Congressional Record—House H724

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Congressional Record—House H724 H724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 8, 2000 Carolina as the Keith D. Oglesby Station, in- NATO-led peacekeeping operations in Bosnia Now, Mr. Speaker, some 10 years troduced by the gentleman from South Caro- and Kosovo: Now, therefore, be it later, in spite of that so-called legacy, Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- lina, Mr. DEMINT, I would have voted ``yea.'' Lithuania is now looking to its future resentatives concurring), That Congress On H.R. 3018, to designate the U.S. postal herebyÐ and building on the progress it has office located at 557 East Bay Street in (1) congratulates Lithuania on the occa- made in the decade since the Soviet Charleston, South Carolina as the Marybelle sion of the tenth anniversary of the reestab- Union broke up. H. Howe Post Office introduced by the gen- lishment of its independence and the leading Today, thousands of Soviet troops tleman from South Carolina, Mr. CLYBURN, I role it played in the disintegration of the are gone. Today, Lithuania is a mem- would have voted ``yea.'' former Soviet Union; and ber of NATO's alliance's Partnership On H.R. 1827, the Government Waste Cor- (2) commends Lithuania for its success in For Peace program and is looking for- implementing political and economic re- ward to the day when it may become a rections Act, introduced by the gentleman from forms, which may further speed the process Indiana, Mr. BURTON, I would have voted of that country's integration into European full member of that alliance. And, ``yea.'' and Western institutions. today, Lithuania is actively seeking membership in the European Union. f b 1445 Lithuania has implemented market REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. reforms despite the tremendous dif- AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 979 OSE). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- ficulties associated with the economic Mr. SHOWS. Mr. Speaker, I ask tleman from New York (Mr. GILMAN) transformation from a Communist sys- unanimous consent to remove my and the gentleman from Connecticut tem of control of workers and re- name as a cosponsor of H.R. 979. (Mr. GEJDENSON) each will control 20 sources to the system of private enter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there minutes. prise and free markets. In short, Lith- objection to the request of the gen- The Chair recognizes the gentleman uania is working to return to its right- tleman from Mississippi? from New York (Mr. GILMAN). ful place in Europe and in the world. There was no objection. Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I am pleased that our myself such time as I may consume. f Nation has played a strong role in help- (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given ing Lithuania, not just since it gained ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER permission to revise and extend his re- its independence but during the many PRO TEMPORE marks.) years when it refused to recognize the Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am Soviet Union's illegal incorporation of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pleased to rise in support of Senate that country into its Communist dicta- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Concurrent Resolution 91 congratu- torship. announces that he will postpone fur- lating Lithuania on its 10th anniver- The passage of this resolution, Mr. ther proceedings today on each motion sary of the reestablishment of its inde- Speaker, congratulates Lithuania and to suspend the rules on which a re- pendence. corded vote or the yeas or nays are or- Mr. Speaker, it is hard to believe its people on the 10th anniversary of dered, or on which the vote is objected that 10 years have now passed since the their independence, recognizing the to under clause 6 of rule XX. Lithuanian nation took their coura- role that Lithuania played in the Any record votes on postponed ques- geous step of declaring independence breakup of the Soviet Union, and not- tions will be taken after debate has from the Communist dictatorship of ing the reforms that Lithuania has concluded on all motions to suspend the former Soviet Union. And despite struggled to implement. Accordingly, the rules. the passage of these last 10 years, Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of this f many of us who served in the Congress worthy resolution. at that time still vividly remember the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of CONGRATULATING LITHUANIA ON struggle that Lithuania had to under- my time. THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF take in order to make that declaration Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I ITS INDEPENDENCE a reality. yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to We recall the thousands of Soviet sume. suspend the rules and concur in the troops who were then garrisoned in (Mr. GEJDENSON asked and was Senate concurrent resolution (S. Con. Lithuania. We also recall the Soviet given permission to revise and extend Res. 91) congratulating the Republic of armored columns rolling through the his remarks.) Lithuania on the tenth anniversary of capital of Vilnius in the dead of night Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask the reestablishment of its independ- some 10 years ago. We also remember unanimous consent that, at the conclu- ence from the rule of the former Soviet the economic boycott that was imposed sion of my remarks, the remaining con- Union. on Lithuania by the Soviet regime in trol of the time be yielded to the gen- The Clerk read as follows: Moscow. We remember too how Soviet tlewoman from California (Ms. LEE). The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there S. CON. RES. 91 President Mikhail Gorbachev insisted that, if Lithuania were to secede