl swam p Larj Farm Ltd , K lam bu Larl Sw am p, 74822, 2,160,000 Flaod G eneral lr1 lgatlon G lona Ltd Thlka Com o, 10075 500,000 Flood G el,eral lyrlgatlon , Constructlon of a dam 14 ft ln Flood For conservatlon of floj)d flow helght consolata C athollc M lsslo n , R uam ut h a m b u 2,400 Norm al Dom estlc use sm bu Barlco M lsslon, 1,000 Flood M tnot lrrlgatlon Piot K arim anl Ltd , Thlka K arakuta, 10082 113,500 Flood G eneral lrrigatlon K amm anl Ltd , Thlka K arakuta, 10082 35,500 Flood G eneral lrrlgatlon K arlm am Ltd , Thlka K arakuta 10082 35,000 Flood G ereral lrilgatlon s H Barnard, Bldoret N undoroto, 6474 2,000 Norm al D o nestlc use 1,000 N orm 11 )4lnor lrrlgatlon R ahom tulla Punla, K erlcho M bog 0 ,6009 1,350,000 Flood G eneral lrrlgatlon M uhoronl M1llers Ltd , Kerlcho Koru, 640/2, 641 720,000 Nolmal Guneral lrrlgatlon M uhoronl Mlllers Ltd , Kerlcho Naurutlng, 639/2, 2,700,000 Normal General lzllgatlon 640/2 Jw a Propertles F, A Ltd , Nmrobl N alrobz 55/1, 5574 15,000 N ormat Domestlc use

publlcatlon ls m ade of tlle above appëlcatlons for dlverslons of water, plans of whlch m ay be seen at the M lnlstry of W orks, N alrobl, or at the om ce of the Local W ater Balllff concerned o byecuons statlng speclfic grounds therefor should be Nled ln trlphcate m th the W ater A pportlonm ent Board, Prlvate Bag N alrobl, wltbm thzrty days from tho pubhcatlon of tius notlce Partles who wzsh to appev porxlnally before the W ater Apportaonm ent Board should lnform tlw Secretary, glvlng grotm ds ln wntlng W I T D EW A R Lawfullv AuthorlzedAgent

G AZE'I'TE N oTIcB No 2401 G AZBTTE N o'rlt.E N o 24(12 TH E PH ARM ACY AN D POISON S ORDINAN CE, 1956 TH E TR YFFIC O RDINAN CE 1953 (No 17 oj 1956) Cnostme oF FORT I'IALL SAIJANA ROAD- C 167/2 Aoom olq To THE REGISTER TAKE N OTICE that under the powers lnvested In mu by Nohfied ruzsçlftz/î/ to Sectlon 1 1 Legal N otlce N o 166 ot 1956 l lntend to close fo1 reconstruc TH E uaderm entloned, havm g applled for reglstratton ln the tlort the Sagana-Fort H all road under sectlon 68 of the rl aë c Colony and Protectorate of K enya and havlng satlsiied the O rdlnance, 1953 Pharm acy and Polsons Board of hls quallficatloq, has had h1s nqrfie and partlculars added to the Reglster of Pharm aclsts, lt Is probable that closure wlll take placc about 1st June as follows - 1960, and w1l1 contlnue untll about 15th August, 1960 Reg No Nt-f???e Quahhcatlons t-/rlt? Addîess TraK c w11l be devlated vla the A D C 1 oad N o C 1170 and 222 Patel, Bhallalbhal Ramdas, lyl.l c M 1à s (GREAT detours w1ll be k-leal ly slgnposted BRIIAIN), P 0 Box 8969, Nalrobl B L W ATK IN.S D ated thts 18th day of M ay, 1960 .D /1 tslonal Fnw /lcc, M lntstr.v oj W ol ks D FARQUHAR, Cenhal D/vlyltpn LNorth), Reglstrar oj Phartnactsts P O Box 17, N yert 04th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 639

CIAZETTE N oTlcs N o 2403 TH E TRAN SPORT LICEN SIN'G O RDIN ANCE W ap 237) TI-IE undermentlonûd appllcatlons w1J1 be consldeltd by the Transport Llceqslng Board m eetlng at the Conference H all ln the H lgn Com mloslon Bulldlng N qong Road N alrool on slonday, 13th June, 1960, at 9 30 a m Every oblectlon ln l cspect of an appllcatëon shall be lodged wlth the hcenslng authorl y and the dlstnct comm lssloner of tht dlstllct ln whlch sutn appllcatlon ls to be heard and a copy tnercof shall be çent to tae appllcant not less than seven days before the date of the mectlng at whleh isuch apphcation ls to be heard Except where otherwlse stated, the appllcatlons are fo! one vehlcle P A RU SSELL9 Executtve Omcer, Transport D ren-wng Board P O Box 30440, N alrobt RoAo SERvlcB LlcENces 'TLB 7162- K er and D ow ney Safarls, P O Box 1822, N alrobl TLB 8lo- lam es M uthama M atungulu Locatton, K awethet Carrlage of tourlst for bunttng and photographlc M arket, P O Route (1) Kawethel-Kan- safalls Route K enya Colony (K GD 79, 6 passrn gundo - Tala - K om a R ock - N mrobl - Thlka gers ) Yatta-M achakos Dlstrlct (4o-passenger vehlcle (2) 6214- Profess onal H unters Ltd P O Box 399 N alrobl K abebel - K angundo - M wala - M blunl - K lths- Carnage of touryst to - slghtseelng places and manl M atuu Klthloko-Thlka (4o-passenger vehlcle ) N atlonal Parks Route K enya Colony 9296- M unyao M uu and Co P O Box 8, M achakos 2327- M angu Bus Servlce, P O Box 171, Thlka Route Route Yatta-M asm ga K ltlMm am -Kabaa-M bm nl- Tnlka - M angu G akoe - W lneane - K am ae Forest M wala - K angundo - Tala - K om cl Rock - Nalrobl Kmangop NalvashaaGllgll- (42 passenger Yatta vla Kangundo-M achakos (4o-passenger vehlole ) vehlcle ) 6388- K1blcho s/o W anugtz and Co , P O Box 171, Thtka 9432- K atuu K lam baa and Co , P O Bchx 32, M achakos R oute K anluku - G athaltl - M ukurw e - M angu Vanatlon of route to add M blunl-Thala-rfhlka- Thlka 'Gakoe-K am ae Forest-N alvasha N alvasha- Yatta-M ltabonl Also change of passenger carrylng U plands - Llmuru - K lam bu - Rm ru Thlka- capaclty from 32 passengers to 4: passengers Pre- Kanluku (38-passenger vehlcle ) sent route M blunt-slathanl-M asll-M achakos 232- M unga1 O1e Pertet and Co , P O Box 24960 K aren (KGG' 834, 32 passengers ) Route Keserlan N gong-K aren Dagorettl Corner 5929- Katanga Bus Servlce, c/o M r Ismall M wakabl Nalrobl M atasla (41 passenger vehlcle ) M wendwa, M atungulu Locatlon, P O K angundo 9759- Klane s/o K inyanlul and Sons, P (à Box 801, M achakos Route K athonzwenl-K am bl M awœ N alroh Varlatlon of route to add Sagana-Fort Klvanl (48-passenger vehlcle ) H all-n lka-Rulru-K amltl-N alrobl Present route 1992- M w1> 1 M ala, Tawa M arket, P O Tawa Route Sagana-M eru Townslup v1a Em bu not v1a N anyukl Kako-Tawa-M achA os-Nalrobl-uaanl (4o-passenger (KGK 144, 37 passengers ) vehlcle ) 8411- Samuel W algamo s/o Henya, P O Box 45, Klkuyu NB / R /28 ptio- sampson Kathmu s Jo Kaslla, M utlto Location, Rouse Nachu-Luslgettl-M usllm Vlllage K lkuvu P O K ltul Route Kltul-Thlka-N alrobl M utom o- G ltaru - K anyarln N dum bulm - K abete - N alrobl Kltm (15 passenger vehlcle ) (zl-passenger vehlcle ) 9706- K1ar1e Kamau and Irungu s/o M achana, P O 8668- Rlg1cha slo W alhenla Gathlga Intermedlate Box 105, Fort H all R oute K lrun-Kzna-M aragua- School, P O Lower K abete Klkuya W anglge 'rhlka - Rulru - Klam bu - K am ltl - Llmuru - N ai- K arura - N denderu - K arlrl Klam bu W anglge- vasha (H 198, 25 passengers ) M wlm uto v1a Taylors Road-t-ower K abete N &lrobl 29/60- M wang1 s/o M uèhma, P O Box 10057, Nalrobl (32 passenger vehlcle ) Route K aganda-M aragwa-Fort H all-rrhtka-Rulru )IB/R/35/ 59- Joseph Karanla and Evanson Nluguna P O Nalrobl (8-passenger vehlcle ) Box 31, Klkuyu Route Kanyann - W anglgl- 30/60- M wangl s/o Paul Nlema and M wangl s/e M uchlna, Nalrobl (H 891 3 tons J P O Box 10057 Nalrobl Route South K lnangop 124/59- M bw1ka and Co , P O Emah Route Lmall- M arket - N alvasha - Kllabe - Ljmuru N alrob: M akuenl M aehakos A thl R lver N alrobl (K F S 487, (3o-passenger vehlcle ) 36 passengers ) 4786- Tatua s/o Kamau c/o P O Box 1748, Nalrobl 37/ sg- punt,lass N Nganga and Brothers, c/o Kangora Route Locatlon 19 N lumbl-Klkoe M arket-Fort M odel Farm , P O W anglge R oute W anglge- Hall--fhlka Nalrobl (G 432, 32 passengers ) G lkunl-K arura-W anglge M wlm uto v1a Taylors 31 / 6û- M ltugo s/ o W alnalna Bathi Vlilage, P O M ata- Road=Lower K abete N allobl , W anglge-K lkuyu thla Route Bath: vla tçD Route N alrobl Kata- (3z-passenger vehlcle ) mayo-N orth K m angop-K amae (30- to 4o-passenger 2334- Kam au N gethe, P O Box 1466, N alrobl Route vehlcle ) Llmuru Divlslon (s-passenger vehlcle, renewal of 32 /6o- paskaslo M butnm Thuku, P O Box 408 Thlka 1959 llcence ) Route K arun K amwangl-N yamangara N darubu 24/ 6o- M lthua Bus Servlce, P O Box 12746 N alrobl Road-efhlka-Rulru-Nalrobl (H 2764, 26 passengers ) Route lzm uru Tlekunu - M akutano - Thlglo N achu - Lusegettl K lkuytz - D agorettl M arket- 9491- Stan1ey K M ujru, c/ o P O Box 310, Thlka W althaka Karandl-lnl-Karen-Ngong (32 passenger Route Tluka Town-Nalrobl (8-passenger vehlcle ) veïcle ) 33/60- D1ckson Kyutu, c/o P O Box 154, Thlka Route 6226- Issac N Korlnko, c/o Dlstrlct Oflice, Loltoktok, Klthlm am - K lntangl - Gttuamba - M akuyu - Thlka- P O Lmah Route Loltokltok-oltukal N am anga- Kangundo O6-parssenger vehlcle ) M ashuru - Loltokltok , Loltokltok - Laslt - R om bo- 6168= M ange Bus Servzce, P O Box 63, Rulru Varlatlon Kallado (KGK 534, 39 passengers ) of route to add G athucu N atrobl , N alrobl Thlka 5957- 11a11 A l1 Ahmed, P O Box 9, Islolo V arlatlon of Present route M arlge Rulru , Rm ru - K lam bu , route to add Thlka-N alrobl A lso change of pas- Klambu-M ange (KGD 483, 39 passengers ) senger carrym g capaclty from 7 passenger velucle 2959- N darua and Co , P O Box 67, Thlka Route to 3z-passenger vehlcle Present route lslolo-Nyerl M atara - Thlka - Klambu - N alrobl (7 - passenger (KGL 786, 7 passengers ) vehlcle ) 6532- H arlzn M ukuna, P O Box 1327, N alroln Route 34 / 6o- lonathan M batla Kleya, P O Box 3236, Nalrobl Nalrobl-Gllgll Thomson s Falls (4s-passengcr Route Nalrobl-Kallado (37 passenger vehlwle ) vehlcle ) 25 Je - M uthaml M ullnge and Co , P O M utomo, Kltul 35/60- Rattan Slngh Kaura, P O Box 1439, Nallobl Route K ltul K lbwezl - M utom o - - K an- Routc (1) Nalrobl-Nyerl-Nanyukt (Two vehlcles, zlko - M utha - V oo - Ikanga - M utom o - K lbwezl , 7 passengtrs each ) (2) Nalrobl-Kajlado Bassll- Kltul Dlstrlct (45 pusenger vehlcle ) Thlnga-Yamaaga (34 passenger vetucle ) 26/60- M akau Ndolo and Brothels, P O Kangundo 1053- H ar1a Bus Servlcc, P O Box 11257, N alrobl Route K angundo - K lthloko - K lbanl Slatham - Change of condltlons to carry m llk, perlshables, M blunl Klthlmanl-M atu-M achakos (KGH 817, 35 foodstufs, newspapers artd packages not exceedlng passenger vehlcle ) 25 lb Present route N alrobl M eru-Nanyukl v1a 6509- N am anga Bus Service, P O Box 12746 N alrobl N yerl Townshlp, for carrlage of paslengers and Route Nalrobl A thl Rwer-K agado-Blssle N gata- thelr personal luggage (KGJ 279, 45 passengers ) taek-Namanga (Two vehlcl%, 40 passengers each, 36/60- Ruchu M lsslon dBus Servlce, P O Box 1123, Nal and one more as a stand by ln case of break-down ) robt Route Ruchu M lsslon-M utheru M ukuna 27/60- Ngwat,an1o Ya Akamba Bus Servlce, Tala M arket, 'Gakul-NN thlru-M akenlt-ThlkavNalrobl (H 4924 M attm gulu Location, P (). K angundos M achakos 25 passengers ) Kltluoko - Yatta - Kltlum anl - N dula - Tala- 37/ 6o- Ahmed Hag Hussem , P O Box 16102, Nalrobl Koma Rodk-Nalrobl , M achakos Dlstnct (KXGH Route Nalrobl-N gong-Klserlan-M agadl-shom bole 817, 45 passengers ) Oo-passenaer velucle ) 640 TH E K EN Y A G AZEW E 24th M ay, 1960

