w # p e * o N< /? -' % > % r ' * * zM s: oxpw T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pubhshed under the Aathonty of H xs Excellency tlze G overnor of the Colony a114 Protectorate of K eMya (Reglstored as a Nowsm - at the G P 0J Vol. LM I- N O 27 N A IR O BI, 24th M ay, 1960 Pnce Sh 1 . Z= . = CO N TEN TS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZEI'I'B Nonces--jcontd ) PAGE PAGE Appolntments, etc 630 The N atlve Lands Trust Ordlnance- settlng Apart of Land 646 The Kenya (Constltutlon) Order Tn Councll- 1 A ppolntm ents etc 630 631 Llquor Llcenslng 646 The Leglslatlve Councll Ordlnance- Appolntm ent 631 Bankruptclcs 646-647 The Afrlcan Exemptlon Ordlnance- Exemptlons 631 Buslness N otlce 647 The Estate Duty Ordlnance- Appolntment 631 The Socletles O rdlnance- cancellatlons 648 The Prlsons O rdm ance- A ppolntm ents, etc 632 The Socletles Rules- Reglstlatlons, etc 648 The D alry Industry O rdlnance- Appolntm ent 632 Loss of Share Ceruficates 648 The Kenya Reglment (T F ) Ordlnance- Reslgnatlon 632 Losses of Pollcles 648-649 The Land Acqmsltlon kct, 1894, of Indla- D lrectlon 632 Loss of Passbook 649 The C ourts Ordm ance- A ppom tm ent 632 Probate and Admlnlstlatlon 649-650 Tne Land Control Oldinance- lteappolntm ents 633 M unlclpal, Rural Dlstrlct and County Councll N otlccs 650-651 The W ater Ordlnance-r rder 633 Tendels 651-652 TNe Compulsory M llltaly Tralnlng Ordlnance- A ppolntment 633 N otlces of Change of N am e 652 The Agrlculture Ordlnance- Flnal day for Submlsslon of Program mes 633 SU PPLEM EN T N o 36 Legtslatkve Supplem ent The Educaflon Ordlnance- Appolntment 633 LEGAL N OTIC'E N o PAGB Klng q Afrlcan Rlies- com mlsslons and Prom otlons 633 218- The Pelsonal Tax Ordlnance 1957- East A frlcan Rallways and H arbours- rrenders 633 Cancellatlon of Exemptlon 391 East Afrlca H tgh Com m lsslon Stock 633 219- The Resldent Labourers (Uasm Glshu Cotmty Councll) (Klpkabus-lzessos W ard) Order, K enya Stock 634 1960 391 H er M alesty s Court of Appeal for Ehstern Kfrlca at 220- The Nyerl Urban Dlstnct Counml (Flre M om basa- cause Iust 634 Pre&erltlen and Flre Brzgade) By-laws, 1960 392 Vacancles 634. 221- The Tnomson's Falls Urban Dlstnct Cotm ml (Refuse Receptacles and Refuse Removal) The Clvsl Procedure (Revlsed) Rules- cerllgendum 635 (Amendment) By-laws, 1960 396 Language Exam lnatlons--c orllgendum 636 222- The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Counclls (Tana m ver East A frlcan Custom s and Exclse- sale by Publlc Jomt Board) Order, 1960 397 Auctlon 637-638 223- The M arketlng of Afrlcan Produce (Tobacco The W ater Ordlnance- A/pllcatlons 638 Leao Ordel 1960 401 O24- The M um clpalltles Ordlnance- Am endment to The Pharm acy and Polsons Ordlnance- Addltlon to L N N o 515 of 1958 402 R eglster 638 225- The Plohlblted Nets (Nyanma Provlnce) Order, The Tramc Ordfrtance- Notlce of Intended Read Closure 1960 403 The Transport Llcenslng Ordlnance- Apphcatlons 639 640 226- The Stamp D uty Ordlnanceo Exemptlon of The Patents (Reglstl atlon) Ordpnance-utzetters Patent 641 Instlum ent 404 The A1r Servlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlons- Appllcatlon 641 227- The M arketlng