• South Situation Report No. 3 11 June 2011

This report is produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 10 to 11 June 2011. The next report will be issued on or around 13 June 2011.

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES • Fighting has spread to 11 of the 19 localities in South Kordofan State. • UN flights to and from Kadugli have been suspended since 10 June, affecting ability to bring in humanitarian items. • Humanitarian agencies have started to provide assistance to affected populations where security permits.

II. Situation Overview

Security situation Fighting including bombardments and artillery shelling has been reported in 11 of the 19 localities in Southern Kordofan State, and has spread to Pariang County in Unity State, southern Sudan. In Kadugli, partners have reported burning of tukuls, looting of humanitarian assets and emergency relief stocks, and the presence of land mines. Increasing threats to UN national staff by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) have been reported throughout South Kordofan State.

Population movement and response As the security situation shows no sign of improvement, the number of displaced civilian populations who are in urgent need of relief assistance is increasing with unconfirmed reports of more than 53,000 people displaced. It is estimated that 30,000 to 40,000 people have fled Kadugli town; and another 23,500 have been displaced throughout South Kordofan State. As of the evening of 11 June, there are approximately 5,000 displaced people around Talodi, 3,000 people around Heiban; 10,000 people in Rashad, more than 3,000 people in Kurchi, and 2,500 in Abu Karshola.

An additional 1,000 people have reportedly fled South Kordofan State and are with relatives in El Obeid in State while 650 people are displaced in the Saliheen market and 300 in Rahad town. IOM is deploying staff to El Obeid to start tracking the population movements.

Further IOM’s staff has registered 851 displaced persons in Panyang Payam, and 30 in Pariang County in Unity State in southern Sudan. The registration of IDPs is still ongoing in Yida areas. Meanwhile, two buses carrying 98 southerner returnees bound for Northern Bahr el Ghazal State were stranded in the Jaw area. Twenty eight of the 98 returnees walked to Panyang Payam and the rest are still in Jaw.

III. Humanitarian Needs and Response

The only known group of displaced people to which the humanitarian community has access to is clustered around the UNMIS compound, on the outskirts of Kadugli town in South Kordofan. Their numbers fluctuate on a daily basis. As of 11 June, the WFP had verified 6,000 on site. The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) is currently conducting registration and preliminary figures will be available in the coming days.

Access to water is critically inadequate as supplies from the town to the UNMIS compound remain cut off. Displaced families are collecting water 2-3 km away from the compound, despite prevailing insecurity. HAC and SRCS completed WFP food assistance to 4,000 IDPs on 10 June. Around 100 SRCS volunteers distributed 16.52 metric tons (MT), enough to cover seven days, in 10 distribution sites. An additional 2,000 people been identified for food distribution to be conducted on 12 June. Distribution of Non Food Items (NFIs) is also scheduled for 12 June.

SRCS, with support from WHO and UNICEF, has undertaken more than 600 medical consultations in two mobile health clinics over the past three days. Reduced availability of drugs, due to looting of pre-positioned stocks, is compounded by the suspension of UN flights and the resulting inability to fly in supplies. UNICEF provided some basic medicines, therapeutic feeding items and fortified food for children to preempt cases of malnourishment. WHO reported increasing incidence of eye infections attributed to inadequate water supplies and lack of sanitation facilities. A number of malaria and diarrhea cases have also been reported.

SRCS and a local NGO carried out limited distributions of UNFPA’s 500 hygiene kits for displaced women and various Emergency Reproductive health kits that will benefit 3,000 women for three months.

The commercial supply of essential goods to villages in the Kadugli area has stopped since the outbreak of fighting on 6 June. SRCS, local authorities and humanitarian partners are planning to undertake needs assessments in the affected areas as soon as security conditions allow. Humanitarian partners including WFP, UNICEF, IOM and UNHCR have started preparations to dispatch food and non food items pre- positioned in Talodi and Kauda to the affected population as soon as security conditions permit.

IV. Coordination

In Kadugli, twice daily an inter-agency coordination meeting is taking place, to ensure effective response. An Operation Room has been activated at the UNMIS compound to facilitate coordination and timely exchange of information.

In , OCHA convened a meeting with the NGO Steering Committee on 9 June to initiate presence mapping throughout South Kordofan and strengthen information networks. OCHA also convened a working level meeting with the sector leads on 10 June to coordinate the humanitarian preparedness and response. On 13 June, an HCT is being convened in Khartoum. An OCHA briefing to Member States will take place on 14 June in New York.

V. Contact

New York Rosa Malango: Section Chief a.i. Africa II Section Coordination Response Division Tel: +1 212 963 5699 E-mail: [email protected]

Aida Mengistu: Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Africa II Section Coordination Response Division Email: [email protected] Tel: +1 212 963 5145 Cell: +1 646 306 7339

Amanda Pitt: Head, Strategic Communications / acting spokesperson Communications and Information Services E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +1 917 442 1810

Geneva Elisabeth Byrs: Spokesperson and Public Information Officer Communications and Information Services Email: [email protected] Tel: +41 22 917 2653

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Pl El Obeid Legend Humanitarian Conflict and Prepositioning Displacement k e a P State Capital (1 June 2011) NORTHERN KORDOFAN Towns Conflict area (indicative) In area l FSL Airport/Airfield a Estimated # of Estimated Displaced Persons 2,500 h Nutrition (unconfirmed) PCA In area The data in the map are subject In area Estimated River e NFI to availabilty of IDP figures at the Estimated time of production and represent 10,000 Al Qoz 3,000 k Wash numbers reported by authorities Main Road and/or humanitarian agencies. Abu Kershola El Abassiya It does not claim to be exhaustive Locality Boundary f Health or fully verified. Dilling Rashad k l In area State Boundary Dilling Dalami Estimated Rashad 3,000 Habila Julud Al Sunut k Tima OCHA Sudan is funded by: El Salam Unconformed Umm Heitan In area USAID/OFDA, Switzerland, ECHO, Italy and

l Abu Jibaiha Estimated Common Humanitarian Fund(Denmark,Ireland, 1,000 Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, DFID) Babanusa Reif Asharqi 1,000 Heiban l k In and near Kadugli Map Doc Name: SU-Sudan-Southern f e a f k Abu Jibaiha 6,000 Kauda f k Kordofan A4 Map e a Kaduglil l e a Creation Date: 11 June 2011 P Kurchi Projection/Datum: Geographic/ WGS 1984 Umm Dorain Kologi Web Resources:http://ochaonline.un.org/sudan Fled Kadugli Kadugli In area Estimated k Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:2,506,536 e a Estimated 0 20406080100kms 40,000 Um Durein 3,000 Buram Talodi Abyei Keilak l Map data source(s): k Admin Boundaries, Settlements (OCHA, h k e a Al Buram SIM)

l Disclaimers: Talodi The designations employed and the White Lake Jau presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion EstimatedIn area whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat Estimated of the United Nations concerning the legal 5,000 status of any country, territory, city or area 5,000 or of its authorities, or concerning the Fled Abyei UNITY delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Estimated Egypt 100,000 Libya UPPER NILE l l Abyei Malakal P Chad Eritrea

Ethiopia Bentiu Pl CAR

Kenya DRC Uganda