ROAD SBbw ïcBs--fcontd ) NB /R/ 38 /60- Joseph Otoch, P O Box 10150, N airobl Rout: TLB 1320- Hablb Abdulla Issa, P O Box 28 N arok Route Nalrobz-rfhlka Sagana Embu (KGC 240, 7 passen- -olukurto Ngong , Narok-Kapklmolwa (20- gers ) passenger vehlcle ) TLB 7397- Szlas Njoroge s/o Ichocho and Bros , P O 8914- M bugua s/o Karanla and Co , P O Box 83, K1- Box 539 N alrobl Valzatlon of route to add G lgl1- am bu Route N dum berl - G lthungurl - K lam bu- Nalvasha N alrob, Present route 01 N garua Gllgll Llmuru-Ndagurett Gauhtka Nalrobl (KGD 519, 38 (KDC 509, 32 passengers ) passengers ) 2247- Samuel K G achuhl and Bros , P O Box 10477 7834- She1kh M oham ed b1n A hm ed, P O Box 4, Kltm N alrobl Route Kenya Colony (7 passenger Route M utomo - Kltul - Klbwezl - M ombasa (45- vehTcle ) passenger vehlcle )

fçB CARRIERS LlcENcEs TLB 1868- Glartt Ltd , P O Box 3297 N alrob: Carftage of TLB 9381- N Jot oge s / o Kamau, P O Box 20 Klambu Carll- bulldlng materlals Route (1) Nalrobl-Nalvasha age of general goods, vegetables and charcoal Lokltaung (KFJ 602, 8 tons and Z 3211 R oute K lam bu D lotrlct - R ulru - Thlka N alrobl 10 tons ) (2) Nawasha Soutll Klnangop (KFV 301 (.H 4088, 3 tons ) 8 tons and Z 3828, 10 tons (3) Nasrobl Nanyukl N B/ B/24/60- M uthoga Gathlma c/o Gatamalytt Rlver Camp, Thlkadslolo (KFV 961, 10 tons, Z 3448, 10 tons P 0 M atathla Carrlage of general goods Route and KFR 3û8, 12,522 lb ) (4) Nalrobl-Ruklu-rl-hlka Gacholn--fhlka Dlstrlct Rm ru-N alvasha Dlstnct Sauth Klnangop (KFR 24, 10 tons and Z 3658 Nalrobl (H 1850, 3 tons ) 10 tons ) 25/60- NJenga Nluguna, P O Box 61, Llmuru Carrlage 9327- lnter A frlca Transport C o , P O Box 9761 M om of farm ploduce, charcoal, fuel and m anure basa C arrlage of heavy m achlnery and heavy Route Llmulu-rfhlka-Klambu Dlstrlct N alrobl- equlpment Route Kenya Colony (8-ton vehlcle ) N orth Kmangop South Km angop-Nalvasha (s-ton 215/ l- East Afrlcan Roadllnes Ltd , P O Box 12249 vehlcle ) N alrobl Vanatlon of route to add N alrobl 26/60- M u1gai Kagogo, Ngetetl Vlllage, P O Glthungun M achakos D istmct , N alrobl-N am anga, for carllage Carnage of general goods, charcoal, farm produce of brewery m alt, constructlon m aterlals and goodq and m anure R oute K lam bu D lstrlct Rulru-el-hlka- Present route M om basa-u arzssa v1a Coast R oad Nalrobl (H 5698, 3 tons ) M ombasa-G allssa vla K lbwezl , M om basa-Garllsa v1a Thlka , not to transport between K lbwezj- 27/60- Kamonye K urla, K ambaa Cathollc M lsmon School, Nalrobl (KFP 722, 8 tons and Z 3805 10 tons ) P O M atathia Carllage of vegetables and general goods R oute K lambu Dlstllct N awasha-N alrobl 4296- M urg1an and Sons Ltd , P O B0x 2109, N alrobl Carnage of petroleum products ln bulk Route (4 ton vehlcle ) M ombasa Nalrobl (KBS 607 2 400 gallons and 28 p6o- loseph Nlenga s/o M ulga and Danlel Kamau s/o Z 199 3,200 gallons (2) Varlatlon of loute to Nlau, G acolrl Produce Supply, P O M atathla add N alrobl K aratlna-N yerl N alrobl M achakos Carllage of falm produce, m anure, charcoal, hre- N aw asha D tstrlct, for carrlage of petroleum pro- wood and wattle ba1 k Route K tam bu Distnct- ducts ln bulk Present route N alrobl Alrport Rulru-Thlka Nalrobl Nalvasha Dlstrlct (6,000 lb N alrobl Clty Eastlelgh Alrport, for carnage of vehlcle ) petroleum products m bulk (KAG 490, 2 500 6666- K ah1u and Co , P O Box 19, K lkuyu Carrlage of gallons and Z 3876, 3,200 gallons ) geaelal goods Route K lam bu - N gong - Tluka 6163- 1-1 I Gadlgnanl, P O Box 12216 N alrobl Carnage Nallobl (KFT 286, 30 cwt ) of putroleum products ln bulk Route M om basa- 29/60- W aweru Kurla, P O Box 313, Thlka Cal llage of Nalrobl (KBU 252, 2,400 gallons and Z 130, 3,200 fuel, charcoal, wattle bark and trade goods gallons ) Route M angu-Thlka Rulru-lklam bu M achakos 598- Express Transport Co Ltd , P 0 Box 433 N alrobl Nalrobl (T 8753, 3 tons ) Carnage of general goods Route N alrobl Clty 3o/6o- sospeter Gathuka, P O Box 41, Klkuyu Carrmg: and N alrobl County Counml Area (Z 299, 7,000 of general goods R oute K lkuyu-K lambu Dlstnct- lb , Z305, 4 to 5 tons , Z 307 22,400 lb , Z 397, Nalroh Extra Provinmal Dlstnct-Ngong (H 4098, 4 tons , Z 1971, 10 tons , Z 2234, 5 tons , Z 4761, 1 ton ) 13,440 ib ) 31/60--.James Kamau s/o Nduma, W aguthu Vlllage, P O 5446-A1d0 Gozzl and Co , P O Box 5516, Nlllobl Banana H 1ll, tam uru Carrlage of shop goods Varlatlon of route to add N atrobt-M achakos Dls , vegetableb, farm produce, charcoal, fuel, stones and trlct - Klambu Dlstrlct - N alvasha Dlstrlct - Thlka m urram R oute K lam bu D lstnct-N alrobl Extra Dlstrlct, for carrlage of petroleum products and Provlnclal Dlstrlct , N allobl-tam uru Glthungur! bmldm g materlals Preqent route N alrobt Ctty Thlka (s-ton vehlcle ) 'tnd N alrobl - N am anga, for carrlage of general 24M4- Shah Contractors and Transporters, P 0 Box 137 goods (KFM 899, 7 tons ) K lam bu V arlatlon of route to add N akuru Dtstrlct fol carrlage of potatoes , 8539- Thakar General Produce Agency, P O Box 178 , vegetables and farm pro- N akuru C arrlage of m llk only for K enya C o- duce Present route N alrob) County Councll operatlve Creamerles Ltd Route N akuru-Gllgll Alea-K lam bu Dlstrlct-N alvasha D lstrlct and N al Nalvasha-N alrobl (KCP 719 6 tons ) robl County Councll A rea - Longonot - N alvasha NB/B/22/60- S1d1 Kharmsna and Sons, P 0 Box 6067, Nalrobl Dlstrlct and Nqlrobl-Kallado (KFC 183, 3 tons ) 1 Carrlage of fruhts, wegetables and general goods Present route N atrobl Ceuaty Counml Area R oute Embu-N alrobl , N alrobl M ombasa (5 ton Klambu Dlstrlct (KBS 756, 5 tons ) vehlcle ) 32/ö0--'P Mwangl s/o Nloroge, P O Box 171 Klambu 23/60- Lou1q W W oodruff, P O Box 2425 Nalrobl Calrlage of lirewood, m anurz charcoal and goods Carrlage of farm produce Route N alrobl K lambu R oute K am ondov-Rullu Thlka-N alrobl N gong Dlstrlct (s-ton vehlcle ) Nalvasha , Klambu Dlstnct (H 5203, 4 tons ) 33/60- M anyua s /0 M ange, P O Banana Hl11 K enya 1925/ l- Kyenl Kya Akamba and Co Ltd , P O Box 45 Carrlage of stone, Iirewood qnd goods , Route K ltul C arrlage of brewerles products only R oute Klambu Dlstrlct-Nalrobt Th:ka (H 5011, 3 tons ) 'Nalrobz Kltul Dïstrlct (K GB 862 5 tons J 34/60- G1tao Karam a and Co P O Box 364 8912- Deva Slngh s/o Kushal Slngh, Loltokltok P O , Thlka Carrlage of charcoal, falm pl oduce, m anure and Em ah '-carlmge of shop goods and beel Route shop goods Routc Gatundu Klambu - Thlka Loltokltok Emall Nalrob: (M S 4361, 5 tons ) Rulru-Nalrobl (A. 4510, 3 tons ) 9757- M 1rara s/o W angenda, P O Box 20, Uplands 35/60- Peter M waura, P O Box 69 Rutru Carrlage of Carllage of charcoal, vegetables and general m er- charcoal fuel manure alld goads Route M arlge- chandlse Route tamuru-K lam bu Dlstrlct-u plands Thlka Rulru K lambu Dlstrlct and K lambu Settled Kabete N allobl (H 4361, 3 tons ) A rca-N alrobl (K BD 353, 4 tons )

t$(7 CARRIERS Llcsxces TI B 1492- B1ephant Soap Factory Ltd , P O Box 63, N allobl TLB 1 352- 51' Glkonyo and Co P O Box 10477 N alrobl Change of vehlcle fl om 3 ton to s-ton vehlcle Carrl-tge ot bet: and shop goods Route N alrobl Present route N alrobl Clty N alrobl - Klsumu Extr t P1 ovlnclal Dlstllct (K G M 2$8 N , 12,400 lb lr alrobl Nanyukl Nallobl Ken) a M eat Commls xB pc jz j6ll - osm an lllu and f.o Ltd P O Box 40 slon F xctoly at Athl Rlver, for cqrrlage of o1l and c , N yel l soap only (H 969 3 tonq J ! xalrjage of petloleum produuts Route N qlrobl- , yerl Dlqtllct (One tanker, 1 600 gallons ) 24th M ay, 1960 YHE KENYA GAZE'ITE 641

G /G STTB N o'rtcs No 2404 G AzsrrB N ozqcE N o 2407 THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE W ap 294) Lcap 294) IT IS hereby notlfied for general lnformatlon that a letters patent partlculars of whlcb appear ln the Schedule hereto >was IT IS htreby notified for general lnform atlon that 4 lLtters reylstered as N o 960 ln the K enya Reglster of Patents on the patent, partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto, was reglstered as N o 965 ln the Kenya Reglster of Patents on the 6tl1 day of Aprll, 1960 4th day of M ay, 1960 SCHEDULE

N 4 oj cppllcc/l/a - 960 ,? SCHBDULS Drrfe oj tz/zpflctzfltprl - 6th Apnl, 1960 N o oj tzpp/fctz/ftp/z - 965 Nqme t# appltcant - Natlonal Research Development Corpora- D ate ol Jppllccflt)u .--4th M ay, 1960 tlon Name 0/ appltcant - Novo Terapeutlsk Laboratormm A / S Regtstered address - 1 Tllney Street, London, W 1, England Reglstet ed address - 115 Fuglebakkevel, Copenhagen, D enmark P vtlculars t# the .jr/tzz?/ ln the Unlted Klngdom - 820 455 sealed Parhculars oj //3tp glant 7,; the U?7f/e# K lllgdom - 709 927 sealed on 13th Janualy, 1960, and dated 22nd January, 1958 on 4th December, 1959, and dated 3rd A pnl 1951 A ature Tz/ lnventlon - improvements ln ol relatlng to the plo- Natuïe oj IrlyE'n/lt?p? - lmproved process for produclng lnsulln ductlon of H ecogenln preparatlons wlth Protracted Effect Documents etc fled d?l the Reglstry - Doculnents etc hled tn the Regtstry - (1) One certlfied copy of the speclficatlon (includlng tçomce (1) One certlfied copy of the speclficatlon (lncludlng I

llalrobl OW EN J BU RN S N all obl, OW EN J BU RN S, 17th kay, 1960 Asnstant Reglstrar @/ Patents 17th M ay, 1960 Asstsïant Reglstrar t# Patents