from objection to the request of the gen- Whereas the United States had never rec- tleman from Connecticut? ognized the forcible incorporation of the Bal- the Soviet Union, it would have to tic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania compensate the Soviet government for There was no objection. into the former Soviet Union; all its investments in Lithuania since Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I join Whereas the declaration on March 11, 1990, 1940, the year when the Soviet Union my colleague, the gentleman from New of the reestablishment of full sovereignty invaded and occupied that country. York (Mr. GILMAN), and the distin- and independence of the Republic of Lith- What an ironic demand that was, guished Senator from Illinois, Mr. DUR- uania led to the disintegration of the former given the fact that Lithuania never BIN, who authored this resolution in Soviet Union; asked to be part of the Soviet Union, the Senate, in recognition of a decade Whereas Lithuania since then has success- and given the fact the Soviet Union's of great success and change by my fully built democracy, ensured human and mother's homeland, Lithuania. minority rights, the rule of law, developed a so-called legacy to Lithuania and to its free market economy, implemented exem- neighbors, if not a curse, was a very This year, I had the opportunity to plary relations with neighboring countries, questionable legacy at best. drive from my mother's Lithuania to and consistently pursued a course of integra- In fact, it has taken all of the my father's Belarus, and it exposes the tion into the community of free and demo- strength that the Lithuanian people incredible difference between the situa- cratic nations by seeking membership in the could muster to overcome the so-called tion in Lithuania where they have en- European Union and the North Atlantic blessings of that legacy bestowed by gaged freedom and democracy. I had Treaty Organization; and the former Soviet regime, including all been to Vilnius in 1982, and what a Whereas Lithuania, as a result of the of the dilapidated industries, their en- change in these last 16, 17 years, from progress of its political and economic re- forms, has made, and continues to make, a vironmental damage, and the lack of that time to my most recent trip. I significant contribution toward the mainte- trading and preparation that was need- could see it on the people's faces, the nance of international peace and stability ed by the Lithuanians to succeed in freedom, the opportunity to express by, among other actions, its participation in any market-oriented economy. themselves without fear of retribution VerDate 07-MAR-2000 03:58 Mar 09, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08MR7.164 pfrm01 PsN: H08PT1 March 8, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H725 or being followed by secret police. It is Today, Lithuania continues to be the over ten years ago as the first stirrings of re- a thriving country, building strong re- window of democracy for its neighbors. newed independence were beginning to quick- lationships with its democratic and Lithuania has welcomed the exiled en life there. On that occasion, Speaker free neighbors. Sadly, in Belarus, the politicians from Belarus who fled the Landsbergis was a prominent musicologist opposite is true. The economic situa- oppressive regime of President and had not yet begun his political career. We tion continues to deteriorate and the Lukashenka. walked together into one of Vilnius' out- people lose their freedom on a daily The Lithuanian people should be standing Churches in order to get beyond ear- basis. proud of the magnitude of the political shot of the Soviet KGB officials who were di- I am thrilled and privileged to be transformation. Lithuania today is a rected to follow us. As we sat in one of the here in the United States Congress, European nation.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by OTHES DISSERTATION Titel der Dissertation „Die ‚Watch List‘-Entscheidung betreffend Dr. Kurt Waldheim – Rechtsgrundlagen und Immigrationsfallrecht mit NS-Bezug“ Verfasser Mag. Maximilian Schnödl angestrebter akademischer Grad Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften (Dr. iur.) Wien, im Sommer 2010 Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt: A 083-101 Dissertationsgebiet lt. Studienblatt: Rechtswissenschaften Betreuerin / Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal Meinen Eltern. INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Abkürzungsverzeichnis (Begriffe und Literatur) 9 1. Abkürzungsverzeichnis (Begriffe) 9 2. Abkürzungsverzeichnis (Literatur) 11 Abbildungsverzeichnis 14 Danksagung 15 I. Beschreibung des Forschungsprojekts sowie seiner Methoden 17 1. Die Forschungsfrage(n) 17 2. Forschungsstand und Quellenlage 18 A. Die Watch List-Entscheidung im Lichte der 1987 geltenden Rechtslage 18 B. Die Watch List-Entscheidung im Lichte der von 1987 bis 2007 geltenden Rechtslage 21 C. Rechtsvergleichende bzw. rechtsphilosophische Aspekte 22 3. Angewendete Forschungsmethoden 22 4. Struktur der Arbeit 23 II. Inhaltliche Einführung 25 1. Vorbemerkungen 25 2. Registrierungsmechanismen und Übereinkommen der Alliierten 25 A. Initiale Konzeptionen 25 B. Die United Nations War Crimes Commission 26 C. Das Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects 28 D. Die Moskauer Deklaration und ihre Folgen 28 3. Relevante internationale Rechtsvorschriften in Kurt Waldheims Fall 30 A. Die Nürnberger Charta 30 B. Das Kontrollratsgesetz Nr. 10 30 4. Exkurs: Gesetzeslage und Gerichtspraxis in Österreich ab 1945 32 A. Einführung 32 B. Rechtspolitische Zielsetzungen im Jahr 1945 32 C. Umsetzung der 1945 geschaffenen Gesetzesbestimmungen 34 D. Konsolidierung der Entnazifizierungsbemühungen 35 E. Die ab 1948 geschaffenen Amnestiebestimmungen 38 F. Weiterentwicklung der NS-Judikatur nach 1955/57 39 III.
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