of Afrlcan Produce (South Nyanza Cash Crop M arketlng Board) 'Irade M arks 64,3-645 Order, 1960 405 (629 630 TH E K EN YA G AZETTE 24th M ay, 1960 CORRIGEN DU M GAZETTB NoTlcE N O 2367 (.fa C 4/ 4) G azette N otlce N o 2246 appearlng on page 607 of the Ken) a Gazette dated 17Lh M ay, 1960- THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDBR IN COUNCIL SURVEV oF KEN&A OccueAwioxwL TcsTs 1958 F'or -10th zuly, 1960 In llne two of second paiagrapla (L N 158 ol 1958) substltute ::10th June, 1960 AppolxrMsx.r os TSMPORARY M EMBER oF THF LEGISLATIVL Cotm cll- By H1s Excellency Slr Patnck M ulr Renlson, K mght Com m ander of the M ost Dlstlnmushed O rder of Sam t M lchael and G AZBTTS N OTlce N o Salnt George Governor and Com mander-ln-chlet of the Colcny and Protectorate of Kenya A PPO IN TM EN TS W H EREA S there ls a vacancy ln the num ber of persons slttlng as M embers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of a declaratlon CBCIL JOHN LANG M B E (MIL ) A M 1 C E & M I SAN E A M I w B to act as C hlef H ydraullc Englneer, M lnistry of of lncapaclty m respcct of- W orkq, N alrobl, wlth tffect fl om 2nd M ay, 1960 BAl-osv S&HAI M OHINDRA o B E * NORMAN STEwART CAREV J'oxss s A (oxox ), resumed duty as a N om lnated M em ber of the C ouncll D eputy Secretaly, M lnlstry of A grlcultul e A nlm al H usbandry and W ater Resources, wlth elect from 23rd Aprll, 1960 on ln exerclse of the power conferred by subsectlon (1) of return from leave sectlon 27 of tho Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll, 1958, l do hereby appolnt- M lss M ARGARET PHYLLIS ANDBRSON B SG (HONS ) (LONDONI, to act as Prlnclpal, M achakos Tlalnlng College, wlth effect flom R ICHARD EoM oNos LUYT 2h(l M av, 1960 to be a Tempolary M em ber of the sald Councll m th esect from the 17th day of M ay, 1960 M lss M ARY M ELINA G ILLIAN THOMSON B A (LONDON), to aCt ab H eadm lstress, K cnya H lgh School N alrool w lth eflect from Gzven undez my hand and the pubhc seal of Krnya thls 25th Aprll, 1960 17th day of M ay, 1960 G EORGE CARLOS M ALqOLM D ow sox to qct qs Provlnclql Com m lssloner, Southeln Provlnce wlth effect from 3rd M ay, 1960 P M RENISON , Goveri'ot SHBIK.II M OHAMED K AsslM K athl of M allndl to be actlng *G N 2366/60 Chlef K athl, ad hoc for the pulpose of ad lng as A ssessor ln the underm entioned aPPCQIS - M om basa Suprem e C ourt Clvll Appeal No 5 /59 Lall Ishelall v.ç Bal blntl Al1 GAZETTE Norlcs N0 2368 M om basa Supreme Court Clvll A pneal N o 6 /59, Shelkh (CONST 1/2/43) AI1 b1n M oham ed M shahall 3 â (l) K bam ls M asood Zehem l, (2) Abmed M ohamed b!n Sald (3b Abdalla b1n Sahm Slukely, TH E KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, (4) A11 bln M ohamed blta Sa'd (5) M ahm ud b1n M ohamed 1958 Sald (6) M asoud bln M ohamed (7) M barak b1n M ohamed (8) M wana Amlna blntl M ohamed, (9) Omar b1n A1l bm (L N 158 oj 1958) Om ar Al-Battawy (10) Sharlfl Amln b1n M ohamed APPOINTMENT op M IN1sTnRs REVER SION S By H 1s Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Comm andel of the M oqt Dlstlna lsbed Order of Salnt M lchael and BBVAN CECII- W lLLs B sc Dl17 AGRIC twYE) A I c 'r x ceased Salnt 'G eorge, G overnor