' (:AZETTS N o'rlce N o 2405 G AZSTTB N OTICE N o 2408 THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE qcap 294) THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE IT IS hereby notlfied for general lnformatlon that a lettels W ap 294) patent, partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto > was reglstored as N o 961 ln the K enya R eglster of Patents on the IT IS heleby notlfled for general m form atlon that a letters 6th day of Aprll, 1960 patent, partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto, was reglstered as N o 966 ln the K enya Reglster of Patents on the SCHBDUI-F. 9th day of M ay, 1960 No (7/ appltcatton - 961 j late t# applkcatkon - 6th Aprlls 1960 SCHEDIJLE Name t# appllcant - plastomatlc D mlted No oj apphcatton - 966 Reglstered address - 17 W lnchester R oad, H ampstead, London, Date t# appllcatton - 9th M ay, 1960 N W 3, England Nalne (# appllcant - l-lunter and Company (Palnts) Llmited L'arttculars oj the grant Jn the Unlted .K'lngl(?n? - 821,634, sealed Regtstered addless - 45 Park Lane, London, W 1, England on 3rd February, 1960, and dated 17th Aprll, 1956 Partlculats ()/ the graltt 1:1 the Untted Ktlqdom - 818,438, sealed i'Iature ()/ tnventkon - lmprovements ln or relatlng to the pro- on 8th December, 1959, and dated 18th June, 1957 ductlon of H ollow Artlcles from Therm oplastlc M atenals Natule ta/ tnventlon .-lmpro: ements ln thc productxon of Antl- Dpcuments etc #/c# tn the Regtstry - Corroslvc Coatlngs for M etals (1) One certéed copy of the speclticatlon (lncludlng dlaw Documents elc hled In the Regtstry - lngs and Kçollke copy ' of letters patent) of the United (1) One certlfied copy of the speclficatlon (lncludlng Efollice K lngdom Patent copy'' of letters patent) of the Umted Kmgdom Patent (2) Certïcate of the Comptroller-Genelal of the Unlted (2) Caerttticate of the Comptroller-General of the Unlted Klngdom Patent Oflke glvm g full partlculars of the grant of Klngdom Patent Oë ce glvlng full partlculars of the grant of the patent the patent (3) Authorlzatlon ln favour of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby (3) Authollzatlon lrt favour of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Co , advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa - and Co , advocates, P O Box 29 :pM ombasa Nalrobl, OW EN J BU RN S, 20th M ay, 1960 Asslstallt Reglstrar t7/ Patellts N alrobi, OW EN J BURNS 17th M ay, 1960 Asststant keglstral // Pateltts

THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE GAZETTE NOTICE No 2409 (CA 18/ 1 /111) W ap 294) THE AlR SERVICES (LICENSING) REIGULATIONS, 1957 IT IS hereby notified for general lnform atlon that a letters N o'rlcE oF APPLICATION FOR A LICBNCE TO OPBRATE AIR SERVICES patent, partlculars of w hlch appear m the Scheuule hereto w as reglstered as No 964 ln the Ktnya Reglster of Patents on the PURSUAN T to the provlslons of regulatlons 6 and 7 of the Alr Servlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlons, 1957, notlce ls hereby gwen 2nd day of M ay, 1960 that Geothey Baker Ltm lted P O Box 888, N aktlru, K enya SCHBDUI-E Colony, has applled to the East Afrlca Hlgh Com m lsslon for No ol appltcatkon - 964 a llcence to operate the followlng a1r servlce -z- Date o! appltcatlon - 2nd M ay, 1960 A1r charter and aenal work wlthln and fl om the East Name t# appltcant .-Yorkshlrt lmpenal M etals Llmlted Afncan terrltorles of K enya, U ganda, Tanganylka and Reglstered address .-l-lalgh Park Road, Stourton, Leeds, ln the Z anzlbar County of Y ork, England For a perlod of two years from 5th M ay, 1960 Partkculars (?/ the grant Irt the Unlted Ktngdom --821,550 sealed lt ls further notlfied that any representatlons or oblectlons on 27th Jarm aly, 1960, and dated 22nd February, 1957 wlth regard to thls appllcatlon must be m ade to the East A frlca H lgh C om m lsslon at the oflice of the D lrector of Clvll A vlatlon Nature 5/ lnventlon - lmprovements ln or relatlng to Plpe , Ihttm gs of Synthetlc Resln M aterlal P O Box 30163, N alrobl not later than 20th June 1960 Evely such representatlon or oblectlon shall be made ln wrltlng, shall Documents etc hled Ilz the Reglstry - state the specllic ghrounds on whlch lt ls based, and shall speclfy S (1) One celtlfied copy of the speclfiatlon (lncludsng draw any condltlons whlch lt m ay be deslred should be attached to lngs) of the Unlted Klngdom patent the llcence lf granted A copy of every such representatlon ol (2) Certlficate of the Comptroller General of the U mted oblectlon shall be sent by the person m aklng the sam e to 4he K lngdom Patent Ol ce gtvlng full pa1 tlculars of the grant of appllcant of the llcence at the same tlme as lt ls sent to the the patent Hlgh Comm lsslon (3) Authorlzatlon In favour of M essrs A tklnson Cleasby and Co advocates, P O Box 29 M ombasa D ated at N alrobl thls 12th d Ay of M ay 1960 N alrobl AsslstaOnWt REeNg lsJt raBrU t?R/ NPSat,ekts .1 J FURNISS, 17th ùay, 1960 Dtrector (7/ Clvll A%latlolt 642 TH E K EN Y A G AZET TE 24th M ay, 1960

GAZETTB NoTlcs No 2410 APPLICATION No B 9424 PART B CrAss 32 tschedule 111) ''- W Mx s TH E TRAD E M ARKS ORD IN AN CE 1955 < *' g (No 51 oj 1955) PURSUANT to sectlon 25 (7) of the Trade M arks Ordlnanue .#' 1955, and at the dlreztlon of the Reglstral of Trade M alks fol 7 Q tbe Colony and Protectorate of K enya, lt ls hereby not Iied kF *z' for general lnforlratlon that by vlrtue of a deed of asslgnm wnt <* datcd 2nd October 1959 and made between East Afrlcan * N j Tob-tcco Com pany lam lted Tobacco M erchants, of Rnokatan House, York Stleet, F alrobl, as Asslgnors of the one part l and P Lorlllard Company Tobacco M anufacturers, of Lorlllard Bulldlng 200 East 42nd Street, N ew Y ork 17 State of N ew 4 York, U nlted States of Amenca, as Asslgnees of the other part * P Lorlllard Com pany are now thc reglstered proprletors of thc Trade M ark N o 3599 otherwjse tn connexlon wlta the goodwlll of the buslness ln whlch the) wcre used at thw tlm e W of the A sslgnm ent A lepresentatlon of the Trade M ark N o 3599 can be seen at the O llice of the R eglstral of T lade M alks, C lown Law $ Omce, P O Box 30031, N allobl - . x 1 r .'w k - .w- v .... v-.... . u 4 ax.s The address for servlcc fo! the appllcants ln the Colony Js c/o M essrs Lysaght and Co c/o Barclays Bank D C O (To be assoclated wlth N o 9422 and another) N alrobl The T lade M ark ls llm lted to the colouls w hlte black and gold exactly as ls shown on thw replesentatlon on the form of SCHBDULS appllcatlon rrade M ark No 3599 m Class 45 (Schedule l1)- OLD GOLD Reglstlatlon ot thls Tlade M ark shall glve no rlght to the and devlce- Tobacco, whether m anufactured or unm anufac excluslve use of the w olds G N lle and 4 Specyal ' elther slngly tured or grouped togethel Dated thls 2nd day of M ay 1960 U ser clalm ed as from the yeal 1957 LYSAG HT AN D CO , Nature t?/ goods - Bee1 s a1e and porter Internattonal Patent and Trfzf/c M o k A ttolney% Nante oj appllcant - N11e Blewelles Llmlted 60-63 Esplanadt A ddness .- W est Bank Industllal Azea N lelu P O Box 54 St H elter Jersey Jlnla, Uganda, and c /o Vlthaldas Llladhar Amlanl, P O Box CWt7?;?;e/ Islands tf/s.jekntfl 1203, Nallobl, and c/o M essrs Daly and Flggls, advocates, P O Box 34, N alrobl G AZSTTB lloTlcE pko 2411 (27th Octobel , 1959) THE TRA DB M ARKS ORDIN AN CE, 1955 (No 51 oj 1955) JkPPLICATION pfo B 9425 PART B Ct-xss 32 (Schedulu 111) ERRATA XAYR X*1 W'M *0 = ' * * * < G * TRADE M ark Appllcatlon N o 9688- 141 PAK and devlce + x sj + $ x mark- ln Class 29 (Schedule 111) advertlsed ln the Kenya Gazette dated 3rd M ay, 1960, under N otlce N o 2100 on pago 573 ï'1 e q N am e of A ppllcant to retzl-

F O B W llson Llm lted .Z N alrobl, O W F,N J BU R N S 20th M ay, 1960 Asblntant Reglntral // Tratlo M a; ks

GAZETTE N tm cB N o 2412

TH E TR / D E M A RK S O R D IN A N C E 1955 b (No 51 oj 1955) î NOTICE ls hereby glven that any person who has grounds 1 of opposltlon to the reglstratlon of any of the Tradt M arks t advertlsed heleln accordlng to the classes m ay w lthln 60 days from the date of thls Gazette, lodge notlce of opposltlon on Form TM No 6 (1n dupllcate) together wlth a fee of Sh 50 u.x x, . x. ...x.- YN Thu perlod for lodglng notlce of oppomtlon m ay be extended (To be assoclated wlth No 9422 and another) by the R egkitrar as he tlunks tit and upon such term s as he U ser clalm ed as from the year 1956 m ay dlrect The Trade M alk ls llmlted to the colours whlte, 1ed and Form al opposltlon should not be lodged untll after reasonablc gold exactly as ls show n m the reglstratlon on the form of notlce has been glven by letter to thk. appllcant for reglstratlon so as to agord htm an opportunlty of w lthdrawlng h1s appllca appllcatlon tlon before the expense of prepanng the notlce of opposltlon R eglstratlon of thls Trade M alk shall glve no nght to the ls lncurred Fallure to gtve such notlce wl1l be taken lnto account excluslve use of the w olds N lle ' and tstaagel ' elthel slngle or ln conslderlng any apphcatlon by an opponent for an order fo1 grouped togethel costs lf the opposltlon ls uncontested by the appllcant Nlfïfl e oj good,ç - Bte,r) ale and porter W here lt ls stated ln the advertlsem ent of an appllcant that Nanle oj appllcant - N lle Brewerles Llm lted the m alk upon lts reglstratlon, ls to belhm lted to certaln colours the colours are, as far as posslble, m dlcated m the accom panylng Address --W est Bank Induqtlial A rea, N jeru, P O Box 54 lepresentatlons of the m ark ln the usual heraldlc m anner Jlnla, Uganda and c/o Vlthaldas Llladhar Amlanl, P O Box 1203, Nalrobl and c/o M essls Daly and Flggls, advocates R epresentatlons of the m arks hereln advertlsed can be seen at P O Box 34, N alrobl the Trade M arks Rbglstry, Crown Law Oë ce, N alrobl (27th October 1959)

AlxpLlcATlox No 9327 PART A Ct.Ass 5 (Schçdule 111) A I>f>LICATION N o 9633 PART A Cl-Ass 31 (Schedule 111) LACT A G O L TASSENBERG (By consent) Natule oj goods - M edlclnal and phalmaceutlcal plepalatlons Nattll e 0/ good.b --Fermel tud llquols and spllTtc N:f???E' oj zdlpp//ctzil/ - l-actagol Llmlted Nt???Ie oj appltcaîlt - The Stellenbosch Falm els W lnery Llmlted Addtsss - 51 Clapham Road London S W 9, England, and c/o Addleb.b - Oudt- Llbeltaq Suellenboscll, Caoe Prownce U pion M essrs K aplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, ot South Afrlca, and c/o M esslq Kaplan and StI atton N all obI advocates, P O Box 11 1 N alrob) (1st September, 1959) (26th Februao , 1960) 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G AZE 643

JIkPI>LICATION No 9635 PART A Cl-xss 33 (Schedule 111) AIYI-ICATION No B 9669 PART 1$ CLASS 24 (Schedlzle 111) LANZER AE :h' atu; e oj goods - Fermented llquols qnd spjr:ts >/ alne oj appllcallt - The Stellenbosch I-'tr ners A lpery Llmlted

1 ##? e-bs - 6 01 dn Lloeltas Stellenboscln Cape PE ov,nwe Unlon (.: M'--Z....- ?' of So tth A lllca anct c/ o V essl lvaplaik lnd Strat on advocateo P O Box 11 1 N allcabl (26th February, 1960) f ë

