Albright, Rebecca Gifford, "The Civil War Abercrombie, Gen
A Major Robert Stobo, rev., 48, 389-91 rev. of Point of Empire :Conflict at the Abbott, John Charles, 48, 118 Forks of the Ohio, 53, 387-88 Abbott, WilliamD., 53, 9 Albree, Joseph (1850), 49, 171 Abbott, W. L. (1888), 48, 4 Albright, Rebecca Gifford, "The Civil War Abercrombie, Gen. James, 44, 108 ;45, 297 ; Career of Andrew Gregg Cur tin, Governor 46, 23, 251; 50, 99 of Pennsylvania," 47, 323-41; 48, 19-42, Aber's Creek (1758), 46, 52, 53 151-73 Abingdon, Earl of, 53, 109-10 Alcoholic consumption (1792-1823), 46, 349 Abolition Alcoholics, 46, 355 letter, 51, 77-79 Alcuin, Warren Co., 49, 314-16 Academy of Science and Art (Pgh.), 48, 60 Alden, Frank E., 48, 9 "Account Book of General John Neville," ed. Alden and Harlow (1896), 48, 9 by James H.Moon, 52, 345-60 Aldrich, Capt. C. S. (1864), 47, 235, 342 Acheson, David, 45, 38 Alexander, Eugene (1861), 49, 48 Acheson, Thomas, 45, 38 Alexander, Mary (c.1825), 49, 102 Acheson family, 45, 38 Alexander Hutchinson and Company (1895), Acorn, ship (1896), 48, 48 48, 291 Adams, Ida Bright (Mrs. Marcellin C.) Alexandria, Va. church history, 48, 2 CivilWar, 44, 107, 127; 45, 162, 241, 242, "The Civil War Letters of James Rush 244, 246, 250, 252; 46, 4, 11, 12, 14, Holmes," 44, 105-27 15, 270 Adams, John Quincy, 44, 238, 239; 47, 292 colonial, 44, 384, 392 Adams, Michael (1801), 49, 53 Alger, Horatio, 51, 287-88 Adams, Mrs. S. Jarvis, 44, 106 Aliquippa Incline Plane Company (1891), Adams, Sarah Jane, 44, 105-27 46, 328 Adams, Thomas, 46, 162 Allanowissica (1775), 47, 145, 152n Adams and Yernon, 48, 191 Allegheny Arsenal Additions to HSWP Collections.
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