and Com m ander ln Chlef of the to act as D eputy Fecletaly, M lnlstry Of Agrlculture, A nlm al Colony and Protectorate of Kenya H usbandry and W ater R csoulces, wlth effect frtxn 7th A pnl, 1960 IN EXERCISE of the powels conferred by subsectlon (2) of sectlon 11 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958, ERlc N sw Tolq G RIFFITH JoxF.s (? M G Q c' ceaqed to act as and ln pursuanct of tnstructtons gtvea to m t, by H er M alesty C hlef Secletaly w lth efk ct flona 9tl1 M av 1961) th1 ough a Secretary of State l do hereby appolnt- R ONXLD G lneoN N GAI.: By Comm and of the G ovclnol to be a lncm ber of the Counctl of M lnlsters with elect from W F CO U TT'S tho 17th day of M ay, 1960 Chlej Seo etal y Glven undel my ,hand and the publlc seal of the Colony thls 17th day of M ay, 1960 G AZBTTS N orlcs N o 2366 P M REN ISON , G overnol (f, C 4144 THB KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL 1958 (L N 158 oj 1958) G 4zsTTs N orzcc N o 2369 D ECLARATION OF INCAPACITY OF N OM INATED M EM BER OF THE. LCONST 1 /2 / 39) LEGISLATIVE C OUNCIL THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, By H ls Excellency S1r Patrlck M ulr Renlson K nlght Comm ander 1958 of tne M ost D lstlngulshed Ordcl of Salnt M lchael and Salnt G eorge, Governor and Com m ander ln Chlef of the (L N 158 oj 1958) C olony and Plotectorate of K enya TBMPORARY M INISTER- TERM INATION OF A PPOINTM ENT IN EXERCISE of the powels confcrred by subsectlon (1) of IT IS hereby declared that the vacancy ln tlle num ber of sectlon 29 of the Kenra (Constltutlon) 03 der pn Councll 1958 persons qlttlng ln the C ouncll of M lnlsters has ceased to exlst 1 do hereby declale that- on the appolntment of Ronald Gldeon Ngala Esq * as a m em ber of the C ouncll of M lnlsters BALDBV SAHAI M oHlxppA o B F The appom tm ent of Rlchard Edm onds Luyt, D Q' M r to a N omlnated M ember of the Leglslatlve Councll, has from be tempolarlly a m ember of the sald Councll ls accordlngly 28th January, 1960, by leason of abdent,e been unable to telm lnated wlth esect from the 17th day of M ay, 1960 perform h1s functlons as a M em ber of the Leglslatn e C ouncll D ated thls 19th day of M ay, 1960 G lven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 17th day of M ay, 1960 W F COU W S, Chlef Secretar) .P M R EN ISON , G ovo no' 2368/60 I'G N 403/60 24th M ay, 1960 TH E K EN Y A G AZER'TE 691 G tzsl'rB NoTlce N o G AZETIE N oTlct N o 2373 (L C 4/ i) LL C 4/5) THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDF,R IN COUNCIL RHE LEGISL ATIVL CO UN CIL ORD IN ANCE 1958 qcap 38? 1<8 oj 1958) ABeOINI-MENT oF TEM PORARY M EM BER ob- LEGISI-ATIVB COIJNCIL RLVOCATION OF W M PORARY M BMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL By H1s Excellency Slr Patrlck M ulr Renlson, K nlght Com m ander of the M ost D istlngulsbed O rder of Salnt M lchael and I)J the H onourable W alter Flem lng C tm ttç, C om panlon of the Salnt G eorge, G overnor and C on,m ander ln C hzif of tho M ost Dlstlngulshed Ordel of Salnt M lchael and Salnt Colony and Plotectorate of K enya George, M em ber of the O rder of the Brltl',h hm plre.
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