? r'lal-lcAzloN No 9334 PART A CL/ss 1 1 (Schedule 111) 1 <- 4% CARR V R ' ;z 4 ,g lj lw ; z7/:1/ c oj goodo - Alr condltlonlng and veptllaLlng sgstems, w al m lng and heatyng plant fol bulldlnfps hot 'w ater system q cvaporatll'lg plant stoves and ovens , lnstalla lons fo blowlng, 1

waonlng purlfylng rcgeneratlng, deodorlol! g fumlgatlng j ''-xï . .4.: b dlst' 1bz tl' g lAeatlng eoollng, liltel lng, hulnldlfylng, dehum ld'- p w 4, 'k fylng aqd t'om presslng alt , reftlgel atlng sysuem s, '$ entllatlrg - syste à < rust proofing lnstctllatlonq polson gas defence lnstallltlons, heat lecuperatlng lnstallatlons , and com ponent palls tother than carrylng or conveying pal ts) of the afol esaid 1 lnstallatlons and system s, not lncluded ln othel classes heat exchanges tno' belng pstrts of m achlnes) ovens stoves and componcnt parts of such heat exchangels ovens and stoves I (other than carrvlng or conveylng parts) hot lncluded m other classes , j (To be assoclated wlth No B 8933 and another) ?bïame tp/ appltcant --calner Englneenng Company Llmjted l hature oj goods --lkxule pyece goods and textlle articles not zl ddtess - 24 Bucklngham Gate, London S W 1 England, and lncluded ln other classes c /o M essrs Atklnson Cleasby and Company, advocates P O Box 29 M ombasa N'nle 0/ GPPIICGRt - The Unlted Afrlca Company Llmlted > j (7th September, 1959) I AdSd ress '-umted Afnca House Blackfrlars Road, London, ' - E 1, England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and c om pany, advocates P o Box 29 >M om basa 2b IYJ-ICATJI)N No 9639 P4RT A Cl.&ss 33 (Sclledule 111) (17th M arch, 1960) ZO N N EB LO EM The m ark conslsts of an A frlkaans word meanlng çssunllower'' :bu ture t?j goods - Ferm ented llquors and splllts Appslcu lox N o B 9692 PAR.I. .B c swss 6 ?bïame tp/ apphcant ---rhe stellenbosch Farmers W lnery Llmlted APPLICATION No B 9693 PART B Cl-Ass 7 'dsltess - ' oude Llbeltas ', stellenbosch, Cape Provlnce, U m on APPLICATION N O B 9694 PART B CLASS 8 of South Afrlca, and c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton APPLICATION NO B 9695 PART B CLASS 9 advocates P O Box 111 N alrobl APBLICATION NO B 9696 PART B CLztss 11 A ex lcu lox N o B 9697 IU RT B csxss 12 (26th February 1960)

u'e-lcwvlox No 9660 PAp.r A csxss 5 (schedule 111) ST R EP T O PEN lblatu'e oj ggtpc!â .--Artlblotlc p eparatlons and substances lblame oj appltcant --G laxo Labol atorles Llm lted - Zbddrcss - 891-995 Greenford Road, Greenford, M lddlusex, CXPP11Cat1On No B 9692 to be assoclated wlth N o B 969% and England, and c/o M essls Atkmson, Cleajby anti Company Others ln the serles) advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa xature ()/ goods - (12th M arch, 1960) Apphcatlon B 9692 - unwrought and partly wrought common metals and thelr alloys and artlcles lncluded ln Class 6 (Schedule 111) made therefrom xeelalcu lox No 9684 PART A Cl-Ass 6 (Schedule 111) Apphcatlon N o B 9693 - Al1 goods lncluded ln Class 7 (Schedule 111) namely machlnes and machlne tools , m otors . (except for vehlcles) machlne couphngs and beltlng (except .- . for vehlcles) , large slze agrlcultural lmplements , lncubators # Appllcatlon No B 9694 - Al1 goods lncluded m Class 8 (Schedulo 111) namely hand tools and lnstruments , cutlery, forks and spoons , slde arm s N 'N . . h o N Appllcatlon No B 9695 -sclentltk and electncal apmratus f / ....' and lnstruments lncluded ln Class 9 (Schedule 111) , nautlcal, w surveylng, optlcal, welghlng, m easurlng, slgnalllng, checklng (supervlslon) and teacblng apparatus and lnstruments , calcu- -'' latlng m aclunes and parts of all these goods mcluded m 1 t A . class 9 (Schedule 111) / .:. Appllcatlon No B 9696 -All goods mcluded m class 11 N $ (schedule 111) but not zncludlng llghting apparatus for / $ - t (pshcohteodgurlaep h1T1c1 ) paurrep ohseelsd bTyh et heg oRoedgs lstlrnacrl utdoe dc oIvne r clnlasstsa lla11- 11 ); tlons for llghtlng, heatlng steam generatlng, cooklng, refrlgeratlng, drylng, ventllatlng, water supply and sanltary purposes Appllcatlon No B 9697 - A 11 goods lncluded ln Class 12 (Schedule 111) The goods lncluded ln Class 12 (Schedule $ï atu; e t# %oods '-Barbed wlre 111) are held by the Reglstrar to cover vehlcles , apparatus fo1 locom otlon by land a1r or w ater falllk oj t/pp/fcrt/pf - ETECO Eulopean Ovelseas Tradlng comp ny 4ddre5s - plzen, Tylova ullce, Czichoslovakla, and c/o M essrs 4tldI Hâ' - 1 Rue Bekaert Zwevegtn, Belglum and c/o M essrs MAtokminbsaosna, Cleasby and Com pany, advocates, P O Box 29, Geom t,y W hlte and Co , advocates, P O Box 368, Nakuru (22nd M arch, 1960) (28th M arch, 19* ) 611 THE KEN YA G AZEW E 24th M ay, 1960

APPLICATION NO 9707 PART A CLASS 4 (Schedule 111) APPLICATION NO 9756 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) VISCO-STATIC AQUALI'N Natu'e oj goods - All goods lncluded jn Class 4 (Schedule 111) ITo be assoclated m th No 9755) Name oj Appltcant - BP (East Afmca) Llm3ted Nature (7/ goods '-lnsectlcldes, larwcldes, pestlcldes, funglcldes, herblcldes , preparatlons fol kllllng weeds and destroylng Addtess - 22 G reat St H elen's, London, E C 3, England, and verm ln c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, Nayne oj upppctw/ - zrIw shell chemlcal Company ot Afllca la o Box 29, M olnbasa sjm jted (28th M alch, 1960) Address - St Helen s Court, Gleat St Helen's, London, E C 3, England, and c/o M essrs Atkmson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa Aelàtx Arrlox No 9725 PAR'I- A ctxss 32 (schedule 111) (25th Apnl, 1960)

APPLII-ATION N o 9757 PART A CLASS 1 (Schedule 111) NO NID ET (To be assoclated wlth No 9758) Natul e 0/ goods .-f hemtcal products for use Tn lndustrq , sclence, photography, agrlcultm e, ho1 tlculture and forestry Nante 0/ applïcant - The Shell Chemlcal Company of Afnca Llm ited Address - St H elen s Coult, Great St H elen's, I ondon, B C 3, England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, lt ls a uondltlon of reglstratlon that the blank space appearm g advtxates, P O Box 29, M om basa ln the m ark as shown ln the lepresentatlon on the form of astjj A prjj apphcatlon shall, when the m ark is ln uso, be occupted only ( , 1j)6()j by m atter of a wholly descllptlve nature and non trade m ark character A PPLICATION NO 9758 PART A CLASS 3 tschedule 111) Nature // goods - Beer, ale stout and poltel Name 0/ applkcant N'ON ID ET - M ackeson and Company tam lted Addless --chlswell Street, London, E C 1 England, and c/o (TO be assoclated wlth No 9757) M essls Atklnson Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Natule oj goods - lx tergents , substances for laundry use , Box 29, M ombasa oltanm g, pohsbm g, scourlng and abrasme preparatlons (6th Aprjl, 1960) Nalne ol JprDctzn/ - n e Shell Chemlcal Company of Afnca L lm lted - Adaress - st H elen's Court, G leat St H elen's, London, E C 3, A Bngland, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, N I-ICATION No 9751 PART A Cl-Ass 1 (Schedule 111) advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa YETO'X (25th Apnl, 1960) (To be assoclated wlth No 9754) - Nature t7/ goods v-rhemlcal p! oducts for us ln agrlculture, APPLICATION N0 9759 PART A CLASS 1 (Schedule 111) ho1 tlcultvie and forestry , manules (natulal and artlficlal) VER SATIC Name ()/ applïcolt .--l-he Shell Chemlcal Company of Afrlca Llmlted Nature oj goods - chemlcal products for use ln lndustly and

Address - St H elen s Court, G1 eat St H elen 's , London, Z C 3 , SQWKCC England, and c/o M esqrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, Name ol appllcant '-The Shell Chemlcal Company of Afllca advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa tam lted Address - St Helen s Court, G reat St H elen s, London, E C 3, (25th Aplll, 1960) sngjand, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, advocates, P O Box 29, M ombasa (25th Apnl, 1960) APPLICATION No 9754 PART A Cl-Ass 5 (Schedule 111)

VETO X AsszxAauox xs 9760 m lt,r A cz.Ass 1 (schedule 111) (To be assoclated wlth No 9753) GRAM EX Nature 0/ goods - lnsectlcldes, larvlcldes, funglcldes, plepara- tlons for kllhng weeds and destroylng vermln (T0 be assoclated wlth No 9761) N alne o/ appllcant - The Shell Chemlcal Company of Afrlca NY/NXP 0/ goods '-f hemlcal products for use ln agrlculture, sumlted hortlculture and forestry , manures (natural and altlficlal) Add N allle oj appllcant .--rhe shell chemlcal company of Afrlca ,ess ..-.s't H elen s court, Great st H elen s, London, E C 3, tunajfe.a England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, ---- advccates, P () Box 29, M om basa A ddress - St H elen ,s Court, Great st H elen s, London E f: 3 Bngland, and c/o M essls Atklnson, Cleasby and Company, (25th Apnl, 1960) advocates, P O Box 29 M ombasa

- - - (25tlz Aprll, 1960)

APPI-II-ATION bo 9755 PART A Cl-Ass 1 (Sciledulu 111) - APPLICATION No 9761 PART A Cl-kss 5 (Schedulc 111) AQUALIN GRAM EX (To be assoclated wlth No 9756) Natllîe oj q'oods .-fhemlcal products used ln agrlculture (To be assoclated wlth No 9760) hortlculture and folestry manures tn-ttural and artlficial) Natule ()/ goods - lnsecttctdes lalvtcldes funglcldes plt-pata tlens for kllllng weeds qnd destlollng verm ln Name oj Jppllcln/ - The Shell Chemlcal Company of Afnca Name 0/ cppflct l1f - The Shell Chemleal Company of Africa Llm ltcd Llm lted Addêess - St Helen s Court G Le zt St Htlen s London E C 3 Atltb e,T.s .- <4t H elcn s f-oult Gleat St H elen s London J! C 3 England, and c/o M essl s A tklnson Clk-asby and Com pany England, and c Io M essl s dtklnson Clcaqb: and Com p )n) advocates P O Box 29 M om bas l etdvocateR P O Box 29 M om b 'ts 1 (25th ApI I1, 1 960) (25th Aprl? 1960) 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN YA G AZERV E 645 AEAPLICATION NO 9762 PART A CLASS 1 (Schedulk 111) APPLICATION NO 9789 PART A CI àSS 5 (Schedule 111) SH ELLFLEX PER SAN TIN N ttltl e 6?/ goods .-f hem lcal products for us ln induqtry Natltle oj goods - A11 goods lncluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) N /p?t? oj appllcallt - Tl1e Shell Chenllcal Company of Nfnca Nhnle oj appllcant - A1be3 t Boehrlnger Ernst Boehnngel, Ilse Llmlted Llebrecht, Jullus Llebrecht and W altel Rtldolph M ayel-L!st, 4 ldress - St Helen s Court, G reat St H elen s, London, E C 3 tradlng as C H Boehllnger Sohn England, and c/o M essrs Atklnson Cleasby and Company Addl ess - lngelhelm am Rheln, 22b, Germany and c /o M essl q qdvocates P O Box 29 M om basa A tklnson Cleasby and Com pany advocates, P O Box 29, (25th Aplll 1960) M om basa (2nd M ay, 1960) Ai>etIcATIoN No 9763 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) APPLICATION N O 9795 PART A CLASS 5 lschedule 111) BACTR OBAN RAG ON IL Nalllre t)/ goods - / ntlblotlc preparatlons and substances N,line t# appltcant .-Beecham Rcsearch Laboratones Llmlted Nature ol goods - Al1 goods lncluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) A ddresç --G reat W est Road, Blentford, M lddlesex, England, Name oj appltcant .-Roche Products Llmltcd and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company advocatcs, zjddress - 40 Broadwater Roqd, W elwyn Galden Clty, H ert- P O Box 29 M ombasa foldshlre, England and c/o M essrs Atklnson Cleasby and (25th Aprll 1960) C om pany advocates P O Box 29 A M om uasa (9th M ay 1960) A loy'LlcATlox N o 9764 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) AN I-ICATION No 8812 PART A Cn ss 27 (Schedule 111) TO TACILLIN N atllte t?J goods ..-.4 ntlblotlc preparatlons and substances Nqnïe oj appllcant - Beecham Research Laboratolles Llmlted Addless - Great W est Road Brentfold M lddlesex, England and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company advocates, P O Box 29 M om basa Nx (25th Aprll, 1960)

APPI-TCATION No 9767 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) ZY M OPAN Nature 0/ goods - All goods lncluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) Nante t# apphcant - A/S Dumex (Dumex Llmlted) * ,4 ddress - 37 Prags Boulevard, Copenhagen S , D enm ark, and c /o M essrs K aplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl S' j: 'uzrsq l'rA >' (28th Aprll, 1960) R eglstratlon of thls Trade M ark shall glve no rlght to the exclusw e use of the word %tsuper ' and to the lnltlals and A ePI-ICATION N O 9768 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) abbrevlatlon ç$O F & F Nature ol goods - Rugs of al1 descrlptlons lncluded ln Class 27 PARASAX ATE (Schedule 111) A ature 0/ goods - All goods lncluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) Name t# appllcant - socleta ln Accomandlta Sempllce Orlando A ame t# appllcant '-A /S Dumex (Dumex Llmlted) Franchl and Flgllo A ddless - 37 Prags Boulevard, Copenhagen, S , D enm ark, and Address - V1a Arclvescovo M artlm 2, Prato, Florence Italy c fo M essrs K aplan and Stratton advocates, P O Box 111, and c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box N alrobl 111, N alrobl (28th Aprll, 1960) (3rd November 1958)

A IYI-ICATION NO 9771 PART A CLàss 5 (Schedule 111) APBLICATION No 9529 PART A CLASS 34 (Schedule 111) M O LLAM N Nature tp/ goods - All goods mcluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) Name oj apphcant - A/S Dumex (Dumex Llmlted) W E ST M R N zd ddress - 37 Prags Boulevard Copenhagen, S , D enmark, and c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, Nalrobl (28th Apnl, 1960)

A pet,lcArnox N o 9773 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) TOR ECA N = A? ature ol goods - All goods lncluded m Class 5 (Schedule 111) Name oj appltcant - sandoz Ltd (also known as Sandoz S A , and Sandoz A G ) Address .-tlchtstrasse 35, Basle, Swltzerland, and c/o M essrs (By consent) Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, .P O Box 111, N alrobl R eglstratlon of thls Trade M ark shall glve no nght to the # excluslve use of the word KfW estern (28th Aprll, 1960) Nature 5/ goods - -fobacco, whether manufactured Un m anufactured APPLICATION N() 9774 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedule 111) Nar'e oj appllcant --Brown and W llllamson Tobacco Corpora tlon (Export) Llmlted FLAGYL A ddress - W estm lnster H ouse, 7 M lllbank London, S W Dratïtîe 0/ goods - Al1 godds lncluded ln Class 5 (Schedule 111) England, and c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton advocates, P O Box 1 1 l N allobl Name oj clw/lctznf --M ay and Baker Llmlted zzl ddress - Dagenham Essex England and c / o M essrs Kaplan (5th January, 1960) gnd Ttratton advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl N a1l9rto1,b lkay, 1960 A OWEN J BURNS, (28th Aplll, 1960) ssistant Regtstrar 5/ Trgdç AfirkT 646 TH E K EN YA G A ZET'I'E 24th M ay 1960

G kZBTTE èkoTlcE i4o 2413 CIAZETTE èloTtcs lfo 2416 ORDINANCE THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCF 1957 TH E, N ATIV E LA N D S TRU ST (No 20 0/ (957) (Cap 100) SotrrH CIM ST IK ICOR LICENSING CouRw SETTING APART OF LAND DU LY authorlzed by the Provlnclal Com mlssloner, Coast NOTICE ls hereby gw en that the land descrlbed ln the Provlnce, the followlng Appllcatlon wl11 be consldered at a Schedule hereto has been duly set apalt zn accordance wlth the speclal meetlng of the South Coast Llquor Llcenslng Court to provlslons of Part Il1 of the N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance be held at 2 15 p m on 6th June, 1960, ln the oflict of the for the purpose specatied ln the sald Schedule Dlstrlct Comm lssloner M ombasa SCHEDULB M alt tl/?# N on-sm rltuous Ltquor O?? hcence Place - sagana A mlrall N urm ohamed Allbhal P O Box 1916, M om basa , P 769 Purpose - pollce Statlon Plot N o 210 Sectlon X Vl off M acupa Road, M ombasa Area --4 acres (approxlmately) N G H AR D Y , Pl esldent Descrlptton oj land - South Coast Llquor fzlctldlllNg' Coltrt M O?FIDJJJ Thls land ls sztuated lmmedlately to the south of the Sagana / Embu road near the K anylrln stream n e boundarles are dem ar- cated on the ground and are descllbed as follows - GAZETTE N oTlcs N o Startlng from a polnt C , whlch ls an angle lron post ln concrete, from whlch the K anylrlrl m aln Em bu road brldge TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE and junctlon of Embu/sagana road m th Nalrobl JNyerl road Lcap 30) are 360 ft and 1,680 feet dlstant, on bearlngs of 286 and 252 A DJUDICATION respectlvely Debtor s nam e - H erm anus Joachlm Botha tlaence for 313 feet on a bearlng of 18Q 30 to pom t D and , A ddless ,- P O Box 128, N alvasha thence for 16 feet on a bearlng of 96 to polnt E , D escîm tlon - Farm er thence for 104 foet on a bearln.g of 18* to pom t F Court - H M Supreme Court of Kenya N alrobl No of matter - B C 14 of 1958 thence for 416 feet on a bearlng of 110.1.0 to pomt A Date oj tl/tft'r - 29th Aprll, 1960 thence for 410 feet on a bearlng of 2011.0 to polnt B , Date t?/ petttkon - 26th Februarys 1958 thence for 417 feet on a bearlng of 289.1.5 to polnt C N alrobl, D J CO W A R D , A1l bearlng glven above are m agnetlc 20th M ay, 1960 Oelclal Recelver A plan of the arta m ay be lnspected at the omce of the Dlstrlct Comm lssloner, Em bu Gu s'rrs NoTlcs No 2418 G azette Notlce N o 2085 of 3rd M ay, 1960, ls hereby cancelled THE ZAN KRUPTCY ORDIN AN CE Dattd thls 26th day of Ap.rll, 1960 Lc'ap 30) F R W ILSON ADJOURNED PUBLIC EXAMINATION Plovm ctal C't/znvlllzzozler Central Provlnce D ebtor s rltzmc - ltlvers A therstone Royston Address --c/0 P O Box 20006, Nallobl D escrw tlon - sales representatlve Court - H M Supreme Court of K enya at Nalrobl G AZE'I'TE N tm cE N o 2414 No oj matter - B C 12 of 1951 Date oj tztf/tplf?nt d publlc extwnlat//itpn - 3rd Junes 1960 THE IJQUOR IX ENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 H our - 10 30 a m (No 20 oj 1957) Place --ef'he Subordlnate Coult of the F'lrst Class, presbded over NAIROBI LIQUOR LICEN/ING COURT by H G Sherlln Esq , Senlor Resldtnt M aglstrate, at the Law Courts Butldtng Nalrobl D ULY authonzed by the Dlstnct Com m lssloner', N alrobl Extra-provlnclal Dlstrlct a spemal m eetlng of the N alrobl N alrobl, D J COW ARD Llquor Llcenslng Court wl11 be held at the Extra-provlnmal 20th M ay, 1960 Oljiclal Recetvet D lstnct Oflice, N alrobl, on Frlday 24th June, 1960 at 9 a m to conslder the followlng appllcatlcns - G Azsrrs N orzcE N o 2419 N Ew A PPLICATIONS M alt c??J N on splrltuous Ltquor O n-lkcence THE IBAN K RU FTCY ORDXN AN CE Kamugotrl Hotel (Francts Glkunu W anloht), Plot N o L R (Cap 30) 209/2422, m ver Road, P O Box 12612, Nalrobl No'rlcs oF INTENDED D IVIDEND U NDFR A COMPOSjJTION D ebtols names - Ala V alshl Pankhanla and K anll K ara Ladwa WG??e M ercllants and Grocers Zltgift?z Llcences tradlng as Sotlk Furnlture M art M ohanlal D evral Shah, Plot N o 5874, N atrobl South < C' Area, Addless - P O Box 112, K erlcho, and P O Box 91, K lsum u P O Box 2195 N alrobl D eîcrlptlon v Bulldlng contracto's Hlgbfelds Llmlted (Jayantllal R Shah) Plot No L R 209 /2366 C ouït - H M Suprem e Coult of K enya at N alrobl (formerly Playhouse Theatre), P O Pox 173, Nalrobz N o (7/ m atter - B C 4 of 1955 Last dav /t?? rcct lvlng r/tpo/x - 7th June 1960 R estaLfrant fgquor Licence Name oj trustee --ofbclal Recelvel M baanl H1ll Tradlng Comnany (Klmele s /0 M alngl), Plot No A ddress .--office of the Oë clal Recelver, G round Flool Crown L R 57/ 16, K asaranl, P O Box 20235, Nalrobl Law Oflice (opp Palhament Bulldmg), 17 O Box 30031 N alrobl R A W ILK IN SON , N alrobl, #?:.v4ez?/ N alrobl, D .1 COW A RD 19th M ay, 1960 Nalrobt Llquor Llcensing C'tp/zgf 20th M ay, 1960 Ofhoal Recelver

GAN TTE Ntm cE N o 2415 THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 T'HE JBAN KRU PTCY ORD IN AN CE (No 20 oj 1957) (Cap 30) TAITA LlouoR LICENSING COIJRT N olqcy oF DIN IDEND U NDER A COMPOSITION Debtots llames --peter H endrlk N el and M artlnus Steplaanus TH E followlng llcenceq wero granted at the statutory m ectlng N el of the Court held on 9th M ay, 1960, ln the D lstrlct Com mls- A ddîess - P O Box 142, G llgll sloner's O/ ce, W undanyl D eîclw tlon --Falm ers M alt JUJ Non-smtttuous Ltquor 0# lwence Court - H M Suplem e C ourt of K enya at N alrobl K M H ablb Plot N o 6, Taveta Townshlp No oj lnattel - B C 16 and 17 of 1958 (Consolldated) A mount per f - Sh 6 M alt and N't??; splrttuous Iltzut?/ On-llce 2,-0: Fllst tpz jillal t?, otheî-wlne '-secopd Reata Canteen (C V Crltlkos), Taveta Slsal Estate W hen payable - 27th M ay, 1960 M ohamedall D harshl Jlwa, M anyanl Plovlslon Store- ratlfica- W hele payable --o flice of tlae O lïil-lal R ecelvel G lound Fleor tlon of transfer from M rs K M Shah Clown Law Oflice (opp Parllament Bullchng) P O Box 30:31 N atrobl A F H OLFORD -W ALKER, #? endent Nalrobl, D 1 COW ARD FJI/J Llquor L4censlng Court 20th M ay, 1960 Olcml Recelvet 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K BN YA G AZETT E 647

G A IETTE N OTICB N O 2421 G AZETTE N OTICB N 0 2425 TH E ?BAN KRU PTCY ORDIN AN CE TH E BA N K R U PTC Y O RD IN AN CE (Cap 30) W ap 30) N o'rlcE OF D IVIDEND U NDER SCHBME opq A RRANGEM ENT SIJM M $Rg CASE- A MENDEO N ovrlcB OF PUBLII- EXAMINATIONS D ebtors llames - sayed Om er, Sayed lbrahlm and Saley M oha D plntol s ? am e - A bdulla Ebrahlm tl adln:r as A bdulla lbrahlm m ed, all tradlng as Sayed O m er and Brothers s nd Bl os A ddtess - P O K allado A d J? ess --Rodgers R oad, M om basa D escllptlon - efraders D c ctlptlon - M erchant C ourt - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya at N alrobl C o'krt - H M Suprem e Court of K enya qt M om oasa N o (?J lnatter - B C 3 of 1955 No ()/ matte' - 25th of 1959 Amount per f - Sh 1/40 Dqj'e // publtc exalïllllatlon - 25th M ay 1960 Flîst or fnal ()? othel wls'c --second Dlvldend H o ur - 9 30 a m W helt pn able - 27th M ay, 1960 Plaoe - A t the Subordlnate Coult of the Flrst C lass preslded W hel e payable .- oë ce of the Officla! R ecelver, C rown Law (lver by H G Sherrln, Esq Resldent M aglstlate at the Oë ce, P O Box 30031 N alrobl Suprem e C ourt, M om basa N alrobl, D J COW ARD ,

D a éc of. ()? der (l/ allyj for s'lfpzyrncr.y adlnlntstî Jfst??l - 1st 20th M ay, 1960 Omclal Recelver 1 ebruary, 1960 PR EETA M SIN G H , tJAZETTE èkoTlcE 'fo 2426 5I( nabasa, jol O/lclf,! Recetver THE IBAN K RU PTCY ORD IN ANCE 12th Nfay, 1960 P 0 Boh 366 Aïombasa W ap 30) AOMINISTRATION ORDER U NDSR SECTION 120, IN THE CASE oF A G âzE'r'z'lz N oTlcs N o 2422 D F-CEASED D EBTOR Nanle // deceased - Slr Thomson M eLlntock, Baronet, deceased TH E IBAN KRUPTCY ORDIN AN CE Address - Formerly c/o P O Box 12219, Nalrobl (Cap 30) D escrkptlon --chartered Accountant Date t# death - 23rd December 1953 SUMMARY CASE- AMENDED N o'rlce oF PUBI-IC EXAMINATIONS Coltrt - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, Nalrobl D ebtor s nam e - M ayachand M otlchand D am anl, tladlng as N o t# matter - B C 20 of 1960 ï h zh M ayachand M otlchand Date t)/ order - 28th Aprll 1960 Date oj petltlon - 27th Apnl 1960 A adress .- M om basa W hether wJ!J or other testam entary Jlxptulf/tpa wlth date D e ïcrlptlon --œ roker thereoj - W ll1 dated 28th June, 1946 Court - H M Suprem e C ourt of K enya at M om basa D cfe when proved or granted - 12th D ecem ber, 1956 Nc oj matter - No 20 of 1959 D ate t)/ publlc exumtnatlon - 25th M ay, 1960 N alrobl, D J CO W AR D H ou' - 9 30 a m 20th M ay, 1960 Omctal Recever Plcce - A t the Subordm ate Court of the Flrst Class preslded (lver by H G Sherrln Esq , R esldent M agistrate, at the GAZETTE N oTlcs N o 2427 Shuprem e C ourt, M om basa IN HER M M ESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN Y A Dûte oj otder (# any) Jtpr summary cd?z/luluçfzs/l(?z; - 13th AT N AIRO BI dlctober, 1960 BANKRUPTCY AND W INOING ue G uss N o 21 oF 1960 PREETA M SIN G H , IN TH E M AU ER OF TH E COM PAN IES ORDIN ANCE M dlm basa, jor t/'cltz/ Recaver, W ap 288) I 2th M ay, 1960 P O Box 366, M ombasa AND IN THE M ATrER OF C P K IRBY AND COM PAKY (CHARTERED SURVEYORS) G @ zErrB N o'rlcs N o 2423 N OTICE ls hereby glven that a petltlon for wtndlng up of the above-nam ed com pany by H er M alesty s Suprem e Court of TH E (BAN K RUPTCY OR DIN ANCE K enya at N alrobl, was, on the 4th day of M ay, 1960, presented W ap 30) to the sald Court by Lom bank Llm lted, now Lom bank Kenya SIJM M ARY C ASB- A MBNDBO N olqcs oF RUBLIC EXAM INATIONS Llm lted, N alrobl And that the sald petltlon ls dlrected to be heard on the Dk btor s ntpzlc - N arshlbhal Vallabhbhal, tradlng as Com m on l0th day of June, 1960, at 10 o clock m the forenoon, and vealth Provlslon Stores any credltor or contrlbutory of the sald com pany, deslrous to A cldless .- sfalengo R oad, M om basa support or oppose the m aklng of an Order on the sald petltlon, D é scrw tton - M erchant m ay appear at the tlm e of heanng m person or by hls advocate Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at M om basa for that purpose and a copy of the petltlon w1ll be furnlshed N(; of matter - B C 11 of 1959 to any credltor or contrlbutory of the sald company requlrlng the Date t# pubhc excvfrtcfltpn - 25th M ay, 1960 sam e by the underslgned on paym ent of the regulated charges H . 'ur - 9 30 a m for the sam e Ploce - A t the Subordlnate Court of the Flrst Class preslded D ated at N alrobl thls 17th day' of M ay, 1960 aver by H G Sherrln, Esq , Resldent M aglstrate, at the K A PLA N A N D STR AT I-O N . lhuprem e C ourt, M om basa Advocates jor the Pcfi/ltpner Do te t# order (I/ any) y(?r summary tzff-lzllx/rtz/ltll; - 20th Queensway House. York Street ranuary, 1960 P O Box 111, N atrobk PREETA M SIN GH , N ote r-Any person who mtends to appear on the hearlng M om basa, for O#iclJ/ Recetver of the smd petltlon must serve on or send by post to the (2th M ay 1960 P 0 Box 366, M om basa above nam ed M essrs K aplan and Stratton notlce ln wntmg of h1s lntentlon so to do The notlce must state the nam e and address of the person, or, lf a srm , the name and address of the firm , and m ust be slgned by the person or firm , or h1s or G l ZE'I'TB NoTlcs No 2424 thelr advocates (1f any) and must be served, or lf posted must TH E BAN K RU F FCY O R D IN A N CE be sent by post, ln suK clent tlm e to reach the above-named not later than 4 o'clock ln the afternoon of gth June, 1960 (Cap 30) RECEIVING ORDER G AZB'I'TE N oTlcs N o 2428 D f btor s ntzzrle - K av1 Bhandarl IN H ER M A JE ST Y S SU PR EM E CO U R T 0 F K EN YA Acldress .- zlo M r B T Parkar, advocate M ombasa A T N A IR O BI D tscrw tlon - P1an M aker IN BANKRUBTCY CAUSE N O 46 OF 1953 Dtlfe oj #lI/;g petltlon - 7th M ay, 1960 Re M ohalïlal M cg/ql bankrupt C flur/ - H M Suprem e C ourt M om basz TH E bankrupt havlng applled to the Court for h1s dlscharge, Nf) oj matter - B C 5 of 1960 the Court has lixed Thursday, the 16th day of June, 1960, at Dt rfe of tp? der - 7th M ay, 1960 10 30 o clock ln the forenoon, at N alrobl, for heanng the W betheî debtot s or credttols petttlon - D ebtor s appllcatlon 'zlt t or acts oj baltkruptcy - presentatlon of bAnkruptcy pctltlon Dated thls 18th day of M ay, 1960 PR EETA M SIN G H , F S FEW , M om basa, Ior O#icJc/ Recetvel A cttng D eptz/)z R egtstrar 11th M ay, 1960 C O Box 366, M om biua Supreme Cblfrz ei A'ymxw. 648 TH E K EN Y A G A ZEW E 24th M ay, 1960


IN TH E M ATTER OF M ODERN TRAD ERS LIM ITED 'FH E JU BILEE IN SU RAN CB CO M PAN Y LIM ITED IT IS notllied for general lnform atlon that M r G ordhandas (INCORPORATBO IN KENYA) Ambabhal K arla and M rs Santokben Gordhandas, havlng transferred a11 thelr respectlve shares ln the com pany have M OM BASA ccased to be dlrectors of M odern Traders Ltd as from 19th Loss olë SHARE C ERTIFICATES A ugust, 1959 It ts also notltied that the followlng have beea appotnted Shate Cel flficates Nos l94 (Dlsf Nos 14866/ 14875) 10 Rhares dllectors of the sald com pany as from 20th August 1959 - ln f//e nalne oj M ls Dolatkllanu .&'cr?r?f?/l Raîhon 694 M r H assanall N anll Baloha (Dlst N os 23027 /23027) 5 shares I?z tlte name 0/ M t M rs N urbanu Hassanall Balolla tsft7z/rzll&i Karlnah NCO t'???Z o! M arlakanl Dated the 20th M ay, 1960 N OTICE ls hereby glven that evldence of the loss of the 'tbove numbered share certlficates have been fulnlshed to the By Order of the Board eom pany Any person ln possesslon of the share certlfcates ol H N BALOLIA, clalm lng to have any m terest therem , should commum cate D irector lm m edlately w lth thc com pany Falllng such com m unlcatlon wlthln 30 days from the date hereol certé ed coples of the GAZETTB N o'rlcs N o 2430 shale certlscates w111 be lssued TH E SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 D ated at M om basa thls 17th day of M ay, 1960 IN ACCORDANCE wlth sectlon 6 (1) of the above-mentloned O fdlnance, notlce ls ltereby gtven that unltss the undermentloned M R HOSAN G A DY soclety furnlshes me wlth proof of 1ts exlstence wlthln three G eneral M anago months of the date hereof, lt wlll be treated as havlng ceased to exlst and 1ts registratlon under the above-m entloned O rdlnance w111 be cancelled GAZSTTE N OTICE N O 2435 Name t# soctety - somall Tlabar-rfollaala W elfare Soclety, H Q Rlft W lley (Kenya), 1956 THE JU BILEE IN SU RAN CE COM PAN Y LIM ITED N alrobl, D J COW AR D , Llncotporated In K'enycû 14th M ay, 1960 Regtstrar t)/ Sockettes M OM BA SA Loss et7 POLICIES GAZE'I'TE N tm cs N o 2431 Pollcy Nos 13875 atld 21059 on the fl/e o! M ? Amtralt Kanam TH E SOCIER IES ORDINAN CE 1952 hnnah, ()/ Naltobt Kenva Colonv IN ACCORDANCE wlth sectlon 6 (1) of the above mentloned Ordmance, notlce ts hereby glven that unless the undermentloned APPLICATION has been made to tlus com pany for the lssue soclety furnlshes m e wlth proof of 1ts exlstence wlthln three of dupllcate of the above-num bered pollcles, tl'le orlp nals m onths of the date hereof lt w1ll be treated as havlng ccased to havlng been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlce ls hereby exlst and tts reglstratton tlnder the above-m enttoned Ordm ance gtven that unlesg obpctton ls lodged to ttle contrary at tlle w 1l1 be cancelled omce of tho company wlthln 30 days from the date hereot dupllcate pollcles w111 be lssued to the pollcy holder Name t?/ soclety - W anyamwezl Assoclatlon, M tongwe Nalrobl, D J COW A RD, M R HOSANG ADY , 16th M ay, 1960 Reustrar 5/ Socletles G eneral M anager M om basa, Head gyce P O Box 220 M om basa G AZET'I'E N tm cs N o 2432 13th M ay, 1960 THE SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE 1952 IN ACCORDANCE wlth sectlon 6 (2) of the above mentloned G AZETTE NOTICE NO 2436 O rdmance, bem g satissed that the N alrobl Tem perance Soclety, a soclety reglsttred thereunder on 20th M arch, 1956 has ceased TH E JU BILEE INSU RAN CB COM PAN Y LIM ITED to exlst, I hereby cancel such reglqtratlon (Incorporated ln Kenyaj N alrobl, D J COW ARD M OM BASA 18th M ay, 1960 Regïstrar (?J Socletles Loss tm Pol-lcy G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2433 Pollcv No 21002 oll the z//e 0/ M r Abdulalt Kassam Jtnnah oj N ci/tp/?; K enva Colonv TH E SOCIETIES ORD IN AN CE, 1952 THE SOCIETIES RU LES 1952 APPLICATION has lyeen m ade to thls com pany for the lssue of a duphcate of the above numbered pollcy, the orlglnal PU RSU A N T to rule 18 of the above m entloned R ules, notlce havlng been reported as lost or mlsplaced N otlce ls hereby ls hereby- glven that- glven that unleu obpectlon ls lodged to the contrary at the (a) the sometles llsted ln the n rst Schedule hereto have been ollice of the company wlthln 30 days from the date hereof reglstered, and a dumllcate pollcy m 1l be lssued to the pollcy holder (b) the socletles llsted ln the Second Schedule hereto have been exempted from reglstratlon under the provlslons of the M R HOSA NG ADY , above menttoned Ordm ance Generc! M anager N alrobl, D J CO W A R D , M ombasa, Head Olce 20th M av 1960 Reglstrar oj Soclettes 13th M ay, 1960 P 0 Box 220, M om basa F IRST SCHBDULE D ate GAzs'r'rs No'rlcs No 2437 Name oj Soclety R egtstratton Esected TH E JU BILEE IN SURAN CE CO M PAN Y LIM ITED K lkuyu Advancem ent Soclety 13-5 1960 K onya N atlonal Party- (Incorporated tn Kenyas N alrobl D lstrlct A ssem bly 13-5 1960 M O M BA SA M om basa D lstrlct A ssem bly 13-5 1960 K lmlllll Locatlonal Branch 13-5-1960 Loss oF Pol-lcv W anga Locatlonal Branch 13-5 1960 Kencho Dlstrlct Assem bly 13 5-1960 Poltcjf No 21003 t?/; the D/e oj M r Akbatalt Kassam hnnah East A frlca G oan League 17 5 1960 oj Nturabl Kenya Colony Slkh Youth O rganlzatlon 17 5 1960 APPLICATION has been made to thls company for the lssue U nlted Party, M ount K enya Branch 17-5 1960 of a dupllcate of the above-num bered pollcy, the onglnal Boran M usllm W elfale Assoclatlon 17-5 1960 havm g been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlee zs hereby K enya Afrlcan Students' Assomatlon 19 5 1960 glven that unless oblectlon ls lodged to the contrary at the SECOND SCHIZDIJI E om ce of the company wlthln 30 days from the date hereof D ate a dupllcate pollcy w lll be lssued to the pollcy holder Name oj Soctrtv Exem ptlon EFected M R HOSANG ADY R oyal N alrobl G olf Club 16-5 1960 G eneral M anager,

K enya W om en s H ockey A ssoclatlon 16 5 1960 M o-mbasa, Head Olce Olrls N autlca) Tralnlng Corps 19 5-1960 13(h sfay, 1960 # O Box 220, 540:3 basa -'4th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 649

G AZE l-r)- N o'rlcs N o 3478 (3 ) CAUSE N o 131 op 1960 LIFE IN SU R AN CE C O R PO R A TIO N O F IN D IA By Vaitben wldow of Chhibubhql Bl-lanabh-tl Patel of N allobl ln the Colony and Protcctorqte of K enla the wldow of the Loss (AF PonlclEs deceased th1 ough M D P ttel F-oq , advocate of N rtlrobl for N O TICE havlng been glven ot the loas of pollcles num bered a grant of Jettels of aulm ltllstratlon lntevtrtte of the estate of 58224543, 58271184, 58318173 on the Jlfe of M r Kala Slngh Chhlbubhal Bhanabllal patel of N tlrobt who dled at N alrobl lsbuùc by Unlt Lakshn'll lnsulance Co dupllcate pollcles wlll on the 16th d 'ty of D ecem he 1 059 be lsqued unless oblectlon ls lodged w'th us M lthln one m onth from thls date (4) C'xtTstr N () ' 72 oF 1960 By the Standald Ballk of Soutb Afrlca Llm lted of N alrobl C M DESAI ln the C olony ctlld Protectorate of K enva, the attolnev of M ary M om hasa, D tvlslollal M anager Ellzabeth Sandys Thom as, described ln the wl1l as M ary 24t31 M ay, 1960 P O ,!?t?a 186 M om basa Ellzabeth Tholnas, the executrlx testam eniary nam ed ln the w111 of the deceased for ruseahng Jn the C olony and Protec torate of K enya an exem pllncatlon of leïtels cf adm lnlstratlon CIAZBITE léoTlcE l:o 2439 w lth w lll annexed grctnted by the M 'tater of the H lgh C ourt of FIRST PER M A N EN T BU ILD IN G SOC IETY Southern Rhodesla at Sallsbury ot the estate of Charles lfor Sandys--fhom as of Llanwlck Tynw ald South Sallsbury Southern (INCORPORATF.D IN N RHoDEsI&) R hodfsm , who dled 42 Sallsbury àfelesald on the 11th day of 5 Loss os PAsssooh January 1958 Passbook No K 34150 In the nalne t?/ M r SW/J Btll Swaleh oj f5) CAUSE N o 133 olr 1960 P 0 Box 5013 M olnbasa By M am lal Dharam shl Shah alld Babulal D haram sbl Shab, APPLICATION has been made to thls Soclety for the lssue 170th of N alrobl ln the C elony and Protectorate of K enya the of a dapllcate of the above-num beled passbook, the orlgnnai executors nam ed m the w l11 of the deceased through K antllal havlng been reporfed as lost N otlce ls hereby glven that unless A Shah, Esq , advccate ot N alrobl for a glant of probate of oblec lon ls lodged to the contrary at the om ce of the socletv the w 111 of D haram shl Pancha Shxh of N urobl, who dled at wlthllt 30 days from the date hereof a dupllcate passbook wlll N alrobi on the 15th day of A prll, 1960 be 1sk utd to the passbook holder H H W A R R EN (6) CALSE No 134 oF 1960 N alrobl, K enya M c?:J#cz By W lllham Jam es K anc of N xlrobl ln the Colony and l7ta M ay 1960 P O Box 30088 N allobl Protectorate of K enya the sole executor nam ed ln the w11l of the deceased through M essrs H ctm llton, H arrlson and M athew s advocates of N alrobl foI a gzant of plobate of the w111 of ''JAZB rTE N o'rlcs N o 2440 Ivy Gwendollne Ball of N qlrobl, who dled at N alrobl on the 11th day of M ay, 1960 i'l'ï H ER M AJESTY 'S SU PREM E COD RT OF K ENY A AT ELD ORET . (7J CAusB No 135 oF 1960 IN gH E D ISTRICT DELBGATE S COU RT AT ELDORET By Dolly w J o Barlol Jamshed)! Bharucha, of Nalrobl, Tn tlAe PR O BATE A N D A D M IN ISTR A TIO N Colony of K enya, the daughter of the deceased, th1 ough Bhajlal Patel Esq , advocate, of N all obl, fol a glant of lettels of TA KE N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been made ln thls adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of D hanbhal Bapooll C ourt m - M lstrl, of N alrobl, w ha dled at M om basct Tn the C olony and (1) CAuss No 11 oF 1960 Protectorate of K enya, on the 6th day of M ay 1958 By N arshl M lla H lra, of P O K apengurla, Kenya Colony, tol grant of let ers of adm lnlstlatlon lntestate of the estate of (8) CAuss No 136 oF 1960 the 1 tte M lla H lra, of K apengurla ln the C olony of K enya By Chunllal R etm ql Solankl and D alpat R am ll Solankl, both who dled at N avsarl, Indla, on the 5th day of A prll, 1960 of N alrobl, ln the C olony and Protectorate of K enya the sons of the deceased, for a glatlt of letters of admlnlstratlon lntestate (2) CAIJSB No 12 or 1960 of the estato of Ramll Nathoo of N all obl, who dled at N alrobl By Dlgby G leen and W llllam D lgby G reen, both of Eldoret, ort the 12th day of February 1960 U aslrl Glshu Dlstrlct, ln the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (9) CAusis No 128 oi? 1960 for grant of letters of admlnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of the l zte Johannes H endnk Jansen V an Rensburg of Plateau, By Barclays Bank D C O of Nalfobl, ln the Colony and U aslïl Glshu D lstnct, Kenya Colony, who dlèd at Eldoret on Pl otectorate of K enya the lntended adm lnlstlator ot the estate 13th July, 1959 of the deceased, through M essrs M acdougall and W ollen advo- cates, of N allobl fol a glqnt of letters of adm lnlstlatlon wlth Thls Court w11l proceed to lssue sam e unless cause be shown wl1l annexed of the estate of M aly Pltcalrn H endelson or H olm es to the contrary and appearance ln thls lespect entered on or ot Pltcalrn H olmes, of M ohnduku Llmuru, ln the Colony of betoll 27th June, 1960 K enya, who dled at Llm ulu aforesald on the, 17th day of J H S ROLLING S, O ctober, 1959 D lstrtct D elegate Dlstrtcts of Uasln Gl-s/lff Ttans Nzola (10) CAtlse No 129 oF 1960 Eldol et, N alldl Elgeyo and M akakwet By M anlben wldow of Pzabhudas M otlbhal Patel, of Nalrobl, 13tN M ay 1960 P 0 Box 141, Eldo; et ln the C olony and Protectorate of K enya, the wldow of the deceased, through J M Patel, Esq , advocate, of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of GAzBrle N oerlcB N o 2441 Prabhudas M otlbhal Patel, of N altobl, who dled at N alrobl on the 1st day of Februaly 1960 I1I H ER M A JESTY 'S SU PRE M E CO U RT O F K EN Y J Thts Court w1l1 proeeed to lssue the sam e unless cause be A T N A IRO BI show n to the contrary and appearance ln thls respcct entered on or before the 7th day of June 1960 PR OBA TE AN D A D M IN ISTR AT IO N TA K E N OT ICE that apphcation havlng been m ade ln thls G W AD DELL - Court ln - N alrobl, D eputy R eglsttar 21st M ay, 1960 Svplenle Coult t# Kenya (1) CAIJSE No 127 oF 1960 N ote --mf'he wllls m entloned above qre deposlted and open to By Barclays Bank D C O of N alrobl m the Colony and znspectlon at the C oult Protedorate of Kenya, the lntended adm lnlstrator of the estate of the deceased, through M essrs Shapley, Barret, Ennlon and M arsh, advocates of N atrobt for a grant of letters of ctdm lnls tratlcn lntestate of the eqtate of Frederlck John Perry of N alrobl GAZETTE N OTICE N O 2442 who dled at N alrobl on the 24th day of A pnl, 1960 ESTA TE O F TH E LA TE M ISS A LICE M A R IA M A IN LA N D (2) CAIJSB No 130 oF 1960 A 1wL persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the estate of the By Barclays Bank D C O of N alrobl ln the Colony and above nam ed late of Bracslde St Savlour m the Island of Protectorate of K enya, the attorney of N atlonal Provlnclal Bank Jersey, w ho dled at Braeslde St Savlour aforesald on the 12th Llmlted, Charles m chard Beddlngton and Flancls H eroert day of N ovem ber 1958, ark, heleby requlred to send full detalls W agqtaf, aI1 of England the executors 'nam ed ln the m ll of of the sam e to the underslgned on or before the 20th day of the deceased through M essrs Shapley, Barret, Enm on and August, 1960, falllng whlch the estate w111 be distrlbuted M arsh, advocates of N alrobl, for reseallng ln the C olony and accordlng to 1aw Proted orate of K enya, grant of probate granted by the Pnncm al Probate R eglstry of H er M alesty's H lgh Court of D ated tlus 20th day of M ay, 1960 Justlce m England of the estate of K atc Agnes W alter of the Old Post House, 23 Broad Street, Alresford, H am pshlre, SHAPLEY, BARRET ENN ION AN D M ARSH , England, who dled at H am psiure aforesmd on the 15th day of Advocates Ior the above Estate Febplary, 1959 P 0 Box 286, N atrobt 650 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 24th M ay, 1960

G AZETTE N oTlcE N o 2443 G IZETTE N o'rlcc N o 2446

IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COURT OF K ENY A E STA TE O F LAT E TH A K ER SEY M A TH U R A D A S V ITH A N I A T M O M BA SA D ISTR ICT R EG ISTR Y TA K E N OT IC E that a1l persons havlng anv clazm or m terest agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed deceased w ho dled at PRO BA TE A N D A D M IN IST RA T IO N N allobl op the 26th day ot Janualy 1960 a1e requested to CAusE N o 72 os 1960 lodge thelr clalm s, if qny wlth det-uls thereof wlth M essrs T llvidl and Travadl, advocattq P O Box 1048 N alrobl on I n the estate 0/ Ha-bsaitall is'lf/éz/nl/g M eghll tilccr ased ol befole 31st July, 1960 aftel w hlch date the property w111 TA K E N O TIC E that appllcatïon havlng btun nz 1de ln thls be dlstllbuted accoldlng to law by the executors and they w1l1 Court by (1) Shlrinbal d/o Hassanall Kassanl 4nd (2h M ohamed not be llable to zny pelson whose clalm ls not lodged w lthln H assanall Sulem an M eghll, 170th of M om bas à, Kenya Protec the aforesald peilod torate, the executols nam ed ln the w 111 of tne dect-ased for a grant of plobate of the B11l of H assanall Suleman Mkghjl of D ated at N alrobl thls 18th day of M ay, 1960 M om basa, aforesald, w ho dled at M om basa on the 27th drty of M arch 1960, thls pcoul t wl11 procetd to hssue the grant H D TRIVED I unless cause be shown to the contrary and Appearance ln thls )ol Trl% edt tz,?# T?JJ. adt respect entelea on ol before the 9th day of J'une 1960 Advocates jor //7c' Executors

ROGER J Q1 UIN A ctlllg D cwlff; R em stî tzz M om basa, H M s'l/preplc Collt , oj rfcziya G xzy'r'ril N oTlcE N o 2447 9th M ay, 1960 f-tzw t'-loff?/uv M onlbaza N ote - T he w 11l m entloqed àbove ls denoslted and open PROBATE AN D ADM INISTR ATION lnspectlon at the Court CAtlsB N o 100 oF 1960 N OTIC E ls hereby glven that all pelsons havlng any clalm galnst the estate ot Abdulla Ralabal! G angll, of N alrobl who dled on the 9th day of Febluary 1960 at Nalrobl are requlred G AZEI'TE N OTJCE N o 2444 to prove such clalm s befole m e the undt-rslgned on or bcfore the 30th day of June, 1960 after whlch d 4te thc claims so IN H E R M AJESTY S SU PR EM E C O U R T O F K EN N/ A ol oved wlll bi pala and the estate dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1aw AT M OM B 4SA DISTRICT REG ISTRY D ated at N alrobl thls 20th day of M ay 1960 PR O BATE A N D A D M IN IST R ATIO N RAM BALI s/O ABDULLA RAJABALI BANBJI C Atise N o 34 oF 1960 z'ld?nl/llsf, atoy ln the estate oj f.J(z? velz W addlcat 0/ M ombasa Kcnya P O Bos 5231 N akrobl Protectotate TA K E N O TICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls Court by Florence W addlcal , of M om basa, K inv-t Protectolate the executrlx nam ed ln the w 1ll ot the deceased for a grant of G NZETTE AêoilcE pko 2448 probate of the w 11l of H arvey W addlcar of M om basa afolesald who dled at M om basa on the 15th d Ay of Fcoructl ) 1960 thps Court wlll proceed to lssue the grant unleAs cauoc bc whow n to N Y AN ZA SOUTH RUR AL D ISRRICT COU N CIL the contraly and appearance ln thls respect entered on ol before TH E LOCAL G OVERN M ENT (COUN TY CO UNCILS) the 11th day of June 1960 O R D IN A N C E 1952 ROGER J QUIN N OTICE ls heleby gwen putsuaat to secttofl 1 13 (1) of the A ctlng D eputy A e.w lfrtz, Local Government fcounty Counclls) O rdlnancc 1952 that the M om basa, H M sk/p? eule C'tplfrf 0/ Kerlya Nyanza South Rural Dlstl Ict Councll lntend at the expll àtlon 11th M ay, 1960 fztzwz Cou ts M onloasa ot 14 days after the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce to :pply fo1 the approval of the M lnlster fol Local G ovclnm ent N ote - The m ll m entloned above is deposlted and open to and Lands to the Nyanza 5014th Rulal Dlstrlct Councll (Contlol lnspectlon at the C ourt of G1 azlng) By laws 1960 C oples of the by-l tw s have been deposlted at the ofliceg of the Councll m Queensway, Kellcho and al e avallable for publlc Inspectlon, flee of charge, dullng nolm ql oflice hours C oples ot the by-laws wlll be supplled on requebt and on paym ent of G AZETTE N OTICE N o 2445 the appropllate fees A ny oblectlon against the by law s m ust be lodged w lth m e IN H ER M A JESTY S SU PR EM E CO U RT OF K FN Y A wlthm 14 days of the pubhcatlon of tlna noKlce AT M OM BASA D ISTRICT REGISTRY S L, V TN CEN T PR O BA CE A N D A D M IN ISTR AT IO N K erlcho Cle'k t# the Councll 20th M ay 1960 TA K E N O TIC E that appllcatlon haqlng been m a'le ln thls P O Boy 44, K el lcho C oult ln (1) CAIJSE No 33 oF 1960 By (1) Kctyumall Gulamhuseln Karachlwal'a and (2) M una G AZEI'TB N oTlcs N o 2449 verah Gulamhusiln K a) achlwalla, both of M ombasa, K enya N Protectorate, the sons of the deceased fo1 a grant ot letters of adm lnlstlatlon lntestate of the estate of G ulam huseln E sm ctllll M U NICIPALITY OF K ISU M U K arachlw alla of M om basa aforesald who dled at M om bas l on the 28th day of A ugust 1959 THE M U N ICIPAL ELECTION RU LES, 1959 NOTICE ls heleby gwen that a1l persons quallfled ln telms (2) CAIJSE No 35 oF 19:0 of the above m entloned Rules and deslrous of havlng thelr names By Shalsff Saleh bln M ultadha of M om bqsa K cnya Protec inselted jn the V oters R olls to be m -tde up ln accordance w itb torate, a toster tather ot the deccased fol a glant ot k ttels the provlslons of rule 4 of the above-m entloned Rules ln respect of adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estqte ot K asslm Bln M ollam ed of the M unlmpallty of Klsum u m ust tlansmlt thelr clalms ln the of M ombasa, afo esald who dled at M ombasa on the 27th form plescl lbed ln the Flrst Schedule of the above mentloned day of M arch, 1960 R ules 'o the R eglsterlng O m ccl T own H all P O Box 105 / K lsum a so as to reawh h1m on ol befo! e 30th June, 1960 T hls C oult w1l1 proceed to lbsue the grant unleos cause be The prescrlbed folm of appllcatlon tor enI olment as a voter shown to the contrary and appearance ln thls lespect eqteled may be obtalned from thc Town Clcrk's Oflice Town H all, on ol before the 13th day of June 1960 - Klsum u ROGER J QUIN, J A BERRY , A chng D eplitv R c,gl-sf?fï? Reglstenng Olcer M om basa, H M kvlfpgez?gc' Coltî t oj A'cny a K lsum u Ttpwn H all 13th M ay, 1960 Law C tpu, ts M om basa 17th M ay, 1960 P O #ox 105, K ksum u- '4th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 651

GA :'s rrs N OTICE N'o 2450 GAZBATB N OTICE N O 2453 U ASIN GISI'IU COUN TY COU NCIL COU NTY COU NCIL OF N AIRO BI 8 REsIoENT L:BouRERs IHE LOCAL GOVOERRDNINMAENNCFE (C1O95U2NTY COUNCILS) NOTICE ls heleby givk.n that the U asln Glshu U.> ounty ' Councll has submltted for confirmatlon by thc M lnlster f0r THE COUNCIL (CONTROL OF Local Govelnment ain Oldel plohlbltlng the keeplng Ot stock ITIN ERAN T CONTRACTORS) BY LAW S 1960 by resgdcnt labourels em ployed Jn the Tulbo K lpkarren W ard A ny persons wlshlng to Obpct to the Confilm atlon Of thls I'IOTICE ls hereby glven that the N allobi County CouncTl Oldel should do so by notlce 5n W rltlng to t jj e Urjljurmgned Llntt nds to apply to the M lm ster for Local G ovelnm ent and wlthln 08 days aftel t13e d zte of pllbllcqtlon Of th1% nOt1CC allds fo1 approval to the N alrobl County Councll (Control of ltlnerant Contractors) By laws 1960 A k-opy of the Older l,s avallable for lnspectlon at the Town H all, Eldoret, durlng norm al office hours - H ( op:es of the proposed by law s are deposlted Sn the C ounty Thls ls vlltua jjy tlae sam e O rdel whlch w as referred to ln a a l1, Connauqht Road, N alrobl, and ale avallable for publlc slm llar notlce publlshed ln M ay, 1958, jau t j:a vjew of a delay blnspectlon durlng Ordlnary oflke hours A copy of the proposed in cozllllm atlon t ).j e xjjrylster laas dlrected re-publlcatlon Of thls Shy la2w I 5s 0 wlll be sent to any lnterested pelson on lecelpt of notlce Any persons who enteled objectlon after the prevlous notlce should state whether thelr o b Jecuons stlll stand kny oblectlon to the proposed by laws m ust bu lodged w lth j ..l v ccu tajwx t;l.j thk underslgned wlthln 12 days of the date of publlcatlon of Eldolet C/c? k to c oIygzcjl 1 , notlce () p o stpx j()0 13th M av, 196 , Etdoret R T W R IG H T - N tlrobl Clerk t#c t he CfJ)o uHnacll G AZETTC N OTICE N O 2454 , ou n '0th M ay, 1960 P O Box 1362, Natrobt TH E M U NICIPAL COU NCIL OF N AK URU CASUAL VACANCY- A SIAN COUNCILLOR PURSU 4NT to lule 28 oi the M unlclpal Electlon Rules, 1959, f hercby deulale thqt at an electlcm held on Thursday 19th G kzc'r'rt: N orlcs N o 2451 M ay, 1960- PRANJIVANDXS JI- INKBHKI SHARMA X YXNZA N ORTH RURAL D ISTRICT COU N CIL wAs wlected to hold oflice untll 30th June 1961 FKV COCAL GOW RXM ENT (COUNW COUNCICS) K M EOUIS, ORDIN ANCE, 1952 N àkuru, Returlltng O#icdr 19th M ay, 1960 M unlclpal O#W 1', Nakuru N o'rzcs NOTICE ls hereby glven, pursuant to sectlon l13 (1) of the G Lçlczl Government (Countv Counclls) Ordlnance AZETTE NoTlcE No 2455 , 1952 that the N yanza N orth R ulal D lstrlct Councll lntend, at the explratlon o! 14 days after the date of publlcatlon of thls notlce, to apply M IN IST RY O F W O R K S fcr the approval of the M lnlster for Local G overnm ent and CYXTRAL DIVISION (N ORTH) T )wn Plannlng to the N yanza N orth Rural D lstrlct Councll olv lsloN Al (P .z TENDER BOARD efuse) By laws, 1960 C TExolm s oples of the by laws have been deposqted at the ollkes of tlne Councll ln Queensway, Kerlcho and are avallable for publlc TENDERS are lnvlted on behalf of a11 Government Depart lpspectpon, free o: chalge, durlng norm al om ce hours Coples m ents for the yupply and dehverv of Ballast Bulldlng Stone, ot the by laws w11l be supplled on request and on payment of Black Ttap Quarry Clnlps, Sand M urram Conclete Pavlng t?ke approprlate fees Slabs, T m be! Conclete Blocks and C oncrete lnterlocklng R oof Tlles, for thc slx m onths comm enclng 1qt Julv, 1960 wlthln Any objectlon agam st the by-laws m ust be lodgk.d wlth m e the (ustrlcts of 'Nyerl N anyukl, Fo3 t H all, Embu M eru and p lthm 14 days of the publlcatlon of tnls notlce Islolo , S L VIN CENT, Form s of tendt,r condltions of ttnderlng and speclflcatlons K erlcho, Cletk oj the Ct??//zc// may be obtalned from the undûlslgned on apphcatlon ln writlng 13th M ay. 1960 P O Stz: 44, K o lcho Tenders must be recelved by the tm derslgned not later than 1 1 a m on M bnday, 13th June 1960, and thereafter wlll l>e - - - - - opened k B L W ATK IN S f rAzs'z''rs N tv lcs N o 2452 ChturmGn D tvtslonal Tender Board M lrllâfr: ol W orks CO'UNTY COUNCIL OF NAIROBI Central Dlvluçlt?rl LNorthq, P O Box 17, N yert # Iu KoxzA SULTAN HAMUD U LU ATHI RIVF.R AND K IKUYU- D RAFT V AI-UATION R oti s 1960 - N OTICB ls hereby glven that the Draft Valuatlon Rolls G AZBTTE N OTICB N O 2456 1960, ln respeot of the form er Tradlng Centres of Klu, K onza, sultart H am ud, U lu, Athl m ver and K lkuyu are now open for CEX TRAL W N DER BOARD jnspectlon at the County H all, Connaught Road, N alrobl, be- T tkveen the hours of 8 30 a m and 12 30 p m and betw een ISNDER F()R K APOI.-

:J p m and 4 p m on M ondays to Frldays lncluslve and on TEX DER.S a1e lnvlted for the supply of 6,720 lb of loose Saturdays between the hotus of 8 30 a m and 12 noon clean dry No 1 Quallty Ketpok free from a11 seed and extra Pursuant to sectlon 1 1 of the Local G overnm ent (Valuatlon neous m atter ctnd Ratlng) Ordlnance, 1956, a1l persons lrtterested are hereby 'render forms gwlng full detalls may be obtalned from the ( alled upon to lodge ln wrltlng wlth the underslgned at the secretalv Central Tender Boal d (rounty H all, P O Box 1362, N alrobl, on or before Thursday, , 131.d June, 1960, On the approprlate form (coples of whlch may Tenders, on the forms provlded, must be enclosed ln a plaln l1e obtalned from the underslgned) notlce of any oblectlon that sealed envelope marked lç-fknder for Kapok and forwarded they m ay have m lespect of the aforementloned draft valuatlon to leach the Secretaly, Central Tendel Board P O Box 30071 1 olls ol ln rcspect of any erlor, om lsslon or m lsdescrlptlon N allobj, or to be pletctd ln the Tender Box at Supplles and Ihereln Transport D epaltm ent Llvelpool R oad, N alrobl not later than noon on 31st M ay, 1960 N o person shall be entltled to urge any oblectlon before the i/aluatlon C ourt unless he shall have frst lodged such notlce T enders not so addtessed and endorsed are hable to be of objectlon as aforesald rejected and any tender recelved after the stated tlm e and date w 11l not be consldeled By Ordel of the County Councll of N alrobl T he Board does not blnd ltself to accept the low est or any Nalrobl, R T W RIGHT tender, and lesclves the rlght to accept arty tender ln part 17th M ay, 1960 Cletk 0/ the C'tplfncff unless a tenderel expressly stlpulates to the comtrar) 652 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 24th M ay, 1960

GAZEI'TF N OTICE N o 2457 GAZETTE N OTICB N o 2461 CEN TRA L TEN D ER BO A R D N OTICE OF CH XNG E OF N AM E TCNDCR FoR SHoEs CAxvAs BRow x 1, M rs N ancy Gllbert, of K ltale ln. Kenyq Colony heretofole TEN DERS tre lnvlted for the supply of Shoes Canvas Brown called and known by the nam e of M l s N ancy Flem lng hereby fol H M K enya Pllsons for dellvely attel 1 st July 1960 give notlcc that on Ihe 16th day of M ay, 1960, I lenounced Tendel form s glvlng full detalls m ay be obtalned from thc and abandoned tlze use of m y sald name of M rs N ancy Stm otaïv Central Tcndtl Bo-uö, rtnd a sam ple of tlle lequited Flemlng and Assum ed lrt lleu tileleof the, nam e of M ls N ancy artlcle m ay also be lnçpected at the sam z tlm e Gllbel t and lurther that such chAnge of nam e ls evldcnced by a deed poll dated the 16th d'iy of M ay, 1960, duly executed by Tendels, on tae folm s provlded m ust be enclooed ln a plaln me and attested sealed envelope m arked 4 Tender for Shoes C anvas and for- warded to reach the Secretaryp Centrql Tender Board P O D ated at K ltale thls 16th dav of M ay, 1960 Box 30071 N alrobl or to be placed m the T ender Box at Supplle: and Transpolt Departm ent, Llverpool Road, Nalrobl not latel than noon on 13th June 1960 M RS NAN CY G ILBERT k jo; ?ncz lk .lk.I'?<$ Na'tc) Flepnll/.g Tenders not so addresswd and endorsed al e llable to be relected and any tender recelved after the statud tlm e and date w1ll not be consldmed The Board does not blnd Ttselt to accept the loweot or any tender, and reserves the rlght to accept anv terder ln part G tzs'f'rs N OTICE N O 2462 unless a tenderer evpressly stlpulates to the contrary N OTICE OF CH ANG E OF N AM E G AZE'I'I'B N OTICE N o 2458 l Farlda Ab'ts Shah of 11 O Box 30006, N alrobl, ln the Colony of K enya? m arlled w om an, heleby glve publlc notlce CENTRAL TEND ER BOARD that by a deed poll dated the 17th day of M ay 1960 duly executed by me (and attested by Tllak R Johar, advocate, of T ENDF,R FoR Boclrs BROw N A NIMLE D ERBN Nalrobl) heletofore called and known by the nam e of M arla Edith Jullanq born at N alrobl ln the C olony of K enya form ally TEN D ERS are Jnplted for the supply of Boots Blov n Ankle and absoluttly abandoned the use of m y lirst nam e of M arla Derby to SABSC No 319/ 1956 Type No 1 to the Supplles and Edlth Jullana and ln lleu thereof assum ed and adopted the T ransgort D epartm ent name of Farlda A bas Shah gor a11 purposes and 1 hereby T ender form s glvlng full detalls m ay be obtalned flom the authorlze and request a1l perqons to deslgnate, descrlbe antl Secretary, Central Tertder Board, and a sam pk of the requlred address m e by such assum ed nam e of Farlda A bas Shah artlcle m ay also be lnspecttd aL the sam e tlm e D ated at N alrobl thls 17th day of M ay, 1960 Tenders, on the form s provlded, m ust be enclosed m a plaln sealed envelopo m arked Tu-fender for Boots Browq D elby ', and forwarded to reach the Secretary, Centlal Tendel Board P O FARID A ABAS SHA H Box 30071, N alrobt, or to be placed ln the Teqder Box at Supplles and Tlansport n epartment, Llverpool Road, N all ob1 not later than noon on 30th June 1960 Tenders not so addressed and endorsed are llable to be relected and any tender recelved after the stated tlme and date CIAZETTE IfOTICB lf0 2463 w1ll not be consldered The Board does not blnd ltself to accept the lowest or any N OTICE O F CH AN GE OF N AM E tender and reserves the rlght to accept anv tender ln part unless 1, Palm anand Har3t D ave, of M om basa 11). tlàe Protectorate of a tenderer expressly qtlpulates to the contrary Kenya, Brltlsh sublect, hereby glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated the 10th day of M av, 1960 duly executed by

m e (and attested b./ M r K I Joshl, ad&ocate P O Box 230, GAZETTB NOTII,ID N o 2459 M ombasa) as father and natural guardlan of my daughter Pushpa herctobefore callea and known by the nam e of Baby, CEN TRAL TEN DER BOARD at present resldm g at M om basa ferm ally and absolutely aban- doned the use of her form er nam e of Baby for a1l purposes, TENPER FoR TNRES &ND TUBLS and I laereoy authorlze and rçquest all persons to desjgnate, TEN DERS are m <td for the supply of 1,254 Tyres and descrlbe and address m y dauglzter qforesaxd by such assumed 115 Tubes In varlous Rlzk.s to the Supplles and Transport nam e ot Puqhpa only Department, G overnment of K enya D ated at M om basa thls 10th day of M ay, 1960 Tender form s glvlng full detalls m ay be obtam ed from the Secretary, Central Tender Board PARM AN AN D HARJI DAVE Tenders, on the folm s provlded must be enclosed ln a plaln sealed envelopo m arked ç'fender for Tyres and Tubes , and forwarded to leach the Secretary, Central Tendel Boards P O Box 30071, Nalrobl, or to be placed ln the Tender Box qt Supplles and Transport Department Llverpool Road, N alrobl not later than noon on 13th June 1960 Tendcrs not so addressed and endorsed are llable to be NOW ON SAI,E repected and any tender recelved after the stated tlm e and date w111 not be consldeled The Board does not blnd ltself to accept the lowt-st or any tender, aqd reserves the rlght to accept any tender ln part unless SY L L A B U S a tenderer expressly stlpulates to the contrary F'OR GAZSTTE N 0TIcB N o 2460 A R A B A N D A SG N N O TTCE OF CH AN G E O F N A M E 1, Suzanne K ennard, of N all ool, ln the Colony of K enya, for and on beh 41f of m y qon a m lnol , heretofore called and P W M M W SC H O O L S known by the name of Dqvld W llllam R obel t M unn, hereby glve notlce that on the 11th drtv of M ay 1960, 1 renounced and abandoned for and on behalf of my sald son the use of hJs sald surnam e of M unn and assam cd ln heu thereof the surnam e of K ennard and further that such change of nam e ls evldenced Prlce Sh 3 by q deed dated the 11th day of M ay, 1960, duly executed by me and attested and leglstcltd la the Clowrt Lands Reglstly N alrobl SU ZAN N E K EN NA RD ObG tnable from the G ovem m ent Prm ter, N alrobl